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Herculaneum victims of Vesuvius in AD 79



The town of Herculaneum, lying at the foot of Mount Vesuvius on a cliff overlooking the sea, was buried by a succession of pyroclastic surges and flows (currents of volcanic ash and hot gases generated by collapse of the eruptive column) during the plinian eruption of AD 79. The skeletons of 80 of 300 people who had taken refuge in 12 boat chambers along the beach have now been unearthed from the first surge deposit. We have investigated how these people were killed by this surge, despite being sheltered from direct impact, after its abrupt collapse (emplacement) at about 500 7C on the beach. The victims’ postures indicate that they died instantly, suggesting that the cause of death was thermally induced fulminant shock1 and not suffocation, which is believed to have killed many of the inhabitants of Pompeii and of Herculaneum itself.
he town of Herculaneum, lying at the
foot of Mount Vesuvius on a cliff over-
looking the sea, was buried by a succes-
sion of pyroclastic surges and flows (currents
of volcanic ash and hot gases generated by
collapse of the eruptive column) during the
plinian eruption of
AD 79. The skeletons of
80 of 300 people who had taken refuge in 12
boat chambers along the beach have now
been unearthed from the first surge deposit.
We have investigated how these people were
killed by this surge, despite being sheltered
from direct impact, after its abrupt collapse
(emplacement) at about 500 7C on the
beach. The victims’ postures indicate that
they died instantly, suggesting that the cause
of death was thermally induced fulminant
and not suffocation, which is believed
to have killed many of the inhabitants of
Pompeii and of Herculaneum itself.
The first surge was generated 12 hours
after the eruption started
. Unlike the sub-
sequent surges, it billowed through the
evacuated town of Herculaneum without
damaging it and without leaving any
deposit or even disturbing small and fragile
heat-resistant objects. The surge advanced
as a deflating current with low momentum
until it reached the 20-metre cliff drop,
when its basal, denser component emplaced
abruptly on the beach, halted probably by
hydraulic-jump effects, bursting into the
waterfront chambers and enveloping the
people hiding inside.
We have studied 80 intact skeletons
unearthed from chambers 5 (3 skeletons
out of 14), 10 (40 skeletons), 11 (5 out of
30) and 12 (32 skeletons). Their life-like
stance reflects their posture at the time
when the first surge emplaced. These indi-
viduals, who did not suffer mechanical
impact, do not display any evidence of vol-
untary self-protective reaction or agony
contortions, indicating that the activity of
their vital organs must have stopped within
a shorter time than the conscious reaction
time, a state known as fulminant shock
The natural posture of the skeletons has
been preserved by virtue of the survival of
their anatomical bone connections.
The skeletons, entombed in the ash from
the first and covered by the subsequent
surges, are lying down or partially leaning
up to a few tens of centimetres above the
chamber floor, probably because of incipi-
ent ‘floating. Their positioning indicates
that during emplacement the ash must have
expanded slightly and then suddenly deflat-
ed, becoming denser and engulfing the
bodies, cooling them and fixing them in
their positions at the same time.
Some of the skeletons have articulated
fractures, as seen in incinerated bodies
, and
the inner skull surfaces, cranial openings and
unclosed sutures are blackened from the
effects of high temperature on the skull cap
under increased intracranial pressure. The
victims show transversal clear-cut fractures
with blackened edges, and longitudinal frac-
tures in long-bone diaphyses or flat bones, as
well as cracked tooth enamel, which are also
evident after incineration
. The patterns of
dental enamel cracks and of bone coloration
indicate that the victims were exposed to a
temperature of about 500 7C, based on
observations of fire victims
, ancient burnt
and human bone tissue, and on teeth
heat-treated in the laboratory
. This tem-
perature is compatible with the estimated
480 7C determined palaeomagnetically from
a tile collected from outside chamber 12.
The observed flexion of the hands and
feet (caused by the thermally induced noci-
ceptive or flexor reflex
) (Fig. 1) and occa-
sional spine extension of the skeletons are
evidence of instantaneous muscle contrac-
tion having occurred before the ash bed
compacted. The pugilistic attitude charac-
teristic of limb flexures that result from
tendons and muscles shortening post
mortem, typical of fire victims and deaths
in pyroclastic flows
, is only apparent on
some of the victims.
The signs of bone carbonization and the
preservation of joint connections indicate
that most soft body tissues were destroyed
by the intense heat and then replaced rapid-
ly by ash. A thermodynamic calculation for
a chamber filled by 30 people, on average,
indicates that a sudden cooling must have
occurred inside the chamber as heat from 8
cubic metres of scorching ash passed into
the bodies (corresponding to 4.5 m
organic matter) over a contact surface area
of about 20 m
. The heat of the ash was just
sufficient to vaporize most of the organic
matter, so the initial violent vaporization
caused a sudden drop in ash temperature.
This could explain why the most marked
thermal effects are limited to teeth and
those parts of the bones least protected by
fat and tissue, and would also account for
the slower disappearance of some residual
soft tissue. The strongest thermal effects are
exhibited by bones and teeth from people in
the less crowded chamber (5), consistent
with our thermodynamic results. The lack
of partial thermal remanent magnetization
in tiles from inside chamber 12, in contrast
with the specimen outside, supports the
proposed rapid drop in temperature (over a
few tens of minutes
Our findings indicate that the emplace-
ment of the first surge caused the instant
death of these 80 people as a result of fulmi-
nant shock
. They were killed before they
had time to display a defensive reaction (in
less than a fraction of a second), their hands
and feet underwent thermally induced con-
traction in about one second (estimated
time based on the mean conduction veloci-
ty of nociceptive C fibres
), the positions of
their bodies were fixed by the sudden defla-
tion of the ash bed occurring over the next
few seconds; their soft tissues were vapor-
ized and the temperature then fell over a
few tens of minutes, inhibiting the progress
of the pugilistic stance and the disappear-
ance of residual soft tissue.
Giuseppe Mastrolorenzo*, Pier P. Petrone†,
Mario Pagano‡, Alberto Incoronato§,
Peter J. Baxter||, Antonio Canzanella¶,
Luciano Fattore#
*Osservatorio Vesuviano, Via Manzoni 249,
80123 Napoli, Italy
Centro Musei delle Scienze Naturali, Museo di
Antropologia, Centro Interdipartimentale di
Servizio di Analisi Geomineralogiche, and
#Dipartimento di Biologia Evolutiva e Comparata,
Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II,
brief communications
VOL 410
12 APRIL 2001
| 769
Herculaneum victims of Vesuvius in AD 79
The eruption’s first surge instantly killed some people sheltering from the impact.
Figure 1 The feet of a child’s skeleton recovered from a water-
front boat chamber after being entombed in the first surge of the
AD 79 Vesuvius eruption. The toes show hyperflexion (flexor reflex)
of the feet (chamber 12, juvenile): proximal phalanxes are dorsi-
flexed, whereas medial and distal phalanxes are plantar-flexed.
The feet also show a contracture on the longitudinal axis due to
both eversion and inversion, with opposition of the first and the
fifth metatarsi and toes (scale rule, 10 cm).
© 2001 Macmillan Magazines Ltd
2. Carey, S. & Sigurdsson, H. Geol. Soc. Am. Bull. 99, 303–314
3. Bohnert, M. et al. Forensic Sci. Int. 87, 55–62 (1997).
4. Bohnert, M., Rost, T. & Pollak, S. Forensic Sci. Int. 95, 11–21
5. Yamamoto, K. et al. Bull. Kanagawa Dent. Coll. 18, 55–61 (1990).
6. Holden, J. L., Phakey, P. P. & Clement, J. G. Forensic Sci. Int. 74,
17–28 (1995).
7. Holck, P. thesis, Anatomical Institute, Univ. Oslo (1986).
8. Shipman, P., Foster, G. & Schoeninger, M. J. Archaeol.Sci. 11,
307–325 (1984).
9. LaMotte, R. H. & Campbell, J. N. J. Neurophysiol. 41, 509–528
10. Baxter, P. J. Bull. Volcanol. 52, 532–544 (1990).
11. Butler, R. F. in Paleomagnetism 319 (Blackwell, Boston, 1992).
Tuna swim by restricting lateral undula-
tions to the most caudal body segments, but
maintain their sizeable red-muscle mass in
the mid-body region
. We believe that this is
possible because of the novel physical
uncoupling of the action of deep red muscle
from local body bending shown here. Deep
red muscle at the mid-body in yellowfin
tuna shortens in phase with body bending
some 20% more to the posterior, support-
ing the idea that the tunas complex tendon
system and elongate myotomes provide a
force-transmission pathway to the tail
. We
find that deep red fibres undergo strains as
large as, or larger than, the strains in super-
ficial fibres, allowing much greater work
output during swimming than might be
expected from their deep location.
The architecture and physiology of tuna
muscle allow it to generate more work than
is possible in other fish lacking this special-
ized anatomy. Although this increased
power enables the tuna to achieve higher
aerobic speeds, it must also burn more
metabolic fuel. At aerobic swimming
speeds, tuna do maintain a higher total
metabolic rate than salmonids of similar
, making it hard to draw conclusions
about overall efficiency. But the tuna still
enjoys an advantage in being able to main-
tain higher aerobic speeds than its prey.
Stephen L. Katz*, Douglas A. Syme†,
Robert E. Shadwick‡
VOL 410
12 APRIL 2001
Via Mezzocannone 8, 80134 Napoli, Italy
Soprintendenza Archeologica di Pompei,
Scavi di Ercolano, 80056 Ercolano, Italy
§Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II,
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra,
Largo S. Marcellino 10,
80138 Napoli, Italy
||University of Cambridge Clinical School,
Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Hills Road,
Cambridge CB2 2QQ, UK
1. Brinkmann, B. et al. Rechtsmedizin 83, 1–16 (1979).
brief communications
High-speed swimming
Enhanced power
in yellowfin tuna
una are distinctive among bony fish for
their elite swimming ability and their
muscle anatomy, having loins of red,
aerobic fibres deep within the body where
other fish have only white, anaerobic
. Here we record the performance of
the red muscle of yellowfin tuna in vitro and
in vivo to show how this specialized muscle
architecture can double the cruising power
of these fish, revealing a functional link
between this biomechanical design and
high-speed swimming.
Active muscle must develop force and
shorten in order to do work. In most fish
the relative shortening, or strain, of swim-
ming muscle is the product of body curva-
ture and the distance of the muscle from the
(that is, strain can be accurately
calculated as if the body were a homo-
geneous, bending beam). If a tunas body
deformed like a bending beam, then the red
muscle’s internal position (Fig. 1a) would
limit strain and therefore the work and
power produced, a seeming paradox for fish
using high-performance locomotion
We measured muscle strain in yellowfin
tuna (Thunnus albacares) swimming in a
large water tunnel. Sonomicrometry trans-
ducers were implanted
in superficial and
in deep red muscle at the longitudinal mid-
point of four animals in order to measure
muscle shortening directly. We also used
videography and beam theory
to predict
muscle strain by assuming that the fish
bends as a homogeneous beam (Fig. 1b).
We found that for superficial red muscle
there was close agreement between the mea-
sured and predicted strain amplitude and
phase (Fig. 1c). However, shortening of deep
red muscle measured by sonomicrometry in
all fish (55.31%, s.e. 0.63) was almost dou-
ble that predicted by beam theory (52.78%,
s.e. 0.43), and it lagged behind body curva-
ture by almost 10% of a complete cycle.
Remarkably, this phase difference pro-
duces brief intervals in which superficial
muscle is lengthening while the adjacent
deep red muscle is shortening, and vice
versa. There is thus a large degree of shear
between superficial and deep fibres (the net
strain is double that in other fish), and con-
sequently an uncoupling of deep muscle
strain from local body bending, which is
not observed in other fish
Using work-loop techniques
to quantify
work output from muscle strips, we found
that the increased strain results in signifi-
cantly more work (Fig. 1d). Specifically, the
average strain in deep fibres measured by
sonomicrometry produces twice the work
compared with the average strain predicted
by local curvature (24.0 versus 12.7 joules
per kg per cycle). Using even larger strains
(58%) does not increase work output sig-
nificantly, indicating that tuna muscles are
designed to work near maximum capacity
at the strain they experience in the animal.
Figure 1 Superior performance of tuna red muscle is due to its
anatomical and biomechanical design, as well as to its physiology.
a, Tuna axial muscle in cross-section; sonomicrometer crystals
are shown as black dots with trailing wires. In tuna and non-tuna
fish, red muscle forms a wedge close to the skin (yellow), but tuna
have red muscle deep in the myotome as well (red). b, Video
image of a yellowfin tuna swimming at 2.3 body lengths per sec-
ond. Overlaid digitized points (magnified 25) were used to calcu-
late body margins and the curvature of the body midline
and to
predict muscle strain from beam theory. Cross, dorsal reflective
position marker. Arrow, mid-body position of crystals. c, Compari-
son of red-muscle strain over 4 tailbeats as predicted from
videography by beam theory
(dots) and measured from sonomi-
crometry (full lines) for tuna swimming at 2.9 body lengths per
second (statistics calculated for a minimum of eight tailbeats).
Top, peak strain in superficial muscle: predicted, 54.79%; mea-
sured, 54.47% (predicted strain lags behind measured by only
4.69 deg of phase). Bottom, peak strain in deep red muscle: pre-
dicted, 52.41%; measured, 55.46% (measured strain lags
behind predicted by 30.7 deg). Orientation of sonomicrometry
transducers was verified post mortem. d, Work loops from seg-
ments of deep red muscle. The muscle was stimulated phasically
during sinusoidal length oscillations; onset (arrows) and duration
of stimulation were adjusted to give maximum net work (loop
area), and were similar to activation timing
in vivo
. Loops run
anticlockwise, so that the force is relatively low during lengthening
and high during shortening. Frequency of the length oscillation
(tailbeat frequency) was 3 Hz. Peak amplitude of imposed length
change (muscle strain as a percentage of resting length) was
52.75% (solid line), 55.5% (broken line), or 58% (dashed
line). The net work done per cycle is shown with the strain for
each loop. Muscle resting length, 4.4 mm, corresponding to zero
length change on the graph.
12.7 J kg
24.0 J kg
29.4 J kg
–0.4 –0.3 –0.1
0.3–0.2 0.4
Force (mN)
Muscle-length change (mm)
1 1.5
Muscle strain (%)
Time (s)
1 cm
© 2001 Macmillan Magazines Ltd
... The temperature of S1 ash, previously only generically inferred by heat effects on both the victims' skeletons [13][14][15][16] and the vitrified brain 17,64 , is now recorded at minimum temperature of > 550 °C by high reflectance values in polymodal charcoal datasets, whereas all other paleo-thermal data from the rest of the pyroclastic sequence indicate lower temperatures of diachronic processes related to the later burial of the town 34,36,37,65,66 . ...
... Once crossed the city, 200 m downstream respect to the Decumanus Maximus, the S1 ash cloud surge jumped onto the beach and into the waterfront chambers (Fornici, Fig. 1), where it instantly killed the people who had taken refuge there 13 . The thermal effects detected on the victims' bones found in the Fornici [13][14][15][16] , well match with the > 550 °C ash-cloud temperature measured upstream at the Collegium Augustalium and the Decumanus Maximus. ...
... Once crossed the city, 200 m downstream respect to the Decumanus Maximus, the S1 ash cloud surge jumped onto the beach and into the waterfront chambers (Fornici, Fig. 1), where it instantly killed the people who had taken refuge there 13 . The thermal effects detected on the victims' bones found in the Fornici [13][14][15][16] , well match with the > 550 °C ash-cloud temperature measured upstream at the Collegium Augustalium and the Decumanus Maximus. The scattered preservation of bone collagen does not appear to be evidence of a low temperature of the ash cloud surge as claimed by some author 33 , but it seems to be related to the amount of heat transfer the victims' bodies and bones were exposed to during the short-lived ash cloud event. ...
Full-text available
Diluted pyroclastic density currents are capable to cause huge devastation and mortality around volcanoes, and temperature is a crucial parameter in assessing their lethal power. Reflectance analysis on carbonized wood from ancient Herculaneum allowed a new reconstruction of the thermal events that affected buildings and humans during the 79CE Vesuvius eruption. Here we show that the first PDC entered the town was a short-lived, ash cloud surge, with temperatures of 555–495 °C, capable of causing instant death of people, while leaving only a few decimeters of ash on ground, which we interpret as detached from high concentration currents. The subsequent pyroclastic currents that progressively buried the town were mostly higher concentration PDCs at lower temperatures, between 465 and 390 and 350–315 °C. Charcoal proved to be the only proxy capable of recording multiple, ephemeral extreme thermal events, thus revealing for the first time the real thermal impact of the 79CE eruption. The lethal impact documented for diluted PDC produced during ancient and recent volcanic eruptions suggests that such hazard deserves greater consideration at Vesuvius and elsewhere, especially the underestimated hazard associated with hot detached ash cloud surges, which, though short lived, may expose buildings to severe heat damages and people to death.
... The temperature of the rst S1 ash cloud surge, previously only generically inferred by heat effects on both the victims' skeletons [13][14][15][16] and the vitri ed brain 17,64 , is now recorded at minimum temperature of > 550°C by high re ectance values in polymodal charcoal datasets, whereas all other paleo-thermal data from the rest of the pyroclastic sequence indicate lower temperatures of diachronic processes related to the later burial of the town 34,36,37,65,66 . ...
... Once crossed the city, 200 m downstream respect to the Decumanus Maximus, the S1 ash cloud surge jumped onto the beach and into the waterfront chambers (Fornici, Fig. 1), where it instantly killed the people who had taken refuge there 13 . ...
... Direct observations of pyroclastic currents entering the sea after travelling along the slopes of stratovolcanoes (e.g., 73,74 ) show that they rapidly in ate and cool due to entrainment of seawater. This effect has been documented at the nearby Villa dei We therefore interpret the rst ash cloud surge S1 to have been very short-lived, reaching the coast and the Fornici still at > 500°C, leaving almost no deposit but killing the people there 13,14 . The interaction of the ash cloud surge and seawater caused the surge in ation and the settling of cooled ash immediately after, which then embedded the skeletons of the people already killed instantly by the extreme heat ( Fig. 3b A-A' pro le). ...
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Ash cloud surges are capable to cause huge devastation and mortality around volcanoes, and temperature is a crucial parameter in assessing their lethal power. Reflectance analysis on carbonized wood from ancient Herculaneum allowed a new reconstruction of the thermal events that impacted buildings and humans during the 79CE Vesuvius eruption. Here we show that the first pyroclastic flow to enter the town was a short-lived ash cloud surge, detached from high concentration currents, with temperatures of 555 − 495°C capable of causing instant death of people, while leaving only a few decimeters of ash on ground. The subsequent pyroclastic currents progressively buried the town at temperatures between 465 − 390 and 350 − 315°C. Charcoal proved to be the only proxy capable of recording multiple, ephemeral extreme thermal events, allowing us to reveal for the first time the real thermal impact of the 79CE eruption. The lethal impact detected for ash cloud surges produced during ancient and recent volcanic eruptions suggests that such hazard deserves much more consideration at Vesuvius and elsewhere.
... The skeletal remains were in an excellent state of preservation as a result of the unusual death and burial conditions: instant death caused by hot pyroclastic surges at temperatures between approx. 300 (Pompeii) and 500 °C (Herculaneum) 16,17,22 . ...
... Proteome of human bones. A shotgun proteomics approach by LC-MS/MS ( Figure S2) was applied to skeletal samples excavated from the archaeological sites of Pompeii (7 samples) and Herculaneum (5 samples) 16,19 . Samples collected from three individuals from Roman Imperial Age (II sec. ...
... The body flesh of Pompeii victims slowly disappeared, thus resulting in cavities between the skeleton and the volcanic ash 19 . In Herculaneum, instead, soft tissues underwent a rapid thermally-induced vanishing resulting in the complete body skeletonization and bones exceptionally well preserved 16 . The different proteomic content observed in Herculaneum bones in comparison with those from Pompeii is the result of the different environmental conditions due to exposure to different pyroclastic flows: the Pompeii victims were affected by the third and fourth pyroclastic surges, while at Herculaneum people were hit and buried by the first surge, which did not reach Pompeii 16 . ...
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An extensive proteomic analysis was performed on a set of 12 bones of human victims of the eruption that in AD 79 rapidly buried Pompeii and Herculaneum, allowing the detection of molecular signatures imprinted in the surviving protein components. Bone collagen survived the heat of the eruption, bearing a piece of individual biological history encoded in chemical modifications. Here we show that the human bone proteomes from Pompeii are more degraded than those from the inhabitants of Herculaneum, despite the latter were exposed to temperatures much higher than those experienced in Pompeii. The analysis of the specimens from Pompeii shows lower content of non-collagenous proteins, higher deamidation level and higher extent of collagen modification. In Pompeii, the slow decomposition of victims’ soft tissues in the natural dry–wet hydrogeological soil cycles damaged their bone proteome more than what was experienced at Herculaneum by the rapid vanishing of body tissues from intense heat, under the environmental condition of a permanent waterlogged burial context. Results herein presented are the first proteomic analyses of bones exposed to eruptive conditions, but also delivered encouraging results for potential biomarkers that might also impact future development of forensic bone proteomics.
... Binford, 1968;Harrold, 1980;Gargett, 1989Gargett, , 1999Koojmans et al., 1989;Smirnov, 1989;Belfer-Cohen and Hovers, 2002;Kimbel et al., 1995;Duday, 2009) and modern historical sites (e.g. Mastrolorenzo et al., 2001Mastrolorenzo et al., , 2010Roksandic, 2002;Luongo et al., 2003;Duday, 2009), the burial posture of vertebrate skeletons, including humans, when complete or near complete and found in situ, is generally described and studied. It can provide a wealth of information about the timing and the conditions of burial, and, in the case of modern funeral contexts, about the mortuary behaviours of past populations. ...
... When bodies are recovered in their death attitude, it is possible to determine causes and conditions of death (e.g. Mastrolorenzo et al., 2001Mastrolorenzo et al., , 2010Luongo et al., 2003;Bedford and Tsokos, 2012). When bodies are recovered in their burial attitude, information regarding the nature of burial (natural or intentional) can be gathered. ...
... This is confirmed by the absence of a coffin and of grave goods, and by the fact that she is the only individual buried in a prone position in the whole cemetery (Handler, 1996). (Mastrolorenzo et al., 2001(Mastrolorenzo et al., , 2010Luongo et al., 2003): suffocation due to ash; collapse of roofs and walls due to the weight of pumice lapilli, which is material projected by the volcano during the eruption and composed of molten or semi-molten lava; trapped by pyroclastic density currents (PDCs), which are "turbulent hot mixtures of fine ash and gas flowing down volcano slopes at high speeds" (Mastrolorenzo et al., 2010); and thermally induced shock due to the heat of the PDCs. To each type of death corresponds a certain position of the body, consistent with self protection, agony contortions, or natural postures ("life-like" and "sleep-like" stances) (Mastrolorenzo et al., 2001(Mastrolorenzo et al., , 2010Luongo et al., 2003). ...
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The cave deposits at Malapa have yielded the remains of two extremely well preserved hominins (Australopithecus sediba) and associated fauna, dated to 1.977-1.8 Ma. The state of preservation of the hominins and some of the non-hominin material is remarkable in the context of Plio-Pleistocene fossil assemblages accumulated in caves and indicates a unique combination of taphonomic processes, not yet observed in contemporaneous cave deposits in the region. A comprehensive approach, including palaeontological, physical, and spatial analyses of the hominins and associated fauna was undertaken to determine, describe and interpret the taphonomy of the faunal material, with particular reference to hominins. An innovative combination of Computed-Tomography (CT), micro-CT scanning and virtual reconstruction techniques was applied to create a 3D model of a selected area of the Malapa cave, with renderings of the two near complete Au. sediba skeletons. The original burial position of the hominins was reconstructed. The results indicate that the majority of the faunal material recovered was most likely accumulated via a natural death trap. Their bodies came to rest in a deep area of the cave system with restricted access to scavengers. Results show that both individuals did probably not enter the cave system at the same time. They reached skeletonization and were slightly weathered before final burial, indicating several years of exposure before burial. Insects proved to be the primary modifiers of the hominin remains. Evidence of natural mummification before burial for MH1 and MH2 suggests the possible preservation of soft tissue.
... A whole urban settlement gradually revealed itself as it had been buried by volcanic ashes 500 and returned in its integrity. However, most exceptional has been the discovery of some hundreds of human victims, unearthed in several seafront chambers and on the beach during archaeological investigations in the second half of the 1900s [9]. The volcanic deposits have preserved intact for centuries the corpses of these victims as time capsules, a source of unique bio-anthropological information [10]. ...
... Emplacement temperatures of PDCs can range from cool depositions in lahars or other collapses not primarily related to an eruption (e.g., gravitational collapse triggering mudflows) to temperatures >800°C (e.g., . They can be evaluated in several ways like direct measurements of temperature-depth profiles (e.g., Banks & Hoblitt, 1996), using satellite images (Denniss et al., 1998;Wooster et al., 2000), by studying characteristic features, such as carbonized material, the reflectance of charcoal or bone fragments (Mastrolorenzo et al., 2001;Pensa et al., 2015;Sawada et al., 2000), or indirectly using paleomagnetic techniques (e.g., Alva-Valdivia et al., 2019;Paterson et al., 2010). Paleomagnetism uses a recorded magnetic signal known as thermoremanent magnetization, and emplacement temperatures of pyroclastic deposits are typically derived from oriented clasts that can originate from the magma chamber (juvenile clasts), from conduit walls (accessory clasts), or be ripped up along the flow path (accidental lithics; Alva-Valdivia et al., 2019), but also from the ash matrix (e.g., . ...
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Most pyroclastic deposits of Popocatépetl volcano were emplaced at high temperatures and have similar mafic to more evolved compositions, suggesting a long-lived, interconnected magma environment. We performed a magnetic and microscopic study on different eruptive sequences <14 ky in age and found that temperature and field dependence of magnetic susceptibility are suited to separate eruption phases. We observed homogeneous titanomagnetite with Curie temperatures (TC) of 50–200°C and 200–400°C, together with different amounts of oxy-exsolved titanomagnetite with TC ∼ 570°C. Some block-and-ash flow deposits show remarkably irreversible TC in heating and cooling branches with a positive ΔTC (TC heating–TC cooling) of up to 130°C in the center. The central part of this sequence is characterized by decreasing magnetic susceptibility and low field dependence of magnetic susceptibility (<10%), which is atypical for ulvöspinel-rich titanomagnetite. The nonreversibility of heating and cooling runs measured with rates of around 10 K/min is probably related to vacancy-enhanced nanoscale chemical clustering, which seems to occur preferentially during rapid quenching, possibly combined with subtle maghemitization. In contrast, pumice layers have the highest field dependence (∼20%) and contain Ti-rich and intermediate titanomagnetite with TC < 100 and ∼300°C, which are in line with mafic and more evolved magma composition. In intermediate phases, irreversibility of TC is more common but with a relatively low ΔTC of ±20°C. We suggest that magneto-mineralogy in pyroclastic density currents is complex but offers a complementary tool to the paleomagnetic directional analysis for emplacement temperature and contribute information on the volcanic material history and their emplacement conditions.
... [17] PDCs usually form during the collapse of an explosive eruption column and are characterised by hot avalanches of rock, ash and gases and can travel at speeds of 350 km/hr or more with temperatures of several hundred degrees [ Figure 1e]. Heat-induced shock, thermal lung injury, inhalational injuries, asphyxia due to ash plugs in airways and full-thickness burns are the major causes of death [18] b. Volcanic landslides: Because of their typical structure and its constitution (loose ash, rubbly lavas), volcanoes are prone to collapse. ...
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Mt. Nyiragongo in Goma, DR Congo, exploded on 22 May 2022. In the Philippines, on 1 July 2021, the Taal volcano, considered a restive volcano, spewed a 0.62 mile-high plume of gas and steam into the air, cascading a mass evacuation. Without any prior warning, Goma and central Manila were in a state of emergency, not knowing what to expect and how to react. Volcanoes provide a conduit by which magma – the earth's molten rock, gases and water – may interact with human biological systems. The importance of effective pre-disaster planning cannot be over-emphasised in such situations. The article dwells on the volcanic phenomena, which can cause many health hazards during the eruption and in between eruptions. The vast majority of volcanogenic fatalities in the past few centuries have resulted from events at the proximity – such as pyroclastic density currents, lahars and suffocation or building/roof collapse from ash or debris – and also distal events, such as tsunamis, which may travel for hundreds of miles from the active site, and indirect consequences of eruptions, such as famine or infectious disease outbreaks, including podoconiosis, fluorosis, geophagy, iodine deficiency disorders and rift valley fever. Although technology and geology can give a better lead time, predicting natural hazards and formulating, a plan in advance will obviously be very helpful for public health professionals. This paper is intended for health-care workers to understand the health problems faced due to a volcanic eruption, and this understanding, along with the recommendations given, will enable them to plan and prepare for the management of relief, rescue and medical care.
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A full review of the 79 CE Plinian eruption of Vesuvius is presented through a multidisciplinary approach, exploiting the integration of historical, stratigraphic, sedimentological, petrological, geophysical, paleoclimatic, and modelling studies dedicated to this famous and devastating natural event. All studies have critically been reviewed and integrated with original data, spanning from proximal to ultradistal findings of the 79 CE eruption products throughout the Mediterranean. The work not only combines different investigation approaches (stratigraphic, petrological, geophysical, modelling), but also follows temporally the 79 CE eruptive and depositional events, from the magma chamber to the most distal tephras. This has allowed us first to compile a full database of all findings of those deposits, then to relate the products (the deposits) to the genetic thermomechanical processes (the eruption), and lastly to better assess both the local and regional impacts of the 79 CE eruption in the environment. This information leads to a number of open issues (e.g., regional environmental impact vs. local pyroclastic current impact) that are worthy of further investigations, although the 79 CE eruption of Vesuvius is one of the best studied eruptions in volcanology. The structure of the work follows three macro-categories, the historical aspects, the products, and the processes of the 79 CE eruption. For each investigation approach (from stratigraphy to modelling), all dedicated studies and original data are discussed. The open issues are then synthesized in the discussion under a global view of Plinian eruptions, from the magma setting to its dispersion as pyroclasts flowing on the surface vs. falling from the volcanic plume. In this way, a lesson from the past, in particular from the well-studied 79 CE eruption of Vesuvius, will be of help for a better synchronization of processes and products in future developments. Lastly, various aspects for volcanic hazard assessment of Plinian eruptions are highlighted from the tephra distribution and modelling points of view, as these large natural phenomena can have a larger impact than previously thought, also at other active volcanoes.
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The 79 A.D. plinian eruption of Vesuvius ejected approx 4 km3 of phonolitic magma over a period of approx 19 hr. A change in magma composition during the eruption is marked by a sharp transition from white, evolved phonolitic pumice to denser, overlying gray pumice, at mid-level within the fall deposit. Deposition of the upper, gray pumice fall was interrupted six times by the emplacement of pyroclastic surges and flows. Reverse size grading is conspicuous in the fall deposit. Measurements of maximum pumice and lithic diameters have been used to construct isopleths for eight chronostratigraphic levels within the fall deposit. The variation in pumice density is attributed primarily to differences in volatile content of two magmas which were tapped and mixed in varying proportions during ascent and eruption. -from Authors
Excluding famine and tsunamis, most deaths in volcanic eruptions have been from pyroclastic flows and surges (nues ardentes) and wet debris flows (lahars). Information on the causes of death and injury in eruptions is sparse but the available literature is summarised for the benefit of volcanologists and emergency planners. In nues, thermal injury may be at least as important as asphyxia in causing immediate deaths. The high temperature of the gases and entrained particles readily causes severe burns to the skin and the air passages and the presence of both types of injury in an individual may combine to increase the delayed mortality risk from respiratory complications or from infection of burns. Trauma from missiles or body displacement is also common, but the role of asphyxiant or irritant gases, and steam, remains unclear. The ratio of dead: injured is much higher than in other natural disasters. At the periphery of a nue being protected inside buildings which remain intact appears to greatly increase the chances of survival. In lahars, infected wounds and crush injury are the main delayed causes of death, and the scope for preventive measures, other than evacuation, is small. The evidence from Mount St. Helens, 1980, and other major eruptions indicates that, although mortality is high within the main zone of devastation and in the open, emergency planning should concentrate on the periphery of a nue where preventive measures are feasible and could save many lives in densely populated areas.
Burnt osteological materials are one focus of interest in forensic, archaeological, and palaeontological studies. We document the effects of experimental, controlled heating on a sample of modern bones and teeth from sheep and goats. Four aspects of heating specimens to between 20 and 940°C were considered: color, microscopic morphology, crystalline structure and shrinkage. Our results show that changes in both color and microscopic morphology of burnt bones and teeth can be divided into five stages each of which is typical of a particular temperature range, although the stages based on color do not correlate exactly with those based on micromorphology. These stages can be used to determine (1) if specimens of unknown taphonomic history were burnt, and (2) the maximum temperature reached by those specimens. In addition, powder X-ray diffraction studies show that heating causes an increase in the crystal size of hydroxyapatite, the major inorganic component of bones and teeth. This fact in conjunction with the microscopic morphology can be used to confirm deduced heating to 645°C or more. The data on shrinkage are analyzed to yield a polynomial expression that summarizes percentage shrinkage as a function of the maximum temperature reached by bones. Thus, the original size of specimens can be reconstructed within limits since the maximum temperature reached by the bones can be deduced on the basis of color, microscopic morphology and/or powder X-ray diffraction patterns. Finally, because there is a discrepancy between the maximum heating device temperature and the maximum specimen temperature, caution must be exercised in distinguishing between the effects of man made and natural fires.
1. Radiant-heat stimuli of different intensities were delivered every 28 s to the thenar eminence of the hand of human subjects and to the receptive fields (RFs) of 58 "mechanothermal nociceptive" and 16 "warm" C-fibers, most of which innervated the glabrous skin of the monkey hand. A CO2 infrared laser under control via a radiometer provided a step increase in skin temperature to a level maintained within +/- 0.1 degrees C over a 7.5-mm-diameter spot. 2. Human subjects categorized the magnitude of warmth and pain sensations evoked by stimuli that ranged in temperature from 40 to 50 degrees C. The scale of subjective thermal intensity constructed from these category estimates showed a monotonically increasing relation between stimulus temperature and the magnitude of warmth and pain sensations. 3. The mechanothermal fibers had a mean RF size of 18.9 +/- 3.2 mm2 (SE), a mean conduction velocity of 0.8 +/- 0.1 m/s, mean thresholds of 43.6 +/- 0.6 degrees C for radiant heat and 5.95 +/- 0.59 bars for mechanical stimulation, and no spontaneous activity. In contrast, warm fibers had punctate RFs, a mean conduction velocity of 1.1 +/- 0.1 m/s, heat thresholds of less than 1 degrees C above skin temperature, no response to mechanical stimulation, and a resting level of activity in warm skin that was suppressed by cooling. 4. The cumulative number of impulses evoked during each stimulation in the nociceptive afferents increased monotonically as a function of stimulus temperature over the range described by humans as increasingly painful (45-50 degrees C). Nociceptive fibers showed little or no response to stimulus temperatures less than 45 degrees C that elicited in humans sensations primarily of warmth but not pain. In contrast, the cumulative impulse count during stimulation of each warm fiber increased monotonically with stimulus temperature over the range of 39-43 degrees C. However, for stimuli of 41-49 degrees C the cumulative impulse count in warm fibers was nonmonotonic with stimulus temperature. Warm-fiber response to stimuli of 45 degrees C or greater usually consisted of a short burst of impulses followed by cessation of activity. 5. The subjective magnitude of warmth and pain sensations in humans and the cumulative impulse count evoked by each stimulus in warm and nociceptive afferents varied inversely with the number, delivery rate, and intensity of preceding stimulations. 6. The results of these experiments suggest the following: a) that activity in the mechanothermal nociceptive C-fibers signals the occurrence of pain evoked by radiant heat, and that the frequency of discharge in these fibers may encode the intensity of painful stimulation; b) that activity in warm fibers may encode the intensity of warmth at lower stimulus temperatures, but is unlikely to provide a peripheral mechanism for encoding the intensity of painful stimulation at higher stimulus temperatures.
Little has been revealed about making discrimination between human and animal using a piece of tooth found in a burned cadaver. From the viewpoint of forensic dental medicine, it is a theme no less valuable. This experimental study was attempted for this reason. Teeth from an individual body of human, monkey, dog, rabbit and rat were heated in turn on the muffle furnace. The heating temperatures were from 200 degrees C to 1,000 degrees C in time spans of 5, 30 and 60 minutes. After heating, each tooth and its control were observed by a scanning electron microscope (magnifying power: 3,500 x or 3,600 x). At heating temperature of 500 degrees C or 600 degrees C, enamel starts to come off in lumps and cracks appear in the enamel rods. The arcaded form in human and monkey, hexagon in dog, elongated chain in rabbit, rows of short, diagonal parallel lines equally directed at every other row in rat--these basic morphological features of the enamel rods--are retained till the heat reaches 700 degrees C. The enamel rods in monkey yield to heat more easily than those in human. At 600 degrees C many cracks appear and deformation of the arcaded form starts. With heating of 5 minutes at 800 degrees C the outline of the pattern is obscured. Human and animal teeth get varied forms of cracks in the enamel rods with heating more than 5 minutes at 800 degrees C. The structure of the enamel rods is broken and morphological characteristics are lost. This makes discrimination of human and animal quite difficult.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Fragments of the incinerated remains of a fire victim were studied using scanning electron microscopy and microradiography. These observations were then compared with the heat-induced alterations found in laboratory heat-treated human bone. The incinerated bone fragments exhibited a range of colours, including black, grey and white, concomitant with alterations to the ultrastructure and microstructure of the bone tissue. The colour of the incinerated bone tissue, and the crystal habit and size associated with each region of colour, indicated a gradual decrease in the temperature attained in the bone, as a function of the radial distance from the outer cortical bone surface. A maximum temperature in the range approximately 1000-1200 degrees C had been attained in the outer cortical bone regions that were white in colour. A minimum temperature of 300 degrees C had been attained in the inner cortical bone regions that were black in colour. The period of time over which the fire attained the maximum temperature was inferred to be too short for the bone tissue to have reached an equilibrium with the surrounding environment, as the fire was due to a sudden ignition. However, the minimum temperature recorded was attained for a longer period of time as the organic contents of the Haversian canals and the medullary cavity had been completely combusted. From examinations of the spherical-type crystal size in the grey regions of cortical bone, the habit of the hexagonal-type crystals in the white regions of bone, and the preferred orientation of the mineralised collagen fibrils in the Haversian canals situated in the black regions of cortical bone, it was suggested that the deceased person was a young-to-mature adult, possibly aged 20-40 years.
Based on a recent case, in which an expert opinion had to be prepared, the question was investigated if fractures of the base of the skull can result from the influence of heat on the human skull. Neither the retrospective analysis of autopsy records nor the prospective examination of charred bodies revealed any cases with heat-induced fractures of the base of the skull. Observation of cremations showed that the changes caused by the fire followed certain rules: fractures of the calvaria were seen after approximately 20 min; the base of the skull became exposed after about 45 to 60 min. In none of the 20 cremations watched could any fractures of the base of the skull be detected.
The changes occurring during cremation were watched and documented in 15 undissected bodies to be cremated. It was found that at temperatures between 670 and 810 degrees C the body showed the "pugilistic attitude" after about 10 minutes. After 20 minutes the calvaria was free from any soft tissue and fissures of the tabula externa could be noticed. The body cavities became visible after approximately 30 minutes, so that the organs were exposed. Forty minutes after cremation had started, the internal organs were severely shrunken and showed a net-like or sponge-like structure. After about 50 minutes the extremities were destroyed to an extent leaving only the torso which broke apart after 1-1.5 hours. The complete incineration of a human body took about 2-3 hours.
  • P Shipman
  • G Foster
  • M Schoeninger
Shipman, P., Foster, G. & Schoeninger, M. J. Archaeol.Sci. 11, 307–325 (1984).
  • P Baxter
Baxter, P. J. Bull. Volcanol. 52, 532–544 (1990).