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Is the Acromegalic Cardiomyopathy Reversible? Effect of 5-Year Normalization of Growth Hormone and Insulin-Like Growth Factor I Levels on Cardiac Performance*


Abstract and Figures

Acromegalic patients are considered to be exposed to a doubled mortality rate, mostly for cardiovascular diseases. This open prospective study was designed to evaluate whether the impairment of cardiac performance could be reversed by the long-term suppression of GH and insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) levels. Eighteen patients with active acromegaly were studied before and 5 yr after surgery, followed by sc octreotide in 11 patients. Disease control (GH levels < or =1 microg/L after glucose load or < or =2.5 microg/L after fasting, respectively, together with normalized IGF-I levels for age) was achieved in seven patients after surgery and in six patients after 0.3--0.6 mg/day sc octreotide. Five patients were not controlled during the 5-yr follow-up. Cardiac performance at rest and at peak exercise was assessed by equilibrium radionuclide angiography at study entry and 5 yr after surgery alone or plus octreotide. Thirty-six sex- and age-matched healthy subjects served as controls. At study entry, patients had a lower left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) at peak exercise and LVEF exercise-induced changes, exercise duration, and capacity than controls (P < 0.001). After 5 yr of treatment, a significant decrease of resting heart rate (P = 0.03) and a significant increase of LVEF at peak exercise (P = 0.003) was found in patients achieving disease control. LVEF response at peak exercise worsened in none of the patients with controlled disease and in three patients with uncontrolled disease (60%) (chi(2) = 5.5; P = 0.02). Diastolic filling, exercise duration, and workload did not significantly change during the 5-yr follow-up. No difference was found between patients controlled by surgery alone or by surgery plus octreotide. This 5-yr prospective study demonstrated that the LVEF response at peak exercise improved in all patients achieving disease control, while it was worsened in 60% of uncontrolled ones. These results strengthen the need of a stable suppression of GH and IGF-I hypersecretion to restore a normal cardiac performance in acromegaly.
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Is the Acromegalic Cardiomyopathy Reversible? Effect of
5-Year Normalization of Growth Hormone and Insulin-
Like Growth Factor I Levels on Cardiac Performance*
Departments of Molecular and Clinical Endocrinology and Oncology (A.Co., P.M., D.F., R.P., G.L.) and
Nuclear Medicine Center of the National Council of Research, Department of Biomorphological and
Functional Sciences (A.Cu., E.N., A.M.D.M., M.S.), Federico II University of Naples, 80131 Naples,
Italy; and Scientific Institute for Research and Care Neuromed (A.Cu., R.P.), 86077 Pozzilli, Italy
Acromegalic patients are considered to be exposed to a doubled
mortality rate, mostly for cardiovascular diseases. This open prospec-
tive study was designed to evaluate whether the impairment of car-
diac performance could be reversed by the long-term suppression of
GH and insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) levels.
Eighteen patients with active acromegaly were studied before and
5 yr after surgery, followed by sc octreotide in 11 patients. Disease
control (GH levels 1
g/L after glucose load or 2.5
g/L after
fasting, respectively, together with normalized IGF-I levels for age)
was achieved in seven patients after surgery and in six patients after
0.3– 0.6 mg/day sc octreotide. Five patients were not controlled during
the 5-yr follow-up. Cardiac performance at rest and at peak exercise
was assessed by equilibrium radionuclide angiography at study entry
and 5 yr after surgery alone or plus octreotide. Thirty-six sex- and
age-matched healthy subjects served as controls.
At study entry, patients had a lower left ventricular ejection frac-
tion (LVEF) at peak exercise and LVEF exercise-induced changes,
exercise duration, and capacity than controls (P0.001). After 5 yr
of treatment, a significant decrease of resting heart rate (P0.03)
and a significant increase of LVEF at peak exercise (P0.003) was
found in patients achieving disease control. LVEF response at peak
exercise worsened in none of the patients with controlled disease and
in three patients with uncontrolled disease (60%) (
5.5; P0.02).
Diastolic filling, exercise duration, and workload did not significantly
change during the 5-yr follow-up. No difference was found between
patients controlled by surgery alone or by surgery plus octreotide.
This 5-yr prospective study demonstrated that the LVEF response
at peak exercise improved in all patients achieving disease control,
while it was worsened in 60% of uncontrolled ones. These results
strengthen the need of a stable suppression of GH and IGF-I hyper-
secretion to restore a normal cardiac performance in acromegaly.
(J Clin Endocrinol Metab 86: 1551–1557, 2001)
ACROMEGALIC PATIENTS ARE considered to be ex-
posed to a doubled mortality rate, mostly for cardio-
vascular diseases (1– 6). In recent years, both GH and insulin-
like growth factor I (IGF-I) excess and deficiency have been
found associated with several changes of cardiac structure
and function (7, 8). In acromegaly, particularly, concentric
cardiac hypertrophy is a frequent clinical and instrumental
finding at diagnosis, even in young patients with short dis-
ease duration (9–11). As a consequence of this phenomenon,
an early impairment of the left ventricular (LV) diastolic
filling has been described (12–16), whereas systolic dysfunc-
tion may develop in later stages of untreated disease (7, 8).
Other cardiovascular and metabolic disorders, such as arte-
rial hypertension, coronary artery disease, ventricular
arrhythmias, diabetes mellitus, and thyroid disorders are
observed in some patients with acromegaly and can inde-
pendently worsen the acromegalic cardiomyopathy (17, 18),
which seems, however, to be a specific disease (19).
Whether the acromegalic cardiomyopathy might be re-
versed by achieving the biochemical control of the primary
disease, is still controversial. A significant decrease of the LV
mass (LVM) has been observed after long-term treatment
with octreotide (20–23) or lanreotide (24, 25). The decrease of
LVM was generally followed by an improvement of LV fill-
ing (20–25). Conversely, the LV systolic function, measured
as LV ejection fraction (LVEF) either by echocardiography
(20 –25) or by radionuclide angiography (26), was unchanged
after long-term treatment of acromegaly, except in a few
cases of overt heart failure (27).
However, if the hypothesis that the impairment of the
cardiac performance was due to chronic GH and IGF-I
excess is correct, then changes of cardiac function should
be related to the efficacy of treatment. Recently, we dem-
onstrated that patients achieving disease control after 1 yr
of treatment with sc octreotide had a significant improve-
ment of LVEF, both at rest and at peak exercise, whereas
those with persistently uncontrolled disease had a further
impairment of cardiac performance (28). These data are
insinuative that the prolonged suppression of circulating
GH and IGF-I levels might normalize the cardiac perfor-
Received May 23, 2000. Revision received August 15, 2000. Rerevision
received December 6, 2000. Accepted December 6, 2000.
Address correspondence and requests for reprints to: Annamaria
Colao, M.D., Ph.D., Department of Molecular and Clinical Endocrinol-
ogy and Oncology, Federico II University of Naples, via Sergio Pansini
5, 80131 Naples, Italy. E-mail:
* Partially supported by Grant 9906153187 from Ministero Universita´e
Ricerca Scientifica e Technologica (Rome, Italy).
0021-972X/01/$03.00/0 Vol. 86, No. 4
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism Printed in U.S.A.
Copyright © 2001 by The Endocrine Society
mance, thus helping in reversing the poor prognosis for
cardiovascular disorders in acromegaly.
The aim of this open prospective study was to investigate
the potential reversibility of the acromegalic cardiomyopa-
thy during successful long-term treatment of the primary
disease. To address this issue, LV diastolic and systolic func-
tions were assessed at rest and at peak physical exercise by
radionuclide angiography in patients with active acromegaly
before and after 5 yr of treatment. Basal and posttreatment
results were compared with those obtained in an appropriate
control group. Changes of cardiac performance were corre-
lated to the therapeutic success in terms of disease control,
currently accepted as fasting or glucose-suppressed GH 2.5
g/L per 1
g/L or greater, respectively, and IGF-I levels
were normalized for age (29, 30).
Patients and Methods
Eighteen patients with uncomplicated acromegaly constituted the
patient population: nine women and nine men; age, 1865 yr. Latent
coronary artery disease was excluded using exercise myocardial per-
fusion tomography. The diagnosis of acromegaly was based on high
serum GH levels during an 8-h time-course sampling, not suppressible
below 2
g/L after an oral glucose test (75 g), and high plasma IGF-I
levels for age (9, 29). The presumed duration of acromegaly was assessed
by comparison of a patient’s photographs taken during a 1- to 3-decade
span and by a patient’s interviews to date the onset of acral enlargement;
in the present series the estimated disease duration ranged from 4–30
yr. As the control group, 36 healthy volunteers sex- and age-matched
with the patients (21 women and 15 men; age, 2060 yr) were studied.
All patients and controls gave their informed consent to participate in
this study, approved by the ethical committee of the Medical School of
the Federico II University of Naples. Five of 18 patients and 10 of the 36
controls were mild smokers (10 cigarettes per day), and all had a
sedentary lifestyle. Clinical, endocrine, and cardiac data of patients and
controls are shown in Table 1.
Study protocol
At study entry, IGF-I levels were assayed twice in a single sample
whereas the GH level was calculated as the mean of a 6-h blood sampling
(0800–1400 h with 30-min sampling). Heart rate, blood pressure mea-
surements, and electrocardiogram were performed in all patients. Hy-
pertension was diagnosed in the presence of diastolic blood pressure
greater than 90 mm Hg, in line with WHO criteria (31). Hormonal and
clinical evaluations were carried out before treatment, monthly in the
first 3 months of treatment, and quarterly during the first year of treat-
ment, then yearly. During treatment, fasting GH level was calculated as
the average value of at least three blood samples collected at 15-min
intervals at 0800 h (in patients studied the first year after surgery alone)
or 2 h after octreotide administration (in patients studied during oct-
reotide treatment). However, in patients cured after surgery, the yearly
evaluation of GH level was performed by calculating the mean of a 6-h
blood sampling (0800–1400 h with 30-min sampling). At this time point,
plasma IGF-I concentrations were assayed as single sampling. Radio-
nuclide angiography was performed before treatment and after 1, 3, and
5 yr. In a subset of these patients, the results after the first year of
follow-up have been previously reported (26, 28). The results of the 5-yr
follow-up only were reported in this study.
Treatment protocol
All patients included in this study underwent surgical removal of the
pituitary adenoma, producing a definitive cure in 7 of them. In the
remaining 11, surgery allowed partial tumor removal. Persistent eleva-
tion of circulating GH and IGF-I levels led to start treatment with
octreotide, initially administered at a dose of 0.05–0.1 mg three times
daily in accordance with the individual patient’s tolerability (32), then
increased to achieve disease control. Six octreotide-treated patients
achieved disease control, whereas no effective and continuous disease
control was obtained in the remaining five patients during the follow-up,
despite transient increase of octreotide dosage up to 1.5 mg/day. This
TABLE 1. Hormone levels and hemodynamic and functional parameters measured at rest and at peak exercise by equilibrium
radionuclide angiography in healthy controls and patients with uncomplicated acromegaly
Parameters Controls (n 36) Patients (n 18) P
Range Mean SEM Range Mean SEM
Age (yr) 23–60 38.7 1.9 18–65 40.1 2.7
Serum GH levels (
0.1–1.2 0.4 0.03 8–130 43.9 9 0.0001
Plasma IGF-I levels (
g/L) 130–333 230.3 9.2 350–850 600.7 36.4 0.0001
Heart rate (bpm)
At rest 48–96 73.9 2.0 60–105 79.4 2.9 0.5
During exercise 95–191 140.7 3.5 103–168 135.4 4.7 0.6
Systolic blood pressure (mm Hg)
At rest 100–135 121.4 1.2 90–150 121.1 3.6 1
During exercise 130–200 165.0 3.1 130–210 175.0 5.6 0.6
Diastolic blood pressure (mm Hg)
At rest 60–90 79.3 1.2 60–90 76.4 2.4 0.5
During exercise 80–120 100.0 2.2 75–140 97.2 3.3 0.3
Ejection fraction (%)
At rest 50–78 61.6 1.0 46–76 58.7 1.7 0.4
During exercise 56–95 72.5 1.5 37–75 56.1 2.4 0.001
(%) 0–50.7 17.8 2.2 24–11.1 4.9 2.6 0.001
PER (EDV/sec) 2.1–5.5 3.6 0.1 2.4–4.5 3.6 0.1 1
PFR (EDV/sec) 1.6– 4.1 2.8 0.1 1.2–4.9 3.1 0.2 0.6
PFR (SV/sec) 2.8–6.8 4.5 0.1 2.1–9.7 5.1 0.4 0.7
PFR/PER 0.4–1.1 0.7 0.02 0.4–1.2 0.8 0.05 0.05
Exercise duration 6–12 9.4 0.2 6–8 6.9 0.2 0.001
Exercise potency 75–125 100.0 2.8 50–125 80.0 3.7 0.001
GH values are the mean of a 6-h blood sampling. The normal GH value was 2.5
g/L. The normal IGF-I range in 20- to 30-, 31- to 40-,
41- to 50-, and over-50-yr-old subjects was 110–502, 100–494, 100 –303, and 78–258
g/L, respectively. Normal blood pressure DBP 90 mm
Hg. The normal PFR was 2.5 EDV/sec. The normal ejection fraction at rest was 50% and the normal response of the ejection fraction at peak
exercise was 5% of resting values.
1552 COLAO ET AL. JCE&M2001
Vol. 86 No. 4
dose was no longer maintained during the follow-up because GH and
IGF-I did not normalize. The maximal dose used in this study was 0.6
mg/day. All 18 patients had been treated with octreotide before surgery
at doses of 0.3–0.45 mg/day for 3–6 months, as described previously
Gated blood-pool cardiac scintigraphy
In vivo labeling of red blood cells was performed with 555 MBq (15
mCi) technetium-99m. Equilibrium radionuclide angiography was per-
formed at rest and during dynamic physical exercise as previously
described (15, 16, 28). A small field of view gamma camera (Starcam 300
A/M; General Electric, Milwaukee, WI) equipped with a low-energy
all-purpose collimator was used. Exercise studies were performed using
a bicycle ergometer with a restraining harness to minimize patient mo-
tion under the camera. Exercise loads were increased by 25 W every 2
min until angina, limiting dyspnea, or fatigue developed. Heart rate and
blood pressure (by cuff sphygmomanometer) were monitored during
exercise at each stage. No patient developed high-grade ventricular
arrhythmia necessitating termination of exercise. Radionuclide angio-
graphy studies were performed using a standard commercial software
system (General Electric). Indices of LV function were derived by com-
puter analysis of the background corrected time-activity curve, as re-
ported previously (15, 16, 28). Both peak ejection rate (PER) and peak
filling rate (PFR) were computed in LV counts/sec, normalized for the
number of counts at end-diastole and expressed as end-diastolic volume
(EDV)/sec. When normalized for EDV, both PER and PFR are influenced
directly by the magnitude of LVEF (34). To minimize this effect, we also
analyzed the PFR using two additional normalization methods; it was
expressed relative to the LV stroke volume and as the ratio between PFR
and PER (35, 36). These two latter methods have the additional advan-
tage of being background independent. LV diastolic filling was consid-
ered abnormal when the PFR was less than 2.5 EDV/sec, the LVEF was
considered insufficient if less than 50% at rest and/or it increased less
than 5% at peak exercise compared with resting condition (37). All of the
examinations were performed by three independent observers (A.Cu.,
E.N., and A.M.D.M.) blind as to patient status.
Serum GH levels were measured by immunoradiometric assay
(IRMA) (HGH-CTK-IRMA; Sorin, Saluggia, Italy). The sensitivity of the
assay was 0.2
g/L; 1
g/L corresponds to 3 mU/L. The intra- and
interassay coefficients of variation (CV) were 4.5% and 7.9%, respec-
tively. Plasma IGF-I was measured by IRMA after ethanol extraction
using Diagnostic Systems Laboratories kits (Webster, TX). The sensi-
tivity of the assay was 0.8
g/L. The intra-assay CV were 3.4, 3.0, and
1.5% for the low, medium, and high points on the standard curve,
respectively. The interassay CV were 8.2, 1.5, and 3.7% for the low,
medium, and high points on the standard curve, respectively.
Statistical analysis
Data are reported as mean sem. Student’s ttest for paired data (to
evaluate the effect of treatment in individual patients), ANOVA (to
evaluate the effect of treatments in the patients groups in line with
treatment efficacy and to compare patients and controls), and
were used where appropriate. Spearman’s rank correlation test was used
to analyze the correlation between the patients’ age and gain in the
exercise-induced changes of ejection fraction. The significance was set
at 5%.
At study entry, acromegalic patients had a lower LVEF at
peak exercise and LVEF exercise-induced changes, exercise
duration, and capacity than controls (Table 1). In particular,
6 patients (33.3%) and 10 controls (27.8%) had abnormal PFR,
2 patients (11.1%) and 1 control (2.8%) had impaired LVEF
at rest, whereas 14 patients (77.8%) and 5 controls (13.9%) (
18.8; P0.0001) had abnormal LVEF response at peak
At the 5-yr follow-up, both GH (from 43.9 9to2.61.5
g/L; P0.0001) and IGF-I levels (from 600.7 36.4 to
316.9 46.8
g/L; P0.0001) were significantly reduced
compared with baseline, but only 13 patients achieved dis-
ease control. Seven of these patients were cured by surgery
alone, five within the first year and the remaining two during
the second year after surgery. In the latter patients, octreotide
therapy was not started because IGF-I levels were only
slightly elevated during the first year after surgery, and GH
levels were suppressed between 1 and 2
g/L by glucose
load. Six of the remaining 13 patients achieved disease con-
trol under increasing doses of octreotide during the first year
of treatment. In 5 patients, octreotide treatment did not in-
duce disease control during the 5-yr follow-up, but it sig-
nificantly decreased GH and IGF-I levels (Table 2). Two
elderly not-controlled patients showed fluctuations of GH
and IGF-I levels into the normal range, indicating a partial
control of the disease. No age difference was found between
the groups of patients achieving or not achieving disease
control, but a trend toward an older age in uncontrolled
patients was found (Table 2). At the 5-yr follow-up, a sig-
nificant decrease of resting heart rate (from 79.4 2.9 to
72.0 2.6 beats per minute (bpm); P0.04), a significant
increase of LVEF at peak exercise (from 56.1 2.4 to 64.1
2.6%; P0.004), and a percent change after exercise (from
4.9 2.6 to 6.9 3.2%; P0.001) was found in the whole
series. Conversely, no difference was found in blood pres-
sure, diastolic filling, and exercise duration and capacity.
When the analysis was performed on the basis of treatment
efficacy, only in patients achieving disease control were heart
rate and systolic and diastolic blood pressure at rest signif-
icantly decreased and increased, respectively (Table 2). No
change of heart rate and systolic and diastolic blood pressure
was found at peak exercise. The LVEF at rest was unchanged
both in patients with and in those without disease control
(Table 2). LVEF at rest normalized in the patient with disease
control, whereas it was still abnormal in the patient with poor
controlled disease. LVEF at peak exercise and its exercise-
induced changes were significantly increased only in the
patients achieving disease control (P0.003 and P0.001,
respectively; Table 2), both after surgery and after surgery
plus octreotide (Fig. 1). By contrast, patients with uncon-
trolled disease showed a trend toward a further impairment
of exercise-induced changes of LVEF (Fig. 1 and Table 2).
Among the 14 patients with LVEF failure at peak exercise, 10
achieved disease control during the follow-up; LVEF signif-
icantly improved in all and normalized in 5 (Fig. 1). Two
patients showing persistently high GH and IGF-I levels dur-
ing the follow-up had LVEF improvement at peak exercise,
whereas the remaining three patients (60%) impaired their
LVEF at peak exercise (Fig. 1). The worsening of LVEF re-
sponse at peak exercise was significantly associated with
uncontrolled disease (
5.5; P0.02). The LV diastolic
filling, except for a decrease of PFR in controlled patients
(P0.03), PER, exercise duration, and workload, did not
significantly change during the 5-yr follow-up in all patients
(Table 2). No difference was found in the parameters of
cardiac function between patients controlled after surgery
alone or after surgery plus octreotide (Fig. 2).
At the end of follow-up, patients with controlled disease
had still a slightly but significantly lower LVEF at peak
exercise than sex- and age-matched controls (65.9 2.7 vs.
74.5 1.8%; P0.01) without any difference in the exercise-
induced changes of LVEF (10.8 3.4 vs. 19.5 2.8%). In
addition, patients achieving disease control had significantly
lower heart rate (120.5 4.3 vs. 140.0 2.9 bpm; P0.001),
and higher systolic (179.6 6.3 vs. 160.4 3.9 mm Hg; P
0.01), but not diastolic, blood pressure at peak exercise than
controls. The parameters of LV filling were similar in con-
trolled patients and controls (Fig. 2). Similarly, exercise du-
ration (7.1 0.5 vs. 9.1 0.2 min, P0.001) and capacity
(82.7 7.6 vs. 100.0 3.1 W, P0.01) remained significantly
lower in patients than in controls.
As a whole, no correlation was found between the patients’
age and the gain in LVEF at peak exercise (r ⫽⫺2.38; P0.2).
The most important finding of this study is that cardiac
performance improved in all patients achieving disease con-
trol during the 5-yr follow-up, and was normalized in 50%
of them. The LVEF response at peak exercise was further
impaired in 60% of the patients showing still slightly ele-
vated GH and IGF-I levels during the follow-up. However,
after 5 yr of disease control the LVEF at peak exercise was still
significantly lower in the patients than in healthy sex- and
age-matched controls.
The involvement of the heart in acromegaly has been rec-
ognized for over a century (38), and it has become progres-
sively clear that cardiac abnormalities can be considered as
major determinants of morbidity and reduction of life ex-
pectancy in this chronically developing disease (1–6). To
reduce the negative effects of chronic GH and IGF-I hyper-
secretion, hormone levels should be constantly suppressed.
Recent surveys studying mortality in acromegalic patients
reported a significant decrease of the standard mortality rate
when a suppression of GH levels below 2.5
g/L was
achieved (3, 4). Although no extensive study has accurately
ascertained any correlation between the mortality rate in
acromegaly and IGF-I levels, due to the relatively recent
introduction of this assay, some consensus exists that IGF-I
should be lowered to the appropriate age range (6, 39, 40).
Aside from the well known beneficial effects of disease con-
trol induced by surgery or pharmacotherapy on most clinical
signs and symptoms (29, 41, 42), the effect of GH and IGF-I
suppression on the acromegalic cardiomyopathy has been
less extensively investigated. Several studies have demon-
strated a significant decrease of LV hypertrophy following
successful surgery or somatostatin analog treatment (20–25).
LVM reduction was generally accompanied by an improve-
ment of the LV filling (20–25), the abnormality of which is
known to precede that of systolic function when the primary
disease is left untreated.
Whether the successful suppression of hormone levels is
followed by a consequent improvement not only of cardiac
hypertrophy but also of cardiac function in acromegalic pa-
tients is still debated, because systolic function was reported
to be unaffected by GH/IGF-I suppression (20–25). How-
ever, all these studies investigated cardiac function by echo-
cardiography, which is affected by two major limitations, the
intra and interobserver variability and the poor sensitivity,
due to the assumptions necessary to calculate the LVEF (43).
However, even using a more sensitive technique, such as the
TABLE 2. Hormone levels hemodynamic and functional parameters measured at rest and at peak exercise by equilibrium radionuclide
angiography in patients with acromegaly after 5 years of surgery (patient 7) or octreotide treatment (patient 11)
Parameters Patients with controlled disease (n 13) Patients with uncontrolled disease (n 5)
Basal Treatment PBasal Treatment P
Age (yr) 34.7 2.7 48.4 8.6
Serum GH levels (
g/L) 40.2 9.6 1.5 0.3 0.002 53.1 22.2 5.5 0.7 0.09
Plasma IGF-I levels (
g/L) 619.0 44.4 373.4 30.8 0.001 553.2 64.3 430.0 147.3 0.4
Heart rate (bpm)
At rest 79.4 2.8 72.8 3.4 0.03 79.6 7.9 69.8 3.0 0.4
During exercise 136.5 5.7 120.5 4.3 0.07 132.4 8.5 131.6 6.7 0.9
Systolic blood pressure (mm Hg)
At rest 117.3 3.7 129.6 4.1 0.01 131.0 7.8 128.0 9.6 0.9
During exercise 170.0 6.7 179.6 6.3 0.3 188.0 8.6 180.0 13.8 0.6
Diastolic blood pressure (mm Hg)
At rest 75.4 2.7 82.5 2.1 0.01 79.0 5.1 84.0 4.0 0.3
During exercise 96.9 4.3 103.5 4.4 0.3 98.0 4.9 98.0 8.0 1.0
Ejection fraction (%)
At rest 59.5 2.2 60.1 2.6 0.2 56.6 3.0 60.4 3.6 0.2
During exercise 55.8 2.9 65.9 2.7 0.003 56.8 4.9 59.2 6.2 0.6
(%) 6.5 3.4 10.8 3.4 0.001 0.7 3.8 –3.1 5.8 0.6
PER (EDV/sec) 3.6 0.2 3.6 0.2 0.8 3.4 0.3 3.4 0.3 0.6
PFR (EDV/sec) 3.2 0.3 2.6 0.2 0.03 2.5 0.6 2.8 0.4 0.4
PFR (SV/sec) 5.6 0.6 4.5 0.4 0.06 4.3 0.8 3.6 0.6 0.6
PFR/PER 0.9 0.06 0.7 0.06 0.09 0.7 0.1 0.8 0.08 0.3
Exercise duration 7.1 0.3 7.1 0.5 1 6.4 0.4 7.4 0.6 0.9
Exercise potency 80.0 4.8 82.7 7.6 0.2 80.0 5.0 80.0 5.0 0.3
Patients were sub-grouped on the basis of disease control evaluated by suppression of circulating GH levels (2.5 or 1
g/L fasting or after
oral glucose test, respectively) and normalization of IGF-I levels for age. GH values are the mean of at least three samples. The normal GH
range was 7.5 mU/L. The normal IGF-I range in 20- to 30-, 31- to 40-, 41- to 50-, and over-50-yr-old subjects was 110–502, 100–494, 100 –303,
and 78–258
g/L, respectively. The normal blood pressure was DBP 90 mm Hg. The normal PFR was 2.5 EDV/sec. The normal ejection
fraction at rest was 50% and the normal response of the ejection fraction at peak exercise was 5% of resting values.
1554 COLAO ET AL. JCE&M2001
Vol. 86 No. 4
equilibrium radionuclide angiography, we found no signif-
icant LVEF improvement after 12–24 months of treatment
with sc octreotide (26). When the analysis of the results was
performed in line with treatment effectiveness, a significant
improvement of cardiac performance was observed only in
patients achieving disease control (28). Interestingly, persis-
tent disease activity led to a further impairment of LVEF
response at peak exercise after 1 yr of unsuccessful octreotide
treatment (28). Altogether, these data claimed the need for a
strong and prolonged hormone suppression to stop the pro-
gression of the cardiomyopathy.
This long-term prospective study was designed to verify
the potential reversibility of cardiac impairment character-
izing acromegaly. Our results clearly demonstrated that all
13 patients achieving disease control after 5 yr of treatment
either with surgery alone or combined with octreotide, re-
ported improvement of cardiac performance, and restoration
of a normal LVEF response at peak exercise was obtained in
half of them. By contrast, among the five patients presenting
moderately elevated GH and IGF-I levels during the follow-
up, the LVEF response at peak exercise was clearly impaired
in 60%. In the entire group, the parameters of diastolic filling
were not significantly modified during the 5-yr follow-up
and were similar to controls.
The treatment of acromegaly is also followed by some change
in the hemodynamic parameters, which could affect cardiac
performance per se. In fact, a significant reduction in heart rate
at rest and at peak exercise in controlled patients and a signif-
icant increase in resting systolic blood pressure in uncontrolled
patients have been previously observed after 1 yr of treatment
with octreotide (28). The results of the present study confirmed
that in controlled patients heart rate at rest was significantly
decreased. In addition, heart rate at peak exercise was signif-
icantly reduced compared with control. Conversely, systolic
and diastolic blood pressure at rest were significantly increased
in controlled but not in uncontrolled patients. Whether the
long-term suppression of IGF-I is followed by an increase of the
vascular resistance nitric oxide mediated (44, 45), and thus
FIG. 1. Plasma IGF-I levels (left) and
exercise-induced changes of LVEF
(right) in patients achieving disease
control after surgery (top) or after sur-
gery plus octreotide (middle) and in
those presenting elevated GH and
IGF-I levels during the 5-yr follow-up
causes the increase in blood pressure in patients with disease
control, cannot be ruled out. However, a similar pathogenetic
mechanism has been claimed to explain the increase in blood
pressure occurring in patients with GH deficiency (45). In con-
trast with previous data of short-term follow-ups (28), no im-
provement in physical performance, both exercise duration and
exercise workload, was observed in this study. A direct cardiac
effect of octreotide, as shown on cardiac mass in patients af-
fected with primary hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (46, 47) or
on heart rate via the conduction system (48), seems to be ex-
cluded by the evidence that the results were similar in patients
controlled by surgery and in those controlled by octreotide.
In conclusion, the results of this open 5-yr prospective
study indicate that the effective suppression of GH levels
together with the age-adjusted normalization of plasma
IGF-I levels after surgery or surgery plus pharmacotherapy
with octreotide is followed by a significant improvement of
cardiac performance in all patients, and by total recovery in
half cases. The majority of patients still presenting with
mildly elevated GH and IGF-I along the follow-up had a
significant impairment of cardiac performance. These data
strongly suggest that the suppression of GH and IGF-I to
age-corrected normal limits is mandatory to improve or, at
least arrest, the acromegalic cardiomyopathy. The increase in
blood pressure after long-term GH and IGF-I control was
unexpected and it cannot be ruled out whether it was a
consequence of hormone suppression.
We are indebted to A. Giaccio, medical student at the Department of
Molecular and Clinical Endocrinology and Oncology, Federico II Uni-
versity of Naples, for help in taking care of acromegalic patients.
FIG. 2. LVEF at rest (top left) and at
peak exercise (middle left), exercise-
induced changes of LVEF (bottom left),
PFR measured as EDV (top right),
stroke volume (middle right) and as the
ratio between PFR and PER (bottom
right) in patients achieving disease con-
trol after surgery or octreotide com-
pared with sex- and age-matched con-
trols. ,P0.01 vs. baseline.
1556 COLAO ET AL. JCE&M2001
Vol. 86 No. 4
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... hormones or indirect mechanisms by which GH and IGF-I excess induce hypertension and disorders of glucose and lipid metabolism, resulting in glycotoxicity, lipotoxicity and cardiac remodeling (Isgaard, Tivesten, Friberg, & Bengtsson, 1999;Colao et al., 2001). ...
... Acromegaly is a chronic systemic disease, and mortality rates due to cardiovascular, cerebrovascular and metabolic comorbidities are about two times higher in relation to the general population (Katznelson et al., 2014). In the literature, there is a description of specific heart disease called acromegalic myocardiopathy and Doppler echocardiography is the most widely used method for the diagnosis of left ventricular hypertrophy, with the left ventricular mass as the fundamental parameter for its detection (Colao et al., 2001). ...
... We observed that there was no significant difference in GLS between groups (AG versus CG, ADG versus IDG, and ADG and IDG versus CG). Several studies report that the presence of heart failure in acromegalic patients is uncommon, with prevalence ranging from 1 to 10% (Colao et al., 2001;Mosca et al., 2013;Colao et al., 1999;Bihan et al., 2004). Although acromegalic participants present with an increased LVMI, Volschan et al. (2017) concluded that there was no harm, no strain when compared to the CG, similar to that found in the present study. ...
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BACKGROUND: Acromegaly is most commonly caused by growth hormone secreting pituitary (GH) macroadenoma. Cardiovascular events are the leading cause of death in this population. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the cardiac structural and functional changes in patients with acromegaly and to correlate the findings with the concentrations of GH and IGF-1 post treatment and with the presumed time of disease. METHOD: A quantitative study involving 19 individuals with acromegaly, 10 with inactive disease and 9 with active disease and 16 healthy individuals, matched by sex and age. Age ranged from 19 to 78 years. Two-dimensional echocardiogram and speckle tracking were performed. RESULTS: Mean left ventricular mass index (LVMI) were significantly higher in acromegalic patients (89.1 ± 27.9) compared to the control group (66.9 ± 15.7) (p = 0.015). There was a direct correlation between IGF-1 mean concentration and left ventricular systolic volume (LVSV) in acromegalic patients (r = 0.64; p = 0.004) even when the disease was inactive (n=10; r = 0.9; p = 0.002) and between IGF1 mean concentration and left ventricular diastolic volume (LVDV). The left ventricular ejection fraction (EF) and the global longitudinal strain (GLS) did not differ between groups (p> 0.05). CONCLUSION: Although patients with acromegaly had higher LVMI, they did not show difference in GLS indicating a small chance of progression to systolic disfunction. Direct correlation between IGF-1 and LDVD and LVSV demonstrates the relevance of a good hormonal control to reduce cardiac changes.
... Histologically it is characterized by an alteration of cardiac muscle architecture with extracellular collagen depositions, disarray of the myofibril, progressive lymphocytic and monocytic infiltration and finally necrosis with interstitial fibrosis. The evolution of the damage until congestive cardiac failure is however rare (1-4% of acromegalic patients), and associated with a long-standing, not treated endocrine disease (3) The early treatment (surgical or pharmacological with somatostatin-analogues or pegvisomant, a GH receptor antagonist) can induce the regression of the ventricular hypertrophy and improve the cardiac function (3)(4)(5). ...
... For patients who are resistant of somatostatin-analogues it is indicated a long-term treatment with Pegvisomant. So far no study has described the effects of cabergoline on cardiovascular complications in acromegaly (5)(6)(7)(8)(9). In the advanced phase of the cardiomyopathy, even after treatment of acromegaly, there isn't a regression of the myocardial damage (10). ...
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Acromegaly represents a rare endocrine condition characterized by an excessive secretion of the growth hormone (GH) and the insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), mostly subsequent to a pituitary adenoma. Acromegaly affects 40-60 people per million without significant dif-ference between men and women, with an average age of onset of 44. The slow progression of the disease leads to a delay in diagnosis of 4 to 10 years from the onset of the hormonal imbalance. The increase of the GH and IFG-1 levels is associated with cardiac, respiratory, metabolic and rheumatic disorders. The cardiac involvement, also called acromegalic cardiomyopathy, causes a serious deterioration of the prognosis quoad vitam. An early diagnosis and a targeted treatment at the initial stage of the myocardial damage can enable the revers-ibility of the structural alterations.
... Similarly, the age of acromegaly onset has been demonstrated to affect disease-related clinical outcomes [7]. Acromegaly control, induced by either pituitary surgery or medical therapy with conventional somatostatin analogs (SSAs) or pegvisomant (PEG), improves cardiac structure and performance [2,3,[8][9][10], as well as vascular damage [3,11], and haemodynamic and metabolic risk factors [12][13][14][15]. However, in a subset of patients, cardiovascular changes can persist even after remission, necessitating continuing management. ...
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Purpose Cardiac abnormalities are common in patients with acromegaly, contributing to the increased morbidity and mortality. Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) is the gold standard for measuring cardiac morpho-functional changes. This study aims to detect cardiac alterations in acromegaly through CMR, even when the disease is adequately controlled. Methods In this, multicentre, case-control study, we compared consecutive patients with acromegaly, cured after surgery or requiring medical treatment, with matched controls recruited among patients harbouring non-functioning adrenal incidentalomas. Results We included 20 patients with acromegaly (7 females, mean age 50 years) and 17 controls. Indexed left ventricular-end-diastolic volume (LV-EDVi) and LV-end-systolic volume (LV-ESVi) were higher in patients than in controls (p < 0.001), as were left ventricular mass (LVMi) (p = 0.001) and LV-stroke volume (LV-SVi) (p = 0.028). Right ventricle (RV) EDVi and ESVi were higher, whereas RV-ejection fraction (RV-EF) was lower (p = 0.002) in patients than in controls (p < 0.001). No significant differences were observed in the prevalence of cardiometabolic comorbidities, including hypertension, glucose and lipid metabolism impairment, obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome, and obesity. IGF1 x upper limit of normal significantly predicted LVMi (b = 0.575; p = 0.008). Subgroup analysis showed higher LVMi (p = 0.025) and interventricular septum thickness (p = 0.003) in male than female patients, even after adjusting cardiac parameters for confounding factors. Conclusions The CMR analysis reveals a cluster of biventricular structural and functional impairment in acromegaly, even when the biochemical control if achieved. These findings appear specifically triggered by the exposure to GH-IGF1 excess and show sex-related differences advocating a possible interaction with sex hormones in cardiac disease progression.
... Therefore, it was expected that complications related to acromegaly would improve when GH levels normalized after surgery. Several studies have reported improvements in hypertension, cardiomyopathy, and DM after treatment (10)(11)(12). However, hypertension, DM, and obstructive sleep apnea did not improve after treatment in some patients (13,14). ...
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Objective: Metabolic complications are common in patients with acromegaly. However, this occasionally does not improve post-surgery and may be related to postoperative weight gain. We aimed to investigate the postoperative weight change and factors associated with postoperative weight gain in patients with acromegaly. Design and methods: Overall, 113 consecutive patients with body weight records pre- and 3-6 months post-surgery between October 2009 and March 2021 were enrolled. Patients were divided into three groups: weight loss (weight decrease ≥3%), stable, and weight gain (weight increase ≥3%). Hormone status, metabolic comorbidities, and anthropometric parameters were compared between the groups. Results: Among 113 patients, 29 (25.7%) and 26 (23.0%) patients lost and gained weight, respectively, post-surgery. There were no significant differences in baseline characteristics, including age at diagnosis, sex, body mass index, and growth hormone levels among the three groups. The prevalence of diabetes mellitus at diagnosis was significantly higher in the weight gain group than in the other groups. Patients with diabetes (n=22) had a 5.2-fold higher risk of postoperative weight gain than those with normal glucose tolerance (n=37) (P=0.006). In the diabetes mellitus group, the percentage lean mass decreased (-4.5 [-6.6-2.0]%, P=0.002), and the percentage fat mass significantly increased post-surgery (18.0 [4.6-36.6]%, P=0.003), whereas the normal glucose tolerance group did not show body composition changes post-surgery. Conclusion: In patients with acromegaly, 23% experienced ≥3% weight gain post-surgery. Diabetes mellitus at diagnosis is a significant predictor of weight and fat gain post-surgery.
... 26 LVEF decrease and LV dilatation, which is the 3rd stage of the disease, are seen in only 1-10% of the patients with acromegaly. [11][12][13][14] However, it is important to evaluate LV functions of these patients with a new diagnostic method as early as stage 1, before irreversible cardiac changes occur. ...
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Resumo Fundamento Embora se saiba que a fração de ejeção (FE) do ventrículo esquerdo (VE) medida por eletrocardiograma seja preservada em pacientes com acromegalia, não há informação suficiente sobre deformação longitudinal global e deformação do átrio esquerdo (SLG-VE e SAE). Objetivo O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as funções do ventrículo esquerdo (VE) e do átrio esquerdo (AE) por ecocardiograma strain (ES) em pacientes com acromegalia. Métodos Este estudo incluiu 50 pacientes com acromegalia na forma ativa da doença e 50 controles saudáveis com idade, sexo e área de superfície corporal similares. Além dos ecocardiogramas de rotina, medições de SLG-VE e SAE foram realizadas com o ES. Resultados Os valores dos SAE e SLG-VE foram significativamente mais baixos em pacientes com acromegalia (p
... L'hypertrophie et la dysfonction diastolique répondent généralement bien au traitement, la restauration de la fonction systolique est plus tardive mais in fine la majorité des patients retrouve une fraction d' éjection satisfaisante. 15 Cependant, les valvulopathies semblent irréversibles. 2 Le principal challenge dans la prise en charge des patients acromégaliques vient du fait que l'atteinte cardiaque chez ces patients complique la prise en charge et augmente sévèrement la morbi-mortalité péri-opératoire. Un traitement par analogues de la somatostatine est préconisé chez les patients qui ne sont pas candidats à la chirurgie, et permet de contrôler la symptomatologie chez environ 50% des patients. ...
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Resynchronisation Cardiaque Chez un Patient Atteint de Cardiomyopathie Dilatée Induite par une Acromégalie - À Propos d’un Cas
... LV ejection fraction has significant correlation with growth hormone levels with trend towards lower value in active patients. Colao A et al also observed similar improvement in LV ejection fraction with disease control; whereas no significant difference was observed by Bruch C et al. 8,13 This is the largest study evaluating strain in acromegaly to the best of our knowledge. Di Bello V et al have reported impaired strain and strain rate in acromegaly patients which improved with treatment. ...
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Acromegaly is associated with increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. 49 acromegaly patients were evaluated for presence of cardiovascular risk factors and manifestations using 2D-Echocardiography, strain, strain-rate, carotid intima media thickness (CIMT) and flow mediated dilatation (FMD) and correlated with disease activity. 32 patients with growth hormone (GH) level >1ng/ml were considered active.Patients with active disease have more LV dysfunction as assessed by strain(p-0.031) and strain rate(p-0.001); trend towards lower ejection fraction(p-0.11) with significant correlation to GH(cc -0.252,p-0.05). Patient with active disease have reduced FMD(p- 0.042); with no difference in prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors and CIMT inrelation to disease activity.
Acromegaly patients have a two-fold higher mortality risk with high prevalence of hypertension and diabetes mellitus. Fortunately, this risk becomes comparable to the general population as growth hormone levels decrease <1 μg/L and normalization of insulin-like growth factor-1. Age of onset, disease duration, growth hormone levels, and hypertension are independent predictors of mortality. Surgery, radiation, and pharmacotherapy equally improve acromegaly induced cardiomyopathy by effectively controlling hormone hypersecretion, but somatostatin analogs have a unique ability to modify cardiac structure even when stringent criterion of disease control is not met through direct effect on cardiomyocyte proliferation and contractility. GH excess leads to concentric left ventricular hypertrophy and impaired diastolic filling with underlying interstitial fibrosis. Early detection and treatment are pivotal in ensuring reversibility of cardiac pathology before permanent changes develop. Once therapy is employed, cardiac remodeling happens rather quickly in a matter of months with effective lowering of GH/IGF-1. This brings home the most important message of early detection and starting effective therapy promptly, either it is surgery or pharmacotherapy when surgical cure is not possible or not achieved.
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Acromegaly is associated with an increased cardiac morbidity and mortality, but it is not clear whether this is the result of increased incidence of hypertension and coronary heart disease or of a specific disease of heart muscle. Thirty four acromegalic patients were studied by non-invasive techniques. Seven of these patients had raised plasma concentrations of growth hormone at the time of study; three were newly diagnosed and had not received any treatment. Hypertension was present in nine (26%) but only three (9%) had electrocardiographic left ventricular hypertrophy. Echocardiography showed ventricular hypertrophy in 12 (48%) and increased left ventricular mass in 17 (68%) patients. Holter monitoring detected important ventricular arrhythmias in 14 patients. Thallium-201 scanning showed evidence for coronary heart disease in eight patients. Systolic time intervals were normal except when there was coexistent ischaemic heart disease. A comparison between 19 acromegalic patients with no other detectable cause of heart disease and 22 age matched controls showed appreciably abnormal left ventricular diastolic function in the group with acromegaly. The abnormalities shown did not correlate with left ventricular mass or wall thickness. There was no difference in diastolic function between patients with active acromegaly and those with treated acromegaly. Hypertensive acromegalic patients had worse diastolic function than hypertensive controls, suggesting that hypertension may further impair the left ventricular diastolic abnormality in acromegaly. This is the first study to find evidence of subclinical cardiac diastolic dysfunction in acromegaly and it supports the suggestion that there is a specific disease of heart muscle in acromegaly.
The effect of framing rate on the measurement of left-ventricular (LV) ejection fraction (EF), peak ejection rate (PER), and peak filling rate (PFR) was evaluated at rest and during exercise in 11 normal subjects and 21 patients who underwent gated equilibrium blood-pool imaging. Left-ventricular time-activity curves were obtained in each subject, at rest and during stress, at temporal resolutions of 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 msec per frame. Ejection fraction, PER, and PFR were determined for each frame duration. By observing changes in the measured values of these quantities with framing rate we conclude that: a) for the measurement of EF, 50 msec per frame at rest and 40 msec per frame at exercise is sufficient; b) PER requires 40 msec per frame at rest and 20 msec per frame during exercise; and c) for the measurement of PFR, at least 40 msec per frame at rest and 20 msec per frame during exercise are needed. These results should hold for both first-pass and gated equilibrium studies.
To examine the possible role of growth hormone as a pathogenetic factor in the development of myocardial hypertrophy in acromegaly. An uncontrolled clinical trial. Tertiary-care medical center. Sixteen patients with acromegaly were stratified into two groups: Group I (n = 10) had left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), and group II (n = 6) did not have LVH. Therapy with octreotide acetate (SMS 201-995), a long-acting somatostatin analog (mean dose, 538 micrograms/d), was administered for 2 months. Plasma growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) concentrations, hand volume, and echocardiographic left ventricular dimensions and mass were measured at baseline and at 1 week and 2 months after the start of therapy. Before octreotide therapy, both groups had similar hand volumes and similar growth hormone and IGF-I hypersecretion. Both groups showed a reduction in growth hormone at 2 months (mean reduction, 13.7 micrograms/L in patients with LVH [P < 0.01] and 14.1 micrograms/L in patients without LVH [P < 0.05]). Plasma IGF-I was also decreased (mean reduction, 305 micrograms/L in patients with LVH [P < 0.01] and 304 micrograms/L in patients without LVH [P < 0.05]). Reduction of growth hormone and IGF-I hypersecretion in patients with LVH was associated with a rapid decrease in left ventricular mass (339 g to 299 g, P < 0.01) within 1 week, which was sustained at 2 months (274 g, P < 0.04). Patients without LVH showed no statistical change in left ventricular mass. In patients with LVH, the decrease in left ventricular mass correlated with the octreotide-induced decrease in growth hormone (r = 0.79, P less than 0.05) but not with blood pressure. Blood pressure, left ventricular dimensions, and percent of fractional shortening were not altered by therapy in either group. Hand volume decreased in both groups. Normalization of growth hormone secretion is associated with reduction of left ventricular mass in acromegalic patients with LVH within 1 week of initiating therapy with octreotide.
Left ventricular ejection fraction is normal at rest but may respond abnormally to exercise in many patients with essential hypertension. To assess the determinants of the abnormal ejection fraction response to exercise, we performed radionuclide angiography at rest and during exercise in 41 hypertensive patients without coronary artery disease. In 22 patients (group 1), the ejection fraction increased more than 5% during exercise; in the other 19 patients (group 2), the ejection fraction either increased by less than 5% or decreased with exercise. Left ventricular diastolic filling was impaired at rest in patients in group 2 compared with group 1, with reduced peak filling rate (2.5 +/- 0.4 vs. 3.1 +/- 0.7 end-diastolic volume/sec; p less than 0.01) and prolonged time to peak filling rate (175 +/- 28 vs. 153 +/- 22 msec; p less than 0.01). Impaired diastolic filling in group 2 was associated with less augmentation in end-diastolic volume during exercise compared with group 1 (p less than 0.01). These observations were not dependent on the threshold value that was arbitrarily chosen to define an abnormal ejection fraction response, as there were significant correlations for the entire group between the magnitude of change in ejection fraction with exercise and both the resting peak filling rate (r = 0.46) and the change in end-diastolic volume with exercise (r = 0.62).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
To determine the cardiovascular effects of the somatostatin analog octreotide in patients with acromegaly. Prospective nonrandomized study. Referral-based endocrinology clinic. Seven patients with active acromegaly, three of whom had refractory congestive heart failure. The other four patients were free of symptoms associated with heart failure. All patients were treated with octreotide, 100 to 500 micrograms subcutaneously three times daily. The three patients with heart failure continued to receive cardiovascular therapy (angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, digitalis, diuretics). During octreotide therapy, patients showed a rapid decrease in growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1): Mean levels (+/- SD) fell from 28.1 +/- 32.7 micrograms/L to 5.2 +/- 8.3 micrograms/L and 740 +/- 126 micrograms/L to 372 +/- 64 micrograms/L, respectively (P less than 0.025). Plasma volume returned to normal and heart rate decreased significantly. In the four patients without heart failure, right-heart catheterization done before and after 3 months of octreotide therapy showed an 18.3% +/- 11% reduction in stroke volume and a return to normal of the cardiac index. The three patients with congestive heart failure, evaluated before and after 40 days and up to 2 years of therapy, showed a dramatic clinical improvement that was associated with an increase in stroke volume (by 24% to 51%). In these patients, the cardiac index remained in the normal range, filling pressures were markedly decreased, and pulmonary wedge pressure returned to normal. This improvement was sustained for up to 3 years in the two patients with heart failure who were receiving long-term treatment. The rapid and sustained cardiac improvement seen in our patients shows that octreotide therapy for patients with acromegaly may be highly beneficial, even in those patients with advanced cardiac failure.
Nine acromegalic patients were treated by the somatostatin analogue SMS 201-995 octreotide (Sandostatin (octreotide), Sandoz, Basle, Switzerland] 250 micrograms/day in 4 divided s.c. injections (50 + 50 + 50 + 100 micrograms) for 1 month, 250 micrograms/24 has continuous s.c. infusions for another month and thereafter 200 micrograms three times daily as s.c. injections. Echocardiography was performed before the treatment, following 1 month of octreotide s.c. infusion/injection and after 6 and 12 months of octreotide treatment. No differences in serum growth hormone, heart rate, blood pressure, cardiac contractility or left ventricular wall mass or wall thickness were found between the infusion and the injection periods. As compared to the pretreatment levels serum growth hormone decreased by 62 and 66% respectively following 6 and 12 months octreotide treatment. The heart rate per minute (+/- SD) decreased from the pretreatment level of 75 +/- 12 to 63 +/- 13 (P less than 0.007) at month 12. The systolic and the diastolic blood pressure decreased from the pretreatment level of 121 +/- 8 and 79 +/- 5 mmHg respectively to 108 +/- 7 (P less than 0.0007) and 71 +/- 7 mmHg (P less than 0.0001) respectively at month 12.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
To study diastolic function we digitized M-mode echocardiograms in 18 acromegalic patients (A) and compared them to an age matched control population (C). Wall thickness and left ventricular (LV) mass index are frankly increased in A (p less than 0.001). Filling pattern of the LV shows in A a prolongation of the isovolumic relaxation period (IRP) (p less than 0.001), an increase of the percentage dimension change of LV during IRP (p less than 0.001) and a reduction of the percentage dimension change during the rapid filling period (p less than 0.01). Our results indicate that relaxation is abnormal in A; this abnormality should be interpreted as a mere consequence of LV hypertrophy.