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Mutations in the agouti (ASIP), the extension (MCIR), and the brown (TYRP1) loci and their association to coat color phenotypes in horses (Equus caballus)

  • Identitas AG, Bern, Switzerland


Coat color genetics, when successfully adapted and applied to different mammalian species, provides a good demonstration of the powerful concept of comparative genetics. Using cross-species techniques, we have cloned, sequenced, and characterized equine melanocortin-1-receptor (MC1R) and agouti-signaling-protein (ASIP), and completed a partial sequence of tyrosinase-related protein 1 (TYRP1). The coding sequences and parts of the flanking regions of those genes were systematically analyzed in 40 horses and mutations typed in a total of 120 horses. Our panel represented 22 different horse breeds, including 11 different coat colors of Equus caballus. The comparison of a 1721-bp genomic fragment of MC1R among the 11 coat color phenotypes revealed no sequence difference apart from the known chestnut allele (C901T). In particular, no dominant black (E D) mutation was found. In a 4994-bp genomic fragment covering the three putative exons, two introns and parts of the 5′- and 3′-UTRs of ASIP, two intronic base substitutions (SNP-A845G and C2374A), a point mutation in the 3′-UTRs (A4734G), and an 11-bp deletion in exon 2 (ADEx2) were detected. The deletion was found to be homozygous and completely associated with horse recessive black coat color (A a /A a ) in 24 black horses out of 9 different breeds from our panel. The frameshift initiated by ADEx2 is believed to alter the regular coding sequence, acting as a loss-of-function ASIP mutation. In TYRP1 a base substitution was detected in exon 2 (C189T), causing a threonine to methionine change of yet unknown function, and an SNP (A1188G) was found in intron 2.
Mutations in the agouti (ASIP), the extension (MC1R), and the brown
(TYRP1) loci and their association to coat color phenotypes in horses
(Equus caballus)
Stefan Rieder,
Sead Taourit,
Denis Mariat,
Bertrand Langlois,
Ge´rard Gue´rin
Laboratoire de Ge´ne´tique biochimique et de Cytoge´ne´tique, De´partement de Ge´ne´tique animale, INRA Centre de Recherche de Jouy, 78352
Jouy-en-Josas cedex, France
Station de Ge´ne´tique quantitative et applique´e, De´partement de Ge´ne´tique animale, INRA Centre de Recherche de Jouy, 78352
Jouy-en-Josas cedex, France
Received: 22 November 2000 / Accepted: 07 February 2001
Abstract. Coat color genetics, when successfully adapted and ap-
plied to different mammalian species, provides a good demonstra-
tion of the powerful concept of comparative genetics. Using cross-
species techniques, we have cloned, sequenced, and characterized
equine melanocortin-1-receptor (MC1R) and agouti-signaling-
protein (ASIP), and completed a partial sequence of tyrosinase-
related protein 1 (TYRP1).
The coding sequences and parts of the flanking regions of
those genes were systematically analyzed in 40 horses and muta-
tions typed in a total of 120 horses. Our panel represented 22
different horse breeds, including 11 different coat colors of Equus
caballus. The comparison of a 1721-bp genomic fragment of
MC1R among the 11 coat color phenotypes revealed no sequence
difference apart from the known chestnut allele (C901T). In par-
ticular, no dominant black (E
) mutation was found.
In a 4994-bp genomic fragment covering the three putative
exons, two introns and parts of the 5- and 3-UTRs of ASIP, two
intronic base substitutions (SNP-A845G and C2374A), a point
mutation in the 3-UTRs (A4734G), and an 11-bp deletion in exon
2 (ADEx2) were detected. The deletion was found to be homozy-
gous and completely associated with horse recessive black coat
color (A
) in 24 black horses out of 9 different breeds from our
panel. The frameshift initiated by ADEx2 is believed to alter the
regular coding sequence, acting as a loss-of-function ASIP muta-
tion. In TYRP1 a base substitution was detected in exon 2 (C189T),
causing a threonine to methionine change of yet unknown func-
tion, and an SNP (A1188G) was found in intron 2.
Mammalian coat and skin color seems to be determined by a small
number of genes shared among different species (Jackson et al.
1994; Barsh 1996; Newton et al. 2000). These genes can be clas-
sified into two main groups: those acting on the melanocyte—its
development, differentiation, proliferation, and migration; and
those acting directly on pigment synthesis. Variation in coat and
skin colors is, therefore, likely to be understood as the effect of
modified genes causing changes to either the melanocyte or the
pigment synthesis or its combinations (detailed in Searl 1968;
Eberle 1988).
Melanocortin-1-receptor (MC1R), encoded by the Extension
(E) locus, and its peptide antagonist agouti-signaling-protein
(ASIP), encoded by the Agouti (A) locus, control the relative
amounts of melanin pigments in mammals (Lu et al. 1994; Sir-
acusa, 1994). ASIP acts as an antagonist of MC1R by nullifying
the action of -melanocyte-stimulating hormone (-MSH). Loss-
of-function of MC1R results in yellow pigment (pheomelanin),
whereas gain-of-function of MC1R or loss-of-function of ASIP
seems to result in the production of black pigment—eumelanin
(reviewed in Barsh 1996).
Tyrosinase-related protein 1 (TYRP1) coded by the Brown lo-
cus is believed to be a melanosomal membrane protein. Its enzy-
matic function is thought to represent 5,6-dihydroxyindole-2-
carboxylic acid (DHICA) oxidase (Kwon 1993; Jackson et al.
1994; Sturm et al. 1995; Lee et al. 1996). Apart from the original
brown mouse mutation (Zdarsky et al. 1990), alterations in TYRP1
are known to be involved in progressive greying of mice (Johnson
and Jackson 1992; Javerzat and Jackson 1998). In the horse, re-
duced levels of TYRP1 mRNA were found in grey horses com-
pared with solid colored horses (Rieder et al., 2000). TYRP1 is
believed to be involved in the synthesis of an intermediate “choco-
late” melanin, represented in horses of a dark chestnut, liver chest-
nut, silver or seal brown phenotype.
The successful molecular definition of coat color mutations in
different mammals (Jackson 1994; Klungland et al. 1995; Joerg et
al. 1996; Marklund et al. 1996, 1999; Moller et al. 1996; Vage et
al. 1997, 1999; Kijas et al. 1998; Rana et al. 1999; Newton et al.
2000) and the homology among involved genes enhances the gen-
eral concept of comparative genetics between species (Rudolph et
al. 1992; Hayes 1995; Raudsepp et al. 1996; Caetano et al. 1999;
Santschi et al. 1998; Godard et al. 2000), and its application to
color determination in particular.
In Equus caballus, one can roughly distinguish between the
black, bay, chestnut, and chocolate coat color “families” (detailed
in Wagoner 1978; Evans et al. 1990; Adalsteinsson and Thorkels-
son 1991; Sponenberg 1996).
Horse breeds usually display a huge variety of distinct coat
color patterns. Nevertheless, some of them are known for their
particular coat color, indicating homozygozity for this character.
Me´rens and Friesian horses, for example, are thought to be all
black, except for a low frequency of the chestnut allele (E
), re-
sulting occasionally in chestnut-colored horses when homozygous.
Solid black is quite a rare coat color in most horse breeds and
seems to be essentially recessive (A
), although some authors
mention cases of dominant inheritance—E
(Dreux 1966; Sponen-
berg and Weise 1997). The mutation leading to the chestnut allele
) is a single base substitution in MC1R (Marklund et al. 1996).
In the present study, we report for the first time the complete
coding sequence and the genomic structure of equine MC1R, ASIP,
and TYRP1 loci. We provide molecular evidence for a recessive
segregation of horse black coat color (A
) and show that black
horses are homozygous for a deletion in the Agouti locus. We
Correspondence to: G. Guérin; E-mail:
Mammalian Genome 12, 450–455 (2001).
DOI: 10.1007/s003350020017
© Springer-Verlag New York Inc. 2001
Mouse Genome
reveal mutations in the Extension, the Agouti, and the Brown loci,
and discuss effects of those mutations on bay, dark bay, chestnut,
and dark chestnut phenotypes in horses.
Materials and methods
BAC library and screening.
The INRA horse BAC library (Godard et
al. 1998) served as a primary genetic source to screen for clones containing
MC1R, ASIP and TYRP1 sequences. Screening, clone verification, and
DNA preparation (mini-prep) were performed as described previously
(Godard et al. 2000).
Informative horse coat color panel—breeds and DNA extrac-
tion. Blood or hair samples from 120 horses were collected, and DNA was
extracted according to standard protocols. The panel includes horses of a
total of 22 different breeds representing a range of 11 distinct coat colors
(Table 1). Each horse was either personally known to the authors or in-
formative photos were at their disposal from the breeder or the breeding
organizations. The three BAC clones were included in the panel and served
as sources to establish reference sequences (GenBank accession numbers
AF288357, AF288358, and AF288359, respectively).
A restricted basic working panel (40 animals) included selected horses
of particular coat colors, taking breed and pedigree information into ac-
count. The working panel was used to find sequence differences in the
candidate genes of potential association with coat color phenotypes. The
French national studs (Haras Nationaux; SIRE Pompadour) provided us
further with stud-book information of large half-sib families from their
stallions, segregating for the reported colors. Samples were taken from
private breeding operations and organizations (Association du Cheval de
Castillon; Association Française du Poney Connemara; Association du
Cheval Frison, Haras National Suisse Avenches).
Cross-species PCR amplification. A first primer pair was designed
from either already existing equine sequence data (MC1R—accession num-
ber X98012; unpublished bovine sequence data from INRA, Limoges; and
TYRP1—accession number AF076781) or from bovine and human Gen-
Bank sequence data (ASIP—accession numbers X99691 and L37019).
These primers were used to screen the library and to obtain primary horse
gene sequence fragments. A PCR-walking strategy was then applied by
using equine gene-specific primers, combined with a primer based on
conserved mammalian sequence data. An overview of relevant primers and
their relative position on the different gene sequences is given in Table 3.
To complete the 5-and3-ends of the three loci, the BAC clones were
digested with Sau3AI and subcloned into a pGEM4z dephosphorylated
vector (Promega, Lyons, France). PCR amplification was carried out on
ligation products by using an equine gene-specific primer combined with
the “universal” and “reverse” cloning-vector primers.
PCRs were performed on PTC 100 MJ-Research thermocyclers by
using GoldStar Taq-polymerase from Eurogentec (Seraing, Belgium) or an
Expand High Fidelity PCR system from Boehringer (Ingelheim, Germany).
Cycling followed standard protocols and manufacturer’s instructions
(Table 3).
Sequencing and mutation analysis. PCR fragments were purified with
columns (Qiagen or Millipore), and direct sequencing was performed with
an ABI 377 sequencer (Perkin-Elmer) by using a dye-terminator sequenc-
ing reaction kit. Equine MC1R, ASIP, and TYRP1 sequences visualized
with the “Sequence Analysis” software package (Perkin-Elmer) were
aligned and compared among horses with GCG (Devereux et al. 1984) in
order to detect mutations. Potential mutations were then confirmed by
repeated sequencing of both strands. Later, extended typing of all muta-
tions was either processed with a detection kit from Perkin-Elmer accord-
ing to the manufacturer’s instructions (ABI Prism SnaPshot ddNTP primer
extension kit: Aln1-845G, Aln2-C2374A, AU3-A4734G, ADEx2, TEx2-
C189T, Tln2-A1188G, and MC1R-C901T) or partially performed as PCR-
RFLP (MC1R-C901T with Taql according to Marklund et al. 1996; TEx2-
C189T with RsrII and Tln2-A1188G with NspI). The deletion in ASIP exon
2 (ADEx2) was usually analyzed by a simple PCR amplification and elec-
trophoresis on a 4% agarose gel (for primers see Table 3).
Clones for MC1R, ASIP, and TYRP1 were isolated from the INRA
horse BAC library as reported in Godard et al. (1998, 2000). The
correct content of the clones was confirmed by sequencing of
relevant gene fragments and alignment to GenBank data. A pre-
liminary total sequence of the three genes, based on the BAC
clones, was then established and characterized.
An MC1R fragment of 1721 bp, including the protein coding
sequence (954 bp) and parts of the 5- and 3-UTRs, was system-
atically sequenced and compared among 40 horses of the working
panel (Fig. 1, Table 1). Apart from the chestnut mutation at posi-
tion C901T (Marklund et al. 1996), no other mutation in equine
MC1R was observed. Interestingly, no gain-of-function MC1R mu-
tation, namely, dominant black (E
), was detected. A C1140T
Table 1. Horse panel including phenotype information of 120 individual horses and clones from the INRA horse BAC-library. The 40 horses from our restricted working panel
are indicated with an asterisk. Parentheses mark horses of more than one known color phenotype (e.g., black turned grey).
Breed Bay
Bay Black
& Tan Chestnut
Chestnut Buckskin Dun Grey Roan White Total
Anglo-Arabian 4 1 1 2 8
Akhal Teke 1* 1
Arabian 1 2 3 (1) 1* 7
Breton 11
Camargue (1) (1) (2) 4/3* 4
Castillon 4* 2* 6* 12
Connemara 1 1* 2
Fjord 1* 1
Franches Montagnes 4* 1* 5
Friesian 6/1* 6
Haflinger 1* 1
Mérens 5* 5
Percheron 5 5
Poney Franc¸ais de Selle 1 1
Poney Suisse de Selle 1* 1
Pura Rac¸a Espan˜ola (1) 2* 2
Przewalski 1* 1
Thouroughbred 6 9 1 16
Selle Franc¸ais 19/2* 3/1* 5 4 31
Trotteur Franc¸ais 2 3 1 1 1 8
Welsh-A (1) 1* 1
Welsh Cob 1* 1
BAC-clone (Poney Franc¸ais) “1” “1”
Total 42 (1) 16 24 (2) 7 16 (4) 9 1 3 7 1 1 120
S. Rieder et al.: MC1R, ASIP, TYRP1 loci and horse coat color phenotypes 451
point mutation, observed only in the BAC clone, remains to be
confirmed on genomic horse DNA.
A 4994-bp sequence of equine ASIP, including the three pu-
tative exons, two introns and parts of the 5- and 3-UTRs, was
established (Fig. 1). Equine-specific primer pairs were set to am-
plify and to sequence systematically the three agouti exons, as well
as parts of the intronic flanking regions. Four mutations, three
SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphism), and a deletion were de-
tected. The first SNP was located in intron 1, 3 bp after exon 1
(A845G, SNP Aln1). A second SNP was detected in intron 2
(C2374A, SNP Aln2), and a third SNP was found in the 3-UTRs,
(A4734G), exactly 50 bp after the regular stop codon—SNP AU3
(Fig. 1). In addition to these SNPs, a deletion of 11 bp in exon 2
(ADEx2) was detected. The position of ADEx2 may vary by 4 bp
owing to the repetitive structure in this part of the gene. We con-
sider it to be between position 2174–2184 on genomic DNA level
or at position 191–201, with regard to the start codon, if only
exonic sequences are taken into account.
The 11-bp deletion in ASIP exon 2 (ADEx2) alters the amino
acid sequence and is believed to extend the regular termination
signal by 210 bp to 612 bp. The frameshift initiated by the deletion
results in a novel modified agouti-signaling-protein. ADEx2 was
completely associated with horse recessive black coat color (A
) in all horses typed so far.
In the deleted sequence, SNP-AU3 theoretically becomes part
of the extended exon 3. However, this G-to-A substitution does not
change the amino acid sequence and, therefore, remains a silent
mutation with yet unknown function.
The three agouti SNPs were typed in the horse panel to test for
linkage disequilibrium with the DISLAMB program (Terwilliger
1995) and for haplotype analysis (Schibler et al. 2000). Only one
coat color phenotype (black) and one SNP (AU3; 2554bp from
the deletion; Fig. 1) were in disequilibrium (results not shown).
In addition to the TYRP1 gene sequence reported by Rieder et
al. (2000), we completed the coding sequence (1626 bp) and se-
quenced also parts of the 5- and 3-UTRs, as well as intron 2. A
new total fragment of 3327 bp was established (Fig. 1). Intron-
exon junctions were determined according to the human TYRP1
gene structure (Sturm et al. 1995).
Two SNPs were found in equine TYRP1: one in putative exon
2 (C189T) and one in intron 2 (A1188G). The base substitution in
exon 2 results in an amino acid change from threonine to methi-
onine with yet unknown effect. None of the two mutations showed
any obvious association with the coat color phenotypes taken into
account in this study (Table 2).
A functional melanocortin-1-receptor (E) is fundamental for eu-
melanin expression. Gain-of-function mutations MC1R (E
loss-of-function mutations in the MC1R antagonist ASIP (A
) are
believed to enhance this process, resulting in black coat color
From our panel of 120 horses, only 24 from nine different
breeds were considered to be of a solid black phenotype (Table 1).
Depending on the breed and according to studbook information,
the parents of those 24 black horses were carriers of all basic color
types (black, bay, chestnut). The typing of the 24 solid blacks
subsequently revealed that all were homozygous for the 11-bp
deletion in agouti exon 2 (ADEx2). Apart from one chestnut and
two greys (which were born black), none of the remaining typed 96
non-black horses was found to be homozygous for ADEx2. Thus,
horse black coat color clearly follows a recessive mode of inher-
itance in all horses tested in the present study.
In addition, information taken from a small horse family
helped to confirm the epistatic relationship among grey, chestnut,
bay, and black, such that bay and black are not expressed in the
Fig. 1. Structure of horse MC1R, ASIP, and TYRP1 gene: length, exon-intron junctions and relative position of mutation sites are indicated. Coding portions
of the exons are given in black boxes; introns and UTRs are indicated as lines (relative exon-intron size on figure does not reflect real proportions).
S. Rieder et al.: MC1R, ASIP, TYRP1 loci and horse coat color phenotypes452
presence of chestnut and that grey is always expressed. We typed
a grey Camargue stallion (born bay—E
) and a grey
Camargue mare (born chestnut—E
). The two had a
male foal, all black at birth. The foal was found heterozygous at
the MC1R locus (E
) and homozygous at the ASIP locus (A
). A full-sister of this black-born foal was chestnut born (E
and did not carry the A
-allele at the agouti locus (A/A). Within 2
years time the foals turned grey like their parents.
Loss of the antagonistic agouti protein function inducing an
increased eumelanin synthesis (similar to what was shown by Bult-
man et al. 1992 for the mouse, or by Vage et al. 1997 for the
Standard Silver fox) would be a possible explanation of the role of
the ADEx2 mutation. The data strongly suggest that ADEx2 is the
causal horse recessive black allele (A
In the absence of a functional proof of the ADEx2 mutation
(e.g., cDNA synthesis, Northern Hybridization), we tried to deter-
mine the equine gene structure of ASIP in the 4994-bp genomic
fragment with three different “exon-trapping” softwares (; Intron-exon junctions were easily
recognized for putative exons 1 and 2 of both the regular and the
mutated genomic ASIP sequence (4994 bp/4983 bp). Putative exon
3 was only recognized correctly in its “regular and mutated (ex-
tended) form” by “Genie Predictions”. In addition, the total regular
coding sequence derived from the 4994-bp genomic equine ASIP
Table 2. Distribution of genotypes of intraexonic mutations in the MC1R, ASIP, and TYRP1 loci, among different horse
coat colors. Parentheses indicate horses with more than one known color phenotype (e.g., black turned grey). BAC
clones were found E/-; A/- and C/- for the above listed mutations.
Genotype Bay
Bay Black
& Tan Chestnut
Chestnut Buckskin Dun Grey Roan White Total
E/E 7 9 14 7 3 1 41
35 (1) 7 10 (2) 1 3 1 54
–––– 16(4)9 31 25
Total 42 (1) 16 24 (2) 7 16 (4) 9 1 3 7 1 1 120
A/A 33 9 1 8 (2) 7 2 3 61
9 (1) 7 6 7 (2) 2 1 1 2 1 1 34
24 (2) 1 2 25
Total 42 (1) 16 24 (2) 7 16 (4) 9 1 3 7 1 1 120
C/C 36 (1) 16 22 (2) 7 13 (4) 7 1 3 7 1 106
C/T 6232114
T/T –––– ––
Total 42 (1) 16 24 (2) 7 16 (4) 9 1 3 7 1 1 120
Table 3. List of primers used in this study. Fragment length is given only for final test products; all other fragment sizes
depend on particular primer combinations. Annealing temperature was set for all primer pairs between 58° and 60°C,
and extension times were usually at 30s for all fragments below 1 kbp; others according to the Taq-polymerase
manufacturer’s instructions.
Primer name Sequence (5–3)
length (bp)
Relative position
on sequence
445 758–780
102 2125–2148
476 −12bp
469 832–853
S. Rieder et al.: MC1R, ASIP, TYRP1 loci and horse coat color phenotypes 453
fragment shares a nucleic acid similarity of 88.6%, 86%, 83.1%,
and 87.1% and an amino acid similarity of 84.2%, 80.3%, 79.4%
and 84% with bovine, human, mouse, and fox agouti sequences,
respectively (X99691, X99692, U12770, U12774, U12775,
L06451, L06941, Y09877). These data show that the equine ASIP
gene structure is most probably the same as those of other mam-
malian species.
More extended sequence information, especially of the ASIP
5- and 3-UTRs, compared within characteristic horse color phe-
notypes, might reveal additional mutations not detected in this
study so far (e.g., wild-type, black and tan).
It was quite surprising not to find any equine MC1R polymor-
phism, even in parts of its 5- and 3-UTRs. In contrast to what has
been observed in other mammalian species, we have thus far been
unable to detect a gain-of-function receptor mutation in the horse
). Hence, additional MC1R sequence information might
help to answer the question whether such a horse dominant black
allele exists. Therefore, further studies should include horses with
a well-documented dominant black coat color inheritance. The
recently reported MC1R-allele ea (Wagner and Reissmann,
2000) was not observed in our panel.
We could not find any association between the agouti A
status (A/A
versus A/A) and “dark” shaded horses (Table 2). From
the 120 horses typed, 34 were heterozygote carriers of the A
allele. From those, 9 were considered normal bay and 7 dark bay,
as well as 7 normal chestnut and 2 dark chestnut. One normal
chestnut was found homozygous for the A
-allele. A loss-of-
function MC1R mutation is expected to be epistatic to a loss-of-
function ASIP allele. Thus, the A
homozygous chestnut horse
appears to be the same as the original recessive yellow (extension)
mutation of mouse MC1R, which arose on a C57BL6 nonagouti
background (Robbins et al. 1993).
A statistically significant tendency (
9.1; p < 0.01) of
lighter bay shades carrying the E
genotype (35 of 42 bay
horses) and darker bay shades carrying the E
genotype (9 of
16 dark bay horses) was found in our panel. Thus, lighter bay
shades would be at least partially explained by a dosage effect of
an average 50% less working melanocortin-1-receptor function
due to the E
-allele (Table 2). However, this result might be biased
by the structure of our horse panel and presently unknown genetic
It is known that TYRP1 acts only on the eumelanic pathway.
An association between TYRP1 alleles and the reported chocolate
(“dark chestnut, liver chestnut, silver, seal brown”) coat color fam-
ily would, therefore, be restricted to a non-chestnut background of
the individual horse. Yet, all horses studied with a putative choco-
late phenotype were of chestnut background (i.e., E
gous, Table 2). Therefore, a gene different from TYRP1 must be
involved in the chocolate phenotypes in addition to MC1R.
To conclude, this study makes a general contribution to coat
color genetics and supports the aim to define equine coat colors on
a molecular level. The study demonstrates that, although major
coat color genes seem to remain conserved in different species,
mutations in such genes associated with particular coat colors
might be quite diverse. Moreover, particular coat colors, even if
phenotypically similar in various species, might have completely
different genetic sources.
Acknowledgments. The authors thank the numerous private horse owners,
breeders, Haras Nationaux, and associations for providing blood and hair
samples of their horses for this study. We also appreciate the contributions
of J.C. Me´riaux (GIE LABOGENA, Jouy) for some of the DNA samples;
D. Vaiman (LGBC, INRA Jouy) for scientific discussions and an intro-
duction into haplotype analysis; L. Schibler (LGBC, INRA Jouy) for tech-
nical advice; and R. Julien (Unite´ associe´e INRA, Universite´ de Limoges)
for providing unpublished bovine sequence data. This study was supported
by a grant from the Haras Nationaux. S. Rieder benefited from a one-year
postdoctoral position from INRA, De´partement de Ge´ne´tique animale.
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S. Rieder et al.: MC1R, ASIP, TYRP1 loci and horse coat color phenotypes 455
... To determine the ASIP genotypes, the coat colour gene loci were genotyped for ASIP using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) according to procedures described by Rieder et al. (2001). The PCR products were analysed by capillary electrophoresis QIAxcel ScreenGel 1.5.0 ...
... Genotyping of the 11 bp ASIP indel polymorphism, which is responsible for the bay base coat colour (Rieder et al. 2001), within the above-mentioned group of 80 randomly selected BMH individuals revealed that 40 % of the horses possessed the genotype AA or Aa, indicating that their genetic base colour is bay (Figure 1). ...
... The high frequency of the A/a genotype observed in the BMH horses for bay coat colour may reflect the breed's preference for a darker coat colour over lighter shades such as light bay, which are rare. In a recent association study, Corbin et al. (2020) confirmed the findings of a correlation between genotype A/a at the Agouti locus and genotype E/E at the Extension locus, especially in relation to the presence of dark shades of bay (24)(25)(26)(27). The BMH breed is believed to have a similar origin as it is probably descended from the Tarpan, which was found in Europe and Asia until its extinction at the end of the 18th century (6,9). ...
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Within the Bosnian Mountain Horse Registry (BMH), some specific coat colours are permitted. Accurate determination of coat colours can be challenging as there are variations in coat colour shades and several dun dilution variants occur. The previously found single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within two coat colour loci, T-box 3 (TBX3) and Agouti Signalling Protein (ASIP), were genotyped in 313 BMH individuals. The obtained genotypes were then compared to the predicted phenotypes by using the observed coat colour types from the International Association of Bosnian Mountain Horse Breeders (IABMHB) database. It was found that the dark bay and black coat colours were the most representative coat colours both phenotypically and genotypically. The frequency of the dominant Dun (D) dilution allele is (0.09), and this frequency is higher than the previously predicted frequency recorded in the available BMH registers, as also demonstrated. Among the identified alleles, there was a discrepancy or inconsistency between the predicted coat colour based on genotypes and the observed coat colour in 73 horses (23%). The most frequent error concerned the misclassification of horses with genotypes aa and Aa at the ASIP gene, non-dun1/non-dun1 (nd1/nd1) and non-dun2/non-dun1 (nd1/nd2) at the TBX3 gene, which can be associated with the occurrence of slight dilution phenotypes in these individuals. In contrast to the Konik and Hucul breeds, no homozygosity of the D allele was found in the BMH. The D allele can be easily overlooked or not recognised in different phenotypic groups, such as dark bay and black horses. Therefore, the hypothesis that Dun dilution effects itself is not as strongly epistatic in the BMH as described in other horse breeds. This could be the result of an additional genetic modifier suppressing the phenotypic effect of the D allele. It also suggests that there has been a persistent selection pressure in favour of dark base colours, which may have contributed to the observed differences in BMH. Finally, a significant proportion (35%) of BMH individuals with genetically black coat colour were officially classified as dark bay. We hypothesise that the difficulty in visually distinguishing these two phenotypes is due to an independent locus upstream of the ASIP gene. This locus was recently identified as a factor that darkens the typical pigmentation in dark bay horses. The results of the study confirm the importance of molecular testing in accurately determining the coat colour of horses. This would help to avoid errors in coat colour descriptions in official breeding records and provide valuable information for selective breeding programmes aimed at producing specific and desired coat colours.
... Genomic research in this field, utilizing knowledge from other livestock and companion animals (Chandramohan et al. 2013;Eizirik et al. 2003;Fontanesi et al. 2011;Kerje et al. 2003;Rieder et al. 2001), indicates that polymorphisms in the KIT (Holl et al. 2017), MC1R, and ASIP genes (Almathen et al. 2018;Bitaraf Sani et al. 2022), may be associated with coat color variation in dromedaries. More specifically, the TYRP1 gene was proposed as a candidate gene responsible for shade variability at brown coats in Arabian camels (Alshanbari et al. 2019). ...
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The variability of camel hair fibers physical-mechanical properties across sampling body areas and phaneroptics continue to be relatively unexplored topics in scientific literature. With the aim to valorize camel hair fibers, the present investigation has examined, through discriminant canonical analysis, fiber properties of Canarian camel hair regarding the body region sampled by comparing them with Merino sheep wool, world’s most demanded textile fiber. Additionally, camel hair attribute differences depending on phaneroptics such as coat or eye color and particularities have been determined. Diameter at the base of the fiber is higher for adult camels and increases from the mid-region to the back of the animal. Besides, the highest variability in both staple length and mean diameter was found for camel shoulder and hump fibers. Camel tail dock was the region with the finest fibers but also the one accounting for the highest percentage of residual dirt. Coat color and particularities were unlikely to significantly (p < .05) affect fiber diameter and strength but did affect the brightness of final textile products. These results may help to tailor strategies within camel farming systems seeking the maximization of their productive outcomes, which is of utter relevance in endangered animal genetic resources.
... This competition inhibits the production of eumelanin, and instead promotes the synthesis of pheomelanin [69,74,75]. Accordingly, Rieder et al. [30] discovered an 11 bp deletion in exon 2 of ASIP, leading to a recessive allele (Aa = a) that is unable to code for the proteins necessary for eumelanin synthesis, thus being associated with recessive black coat color in horses. However, subsequent to the availability of the EquCab3.0 sequence, it was proposed that the mutation actually Animals 2024, 14, 1802 6 of 15 occurred in exon 3 [69]. ...
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Variation in coat color among equids has attracted significant interest in genetics and breeding research. The range of colors is primarily determined by the type, concentration, and distribution of melanin pigments, with the balance between eumelanin and pheomelanin influenced by numerous genetic factors. Advances in genomic and sequencing technologies have enabled the identification of several candidate genes that influence coat color, thereby clarifying the genetic basis of these diverse phenotypes. In this review, we concisely categorize coat coloration in horses and donkeys, focusing on the biosynthesis and types of melanin involved in pigmentation. Moreover, we highlight the regulatory roles of some key candidate genes, such as MC1R, TYR, MITF, ASIP, and KIT, in coat color variation. Moreover, the review explores how coat color relates to selective breeding and specific equine diseases, offering valuable insights for developing breeding strategies that enhance both the esthetic and health aspects of equine species.
... The abundant body color and pattern of fish are determined by the distribution and shape of pigment cells, as well as their pigment content Odenthal et al., 1996). This process is regulated by several genes, including msh (van der Salm et al., 2005), asip (Gudbjartsson et al., 2008), mc1r (Rieder et al., 2001), mitf (Li et al., 2013), tyr (Luo et al., 2021), mch (Mizusawa et al., 2011), and mchr1 (Logan et al., 2003). For instance, the red tilapia's melanin synthesis involves differentially expressed genes such as tyr, tyrp1, silv, sox10, slc24a5, cbs, and slc7a11, which play roles in the Wnt and MAPK signaling pathways (Zhu et al., 2016). ...
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The Poyang Lake region is home to large‐blackspot loaches (LBL), small‐blackspot loaches (SBL), and non‐blackspot loaches (NBL), Misgurnus anguillicaudatus. To investigate the impact of tyrosinase on spot development, the complementary DNAs (cDNA) of tyrosinase in M. anguillicaudatus (designated as Matyr) were cloned using the rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE)‐PCR method. The full‐length cDNA for Matyr was 2020 bp, and the open‐reading frame comprised 1617 bp, encoding a predicted protein with 538 amino acids. Phylogenetic studies revealed that MaTyr was first grouped with Tyr of Triplophysa tibetana and Leptobotia taeniops, and then Tyr of other cyprinid fish. The quantitative reverse‐transcription‐PCR results show that Matyr was highly expressed in the muscle, caudal fin, and dorsal skin. The Matyr gene's messenger RNA expression pattern steadily increased from the fertilized ovum period to the somitogenesis period, and from the muscle effect stage to 6 days after fertilization, it considerably increased (p < 0.01). The Matyr hybridization signals with similar location could be found in all developmental stages of three kinds of loaches using whole‐mount in situ hybridization (WISH) technology and were the strongest during the organ development period and melanin formation period. Dot hybridization signals in LBLs rapidly spread to the back of the body beginning at the period when the eyes first formed melanin, and their dimensions were larger than those of NBLs during the same time period. The body color of loaches could change reversibly with black/white background adaptation. The α‐msh, mitfa, and tyr are mainly expressed in loaches adapted with a black background. Tyr gene could be involved in the development of blackspots and body color polymorphism, and contribute to organ development in the loach.
... The non-black areas of a Bay horse can range from a light brown to near-black, whereas Black horses can range from a sun-faded brown to jet black. This range of possible shades can make it difficult to pinpoint the exact coat color and create confusion when recording [24][25][26]. While all other mammals, including horses, have the genetic potential to be black, certain breed standards do not recognise this possibility and classify all dark coats as Dark Bay. ...
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This study aimed to evaluate the discrepancies between genetic and visual coat color assignment in the Sarcidano Horse and to elucidate potential reasons. Individual DNA from 90 Sarcidano Horses was used for genetic assignment of coat color to explore the correspondence with individual forms containing phenotypical traits. The MC1R exon 1 and ASIP exon 3 have been genotyped and sequenced to obtain a picture of the coat color distribution in this breed. Surprisingly, once we compared the genetic results with the individual forms reporting the phenotypic data for each subject, a certain degree of non-correspondence between the phenotypic and genetic data in relation to coat color emerged. From the genetic analysis, Chestnuts (n = 58) resulted the most common Sarcidano Horse (n = 58), followed by a quite large number of Blacks (n = 28) and a very small number of Bays (n = 4), whereas phenotypic distribution resulted in 38 Chestnuts, 40 Bays, only 2 Blacks, and 10 Grays (without the possibility of recognizing the true color they carried). Chestnut resulted a very representative coat color, while many horses that visually identified as Bays were genetically Blacks. This discrepancy, that could be due to a variety of individual and external factors, including age, time of year, living situation and dietary condition, suggesting the importance of accurate coat color identification to ensure adequate features registration and reliable prediction of offspring’s coat color.
... The non-black areas of a Bay horse can range from a light brown to near-black, whereas Black horses can range from a sun-faded brown to jet black. This range of possible shades can make it difficult to pinpoint the exact coat color and create confusion when recording [24][25][26]. While all other mammals, including horses, have the genetic potential to be black, certain breed standards do not recognise this possibility and classify all dark coats as Dark Bay. ...
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This study aimed to evaluate the discrepancies between genetic and visual coat color assignment in the Sarcidano Horse and to elucidate potential reasons. Individual DNA from 90 Sarcidano Horses was used for genetic assignment of coat color to explore the correspondence with individual forms containing phenotypical traits. The MC1R exon 1 and ASIP exon 3 have been genotyped and sequenced to obtain a picture of the coat color distribution in this breed. Surprisingly, once we compared the genetic results with the individual forms reporting the phenotypic data for each subject, a certain degree of non-correspondence between the phenotypic and genetic data in relation to coat color emerged. From the genetic analysis, Chestnuts (n = 58) resulted the most common Sarcidano Horse (n = 58), followed by a quite large number of Blacks (n = 28) and a very small number of Bays (n = 4), whereas phenotypic distribution resulted in 38 Chestnuts, 40 Bays, only 2 Blacks, and 10 Grays (without the possibility of recognizing the true color they carried). Chestnut resulted a very representative coat color, while many horses that visually identified as Bays were genetically Blacks. This discrepancy, that could be due to a variety of individual and external factors, including age, time of year, living situation and dietary condition, suggesting the importance of accurate coat color identification to ensure adequate features registration and reliable prediction of offspring’s coat color.
166 horses of the russian riding breed were studied using 17 microsatellite loci recommended by ISAG. Microsatellite polymorphism data of thirty European breeds (7874 individuals) was used for comparative analysis of genetic diversity. According to the level of allelic richness, the Russian riding horse has high values – 5. 4 alleles per microsatellite locus. In total, 122 alleles were found in the breed, including private 14 allele at the HTG7 locus. The population genetic structure was revealed for the Russian riding, Arabian, Akhal-Teke, German riding and thoroughbred breeds. Clustering of horse breeds on a circular UPGMA dendrogram revealed six main clusters. the Russian ridinghorse forms a single group with German and thoroughbred horses in PCA. Breeds were divided into three populations in STRUCTURE program: 1) Arabian, 2) Russian Riding, Akhal-Teke, thoroughbred riding, 3) German half-breed. Analysis of differentiation between breeds using the F-st method showed the greatest values (differences) between all breeds with the Akhal-Tekehorses. The smallest value (Fst = 0.22) between the Russian riding and German riding breed. Differences for each pair of breeds were significant (p-value 0.001).
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Pmel 17 is preferentially expressed in pigment cells in a manner suggestive of involvement in melanin bio- synthesis. The gene is identical to the silver (si) pigmentation locus in mice. We now have produced a recombinant glutathione-S-transferase-human Pmel 17 fusion protein and raised polyclonal antibodies against it to confirm the ultrastructural location and presumed site of action predicted by the deduced primary structure of Pmel 17/silver, and to authenticate the specificity of the DHICA converting function as inherent to the silver-locus protein. Full- length Pmel 17 cDNA also was produced in insect cells in a baculovirus expression vector to ensure that activity did not originate from a co-precipitated protein. Natural hPmel 17 from human melanoma cells has an approximate molecular size of 100 kDa. By immunoperoxidase electron microscopic cytochemistry, the antigen was localized to the limiting membranes of premelanosomes and presumed premelaflo- genic cytosolic vesicles and, to a minor extent, in the premelanosomal matrix. In an in vitro assay, both the natural and the recombinant Pmel 17 accelerated the conversion of DHICA to melanin. This activity was inhibited by the anti-Pmel 17 polyclonal antibodies, indicating that the acceleration of DHICA conversion by the natural protein is genuine and cannot be due to contaminating complexed proteins. We suggest that in situ Pmel 17/silver is a component of a postulated premelanosomal/melanosomal complex of membrane-bound melanogenic oxidoreductive enzymes and cofactors, in analogy to the electron transfer chain in mitochondria.
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Ageing grey horses are particularly susceptible to melanoma. Using segregation analysis, six genetic and nongeneric (environmental) models in two grey horse family groups (n = 71) were compared. The polygenic model still fits the data significantly better than an environmental model, indicating a strong genetic impact on the phenomenon. Pmel17/gp100 and TYRP1/gp75, two genes which are specific for melanocytes, and Cdkn2a/p16 a gene coding tor an inhibitor of a cell cycle regulator were partially cloned, sequenced and mapped. Using Northern blotting analysis a striking difference in mRNA expression of Pmel17/gp100 and TYRP1/gp75 was found comparing skin samples of solid-coloured (normal level) and grey horses (low level) as well as horse melanoma tumour samples thigh). Staining of skin samples with antibodies recognizing the product of Pmel17/gp100, confirmed the results of the corresponding Northern blotting analysis. It seems that Pmel17/gp100 and TYRP1/gp75 are involved in progressive greying of horses. No mutation was found in a partial sequence of equine Cdkn2a/p16 analysed so far. Thus, the relation between equine melanoma susceptibility and Cdkn2a/p16 is subject to further investigation.
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Dominant black coat color in sheep is predicted to be caused by an allele E D at the extension locus. Recent studies have shown that this gene encodes the melanocyte stimulating hormone receptor (MC1-R). In mouse and fox, naturally occurring mutations in the coding region of MC1-R produce a constitutively activated receptor that switches the synthesis from phaeomelanin to eumelanin within the melanocyte, explaining the black coat color observed phenotypically. In the sheep, we have identified a Met→Lys mutation in position 73 (M73K) together with a Asp → Asn change at position 121 (D121N) showing complete cosegregation with dominant black coat color in a family lineage. Only the M73K mutation showed constitutive activation when introduced into the corresponding mouse receptor (mMC1-R) for pharmacological analysis; however, the position corresponding to D121 in the mouse receptor is required for high affinity ligand binding. The pharmacological profile of the M73K change is unique compared to the constitutively active E92K mutation in the sombre mouse and C123R mutation in the Alaska silver fox, indicating that the M73K change activates the receptor via a mechanism distinct from these previously characterized mutations.
Equine Color Genetics, Fourth Edition presents a detailed examination of the color variation in horses and donkeys and the genetic mechanisms that produce color variations. Thoroughly covers the basic colors in horses, including bay, chestnut, black, and brown. Details the genetic basis of the colors built from the basic coat color, including dilutions and white patterning. Provides an explanation of genetic mechanisms that determine coat color. Presents a thorough revision and update, including new advances in molecular genetics, biochemistry, molecular mechanisms, genetic loci, coat colors before domestication, and more. Offers a new introduction describing the principles of genetics and genomics research to help outline how knowledge is discovered and to assist the reader in understanding concepts covered in the book.
To clone the goat Polled Intersex Syndrome (PIS) gene(s), a chromosome walk was performed from six entry points at 1q43. This enabled 91 BACs to be recovered from a recently constructed goat BAC library. Six BAC contigs of goat chromosome 1q43 (ICC1–ICC6) were thus constructed covering altogether 4.5 Mb. A total of 37 microsatellite sequences were isolated from this 4.5-Mb region (16 in this study), of which 33 were genotyped and mapped. ICC3 (1500 kb) was shown by genetic analysis to encompass the PIS locus in a ∼400-kb interval without recombinants detected in the resource families (293 informative meioses). A strong linkage disequilibrium was detected among unrelated animals with the two central markers of the region, suggesting a probable location for PIS in ∼100 kb. High-resolution comparative mapping with human data shows that this DNA segment is the homolog of the human region associated withBlepharophimosis Ptosis Epicanthus inversus Syndrome(BPES) gene located in 3q23. This finding suggests that homologous gene(s) could be responsible for the pathologies observed in humans and goats. [The sequence data, PCR primers and PCR conditions for STS and microsatellites described in this paper have been submitted to the GenBank data library under accession nos.AQ666547–AQ666579, AQ686084–AQ686129, AQ793920–793931,AQ810429–AQ810527, G41201–G41228, and G54270–G54286.]
The structures of the human tyrosinase-related protein genes TYRP1 and TYRP2 have been determined and compared with that of the tyrosinase gene (TYR). The TYRP1 protein is encoded in 7 exons spread over 24 kb of genomic DNA. Characterization of a 55-kb contig encompassing the human TYRP2 locus reveals that the protein coding region is divided into 8 exons. All three members of the TYRP gene family share a common C-terminal membrane spanning exon. Examination of the position of other intron junctions suggests that TYRP1 was derived from a TYR duplication and then was itself duplicated to give rise to the TYRP2 gene. The evidence also suggests that at least some of the introns within the TYR, TYRP1, and TYRP2 coding regions were gained after duplication and that intron slippage is unlikely to have occurred. 51 refs., 7 figs., 3 tabs.
The melanocortin 1 receptor (Mc1r) is encoded by the Extension locus in many different mammals, where a loss-of-function causes exclusive production of red/yellow pheomelanin, and a constitutively activating mutation causes exclusive production of black/brown eumelanin. In the domestic dog, breeds with a wild-type E allele, e.g., the Doberman, can produce either pigment type, whereas breeds with the e allele, e.g., the Golden Retriever, produce exclusively yellow pigment. However, a black coat color in the Newfoundland and similar breeds is thought to be caused by an unusual allele of Agouti, which encodes the physiologic ligand for the Mc1r. Here we report that the predicted dog Mc1r is 317 residues in length and 96% identical to the fox Mc1r. Comparison of the Doberman, Newfoundland, Black Labrador, Yellow Labrador, Flat-coated Retriever, Irish Setter, and Golden Retriever revealed six sequence variants, of which two, S90G and R306ter, partially correlated with a black/brown coat and red/yellow coat, respectively. R306ter was found in the Yellow Labrador, Golden Retriever, and Irish Setter; the latter two had identical haplotypes but differed from the Yellow Labrador at three positions other than R306ter. In a larger survey of 194 dogs and 19 breeds, R306ter and a red/yellow coat were completely concordant except for the Red Chow. These results indicate that the e allele is caused by a common Mc1r loss-of-function mutation that either reoccurred or was subject to gene conversion during recent evolutionary history, and suggest that the allelic and locus relationships for dog coat color genes may be more analogous to those found in other mammals than previously thought.