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Organisation of the nervous system in the Acoela: An immunocytochemical study

  • Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Abstract and Figures

In order to broaden the information about the organisation of the nervous system in taxon Acoela, an immunocytochemical study of an undetermined Acoela from Cape Kartesh, Faerlea glomerata, Avagina incola and Paraphanostoma crassum has been performed. Antibodies to 5-HT and the native flatworm neuropeptide GYIRFamide were used. As in earlier studies, the pattern of 5-HT immunoreactivity revealed an anterior structure composed mainly of commissures, a so-called commissural brain. Three types of brain shapes were observed. No regular orthogon was visualised. GYIRFamide immunoreactive cell clusters were observed peripherally to the 5-HT immunoreactive commissural brain. Staining with anti-GYIRFamide revealed more nerve processes than did staining with anti-FMRFamide. As no synapomorphies were found in the organisation of the nervous system of the Acoela and that of the Platyhelminthes, the results support the view that the Acoela is not a member of the Platyhelminthes.
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Organisation of the nervous
system in the Acoela: an
immunocytochemical study
M. Reuter,
O. I. Raikova,
U. Jondelius,
M. K. S. Gustafsson,
A. G. Maule,
D. W. Halton
Abstract. In order to broaden the information about the organisation of the nervous system in taxon
Acoela, an immunocytochemical study of an undetermined Acoela from Cape Kartesh,
Avagina incola
Paraphanostoma crassum
has been performed. Antibodies to 5-HT and
the native flatworm neuropeptide GYIRFamide were used. As in earlier studies, the pattern of 5-HT
immunoreactivity revealed an anterior structure composed mainly of commissures, a so-called
commissural brain. Three types of brain shapes were observed. No regular orthogon was visualised.
GYIRFamide immunoreactive cell clusters were observed peripherally to the 5-HT immunoreactive
commissural brain. Staining with anti-GYIRFamide revealed more nerve processes than did staining
with anti-FMRFamide. As no synapomorphies were found in the organisation of the nervous system of
the Acoela and that of the Platyhelminthes, the results support the view that the Acoela is not a
member of the Platyhelminthes. ß2001 Harcourt Publishers Ltd
Keywords: Platyhelminthes, Acoela, nervous system, immunocytochemistry
Traditionally, the Acoela and the Nemertodermatida
have been regarded as sister taxa and classi®ed as belong-
ing to the Platyhelminthes. However, during the last dec-
ade their phylogenetic position has become subject of
controversy (for discussion, see Raikova et al., 1998,
2001; Reuter et al., 1998). Recently, the molecular sys-
tematics of ¯atworms has been studied intensely.
According to Katayama et al. (1996), the Acoela
diverged early from the Platyhelminthes. Carranza et al.
(1997) suggest that the Acoelomorpha (Acoela and
Nemertodermatida) should be regarded as a sister group
of the Bilateria. A similar result was obtained by Ruiz-
Trillo et al. (1999) when studying the sequences of 18S
rDNA from non-fast-clock species of Acoela, i.e. species
that have evolved slowly. They pointed out that Acoela
are not a members of Platyhelminthes. However, the
Nemertodermatida appears to be buried within the bulk
of the Platyhelminthes (Ruiz-Trillo et al., 1999). The ana-
lysis of the sequences of 18S rDNA and 28S rDNA from
the Acoela on the one hand, and from other Platyhelminth
taxa on the other, indicate a wide phylogenetic divergence
between the two groups (Katayama et al., 1996; Carranza
et al., 1997; Ruiz-Trillo et al., 1999; Litvaitis & Rohde,
1999; Littlewood et al., 1999). Littlewood et al. (1999)
suggest that further studies are needed to certify the correct
phylogenetic position of the taxa Nemertodermatida and
Tissue & Cell, 2001 33 (2) 119±128
ß2001 Harcourt Publishers Ltd
DOI: 10.1054/tice.2000.0134, available online at
Department of Biology, A
Êbo Akademi University, Artillerigatan 6, FIN-
20520 A
Êbo, Finland.
Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences,
199034 St Petersburg, Russia.
Swedish Museum of Natural History,
POB 50007, SE-104 05 Stockholm, Sweden.
Parasitology Research
Group, School of Biology & Biochemistry, The Queen's University of
Belfast, Belfast, BT9 7BL, UK.
Received 9 June 2000
Accepted 1 August 2000
Correspondence to:
M. Reuter, Department of Biology, A
Êbo Akademi
University, BIOCITY, Artillerigatan 6A, II va
Ên, FIN-20520 A
Êbo, Finland
In the discussion of the phylogenetic position of
Platyhelminthes, the organisation of the nervous system
has been used as one of the discriminating criteria. The
traditional concept stated that the nervous system and the
construction of the brain of the Acoelomorpha repre-
sented the earliest form of nervous system, and that they
were inherited from a common Platyhelminth ancestor.
Neuroanatomical data collected by many authors were
critically reanalysed by Haszprunar (1996). According to
this author, the brain of Acoela evolved independently
from that of other Platyhelminthes, i.e. they are non-
homologous structures. The great variations in the
appearance of the neural organisation and the neural
centralisation at the anterior end of Acoela indicates
that multiple events of evolution have taken place
(Haszprunar, 1996). Based on these data, Haszprunar
considers the Acoelomorpha as the earliest offshoot of
the bilaterian stem line.
The application of immunocytochemistry (ICC) and
in particular the study of the immunoreactivity (IR) pat-
terns using antibodies to serotonin (5-HT) and
FMRFamide-related peptides (FaRPs) (Shaw et al.,
1996) have signi®cantly increased the knowledge of the
organisation of the Platyhelminth nervous system. The
reliability of the technique has been proven in numerous
studies (for reviews see Gustafsson, 1992; Reuter &
Gustafsson, 1995; Halton & Gustafsson, 1996; Reuter
& Halton, 2001; Reuter & Gustafsson, 2000). Two
immunocytochemical studies of the patterns of 5-HT-
and FMRFamide-IR in the nervous system of four spe-
cies of Acoela were recently performed by Raikova et al.
(1998) and Reuter et al. (1998). These studies showed that
the construction of the brain of the Acoela and the
organisation of the longitudinal nerve cords differ
signi®cantly from the corresponding IR patterns in
species of the taxon Platyhelminthes. Recently, the 5-
HT- and FMRFamide-IR patterns of the nervous
systems in two species of the Nemertodermatida were
studied by Raikova et al. (2000, 2001). They show distinct
differences from the corresponding patterns obtained
from Acoela.
This study aims to broaden the information about the
organisation of the nervous system in the Acoela by ex-
amining the patterns of 5-HT-IR and GYIRFamide-IR
in four additional species. The results will be discussed
against the background of earlier studies.
Materials and methods
Specimens of a small 0.5 mm long undetermined species
of Acoela were collected from tidal pools near the White
Sea Biological Station at Cape Kartesh (Russia).
Specimens of Faerlea glomerata Westblad, 1945 and
Paraphanostoma crassum Westblad, 1942 were collected
at 40±60 m depth from sand/muddy bottoms in the vicin-
ity of Kristineberg Biological Station (West coast of
Sweden). Specimens of Avagina incola Leiper, 1902 were
obtained from the gut of the sea urchin Spatangus purpur-
eus O.F. Mu
Èller, 1776 at 100 m depth in the vicinity of
Bergen, Norway.
Specimens of undertermined Acoela from Cape Kartesh,
F. glomerata,P. crassum and A. incola were ®xed in
Stefanini's ®xative (2% paraformaldehyde and 15% picric
acid in 0.1 M sodium phosphate buffer) at pH 7.6, stored
for several weeks in ®xative at 48C and rinsed for 24±48 h
0.1 M sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.6) containing
10±20 % sucrose. The worms were handled as whole
mounts on poly-L-lysine coated glass slides, allowed to
dry and frozen at ÿ708C. Prior to staining, the whole
mounts were thawed and immersed in phosphate-
buffered saline (PBS) containing 1% bovine serum
albumin (BSA) and 0.2 % Triton X-100 (PBS-T).
Immunostaining was performed according to the indirect
immuno¯uorescence method of Coons et al. (1955).
The concentration of rabbit anti-5-HT was 1:500.
Incubations were performed with a cocktail of rabbit
anti-5-HT (Sigma) antiserum (1:100) and guinea pig anti-
serum against the native ¯atworm neuropeptide GYIRF
(Bdelloura candida) (1:500±1:1000) raised in guinea pigs
by Johnston et al. (1995). Incubation times were 8 h, 24 h,
36 h, 48 h or 72 h. Incubation was performed at RT or
48C and followed by rinsing 3 5 min in PBS-T,
incubation for 1 h with the secondary antibody FITC
labelled goat anti-guinea pig immunoserum (Cappel)
(dilution 1:30). Thereafter the preparations were washed
35 min in PBS-T and incubated for 1 h with the sec-
ondary antibody TRITC labelled swine anti-rabbit im-
munoserum (DAKO) (dilution 1:30) followed by washing
35 min in PBS-T. The whole mounts were then
mounted in 50 % glycerol and stored in the dark at
ÿ208C. The controls for speci®city included: (1) omitting
the primary antibody and (2) using non-immune serum.
The preparations were examined in a Leitz Orthoplan
microscope combined with ®lter blocks I2 and N2.
Photomicrographs were produced by an Olympus auto-
matic photomicrograph system, model PM 10ADS (®lm:
TMAX 400). A confocal scanning laser microscope
(CSLM: LEICA TCS 4D) was used to better visualise
details of the nervous system.
Computer processing of immunochemistry micrographs
Files obtained from CSLM were processed with Adobe
Photoshop 4.0. Only the commands `mode RGB-
Grayscale', `level of grey', `brightness' and `contrast'
were used. This was to avoid any distortion of the
information contents of the image.
Undetermined Acoela from Cape Kartesh
5-HT immunoreactivity
This animal was stained only with anti-5-HT. The im-
munoreaction revealed four pairs of longitudinal nerve
cords, dorsal (dc), lateral (lc), ventrolateral (vlc) and
ventral (vc) (Fig. 6 A±C). The staining reaction was
equally strong on the dorsal and ventral sides. Thin trans-
versal ®bres connecting the cords were observed in the
frontal end of the worm. In other parts of the body an
irregular mesh of transverse ®bres was observed.
Faerlea glomerata
5-HT immunoreactivity
Brain 5-HT-IR revealed two transverse commissures (c1,
c2,) on the dorsal side in front of the statocyst (Fig. 1, Fig.
7A. The commissures connect the strongly stained ante-
rior parts of the dorsal longitudinal nerve cords (dc).
Branches from the dorsal cords connect them with the
lateral longitudinal cords (1c) (Fig. 7A, B). Cell bodies
occur at the crossing points of the transverse commissures
and the longitudinal nerve cords. On the ventral side thin
transverse commissures (c3, c4) occur at the same level as
the dorsal in front of the statocyst (Fig. 1, Fig. 7D). The
commissures connect the ventral longitudinal nerve cords
(vc). The most anterior dorsal transverse commissures
are connected to a ventral nerve net (Fig. 7C). 5-HT
immunoreactive frontal cells occur just behind the
anterior commissures. 5-HT immunoreactive cell bodies
are also observed at crossing points of ventral com-
missures and the nerve net. A very thin transverse
commissure behind the statocyst (s) forms part of a ven-
tral nerve net.
Longitudinal nerve cords Four pairs of nerve cords
have been observed: dorsal (dc), lateral (lc), ventrolateral
(vlc) and ventral (vc). The strongly stained anterior parts
of the longitudinal cords in the brain continue caudally as
dorsal nerve cords. They can be followed to the middle of
the body. Branches starting at the foremost dorsal trans-
verse commissure (c2) bend backwards forming lateral
longitudinal nerve cords (1c) (Fig. 7B). On the ventral
side, ventral (vc) and ventrolateral longitudinal nerve
cords (vlc) originate at cell bodies of the most anterior
transverse commissures (long arrow). Additionally, mar-
ginal nerve ®bres are observed. They seem to be part of
the ventral nerve net (nn).
GYIRFamide immunoreactivity
No GYIRF-IR was detected in this species. Changes of
antibody dilutions, incubation times and temperature did
not improve the staining.
Avagina incola
5-HT immunoreactivity
Brain 5-HT-IR revealed a bilateral bridge-like structure
composed of ®ne nerve ®bres (Fig. 2, Fig. 8A). Thin
anterior transversal commissures (tc) represent the arch
of the bridge. The lateral abutments of the bridge are
composed of masses of loosely interwoven ®bre loops
(Fig. 8A, large arrow). While a few large loops were
observed dorsally, only a network of ®ner loops occur
on the ventral side. The ®bres are most concentrated at
the ventral and basal parts of the abutments. A pair of
symmetrically located 5-HT-immunoreactive cells occur
latero-posteriorly of the ®bre loops, where the caudal
dorsal longitudinal nerve cords originate (dc).
Longitudinal nerve cords 5-HT-IR revealed two pairs
of longitudinal caudal nerve cords, the dorsal (dc) and the
vc dc vlc lc
Fig. 1 Faerlea glomerata, schematic drawing of the organisation of 5-HT
immunoreactive elements in the nervous system. Barrel-shaped brain
composed of longitudinal connectives linked dorsally (c1, c2) and ventrally
(c3, c4) by transversal commissures. Symmetrical cells occur at crossing
points of transverse and longitudinal connectives (arrow). Longitudinal
nerve cords are formed as a continuation of longitudinal brain connectives,
dorsal cords (dc), ventral cords (vc), ventro-lateral cords (vlc), lateral cords
(lc), ventral nerve net (nn), statocyst (s).
Fig. 2 Avagina incola, schematic drawing of the organisation of 5-HT
immunoreactive elements in the nervous system. Symmetrically arranged
concentrations of fibre loops connected by thin transverse commissures (tc)
form the brain. Cell bodies occur at the origin of dorsal nerve cords (dc)
and lateral nerve cords (lc) branching into three branches on each side. Two
rows of sensilla (arrows) in the frontal region are connected by fine
processes to the brain.
lateral nerve cords (lc) (Fig. 2, Fig. 8A). Both nerve cords
originate at the cell pair located latero-posteriorly in the
brain. The lateral cords form a continuation of the trans-
verse brain commissure and more laterally they branch
into two thin longitudinal nerve ®bres, a dorsolateral and
a marginal one. The dorsal and lateral nerve cords extend
to the middle of the body. Meshes of a ®ne 5-HT im-
munoreactive nerve network were occasionally observed
in the tail end on the ventral side (Fig. 8C).
Sensilla Two rows of pear-shaped cell bodies (size
10 mm) occur in the frontal end (Fig. 2, Fig. 8A small
arrows). Thin nerve ®bres connect them with the tangled
®bre loops of the brain.
GYIRFamide immunoreactivity
Brain The GYIRFamide-IR revealed a brain composed
of symmetrical clusters of about three closely packed cells
on each side (Fig. 3, Figs 8B, E±F). Nerve processes (tc)
run towards the centre from each cluster. After a short
distance the processes send several very ®ne branches
anteriorly(Fig. 8B, arrows).These ®ne processessubmerge
into a subepidermal nerve net forming large irregular
meshes (Fig. 8D). Laterally, at the base of the cell clusters,
are processes that run latero-posteriorly (1c).
Longitudinal nerve cords The aforementioned pro-
cesses originating at the cell clusters form short caudal
longitudinal lateral nerve cords (Fig. 3, 1c). Branches
from the cords to the periphery were observed. They
submerge into meshes of the nerve net (Fig. 8E).
Paraphanostoma crassum
5-HT immunoreactivity
Brain-like structure The 5-HT-IR revealed an anterior
nerve centralisation composed of anterior ®bre loops
(arrows) and a connecting bridge-like construction
surrounding the statocyst (Fig. 4, Figs 9 A±C).
Posterior to the statocyst, a strongly stained transversal
commissure (tc) gives rise to a pair of ®bres that form a
semicircle or possible full circle around the statocyst (s) ±
as the anterior commissure (ac) (Fig. 9B). Nerve nets are
located at the lateral margins of the semicircle. Three
cells (arrow) are observed frontally (Fig. 9, Fig. 9B).
Symmetrically located cells (Fig. 4, Fig. 9B) (arrow)
occur, associated with the transversal brain commissure
(tc) at the beginning of the dorsal longitudinal nerve
cords (dc). Frontally, nerve ®bres form two pairs of ante-
rior loops (Fig. 4). Basally the transversal commissure
forms an arch which bends backwards into the strongly
stained lateral nerve cords (lc).
Longitudinal nerve cords Four pairs of posterior 5-HT
immunoreactive longitudinal nerve cords were observed
(Fig. 4, Fig. 9A): dorsal (dc), ventral (vc), lateral (lc) and
marginal (mc) nerve cords. Symmetrically located cell
bodies (Fig. 4) occur at the beginning of the posterior
dorsal cords along the transversal brain commissure. An
additional cell pair is observed at the origin of the ventral
cords. The lateral and the dorsal cords showed strong 5-
HT-IR and could be followed caudally to the middle of
the body. Anteriorly, they continue as anterior dorsal
(adc) and lateral (alc) nerve cords, respectively. The ante-
rior dorsal cords join into a large anterior arch while
branches from the lateral cords form the marginal nerve
cords (mc). A 5-HT immunoreactive nerve net occurs
close to the body surface (Fig. 9E).
Sensilla A row of pear-shaped 5-HT immunoreactive
sensory cell bodies (Fig. 4) was observed close to the
surface in the periphery along the lateral frontal cords.
mc tc
dc vc lc
Fig. 4 Paraphanostoma crassum, schematic drawing of the
organisation of 5-HT immunoreactive elements in the nervous system.
Bridge-shaped brain composed of transverse posterior commissure (tc)
and anterior semicircle (ac) connecting anterior fibre loops and fibre
nets. Cell bodies (arrows) frontally and at the origin of longitudinal
nerve cords, dorsal cord (dc), ventral cord (vc), lateral cord (lc), and
marginal cord (mc) formed as branches from lateral cords. Lateral and
dorsal cords extend anteriorly as anterior dorsal (adc) and anterior lateral
(alc) cords.
tc cl
Fig. 3 Avagina incola, schematic drawing showing organisation of
GYIRFamide immunoreactive elements in the nervous system. Symmet-
rical cell clusters (cl), anterior processes (arrow), processes parallel to the
5-HT immunoreactive lateral cords (lc) and thin transverse nerve fibre (tc)
connecting the cell clusters.
GYIRFamide immunoreactivity
Brain The GYIRFamide-IR revealed two lateral
groups of loosely packed cells (Fig. 5, Fig. 9D). Latero-
posteriorly, three large cells are particularly noticeable.
The cells are pear-shaped and connect to a network of
®bre loops. The ®bre network gives rise to short ®bres
running towards the frontal end of the body. A thin
transversal commissure (tc) behind the statocyst (s) con-
nects the cell groups.
Longitudinal nerve cords A pair of short dorsal lon-
gitudinal nerve cords (dc) forms the continuations of the
thin transverse commissure (tc). The cords can be fol-
lowed backwards to about the middle of the body. The
transversal commissure and the dorsal nerve cords run
parallel to the corresponding 5-HT immunoreactive
structures. Some nerve ®bres were observed close to the
body surface (Fig. 9 F).
The distinct differences in the 5-HT-IR and FaRP-IR
patterns of the four species previously studied by
Raikova et al. (1998) and Reuter et al. (1998) and the
four new species of the Acoela studied here indicate that
the two IR patterns should be discussed separately.
Thereafter, the phylogenetic implications of the patterns
are discussed.
The 5-HT immunoreactivity pattern
Common for the 5-HT-IR patterns of the Acoela is an
anterior symmetrical brain-like structure composed of
commissural nerve ®bres associated with a few cell
bodies. According to Westblad (1948), the brain-like
structure in the Acoela varies considerably in shape and
undergoes an evolutionary development from a ring-like
to a bridge-like structure. The results of the present in-
vestigation con®rm his observations.
In the present study, the varying shapes of the brain of
the Acoela are united into three main categories: the
barrel shape, the rosette shape and the bridge shape.
The most primitive structure occurs in the undetermined
Acoela from Cape Kartesh, in which no brain-like struc-
ture was seen, only equally strongly stained longitudinal
cords close to the body surface and weakly stained trans-
verse elements were observed.
Westblad (1948) described the brain of several Acoela
species `Diopisthoporus, Haploposthia, Faerlea fragilis,
Anaperus tvaerminnensis and Mecynostomum', which he
considered primitive. He used the term ring-formed to
describe the brain shape. However, judging from his
schematic drawings, the term is slightly misleading as
the longitudinal elements forming the brain closely re-
semble a barrel, with strong ribs and weak transverse
elements (barrel hoops). Thus, we suggest that the term
barrel-shape should be used for the brains of the Acoela
species Anaperus biaculeatus and Actinoposthia bekle-
mischevi (Raikova et al., 1998) and for the undetermined
Acoela from Cape Kartesh and F. glomerata from the
present study. In the undetermined acoel from Cape
Kartesh, all longitudinal cords appear to be equally
developed with poorly developed commissures. In A.
beklemischevi, the commissures are more pronounced.
In F. glomerata, the transverse elements and the long-
itudinal ones are more developed on the dorsal side.
However, no nerve ®bres occur in the parenchyma.
In A. biaculeatus, the dorsal part of the brain dominates
but the ventral part can still be easily distinguished
(Raikova et al., 1998).
The brain of Childia groenlandica and Mecynostomum
sp. (Raikova et al., 1998) is rosette-shaped. Here, the
anterior loops join a common transversal commissure
on the dorsal side. In these two species the loops are
large and loosely connected (Raikova et al., 1998).
A trend towards a bridge-shaped brain can be seen in
A. incola where the loops are small and concentrated to a
bridge-like construction. In P. crassum, a strongly stained
dorsal transverse commissure gives rise to a semicircle
around the statocyst. The construction of the brain and
the close association between the nerves and the statocyst
indicate a distinct evolutionary development from super-
®cial centralisation close to the body surface to true
The FaRP immunoreactivity pattern
The peptidergic component of the nervous system has
been recognised as a fundamentally important part of
the metazoan nervous system (Shaw et al., 1996). The
major difference between classical transmitters and
neuropeptides is their mode of synthesis. While classical
Fig. 5 Paraphanostoma crassum, schematic drawing of the
organisation of GYIRF immunoreactive elements in the nervous system.
Symmetrical groups of cells connected by transversal commissure (tc).
Anterior processes (arrows) and networks of fibre loops. Dorsal
longitudinal nerve cords (dc).
transmitters are synthesised in nerve terminals, the neu-
ropeptides are synthesised in the cell bodies of the pep-
tidergic neurons, processed within vesicles and then
transported along the axons to the nerve terminals. In
conformity with the IR pattern obtained by antibodies of
the molluscan cardioactive neuropeptide FMRFamide
(Reuter et al., 1998), the GYIRFamide-IR pattern re-
vealed an anterior centralisation dominated by cell clus-
ters. More nerve processes were identi®ed using an
antibody to the native ¯atworm neuropeptide
GYIRFamide. So far, four FaRPs have been isolated
from ¯atworms: 1. GNFFRFamide from the cestode
Moniezia expansa (Maule et al., 1993); 2. RYIRFamide
from the terrestrial planarian Artioposthia triangulata
(Maule et al., 1994); 3. GYIRFamide from Girardia
(Dugesia) tigrina and Bdelloura candida (Johnston et al.,
1995, 1996); and 4. YIRFamide from B. candida
(Johnston et al., 1996). It appears that the FaRP structure
of the ancestral ¯atworm may have been XYIRFamide,
where X is a variable residue (Shaw et al., 1996).
Nothing is known about the corresponding FaRP of the
Acoela. However, the IR pattern obtained with
anti-GYIRFamide is more complete than with anti-
FMRFamide, indicating the occurrence of an endogen-
ous FaRP which is more structurally related to
GYIRFamide than to FMRFamide.
The results of this study show that the patterns of 5-
HT-and FaRP-IR in the Acoela differ clearly from those
in the taxon Platyhelminthes. However, when discussing
the neuroanatomy and the construction of the brain it has
to be kept in mind that the present view is based on the
patterns of only two neurotransmitter substances.
Ultrastructural studies have revealed abundant nerve
cells close to the statocyst (Ehlers, 1985; Bedini &
Lanfranchi, 1991), but these cells did not react with the
5-HT and the FaRP antibodies. To clarify this fact,
staining for other neuronal signal substances should be
carried out.
6A 6B 6C
7A 7B
nn vc
lc lc
Fig. 6 A±C Undetermined acoel from Cape Kartesh. Optical sections showing organisation of 5-HT immunoreactive elements. 180. (A) dorsal side,
dorsal longitudinal nerve cord (dc); (B) mid body, lateral cord (lc); (C) ventral side, ventro-lateral cord (vlc), ventral cord (vc). Fig. 7 A±D Faerlea glomerata,
optical sections of anterior end showing: (A) dorsal side, (B) central part, (C) surface nerve net, (D) ventral side. 180. Longitudinal brain connectives
continuing backwards as dorsal nerve cord (dc), ventro-lateral cord (vlc), lateral cord (lc), ventral cord (vc), transverse brain commissures, dorsal
commissures (c1, c2), ventral commissures (c3, c4), surface nerve net (nn), statocyst (s).
8E 8F
tc tc cl
lc dc
cl cl
Fig. 8 A±F Avagina incola. (A) Optical section showing organisation of 5-HT immunoreactive elements in anterior end. Symmetrical concentrations
of interwoven fibre loops (long arrow) connected by transverse commissures (tc). Branching lateral nerve cords (lc). Two frontal rows of sensilla
(short arrows) and processes connecting them to the brain. 180. (B) Optical sections showing organisation of GYIRFamide immunoreactive
elements in anterior end. Symmetrical cell clusters (cl), anterior processes (arrows) and lateral processes continuing in lateral nerve cord (lc). 180.
(C) Optical section showing 5-HT immunoreactive nerve net in posterior end (arrow). 230. (D) Optical section showing GYIRFamide immunoreactive
nerve net (arrow). 230. (E, F) Larger magnifications of GYIRFamide immunoreactive cell clusters showing the compact construction of 3±4 cell
bodies (cl). 360.
mc tc
ac tc
tc cl
Fig. 9 A±F Paraphanostoma crassum. (A±C) Optical sections showing 5-HT immunoreactive elements.(A) Anterior end overview showing
bridge-shaped brain and longitudinal nerve cords. Transversal commissure (tc), dorsal nerve cord (dc), ventral nerve cord (vc) lateral nerve cord (lc),
marginal nerve cord (mc), anterior dorsal nerve cord (adc), anterior lateral nerve cord (alc). 180. (B) Details of brain and nerve cords.
Transversal commissure (tc), anterior commissure forming semicircle (ac) around statocyst (s), cell bodies (arrows), lateral nerve cord (lc), anterior
dorsal nerve cord (adc), anterior lateral nerve cords (alc). 280. (C) 5-HT immunoreactive transverse commissure (tc), dorsal nerve cord (dc) and
anterior dorsal nerve cord (adc), 280, in optical section corresponding to (D) showing GYIRFamide immunoreactive elements in anterior end.
Symmetrical groups of cells (cl), connecting transverse commissure (tc), and processes running anteriorly (arrows), dorsal longitudinal nerve
cord (dc). 280. (E) Optical section showing 5-HT immunoreactive nerve net (arrow). 380. (F) GYIRFamide immunoreactive nerve fibres
visualised near body surface (arrow). 380.
Phylogenetic implications
According to Ivanov and Mamkaev (1973), the brain of
the Acoela is composed of two parts ± an outer part, the
orthogonal brain, formed by the thickened anterior
parts of the longitudinal nerve cords and the foremost
transverse commissures and an inner part, the endonal
brain, concentrated around the statocyst. The endonal
brain was considered homologous in all Platyhelminthes.
The ®ndings by Reuter et al. (1998), Raikova et al. (1998)
and the present study bring forward the question about
the presence of a double brain. Staining with anti-5-HT
shows the presence of a brain composed of longitudinal
cords and commissures ± an orthogonal brain. However,
the cell groups, reacting positive with anti-FMRFamide
(Raikova et al., 1998) and anti-GYIRFamide, do not
surround the statocyst and can therefore not be con-
sidered to correspond to the endonal brain (Ivanov &
Mamkaev, 1973). The observations of Ehlers (1985) and
Bedini and Lanfranchi (1991) of nerve cells around the
statocyst of acoels, indicates the presence of other neuro-
In the central nervous system of the Catenulida and
the Rhabditophora the patterns of 5-HT and FaRP-IR
are basically similar. The pattern consists of a neuropile
surrounded by cell bodies forming symmetrical lobes and
a pair of main longitudinal nerve cords (MCs) joined by
5-HT immunoreactive marker neurones (for references
see Gustafsson, 1992; Reuter & Gustafsson 1995, 2000;
Halton & Gustafsson, 1996; Reuter & Halton, 2001).
In the peripheral nervous system, FaRP-IR occurs in
the pharynx and the gut (for references see Kreshchenko
et al., 1999). In addition, a strong association of FaRP-IR
with the reproductive system has been observed (Shaw
et al., 1996; Reuter & Gustafsson, 2000). 5-HT-IR
appears in the nerve plexus close to the body musculature
and in the pharynx of more advanced Platyhelminthes
(for review see Gustafsson, 1992; Reuter & Gustafsson
1995; Halton & Gustafsson, 1996; Reuter & Halton
Compared to the aminergic and peptidergic IR pat-
terns obtained in Platyhelminthes (references as above)
the following differences in the patterns characterise the
1. The presence of a structure named commissural
brain, showing positive reactions for anti-5-HT,
catecholamines and acetylcholinesterase
(Raikova et al., 1998) but with no resemblance to
the bilobed brain structure in Plathyhelminthes,
with its nerve cells surrounding a neuropile.
2. The presence of clusters of peptidergic FaRP
positive cells that are not integrated into a brain of
the common ¯atworm type.
3. The absence of a regular orthogon. Only
longitudinal nerve cords, connected by irregular
nerve ®bres forming a subepidermal nerve plexus,
were observed.
4. The absence of 5-HT immunoreactive marker
neurones along the MCs.
5. The absence of an inner (stomatogastric) FaRP
immunoreactive nervous system.
Thus, no synapomorphies in the organisation of the
nervous system of Acoela and previously studied
Platyhelminthes were found. Our results support the
view of Katayama et al. (1996), Carranza et al. (1997),
Ruiz-Trillo et al. (1999), Litvaitis & Rohde (1999) and
Littlewood et al. (1999), based on molecular systematics,
that the taxon Acoela is separate from the taxon
The authors wish to thank the staff of the marine
biological station at Kristineberg (Sweden) for their
help in collecting the material. Thanks are extended to
Mr E. Nummelin and Mr J. Korhonen for valuable assist-
ance, to the Research Institute of the A
Êbo Akademi
University Foundation, the Foundation for Swedish
Culture in Finland and the Swedish Natural Science
Research Council for ®nancial support. Olga Raikova
was bene®ciary of the Visby Scholarship of the Swedish
Institute and of a Russian Basic Research Foundation
grant RFFI-99-04-49783.
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... The acoel nervous system is considered to have several novelties such as internalized anterior brain-like structures and often multiple subepidermal pairs of longitudinal nerve cords [36][37][38][39]42]. Some immunohistochemical studies have demonstrated reactivity of antibodies that were raised against neuropeptides of other animals, like different RFamides or SALMFamides [39,43,[46][47][48][49][50][51][52]. However, not much is known about the xenacoelomorph neuropeptide repertoire except for the presence of GPCRs that are related to FMRFamide, luqin, tachykinin and neuropeptide F receptors [53]. ...
... The only detected neuropeptides with the C-terminal ending RFamide are a D. gymnopharyngeus FxxxFamide, a C. submaculatum YLRFamide partial sequence and the N. westbladi neuropeptide Y/F-like peptides. The different RFamide-like positive immunostainings with crossreacting antibodies that have been shown in various xenacoelomorph species indicate that there are likely more RFamides, or possibly RYamides present [39,43,[46][47][48]50]. A low representation of certain peptides can be caused by the incompleteness or divergent quality of transcriptomic datasets, as well as a rapid sequence divergence that avoids the detection of orthologs. ...
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Neuropeptides are essential neurosecretory signaling molecules common in protostomes and deuterostomes (together Nephrozoa). Not much, however, is known about the neuropeptide complement of the sister group Xenacoelomorpha. This group is comprised of the three clades Xenoturbella, Nemertodermatida, and Acoela, which differ strongly in their nervous system anatomy. In order to reconstruct the ancestral bilaterian neuropeptide complement and gain insights into neuropeptide evolution within Xenacoelomorpha, we analyzed transcriptomes of 13 acoels, nemertodermatids, and Xenoturbella species. Together with motif searches, similarity searches, mass spectrometry and phylogenetic analyses of neuropeptide precursors and neuropeptide receptors, we reconstruct the xenacoelomorph neuropeptide complement. Our comparison of xenacoelomorph GPCRs with cnidarian and nephrozoan neuropeptide receptors shows that the neuropeptide signaling diversified into at least 20 ancestral peptidergic systems in the lineage to Bilateria. We find that Xenoturbella species possess many of the ancestral bilaterian peptidergic systems and only a few clade-specific neuropeptides. Nemertodermatids seem to have nearly the complete complement of ancestral bilaterian systems and several novel neuropeptides. Acoels show an extensive loss of conserved bilaterian systems, but gained the highest number of novel and group-specific neuropeptides. While it is difficult to correlate the emergence of the bilaterian neuropeptide complement with the evolution of centralized nervous systems, we find a correlation between nervous system novelties and the expansion of taxon-specific neuropeptides in Xenacoelomorpha. 2
... commissural brain shows substantial differences between acoel groups, but it takes one of three main shapes: barrel, rosette, or bridge (Reuter, Raikova, Jondelius, et al., 2001). The number of commissures constituting the brain and the number of longitudinal neurite bundles is a character of use for systematics (Achatz & Martínez, 2012). ...
... Avagina incola with two (Reuter, Raikova, Jondelius, et al., 2001) A. pisae in Zauchner et al., 2015). Interestingly, in our S2 stainings of A. ...
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Acoel worms are simple, often microscopic animals with direct development, a multiciliated epidermis, a statocyst, and a digestive parenchyma instead of a gut epithelium. Morphological characters of acoels have been notoriously difficult to interpret due to their relative scarcity. The nervous system is one of the most accessible and widely used comparative features in acoels, which have a so-called commissural brain without capsule and several major longitudinal neurite bundles. Here, we use the selective binding properties of a neuropeptide antibody raised in echinoderms (SALMFamide2, or S2), and a commercial antibody against serotonin (5-HT) to provide additional characters of the acoel nervous system. We have prepared whole-mount immunofluorescent stainings of three acoel species: Symsagittifera psammophila (Convolutidae), Aphanostoma pisae, and the model acoel Isodiametra pulchra (both Isodiametridae). The commissural brain of all three acoels is delimited anteriorly by the ventral anterior commissure, and posteriorly by the dorsal posterior commissure. The dorsal anterior commissure is situated between the ventral anterior commissure and the dorsal posterior commissure, while the statocyst lies between dorsal anterior and dorsal posterior commissure. S2 and serotonin do not co-localise, and they follow similar patterns to each other within an animal. In particular, S2, but not 5-HT, stains a prominent commissure posterior to the main (dorsal) posterior commissure. We have for the first time observed a closed posterior loop of the main neurite bundles in S. psammophila for both the amidergic and the serotonergic nervous system. In I. pulchra, the lateral neurite bundles also form a posterior loop in our serotonergic nervous system stainings.
... Neuropeptides, well identified in the I. pulchra genome [62], were expressed in different cell clusters, but these included both neuronal and non-neuronal ones (probably secretory), thus making it difficult to clearly identify peptidergic neuronal types. Peptidergic neurons have been identified previously in different acoels (including Isodiametra) using antibodies and immunochemical methods (e.g., [1,4,29,39,49,52,53,55]). ...
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Acoel flatworms have played a relevant role in classical (and current) discussions on the evolutionary origin of bilaterian animals. This is mostly derived from the apparent simplicity of their body architectures. This tenet has been challenged over the last couple of decades, mostly because detailed studies of their morphology and the introduction of multiple genomic technologies have unveiled a complexity of cell types, tissular arrangements and patterning mechanisms that were hidden below this 'superficial' simplicity. One tissue that has received a particular attention has been the nervous system (NS). The combination of ultrastructural and single cell methodologies has revealed unique cellular diversity and developmental trajectories for most of their neurons and associated sensory systems. Moreover, the great diversity in NS architectures shown by different acoels offers us with a unique group of animals where to study key aspects of neurogenesis and diversification od neural systems over evolutionary time. In this review we revisit some recent developments in the characterization of the acoel nervous system structure and the regulatory mechanisms that contribute to their embryological development. We end up by suggesting some promising avenues to better understand how this tissue is organized in its finest cellular details and how to achieve a deeper knowledge of the functional roles that genes and gene networks play in its construction.
... As in these other species, many neurons of S. roscoffensis have both types of vesicles. What stands out, however, is the large proportion of neuronal processes with dense vesicles, a fi nding that matches descriptions of light microscopic studies detecting peptide transmitters in large neuron populations in acoelomorphs ( Reuter et al. 2001 ). Aside from small clear vesicles and dense vesicles, two other types with so far unknown signifi cance and neurotransmitter content were described for acoelomorphs: another type of "dense core vesicles" (60-120 nm), containing small, dense centers surrounded by a light halo (not to be confused with the peptide-containing dense core vesicles in vertebrates or insects) and large irregularly shaped clear vesicles (20-400 nm; Bedini and Lanfranchi 1991 ). ...
... B 287: 20201198 structure, which has not been described in other acoels. The reticulating neurite bundles in Layer I (outer layer) are reminiscent of structures observed in the Symsagittifera roscoffensis (Crucimusculata) brain [36,38,40,43,50,56,57], but higherresolution studies are needed to assess if those neurite bundles also surround clustered nuclei with a putative sensory cell in the centre as they do in H. miamia. Furthermore, both layers of the H. miamia anterior condensation, excluding the ventral midline in Layer II, occupy the full span of the DV axis of the animal. ...
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The origin of bilateral symmetry, a major transition in animal evolution, coincided with the evolution of organized nervous systems that show regionalization along major body axes. Studies of Xenacoelomorpha, the likely outgroup lineage to all other animals with bilateral symmetry, can inform the evolutionary history of animal nervous systems. Here, we characterized the neural anatomy of the acoel Hofstenia miamia. Our analysis of transcriptomic data uncovered orthologues of enzymes for all major neurotransmitter synthesis pathways. Expression patterns of these enzymes revealed the presence of a nerve net and an anterior condensation of neural cells. The anterior condensation was layered, containing several cell types with distinct molecular identities organized in spatially distinct territories. Using these anterior cell types and structures as landmarks, we obtained a detailed timeline for regeneration of the H. miamia nervous system, showing that the anterior condensation is restored by eight days after amputation. Our work detailing neural anatomy in H. miamia will enable mechanistic studies of neural cell type diversity and regeneration and provide insight into the evolution of these processes.
... Using morphological data on muscular and nervous systems in orthonectids for phylogenetic reconstructions seems highly speculative. Such organization of musculature and nervous system is expected in many very small worm-like organisms: Acoela (Achatz & Martinez, 2012;Reuter et al., 2001;Tekle, Raikova, Ahmadzadeh, & Jondelius, 2005), Platyhelminthes (Hooge, 2001;Kotikova, Raikova, Reuter, & Gustafsson, 2002;Raikova, Kotikova, & Frolova, 2017;Tyler & Hooge, 2004), Gastrotricha (Rothe & Schmidt-Rhaesa, 2009), Annelida (Kerbl et al., 2016;Kerbl, Bekkouche, Sterrer, & Worsaae, 2015;Windoffer & Westheide, 1988), Gnathostomulida Gąsiorowski, Bekkouche, Sørensen, et al., 2017;Müller & Sterrer, 2004) and Cycliophora Wanninger, 2005). Nevertheless, the most similar pattern of the nervous system and body wall musculature was found in annelids, namely in Lobatocerebridae (Kerbl et al., 2015;Rieger, 1980). ...
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Orthonectida is a small group of parasites, which, according to recent studies, may be phylogenetically close to Annelida. Here, we describe the musculature and serotonin‐like immunoreactive (SLIR) nervous system of male adults of Intoshia linei (Orthonectida) using immunohistochemistry and confocal laser scanning microscopy. The whole muscular system consists of four outer longitudinal and eight pairs of inner semicircular muscle fibres. Immunohistochemistry revealed six serotonin‐like cells at the anterior part of the body, and two backward lateral longitudinal nerves, merging at the posterior end. Compared to females, the organization of the nervous system is modified and its progenetic origin seems unlikely. The general neuromuscular organization corresponds to the pattern of small‐sized annelids, suggesting their possible phylogenetic affinity. Free‐living males and females of the orthonectid I. linei may present a good example of a highly simplified Bilaterian with fully functioning nervous and muscular systems. This simplicity is secondary and is caused by two factors—the parasitic life style and miniaturization of free‐living sexual stages.
... Nemertodermatids possess additional condensed basiepidermal nerve cords that can be located at different places along the dorsoventral axis, and additional basiepidermal anterior brain-like condensations are observed in many species (Raikova et al. 2004(Raikova et al. , 2016Børve and Hejnol 2014;Mart ınez et al. 2017 Raikova et al. 2016;Mart ınez et al. 2017). Immunohistochemical studies have demonstrated reactivity of antibodies that were raised against neuropeptides of nephrozoan animals, like different RFamides and SALMFamides (Raikova et al. 2000a(Raikova et al. , 2004Reuter et al. 2001;Stach et al. 2005;Kotikova and Raiikova 2008;Semmler et al. 2010;Achatz and Martinez 2012;Børve and Hejnol 2014;Dittmann et al. 2018). However, not much is known about the actual xenacoelomorph neuropeptide repertoire, except for the presence of GPCRs that are related to FMRFamide, luqin, tachykinin, and neuropeptide F receptors (Thiel et al. 2017). ...
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Neuropeptides are neurosecretory signaling molecules in protostomes and deuterostomes (together Nephrozoa). Little, however, is known about the neuropeptide complement of the sister group of Nephrozoa, the Xenacoelomorpha, which together form the Bilateria. Because members of the xenacoelomorph clades Xenoturbella, Nemertodermatida, and Acoela differ extensively in their central nervous system (CNS) anatomy, the reconstruction of the xenacoelomorph and bilaterian neuropeptide complements may provide insights into the relationship between nervous system evolution and peptidergic signaling. Here, we analyzed transcriptomes of seven acoels, four nemertodermatids, and two Xenoturbella species using motif searches, similarity searches, mass spectrometry and phylogenetic analyses to characterize neuropeptide precursors and neuropeptide receptors. Our comparison of these repertoires with previously reported nephrozoan and cnidarian sequences show that the majority of annotated neuropeptide GPCRs in cnidarians are not orthologs of specific bilaterian neuropeptide receptors, which suggests that most of the bilaterian neuropeptide systems evolved after the cnidarian-bilaterian evolutionary split. This expansion of more than 20 peptidergic systems in the stem leading to the Bilateria predates the evolution of complex nephrozoan organs and nervous system architectures. From this ancient set of neuropeptides, acoels show frequent losses that correlate with their divergent CNS anatomy. We furthermore detected the emergence of novel neuropeptides in xenacoelomorphs and their expansion along the nemertodermatid and acoel lineages, the two clades that evolved nervous system condensations. Together, our study provides fundamental insights into the early evolution of the bilaterian peptidergic systems, which will guide future functional and comparative studies of bilaterian nervous systems.
Twenty species of Acoela, nine new to science, are reported from Bocas del Toro, on the Caribbean coast of Panama. The species include two from the family Childiidae (Childia crassum, Childia groenlandica), two from Convolutidae (Con- voluta sp., cf. Heterochaerus sargassi), one from Dakuidae (Daku riegeri sp. nov.), six from Haploposthiidae (Exocelis reedi sp. nov., Haploposthia vandula, Kuma albiventer, Kuma blacki sp. nov., Pseudohaplogonaria caribbea, Unnamed Species 1), one from Hofsteniidae (Hofstenia miamia), seven from Isodiametridae (Aphanostoma collinae sp. nov., cf. Avagina marci, Diatomovora jacki sp. nov., Isodiametra cuernos sp. nov., Isodiametra nicki sp. nov., Praeaphanostoma foramivora sp. nov., Praeconvoluta bocasensis sp. nov.), and one from Sagittiferidae (Antrosagittifera corallina). The genus Exocelis is transferred from the defunct family Otocelididae to the family Haploposthiidae.
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The Xenacoelomorpha is a clade of mostly marine animals placed as the sister group of the remaining Bilateria (Nephrozoa) in most phylogenomic and morphological analyses, although alternative hypotheses placing them within deuteros-tomes have been proposed. This key phylogenetic position has raised recently a great interest in the study of their constitutive clades, since they can provide us with character states that illuminate different aspects of the origin of bilateral animals. Moreover, the recent availability of genomic and transcriptomic data from different species has been used in inferring the internal relationships among xenacoelomorph clades and the deciphering of molecular mechanisms that contribute to the evolution of metazoan genomes. Having access to molecular data paves the way to the systematic analysis of the genetic control of xenacoelomorph development and, additionally , to a better-informed study of bilaterian innovations. Here we revisit what has been learned over the last decades on the morphology, genomics and phylogenetic relationships of the Xenacoelomorpha.
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Introduction - The Acoelomorpha Ehlers, 1984, comprising Acoela and Nemertodermatida, were traditionally considered monophyletic and were included within the monophyletic Platyhelminthes (Ehlers 1985a,b; Rieger et al. 1991). However, a conflicting view existed regarding Acoelomorpha as one of the three groups (Acoelomorpha, Catenulida and Rhabditophora) constituting the non-monophyletic Platyhelminthes (Smith et al. 1986). Recent morphological and molecular data suggest that Acoela could be the sister group to the Bilateria (Haszprunar 1996; Ruiz-Trillo et al. 1999). The position of Nemertodermatida was even more difficult to determine in molecular studies (Littlewood et al. 1999a; Ruiz-Trillo et al. 1999). Therefore the search for additional characters is pertinent to our understanding of the phylogeny of the Acoelomorpha. This study summarizes data obtained so far from our recent studies on brain and sperm structure, and attempts to clarify the interrelationships of the Acoela and the Nemertodermatida on the one hand and the phylogeny within the Acoela on the other hand.
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The study shows that the regenerating pharynx of Girardia tigrina forms a simple and valuable model system for studies of pattern formation in the nervous system and its relationship to the developing muscles. Immunocytochemistry was used, with antisera raised against 5-HT and the native planarian neuropeptide GYIRFamide. We studied the sequential development of the innervation in the regenerating pharynx, and using TRITC-labelled phalloidin we followed the corresponding differentiation and maturation of pharynx musculature. The peptidergic and aminergic neuronal cell types develop according to different time schedules and different modes. Throughout the process, the GYIRFamide-IR elements are in contact with the old parts of the nervous system, while the apical 5-HT-IR elements develop de novo. In the regenerating pharynx the GYIRFamide-IR nerves develop in a proximodistal direction. The first 5-HT-IR cell bodies appear in the tip of the pharynx and are symmetrically placed. They have no contact to the rest of the nervous system. From these cell bodies processes grow disto-proximally and fasciculate with fibres from the proximal part. A striking parallelism between the appearance of GYIRFamide-IR nerves and muscle fibres stained with TRITC-phalloidin was observed. The GYIRFamide-IR nerves cling to the muscle fibres. These results suggest that the contact between muscle fibres and GYIRF-IR nerves is essential for the function of pharynx. The delayed appearance of 5-HT-IR nervous elements is discussed in terms of the influence of 5-HT on sprouting of nerve fibres and synapse formation. The development of the pharynx in tail parts after fission is compared with that after pharynx amputation. The faster rate observed for pharynx regenerating after amputation in comparison with that in regenerating tail parts indicates the importance of the remains of the old nervous system in the pharynx structure.
Nucleotide sequences of the region extending from the D3 to the D6 expansion segments of the 28S rDNA gene were used to reconstruct evolutionary relationships within the Platyhelminthes. Neighbor-joining and parsimony analyses of representatives of most major platyhelminth taxa revealed a basal Catenulida, a monophyletic Acoelomorpha, a sister-group relationship of Macrostomorpha and Polycladida (59% of bootstrap replications), and monophyletic Tricladida. We found no evidence of a taxon Seriata (p=.0001); however, the paraphyletic status of the Proseriata needs further investigation. Although Neodermata appeared as a monophyletic group, Monogenea was paraphyletic (p<.0001), thus not supporting the taxon Cercomeromorpha. Monopisthocotylean Monogenea was the most basal taxon among the Neodermata, and Udonella sp. consistently grouped with the Monopisthocotylea. Other relationships within the Neodermata showed Trematoda as a monophyletic taxon and, among its members, Rugogaster hydrolagi was identified as an aspidogastrean. The taxa Cestodaria (Amphilinidae and Gyrocotylidae) and Eucestoda were both supported; however, constraining these 2 clades into a monophyletic Cestoda resulted in a significantly longer tree (p=.0303). We tentatively conclude that the immediate sister group of Neodermata is Fecampiida. But because of contradictory results of the constraint analyses, we cannot exclude the possibility that the sister group to Neodermata is a taxon containing many neoophoran turbellarians (e.g., Rhabdocoela and Tricladida).
As the most primitive metazoan phylum, the Platyhelminthes occupies a unique position in nervous system evolution. Centrally, their nervous system consists of an archaic brain from which emanate one or more pairs of longitudinal nerve cords connected by commissures; peripherally, a diverse arrangement of nerve plexuses of varying complexity innervate the subsurface epithelial and muscle layers, and in the parasitic taxa they are most prominent in the musculature of the attachment organs and egg-forming apparatus. There is a range of neuronal-cell types, the majority being multi- and bipolar. The flatworm neuron is highly secretory and contains a heterogeneity of vesicular inclusions, dominated by dense-cored vesicles, whose contents may be released synaptically or by paracrine secretion for presumed delivery to target cells via the extracellular matrix. A wide range of sense organ types is present in flatworms, irrespective of life-styles. The repertoire of neuronal substances identified cytochemically includes all of the major candidate transmitters known in vertebrates. Two groups of native flatworm neuropeptides have been sequenced, neuropeptide F and FMRFamide-related peptides (FaRPs), and immunoreactivities for these have been localised in dense-cored neuronal vesicles in representatives of all major flatworm groups. There is evidence of co-localisation of peptidergic and cholinergic elements; serotoninergic components generally occupy a separate set of neurons. The actions of neuronal substances in flatworms are largely undetermined, but FaRPs and 5-HT are known to be myoactive in all of the major groups, and there is immunocytochemical evidence that they have a role in the mechanism of egg assembly.
The concept of monophyly of Plathelminthes and Plathelminthomorpha (Plathelminthes and Gnathostomulida) is critically re-analysed. Based on new morphological and molecular evidence, it is concluded that both taxa are paraphyletic assemblages. The Acoelomorpha (Xenoturbellida?, Nemertodermatida and Acoela) are considered as the earliest offshoot of the bilaterian stem line, primarily lacking paired cerebral ganglia, an orthogonal nervous system and ultrafiltration nephridia. They are followed by Plathelminthes sensu stricto (i.e. the rhabditophoran turbellarians and Neodermata), Catenulida, and Gnathostomulida, the latter group is probably the sister group of the Syndermata (Rotifera and Acanthocephala). The respective characters, as well as the implication for the proposed stem species of the Bilateria are outlined and discussed.