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Microbial Diversity of the Brine-Seawater Interface of the Kebrit Deep, Red Sea, Studied via 16S rRNA Gene Sequences and Cultivation Methods

American Society for Microbiology
Applied and Environmental Microbiology

Abstract and Figures

The brine-seawater interface of the Kebrit Deep, northern Red Sea, was investigated for the presence of microorganisms using phylogenetic analysis combined with cultivation methods. Under strictly anaerobic culture conditions, novel halophiles were isolated. The new rod-shaped isolates belong to the halophilic genus Halanaerobiumand are the first representatives of the genus obtained from deep-sea, anaerobic brine pools. Within the genus Halanaerobium, they represent new species which grow chemoorganotrophically at NaCl concentrations ranging from 5 to 34%. The cellular fatty acid compositions are consistent with those of otherHalanaerobium representatives, showing unusually large amounts of Δ7 and Δ11 16:1 fatty acids. Phylogenetic analysis of the brine-seawater interface sample revealed the presence of various bacterial 16S rRNA gene sequences dominated by cultivated members of the bacterial domain, with the majority affiliated with the genusHalanaerobium. The new Halanaerobium 16S rRNA clone sequences showed the highest similarity (99.9%) to the sequence of isolate KT-8-13 from the Kebrit Deep brine. In this initial survey, our polyphasic approach demonstrates that novel halophiles thrive in the anaerobic, deep-sea brine pool of the Kebrit Deep, Red Sea. They may contribute significantly to the anaerobic degradation of organic matter enriched at the brine-seawater interface.
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0099-2240/01/$04.000 DOI: 10.1128/AEM.67.7.3077–3085.2001
July 2001, p. 3077–3085 Vol. 67, No. 7
Copyright © 2001, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.
Microbial Diversity of the Brine-Seawater Interface of the
Kebrit Deep, Red Sea, Studied via 16S rRNA
Gene Sequences and Cultivation Methods
Lehrstuhl fu¨r Mikrobiologie und Archaeenzentrum, Universita¨t Regensburg, D-93053 Regensburg,
and Institut fu¨r
Geowissenschaften, Universita¨t Kiel, D-24098 Kiel,
Germany, and Exobiology Branch,
NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California 94035
Received 12 February 2001/Accepted 17 April 2001
The brine-seawater interface of the Kebrit Deep, northern Red Sea, was investigated for the presence of
microorganisms using phylogenetic analysis combined with cultivation methods. Under strictly anaerobic
culture conditions, novel halophiles were isolated. The new rod-shaped isolates belong to the halophilic genus
Halanaerobium and are the first representatives of the genus obtained from deep-sea, anaerobic brine pools.
Within the genus Halanaerobium, they represent new species which grow chemoorganotrophically at NaCl
concentrations ranging from 5 to 34%. The cellular fatty acid compositions are consistent with those of other
Halanaerobium representatives, showing unusually large amounts of 7 and 11 16:1 fatty acids. Phylogenetic
analysis of the brine-seawater interface sample revealed the presence of various bacterial 16S rRNA gene
sequences dominated by cultivated members of the bacterial domain, with the majority affiliated with the genus
Halanaerobium. The new Halanaerobium 16S rRNA clone sequences showed the highest similarity (99.9%) to
the sequence of isolate KT-8-13 from the Kebrit Deep brine. In this initial survey, our polyphasic approach
demonstrates that novel halophiles thrive in the anaerobic, deep-sea brine pool of the Kebrit Deep, Red Sea.
They may contribute significantly to the anaerobic degradation of organic matter enriched at the brine-
seawater interface.
Hypersaline ecosystems are one of the most unusual and
extreme environments on earth (15, 25, 36). Anaerobic, deep-
sea brine pools, which are located along various tectonic rift
systems, represent a special type of hypersaline environment.
During the last 50 years about 25 deep-sea brine pools (Fig. 1)
with highly saline waters were identified in the Red Sea, an
ocean in statu nascendi within the East African Rift Valley
system (1, 6, 11, 13, 14, 18, 46, 53, 60, 65). The brines of the
Red Sea are typical athalassohaline waters which are in the
main a reflection of the geology, geography, and topography of
the areas where they develop (18, 25, 27). The high salinity is
formed when seawater circulates through subbottom Miocene
evaporite deposits, obtaining geothermal heat and dissolved
solids before surfacing in the depression of the deeps (1, 12, 62,
72). Characteristic of the brine pools is the formation of gra-
dients along the brine-seawater interface, e.g., salinity, pH,
temperature, and oxygen gradients. Brine pools of different
origin are also found in the Gulf of Mexico (e.g., the Orca
Basin) and in the Mediterranean Sea (e.g., the Tyro, Bannock,
or Urania Basin) (19, 37, 44, 61, 63).
The Kebrit Deep (in Arabic, kebrit means sulfur) in the
northern Red Sea was first explored during a Valdivia cruise in
1971 and consists of a basin of approximately 1 by 2.5 km in
size (27, 52, 59). The deep is filled with a brine of 84 m in
thickness at a maximum depth of 1,549 m (27). At the brine-
seawater interface of the Kebrit Deep there is a steep increase
in salinity from 4 to 26% (wt/vol) NaCl (within only 3 m), an
increase in temperature from 21.6 to 23.4°C (within about
7 m), an increase of the CH
concentration from 50 nl/liter to
22 ml/liter, and a measurable brine pool H
S content of up to
12 to 14 mg of S/liter. Over the same interface the pH drops
from 8.1 to 5.5 and the O
concentration decreases from 3.2 ml
of O
/liter to zero (23, 27, 64). At the same time, the density
gradient created at the brine-seawater interface acts as an in
situ particle trap for organic and inorganic materials from the
Red Sea water (27–29, 40, 57, 60, 66).
During the last 30 years, detailed geological and geochemi-
cal investigations were carried out in the Kebrit Deep. In
contrast, information about the microbial communities of this
deep is very rare. Recently, novel bacterial and archaeal 16S
rRNA gene sequences have been retrieved from brine sedi-
ments (21, 48, 50). These investigations showed that novel
groups of Archaea and Bacteria (KB1 sequence group) thrive in
the extreme environment of the Kebrit Deep (21). The pres-
ence of archaeal methanogenesis is also suggested by the bio-
chemical characterization of C
isoprenoids, an archaeal bio-
marker, in sedimentary organic matter (45), and an apparent
biotic methane oxidation at the brine-seawater interface (23).
Biochemical investigations in similar brine pools (Orca and
Bannock Basins) indicated a high microbial potential at the
brine-seawater interface and suggest the presence of halophilic
microorganisms within the brine (17, 22, 39, 40, 68).
A great diversity of microorganisms have been isolated from
high-salinity environments, including aerobic and anaerobic
organisms of the bacterial and archaeal domains (25). These
halophilic Bacteria include sulfate reducers (reference 4 and
* Corresponding author. Mailing address: Lehrstuhl fu¨r Mikrobiolo-
gie, Universita¨t Regensburg, Universita¨tsstr. 31, D-93053 Regensburg,
Germany. Phone: 0941/943-3180. Fax: 0941/943-2403. E-mail: wolfgang
references therein) and anaerobic phototrophs, gram-positive
heterotrophs, and cyanobacteria (references 8 and 25 and ref-
erences therein). Some isolates, like Flexistipes sinusarabici,
represent separate lineages (24). In addition, the Halanaerobi-
aceae, which represent a monophyletic lineage within the Bac-
teria, are specifically adapted to their high-salt milieu (49, 55,
71). The halophilic Archaea known to date comprise aerobic
halophiles of the family Halobacteriaceae and anaerobic meth-
anogens of the family Methanosarcinaceae (16, 26, 47).
The goal of this research was to assess, for the first time, the
bacterial diversity of the brine-seawater interface of the Kebrit
Deep, Red Sea. In this initial survey, which is preliminary, a
twofold approach was used. This includes (i) phylogenetic
analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequences as indicators of prokary-
otic diversity and (ii) isolation and cultivation of halophilic
representatives to establish physiological and function poten-
tial within the ecosystem community.
Sampling. Brine from the brine-seawater interface of the Kebrit Deep, Red
Sea (Fig. 1), was sampled during RV Sonne cruise SO 121 in 1997 using a rosette
sampler equipped with 24 niskin bottles (10 liters) and a conductivity-tempera-
ture-depths (CTD) unit for monitoring salinity, temperature, transmission, and
pressure (Sea-Bird Electronic, Bellevue, Wash.). The salinity of brine samples
was measured with a hand refractometer (Atago, Tokyo, Japan). Microorgan-
isms were concentrated by pumping anaerobic brine across a crossflow tangential
filtration unit (Pellicon Kasettensystem; Millipore, Eschborn, Germany) (Fig. 2)
under a CO
protective atmosphere (cell concentration factor, 400-fold). Con-
centrated brine sample KT-2 was reduced with sodium dithionite (about 0.1
M), and KT-3 was used without further treatment. In addition, sample KT-8
was taken from surface sediment of the Kebrit Deep by a chain-sack dredge
(station no. 17034-2). The sample located near the brine-seawater interface
consisted of oily ore rocks and brine (salinity, 15.6%). The samples were trans-
ported to the laboratory by air at ambient temperature and were stored at 4°C.
Strains. Halanaerobium praevalens DSM 2228, Halothermothrix orenii DSM
9562, and Halanaerobacter lacunaris DSM 6640 were obtained from the Deutsche
Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen (DSMZ), Braunschweig,
Germany, and were cultivated by using the indicated DSMZ media.
Culture conditions. Enrichment cultures from samples KT-2 and KT-3 (KT-
2/3) and KT-8 were established in 28-ml serum tubes on board the RV Sonne.
Brine used for enrichments was supplemented with various sterile organic and
inorganic compounds (e.g., yeast extract, peptone, NaNO
, and Na
) and
chemically reduced by the addition of 1 ml of 50% (vol/vol) H
S per 10 ml of
brine. In the laboratory, positive enrichments were transferred several times in
supplemented brine and then grown in a synthetic medium whose composition
FIG. 1. Outline of the Red Sea, showing representative brine pools.
The topographical map was generated with the Online Map Creation
program (Geomar, Kiel, Germany []).
FIG. 2. Schematic drawing of the anaerobic filtration system. The crossflow filtration unit was equipped with five Durapore membranes (pore
size, 0.2 m; filter surface, 0.46 m
) (Millipore). The cells were kept in suspension and were pumped under pressure over the filter surface. Before
filtration, the complete system was flushed for 10 min with CO
to remove oxygen. During the filtration procedure, a protective atmosphere of CO
was maintained to prevent cellular damage due to oxygen sensitivity, to prevent precipitation of inorganic compounds, and to keep the pH of the
sample constant. The concentrated brine was collected in tank 1; tank 2 was for storage. Brine flowed into the filtration unit at valve 1, concentrated
cells exited at valve 2, and the filtrate outflow was at valve 4. Valve 3 is a closed valve.
was based on a chemical analysis of a Red Sea brine-seawater interface (brine
interface medium [BI medium]) (D. Garbe-Scho¨nberg [Institut fu¨r Geowissen-
schaften, Universita¨t Kiel, Germany], personal communication). BI medium
contained (per liter) 100 g of NaCl, 5.11 g of MgSO
O, 2.0 g of CaCl
O, 107 mg of MgCl
O, 19 mg of MnSO
O, 10 mg of SrCl
2.7 mg of FeCl
O, 0.075 mg of NaNO
, 0.7 mg of ZnSO
O, 0.02 mg
of Na
O, 100 mg of KH
, and 1.0 g of NaHCO
. The pH was
adjusted to 6.5 with HCl. The gas phase over the medium in incubation tubes was
replaced with N
, and residual O
was chemically reduced by the addition of 1 ml
of 50% (vol/vol) H
S per 10 ml of medium. Growth was determined by direct cell
counting with a Thoma chamber (depth, 0.02 mm).
Cell masses of Halanaerobium praevalens,Halothermothrix orenii,Halanaero-
bacter lacunaris, and the novel isolates were obtained by growth at 30°C (60°C for
Halothermothrix orenii) with stirring (100 rpm) in an 80-liter enamel-protected
fermentor (Bioengineering, Wald, Switzerland) pressurized with 300 kPa of N
[80:20, vol/vol] for Halanaerobacter lacunaris and Halothermothrix ore-
Light and electron microscopy. Light microscopy, electron microscopy, and
photography were carried out as described elsewhere (31).
Lipid analyses. Freeze-dried cells (about 1 g) were extracted twice using
chloroform-methanol (2:1, vol/vol) under reflux for 1 h. Fatty acid methyl esters
(FAME) were prepared from a portion of the total lipid extract by a modification
of the mild alkaline methanolysis procedure of White et al. (67), which involves
heating at 37°C for 1 h and extraction with hexane-chloroform (4:1, vol/vol).
FAME were separated by thin-layer chromatography on Silica Gel G plates
(Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) using methylene chloride as the solvent. Gas
chromatographic analysis was done using a Perkin-Elmer model Sigma 3B
equipped with a flame ionization detector and a DB-5 megabore column (J&W
Scientific, Folsom, Calif.), with methyl tricosanoate as an internal standard.
Double-bond positions, cis-trans configurations, and confirmations of cyclopro-
pane rings were determined with dimethyl disulfide adducts (69) using gas chro-
matography-mass spectrometry (35).
DNA extraction, PCR, and cloning. Nucleic acids were extracted from 120 ml
of the brine-seawater interface sample KT-2 with the IsoQuick Nucleic Acid
Extraction kit (ORCA Research, Bothell, Wash.) according to the manufactur-
er’s instructions, followed by RNase treatment for 30 min and precipitation of
the nucleic acids with 1 volume of isopropanol. The nucleic acids of the halo-
philic isolates were extracted as described elsewhere (7). PCR amplifications of
the rRNA genes between Escherichia coli positions (5) 9 and 1406 or 9 and 1512
(9bF, bacterial primer; 1406uR and 1512uR, universal primers) were carried out
as described previously (21). PCR products of sample KT-2 were purified (Mi-
crocon 100; Amicon, Witten, Germany), and the 16S rRNA gene fragments were
cloned into the pCR2.1 vector (Invitrogen, Leek, The Netherlands) according to
the manufacturer’s instructions. The resulting ligation products were used to
transform E. coli TOP10Fcells. The presence of inserts of the appropriate size
in the transformants was identified by direct PCR screening; amplified ribosomal
DNA (rDNA) restriction analysis was performed as described previously (21).
Representative transformants were selected based on the fingerprinting pattern
of the rRNA gene clones, and the corresponding plasmid DNAs were obtained
using a QIAprep Spin Miniprep kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany).
Sequencing of rRNA genes. 16S rRNA gene sequences of the halophilic iso-
lates and 16S rDNA clone sequences of sample KT-2 were sequenced with an
ABI Prism 310 capillary DNA sequencer (PE Applied Biosystems, Foster City,
Calif.), using the ABI Prism BigDye Terminator Cycle Sequencing Ready Re-
action kit (Perkin-Elmer), at the Institute for Genetics, University of Regens-
burg, Regensburg, Germany. The bacterial sequences were determined using a
set of specific and universal primers (21).
Phylogenetic analyses. For the analyses, an alignment of about 11,000 homol-
ogous full and partial primary sequences available in public databases (ARB
project [41; W. Ludwig and O. Strunk, http://www.mikro.biologie.tu-muenchen
.de/pub/ARB/documentation/]) was used. The new bacterial 16S rRNA
gene sequences (1,365 to 1,473 nucleotides) were fitted in the 16S rRNA tree by
using the automated tools of the ARB software package (http://www.mikro.biologie Distance matrix (Jukes-Cantor
correction), maximum-parsimony, and maximum-likelihood (fastDNAml) meth-
ods were applied as implemented in the ARB software package (42, 51). Insig-
nificant branching points were shown by multifurication. Phylogenetic distances
were determined using distance matrix analysis without applying a correction
factor. Each sequence alignment was checked manually, and the sequences were
analyzed with the CHECK_CHIMERA program of the Ribosomal Database
Project (43) to detect the presence of possible chimeric artifacts.
Nucleotide sequence accession numbers. The 16S rRNA gene sequences were
submitted to EMBL and have been assigned accession numbers AJ309519 to
Transmission-temperature-depth profile of the brine-sea-
water interface. The data were collected during RV Sonne
cruise SO 121. Figure 3 shows the transmission-versus-depth
profile of the Kebrit Deep brine-seawater interface, including
data for temperature. At a depth of 1,468 3 m, 240 liters
of brine was obtained (station no. 17029-8; 24°43.16N,
36°16.42E). The original sample temperature was 22°C, with a
pH of 6.5. O
was not detected, and the water smelled strongly
of H
S. Over the 1-m length of the niskin bottles the salinity
varied from 4.6% at the top to 9.6% at the bottom. Samples
KT-2/3 were retrieved from the upper part of this brine-sea-
water interface, indicated by the beginning of an increase in
temperature and salinity (4.6 to 9.6%) and an decrease in
transmission (Fig. 3).
Enrichment and isolation. In order to isolate representative
microorganisms from the Kebrit brine, enrichment cultures
were established in 28-ml serum tubes on board ship by adding
different sterile organic and inorganic nutrients directly to the
brine. Two successful enrichments designated KT-2/3-3 (from
the brine-seawater interface, 1,468 3 m) and KT-8-13 (from
a brine surface sediment near the brine-seawater interface)
were grown anaerobically in original brine supplemented with
0.1% (wt/vol) thiosulfate and 0.01% (wt/vol) of a mixture of
equal parts of yeast extract, meat extract, peptone, and brain
heart infusion (C-Org). In the laboratory, the enrichment cul-
FIG. 3. Transmission-temperature-depth profile of the brine-sea-
water interface of Kebrit Deep, Red Sea. The salinities at water depths
of 1,465, 1,467, 1,469, 1,470, and 1,471 m (corrected depths) are 4.0,
4.2, 17.2, 24.5, and 26.0% (wt/vol) NaCl, respectively.
tures were transferred several times in the original brine and
then into synthetic BI medium. From each enrichment culture,
a single cell, which was optically trapped by using a strongly
focused infrared laser beam (“optical tweezers”), was sepa-
rated under visual control from the mixed culture and was
grown as a pure culture (selected cell cultivation [2, 30, 32]).
The pure cultures KT-2/3-3 and KT-8-13 (for simplicity, des-
ignated the enrichment cultures) were chosen as representa-
tives for the experiments described below. Unless indicated
otherwise, the novel isolates were cultivated in BI medium
supplemented with 0.01% C-Org. Several further enrichment
cultures resulted in single clones after selected cell cultivation,
but they showed 16S rRNA gene sequences identical to that of
either KT-2/3-3 or KT-8-13 and therefore were not further
characterized (data not shown).
Morphology. Cells of isolates KT-2/3-3 and KT-8-13 were
gram-negative, motile rods with rounded ends; the average cell
length was 1 to 2 m, and the average cell width was 0.3 to 0.4
m. Addition of glucose (0.1%, wt/vol) resulted in an increase
of the cell length up to 6.5 m (for KT-8-13). During growth,
cells of the two isolates appeared singly or in pairs. No evi-
dence of spore formation was observed. In transmission elec-
tron micrographs, the new isolates exhibited monopolar, poly-
trichous flagellation with up to three flagella per cell (Fig. 4).
Growth and physiological characterization. Isolates KT-2/
3-3 and KT-8-13 grew chemoorganoheterotrophically under
strictly anaerobic culture conditions. Both isolates were obli-
gate halophiles, with an optimal NaCl requirement of between
10 and 20% (wt/vol). They grew at NaCl concentrations of
between 5 and 34% at pH 6.5. In the presence of H
vol/vol), thiosulfate or S
(but not sulfate) was reduced to H
without stimulating the growth rate.
Isolate KT-8-13 grew at temperatures of between 18 and
48°C, with an optimum of between 30 and 45°C. KT-8-13 was
able to grow heterotrophically on C-Org (0.001 and 0.1%) and
brain heart infusion (0.01%). No growth was observed on glu-
cose (0.1%), fructose (0.1%), saccharose (0.1%), maltose
(0.1%), lactose (0.1%), xylose (0.1%), betaine (0.1%), choles-
terol (0.1%), acetate (0.01%), yeast extract (0.01%), peptone
(0.01%) (Merck), Trypticase-peptone (0.01%) (BBL), meat
extract (0.01%), or Casamino Acids (0.01%). H
S concentra-
tions of 0.5 to 50% (vol/vol) were tolerated by isolate KT-8-13.
Cellular fatty acid composition. The cellular fatty acid com-
positions of isolates KT-2/3-3 and KT-8-13 in comparison with
those of representatives of three different halophilic genera are
given in Table 1. The novel bacterial halophiles Halanaerobium
praevalens,Halothermothrix orenii, and Halanaerobacter lacu-
naris were cultured under optimal growth conditions (see Ma-
terials and Methods) and were harvested in the exponential
growth phase. The FAME analysis of the Kebrit Halanaero-
bium isolates, KT-2/3-3 and KT-8-13, showed large amounts of
16:0 and 16:1 fatty acids and minor amounts of 18:0 and 18:1
fatty acids, consistent with the data for Halanaerobium praeva-
lens (Table 1) (71). The two Kebrit isolates contained a rela-
tively large proportion of monounsaturated 16:1 with unusual
bond positions at 7 and 11, closely matching the 16:1 isomer
composition of Halanaerobium praevalens. Halothermothrix
orenii contained little unsaturated FAME, while Halanaer-
obacter lacunaris had 16:1 with the commonly encountered 9
position but an unusual 18:1 for a bacterium, with the bond at
9. Hopanoids were not detected in the organisms analyzed
(data not shown).
16S rRNA phylogeny. (i) Halophilic isolates. A comparative
analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequences revealed that isolates
KT-2/3-3 and KT-8-13 belong to the Halanaerobiaceae within
the monophyletic lineage of the Halanaerobiales (49, 55). Fur-
ther sequence alignments and phylogenetic analyses showed
the taxonomic and phylogenetic positions of the new isolates to
be among those of the members of the genus Halanaerobium
(Fig. 5). The sequence similarity of isolates KT-2/3-3 and KT-
8-13 is 97.1%. The sequence similarities of KT-2/3-3 and KT-
8-13 to other Halanaerobium species ranged from 95.7 to 99%
and from 95.5 to 99.4%, respectively.
(ii) Brine-seawater interface. Specific (9bF) and universal
(1406uR) 16S rRNA primers were used to amplify bacterial
sequences from bulk DNA derived from the brine-seawater
interface sample KT-2 (salinity, 4.6 to 9.6% NaCl). About 40
clones were obtained from the extracted nucleic acids. After
FIG. 4. Transmission electron micrographs of a dividing cell of Halanaerobium sp. strain KT-2/3-3 showing flagella (a) and of a single flagellated
cell of Halanaerobium sp. strain KT-8-13 (b). The cells were air dried and platinum shadowed. Bars, 1 m.
cloning, the 16S rRNA gene fragments were further charac-
terized by restriction endonuclease digestion. Based on a com-
parison of the restriction patterns on agarose gels, eight dif-
ferent bacterial groups were identified. From a representative
of each restriction pattern group, the 16S rRNA gene sequence
was determined and aligned with 16S rRNA sequences derived
from the ARB database. Clone sequences KT-2K20 and KT-
2K29 (representing 26% of the clones) were chimeras: KT-
2K20 of KT-2K1 and KT-2K23/KT-2K28, and KT-2K29 of
KT-2K1 and KT-2K38/KT-2K12.
The analysis of the clone sequences KT-2K1, KT-2K12, KT-
2K23, KT-2K28, KT-2K34, and KT-2K38 showed a high phy-
logenetic diversity within the bacterial domain. The phyloge-
netic positions of the derived clone sequences were supported
by the different tree reconstruction methods (see Materials
and Methods). KT-2K23 and KT-2K28 (together, 41% of the
derived clones) were affiliated with cultivated members of the
genus Halanaerobium (Fig. 5). They showed highest sequence
similarity to Halanaerobium sp. strain KT-8-13 (99.9%),
Halanaerobium fermentans (99.3%), and Halanaerobium sp.
strain KT-2/3-3 (97%). Sequence clones KT-2K1, KT-2K12,
and KT-2K38 (representing 26% of the clones) showed the
closest relationship to Clostridium subterminale or Propionibac-
terium acnes, whereas KT-2K34 (7% of the clones) is related to
sequence clone PVB OTU 4 (U15116) within the -proteobac-
teria. The GC contents of the rRNA gene sequences range
from 51 to 57%.
In brine-filled Red Sea deeps, the brine-seawater interface
represents a unique microbial ecosystem mainly determined by
a steep salt gradient (4 to 26% NaCl) within only a few meters.
The combination of salt, oxygen, and pH gradients may be
responsible for organisms specifically adapted to this environ-
ment. To date, nothing is known about the morphological and
physiological features of these organisms. The presence of
microorganisms in hypersaline brines (e.g., the Gulf of Mexico
and the Mediterranean Sea) was suggested by biochemical
investigations which included measurements of ATP or CH
lipid analysis, and epifluorescence microscopy (17, 20, 40, 54,
68). The novel halophilic isolates from the Kebrit Deep (KT-
2/3-3 and KT-8-13) are the first organisms to have been culti-
vated and isolated from a brine-seawater interface or the
deeper anaerobic, brine pool.
Based on 16S rRNA gene sequence comparisons, these Ke-
TABLE 1. Comparison of the cellular fatty acid compositions of isolates KT-2/3-3 and KT-8-13 with those of Halanaerobium praevalens,
Halothermothrix orenii, and Halanaerobacter lacunaris
Fatty acid
% in:
KT-2/3-3 KT-8-13 Halanaerobium
14 0.8 1.2 9.6 3.5 3.7
14:1, 7 0.2 0.2 2.9 ND 0.5
14:1, 9 0.1 0.0 0.9 ND ND
i15 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2
a15 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2
15 0.2 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.6
15:1, 7 0.1 0.1 0.2 ND ND
15:1, 9 0.1 0.1 0.4 ND ND
i16 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.4 0.2
16 17.3 24.8 17.9 54.9 20.9
16:1, 7cis 7.3 10.1 12.3 ND 1.2
16:1, 9cis 34.2 35.0 28.3 1.4 34.2
16:1, 9trans 8.5 2.2 4.8 0.5 4.9
16:1, 11cis 20.4 13.3 17.5 ND 1.1
i17 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1
a17 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.3 ND
17 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.6 0.5
cy17 1.7 1.6 0.2 0.2 0.6
17:1 0.2 0.6 0.1 ND 2.6
i18 ND
0.1 0.1 0.1 ND
a18 ND ND 0.1 0.1 ND
18 2.5 1.9 2.7 29.4 5.3
18:1, 9cis 0.5 1.8 0.9 3.3 10.3
18:1, 9trans 0.5 0.3 0.1 2.0 2.2
18:1, 11cis 2.0 5.0 0.4 1.0 1.0
18:1, 11trans 0.6 ND ND 0.1 0.4
18:1, 13cis 1.4 0.4 ND ND ND
i19 ND ND ND 0.3 1.4
a19 0.5 0.4 0.1 1.2 7.5
19 ND ND 0.1 0.2 0.4
Fatty acids are designated by total number of carbon atoms:number of double bonds. The number after indicates the position of the double bond relative to the
carboxylic () end of the molecule, with cis and trans geometry indicated. cy, cyclopropyl ring; iand a,iso- and anteiso-branched fatty acids, respectively. The
concentrations of total fatty acids of KT-2/3-3, KT-8-13, Halanaerobium praevalens, Halothermothrix orenii, and Halanaerobacter lacunaris were 160.9, 228.2, 1,017.4,
187.3, and 45.6 g g (dry weight)
, respectively.
ND, none detected.
FIG. 5. 16S rRNA gene-based phylogenetic tree of the bacterial domain, including the 16S rDNA sequences from brine-seawater interface
sample KT-2 and the 16S rRNA gene sequences of the new halophilic isolates from Kebrit Deep, Red Sea. The KB1 group marks a cluster of
closely related environmental sequences, which were obtained from a sediment sample (depth, 1,515 m) of the Kebrit Deep (21). The topology
of the tree is based on results of a maximum-parsimony analysis. Reference sequences were chosen to represent the broadest diversity of Bacteria.
Only sequence positions that share 50% or more residues identical to the 16S rRNA sequences of a corresponding group were included for tree
reconstruction. Accession numbers for the sequences are indicated. The scale bar represents 0.10 fixed mutation per nucleotide position.
brit isolates were identified as members of the Halanaerobiales,
a group of anaerobic, halophilic, fermentative bacteria. The
Halanaerobiales represent a separate lineage in the bacterial
domain (49, 55). Within this order, the isolates KT-2/3-3 and
KT-8-13 showed the closest relationship to cultivated members
of the genus Halanaerobium and most likely comprise new
species in the genus (3, 9, 38, 49, 55, 56, 71). Prior to our
investigations, members of the genus Halanaerobium have
been shown to occur only in sediments from salt lakes and
offshore oil fields; this study thus increases our knowledge of
the ecological distribution of these organisms (3, 9, 55, 56).
The results of the FAME analysis for the new Halanaerobium
species are consistent with the 16S rRNA data in that the new
species exhibit fatty acid patterns similar to those of
Halanaerobium praevalens (71). The FAME are dominated by
16:0 and 16:1 and minor amounts of 18:0 and 18:1. In contrast
to Halothermothrix orenii, the new isolates show the presence
of large amounts of unsaturated fatty acids (Table 1) (10). The
presence of relatively large amounts of 7 and 11 16:1 is very
unusual and may serve as a biomarker for Halanaerobium.
Small amounts of 11 16:1 are also present in type I meth-
anotrophs; however, these bacteria also contain 8, 9, and
10 16:1 (33, 34). Like most other Halanaerobium representa-
tives, Halanaerobium sp. strains KT-2/3-3 and KT-8-13 grew
over a wide NaCl range (5 to 34% NaCl). This physiological
flexibility allows the organisms to grow within the salt gradient
of the brine-seawater interface and in the highly saline lower
brine pool. The brine-seawater interface also exhibits a density
gradient which acts as an in situ particle trap for organic ma-
terial (Fig. 3) (29, 40, 57, 58, 66), providing an appropriate
environmental niche for heterotrophic bacteria. Indeed, these
chemoorganotrophic halophiles may contribute significantly to
the anaerobic degradation of suspended organic material en-
riched at the brine-seawater interface of the Kebrit Deep.
However, the occurrence of Halanaerobium representatives is
not restricted to the Kebrit Deep. Recently, a new member of
the genus Halanaerobium (isolate S5L4, AJ309521) was ob-
tained from the brine-seawater interface (salinity, 24.2%) of
the Shaban Deep, Red Sea (W. Eder and R. Huber, unpub-
lished results).
For phylogenetic analysis, the brine sample was concen-
trated anaerobically on board ship using a crossflow tangential
filtration unit operated under a protective CO
(Fig. 2). Two hundred forty liters of water of the brine-seawa-
ter interface was concentrated about 400-fold. Anaerobic sam-
pling of the brine is essential to circumvent the precipitation of
reduced inorganic compounds such as Fe(II) in the presence of
or the toxic effect of O
on strict anaerobes like methano-
gens (60, 70). From the concentrated brine sample KT-2, the
nucleic acids were extracted, and the 16S rRNA gene se-
quences were PCR amplified and cloned. The 16S rRNA gene
fragments were further characterized by amplified rDNA re-
striction analysis, and different restriction pattern groups were
identified. The phylogenetic analysis of a representative of
each restriction group showed that the majority of the se-
quences had high sequence similarity to cultivated microorgan-
isms within the bacterial domain. From the same bulk DNA,
archaeal PCR products were obtained, but these were not
further investigated for this study (Eder and Huber, unpub-
Using different tree reconstruction methods (see Materials
and Methods), the majority of the bacterial clone sequences
represented by KT-2K23 and KT-2K28 showed the closest
relationship with members of the genus Halanaerobium (55)
and exhibited the highest sequence similarity to the isolated
Halanaerobium sp. strain KT-8-13. Although KT-8-13 was en-
riched from the sedimentary portion of the brine pool, this
sequence was not detected in a previous in situ analysis of the
brine-sediment interface (21). That phylogenetic analysis iden-
tified a deep-branching KB1 sequence group (Fig. 5) (21). This
KB1 group could not be retrieved from the brine-seawater
interface sample, suggesting that representatives of the KB1
group are specifically adapted to the higher salinities within the
lower brine body (Fig. 3) and the sediments (the salinity of the
pore water is up to 26%), while KT-8-13, like KT-2/3-3, is more
naturally adapted to the interface environment.
We are grateful to Karl O. Stetter for stimulating and critical dis-
cussions. For helpful discussions we thank Reiner Botz, Roger Sum-
mons, and Gerald Maroske. Furthermore, we thank Reinhard Rachel
and Peter Hummel for electron microscopy and Thomas Hader, Kon-
rad Eichinger, and Marcus Koch for technical assistance. We are
grateful for the valuable help of the crew on board the RV Sonne (SO
121 cruise) and for the valuable support of cruise leader Peter Stoffers.
This work was financially supported by the BMBF (grant no.
03G0121B to Karl O. Stetter and grant no. 03G0121A to Peter Stof-
fers) and by the Fonds der Chemischen Industrie (to Karl O. Stetter).
The work of L.L.J. was supported by a grant from NASA’s Exobiology
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Supplementary resources (9)

Nucleotide Sequence
January 2001
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January 2001
Nucleotide Sequence
January 2001
Nucleotide Sequence
January 2001
Nucleotide Sequence
January 2001
Nucleotide Sequence
January 2001
Nucleotide Sequence
January 2001
Nucleotide Sequence
January 2001
... Despite their rarity and diminutive size, brine pools present intense oases of macrofaunal and microbial biodiversity in a deep-sea benthic environment that otherwise lacks in number and variety of species [8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18] . Deep-sea brine pools are of intense scientific interest since their pervasive anoxia, low pH, and hypersalinity represent one of the most extreme habitable environments on Earth, perhaps offering clues to first life on our planet, and guiding the search for life beyond it 7,19,20 . ...
... The microbial diversity of the NEOM pools is broadly representative of those identified by equivalent studies in Red Sea brine pools associated with the coastal shelf 12,32 , as well as those pools situated on the axial spreading ridge [13][14][15][16][49][50][51] . Similarities between the NEOM microbial assemblage and these other studies include bacterial classes dominated by KB1, Bacteroidia, Clostridia, Deltaproteobacteria, and Gammaproteobacteria and archaeal classes dominated by Methanobacteria and Thaumarchaeota 16,32,52 . ...
Full-text available
Deep-sea brine pools represent hypersaline environments famed for their extremophile microbes. With anoxia entirely excluding bioturbating megafauna, brine pools are also conducive to the pristine preservation of sedimentary sequences. Here we use bathymetric and geophysical observations to locate a complex of brine pools in the Gulf of Aqaba consisting of one 10,000 m 2 pool and three minor pools of less than 10 m 2. We further conduct sediment coring and direct sampling of the brine to confirm the sedimentary and environmental characteristics of these pools. We find that the main pool preserves a stratigraphy which spans at least 1200 years and contains a combination of turbidites, likely resulting from flashfloods and local seismicity, and tsunamigenic terrestrial sediment. The NEOM Brine Pools, as we name them, extend the known geographical range of Red Sea brine pools, and represent a unique preservational environment for the sedimentary signals of regional climatic and tectonic events.
... Despite their rarity and diminutive size, brine pools present intense oases of macrofaunal and microbial biodiversity in a deep-sea benthic environment that otherwise lacks in number and variety of species [8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18] . Deep-sea brine pools are of intense scientific interest since their pervasive anoxia, low pH, and hypersalinity represent one of the most extreme habitable environments on Earth, perhaps offering clues to first life on our planet, and guiding the search for life beyond it 7,19,20 . ...
... The microbial diversity of the NEOM pools is broadly representative of those identified by equivalent studies in Red Sea brine pools associated with the coastal shelf 12,32 , as well as those pools situated on the axial spreading ridge [13][14][15][16][49][50][51] . Similarities between the NEOM microbial assemblage and these other studies include bacterial classes dominated by KB1, Bacteroidia, Clostridia, Deltaproteobacteria, and Gammaproteobacteria and archaeal classes dominated by Methanobacteria and Thaumarchaeota 16,32,52 . ...
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We present the NEOM Brine Pools, the first complex of brine pools discovered in the Gulf of Aqaba. The discovery was made at 1,770 m water depth and consists of one large pool (10,000 m ² ) flanked by three minor ones (<10 m ² ). Situated immediately at the toe-of-slope, the largest of the NEOM brine pools episodically receives terrestrial outwash from the Saudi coastal plain. A transect of cores through this pool’s bed reveals a stratigraphy spanning the last 1,200 yrs. Major terrestrial inputs to the basin are recorded once per century, which we attribute to tsunami. Turbidite beds, meanwhile, deposit every 25 yrs. and likely record both flashfloods and the pervasive seismicity of the Aragonese Deep, the pull-apart basin in which the pools situate. Such signals are exquisitely preserved beneath the pools as bioturbating organisms cannot occupy the harsh hypersaline, anoxic brine. These observations extend the known geographical range of Red Sea brine pools, introduce a new sediment archive of event horizons, and document a new bathyal ecosystem in the Gulf of Aqaba; ultimately providing a range of significant data that will contribute to the reconstruction of more than one millennium of preserved turbidites, flashfloods, and tsunami sedimentary deposits.
... The specimen was collected from the north-western Kebrit Deep, one of the depressions that characterize the northern and central Red Sea (Pautot, 1983). Kebrit Deep hosts an ambient brine pool, notably characterized by extreme conditions, including high salinities (242 PSU), anoxic waters (0 mg O 2 L -1 ), and low pH (5.5) (Eder et al., 2001;Schmidt et al., 2015;Vestheim and Kaartvedt, 2016). The octocoral colony reported here was collected from 1453 m depth, in proximity of the brine, which has its interface at~1465 m depth (Vestheim & Kaartvedt, 2016) and above the <5 m thick halocline that marks the transition zone to the ocean bottom water. ...
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Octocorals (Cnidaria: Anthozoa) have a global distribution and form benthic assemblages along the depth gradient, from shallow to deep waters. They often occur below SCUBA diving limits, where they can become dominant habitat builders and aggregate different taxa. During a cruise in February 2023, one octocoral specimen was collected at 1453 m depth at Kebrit Deep, in the northern Saudi Arabian Red Sea axis, an area with extremely high temperature and salinity profiles at depth. Morphological analysis coupled with DNA barcoding using two mitochondrial markers (COI and mtMuts), revealed that the coral belongs to Acanthogorgia, a genus of azooxanthellate octocorals known to occur from 3 to 2300 m depths in cold, temperate and tropical waters. In the Red Sea, the genus was previously only known from shallower waters. Hence, we report the deepest record of the genus Acanthogorgia from the warm and saline Red Sea basin. This finding provides novel insights on deep-water octocoral diversity in the Red Sea, a still scantily explored area of the world, while emphasizing the need for further explorations at depth.
... This is the first study to extensively analyze the mesopelagic microbial diversity along the longitudinal axis of the Red Sea. Indeed, most studies targeting prokaryotic diversity in the Red Sea have focused on the shallow epipelagic (surface and DCM) [54][55][56] or the deep brine pools [57][58][59], with only two including the mesopelagic or bathypelagic layers [60,61] and only one mentioning specifically the DSL [1]. The DVM and the presence of DSLs are widespread across oceanic basins [4,5] but their effect on prokaryotes remains poorly studied [27]. ...
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Background The diel vertical migration (DVM) of fish provides an active transport of labile dissolved organic matter (DOM) to the deep ocean, fueling the metabolism of heterotrophic bacteria and archaea. We studied the impact of DVM on the mesopelagic prokaryotic diversity of the Red Sea focusing on the mesopelagic deep scattering layer (DSL) between 450–600 m. Results Despite the general consensus of homogeneous conditions in the mesopelagic layer, we observed variability in physico-chemical variables (oxygen, inorganic nutrients, DOC) in the depth profiles. We also identified distinct seasonal indicator prokaryotes inhabiting the DSL, representing between 2% (in spring) to over 10% (in winter) of total 16S rRNA gene sequences. The dominant indicator groups were Alteromonadales in winter, Vibrionales in spring and Microtrichales in summer. Using multidimensional scaling analysis, the DSL samples showed divergence from the surrounding mesopelagic layers and were distributed according to depth (47% of variance explained). We identified the sources of diversity that contribute to the DSL by analyzing the detailed profiles of spring, where 3 depths were sampled in the mesopelagic. On average, 7% was related to the epipelagic, 34% was common among the other mesopelagic waters and 38% was attributable to the DSL, with 21% of species being unique to this layer. Conclusions We conclude that the mesopelagic physico-chemical properties shape a rather uniform prokaryotic community, but that the 200 m deep DSL contributes uniquely and in a high proportion to the diversity of the Red Sea mesopelagic.
... Indeed, the uncultured halophilic Kebrit deep group 1 (KB-1) dominated the bacterial 16S rRNA data set from the brine sample (Figure 3 and Table 1). This bacterial lineage was first detected in brine sediments from the Kebrit Deep, Red Sea (Eder et al., 1999), and has so far been exclusively found in saline and hypersaline habitats, anoxic brines and sediments (Eder et al., 2001(Eder et al., , 2002Antunes et al., 2011;Ferrer et al., 2012). Yakimov et al. (2013) suggested that KB-1 could carry out reductive cleavage of glycine betaine and consequently produce acetate and methylamines, which could be used by halophilic methylotrophic H 2 -producing methanogens, such as the putatively methanogenic uncultured MSBL-1 group (Nigro et al., 2016). ...
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Mud volcanoes transport deep fluidized sediment and their microbial communities and thus provide a window into the deep biosphere. However, mud volcanoes are commonly sampled at the surface and not probed at greater depths, with the consequence that their internal geochemistry and microbiology remain hidden from view. Urania Basin, a hypersaline seafloor basin in the Mediterranean, harbors a mud volcano that erupts fluidized mud into the brine. The vertical mud pipe was amenable to shipboard Niskin bottle and multicorer sampling and provided an opportunity to investigate the downward sequence of bacterial and archaeal communities of the Urania Basin brine, fluid mud layers and consolidated subsurface sediments using 16S rRNA gene sequencing. These microbial communities show characteristic, habitat-related trends as they change throughout the sample series, from extremely halophilic bacteria (KB1) and archaea ( Halodesulfoarchaeum spp.) in the brine, toward moderately halophilic and thermophilic endospore-forming bacteria and uncultured archaeal lineages in the mud fluid, and finally ending in aromatics-oxidizing bacteria, uncultured spore formers, and heterotrophic subsurface archaea (Thermoplasmatales, Bathyarchaeota, and Lokiarcheota) in the deep subsurface sediment at the bottom of the mud volcano. Since these bacterial and archaeal lineages are mostly anaerobic heterotrophic fermenters, the microbial ecosystem in the brine and fluidized mud functions as a layered fermenter for the degradation of sedimentary biomass and hydrocarbons. By spreading spore-forming, thermophilic Firmicutes during eruptions, the Urania Basin mud volcano likely functions as a source of endospores that occur widely in cold seafloor sediments.
... Boggs et al. studied the salt lakes of the northern agricultural region in Western Australia; they found the benthic microbial communities comprised either cohesive to loosely mucilaginous mats, or thin films of diatoms [9]. Eder et al. also found Halanaerobium to be a typical species of the Dead Sea, characterized by high salinity and high temperature [10]. Focusing on the special habitat conditions of salt lakes on the Tibetan Plateau, many scholars have conducted studies on the composition and structure of microbial communities of salt lakes, their response to environmental factors, and the metabolic substances and pathways of microorganisms in extreme environments [11][12][13][14]. ...
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The extreme geographical and climatic conditions of the Tibetan Plateau result in lakes spanning a diverse range of environmental conditions. Studying microbial response to extreme environmental conditions is important for understanding their adaptation and evolution in the natural environment. In this study, the microbial community composition in the surface sediments from 12 lakes with different salinities on the Tibetan Plateau were analyzed using the Illumina high-throughput sequencing platform. The results showed that the phyla Proteobacteria and Bacteroidota were the major bacteria, and Crenarchaeota was the major group of archaea in low and moderately saline lakes (salinity 0.64–33.88PSU), whereas Firmicutes and Halobacterota increased significantly in high saline lakes (salinity 44.25–106.9PSU). Salinity was the most important factor impacting bacterial α-diversity, characterized by a significant decrease in microbial diversity indices with increasing salinity. Salinity was also the main driving factor determining the microbial community composition of these lakes. Other factors, including Chl-a, OM and glacial meltwater, also had important effects to some extent. In contrast, geographic factors had no remarkable effect on microbial community composition.
Microorganisms offer a wide array of useful metabolites and products ranging from environmentally important biofuels [1,2], industrially important enzymes [3,4], agriculturally important biofertilizers [5,6] and biopesticides [7,8], etc. Apart from that, microorganisms are a natural source of a plethora of medically significant molecules like antibiotics [9–11], anticancer agents [12,13], antivirals [14,15], etc. Also, the utilization of microorganisms for commercial production of industrially important compounds is inherently advantageous. This can be attributed to the literally unending metabolic diversity of microbes, their shorter life spans, amenability to genetic modification, relatively simpler cultivation requirements, etc. [16]. Moreover, due to the ever-increasing need for novel therapeutic agents as well as the stress on natural products, the microbes and fermentation industry are gaining importance day by day [11,17]. Another major force providing impetus for looking for novel microbial metabolites (especially in the field of medicine), is the ever increasing challenge of emergence of drug resistance in pathogenic microorganisms which includes drug resistant bacteria, fungi, viruses as well as protozoa [11,18–20]. Moreover, the recent coronavirus pandemic, caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), has practically caught us unaware with respect to our preparedness for any novel and emerging infection. So, exploring the microbial metabolic diversity for therapeutic as well as other potential uses is certainly the need of hour.
Extreme environments, habitats at the edge of survivability, can be found in most marine systems. These include habitats subjected to high radiation, high pressure, high or low temperatures, limited nutrient availability, or that contain high concentrations of salts, petroleum, or other toxic substances. Using this definition, the majority of the deep ocean and the marine deep subsurface—systems that harbor the most extensive microbiomes on Earth—would be classified as extreme. Because the microbial inhabitants of the deep sea, the subsurface, and the oceanic crust are discussed elsewhere in this book, this chapter will focus on hydrothermal vents and deep hypersaline anoxic basins, which have attracted the attention of the scientific community in recent decades due to their potential implications for astrobiology and biotechnology. Each of these two systems is characterized by the coexistence of multiple stressors (i.e., physicochemical parameters close to the limit of supporting life on Earth). The microorganisms inhabiting hydrothermal vents and deep hypersaline anoxic basins are called “polyextremophiles” and have attracted the attention of researchers who wish to gain knowledge about the adaptations to multiple extremes and the underlying mechanisms of the evolution of these marine microorganisms.
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A dense layer of suspended particulate matter exists below a depth of 1,900m in the Atlantis II Deep in the Red Sea. This layer was detected with a light scattering meter (nephelometer) at two locations within this deep and was found to conform generally to the zone of hot brines. The nepheloid layer scatters light with a constant intensity except for a few very thin internal layers of greater light scattering which correlate with the interface between the different temperature and salinity brines. The intensity of light scattering is found to increase gradually over an interval of eighty meters in the transition zone between the hot brine and the normal Red Sea deep water. The particles which produce the light scattering are interpreted as the colloidal suspensions and mineral precipitates created by the interaction of the reducing, acidic, and metal-containing hot brine with the oxidizing and alkaline overlying normal Red Sea deep water.
Strictly anaerobic halophiles, namely fermentative, sulfate-reducing, homoacetogenic, phototrophic, and methanogenic bacteria are involved in the oxidation of organic carbon in hypersaline environments. To date, six anaerobic fermentative genera, containing nine species, have been described. Two of them are homoacetogens. Six species belong to the family Haloanaerobiaceae, as indicated by their unique 16S rRNA oligonucleotide sequences. Desulfohalobium retbaense and Desulfovibrio halophilus represent the only two moderately halophilic sulfate reducers so far reported. Among anoxygenic phototrophic anaerobes, a few purple bacteria with optimal growth at salinities between 6 and 11% NaCl have been isolated from hypersaline habitats. They belong to the genera Rhodospirillum, Chromatium, Thiocapsa, and Ectothiorhodospira. The commonest organisms isolated so far are Chromatium salexigens, Thiocapsa halophila, and Rhodospirillum salinarum. Extremely halophilic purple bacteria have most commonly been isolated from alkaline brines and require about 20 to 25% NaCl for optimal growth. They belong to the family Ectothiorodhospiraceae. Their osmoregulation involves synthesis or uptake of compatible solutes such as glycine-betaine that accumulate in their cytoplasm. The existence of methanogens in hypersaline environments is related to the presence of noncompetitive substrates such as methylamines, which originate mainly from the breakdown of osmoregulatory amines. Methanogenesis probably does not contribute to the mineralization of carbohydrates at NaCl concentrations higher than 15%. Above this concentration, sulfate reduction is probably the main way to oxidize H2 (although at rates too low to use up all the H2 formed) and occupies a terminal function kn the degradation of carbohydrates. Three genera and five species of halophilic methylotrophic methanogens have been reported. A bloom of phototrophic bacteria in the marine salterns of Salins-de-Giraud, located on the Mediterranean French coast in the Rhone Delta, is also described.
Hypersaline environments are the principal habitats of petroleum deposition. They are also of intense evolutionary and ecological interest. This book presents a cross-disciplinary examination of the variety of halophilic microorganisms and their roles in modifying the ecology and geochemistry of hypersaline environments. The book also covers in detail the various inland and coastal habitats where halophilic microorganisms thrive. Geographically, hypersaline environments extend from the tropics to the poles, and from the terrestrial to the submarine. Organisms capable of living in such environments have faced unique evolutionary challenges.
Comparative sequence analyses of coding and non-coding DNA and other macromolecules play a central part in biology in general and particularly in molecular ecology. Higher order structure and function of biomolecules are determined by their primary structures which are synthesised, processed and modified under the direct or indirect control of the corresponding genes and regulatory elements at the genomic level. Consequently, nucleic acid or protein sequence similarities often indicate structural and functional similarities and help to improve the understanding of complex biological structures and processes. Comparative sequencing in molecular ecology is used for phylogenetic analyses, identification, and monitoring of organisms after isolation and cultivation. Furthermore, their direct detection, quantification, and in situ monitoring within (complex) samples can be achieved by using modern sequence based probing techniques [17]. The identification of structural genes and control regions helps to study or predict physiological potentials and properties of microbial communities and to understand the roles of individual strains or species within these communities.
A steady-state model of the brine waters in Atlantis II Deep is presented. The deuterium and oxygen-18 concentrations in the water, and the dissolved argon content suggest a relative warm near surface Red Sea water as the source of the brine. In evaluating the overall environmental situation in the Red Sea in terms of temperature and salinity, the probable source lies about 800km to the south near the Strait of Bab el Mandeb. By integrating isotope data, and the trace and major element spectra of the brine, the origin, age and history of the brine waters become apparent.