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Extended-duration prophylaxis against venous thromboembolism after total hip or knee replacement: A meta-analysis of the randomised trials


Abstract and Figures

The optimum duration of prophylaxis against venous thromboembolism after total hip or knee replacement is uncertain. Our primary objective was to establish the efficacy of extended-duration prophylaxis on symptomatic venous thromboembolic events. We identified randomised trials comparing extended-duration prophylaxis using heparin or warfarin with placebo or untreated control in patients undergoing elective total hip or knee replacement by searching electronic databases (MEDLINE, EMBASE), references from retrieved articles, and abstracts from conference proceedings, and by contact with pharmaceutical companies and investigators. Two reviewers independently extracted data on study design, symptomatic and symptomless venographic venous thromboembolism, death, and bleeding outcomes. Results from individual trials were combined with the Mantel-Haenszel method. Nine studies met our inclusion criteria (3999 patients), eight with low molecular weight heparin, and one with unfractionated heparin. Extended-duration prophylaxis for 30-42 days significantly reduced the frequency of symptomatic venous thromboembolism (1.3% vs 3.3%, OR 0.38; 95% CI 0.24-0.61, numbers needed to treat [NNT]=50), with no statistical evidence of heterogeneity (x(2) test, p=0.69). There was a greater risk reduction in patients undergoing hip replacement (1.4% vs 4.3%, 0.33; 0.19-0.56, 34) compared with knee replacement (1.0% vs 1.4%, 0.74; 0.26-2.15, 250). A significant reduction in symptomless venographic deep vein thrombosis was also observed (9.6% vs 19.6%, 0.48; 0.36-0.63, 10). There was no increase in major bleeding but extended-duration prophylaxis was associated with excess minor bleeding (3.7% vs 2.5%, 1.56; 1.08-2.26, numbers needed to harm [NNH]=83). Among patients undergoing total hip or knee replacement, extended-duration prophylaxis significantly reduces the frequency of symptomatic venous thromboembolism. The reduction in risk is equivalent to about 20 symptomatic events per 1000 patients treated.
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THE LANCET • Vol 358 • July 7, 2001 9
Background The optimum duration of prophylaxis against
venous thromboembolism after total hip or knee replacement
is uncertain. Our primary objective was to establish the
efficacy of extended-duration prophylaxis on symptomatic
venous thromboembolic events.
Methods We identified randomised trials comparing extended-
duration prophylaxis using heparin or warfarin with placebo or
untreated control in patients undergoing elective total hip
or knee replacement by searching electronic databases
(MEDLINE, EMBASE), references from retrieved articles, and
abstracts from conference proceedings, and by contact with
pharmaceutical companies and investigators. Two reviewers
independently extracted data on study design, symptomatic
and symptomless venographic venous thromboembolism,
death, and bleeding outcomes. Results from individual trials
were combined with the Mantel-Haenszel method.
Findings Nine studies met our inclusion criteria (3999
patients), eight with low molecular weight heparin, and one
with unfractionated heparin. Extended-duration prophylaxis for
30–42 days significantly reduced the frequency of
symptomatic venous thromboembolism (1·3% vs 3·3%,
OR 0·38; 95% CI 0·24–0·61, numbers needed to treat
[NNT]=50), with no statistical evidence of heterogeneity
(2test, p=0·69). There was a greater risk reduction in
patients undergoing hip replacement (1·4% vs 4·3%, 0·33;
0·19–0·56, 34) compared with knee replacement (1·0% vs
1·4%, 0·74; 0·26–2·15, 250). A significant reduction in
symptomless venographic deep vein thrombosis was also
observed (9·6% vs 19·6%, 0·48; 0·36–0·63, 10). There was
no increase in major bleeding but extended-duration
prophylaxis was associated with excess minor bleeding (3·7%
vs 2·5%, 1·56; 1·08–2·26, numbers needed to harm
Interpretation Among patients undergoing total hip or knee
replacement, extended-duration prophylaxis significantly
reduces the frequency of symptomatic venous thrombo-
embolism. The reduction in risk is equivalent to about 20
symptomatic events per 1000 patients treated.
Lancet 2001; 358: 9–15
Thrombosis Unit, Department of Haematology, Royal Perth
Hospital, Perth, Australia (J W Eikelboom MB); Department of
Radiology, King’s College Hospital, London SE5 9RS, UK
(D J Quinlan MB); Department of Medicine, McMaster University,
and St Joseph’s Hospital, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
(J D Douketis MD)
Correspondence to: Dr Daniel J Quinlan
The optimum duration of prophylaxis against venous
thromboembolism after total hip or knee replacement
surgery remains uncertain.1It is common practice to
administer prophylaxis until discharge from hospital,
usually 7 to 14 days after surgery. However, in patients
receiving in-hospital prophylaxis, the frequency of
venographic deep vein thrombosis is still 15–30% at the
time of hospital discharge, and an additional 10–25% of
patients develop symptomless new deep vein thrombosis
during the next 3 to 4 weeks.2-5 Randomised trials have
shown that extending prophylaxis beyond the time of
hospital discharge substantially reduces the risk of
developing new symptomless thrombi at 30 to 45 days,3-5
which has led these investigators to recommend that longer
duration prophylaxis should be used in all patients
undergoing hip replacement.
More recently, however, two prospective studies
conducted in patients without known proximal deep vein
thrombosis at the time of discharge from hospital
demonstrated that the frequency of new out-of-hospital
symptomatic deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary
embolism without extended-duration prophylaxis was only
about 2% after 3 months of follow-up.6,7 These data
suggest that most symptomless thrombi remain clinically
silent irrespective of whether extended-duration prop-
hylaxis is given. Meanwhile, the effect of extended-
duration prophylaxis on symptomatic venous thrombo-
embolism remains to be clarified. In the only study, to our
knowledge, specifically designed to examine the effect of
extended-duration prophylaxis on clinical outcomes,8a
significant reduction in symptomatic venous thrombo-
embolism could not be shown. This led these investigators
to conclude that prophylaxis confined to the in-hospital
phase is adequate in most patients. Existing international
guidelines for prevention of venous thromboembolism also
recommend only 7–10 days of therapy with warfarin or low
molecular weight heparin after total hip or knee
To further clarify the role of extended-duration
prophylaxis, we conducted a meta-analysis of all
randomised trials assessing the efficacy and safety of
extended-duration prophylaxis in patients undergoing
elective hip or knee replacement surgery. The primary
outcome was symptomatic venous thromboembolism,
including deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism.
Secondary outcomes were symptomless proximal and
distal deep vein thrombosis detected by venography, all-
cause mortality, and adverse events including major and
minor bleeding.
We prospectively developed a protocol detailing the
specific objectives, criteria for study selection, the
Extended-duration prophylaxis against venous thromboembolism
after total hip or knee replacement: a meta-analysis of the
randomised trials
John W Eikelboom, Daniel J Quinlan, James D Douketis
For personal use. Only reproduce with permission from The Lancet Publishing Group.
approach to assessing study quality, primary and
secondary outcomes, and statistical methods.
Study identification
We attempted to identify all relevant published and
unpublished unconfounded randomised trials that
compared extended-duration anticoagulant thrombo-
prophylaxis with placebo or untreated control in patients
undergoing hip or knee arthroplasty. We searched the
MEDLINE and EMBASE electronic databases from
January, 1980, to July, 2000, using the terms thrombosis,
thromboembolism, pulmonary embolism, randomised
controlled trial, controlled clinical trial, random, placebo,
hip arthroplasty, and knee arthroplasty, in combination
with generic and trade names of individual low molecular
weight heparin preparations. Bibliographies of journal
articles were hand-searched to locate additional studies,
and we contacted manufacturers of low molecular weight
heparin agents for knowledge of unpublished studies. We
assessed relevance using a hierarchical approach based on
title, abstract, and the full manuscript.
Study selection
Two investigators (JWE, DJQ) independently assessed
studies for possible inclusion and any disagreements were
resolved by discussion. To be included, studies had to be
properly randomised; include patients undergoing elective
total hip or total knee replacement; compare extended-
duration prophylaxis with low molecular weight heparin,
unfractionated heparin, or warfarin with placebo or
untreated control; and use objective methods to confirm
the diagnosis of symptomatic venous thromboembolism.
We included data on symptomless deep vein thrombosis
from these studies only if screening was done with
ascending lower-limb contrast venography.
Assessment of study quality and data extraction
We adopted the study-quality criteria developed by
Schultz and colleagues10 to assess the studies included in
our meta-analysis. These criteria include proper generation
of the treatment allocation sequence; proper concealment
of the allocation sequence; masking of patient and the
investigator assessing clinical outcomes to treatment
allocation; and completeness of follow-up.
Two investigators (JWE, DJQ) independently extracted
data on study design, study quality, and the following
efficacy and safety outcomes during the extended-duration
phase: symptomatic venous thromboembolism, which
include deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism;
symptomless deep vein thrombosis documented by
ascending lower limb contrast venography; major bleeding;
minor bleeding; and all-cause mortality. We accepted the
primary study investigators’ definitions for deep vein
thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, and major and minor
bleeding. The data abstracted for each trial were
confirmed by reviewer consensus, and then sent to the
primary investigator for verification. We requested missing
data from the primary investigator at this time.
Statistical analysis
We assessed agreement for study selection with a weighted
kappa statistic and by calculating the observed percentage
agreement. We used a fixed-effects model based on the
Mantel-Haenszel method for combining results from the
individual trials.11 This model is also known as an
assumption-free model since it does not assume that
included studies are a random sample of the universe of
studies, and provides a pooled estimate of treatment effect
that is conditional on the trial data that are available. We
calculated the odds ratio (OR), 95% CI, and the number
needed to treat (NNT) or harm (NNH). The test of
heterogeneity was calculated with the Mantel-Haenszel
method. All statistical calculations were done with
Comprehensive Meta Analysis (version 1.0.5).
Subgroup analyses
We prespecified the following subgroup analyses for
the primary outcome: hip replacement versus knee
replacement; agent (low molecular weight heparin,
unfractionated heparin, warfarin); duration of in-hospital
prophylaxis (up to 10 days, 10–14 days, 15 days or more);
and in trials with mandatory discharge venography versus
trials in which mandatory discharge venography was not
Sensitivity analyses
We did sensitivity analyses to further explore the
robustness of our results. To identify any study that may
have exerted a disproportionate influence on the summary
treatment effect, we deleted studies one at a time. We
examined the effect of excluding lower quality (open-label
studies and studies with incomplete follow-up) from the
analysis. An inverted funnel plot of treatment effect versus
study precision was created for the primary outcome to
look for possible publication bias,12 a technique that might
help to determine whether additional small studies might
have been undertaken but not published because of
unfavourable or negative results. Finally, results obtained
with a fixed effects model were compared with those
obtained using a random effects model.
Figure 1 shows the process of study selection. Our search
identified 304 potentially eligible citations. After scanning
their titles and abstracts, 289 citations were excluded and
15 were retained for further assessment. Two studies
originally reported only in abstract form were subsequently
published as full reports5,8 and we obtained the completed
manuscript13 for a third abstract14 from the investigators.
These three studies were included. Of the 12 remaining
citations, one was excluded because it was not a properly
10 THE LANCET • Vol 358 • July 7, 2001
Potentially eligible RCTs identified
and screened for retrieval (n=304)
Potentially appropriate RCTs to be
included in the meta-analysis (n=9)
RCTs included in the
meta-analysis (n=9)
RCTs retrieved for more
detailed assessment (n=15)
RCTs excluded
(not properly randomised n=1;
data previously reported, n=5)
RCTs excluded (n=0)
RCTs excluded (n=289)
Figure 1: Process of study selection
For personal use. Only reproduce with permission from The Lancet Publishing Group.
randomised study,15 and five were excluded because they
reported previously published data.16–20 Thus we had a total
of nine studies that met the inclusion criteria.3–5,8,13,21-24
Inter-rater agreement for study selection was 93%
(weighted kappa 0·88).
Table 1 shows the key features of study design. Three
studies were undertaken in Canada or the USA5,8,13 and six
were undertaken in one or more European countries.3,4,21–24
There was considerable variation in trial design. Seven
studies included only patients undergoing total hip
replacement,3-5,21–24 and two included both total hip and
knee replacements.8,13 Four low molecular weight heparin
preparations were assessed (ardeparin, dalteparin,
enoxaparin, nadroparin), and one study used fixed-dose
unfractionated heparin.23 No study assessed the use of
extended-duration warfarin. Prophylaxis was started
preoperatively in six studies,3,4,21–24 and postoperatively in
two.8,13 In one study,5low molecular weight heparin
prophylaxis was begun either preoperatively or postoper-
atively and patients underwent two randomisations, the
first to either low molecular weight heparin or warfarin
during the in-hospital phase, and the second to low
molecular weight heparin or placebo during the extended-
duration phase. There were differences in the duration of
in-hospital thromboprophylaxis, reflecting both variations
in clinical practice as well a tendency to earlier hospital
discharge in more recent studies. The older studies
continued in-hospital prophylaxis for 10–15 days,3,21 but
the two most recent studies used between 4 and 10 days of
in-hospital prophylaxis.5,8 However, the total duration of
prophylaxis was 4–6 weeks in all studies. Three studies
used bilateral venography,3–5 and two used duplex
ultrasound24 or impedance plethysmography,23 respectively,
to screen patients for the presence of symptomless deep
vein thrombosis before hospital discharge.
Proper methods were used to generate the randomised
treatment allocation in all studies, there seemed to be
adequate concealment of treatment allocation in all trials,
and both the patient and the investigator were unaware of
treatment allocation in seven of the nine studies.3-5,8,13,21,22
There was 100% clinical follow-up in six studies,3,4,8,21,23 and
greater than 90% follow-up in the remaining three
Table 2 shows the data on symptomatic venous
thromboembolism. All studies showed a reduction in
symptomatic venous thromboembolism, during extended-
duration prophylaxis, but a statistically significant
reduction was seen in only two of the nine trials.13,21 The
pooled estimate from all the trials revealed a highly
significant reduction in symptomatic events with extended-
duration prophylaxis compared with placebo or untreated
control, with no statistical evidence of heterogeneity
among the studies (figure 2). When individual components
of this outcome were considered separately (table 2), there
was a similar relative risk reduction for deep vein
thrombosis and pulmonary embolism, but the absolute
event rate for pulmonary embolism was low (total number
of events=14) and the relative risk reduction not
The reduction in symptomatic venous thrombo-
embolism seen with extended-duration prophylaxis was
greatest in patients undergoing total hip replacement
(1·4% vs 4·3%, 0·33; 0·19–0·56, 34), and was similar for
deep vein thrombosis (1·4% vs 3·6%, 0·39; 0·23–0·68, 45)
and for pulmonary embolism (0% vs 0·7%, 0·32;
0·11–0·96, 143). In the knee replacement group there was
a more modest reduction in venous thromboembolism
with extended-duration prophylaxis (1·0% vs 1·4%, 0·74;
0·26–2·15, 250), but this estimate was based on aggregate
data only from two studies with seven events and was not
THE LANCET • Vol 358 • July 7, 2001 11
Trial Eligibility In-hospital thromboprophylaxis Out-of-hospital thromboprophylaxis Total dura-
n Agent Duration (days) VTE screeningn Active agent§tion (days)
Bergqvist et al, 199621 THR 288 Enoxaparin 40 mg 1011 Nil 262 Enoxaparin 40 mg 30 (2)
once a day once a day
Planes et al, 19963THR 210 Enoxaparin 40 mg 1315 Bilateral venography 179 Enoxaparin 40 mg 35 (2)
once a day once a day
Dahl et al, 19974THR 308 Dalteparin* 7 (2) Bilateral venography 265 Dalteparin 35 (2)
5000 IU once a day 5000 IU once a day
Lassen et al, 199822 THR 300 Dalteparin 7 Nil 281 Dalteparin 35
5000 IU once a day 5000 IU once a day
Manganelli et al, 199823 THR 80 UFH 5000 IU 15 IPG 79 UFH 5000 IU 30
three times a day three times a day
NPHDO, 199824 THR 346 Nadroparin 1617 Duplex ultrasound 296 Nadroparin 3738
weight-adjusted weight-adjusted
Heit et al, 20008THR 1320 Ardeparin 410 Nil 1195 Ardeparin 100 IU/kg 42
or TKR 50 IU/kg twice a day once a day
Hull et al, 20005THR 991 Dalteparin 5000 IU 6 (2) Bilateral venography 569 Dalteparin 35 (2)
once a day 5000 IU once a day
or warfarin
Comp et al, 200113 THR 968 Enoxaparin 710 Nil 873 Enoxaparin 2729
or TKR 30 mg twice a day 40 mg once a day
DVT=deep vein thrombosis; IPG=impedance plethysmography; THR=total hip replacement; TKR=total knee replacement; UFH=unfractionated heparin; VTE=venous
thromboembolism. *All patients also received dextran 70 (day 0 and day 1). Patients were randomised to either dalteparin for 35 (2) days or warfarin 6 (2) days
followed by out-of-hospital placebo until 35 (2) days. All trials excluded patients with objectively confirmed symptomatic VTE during the in-hospital phase from the out-
of-hospital phase; Planes et al and Hull et al excluded patients with any symptomless venographic DVT while Dahl et al excluded only symptomless proximal DVT. §In
each trial the randomised comparator was either placebo or untreated control. Screening bilateral venography done at completion of randomised treatment in all trials
except Manganelli et al (who did unilateral venography on the operative leg on day 45) and Heit et al.
Table 1: Design of trials included in the meta-analysis.
Outcome Low molecular weight heparin Placebo or untreated control OR (95% CI) NNT
or unfractionated heparin
Deep vein thrombosis 22/1964 (1·1%) 47/1742 (2·7%) 0·41 (0·240·68)* 62
Pulmonary embolism 3/1961 (0·2%) 11/1744 (0·6%) 0·43 (0·171·06)250
Any venous thromboembolism 25/1964 (1·3%) 58/1744 (3·3%) 0·38 (0·240·61)50
*Heterogeneity: 2=4·46 (df=8), p=0·81. Heterogeneity: 2=3·69 (df=8), p=0·88. Heterogeneity: 2=5·65 (df = 8), p=0·69
Table 2: Out-of-hospital symptomatic venous thromboembolism
For personal use. Only reproduce with permission from The Lancet Publishing Group.
significant. Nevertheless, the direction and magnitude of
the treatment effect during knee replacement was similar
for the overall outcome and for the two components of this
outcome, deep vein thrombosis (0·5% vs 0·7%, 0·75;
0·17–3·33, 500) and pulmonary embolism (0·5% vs 0·7%,
0·77; 0·19–3·13, 500). There was no evidence of
heterogeneity between the hip and knee replacement trials
for the outcome of symptomatic venous thromboembolism
(2value 1·87, p=0·98), with clear overlap of the respective
95% CI.
One open-label trial of 79 patients,23 used unfractionated
heparin, whereas eight studies used low molecular weight
heparin during the extended-duration phase. Although
indirect comparisons suggest that there was a greater
treatment effect with unfractionated heparin (0% vs
15·8%, 0·06; 0·01–1·11, 6) compared with low molecular
weight heparin (1·3% vs 3·0%, 0·42; 0·26–0·68, 59), there
was complete overlap of the 95% CI and no evidence of
heterogeneity between unfractionated heparin and low
molecular weight heparin trial results (2 value 2·48,
The duration of in-hospital thromboprophylaxis could
affect the frequency of venous thromboembolism during
the extended treatment phase and, thereby, also the
magnitude of the observed treatment effect of extended-
duration prophylaxis. However, on the basis of an indirect
comparison of placebo or untreated control groups across
the trials, the frequency of symptomatic venous
thromboembolism was no higher in patients receiving
prophylaxis for 5–10 days of in-hospital prophylaxis (2·4%;
1·6–3·3%) compared with 10–15 days (8·3%; 4·9–13·0%)
or 15 or more days (5·0%; 2·3–9·3%), though the
confidence intervals were wide. The overall treatment
effect of extended-duration prophylaxis was also similar in
these three groups of trials, with no statistical evidence of
heterogeneity (data not presented).
Mechanical injury to the veins of the lower limbs
induced during bilateral ascending venography at hospital
discharge could cause deep vein thrombosis and thereby
inflate the observed incidence of deep vein thrombosis,
although a low incidence of postdischarge symptomatic
venous thromboembolism (1·5%) was reported in an
overview of 13 trials of 2361 patients with a normal
venogram at time of hospital discharge.25 On the other
hand, exclusion of patients with subclinical deep vein
thrombosis detected by venography at the time of hospital
discharge might reduce the subsequent frequency of
symptomatic venous thromboembolism.
Our data showed a 4·9% (2·8–7·8%) rate of out-of-
hospital symptomatic deep vein thrombosis among
placebo-treated or untreated controls in trials in which
mandatory bilateral venography was done at hospital
discharge compared with 3·0% (2·2–4·0%) in trials not
undertaking discharge venography. This difference of
1·9% was not significant (95% CI 0·5% to 4·4%), and
there was overlap of the respective 95% CI for these
Extended-duration prophylaxis was associated was a
similar relative risk reduction in symptomatic venous
thromboembolism in trials where discharge venography
was not undertaken (0·9% vs 3·0%, 0·32; 0·18–0·58, 48)
compared with trials in which mandatory discharge
venography was done (2·2% vs 4·9%, 0·53; 0·24–1·18, 37)
with overlap of the 95% CI and no statistical evidence of
heterogeneity (2 value0·23, p=0·99).
Table 3 shows data on symptomless venous thrombo-
embolism. Extended-duration prophylaxis was associated
with a statistically significant reduction in deep vein
thrombosis in patients undergoing hip or knee
replacement, with no statistical evidence of heterogeneity
(2value 5·81, p=0·44; figure 3). Both proximal and distal
deep vein thrombosis were significantly reduced.
When trials of hip replacement were examined
separately, extended-duration prophylaxis was associated
with a substantial reduction in the frequency of symptom-
free deep vein thrombosis (7·7% vs 18·6%, 0·39;
12 THE LANCET • Vol 358 • July 7, 2001
Planes et al, 1996
Bergqvist et al, 1996
Dahl et al, 1997
NPHDO, 1998
Manganelli et al, 1998
Lassen et al, 1998
Hull et al, 2000
Hull et al, 2000
Comp et al, 2001
3/85 (3·5%)
2/117 (1·7%)
4/114 (3·5%)
1/115 (0·6%)
0/41 (0%)
2/113 (1·8%)
4/291 (1·4%)
7/607 (1·2%)
2/441 (0·4%)
7/88 (8·0%)
10/116 (8·6%)
6/106 (5·7%)
3/141 (2·1%)
6/38 (1·6%)
3/102 (2·9%)
3/133 (2·3%)
10/588 (1·7%)
10/432 (2·3%)
95% CI
0·01 0·1 1 10 100
Log odds ratio
Favours heparin Favours control
Total 25/1964 (1·3%) 58/1744 (3·3%) 0·38 0·240·61
Figure 2: Symptomatic venous thromboembolism in trials comparing extended-duration low molecular weight heparin or unfractionated
heparin with placebo or untreated control after hip or knee arthroplasty
Outcome Low molecular weight heparin Placebo or untreated control OR (95% CI) NNT
or unfractionated hepanin
Distal deep vein thrombosis 71/1047 (6·8%) 89/854 (10·4%) 0·69 (0·490·96)* 28
Proximal deep vein thrombosis 30/1047 (2·9%) 78/854 (9·1%) 0·33 (0·210·51)16
Any deep vein thrombosis 101/1047 (9·6%) 167/854 (19·6%) 0·48 (0·360·63)10
*Heterogeneity: 2=5·89 (df=6), p=0·43. Heterogeneity: 2=4·51 (df=6), p=0·61. Heterogeneity: 2=5·81 (df=6), p=0·44
Table 3: Out-of-hospital symptomless venographic deep vein thrombosis
For personal use. Only reproduce with permission from The Lancet Publishing Group.
0·28–0·54, 9), but the risk reduction in knee replacement
patients was more modest (20·5% vs 24·0%, 0·82;
0·49–1·40, 29) and was not significant. This pattern is
similar to that seen for symptomatic events, and supports
the notion that venous thromboembolism might be more
difficult to prevent in patients undergoing knee
Table 4 shows the data on bleeding. Among a total of
more than 2000 patients randomly assigned to extended-
duration prophylaxis, the frequency of major bleeding was
no higher than in those receiving placebo and untreated
controls. There was, however, a significant excess of minor
bleeding with extended-duration prophylaxis with no
statistical evidence of heterogeneity.
Table 4 shows all-cause mortality data. A total of eight
deaths were reported, 3/2115 (0·1%; 0–0·4%) in patients
receiving extended-duration prophylaxis and 5/1855
(0·3%; 0·1–0·6%) in patients receiving placebo or
untreated controls.
Deleting individual studies did not significantly alter our
primary outcome. Likewise, when we removed open-label
trials,23,24 our results were not altered much. A funnel plot
of effect size versus study precision was fairly symmetrical
with a similar number of studies on either side of the
summary treatment effect for symptomatic venous
thromboembolism (figure not shown). This finding is
consistent with no major publication bias. There were no
important differences between results obtained using the
fixed versus a random-effects model.
We have shown that extended-duration prophylaxis with
low molecular weight heparin or unfractionated heparin in
patients undergoing major hip or knee replacement surgery
significantly reduces the risk of symptomatic venous
thromboembolism. This benefit is achieved with no excess
major bleeding but with increased minor bleeding. About
50 patients need to be treated to prevent one episode of
symptomatic venous thromboembolism, whereas a minor
bleed occurs in every 80 patients treated. A significant
reduction in pulmonary embolism or mortality could not
be shown but the direction of the treatment effect for these
outcomes was consistent with that seen for the primary
outcome, suggesting that a similar reduction for these
outcomes might be expected.
Our findings of a significant treatment benefit of
extended-duration prophylaxis for prevention of symptom-
atic venous thromboembolism are based on a pooled
analysis of both hip and knee replacement trials. However,
our meta-analysis suggests that extended-duration
prophylaxis might be less effective in knee replacement
then in hip replacement. This possibility is also biologically
plausible since more extensive disruption of soft tissue and
bone occurs during knee replacement surgery, which is
likely to be associated with extensive local release of
prothrombotic tissue factor. Disruption of vascular
anatomy and the use of occlusive tourniquets can also
promote local thrombus formation,26 potentially further
reducing the efficacy of thromboprophylaxis in patients
undergoing knee replacement surgery. However, our study
was not sufficiently powered to show clear evidence of
heterogeneity of treatment effect on symptomatic
outcomes between hip and knee replacement surgery.
Results from prospective cohort studies have shown that
most symptomless thrombi in patients undergoing hip or
knee replacement remain clinically silent. This raises
questions about the clinical relevance of symptomless deep
vein thrombosis detected by screening venography.
However, in our study, the reduction in symptomatic
thrombi with extended-duration prophylaxis was
paralleled by a similar reduction in symptomless
venographic deep vein thrombosis. These findings support
the idea that symptomless thrombosis detected by
screening venography is a valid surrogate for symptomatic
One widely recognised impediment to the more
widespread use of effective prophylaxis in patients
undergoing hip or knee replacement is concern about the
risk of bleeding.1In this regard, the data from our study are
reassuring in that, even with sustained use for up to
6 weeks, prophylactic-dose heparin is not associated with
an excess in major bleeding, and the excess in minor
THE LANCET • Vol 358 • July 7, 2001 13
Planes et al, 1996
Bergqvist et al, 1996
Dahl et al, 1997
Manganelli et al, 1998
Lassen et al, 1998
Hull et al, 2000
omp et al, 2001
3/85 (3·5%)
21/117 (17·9%)
11/93 (11·8%)
4/33 (12·1%)
3/113 (2·7%)
10/291 (3·4%)
49/315 (15·5%)
10/88 (11·4%)
43/116 (37·1%)
23/89 (25·8%)
2/28 (7·1%)
9/102 (8·8%)
11/133 (8·3%)
69/298 (23·2%)
95% CI
Log odds ratio
Favours heparin Favours control
otal 101/1047 (9·6%) 167/854 (19·6%) 0·48 0·360·63
Outcomes Low molecular weight heparin Placebo or untreated control OR (95% CI) NNH
or unfractionated heparin
Minor bleeding 77/2073 (3·7%) 46/1834 (2·5%) 1·56 (1·082·26)* 83
Major bleeding 2/2114 (0·1%) 5/1872 (0·3%) 0·62 (0·221·75)†..
Death 3/2132 (0·1%) 5/1888 (0·3%) 0·68 (0·251·88)‡..
*Heterogeneity: 2=7·34 (df=7), p=0·39. Heterogeneity: 2=0·58 (df=8), p=1·00. Heterogeneity: 2=1·39 (df=8), p=0·99
Table 4: Out-of-hospital data: minor and major bleeding, and death
Figure 3: Symptomless venous thromboembolism in trials comparing extended-duration low molecular weight heparin or unfractionated
heparin with placebo or untreated control after hip or knee arthroplasty
For personal use. Only reproduce with permission from The Lancet Publishing Group.
bleeding is modest. Nevertheless, the excess in minor
bleeding cannot be discounted since this can represent a
source of discomfort and inconvenience for the patient,
particularly if bleeding occurs at the operative site.
The robustness of our primary outcome is shown by the
results of sensitivity analyses. Removal of individual
studies or studies of lower quality did not affect
significantly our primary outcome, results were similar
irrespective of the statistical approach that was used, and
there was a consistent directional treatment effect across
both primary and secondary efficacy outcomes.
Our study has several potential limitations. First, despite
examining the totality of the evidence by pooling results
from all the available properly randomised trials, the total
number of patients randomly assigned and the number of
outcome events was modest. Therefore, our meta-analysis
lacked statistical power to provide precise estimates of
frequency and treatment effect for clinically important
outcomes such as pulmonary embolism. However, deep
vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism represent
clinical manifestations of the same underlying disease
process. Therefore, strategies that are effective for the
prevention of deep vein thrombosis, especially those
proximally located, are likely also to be effective for the
prevention of non-fatal and fatal pulmonary embolism.
Second, there was a lot of variation in the design of studies
included in our meta-analysis. However, differences
among trials are inevitable since individual trials look at
different populations with different treatment protocols,
and there is always some heterogeneity, even within
individual trials.27,28 Differences in trial design do not
necessarily preclude pooling of their results since, in a
meta-analysis, individual patients are directly compared
only with other patients within the same trial, and not
across the trials. The validity of our approach is further
supported by the external consistency of our findings with
the results of individual trials, and the lack of statistical
evidence of heterogeneity for any of the outcomes
examined in our meta-analysis. Third, although
compliance with extended-duration prophylaxis seemed to
be 90% or higher in most trials included in our meta-
analysis, the definition of compliance varied among the
studies and not all studies reported the level of compliance
with randomised treatment allocation that was achieved.
However, the probable impact of lack of compliance is to
reduce the power of a randomised trial to detect a
significant treatment benefit. Therefore an even greater
benefit of extended-duration prophylaxis might be realised
in populations in which higher levels of compliance are
Fourth, there are several antithrombotic agents besides
heparin and low molecular weight heparin that might be
used for out-of-hospital prophylaxis, which were not
addressed in our meta-analysis. In particular, warfarin
seems to be effective for the long-term prevention of
venous thromboembolism after hip or knee replacement
surgery.29 However, to our knowledge, there are currently
no randomised trials that have compared warfarin with
placebo or untreated control for this indication.
Meanwhile, there are also emerging data that aspirin might
be effective for the prevention of venous thromboembolism
after hip fracture,30 but this possibility requires further
confirmation in randomised trials. Finally, meta-analysis
remains retrospective research that is subject to publication
bias and the methodological deficiencies of the included
studies. However, we kept the likelihood of bias to a
minimum by developing a detailed protocol before starting
this study, undertaking a meticulous and exhaustive search
for both published and unpublished studies, and using
explicit methods for study selection, data extraction, and
data analysis. Further, we considered the totality of the
randomised evidence by including all relevant properly
randomised trials, and we approached investigators from
each study to verify and, if necessary, update the data that
were extracted from their trial reports.
On the basis of an absolute risk reduction of about 2% in
symptomatic venous thromboembolism, we estimate that
the routine use of extended-duration prophylaxis will
prevent about an additional 20 symptomatic thrombi for
every 1000 elective hip or knee replacement patients
treated. Assuming a case-fatality rate of 5%,31 this figure is
equivalent to preventing one additional death for every
1000 patients treated. However, the cost-effectiveness of
implementing routine extended-duration prophylaxis
remains to be shown and is subject to the constraints of
different health-care systems. Estimates are that the
outpatient cost of the most widely used agents to prevent
venous thromboembolism is about US$4–US$7 in the
UK32 and US$24–US$28 per day in the USA.33 Although
attempts at further defining high-risk groups for targeted
prophylaxis may pose substantial challenges,33 the
increasing use of hip and knee arthroplasty in Europe,34 as
well as North America,35 highlights the potential magnitude
of the future burden of venous thromboembolic disease in
orthopaedic patients and further emphasises the need to
reliably predict risk through adequately powered studies.
John Eikelboom, Daniel Quinlan, and James Douketis designed the
protocol; John Eikelboom and Daniel Quinlan conducted the literature
search, selected the studies, extracted the data, and contacted the authors;
John Eikelboom performed the statistical analyses; John Eikelboom and
Daniel Quinlan wrote the first draft of the manuscript; all investigators
contributed to the writing of the paper.
We thank the authors of primary studies included in our meta-analysis
(D Bergqvist, M R Lassen, O E Dahl, J A Heit, A Palla, G F Pineo,
A Planes) as well as Michèle De Knock from Sanofi-Synthelabo, Carin
Fellenius from Pharmacia Corp, and Theodore Spiro from Aventis Pharma
for their assistance in verifying the accuracy of the data and providing
missing data. We also thank Michael Borenstein for providing the statistical
software to conduct this meta-analysis.
This study received no external funding. James Douketis is the recipient
of a research scholarship from the Heart and Stroke Foundation of
Canada. Daniel Quinlan has received educational support as an
Investigator from companies making low molecular weight heparins.
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THE LANCET • Vol 358 • July 7, 2001 15
Further information on the design and results of studies included can be found on The Lancets website in WEBTables 14.
... Considering the duration, it is recommended to continue thromboprophylaxis with an anticoagulant agent for a minimum duration of 10-14 days. Nevertheless, the duration can be adjusted to be longer or shorter depending on factors such as the specific surgery and other individual risk factors [30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47]. For instance, in patients undergoing hip arthroplasty, a total duration of 35 days of thromboprophylaxis is recommended. ...
... In cases where patients are not able to walk independently by the end of 14 days, the use of an LMWH or direct oral anticoagulant prophylaxis should continue until they achieve full ambulation or for a total of 35 days. In the context of patients undergoing hip fracture surgery, thromboprophylaxis with the same agent (LMWH or direct oral anticoagulant) is recommended for the entire duration of 35 days, although aspirin may sometimes be considered as an alternative [30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47]. ...
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Venous thromboembolism (VTE), comprising pulmonary embolism (PE) and deep vein thrombosis (DVT), poses a significant risk during and after hospitalization, particularly for surgical patients. Among various patient groups, those undergoing major orthopedic surgeries are considered to have a higher susceptibility to PE and DVT. Major lower-extremity orthopedic procedures carry a higher risk of symptomatic VTE compared to most other surgeries, with an estimated incidence of 4%. The greatest risk period occurs within the first 7-14 days following surgery. Major bleeding is also more prevalent in these surgeries compared to others, with rates estimated between 2% and 4%. For patients undergoing major lower-extremity orthopedic surgery who have a low bleeding risk, it is recommended to use pharmacological thromboprophylaxis with or without mechanical devices. The choice of the initial agent depends on the specific surgery and patient comorbidities. First-line options include low-molecular-weight heparins (LMWHs), direct oral anticoagulants, and aspirin. Second-line options consist of unfractionated heparin (UFH), fondaparinux, and warfarin. For most patients undergoing knee or hip arthroplasty, the initial agents recommended for the early perioperative period are LMWHs (enoxaparin or dalteparin) or direct oral anticoagulants (rivaroxaban or apixaban). In the case of hip fracture surgery, LMWH is recommended as the preferred agent for the entire duration of prophylaxis. However, emerging factor XI(a) inhibitors, as revealed by a recent meta-analysis, have shown a substantial decrease in the occurrence of VTE and bleeding events among patients undergoing major orthopedic surgery. This discovery poses a challenge to the existing paradigm of anticoagulant therapy in this specific patient population and indicates that factor XI(a) inhibitors hold great promise as a potential strategy to be taken into serious consideration.
... Total hip and total knee arthroplasty have a risk of VTE following surgery reported to respectively be 0.1%-4.2% [14][15][16][17][18] and 1.0%-2.6% [16][17][18][19]. ...
... [14][15][16][17][18] and 1.0%-2.6% [16][17][18][19]. Based on such findings, several national organizations, such as American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons and American College of Chest Physicians, recommend the use venous thromboembolism thromboprophylaxis after these procedures [20]. ...
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Objective: Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is an uncommon, but potentially morbid, complication following foot and ankle fractures. Current standard is to not administer thromboprophylaxis to patients with such injuries. Nonetheless, patient and fracture factors might affect this risk/benefit consideration. The goal of this study was to determine what patients are most at risk. Methods: The M53Ortho Pearldiver database was used to identify patients with fractures isolated to the foot and ankle that were treated non-operatively or operatively. Patients with pilon, other appendicular fractures remote from the foot and ankle, and other traumatic injuries were excluded. The 90-day occurrence of VTE was identified based on codes for deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism. Characteristics of those patients who did and did not have VTEs were compared using chi-square analyses. Multivariate logistical regression was then performed to determined factors independently associated with VTE. Finally, timing of VTE relative to fracture was analyzed. Results: A total of 298,886 patients with isolated foot or ankle fractures were identified, of which 1,661 (0.56%) had VTE in the 90 days following fracture. In terms of timing, 27.3% occurred in the first week, and 49.8% occurred in the first three weeks. Independent risk factors for VTE included (in decreasing order):prior VTE (odd ratio [OR] = 25.44), factor V Leiden (OR = 24.34), active cancer (OR = 1.84), specific fracture relative to metatarsal fracture (multiple fractures [OR: 1.51], ankle fracture [OR = 1.51], and calcaneus fracture [OR = 1.24]), surgical treatment (OR = 1.41), male sex (OR = 1.19), greater Elixhauser index (OR = 1.05), and increasing age (OR:1.05 per decade) (p<0.05 for each). Conclusions: The present study found that, although only 0.56% of isolated foot and ankle fractures had a VTE within ninety days. Defined risk factors, such as Factor V Leiden, prior VTE, surgical treatment, active cancer, specific fracture patterns, and surgical treatment significantly affected the odds of their occurrence.
... As a result of the prolonged surgery and reduced mobility postoperatively, all patients undergoing total joint arthroplasty (TJA) are at risk for VTE. Thus, anticoagulation is administered up to 5-6 weeks after surgery to reduce VTE risk [3] . Among people who are anticoagulated, rates of VTE are variable following THA and TKA: up to 5% for DVT and 2% for PTE [4] . ...
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Unlabelled: Since Aspirin's adverse effects are dose-dependent, and evidence supporting the use of low-dose (LD) Aspirin in preventing venous thromboembolism (VTE) after total hip arthroplasty (THA) is weak, the authors do not know what the minimal effective dosage of Aspirin is to prevent VTE. This study aimed to compare the rates of 90-day symptomatic VTE following THA and total knee arthroplasty in healthy patients taking LD Aspirin vs. high-dose (HD) Aspirin for 6 weeks postoperatively. Materials and methods: A prospective cohort of patients with THA and total knee arthroplasty was conducted at two tertiary centres. Symptomatic VTE within 90 days of index arthroplasty was the primary outcome; gastrointestinal bleeding (GIB) and mortality were secondary outcomes. Results: The final analysis included 312 consecutive patients: 158 in the LD group and 154 in the HD group. Two groups were similar regarding preoperative data, including sex, age, BMI, smoking, diabetes mellitus, Hgb and platelet count, and type of surgery. The LD group had one deep vein thrombosis (0.6%), and the HD group had two (1.3%) (P=0.62). Neither group had PTE. Therefore, VTE rates are the same as deep vein thrombosis rates and similar between the groups (0.6% vs. 1.3%, P=0.62)Regarding GIB due to anticoagulant therapy, no patient in the LD group reported GIB, whereas two (1.3%) patients in the HD group reported GIB within 90 days of arthroplasty. GIB rates did not differ significantly between groups (P=0.24). Considering VTE + GIB combined, the HD groups showed a higher rate of complications (N=4, 2.6%) than the LD groups (N=1, 0.6%) but not statistically significant (P=0.21). Conclusions: Prophylactic administration of Aspirin with low doses (81 mg BID) and high doses (325 mg BID) for six weeks is equally effective at reducing VTE in total joint arthroplasty patients and had similar adverse effects. Level of evidence: Therapeutic Level II.
... 3 To reduce this risk, almost all patients receive up to ∼1 month of thromboprophylaxis after surgery. 4 There has been intense debate about which thromboprophylaxis regimen should be preferred, given that the benefits of thromboprophylaxis must be balanced against bleeding risk and costs. Anticoagulant therapies for venous thromboprophylaxis include injectable agents (e.g. ...
... Regardless of the vaccine, joint replacement patients are at risk of developing VTE due to the duration of the procedure and reduced mobility during postoperative recovery. After the surgery, patients are treated with anticoagulants for up to 1 month to reduce their risk of developing VTE [44]. Variable rates of VTE at 3 months after a total hip arthroplasty (THA), total knee arthroplasty, and unicompartmental knee arthroplasty are reported (up to 5% for deep vein thrombosis) [45]. ...
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Background We aimed to determine symptomatic COVID-19 rates within one month of elective arthroplasty for vaccinated individuals and to determine whether vaccination guarantees protection against COVID-19 after arthroplasty (Primary outcome). In addition, the 90-day surgical complications were compared to an unvaccinated group (secondary outcome). Methods A prospective cohort study was conducted on elective joint arthroplasty patients at three tertiary hospitals in two major cities in our country. The outcomes of the COVID-19 vaccinated group were assessed between October 2021 and March 2022. 90-day surgical complications were compared with a historical cohort of unvaccinated patients treated earlier in the pandemic (April 2020 to March 2021). Results The study included 1717 consecutive patients: 962 vaccinated and 755 unvaccinated. In the vaccinated group, 38 patients (3.9%) contracted COVID-19, four (10.5%) were hospitalized again, and none required Intensive care unit (ICU) admission. Multivariate logistic regression analysis revealed that COVID-19 positive cases are more likely to be female (OR = 12.5), had visitors to the home (OR = 4.7), and longer stays in the hospital (OR = 1.2) than COVID-19 negative cases. Compared to unvaccinated patients, the postoperative COVID-19 rate was not significantly different (3.9% vs. 2.4%, P = 0.07). The incidence of surgical complications was similar between the two groups (P > 0.05). Conclusions The vaccination does not provide a guarantee that a patient will not contract COVID-19 following their arthroplasty surgery, especially in a region with a high rate of COVID-19. We believe reasonable COVID-19 precautions peri-operatively may be warranted even in vaccinated patients.
In geriatric patients, fixing the osteoporotic and comminuted fractures are challenging but preparing the geriatric patients for operation is sometimes even more challenging. This is particularly obvious when the geriatric patients are under the care of orthopaedic surgeons, whom are not professionally trained to deal with the multiple comorbidities, polypharmacy as well as borderline cardiac and pulmonary functions. In general, the preoperative management of geriatric patients involves the following areas: pain control, thromboprophylaxis, cardiac function assessment, pulmonary function assessment and central nervous system assessment. Each area has their own challenges because of the continuous advances of modern medicine in managing different medical problems. Our goal of pre-operative optimisation is not to treat the underlying comorbidities but to achieve a physiological state so that the patient could be operated safely and as quickly as possible. This optimisation also helps to minimize surgical risks, both intra-operative and postoperatively. After all, an efficient and well-organised multidisciplinary team involving orthopaedic surgeons, geriatricians and anaesthetists is crucial in achieving this goal.
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The guidelines are developed in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation by the all-Russian public organization «Association of Phlebologists of Russia» with participation of the Association of Cardiovascular Surgeons of Russia, the Russian Society of Surgeons, the Russian Society of Angiologists and Vascular Surgeons, the Association of Traumatologists and Orthopedists of Russia, the Association of Oncologists of Russia, the Russian Society of Clinical Oncology, Russian Society of Oncohematologists, Russian Society of Cardiology, Russian Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.
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Background: This study reports the risk factors related to venous thromboembolism (VTE) at 3-months following joint replacement in Chinese population. Methods: We conducted a retrospective study enrolled the patients who received joint replacement from February 2015 to December 2018. VTE at 3-months was investigated against a total of 16 factors, including age, gender, Body Mass Index, season of surgery been performed, pre-surgical clotting function, type of surgery, selection of mini-invasive approach, VTE of lower limbs one-day before and after surgery, and previous history of diseases including thrombotic disease, smoking, tumor, diabetes, hypertension, cardiac disease, anticoagulants usage. Results: A total of 1782 patients were enrolled. Gross incidence of VTE at 3-months following joint replacement surgery was 10.5%. In the 1744 patients included for the final analysis, the VTE at one-day after surgery (OR = 7.633), surgery in autumn (OR = 1.874), increased age per year (OR = 1.023), female gender (OR = 1.828), previous thrombotic disease (OR = 1.592) were related to the VTE at 3-months after surgery. Conclusion: Higher age, female gender, previous thrombotic disease, VTE immediate after surgery and surgery in autumn were risk factors related to higher incidence of VTE at 3-months following joint replacement surgery. More aggressive prophylaxis and frequent follow-up is advised to patients identified with these risk factors.
A high incidence of post-discharge venous thromboembolism in orthopaedic surgery patients has been recently reported drawing further attention to the unresolved issue of the optimal duration of the pharmacological prophylaxis. We performed an overview analysis in order to evaluate the incidence of late occurring clinically overt venous thromboembolism in major orthopaedic surgery patients discharged from the hospital with a negative venography and without further pharmacological prophylaxis. We selected the studies published from January 1974 to December 1995 on the prophylaxis of venous thromboembolism after major orthopaedic surgery fulfilling the following criteria: 1) adoption of pharmacological prophylaxis, 2) performing of a bilateral venography before discharge, 3) interruption of pharmacological prophylaxis at discharge in patients with negative venography, and 4) post-discharge follow-up of the patients for at least four weeks. Out of 31 identified studies, 13 fulfilled the overview criteria. The total number of evaluated patients was 4120. An adequate venography was obtained in 3469 patients (84.1%). In the 2361 patients with negative venography (68.1%), 30 episodes of symptomatic venous thromboembolism after hospital discharge were reported with a resulting cumulative incidence of 1.27% (95% C.I. 0.82-1.72) and a weighted mean incidence of 1.52% (95% C.I. 1.05-1.95). Six cases of pulmonary embolism were reported. Our overview showed a low incidence of clinically overt venous thromboembolism at follow-up in major orthopaedic surgery patients discharged with negative venography. Extending pharmacological prophylaxis in these patients does not appear to be justified. Venous thrombi leading to hospital re-admission are likely to be present but asymptomatic at the time of discharge. Future research should be directed toward improving the accuracy of non invasive diagnostic methods in order to replace venography in the screening of asymptomatic post-operative deep vein thrombosis.
The efficacy of in-hospital prophylaxis against venous thromboembolic disease after elective total hip arthroplasty is well documented in the literature. Low-molecular-weight heparins, early ambulation, and the arterio-venous impulse system foot pump have been accepted as an efficacious form of prophylaxis against deep venous thrombosis after total hip arthroplasty. Consequently, orthopedic surgeons generally use pharmacologic or mechanical methods, or both, as prophylaxis against this complication. In contrast, there has been recent debate in the literature concerning the options for prophylaxis against venous thromboembolic disease after hospital discharge. Various approaches have been suggested and are being used in daily clinical practice. One option is to screen all patients routinely with ascending venography before discharge from the hospital; another option is to screen all patients routinely with duplex ultrasonography before discharge from the hospital; finally, extending pharmacologic prophylaxis with a low-molecular-weight heparin for at least 3 weeks after hospital discharge might be justified. Recently, this issue was further addressed in a Belgian multicenter trial confirming a potential benefit for continued low-molecular-weight heparin prophylaxis after hospital discharge, especially when patients have a limited mobility.
The optimal duration of prophylaxis against venous thromboembolism after total hip or knee replacement is uncertain. To determine the efficacy and safety of extended out-of-hospital prophylaxis with low-molecular-weight heparin (ardeparin sodium). Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. 33 community, university, or university-affiliated hospitals. 1195 adults who had elective total hip or knee replacement and completed 4 to 10 days of postoperative ardeparin prophylaxis. Daily subcutaneous ardeparin (100 anti-Xa IU/kg of body weight) or placebo from time of hospital discharge to 6 weeks after surgery. Symptomatic, objectively documented venous thromboembolism or death, along with major bleeding, from time of hospital discharge to 12 weeks after surgery. Patients who received ardeparin (n = 607) and those who received placebo (n = 588) did not differ significantly in the cumulative incidence of venous thromboembolism or death (9 cases [1.5%] compared with 12 cases [2.0%]; odds ratio, 0.7 [95% CI, 0.3 to 1.7]; P > 0.2; absolute difference, -0.56 percentage points [CI, -2.2 to 1.1 percentage points]) or major bleeding (2 cases [0.3%] compared with 3 cases [0.5%]). Among patients who had total knee or total hip replacement and received 4 to 10 days of postoperative ardeparin prophylaxis, the cumulative incidence of symptomatic venous thromboembolism or death after hospital discharge was not significantly reduced by extended out-of-hospital ardeparin prophylaxis. Extended ardeparin use could provide a maximum 2.2-percentage point true reduction in such events. The benefit of extended ardeparin use is not clinically important for most patients. Future research should identify high-risk patients who would benefit most from extended prophylaxis.
This article discusses the prevention of venous thromboembolism (VTE) and is part of the Antithrombotic and Thrombolytic Therapy: American College of Chest Physicians Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines (8th Edition). Grade 1 recommendations are strong and indicate that the benefits do or do not outweigh risks, burden, and costs. Grade 2 suggestions imply that individual patient values may lead to different choices (for a full discussion of the grading, see the “Grades of Recommendation” chapter by Guyatt et al). Among the key recommendations in this chapter are the following: we recommend that every hospital develop a formal strategy that addresses the prevention of VTE (Grade 1A). We recommend against the use of aspirin alone as thromboprophylaxis for any patient group (Grade 1A), and we recommend that mechanical methods of thromboprophylaxis be used primarily for patients at high bleeding risk (Grade 1A) or possibly as an adjunct to anticoagulant thromboprophylaxis (Grade 2A). For patients undergoing major general surgery, we recommend thromboprophylaxis with a low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH), low-dose unfractionated heparin (LDUH), or fondaparinux (each Grade 1A). We recommend routine thromboprophylaxis for all patients undergoing major gynecologic surgery or major, open urologic procedures (Grade 1A for both groups), with LMWH, LDUH, fondaparinux, or intermittent pneumatic compression (IPC). For patients undergoing elective hip or knee arthroplasty, we recommend one of the following three anticoagulant agents: LMWH, fondaparinux, or a vitamin K antagonist (VKA); international normalized ratio (INR) target, 2.5; range, 2.0 to 3.0 (each Grade 1A). For patients undergoing hip fracture surgery (HFS), we recommend the routine use of fondaparinux (Grade 1A), LMWH (Grade 1B), a VKA (target INR, 2.5; range, 2.0 to 3.0) [Grade 1B], or LDUH (Grade 1B). We recommend that patients undergoing hip or knee arthroplasty or HFS receive thromboprophylaxis for a minimum of 10 days (Grade 1A); for hip arthroplasty and HFS, we recommend continuing thromboprophylaxis > 10 days and up to 35 days (Grade 1A). We recommend that all major trauma and all spinal cord injury (SCI) patients receive thromboprophylaxis (Grade 1A). In patients admitted to hospital with an acute medical illness, we recommend thromboprophylaxis with LMWH, LDUH, or fondaparinux (each Grade 1A). We recommend that, on admission to the ICU, all patients be assessed for their risk of VTE, and that most receive thromboprophylaxis (Grade 1A).