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The Bathyclarias-Clarias species flock. A new model to understand rapid speciation in African Great Lakes


Abstract and Figures

Phylogenetic relationships between seven species of the catfish species flock from Lake Malawi (genus Bathyclarias) and other Clariid catfish have been investigated using cytochrome b partial sequences. Here we demonstrate that this species flock originated from a widespread, generalist species, Clarias gariepinus, still occurring in the lake. Bathyclarias species and their ancestor C. gariepinus form a simple model that can be used to understand the mechanisms of adaptation and rapid speciation in African Great lakes.
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Génétique / Genetics
The BathyclariasClarias species flock.
A new model to understand rapid speciation in
African Great lakes
Jean François Agnèse
*, Guy G. Teugels
Laboratoire genome et populations, IRD, CNRS UPR 9060, université Montpellier-II, place Eugène-Bataillon,
34095 Montpellier cedex 05, France
Molecular Genetics Department, National Museums of Kenya, P.O. Box 40658, Nairobi, Kenya
Ichthyology Laboratory, Africa Museum, B3080, Tervuren and Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Laboratory of
Compared Anatomy and Biodiversity, B-3000 Leuven, Belgium
Received 6 October 2000; accepted 25 April 2001
Communicated by Jean Rosa
Abstract Phylogenetic relationships between seven species of the catfish species flock
from Lake Malawi (genus Bathyclarias) and other Clariid catfish have been investigated
using cytochrome bpartial sequences. Here we demonstrate that this species flock
originated from a widespread, generalist species, Clarias gariepinus, still occurring in the
lake. Bathyclarias species and their ancestor C. gariepinus form a simple model that can
be used to understand the mechanisms of adaptation and rapid speciation in African
Great lakes. © 2001 Académie des sciences/Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier
evolution / speciation / species flock / clariids
Résumé L’essaim d’espèces Bathyclarias–Clarias, un nouveau modèle
pour comprendre les spéciations rapides dans les grands lacs africains. Les pois-
sons chats du genre Bathyclarias forment un essaim d’espèces (‘species flock’) dans le
lac Malawi. Les relations phylogénétiques entre sept espèces de Bathyclarias et d’autres
espèces de la famille ont été mises en évidence grâce à l’utilisation des séquences
partielles de cytochrome b. Nos observations montrent que cet essaim d’espèces a
évolué à partir d’une espèce toujours présente dans le lac, Clarias gariepinus. Cet essaim
d’espèces du genre Bathyclarias et leur ancêtre Clarias gariepinus forment un modèle
simple qui pourra être utilisé pour comprendre les mécanismes d’adaptation et de
spéciation rapide qui ont lieu dans les grands lacs africains. © 2001 Académie des
sciences/Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS
évolution / spéciation / species flock / Clariidae
. Version abrégée
Les grands lacs africains sont bien connus pour leurs
essaims d’espèces (‘species flocks’). Ces groupes
d’espèces ont pour caractéristiques principales d’être
monophylétiques, d’avoir évolué in situ, extrêmement
rapidement et abondamment. Pour cette raison, ils sont
très importants pour l’étude des mécanismes de
l’évolution et notamment en ce qui concerne la spécia-
tion sympatrique. On pense généralement que les
espèces à l’origine des essaims d’espèces étaient des
généralistes bien qu’aucune d’entre elles n’ai pu jusqu’à
*Correspondance and reprints.
E-mail address:, (J.F. Agnèse).
C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Sciences de la vie / Life Sciences 324 (2001) 683–688
© 2001 Académie des sciences/Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS. Tous droits réservés
présent être identifiée. Dans la plupart des cas, ces
espèces ancestrales doivent être aujourdhui éteintes.
Le genre Bathyclaras, avec douze espèces décrites, est
endémique du lac Malawi. Cest le seul essaim despèces
de poisson des grands lac africains qui ne soit pas
composéde Cichlidae. An de statuer sur lorigine
monophylétique ou polyphylétique des espèces du
genre Bathyclarias ainsi que pour établir leurs liens
phylogénétiques avec les autres Clariidae africains, une
étude des séquences partielles du cytochrome baété
entreprise. Pour cela, sept espèces du genre Bathycla-
rias ont étééchantillonnées dans le lac Malawi : B.
euryodon, B. gigas, B. ilesi B. longibarbis, B. nyaensis,
B. rotundifrons et B. worthingtoni. Des spécimens de
Clarias gariepinus ont étécollectés dans le lac Malawi,
les marais de Luapula (Zambie), la rivière Oubangui
(Centre Afrique) et le lac Manzalla (Égypte). Les autres
Clariidae étudiés comprennent : Clarias ngamensis (bas
Zambèze, Mosambique), C. stappersii,Heterobranchus
boulengeri (tous deux des marais Luapula en Zambie),
C. buthupogon (de la rivière Oubangui en Centre
Afrique), C. agboyiensis (de la rivière Ouéméau Benin)
et H. longifilis (de la lagune Ébriéen Côte dIvoire).
Clarotes laticeps, une espèce dune famille proche des
Clariidae, les Claroteidae, a étéutilisée pour raciner le
réseau phylogénétique. Tous les spécimens étudiés ont
étédéposésaumusée royal de lAfrique Centrale de
Tervuren (Belgique). Un fragment de 660 paires de
bases représentant une partie du cytochrome bde
lADN mitochondrial a étéamplifié grâce au couple
damorces L15267 et H15891. Les séquences obtenues
ont étédéposées dans la bibliothèque genBank/EMBL
sous les références AF126820 àAF126829 et AF235922
Chaque espèce ou échantillon est caractérisépar un
haplotype propre àlexception des espèces du genre
Bathyclarias pour lesquelles quatre haplotypes seule-
ment ont pu être observés : haplotype A (B. gigas,B.
longibarbis,B. euryodon,B. rotundifrons); haplotype
B(B. nyaensis); haplotype C (B. nyaensis et B. ilesi);
haplotype D (B. worthingtoni). Les divergences entre
séquences (p distance) vont de 0,2 à17 %. Comme
attendu, les divergences les plus grandes sont observées
entre la racine Clarotes laticeps et les autres espèces
(16 % à17 %). Les divergences les plus faibles ont été
observées entre dune part les haplotypes C et D de
Bathyclarias et dautre part entre lhaplotype A de
Bathyclarias et lhaplotype de C. gariepinus de Zam-
bie. Sur larbre consensus obtenu àpartir de la méth-
ode de neighbor joining, on peut observer plusieurs
groupes despèces : C. buthupogon et C. agboyiensis
sont placées ensemble comme le sont les deux espèces
du genre Heterobranchus.C. gariepinus de Centre
Afrique et d’Égypte sont regroupées avec un autre
ensemble composéde toutes les espèces du genre
Bathyclarias et C. gariepinus de Zambie et du lac
Tous les haplotypes de Bathyclarias et ceux de C.
gariepinus de Zambie et du lac Malawi forment un
groupe monophylétique supportépar une très forte
valeur de bootstrap (100 %). Ce groupe forme avec les
autres haplotypes de C. gariepinus un second groupe
monophylétique (bootstrap = 95 %). Les trois arbres
obtenus par la méthode de parsimonie sont similaires à
larbre consensus obtenu par la méthode précédente.
Tous trois ne diffèrent entre eux que par la position
respective des haplotypes de Clarias gariepinus du lac
Malawi, Bathyclarias C et D. Bien que les arbres
phylogénétiques ne permettent généralement pas de
reconstruire les relations dancêtre àdescendant, les
résultats observés sont ici particuliers. Les différentes
populations de Clarias gariepinus et les différentes
espèces de Bathyclarias forment un ensemble mono-
phylétique au sein duquel deux populations de C.
gariepinus sont groupe frère dun ensemble constitué
des espèces du genre Bathyclarias et de deux autres
populations de C. gariepinus (lac Malawi et Zambie).
Cela implique que les espèces du genre Bathyclarias et
les populations de C. gariepinus du lac Malawi et de
Zambie ont un ancêtre commun qui leur est propre. Le
seul scénario évolutif qui puisse rendre compte de cet
arbre consiste àconsidérer quune population de C.
gariepinus a donnénaissance aux espèces du genre
Bathyclarias sans que lespèce C. gariepinus ne cesse
Dans la lac Malawi, C. gariepinus est présent en eaux
peu profondes alors que les espèces du genre Bathy-
clarias sont rencontrées seulement en eau profonde,
jusqu’à 70 m. Certaines dentre elles ne possèdent plus
lorgane suprabranchial caractéristique des Clariidae et
qui leur permet de respirer lair atmosphérique.
L’âge de cet essaim despèces peut être évaluéà
laide des divergences observées entre les différents
haplotypes de Bathyclarias et ceux de C. gariepinus de
Zambie et du lac Malawi. Ces différents haplotypes
reflètent partiellement le polymorphisme ancestral des
populations fondatrices. Si lon considère que la plus
faible différenciation entre un haplotype de Bathycla-
rias et un haplotype de Clarias gariepinus reflète la
différenciation maximum depuis l’événement de radia-
tion, on peut alors considérer que cet essaim despèces
est âgéde 140 à151 000 ans.
Ànotre connaissance, cest le seul essaim despèces
pour lequel lespèce ancestrale a étéidentifiéeetest
toujours présente sur les lieux de la radiation. L’étude
de ce modèle simple ancêtreessaim despèces pourra
apporter beaucoup dinformations sur les mécanismes
dadaptation et de spéciation dans les grands lacs
J.F. Agnèse, G.G. Teugels / C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Sciences de la vie / Life Sciences 324 (2001) 683688
1. Introduction
East African lakes are generally known for their unique
large cichlid species ocks [15]. The latter are considered
as extremely important in the study of evolution [5, 6].
Although it is assumed that the ancestor of each of these
species ocks is a generalist species [6], it has not been
able so far to properly identify it. Most of these ancestral
species very likely became extinct, which is unfortunate
because they could have been informative in the under-
standing of mechanisms of adaptation and rapid specia-
tion in these lakes. Bathyclarias is a clariid catsh genus
(Siluriformes) endemic to Lake Malawi [7]. With its twelve
species it is the only non-cichlid species ock known from
the East African Rift valley lakes.
2. Materiel and Methods
Sequences of part of the cytochrome bwere used to
differentiate between a polyphyletic or monophyletic ori-
gin of the Bathyclarias species ock and to determine their
phyletic affinities with other clariid species, including
those present in the same region. Bathyclarias species [B.
euryodon, B. gigas, B. ilesi B. longibarbis, B. nyaensis, B.
rotundifrons and B. worthingtoni] were sampled in Lake
Malawi (Malawi); Clarias gariepinus specimens were col-
lected from Lake Malawi (Malawi), the Luapula Swamps
(Zambia), the Ubanghi River (Central African Republic)
and Lake Manzalla (Egypt). Other clariid material studied
included Clarias ngamensis (Lower Zambezi, Moçam-
bique), C. stappersii,Heterobranchus boulengeri (all from
Luapula Swamps, Zambia), C. buthupogon (Ubanghi River,
Central African Republic), C. agboyiensis (Oueme River,
Benin) and H. longifilis (Ebrie Lagoon, Ivory Coast). Clar-
otes laticeps, a Claroteidae species has been used to root
the networks. Specimens studied were deposited in the
Musée Royal de lAfrique Centrale, Tervuren (Belgium).
Techniques used for tissues preservation, DNA extrac-
tion, DNA amplication and sequence analysis have been
described earlier [8]. Primers used (L15267 and H15891)
[9] enabled the amplication of a 660-base-pair (bp) frag-
ment of the mitochondrial DNA that comprised a small
part of the Glutamic acid transfer RNA (tRNA-Glu) and
nearly half of the cytochrome bgene. Sequences were
deposited in the genBank/EMBL data libraries under the
accession numbers AF126820 to AF126829 and
AF235922 to AF235934. Distances were estimated using
Kimuras two-parameters method [10]. The phylogenetic
trees were constructed using two different methods: the
Maximum Parsimony technique (DNAPENNY program
[11]) and the neighbor joining method (NJ) using Kimura2
distances [12] (using SEQBOOT, DNADIST, NEIGHBOR
and CONSENSE programs [11]). For the NJ method, boot-
strap values have been assessed as support for internal
nodes present in the data matrix. A total of 500 replicates
of the sequences matrix was generated using the SEQ-
BOOT program [11] then 500 matrices of Kimura2 dis-
tances were generated using DNADIST program. Using
NEIGHBOR program, these matrices were transformed
into 500 trees and nally summarized in one consensus
tree using CONSENSE program. Number of specimen
studied are: 1 for Bathyclarias ilesi,Clarias buthupogon, C.
agboyiensis,Clarotes laticeps and Heterobranchus bou-
lengeri; 2 for B. euryodon, B.gigas , B. worthingtoni, C.
gariepinus from Central African Republic, Egypt, Malawi
and Zambia, C. ngamensis and C. stappersii ; 3 for B.
longibarbis, B. nyaensis,B. rotundifrons and H. longifilis.
3. Results
The mean base composition of the cytochrome b
sequences are similar to those previously observed in
actinopterygian shes [13]: a low G content (14.9 %) and
almost equal A, T and C contents (respectively, 28.1, 27.7,
29.2 %). On the 553 bp segment analysed, 148 (26.7 %)
nucleotide positions were variable. Most variable sites
(116; 78.4 % of the total variable sites) were found at third
codon positions. Twenty ve (16.9 %) were found at rst
codon positions, and 7 (4.7 %) were at second codon
positions. Each species or sample was characterised by
one private haplotype, except for the Bathyclarias species
in which four different haplotypes were observed: haplo-
type A (B. gigas,B. longibarbis,B. euryodon,B. rotundi-
frons); haplotype B (B. nyaensis); haplotype C (B. nyaensis
and B. ilesi); haplotype D (B. worthingtoni). Uncorrected
sequence divergences (pdistance) among different species
ranged from 0.2 to 17 %. As expected, the highest
sequence divergences were observed between the out-
group (Clarias batrachus) and the other species (16 to
17 %). The lowest divergence (0.2 %) was observed
between Bathyclarias haplotypes C and D on one hand
and between Bathyclarias haplotype A and C. gariepinus
from Zambia on the other hand. 83 (56 %) of the 148
variable sites were informative for parsimony analysis (i.e.
showing at least two kinds of nucleotides, each present at
least twice). Of these phylogenetically informative sites,
74 (89.2 % of all informative sites) were at third codon
position, 8 (9.6 %) at rst codon position, and 1 (1.2 %) at
second codon position. Empirical attempts were made to
detect putative saturation. The observed number of transi-
tions were plotted against the observed number of trans-
versions for all pairs of sequences and all codon positions.
Transitions did not increase when transversions were
higher than 16. Transition type differences were saturated
mainly when comparing the rooting species Clarotes lati-
ceps with other species. Following these results all substi-
tutions were considered. If we consider that a node is
signicant when it is supported by a bootstrap value of
70 % and more [1416], the following clusters can be
identied with the NJ consensus tree (figure 1): C. buth-
upogon and C. agboyiensis are grouped together as are the
J.F. Agnèse, G.G. Teugels / C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Sciences de la vie / Life Sciences 324 (2001) 683688
two Heterobranchus species. C. gariepinus from Central
African Republic and Egypt are grouped with a cluster
composed of all the Bathyclarias haplotypes and C. gar-
iepinus from Zambia and Lake Malawi.
All Bathyclarias haplotypes and those of C. gariepinus
from Lake Malawi and Zambia formed a monophyletic
group supported by a very high bootstrap value (100 %).
This group and the two other C. gariepinus haplotypes
(Central African Republic and Egypt) also formed a mono-
phyletic group (bootstrap = 95 %). Each sample of C. gar-
iepinus is characterised by a private haplotype, reecting
its widespread distribution (South, Central, West, East and
North Africa, Israel and Syria).
The three MP trees obtained only differ by the relative
positions of the different haplotypes of Clarias gariepinus
from Lake Malawi, Bathyclarias C and D and can be easily
represented by one single tree (gure 2). This tree is similar
to the NJ consensus tree previously described.
4. Discussion
A phylogenetic tree usually does not allow to dene
ancestraldescendant relationships between different spe-
cies. It is not because two species are sister species that
one descents from the other. Generally, when one species
splits into two new species, this ancestor species disap-
pears in the same time. Nevertheless, in the present case,
it seems that speciation events have not used this usual
dichotomic way. If this would have been the case, we
should have observed a monophyletic group composed of
Bathyclarias species and C. gariepinus populations, in
which all Bathyclarias species would have been sister
species of all C. gariepinus populations. Our results clearly
indicated that all Clarias gariepinus populations do not
represent a monophyletic assemblage but rather a para-
phyletic one.
Species from the genus Bathyclarias together with C.
gariepinus from lake Malawi and C. gariepinus from Zam-
bia form a monophyletic group. This implies that they
share a common ancestor (gure 3). Then the only sce-
nario which can explain these observations is to consider
that Bathyclarias species originated from a C. gariepinus
In Lake Malawi, C. gariepinus is present in shallow
waters; most Bathyclarias species only occur in deep
waters down to as much as 70 m [17]. The basis for the
occurrence of this species ock is adaptation to deep
water conditions. C. gariepinus, like most clariids, pos-
sesses a suprabranchial organ, formed by folds of the
second and the fourth branchial arches, which enables
aerial respiration. They are capable of walking on land for
distances of several hundred metres, breathing atmo-
spheric air and using their pectoral spines as support [18].
They are obligate air breathers and therefore C. gariepinus
is only found in shallow waters. In Bathyclarias species,
the suprabranchial chamber is reduced as are the arbores-
cent organs, which are even absent in some species. Living
at depth precludes air breathing and, based on the large
relative gill size in Bathyclarias species compared to C.
gariepinus, indicates that most Bathyclarias have returned
to a greater dependence upon aquatic respiration [19].
Clarias gariepinus is a generalist species: studies on its
feeding biology described it as an omnivorous scavenger
Figure 1. Consensus tree showing the phylogenetic relationships
between Bathyclarias species and other clariids. Clarotes laticeps,a
Claroteidae species, was used to root the network. Numbers repre-
sent bootstrap values (500 replicates). Scale bar = 0.007D.
Figure 2. One of the three Maximum Parsimony trees showing the
phylogenetic relationships between Bathyclarias species and other
clariids. Black dot indicates the only node where differences appeared
between trees. Each tree represented one of the possible arrange-
ments between Bathyclarias C, D and C. gariepinus from Lake
Malawi. Clarotes laticeps, a Claroteidae species, was used to root the
J.F. Agnèse, G.G. Teugels / C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Sciences de la vie / Life Sciences 324 (2001) 683688
[20] and its reproduction is characterised by a high fecun-
dity and no parental care [21].
What is the age of this species ock? African cichlid
species ocks are of different estimated ages ranging from
12 million years in Lake Tanganyika [22] to 12 400 years
in Lake Victoria [23] and not more than about 7 000 years
in Lake Natron [24]. Many of the Lake Malawi cichlid
species have radiated within the past 25 000 years and
some as recently as 200 years [2526] in congruence with
the lake level variations. The age of the Bathyclarias
species ock can be evaluated using the sequence diver-
gences observed between the different Bathyclarias hap-
lotypes (A, B, C and D) on one hand and those of C.
gariepinus from Zambia and Lake Malawi on the other
hand. The different haplotypes observed may partly reect
some intraspecic ancestral polymorphism because some
species possess two or more unrelated haplotypes [B.
nyaensis with haplotypes B and C and C. gariepinus for
which each sample possess a private haplotype]. Then the
lowest sequence divergence between a Bathyclarias and a
Clarias haplotype may represent the maximum differentia-
tion from the radiation event. If we use the rate for mito-
chondrial gene evolution estimated for other shes
(1.21.3 % sequence divergence per million years [27]),
the maximum time divergence between Bathyclarias hap-
lotype A and the haplotype of C. gariepinus from Zambia
(0.18 %) which could correspond to the maximum age of
this species ock, is 140 000151 000 years.
To our knowledge, this is the rst species ock for which
the ancestral species has clearly been demonstrated and
for which the ancestor is still extant. This simple ancestor
species ock model can provide useful information on
adaptation and speciation mechanisms in African Great
Acknowledgements. We thank M. Banda, R. Bills, P.C.
Goudswaard and J. Sullivan for their assistance in col-
lecting the material. The contribution of GGT forms
part of the INCO.DC project on demersal sh commu-
nities of Lake Malawi nanced by the European Com-
mission (IC18-CT97-0195).
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J.F. Agnèse, G.G. Teugels / C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Sciences de la vie / Life Sciences 324 (2001) 683688
... During this time, it is estimated to have budded off three species in Lake Malawi which have gone on to diversify into the current 800+ endemics, all currently confined to the Lake Malawi catchment (Malinsky et al. 2018). Similarly, an endemic radiation of catfishes of the genus Bathyclarias Jackson, 1959 co-exists in Lake Malawi with its 'ancestor', the widely distributed Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822), which appears from a mitochondrial phylogeny, both nested inside the endemics and as a sister taxon, depending on geographical proximity (Agnèse & Teugels 2001). Perhaps a more common situation is where diversification within lakes or islands takes place, while the ancestral species remains allopatric, but persists over a wider geographic range. ...
Many species are paraphyletic, but current taxonomic practices often do not recognise this, and attempts are made to apply a monophyletic species concept. While allowing the recognition of ecomorphologically equivalent, or even phenotypically indistinguishable allopatric taxa as species, this often leads to combining distinctive local forms (such as cave-adapted populations) or even whole adaptive radiations (often in lakes) with widespread paraphyletic species to force species monophyly. It is suggested that this has negative consequences for our documentation and understanding of biodiversity, as well as for conservation, through issues such as lack of IUCN redlisting.
... During this time, it is estimated to have budded off three species in Lake Malawi which have gone on to diversify into the current 800+ endemics, all currently confined to the Lake Malawi catchment (Malinsky et al. 2018). Similarly, an endemic radiation of Bathyclarias catfishes co-exists in Lake Malawi with its 'ancestor', the widely distributed Clarias gariepinus, which appears from a mitochondrial phylogeny, both nested inside the endemics and as a sister taxon, depending on geographical proximity (Agnèse & Teugels 2001). ...
Many species are paraphyletic, but current taxonomic practices often do not recognise this, and attempts are made to apply a monophyletic species concept. While allowing the recognition of ecomorphologically equivalent, or even phenotypically indistinguishable allopatric taxa as species, this often leads to combining distinctive local forms (such as cave-adapted populations) or even whole adaptive radiations (often in lakes) with widespread paraphyletic species to force species monophyly. It is suggested that this has negative consequences for our documentation and understanding of biodiversity
... For instance, the highly diversified endemic sculpins Cottoidei of Baikal dwell in the lake from 50 and up to 1600 m (Kontula et al., 2003;Sideleva, 1996). The remarkable diversity of deepwater morphs derived from the shallow-water ancestor is described for the catfishes Dinotopterus and Bathyclarias of lakes Malawi and Tanganyika (Agnese & Teugels, 2001, as well as for the cichlids Haplochromis of big African lakes (Muschick et al., 2012). The deepwater species derived from the common shallow-water ancestor are also known for the Gobiidae fishes from the inland Caspian Sea (Tajbakhsh et al., 2018;Zarei et al., 2021) and some other taxa all over the world. ...
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The interplay of species could affect the pathways of adaptive diversification in lacus- trine fishes. For instance, sockeye salmon is highly effective in transporting biomass from the ocean to the lakes providing abundant food supply for resident dwellers. The largest Asian population of sockeye salmon (>1.5 million spawners annually) re- produces in Lake Kurile (Russia). Here we investigate the possibility of the rapid in- lake diversification of the tributary-spawning charr (genus Salvelinus, Salmonidae) that colonised the Lake Kurile habitats >100 m depth and gained access to decomposing sockeye carcasses and eggs. The results confirm the trifurcation of the Lake Kurile charr along with the depth gradient into three reproductively isolated morphs: anadr- omous Dolly Varden utilising littoral and tributary resources, the resident slope charr and the profundal charr. No feeding specialisation among the morphs was found as the lake is rich in sockeye remains irrespective of depth. Thus, the in-depth specialisa- tion of the charrs did not result in the archetypical tropho- morphological adaptations described for the majority of the deep-water species of fishes. Only the size reduction and some paedomorphic peculiarities characterise the charr permanently dwelling in the 100–300 m depth zone. The lack of morphological differences among the morphs could be explained by the short period of evolutionary diversification. The divergence event is estimated to have occurred after the close of the glacial period in the middle of Holocene, which corresponds to the time of the lake formation. A bottleneck and subsequent rapid expansion can be traced in the demographic history of the pro- fundal morph, suggesting the possibility of modern sympatric diversification in fish without a trophic resource partitioning.
... 1A). Two other nominal taxa, Bathyclarias and Xenoclarias, share these features but Bathyclarias, which is endemic to Lake Malawi, has been shown to descend from Clarias gariepinus, rendering that species paraphyletic (Agnèse and Teugels, 2001;Van Steenberge et al., 2020). Therefore, despite any autapomorphies that may be ascribed to Bathyclarias, it does not form an independent lineage from Clarias. ...
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A new species of air-breathing catfish, Clarias monsembulai, is described from Congo River tributaries within and bordering the Salonga National Park (Democratic Republic of the Congo). The new taxon is recognized by its exceptionally long, white barbels, which lend a superficial resemblance to Clarias buthupogon, from which it differs in characters of the cleithrum and pigmentation patterning. We suggest placement of this species into the subgenus Clarioides but note the current dearth of morphological data to unite members of this group. We additionally discuss the validity of the subspecies Clarias angolensis macronema.
... Phylogenies of these two radiations contain members of the parent species and the members of the two species flocks form clades within the diversity of the parent species (Agnèse & Teugels, 2001;Malinsky et al., 2018). Strangely, a widespread haplotype from the central part of the basin was also found in the Upper Lufira, ...
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Aim: The formation history of Africa's current river basins remains largely unknown. In order to date changes in landscape and climate, we studied the biogeography of the African freshwater fish with the largest natural distribution. We also validated biogeographical units. Location: Continental Africa. Taxon: Clarias gariepinus sl. Methods: We investigated mitochondrial cytb sequences of 443 individuals from 97 localities, using a haplotype network and a genetic landscape analysis. We inferred a dated phylogeny using maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference approaches and reconstructed ancestral areas with S-DEC and S-DIVA models. Microsatellite geno-typing complemented the mitochondrial approach in the Congo basin, where the latter revealed complex patterns. Results: Limited differentiation is found in northern and southwestern Africa, and sharp genetic differentiation in the continent's east and centre. Populations with affinities to neighbouring basins occur at the edges of the Congo province. High diversity exists in the south of the Congo basin. The Zambezi province is partitioned into eastern, central and western sectors. In the east, specimens were related to those from the Congo. In the west, they were similar to Southern representatives. Phylogenetic inference placed the origin of C. gariepinus in the East Coast, with in-traspecific diversification starting around the Great Lakes. These events occurred ca. 4.8-1.65 and 2.3-0.8 MYA respectively. Main conclusions: Clades of C. gariepinus sl. show a clear geographical signature. The origin of C. gariepinus in the East Coast and diversification around the Great Lakes coincided with the periods of increased aridity. Low genetic differentiation in northern and southern Africa may result from connectivity during recent periods of higher rainfall. In contrast to other widespread African freshwater fish, colonization rather than extinction seemed to mediate distribution patterns. This can be explained by a high ecological tolerance. We highlight the species’ suitability to study landscape and climate evolution at various scales.
... Phylogenies of these two radiations contain members of the parent species and the members of the two species flocks form clades within the diversity of the parent species (Agnèse & Teugels, 2001;Malinsky et al., 2018). Strangely, a widespread haplotype from the central part of the basin was also found in the Upper Lufira, ...
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Aim The formation history of Africa's current river basins remains largely unknown. In order to date changes in landscape and climate, we studied the biogeography of the African freshwater fish with the largest natural distribution. We also validated biogeographical units. Location Continental Africa. Taxon Clarias gariepinus sl. Methods We investigated mitochondrial cytb sequences of 443 individuals from 97 localities, using a haplotype network and a genetic landscape analysis. We inferred a dated phylogeny using maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference approaches and reconstructed ancestral areas with S‐DEC and S‐DIVA models. Microsatellite genotyping complemented the mitochondrial approach in the Congo basin, where the latter revealed complex patterns. Results Limited differentiation is found in northern and south‐western Africa, and sharp genetic differentiation in the continent's east and centre. Populations with affinities to neighbouring basins occur at the edges of the Congo province. High diversity exists in the south of the Congo basin. The Zambezi province is partitioned into eastern, central and western sectors. In the east, specimens were related to those from the Congo. In the west, they were similar to Southern representatives. Phylogenetic inference placed the origin of C. gariepinus in the East Coast, with intraspecific diversification starting around the Great Lakes. These events occurred ca. 4.8–1.65 and 2.3–0.8 MYA respectively. Main conclusions Clades of C. gariepinus sl. show a clear geographical signature. The origin of C. gariepinus in the East Coast and diversification around the Great Lakes coincided with the periods of increased aridity. Low genetic differentiation in northern and southern Africa may result from connectivity during recent periods of higher rainfall. In contrast to other widespread African freshwater fish, colonization rather than extinction seemed to mediate distribution patterns. This can be explained by a high ecological tolerance. We highlight the species’ suitability to study landscape and climate evolution at various scales.
... Phylogenies of these two radiations contain members of the parent species and the members of the two species flocks form clades within the diversity of the parent species (Agnèse & Teugels, 2001;Malinsky et al., 2018). Strangely, a widespread haplotype from the central part of the basin was also found in the Upper Lufira, ...
... In some cases this has required description of distinct species, for example Orthochromis from the Lake Tanganyika drainage (De Vos and Seegers 1998). Further evidence that speciation tends to be constrained in rivers relative to lakes is present in the weakly radiating non-cichlid lineages from Lake Malawi [clariid catfishes (Agnèse and Teugels, 2001)] and Lake Tanganyika [Synodontis catfishes (Day et al., 2013;Pinton et al., 2013); claroteine catfishes (Peart et al., 2014); mastacembelid eels (Brown et al., 2010)]. ...
It has been proposed that the fish faunas of African rivers assemble through multiple colonisation events, while lake faunas form additionally through intralacustine speciation. While this pattern has been established for many lineages, most notably cichlids, there are opportunities to further investigate the concept using phylogenies of congeneric endemic species within ancient lake catchments. The Lake Malawi catchment contains three river-spawning cyprinids of the genus Opsaridium, two of which are endemic. These species differ in body size, migratory behaviour and habitat use, but it has never previously been tested if these represent a monophyletic radiation, or have instead colonised the lake independently. We placed these species in a broader phylogeny of Opsaridium and the related genus Raiamas, including all known species from the river systems surrounding Lake Malawi. Our results suggest that each of the species has independently colonised the lake catchment, with all three taxa having well-defined sister taxa outside of the lake, and all sharing a common ancestor ∼14.9 million years ago, before the Lake Malawi basin started to form ∼8.6 million years ago. Additionally, the results strongly support previous observations that Opsaridium is not a monophyletic group, but instead contains Raiamas from the Congo drainage. Together these results are supportive of the concept that river fish faunas within African catchments are primarily assembled through a process of accumulation from independent origins, rather than within-catchment speciation and adaptive radiation. In light of these results we also suggest there is scope for a re-evaluation of systematics of both Opsaridium and Raiamas.
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Ranking fifth in global aquaculture production of farmed fin fishes, with a total tonnage of 5, 518 878 metric tons worth US$ 10 569 972 Billion, Catfishes are exceptionally important as a seafood product. They are an especially important food resource in developing countries, more so since their farmed production does not require sophisticated technology. The diversity and natural distribution of catfishes are documented. Farmed production of Pangasianodon hypophthalmus in the Mekong delta and Ictalurus punctatus in China is reviewed as global success story in the culture of catfishes. Important lessons from these ventures are drawn for the culture of clariid catfishes, the dominant group farmed in Africa. Amongst this family, the African catfish, Clarias gariepinus (Burchell 1822) is the most widely cultured species, due to its hardy nature. However, its culture is constrained by insufficient seed supply, due to poor survival of fingerlings. These challenges are brought to the fore, so that future research efforts explore strategies of countenance, in order to increase food fish production, incomes, and livelihoods in Africa.
Conspicuous characters are often useful in species identification. Yet, identification and delineation are two different processes, and such characters do not necessarily provide the best basis on which species can be delineated. This is illustrated by the case of the Labeo with papillary lips from the Congo basin. Traditionally, species delineation in this group was based on a conspicuous trait: the shape of the dorsal fin, which shows a profound degree of differentiation. Morphometric analyses were performed on 185 specimens both with and without measurements taken on this fin. The groups obtained using these two approaches were compared with those obtained through DNA barcoding. For this, 24 sequences of the standard barcoding COI gene were obtained. Species delineations based on morphological and molecular results were in agreement when the shape of the dorsal fin was ignored. This suggested that of the five nominal species known from the Congo basin, L. altivelis, L. rosae, L. lineatus, L. weeksii and L. maleboensis, only the former three remain valid. Consequently, L. weeksii was synonymised with L. altivelis and L. maleboensis with L. lineatus. The sole Congo basin endemic is L. lineatus as L. altivelis and L. rosae also occur in more southern basins. The use of the shape of the dorsal fin in morphological studies has previously led to overestimates of species diversity in this group. This is due to the fact that L. altivelis shows a remarkable amount of geographical variation for this trait. The large amount of intra- and interspecific variation in this character was caused by differential allo- metric growth in different parts of the dorsal fin.
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Molecular genetic variation was examined within and among species of the rock-dwelling cichlid fishes (mbuna) of Lake Malawi. Phylogenetic relationships among mbuna mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplotypes were estimated by using restriction-fragment-length polymorphisms. The distribution of these lineages among mbuna species is of particular significance for phylogenetic systematic study of this fauna. Some species were found to be polymorphic for divergent haplotypes that substantially predate their isolation from sister taxa. Repeated speciation events among numerous closely related taxa appear to have been so recent that mtDNA lineage sorting among species is incomplete. Thus, the mtDNA gene tree is not congruent with the putative species tree. These results indicate that analysis of mtDNA alone will not be sufficient for resolution of phylogenetic relationships in the mbuna. Clarification of these relationships will require examination of multiple nuclear loci, because many of these new markers are also likely to retain ancestral polymorphisms.
This chapter highlights the biogeography of fishes with perspectives from the Panamanian isthmus as it provides a rich landscape to study the evolution of fish and molecules. It focuses on fish biogeography, particularly the geography of conspecific populations of tropical marine and freshwater fishes. It provides an insight into the mechanics and reliability of mitochondrial molecular clocks functioning across shallow spans of time. Conspecific populations, if differentiated, can provide historical information about a region. Molecules, particularly mtDNA, are well suited for reconstructing the evolutionary relationships among conspecific populations. For species or species groups demonstrating little or no phylogenetically informative morphological variation, molecules can provide a taxonomy that can be easily and immediately placed in a phylogenetic context. Tabular representations are provided for the geographic scaling of species groups like the Panama Isthmus, the circumtropical Abudefduf, and Neotropical freshwater fishes. A reasonable conclusion follows that molecular and genetic analysis can provide rapid means for surveying regional biotic diversity. Phylogenetic history and/or genetic diversity should be used in biodiversity indices to emphasize the phylogenetic and genetic distinctiveness of some groups compared to others.
A 579 base-pairs fragment of the cytochrome b gene has been sequenced for the four Heterobranchus species, four Clarias species, and Channallabes apus (Clariidae). Clarotes laticeps (Claroteidae) was used as outgroup. Results support the hypothesis that Heterobranchus is monophyletic. Clarias, however, appears to be paraphyletic.