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Microtechnology in Space Bioreactors



Space biology is a young and rapidly developing discipline comprising basic research and biotechnology. In the next decades it will play a prominent role in the International Space Station (ISS). Therefore, there is an increasing demand for sophisticated instrumentation to satisfy the requirements of the future projects in space biology. Bioreactors will be needed to supply fresh living material (cells and tissues) either to study still obscure basic biological mechanisms or to develop profitable bioprocesses which will take advantage of the peculiar microgravity conditions. Since more than twenty years, the Space Biology Group of the ETHZ is carrying out research projects in space (Space Shuttle/Spacelab, MIR Station, satellites, and sounding rockets) that involve also the development of space-qualified instrumentation. In the last ten years we have developed, in collaboration with Mecanex SA, Nyon, and the Institute of Microtechnology of the University of Neuchatel, a space bioreactor for the continuous culture of yeast cells under controlled conditions. Sensors, pH control, nutrients pump and fluid flowmeter are based on state-of-the-art silicon technology. After two successful space flights, a further improved version is presently prepared for a flight in the year 2000.
Chimia 53 (1999) 75-80
©Neue Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft
ISSN 0009-4293
CHIMIA 1999, 53, No.3
Microtechnology in Space Bioreactors
Isabelle Walther*a), Bart van der SChootb), Marc Boillatb), Otfried MOller
and Augusto Cogolia)
Abstract. Space biology is a young and rapidly developing discipline comprising basic research and
biotechnology. In the next decades it will playa prominent role in the International Space Station (ISS).
Therefore, there is an increasing demand for sophisticated instrumentation to satisfy the requirements of the
future projects in space biology. Bioreactors will be needed to supply fresh living material (celis and tissues)
either to study still obscure basic biological mechanisms or to develop profitable bioprocesses which will take
advantage of the peculiar microgravity conditions. Since more than twenty years, the Space Biology Group of
the ETHZ is carrying out research projects in space (Space Shuttle/Spacelab, MIR Station, satellites, and
sounding rockets) that involve also the development of space-qualified instrumentation. In the last ten years
we have developed, in collaboration with Mecanex SA, Nyon, and the Institute of Microtechnology of the
University of Neuchatel, a space bioreactor for the continuous culture of yeast cells under controlled
conditions. Sensors, pH control, nutrients pump and fluid flowmeter are based on state-of-the-art silicon
technology. After two successful space flights, a further improved version is presently prepared for a flight in
the year 2000.
1. Introduction
Space biology has evolved from the scien-
tists' need to better understand the effects
of the space environment on living sys-
tems. The peculiarities of such an environ-
ment are a reduced gravity (i.e., Shuttle:
the almost absence of con-
vection movements and cosmic radiation
(10 mrad/d in average). At the beginning
of human space exploration in the early
sixties, the investigations were oriented
essentially toward the health of the astro-
nauts, so that medical and physiological
experiments were predominant. Even if
this aspect is still very important, today's
investigators are increasingly interested
inbasic and applied research under micro-
gravity. Also, the upcoming of the ISS is
triggering the scientists to develop and
plan new instruments for long-term exper-
'Correspondence: Dr. I. Walther
Space Biology Group ETH-Technopark
Technoparkstrasse 1
CH-8005 Zurich
Tel.: +41 14451280
Fax: +4114451271
Seyonic SA
Rue du Puits-Godet 12
CH-2000 Neuchatel
(previously in the Institute of
Institute of Anatomy University of Bern
Buhlstrasse 26
CH-3000 Bern
iments in space and for the recycling of
components essential for life, such as ox-
ygen, water, and air, from waste products.
Biotechnology in space will become a
daily process helping astronauts to live for
several months far away from Earth.
For twenty years, our group has been
active in this field focusing, first, on the
study of immune-system cells, in particu-
lar T lymphocytes, and, second, on the
development of 'space-qualified' (see be-
low) instruments to carry out studies on
single cells. We used 0 gas a tool to study
the mechanism of activation of T lym-
phocytes. This mechanism is extremely
complex and many of its steps still need
clarification [1][2]. Our first two space
experiments were performed in 1983
aboard the space shuttle Challenger [3]
and Columbia, respectively [1]. We man-
ufactured a tissue culture incubator that
had to comply with the peculiar constrai nts
of space flight.
During the past ten years, the develop-
ment of continuous cell culture systems
has also been an important aspect of our
activity. Our research was conducted in
orbit (Biokosmos, MIR, Spacelab, Space-
hab), in sounding rockets (MASER, MAX-
US) as well as on the ground in the centri-
fuge for hypergravity, and in clinostats
(rotating devices that randomize Earth-
gravity vector) for simulated microgravi-
ty. A summary of our experiments in space
is given in the Table.
The purpose of this article is to de-
scribe the four generations of the bioreac-
tor developed in collaboration with the
Swiss aerospace companies Contraves AG,
ZUrich, Mecanex SA and the Institute of
Microtechnology (IMT) of the University
of Neuchatel. We will also briefly present
the data of two flight experiments.
2. Space-Qualified Instrumentation
All equipment to be installed in space
laboratories must fulfil very strict require-
ments like crew safety, man-machine in-
teraction, energy consumption, volume,
electromagnetic contamination, and oth-
ers. For instance, safety requires the use of
non-offgassing, non-flammable, non-tox-
ic materials. Handling operations by the
crew shall be simple and not time-con-
suming. For biological samples, triple con-
tainment is necessary. On the other hand,
materials have to be biocompatible with
the biological specimen used.
There are two types of space instru-
ments used for biology: Multi-user facili-
ties and experiment-specific devices. A
multi-user facility, such as the Biorack
flown on several missions, consists of
freezer, incubators, cooler, and reference
centrifuges in which biological experi-
ments can be performed. They are mostly
built under supervision and financing of
the space agencies. Experiment-specific
CHIMIA 1999. 53, NO.3
8T8-76, 3rd Shuttle to MIR
ST8-81, 5th Shuttle to MIA
Kosmos Biosatellite 9
StratospheriC balloon, program ODISSEA
StratospheriC balloon, program ODI8SEA
Table. Experiments Conducted in Space by the Space Biology Group of the ETHZ
Mission Year Experlmentlinstrument developed with Swiss aerospace industry
STS-8 1983 Incubator with human embryonic kidney cells
8T8-9, 8pacelab 1 1983 Incubator with human lymphocytes
STS-61-A, Dl 1985 2 experiments: lymphocyte cultures, lymphocytes from astronauts
8T8-40, 8pacelab SL8-1 1991 2 experiments: lymphocyte cultures, lymphocytes from astronauts
8T8-42, Spacelab IML-1 1992 Hybridoma cells, DCCS with hamster embryonic kidney cells (Contraves AG). Friend cells
STS-65, Spacelab IML-2 1994 3 experiments: lymphocyte activation and motion, bioreactor SSR I
(Mecanex SA, Univ. Neuchatel) wflh yeast cells
1996 Sioreactor 8SR I (Mecanex SA, Univ. Neuchatel) with yeast cells
2000 Sioreactor SSR II (Mecanex SA, Seyonic, Neuchatel), tentatively scheduled
1997 8tudy on preservation of mammalian cells
1988 Immunological 'skin-test' on cosmonauts with applicator
1989 Immunological 'skin-test' on cosmonauts With applicator
1990 Immunological 'skln-lest' on cosmonauts with applicator
1989 Test of the DCC8 (Contraves AG) with protoplasts
1989 Lymphocytes: mitogen binding, patching and capping
1990 Lymphocytes: cytoskeleton, mitogen binding, patching and capping
1991 Lymphocytes: motility, cytOSkeleton, mitogen binding, patching and capping, rocket failur
1992 Lymphocytes: cytoskeleton, mitogen binding, patching and capping
1995 Lymphocytes: motility, cytoskeleton, mitogen binding, patching and capping
1986 Cosmic radiation and lymphocyte activation, balloon failure
1987 Cosmic radiatron and lymphocyte activation
hardware is mostly developed for and
adapted to one specific biological experi-
ment. The best way for scientists to have
instruments optimally conceived for their
experiments is to participate in their de-
velopment and design. The use of silicon
microtechnology was a key element to
contend the extremely strict place restric-
tion imposed by the standard (Type II)
containers of the Biorack facility.
Here, we present a miniaturized and
controlled bioreactor as an example for
the utilization of microtechnology for space
2.1. Dynamic Cell Culture System,
With one exception (namely an auto-
mated device flown in Skylab in 1973), all
the early experiments performed in space
with single cells were so-called batch ex-
periments. A batch experiment is an ex-
periment in which the cells are cultivated
in a fixed amount of nutrient solution
(medium). As a consequence, such culti-
Fig. 2. SBR I: Miniaturized bioreactor with, on
its left, two syringes for the sampling and the
sample bottles. The cultivation chamber is on
the top of the bioreactor. The inspection win-
dow is located on the right upper side (w). The
sensors, which are integrated into the cham-
ber wall at the opposite of the window, are not
visible on this picture. The basis structure (bs)
contains the fresh and the used medium. Total
height: 8 em.
. ---_11
Fig. 1. Dynamic cell cultivation system DCCS. On the left is the container Type I (c).On the right
the DCCS with the two circular windows (arrow) over the cultivation chambers. The osmotic
pump was located inside of the metallic bloc (M).
CHIMIA 1999. 53,
glass base plate
t t
glass membrane
with PROD EX funding. It is designed for
yeast-cell cultivation [7]. We chose yeast
cells because they are widely used in bio-
technology (i.e., beer and wine industry),
in basic and cancer research, and as a
model organism in molecular biology.
piezo disc
silicon pump body
into a Type lIfE B iorack contai ner that has
forvolume365 ml(size87 x 63 x 63 mm,
2). This instrument was built in col-
laboration with Mecanex SA (Nyon, Swit-
zerland) and the Institute of Microtech-
nology of the University of Neuchatel
Fig. 3. Micropump. The piezo device is clearly visible as a disk on the right of the pump. The left
part of the structure contains the flow sensor with the electrical connector and the tube bringing
the medium to the culture chamber.
vation is very limited in time due to the
exhaustion of the nutrients and the accu-
mulation of waste products. To overcome
this problem, we decided in 1986 to devel-
op, in collaboration with Contraves AG
(Zurich, Switzerland), a totally automatic
cultivation instrument for animal cells with
continuous delivery of fresh medium, so
that the cells can grow for several days
without being starved. The development
of the instrument was funded by the PRO-
DEX program of the European Space
Agency (ESA). This program supports the
development of specific space hardware
in countries which have not their own
space agency such as Switzerland, Aus-
tria, Belgium and, since 1998, Hungary.
The first system we developed was called
Dynamic Cell Culture System (DCCS,
It is a completely closed system
consisting of three main parts: the pump,
housing, the pump and the culture cham-
ber [4]. The fresh-medium reservoir has a
capacity of 230~. The novelty of this
system was the self-powered osmotic pump
supplying the cells with fresh medium at a
continuousflowrateofl ~ h-'.TheDCCS
was designed to fit into one standard ESA
Type I container (81
20 mm). Its
biological performance was tested on the
Biokosmos 9 satellite (1989) with plant
protoplasts [5]. The protoplasts were cul-
tivated for 14 days in orbit. The results
showed that the DCCS worked well under
microgravity conditions. Aboard the IML-
I mission (STS-42, 1992) the DCCS was
used for the cultivation of hamster kidney
cells. These cells are interesting because
they produce tissue plasminogen activator
(t-PA). No difference in cell growth and t-
PA secretion was found between flight
and ground [6]. Though the DCCS, which
does not need any external power supply
or electronic controlling device, is suita-
ble for continuous cultivation in micro-
gravity, it has some limitations such as the
very small working volume of the culture
(200 ~), which does not allow the with-
drawal of a sample during experiment, and
the lack of control and on-line informa-
2.2. Space Bioreactor SBR
Miniaturized anc:JControlled
Our next goal was to overcome the
limitations of the DCCS and to develop a
miniaturized bioreactor with sampling ca-
pability, pH control, gas exchange, con-
tinuous fresh-medium supply, and on-line
measurements. The real challenge was to
build a bioreactor with almost all the capa-
bilities of a commercial one (total volume,
electronics and mechanics included, of
about 1 m3for a I I bioreactor) but fitting
CHIMIA 1999. 53, No.3
Current source
Furthermore, they have a very well-known
metabolism and are very sensitive to envi-
ronmental changes. The objective of the
experiment was, besides the technical chal-
lenge, to investigate the effect of mixing in
microgravity on biological parameters such
as growth rate and metabolism. As yeast
cells are non-motile it is necessary on
Earth to stir the cultivation medium to
avoid their sedimentation. In microgravi-
ty, they would not sediment, but the lack of
convection would favour the formation of
nutrient and waste gradients that could
affect cell growth. To avoid the formation
of such gradients, the bioreactor chamber
(3 ml) was equipped with a magnetic stir-
ring mechanism. A piezo-electric silicon
micropump of 20 x 20 x 2 mm size was
used for the delivery of fresh medium
3). The flow rate was variable be-
tween 200 and 1200 ~ per hour. The data
were collected on-line by means of a sen-
sor inserted directly into the cultivation
chamber. The chip size was 3.5 x 3.5 mm.
This sensor was an integration of:
a pH-
ISFET (ion-sensitive field-effect transis-
tor) with Al
gate insulator (sensitivity
51 mV/pH),
a temperature-sensitive
diode in forward bias at 100
thin-film platinum redox electrode [7].
The regulation of the pH was achieved by
coulometric generation of hydroxyl ions
at a titanium electrode in the bioreactor
4). The counter electrode contained
a chlorinated silver wire in a potassium
chloride gel. The counter electrode was
separated from the chamber by a cation-
selective membrane. This type of pH con-
trol allows to avoid the use of concentrated
NaOH. The pH sensor measured the level
between pH 2 and pH 9 with an accuracy
0.05 pH units. Its only disadvantage
was its limited capacity due to the con-
sumption of both the silver anode and the
in the counter electrode. The sam-
pling port consists of a silicone-rubber
septum and the gas exchange occurs by
passive diffusion through seven
membranes. This bioreactor flew in 1994
and in 1996 aboard the shuttle missions
STS-65 and STS-76. For the second flight,
a flow sensor was implemented to im-
prove the regulation of medium delivery.
In fact, if the flow measured by the sensor
was not nominal, the current delivered to
the pump was adapted accordingly. This
sensor was also measuring the pressure in
the cultivation chamber. This measure-
ment allowed detecting possible blockage
of the outlet leading to an increase of
pressure in the chamber. A new, improved
version of the bioreactor is currently under
development with
Neuchatel, a spin-off company of the
KCI gel
120 144 168 192
Time [h]
1.0 024 48
144 168 192
Time [h]
Titanium cover
Medium with cells
2 H20 +2e- ~ 2 OW +H2
Bioreactor \ Counter electrode
Nafion membrane
pH values for both ground bioreactors.
Inthe stirred one, the sampling times are very well
visible (drops). About
ml of fresh medium at pH
is delivered to the chamber (pH
replace the sampling volume, a pH drop is resulting especially because no compensation of pH
is effected during sample withdrawal (no electrical connection of the bioreactor).
4. Principle of the electrochemical pH regulation.
K+ions are tormed inthe counter electrode,
they pass through the Nation membrane to the bioreactor chamber and combined with the
hydroxyl ions to form KOH.
CHIMIA 1999, 53.
--~ •• 00
stirred 10
"[] 2
result we can conclude that both physico-
chemical environment and microgravity
have an effect on the bud location.
3.2. Cultivation in Batch Chamber
Additionally to the bioreactors that
could not be placed on the 1
Dilution rate [h·
unstirred stirred
". ..
r \
Fig. 7. Scanning electron micrograph of yeast cells with budding scars (arrows). Magnification
Fig. 6. Optical density at 610 nm, glucose and ethanol concentration in the bioreactors' samples.
This diagram shows the evolution of the culture parameters (growth, glucose consumption, and
ethanol production) during a continuous cultivation at increasing dilution rates. Mean values of
dual measurements of a single sample are shown.
tors than in the stirred ones, we tend to
assume that the last reason is relevant.
Nevertheless, the fact that the percentage
of randomly positioned scars is higher in
both cultivation conditions in space than
on Earth indicates that microgravity has
indeed an effect on the cells. From this
3. Results
As an example, in this section, we
present the performance and part of the
scientific results of the second flight of the
SBR I in STS-76. The experiment consist-
ed of two elements, namely cultivation of
yeast cells in the bioreactor and, as a
control, in batch chambers.
3.1. Cultivation in the Bioreactor
From the technical point of view, the
second flight of SBR I was a success. The
sensors worked according to the expecta-
tions and the pH was regulated correctly
(Fig. 5). It was not a surprise to observe
higher fluctuations of the pH under un-
stirred conditions in microgravity as well
as on Earth. In fact, to obtain the correct
pH at the sensor level (side of the cham-
ber), more hydroxyl and K+ions have to be
produced at the source (cover of the cham-
ber and compensation electrode) when
mixing is achieved only by diffusion and
stirring. Moreover, in microgravi-
ty, no convection movements are occur-
ring which leads to a larger fluctuation
amplitude of the pH values.
From the biological point of view, as
also observed in the previous flight [8], the
yeast cells grew well in microgravity. Their
metabolism was comparable to that on
Earth as they consumed glucose and pro-
duced alcohol in similar ways (Fig. 6).
Morphologically, no differences were ob-
served between flight and ground sam-
pies. Fig. 7 presents a transmission micro-
graph where the bud scars are visible.
Normally, the bud scars left on the
mother cell after separation of the daugh-
ter cell are located bi polarl y. We observed
that the specific bipolar bud-scar position-
ing was altered under microgravity condi-
tions. Interestingly enough, the percent-
age of cells with bud scars located ran-
domly is much higher in space than on
Earth when comparing the same cultiva-
tion conditions (Fig. 8). This might be due
to: i) a higher mutation rate, the location
being genetically defined [9], ii) the dys-
function of the cytoskeleton in space, the
cytoskeleton playing an important role in
the choice of the bud location [10], and/or
a disturbed metabolism because cells
under starvation 'forget' where the bud
has to be located [11]. With respect to the
fact that the percentage of randomly locat-
ed scars is higher in the unstirred bioreac-
IMT of the University of Neuchatel. It is
scheduled to fly in a new instrument, called
Biopack, in 2000 in the shuttle flight STS-
CHIMIA 1999, 53, No.3
F unstirred F stirred G unstirred G stirred
particular, will be of primary importance
in the next decades. The trend to miniatur-
ization and automation will be a techno-
logical challenge that will probably also
favour spin-offs for Earth applications.
Several types of bioreactors will be re-
quired: small-sized reactors (3-50 ml) of
the type describe here for basic research
and pilot bioprocesses, medium-sized re-
actors (11) for established bioprocesses,
and large bioreactors (100
for closed
ecological life-support systems to support
long-duration human life in space. Thus,
stable and reliable chemical and biologi-
cal sensors for the measurement of param-
eters such as glucose consumption, con-
centration of dissolved O
and CO
tabolite production (i.e., alcohol, lactate)
as well as environmental control systems
(pH, temperature, waste management) sat-
isfying the requirements of manned space
missions, will be needed. Depending on
the specific purpose, both optical and elec-
trochemical sensors might be of interest.
The most important thing is that they cope
with the space requirements for safety
(i.e., non-flammable, non-corrosive), pow-
erconsumption (normally only few Watts
available per experiment), and that their
size is compatible with the restricted vol-
ume available.
Batch chambers
Budding position Random vs. Bipolar
Fig. 8. Percentage of the randomly located bud scars vs. the normally bipolar positioning. The
values were obtained counting 500 cells per sample; the standard deviation was calculated on
the four samples available per bioreactor.
Flight, G: Ground.
centrifuge onboard due to their size, small
batch chambers were incubated for 32 h at
22° in static position in the flight (0
ground (I
and in the centrifuge in the
flight (lg). After this time, the chambers
were frozen to stop the growth of the cells.
The analyses were performed after the
flight. Optical density (aD), glucose con-
sumption and ethanol production were
measured. As expected, the glucose was
fully consumed and ethanol was produced
in every culture with no noticeable differ-
ence. At the aD level, a difference was
observed between the cultures grown at 1
and at 0
Both 1
cultures (on board
and static on ground) had a lower aD than
the 0
9). One could, thus,
conclude that microgravity has a positive
effect on the growth of the cells. However,
experiments performed on the ground with
agitation demonstrated that the cells grew
4. Conclusions and Outlook
The application of silicon microtech-
nology for the development of instrumen-
tation for space laboratories, the ISS in
also better than in a static position. There-
fore, the growth difference observed in the
batch cultures is rather caused by a nega-
tive effect of the sedimentation of the cells
during centrifugation than by a positive
microgravity effect. Static or centrifuge
conditions are certainly not particularly
favourable due to the accumulation of
waste and the formation of gradients. This
leads to the conclusion that for certain
types of cells, at least for those not used to
grow in static conditions, the centrifuge
might not furnish the ideal control condi-
[1] A. Cogoli, A. Tschopp, P. Fuchs-Bislin,
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[2] A. Cogoli, B. Bechler, M. Cogoli-Greuter,
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[3] A. Tschopp, A. Cogoli, M.L. Lewis, D.R.
Morrison, 1. Biotechnol. 1984, 1,287.
[4] F.K. GmUnder, C.G. Nordau, A. Tschopp,
B. Huber, A. Cogoli, 1.
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kov, E.L. Kordyum, V.V. Lozovaya, C.
Baggerud, T.-H. Iversen, in 'Proceedings
of the fourth European symposium on life
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ESA SP-307, 527.
[6] G. Lorenzi, F.K. GmUnder, A. Cogoli, Mi-
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[7] L Walther, B. van der Schoot, S. Jeanneret,
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Recei ved: November 16, 1998
Fig. 9. Optical density in
the batch chamber after
32 h growth. The stand-
ard deviation was calcu-
lated on duplicate meas-
urements on quadrupli-
cates per position. F:
Flight, G: Ground.
F 19
... First experiments on Space Bioreactor were conducted in 1994 and 1996 as part of Space Shuttle missions -STS-65 and STS-76 [83]. The culture of yeasts was exposed to space environments, showing notable morphological changes during division process. ...
Full-text available
The in-depth analysis concerning application of microfluidic instruments for space biology research is presented. The article focuses on recently investigated key scientific fields, i.e., lab-on-chips applied to the biomedical studies performed in the (1) International Space Station and (2) CubeSat nanosatellites. The paper presents also the lab-on-chip devices that were fabricated with a view to future space biology research and to those that to date have been solely been tested under Earth laboratory conditions and/or simulated microgravity environments. NASA and ESA conceptual mission plans for future are also mentioned, concerning for instance “tissue chips” and the ESA-SPHEROIDS campaign. The paper ends with final conclusions and future perspectives regarding lab-on-chip application in the space biology sector and its impact on novel biomedical and pharmaceutical strategies. Graphical Abstract
... In Biomedical Microsystems (Bio-MEMS), the fluid handled is typically a suspension of particles and macromolecules. (e.g., cell lysate, and protein or DNA solutions) [1], [2]. In many applications, the quantity of interest is often the mass-flow-rate of the solute. ...
... The pH of the culture is controlled with a unique electrochemical method that eliminates the need for corrosive alkaline solutions and requires very little additional room [8]. First experiments with the growth of yeast cells on Space Shuttle missions, STS-65 in 1994 and STS-76 in 1996 [9] have shown that microgravity does induce morphological changes in dividing cells. In a more developed version, flown on Columbia's unfortunate last mission STS-107 in 2003, the bioreactor has acted as a source of cell culture samples for further experiments. ...
Conference Paper
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Future space exploration will emphasize on cost effectiveness and highly focused mission objectives. Missions costs are directly proportional to its total weight, thus, the trend will be to replace bulky and heavy components of space carriers, communication and navigation platforms and of scientific payloads. MEMS devices are ideally suited to replace several of these components in the future, first by substituting larger and heavier components (e.g. a gyroscope), then by replacing entire subsystems (e.g., inertial measurement unit), and finally by enabling the microfabrication of highly integrated picosats. This progressive approach will also enable new mission scenarios and more detailed investigations of the space environment and of planetary surfaces. Very small satellites (1 to 100 kg) stand to benefit the most from MEMS technologies because reaching the desired performance levels is only possible using a highly integrated approach. The small satellites are typically used for science or technology demonstration missions, with much higher risk tolerance than multi-ton telecommunication satellites. In addition, the ability to mass produce MEMS components opens a new approach to space exploration in the future by sending constellations of nano and picosatellites into space. Examples of such miniaturization and successful use of MEMS for space and planetary missions are described in this paper.
Numerous revolutionary space missions have been initiated and planned for the following decades, including plans for novel spacecraft, exploration of the deep universe, and long duration manned space trips. Compared with space missions conducted over the past 50 years, current missions have features of spacecraft miniaturization, a faster task cycle, farther destinations, braver goals, and higher levels of precision. Tasks are becoming technically more complex and challenging, but also more accessible via commercial space activities. Remarkably, microfluidics has proven impactful in newly conceived space missions. In this review, we focus on recent advances in space microfluidic technologies and their impact on the state-of-the-art space missions. We discuss how micro-sized fluid and microfluidic instruments behave in space conditions, based on hydrodynamic theories. We draw on analyses outlining the reasons why microfluidic components and operations have become crucial in recent missions by categorically investigating a series of successful space missions integrated with microfluidic technologies. We present a comprehensive technical analysis on the recently developed in-space microfluidic applications such as the lab-on-a-CubeSat, healthcare for manned space missions, evaluation and reconstruction of the environment on celestial bodies, in-space manufacturing of microfluidic devices, and development of fluid-based micro-thrusters. The discussions in this review provide insights on microfluidic technologies that hold considerable promise for the upcoming space missions, and also outline how in-space conditions present a new perspective to the microfluidics field.
As a step toward high-throughput bioprocess development, we present design, fabrication, and characterization of polymer based microbioreactors integrated with automated sensors and actuators. The devices are realized, in increasing levels of complexity, in poly(dimethylsiloxane) and poly(methyl methacrylate) by micromachining and multilayer thermal compression bonding procedures. Online optical measurements for optical density, pH, and dissolved oxygen are integrated. Active mixing is made possible by a miniature magnetic stir bar. Plug-in-and-flow microfluidic connectors and fabricated polymer micro-optical lenses/connectors are integrated in the microbioreactors for fast set up and easy operation. Application examples demonstrate the feasibility of culturing microbial cells, specifically Escherichia coli, in 150 μL-volume bioreactors in batch, continuous, and fed-batch operations.
A novel microfluidic flowmeter, the lag-after-pulsed-separation (LAPS) meter, has been developed to measure the flow rate of suspensions laden with protein or other charged macromolecules or particles. The LAPS meter operates on the time-of-flight principle previously employed for thermal flow meters. An upstream event (electrophoretic concentration of the particles in one section of the device) is detected downstream (by change in AC resistance). The time lag between the event and the detection is inversely proportional to the velocity, providing a non-invasive, no-moving-parts flow measurement.
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Space biology is a young discipline that is strongly evolving thanks to the development of new measuring devices. The use of instruments equipped with new sensors and new technologies gives the opportunity to follow and understand better the experiments performed. Starting about three decades ago with relatively simple experiments aboard space laboratories like Spacelab, in the MIR station, as well as aboard biosatellites and sounding rockets, bioprocessing in space is becoming one of the interesting themes for the exploitation of the International Space Station, ISS. It nourishes hypotheses and speculations on possible commercial and medical applications. A few pharmaceutical companies manifested their interest in joint application research programs with universities and national and international space agencies. It is believed that low-g may contribute in two aspects to progress in this field: first, as a useful and non invasive tool to study important and still obscure biological events like signal transduction, gene expression, and cell proliferation. Second, low-g may favor the mass production of single cells by obtaining higher cell densities per unit culture volume as well as a smooth cell–cell aggregation and three-dimensional organogenesis in the absence of sedimentation and shear forces. Technology of a high standard has to be used to obtain the best possible result in the restricted space of the ISS Laboratory. Often new space instrumentations can trigger earth-bound development and applications.
Space biology is a young and rapidly developing discipline comprising basic research and biotechnology. In the next decades biotechnology in space will play a prominent role in the International Space Station (ISS). Therefore, there is an increasing demand for sophisticated instrumentation to satisfy the requirements of the future projects in space biology. Bioreactors will be needed to supply fresh living material (cells and tissues) either to study still obscure basic biological mechanisms or to develop profitable bioprocesses which will take advantage of the peculiar microgravity conditions. Instruments especially developed for space may be the starting point of new technology uses and lead to interesting spin-offs for Earth-bound research.
Animal cells have been used extensively in therapeutic protein production. The growth of animal cells and the expression of therapeutic proteins are highly dependent on the culturing environments. A large number of experimental permutations need to be explored to identify the optimal culturing conditions. Miniaturized bioreactors are well suited for such tasks as they offer high-throughput parallel operation and reduce cost of reagents. They can also be automated and be coupled to downstream analytical units for online measurements of culture products. This review summarizes the current status of miniaturized bioreactors for animal cell cultivation based on the design categories: microtiter plates, flasks, stirred tank reactors, novel designs with active mixing, and microfluidic cell culture devices. We compare cell density and product titer, for batch or fed-batch modes for each system. Monitoring/controlling devices for engineering parameters such as pH, dissolved oxygen, and dissolved carbon dioxide, which could be applied to such systems, are summarized. Finally, mini-scale tools for process performance evaluation for animal cell cultures are discussed: total cell density, cell viability, product titer and quality, substrates, and metabolites profiles.
We describe here the performance and the use of microtechnology in a miniaturized bioreactor developed for the continuous cultivation of yeast cells, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, in microgravity. This bioreactor has been used on two Shuttle missions, where its functionality was successfully demonstrated. In the future, bioreactors will become a key element for long-term experiments, and would also be applied in the cultivation of mammalian cells or tissues for medical applications.
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Cells of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae select bud sites in either of two distinct spatial patterns, known as axial (expressed by a and alpha cells) and bipolar (expressed by a/alpha cells). Fluorescence, time-lapse, and scanning electron microscopy have been used to obtain more precise descriptions of these patterns. From these descriptions, we conclude that in the axial pattern, the new bud forms directly adjacent to the division site in daughter cells and directly adjacent to the immediately preceding division site (bud site) in mother cells, with little influence from earlier sites. Thus, the division site appears to be marked by a spatial signal(s) that specifies the location of the new bud site and is transient in that it only lasts from one budding event to the next. Consistent with this conclusion, starvation and refeeding of axially budding cells results in the formation of new buds at nonaxial sites. In contrast, in bipolar budding cells, both poles are specified persistently as potential bud sites, as shown by the observations that a pole remains competent for budding even after several generations of nonuse and that the poles continue to be used for budding after starvation and refeeding. It appears that the specification of the two poles as potential bud sites occurs before a daughter cell forms its first bud, as a daughter can form this bud near either pole. However, there is a bias towards use of the pole distal to the division site. The strength of this bias varies from strain to strain, is affected by growth conditions, and diminishes in successive cell cycles. The first bud that forms near the distal pole appears to form at the very tip of the cell, whereas the first bud that forms near the pole proximal to the original division site (as marked by the birth scar) is generally somewhat offset from the tip and adjacent to (or overlapping) the birth scar. Subsequent buds can form near either pole and appear almost always to be adjacent either to the birth scar or to a previous bud site. These observations suggest that the distal tip of the cell and each division site carry persistent signals that can direct the selection of a bud site in any subsequent cell cycle.
A new type of miniature bioreactor for continuous culture of yeast cells in space laboratories has been developed. Silicon microtechnology has permitted the integration of numerous functions and systems in a volume of 87 × 63 × 63 mm3 and a weight of 610 g. The 100 ml of fresh medium can be delivered at variable flow rates to the cultivation chamber (volume 3 ml) by means of a micropump. The culture is agitated by a magnetic stirrer. Microsensors monitor pH, temperature and redox potential. The decrease of pH occurring during the cultivation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is compensated electrochemically. A window allows the inspection of the culture status. Samples of up to 1 ml can be drawn through a silicone rubber septum. The data measured by the sensors are transmitted on-line to the ground station during operations in space. The bioreactor had to fulfil several requirements related to the safety regulation of the space agencies. In particular, new materials had to be selected and tested for their biocompatibility. The instrument has now passed all space and biological qualification tests and will be used in an experiment selected by ESA for the International Microgravity Laboratory-2 Mission in Spacelab in July 1994. This paper gives the results of the functional and biological tests and a detailed description of the instrument.
The development of cell polarity involves virtually every aspect of cell biology. Yeast are less complex than cells traditionally used for studies on cell polarity and are amendable to sophisticated genetic analysis. This has resulted in a growing number of molecular markers for yeast cell polarity and an increasingly well-defined progression of molecular events required for bud formation. Together, these factors provide a favorable context in which to understand how the interplay between a large number of processes can polarize a cell. Many genes required for morphogenesis have been identified, and genetic interactions provide evidence that the products of these genes function together. Studies on cell polarity development in S. cerevisiae have demonstrated a requirement for small GTP-binding proteins and have established functional relationships between temporally coincident events. With the continued identification and analysis of genes required for morphogenesis, and the pursuit of these studies on a cytological and biochemical level, studies on yeast will continue to contribute to our understanding of cell polarity development.
Yeast cells choose bud sites on their surface in two distinct spatial patterns: axial for a and alpha cells and bipolar for a/alpha cells. We have identified four genes, BUD1-BUD4, necessary for the axial pattern by isolating mutants of alpha cells that do not exhibit this pattern. Mutations in BUD1 (which is the same as the previously identified gene RSR1) or BUD2 lead to a random budding pattern in all cell types; mutations in BUD3 or BUD4 lead to a bipolar pattern in all cell types. These observations indicate the existence of a basal budding pattern, requiring no BUD products, that is random; BUD1 and BUD2 act on this basal pattern to create the bipolar pattern; the further action of BUD3 and BUD4 leads to the axial pattern. These studies thus identify a set of gene products that directs cell morphogenesis to a genetically programmed site.
Cultures of human lymphocytes exposed in microgravity to the mitogen concanavalin A showed less than 3 percent of the activation of ground controls. This result supports the hypothesis, based on simulations at low g and experiments at high g, that microgravity depresses whereas high gravity enhances cell proliferation rates. The effects of gravity are particularly strong in cells undergoing differentiation.
Yeast cells were cultured for 8 d in a newly developed bioreactor during the Spacelab IML-2 mission. Two bioreactors, one stirred and one without stirring, were installed in the Biorack facility in space. Two control units were installed in the Biorack module at the Kennedy Space Center. Samples were drawn on mission day 3, 5, 6, 7 and 8 and preserved either by freezing or chemically fixed for post-flight analysis. The values of pH, pH regulation, temperature and redox potential were transmitted on-line to the ground station throughout the mission. The performance of the bioreactor was satisfactory except for a partial failure of the medium micropump. Despite the failure of the pump, the data support the following conclusions: There is a significant difference in the distribution of the bud scars between cells cultured at 0 x g and at 1 x g. The percentage of randomly distributed bud scars was significantly higher in the flight (17%) than in the ground control cells (5%). No remarkable differences were noted in the cell cycle, ultrastructure, cell proliferation, cell volume, ethanol production and glucose consumption.
The prototype of a miniaturized cell cultivation instrument for animal cell culture experiments aboard Spacelab is presented (Dynamic cell culture system: DCCS). The cell chamber is completely filled and has a working volume of 200 microliters. Medium exchange is achieved with a self-powered osmotic pump (flowrate 1 microliter h-1). The reservoir volume of culture medium is 230 microliters. The system is neither mechanically stirred nor equipped with sensors. Hamster kidney (Hak) cells growing on Cytodex 3 microcarriers were used to test the biological performance of the DCCS. Growth characteristics in the DCCS, as judged by maximal cell density, glucose consumption, lactic acid secretion and pH, were similar to those in cell culture tubes.
Attachment to a substrate and survival of human embryonic kidney (HEK) cells have been tested in an incubator installed in the flight-deck of the Space Shuttle 'Challenger' during its eighth mission. HEK cells are producing the enzyme urokinase and are presently investigated as candidates for electrophoretic separation in an apparatus developed and manufactured by McDonnell Douglas. Attachment of HEK cells to a substrate is mandatory for survival and production of urokinase after electrophoretic separation. Analysis of the samples shows that cells adhere, spread and survive in microgravity (< 10(-3) x g) conditions as well as the ground controls at 1 x g. This result represents an important step towards further bioprocessing in space.
Cell proliferation, tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) production and metabolic changes of Hamster Kidney cells (HaK) grown on microcarriers in an automatic Dynamic Cell Culture System (DCCS) were determined on the first International Microgravity Mission (IML-1) Spacelab (22-30 January 1992). The DCCS was designed for two cell culture chambers (volume: 200 microliters each), one operating as a hatch system, the other as a perfusion system. Medium exchange was achieved with an osmotic pump (flow rate 1 microliter h-1). Two major items were investigated: the biological performance of the DCCS in space and the effect of microgravity on HaK cells. The results obtained demonstrated that (1) the DCCS can be used for biological experiments on long term Spacelab missions. In fact, higher cell densities and higher concentration of glucose but lower concentration of lactate in the perfusion chambers than in the batch chambers were measured. The concentration of t-PA, glutamine and ammonia was similar in all chambers. (2) Microgravity had no effect on cell growth and metabolism of HaK cells.