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Dorsal striatal head direction and hippocampal place representations during spatial navigation


Abstract and Figures

Several theories of basal ganglia function describe a striatal contribution to learning that is independent of hippocampal function. This study examined the question of whether the striatum should be regarded as functioning independently of or acting in concert with limbic structures. Dorsal striatal head direction cells and hippocampal place cells were recorded in parallel while rats performed a hippocampal-dependent radial maze task. Changes in the directional preference of head direction cells and the location of place fields were compared following alterations of the sensory environment. When familiar visual cues were presented in new spatial arrangements, or when new visual cues were placed in a familiar environment, rotations of directional preferences were consistent with the mean place-field response. When familiar visual and nonvisual cues were presented in conflict, or when rats were exposed to novel environments, the responses of the two cell types were inconsistent relative to each other. This pattern suggests that current perceptions and expectations of familiar spatial contexts may dynamically modulate the relationship between hippocampus and dorsal striatum.
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Exp Brain Res (2001) 139:372–376
DOI 10.1007/s002210100795
Abstract Several theories of basal ganglia function de-
scribe a striatal contribution to learning that is indepen-
dent of hippocampal function. This study examined the
question of whether the striatum should be regarded as
functioning independently of or acting in concert with
limbic structures. Dorsal striatal head direction cells and
hippocampal place cells were recorded in parallel while
rats performed a hippocampal-dependent radial maze
task. Changes in the directional preference of head direc-
tion cells and the location of place fields were compared
following alterations of the sensory environment. When
familiar visual cues were presented in new spatial ar-
rangements, or when new visual cues were placed in a
familiar environment, rotations of directional preferenc-
es were consistent with the mean place-field response.
When familiar visual and nonvisual cues were presented
in conflict, or when rats were exposed to novel environ-
ments, the responses of the two cell types were inconsis-
tent relative to each other. This pattern suggests that cur-
rent perceptions and expectations of familiar spatial con-
texts may dynamically modulate the relationship be-
tween hippocampus and dorsal striatum.
Keywords Basal ganglia · Limbic system · Navigation ·
Recent evidence suggests that multiple brain systems
contribute to spatial learning. Spatial deficits result from
damage to cortical and subcortical structures including
hippocampus (HPC; Morris et al. 1982) and dorsal stria-
tum (DS; Devan et al. 1999). Also, both HPC and DS
neurons exhibit spatial codes such as location-specific
firing (place fields) or head direction (HD) firing that is
consistent with an animal’s heading direction indepen-
dent of its location (O’Keefe and Dostrovsky 1971;
Wiener 1993; Mizumori et al. 1999, 2000; Leutgeb et al.
2000). Other data suggest that HPC and DS make inde-
pendent contributions to learning, with only HPC being
selectively involved in spatial processing (McDonald
and White 1993; Packard and McGaugh 1996). Here we
tested whether the HPC and DS should be considered as
functioning independently during spatial learning by re-
cording simultaneously DS HD cells and HPC place
cells as rats performed a spatial maze task. Unit respons-
es to various environmental manipulations were com-
All methods described here were approved by the University of
Utah IACUC. Male rats were individually housed on a 12-h light/
dark cycle and reduced to 80% of ad libitum weights. Behavioral
testing and unit recording took place within a black-curtained,
square environment (158 cm×158 cm×305 cm) while rats per-
formed on an eight-arm, remote-controlled radial maze (Mizumori
and Williams 1993). The maze arms (58 cm×5.5 cm) radiated
from a round central platform (19-cm diameter). Symmetrical
lighting was provided within the curtained arena. For standard
testing situations, visual cues were attached to the curtains. The
computer and recording equipment were located in a room adja-
cent to the maze room.
Six rats were recorded during asymptotic performance levels
in which a different sequence of maze arms had to be recalled
each trial (Mizumori and Williams 1993). The first four arms in
the sequence was randomly selected and individually presented to
the rat (forced choice procedure). All eight arms were then made
available to the rat. Re-entries into maze arms already entered on
that trial constituted working memory errors.
When rats completed eight trials within 1 h, they were anesthe-
tized for stereotaxic surgery. Four stereotrodes, two per hemi-
sphere, were implanted (DS: AP +0.2–1.2 mm, L ±1.5 mm, DV
2.0 mm; HPC: AP –3.5–4.5 mm, L ±2.5 mm, DV 1.5 mm). In ac-
cordance with previously described methodologies (Leutgeb and
Mizumori 1999; Mizumori and Williams 1993), neural activity de-
K.E. Ragozzino · S. Leutgeb
Psychology Department and Program in Neuroscience,
390E. 1530S., Rm 502, University of Utah, Salt Lake City,
Utah 84112, USA
S.J.Y. Mizumori (
Psychology Department, Box 351525, University of Washington,
Seattle, WA 98195, USA
Tel.: +1-206-5432699, Fax: +1-206-6853157
Katharine E. Ragozzino · Stefan Leutgeb
Sheri J. Y. Mizumori
Dorsal striatal head direction and hippocampal place representations
during spatial navigation
Received: 30 June 2000 / Accepted: 9 May 2001 / Published online: 28 June 2001
© Springer-Verlag 2001
tected on the eight channels was recorded simultaneously and in-
dependently with a Datawave Workstation. Each spike occupied a
distinct location in a parametric space that took into account nu-
merous waveform properties. Spikes from a given cell tend to
form a cluster of spikes. These clusters were matched across days
on the basis of similarity of cluster boundaries and waveform
characteristics. HD cells were recorded using either single-diode
or double-diode tracking. Consistent with previous comparisons of
HD responses recorded with either single- or double-diode meth-
ods (Leutgeb et al. 2000), changes in directional preferences fol-
lowing experimental manipulations were identical when recorded
with either tracking method. Note, however, a possible difference
in the maximum amplitude of response in the preferred direction.
This apparent difference may be due to the different resolutions of
directional movement offered by the two tracking methods. All re-
cording sites were verified histologically.
The following manipulations were performed to test (a) the rel-
ative contribution of visual and nonvisual information to the spa-
tial correlates (lights off manipulation), (b) responses to cue con-
flict situations (maze and cue rotation manipulations), and (c) sen-
sitivity to changes in visual cue reliability (novel/altered environ-
ment conditions).
Lights off
Rats performed 5 trials with the lights on (2-min intertrial inter-
val), followed by 5 trials with the lights turned off, and 5 trials
with the lights restored (light-dark-light, or LDL condition). Rats
were not removed from the maze while lights were turned off and
Maze rotation
Rats were brought into the maze room in darkness with the maze
rotated 45° or 90° counterclockwise (CCW). They performed
5 trials in darkness, then 5 trials with the lights on. Animals ini-
tially entered the test area through one of four entrances (randomly
determined). The maze remained rotated throughout the test.
Cue rotation
Rats first performed 5 trials with the visual cues in standard con-
figurations and locations (baseline condition), 5 trials with all cues
rotated 180°, then 5 trials with cues restored. The animals were re-
moved from the room while the cues were rotated.
Novel room/altered familiar room
HD and place cells were recorded in the familiar environment,
then recorded (1) when rats performed in a structurally similar but
different maze room that contained novel visual cues (novel envi-
ronment condition), or (2) following exposure to novel visual cues
or novel visual cue arrangement in the familiar environment (al-
tered familiar environment condition). For the altered familiar en-
vironment condition, the curtains surrounding the maze were
raised (providing rats with a larger visual environment and new
cues), or the distal cues were scrambled (providing new spatial re-
lationships between familiar cues). In both conditions, the rat was
removed temporarily from the maze room during the cue manipu-
Behavioral correlations
For spatial memory recording sessions with unique cell pairs, we
tested for correlations (during the manipulated conditions) be-
tween HD tuning and errors, and between place cell specificity/
reliability and errors. Location specificity reflected the relative
difference between in-field and out-field firing rates, and reliabil-
ity measures reflected the proportion of trials in which the maxi-
mum firing occurred within the defined place field (McNaughton
et al. 1983). HD cell directional specificity (tuning) was deter-
mined by first calculating the firing rates as the rat moved in the
preferred direction, then dividing by the mean rate as the rat
moved in the remaining seven directions offered by the maze
arms. For sessions recorded with a single diode, only outbound
rates were used because, as verified in offline analysis, they re-
present the longest uninterrupted bout of the same behavior in
each of the eight directions.
Spatial correlation analysis
To compare the responses of HD and place cells, we calculated the
angular deviation between baseline and each manipulated condi-
tion. Since space was sampled in 45° steps, we restricted the reso-
lution of the analysis to these increments. For HD cells, the direc-
tional tuning was estimated by first calculating the discharge rate
for each of the eight directions in baseline and manipulated condi-
tions. These conditions were compared by calculating pairwise
correlation coefficients while shifting the maze orientations in 45°
steps with respect to each other. The angular deviation that corre-
sponded to the maximum pairwise correlation coefficient was de-
fined as the characteristic response for each recording session. The
angular deviation of HPC place fields was measured with a similar
algorithm but with a polar coordinate system. When more than
one HD cell or more than one place cell was recorded, correlation
coefficients were averaged for each cell type.
Thirty-four recording sessions are described in which
one or two DS HD cells and one to five hippocampal
place cells were recorded simultaneously. Seven sessions
included two simultaneously recorded HD cells and
15 sessions included more than one place cell. A total of
11 HD cells were recorded with 20 place cells. Within
each manipulation condition, the recording sessions were
of unique cell pairs. Many of the same cell pairs were
tested across several manipulations. The following de-
scription of changes in the directional preferences of HD
cells reflects a change in the preferred direction, and not
elevated firing during movements in many directions.
Altered illumination
Thirteen HPC place cells and nine DS HD cells were
recorded in eight LDL recording sessions. In seven ses-
sions, HD and place cell responses were similar in that
they were not significantly altered by changes in room
illumination (Fig. 1A). The persistence of spatial corre-
lates in darkness was observed when rats performed the
spatial memory task in a familiar environment, when rats
had minimal exposure (less than 5 days) to the environ-
ment, and when rats performed in novel or altered famil-
iar environments. In one session, both HD (n=1) and
place cell (n=1) changed their response properties in
Maze rotation
Twelve HPC place cells and nine DS HD cells were re-
corded in seven maze rotation sessions (Fig. 1B). A vari-
ety of responses were observed. In some cases, place and
HD preferences were found to both rotate either along
with or independent of the maze (four sessions; n=1 or 2
HD cells/session; n=1–5 place cells/session). In other
sessions either place fields or HD preferences rotated
while the other cell response type did not (three sessions;
n=1 HD cell/session; n=1 place cell/session).
Cue rotation of 180°
Following 180° visual cue rotations (seven sessions in-
volving 7 HD cells and 15 place cells), four patterns of
results were observed (see Fig. 1B): (1) both place (n=1)
and HD cell (n=1) rotated their spatial preferences by
180° (one session); (2) neither cell type rotated with the
cues (one session; n=1 HD cell; n=3 place cells); (3) HD
cells rotated with the cues while place cells ceased firing
or fired in new locations (two sessions; n=1 HD cell/ses-
sion; n=1 to 3 place cells/session); (4) HD cells did not
rotate, and place cells ceased firing or fired in new loca-
tions (two sessions; n=1 HD cell/session; n=1 place
cell/session; also see Fig. 2B); or (5) the HD cell (n=1)
rotated its directional preference slightly while the place
field (n=1) did not change (one session).
Novel environment
In the novel environment (Fig. 1B), all eight HD cells
tested (five recording sessions) rotated 180° in absolute
compass direction relative to their orientation in the fa-
miliar environment (e.g., if the cell fired magnetic north
Fig. 1A, B Scattergrams comparing the angular deviation of hip-
pocampus (HPC) place fields or head direction (HD) preferences
(relative to baseline trials) following different experimental ma-
nipulations. Each point is the mean response of all place fields or
all HD preferences recorded in a single recording session. A A
significant correlation was found between dorsal striatal HD and
hippocampal place cell responses following changes in the con-
stellation or spatial arrangement of distal visual cues in an other-
wise familiar environment, indicating that both cell types tended
to respond in parallel. In addition, most HD and place cells re-
mained unchanged during the light-dark-light (LDL) manipula-
tion. In one session, place fields reorganized during darkness, then
returned to baseline locations after the restoration of lights. B Ma-
nipulations that presented conflicts with familiar cues or a novel
environment resulted in uncorrelated responses by HD and place
Fig. 2A, B Directional tuning curves for HD cells and spatial dis-
tribution plots of simultaneously recorded place fields. A Both
correlate types showed a similar degree of change following a cue
scramble manipulation. Peak firing rate of the HD cell and the
location of the place field shifted by about 90°. (Circles identify
locations of high firing; overlapping circles occur with repeated
entries into the place field; visited locations are shown by dots)
B When familiar cues were rotated, HD cells tended to respond
independently of place fields. The tuning curves illustrate similar
shifts in directional preference regardless of whether the data
were subject to single (solid lines) or double (dashed lines) diode
in the familiar environment, it would fire due south in
the novel environment). For novel and familiar recording
rooms, the maze is located in the same place relative to
an adjacent computer room and the room entrance. Im-
portantly, however, in the familiar room, the room en-
trance and computer room are north of the maze, while
in the novel room they are located south of the maze.
Rats were not disoriented upon entering the room. Thus,
the HD cells could have relied on either static back-
ground cues (e.g., auditory cues) or self-motion cues.
HPC place cell responses (n=10) to a novel room
were more diverse. For example, in one session, a place
cell (n=1) from one animal rotated 180° along with the
HD cells’ (n=2) directional preferences. However, for a
second animal in which four place cells were recorded
simultaneously, one place cell developed a different field
and three place fields rotated 180° along with the HD
cell’s (n=1) preferred direction. Two of the rotated place
fields remained as such over days. One other place field
that initially rotated with the HD preference developed a
different and distinct field on the second exposure to the
novel environment even though the HD cell’s preferred
directions remained the same. This mixture of rotating
and nonrotating place fields is reflected in mean rotation
values other than 180°. In two other sessions, the single
place cell recorded did not change in concordance with
the single HD cell recorded. Thus, HD cell responses
were not consistent with all place cell responses.
Altered environment
Changing either the spatial relationship of familiar cues
or adding new visual cues in an otherwise familiar room
resulted in similar rotations of place fields and HD pref-
erences (Fig. 1A; r=0.98, P<0.001). For two sessions
tested in the cue scramble condition and one session in
which all visual cues were removed, the four HD and
nine place cells tested showed comparable degrees of
change in terms of displacement of HD preferences or
place field location. The changed location of the place
fields or the change in directional preferences were not
associated with the new location of specific cues. The
spatial firing returned to their baseline correlate when
the distal visual cues were repositioned to their familiar
configuration. When the familiar test room was altered
by raising the black curtains surrounding the maze (four
sessions from two rats), again the place fields (n=14) and
HD cells’ (n=5) preferred direction rotated in alignment
with each other.
Correspondence between spatial firing
and choice accuracy
A significant correlation between the number of errors
and HD cell directionality was found (r=–0.277,
P<0.025), indicating a tendency for errors to increase
when the tuning of HD cells was less specific. The corre-
lation for place-field specificity/reliability and errors was
not significant, nor was there a statistical correlation be-
tween choice accuracy and times when HD preferences
and place fields responded similarly or differently. As
described in previous investigations of rat performance
in darkness (Brown and Bing 1997; Save 1997), rats in
the present study were relatively undisturbed in terms of
choice accuracy during dark trials.
Spatial representations in DS and HPC responded simi-
larly during the LDL and the altered familiar environ-
ment conditions. In these situations, visual aspects of a
familiar environment underwent such dramatic changes
that previously reliable visual information became unre-
liable. That both HD preferences and place fields re-
mained aligned when visual cues became unreliable sug-
gests that these cells were dependent upon a common
nonvisual spatial coordinate system. That is, they may
have become coupled in the absence of external visual
cues that served to align the spatial correlates in light
conditions. One interpretation of this pattern of results is
that current perceptions and expectations of familiar spa-
tial contexts modulate the relationship between hippo-
campal and dorsal striatal representations.
One of two conditions that frequently led to different
patterns of change for HD and place cells presented a
cue conflict situation (by cue or maze rotation) in which
the expected relationship between extramaze and
intramaze sensory conditions was disrupted. Consistent
with the literature on place field reorganization phenom-
ena, place fields reorganized during cue conflict situa-
tions. The proportion of place cells that rotated with the
visual cues was lower than previously reported (Muller
and Kubie 1987; Bostock et al. 1991), perhaps due to a
difference in the behavioral history of the animals. The
cue rotation sessions of this study occurred in well-
trained animals and after other visual manipulations, a
situation that may result in less cue control over place
fields (Knierim et al. 1995). HD cells, on the other hand,
tended to either not change or follow salient landmarks
even when recorded simultaneously with place cells.
The second condition that led to different responses
for HD and place cells was exposure to a novel room
with novel cues. All HD cells tested rotated their direc-
tional preferences by 180°, while the place fields reorga-
nized in unpredictable ways. HD cells probably used
common static background cues to align directional pref-
erences. In contrast place cells appeared to have greater
reliance on unique distal cues, showing near complete
reorganization when animals were placed in a novel en-
vironment (Bostock et al. 1991; Knierim et al. 1995).
The degree of conditional alignment of HD and place
cells observed in this study can be compared with the
coupling reported for HD cells of the anterior nucleus of
the thalamus (ATN) and HPC place cells (Knierim et al.
1995). Differences in the behavioral testing history of
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ATN and DS HD cells may give the appearance of a
functional distinction when none exist. That is, the fact
that this study found a greater proportion of HD and
place cell pairs that did not respond in a similar fashion
may be due to the more drastic environmental manipula-
tions used in the present experiment. In the future, simul-
taneous recordings of DS and ATN HD cells are needed
to resolve this issue.
If it is the case that there is no significant difference
in the response of ATN and DS HD cells, an interesting
question to ask is why a similar neural code is needed for
two brain structures that are considered to make different
contributions to learning. The ATN seems important for
understanding one’s directional sense during navigation
(Taube 1998), and the DS is typically considered im-
portant for mediating procedural or habit learning
(McDonald and White 1993; Knowlton et al 1996;
Packard and McGaugh 1996). It is possible that there are
multiple component processes required for accurate per-
formance of a working memory task on a radial maze.
As animals solve the task, knowledge about the spatial
context must be integrated with knowledge about the
current and expected reinforcement conditions and re-
sponse options. Perhaps, HD signals are useful in multi-
ple neural systems because they provide a common ref-
erence frame within which to interpret different kinds of
information. That is, depending on one’s orientation in
an environment, there may be a different meaning to cur-
rent spatial context, reinforcement, or response option
information. In this way, both HPC and DS may make
complementary, not completely independent, contribu-
tions to learning.
Acknowledgements This work was supported by NIH grant
MH58755. We thank Brent Cooper and Alex Guazzelli for helpful
Bostock E, Muller RU, Kubie JL (1991) Experience-dependent
modifications of hippocampal place cell firing. Hippocampus
Brown MF, Bing MN (1997) In the dark: spatial choice when ac-
cess to spatial cues is restricted. Anim Learn Behav 25:21–30
... Subsequently, the HD signal is conveyed to multiple cortical structures via the anterior thalamus (Taube 2007). Interestingly, small populations of HD cells are found outside of the limbic HD circuit in the medial precentral cortex (PrCM), located in the frontal lobe, and in the dorsal striatum (DS), a component of the basal ganglia (Mizumori et al. 2000(Mizumori et al. , 2005Ragozzino et al. 2001;Wiener 1993). We previously recorded extralimbic HD cells in the PrCM and DS and found that these neurons displayed characteristics nearly identical to those of limbic HD cells recorded in the anterodorsal thalamic nucleus (ADN), suggesting that the extralimbic HD cell activity is driven by output from limbic HD cells (Mehlman et al. 2019). ...
... Projections arising from the limbic HD circuit and other brain areas involved in spatial processing display a pronounced topography along the M/L axis of the DS; these projections all converge within the most medial portion of the DS located immediately adjacent to the lateral ventricle (i.e., the DMS), with little to no termination in more lateral and ventral areas (i.e., the DLS) (Table 2). Critically, these anatomical findings parallel the results of all DS HD cell recording studies; HD cells have been recorded exclusively within the DMS, and when recording electrodes target the DLS, no HD cell activity is observed (Mehlman et al. 2019;Mizumori et al. 2000;Ragozzino et al. 2001;Wiener 1993). Therefore, the distribution of HD cells within the DS and the organization of spatial inputs into the DS display a similar topography, suggesting that the anatomical projections we observed indeed drive DS HD cell activity. ...
An animal's directional heading within its environment is encoded by the activity of head direction (HD) cells. In rodents, these neurons are found primarily within the limbic system in the interconnected structures that form the limbic HD circuit. We previously described two HD cell populations located outside of this circuit in the medial precentral cortex (PrCM) and dorsal striatum (DS); these extralimbic areas receive their HD signals from the limbic system, but do not provide critical input or feedback to limbic HD cells (Mehlman et al. 2018). Here, we complement our previous lesion and recording experiments with a series of neuroanatomical tracing studies in rats designed to examine patterns of connectivity between the PrCM, DS, limbic HD circuit, and related spatial processing circuitry. Retrograde tracing revealed that the DS receives direct input from numerous structures known to contain HD cells and/or other spatially tuned cell types. Importantly, these projections preferentially target and converge within the most medial portion of the DS - the same area in which we previously recorded HD cells. The PrCM receives direct input from a subset of these spatial processing structures. Anterograde tracing identified indirect pathways that could permit the PrCM and DS to convey self-motion information to the limbic HD circuit. These tracing studies reveal the anatomical basis for the functional relationships observed in our lesion and recording experiments. Collectively, these findings expand our understanding of how spatial processing circuitry functionally and anatomically extends beyond the limbic system into the PrCM and DS.
... Interestingly, small populations of HD cells have also been found in two extralimbic areas that are not traditionally associated with the limbic HD circuit: the medial precentral cortex (PrCM) in the frontal lobe and the dorsal striatum (DS), a component of the basal ganglia (Mizumori et al. 2000(Mizumori et al. , 2005Ragozzino et al. 2001;Wiener 1993). Each structure has diverse functions relating to motor control (Kravitz et al. 2010;Sinnamon and Galer 1984), self-motion encoding (Gardiner and Kitai 1992;Kim et al. 2014;Mizumori et al. 2005;Trytek et al. 1996;Wiener 1993;Yamin et al. 2013;Yeshenko et al. 2004), spatial processing and navigation (Devan and White 1999;Mizumori et al. 2005; Schmitzer-Torbert and Redish 2004; Whishaw et al. 1987;Yamin et al. 2013), goal-directed behavior (Balleine et al. 2007;Ostlund et al. 2009;Yin et al. 2005), and habitual behavior (Devan et al. 2011;Yin and Knowlton 2006). ...
... Previous descriptions of PrCM and DS HD cells by Wiener (1993) and Mizumori and colleagues (Mizumori et al. 2000(Mizumori et al. , 2005Ragozzino et al. 2001) provided the first evidence of these extralimbic HD signals. In the present study, we systematically characterized the properties of extralimbic HD cells using the same methodologies that have been used previously to characterize limbic HD cells located in the postsubiculum (Taube et al. 1990a), ADN (Taube 1995), lateral mammillary nucleus (Stackman and Taube 1998), dorsal tegmental nucleus (Sharp et al. 2001b), retrosplenial cortex (Cho and Sharp 2001), and medial entorhinal cortex (Sargolini et al. 2006). ...
Head direction (HD) cells fire as a function of the animal's directional heading and provide the animal with a sense of direction. In rodents, these neurons are located primarily within the limbic system, but small populations of HD cells are found in two extralimbic areas: the medial precentral cortex (PrCM) and dorsal striatum (DS). HD cell activity in these structures could be driven by output from the limbic HD circuit or generated intrinsically. We examined these possibilities by recording the activity of PrCM and DS neurons in control rats and rats with anterodorsal thalamic nucleus (ADN) lesions, a manipulation that disrupts the limbic HD signal. HD cells in the PrCM and DS of control animals displayed characteristics similar to those of limbic HD cells, and these extralimbic HD signals were eliminated in animals with complete ADN lesions, suggesting that the PrCM and DS HD signals are conveyed from the limbic HD circuit. Angular head velocity cells recorded in the PrCM and DS were unaffected by ADN lesions. Next, we determined if the PrCM and DS convey necessary self-motion signals to the limbic HD circuit. Limbic HD cell activity recorded in the ADN remained intact following combined lesions of the PrCM and DS. Collectively, these experiments reveal a unidirectional functional relationship between the limbic HD circuit and the PrCM and DS; the limbic system generates the HD signal and transmits it to the PrCM and DS, but these extralimbic areas do not provide critical input or feedback to limbic HD cells.
... As the animals were running in the linear track, we found a substantial number of neurons possessing place field-like activity [32][33][34]80,81]. A few of them showed theta phase precession as well [82]. ...
... The place fields were conserved in both running directions in the maze. Thus, the head direction activity of the striatum [80] might not play a key role in forming these place fields, although we did not investigate the head direction-related patterns in this study. ...
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Evolutionary development of vision has provided us with the capacity to detect moving objects. Concordant shifts of visual features suggest movements of the observer, whereas discordant changes are more likely to be indicating independently moving objects, such as predators or prey. Such distinction helps us to focus attention, adapt our behavior, and adjust our motor patterns to meet behavioral challenges. However, the neural basis of distinguishing self-induced and self-independent visual motions is not clarified in unrestrained animals yet. In this study, we investigated the presence and origin of motion-related visual information in the striatum of rats, a hub of action selection and procedural memory. We found that while almost half of the neurons in the dorsomedial striatum are sensitive to visual motion congruent with locomotion (and that many of them also code for spatial location), only a small subset of them are composed of fast-firing interneurons that could also perceive self-independent visual stimuli. These latter cells receive their visual input at least partially from the secondary visual cortex (V2). This differential visual sensitivity may be an important support in adjusting behavior to salient environmental events. It emphasizes the importance of investigating visual motion perception in unrestrained animals.
... Besides, spatial navigation also includes striatal functions 23,24 . Thus, spatial deficits are not only developing after lesions to the hippocampus, but also to cortical and subcortical structures including the dorsal striatum 25 . Components of spatial navigation thus seem to be the result of an adaptive complex interaction of hippocampus and basal ganglia 23,24,[26][27][28] . ...
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Spatial learning and navigation are supported by distinct memory systems in the human brain such as the hippocampus based navigational system and the striatum-cortex based system involved in motor sequence, habit and reversal learning. Here, we studied the role of subthalamic circuits in hippocampus-associated spatial memory and striatal-associated spatial reversal learning formation in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD), who underwent a deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the subthalamic nucleus (STN). DBS patients (PD-STN: n = 26) and healthy subjects (n = 15) were tested in a novel experimental spatial memory task based on the Morris water maze that assesses both hippocampal place memory as well as spatial reversal learning. All subjects were trained to navigate to a distinct spatial location hidden within the virtual environment during 16 learning trials in a STN Stim-On condition. Patients were then randomized into two groups with either a DBS On- or Off-condition. Four hours later, subjects were retested in a delayed recall and reversal learning condition. The reversal learning was realized with a new hidden location that should be memorized during six consecutive trials. The performance was measured by means of an index indicating the improvement during the reversal learning. In the delayed recall condition, neither patients, healthy subjects nor the DBS On- vs. Off-groups showed a difference in place memory performance of the former trained location. In the reversal learning condition, healthy subjects (reversal index 2.0) and patients in the DBS On-condition (reversal index 1.6) showed a significant improvement. However, patients in the DBS Off-condition (reversal index 1.1) performed significantly worse and did not improve. There were no differences between all groups in a final visual guided navigation task with a visible target. These results suggest that DBS of subthalamic nucleus restores spatial reversal learning in a virtual navigation task in patients with Parkinson’s disease and gives insight into the neuromodulation effects on cognition of subthalamic circuits in Parkinson’s disease.
... Whereas the DLS receives inputs mostly from sensorimotor cortex and dopaminergic input from the substantia nigra, the DMS receives input from several meso and allocortical areas including the hippocampus. Indeed, cells encoding route and heading direction have been found in the DMS (Mulder et al., 2004;Ragozzino et al., 2001). It is therefore likely that the dorsal hippocampus and the DMS are part of a single circuit involved in flexible goaldirected decision making, whereby the hippocampus provides map-based information, and the DMS is involved in action selection. ...
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Humans and other animals can solve a wide variety of decision-making problems with remarkable flexibility. This flexibility is thought to derive from an internal model of the world, or ‘cognitive map’, used to predict the future and plan actions accordingly. A recent theoretical proposal suggests that the hippocampus houses a representation of long-run state expectancies. These “successor representations” (SRs) occupy a middle ground between model-free and model-based reinforcement learning strategies. However, it is not clear whether SRs can explain hippocampal contributions to spatial and model-based behaviour, nor how a putative hippocampal SR might interface with striatal learning mechanisms. More generally, it is not clear how the predictive map should encode uncertainty, and how an uncertainty-augmented predictive map modifies our experimental predictions for animal behaviour. In the first part of this thesis, I investigated whether viewing the hippocampus as an SR can explain experiments contrasting hippocampal and dorsolateral striatal contributions to behaviour in spatial and non-spatial tasks. To do this, I modelled the hippocampus as an SR and DLS as model-free reinforcement learning, combining their outputs via their relative reliability as a proxy for uncertainty. Current SR models do not formally address uncertainty. Therefore I extended the learning of SRs by temporal differences to include managing uncertainty in new observations versus existing knowledge. I generalise this approach to a multi-task setting using a Bayesian nonparametric switching Kalman Filter, allowing the model to learn and maintain multiple task-specific SR maps and infer which one to use at any moment based on the observations. I show that this Bayesian SR model captures animal behaviour in tasks which require contextual memory and generalisation. In conclusion, I consider how the hippocampal contribution to behaviour can be considered as a predictive map when adapted to take account of uncertainty and combined with other behavioural controllers.
... Whereas the DLS receives inputs mostly from sensorimotor cortex and dopaminergic input from the substantia nigra, the DMS receives input from several mesocortical and allocortical areas including the HPC. Indeed, cells encoding route and heading direction have been found in the DMS (78,79). It is, therefore, likely that the dorsal HPC and the DMS are part of a single circuit involved in flexible goal-directed decision making, whereby the HPC provides map-based information, and the DMS is involved in action selection. ...
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Significance A central question in neuroscience concerns how humans and animals trade off multiple decision-making strategies. Another question pertains to the use of egocentric and allocentric strategies during navigation. We introduce reinforcement-learning models based on learning to predict future reward directly from states and actions or via learning to predict future “successor” states, choosing actions from either system based on the reliability of its predictions. We show that this model explains behavior on both spatial and nonspatial decision tasks, and we map the two model components onto the function of the dorsal hippocampus and the dorsolateral striatum, thereby unifying findings from the spatial-navigation and decision-making fields.
... Since their initial discovery in the postsubiculum (PoSub), head direction cells have been recorded in numerous other cortical and subcortical brain regions, including the retrosplenial (Chen et al., 1994;Cho and Sharp, 2001;Jacob et al., 2017), posterior parietal (PPC; Chen et al., 1994), medial entorhinal (MEC; Sargolini et al., 2006), and precentral cortices (Mehlman et al., 2019), the anterodorsal (ADN; Blair and Sharp, 1995;Taube, 1995), laterodorsal (Mizumori and Williams, 1993), anteroventral thalamic nuclei (Tsanov et al., 2011), nucleus reuniens (Jankowski et al., 2014), the dorsal striatum (Wiener, 1993;Mizumori et al., 2000Mizumori et al., , 2005Ragozzino et al., 2001;Mehlman et al., 2019), the dorsal tegmental nucleus of Gudden (DTg; Sharp et al., 2001), and the lateral mammillary nuclei (LMN; Blair et al., 1998;Stackman and Taube, 1998). The traditional hierarchical model of the head direction system (for a more detailed recent review see Weiss and Derdikman, 2018) involves a vestibular/vestibulomotor-derived head direction signal which ascends to the LMN and is then updated through the integration of external sensory inputs, e.g., visual information from PoSub (Yoder et al., 2015), through to ADN, PoSub and MEC. ...
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Complex spatial representations in the hippocampal formation and related cortical areas require input from the head direction system. However, a recurrent finding is that behavior apparently supported by these spatial representations does not appear to require input from generative head direction regions, i.e., lateral mammillary nuclei (LMN). Spatial tasks that tax direction discrimination should be particularly sensitive to the loss of head direction information, however, this has been repeatedly shown not to be the case. A further dissociation between electrophysiological properties of the head direction system and behavior comes in the form of geometric-based navigation which is impaired following lesions to the head direction system, yet head direction cells are not normally guided by geometric cues. We explore this apparent mismatch between behavioral and electrophysiological studies and highlight future experiments that are needed to generate models that encompass both neurophysiological and behavioral findings.
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Head direction (HD) cells form a fundamental component in the brain's spatial navigation system and are intricately linked to spatial memory and cognition. Although HD cells have been shown to act as an internal neuronal compass in various cortical and subcortical regions, the neural substrate of HD cells is incompletely understood. It is reported that HD cells in the somatosensory cortex comprise regular‐spiking (RS, putative excitatory) and fast‐spiking (FS, putative inhibitory) neurons. Surprisingly, somatosensory FS HD cells fire in bursts and display much sharper head‐directionality than RS HD cells. These FS HD cells are nonconjunctive, rarely theta rhythmic, sparsely connected and enriched in layer 5. Moreover, sharply tuned FS HD cells, in contrast with RS HD cells, maintain stable tuning in darkness; FS HD cells’ coexistence with RS HD cells and angular head velocity (AHV) cells in a layer‐specific fashion through the somatosensory cortex presents a previously unreported configuration of spatial representation in the neocortex. Together, these findings challenge the notion that FS interneurons are weakly tuned to sensory stimuli, and offer a local circuit organization relevant to the generation and transmission of HD signaling in the brain. Head direction cells act as an internal neuronal compass in the brain's spatial navigation system. However, the neuronal substrate of head direction cells remains poorly understood. Long and co‐workers first identify sharply tuned fast‐spiking head direction cells in somatosensory cortex that fire in bursts. Their findings uncover the cellular basis for somatosensory head direction cells different from their classical hippocampal counterpart.
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When mammals navigate in the physical environment, specific neurons such as grid-cells, head-direction cells, and place-cells activate to represent the navigable surface, the faced direction of movement, and the specific location the animal is visiting. Here we test the hypothesis that these codes are also activated when humans navigate abstract language- based representational spaces. Human participants learnt the meaning of novel words as arbitrary signs referring to specific artificial audiovisual objects varying in size and sound. Next, they were presented with sequences of words and asked to process them semantically while we recorded the activity of their brain using fMRI. Processing words in sequence was conceivable as movements in the semantic space, thus enabling us to systematically search for the different types of neuronal coding schemes known to represent space during navigation. By applying a combination of representational similarity and fMRI-adaptation analyses, we found evidence of i) a grid-like code in the right postero-medial entorhinal cortex, representing the general bidimensional layout of the novel semantic space; ii) a head- direction-like code in parietal cortex and striatum, representing the faced direction of movements between concepts; and iii) a place-like code in medial prefrontal, orbitofrontal, and mid cingulate cortices, representing the Euclidean distance between concepts. We also found evidence that the brain represents 1-dimensional distances between word meanings along individual sensory dimensions: implied size was encoded in secondary visual areas, and implied sound in Heschl′s gyrus/Insula. These results reveal that mentally navigating between 2D word meanings is supported by a network of brain regions hosting a variety of spatial codes, partially overlapping with those recruited for navigation in physical space.
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Head direction (HD) information is intricately linked to spatial navigation and cognition. We recently reported the co-existence of all currently recognized spatial cell types can be found in the hindlimb primary somatosensory cortex (S1HL). In this study, we carried out an in-depth characterization of HD cells in S1HL. We show fast-spiking (FS), putative inhibitory neurons are over-represented in and sharply tuned to HD compared to regular-spiking (RS), putative excitatory neurons. These FS HD cells are non-conjunctive, rarely theta modulated, not locally connected and are enriched in layer 4/5a. Their co-existence with RS HD cells and angular head velocity (AHV) cells in a layer-specific fashion through the S1HL presents a previously unreported organization of spatial circuits. These findings challenge the notion that FS, putative inhibitory interneurons are weakly tuned to external stimuli in general and present a novel local network configuration not reported in other parts of the brain.
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This study investigated the respective roles of the hippocampus, the amygdala, and the dorsal striatum in learning and memory. A standard set of experimental conditions for studying the effects of lesions to the three brain areas using an 8-arm radial maze was used: a win-shift version, a conditioned cue preference (CCP) version, and a win-stay version. Damage to the hippocampal system impaired acquisition of the win-shift task but not the CCP or win-stay tasks. Damage to the lateral amygdala impaired acquisition of the CCP task but not the win-shift or win-stay tasks. Damage to the dorsal striatum impaired acquisition of the win-stay task but not the win-shift or CCP tasks. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that the mammalian brain may be capable of acquiring different kinds of information with different, more-or-less independent neural systems. A neural system that includes the hippocampus may acquire information about the relationships among stimuli and events. A neural system that includes the amygdala may mediate the rapid acquisition of behaviors based on biologically significant events with affective properties. A neural system that includes the dorsal striatum may mediate the formation of reinforced stimulus-response associations.
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The activity of dorsal striatal location and head direction neurons were recorded as rats performed a hippocampal-dependent spatial working memory task. Relative to previous descriptions of hippocampal fields, striatal fields appeared more dependent on the visual environment in which the maze was performed. Striatal head direction correlates were also shown to be dependent upon the visual context in a lit environment: The directional preferences rotated with the rotation of distal visual cue, and maze or rat rotations had no effect. However, when animals performed the maze in darkness, idiothetic information gained greater control over head direction preferences: Passive movement of the rat in darkness (but not in light) disrupted directional firing. During both light and dark trials, the same head direction preferences were observed. A special contribution of the dorsal striatum to navigation may be to facilitate an animal's ability to switch between navigational strategies, thereby maintaining behavioral constancy in changing environments. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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The cognitive mechanisms involved in spatial choice when access to visual cues is restricted were examined in three experiments using male rats. A specially constructed radial-arm maze was used, in which extramaze visual cues could not be perceived from the central arena, but could be perceived from the maze arms. Choices were very accurate when the maze was not rotated during each trial, but inaccurate when the maze was rotated. This suggests that intramaze cues were involved in the control of choices. However, the data clearly showed that choices were not simply controlled by intramaze cues. Rather, control by intramaze cues interacted in a more complex manner with representations of the spatial locations of goals. Such spatial representations were involved in the control of choice despite the absence of visual spatial cues at the time choices were made.
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Using the techniques set out in the preceding paper (Muller et al., 1987), we investigated the response of place cells to changes in the animal's environment. The standard apparatus used was a cylinder, 76 cm in diameter, with walls 51 cm high. The interior was uniformly gray except for a white cue card that ran the full height of the wall and occupied 100 degrees of arc. The floor of the apparatus presented no obstacles to the animal's motions. Each of these major features of the apparatus was varied while the others were held constant. One set of manipulations involved the cue card. Rotating the cue card produced equal rotations of the firing fields of single cells. Changing the width of the card did not affect the size, shape, or radial position of firing fields, although sometimes the field rotated to a modest extent. Removing the cue card altogether also left the size, shape, and radial positions of firing fields unchanged, but caused fields to rotate to unpredictable angular positions. The second set of manipulations dealt with the size and shape of the apparatus wall. When the standard (small) cylinder was scaled up in diameter and height by a factor of 2, the firing fields of 36% of the cells observed in both cylinders also scaled, in the sense that the field stayed at the same angular position and at the same relative radial position. Of the cells recorded in both cylinders, 52% showed very different firing patterns in one cylinder than in the other. The remaining 12% of the cells were virtually silent in both cylinders. Similar results were obtained when individual cells were recorded in both a small and a large rectangular enclosure. By contrast, when the apparatus floor plan was changed from circular to rectangular, the firing pattern of a cell in an apparatus of one shape could not be predicted from a knowledge of the firing pattern in the other shape. The final manipulations involved placing vertical barriers into the otherwise unobstructed floor of the small cylinder. When an opaque barrier was set up to bisect a previously recorded firing field, in almost all cases the firing field was nearly abolished. This was true even though the barrier occupied only a small fraction of the firing field area. A transparent barrier was effective as the opaque barrier in attenuating firing fields. The lead base used to anchor the vertical barriers did not affect place cell firing.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)
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Electrophysiological studies have shown that single cells in the hippocampus respond during spatial learning and exploration1-4, some firing only when animals enter specific and restricted areas of a familiar environment. Deficits in spatial learning and memory are found after lesions of the hippocampus and its extrinsic fibre connections5,6 following damage to the medial septal nucleus which successfully disrupts the hippocampal theta rhythm7, and in senescent rats which also show a correlated reduction in synaptic enhancement on the perforant path input to the hippocampus8. We now report, using a novel behavioural procedure requiring search for a hidden goal, that, in addition to a spatial discrimination impairment, total hippocampal lesions also cause a profound and lasting placenavigational impairment that can be dissociated from correlated motor, motivational and reinforcement aspects of the procedure.
There is accumulating evidence that the nucleus accumbens plays an important role in spatial navigation, and it has been suggested that the accumbens functions to integrate spatial and reward information to affect behavioral performance (e.g., Lavoie and Mizumori, 1994). Here, a hypothesis is proposed that more specifically takes into consideration the nature of the contribution of the accumbens. Specifically, it is argued that the accumbens operates in conjunction with the caudate-putamen to provide organisms with a response reference system whereby the success of current behavioral strategies can be evaluated. The accumbens is postulated to carry out this function with respect to current changes in the sensory (spatial) environment, whereas the caudate-putamen evaluates the effectiveness of current responses, relative to response efficacy predicted by past experience. The striatum as a whole, then, endows the navigation system with a response-based mechanism by which memory representations and current environmental information (from the neocortex) can guide future spatial behaviors.
Rats were trained in the Morris water maze to reach a platform in darkness after they had been provided with some information on their initial location. They were given trials with (1) the light on (light condition) and (2) light followed by darkness (dark condition). In this latter condition, the dark period was preceded by either a brief (short group) or a long (long group) initial light period. Although the rats in the short group first oriented accurately toward the platform, their trajectory rapidly deviated in darkness. In contrast, the rats in the long group were able to navigate accurately over a longer distance, but finally also deviated. In transfer trials, the rats in the short group were less accurate than the rats in the long group in the dark; however, both groups performed well in light. This suggests that navigation in darkness depends not only on the use of recent visual and locomotor memory but also on the activation of an inertia-based navigation process.
Understanding the empirical rules that regulate alterations of hippocampal firing fields will enhance our understanding of hippocampal function. The current study sought to extend previous research in this area by examining the effect of substituting a new stimulus for a familiar stimulus in a familiar environment. Hippocampal place cells were recorded while rats chased food pellets scattered onto the floor of a cylindrical apparatus with a white cue card affixed to the apparatus wall. Once a place cell had been recorded in the presence of the white card, the white card was replaced by a black card of the same size and shape. The place cell was then recorded in the presence of the black card. Thirty-six cells were recorded using this procedure. All cells had stable firing fields in the presence of the white card. Both the white and black cards had stimulus control over place cell firing; generally, rotation of either card caused an equal rotation of the firing fields present. When the black card was substituted for the white card, place cells showed time-variant changes in their spatial firing patterns. The change was such that the spatial firing patterns of the majority of place cells were similar in the presence of the white and black cards during initial black card exposures. During subsequent presentations of the black card, the spatial firing patterns associated with the 2 cards became distinct from each other. Once the differentiation of firing patterns had occurred in a given rat, all place cells subsequently recorded from that rat had different firing patterns in the presence of the white and black cards. The findings are discussed relative to sensory-, motor-, attentional-, and learning-related interpretations of hippocampal function. It is argued that the time-variant alteration of place cell firing fields observed following exposure to a novel stimulus in this study reflects an experience-dependent modification of place cell firing patterns.
Isolated single units in rat dorsal hippocampus and fascia dentata were classified as 'Theta' or 'Complex-Spike' cells, and their firing characteristics were examined with respect to position, direction and velocity of movement during forced choice, food rewarded search behavior on a radial eight arm maze. Most spikes from CS cells occurred when the animal was located within a particular place on the maze and moving in a particular direction. Theta cells had very low spatial selectivity. Both cell categories had discharge probabilities which increased somewhat as a function of running velocity but tended to asymptote well before half-maximal velocity. The place/direction specificity of CS cells was significantly higher in CA1 than in CA3 and CA3 CS cells exhibited a striking preference for the inward radial direction. The pronounced directional selectivity of CS cells, at least in the present environment, suggests that they fire in response to complex, but specific, stimulus features in the extramaze world rather than to absolute place in a non-egocentric space. An alternative possibility is that the geometrical constraints of the maze surface have a profound influence on the shapes of the response fields of CS cells.