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Human Skeletal Muscle Fiber Type Classifications


Abstract and Figures

Human skeletal Muscle is composed of a heterogenous collection of muscle fiber types.(1-3) This range of muscle fiber types allows for the wide variety of capabilities that human muscles display. In addition, muscle fibers can adapt to changing demands by changing size or fiber type composition. This plasticity serves as the physiologic basis for numerous physical therapy interventions designed to increase a patient's force development or endurance. Changes in fiber type composition also may be partially responsible for some of the impairments and disabilities seen in patients who are deconditioned because of prolonged inactivity, limb immobilization, or muscle denervation.(2) Over the past several decades, the number of techniques available for classifying muscle fibers has increased, resulting in several classification systems. The objective of this update is to provide the basic knowledge necessary, to read and interpret research on human skeletal muscle. Muscle fiber types can be described using histochemical, biochemical, morphological, or physiologic characteristics; however, classifications of muscle fibers by different techniques do not always agree.(1) Therefore, Muscle fibers that may be grouped together by one classification technique may be placed in different categories using a different classification technique. A basic understanding of muscle structure and physiology is necessary to understand the muscle fiber classification techniques.
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2001; 81:1810-1816.PHYS THER.
Wayne Scott, Jennifer Stevens and Stuart A
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Human Skeletal Muscle Fiber Type
uman skeletal muscle is composed of a heterogenous collection of
muscle fiber types.
This range of muscle fiber types allows for the
wide variety of capabilities that human muscles display. In addition,
muscle fibers can adapt to changing demands by changing size or
fiber type composition. This plasticity serves as the physiologic basis for
numerous physical therapy interventions designed to increase a patient’s
force development or endurance. Changes in fiber type composition also may
be partially responsible for some of the impairments and disabilities seen in
patients who are deconditioned because of prolonged inactivity, limb immo-
bilization, or muscle denervation.
Over the past several decades, the number
of techniques available for classifying muscle fibers has increased, resulting in
several classification systems. The objective of this update is to provide the
basic knowledge necessary to read and interpret research on human skeletal
Muscle fiber types can be described using histochemical, biochemical, mor-
phological, or physiologic characteristics; however, classifications of muscle
fibers by different techniques do not always agree.
Therefore, muscle fibers
that may be grouped together by one classification technique may be placed
in different categories using a different classification technique. A basic
understanding of muscle structure and physiology is necessary to understand
the muscle fiber classification techniques.
[Scott W, Stevens J, Binder-Macleod SA. Human skeletal muscle fiber type classifications. Phys Ther.
Key Words: Human skeletal muscle plasticity, Muscle fiber types.
Wayne Scott, Jennifer Stevens, Stuart A Binder-Macleod
1810 Physical Therapy . Volume 81 . Number 11 . November 2001
by guest on June 12, 2013 from
Review of Muscle Fiber Anatomy and
Muscle fibers are composed of functional units called
Within each sarcomere are the myofibrillar
proteins myosin (the thick filament) and actin (the thin
filament). The interaction of these 2 myofibrillar pro-
teins allows muscles to contract (Fig. 1).
Several classi-
fication techniques differentiate fibers based on differ-
ent myosin structures (isoforms) or physiologic
The myosin molecule is composed of 6
polypeptides: 2 heavy chains and 4 light chains (2
regulatory and 2 alkali). A regulatory and an alkali light
chain are associated with each of the heavy chains. The
heavy chains contain the myosin heads that interact with
actin and allow muscle to contract (Fig. 1).
The myosin
heavy chain in the head region also contains an adeno-
sine triphosphate (ATP) binding site and serves as the
enzyme (adenosinetriphosphatase [ATPase]) for hydro-
lyzing ATP into adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and
inorganic phosphate (P
), which provides the energy
necessary for muscle contraction. The thin filament is
made of actin and 2 regulatory proteins, troponin and
When the muscle fiber receives a stimulus
in the form of an action potential, Ca
is released from
the sarcoplasmic reticulum. The calcium then binds to
troponin and, through tropomyosin, exposes a myosin
binding site on the actin
molecule (Fig. 1).
the presence of ATP,
the myosin head binds
to actin and pulls the
thin filament along the
thick filament, allowing
the sarcomere to shorten. As long as Ca
and ATP are
present, the myosin heads will attach to the actin mole-
cules, pull the actin, release, and reattach. This process
is known as cross-bridge cycling. The speed at which
cross-bridge cycling can occur is limited predominantly
by the rate that the ATPase of the myosin head can
hydrolyze ATP.
Muscle Fiber Typing
Initially, whole muscles were classified as being fast or
slow based on speeds of shortening.
This division also
corresponded to a morphological difference, with the
fast muscles appearing white in some species, notably
birds, and the slow muscles appearing red. The redness
is the result of high amounts of myoglobin and a high
capillary content.
The greater myoglobin and capillary
content in red muscles contributes to the greater oxida-
tive capacity of red muscles compared with white mus-
cles. Histological analysis shows that there is a correla-
W Scott, PT, MPT, is a doctoral student in the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Biomechanics and Movement Science, University of Delaware.
J Stevens, PT, MPT, is a doctoral student in the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Biomechanics and Movement Science, University of
SA Binder-Macleod, PT, PhD, is Chair and Professor, Department of Physical Therapy, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716 (USA)
( Address all correspondence to Dr Binder-Macleod.
All authors provided concept/research design and writing. Michael Higgins, Michael Lewek, Darcy Reisman, Scott Stackhouse, and Glenn Williams
provided consultation (including review of the manuscript before submission).
Dr Binder-Macleod was supported by a grant from the National Institutes of Health (HD36787). Mr Scott and Ms Stevens were supported by a
training grant from the National Institutes of Health (T32 HD07490).
This article was submitted August 1, 2000, and was accepted April 1, 2001.
Classifications of
muscle fibers by
different techniques
do not always
Physical Therapy . Volume 81 . Number 11 . November 2001 Scott et al . 1811
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tion between myosin ATPase activity
and the speed of muscle shortening.
This histochemical analysis led to the
original division of muscle fibers into
type I (slow) and type II (fast). Cur-
rently, muscle fibers are typed using 3
different methods: histochemical
staining for myosin ATPase, myosin
heavy chain isoform identification,
and biochemical identification of met-
abolic enzymes.
Myosin ATPase Staining
In humans, myosin ATPase hydrolysis
rates for fast fibers are 2 to 3 times
greater than those of slow fibers.
However, myosin ATPase histochemi-
cal staining, which is widely used for
classifying muscle fibers, does not eval-
uate myosin ATPase hydrolysis rates.
Fibers are separated based solely on
staining intensities because of differ-
ences in pH sensitivity, not because of
the relative hydrolysis rates of
Advances in the histochem-
ical staining technique used to evalu-
ate myosin ATPase have led to 7 rec-
ognized human muscle fiber types
(Fig. 2).
Originally, fibers were iden-
tified as type I, IIA, or IIB.
recently, types IC, IIC, IIAC, and IIAB,
which have intermediate myosin ATPase staining char-
acteristics, have been identified. The slowest fiber, type
IC, has staining characteristics more like those of type I
fibers, whereas the fastest fiber, type IIAC, stains more
like type IIA. Type IIAB fibers have intermediate staining
characteristics between type IIA and IIB fibers. Because
these delineations are based on qualitative analysis of
stained fibers, it remains possible that more fiber types
will be identified in the future. In summary, the 7 human
muscle fiber types, as identified by myosin ATPase
histochemical staining are (from slowest to fastest): types
I, IC, IIC, IIAC, IIA, IIAB, and IIB (Fig. 2).
divisions are based on the intensity of staining at differ-
ent pH levels, and, as such, any given fiber could be
grouped differently by different researchers. Further-
more, not all studies use all 7 fiber types. Some research-
ers place all muscle fibers into just the original 3 fiber
Myosin Heavy Chain Identification
Identification of different myosin heavy chain isoforms
also allows for fiber type classification (Fig. 2).
The differ-
ent myosin ATPase-based fibers correspond to different
myosin heavy chain isoforms.
This is not surprising
because the myosin heavy chains contain the site that serves
Figure 2.
Comparison of 3 different skeletal muscle fiber type classifications:
histochemical staining for myosin adenosinetriphosphatase (mATPase),
myosin heavy chain identification, and biochemical identification of
metabolic enzymes. Note: in humans, MHCIIb are now more accurately
referred to as MHCIIx/d. The question marks indicate the poor correla-
tion between biochemical and myosin heavy chain or mATPase fiber
type classification schemes.
Figure 1.
Regulatory function of troponin and tropomyosin. Troponin is a small globular protein with 3
subunits (TnT, TnI, TnC). (A) Resting condition: Tropomyosin under resting conditions blocks the
active sites of actin, preventing actin and myosin from binding. (B) Contraction: When troponin
binds with Ca
, it undergoes a conformational change and pulls tropomyosin from the blocking
position on the actin filament, allowing myosin heads to form cross-bridges with actin. From
Plowman SA, Smith DL. Exercise Physiology for Health, Fitness, and Performance. Boston, Mass:
Allyn & Bacon; 1997:433. Copyright 1997 by Allyn & Bacon. Reprinted/adapted by
1812 . Scott et al Physical Therapy . Volume 81 . Number 11 . November 2001
by guest on June 12, 2013 from
as the ATPase. The fact that each muscle fiber can contain
more than one myosin heavy chain isoform explains the
existence of myosin ATPase fiber types other than the pure
type I, type IIA, and type IIB fibers. Although the human
genome contains at least 10 genes for myosin heavy chains,
only 3 are expressed in adult human limb muscles.
heavy chain isoforms can be identified by immunohisto-
chemical analysis using antimyosin antibodies or by sodium
dodecyl sulfatepolyacrylamide gel electrophoretic (SDS-
PAGE) separation.
The 3 myosin isoforms that were originally identified
were MHCI, MHCIIa, and MHCIIb, and they corre-
sponded to the isoforms identified by myosin ATPase
staining as types I, IIA, and IIB, respectively.
mixed fibers almost always contain myosin heavy chain
isoforms that are neighbors(ie, MHCI and MHCIIa or
Consequently, the histochemi-
cal myosin ATPase type IC, IIC, and IIAC fibers co-
express the MHCI and MHCIIa genes to varying degrees,
whereas the type IIAB fibers coexpress the MHCIIa and
MHCIIb genes.
Because of its quantitative nature, iden-
tifying myosin heavy chain isoforms using single-fiber
electrophoretic separation (SDS-PAGE technique) prob-
ably represents the best method for muscle fiber typing.
Electrophoretic separation allows for the relative con-
centrations of different myosin heavy chain isoforms to
be detected in a mixed fiber.
One point regarding human myosin heavy chain iso-
forms and fiber type identification may prove confusing
to someone trying to read research literature in this area.
In small mammals, a fourth myosin heavy chain isoform,
MHCIIx or MHCIId, is present that has an intermediate
contractile speed between the MHCIIa and MHCIIb
Based on several types of evidence, extending
to the level of DNA analysis, what was originally identi-
fied in humans as MHCIIb is actually homologous to
MHCIIx/d of small mammals.
As a result, what has
been called MHCIIb in humans is actually MHCIIx/d,
and humans do not express the fastest myosin heavy
chain isoform (MHCIIb).
Because the histochemical
myosin ATPase fiber type nomenclature was developed
using human muscle, type IIB fibers, which we now know
correspond to the MHCIIx/d myosin heavy chain iso-
form, are not likely to be renamed type IIX.
quently, depending on the author, histochemical myosin
ATPase-based human type IIB fibers may be associated
with either MHCIIb or MHCIIx/d isoforms. It is impor-
tant to remember that in human limb muscles only 3
myosin heavy chain isoforms are present (from slowest to
fastest): MHCI, MHCIIa, and MHCIIx/d (formerly erro-
neously identified as MHCIIb).
Humans do not express
the fastest myosin heavy chain isoform, MHCIIb.
will associate MHCIIx/d in humans with the histochem-
ical myosin ATPase-based type IIB fiber in the remainder
of this article.
A third classification scheme that is often used to classify
muscle fibers combines information on muscle fiber
myosin ATPase histochemistry and qualitative histo-
chemistry for certain enzymes that reflect the energy
metabolism of the fiber (Fig. 2).
Histochemical myosin
ATPase fiber typing is used to classify muscle fibers as
type I or type II, which are known to correspond to slow
and fast muscle fibers, respectively.
The enzymes that
are analyzed reflect metabolic pathways that are either
aerobic/oxidative or anaerobic/glycolytic.
This classifi-
cation technique leads to 3 fiber types: fast-twitch glyco-
lytic (FG), fast-twitch oxidative (FOG), and slow-twitch
oxidative (SO).
Although a good correlation exists
between type I and SO fibers, the correlations between
type IIA and FOG and type IIB and FG fibers are more
Therefore, the type IIB fibers do not always
rely primarily on anaerobic/glycolytic metabolism, nor
do the type IIA fibers always rely primarily on aerobic/
oxidative metabolism.
Although, in general, fibers at
the type I end of the continuum depend on aerobic/
oxidative energy metabolism and fibers at the type IIB
end of the continuum depend on anaerobic/glycolytic
metabolism, the correlation is not strong enough for
type IIB and FG or type IIA and FOG to be used
Myosin Light Chains
The light chains of the myosin molecule also exist in
different isoforms, slow and fast, that affect the contrac-
tile properties of the muscle fiber.
Muscle fibers that
are homogeneous for a myosin heavy chain isoform
(ie, a pure fiber) may be heterogenous in regard to
myosin light chain isoforms, although, in general, fast
myosin heavy chain isoforms associate with fast myosin
light chain isoforms and slow myosin heavy chain iso-
forms associate with slow myosin light chain isoforms.
There is good evidence that additional proteins in muscle
fibers are coexpressed so that the various fast proteins are
expressed with one another and the various slow proteins
are expressed with one another, which suggests a fiber
type specific program of gene expression.
Motor Unit Classification
Although we have been discussing fiber types, the true
functional unit of the neuromuscular system is the
motor unit.
A motor unit is an alpha motoneuron
(originating in the spinal cord) and all of the muscle
fibers that it innervates. Based on myosin ATPase histo-
chemistry and qualitative histochemistry for enzymes
that reflect the energy metabolism of the fiber, all of the
muscle fibers of a motor unit have similar characteris-
Motor units can be divided into groups based on
Physical Therapy . Volume 81 . Number 11 . November 2001 Scott et al . 1813
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the contractile and fatigue characteristics of the muscle
Based on contractile speed, motor units are
classified as either slow-twitch (S) or fast-twitch (F).
The F motor units are further subdivided into fast-twitch
fatigue-resistant (FR), fast-twitch fatigue-intermediate
(Fint), and fast-twitch fatigable (FF).
Motor Unit/Muscle Fiber Plasticity
Regardless of the classification scheme used to group
muscle fibers, there is overwhelming evidence that mus-
cle fibersand therefore motor unitsnot only change
in size in response to demands, but they can also convert
from one type to another.
This plasticity in con-
tractile and metabolic properties in response to stimuli
(eg, training and rehabilitation) allows for adaptation to
different functional demands.
Fiber conversions
between type IIB and type IIA are the most common, but
type I to type II conversions are possible in cases of
severe deconditioning or spinal cord injury (SCI).
Less evidence exists for the conversion of type II to type
I fibers with training or rehabilitation, because only
studies that use denervated muscle that is chronically
activated with electrical stimulation have consistently
demonstrated that such a conversion is possible.
Changes in the muscle fiber types are also responsible
for some of the loss of function associated with decon-
Experiments in animals involving hind-limb
suspension, which unloads hind-limb muscles, and
observations of humans and rats following microgravity
exposure during spaceflight have demonstrated a shift
from slow to fast muscle fiber types.
In addition, numer-
ous studies on animals and humans with SCI have
demonstrated a shift from slow to fast fibers.
humans, detraining (ie, a decrease in muscle use from a
previously high activity level) has been shown to lead to
the same slow to fast conversion, with shifts from
MHCIIa to MHCIIx/d and possibly MHCI to MHCIIa.
There is also a concomitant decrease in the enzymes
associated with aerobic-oxidative metabolism.
In sum-
mary, decreased use of skeletal muscle can lead to a
conversion of muscle fiber types in the slow to fast
Interestingly, some of the loss of muscle performance
(eg, decreased force production) due to aging does not
appear to be only due to the conversion of muscle fibers
from one type to another, but largely due to a selective
atrophy of certain populations of muscle fiber types.
With aging, there is a progressive loss of muscle mass and
maximal oxygen uptake, leading to a reduction in mus-
cle performance and presumably some of the loss of
function (eg, decreased ability to perform activities of daily
living) seen in elderly people.
Age-related loss of muscle mass results primarily from a
decrease in the total number of both type I and type II
fibers and, secondarily, from a preferential atrophy of
type II fibers.
Atrophy of type II fibers leads to a
larger proportion of slow type muscle mass in aged
muscle, as evidenced by slower contraction and relax-
ation times in older muscle.
In addition, the loss of
alpha motoneurons with age results in some reinnerva-
tion of abandoned muscle fibers by adjacent motor
units that may be of a different type.
This may
facilitate fiber type conversion, as the reinnervated mus-
cle fibers take on the properties of the new parent
motor unit.
Recent evidence in aged muscle suggests
that fiber type conversion may occur, because there is a
much larger coexpression of myosin heavy chain in
older adults as compared with young individuals.
Older muscle was found to have a greater percentage of
fibers that coexpress MHCI and MHCIIa (28.5%) com-
pared with younger muscle (5%10%).
Fortunately, physical therapy interventions can affect
muscle fiber types leading to improvements in muscle
performance. In the context of this update, physical
therapy interventions can be broadly divided into those
designed to increase the patients resistance to fatigue
and those designed to increase the patients force pro-
duction. It has been known for some time that training
that places a high metabolic demand on the muscle
(endurance training) will increase the oxidative capacity
of all muscle fiber types, mainly through increases in the
amount of mitochondria, aerobic/oxidative enzymes,
and capillarization of the trained muscle.
Using the
metabolic enzymebased classification system, this
would lead to a transition from FG to FOG muscle fibers
without, necessarily, a conversion of myosin heavy chain
The myosin heavy chain composition of a muscle fiber
can change when subjected to endurance training.
Within type II fibers there is a transformation from IIB to
IIA, with more MHCIIa being expressed, at the expense
of MHCIIx/d.
Consequently, the percentage of pure
type IIB fibers decreases and the percentages of type
IIAB and pure type IIA fibers increase. Evidence is
lacking to demonstrate that type II fibers convert to type
I with endurance training,
although there does appear
to be an increase in the mixed type I and IIA fiber
Researchers have found that type I fibers
become faster with endurance exercise and slower with
deconditioning in humans.
This change in contrac-
tile speed is not because of a conversion of fiber types,
but rather because of changes in the myosin light chain
isoforms from slow to fast isoforms and from fast to slow
isoforms, respectively.
Because this change in muscle
contractile speed does not occur by altering the myosin
ATPase, it would not be detectable by histochemical
1814 . Scott et al Physical Therapy . Volume 81 . Number 11 . November 2001 by guest on June 12, 2013 from
fiber typing.
The shift from slow to fast myosin light
chain isoforms allows the slow fibers to contract at a rate
fast enough for the given exercise (eg, running, cycling),
yet retain efficient properties of energy use.
In sum-
mary, muscle fiber adaptations to endurance exercise
depend on fiber type, although the oxidative capacity of
all fibers is increased. Type I fibers may become faster
through myosin light chain conversion, whereas type II
fibers convert into slower, more oxidative types.
High-intensity resistance training (eg, high-load
low-repetition training) results in changes in fiber
type similar to those seen with endurance training,
although muscle hypertrophy also plays an essential
role in producing strength gains.
Initial increases in
force production with high-intensity resistance train-
ing programs are largely mediated by neural factors,
rather than visible hypertrophy of muscle fibers, in
adults with no pathology or impairments.
Even so,
changes in muscle proteins, such as the myosin heavy
chains, do begin after a few workouts, but visible
hypertrophy of muscle fibers is not evident until
training is conducted over a longer period of time (8
Most researchers have found that high-intensity resis-
tance training of sufficient duration (8 weeks) causes
an increase in MHCIIa composition and a correspond-
ing decrease in MHCIIx/d composition.
In many
studies of high-intensity resistance training, researchers
have also reported concomitant increases in MHCI
although some researchers report no
changes in MHCI composition.
Both endurance
training and resistance training result in similar reduc-
tions in myosin heavy chain coexpression, such that a
greater number of pure fibers are present.
the trends in fiber type conversions are similar for
endurance training and resistance training, differences
in physiological changes that occur with each type of
exercise are also important. Endurance training
increases the oxidative capacity of muscle, whereas train-
ing to increase force production of sufficient intensity
and duration promotes hypertrophy of muscle fibers by
increasing the volume of contractile proteins in the
Knowing the differences between human skeletal muscle
fiber types allows clinicians to understand more com-
pletely the morphological and physiological basis for the
effectiveness of physical therapy interventions, such as
endurance training and resistance training. In addition,
this knowledge also offers some explanation for the
changes in muscle that occur with age, deconditioning,
immobilization, and muscle denervation. Such knowl-
edge is helpful for the optimal design of rehabilitation
programs that target deficits in muscle morphology and
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2001; 81:1810-1816.PHYS THER.
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Human Skeletal Muscle Fiber Type Classifications
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by guest on June 12, 2013 from
... In doing so, they engage in negative activity. A muscle may function as the prime mover in one pattern, the antagonist in another, or the synergist in a third [29]. ...
... Pain is exacerbated by loading and increased with the demand on the knee extensor musculature, especially during activities that involve energy storage and release in the patellar tendon. Patellar tendinopathy primarily affects relatively young (15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20)(21)(22)(23)(24)(25)(26)(27)(28)(29)(30) year old) athletes, particularly men, who participate in activities requiring repetitive loading of the patellar tendon, such as basketball, volleyball, athletic jump events, tennis, and football. Over forty percent of elite volleyball and basketball players have been discovered to have this disease. ...
... Bone remodeling serves to repair fatigue microcracks. When a bone is loaded repeatedly, resulting in repetitive or cyclic strain, the subsequent accumulation of microdamage is believed to be the threshold of a pathological continuum that is clinically manifested as stress reactions and SF (29). Ultimately, if the activity is not ceased and the bone is not able to self-repair, a complete bone fracture might ensue. ...
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The objective of this thesis was to determine the effect of fatigue on impact shock wave attenuation and assess how human biomechanics relate to shock attenuation during running. In this paper, we propose a new methodology for the analysis of shock events occurring during the proposed experimental procedure. Our approach is based on the Shock Response Spectrum (SRS), which is a frequency-based function that is used to indicate the magnitude of vibration due to a shock or a transient event. Five high level CrossFit athletes who ran at least three times per week and who were free from musculoskeletal injury volunteered to take part in this study. Two Micromachined Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) accelerometers (RunScribe®, San Francisco, CA, USA) were used for this experiment.Injuries in running are often provoked by fatigue or improper technique, which are both reflected in the runner’s kinematics. State of the art research on kinetics and kinematics in sports is using motion analysis systems that are inaccessible to most athletes. The potential of wearable sensors for runners’ kinetic and kinematics analysis is extremely relevant and cost effective. Throughout our research we demonstrate the potential of wearable sensors for runners’ kinetic and kinematics analysis. We present several studies using inertial measurement units (IMU) for performance level assessment, training assistance, and fatigue monitoring. We extracted many gait parameters for performance and health assessments. Wearable sensors provide a valuable tool for runners, from beginners to experts, for running technique assessment.Our hypothesis is that fatigue leads to a decrease in the shock attenuation capacity of the musculoskeletal system, thus potentially implying a higher risk of overuse injury
... Slow-twitch type I muscles show high resistance to fatigue while displaying a lower capacity of generating force due to the smaller size of fibers and motor units [55]. Conversely, fast-twitch type II muscle fibers, classifiable into the two subtypes, IIa (oxidative) and type IIx (glycolytic) with intermediate and low mitochondrial content, respectively, show large cross-sectional areas and motor unit size [55]. Such ultrastructural features confer these fibers a greater force-generating capacity Mitochondrial content, distribution (subsarcolemmal or intermyofibrillar), and ultrastructure vary significantly across muscles and fiber types. ...
... Dense and interconnected mitochondria are typically found in red muscles enriched in slow-twitch type I fibers, while white muscles mostly containing fast-twitch type II fibers have a lower mitochondrial content [54]. Slow-twitch type I muscles show high resistance to fatigue while displaying a lower capacity of generating force due to the smaller size of fibers and motor units [55]. Conversely, fast-twitch type II muscle fibers, classifiable into the two subtypes, IIa (oxidative) and type IIx (glycolytic) with intermediate and low mitochondrial content, respectively, show large cross-sectional areas and motor unit size [55]. ...
... Slow-twitch type I muscles show high resistance to fatigue while displaying a lower capacity of generating force due to the smaller size of fibers and motor units [55]. Conversely, fast-twitch type II muscle fibers, classifiable into the two subtypes, IIa (oxidative) and type IIx (glycolytic) with intermediate and low mitochondrial content, respectively, show large cross-sectional areas and motor unit size [55]. Such ultrastructural features confer these fibers a greater force-generating capacity with increased fatiguability due to a lower mitochondrial content and higher reliance on anaerobic metabolism. ...
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Sarcopenia, the age-associated decline in skeletal muscle mass and strength, is a condition with a complex pathophysiology. Among the factors underlying the development of sarcopenia are the progressive demise of motor neurons, the transition from fast to slow myosin isoform (type II to type I fiber switch), and the decrease in satellite cell number and function. Mitochondrial dysfunction has been indicated as a key contributor to skeletal myocyte decline and loss of physical performance with aging. Several systems have been implicated in the regulation of muscle plasticity and trophism such as the fine-tuned and complex regulation between the stimulator of protein synthesis, mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR), and the inhibitor of mTOR, AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), that promotes muscle catabolism. Here, we provide an overview of the molecular mechanisms linking mitochondrial signaling and quality with muscle homeostasis and performance and discuss the main pathways elicited by their imbalance during age-related muscle wasting. We also discuss lifestyle interventions (i.e., physical exercise and nutrition) that may be exploited to preserve mitochondrial function in the aged muscle. Finally, we illustrate the emerging possibility of rescuing muscle tissue homeostasis through mitochondrial transplantation.
... Type 2A fibers predominantly use oxidative metabolism, while type 2X and 2B fibers use glycolytic metabolism [97]. The composition of these muscles also differs between humans and mice [98,99]. In this work, the studies include both human and animal models, as well as cell lines. ...
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Background: Metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD), and more specifically steatohepatitis may be associated with fat infiltration of skeletal muscles which is known as myosteatosis. Pan-peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) agonists have been shown to promote metabolic dysfunction-associated steatohepatitis (MASH) remission. However, the effect of PPAR agonists on myosteatosis remains to be determined. The aim of this review is to evaluate the effect that PPAR agonists alone or in combination, have on myosteatosis in the context of MASLD. Methods: Original research reports concerning the impact of PPAR agonists on muscle fat in MASLD were screened from PUBMED and EMBASE databases following the PRISMA methodology. Results: Eleven original manuscripts were included in this review. Two preclinical studies assessed the impact of the PPARα agonist on fat content in the quadriceps muscle and the liver by extracting triglycerides in rats fed a high-fat diet and in insulin-resistant mice. Both models showed muscle and liver triglyceride content reduction using WY14643. Fenofibrate had no significant impact on soleus intramyocellular lipids or liver fat content in insulin-resistant subjects based on proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Treatment with PPARδ agonists increased the expression of genes involved in fatty acid oxidation in two studies on muscle cell culture. PPARγ agonists were investigated in two preclinical studies and one clinical study using spectroscopy and computed tomography respectively. In the first preclinical study in Zucker diabetic fatty rats, rosiglitazone reduced muscle lipids and hepatic steatosis. In a second preclinical study using the same animal model, pioglitazone reduced tibialis anterior intramy-ocellular lipids. In contrast, computed tomography analyses in patients with type 2 diabetes revealed a surface area increase of low-density muscles (suggesting an increase in muscle fat content) after a one-year treatment with rosiglitazone. Varying combinations of PPAR agonists (cevoglitazar, fenofibrate/pioglitazone and muraglitazar) were evaluated in two preclinical studies and one clinical study. In rats, these treatments showed variable results for muscle and liver depending on the combinations studied. In type 2 diabetic patients, treatment with muraglitazar (a PPARα/γ agonist) reduced the intramyocellular lipid content of tibialis anterior as well as liver fat content following spectroscopy assessment. Conclusion: The combination of different PPAR agonists could have a positive impact on reducing myosteatosis, in addition to their effect on the liver. Some discrepancies could be explained by the different techniques used to assess muscle lipid content, the muscles assessed and the possible adipogenic effect of PPARγ agonists. Further clinical research is needed to fully assess the efficacy of these treatments on both MASLD progression and associated myosteatosis.
... These fast-twitch fibers are called glycolytic because they constantly break glycogen down to lactate for fast ATP sourcing, i.e., they cycle glycogen continuously. Slow-twitch fibers store as much glycogen as fast-twitch ones, but primarily rely on slow oxidation of circulating glucose for ATP production, i.e., they cycle glycogen minimally [95,97]. Since laforin, malin and RBCK1 do not directly synthesize glycogen, and since the LD and RKO mice have abundant amounts of normally constructed glycogen [76,104], it is likely that laforin-malin and RBCK1 are involved in the regulation, perhaps quality control of glycogen production. ...
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At least five enzymes including three E3 ubiquitin ligases are dedicated to glycogen’s spherical structure. Absence of any reverts glycogen to a structure resembling amylopectin of the plant kingdom. This amylopectinosis (polyglucosan body formation) causes fatal neurological diseases including adult polyglucosan body disease (APBD) due to glycogen branching enzyme deficiency, Lafora disease (LD) due to deficiencies of the laforin glycogen phosphatase or the malin E3 ubiquitin ligase and type 1 polyglucosan body myopathy (PGBM1) due to RBCK1 E3 ubiquitin ligase deficiency. Little is known about these enzymes’ functions in glycogen structuring. Toward understanding these functions, we undertake a comparative murine study of the amylopectinoses of APBD, LD and PGBM1. We discover that in skeletal muscle, polyglucosan bodies form as two main types, small and multitudinous (‘pebbles’) or giant and single (‘boulders’), and that this is primarily determined by the myofiber types in which they form, ‘pebbles’ in glycolytic and ‘boulders’ in oxidative fibers. This pattern recapitulates what is known in the brain in LD, innumerable dust-like in astrocytes and single giant sized in neurons. We also show that oxidative myofibers are relatively protected against amylopectinosis, in part through highly increased glycogen branching enzyme expression. We present evidence of polyglucosan body size-dependent cell necrosis. We show that sex influences amylopectinosis in genotype, brain region and myofiber-type-specific fashion. RBCK1 is a component of the linear ubiquitin chain assembly complex (LUBAC), the only known cellular machinery for head-to-tail linear ubiquitination critical to numerous cellular pathways. We show that the amylopectinosis of RBCK1 deficiency is not due to loss of linear ubiquitination, and that another function of RBCK1 or LUBAC must exist and operate in the shaping of glycogen. This work opens multiple new avenues toward understanding the structural determinants of the mammalian carbohydrate reservoir critical to neurologic and neuromuscular function and disease.
Yak-Kong (YK) is a small black soybean widely cultivated in Korea. It is considered to have excellent health functionality, as it has been reported to have better antioxidant efficacy than conventional black or yellow soybeans. Since YK has been described as good for the muscle health of the elderly in old oriental medicine books, this study sought to investigate the effect of fermented YK with Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis LDTM 8102 (FYK) on muscle atrophy. In C2C12 mouse myoblasts, FYK elevated the expression of MyoD, total MHC, phosphorylated AKT, and PGC1α. In addition, two kinds of in vivo studies were conducted using both an induced and normal aging mouse model. The behavioral test results showed that in the induced aging mouse model, FYK intake alleviated age-related muscle weakness and loss of exercise performance. In addition, FYK alleviated muscle mass decrease and improved the expression of biomarkers including total MHC, myf6, phosphorylated AKT, PGC1α, and Tfam, which are related to myoblast differentiation, muscle protein synthesis, and mitochondrial generation in the muscle. In the normal aging model, FYK consumption did not increase muscle mass, but did upregulate the expression levels of biomarkers related to myoblast differentiation, muscle hypertrophy, and muscle function. Furthermore, it mitigated age-related declines in skeletal muscle force production and functional limitation by enhancing exercise performance and grip strength. Taken together, the results suggest that FYK has the potential to be a new functional food material that can alleviate the loss of muscle mass and strength caused by aging and prevent sarcopenia.
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Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is associated with significant reductions in lean body mass and in the mass of various tissues, including skeletal muscle, which causes fatigue and contributes to high mortality rates. In CKD, the cellular protein turnover is imbalanced, with protein degradation outweighing protein synthesis, leading to a loss of protein and cell mass, which impairs tissue function. As CKD itself, skeletal muscle wasting, or sarcopenia, can have various origins and causes, and both CKD and sarcopenia share common risk factors, such as diabetes, obesity, and age. While these pathologies together with reduced physical performance and malnutrition contribute to muscle loss, they cannot explain all features of CKD-associated sarcopenia. Metabolic acidosis, systemic inflammation, insulin resistance and the accumulation of uremic toxins have been identified as additional factors that occur in CKD and that can contribute to sarcopenia. Here, we discuss the elevation of systemic phosphate levels, also called hyperphosphatemia, and the imbalance in the endocrine regulators of phosphate metabolism as another CKD-associated pathology that can directly and indirectly harm skeletal muscle tissue. To identify causes, affected cell types, and the mechanisms of sarcopenia and thereby novel targets for therapeutic interventions, it is important to first characterize the precise pathologic changes on molecular, cellular, and histologic levels, and to do so in CKD patients as well as in animal models of CKD, which we describe here in detail. We also discuss the currently known pathomechanisms and therapeutic approaches of CKD-associated sarcopenia, as well as the effects of hyperphosphatemia and the novel drug targets it could provide to protect skeletal muscle in CKD.
Lactate can serve as both an energy substrate and a signaling molecule, exerting diverse effects on skeletal muscle physiology. Due to the apparently positive effects, it would be interesting to consider it as a sports supplement. However, the mechanism behind these effects are yet to be comprehensively understood. In this study, we observed that lactate administration could improve the ability of antifatigue, and we further found that lactate upregulated the expression of myosin heavy chain (MYHC I) and MYHC IIa, while downregulating the expression of MYHC IIb. Besides, transcriptomics and metabolomics revealed significant changes in the metabolic profile of gastrocnemius muscle following lactate administration. Furthermore, lactate enhanced the activities of metabolic enzymes, including HK, LDHB, IDH, SDM, and MDH, and promoted the expression of lactate transport‐related proteins MCT1 and CD147, thereby improving the transport and utilization of lactate in both vivo and vitro. More importantly, lactate administration increased cellular Ca ²⁺ concentration and facilitated nuclear translocation of nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFATC1) in myotubes, whereas inhibition of NFATC1 significantly attenuated the effects of lactate treatment on NFATC1 nuclear translocation and MyHC expression. Our results elucidate the ability of lactate to induce metabolic remodeling in skeletal muscle and promote myofiber‐type transitions by activating the Ca ²⁺ ‐NFATC1 signaling pathway. This study is useful in exploring the potential of lactate as a nutritional supplement for skeletal muscle adaptation and contributing to a mechanistic understanding of the central role of lactate in exercise physiology.
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Nanotechnology‐based approaches are promising for the treatment of musculoskeletal (MSK) disorders, which present significant clinical burdens and challenges, but their clinical translation requires a deep understanding of the complex interplay between nanotechnology and MSK biology. Organ‐on‐a‐chip (OoC) systems have emerged as an innovative and versatile microphysiological platform to replicate the dynamics of tissue microenvironment for studying nanotechnology‐biology interactions. This review covers first recent advances and applications of MSK OoCs and their ability to mimic the biophysical and biochemical stimuli encountered by MSK tissues. Next, by integrating nanotechnology into MSK OoCs, cellular responses and tissue behaviors may be investigated by precisely controlling and manipulating the nanoscale environment. Analysis of MSK disease mechanisms, particularly bone, joint, and muscle tissue degeneration, and drug screening and development of personalized medicine may be greatly facilitated using MSK OoCs. Finally, we outline future challenges and directions for the field, including advanced sensing technologies, integration of immune‐active components, and enhancement of biomimetic functionality. By highlighting the emerging applications of MSK OoCs, this review aims to advance our understanding of the intricate nanotechnology‐MSK biology interface and its significance in MSK disease management, and the development of innovative and personalized therapeutic and interventional strategies. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved
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Background Elderly people are at high risk of falls due to decreased muscle strength. So far, there is currently no officially approved medication for treating muscle strength loss. The active vitamin D analogues are promising but inconsistent results have been reported in previous studies. The present study was to meta-analyze the effect of active vitamin D analogues on muscle strength and falls in elderly people. Methods The protocol was registered with PROSPERO (record number: CRD42021266978). We searched two databases including PubMed and Cochrane Library up until August 2023. Risk ratio (RR) and standardized mean difference (SMD) with 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) were used to assess the effects of active vitamin D analogues on muscle strength or falls. Results Regarding the effects of calcitriol (n= 1), alfacalcidol (n= 1) and eldecalcitol (n= 1) on falls, all included randomized controlled trials (RCT) recruited 771 participants. Regarding the effects of the effects of calcitriol (n= 4), alfacalcidol (n= 3) and eldecalcitol (n= 3) on muscle strength, all included RCTs recruited 2431 participants. The results showed that in the pooled analysis of three active vitamin D analogues, active vitamin D analogues reduced the risk of fall by 19%. Due to a lack of sufficient data, no separate subgroup analysis was conducted on the effect of each active vitamin D analogue on falls. In the pooled and separate analysis of active vitamin D analogues, no significant effects were found on global muscle, hand grip, and back extensor strength. However, a significant enhancement of quadriceps strength was observed in the pooled analysis and separate analysis of alfacalcidol and eldecalcitol. The separate subgroup analysis on the impact of calcitriol on the quadriceps strength was not performed due to the lack to sufficient data. The results of pooled and separate subgroup analysis of active vitamin D analogues with or without calcium supplementation showed that calcium supplementation did not affect the effect of vitamin D on muscle strength. Conclusions The use of active vitamin D analogues does not improve global muscle, hand grip, and back extensor strength but improves quadriceps strength and reduces risk of falls in elderly population.
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Thirty-five healthy men were matched and randomly assigned to one of four training groups that performed high-intensity strength and endurance training (C; n = 9), upper body only high-intensity strength and endurance training (UC; n = 9), high-intensity endurance training (E; n = 8), or high-intensity strength training (ST; n = 9). The C and ST groups significantly increased one-repetition maximum strength for all exercises (P < 0.05). Only the C, UC, and E groups demonstrated significant increases in treadmill maximal oxygen consumption. The ST group showed significant increases in power output. Hormonal responses to treadmill exercise demonstrated a differential response to the different training programs, indicating that the underlying physiological milieu differed with the training program. Significant changes in muscle fiber areas were as follows: types I, IIa, and IIc increased in the ST group; types I and IIc decreased in the E group; type IIa increased in the C group; and there were no changes in the UC group. Significant shifts in percentage from type IIb to type IIa were observed in all training groups, with the greatest shift in the groups in which resistance trained the thigh musculature. This investigation indicates that the combination of strength and endurance training results in an attenuation of the performance improvements and physiological adaptations typical of single-mode training.
Sherrington introduced the term “motor unit” to embody his recognition that all skeletal-muscle actions are quantized by the fact that motoneurons are the only route out of the central nervous system (CNS) for somatic movement. He hypothesized that each motoneuron controls the action of a unique group of muscle fibers (now called the “muscle unit”), such that the combination of motoneuron and its muscle unit forms the irreducible output element in motor control. Sherrington's student Derek Denny-Brown elaborated on Sherrington's notion of “recruitment” to demonstrate that the motor units making up an anatomical muscle are brought into action, or “recruited,” in more or less repeatable sequences depending on their output force. These terms and the ideas they represent are now second nature to all neuroscientists. This chapter briefly traces the history of the idea of “motor unit types” until 1980, including some personal observations that may be of interest.
Myosin heavy chain (MHC) and fiber size properties of the adult rat soleus were determined after 4–60 days of complete inactivity, i.e., lumbar spinal cord isolation. Soleus atrophy was rapid and progressive, i.e., 25% and 64% decrease in weight and 33% and 75% decrease in fiber size after 4 and 60 days of inactivity, respectively. Changes in MHC occurred at a slower rate than the atrophic response. After 15 days there was de novo expression of type IIx MHC (∼10%). By 60 days, type IIx MHC accounted for 33% of the total MHC content, and 7% of the fibers contained only type IIx MHC. The relative amount of type I MHC was reduced from 93% in control to 49% after 60 days of inactivity. Therefore, the effects of 60 days of inactivity suggest that during this time period at least 75% of fiber size and ∼40% of type I MHC composition of the adult rat soleus can be attributed to activation-related events. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Muscle Nerve 21:375–389, 1998.
Adult cats were spinal transected (T12–13) and maintained for ∼6 months. Spinal cats were either not trained (N-T) or trained for 30 min/day to either step on a treadmill (Stp-T) or stand (Std-T). Spinalization resulted in a decrease in the mass and maximum tension potential of the medial gastrocnemius (MG), a fast ankle extensor. These adaptations were ameliorated in Std-T but not Stp-T cats. The maximum rate of shortening was elevated by 18 (ns), 34, and 19 (ns)% in the N-T, Std-T, and Stp-T cats, respectively, a finding consistent with a shift in the percentage of fast fibers, a decrease in the percentage of fibers expressing only type I myosin heavy chain, and an increase in myofibrillar adenosine triphosphatase activity. The shift toward a faster fiber type profile in the tibialis anterior (TA), a fast ankle flexor, was of a lesser magnitude than in the MG. There were no significant effects on the contractile properties of the TA in any group of spinal cats. The greater preservation of muscle mass, shift toward faster physiological and biochemical properties, and fatigability in the MG of Std-T than Stp-T cats suggest that factors other than the level of activation and force generation must play a role in muscle homeostasis. From a clinical perspective, the results indicate that muscles innervated by motor neurons below the level of a complete spinal cord lesion are affected differentially by specific neuromuscular activity patterns. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Muscle Nerve 22: 230–241, 1999
This review focuses on the functional relationship between age-related morphological and physiological changes at the level of the motor unit (MU). It is well established that older humans are weaker than younger people, exhibit reduced force control, and have slower neuromuscular contractile properties. Older people may also exhibit a decrease in MU discharge rate, and an increase in variability of MU discharge at high force levels. The matching of MU discharge and contractile properties may be an age-related neurophysiological strategy adopted to optimize motor control, similar to that observed in acute conditions such as fatigue. Because muscle force output is modulated partially by MU discharge behavior, the study of these properties may offer insights into the physiology of muscular weakness and motor function in older people. In turn, this will allow the implementation of optimal exercise and rehabilitation programs to reduce the degree of dependence associated with aging. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Muscle Nerve, 20, 679–690, 1997.
The effect of aging on the voluntary and electrically evoked contractile properties of the human adductor pollicis muscle was investigated in 70 healthy male subjects aged 20-91 yr, 10 subjects for each decade. Maximum isometric voluntary force declined significantly (range of P values less than 0.001-0.05) after the age of 59 yr, dropping by the eighth decade to 57.6% of the level recorded in the second decade. A significant shift (P range less than 0.001-0.05) to the left of the frequency-force curve after ulnar nerve supramaximal stimulation at 1, 10, 20, 30, and 50 Hz was observed in the most elderly group (greater than 80 yr) compared with the youngest group (20-29 yr). Maximum relaxation rate dropped by 48.7% from the second to the eighth decade. The decrease became significant (P range less than 0.05-0.001) with the sixth decade. Isometric endurance, evaluated during 30 s of stimulation at 30 Hz, showed a linear (P less than 0.001) increase with age. Aged muscle is thus weaker, slower, and tetanized at lower fusion frequencies but, paradoxically, more resistant to static fatigue.
Twenty-four women completed a 20-week heavy-resistance weight training program for the lower extremity. Workouts were twice a week and consisted of warm-up exercises followed by three sets each of full squats, vertical leg presses, leg extensions, and leg curls. All exercises were performed to failure using 6-8 RM (repetition maximum). Weight training caused a significant increase in maximal isotonic strength (1 RM) for each exercise. After training, there was a decrease in body fat percentage (p less than 0.05), and an increase in lean body mass (p less than 0.05) with no overall change in thigh girth. Biopsies were obtained before and after training from the superficial portion of the vastus lateralis muscle. Sections were prepared for histological and histochemical examination. Six fiber types (I, IC, IIC, IIA, IIAB, and IIB) were distinguished following routine myofibrillar adenosine triphosphatase histochemistry. Areas were determined for fiber types I, IIA, and IIAB + IIB. The heavy-resistance training resulted in significant hypertrophy of all three groups: I (15%), IIA (45%), and IIAB + IIB (57%). These data are similar to those in men and suggest considerable hypertrophy of all major fiber types is also possible in women if exercise intensity and duration are sufficient. In addition, the training resulted in a significant decrease in the percentage of IIB with a concomitant increase in IIA fibers, suggesting that strength training may lead to fiber conversions.
1. The slow-twitch soleus muscle and the fast-twitch extensor digitorum longus muscle (EDL) were denervated and stimulated directly with implanted electrodes for 33-82 days. Four different stimulation patterns were used in order to mimic important characteristics of the natural motor-unit activity in these muscles. In addition, to compare the effects of direct stimulation to other experimental models, some EDLs were stimulated through the nerve or cross-innervated by soleus axons. 2. After 33-82 days of stimulation the contractile properties were measured under isometric and isotonic conditions. 3. 'Native' stimulation patterns could maintain normal contractile speed in both EDL and soleus. In the EDL, normal isotonic shortening velocity was maintained only by a stimulation pattern consisting of very brief trains with an initial short interspike interval (doublet), and not by the other 'native' high-frequency patterns. 4. The contractile properties of both EDL and soleus muscles receiving a 'foreign' stimulation pattern were transformed in the direction of the muscle normally receiving that type of activity. The transformations were not complete, and soleus and EDL muscles stimulated with the same stimulation pattern remained different. This suggests that adult muscle fibres in rat EDL and soleus are irreversibly differentiated into different fibre types earlier in development. 5. The three high-frequency stimulation patterns used differed in their ability to change or maintain various contractile properties in the soleus and the EDL. The results indicate that the following qualities of a stimulation pattern might be of importance for the control of contractile properties: instantaneous frequency, total amount of stimulation, train length, interval between trains and presence of an initial doublet. 6. With the exception of the EDL shortening velocity, changes in contractile speed induced by a 'foreign' stimulation pattern were quantitatively similar to the effects of cross-innervation both in the EDL and the soleus. We thus suggest that the change in activity pattern is the mechanism behind most of the changes induced by cross-innervation.