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Adipocyte Tissue Volume in Bone Marrow is Increased With Aging and in Patients With Osteoporosis

  • Reumatologisk og Idrætsmedicinsk klinik

Abstract and Figures

Aging of the human skeleton is characterized by decreased bone formation and bone mass and these changes are more pronounced in patients with osteoporosis. As osteoblasts and adipocytes share a common precursor cell in the bone marrow, we hypothesized that decreased bone formation observed during aging and in patients with osteoporosis is the result of enhanced adipognesis versus osteoblastogenesis from precursor cells in the bone marrow. Thus, we examined iliac crest bone biopsies obtained from 53 healthy normal individuals (age 30-100) and 26 patients with osteoporosis (age 52-92). Adipose tissue volume fraction (AV), hematopoietic tissue volume fraction (HV) and trabecular bone volume fraction (BV) were quantitated as a percentage of total tissue volume fraction (TV) (calculated as BV + AV + HV) using the point-counting method. We found an age-related increase in AV/TV (r = 0.53, P < 0.001, n = 53) and an age-related decline in BV/TV (r = -0.46, P < 0.001, n = 53) as well as in the HV/TV (r -0.318, P < 0.05, n = 53). There was an age-related inverse correlation between BV/TV and AV/TV (r = -0.58, P < 0.001). No significant correlation between the AV/TV and the body mass index (r = 0.06, n.s., n = 52) was detectable. Compared with age-matched controls, patients with osteoporosis exhibited an increased AV/TV (P < 0.05) and decreased BV/TV (P < 0.05) but no statistically significant difference in HV/TV. Our data support the hypothesis that with aging and in osteoporosis an enhanced adipogenesis is observed in the bone marrow and that these changes are inversely correlated to decreased trabecular bone volume. The cellular and molecular mechanisms mediating these changes remain to be determined.
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Biogerontology 2: 165–171, 2001.
© 2001 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands. 165
Research article
Adipocyte tissue volume in bone marrow is increased with aging and in
patients with osteoporosis
J. Justesen1, K. Stenderup1, E.N. Ebbesen2, L. Mosekilde2, T. Steiniche3& M. Kassem1,
1University Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Aarhus Amtssygehus, DK-8000, Aarhus-C, Denmark;
2Department of Cell Biology, Instistute of Anatomy, University of Aarhus, DK-8000, Aarhus-C, Denmark;
3University Institute of Pathology, Aarhus Kommunehospital, DK-8000, Aarhus-C, Denmark; Author for
correspondence (e-mail:
Received 11 December 2000; accepted in revised form 12 February 2001
Key words: adipose tissue volume, aging, bone, bone biopsies, histomorphometry, human, osteoporosis
Aging of the human skeleton is characterized by decreased bone formation and bone mass and these changes
are more pronounced in patients with osteoporosis. As osteoblasts and adipocytes share a common precursor
cell in the bone marrow, we hypothesized that decreased bone formation observed during aging and in patients
with osteoporosis is the result of enhanced adipognesis versus osteoblastogenesis from precursor cells in the
bone marrow. Thus, we examined iliac crest bone biopsies obtained from 53 healthy normal individuals (age
30–100) and 26 patients with osteoporosis (age 52–92). Adipose tissue volume fraction (AV), hematopoietic
tissue volume fraction (HV) and trabecular bone volume fraction (BV) were quantitated as a percentage of
total tissue volume fraction (TV) (calculated as BV + AV + HV) using the point-counting method. We found
an age-related increase in AV/TV (r= 0.53, P< 0.001, n= 53) and an age-related decline in BV/TV (r=
–0.46, P< 0.001, n= 53) as well as in the HV/TV (r= –0.318, P< 0.05, n= 53). There was an age-related
inverse correlation between BV/TV and AV/TV (r= –0.58, P< 0.001). No significant correlation between the
AV/TV and the body mass index (r= 0.06, n.s., n= 52) was detectable. Compared with age-matched controls,
patients with osteoporosis exhibited an increased AV/TV (P< 0.05) and decreased BV/TV (P< 0.05) but no
statistically significant difference in HV/TV. Our data support the hypothesis that with aging and in osteoporosis an
enhanced adipogenesis is observed in the bone marrow and that these changes are inversely correlated to decreased
trabecular bone volume. The cellular and molecular mechanisms mediating these changes remain to be determined.
Human aging is associated with a progressive decline
in bone mass and an increased susceptibility for
fractures (Riggs and Melton 1986). The mechan-
isms of age-related bone loss are not known in any
detail. However decreased bone formation, increased
bone resorption, or both have been implicated (Parfitt
1990). Histomorphometric studies performed on iliac
bone biopsies have demonstrated that bone volume
decreases with age both in males and females
(Brockstedt et al. 1993; Lips et al. 1978; Krag-
strup et al. 1983; Melsen et al. 1978; Mosekilde
and Mosekilde 1988; Thomsen et al. 1998) which
may be attributed to an age-related impairment of the
function of the bone forming cell (osteoblasts) (Parfitt
Osteoblasts and adipocytes share a common
precursor cell present in bone marrow stroma (termed
mesenchymal stem cells [MSCs]) (Pittenger et al.
1999; Rickard et al. 1996). In human MSC cultures,
differentiation into osteoblastic or adipocytic cells is
possible through manipulation of culture conditions
(Park et al. 1999; Rickard et al. 1996). However, the
relationship between the osteoblastic and adipocytic
differentiation is not known.
In the present study, we examined the hypothesis
that decreased bone formation observed during aging
is the result of enhanced adipogenesis versus osteo-
blastogenesis leading to decreased bone mass. We
also examined these changes in patients with osteo-
porosis (OP). We quantitated the amount of adipose
tissue, trabecular bone, and hematopoietic tissue in
bone biopsies obtained from a large number of normal
donors and from patients with OP.
Materials and methods
Study subjects
Bone autopsies were obtained from the iliac crest of 53
control individuals of different ages (mean age = 54;
range 30–100 years; 31 females, 22 males). All the
subjects had died in accidents or from acute diseases
without periods of immobility. Subjects with any
history of renal, hepatic or metabolic bone diseases
were excluded from the study as well as subjects with
a history of alcohol or drug abuse. None of the control
subjects had suffered osteoporotic fractures. In addi-
tion, iliac bone biopsies were obtained from 26 female
patients with OP that were diagnosed by the presence
of at least one low energy fracture of the spine (mean
age = 70; range 52–92; 26 females [2 autopsies and 24
Biopsy preparation
Transcortical iliac crest bone biopsies were obtained
from a standard location 2 cm behind and below the
anterior superior iliac spine. Undecalcified sections
embedded in methylmethacrylate were prepared by
a standard procedure as described previously (Stein-
iche et al. 1992). Seven–eight µm thick sections were
stained in Goldner trichrome for light microscopy.
Counting method
Quantitation of adipocyte tissue volume fraction per
total volume fraction (AV/TV), hematopoietic tissue
volume fraction (HV/TV), and trabecular bone volume
fraction (BV/TV) was performed as described previ-
ously (Kerndrup et al. 1980). In brief, a grid
was projected randomly on the bone sections by a
computer program and the number of points hitting
fat, bone, and hematopoietic marrow were counted
(Figure 1). Any point hitting an artifact or sinusoid
was not considered in the total calculation. The total
volume fraction (TV) refers here to the sum of AV, HV
and BV. Extensive preliminary experiments showed
that for each individual 3 different sections and 360
points per section (36 points in 10 microscopic fields)
needed to be counted in order to obtain reprodu-
cible measurements (Justesen 1999). All sections were
measured without prior knowledge of the age or the
disease state of the subjects. Inter-observer and intra-
observer coefficient of variation for AV/TV measure-
ments were 9% and 6%, respectively.
Differences between groups were analyzed using
Mann–Whitney Rank Sum Test and Student’s t-test.
Relationship between variables was determined using
simple regression analysis. Comparisons of slopes
and intercepts were performed by z-test. Results are
expressed as mean ±standard error of the mean
Age-related changes in bone marrow composition
We studied bone autopsies from 53 normal controls
(age 30–100, female = 31, male = 22). AV/TV
increased with age from 40% at the age of 30 to 68%at
age 100 (r= 0.53, P< 0.001) (Figure 2A). In contrast,
BV/TV decreased from 26% at the age of 30 to 12%
at the age of 100 (r= –0.46, P< 0.001) (Figure 2B).
A similar decrease in the HV/TV was observed with
age from 34% at 30 years to 20% at 100 years (r=
–0.32, P< 0.05) (Figure 2C). Furthermore, we found
an age-related inverse correlation between AV/TV and
BV/TV (r= –0.58, P< 0.001) (Figure 3).
Age-related differences in bone marrow composition
in males and females
As the group of normal controls consisted of both
males (n= 22) and females (n= 31), we compared
marrow composition between the two sexes. We found
similar age-related changes in A/TV, BV/TV and
HV/TV in both sexes and there was no difference in
the slope or the intercept of regression lines in any of
these parameters (Figures 4A, B).
Figure 1. Example showing projection of grid upon a bone section (×10 objective). A grid was projected randomly on the bone sections by a
computer program and the number of points hitting fat, bone, and hematopoietic marrow were counted.
Correlation between body mass index (BMI) and
A/TV in the bone marrow
In order to determine the physiological regulation of
marrow adipose tissue volume, we examined the rela-
tionship between AV/TV and body weight or BMI
in normal controls. The AV/TV was not significantly
correlated with body weight or BMI (r= 0.06, n.s.)
(data not shown) suggesting that marrow adipocytes
are not directly involved in the overall fat meta-
bolism. This observation was still true when male
(r= 0.15, n.s.) and female (r= 0.10, n.s.) controls
were examined separately and there was no statistic-
ally significant differences in the slope (P= 0.38) or
the intercept (P= 0.32) of the regression lines obtained
in the two sexes (data not shown).
Changes in bone marrow composition in patients with
We compared marrow composition in a group of
patients with OP and age-matched controls (Table 1).
AV/TV was increased in OP compared with the
controls (63 ±3% for OP versus 55 ±3% for controls,
P< 0.05) and BV/TV was significantly decreased in
OP compared with the controls (14 ±2% for OP
compared with 19 ±1% for controls, P< 0.05). On
the other hand, HV/TV was not changed in OP (22 ±
2% versus 26 ±2% for controls, n.s.). Similar results
were obtained if patients with OP were compared to
age-matched normal female controls (Table 1).
In the present study we examined the effect of aging
and osteoporosis on the composition of bone marrow
in iliac crest bone biopsies obtained from a large
sample of males and females of different ages and
from patients with OP. Our results demonstrated
that with aging adipogenesis was enhanced and this
was associated with decreased osteogenesis. These
changes were more pronounced in patients with OP.
We found that with aging AV/TV increased and
this increase was similar in men and women. Our
Figure 2. Age-related changes in bone marrow composition
measured in iliac bone biopsies. AV adipose tissue volume,
TV total tissue volume, BV trabecular bone volume, HV
hematopoietic tissue volume.
Figure 3. Age-related correlation between trabecular bone volume
(BV/TV) and adipose tissue volume (AV/TV) in 53 donors aged
results corroborate previous findings reporting a
similar positive correlation between aging and bone
marrow adipose tissue (Burkhardt et al. 1987; Meunier
et al. 1971). Age-related increase in adipogenesis was
also reported in rabbits (Bigelow and Tavassoli 1984)
and in a murine model for accelerated senescence:
SAMP6 mice (Kajkenova et al. 1997) suggesting that
it may be a general phenomenon associated with aging
in different species.
AV/TV was increased in patients with OP
compared to age-matched controls. Two previous
studies have reported an increase in AV/TV in patients
with OP. In the study by Meunier et al (Meunier et
al. 1971), the increase in adipose tissue volume was
only apparent in patients with OP below 65 years.
Burkhardt et al (Burkhardt et al. 1987) found an
increase in adipose tissue volume only in younger
patients with OP aged 27–52 years. As we studied
a large number of patients with OP and age-matched
controls, our results demonstrate that increased adipo-
genesis in bone marrow is associated with the OP
phenotype of whatever age and represents a more
pronounced expression of the physiological age-
related changes. The fact that Meunier et al. (Meunier
et al. 1971) did not detect increased AV/TV in older
patients with OP might be due to the small sample size
of controls.
We found a negative correlation between AV/TV
and BV/TV during aging suggesting that an inverse
relationship exists between these two differentiation
pathways. This is supported by the findings that accel-
Table 1. Comparison of tissue composition between patients with
osteoporosis and age-matched controls.
Control OP P1P2
Females Males Combined Females
Number 24 8 32 26
Age 67 ±358±465±370±3 n.s. n.s.
BMI 26 ±226±126±123±4 n.s. n.s.
AT/T V( %) 5 4 ±356±455±363±3 0.02 0.02
BV/TV(%) 19 ±216±219±114±2 0.02 0.03
HV/TV(%) 26 ±328±427±222±2 n.s. n.s.
BMI body mass index, OP Patients with osteoporosis, P1–for
comparison between age-matched controls of both sexes and OP
females, P2 for comparison between OP females and age-matched
control females.
erated bone loss observed under certain clinical condi-
tions, e.g., during glucocorticoid treatment (Kawai
et al. 1985; Wang et al. 1977) and postovariec-
tomy (Martin et al. 1990; Martin and Zissimos 1991)
was also associated with increased adipogenesis and
decreased osteogenesis in the bone marrow. In our
studies we measured changes in volume of adipose
tissue which is dependent on adipocyte cell size and
cell number. In a previous stereological study, Rozman
et al. (1989) found that the age-related increase in
marrow adipose tissue volume was due to increased
in adipocyte cell size as well as cell number. While
some in vitro studies employing MSC cultures have
demonstrated that enhanced adipocyte differentiation
was associated with decreased osteoblast differenti-
ation (Bennett et al. 1991; Beresford et al. 1992) the
effect of aging and osteoporosis on the differentiation
potential of MSC in vitro have not been studied in
The cellular and molecular mechanisms under-
lying age-related changes in adipocyte cell volume
and trabecular bone volume are not known. Burkhardt
et al. (1987) suggested that age-related decrease in
bone marrow vascularity may lead to impaired osteo-
genesis and enhanced adipogenesis due to the effect
of hypoxia. Also, some authors suggested that the
observed age-related increase in adipogenesis could
represent a passive process that fills the space created
by decreased bone mass (Gimble et al. 1996). In
favor of this view are the results of several experi-
mental studies demonstrating that marrow adipocytes
do not play a role in the overall fat metabolism.
For example marrow adipocytes are not affected by
long periods of starvation (Bathija et al. 1979) or
by insulin which is quite different from the changes
Figure 4. Age-related changes in: (A) adipose tissue volume/total
tissue volume (AV/TV) and (B) trabecular bone volume (BV/TV)
with age in males (n= 22) and females (n= 31). Two regression
lines were plotted: grey line for female donors and black line for
male donors. α= slope, β= intercept.
observed in extramedullary adipocytes (Greenberger
1979; Lanotte et al. 1982). Also, in our study we
did not detect significant correlations between adipose
tissue volume in bone marrow and body weight or
However, recent studies on MSC biology (Bianco
and Gehron 2000; Nuttall and Gimble 2000; Pittenger
et al. 1999) suggest that the observed age-related
changes in adipogensis and osteoblastogensis are
due to changes in the differentiation potential of
MSC. Differentiation of MSC to a specific lineage in
the bone marrow comprises two processes: cellular
commitment to a specific lineage and the prolif-
eration of these lineage-committed cells. Recently,
studies in vitro and in vivo have identified factors that
control lineage-specific commitment. For example
core-binding factor 1 (Cbfa-1) is an essential transcrip-
tion factor for osteoblast differentiation (Ducy et al.
1997). Wnt gene (Ross et al. 2000) and proxisome
proliferator activated receptor γ(PPAR-γ) (Tontonoz
et al. 1994) are important genes for initiation of adipo-
cyte differentiation pathway. Several hormones and
growth factors have been identified as important regu-
lators of adipocyte (Richardson et al. 1992; Carrel and
Allen 2000) and osteoblast cell proliferation (Kassem
1997; Kassem et al. 2000; Langdahl et al. 1998). Some
of these factors exhibit age-related changes (Kveiborg
et al. 2000; Christiansen et al. 2000). However, the
sequential expression of these factors and their relative
contribution to changes in adipogenesisand osteoblas-
togenesis with age and in osteoporosis remain to be
This work was supported by grants from the Danish
Center for Molecular Gerontology, Danish Medical
Research Council, the Novo Nordisk Foundation,
Aage & Johanne Louis-Hansens Memorial Found-
ation, Director E. Danielsen & Hustrus foundation
and the Nordisk Insulin Foundation. The authors
would like to thank Drs. Cecilia Rosada and professor
Leif Mosekilde for comments on the manuscript and
helpful discussions. Professor Flemming Melsen and
Drs Erik F. Eriksen, and Karoline Meldgaard have
kindly provided some of the bone biopsies used in
this study. Ms. Jette Barlach and Anette Baatrup are
thanked for technical assistance.
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... In general, expansion of BMAT starts in the epiphyses of long bones, and proceeds in the diaphysis, progressing distally and proximally. The red marrow shrinks and gradually vacates most of the space, until being present only in the ribs, sternum, some vertebrae, sacrum, and coccyx around the age of 40 years old [9,10]. ...
... The adipogenesis within the medullary environment promotes the formation of adipocytes while actively suppressing osteogenesis [40,41]. Reciprocal regulation of mesenchymal cell fate may explain the reduction of bone mass and expansion of BMAT with age [10], but the exact signaling pathways involved have not been elucidated. ...
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Bone marrow (BM) acts as a dynamic organ within the bone cavity, responsible for hematopoiesis, skeletal remodeling, and immune system control. Bone marrow adipose tissue (BMAT) was long simply considered a filler of space, but now it is known that it instead constitutes an essential element of the BM microenvironment that participates in homeostasis, influences bone health and bone remodeling, alters hematopoietic stem cell functions, contributes to the commitment of mesenchymal stem cells, provides effects to immune homeostasis and defense against infections, and participates in energy metabolism and inflammation. BMAT has emerged as a significant contributor to the development and progression of various diseases, shedding light on its complex relationship with health. Notably, BMAT has been implicated in metabolic disorders, hematological malignancies, and skeletal conditions. BMAT has been shown to support the proliferation of tumor cells in acute myeloid leukemia and niche adipocytes have been found to protect cancer cells against chemotherapy, contributing to treatment resistance. Moreover, BMAT’s impact on bone density and remodeling can lead to conditions like osteoporosis, where high levels of BMAT are inversely correlated with bone mineral density, increasing the risk of fractures. BMAT has also been associated with diabetes, obesity, and anorexia nervosa, with varying effects on individuals depending on their weight and health status. Understanding the interaction between adipocytes and different diseases may lead to new therapeutic strategies.
... This is based on a typical zonal distribution pattern with increasing age, with a reduction in bone quality in the alae at the level of the load-bearing segments S1 and S2 [7][8][9]. In 1991, Peretti et al. reported that fat-filled cavities form in the senium [8], weakening the loadbearing portions of the posterior pelvic ring due to cellular dysregulation of bone metabolism with increased differentiation of adipocytes from pluripotent mesenchymal stem cells [13,14]. ...
... Thus, despite the fatty conversion, the sacrum is also strongly perfused in the senium. Nevertheless, the results support the theory of cellular dysregulation of bone metabolism, that is, the increased differentiation of adipocytes from pluripotent mesenchymal stem cells [13,14]. ...
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Purpose Pathogenesis of sacral fragility fractures is not fully understood. This study investigates zonal distribution of calcium salt and fat marrow in intact bone-healthy and osteoporotic pelvis. In addition, in unilateral sacral fractures, the fracture side was compared with the intact side. Methods CT and MRI images of 37 pelves were analyzed. Zonal calcium salt distribution by Hounsfield units (HU) was recorded for each CT dataset. Fat marrow content was measured in MRI mDixon–Quant sequence. The cohort was divided: intact pelves with (PEO, HU < 100, n = 8) and without osteoporosis (PE, HU ≥ 100, n = 14) based on the mean HU value in LWK5. A third group consisted of patients with osteoporosis and unilateral fractures (PEOFx, n = 10). Conclusion The results suggest that in PEO sacral alae experience disproportionate skeletal rarefaction. This concerns the sacral ala at the S1 level (− 25 ± 55), whereby the calcium salt content is so low that it corresponds to the S3 level of healthy bone (− 20 ± 21 HU). This explains the occurrence of transalar fractures in the load-transmitting zone S1. In PEOFx, the calcium salt density was higher and the fat content was lower on the fractured side than on the intact side, indicating bony compacting due to lateral compression and fat displacement due to hematoma in the accident mechanism. This study makes an important contribution to the understanding of the development of sacral fragility fractures. Furthermore, impaction of the cancellous bone within the fracture can be demonstrated.
... Accordingly, liver fat is generally reported to be more strongly associated with visceral adiposity [4]. Unlike other ectopic fat depots, BMAT is generally not related to obesity in humans [37]. Our observations also confirm this finding. ...
Objective: We analyzed quantitative computed tomography (CT) and chemical shift-encoded magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data from a Chinese cohort to investigate the effects of BMI and aging on different adipose tissue (AT) depots. Methods: In 400 healthy, community-dwelling individuals aged 22 to 83 years, we used MRI to quantify proton density fat fraction (PDFF) of the lumbar spine (L2-L4) bone marrow AT (BMAT), the psoas major and erector spinae (ES) muscles, and the liver. Abdominal total AT, visceral AT (VAT), and subcutaneous AT (SAT) areas were measured at the L2-L3 level using quantitative CT. Partial correlation analysis was used to evaluate the relationship of each AT variable with age and BMI. Multiple linear regression analysis was performed in which each AT variable was evaluated in turn as a function of age and the other five independent AT measurements. Results: Of the 168 men, 29% had normal BMI (<24.0 kg/m2), 47% had overweight (24.0-27.9 kg/m2), and 24% had obesity (≥ 28.0 kg/m2). In the 232 women, the percentages were 46%, 32%, and 22%, respectively. Strong or very strong correlations with BMI were found for total AT, VAT, and SAT in both sexes. BMAT and ES PDFF was strongly correlated with age in women and moderately correlated in men. In both sexes, BMAT PDFF correlated only with age and not with any of the other AT depots. Psoas PDFF correlated only with ES PDFF and not with age or the other AT depots. Liver PDFF correlated with BMI and VAT and weakly with SAT in men. VAT and SAT correlated with age and each other in both sexes. Conclusions: Age and BMI are both associated with adiposity, but their effects differ depending on the type of AT.
... [2][3][4] Enhanced osteoblast apoptosis, decline in the osteoblast differentiation, and enhanced bone resorption are the key hallmarks of the T2DM affected individual especially in the elderly population. 5 Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) serve as precursor to various cell types. Interestingly, the fate of MSCs is decided by the chemical and physical microenvironment, and other factors such as age and metabolic status. ...
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Background Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) from type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) individuals exhibit increased adipogenesis and decreased osteogenesis. We investigated the potential of adipose tissue‐derived MSCs (ADMSCs) secretome obtained from healthy individuals in restoring the tumor necrosis factor‐α (TNF‐α) mediated imbalance in the adipo/osteogenic differentiation in the dental pulp‐derived MSCs obtained from T2DM individuals (dDPMSCs). Methods dDPMSCs were differentiated into adipocytes and osteocytes using a standard cocktail in the presence of (a) induction cocktail, (b) induction cocktail + TNF‐α, and (c) induction cocktail+ TNF‐α + ADMSCs‐secretome (50%) for 15 and 21 days resp. Differentiated adipocytes and osteocytes were stained by oil red O and alizarin red and analyzed by using ImageJ software. Molecular expression of the key genes involved was analyzed by using reverse‐transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT‐PCR). Results Treatment of TNF‐α augmented the adipogenesis (9571 ± 765 vs. 19,815 ± 1585 pixel, p < 0.01) and decreased the osteogenesis (15,603 ± 1248 vs. 11,894 ± 951 pixel, p < 0.05) of dDPMSCs as evidenced by the oil red O and alizarin red staining respectively. Interestingly, dDPMSCs differentiated along with TNF‐α and 50% ADMSCs secretome exhibited enhanced osteogenesis (11,894 ± 951 vs. 41,808 ± 3344 pixel, p < 0.01) and decreased adipogenesis (19,815 ± 1585 vs. 4480 ± 358 pixel, p < 0.01). Additionally, dDPMSCs differentiated along with ADMSCs secretome exhibited decreased expression of PPARg ( p < 0.01), C/EBPa ( p < 0.05), and FAS ( p < 0.01) whereas mRNA expression of Runx2 ( p < 0.05), Osterix ( p < 0.01), and OCN ( p < 0.05) was upregulated as revealed by the RT‐PCR analysis. Conclusion ADMSCs secretome from healthy individuals restore the TNF‐α influenced differentiation fate of dDPMSCs and therefore can be explored for T2DM clinical management in the future.
... The role of bone marrow adiposity in cellular senescence and bone aging has been a subject of scientific investigation for the last few decades. As individuals' age, there is a shift in the composition of bone marrow towards adipocyte rich manifested by increased BMAT volume [28]. Besides aging, other pathophysiological proceedings like obesity, type 2 diabetes, and osteoporosis as well as treatments with different pharmacological agents like thiazolidinediones (TZDs) and glucocorticoids have also been established to augment the bone marrow adiposity [29,30]. ...
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Purpose of Review This review summarizes evidence on osteocyte support of extramedullary and bone marrow adipocyte development and discusses the role of endogenous osteocyte activities of nuclear receptors peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARG) and alpha (PPARA) in this support. Recent Findings PPARG and PPARA proteins, key regulators of glucose and fatty acid metabolism, are highly expressed in osteocytes. They play significant roles in the regulation of osteocyte secretome and osteocyte bioenergetics; both activities contributing to the levels of systemic energy metabolism in part through an effect on metabolic function of extramedullary and bone marrow adipocytes. The PPARs-controlled osteocyte endocrine/paracrine activities, including sclerostin expression, directly regulate adipocyte function, while the PPARs-controlled osteocyte fuel utilization and oxidative phosphorylation contribute to the skeletal demands for glucose and fatty acids, whose availability is under the control of adipocytes. Summary Bone is an inherent element of systemic energy metabolism with PPAR nuclear receptors regulating osteocyte-adipocyte metabolic axes.
... For instance, PPAR-γ2 inhibits osteogenic differentiation by suppressing the transcriptional activity of Runx2, and vice versa (16,17). An imbalance between osteogenesis and adipogenesis is associated with various pathological issues such as obesity, osteoporosis, and skeletal fragility (18,19). In the previous study, we found that whole-body Prmt7 knockout mice exhibit an obesity phenotype as they age. ...
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The adipose organ adapts and responds to internal and environmental stimuli by remodeling both its cellular and extracellular components. Under conditions of energy surplus, the subcutaneous white adipose tissue (WAT) is capable of expanding through the enlargement of existing adipocytes (hypertrophy), followed by de novo adipogenesis (hyperplasia), which is impaired in hypertrophic obesity. However, an impaired hyperplastic response may result from various defects in adipogenesis, leading to different WAT features and metabolic consequences, as discussed here by reviewing the results of the studies in animal models with either overexpression or knockdown of the main molecular regulators of the two steps of the adipogenesis process. Moreover, impaired WAT remodeling with aging has been associated with various age-related conditions and reduced lifespan expectancy. Here, we delve into the latest advancements in comprehending the molecular and cellular processes underlying age-related changes in WAT function, their involvement in common aging pathologies, and their potential as therapeutic targets to influence both the health of elderly people and longevity. Overall, this review aims to encourage research on the mechanisms of WAT maladaptation common to conditions of both excessive and insufficient fat tissue. The goal is to devise adipocyte-targeted therapies that are effective against both obesity- and age-related disorders.
Prostate cancer, a prominent malignancy impacting men worldwide, is characterized by a dynamic and intricate interplay between cancer cells and their surrounding microenvironment. The unique signature of the malignant transformation process arose from the inherent specificity of the prostate tissue and its function in semen fluid production. Unlike other cancer types where the shift to glycolytic energy supply is a hallmark of the neoplastic alteration, prostate cancer operates on entirely opposing principles. Focused on citrate production for seminal fluid, normal prostate epithelial cells function in a reduced oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) manner. In the process of neoplastic transformation, cells redirect citrate into the Krebs cycle, converting inefficient to energy-efficient metabolism. From tumor initiation to metastasis, the distinct tumor microenvironment (TME), constituted of cellular and noncellular components, shapes the process of malignant transformation, rendering it increasingly aggressive, with immune system cells playing a pivotal role in connecting all these stages. This review will comprehensively elaborate the sophisticated and dynamic communication, enormous cellular plasticity and tissue flexibility leading to successive modifications of all structures, and their profound influence on disease progression.
Age-associated osteoporosis (AAOP) poses a significant health burden, characterized by increased fracture risk due to declining bone mass and strength. Effective prevention and early treatment strategies are crucial to mitigate the disease burden and the associated healthcare costs. Current therapeutic approaches effectively target the individual contributing factors to AAOP. Nonetheless, the management of AAOP is complicated by the multitude of variables that affect its development. Main intrinsic and extrinsic factors contributing to AAOP risk are reviewed here, including mechanical unloading, nutrient deficiency, hormonal disbalance, disrupted metabolism, cognitive decline, inflammation and circadian disruption. Furthermore, it is discussed how these can be targeted for prevention and treatment. Although valuable as individual targets for intervention, the interconnectedness of these risk factors result in a unique etiology for every patient. Acknowledgement of the multifaceted nature of AAOP will enable the development of more effective and sustainable management strategies, based on a holistic, patient-centered approach.
Adipose tissue is a major component of normal rabbit marrow. Its physiologic function has not been elucidated, but it is generally believed to be, essentially, a passive space filler. The response of marrow fat cells to lipolytic stimuli was studied by subjecting rabbits to acute starvation. Following 2 weeks of starvation and a weight loss of 28%, the mean marrow fat cell volume was 50.9 ± 9.6 pl (control, 42.8 ± 8.1 pl), and the mean volume of the perinephric fat cell 134.3 ± 87.8 picoliter (pl) (control, 318 ± 89.7 pl). Esterification capacity for labeled palmitate of the marrow fat cells did not change from control; the esterification capacity of the perinephric fat cells fell by about 60%. After 3 weeks of starvation and further weight loss to 34% of initial weight, the perinephric fat cells decreased their mean cell volume to 50.2 ± 33.6 pl. The marrow fat cell volume remained essentially unchanged from control. Esterification capacity of the marrow fat cells again did not differ from that of the control animals, but the esterification capacity of the perinephric fat cells fell further to 19% of that of the marrow fat cells. Despite the urgent energy requirements of the starved animals, the marrow fat cells did not yield their stored fat and continued to esterify free fatty acids at an unaltered rate. Drastic weight loss produced no change in volume, in esterification capacity, or in number of fat cells in the femoral marrow of the rabbit. Marrow adipocytes are metabolically active cells that are involved in the hematopoietic process rather than involved with the total energy needs of the animal.
A unique population of human bone marrow-derived, adherent fibroblastlike cells differentiates to adipocyte morphology when grown in vitro in the presence of horse serum and hydrocortisone sodium hemisuccinate. Over the initial 8-weeks growth at 37°C, 7% CO2, these cells accumulate Oil Red O-positive lipid and form colonies of over 100 cells, which persist in confluent cultures for over 30 weeks. Similar to cultures derived from mouse marrow, corticosteroid-induced adipocyte differentiation is associated with long-term granulopoiesis. Human marrow preadipocytes, as well as human, mouse and rat embryo fibroblast cell lines, failed to differentiate to adipocyte morphology in the presence of insulin. In contrast, the 3T3-L1 insulin-dependent preadipocyte cell line was not induced to differentiate in the presence of hydrocortisone. These studies demonstrate that human marrow preadipocytes are dependent upon corticosteroid for differentiation in vitro.
Bone specimens from a standardized area of the iliac crest were obtained at autopsy in 105 individuals after sudden unexpected death and at biopsy in 30 living volunteers. Seven micron thick sections of the plastic embedded undecalcified material were produced and stained. The amount of cancellous and cortical bone and the parameters attached to description of bone remodelling were determined by point counting and simple measurements, in order to establish normal mean values and range in a Danish population. A decrease in the amount of bone, trabecular as well as cortical, was found with increasing age in both males and females. The extent, volume and width of osteoid seams and the osteoclastic resorption were found to be age-independent. The osteoclastic resorption in cortical bone in males decreased, however, with increasing age. The reported values are of the greatest importance for the use of histomorphometric analysis of bone biopsies as a diagnostic tool in metabolic bone diseases. It is stressed, however, that supplementary information of the dynamic aspects of the bone remodelling would be necessary for the understanding of the pathogenesis of bone changes. Such information might be obtained by using tetracyline double labelling.
A unique population of human bone marrow-derived, adherent fibroblastlike cells differentiates to adipocyte morphology when grown in vitro in the presence of horse serum and hydrocortisone sodium hemisuccinate. Over the initial 8-weeks growth at 37 degrees C, 7% CO2, these cells accumulate Oil Red O-positive lipid and form colonies of over 100 cells, which persist in confluent cultures for over 30 weeks. Similar to cultures derived from mouse marrow, corticosteroid-induced adipocyte differentiation is associated with long-term granulopoiesis. Human marrow preadipocytes, as well as human, mouse and rat embryo fibroblast cell lines, failed to differentiate to adipocyte morphology in the presence of insulin. In contrast, the 3T3-L1 insulin-dependent preadipocyte cell line was not induced to differentiate in the presence of hydrocortisone. These studies demonstrate that human marrow preadipocytes are dependent upon corticosteroid for differentiation in vitro.
The mean wall thickness (MWT) of packets of trabecular bone was measured in undecalcified iliac crest bone samples of 36 normal subjects (14 female and 22 male) under polarized light. The mean wall thickness was 49.7 +/- 8.7 microns at a mean age of 50.9 years. There existed a significant decrease of MWT with advancing age. With an appositional rate of 0.72 micron/day, the mean formation time of iliac trabecular bone packets is 69 days. The decrease of MWT with age corresponds to a decrease in bone formation at the basic multicellular unit (BMU) level with aging and can partly explain the physiological senile osteopenia.
Large doses of cortisone were given to growing and adult rabbits over a five-month period to produce avascular necrosis of the femoral head. The cortisone caused an increase in the serum cholesterol, fatty metamorphosis of the liver, and fat emboli visible in sections of the femur and humerus. These emboli partially obliterated the microcirculation of the subchondral vessels of both femoral and humeral heads. The average diameter of the marrow fat cells also increased more than ten micrometers. This increase in cell volume might be significant because in the closed chamber of the femoral head it could increase tissue pressure, diminish perfusion, and be the mechanism for avascular necrosis induced by cortisone.
The differentiation of adipocytic and osteogenic cells has been investigated in cultures of adult rat marrow stromal cells. Adipocytic differentiation was assessed using morphological criteria, changes in expression of procollagen mRNAs, consistent with a switch from the synthesis of predominantly fibrillar (types I and III) to basement membrane (type IV) collagen, and the induction of expression of aP2, a specific marker for differentiation of adipocytes. Osteogenic differentiation was assessed on the basis of changes in the abundance of the mRNAs for the bone/liver/kidney isozyme of alkaline phosphatase and the induction of mRNAs for bone sialoprotein and osteocalcin. In the presence of foetal calf serum and dexamethasone (10(-8) M) there was always differentiation of both adipocytic and osteogenic cells. When the steroid was present throughout primary and secondary culture the differentiation of osteogenic cells predominated. Conversely, when dexamethasone was present in secondary culture only, the differentiation of adipocytes predominated. When marrow stromal cells were cultured in the presence of dexamethasone in primary culture and dexamethasone and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25(OH)2D3; 10(-8) M) in secondary culture, the differentiation of adipocytes was inhibited whereas the differentiation of osteogenic cells was enhanced, as assessed by an increase in expression of osteocalcin mRNA. The results, therefore, demonstrate an inverse relationship between the differentiation of adipocytic and osteogenic cells in this culture system and are consistent with the possibility that the regulation of adipogenesis and osteogenesis can occur at the level of a common precursor in vivo.
Ordinary measurements of the wall thickness (the end result of the osteoblastic work) of trabecular bone packets (completed remodeling sites) describe the average thickness of walls formed during the previous two to three years. If the bone biopsy is obtained shortly after onset of disease or initiation of treatment, only a few of the measured sites will represent walls formed under the new conditions. With a reconstruction of the formative site true information of the performed osteoblastic work can be obtained, since it is based upon observations of the actual formative events and not the end result (completed walls). Previously published methods have the disadvantage of being time consuming and technically difficult. Furthermore, the method by Eriksen et al. includes rather complicated mathematical calculations. In the present study a new method for reconstruction of the formative phase is presented, which can be performed from measurements normally obtained in a routine histomorphometric analysis and from paired values of osteoid thicknesses and uncompleted wall thickness. The method does not introduce a new time consuming step in the histomorphometric analyses of the bone biopsy. Furthermore, calculations needed to reconstruct the events of the formative phase can easily be performed using a personal computer and a spread-sheet. The new method for reconstruction presented in this paper gives growth curves for matrix and bone mineral, which are virtually identical with the growth curves previously published by Eriksen et al. for the same 20 normal individuals.