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Brainstem hemorrhage in descending transtentorial herniation (Duret hemorrhage)


Abstract and Figures

To review clinical and radiological findings in patients with Duret hemorrhages and to discuss the pathophysiology and differential diagnosis of these lesions. We reviewed the case records of four patients with Duret hemorrhages who had been admitted to the neurological intensive care unit with supratentorial mass lesions. Descending transtentorial and subfalcine herniations were present in all cases. Three patients were admitted with acute subdural hematoma and one with intraparenchymal hemorrhage. Computed tomography revealed the presence of blood in the mesencephalon and upper pons. Three patients died; one survived with severe disabilities. Duret hemorrhages are typically located in the ventral and paramedian aspects of the upper brainstem (mesencephalon and pons). The pathophysiology of Duret hemorrhage remains under debate: arterial origin (stretching and laceration of pontine perforating branches of the basilar artery), versus venous origin (thrombosis and venous infarction). Multifactorial causation seems likely. Duret hemorrhages are delayed, secondary brainstem hemorrhages. They occur in craniocerebral trauma victims with rapidly evolving descending transtentorial herniation. Diagnosis is made on computed tomography of the brain. In most cases the outcome is fatal. On the basis of our observations we believe that arterial hypertension and advanced age are risk factors for the development of Duret hemorrhage.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Received: 9 February 2001
Accepted: 17 October 2001
Published online: 29 November 2001
© Springer-Verlag 2001
Abstract Objectives: To review
clinical and radiological findings in
patients with Duret hemorrhages and
to discuss the pathophysiology and
differential diagnosis of these le-
sions. Patients and methods: We re-
viewed the case records of four pa-
tients with Duret hemorrhages who
had been admitted to the neurologi-
cal intensive care unit with supraten-
torial mass lesions. Results: Descend-
ing transtentorial and subfalcine her-
niations were present in all cases.
Three patients were admitted with
acute subdural hematoma and one
with intraparenchymal hemorrhage.
Computed tomography revealed the
presence of blood in the mesenceph-
alon and upper pons. Three patients
died; one survived with severe dis-
abilities. Discussion: Duret hemor-
rhages are typically located in the
ventral and paramedian aspects of
the upper brainstem (mesencephalon
and pons). The pathophysiology of
Duret hemorrhage remains under
debate: arterial origin (stretching
and laceration of pontine perforat-
ing branches of the basilar artery),
versus venous origin (thrombosis
and venous infarction). Multifac-
torial causation seems likely.
Conclusion: Duret hemorrhages are
delayed, secondary brainstem hem-
orrhages. They occur in craniocere-
bral trauma victims with rapidly
evolving descending transtentorial
herniation. Diagnosis is made on
computed tomography of the brain.
In most cases the outcome is fatal.
On the basis of our observations we
believe that arterial hypertension and
advanced age are risk factors for the
development of Duret hemorrhage.
Keywords Brain, computed
tomography · Brain, hemorrhage ·
Brain, injuries · Brain, herniation ·
Duret hemorrhage
Intensive Care Med (2002) 28:85–88
DOI 10.1007/s00134-001-1160-y
Paul M. Parizel
Smitha Makkat
Philippe G. Jorens
Özkan Özsarlak
Patrick Cras
Johan W. Van Goethem
Luc van den Hauwe
Jan Verlooy
Arthur M. De Schepper
Brainstem hemorrhage in descending
transtentorial herniation (Duret hemorrhage)
Brainstem hemorrhages are commonly reported in autop-
sy series of severely head-injured patients [1, 2]. They
can be classified as primary or secondary [2, 3]. Causes
of primary brainstem hemorrhage include: direct lacera-
tion or contusion, penetrating injury, shearing injuries,
petechial hemorrhages, disruption of the pontomedullary
junction [3]. Secondary hemorrhages of the brainstem in
craniocerebral trauma victims occur at a later stage as a
result of descending transtentorial herniation [4]. These
are known as Duret hemorrhages.
The neuropathological features of Duret hemorrhages
are well known. However, the frequency of brainstem
hemorrhages observed with computed tomography (CT)
or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is much lower
than that observed in autopsy series of head trauma vic-
tims [3]. Descriptions of Duret hemorrhages documented
in vivo are rare. Most have been published as case re-
ports [5] or included in articles reporting primary and
secondary brainstem injuries [3, 6].
We present a series of four patients with Duret hemor-
rhages, review the pertinent clinical and radiological
findings, and discuss the pathophysiology and differen-
P.M. Parizel (
) · S. Makkat · Ö. Özsarlak
J.W. Van Goethem · L. van den Hauwe
A.M. De Schepper
Department of Radiology,
University of Antwerp, Wilrijkstraat 10,
2650 Edegem, Belgium
Tel.: +32-3-8213732
Fax: +32-3-8252026
P.G. Jorens
Department of Intensive Care,
University of Antwerp, Wilrijkstraat 10,
2650 Edegem, Belgium
P. Cras
Department of Neuropathology,
University of Antwerp, Wilrijkstraat 10,
2650 Edegem, Belgium
J. Verlooy
Department of Neurosurgery,
University of Antwerp, Wilrijkstraat 10,
2650 Edegem, Belgium
tial diagnosis. Finally, we conclude that a previous medi-
cal history of systemic hypertension and advanced age
constitute risk factors for the development of this condi-
Case reports
Patient A
A 55-year-old comatose woman was admitted to the emergency
room. Glasgow coma scale (GCS) was 4/15. Clinical neurological
examination showed dilated pupils, with brisk light reflexes. The
patient had a previous medical history of arterial hypertension.
Noncontrast CT of the brain revealed a massive hemorrhage in the
left cerebral hemisphere. Midline structures were shifted to the
right, and perimesencephalic cisterns were flattened. There was no
brainstem hemorrhage at this time. Cerebral arteriography showed
a small aneurysm at the M1 segment of the left middle cerebral ar-
tery. The patient’s neurological condition continued to deteriorate.
Repeat CT after 24 h showed subfalcine and descending transten-
torial brain herniations. Moreover, a hematoma in the brainstem
was seen (Fig. 1a). The aneurysm was successfully clipped on day
4 after admission. After 2 months the patient was discharged to a
nursing home.
Patient B
A 76-year-old man was brought to the emergency ward in coma-
tose state. GCS upon admission was 4/15. Blood pressure was
228/96 mmHg. Clinical neurological examination revealed aniso-
coria with nonreactive pupils and Kussmaul’s breathing. The pa-
tient had suffered a head trauma 48 h before admission. Emergen-
cy CT revealed a large and recent left subdural hematoma (SDH),
resulting in a subfalcine herniation (Fig. 1b). Additionally, there
was a downward transtentorial herniation as evidenced by the in-
ferior displacement of the pineal calcification. In the brainstem
multifocal slitlike hemorrhagic foci were observed. The patient
died during the evening of the same day due to hemodynamic in-
Patient C
A 69-year-old man was found at home. He was unconscious with
a GCS of 11/15. On arrival at the hospital GCS was 3/15. Pupils
were asymmetric and nonreactive. The patient was known to have
essential hypertension. Once previously he had suffered an acute
myocardial infarction and a cerebrovascular accident with left
hemiparesis. He was treated with oral anticoagulants and pro-
thrombin time was within therapeutic range. Emergency CT upon
admission disclosed a large left SDH with layering effect in the
frontoparietal region. A midline shift with compression of the left
lateral ventricle was also observed. Moreover, there was extensive
bleeding in the mesencephalon and pons with extension into the
left cerebellar hemisphere and fourth ventricle. Under the protec-
tion of intravenously administered vitamin K dependent clotting
factors the SDH was evacuated neurosurgically. The patient was
transferred to the neurointensive care unit and given maximal anti-
edematous treatment. However, he remained comatose; electroen-
cephalography showed markedly decreased electrical activity over
the left hemisphere suggestive of irreversible brain damage. The
patient died on the fourth day.
Patient D
A 56-year-old comatose woman was brought to the emergency
ward. GCS was 3/15 with unequal and nonreactive pupils. Previ-
ous medical history showed that the patient was known with se-
vere hypertension. She had undergone coronary artery bypass
Fig. 1a, b Secondary brain-
stem hemorrhages (Duret
hemorrhages) in two patients
with descending transtentorial
herniation due to a rapidly ex-
panding supratentorial mass le-
sion. a Noncontrast axial CT in
a 55-year-old woman (patient
A) with a massive left cerebral
hemisphere hemorrhage, ex-
tending into the temporal lobe
(black arrowheads) 29 h after
admission. There is a descend-
ing transtentorial herniation.
There is a midline hemorrhagic
focus in the upper brainstem,
consistent with a Duret hemor-
rhage (white arrow). b Noncon-
trast axial CT in a 76-year-old
man (patient B) after a fall on
his head 2 days prior to admis-
sion. A left subdural hematoma
is present (black arrowheads).
Duret hemorrhage is observed
in the upper pons (white arrows).
Note the dilatation of the right
temporal horn
grafting 4 years previously. Noncontrast CT of the brain disclosed
an extensive left SDH with a mixed density pattern. There was a
marked subfalcine shift of the midline structures to the right. The
perimesencephalic cisterns were obliterated due to a downward
transtentorial herniation. Infratentorially there was a large pontine
hematoma, which had ruptured into the fourth ventricle. Emergen-
cy surgery was performed and the SDH was drained. The patient
remained comatose during the postoperative period and finally
died on the eighth postoperative day due to septic shock.
Historical perspective and definitions
The Duret hemorrhage is named after Henri Duret, a
nineteenth century French surgeon who worked in
Charcot’s laboratory in the Salpêtrière Hospital in Paris.
Duret experimented on dogs to investigate the mecha-
nisms of concussion. When he injected either gelatin or
water inside the animal’s skull, he observed that the
swift increase in intracranial pressure caused multiple,
minute hemorrhages in the brainstem near the floor of
the fourth ventricle [5]. Discussion continues as to
whether the hemorrhages observed by Duret in laborato-
ry animals are the same as those that occur in the human
brainstem with transtentorial herniation. Despite this un-
certainty, the eponymous term “Duret hemorrhage” is
now widely accepted to describe secondary brainstem
hemorrhages due to descending transtentorial herniation
of any cause.
Pathogenesis and risk factors
The pathogenesis of Duret hemorrhages remains contro-
versial. Most authors support an arterial origin, but
others consider venous congestion as a possible cause
[7]. It is likely that more than one mechanism may be in-
volved [2, 7]. A rapidly expanding supratentorial mass
lesion causes severe increase in intracranial pressure and
results in a descending transtentorial herniation. The
most common causes include hematomas (epidural, sub-
dural, intraparenchymal), and acute cerebral edema. The
brainstem is pushed inferiorly, foreshortened and buck-
led. This leads to stretching, spasm, infarction, and hem-
orrhage of the central perforating arteries, which arise
from the relatively immobile basilar artery [7]. Thus Du-
ret hemorrhages usually commence in the midline of the
mesencephalon and upper pons. Moreover, as a result of
side-to-side compression there occurs an anterior-poste-
rior elongation of the brainstem, which further stretches
perforating arterial branches.
It is noteworthy that three of four of our patients had
a previous medical history of arterial hypertension; the
one patient without hypertension was 76 years old (rele-
vant patient data are summarized in Table 1). The associ-
ation of Duret hemorrhage and arterial hypertension has
not been reported before. Our hypothesis is that, with ar-
terial hypertension and advancing age, the elasticity of
the blood vessel walls decreases, and the propensity to
develop Duret hemorrhages increases. Venous conges-
tion has also been reported as a possible cause of these
hemorrhages [8]. Prolonged elevation in intracranial
pressure could cause vascular thrombosis within the
brainstem, which then can evolve to hemorrhage. The
venous thrombosis and venous infarction theory is sup-
ported by the finding that small, thin-walled veins are
more easily compressed and can undergo anoxic degen-
eration with subsequent vessel rupture and extravasation
of blood.
The reported incidence of secondary brainstem hemor-
rhages is significantly higher in neuropathological
(30–60%) than in radiological studies (5–10%). Second-
ary brainstem damage was found in 51% of an autopsy
Table 1 Summary of relevant patient data
Patient A Patient B Patient C Patient D
Patient data Woman aged Man aged Man aged Woman aged
55 years 76 years 69 years 56 years
Previous medical history Hypertension Bronchogenic Essential Hypertension
carcinoma hypertension,
myocardial infarction
Cause of supratentorial mass effect Intracerebral Left SDH Left SDH Left SDH
Subfalcine herniation + + + +
Descending transtentorial herniation + + + +
Downward bowing of tentorium + + + +
Dilatation of contralateral lateral ventricle + + + +
Hemorrhage in mesencephalon + + +
Hemorrhage in pons + + +
Obliteration of 4th ventricle + + +
series of 434 patients with nonmissile head injury [4].
Brainstem hemorrhage was observed in 37% of cases in
a postmortem study of 132 fatal head injuries [9]. How-
ever, in CT studies the frequency of brainstem lesions
was remarkably low. Secondary brainstem hemorrhages
are found only in a small percentage of cerebral trauma
patients with fatal prognosis. This discrepancy can be
partially explained by the fact that up to 20% of second-
ary brainstem lesions are seen only microscopically [4].
Another factor may be the delayed development of sec-
ondary brainstem hemorrhages, occurring after the initial
emergency CT. Finally, it could be possible that many of
these severely injured patients do not survive long
enough for a subsequent CT to confirm the diagnosis.
Differential diagnosis
Not all hemorrhagic lesions in the brainstem are
Duret hemorrhages. Differential diagnosis includes pri-
mary traumatic brainstem hemorrhages (e.g., direct im-
pact and penetrating injury, shearing injuries, disruption
of the pontomedullary junction), as well as hypertensive
bleeds and ruptured arteriovenous malformations. Direct
impact hemorrhagic contusions of the brainstem occur
with a lateral blow to the head, which causes a sudden
acceleration-deceleration displacement of the brainstem
relative to the tentorium. Patients with a narrow tentorial
incisura are more vulnerable to this type of injury. Pete-
chial shearing hemorrhages can be found in the posterior
lateral quadrant of the brainstem [3, 10]; these are
caused by a severe rotational force applied to the brain-
stem. Hypertensive brainstem hemorrhages usually arise
in the dorsal region of the basis pontis. The pons is prone
to hypertensive bleeds because it is supplied by direct
perforating branches. This vascularization pattern is sim-
ilar to that of the basal ganglia and thalamus, which are
also sites of predilection. Hemorrhagic necrosis of the
pons is a rare cause of brainstem hemorrhage and should
be differentiated from pontine infarct, central pontine
myelinolysis, and Duret hemorrhage. Brainstem hemor-
rhages can also occur due to rupture of an arteriovenous
malformation. These instances are rare because clearcut
arteriovenous malformations are infrequent in the poste-
rior fossa, with the exception of cavernous malforma-
Duret hemorrhages are secondary brainstem hemorrhag-
es that are caused by descending transtentorial hernia-
tion. They are typically found in the lower mesencepha-
lon and ventral portion of the pons. The pathophysiology
remains controversial; although most authors favor an
arterial origin (stretching and laceration of perforating
branches of the basilar artery), there are equally strong
arguments for a venous origin (thrombosis and venous
infarction). Intensive care physicians should understand
the pathophysiology of descending transtentorial herniat-
ions. The delayed appearance of brainstem hemorrhage
in a comatose patient with severe supratentorial hyper-
tension is an ominous sign. Outcome is almost always
Acknowledgements This work was supported by a Clinical Re-
search Associate Grant (number G.3C06.96) of the Fund for Sci-
entific Research – Flanders (F.W.O.), Belgium. We are grateful to
Geert Van Hoorde for photographic assistance.
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... Sixteen articles were retained in the qualitative analysis. 6,7,[11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24] Twentyeight articles, comprising 26 case reports 25-50 and 2 case series (2e4 patients), 51,52 were retained in the Table 1). A PRISMA flow diagram is provided in Figure 1. ...
... Five patients (16%) presented with brainstem symptoms with central dyspnea (3/32, 9%), bilateral motor deficit (2/32, 6%), or absent brainstem reflexes (2/32, 6%). 51 and was secondary to intracranial hypotension in 3 cases (9%). 28,40,41 There were 3 cases (9%) of epidural hematoma. ...
... This is a potential explanation for the "delayed" or "secondary" apparition of DBH on neuroimaging. 8,[27][28][29][30]34,[38][39][40]42,43,47,48,51,52,54 It tends to create a larger proportion of Another argument about the arterial nature of DBH is that it seems to follow the arterial vascular anatomy of the upper brainstem, 57 causing sometimes ischemic stroke of a precise arterial territory affected by the DBH. 47 The frequent involvement of the anterior and medial arterial territories in DBH is probably correlated with the important downward displacement and the inner stretching endured by the anterior aspect of the midbrain and upper pons against the clivus, as well as the intimate connections shared between the very short anterior basilar artery perforators and the neurologic tissue that they supply. ...
Context: Historically, the occurrence of hemorrhage in the brainstem after an episode of supratentorial intracranial hypertension has been described by Henri Duret in 1878. Nevertheless, to date the eponym Duret brainstem hemorrhage (DBH) lacks systematic evidence regarding its epidemiology, pathophysiology, clinical and radiologic presentation, and outcome. Materials and methods: We conducted a systematic literature review and meta-analysis using Medline database from inception to 2022 looking for English-language articles concerning DBH, in accordance with the PRISMA guidelines. Results: The research yielded 28 articles for 32 patients (mean age 50 years, male/female 3/1). There were 41% of head trauma causing 63% of subdural hematoma, responsible for coma in 78% and mydriasis in 69%. DBH appeared on the emergency imaging in 41% and on delayed imaging in 56%. DBH was located in the midbrain in 41% of the cases, and in the upper of middle pons in 56%. DBH was caused by sudden downward displacement of the upper brainstem secondary to supratentorial intracranial hypertension (91%), intracranial hypotension (6%), or mechanical traction (3%). Such downward displacement caused the rupture of basilar artery perforators. Brainstem focal symptoms (p=0.003) and decompressive craniectomy (p=0.164) were potential favorable prognostic factors, whereas an age>50 years showed a trend toward a poor prognosis (p=0.0731). Conclusion: Unlike its historical description, DBH appears as a focal hematoma in the upper brainstem caused by the rupture of anteromedial basilar artery perforators after sudden downward displacement of the brainstem, regardless of its cause.
... Its pathophysiology has been attributed to the shearing of the paramedian branches of the basilar artery, reperfusion injury, and venous congestion. 1 Because of its location in the brainstem, Duret hemorrhage has been traditionally associated with a very poor prognosis, often resulting in death. 2,3 However, prospective studies to clarify the morbidity and mortality associated with this phenomenon are lacking. ...
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BACKGROUND Duret hemorrhage is a rare phenomenon wherein rapid transtentorial herniation results in brainstem injury and hemorrhage. It is usually regarded as a poor prognostic factor representing irreversible and often catastrophic brain injury. The authors report an unusual case of Duret hemorrhage with spontaneous delayed neurological recovery postoperatively after surgical treatment of an acute subdural hematoma (SDH). OBSERVATIONS The authors present the case of a 65-year-old male who initially presented to the hospital with a large acute left-sided SDH causing 1.3 cm of midline shift. He was taken urgently for a craniotomy, with no significant intraoperative swelling or visible contusions. Postoperative imaging revealed an unexpected pontine hyperdensity concerning for a Duret hemorrhage. He initially had no neurological improvement; however, at 3 weeks postoperatively, he gradually recovered and was able to follow commands and was extubated. At 10 weeks after surgery, his Glasgow Coma Scale score improved to 15, with mild residual left hemiparesis. LESSONS This case challenges a classic dogma that Duret hemorrhage carries a universally poor outcome. In select cases, patients can make meaningful recoveries in a delayed fashion. The lack of intraoperative contusions and swelling may have contributed to this patient’s recovery.
... The reason might be that the NIRIS takes more details into account. For instance, duret hemorrhage is associated with a high rate of mortality [17], and the NIRIS is the only scoring system that takes duret hemorrhage into account and assigns it to the most severe scoring category, i.e., the NIRIS 4. On the other hand, EDH could not always be a favorable prognostic indicator. Sometimes the presence of EDH with DAI or high-volume EDH causing a midline shift and brain herniation could worsen the outcome. ...
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This study compared the predictive utility of Marshall, Rotterdam, Stockholm, Helsinki, and NeuroImaging Radiological Interpretation System (NIRIS) scorings based on early non-contrast brain computed tomography (CT) scans in patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI). The area under a receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC) was used to determine the predictive utility of scoring systems. Subgroup analyses were performed among patients with head AIS scores > 1. A total of 996 patients were included, of whom 786 (78.9%) were males. In-hospital mortality, ICU admission, neurosurgical intervention, and prolonged total hospital length of stay (THLOS) were recorded for 27 (2.7%), 207 (20.8%), 82 (8.2%), and 205 (20.6%) patients, respectively. For predicting in-hospital mortality, all scoring systems had AUROC point estimates above 0.9 and 0.75 among all included patients and patients with head AIS > 1, respectively, without any significant differences. The Marshall and NIRIS scoring systems had higher AUROCs for predicting ICU admission and neurosurgery than the other scoring systems. For predicting THLOS ≥ seven days, although the NIRIS and Marshall scoring systems seemed to have higher AUROC point estimates when all patients were analyzed, five scoring systems performed roughly the same in the head AIS > 1 subgroup.
... The other is vascular thrombosis of brain stem due to prolonged elevation in ICP. Duret hemorrhage is commonly associated with severe brain edema and is regarded as a poor outcome 25) . Sulcal effacement is a result of mass effect as brain edema, the mass effect can push the adjacent gyri together 26) . ...
Background: Acute subdural hematoma (SDH) often leads to serious neurological deterioration or death. Patients with acute SDH are recommended decompressive craniectomy (DC) if their brain edema is severe. We investigated the association with early mortality through postoperative radiological studies after surgery.Methods: We retrospectively reviewed 31 out of 85 patients that underwent DC due to acute SDH at our neurosurgical department in January 2011–December 2020. The effect of decompression was estimated through comparison with preoperative and postoperative midline shift (MS) in brain computed tomography (CT). Brain edema was represented as an increased value, measured by comparing the lateral displaced parenchymal diameter with the normal brain diameter.Results: Of the total 31 patients, 15 died during hospitalization (group A) and 16 had the same or improved neurological status (group B). The reduction rate of MS was shown as higher in group B than in group A; it was significantly different between the two groups. The difference between the two values (DBD) was calculated by measuring the brain diameter of the operative site after DC and normal brain diameter for the progress of brain edema. The difference value of MS (DMS) was greater than DBD for 33.3% and 81.3% of group A and B patients, respectively. Conclusion: A lower MS reduction rate or higher DBD than DMS increases a patient’s early mortality rate. Therefore, early mortality in acute SDH patients who underwent DC could be predicted through analysis of postoperative brain CT.
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In 2010, the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) created a set of common data elements (CDEs) to help standardize the assessment and reporting of imaging findings in traumatic brain injury (TBI). However, as opposed to other standardized radiology reporting systems, a visual overview and data to support the proposed standardized lexicon are lacking. We used over 4000 admission computed tomography (CT) scans of patients with TBI from the Collaborative European NeuroTrauma Effectiveness Research in Traumatic Brain Injury (CENTER-TBI) study to develop an extensive pictorial overview of the NINDS TBI CDEs, with visual examples and background information on individual pathoanatomical lesion types, up to the level of supplemental and emerging information (e.g., location and estimated volumes). We documented the frequency of lesion occurrence, aiming to quantify the relative importance of different CDEs for characterizing TBI, and performed a critical appraisal of our experience with the intent to inform updating of the CDEs. In addition, we investigated the co-occurrence and clustering of lesion types and the distribution of six CT classification systems. The median age of the 4087 patients in our dataset was 50 years (interquartile range, 29-66; range, 0-96), including 238 patients under 18 years old (5.8%). Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage (45.3%), skull fractures (37.4%), contusions (31.3%), and acute subdural hematoma (28.9%) were the most frequently occurring CT findings in acute TBI. The ranking of these lesions was the same in patients with mild TBI (baseline Glasgow Coma Scale [GCS] score 13-15) compared with those with moderate-severe TBI (baseline GCS score 3-12), but the frequency of occurrence was up to three times higher in moderate-severe TBI. In most TBI patients with CT abnormalities, there was co-occurrence and clustering of different lesion types, with significant differences between mild and moderate-severe TBI patients. More specifically, lesion patterns were more complex in moderate-severe TBI patients, with more co-existing lesions and more frequent signs of mass effect. These patients also had higher and more heterogeneous CT score distributions, associated with worse predicted outcomes. The critical appraisal of the NINDS CDEs was highly positive, but revealed that full assessment can be time consuming, that some CDEs had very low frequencies, and identified a few redundancies and ambiguity in some definitions. Whilst primarily developed for research, implementation of CDE templates for use in clinical practice is advocated, but this will require development of an abbreviated version. In conclusion, with this study, we provide an educational resource for clinicians and researchers to help assess, characterize, and report the vast and complex spectrum of imaging findings in patients with TBI. Our data provides a comprehensive overview of the contemporary landscape of TBI imaging pathology in Europe, and the findings can serve as empirical evidence for updating the current NINDS radiologic CDEs to version 3.0.
Beeldvormend onderzoek is van essentieel belang bij de diagnostiek en behandeling van patiënten met traumatisch hoofd-/hersenletsel (THL). Het tijdig signaleren van traumatische afwijkingen aan schedel en hersenen is belangrijk om de uitgebreidheid van het letsel en de juiste behandeling, primair gericht op het voorkomen van secundaire hersenschade, vast/in te stellen. Bij de beoordeling van een CT- of MRI-scan is het dan ook van belang de patronen van (dreigende) hersenschade, en het risico op cerebrale inklemming, te herkennen. In de acute fase is de CT het onderzoek van eerste keus. In de subacute en chronische fase is de MRI van meerwaarde, onder meer door de hogere sensitiviteit voor het aantonen van (diffuse) traumatische axonale schade. Ontwikkeling van de MRI-techniek geeft steeds meer mogelijkheden om traumatisch hersenletsel in kaart te brengen. Een MRI-scan van de hersenen kan bijdragen aan een inschatting van de prognose bij licht, middelzwaar en ernstig THL.
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As part of a comprehensive study of brain damage in 635 fatal non-missile head injuries, the type and prevalence of brain damage occurring in the absence of high intracranial pressure were analysed. Of 71 such cases, 53 sustained their injury as a result of a road traffic accident; only 25 experienced a lucid interval. Thirty eight had a fractured skull, a mean total contusion index of 12.9 and diffuse axonal injury in 29: severe to moderate ischaemic damage was present in the cerebral cortex in 25, brain swelling in 13, and acute bacterial meningitis in nine. The prevalence and range of brain damage that may occur in the absence of high intracranial pressure are important to forensic pathologists in the medicolegal interpretation of cases of fatal head injury.
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Even in patients with closed head trauma, brain parenchyma can be severely injured due to disruption of axonal fibers by shearing forces during acceleration, deceleration, and rotation of the head. In this article we review the spectrum of imaging findings in patients with diffuse axonal injuries (DAI) after closed head trauma. Knowledge of the location and imaging characteristics of DAI is important to radiologists for detection and diagnosis. Common locations of DAI include: cerebral hemispheric gray-white matter interface and subcortical white matter, body and splenium of corpus callosum, basal ganglia, dorsolateral aspect of brainstem, and cerebellum. In the acute phase, CT may show punctate hemorrhages. The true extent of brain involvement is better appreciated with MR imaging, because both hemorrhagic and non-hemorrhagic lesions (gliotic scars) can be detected. The MR appearance of DAI lesions depends on several factors, including age of injury, presence of hemorrhage or blood-breakdown products (e. g., hemosiderin), and type of sequence used. Technical aspects in MR imaging of these patients are discussed. Non-hemorrhagic lesions can be detected with fluid attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR), proton-density-, or T2-weighted images, whereas gradient echo sequences with long TE increase the visibility of old hemorrhagic lesions.
In a neuropathological analysis of 151 fatal non-missile head injuries, there were 19 cases with focal lesions in the dorsolateral quadrant of the brain-stem in the corpus callosum, and histological evidence of diffuse damage to white matter. Eight of these cases had not experienced a high intracranial pressure during life. All 19 cases had been rendered unconscious at the moment of impact and had remained so or in the persistent vegetative state until death. It is therefore concluded that diffuse damage to white matter may occur as a primary event at the moment of impact, that is, it is one type of immediate impact damage to the brain. It is also concluded that this type of damage is the pathological basis of 'primary brain-stem injury' since in no patient thought clinically to have sustained 'primary brain-stem injury' were abnormalities confined to the brain-stem. Since no patient with this type of brain damage recovered consciousness after injury, it is probable that diffuse damage to white matter is the most important single factor governing the outcome in a patient who sustains a non-missile head injury.
Eighty-seven patients with acute (n = 70) or chronic (n = 17) head injuries were prospectively studied with magnetic resonance (MR) imaging and computed tomography (CT) to characterize the frequency and nature of traumatic brain stem injury (BSI). Forty-eight traumatic lesions were identified in 36 patients. Of 36 patients, 35 had neurologic findings that corroborated the radiographic impression of BSI. T1- and T2-weighted MR images demonstrated a significantly higher number of lesions than did CT. Patients with BSI had a significantly higher frequency of corpus callosum and diffuse axonal "shear" lesions. The number of cortical contusions and extraaxial hematomas was similar in both groups. The mean Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) scores at admission were significantly lower in patients with evidence of BSI on MR images. Patients with primary BSI had lower initial GCS scores, a longer duration of coma, more diffuse axonal "shear" lesions, and a higher frequency of corpus callosum injury than patients with secondary BSI. The location of primary and secondary lesions was significantly different. Overall, MR imaging was more helpful than CT in detecting, localizing, and characterizing BSI.
A comprehensive neuropathological analysis was undertaken on 434 patients who died as a result of a non-missile head injury in order to determine the frequency and extent of brain damage secondary to high intracranial pressure (ICP) in head injury. Using the criterion of pressure necrosis in the parahippocampal gyrus as evidence of high ICP due to a supratentorial expanding lesion, it was established that the ICP had been high in 324 cases. In 42 of these there was no other brain damage attributable to a high ICP. There was evidence of secondary brain stem damage in 221 cases and in 44 of these the damage could be seen only microscopically. In 54 cases there was a contralateral peduncular lesion. Other abnormalities were infarction in the territories of various arteries and in the anterior lobe of the pituitary. There was a supracallosal hernia in 80 cases and haemorrhage in the oculomotor nerves in 48 cases. These results further emphasise the frequency and range of brain damage due to secondary vascular factors brought about by high ICP in a patient who has sustained a head injury.
In the late nineteenth century, Henri Duret produced minute brainstem hemorrhage in dogs by rapidly increasing their intracranial pressure. Whether those hemorrhages were the same as those seen today associated with transtentorial herniation is not agreed upon, and the term Duret's hemorrhages is rarely used. Duret's report on his experiments is condensed here and the value of computed tomography for detecting brainstem hemorrhages is illustrated by a case report.
The availability of magnetic resonance (MR) imaging data obtained in comatose patients after head injury is scarce, because MR imaging is somewhat cumbersome to perform in patients requiring ventilation and because, in the first hours after injury, its relevance is clearly inferior to computerized tomography (CT) scanning. The authors assessed the value of MR imaging in the early postinjury period. In this prospective study MR imaging was performed in 61 consecutive patients within 7 days after they suffered a severe head injury. An initial CT scan had already been obtained. To understand the clinical significance of the lesions whose morphological appearance was identified with MR imaging, brainstem function was assessed by registration of somatosensory and auditory evoked potentials. Brainstem lesions were visualized in 39 patients (64%). Bilateral pontine lesions proved to be 100% fatal and nonbrainstem lesions carried a mortality rate of 9%. In singular cases circumstances allowed for a clear clinical distinction between primary and secondary brainstem lesions. On MR imaging all lesions were hyper- and hypointense after intervals longer than 2 days. Within shorter intervals (< 2 days) after the injury, primary lesions appeared isointense on MR imaging. In one secondary brainstem lesion there were no traces of blood. Because mean intracranial pressure (ICP) levels in patients without brainstem lesions were similar to those in patients with brainstem lesions, the authors conclude that it was not mainly increased ICP that accounted for the high mortality rates in patients with brainstem lesions. The authors also conclude that brainstem lesions are more frequently found in severe head injury than previously reported in studies based on neuropathological or CT scanning data. Early MR imaging after head injury has a higher predictive value than CT scanning.
The deep venous system is best defined as the entire territory served by the great vein of Galen and the basal veins. This comprises not only the choroid plexuses and the deep grey matter of the thalamus and striatum, but also the periventricular white matter and corpus callosum, hippocampus and the cortical areas of the limbic lobe including the cingulate and parahippocampal gyri, the visual cortex, the diencephalon and rostral brain stem, and part of the cerebellum. The superficial venous system comprises the remaining neocortex (with the cortex of the entire convexity) together with a layer of subcortical white matter, separated from the periventricular white matter by a venous watershed. Outflow towards the great vein of Galen and straight sinus can be substituted by collateral channels towards the basal vein. The basal vein in turn is connected not only to the great vein of Galen, but also to the superior petrosal sinus (via the lateral mesencephalic vein), and in the adult configuration to the cavernous sinus and pterygoid plexus (via the deep and superficial sylvian veins). Evidence from pathological anatomy indicates that the venous watershed exists not only in the white matter of the hemispheres, but between the entire territories of the deep and superficial venous systems. Because of their anastomotic interconnections, only simultaneous obstruction of veins of Galen and basal veins wil effectively obstruct deep venous outflow. This can occur in the tentorial incisura, from swelling or displacement of the midbrain due to brain oedema, haematoma or tumour. Complete obstruction of great vein of Galen and basal veins leads to rapid death. In patients who survive incomplete obstruction, various combinations of damage to parts of the deep venous territory exist. This is possible because very many tributaries of the deep system unite below and sometimes above the tentorial incisura. The hallmarks these varying deep venous obstructions have in common are sparing of the subcortical white matter of the convexity, and cortical involvement limited to the limbic lobe and visual cortex. Obstruction of cerebral venous outflow explains many pathological phenomena. Treatment must aim at relieving this obstacle to blood flow.