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Elevated extracellular CRF levels in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis during ethanol withdrawal and reduction by subsequent ethanol intake


Abstract and Figures

Corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) is widely distributed throughout the brain and has been shown to mediate numerous endocrine and behavioral responses to stressors. During acute ethanol withdrawal, CRF release is increased in the central nucleus of the amygdala (CeA), and there is evidence to suggest that this activation of amygdala CRF systems may mediate the anxiogenic properties of the ethanol withdrawal syndrome. The present study was conducted to determine if another CRF-containing limbic structure, the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST), we would exhibit similar increases in CRF neurotransmission during ethanol withdrawal. Rats were administered an ethanol-containing (6.7% v/v) or control liquid diet for 2 weeks and subsequently implanted with microdialysis probes into the lateral BNST. A 50-75% increase in dialysate CRF levels was observed following removal of the ethanol-containing diet, while no changes were observed in control animals. When ethanol-withdrawn animals were given subsequent access to the ethanol-containing diet, dialysate CRF levels returned to basal levels. However, when ethanol-withdrawn animals were given subsequent access to the control diet, dialysate CRF levels increased further to 101% above basal levels. These data demonstrate that extracellular CRF levels are increased in the BNST during ethanol withdrawal, and that these increases are reduced by subsequent ethanol intake.
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Elevated extracellular CRF levels in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis
during ethanol withdrawal and reduction by subsequent ethanol intake
M. Foster Olive*, Heather N. Koenig, Michelle A. Nannini, Clyde W. Hodge
Ernest Gallo Clinic and Research Center, Department of Neurology, University of California, San Francisco,
5858 Horton Street, Suite 200, Emeryville, CA 94608, USA
Received 31 July 2001; received in revised form 24 October 2001; accepted 6 November 2001
Corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) is widely distributed throughout the brain and has been shown to mediate numerous endocrine
and behavioral responses to stressors. During acute ethanol withdrawal, CRF release is increased in the central nucleus of the amygdala
(CeA), and there is evidence to suggest that this activation of amygdala CRF systems may mediate the anxiogenic properties of the
ethanol withdrawal syndrome. The present study was conducted to determine if another CRF-containing limbic structure, the bed
nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST), we would exhibit similar increases in CRF neurotransmission during ethanol withdrawal. Rats
were administered an ethanol-containing (6.7% v/v) or control liquid diet for 2 weeks and subsequently implanted with microdialysis
probes into the lateral BNST. A 50– 75% increase in dialysate CRF levels was observed following removal of the ethanol-containing
diet, while no changes were observed in control animals. When ethanol-withdrawn animals were given subsequent access to the
ethanol-containing diet, dialysate CRF levels returned to basal levels. However, when ethanol-withdrawn animals were given subsequent
access to the control diet, dialysate CRF levels increased further to 101% above basal levels. These data demonstrate that extracellular
CRF levels are increased in the BNST during ethanol withdrawal, and that these increases are reduced by subsequent ethanol intake.
D2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Microdialysis; Extended amygdala; Ethanol; Withdrawal; Bed nucleus of stria terminalis; Liquid diet
1. Introduction
The neuropeptide corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF)
plays an integral role in the behavioral and neuroendocrine
responses to physiological or psychological stressors
(Koob and Heinrichs, 1999; Smagin et al., 2001). CRF
is widely distributed throughout the brain, with highest
concentrations found in the hypothalamus and subcortical
limbic structures (Cummings et al., 1983; Morin et al.,
1999; Olschowka et al., 1982; Swanson et al., 1983).
While hypothalamic CRF is the primary initiator of the
hypothalamicpituitary– adrenal (HPA) axis response
(Rivier and Plotsky, 1986; Vale et al., 1981), extrahypo-
thalamic CRF systems appear to mediate the behavioral
and autonomic responses to stress (Dunn and Berridge,
1990; Koob and Heinrichs, 1999; Koob et al., 1994;
Sutton et al., 1982).
Withdrawal from chronic intake of alcohol and other
drugs of abuse is often associated with severe physiological
and psychological manifestations of stress and anxiety.
Studies have demonstrated that these withdrawal symptoms
are largely mediated by limbic CRF-containing structures.
For example, antagonism of central CRF neurotransmission
can attenuate behavioral signs of drug and alcohol with-
drawal (Baldwin et al., 1991; Brugger et al., 1998; Sarnyai
et al., 1995). Other studies have shown that neuronal CRF
release is increased in the central nucleus of the amygdala
(CeA) during acute withdrawal from ethanol (Merlo-Pich
et al., 1995), cocaine (Richter and Weiss, 1999) and canna-
binoids (Rodrı
´guez de Fonseca et al., 1997), and that
antagonism of CRF neurotransmission in the CeA attenuates
the behavioral signs of drug and alcohol withdrawal (Hein-
richs et al., 1995; Rassnick et al., 1993). Thus, amygdalar
0091-3057/02/$ – see front matter D2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0091-3057(01)00748-1
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-510-985-3922; fax: +1-510-985-
E-mail address: (M.F. Olive).
Present address: Department of Psychiatry, Bowles Center for
Alcohol Studies, School of Medicine CB No. 7178, University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7178, USA.
Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 72 (2002) 213 – 220
CRF systems appear to contribute largely to the behavioral
signs of drug withdrawal.
The bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) is
considered to be an integral part of the extended amygdala
complex and shares various neuroanatomical and neuro-
chemical homologies with the CeA (Alheid et al., 1995,
1998; de Olmos and Heimer, 1999). The BNST contains
numerous CRF-immunopositive neuronal cell bodies (Cum-
mings et al., 1983; Morin et al., 1999; Olschowka et al.,
1982; Phelix and Paull, 1990; Swanson et al., 1983) and
also receives CRF-containing projections from the CeA
(Sakanaka et al., 1986). The BNST has been implicated
in neuronal (Bonaz and Tache, 1994) and behavioral
(Gewirtz et al., 1998; Walker and Davis, 1997) responses
to stress. In particular, CRF systems in this region appear to
mediate behavioral responses to stressors (Lee and Davis,
1997), as well as stress-induced relapse to drug-seeking
behaviors (Erb and Stewart, 1999). The goal of the present
study was to use microdialysis to assess changes in extrac-
ellular CRF levels in the BNST during acute ethanol
withdrawal. In addition, we sought to determine if extrac-
ellular CRF levels in this region could be modulated by
voluntary ethanol consumption following the acute with-
drawal phase.
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Animals
Male LongEvans rats (250– 400 g, Harlan, Madison,
WI) were housed individually in cylindrical Plexiglas
microdialysis cages (30 cm diameter, Instech Laboratories,
Plymouth Meeting, PA) under a 12:12 light– dark cycle
with lights on at 06:00 h. All experiments were performed
during the light portion of the light–dark cycle and were
performed in accordance with approved institutional proto-
cols and the National Institutes of Health Guide for Care
and Use and Laboratory Animals (NIH Publication No. 85-
23, revised 1985).
2.2. Surgical procedures
Animals were anesthetized with 2% halothane vaporized
in a 1:1 mixture of O
and N
O, implanted with guide
cannulae (SciPro, North Tonawanda, NY) aimed at the
lateral region of the BNST (stereotaxic coordinates AP
0.3 mm, ML ± 1.6 mm from bregma, DV 6.0 mm from
the skull surface, according to the atlas of Paxinos and
Watson, 1997) and secured with skull screws and dental
cement. The wound was treated with 2% bacitracin and 2%
xylocaine topical ointments, sutured closed with 3-0 vicryl
sutures, and animals were allowed to recover in home
microdialysis cages for at least 5 days prior to the adminis-
tration of the liquid diet. Food and water were available ad
libitum during recovery from surgical procedures.
2.3. Administration of liquid diet
Following recovery from surgery, rats were placed on a
LieberDeCarli liquid ethanol diet (No. 710260, Dyets,
Bethlehem, PA) or control diet (No. 710027, Dyets) (Lieber
and DeCarli, 1982) in the home microdialysis cage as the
sole source of nutrients for 2 weeks. The ethanol diet
contained 6.7% (v/v) ethanol, while the control diet con-
tained an equicaloric amount of maltose dextrin (both
diets = 1 kcal/ml). Body weight and amount of diet con-
sumed were recorded daily during diet administration.
During microdialysis procedures, diets were removed from
home cages following 90 min of baseline sample collection
and were replaced 7.5 h later followed by an additional
90 min of postwithdrawal sample collection. Following the
withdrawal period, control diet-fed animals were fed the
control diet (CTRL–CTRL), while ethanol-fed animals
were fed either the ethanol-containing diet (ETOH ETOH)
or control diet (ETOH–CTRL).
2.4. Microdialysis procedures
Following 2 weeks of diet consumption, animals were
lightly reanesthetized as described above and implanted
with microdialysis probes with 2 mm polyethylsulfone
membranes (15 kDa cut-off, 0.6 mm o.d., SciPro) to a
final depth of 8.0 mm from the skull surface. These
probes have an in vitro recovery rate of 13.5% for CRF
(Olive and Hodge, 2001). Probes were continuously
perfused with artificial cerebrospinal fluid (aCSF), contain-
ing 125 mM NaCl, 2.5 mM KCl, 0.5 mM NaH
, 1 mM MgCl
O, 1.2 mM CaCl
O, 5 mM D-glucose, 0.2 mM L-ascorbic acid and
0.025% (w/v) bovine serum albumin, pH = 7.3–7.5.
Probes were attached to dual channel liquid swivels
(Instech Laboratories) with FEP tubing (0.005 in. i.d.,
CMA/Microdialysis, North Chelmsford, MA) for freely
moving microdialysis procedures. Animals were allowed
to recover from probe implantation overnight prior to
withdrawal experiments. On the following day, the aCSF
flow rate was set at 2.0 ml/min, and microdialysis samples
were collected into polypropylene microcentrifuge tubes in
a refrigerated microsampler (SciPro) at 30-min intervals.
Samples were immediately stored on dry ice following
collection and later frozen at 70 C until analysis by
radioimmunoassay (RIA).
2.5. Brain histology
Following microdialysis procedures, animals were deeply
anesthetized with Nembutal (150 mg/kg ip) and perfused
transcardially with 100 ml of 0.9% NaCl followed by 250 ml
of Streck Tissue Fixative (Streck Laboratories, La Vista,
NE). Brains were then removed and placed in the same
fixative for at least 48 h at 4 C. Coronal brain sections
(30 mm thickness) were cut on a cryostat (Leica, Deerfield,
M.F. Olive et al. / Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 72 (2002) 213–220214
IL), placed onto gelatin-coated slides and coverslipped.
Probe placement was verified under light microscopy, and
data from animals with probe placements outside of the
target region were discarded.
2.6. CRF radioimmunoassay
CRF content in microdialysates was measured using a
commercially available RIA kit (RK-019-06, Phoenix
Pharmaceuticals, Mountain View, CA) adapted to solid-
phase procedures (Olive and Hodge, 2001). Briefly, 96-well
microtiter plates (Dynex Microlite 2+, Dynex Technolo-
gies, Chantilly, VA) were incubated with a protein A
solution (0.4 mg/50 ml, in 0.1 M NaHCO
, pH = 9.0) for at
least 24 h at 4 C to facilitate binding of the antisera to
the plate wells. Plates were then washed with assay buffer
(0.15 M K
, 0.2 mM ascorbic acid, 0.1% Tween-20,
0.1% gelatin, pH = 7.4, with phenol red added for
enhanced visualization), blotted dry on a paper towel
and incubated with 50 ml/well of rabbit antisera to rat/
human CRF (diluted 1:25 from stock in assay buffer) for
24 h at 4 C. According to the manufacturer, this antisera
crossreact 100% with rat/human CRF and 0% with
urocortin, adrenocorticotropic hormone, Arg
pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide and
luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone. Following incuba-
tion with the antisera, plates were washed and incubated
with 0–50 fmol/50 ml (in quadruplicate) of synthetic rat
CRF standards diluted in aCSF. Microdialysis samples
(50 ml) were also added at this time. Standards and
samples were incubated at 4 C for 24 h. Next, approx-
imately 5000 cpm/50 mlof
I-labelled rat/human Tyr
CRF (diluted in assay buffer) was added to each well, and
the plates were incubated at 4 C for 48 h. Finally, plates
were washed with assay buffer and blotted dry on a paper
towel, and 100 ml of Microscint 40 scintillation fluid
(Packard Instrument, Meriden, CT) was added to all
wells. The plates were covered with TopSeal film, agi-
tated for 1 min on an orbital shaker and counted on a
TopCount Microplate Scintillation Counter (Packard
Instrument). Data from microdialysis samples falling out-
side of the linear range for this assay (1.5–50 fmol/50 ml)
were discarded.
2.7. Data analysis
Femtomole values of CRF content for each 30-min
sample were transformed to percentage of basal CRF
release, assigning a value of 100% to the average CRF
level in the three 30-min baseline samples collected prior
to diet removal. Percent baseline data were then collapsed
into 90-min time blocks. All data are presented as mean ±
S.E.M. and were analyzed using a two-way repeated-
measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by a
NeumanKeuls post hoc test (SigmaStat, SPSS Science,
Chicago, IL).
3. Results
3.1. Placement of microdialysis probes
As shown in Fig. 1, the majority of dialysis probes were
placed in the rostrolateral portion of the BNST. Probes often
extended ventrally beyond the anterior commissure into the
ventral portions of the BNST as well.
3.2. Diet consumption
Rats placed on the ethanol-containing diet consumed an
average of 10.3 ± 0.8 g/kg/day of ethanol (65.8 ± 4.9 ml of
Fig. 1. Diagram of coronal sections of the rat brain indicating location of
dialysis probe placements in the lateral BNST. Vertical lines indicate
approximate location of probe membrane derived from histological
sections. Numbers indicate distance (in mm) from bregma. Figure adapted
from Paxinos and Watson (1997).
M.F. Olive et al. / Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 72 (2002) 213–220 215
diet/day). Rats administered the control diet consumed
102.5 ± 4.8 ml of diet/day. The body weights of animals in
the three different treatment groups before and after diet
administration are shown in Table 1. Control diet-fed
animals gained approximately 40 g during the 2 weeks of
diet administration, while the body weights of ethanol-fed
animals did not change.
When ethanol-fed rats were given access to the ethanol-
containing diet during the 90-min postwithdrawal period
(ETOH –ETOH group), 1.3 ± 0.3 g/kg ethanol was con-
sumed. When ethanol-fed rats were given access to the
control diet during the 90-min postwithdrawal period
(ETOH –CTRL group), 15.9 ± 4.6 ml of diet was consumed.
When control-fed rats were given access to the control diet
during the 90-min postwithdrawal period (CTRL CTRL
group), 12.7 ± 1.6 ml of diet was consumed.
3.3. Radioimmunoassay of CRF
The IC
of the CRF RIA ranged from 8 to 12 fmol/50 ml,
and the limit of detection was approximately 1.5 fmol/50 ml
(Olive and Hodge, 2001). Absolute basal levels of dialysate
CRF content in each of the three treatment groups are shown
in Table 1 and did not differ across treatment groups.
Microdialysis data from one animal in each treatment group
had to be discarded as the dialysate CRF concentrations
were outside of the linear range for this assay (1.5 50 fmol/
50 ml).
3.4. Effects of removal and replacement of liquid diet on
extracellular CRF levels in the BNST
Two-way ANOVA tests revealed significant main effects
of time [ F(6,403) = 5.62, P< .001] and treatment group
[F(2,403) = 18.83, P< .001]. A significant interaction be-
tween time and treatment was also found [ F(12,403) = 2.17,
P< .05]. Pairwise multiple comparison procedures showed
that dialysate CRF levels were increased during withdrawal
only in ethanol-fed anim als ( P< .001). As seen in Fig. 2,
dialysate CRF levels in ethanol-withdrawn rats were
increased approximately 50 75% above baseline and con-
trol-fed animals starting at 4.5 h following diet removal.
When ethanol-withdrawn animals were given subsequent
access to the ethanol-containing diet, dialysate CRF levels
declined to basal values and were not significantly different
from that of control-fed animals. However, when ethanol-
withdrawn animals were given access to the control diet,
dialysate CRF levels increased to 101 ± 21% above base-
line. These values were significantly higher than those
at the same time point of control-fed animals and those
of ethanol-withdrawn animals given access to the ethanol
diet ( P< .001).
4. Discussion
In the present study, we demonstrated an increase in
extracellular CRF levels in the BNST during the acute
withdrawal phase following chronic ethanol ingestion.
These data parallel the results of an earlier study dem-
onstrating increases in extracellular CRF levels in the
CeA during acute ethanol withdrawal (Merlo-Pich et al.,
1995). These investigators demonstrated that extracellular
CRF levels in the CeA begin to increase approximately at
6–8 h following diet removal and peak at 10– 12 h
postwithdrawal. Yet, in the present study, we observed
significant increases in extracellular CRF levels starting
at 4.5 h following diet removal and apparently peaking at
6 h postwithdrawal (although we did not measure CRF
Table 1
Body weight and basal dialysate levels of CRF in each treatment group
Treatment group Prediet body weight (g) Postdiet body weight (g) Basal dialysate CRF levels (fmol/50 ml)
CTRL –CTRL 360.12 ± 4.53 400.25 ± 4.09 9.92 ± 1.17
ETOH –ETOH 344.12 ± 3.68 339.38 ± 4.39 7.14 ± 1.06
ETOH –CTRL 334.71 ± 5.58 341.43 ± 5.44 7.26 ± 0.50
Data are presented as means ± S.E.M.
See Section 2.3 for description of treatment groups.
Fig. 2. Effect of acute ethanol withdrawal and subsequent access to ethanol-
containing or control liquid diet on extracellular CRF levels in the BNST.
Each data point represents the mean ± S.E.M. dialysate level of CRF
(expressed as a percent of basal levels) in three 30-min microdialysis
samples for each animal. Treatment groups are designated as control-fed
rats with subsequent access to the control diet (.,n= 7), ethanol-fed rats
with subsequent access to the ethanol-containing diet (~,n= 7), and
ethanol-fed rats with subsequent access to the control diet (5,n= 7).
*P< .05 vs. baseline.
P< .05 vs. control-fed animals at the same time
P< .05 vs. ethanol-fed animals at the same time point.
M.F. Olive et al. / Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 72 (2002) 213–220216
release at 8 12 h after diet removal). Thus, possible differ-
ences in the temporal dynamics of CRF release during
ethanol withdrawal may exist between different regions of
the extended amygdala, with CRF systems in the BNST
being activated earlier in the withdrawal phase than in
the CeA.
In order to adequately compare the present results
with those of Merlo-Pich et al. (1995), a few minor proce-
dural differences should be noted and addressed. First,
although both studies administered the liquid diet for at least
2 weeks, a Lieber DeCarli liquid diet containing 6.7%
(v/v) ethanol was used in the present study, whereas a
Sustacal diet containing 8.5% (v/v) ethanol was used by
Merlo-Pich et al. (1995). Second, the present study used
Long–Evans rats as subjects while Merlo-Pich et al. used
Wistar rats. Third, control diet-fed animals were not pair-
fed in the present study; that is, the volume of control
diet consumed was not yoked to the volume consumed by
ethanol-fed animals. Other procedural variations include
minor differences in aCSF composition and flow rate,
probe membrane type and relative CRF recovery, and
RIA procedures. Thus, any of these procedural disparities
may have contributed to the slight temporal differences in
CRF release in the BNST during ethanol withdrawal
observed here versus those observed in the CeA by
Merlo-Pich et al. (1995). Future studies examining CRF
release in both regions using the exact same experimental
paradigms will shed light on whether the BNST CRF
systems are indeed activated prior to those in the CeA
during acute ethanol withdrawal.
The present study did not quantify physical withdrawal
symptoms during the 7.5-h period following diet removal
so as to minimize disturbance of the animals, which might
lead to confounding alterations in CRF release. However,
numerous studies have shown that administration of an
ethanol-containing liquid diet for at least 2 weeks produces
overt physical signs of withdrawal such as anxiety (Bald-
win et al., 1991; Rassnick et al., 1993), decreased loco-
motor activity (Merlo-Pich et al., 1995), body tremor
(Merlo-Pich et al., 1995), acoustic startle (Rassnick et al.,
1992), ultrasonic vocalizations (Knapp et al., 1998) and
audiogenic or handling-induced seizures (Frye et al., 1983;
Olive et al., 2001) at 6 8 h following diet removal. Thus, it
is highly likely that the animals in the present study were
experiencing one or more symptoms of ethanol withdrawal
during this period, when peak increases in CRF release
were observed.
Likely sources of extracellular CRF in the BNST are the
CRF-containing projections from the CeA (Sakanaka et al.,
1986). Thus, the BNST CeA pathway may be activated
during ethanol withdrawal. However, given that numerous
CRF-immunopositive neuronal cell bodies have been
observed in the BNST (Cummings et al., 1983; Morin et
al., 1999; Olschowka et al., 1982; Phelix and Paull, 1990;
Swanson et al., 1983), it is possible that extracellular CRF
could arise from local somatodendritic release of this
peptide. Thus, the precise source of basal and withdrawal-
induced increases in extracellular CRF levels in the BNST
remains to be determined.
The neurochemical mechanism(s) governing limbic CRF
release also need to be assessed. It has been demonstrated
that stress increases norepineprhine (NE) release in the
BNST (Pacak et al., 1995), and numerous studies have
demonstrated reciprocal interactions between NE, CRF and
stress (for review, see Koob, 1999). In addition, acute
ethanol administration was recently demonstrated to increase
dopamine release in the BNST (Carboni et al., 2000). Thus,
catecholaminergic mechanisms may contribute to with-
drawal-induced release of CRF in the BNST.
The present study also demonstrated that acute ethanol
intake, but not control diet intake, following the withdrawal
period reduced withdrawal-induced increases in extracellu-
lar CRF levels in the BNST. Thus, endogenous CRF
release can be modulated by acute ethanol intake. The
mechanisms by which ethanol suppresses withdrawal-
induced increases in extracellular CRF in the BNST are
currently unknown. To our knowledge, the current study is
the first in vivo determination of CRF release in the BNST.
However, other studies have implicated numerous neuro-
transmitter systems in the secretion of hypothalamic CRF
in vitro (Grossman and Costa, 1993; Grossman et al.,
1993), including inhibition of CRF secretion by GABAer-
gic mechanisms (Calogero, 1995; Calogero et al., 1988;
Grossman et al., 1993). Thus, if similar regulatory mech-
anisms govern CRF release in the BNST, it could be
postulated that acute ethanol could inhibit CRF release
via facilitation of GABA
receptor function. Exploration
of this possibility is clearly warranted.
The precise physiological and behavioral ramifications of
the observed increased extracellular levels of CRF in the
BNST during ethanol withdrawal are unknown. Given the
intricate connections of the BNST with other limbic brain
regions, it is tempting to speculate that the increased CRF
neurotransmission in the BNST contributes to the anxio-
genic and negative emotional aspects of the acute ethanol
withdrawal phase. While other studies have suggested that
the anxiogenic properties of ethanol withdrawal are medi-
ated by CRF systems in the CeA (Rassnick et al., 1993),
contributions of CRF systems in the BNST cannot be ruled
out at this point. Indeed, it has been demonstrated that intra-
BNST infusions of CRF enhance fear-potentiated acoustic
startle reflexes, and that these effects are specifically medi-
ated by CRF receptors in this region (Lee and Davis, 1997).
Thus, increased CRF release in the BNST may mediate
anxiety-like behaviors during ethanol withdrawal. Other
neurotransmitters in this region such as NE may also
contribute to the aversive nature of the acute withdrawal
phase (Delfs et al., 2000).
The BNST gives rise to extensive projections to the
paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (Alheid et al.,
1995; Herman et al., 1994). Thus, increases in extracellular
CRF levels in the BNST may contribute to the HPA axis
M.F. Olive et al. / Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 72 (2002) 213–220 217
activation commonly observed during ethanol withdrawal
(Gallant and Pena, 1992; Rasmussen et al., 2000; Tabakoff
et al., 1978). The BNST also sends projections to various
brainstem regions known to regulate autonomic function
(Alheid et al., 1995; Moga et al., 1989). Indeed, a recent
study demonstrated that CRF signaling in the BNST medi-
ates stress-induced activation of cardiovascular function
(Nijsen et al., 2001). Thus, the observed increases in
extracellular CRF in the BNST may contribute to the
cardiovascular activation and dysregulation commonly
observed during ethanol withdrawal (Mehta and Sereny,
1979; Smile, 1984; Weise et al., 1985).
In animal models of drug dependence, exposure to
stressors, drug-paired environmental stimuli and priming
doses of the drug induce reinstatement of drug and ethanol
self-administration following extinction (Katner et al., 1999;
Le et al., 1998; Koob, 2000; Shaham et al., 2000; Stewart,
2000). Stress-induced ‘‘relapse’’ behavior can be attenuated
by administration CRF antagonists (Le
ˆet al., 2000; Sarnyai
et al., 2001; Shaham et al., 2000; Stewart, 2000), even when
microinjected into the BNST (Erb and Stewart, 1999). Thus,
the increased CRF release in the BNST observed in the
present study may play a role in the ability of stress to
induce relapse to ethanol-seeking behavior following
detoxification. However, other neuropeptide systems may
also be involved in stress-induced relapse to drug-seeking
behaviors (Martin-Fardon et al., 2000).
A particularly interesting aspect of the present study was
the finding that when animals that were previously fed the
ethanol-containing diet were exposed to the control diet
following withdrawal, CRF release in the BNST increased
to levels above those seen during the withdrawal period. It is
possible that this effect could be a form of conditioned
withdrawal or cue reactivity (for review, see Drummond,
2001). For instance, conditioning theories suggest that
neutral stimuli, such as the sensory cues associated with
the liquid diet, can elicit unconditioned responses after
repeated with a drug (i.e., ethanol). Disruption of this
pairing in ethanol-fed animals by the presentation and intake
of the control diet might have produced a stress response, as
reflected in increased CRF release. Indeed, there is ample
evidence that reactivity to learned ethanol-associated stimuli
(i.e., ‘‘cue reactivity’’) indeed can influence craving and
relapse to ethanol consumption during acute withdrawal, as
well as protracted abstinence (for reviews, see Drummond,
2000, 2001). Additional studies measuring CRF release
following explicit pairing of ethanol exposure and envir-
onmental stimuli are required to further address this issue.
In conclusion, the present study demonstrates that extra-
cellular CRF levels are elevated in the BNST during acute
ethanol withdrawal, and that this activation can, in turn, be
reduced by subsequent ethanol consumption or further
increased by the presentation of a nonalcohol containing
diet. Further investigations into the motivational, affective
and autonomic consequences of these increases in CRF
release in the BNST are clearly needed.
This research was supported by funds from the State of
California for medical research on alcohol and substance
abuse through the University of California at San
Francisco. The authors wish to thank Nigel Maidment
and Hoa Lam for their technical advice on solid-phase CRF
RIA procedures.
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... 2 plasticity in the excitability and synaptic transmission of BNST neurons following chronic alcohol exposure related to the maintenance of excessive alcohol consumption and withdrawal-induced anxiety and negative affect (Olive et al., 2002;Kash et al., 2009Kash et al., , 2015McElligott and Winder, 2009;Kash, 2012;McElligott et al., 2013;Silberman et al., 2013;Pleil et al., 2015a). ...
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Repeated alcohol drinking contributes to a number of neuropsychiatric diseases, including alcohol use disorder and co-expressed anxiety and mood disorders. Women are more susceptible to the development and expression of these diseases with the same history of alcohol exposure as men, suggesting they may be more sensitive to alcohol-induced plasticity in limbic brain regions controlling alcohol drinking, stress responsivity, and reward processing, among other behaviors. Using a translational model of alcohol drinking in rhesus monkeys, we examined sex differences in the basal function and plasticity of neurons in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST), a brain region in the extended amygdala shown to be a hub circuit node dysregulated in individuals with anxiety and alcohol use disorder. We performed slice electrophysiology recordings from BNST neurons in male and female monkeys following daily “open access” (22 h/day) to 4% ethanol and water for more than one year or control conditions. We found that BNST neurons from control females had reduced overall current density, hyperpolarization-activated depolarizing current (Ih), and inward rectification, as well as higher membrane resistance and greater synaptic glutamatergic release and excitatory drive, than those from control males, suggesting that female BNST neurons are more basally excited than those from males. Chronic alcohol drinking produced a shift in these measures in both sexes, decreasing current density, Ih, and inward rectification and increasing synaptic excitation. In addition, network activity-dependent synaptic inhibition was basally higher in BNST neurons of males than females, and alcohol exposure increased this in both sexes, a putative homeostatic mechanism to counter hyperexcitability. Altogether, these results suggest that the rhesus BNST is more basally excited in females than males and chronic alcohol drinking produces an overall increase in excitability and synaptic excitation. These results shed light on the mechanisms contributing to the female-biased susceptibility to neuropsychiatric diseases including co-expressed anxiety and alcohol use disorder.
... As such, human neuroimaging studies have shown that the BNST is a hub region in the dysregulated neural circuitry found in both AUD and anxiety (O'Daly et al., 2012;Avery et al., 2014;Avery et al., 2016) that may play a causal role in the expression of alcohol drinking and anxiety behaviors. Work from our group and others has found that the BNST is a critical site for the regulation of excessive alcohol consumption in rodents (Eiler et al., 2003;Eiler and June, 2007;Pina et al., 2015;Pleil et al., 2015b;Rinker et al., 2016); and, many studies have described plasticity in the excitability and synaptic transmission of BNST neurons following chronic alcohol exposure related to the maintenance of excessive alcohol consumption and withdrawal-induced anxiety and negative affect (Olive et al., 2002;Kash et al., 2009;McElligott and Winder, 2009;Kash, 2012;McElligott et al., 2013;Silberman et al., 2013;Kash et al., 2015;Pleil et al., 2015a). ...
Full-text available
Repeated alcohol drinking contributes to a number of neuropsychiatric diseases, including alcohol use disorder and co-expressed anxiety and mood disorders. Women are more susceptible to the development and expression of these diseases with the same history of alcohol exposure as men, suggesting they may be more sensitive to alcohol-induced plasticity in limbic brain regions controlling alcohol drinking, stress responsivity, and reward processing, among other behaviors. Using a translational model of alcohol drinking in rhesus monkeys, we examined sex differences in the basal function and plasticity of neurons in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST), a brain region in the extended amygdala shown to be a hub circuit node dysregulated in individuals with anxiety and alcohol use disorder. We performed slice electrophysiology recordings from BNST neurons in male and female monkeys following daily open access (22 hr/day) to 4% ethanol and water for more than one year or control conditions. We found that BNST neurons from control females had reduced overall current density, hyperpolarization-activated depolarizing current (Ih), and inward rectification, as well as higher membrane resistance and greater synaptic glutamatergic release and excitatory drive, than those from control males, suggesting that female BNST neurons are more basally excited than those from males. Chronic alcohol drinking produced a shift in these measures in both sexes, decreasing current density, Ih, and inward rectification and increasing synaptic excitation. In addition, network activity-dependent synaptic inhibition was basally higher in BNST neurons of males than females, and alcohol exposure increased this in both sexes, a putative homeostatic mechanism to counter hyperexcitability. Altogether, these results suggest that the rhesus BNST is more basally excited in females than males and chronic alcohol drinking produces an overall increase in excitability and synaptic excitation. These results shed light on the mechanisms contributing to the female-biased susceptibility to neuropsychiatric diseases including co-expressed anxiety and alcohol use disorder.
... Generally, CRF signaling in the BNST is related to aspects of anxiety and aversive processing (Erb et al., 2001;Y. Lee and Davis, 1997;Olive et al., 2002;Sahuque et al., 2006). Among other roles, the BNST regulates the HPA axis response to stress by relaying information to the PVN from other limbic structures that lack direct projections to the PVN (Choi et al., 2007;Crane et al., 2003;Cullinan et al., 1993;Herman et al., 2005;McElligott and Winder, 2009;Sawchenko and Swanson, 1983;Spencer et al., 2005;Zhu et al., 2001) through CRF-and non CRF-expressing efferents. ...
Nearly one percent of children in the US experience childhood neglect or abuse, which can incite lifelong emotional and behavioral disorders. Many studies investigating the neural underpinnings of maleffects inflicted by early life stress have largely focused on dysregulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. Newer veins of evidence suggest that exposure to early life stressors can interrupt neural development in extrahypothalamic areas as well, including the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST). One widely used approach in this area is rodent maternal separation (MS), which typically consists of separating pups from the dam for extended periods of time, over several days during the first weeks of postnatal life - a time when pups are highly dependent on maternal care for survival. MS has been shown to incite myriad lasting effects not limited to increased anxiety-like behavior, hyper-responsiveness to stressors, and social behavior deficits. The behavioral effects of MS are widespread and thus unlikely to be limited to hypothalamic mechanisms. Recent work has highlighted the BNST as a critical arbiter of some of the consequences of MS, especially socioemotional behavioral deficits. The BNST is a well-documented modulator of anxiety, reward, and social behavior by way of its connections with hypothalamic and extra-hypothalamic systems. Moreover, during the postnatal period when MS is typically administered, the BNST undergoes critical neural developmental events. This review highlights evidence that MS interferes with neural development to permanently alter BNST circuitry, which may account for a variety of behavioral deficits seen following early life stress. This article is part of the Special Issue on 'Fear, Anxiety and PTSD'.
... A detailed overview of alterations in CRF signaling that emerge with chronic drug exposure is beyond the scope of this review. However, changes in CRF signaling in a variety of brain regions including the amygdala (see e.g., [97,[224][225][226][227][228][229][230][231][232]), hippocampus (see e.g., [233]), BNST (see e.g., [85,[234][235][236]), septum (see e.g., [237]), prefrontal cortex (see e.g., [238]), nucleus accumbens (see e.g., [239,240]), serotonergic raphe nuclei (see e.g., [241][242][243]), noradrenergic cell groups (see e.g., [244,245]), and VTA [88,119,120,[246][247][248] have been demonstrated. The functional consequences of altered CRF signaling likely extend beyond dysphoric effects and may include CRF-dependent alterations in decision making [249], reward conditioning [250], drug memory reconsolidation [156] and cognition [251]. ...
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The neuropeptide, corticotropin releasing factor (CRF), has been an enigmatic target for the development of medications aimed at treating stress-related disorders. Despite a large body of evidence from preclinical studies in rodents demonstrating that CRF receptor antagonists prevent stressor-induced drug seeking, medications targeting the CRF-R1 have failed in clinical trials. Here, we provide an overview of the abundant findings from preclinical rodent studies suggesting that CRF signaling is involved in stressor-induced relapse. The scientific literature that has defined the receptors, mechanisms and neurocircuits through which CRF contributes to stressor-induced reinstatement of drug seeking following self-administration and conditioned place preference in rodents is reviewed. Evidence that CRF signaling is recruited with repeated drug use in a manner that heightens susceptibility to stressor-induced drug seeking in rodents is presented. Factors that may determine the influence of CRF signaling in substance use disorders, including developmental windows, biological sex, and genetics are examined. Finally, we discuss the translational failure of medications targeting CRF signaling as interventions for substance use disorders and other stress-related conditions. We conclude that new perspectives and research directions are needed to unravel the mysterious role of CRF in substance use disorders.
... Interestingly, some evidence indicates that stress exposure in rodents results in neuroplastic changes similar to those found in rodent models of drug and alcohol abuse, as reviewed by Cui et al. (2013) and Harris and Winder (2018). Like chronic stress, ethanol withdrawal increases CRF in the BNST (Olive et al., 2002). CRFR2 binding typically reduces EPSCs and amplifies IPSCs, which are diminished in rat VTA neurons after chronic cocaine self-administration (Williams et al., 2014). ...
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The sexually dimorphic bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) is comprised of several distinct regions, some of which act as a hub for stress-induced changes in neural circuitry and behavior. In rodents, the anterodorsal BNST is especially affected by chronic exposure to stress, which results in alterations to the corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF)-signaling pathway, including CRF receptors and upstream regulators. Stress increases cellular excitability in BNST CRF+ neurons by potentiating miniature excitatory postsynaptic current (mEPSC) amplitude, altering the resting membrane potential, and diminishing M-currents (a voltage-gated K+ current that stabilizes membrane potential). Rodent anterodorsal and anterolateral BNST neurons are also critical regulators of behavior, including avoidance of aversive contexts and fear learning (especially that of sustained threats). These rodent behaviors are historically associated with anxiety. Furthermore, BNST is implicated in stress-related mood disorders, including anxiety and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders in humans, and may be linked to sex differences found in mood disorders.
... In addition to CPP, the BNST has long been implicated in mediating negative affective states, including withdrawal from drugs of abuse. For example, noradrenergic projections in the BNST lead to activation of BNST cells during opiate withdrawal, and corticotropinreleasing factor (CRF) mRNA and protein levels are elevated in the BNST during protracted withdrawal (Delfs et al., 2000;Olive et al., 2002;Shalev et al., 2001). Drugs of abuse elicit long-lasting synaptic plasticity in the BNST; a single dose of cocaine elicits potentiation of glutamatergic transmission in the BNST in a CRF-and DA-dependent manner (Kash et al., 2008), and cocaine self-administration increases the intrinsic excitability and AMPAR/ NMDAR ratio of different sets of BNST neurons in the dorsal aspect of the BNST (Debacker et al., 2015;Dumont et al., 2005). ...
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Although midbrain dopamine (DA) circuits are central to motivated behaviors, our knowledge of how experience modifies these circuits to facilitate subsequent behavioral adaptations is limited. Here we demonstrate the selective role of a ventral tegmental area DA projection to the amygdala (VTADA→amygdala) for cocaine-induced anxiety but not cocaine reward or sensitization. Our rabies virus-mediated circuit mapping approach reveals a persistent elevation in spontaneous and task-related activity of inhibitory GABAergic cells from the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) and downstream VTADA→amygdala cells that can be detected even after a single cocaine exposure. Activity in BNSTGABA→midbrain cells is related to cocaine-induced anxiety but not reward or sensitization, and silencing this projection prevents development of anxiety during protracted withdrawal after cocaine administration. Finally, we observe that VTADA→amygdala cells are strongly activated after a challenge exposure to cocaine and that activity in these cells is necessary and sufficient for reinstatement of cocaine place preference.
Alcohol use disorder (AUD) can be defined by a compulsion to seek and take alcohol, the loss of control in limiting intake, and the emergence of a negative emotional state when access to alcohol is prevented. Alcohol use disorder impacts multiple motivational mechanisms and can be conceptualized as a disorder that includes a progression from impulsivity (positive reinforcement) to compulsivity (negative reinforcement). Compulsive drug seeking that is associated with AUD can be derived from multiple neuroadaptations, but the thesis argued herein is that a key component involves the construct of negative reinforcement. Negative reinforcement is defined as drug taking that alleviates a negative emotional state. The negative emotional state that drives such negative reinforcement is hypothesized to derive from the dysregulation of specific neurochemical elements that are involved in reward and stress within basal forebrain structures that involve the ventral striatum and extended amygdala, respectively. Specific neurochemical elements in these structures include decreases in reward neurotransmission (e.g., decreases in dopamine and opioid peptide function in the ventral striatum) and the recruitment of brain stress systems (e.g., corticotropin-releasing factor [CRF]) in the extended amygdala, which contributes to hyperkatifeia and greater alcohol intake that is associated with dependence. Glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids may play a role in sensitizing the extended amygdala CRF system. Other components of brain stress systems in the extended amygdala that may contribute to the negative motivational state of withdrawal include norepinephrine in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, dynorphin in the nucleus accumbens, hypocretin and vasopressin in the central nucleus of the amygdala, and neuroimmune modulation. Decreases in the activity of neuropeptide Y, nociception, endocannabinoids, and oxytocin in the extended amygdala may also contribute to hyperkatifeia that is associated with alcohol withdrawal. Such dysregulation of emotional processing may also significantly contribute to pain that is associated with alcohol withdrawal and negative urgency (i.e., impulsivity that is associated with hyperkatifeia during hyperkatifeia). Thus, an overactive brain stress response system is hypothesized to be activated by acute excessive drug intake, to be sensitized during repeated withdrawal, to persist into protracted abstinence, and to contribute to the compulsivity of AUD. The combination of the loss of reward function and recruitment of brain stress systems provides a powerful neurochemical basis for a negative emotional state that is responsible for the negative reinforcement that at least partially drives the compulsivity of AUD.KeywordsAlcohol use disorderOpponent processStressExtended amygdalaCorticotropin-releasing factorHypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis
Ethanol (EtOH) has effects on numerous cellular molecular targets, and alterations in synaptic function are prominent among these effects. Acute exposure to EtOH activates or inhibits the function of proteins involved in synaptic transmission, while chronic exposure often produces opposing and/or compensatory/homeostatic effects on the expression, localization, and function of these proteins. Interactions between different neurotransmitters (e.g., neuropeptide effects on release of small molecule transmitters) can also influence both acute and chronic EtOH actions. Studies in intact animals indicate that the proteins affected by EtOH also play roles in the neural actions of the drug, including acute intoxication, tolerance, dependence, and the seeking and drinking of EtOH. The present chapter is an update of our previous Lovinger and Roberto (Curr Top Behav Neurosci 13:31-86, 2013) chapter and reviews the literature describing these acute and chronic synaptic effects of EtOH with a focus on adult animals and their relevance for synaptic transmission, plasticity, and behavior.
Nearly one percent of children in the US experience childhood neglect or abuse, which can incite lifelong emotional and behavioral disorders. Many studies investigating the neural underpinnings of maleffects inflicted by early life stress have largely focused on dysregulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. Newer veins of evidence suggest that exposure to early life stressors can interrupt neural development in extrahypothalamic areas as well, including the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST). One widely used approach in this area is rodent maternal separation (MS), which typically consists of separating pups from the dam for extended periods of time, over several days during the first weeks of postnatal life - a time when pups are highly dependent on maternal care for survival. MS has been shown to incite myriad lasting effects not limited to increased anxiety-like behavior, hyper-responsiveness to stressors, and social behavior deficits. The behavioral effects of MS are widespread and thus unlikely to be limited to hypothalamic mechanisms. Recent work has highlighted the BNST as a critical arbiter of some of the consequences of MS, especially socioemotional behavioral deficits. The BNST is a well-documented modulator of anxiety, reward, and social behavior by way of its connections with hypothalamic and extra-hypothalamic systems. Moreover, during the postnatal period when MS is typically administered, the BNST undergoes critical neural developmental events. This review highlights evidence that MS interferes with neural development to permanently alter BNST circuitry, which may account for a variety of behavioral deficits seen following early life stress.
Excessive ethanol drinking is a major problem within the United States, causing alterations in brain plasticity and neurocognitive function. Astrocytes are glial cells that regulate neurosynaptic plasticity, modulate neurochemicals, and monitor other homeostatic roles. Astrocytes have been found to play a part in modulating excessive ethanol consumption. The basolateral amygdala (BLA), central amygdala (CeA), and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) are brain regions that process stress, anxiety, and reward; they are also implicated in modulating ethanol intake. Little is understood, however, about how astrocyte expression in each region is modulated by chronic and binge-like ethanol drinking patterns. In the present report, we utilized two separate animal models of excessive drinking: chronic intermittent ethanol (CIE) and "Drinking-in-the-dark" (DID). Following these paradigms, animal brains were processed through immunohistochemistry (IHC) and stained for glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP). Collected data illustrated a sex-dependent relationship between ethanol intake and GFAP immunoreactivity (IR) in the BLA and BNST, but not in the CeA. Specifically, CIE and DID ethanol drinking resulted in blunted GFAP-IR (specifically via GFAP-positive cell count) in the BLA and BNST, particularly in males. These findings may implicate sex-dependent ethanol-induced changes in BLA and BNST astrocytes, providing a potential therapeutic target for anxiety and stress disorders.
Previous studies have suggested a role for corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) in the central nucleus of the amygdala (CeA) in the aversive and anxiogenic effects of withdrawal from opiates and ethanol. To test whether this role of CRF extends to cocaine withdrawal as well, the release of CRF in rat amygdala was monitored by intracranial microdialysis during a 12-hour session of intravenous cocaine self-administration and subsequent 12-hour cocaine withdrawal period. Cocaine self-administration tended to lower dialysate CRF concentrations to approximately 75% of CRF levels in controls. In contrast, subsequent cocaine withdrawal produced a profound increase in CRF release, which reached peak levels of approximately 400% of baseline between 11 and 12 hours post-cocaine. These results provide evidence that cocaine withdrawal activates CRF neurons in the amygdala, a site that has been implicated in emotional and anxiogenic effects of stress and drug withdrawal syndromes. Synapse 32:254–261, 1999. © 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) in the central nervous system appears to have activating properties on behavior and to enhance behavioral responses to stressors. CRF injected into the brain produces increases in arousal as measured by locomotor activation and increased responsiveness to stressful stimuli. These effects of CRF appear to be independent of the pituitary adrenal axis and can be reversed by specific and selective CRF antagonists, α-helical CRF9-41 and D-Phe CRF12-41. Perhaps more importantly, CRF antagonists can reverse behavioral responses to many stressors. These results suggest that endogenous CRF systems in the brain may have a role in mediating behavioral responses to stressors. This system may be particularly important in situations where an organism must mobilize not only the pituitary adrenal system, but also the central nervous system in response to environmental challenge. Clearly, dysfunction in such a fundamental brain-activating system may be the key to a variety of pathophysiological conditions involving abnormal responses to stressors such as anorexia nervosa, anxiety and affective disorders.
The ethanol withdrawal syndrome includes anxiety as a prominent symptom. Because the extent that specific regions of brain are critical to the generation of this emotional state is unknown, Fos-like immunoreactivity (Fos-LI) was used to associate specific regions of the rat brain with the anxiety component of the ethanol withdrawal syndrome exacerbated by an air puff challenge in rats. Chronic ethanol liquid diet was administered intragastrically for 4 days or by having the rats consume the diet for 14 days. During withdrawal from either treatment protocol, Fos-LI was induced most prominently in forebrain areas, although the midbrain and hindbrain were also represented. Included in these Fos-LI positive regions were many cortical regions, septum, accumbens, claustrum, amygdala, paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus and hypothalamus, hippocampus, locus coeruleus, and central gray. Fos-LI expression differed mostly in intensity between the two treatment and withdrawal protocols, with the gastric protocol producing the greatest Fos-LI induction in most brain regions. The threshold for air puff-induced ultrasonic vocalizations was decreased, and the number of vocalizations was increased and the period of vocalization was extended. These behavioral data indicate that aversively motivated responding in rats during ethanol withdrawal can be readily quantified with the ultrasonic vocalizations test without precipitating convulsive activity. Furthermore, a comparison of the effects of the air puff challenge versus withdrawal on Fos-LI indicated that the behavioral state induced in these two situations share functional neuroanatomical features. Some regions–such as the accumbens core, medial septum, subregions of the amygdala, hippocampus, substantia nigra, and cerebellum–exhibited little Fos-LI during withdrawal and also did not exhibit strong increases after the addition of the air puff challenge. However, other regions–such as the cerebral cortex (medial prefrontal, frontal, cingulate and ventrolateral orbital, claustrum, and tenia tecta), hypothalamus, and locus ceoruleus–exhibited Fos-LI at levels higher than that seen after either the ethanol withdrawal or puff challenge alone. These overlapping patterns of Fos-LI in specific regions of the brain, activated by both ethanol withdrawal and an anxiety provoking behavioral challenge, suggest that specific neuroanatomical sites in brain are associated with the symptom of anxiety observed during the “ethanol withdrawal syndrome.”
Background: Hypothalamo‐pituitary‐adrenal (HPA) function has been demonstrated to be compromised for weeks and even months after alcoholics cease ethanol consumption. Because nonalcoholic subjects with family history‐associated increased risk for alcoholism also exhibit compromised HPA function, it is not clear whether defects in the HPA axis of abstinent alcoholics reflect a preexisting condition that may be responsible for increased risk for alcohol abuse versus a persisting adaptational change in response to prolonged alcohol abuse. Consequently, we investigated whether chronic daily ethanol consumption and withdrawal by male Sprague Dawley® rats would induce persistent HPA changes consistent with those demonstrated in abstinent alcoholics. Methods and Results: In an initial experiment in which ethanol (5%, w/v) was incrementally introduced to liquid diet over a 1 week period followed by 4 weeks of chronic ethanol consumption, not only ethanol‐treated rats but also pair‐fed control rats exhibited decreased ( p < 0.05 vs. ad‐libitum‐fed controls) anterior pituitary pro‐opiomelanocortin (POMC) mRNA concentrations and associated decreases in plasma corticosterone and adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) levels for at least 3 weeks after gradual withdrawal of ethanol from the diet. Pair‐feeding‐induced decreases ( p < 0.05) in thymus and spleen weights suggested that the pair‐fed controls were likely stressed in this model, probably in response to the marked and irregular suppression of liquid diet consumption immediately after introduction of ethanol. Consequently, a second model was developed in which ethanol was introduced to the liquid diet much more gradually (i.e., over 3 weeks). In contrast with the rapid ethanol‐introduction model, this more prolonged ethanol introduction followed by 4 weeks of chronic daily ethanol consumption increased plasma corticosterone levels ( p < 0.05), increased adrenal gland weight ( p < 0.05), and decreased thymus and spleen weights (both p < 0.01) without altering any of these parameters in the pair‐fed controls. Three weeks after gradual withdrawal of ethanol from the diet, anterior pituitary POMC mRNA concentrations were suppressed ( p < 0.05) and thymus and spleen weights were increased ( p < 0.05) versus both pair‐fed and ad‐libitum‐fed controls, accompanied by trends for decreased basal plasma corticosterone and adrenal weights. Conclusions: Chronic daily ethanol treatment induced changes in the HPA axis that persisted for at least 3 weeks after complete cessation of ethanol consumption. These persistent alterations in the HPA axis are similar to the aberrant HPA regulation of abstinent alcoholics, sons of alcoholics, Lewis rats, and individuals who suffer from posttraumatic stress disorder and some types of depression, that is, categories of individuals who all exhibit increased risk for high ethanol consumption. Thus, these chronic daily ethanol‐induced persistent changes in the HPA axis may have significant roles in alcohol abstinence syndrome and may increase vulnerability to relapse.
Corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) and CRF-related neuropeptides have an important role in the central nervous system to mediate behavioral responses to stressors. CRF receptor antagonists are very effective in reversing stress-induced suppression and activation in behavior. An additional CRF-like neuropeptide, urocortin, has been identified in the brain and has a high affinity for the CRF-2 receptor in addition to the CRF-1 receptor. Urocortin has many of the effects of CRF but also is significantly more potent than CRF in decreasing feeding in both meal-deprived and free-feeding rats. In mouse genetic models, mice over-expressing CRF show anxiogenic-like responses compared to wild-type mice, and mice lacking the CRF-1 receptor showed an anxiolytic-like behavioral profile compared to wild-type mice. Results to date have led to the hypothesis that CRF-1 receptors may mediate CRF-like neuropeptide effects on behavioral responses to stressors, but CRF-2 receptors may mediate the suppression of feeding produced by CRF-like neuropeptides. Brain sites for the behavioral effects of CRF include the locus coeruleus (LC), paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of the hypothalamus, the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST), and the central nucleus of the amygdala. CRF may also be activated during acute withdrawal from all major drugs of abuse, and recent data suggest that CRF may contribute to the dependence and vulnerability to relapse associated with chronic administration of drugs of abuse. These data suggest that CRF systems in the brain have a unique role in mediating behavioral responses to diverse stressors. These systems may be particularly important in situations were an organism must mobilize not only the pituitary adrenal system, but also the central nervous system in response to environmental challenge. Clearly, dysfunction in such a fundamental brain-activating system may be the key to a variety of pathophysiological conditions involving abnormal responses to stressors such as anxiety disorders, affective disorders, and anorexia nervosa.
Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) has been considered a major coordinator of the overall physical and behavioral response to stress. Moreover, prolonged hypersecretion of CRH has been implicated in the pathogenesis of disorders characterized by anxiety and/or depression. Drugs acting through the gamma-aminobutyric acid/benzodiazepine (GABA/BZD) receptor system have anxiolytic and/or antidepressant properties whereas benzodiazepine inverse agonists cause anxiety and stimulate the pituitary-adrenal axis in vivo. To examine the involvement of the GABA/BZD system in the regulation of hypothalamic CRH secretion, we studied the effects of various agonists and antagonists of GABAA and GABAB receptors using a sensitive rat hypothalamic organ culture with radioimmunoassayable CRH (IR-rCRH) as endpoint. The GABAA and GABAB receptor agonist GABA inhibited serotonin (5-HT)-induced IR-rCRH secretion from 10(-9) to 10(-6) M, but failed to do so at 10(-5) M. The GABAA receptor agonist muscimol was a weak inhibitor of 5-HT-induced IR-rCRH secretion, being effective only at the concentration of 10(-6) M. In contrast, the specific GABAB receptor agonist baclofen was able to inhibit 5-HT-induced IR-rCRH secretion from 10(-7) to 10(-5) M. The rank of potency was thus, GABA much greater than baclofen greater than muscimol. Bicuculline, a GABAA receptor antagonist, partially reversed the inhibitory effects of GABA. Diazepam, a classic benzodiazepine which interacts with the benzodiazepine-site of the GABAA receptor complex, inhibited 5-HT-induced IR-rCRH secretion from 3.3 X 10(-9) to 10(-5) M, an effect that could be reversed by the BZD inactive ligand Ro15-1788.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)