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Sex- and Age-Related Changes in Epitestosterone in Relation to Pregnenolone Sulfate and Testosterone in Normal Subjects


Abstract and Figures

Epitestosterone has been demonstrated to act at various levels as a weak antiandrogen. So far, its serum levels have been followed up only in males. Epitestosterone and its major circulating precursor pregnenolone sulfate and T were measured in serum from 211 healthy women and 386 men to find out whether serum concentrations of epitestosterone are sufficient to exert its antiandrogenic actions. In women, epitestosterone exhibited a maximum around 20 yr of age, followed by a continuous decline up to menopause and by a further increase in the postmenopause. In men, maximum epitestosterone levels were detected at around 35 yr of age, followed by a continuous decrease. Pregnenolone sulfate levels in women reached their maximum at about age 32 yr and then declined continuously, and in males the maximum was reached about 5 yr earlier and then remained nearly constant. Epitestosterone correlated with pregnenolone sulfate only in males. In both sexes a sharp decrease of the epitestosterone/T ratio around puberty occurred. In conclusion, concentrations of epitestosterone and pregnenolone sulfate are age dependent and, at least in prepubertal boys and girls, epitestosterone reaches or even exceeds the concentrations of T, thus supporting its role as an endogenous antiandrogen. The dissimilarities in the course of epitestosterone levels through the lifespan of men and women and its relation to pregnenolone sulfate concentrations raise the question of the contribution of the adrenals and gonads to the production of both steroids and even to the uniformity of the mechanism of epitestosterone formation.
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Sex- and Age-Related Changes in Epitestosterone in
Relation to Pregnenolone Sulfate and Testosterone in
Normal Subjects
Institute of Endocrinology, CZ 116 94 Prague, Czech Republic
Epitestosterone has been demonstrated to act at various lev-
els as a weak antiandrogen. So far, its serum levels have been
followed up only in males. Epitestosterone and its major cir-
culating precursor pregnenolone sulfate and T were mea-
sured in serum from 211 healthy women and 386 men to find
out whether serum concentrations of epitestosterone are suf-
ficient to exert its antiandrogenic actions. In women, epites-
tosterone exhibited a maximum around 20 yr of age, followed
by a continuous decline up to menopause and by a further
increase in the postmenopause. In men, maximum epitestos-
terone levels were detected at around 35 yr of age, followed by
a continuous decrease. Pregnenolone sulfate levels in women
reached their maximum at about age 32 yr and then declined
continuously, and in males the maximum was reached about
5 yr earlier and then remained nearly constant. Epitestoster-
one correlated with pregnenolone sulfate only in males. In
both sexes a sharp decrease of the epitestosterone/T ratio
around puberty occurred. In conclusion, concentrations of
epitestosterone and pregnenolone sulfate are age dependent
and, at least in prepubertal boys and girls, epitestosterone
reaches or even exceeds the concentrations of T, thus sup-
porting its role as an endogenous antiandrogen. The dissim-
ilarities in the course of epitestosterone levels through the
lifespan of men and women and its relation to pregnenolone
sulfate concentrations raise the question of the contribution
of the adrenals and gonads to the production of both steroids
and even to the uniformity of the mechanism of epitestoster-
one formation. (J Clin Endocrinol Metab 87: 2225–2231, 2002)
HE 17
-EPIMER OF T (epitestosterone, EpiTe) has pre-
viously been considered to be a by-product of the
steroid pathway, without biological significance (1). In 1987,
Nuck and Lucky (2) reported the effect of EpiTe on the flank
organ of a golden hamster, in which it inhibited the T effect
on the pilosebaceous unit; they hypothesized that EpiTe
could act as an antiandrogen. This finding encouraged the
authors of this study, among others, to investigate EpiTe
antiandrogenic effects in vitro as well as in vivo, using various
rodent and human models.
Besides the ability of EpiTe to inhibit 5
-reductase in rats,
reported already previously by others (3), the authors have
demonstrated that EpiTe can reduce the weight of androgen-
dependent organs in rats and/or mice and compete with
synthetic androgen methyltrienolone for ARs in rat prostate
cytosol with K
about half of that of dihydrotestosterone (4).
Furthermore, EpiTe appears to act as a competitive inhibitor
of the testicular P450C17
enzyme in rats and humans (5, 6)
and, at least in rats, influence the secretion and production
of LH and FSH (7, 8). Recently, significantly lower EpiTe
concentrations were found in hair samples from balding men
(9); it was concluded that EpiTe may act as a weak antian-
drogen, the efficiency of which could be potentiated by the
complexity of its actions at various levels.
However, it is unclear whether circulating EpiTe levels are
sufficient to exert antiandrogenic actions. In previous studies
the authors have focused on the role of EpiTe and androgens
in males with respect to their plausible involvement in the
pathogenesis of typical androgen-dependent diseases of
older men, such as benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH). It has
been shown that in childhood the EpiTe/T ratio is close to
or even higher than one but that it decreases sharply during
the prepubertal period and puberty, remaining nearly con-
stant in adulthood (10). Similar results have been obtained
by others (11). This points to some importance, at least, of
EpiTe before puberty in males, when it may attenuate the
effects of T.
In contrast to the very low serum EpiTe levels in older
men, relatively high concentrations of this steroid have
been found in human prostatic tissue from men operated
on for BPH. EpiTe concentrations in this tissue were about
half those of dihydrotestosterone but twice as high as those
of T (12).
In humans, the biosynthesis of EpiTe arises from preg-
nenolone, a certain portion of which is converted to 5-
-diol, which in turn serves as a substrate
for 3
-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/
-isomerase giv
ing rise to EpiTe, thus avoiding the DHEA and androstenedi-
one involved in the T pathway (13). As has been demon-
strated by Dehennin (14), the main sources of EpiTe are
testicular Leydig cells, but a certain proportion of the circu-
lating steroid may come from the adrenals.
The majority of circulating pregnenolone is sulfated;
though mainly of adrenal origin, it may serve as a supply for
EpiTe precursors. Changes of pregnenolone sulfate levels
during life in both sexes were reported as early as 1983 by de
Peretti and Mappus (15). More recently, Morley et al. (16)
followed up pregnenolone sulfate and six other hormonal
variables, along with cognitive and physical tests, in a cohort
of exceptionally healthy men in search of suitable parameters
of predicative value for the development of age-related dys-
Abbreviations: BPH, Benign prostate hyperplasia; EpiTe, epitestos-
terone; LSD, least significant differences.
0013-7227/02/$15.00/0 The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 87(5):2225–2231
Printed in U.S.A. Copyright © 2002 by The Endocrine Society
regulations. Taking into consideration that pregnenolone
and its more abundant sulfate are indeed the major precur-
sors in EpiTe biosynthesis, it may be of interest whether some
relationship between circulating EpiTe and pregnenolone
sulfate does exist and, if so, whether it is confined to males
and what changes there are in the ratio of the two circulating
steroids through life.
The present study provides data on serum EpiTe, preg-
nenolone sulfate, and T in a large group of male and female
subjects of normal population during their lives. The fol-
lowing questions were addressed: 1) What are the levels of
circulating EpiTe during life; 2) do they differ according to
sex; 3) are serum concentrations of EpiTe sufficient to exert
its antiandrogenic actions with respect to actual T levels; and
4) is there any relationship between circulating EpiTe and
pregnenolone sulfate?
Materials and Methods
The study included 211 females (10 –77 yr) and 386 males (1–91 yr),
randomly selected in the framework of iodine deficiency screening in the
Czech Republic. The subjects with major apparent medical problems
such as endocrinopathies, oligo- or amenorrhea in women of reproduc-
tive age, or those receiving medications known to affect endocrine status
with particular respect to steroid metabolism were excluded. All par-
ticipants signed informed consent to the use of their blood samples for
research purposes.
Steroid determination
Blood was withdrawn from the cubital vein between 0800 h and
1000 h. Not more than 2 h later, the serum was separated and stored in
a freezer at 20 C until processed. The serum EpiTe was determined by
the method of ´lek et al. (17). Specific antiserum raised against 17
hydroxy-4-androstene-3-one-3-(O-carboxymethyl)-oxime-BSA and radio-
iodinated epitestosterone-3-(O-carboxymethyl)-oxime tyrosine methyl
ester derivative as a tracer were used as reagents. The sensitivity of the
analysis in serum was 0.033 nmol/liter, and inter- and intraassay co-
efficients of variation were 10.9% and 7.7%, respectively. The sample
volume was 350
l. The identity of measured EpiTe was validated by
analyzing 15 samples of pooled sera from males and females as follows:
serum (1 ml), spiked with 10,000 cpm of [1,2,6,7(n)
H]testosterone (Ra
diochemical Center, Amersham Pharmacia Biotech, Uppsala, Sweden)
was extracted twice with diethyl ether (3 ml); the extract after evapo-
ration was partitioned between 80% methanol with water (1 ml) and 1
ml light petroleum (boiling point 60 80 C). The water-methanol phase
after evaporation was subjected HPLC. A binary gradient was used at
a constant flow rate of 1 ml/min. Mobile phase A was 15% acetonitrile
in water containing 100 mg/liter ammonium bicarbonate. Mobile phase
B was methanol. The gradient was as follows: 1-min delay at 40% B,
switch to 65% B, and delay up to the 8th minute followed by switch to
100% B and delay up to the 12th minute when the mobile phase was
adjusted to 40% B; rinsing proceeded up to the 18th minute. The tem-
perature was kept at 40 C. The column was an ET 250/4, NUCLEOSIL
1005 C18 from Macherey-Na¨gel (Du¨ ren, Germany) The fractions con-
taining EpiTe and T (reverse transcription 10.4 and 11.6 min, respec-
tively) were collected and following evaporation of the solvent, the
fraction containing EpiTe was analyzed by gas chromatography-mass
spectroscopy (GC-MS) after derivatization with O-(2,3,4,5,6-pentaflu-
orobenzyl)-hydroxylamine hydrochloride at 60 C for 60 min and sub-
sequent derivatization with a mixture of bis-(trimethysilyl)trifluoroac-
FIG. 1. Polynomial regression of the age dependencies of EpiTe in the
serum of 211 women aged 10 77 yr (A) and 386 men aged 191 yr (B).
Because of the skewed data distribution on the y-axis, the original
data were transformed to the minimum skewness of the studentized
residuals. The curves of the mean prediction (the solid line with the
95% confidence interval, the dashed lines closer to mean prediction)
and the 95% confidence intervals of prediction (the dashed lines fur-
ther from the mean prediction) were obtained by the retransformation
of the results to the original scale. All of the parameters of the poly-
nomial were significant (t tests). r, correlation coefficient of the mul-
tiple regression; p, level of statistical significance of the model, m,
degree of polynomial, n, number of subjects (the value in parentheses
represents the number of outliers and high leverage points excluded
from computation);
, power of the transformation (
0 denotes
logarithmic transformation).
FIG. 2. Age and sex differences of EpiTe in the serum of 211 women
aged 10 77 yr (empty circles), and in that of 386 men aged 191 yr
(solid circles). The circles with error bars represent group mean values
with 95% confidence intervals, calculated using LSD multiple com-
parison. Overlapping of the confidence intervals denotes statistical
insignificance between individual groups and vice versa. As confirmed
using two-way ANOVA with sex and age group as the first and the
second factors, respectively, both sex and age differences were highly
significant (P 0.0001), as were the differences in the shapes of the
age dependencies (age/sex interactions).
2226 J Clin Endocrinol Metab, May 2002, 87(5):22252231 Havlı´kova´ et al. Age, Sex, and Epitestosterone
etamide and trimethychlorosilane (99:1) at 60 C for 45 min. GC
separation was carried out with a ZEBRON ZB-50 (15m 0.25 mm)
middle polar capillary column with 0.15-
m film thickness, catalog no.
7e.g.-G004-05, (PHENOMENEX, St. Torrance, CA). The temperature of
the injection port was 300 C.
The following protocol was used: temperature gradient: plateau at
120 C (1 min), linear gradient 40 C/min from 120 C to 240 C (3 min),
linear gradient 10 C/min from 240 C to 300 C (6 min), and plateau at 300
C (1 min); pressure gradient: high-pressure (pulsed splitless) injection at
60 kPa (1 min), linear gradient 10.5 kPa/min from 30 to 62 kPa (3.05 min),
linear gradient 2.6 kPa/min from 62 to 77.5 kPa (5.95 min), and plateau
at 300 C (1 min). The duration of the analysis was 11 min.
Responses were recorded in selected ion monitoring mode monitor-
ing the molecular ion (m/z 555.5). In addition, three different GC
gradients were used to check the correct identification of the substances.
The detector voltage was set at 2 kV and the sampling rate was 0.25 sec.
The temperatures of the interface and the ion source were 310 C and 240
C, respectively.
The results were corrected to losses during extraction and chroma-
tography using recovered [
H]testosterone. In parallel, the samples were
analyzed by RIA. The correlation of RIA (y) with GC-MS (x) was ex-
pressed by a linear equation y 0.160 0.983 x with a correlation
coefficient of R 0.924.
T was determined using standard RIA (18), the only modification
being that radioiodinated testosterone-3-O(carboxymethyl)oxime ty-
rosine methyl ester derivative was used as a tracer. Pregnenolone sulfate
was determined as has been described elsewhere (19).
Statistical analyses
The dependencies of EpiTe, pregnenolone sulfate, and the steroid
ratios on age were evaluated using stepwise polynomial regression.
Because of the non-Gaussian distribution in the concentrations of all
three measured steroids, the original data were subjected to power
transformation (20, 21) to attain the minimum skewness of the studen-
tized residuals. The retransformed 95% confidence intervals of predic-
tion were considered to be the age-dependent limits of the reference
range of the steroid. The degree of polynomial was determined using the
correlation coefficient of multiple regression adjusted to degrees of
freedom, se of estimation (the square root of the mean squared error),
mean absolute error (the average of the absolute values of the residuals),
and Akaike information criterion (20, 21). The statistical significance of
the model was determined using Fishers test. Regression diagnostic
plots were used for the detection of outliers and high leverage points (20,
21). However, all outliers and high leverage points excluded from the
computation of predictions and confidence intervals were retained in the
figures for completeness.
Two-way ANOVA with sex as the first and age as the second factors
was used for evaluation of age and sex relationships in steroids and their
ratios. The original data were transformed to minimum skewness of
residuals to stabilize the group variances and to approximate a Gaussian
distribution of the data. For the detection of outliers, an analysis of
residuals was used.
The individual differences between the two groups were tested using
the method of least significant differences (LSD). The group means with
95% confidence intervals obtained from ANOVA treatment of the trans-
formed data were retransformed to the original scale. All computations
described above were performed using Statgraphics Plus version 3.3
software (Manugistics Inc., Rockville, MA).
Pearsons method was used for the evaluation of mutual correlations
between the measured steroids. To avoid nonconstant variance, a non-
Gaussian distribution of the data, and to straighten the simple mono-
tonic curvilinear relationships between the variables, power transfor-
mation to minimum skewness in each of the two dimensions was
FIG. 3. Polynomial regression of the age dependencies of the EpiTe/T
ratio in the serum of 174 women aged 1070 yr (A) and in that of 201
men aged 10 69 yr (B). Because of the skewed data distribution on
the y-axis, the original data were transformed to minimum skewness
of the studentized residuals. The curves of the mean prediction (the
solid line), the 95% confidence interval (the dashed lines closer to
the mean prediction), and the 95% confidence intervals of prediction
(the dashed lines further from the mean prediction) were obtained by
retransformation of the results to the original scale. All of the pa-
rameters of the polynomial were significant (t tests). r, correlation
coefficient of the multiple regression; p, level of statistical significance
of the model; m, degree of polynomial; n, number of subjects (the value
in parentheses representing the number of outliers and high leverage
points excluded from computation);
, power of the transformation
0 denotes logarithmic transformation).
FIG. 4. Age and sex differences of the EpiTe/T ratio in the serum of
174 women aged 10 70 yr (empty circles) and 201 men aged 10 69
yr (solid circles). The circles with error bars represent group mean
values with 95% confidence intervals that were calculated using LSD
multiple comparison. Overlapping of the confidence intervals denotes
statistical insignificance between individual groups and vice versa. As
confirmed using two-way ANOVA with sex and age group as the first
and the second factors, respectively, both the sex and the age differ-
ences were highly significant (P 0.0001), as were the differences in
the shapes of the age dependencies (age/sex interactions).
Havlı´kova´ et al. Age, Sex, and Epitestosterone J Clin Endocrinol Metab, May 2002, 87(5):22252231 2227
applied (20). The principal axis and 95% confidence ellipsoids were
computed in Excel 97 (Microsoft Corp., Redmont, WA) using a method
described elsewhere (21). The results obtained were retransformed to the
original scale.
Serum EpiTe levels in women and men are shown in Fig.
1. The peak of EpiTe levels in women was found around the
20th year of age (Fig. 1A), and in men it was shifted to around
the 35th year (Fig. 1B). In contrast to men, an increasing and
accelerating trend starting in menopause and proceeding in
the postmenopause is apparent in women. The differences
among the mean levels of EpiTe in various age groups are
shown in Fig. 2. The confidence intervals of the group means,
which are not overlapped, imply statistically significant dif-
ferences in intergroup mean values.
The course of the age dependence of the EpiTe/T ratio in
men and women is shown in Fig. 3. In both sexes a sharp
decrease with age occurred, remaining nearly constant in
adulthood. As shown in Fig. 4, there was no overlap between
confidence intervals in males and females, which means that
the differences in each age group were significant.
The polynomial curves reflecting the dependence of preg-
nenolone sulfate on age in both sexes are shown in Fig. 5. In
females (A) only one distinct maximum was found, at around
30 yr, and in males an indistinct maximum was found at
around 25 yr; subsequently, it did not change much until
approximately 52 yr, after which it decreased continuously
again. The differences in individual age groups according to
sex are shown in Fig. 6.
The age dependence of the EpiTe/pregnenolone sulfate
ratio in both sexes as expressed by straight-lined (B) or poly-
nomial regression (A) is shown in Fig. 7. Although in men (B)
the ratio displayed a slight but significant (P 0.01) increas-
ing trend, in women (A) a U-shaped age dependence was
found, with a decreasing trend up to the third decade, from
which time a continuous increase followed. The differences
were highly significant (ANOVA, P 0.0001). The differ-
ences in individual age groups according to sex are shown
in Fig. 8. In men, the increasing overall trend of the EpiTe/
pregnenolone sulfate ratio in senescence was still significant
but was much less pronounced than in women.
As shown in Fig. 9, EpiTe significantly correlated with
pregnenolone sulfate in men, but no correlation was found
in women. No significant correlations were found between
the levels of EpiTe and T in the two sexes.
Hitherto, EpiTe levels in serum have been systematically
investigated only in men, with respect to the possible role of
this metabolite as an endogenous antiandrogen (9), partic-
ularly in relation to its potential role in the pathogenesis of
BPH (10, 12). Here, circulating EpiTe and pregnenolone sul-
FIG. 5. Polynomial regression of the age dependencies of preg-
nenolone sulfate in the serum of 230 women aged 10 70 yr (A) and
179 men aged 4 69 yr (B). Because of the skewed data distribution
on the y-axis, the original data were transformed to minimum skew-
ness of the studentized residuals. The curves of the mean prediction
(the solid line), the 95% confidence interval (the dashed lines closer to
the mean prediction), and the 95% confidence intervals of prediction
(the dashed lines further from the mean prediction) were obtained by
retransformation of the results to the original scale. All of the pa-
rameters of the polynomial were significant (t tests). r, correlation
coefficient of the multiple regression; p, level of statistical significance
of the model; m, degree of polynomial; n, number of subjects (the value
in parentheses representing the number of outliers and high leverage
points excluded from computation);
, power of the transformation.
FIG. 6. Age and sex differences of pregnenolone sulfate in the serum
of 230 women aged 1070 yr (empty circles) and 179 men aged 4 79
yr (solid circles). The circles with error bars represent group mean
values with 95% confidence intervals that were calculated using LSD
multiple comparison. Overlapping of the confidence intervals denotes
statistical insignificance between individual groups and vice versa. As
confirmed using two-way ANOVA with sex and age group as the first
and second factors, respectively, both the sex and age differences were
highly significant (P 0.0001), as were the differences in the shapes
of the age dependencies (age/sex interactions).
2228 J Clin Endocrinol Metab, May 2002, 87(5):22252231 Havlı´kova´ et al. Age, Sex, and Epitestosterone
fate were measured in a population sample of both men and
women from all age groups.
The age dependence curves of the two steroids differed in
men and in women. For EpiTe in men, a similar age curve
(Fig. 1) as that reported previously (10) was obtained, with
a maximum at around 35 yr. In women the maximum was
found about 15 yr earlier, and an increasing trend appeared
after the 60th year. Stepwise age-related changes (Fig. 2)
revealed significantly higher levels in males with the excep-
tion of the prepubertal period and senescence (after the 60th
year). With the exception of the prepubertal levels, circulat-
ing T levels in adult males are 5 to 10 times higher than those
of EpiTe, but in females, from the end of puberty until se-
nescence, the levels of both steroids are close to each other,
and in prepubertal girls and postmenopausal women EpiTe
is even prevalent (Fig. 3). In both sexes a sharp decline of the
EpiTe/T ratio before puberty was found. The sex differences
between corresponding age groups were significant (Fig. 4).
Concerning pregnenolone sulfate, the prepubertal and
adult levels of this steroid in women were close to those
reported by de Peretti and Mappus (15), with a maximum
near the 30th year, but in males only an indistinct maximum
was found about the 30th year, followed by a slight decline
until 55 yr, after which the decline becomes distinct, as re-
ported by others (16).
This study aimed to contribute to the question of whether
EpiTe might play the role of an endogenous antiandrogen.
The relationship of circulating EpiTe to pregnenolone sulfate
may add some information as to whether in men and women
the contribution of the adrenals and gonads to the production
of EpiTe is similar or whether these sources undergo some
changes during the lifespan. Taking into account the fact that
EpiTe is bound to AR with one-tenth to one-third affinity as
T (5, 22), it may be concluded that in women in reproductive
or postmenopausal age, EpiTe could only marginally coun-
teract the effect of circulating androgens. However, in pre-
pubertal children of both sexes, it might function as a factor
of hormonal homeostasis. Questions remain as to the role of
EpiTe formation and accumulation in target tissues (e.g. in
the prostate in which it may be involved in the regulation of
intracellular hormone levels and may also provide a contri-
bution to the cellular response).
Another question is whether the mechanism of EpiTe for-
mation proposed by Weusten et al. (13) for EpiTe production
in testicular tissue is the only one prevailing in humans or
whether other biosynthetic mechanisms are operating in
other tissues. Weusten et al. (13) have suggested a mechanism
of EpiTe biosynthesis not involving 17
FIG. 7. Polynomial regression of the age dependencies of the EpiTe/
pregnenolone sulfate ratio in the serum of 183 women aged 1070 yr
(A) and 175 men aged 469 yr (B). Because of the skewed data
distribution on the y-axis, the original data were transformed to
minimum skewness of the studentized residuals. The curves of the
mean prediction (the solid line), the 95% confidence interval (the
dashed lines closer to the mean prediction), and the 95% confidence
intervals of prediction (the dashed lines further from the mean pre-
diction) were obtained by retransformation of the results to the orig-
inal scale. All of the parameters of the polynomial were significant (t
tests). r, correlation coefficient of the multiple regression; p, level of
statistical significance of the model; m, degree of polynomial; n, num-
ber of subjects (the value in parentheses representing the number
of outliers and high leverage points excluded from computation);
, power of the transformation (
0 denotes logarithmic trans-
FIG. 8. Age and sex differences in the EpiTe/pregnenolone sulfate
ratio in the serum of 183 women aged 1070 yr (empty circles) and 175
men aged 4 69 yr (solid circles). The circles with error bars represent
group mean values with 95% confidence intervals that were calcu-
lated using LSD multiple comparison. Overlapping of the confidence
intervals denotes statistical insignificance between individual groups
and vice versa. As confirmed using two-way ANOVA with sex and age
group as the first and the second factors, respectively, the age dif-
ferences were highly significant (P 0.0001). The sex differences
were nonsignificant, but the difference in the shape of age dependence
(age/sex interaction) was highly significant (P 0.0001).
Havlı´kova´ et al. Age, Sex, and Epitestosterone J Clin Endocrinol Metab, May 2002, 87(5):22252231 2229
-lyase. According to these authors, pregnenolone is
directly metabolized to 5-androstene-3
-diol, which in
turn serves as a substrate for 3
-hydroxysteroid dehydro-
-isomerase, thus yielding EpiTe. This hypothesis
has been indirectly supported by the discovery of a tight
correlation between EpiTe and 5-androstene-3
-diol lev-
els in both peripheral and spermatic blood in men (13).
A different situation is seen when the concentrations of
EpiTe and its precursor pregnenolone sulfate are correlated.
When the EpiTe/pregnenolone sulfate ratio was plotted as
a function of age (Fig. 7) or stepwise age-related changes
were calculated (Fig. 8), quite different patterns were ob-
tained for men and women: In men, the ratio displayed a
slight but significant increasing tendency, but in women a
U-shape dependence was found.
Circulating pregnenolone sulfate is mostly if not entirely
of adrenal origin (23). The major proportion of EpiTe in men
is believed to be formed in the testis (13), even though a
recent report has demonstrated that in hypogonadal (but not
in eugonadal) men, it responded to ACTH, indicating adre-
nal participation (11). These facts were a further reason for
considering pregnenolone sulfate as well as EpiTe and T to
find out whether some relationship between the levels of
pregnenolone sulfate and EpiTe does exist.
Although in men a positive correlation between EpiTe and
pregnenolone sulfate was found, no such a correlation could
FIG. 9. Correlation between EpiTe and
pregnenolone sulfate in the serum of 180
women (A and B) and 174 men (C and D)
aged 4 70 yr. Because of the skewed data
distribution on both axes violating the as-
sumption of a Gaussian distribution in the
data to be correlated, the data were trans-
formed by logarithmic transformation be-
fore correlation. The principal axis (the solid
line) and the 95% confidence ellipsoid (the
dashed line) obtained (A and C) were re-
transformed to the original scale (B and D).
r, Pearsons correlation coefficient; p, level of
statistical significance of the model; n, num-
ber of subjects.
2230 J Clin Endocrinol Metab, May 2002, 87(5):22252231 Havlı´kova´ et al. Age, Sex, and Epitestosterone
be demonstrated in women (Fig. 9). No definite conclusion
may be drawn from these results. However, it may be spec-
ulated that EpiTe in women is produced by a different mech-
anism than it is in men or that it is derived by the same
mechanism but is metabolized differently. The absence of a
correlation between pregnenolone sulfate and EpiTe levels in
women excludes a higher contribution by the adrenals. The
different mechanism of EpiTe formation means that EpiTe is,
at least partially, a by-product of the classical route of an-
drogen biosynthesis, including P450C17
action. The inter-
conversion of T to EpiTe via androstenedione and conse-
quent 17
-reduction, which can be seen in some species,
must also be taken into account. However, Thijssen et al. (24)
have demonstrated that in men the peripheral conversion of
labeled androstenedione and labeled T to EpiTe can account
for less than 5% of the total urinary excretion of EpiTe.
In a study of the regulation of the P450C17
enzyme in the
direction toward 17
-hydroxylation (typical of adrenals) or
-cleavage operating predominantly in the testis, Miller
et al. (25) pointed to the importance of the availability of
reducing equivalents, which depend on electron-donating
partners formed by other cooperating enzymes occurring in
the respective tissue. Our previous finding that EpiTe acts as
a competitive inhibitor of both activities in the human testis
(6) indicates that EpiTe is, at least partially, a by-product of
T biosynthesis in this tissue.
In conclusion, the authors measurements have demon-
strated that the concentrations of EpiTe and pregnenolone
sulfate are age dependent and that at least in prepubertal
boys and girls, EpiTe concentration approaches, or even sur-
passes, those of T, thus leaving it free to seek its role in
hormonal homeostasis. In both sexes, the dissimilarities in
the course of EpiTe levels during life, and its relation to
pregnenolone sulfate concentrations, raise the question of the
contribution of the adrenals and gonads to the production of
both steroids and even of the uniformity of the mechanism
of EpiTe formation.
We express our sincere thanks to Karel Paca´k, M.D., D.Sc. (NIH,
Bethesda, MD), for his valuable help in preparation of the manuscript.
Received January 29, 2001. Accepted January 24, 2002.
Address all correspondence and requests for reprints to: Martin Hill,
Ph.D., Institute of Endocrinology, Na´rodnı´ 8, 116 94 Praha 1, Czech
Republic. E-mail:
This work was supported by Grant 5398-3 from the Internal Grant
Agency of the Czech Ministry of Health.
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Havlı´kova´ et al. Age, Sex, and Epitestosterone J Clin Endocrinol Metab, May 2002, 87(5):22252231 2231
... The expression of steroidogenic enzymes such as HSD3B2 and some isoforms of HSD17B and SRD5A show declines with age from levels found in younger men, as do the levels of both serum and musculature steroids such as DHEA, free testosterone, and 5α-dihydrotestosterone, which show a 30-50 % decline (Sato and Iemitsu 2018). In addition to DHEAS and other adrenal androgens (Sulcova et al. 1997, Vermeulen 1995), pregnenolone, 17-hydroxypregnenolone (Hill et al. 1999, and especially their sulfates (Havlikova et al. 2002) largely declines with advancing age. Moreover, the patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) compared to corresponding controls show reduced levels of the most important human sulfotransferase SULT2A1, primarily expressed in ZR (Vankova et al. 2015). ...
... On the other hand, the long-term depression is facilitated (Jurado 2017). Endogenous steroids acting as negative modulators of AMPARs include primarily PregS and DHEAS (declining with advancing age) (Havlikova et al. 2002, Sulcova et al. 1997, and further sulfates of allopregnanolone and pregnanolone (see reviews Jurado 2017, Ratner et al. 2019). ...
... TRPM3 channels also play an important role in stimulating the activity of pancreatic β-cells and the subsequent insulin secretion (Wagner et al. 2008). As for relationships to aging, these channels are positively and rapidly reversibly modulated by age-dependent sulfates of Δ 5 steroids such as PregS and to a lesser extent DHEAS (Havlikova et al. 2002, Sulcova et al. 1997, Wagner et al. 2008. ...
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Ageing is accompanied by deterioration in physical condition and a number of physiological processes and thus a higher risk of a range of diseases and disorders. In particular, we focused on the changes associated with aging, especially the role of small molecules, their role in physiological and pathophysiological processes and potential treatment options. Our previously published results and data from other authors lead to the conclusion that these unwanted changes are mainly linked to the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis can be slowed down, stopped, or in some cases even reversed by an appropriate treatment, but especially by a life-management adjustment.
... However, the focus was mainly on well-known androgens such as testosterone or dihydrotestosterone, other metabolites were not in the core of interest [2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16]. Epitestosterone is a natural hormone mainly produced in testes (the adrenal contribution is relatively modest), whereby on a functional level, a distinct antiandrogenic activity has been demonstrated [17][18][19]. Clear age dependence of epitestosterone plasma concentration during puberty was shown, whereby epitestosterone and testosterone showed an increase followed by a decrease during this stage of development [14,[18][19][20][21]. Nevertheless, neither the biosynthetic pathways nor the site of its formation of epitestosterone in man has been unequivocally confirmed to date [18]. It apparently parallels the formation of testosterone, but on the other hand, its concentration is not influenced by exogenous administration of testosterone [14][15][16][18][19][20]. ...
... It was shown that concentrations of epitestosterone were age-dependent and, at least in prepubertal boys and girls, epitestosterone reached or even exceeded the concentrations of testosterone, thus supporting its role as an endogenous antiandrogen [16]. The detected pattern of a peak around nine to eleven years, probably due to starting puberty, was in line with previous findings [16][17][18][19][20]. The values of ratios in boys with autism versus controls were around 2.5, in line with findings from others [14][15][16]. ...
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Background: Epitestosterone [E] has for a long time been considered as a biologically inactive androgen. However, recently a distinct antiandrogenic activity of this naturally occurring endogenous epimer of Testosterone has been demonstrated. Especially the ratios of testosterone/epitestosterone (T/E) seem to be key as inhibition of epitestosterone on androgen activity was postulated. As in autism, a higher androgen activity was implied. We, therefore, suggested higher levels of T/E ratios of children with autism versus children with typical development. Methods: Urine probes of 22 girls with autism (BMI 18.7 ± 4.3; average age 12.3 ± 3.8 years) and a sample of 51 controls (BMI 17.0 ± 2.6; average age 11.9 ± 4 years), as well as 61 boys with autism (BMI 17.04 ± 2. average age 11.9 ± 2.5 years) and 61 control boys (BMI 17.0 ± 2.6; average age 11.1 ± 3.0 years), were analyzed with gas chromatography mass spectrometry. Results: The average T/E ratio of all boys with autism was 2.5 ± 1.8 versus 2.4 ± 1.3 in boys with typical development, respectively. No significant difference between boys with autism versus boys with typical development could be detected (p = 0.977). In girls with autism, the average T/E ratio was 1.4 ± 0.9 versus 2.0 ± 1.4 in girls with typical development, whereby a significant difference could be detected (p = 0.0285). Further, polynomial analysis of the third degree were conducted, showing a dependence from age with reasonable coefficients of determination (0.075 < R2 < 0.22, all samples). Discussion: As encompassing steroid hormone analysis are expensive and work-intensive, we hoped to find an easily applicable biomarker to support diagnostics in autism. However, as a relatively small sample of only 22 girls with autism were analyzed and menstrual cycle and pubertal status were only partly controllable through the matching of BMI and age, the question arises if it was an incidental finding. Nevertheless, one suggestion might be that epitestosterone has the effect of a competitive inhibition on the androgen receptor, which would probably help to explain the higher prevalence of autism in boys as compared to girls. Presumably, as no significant difference was detected in boys, this effect might not be as relevant from a steroid hormone perspective, and other effects such as altered 17/20-hydroxylase activity as previously shown in boys and girls with autism seem to have more relevance. Analysis of larger samples, including plenty of metabolites and enzymatic cascades, as well as the role of backdoor pathway activity of androgen synthesis of girls with autism, are demanded in order to validate current findings of altered steroid hormones in autism.
... DHEA and DHEAS are one of the most abundant circulating steroids in humans, and in addition to their secretion from the zona reticularis of the adrenal cortex, they are also secreted by the gonads as well as the brain, therefore sometimes also referred to as "neurosteroids." Several studies have very clearly demonstrated an age-associated decline in the levels of circulating DHEA/DHEAS (the C-19 steroids) and especially in aged-demented persons, and since they are the metabolic precursors of the androgens and estrogens in males and females, respectively, hence a decline in their level has several deleterious effects associated with unsuccessful aging [47,120,[128][129][130]. Older individuals exhibited overall decreased plasma and salivary DHEA levels, and with increasing age, the DHEA area under the curve was attenuated, and the decline became conspicuous [131,132]. ...
... In contrast to the cortisol secretion, which is normally maintained with age, there is significant impairment in DHEA/DHEAS secretion in response to exogenous ACTH, which indicates toward a probable unexplained defect in the cytochrome P450c17 desmolase activity in the zona reticularis of the adrenal cortex which converts cholesterol into pregnenolone, a rate-limiting step in DHEA (or any steroid) biosynthesis [134,135]. Several studies have demonstrated a small decline in the pregnenolone secretion with aging in both men and women and a marked decline in pregnenolone sulfate secretion after 60 years of age [49,128,130,136,137]. Additionally, the molar ratio of cortisol/DHEAS throughout the 24 h cycle was prominently higher in older individuals, especially if demented as compared to younger individuals. ...
The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis is one of the most important allostatic systems that allow a person to respond and adapt against diverse stresses by upregulating the glucocorticoids and adrenal androgens. However, its inhibition is equally important to prevent against deleterious effect of its overexposure to neuroendocrine and inflammatory stresses. This chapter aims to examine the effect of stress and aging on the dysregulation of the HPA axis. Chronic stress and aging are phenomenons that have complex interaction at the level of HPA axis; while chronic stress promotes aging, consequently aging leads to dysregulated stress management. The effects of the terminal regulators of the HPA axis like glucocorticosteroids (GCs; cortisol) and adrenal androgens (DHEA and its sulfate; DHEAS) are drastically opposite; while cortisol promotes neuronal cell death and degeneration, DHEAS plays protective role against neuronal impairment. With age there is a marked increase in the nocturnal as well as 24 h circulating cortisol secretion accompanied by clear flattening of the diurnal rhythm of cortisol secretion evident from both animal and human studies. Also, there is a clear dysregulation of the negative feedback inhibition of the GC secretion in chronic stress and aging. Besides, the androgenic steroids like DHEA/DHEAS secreted in response to ACTH also undergo marked depreciation in elderly subjects. Consequently, there is a marked increase in the cortisol/DHEAS molar ratio with physiological and pathological aging. Hence, the dysregulation in these two classes of steroids with aging and chronic stress and their manifestations are examined in detail in this chapter.
... The neurosteroid PregS induces rapid and reversible activation of TRPM3, both in overexpression systems and in cells endogenously expressing TRPM3, and PregS is currently the most potent TRPM3 agonist described in the literature (Vriens et al., 2011;Wagner et al., 2008;Held et al., 2015;Klose et al., 2011). PregS is a substance extensively produced by the human body, although the conditions under which elevated PregS levels may gate TRPM3 are not known (Havlíková et al., 2002). Interestingly, TRPM3 is more sensitive to PregS when increasing the temperature from room temperature to 37°C, and it is has been proposed that the PregS concentrations encountered physiologically in the human body may be sufficient to activate TRPM3 channels, especially at the body core temperature (Vriens et al., 2011;Wagner et al., 2008;Harteneck, 2013). ...
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Background Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME) is a complex multifactorial disorder of unknown cause having multi-system manifestations. Although the aetiology of CFS/ME remains elusive, immunological dysfunction and more particularly reduced cytotoxic activity in natural killer (NK) cells is the most consistent laboratory finding. The Transient Receptor Potential (TRP) superfamily of cation channels play a pivotal role in the pathophysiology of immune diseases and are therefore potential therapeutic targets. We have previously identified single nucleotide polymorphisms in TRP genes in peripheral NK cells from CFS/ME patients. We have also described biochemical pathway changes and calcium signaling perturbations in NK cells from CFS/ME patients. Notably, we have previously reported a decrease of TRP cation channel subfamily melastatin member 3 (TRPM3) function in NK cells isolated from CFS/ME patients compared with healthy controls after modulation with pregnenolone sulfate and ononetin using a patch-clamp technique. In the present study, we aim to confirm the previous results describing an impaired TRPM3 activity in a new cohort of CFS/ME patients using a whole cell patch-clamp technique after modulation with reversible TRPM3 agonists, pregnenolone sulfate and nifedipine, and an effective TRPM3 antagonist, ononetin. Indeed, no formal research has commented on using pregnenolone sulfate or nifedipine to treat CFS/ME patients while there is evidence that clinicians prescribe calcium channel blockers to improve different symptoms. Methods Whole-cell patch-clamp technique was used to measure TRPM3 activity in isolated NK cells from twelve age- and sex-matched healthy controls and CFS/ME patients, after activation with pregnenolone sulfate and nifedipine and inhibition with ononetin. Results We confirmed a significant reduction in amplitude of TRPM3 currents after pregnenolone sulfate stimulation in isolated NK cells from another cohort of CFS/ME patients compared with healthy controls. The pregnenolone sulfate-evoked ionic currents through TRPM3 channels were again significantly modulated by ononetin in isolated NK cells from healthy controls compared with CFS/ME patients. In addition, we used nifedipine, another reversible TRPM3 agonist to support the previous findings and found similar results confirming a significant loss of the TRPM3 channel activity in CFS/ME patients. Conclusions Impaired TRPM3 activity was validated in NK cells isolated from CFS/ME patients using different pharmacological tools and whole-cell patch-clamp technique as the gold standard for ion channel research. This investigation further helps to establish TRPM3 channels as a prognostic marker and/ or a potential therapeutic target for CFS/ME.
... The kidney may be the major site of the generation of the T 17α-epimer "epitestosterone" (EpiT, 17α-hydroxytestosterone), which has weak antiandrogenic functions and may inhibit certain steroidogenic enzymes. EpiT circulates with low nM concentrations and EpiT/T ratios are between 0.1 for women and up to 1 in men as measured in serum of healthy subjects by immunoassay (Havlikova et al., 2002). The ratio of urinary T and ...
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Androgens play an important role in metabolic homeostasis and reproductive health in both men and women. Androgen signalling is dependent on androgen receptor activation, mostly by testosterone and 5α-dihydrotestosterone. However, the intracellular or intracrine activation of C19 androgen precursors to active androgens in peripheral target tissues of androgen action is of equal importance. Intracrine androgen synthesis is often not reflected by circulating androgens but rather by androgen metabolites and conjugates. In this review we provide an overview of human C19 steroid biosynthesis including the production of 11-oxygenated androgens, their transport in circulation and uptake into peripheral tissues. We conceptualise the mechanisms of intracrinology and review the intracrine pathways of activation and inactivation in selected human tissues. The contribution of liver and kidney as organs driving androgen inactivation and renal excretion are also highlighted. Finally, the importance of quantifying androgen metabolites and conjugates to assess intracrine androgen production is discussed.
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Purpose: High cardiorespiratory capacity is a key determinant of human performance and life expectancy; however, the underlying mechanisms are not fully understood. The objective of this pilot study was to investigate biochemical signatures of endurance-performance athletes using high-resolution nontargeted metabolomics. Methods: Elite long-distance runners with similar training and anthropometrical records were studied. After athletes' maximal oxygen consumption (V˙O2max) was measured, they were divided into 2 groups: low V˙O2max (<65 mL·kg-1·min-1, n = 7) and high V˙O2max (>75 mL·kg-1·min-1, n = 7). Plasma was collected under basal conditions after 12 hours of fasting and after a maximal exercise test (nonfasted) and analyzed by high-resolution LC-MS. Multivariate and univariate statistics were applied. Results: A total of 167 compounds were putatively identified with an LC-MS-based metabolomics pipeline. Partial least-squares discriminant analysis showed a clear separation between groups. Significant variations in metabolites highlighted group differences in diverse metabolic pathways, including lipids, vitamins, amino acids, purine, histidine, xenobiotics, and others, either under basal condition or after the maximal exercise test. Conclusions: Taken together, the metabolic alterations revealed in the study affect cellular energy use and availability, oxidative stress management, muscle damage, central nervous system signaling metabolites, nutrients, and compound bioavailability, providing new insights into metabolic alterations associated with exercise and cardiorespiratory fitness levels in trained athletes.
To detect doping with endogenous steroids, six urinary steroids are longitudinally monitored in the Athlete Biological Passport. These steroids include testosterone, etiocholanolone, androsterone, 5α‐androstane‐3α,17β‐diol, 5β‐androstane‐3α,17β‐diol and the testosterone isomer epitestosterone. It is known that the intake of hormonal contraceptives may interfere with the ABP biomarkers. A previous study showed that athletes using hormonal contraceptives display lower urinary epitestosterone concentrations than non‐using athletes. In this study, we have analyzed the urinary steroid profile prior to and three months after administration of an oral hormone contraceptive including levonorgestrel and ethinylestradiol (n=55). The urinary concentrations of all the ABP metabolites decreased after 3 months, epitestosterone showing the largest decline (median 6.78 to 3.04 ng/mL, p˂0.0001) followed by 5α‐androstane‐3α,17β‐diol (median 23.5 to 12.83 ng/mL, p˂0.0001) and testosterone (median 5.32 to 3.66, p˂0.0001). Epitestosterone is included in two of the five ratios in the ABP (T/E and 5αAdiol/E), and consequently these ratios increased 1.7 fold (range 0.27 to 8.50) and 1.26 fold (range 0.14 to 5.91), respectively. Some of these changes may mimic the changes seen after administration of endogenous steroids leading to atypical findings. Notably, even though the participants used the same contraceptive treatment schedule, the HC mediated epitestoterone change varied to a large extent (median 0.43‐fold, range 0.06 to 6.5) and were associated with a functional T˃C promoter polymorphism in CYP17A1. Moreover, the epitestosterone changes correlated with HC induced testosterone and gonadotropins changes in serum, indicating that urinary epitestosterone reflects the androgen load in HC using women.
252. M. Meloun, M. Hill, H. Včeláková-Havlíková: Minimizing the effects of multicollinearity in the polynomial regression of age relationships and sex differences in serum levels of pregnenolone sulfate in healthy subjects, Clin. Chem. Lab. Med 47(4), 464 - 470 (2009), IF = 2.069, Background: Pregnenolone sulfate (PregS) is known as a steroid conjugate positively modulating N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors on neuronal membranes. These receptors are responsible for permeability of calcium channels and activation of neuronal function. Neuroactivating effect of PregS is also exerted via non-competitive negative modulation of GABA(A) receptors regulating the chloride influx. Recently, a penetrability of blood-brain barrier for PregS was found in rat, but some experiments in agreement with this finding were reported even earlier. It is known that circulating levels of PregS in human are relatively high depending primarily on age and adrenal activity. Methods: Concerning the neuromodulating effect of PregS, we recently evaluated age relationships of PregS in both sexes using polynomial regression models known to bring about the problems of multicollinearity, i.e., strong correlations among independent variables. Several criteria for the selection of suitable bias are demonstrated. Biased estimators based on the generalized principal component regression (GPCR) method avoiding multicollinearity problems are described. Results: Significant differences were found between men and women in the course of the age dependence of PregS. In women, a significant maximum was found around the 30th year followed by a rapid decline, while the maximum in men was achieved almost 10 years earlier and changes were minor up to the 60th year. The investigation of gender differences and age dependencies in PregS could be of interest given its well-known neurostimulating effect, relatively high serum concentration, and the probable partial permeability of the blood-brain barrier for the steroid conjugate. Conclusions: GPCR in combination with the MEP (mean quadric error of prediction) criterion is extremely useful and appealing for constructing biased models. It can also be used for achieving such estimates with regard to keeping the model course corresponding to the data trend, especially in polynomial type regression models.
Epitestosterone is the 17α-epimer of testosterone and has been described as an anti-androgen, since it inhibits the effects produced by testosterone and dihydrotestosterone via the nuclear androgen receptor (nAR). However, epitestosterone also displays an effect which is similar to the non-classical effect of testosterone, depolarizing the membrane potential of Sertoli cells and inducing a rapid Ca(2+) uptake. This study aimed to investigate the effects of a treatment with epitestosterone on developmental parameters of immature rats. Animals were chemically castrated by using the gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) antagonist cetrorelix and then received a replacement of 7 days with epitestosterone or testosterone. Replacement with either epitestosterone or testosterone restored the anogenital distance (AGD) and testicular weight which had been reduced by chemical castration. The immunocontent of nAR and the nAR-immunoreactivity were reduced by epitestosterone treatment in the testis of both castrated and non-castrated animals. Furthermore, testosterone was unable of changing the membrane potential of Sertoli cells through its non-classical action in the group of animals castrated and replaced with epitestosterone. In conclusion, in relation to the level of protein expression of nAR epitestosterone acts as an anti-androgen. However, it acts in the same way as testosterone when genital development parameters are evaluated. Moreover, in castrated rats epitestosterone suppressed the non-classical response of testosterone, changing the pattern of testosterone signalling via a membrane mechanism in Sertoli cells.
Epitestosterone (ET) and testosterone (T), free and sulfoconjugated, as well as 5-androstene-3β,17α-diol (5AD3β17α) and its 17β-epimer have been analyzed, by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry with stable isotope dillution, in peripheral and spermatic venous plasma of patients with left varicocele. All these androgens are secreted by the testis as evidenced by the significant concentration gradients between peripheral and spermatic venous plasma. Half of the daily ET production is ascribed to the testis, while 95% of T sulfate and roughly 70% of ET sulfate are also of testicular origin. Significant correlations between ET and 5AD3β17α are an indication that the 5-ene pathway is also operative for ET biosynthesis. High ratios of spermatic to peripheral venous plasma levels of ET and 5AD3β17α are also related to the high clearance rates of 17α-hydroxy-androgens.
Epididymal 5α reductase activity was found distributed in the crude nuclear fraction (44%) and microsomal fraction (41%). Spermatozoa contaminating the nuclear preparation accounted for only 3% of its activity. There were no regional differences in the distribution of total 5α reductase activity. However, the nuclear enzyme was more active in caput than in other regions. Maximal activity was found at pH 6.2 and at 32°C. Both enzymes had an absolute requirement of reduced dinucleotides. The microsomal preparation could only use NADPH while the nuclear enzyme could use NADPH and NADH. The apparent Km for the microsomal preparation was 0.62 ± 0.05 × 10−6M and Vmax was 555 ± 38 pmoles/mg protein/hour. The nuclear enzyme presented similar values. The reaction was not inhibited by accumulation of product in the medium, but other steroids such as progesterone, epitestosterone(17α-hydroxy-4-androsten-3-one) and 3-oxo-4-androstene-17β-carboxylic acid were potent competitive inhibitors. The reaction was strongly inhibited by Hg, Zn and Cu. The properties of the epididymal reductase are similar to those of the prostatic enzyme.
In establishing a theory to predict male-pattern baldness, we investigated the correlation of testosterone, epitestosterone, and dihydrotestosterone with 5 alpha -reductase in hair using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. One hundred milligram hair samples were obtained from a group of balding subjects and their sons, as well as from a corresponding aged-matched, nonbalding group. The ratio of testosterone to epitestosterone was significantly greater (mean 46.41, p < 0.001; mean 35.83, p < 0.001, respectively) in the hair of balding fathers (n = 19, age 28-50 y) and their sons (n = 16, age 8-16 y) than in the hair of the nonbalding control subjects (mean 9.17 and 10.47, respectively). These findings demonstrate that analysis of terminal hair may not only provide a basis for predicting baldness when the subject is still young, but also for preventing and treating male-pattern baldness by controlling the steroid hormone balance.
Epididymal 5alpha reductase activity was found distitributed in the crude nuclear fraction (44 percent) and microsomal fraction (41 percent). Spermatozoa contaminating the nuclear preparation accounted for only 3 percent of its activity. There were no regional differences in the distribution of total 5alpha reductase activity. However, the nuclear enzyme was more active in caput than in other regions. Maximal activity was found at pH 6.2 and at 32 degrees C. Both enzymes had an absolute requirement of reduced dinucleotides. The microsomal preparation could only us NADPH while the nuclear enzyme could use NADPH and NADH. The apparent Km for the microsomal preparation was 0.62 +/- 0.05 X 10(-6)M and Vmax was 555 +/- 38 pmoles/mg protein/hour. The nuclear enzyme presented similar values. The reaction was not inhibited by accumulation of product in the medium, but other steroids such as progesterone, epitestosterone (17alpha-hydroxy-4-androsten-3-one) and 3-oxo-4-androstene-17beta-carboxylic acid were potent competitive inhibitors. The reaction was strongly inhibited by Hg, Zn and Cu. The properties of the epididymal reductase are similar to those of the prostatic enzyme.
Both pregnenolone and 17-OH-pregnenolone were found to be higher in the plasma of patients with poorly controlled congential adrenal hyperplasia than in normal subjects. The plasma levels of these precursor steroids were significantly correlated with urinary 17-ketosteroid and pregnanetriol excretion and with plasma testosterone. The mechanism where by plasma pregnenolone and 17-OH-pregnenolone levels are elevated in patients with 21-hydroxylase deficiency is unknown, but the phenomenon of product inhibition is suggested as a possible explanation. As 17-OH-pregnenolone in plasma is almost entirely of adrenal origin, its measurement promises to be useful in the management of patients with congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Acute stimulation with ACTH caused negligible changes in the plasma levels of pregnenolone and 17-OH-pregnenolone and failed to distinguish between overly, appropriately, and under-treated patients. However, following repeated stimulation with repository ACTH, the steroid levels rose. These findings indicate limited adrenal responsiveness to ACTH following chronic glucocorticoid treatment of congenital adrenal hyperplasia, even in under-treated patients, and suggest that normal precursor steroid levels in plasma and normal 17-ketosteroid and pregnanetriol excretion can only be achieved by the suppression of total steroidogenesis to less than that occurring in normal subjects.
Both DHT and testosterone can be bound to an androgen receptor protein in rat prostate, rat uterus, and mouse kidney cytosol. The binding of all other natural androgen metabolites to this protein is limited. All available data indicate that the binding site of the receptor in these three tissues is similar or identical. In in vitro experiments, metabolism, binding to high capacity binding proteins, and other technical factors may favor receptor testosterone or receptor DHT complex formation. In vivo target cell metabolism is probably the main factor that determines which of these ligands is finally bound to the receptor. This metabolism includes not only the 5α reductase responsible for the formation of DHT, but also several other enzymes, such as the 3α hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases which may favor or inhibit the accumulation of DHT (Verhoeven, 1974). Differences in the ability of various target tissues to use different precursors for the production of DHT or testosterone merit further investigation, as they might explain the differences in the relative activity of various androgens in different organs. Similar discrepancies in steroid transformation between differentiated cells of a particular tissue might even account for qualitative differences in the androgen responses to different compounds. Whether testosterone itself is an active hormone at the cellular level remains unclear. However, it is tempting to speculate that the predominant binding of an androgen with a higher dissociation rate, such as testosterone, in tissue outside the genital tract is one of the mechanisms that limit the androgen response in these tissues.