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Growth charts for Down's syndrome from birth to 18 years of age


Abstract and Figures

Growth in children with Down's syndrome (DS) differs markedly from that of normal children. The use of DS specific growth charts is important for diagnosis of associated diseases, such as coeliac disease and hypothyroidism, which may further impair growth. To present Swedish DS specific growth charts. The growth charts are based on a combination of longitudinal and cross sectional data from 4832 examinations of 354 individuals with DS (203 males, 151 females), born in 1970-97. Mean birth length was 48 cm in both sexes. Final height, 161.5 cm for males and 147.5 cm for females, was reached at relatively young ages, 16 and 15 years, respectively. Mean birth weight was 3.0 kg for boys and 2.9 kg for girls. A body mass index (BMI) >25 kg/m(2) at 18 years of age was observed in 31% of the males and 36% of the females. Head growth was impaired, resulting in a SDS for head circumference of -0.5 (Swedish standard) at birth decreasing to -2.0 at 4 years of age. Despite growth retardation the difference in height between the sexes is the same as that found in healthy individuals. Even though puberty appears somewhat early, the charts show that DS individuals have a decreased pubertal growth rate. Our growth charts show that European boys with DS are taller than corresponding American boys, whereas European girls with DS, although being lighter, have similar height to corresponding American girls.
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Growth charts for Down’s syndrome from birth to 18
years of age
Å Myrelid, J Gustafsson, B Ollars, G Annerén
Arch Dis Child
Background: Growth in children with Down’s syndrome (DS) differs markedly from that of normal chil-
dren. The use of DS specific growth charts is important for diagnosis of associated diseases, such as
coeliac disease and hypothyroidism, which may further impair growth.
Aims: To present Swedish DS specific growth charts.
Methods: The growth charts are based on a combination of longitudinal and cross sectional data from
4832 examinations of 354 individuals with DS (203 males, 151 females), born in 1970–97.
Results: Mean birth length was 48 cm in both sexes. Final height, 161.5 cm for males and 147.5 cm
for females, was reached at relatively young ages, 16 and 15 years, respectively. Mean birth weight
was 3.0 kg for boys and 2.9 kg for girls. A body mass index (BMI) >25 kg/m2at 18 years of age was
observed in 31% of the males and 36% of the females. Head growth was impaired, resulting in a SDS
for head circumference of 0.5 (Swedish standard) at birth decreasing to 2.0 at 4 years of age.
Conclusion: Despite growth retardation the difference in height between the sexes is the same as that
found in healthy individuals. Even though puberty appears somewhat early, the charts show that DS
individuals have a decreased pubertal growth rate. Our growth charts show that European boys with
DS are taller than corresponding American boys, whereas European girls with DS, although being
lighter, have similar height to corresponding American girls.
Down’s syndrome (DS) is the most common chromo-
somal disorder, with an incidence of about 1/800 live
births in Sweden.12It is associated with mental retarda-
tion and congenital malformations, especially of the heart.3DS
is also characterised by dysfunction/disease in several other
Short stature is a cardinal feature of DS.6The growth retar-
dation of children with DS commences prenatally.7After birth
growth velocity is most reduced between 6 months and 3 years
of age.68Puberty generally occurs somewhat early and is asso-
ciated with an impaired growth spurt.69
Statural growth is a well known indicator of health during
childhood. As growth and final height differ markedly
between children with DS and healthy children, standard
growth charts should not be used for children with DS. If the
growth of a child with DS is plotted on a standard growth
chart, the development of an additional disease, such as hypo-
thyroidism or coeliac disease, may be overlooked.
Several syndrome specific growth charts have been
developed.6 10–15 Previously published growth charts for DS are
based on American,610Sicilian,11 and Dutch12 populations. The
American DS growth charts6are frequently used all over the
world. As we have shown earlier that the mean final height of
Swedish boys with DS exceeds that of corresponding
American boys,9and as the reported difference in final height
between the American boys and girls was low,6there was a
need for new DS growth charts. Thus, the aim of this study
was to create growth charts for Swedish children with DS and
to compare these with the presently used DS growth charts of
Cronk and colleagues6and the Swedish standard growth
charts of Karlberg and colleagues.16
The study is based on data from 4832 examinations of 354
children and young adolescents with DS, 57% males and 43%
females. The children were born between 1970 and 1997. Data
from 203 children (120 males, 83 females) with DS were col-
lected from records on all individuals with DS of four different
paediatric units in Sweden (Uppsala University Children’s
Hospital, Danderyd Central Hospital, Eskilstuna Central Hos-
pital, and the Halmstad County Hospital). Another set of data
was obtained from 151 children (83 males, 68 females) with
DS, whose parents responded to an appeal in a journal for
parents of mentally handicapped children. The only children
who were excluded were 10 patients who had earlier been
treated with growth hormone within a study. Thus, all other
children, regardless of complicating disease such as congenital
heart defect and hypothyroidism, were included. The number
of observations per child differed somewhat between the two
groups (table 1), but there was no observed difference
between the groups in parameters related to growth. The
majority of the children were white and were born in Sweden.
The data used for creation of the growth charts were age at
examination (years and months), height (cm), weight (kg),
and head circumference (cm). Body mass index (BMI, kg/m2)
was also calculated. The growth charts cover the time period
Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; DS, Down’s syndrome
Table 1 Distribution of the number of children and
the number of observations for the two groups of
Swedish children with Down’s syndrome
Group 1 Group 2 Total
No. of children 120 83 203
No. of observations 1363 540 1903
No. of children 83 68 151
No. of observations 956 571 1527
Group 1: all children living in specified regions of Sweden.
Group 2: children with Down’s syndrome recruited from an appeal.
See end of article for
authors’ affiliations
Correspondence to:
Dr G Annerén, Department
of Genetics and Pathology,
Rudbeck Laboratory,
Uppsala University, S-751
85 Uppsala, Sweden;
19 March 2002
from birth until 18 years of age, except those for head circum-
ference, which cover the first four years of life.
The data for each sex were divided into 44 different age
groups, one month intervals during the first two years of life,
three months intervals during the third year of life, and one
year intervals thereafter (table 2). Each child contributed only
one single set of data for each age group. If data from more
than one examination within an interval were available, the
figures from the first examination were used.
The growth charts were compared with those presently
used for children with DS, based on American children in
studies by Cronk and colleagues6(height and weight) and
Palmer and colleagues10 (head circumference). A comparison
was also made with the Swedish standard growth charts for
healthy children according to Karlberg and colleagues,16 which
correspond well to those of National Center for Health Statis-
tics (NCHS).17
Table 2 Sample size groupings of the analysed males and females with Down’s syndrome
Age (months) 0 1 2345678910
No. of observations 120 76 68 57 50 55 49 50 38 43 43
Age (months) 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
No. of observations 41 48 25 38 26 35 24 20 22 26 16
Age (months) 22 23 24–26 27–29 30–32 33–35
No. of observations 15 19 63 56 45 44
Age (years) 3 4 5678910111213
No. of observations 99 81 47 47 41 46 38 35 34 29 23
Age (years) 14 15 16 17 18
No. of observations 45 35 30 30 35
Age (months) 0 1 2345678910
No. of observations 90 50 48 53 41 39 51 32 31 39 33
Age (months) 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
No. of observations 22 55 18 20 17 20 10 40 15 13 18
Age (months) 22 23 24–26 27–29 30–32 33–35
No. of observations 13 13 37 26 31 19
Age (years) 3 4 5678910111213
No. of observations 61 56 45 41 57 47 47 50 42 38 47
Age (years) 14 15 16 17 18
No. of observations 45 44 29 29 37
Figure 1 Growth charts for height (mean (SDS)) of boys with Down’s syndrome from birth to 4 years of age (A) and 3 to 18 years of age (B).
98 Myrelid, Gustafsson, Ollars, et al
Figure 3 Growth charts for weight (mean (SDS)) of boys with Down’s syndrome from birth to 4 years of age (A) and 3 to 18 years of age (B).
Figure 2 Growth charts for height (mean (SDS)) of girls with Down’s syndrome from birth to 4 years of age (A) and 3 to 18 years of age (B).
Growth charts for Down’s syndrome 99
Figure 4 Growth charts for weight (mean (SDS)) of girls with Down’s syndrome from birth to 4 years of age (A) and 3 to 18 years of age (B).
Figure 5 Mean BMI of boys (A) and girls (B) with Down’s syndrome from birth to 18 years of age.
100 Myrelid, Gustafsson, Ollars, et al
Data for weight and BMI were transformed into logarithms
before the statistical analysis in order to obtain normal distri-
butions. All growth charts are based on means and standard
deviations using the weighted regression fitness system
distributed by Jandel.18 The software used was Microsoft Excel
97 SR-1 (Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, WA, USA) and
SigmaPlot, Scientific Graph System, version 3 for Windows
(Jandel Scientific Software, San Rafael, CA, USA).
Figures 1 and 2 present growth charts for height for boys and
girls. Mean birth lengths of both boys and girls with DS were
48 (2.3) cm (figs 1A and 2A), corresponding to 1.5 SD and 1
SD, respectively, on growth charts for healthy Swedish
The mean final height of males with DS (fig 1B) was 161.5
(6.2) cm (2.5 SD, Swedish standard16) and that of females
with DS (fig 2B) 147.5 (5.7) cm (2.5 SD16), resulting in a dif-
ference of 14 cm between the genders. The mean final heights,
when plotted on the growth charts of American children with
DS,6were on the 95th and slightly above the 50th centiles,
respectively. Individuals with DS reached their final height at
relatively young ages, 16 years for males and 15 years for
females (fig 1B and 2B).
Figures 3 and 4 show the charts for weight. The boys had a
mean birth weight of 3.0 (0.6) kg (fig 3A) corresponding to
1.2 SD.16 The mean weight at 18 years of age was 61 (8.3) kg
(fig 3B) corresponding to 0.4 SD according to the Swedish
standard16 and the 55th centile of American DS growth
charts.6Corresponding figures for females with DS were 2.9
(0.3) kg (1.5 SD16) and 54 (7.5) kg (0.5 SD16 and 25th cen-
tile6), respectively (fig 4A and B). A body mass index (BMI)
above 25 kg/m2was observed in 31% of the boys and 36% of
the females at 18 years of age (fig 5A and B).
Figures 6A and B show the increase in head circumference.
At birth, the boys had a mean head circumference averaging
33.0 (1.7) cm, corresponding to 0.5 SD, whereas that at 4
years of age was 48 (1.4) cm, 2.0 SD,Swedish standard.16 The
head circumference of the girls with DS developed in a similar
way with means of 32.5 (1.6) cm at birth and 47.5 (1.2) cm at
4 years of age corresponding to 0.7 SD and 2.0 SD,16 respec-
Syndrome specific growth charts have been developed for sev-
eral different disorders, for example, Down’s syndrome,6 10–12
Turner syndrome,13 Noonan syndrome,14 and Prader–Willi
syndrome.15 These charts are important tools in the medical
care of these children. Short stature is a cardinal sign of
Down’s syndrome. Complicating disorders, such as coeliac
disease, hypothyroidism,and growth hormone deficiency may
aggravate the growth retardation. For detection of additional
growth deviation the use of growth charts specific for children
with DS are necessary. In this investigation we present growth
charts from birth to 18 years of age for children with DS.
The growth pattern is characterised by an impaired growth
velocity from birth until adolescence, especially during the age
interval of 6 months to 3 years and during puberty. In
comparison with healthy boys, the males with DS had mean
birth length and final height at 18 years of age corresponding
to 1.5 SD and 2.5 SD,16 respectively. When the present data
were compared to the American DS growth charts6the final
height corresponds to the 95th centile. The rather marked dif-
ference in final height between Swedish and American males
with DS cannot be explained at present, but may be caused by
factors such as ethnic diversity and differences in size of the
study groups.
Figure 6 Growth charts for head circumference (mean (SDS)) of boys (A) and girls (B) with Down’s syndrome from birth to 4 years of age.
Growth charts for Down’s syndrome 101
The girls with DS in the present study had a mean birth
length of 1 SD and a mean final height, at the age of 18 years,
of 2.5 SD according to the Swedish standard.16 The final
height of the girls with DS was slightly greater than that of the
American girls. Birth lengths for our children with DS could
not be compared with those of the Americans, as the latter
growth charts start at 1 month of age.
The individuals with DS reached their final height at
relatively young ages, 16 years for males and 15 years for
females. This is in agreement with earlier studies in which an
early onset of puberty has been reported.689 Our results also
show that individuals with DS have a reduced pubertal growth
spurt, contributing to the low final height. In contrast to the
American data6our individuals with DS had the same differ-
ence in mean final height between the genders as healthy
Certain groups, in which mental retardation is predomi-
nant, such as the Prader–Willi and Bardet–Biedl syndromes,
are predisposed to overweight.19 Despite having a greater mean
final height than their American counterparts, the mean
weight at 18 years among the Swedish males with DS was
close to the 50th centile of the corresponding American males.
The mean weight for Swedish girls with DS was at the 25th
centile of the American growth charts6at the age of 18 years.
Even though one third of the individuals with DS were over-
weight (BMI >25 kg/m2), as defined by the National Institute
of Health (NIH),20 at the age of 18 years the weight and height
data of the American individuals with DS indicate that
overweight is a greater problem in the latter group.
Considering the mental retardation associated with DS the
growth of the head is of great interest. Our results show that
the mean head circumference of the children with DS was
smaller than that of healthy Swedish children, but slightly
greater than that of American children with DS. In agreement
with previous studies there was a gender difference in head
circumference, the male head tending to be larger than the
female.10 11
Although the optimal choice for the creation of growth
charts would be a longitudinal, prospective study based on
repeated examinations of a large and representative group, the
drawbacks with respect to time constraints and logistics make
it a less attractive model. Another way of collecting data is by
multiple and detached examinations at separate ages, but
given 354 children and 4823 examinations such an analysis
would produce less than 15 sets of data in each group which
would not result in reliable growth charts. In the present study
we used both repeated data for each child, as in a longitudinal
study, and several examinations of different children in the
same age group, as in a cross sectional study. This is a common
solution when growth in specific groups with relatively few
subjects is analysed.6122122
No children were excluded from the present study as a
result of additional disorders. Thus, treated hypothyroidism
and coeliac disease should not affect growth to any significant
extent. Congenital heart defects may affect growth, but are
part of the syndrome for 50% of the DS population.23 It has
been shown that differences in mean stature,comparing those
without or with mild congenital heart disease and those with
moderate or severe heart disease, are no greater than 2 cm for
boys and approximately 1.5 cm for girls up until the age of 8
years. The corresponding difference in weight varies between
0.5 and 2 kg.6
To make certain that there was no bias in the selection of
the children in the study, the mean scores and standard devia-
tions of all parameters were compared between the two
groups of children recruited. There were no differences in any
of the parameters related to growth in the children included
by the appeal compared to those from the four paediatric
Since it is not possible to switch from measurement of
supine to standing height at a fixed age in children with DS
there is no gap in height at the age of 2 years as in Swedish
standards for healthy children.16 Only a slight irregularity in
the curve between 2 and 4 years of age was observed.
In the present work we do not report comparisons between
our DS growth charts and the corresponding Dutch and Sicil-
ian growth charts. The Sicilian growth charts are based on a
rather small number of children and cover only the period up
to 14 years of age. The Dutch growth charts for children with
DS are similar to our charts, but are based on less than half the
number of examinations.
Prader–Willi syndrome and DS share many features related
to growth. No differences can be shown during the prepuber-
tal period comparing syndrome specific growth charts for the
two.24 A beneficial effect of growth hormone therapy is well
established in Prader–Willi syndrome25 and may also be of sig-
nificance in treatment of children with DS.24 26–28
Growth is an excellent marker of health status, both on an
individual and population level. This is especially evident in
disorders such as DS, which is associated with the dysfunction
of several organ systems. Short stature is a characteristic fea-
ture of DS, but there is a pronounced individual variation. This
variation is influenced both by genetic factors from the extra
chromosome 21 and inherited parental factors. In addition
concomitant diseases may influence growth. Children with DS
are great consumers of health care and are seen by many dif-
ferent physicians. Growth charts specific for children with DS
are therefore important tools in the medical routine follow up
as well as in the monitoring of growth promoting treatments.
This study was supported by grants from the Sävstaholm Society, the
Swedish Medical Research Council (Grant No. K00-72X-09748-10A),
the Gillberg Foundation, and the Carl Tesdorpfs Foundation.
Authors’ affiliations
Å Myrelid, J Gustafsson, Department of Women’s and Children’s
Health, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
B Ollars, G Annerén, Department of Genetics and Pathology, Uppsala
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ARCHIVIST ........................................................................................................
Epidemiology of birthweight
Babies with lower birthweights have higher risks of dying in infancy. Populations with lower mean
birthweights usually have higher infant mortality rates. So is low birthweight, of itself, an adequate
explanation of increased infant mortality? It has been argued that it is not (Allen J Wilcox.
International Journal of Epidemiology 2001;30:1233–41).
If you plot neonatal mortality (y-axis, logarithmic) against birthweight (x-axis) you get a reversed
J-curve with neonatal mortality falling from a very high level at very low birthweights to a minimum at
about 3.5 kg (US data) and then increasing again at higher birthweights. (Optimal birthweight tends to
be somewhat higher than mean birthweight.) Changing circumstances tend to change the level but not
the shape of the curve. Thus, in the USA neonatal mortality fell for all birthweights between 1950 and
1988 so the 1998 curve lies below but parallel to the 1950 curve. (There is, incidentally, no change in the
curve at 2.5 kg so the distinction between low birthweight and normal birthweight is arbitrary). Factors,
such as maternal smoking or high altitude residence, which reduce birthweight in populations simply
shift the reversed-J to the left. This produces the “low birthweight paradox” because low birthweight
babies in the reduced-birthweight group then have lower mortality rates than babies of the same birth-
weight in the standard group. Maternal smoking then appears to be “beneficial” for lower birthweight
babies. Wilcox solves the paradox by plotting neonatal mortality against birthweight z-scores for each
group. It is then found that the neonatal mortality of babies of smoking mothers exceeds that of babies
of non-smoking mothers at all points of the curve. Therefore, maternal smoking reduces birthweight at
all levels but the effect on neonatal mortality is independent of birthweight. Wilcox argues that attention
should be focussed on preterm births either by recording of gestational age or by estimation of the pro-
portion of small preterm births from the “residual distribution” of the birthweight frequency
distribution. (The “residual” distribution is the lower tail lying outside the normal,bell-shaped, curve and
is almost entirely due to small preterm births.)
Two commentators (Ibid: 1241–3 and 1243–4) accept that the low birthweight/normal birthweight
dichotomy is outdated but challenge Wilcox’s conclusions, one because he believes that Wilcox takes too
little heed of the social context and the other because she still believes that birthweight can be informa-
tive about population health.
Growth charts for Down’s syndrome 103
... Disease-specific growth charts help to monitor the growth of individual patients in comparison with other affected patients of the same age group (8). For several genetic syndromes, such as Down syndrome, Turner syndrome, Achondroplasia or Mucopolysaccharidosis type III (MPS III), disease-specific growth charts have already been published (9)(10)(11)(12)(13). In a previous natural history study of patients with PCH2A, failure to thrive has been observed in addition to progressive microcephaly (5). ...
... Overall, 440 individual measurements for BMI were collected from age 0-18 years, i.e. 248 values of female patients, and 192 of male patients. The mean number of available measurements per patient was 7(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18). From 4 months to 2 years, 224 measurements were available, from 2-18 years of age additional 216 measurements were available. ...
Introduction: Pontocerebellar hypoplasia type 2A (PCH2A) is a rare, autosomal recessive disease, caused by a homozygous pathogenic variant in the gene TSEN54 (c.919G>A, p.A307S). Apart from the characteristic pontocerebellar hypoplasia in MRI, PCH2A is clinically characterized by a dyskinetic movement disorder, severe neurodevelopment delay, progressive microcephaly, and, less well recognized, failure to thrive. Additional symptoms such as seizures, gastrointestinal or respiratory problems are common. The aim of this study was to document growth data of PCH2A patients, calculate growth charts for height, weight, body mass index (BMI) and head circumference (hc), and compare these to German reference charts. Patients and methods: In total, data of 65 patients with genetically confirmed PCH2A were included in the study. Growth data were collected retrospectively from medical reports and a parent questionnaire. Disease-specific growth charts were prepared using gamlss package in R. Sex-disaggregated growth charts for PCH2A were compared to German reference data from the KiGGs study. Results: Height and weight of patients with PCH2A were within the normal range at birth. Mean weight was significantly lower from the age of 3 months onwards, and mean height at the age of 6 months in patients with PCH2A, both, females and males. Mean BMI was statistically lower in patients at the age 4 months. Compared to reference values, mean head circumference of patients with PCH2A was significantly below average at birth, and all patients showed severe and progressive microcephaly in the further course. Conclusion: In line with previous reports, patients with PCH2A typically exhibit progressive microcephaly, and frequently fail to thrive during infancy. Disease-specific growth charts of pediatric patients with PCH2A are provided as a helpful tool to monitor height, weight, BMI and head circumference of affected children.
... Embora a cardiopatia congênita esteja relacionada à desnutrição, indivíduos com SD estão relacionados à obesidade (Deng et al., 2015;Soler Marin, Xandri Graupera, 2011) no Brasil, cerca de 70% dos homens e mais de 95% das mulheres possuem sobrepeso ou obesidade, sendo a inatividade física, a história de obesidade familiar e a ingestão inadequada de calorias os principais fatores desencadeantes (Granzotti et al., 1995). (Myrelid et al., 2002). ...
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Nos últimos anos, houve aumento significativo na expectativa de vida e melhora na saúde de indivíduos com Síndrome de Down (SD), devido, principalmente, à prevenção das complicações relacionadas à SD. O objetivo foi avaliar a frequência de fatores de risco para aterosclerose, prática de atividade física e história familiar de risco para doenças cardiovasculares em crianças e adolescentes com Síndrome de Down e cardiopatia congênita acompanhados em um serviço de atendimento multidisciplinar realizado no Ambulatório de Cardiologia Pediátrica do Instituto de Cardiologia do Rio Grande do Sul. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, exploratório e descritivo, envolvendo crianças e adolescentes com Síndrome de Down e Cardiopatia Congênita, uma amostra por conveniência. Foram estudados dados antropométricos, pressão arterial, perfil lipídico, atividade física diária e frequência de fatores de risco familiar para aterosclerose. Foram avaliados 68 indivíduos com Síndrome de Down. A presença dos fatores de risco familiar foi maior para hipertensão arterial, doença arterial coronariana, dislipidemia e obesidade. Apresentou maior prevalência de crianças e adolescentes ativos, 19,1% classificados como muito ativo e 45,6% como ativo. Níveis pressóricos adequados quando avaliados com percentil < 90 para idade e altura, perfil lipídico dentro da normalidade, 33,8% com C-HDL ≥ 45mg/dL, 76,5% com C-LDL ≤ 110mg/dL e 57,4% com triglicerídeos ≤ 90mg/dL. Os resultados deste estudo mostraram que as crianças e adolescentes atendidas neste Centro de Referência em Cardiologia com equipe multiprofissional, são fisicamente ativos, com pouca alteração patológica em valores pressóricos e valores lipídicos para sua faixa etária.
... We have reported that 27% of individuals with DS reported suffering a fracture or broken bone, and most fractures occurred in individuals under 20 years of age (though most individuals that responded were <20 years old) (LaCombe and . Maximal height in people with DS is reached around age 15, which is precocious compared to the general population (de Moraes et al., 2008, Angelopoulou et al., 1999, Myrelid et al., 2002. ...
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Skeletal insufficiency affects all individuals with Down syndrome (DS) or Trisomy 21 (Ts21) and may alter bone strength throughout development due to a reduced period of bone formation and early attainment of peak bone mass compared to typically developing individuals. Appendicular skeletal deficits also appear in males before females with DS. In femurs of male Ts65Dn DS model mice, cortical deficits were pronounced throughout development, but trabecular deficits and Dyrk1a overexpression were transitory until postnatal day (P) 30 when there were persistent trabecular and cortical deficits and Dyrk1a was trending overexpression. Correction of DS-related skeletal deficits by a purported DYRK1A inhibitor or through genetic means beginning at P21 was not effective at P30, but germline normalization of Dyrk1a improved male bone structure by P36. Trabecular and cortical deficits in female Ts65Dn mice were evident at P30 but subsided by P36, typifying periodic developmental skeletal normalizations that progressed to more prominent bone deficiencies. Sex-dependent differences in skeletal deficits with a delayed impact of trisomic Dyrk1a are important to find temporally specific treatment periods for bone and other phenotypes associated with Ts21. Summary Statement Analyzing developing bone and gene expression in Ts65Dn Down syndrome model mice revealed timepoints during development when trisomic Dyrk1a overexpression linked to appendicular skeletal abnormalities. Dyrk1a was not always overexpressed.
... Standard deviation scores (SDS) were calculated according to German references (15). For patients with DS, we used disease-specific growth curves (16). Pubertal status was assessed according to Tanner staging (17,18). ...
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While subclinical or overt hypothyroidism are common in Down syndrome (DS); Graves´ disease (GD) is rare (ranges 0.6%-3%). We aimed to evaluate the clinical features, course, and treatment of GD in children with DS and compare them with those without DS. Among 161 children with GD, 13 (8 f, 5 m) had DS (8%). Data were collected retrospectively from patients’ medical records. The mean age at diagnosis was 10.6 ± 4.5 yrs., with a female-to-male ratio 1.6:1. The main symptoms were weight loss (n=6), increased irritability (n=3), and increased sweating (n=3). None had orbitopathy. Seven of 11 patients with a thyroid ultrasound at diagnosis had a goitre. On admission, all had TSH <0.01 mU/L (normal range (NR): 0.51-4.30), fT3, fT4 (mean±SD), and TRABs (median, range) were 22.2 ± 10.2 pmol/L (NR: 3.5-8.1), 50.2 ± 18.7 pmol/L (NR 12.6-20.9), and 17.0 (2.89-159.0) U/L (NR <1), respectively. Patients were treated either with methimazole (n=10) or carbimazole (n=3), a dose of 0.54 ± 0.36 mg/kg/day. The treatment was “block and replace” in 10 patients and “dose titration” in three patients, with a mean duration of 43.4±11.0 months. Of 13 patients, four are still receiving primary treatment, three are in remission, one patient had two medically treated recurrences, three underwent surgery without complications, and two patients were lost to follow-up. Our data show that the clinical course of GD in patients with DS was similar to those without DS and suggest that a prolonged medical therapy should be the preferred option.
... The reported average adult height is 153 cm in males and 143 cm in females (75). Short stature is mostly due to reduced length of limbs, while the trunk commonly shows a retained size (75). Overall, sitting height-to-height ratio is greater compared to the general pediatric population. ...
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Down syndrome (DS) is the most common chromosomal disorder worldwide. Along with intellectual disability, endocrine disorders represent a remarkable share of the morbidities experienced by children, adolescents and young adults with DS. Auxological parameters are plotted on syndrome-specific charts, as growth rates are reduced compared to healthy age- and gender-matched peers. Furthermore, children with DS are at increased risk for thyroid dysfunctions, diabetes mellitus, osteopenia and obesity compared to general population. Additionally, male individuals with DS often show infertility, while women tend to experience menopause at an overall younger age than healthy controls. Given the recent outstanding improvements in the care of severe DS-related comorbidities, infant mortality has dramatically decreased, with a current average life expectancy exceeding 60 years. Accordingly, the awareness of the specificities of DS in this field is pivotal to timely detect endocrine dysfunctions and to undertake a prompt dedicated treatment. Notably, best practices for the screening and monitoring of pediatric endocrine disorders in DS are still controversial. In addition, specific guidelines for the management of metabolic issues along the challenging period of transitioning from pediatric to adult health care are lacking. By performing a review of published literature, we highlighted the issues specifically involving children and adolescent with DS, aiming at providing clinicians with a detailed up-to-date overview of the endocrine, metabolic and auxological disorders in this selected population, with an additional focus on the management of patients in the critical phase of the transitioning from childhood to adult care.
... This is an important factor to consider because DS is often associated with slower growth and thus smaller body size than euploid. Also, sex-specific differences in body size occur in DS as well as in those without DS (29)(30)(31). When tongue forces were normalized to body size for analysis, such that tongue forces were analyzed in the context of body weight, no significant Swallow phenotypes in Ts65Dn at 5 months of age. ...
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Purpose Down syndrome (DS) is a developmental disability associated with difficulties in deglutition. The adult Ts65Dn mouse model of DS has been previously shown to have differences in measures of swallowing compared with euploid controls. However, the putative mechanisms of these differences in swallowing function are unclear. This study tested the hypothesis that the Ts65Dn genotype is associated with atypical measures of tongue muscle contractile properties, coinciding with atypical swallow function. Methods Adult (5-month-old) Ts65Dn (n = 15 female, 14 male) and euploid sibling controls (n = 16 female, 14 male) were evaluated through videofluoroscopy swallow studies (VFSS) to quantify measures of swallowing performance including swallow rate and inter-swallow interval (ISI). After VFSS, retrusive tongue muscle contractile properties, including measures of muscle fatigue, were determined using bilateral hypoglossal nerve stimulation. Results The Ts65Dn group had significantly slower swallow rates, significantly greater ISI times, significantly slower rates of tongue force development, and significantly greater levels of tongue muscle fatigue, with lower retrusive tongue forces than controls in fatigue conditions. Conclusion Tongue muscle contractile properties are altered in adult Ts65Dn and coincide with altered swallow function.
... The US growth charts produced by Cronk et al. (8) were used for long time. Because growth rate differs to different ethnicities, particularly in body height, many Countries like, United Arab Emirates (9), China (10), Netherland (11), Turkey (12), Sweden (13) and Great Britain (14) have produced their own growth charts. Increasing differences between healthy children and those with Down syndrome also appear in the parameters of heart rate and blood pressure. ...
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Background Most of the people with Down syndrome have short stature compared to general population. There is also a high prevalence of overweight and obesity, mainly in the adolescence and in the adult life. The aim of this study was to compare some anthropometric parameters, heart rate and blood pressure of children with Down syndrome and those with normal development. Down syndrome is among the most commonly classified categories of mental sub normality, with the incidence at birth being around 1: 700 and 1: 750 in live births in most countries worldwide, with the risk of increasing with mother’s age. Methods The sample consisted of 82 children, 32 with Down syndrome and 50 healthy children, male, aged 14–15 yr from the population of Kosovo in 2022. There were no health problems present in the healthy children. Results About 53% of children with Down syndrome have normal body mass, 15.62% are overweight, and 21.8 are obese. In terms of blood pressure, Down syndrome children have higher systolic pressure (121.94mm/hg), sd ±21.69 than healthy children (111.18mm/hg, sd ±10.88). Conclusion Children with Down syndrome had significantly higher body mass index, heart rate, and systolic pressure at rest compared to healthy children. However, after short physical activity, healthy children exhibited greater diastolic pressure than children with Down syndrome.
... Children with Down's Syndrome reach their maximum height at a relatively young age, which is 16 years for boys and 15 years for girls. 18 ApoE expression is regulated by RANKL during osteoclast differentiation. Induction of c-Fos and NFATc1 have been shown to be important for their ability to stimulate osteoclast differentiation at an early stage. ...
Age and gender specific growth charts for Indian children with Down syndrome (DS) based on longitudinal data have not been published. To establish percentile growth charts for DS children inhabiting northwestern parts of India, body weight and length/height of 1125 (Male: 752, Female: 373) children with DS aged <1 month to 10 years, enrolled from the “Genetics Clinic” were measured at half yearly age intervals in the “Growth Clinic” of the Institute from August 1994 to November 2018. A total of 2089 observations were made on these children using standardized anthropometric techniques and instruments following a prospective mixed‐longitudinal growth research design. Using the LMS method, age and sex‐specific percentile growth charts (<1 month to 10 years) for weight, and length/ height were generated. Unpaired t ‐test was used to compare mean growth attainments of study children with those of DS patients representing other population groups as well as their normal Multicentre Growth Reference Study (MGRS and Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP) counterparts. The 50th percentile growth curves for both weight and length/height of Indian children with DS demonstrated a regular increase. As compared to their normal MGRS and Indian (IAP) counterparts, the children with DS had lower weight and height attainments. The boys and girls with Down syndrome showed short stature (height < 3rd centile) from the age of 1 year till 10 years and also became underweight beyond 5 years. As compared to their normal counterparts, children with Down syndrome exhibited compromised auxological attainments. The use of growth charts presented herein may be used to compare and monitor growth and nutritional status of Indian children with Down syndrome.
Weight, height, sitting height, and 24 other anthropometric variables (5 body circumferences, skinfolds at 7 sites, 4 head dimensions, and 8 hand and foot measurements) were obtained on 38 Prader-Labhart-Willi syndrome (PLWS) individuals (21 with apparent chromosome 15 deletions and 17 nondeletion cases) with an age range of 2 weeks to 38 1/2 years. More than half of these individuals were measured on more than one occasion. The measurements confirmed the presence of short stature, small hands and feet, obesity, and narrow bi-frontal diameter in PLWS. No differences were found for the anthropometric measurements between the 2 chromosome subgroups. Inverse correlations were produced with linear measurements (eg, height, hand and foot lengths) and age, which indicated a deceleration of linear growth relative to normal individuals with increasing age.
Growth retardation is a relatively consistent feature of Noonan syndrome but a standardized growth curve for height has never been calculated. Analysis of retrospective growth data on 112 patients with Noonan syndrome has permitted the establishment of preliminary reference growth standards for height for males and females. The results confirm the clinical impression that short stature among this group of patients occurs uniformly and is independent of chronological age. Various factors which may modify this are considered.
This study provides statistically appropriate head circumference reference curves for males and females with Down syndrome (DS) from birth to 36 months of age. A total of 239 males and 182 females from five study populations, yielding a combination of cross-sectional and longitudinal data, were used for the analysis. The method of least squares was used to test the fit of the growth model y = a + bx + c[log(x + 1)], where x is age in months. These standardized curves should provide information of value in the medical, physical, and developmental management of children with DS.
Constitutional obesity and mental retardation cooccur in several multiple congenital anomaly syndromes, including Prader-Willi syndrome, Bardet-Biedl syndrome, Cohen syndrome, Albright hereditary osteodystrophy, and Borjeson-Forssman-Lehmann syndrome as well as some rarer disorders. Although hypothalamic-pituitary axis abnormalities are thought to be a possible causative mechanism in some of these disorders, current knowledge is insufficient to explain the pathophysiologic mechanism of obesity in most multiple congenital anomaly/mental retardation syndromes. The chromosomal location of many of these syndromes is known, and studies are ongoing to identify the causative genes. Further delineation of the functions of the underlying genes will likely be instructive regarding mechanisms of appetite, satiety, and obesity in the general population. This review details current knowledge of the clinical and molecular genetic findings of multiple congenital anomaly/mental retardation syndromes associated with intrinsic obesity in an effort to delineate causative mechanisms and genetic abnormalities contributing to obesity.
We have compared the growth and the body composition in children with Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) with and without growth hormone treatment (recombinant GH 0.1 IU/kg/day) after a 1-y period. Twenty-nine prepubertal children with PWS, with mean body mass index (BMI) SDS of 2.2, and 10 (control) healthy obese children with mean BMI SDS of 5.6, underwent 24-h frequent blood sampling. Both PWS and control obese children had low and similar GH levels (0.7 microg/l +/- 0.4SD). Serum IGF-I levels, however, were significantly lower in children with PWS (-1.5SDS +/- 0.8SD vs -0.2SDS +/- 0.8SD). The 29 PWS children were randomized into 2 groups of 15 and 14 subjects for GH treatment and no treatment, respectively. Height velocity increased from -1.9SDS to + 6.0SDS in the treated group (p < 0.001) and decreased from -0.1SDS to -1.4SDS in the control PWS group during the study year. BMI decreased significantly for the treated group (+3.0SDS to +2.0SDS). Relative fat mass decreased significantly, while fat-free mass increased (p < 0.001) for the treated group. No significant changes were noticed in body composition in the control PWS group. In conclusion, the low spontaneous 24-h GH secretion, regardless of body weight, and the exceptional response to growth hormone treatment together with the finding of low IGF-I levels suggest that growth hormone deficiency is a common feature of PWS, as a result of hypothalamic dysfunction. Treatment with growth hormone is beneficial for the majority of PWS children.
The incidence of Down syndrome throughout a period of 12 years (1960 to 1971) was unchanged about 1.15 per 1000 births in parts of greater Copenhagen. 235 liveborn infants with Down syndrome were ascertained in this period in a population of 1.2 million with a total of 204,771 births. The maternal age distribution changed considerably to younger maternal ages during the same period. The unchanged incidence may he explained partly by better ascertainment, hut exogenous factors may also play a role. Thus, a more successful treatment of threatening abortions and sick infants with Down syndrome may tend to increase the incidence. Also hormonal factors and factors influencing paternal non-disjunction which plays a significant role and satellite association patterns may he considered.
Physical growth of 212 randomly selected Swedish urban children has been investigated from birth to sixteen years as part of a prospective longitudinal study of growth and development. Twenty body measurements have been taken at specified ages. In all, about 66,000 values of measurement have been recorded. At sixteen years 179 (84.4%) ofthe original children were still regularly being followed. Thirty-three (15.6%) of the 212 children left the study at various ages. A comparison between the children who left the study and those remaining did not show any significant differences in physical growth. All recorded data have been scrutinized in order to detect errors of measurement or administrative errors. Such values have been corrected or excluded. The editorial procedures also included the adjustment of each measurement to exact target age, interpolation of missing examinations and exclusion of children with an aberrant growth pattern. When comparing the present study with older Swedish investigations a secular trend was established, while there was good agreement with other contemporary Swedish investigations. Growth charts of distance values of various body measurements are presented. In the charts standard deviation lines (+/- 1, 2, 3 SD) and mean values are plotted. A logarithmic time scale (logarithmic conceptional age) has been used for both practical and theoretical reasons. When evaluating individual values in comparison with reference values standard deviations should be used rather than centiles. With this approach even grossly deviating values can be evaluated. Longitudinal follow-up of individual children and comparison of children of different ages will also be facilitated by this approach.