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A comparison of efficacy and toxicity between electroporation and adenoviral gene transfer


Abstract and Figures

Electroporation of skeletal muscle after injection of naked DNA was shown by others to increase transgene expression. Information regarding tissue damage caused by electroporation is conflicting. It is also not well known how plasmid electroporation compares with transfection by adenoviral vectors. To investigate these questions the most used protocol for muscle electroporation was used, i.e. 8 pulses of 200 V/cm and 20 ms at a frequency of 1 Hz. Intra-muscular DNA transfer of pLuciferase was increased by 2 logs after electroporation, confirming data described by others. However, the blood levels of the encoded protein were still lower than those obtained after injection of first generation adenoviral vectors. Also, the electroporation procedure, on its own, caused severe muscle damage consisting of rhabdomyolysis and infiltration, whereas the adenoviral vectors caused only a slight infiltration. As damage of targeted tissue may be an advantage in the case of tumour transfection, we also compared the two transfection methods in tumour tissue. In case of poorly permissive tumours, adenoviral vectors cannot transfect more than 2% of the tumour tissue without inducing significant liver damage. In contrast, the electroporation seems to offer a wider therapeutic window since it does not cause any systemic toxicity and still induce's significant transfection. Plasmid electroporation of the muscle induce severe local damage and is of no advantage over adenoviral vectors for obtaining high blood levels of a vector encoded protein. In contrast, electroporation of tumours might be safer than adenoviral gene transfer.
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BioMed Central
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BMC Molecular Biology
BMC Molecular Biology
Research article
A comparison of efficacy and toxicity between electroporation and
adenoviral gene transfer
Pierre Lefesvre*, Joline Attema and Dirk van Bekkum
Address: Crucell BV, PO BOX 2048, 2301CA, Leiden, The Netherlands
E-mail: Pierre Lefesvre* -; Joline Attema -; Dirk van Bekkum -
*Corresponding author
Background: Electroporation of skeletal muscle after injection of naked DNA was shown by
others to increase transgene expression. Information regarding tissue damage caused by
electroporation is conflicting. It is also not well known how plasmid electroporation compares with
transfection by adenoviral vectors. To investigate these questions the most used protocol for
muscle electroporation was used, i.e. 8 pulses of 200 V/cm and 20 ms at a frequency of 1 Hz.
Results: Intra-muscular DNA transfer of pLuciferase was increased by 2 logs after electroporation,
confirming data described by others. However, the blood levels of the encoded protein were still
lower than those obtained after injection of first generation adenoviral vectors. Also, the
electroporation procedure, on its own, caused severe muscle damage consisting of rhabdomyolysis
and infiltration, whereas the adenoviral vectors caused only a slight infiltration. As damage of
targeted tissue may be an advantage in the case of tumour transfection, we also compared the two
transfection methods in tumour tissue. In case of poorly permissive tumours, adenoviral vectors
cannot transfect more than 2% of the tumour tissue without inducing significant liver damage. In
contrast, the electroporation seems to offer a wider therapeutic window since it does not cause
any systemic toxicity and still induce's significant transfection.
Conclusions: Plasmid electroporation of the muscle induce severe local damage and is of no
advantage over adenoviral vectors for obtaining high blood levels of a vector encoded protein. In
contrast, electroporation of tumours might be safer than adenoviral gene transfer.
Numerous diseases require treatment by systemic delivery
of a therapeutic protein. Repetitive or continuous injec-
tions are the only delivery method used in daily practice.
As a mean of reducing the inconvenience of multiple in-
jections or implantation of mini pumps, gene transfer
technology may offer certain advantages. In order to
achieve a high plasma concentration, whatever the vector
used, the transfection of a large tissue mass is required
(e.g. liver or muscle). In rodents, intravenous injection of
a non-targeted vector – viruses or plasmid preparations –
induces mainly transfection in the liver and the spleen
[1,2]. As of today, transfection of other large organs by vi-
ral vectors has not been accomplished in by way of sys-
temic delivery [3]. The main inconveniences of
intravenous administration of first generation adenoviral
vectors are their immunogenicity [4] and hepatic toxicity
[5,6]. The muscle as a large tissue mass is a candidate for
Published: 13 August 2002
BMC Molecular Biology 2002, 3:12
Received: 24 April 2002
Accepted: 13 August 2002
This article is available from:
© 2002 Lefesvre et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This article is published in Open Access: verbatim copying and redistribution of this article are permitted
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BMC Molecular Biology 2002, 3
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production of recombinant protein, but the transfection is
limited to the injection site. Intra muscular administra-
tion is an attractive option as it avoids liver damage, but
the levels reached are not satisfactory [7]. An alternative to
transfection with adenoviral vector is the injection of na-
ked DNA into the muscle followed by electroporation.
The electroporation setting that induced high blood levels
of excreted encoded proteins were defined by Bettan et al.
[8] and Mir et al. [9,10]. This setting of 8 pulses of 20 ms
and 200 V/cm at a frequency of 1 Hz increased the plas-
mid expression up to 2 logs in the C57Bl/6 mice. In this
study, first generation adenovirus transfection and plas-
mid electroporation of the muscle were compared to de-
termine which one is the most suitable for obtaining high
plasma levels of two proteins of interest, namely: mhATF-
BPTI and endostatin. mhATF-BPTI is a newly designed
chimeric protein that has angiostatic properties and en-
dostatin is an angiostatic undergoing clinical trials that
was used for comparison. As these two proteins are inter-
fering with tissue healing, the luciferase gene was used to
study the local tissue damage caused by the two transfec-
tion methods.
Another application of electroporation is the transfection
of tumours. Human as well as rodent tumours vary greatly
in expressing the surface receptors for adenovirus. Conse-
quently, the gene transfer with adenoviral vectors is very
low in tumours that poorly express those receptors. Plas-
mid DNA alone is not very efficient transfectant, therefore
the electroporation offers a possibility to transfect tu-
mours resistant to viral infection [11,12]. In this study, the
electroporation of a non-permissive adenocarcinoma of
the lung is compared to the adenoviral vector.
Electroporation enhances plasmid gene expression in mus-
The luciferase activity in C57Bl/6 mice muscle was com-
pared when transfected with plasmid alone or with plas-
mid followed by electroporation at various voltage. As
depicted on Fig 1 electroporation increased transfection to
a maximum of 2 logs which was attained at 180 V/cm.
There was no more enhancing effect when the voltage was
lowered to 100 V/cm. It remained to be determined if the
2 log increase in transgene expression was enough to ob-
tain high blood levels of a secreted transgenic protein.
Therefore, plasmids encoding mhATF-BPTI or human en-
dostatin were injected into the muscle with and without
electroporation and the plasma level of the encoded pro-
tein was monitored. To verify that the injection had been
properly performed, an equal amount of pAdapt Luc was
added to the plasmid preparation and the mixture was in-
jected in a separate group of animals. Both groups (with
and without pLuc), showing similar expression levels of
the secreted encoded protein were pooled. As shown in
Fig 2 the injection of plasmid alone – pATF-BPTI or pEn-
dostatin – did not lead to blood levels above the back-
ground. In contrast, plasmid injection followed by
electroporation resulted in detectable blood levels of
mhATF-BPTI (5 ng / ml) and of hEndostatin (25 ng / ml).
These concentrations are however, far below what one can
achieve with low dose adenovirus (10
iu) injected intra-
venously which results in protein production by the liver.
Plasmid electroporation does not compete with adenoviral
The volume of injection limits the quantity of adenovirus
or plasmid that can be injected into the gastrocnemius of
a mouse without overflow. The maximal volume of 50
and the highest concentrations of the available batches of
either recombinant adenovirus (10
iu / 50 µl) or plas-
mid (50
µg / 50 µl) were employed to compare the two
gene transfer methods. The following electroporation
conditions i.e. 200 V/cm, 8 pulses of 20 ms at a frequency
of 1 Hz, were employed. The luciferase activity was meas-
ured in the gastrocnemius muscle of C57BL/6 mice 2 days
after the gene delivery. As depicted on figure 3 transgene
expression was roughly the same with adenoviral vector as
with plasmid electroporation. The leakage of adenovirus
out of the muscle induces a significant luciferase activity
in the liver and in the spleen. This level corresponds to an
intravenous virus dose that is far below that found to be
toxic for the liver. In contrast, the electroporation of the
muscle was not accompanied by any transgene expression
in the liver but a few mice showed a very low luciferase ac-
tivity in the spleen. It is noteworthy that the background
of luciferase is higher in the muscle than in the liver. This
was always observed and considered to be inherent to the
detection method. To further investigate the secretion ca-
pacity of the muscle, 10
iu Ad Adapt mhAB were injected
in the gastrocnemius of mice. The plasma levels of mhAB,
monitored for 3 weeks after the injection, showed a peak
at 10
± 4 ng /ml on day 10 after administration. In view of
the variation, transduction of the muscle with first gener-
ation Ad 5 is not significantly more efficient that with
Local injury caused by muscle electroporation
The damage induced by the electroporation was assessed
by clinical observation, histological examination of mus-
cle sections, and determination of creatine kinase in the
plasma. Clinical symptoms were not observed in any of
the mice during the observation period of 2 weeks. At au-
topsy, practiced 2, 7 and 14 days after the electroporation,
macroscopic examination of the treated areas showed lo-
cal abnormalities and an oedema of the whole gastrocne-
mius muscle. On day 2 the muscles were just a bit pale
whereas at day 7 and 14 the site of electroporation was
white / creamy and felt hard upon palpation (fig 4). Mi-
croscopic examination revealed severe muscle necrosis
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(fig 5) that was accompanied by a severe polynuclear eosi-
nophilic and mast cell infiltration. The quantification of
the pathological changes was assessed by determining the
percentage of necrotic fibers on transversal sections of the
muscle at the site of electroporation as well as by measur-
ing the creatine kinase (CK) concentration in the blood.
Histological scoring confirmed that the muscle damage
was maximal at 7 days after the electroporation (Fig 6).
Since the creatine kinase levels are not decreasing within
the first week after electroporation, the muscle lesions
must have continued over several days. In contrast, after
an acute muscle injury like an ischemic infarction, the
peak of CK occurs within few hours. This first peak may
have occurred after the electroporation but was not mon-
itored. Thus the elevation of the CK between day 7 and 14,
probably reflect the slow necrosis of the muscle fiber oc-
curring during the first week. More importantly, the elec-
tric pulse delivery caused on its own a severe
rhabdomyolysis and the prior injection of saline signifi-
cantly increased the muscle damage, but the addition of
naked DNA did not influence the muscle injury.
Other investigators showed that protein expression from
injected DNA was correlated with the voltage intensity up
to 250 v/cm. Thus, to determine a therapeutic window for
the electroporation procedure, the voltage intensity was
gradually diminished and the corresponding muscle dam-
age assessed as previously (Fig 7). The degree of necrosis
was indeed correlated with the voltage intensity and de-
creased to background at 50–100 V /cm. Unfortunately
the luciferase expression levels decreased as fast as the
Figure 1
Enhancement of plasmid expression in muscle by electroporation as a function of voltage. Luciferase expression in gastrocne-
mius muscle of C57BL/6 mice after injection of 50
µg pAdapt Luc followed by electroporation (black bars), injection of 50 µg
pAdapt Luc (striped bar), and injection of saline (white bar). The luciferase activity was determined 2 days after the treatment.
The values show the mean of three separate experiments. Data are expressed as means
± SD.
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Figure 2
Blood concentrations achieved by muscle electroporation. Endostatin and mhATF-BPTI plasma levels (red lines) and muscle
luciferase activity (black lines) in C57BL/6 mice. The animals were sacrificed 4, 7, and 14 days after treatment to determine the
luciferase activity in the injected muscle and plasma levels of endostatin or ATF-BPTI. Five animals per group and data are
expressed as means
± SD. A: the mice received 50 µg pAdapt hEndo +/- 50 µg pAdapt Luc intramuscularly followed by no elec-
troporation (circles) or by a 200 V/cm pulse delivery (squares). B: the mice received pAdapt mhATF-BPTI +/- 50
µg pAdapt
Luc intramuscularly followed by no electroporation (circles) or by a 200 V/cm pulse delivery (squares). The plasma levels of
mhATF-BPTI injected without electroporation were below the detection limit. The injection of two plasmids together did not
influence the level of expression of either the luciferase plasmid or that of the plasmid encoding mhATF-BPTI or endostatin.
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muscle damage, and no therapeutic window could be
found with these settings.
Intra-tumoral electroporation as compared to transfection
with adenovirus
The permissiveness to adenoviral vectors of rodent as well
as of human tumours varies within a range of 3 logs. One
of the reasons is that viral vectors are dependant on mem-
brane receptors to enter the cells. Adenoviral transfection
can be dramatically impaired in tumours that lack the ap-
propriate receptors. Therefore, transfection of naked DNA
using electroporation might offer a possibility to transfect
adenoviral-resistant tumours. The L44 bronchial adeno-
carcinoma was selected from among ten rat tumours of
different histological origin, as being very poorly permis-
sive to adenovirus. The standard plasmid electroporation
was compared to adenoviral gene delivery in subcutane-
ously growing tumours. As depicted on fig 8 the electro-
poration of 50
µg pAdapt Luc and the injection of 5.10
Ad Adapt Luc induce roughly similar luciferase expres-
sion. However, a non-negligible proportion of adenovi-
ruses leaks out of the tumour and reaches the liver. Such
leakage is 600 times higher with intra tumoral delivery
than after intra-muscular injection as judged by the luci-
ferase activity measured in the liver. In contrast, there is
no leakage of the luciferase activity from the tumour after
plasmid electroporation. In order to assess the toxicity as-
sociated with the viral leakage to the liver, graded doses of
luciferase and empty vectors were injected iv in Brown
Norway rats. The intravenous route was chosen on basis
of its consistent reproducibility. The luciferase activity in
the liver was measured and pathological changes were
scored in liver sections. To avoid interference by the trans-
gene, the liver damage were determined in animals inject-
ed with an empty vector. Figure 9 shows that the leakage
associated with the intra-tumoral injection of 5.10
iu and
iu is in the range of vector doses that induce a mild to
moderate liver damage. In an attempt to assess the thera-
peutic window of the adenoviral vector in this poorly per-
missive tumour, the number of transduced cells in the
tumour was determined by injection of vectors encoding
β-galactosidase gene (Table 1). It is assumed that no
significant effect is expected from a therapeutic transgene
(e.g thymidin kinase, mhATF-BPTI or endostatin) if the
percentage of transduced tumour tissue is below 5%. The
intra tumoral injection of 10
iu adenovirus resulted in
the transduction of only 12% of the tumour cells, mostly
limited around the needle track (Table 1). This vector dose
of 10
iu is already toxic for the liver (Fig. 9). Thus the
margin between efficacy and toxicity of the adenovirus in
non-permissive tumour is not wide enough for therapeu-
tic applications.
Figure 3
Adenoviral and electroporation gene transfer into the mus-
cle. Luciferase expression in gastrocnemius muscle, liver and
spleen of C57BL/6 mice after intra-muscular injection of
iu Ad Adapt Luc (grey bars, n = 5), 50 µg pAdapt Luc fol-
lowed by a 200 V/cm electroporation (black bars, n = 6),
iu Ad Adapt Empty (gray striped bars, n = 3), and 50 µg
pAdapt empty followed by a 200 V/cm electroporation (black
striped bars, n = 4). The luciferase activity was determined 2
days after injection. Data are expressed as means
± SD.
Table 1: Percentage of transduced cells in the L44 tumour
Dose Number of tumours Percentage of blue cells
iu 3 2 ± 0.5
2.5 10
iu 3 0.5 ± 0.2
5 10
iu 3 < 0.01
Percentage of cells expressing β-Galactosidase after intra-tumoral injection of Ad5 Adapt LacZ. The percentage of stained cells was determined on
25 × magnification field of a tumour section. Four sections per tumour. Data are expressed as mean ± SD.
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Several investigators have used electroporation proce-
dures to increase the gene expression of naked DNA in-
jected in rodents muscles or in tumours [13,14]. There are
basically two types of muscle electroporation protocols:
(1) high voltage / short pulses and (2) low voltage / long
pulses. The highest plasma levels of an encoded protein
were obtained with low voltage (200 V /cm) long pulses
(20 ms) and 8 pulses at a frequency of 1 Hz, i.e. the blood
concentration of human secreted alkaline phosphatase
reached values around 2
µg / ml [8]. The plasmid prepara-
tions described by others are most of the time endotoxin
free and the transgene is under a CMV promoter without
any nuclear transport signal. Using these settings and the
BTX electroporation device, the transgene expression after
intra muscular plasmid injection could be enhanced by a
factor 100. This led to plasma serum levels of endostatin
around 10 – 50 ng /ml. The dose of plasmid per injected
muscle could not be easily increased for technical reasons.
Given the maximal achievable plasmid concentration, the
injection volume would have become too large for the
muscle. Bettan et al. have shown that increasing the dose
from 30
µg to 300 µg by multiple injections resulted in 7
to 10 fold higher plasma levels. Thus, the intra muscular
injection of naked DNA followed by electroporation is
considered by some as a means to obtain therapeutic plas-
ma levels of proteins. However this range of plasma con-
centration can also be achieved by intramuscular or
systemic administration of first generation Ad5 vectors.
The toxicity of these vectors is well documented [6,5]. Sys-
Figure 4
Macroscopic change of the muscle after electroporation. The
gastrocnemius muscle of two C57BL/6 mice, 7 days after
injection of 50
µg pAdapt Empty followed by a 200 V/cm
electric pulse delivery. The arrows indicate the whitish part
of the muscle corresponding to fibre necrosis and inflamma-
tory infiltrate seen under magnification.
Figure 5
Pathological changes of the muscle after electroporation. The
photographs show representative histological sections of the
gastrocnemius of C57BL/6 mice. Magnification
×100. A1-3:
different sections at 7 days after plasmid electroporation
(200 v / cm). The sections were performed in the middle of
the white lesion seen macroscopically. They reveal a severe
rhabdomyolysis and infiltration by mast cells, eosinophils and
mononuclear cells. At the periphery of the lesion, the dam-
ages were less severe, the myocytes were not completely
necrotic but were pale. In the part of the muscle that was
macroscopically normal, there was only a diffuse mild to
moderate inflammatory infiltrate. The black arrows indicate
necrosis and white arrows indicate inflammatory infiltrate. B:
muscle section of a healthy mouse.
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temic delivery of adenovirus vectors induces mild liver
damage at low dose (10
iu in mice) and severe hepatitis
and bone marrow necrosis at high dose (10
iu in a
mice). Intramuscular injection of 10
iu induces moder-
ate local inflammation [15]. However, the local and sys-
temic toxicity of the adenoviruses can be dramatically
reduced by using gutless viruses [16]. Notably, we ob-
served severe muscle damage after the electric pulse deliv-
ery, which was worsened by the pre injection of saline but
was not influenced by the presence of plasmid. Most au-
thors dealing with electroporation gene transfer did not
investigate the toxicity of electroporation. All differences
between those published protocols and our parameters
were tested to verify if they were responsible for the toxic-
ity observed in our hands, but that was not the case. Sim-
ilar damage occurred after using a simple anaesthesia
(hypnorm) or in combination with muscle relaxants dur-
ing electroporation. Different positions of the leg between
the electrodes were tested with no influence on the toxic-
ity. No difference in muscle damage was observed be-
tween male and female mice. The influence of the type of
electrodes-needle or calliper – was not tested in our exper-
iments. However, there are indications from previous
publications that both electrodes would induce similar
muscle damage. Indeed, Gehl et al. established that the
toxicity of electroporation was correlated with the degree
of cell permeabilisation [17] and that these was similar
when using needles or calliper [18]. Thus, it may be as-
sumed that the electrode type is not of crucial influence
on the toxicity induced by the electroporation. Therefore
we conclude that the rhabdomyolysis developed in those
mice was not influenced by other parameters than the
electric pulse settings and the pre-injection of buffer. Only
two investigators have reported muscle damage after plas-
mid electroporation. Mathiesen described muscle necrosis
after plasmid electroporation that increased with the cu-
mulative duration of the pulses and that the necrotic fib-
ers never expressed the reporter gene. Hartikka et al.
attributed the muscle necrosis to the presence of plasmid,
but this conclusion is difficult to interpret since the eleva-
tion of serum CPK was not influenced by the plasmid. The
lesions described by these authors and us have much in
common with those induced by electrocution chocks. For
instance, Block et al. [19], in an attempt to mimic non-
thermally mediated muscle injury in electrical trauma,
used similar electric field strength and pulse length as for
plasmid electroporation. This resulted in quantitatively
and qualitatively very similar muscle damage to what we
found with the electroporation procedure. Thus, there is
strong evidence that muscle electroporation, as it usually
performed, is severely damaging and reduces plasmid ex-
pression to the survival cells. Furthermore, even if electri-
cal injuries generally involve much higher field strength
[20], it is noteworthy that some pathologic changes found
after electric shock resemble the one observed in muscle
after electroporation i.e. the decolouration in bands of the
muscle fibbers described by Morita et al. [21].
Bureau et al. have made attempts to improve the electro-
poration protocol by introducing new settings, consisting
in the combination of high voltage and low voltages puls-
es, that are inducing less permeabilisation of the myocytes
[22]. Even if these combined protocols seems to be slight-
ly less toxic, there is still much improvement needed to
compete with the new generations of adenoviral vectors as
a method to transfect muscle in patients.
In contrast to intramuscular delivery, the electroporation
of tumours seems to offer a wider therapeutic window. In
case of tumours that are poorly permissive to adenovirus,
it is difficult to transduce a large number of tumour cells
with adenoviral vectors without inducing severe liver
damage. In contrast, the systemic toxicity is not a risk with
plasmid electroporation as it is with adenoviral transfec-
tion. The possible damage induced by the electroporation
could not be easily determined due to the high back-
ground of necrosis in the tumour tissue, but if it occurs it
could only add to the therapeutic effect. In our experi-
ments the concentration of plasmid preparations limited
the maximal dose that could be delivered into the tumour,
but If this technical obstacle of producing highly concen-
trated plasmid was solved, electroporation would offer an
applicable transfection technique for viral-resistant tu-
mours that are accessible with an electroporation device
i.e. head and neck or skin cancers.
Pathogen-free inbred male C57Bl/6 mice, weighing 20 to
30 gr and Brown Norway rats, weighing 300 to 350 gr
were purchased from Harlan, The Netherlands. All ani-
mals were fed ad libitum with laboratory chow and water
and were kept under standard laboratory conditions. For
assay of plasma creatin phosphokinase (CPK), hEndosta-
tin, and mhATF-BPTI, mice were anaesthetised with iso-
flurane, bled by tail vein cut and the blood was collected
in EDTA tubes. All animal procedures were performed in
accordance with the official guidelines after obtaining per-
mission of the animal welfare committee. Measurements
of CPK were performed according to standard clinical pro-
Plasmid preparation
The plasmid pAdapt Luc, pAdpat LacZ, pAdapt hEndo and
pAdapt mhAB encoding respectively for the luciferase,
galactosidase, human endostatine and murinised human
ATF-BPTI genes were constructed as described previously
[23]. The different genes are under the control of the cy-
tomegalovirus (CMV) immediate-early promotor and ter-
minated by the simian virus (SV40) late poly(A) signal.
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Figure 6
Quantification of muscle damage over time. The gastrocnemius muscle was injected with 50
µL (1 µg / µL) of pAdapt Empty
followed by a 200 V/cm electric pulse delivery (black bars), 50
µL of PBS and 200 v/cm electroporation (striped bars), electro-
poration alone (white bars), 50
µL pAdapt Empty (red bars), 50 µL of PBS (blue bars), or were not treated (grey bars). The
muscle and blood were collected 2, 7, and 14 days after treatment. Four animals per group. Data are expressed as means
± SD.
A: Creatine kinase plasma levels. B: percentage of necrotic fibers determined in the electroporated part of the muscle. Statisti-
cal analysis (Scheffe's test) showed a significant difference of the muscle damage at day 2, 7 and 14 between the mice treated by
electroporation without pre-injection and those pre-injected with PBS or plasmid and then treated with electroporation.
There is not a significantly different damage between the muscle pre injected with PBS and the muscle pre injected with plas-
mid prior to the electroporation. The p values between the pre injected groups (with PBS or with plasmid) and the "electropo-
ration only" group are indicated above the bars.
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Figure 7
Quantification of muscle damage by electroporation using different voltage. The gastrocnemius muscle was injected with 50
µg / µL) of pAdapt Empty (black bars), or 50 µL of PBS (striped bars) followed by the electric pulse delivery. The control
mice received only the electric pulse delivery (white bars). The muscle and blood were collected 2 days after treatment. Four
animals per group. Data are expressed as means
± SD. A: plasma levels of the Creatine kinase. B: percentage of necrotic fibers
determined in the electroporated part of the muscle. Statistical analysis (Scheffe's test) showed a significant difference of the
muscle damage at the highest voltage (200 and 250 V/cm) between the mice treated by electroporation without pre-injection
and those pre-injected with PBS or plasmid and then treated with electroporation. There is not a significantly different damage
between the muscle pre injected with PBS and the muscle pre injected with plasmid prior to the electroporation. The p values
between the pre injected groups (with PBS or with plasmid) and the "electroporation only" group are indicated above the bars.
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The p Adapt mhAB encodes for a murinised form of the
human ATF-BPTI (mhAB) [24]. In this construct the
mhATF-BPTI, is preceded by the native secretion signal
peptide of the human urokinase. The human endostatin
coding sequence (InvivoGen, CA, USA) was cloned in the
Ad Adapt shuttle vector. The encoded endostatin corre-
sponds to the 183 residue of the human endostatin de-
scribed by O'Reilly et al. (1997) with an intact N-terminus
(HSHRDFQ...), preceded by the secretion signal peptide
of the human IL-2. The p Adapt empty is identical to p
Adapt Luc except that it does not encode any transgene.
All plasmid DNA preparations were prepared using Qia-
gen Mega Kits and purified using ENDOfree kits (Qiagen,
Valancia, CA).
Adenoviral vectors
Recombinant adenovirus vectors were generated in
PER.C6 cells by homologous recombination between an
adapter plasmid (pAdapt) and the E1 deleted Ad 5 DNA
plasmid as described elsewhere [23]. As a result of the ab-
sence of sequence overlap between the Adapt plasmid and
the Ad5 E1 sequences integrated into the genome of
PER.C6, the vector stocks used in this study did not con-
tain replicative competent adenovirus (RCA) [25]. All vec-
tors were produced on PER.C6™ using standard
procedures [25]. Infectious units (iu)/ml were determined
by end point cytopathogenic effect (CPE) assay on 911
cells [26]. Viral particles were determined by HPLC [27].
The particle to infectious unit ratio was always lower than
Electric pulse delivery and intramuscular injection
The animals were anaesthetised by intra peritoneal injec-
tion of fentanyl / fluanisone (Hypnorm, Janssen Animal
Health, The Netherlands). Rear legs and the flank skin
were shaved for the muscle and tumoral electroporation
respectively. Fifty microliter of plasmid (50
µg) or of ade-
Figure 8
Gene transfer in the L44 tumour and leakage to the liver. Luciferase activity in the L44 tumour and in the liver of Brown Nor-
way rats after intra tumoral injection of 10
iu Ad Adapt Luc (black bars, n = 4), 5.10
iu Ad Adapt Luc (grey bars, n = 4), 50 µg
pAdapt Luc followed by a 200 V/cm electroporation (striped bars, n = 4), or 50
µg pAdapt Luc (white bars, n = 3). The luci-
ferase activity was determined 2 days after the treatment. Data are expressed as means
± SD.
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novirus (10
iu) were injected slowly to prevent back
flow in the gastrocnemius with a 29 Gauge needle. When
2 plasmids were injected simultaneously, the volume of
the mixture was 100
µl. The tumours had a volume of 500
cm3 and the injection volume was 100
µl. Two minutes
after plasmid injection, transcutaneous electric pulses
were applied through two stainless steel plate electrodes
of a dimension of 5
× 10 mm (BTX, calliper electrodes;
Westburg, The Netherlands) placed on each side of the leg
or the tumour. Electrode jelly was used on the electrode
plates to ensure good electrical contact. The distance be-
tween the electrodes were usually around 5–6 mm. The
electrodes were applied on the muscle until they came in
complete contact with the skin, but without compressing
the muscle. Eight 20-ms pulses were delivered at a fre-
quency of 1 Hz using a BTX ECM 830 electroporator. Var-
iation between 50 and 200 V /cm were investigated in
different experiments.
Luciferase activity assay in tissue
Mice were sacrificed by an overdose of isoflurane and
whole organs were dissected out, frozen in liquid nitrogen
and stored at -80
°C. Organs were homogenised in phos-
phate buffered saline pH 7.8 using a blender. To lyse the
Figure 9
Liver damage in relation with the dose of adenoviral vectors. On the left Y axis is plotted the luciferase activity measured in the
liver of Brown Norway rats 2 days after iv injection of graded doses of Ad Adapt Luc (squares). On the right Y axis is plotted
the liver damage score observed 7 days after iv injection of graded doses of Ad Adapt Empty (circles). The vp / iu ratio of both
vectors were similar. Therefore, for a given luciferase activity in the liver, one can read on the graph the corresponding liver
damage (the bleu and red lines). The values A (bleu) and B (red) are the luciferase activity in the liver after the intratumoral
injection of 10
iu and 5.10
iu Ad adapt Luc respectively (see figure 8). The value A and B correspond to intravenous doses of
3.5 10
iu and 1.2 10
iu respectively. These doses induce a liver damage score between 2 and 4 (circle line).
BMC Molecular Biology 2002, 3
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(page number not for citation purposes)
cells, DTT (SIGMA, The Netherlands) (1 mM) and Triton
x-100 (0.1%) (Merck, The Netherlands) were added. After
centrifugation at 10,000 rpm for 10 min, 20
µl of the su-
pernatant was added to 100
µl of luciferase assay substrate
(Promega, The Netherlands). Relative light units (RLU)
were determined for 30 s using a luminometer (Lumat
951, Wallac, Belgium). The amount of protein in the ex-
tracts was determined with a commercial kit (Bio-Rad lab-
oratories, The Netherlands) based on the Coomasie
brilliant blue G250 binding assay [28]. The level of luci-
ferase activity in the tissue homogenates was expressed in
RLU / mg protein.
Elisa assays
The mhATF-BPTI ELISA was developed by P. Quax et al.
(TNO-Prevention and Health, Leiden The Netherlands),
using a monoclonal antibody specific for the ATF as the
capture antibody and a polyclonal antibody directed
against BPTI as the detector antibody [24]. As a standard
we used either urokinase or mhATF-BPTI. The levels of hu-
man endostatin in mice plasma were determined with an
ELISA kit (InvivoGen, CA USA) according to the manufac-
turer procedure.
Cell line
The L44 adenocarcinoma was induced in Brown Norway
rats by local irradiation of the thorax [29]. The L44 carci-
noma was serially passaged on syngeneic rats. For the ex-
periments, the tumours were established in the flank of
rats by implanting small pieces (3
× 3 × 3 mm) of tumour
tissue sub-cutaneously as described before [30].
LacZ expression assay
Forty-eight hours after Ad5 Adapt LacZ administration
rats were sacrificed and tumours were removed and cut in
2 mm sections. Sections were fixed in 10% phosphate
buffered formalin (pH 7.0) for 60 min at room tempera-
ture and incubated overnight in 0.5 M sucrose. The sam-
ples were subsequently frozen in liquid nitrogen. Ten
thick frozen sections were prepared and stained with 5-
β-galactopyranoside (X-gal)
solution (Molecular Probes, The Netherlands) overnight
at 37
°C. Finally, sections were counterstained with hae-
matoxylin and eosin. The percentage of transduced cells
in an histological section was assessed by the surface of
stained cells divided by the whole section surface. Cells
were considered positive when a blue staining was seen in
the nucleus. The surface of stained cells in each section
was determined on digitalised photographs of 25
× mag-
nification fields. The surface measurements were per-
formed with the NIH Image 1.62 software.
The microscopic examination of the gastrocnemius was
performed on paraffin section of formalin-fixated muscle.
Ten transversal sections form one extremity to the other
were performed and stained with haematoxylin and
eosin. All sections were examined but the quantification
of the rhabdomyolysis was determined on 3 sections, 1
mm apart from each other, cut through the part of the
muscle that was electroporated. The percentage of necrotic
fibers was quantified on photographs of 25
× magnifica-
tion field. The surface of the necrotic areas was measured
with the NHI image analyser software and reported to the
total surface of the whole sections.
The scoring of the liver damage was performed in Brown
Norway rats 7 days after the intravenous injection of
iu Ad Adapt Empty. The liver pieces were fixed in for-
malin 10%, embedded in paraffin and sections of 10
were stained with haematoxylin and eosin. The total dam-
age score is a compilation of scores of apoptosis, vacuolar
changes, nuclear condensation, anisonucleosis, megalo-
cytosis, mitosis, and inflammation. Normal control liver
score is zero and the maximal is nine.
List of abbreviations
ATF: Amino Terminal Fragment
BPTI: Bovine Pancreatic Trypsine Inhibitor
ELISA: human enzyme-linked immunoabsorbent assay
iu: Infectious units
iv: Intra venous
mhATF-BPTI: murinised human ATF-BPTI
vp: virus particle
We thank Dr Chris Zurcher for the scoring of the liver damage and Ger-
maine Penders for her technical support.
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... The injection volume also limits the amount of plasmid delivered into the mouse gastrocnemius muscle without overflow. Maximum volume 50 µL and the highest concentrations of available plasmid portions (1 µg/1 µL) [101] should be given in 4 punctures of 12.5 µL according to a two-piece administration regimen, on both sides of the upper and lower part of the muscle. The plasmid muscle injection volume cannot be easily increased for technical reasons. ...
... Place electrodes to the muscle until complete contact with the skin but without muscle compression. Using an electroporator deliver eight, 100-ms/each pulses at a frequency of 1 Hz and 175 V/cm current [101]. It is worth noting that the current voltage of 175 V/cm used in the protocol requires a 105 V voltage setting in the electroporator, which corresponds to a distance of 6 mm between the electrodes (voltage/distance). ...
... In several studies that aimed to optimize the parameters of electroporation, both the significant variability of transgene expression and the degree of tissue damage were observed [88,101,114]. Lefesvre et al. performed histological studies and marked the level of creatine kinase in plasma after electroporation of the gastrocnemius muscle [101]. Histological examinations showed muscle necrosis with a strong mast cell and eosinophils infiltration, with more severe damage observed between days 7 and 14, indicating slow necrosis of muscle fibres in the first days after electroporation. ...
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The gene delivery to skeletal muscles is a promising strategy for the treatment of both muscular disorders (by silencing or overexpression of specific gene) and systemic secretion of therapeutic proteins. The use of a physical method like electroporation with plate or needle electrodes facilitates long-lasting gene silencing in situ. It has been reported that electroporation enhances the expression of the naked DNA gene in the skeletal muscle up to 100 times and decreases the changeability of the intramuscular expression. Coelectransfer of reporter genes such as green fluorescent protein (GFP), luciferase or beta-galactosidase allows the observation of correctly performed silencing in the muscles. Appropriate selection of plasmid injection volume and concentration, as well as electrotransfer parameters, such as the voltage, the length and the number of electrical pulses do not cause long-term damage to myocytes. In this review, we summarized the electroporation methodology as well as the procedure of electrotransfer to the gastrocnemius, tibialis, soleus and foot muscles and compare their advantages and disadvantages.
... The first challenge is the deep characterization and analysis of miRNA sequences and targets, as the miRNAs may have multiple targets for which all functions and mechanisms of action should be well understood to be able to design the desired antagomirs using bioinformatics programs [86,87]. The second challenge is that the method of miRNA delivery for humans must be developed and optimized to avoid undesired tissue damage due to the high pressure of injection and electroporation by using alternative methods, such as viral vectors techniques [88][89][90]. For future clinical applications of miRNAs as biomarkers, standardized laboratory methods should be verified and more specific algorithms for data analysis and result interpretation should be established. ...
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A MicroRNA (miRNA) is defined as a small molecule of non-coding RNA (ncRNA). Its molecular size is about 20 nucleotides (nt), and it acts on gene expression's regulation at the post-transcription level through binding to the 3'untranslated regions (UTR), coding sequences, or 5'UTR of the target messenger RNAs (mRNAs), which leads to the suppression or degradation of the mRNA. In recent years, a huge evolution has identified the origin and function of miRNAs, focusing on their important effects in research and clinical applications. For example, microRNAs are key players in HCV infection and have important host cellular factors required for HCV replication and cell growth. Altered expression of miRNAs affects the pathogenicity associated with HCV infection through regulating different signaling pathways that control HCV/immunity interactions, proliferation, and cell death. On the other hand, circulating miRNAs can be used as novel biomarkers and diagnostic tools for HCV pathogenesis and early therapeutic response. Moreover, microRNAs (miRNA) have been involved in hepatitis B virus (HBV) gene expression and advanced antiviral discovery. They regulate HBV/HCV replication and pathogenesis with different pathways involving facilitation, inhibition, activation of the immune system (innate and adaptive), and epigenetic modifications. In this short review, we will discuss how microRNAs can be used as prognostic, diagnostic, and therapeutic tools, especially for chronic hepatitis viruses (HBV and HCV), as well as how they could be used as new biomarkers during infection and advanced treatment.
... Then, using an electroporator, 10 electrical pulses lasting 20 ms at 86 V (175 V/cm field strength) with 480 ms intervals between pulses are applied to the LGA and MGA muscles (84). Previous literature has assessed varying field strength (50-200 V/cm) in the electroporation of the gastrocnemius muscles with upper field strength parameters (140-200 V/cm) showing enhanced gene expression (86). ...
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The strategy of gene delivery into skeletal muscles has provided exciting avenues in identifying new potential therapeutics towards muscular disorders and addressing basic research questions in muscle physiology through overexpression and knockdown studies. In vivo electroporation methodology offers a simple, rapidly effective technique for the delivery of plasmid DNA into post-mitotic skeletal muscle fibers and the ability to easily explore the molecular mechanisms of skeletal muscle plasticity. The purpose of this review is to describe how to robustly electroporate plasmid DNA into different hindlimb muscles of rodent models. Further, key parameters (e.g., voltage, hyaluronidase, plasmid concentration) which contribute to the successful introduction of plasmid DNA into skeletal muscle fibers will be discussed. In addition, details on processing tissue for immunohistochemistry and fiber cross-sectional area (CSA) analysis will be outlined. The overall goal of this review is to provide the basic and necessary information needed for successful implementation of in vivo electroporation of plasmid DNA and thus open new avenues of discovery research in skeletal muscle physiology.
... As mentioned above, the Pv11-KH cell line was established by random integration of an AcGFP1 expression construct 4 . Pv11-KH cells exhibited a lower desiccation tolerance compared to intact Pv11 cells, perhaps due to unintended disruption of desiccation-related genes by genomic insertion of exogenous DNA fragments 46,47 , as previously noted 4 and shown in Fig. 1d (Fig. 1d). To assess whether there was an advantage of the targeted knockin system over the random integration of transfected DNA, the survival rate after a desiccation-rehydration cycle was compared in two different AcGFP1-expressing cell lines, AcGFP1-KI and Pv11-KH. ...
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Pv11 is an insect cell line established from the midge Polypedilum vanderplanki, whose larval form exhibits an extreme desiccation tolerance known as anhydrobiosis. Pv11 itself is also capable of anhydrobiosis, which is induced by trehalose treatment. Here we report the successful construction of a genome editing system for Pv11 cells and its application to the identification of signaling pathways involved in anhydrobiosis. Using the Cas9-mediated gene knock-in system, we established Pv11 cells that stably expressed GCaMP3 to monitor intracellular Ca2+ mobilization. Intriguingly, trehalose treatment evoked a transient increase in cytosolic Ca2+ concentration, and further experiments revealed that the calmodulin–calcineurin–NFAT pathway contributes to tolerance of trehalose treatment as well as desiccation tolerance, while the calmodulin–calmodulin kinase–CREB pathway conferred only desiccation tolerance on Pv11 cells. Thus, our results show a critical contribution of the trehalose-induced Ca2+ surge to anhydrobiosis and demonstrate temporally different roles for each signaling pathway.
... However, the transfection method for Pv11 cells is limited to electroporation 4 , and the transfection damage decrease desiccation tolerance of Pv11 in transient expression experiments, likely due to temporary damages by the electroporation 54,55 (Fig. S12). To avoid the temporary damages, we generated stably AcGFP1-expressing Pv11 cells (Pv11-KH cells) through random integration of an expression vector, but the cells showed lower desiccation tolerance than intact Pv11 cells 4 , maybe due to the unintended disruption of desiccation-related genes by genomic insertion of the exogenous DNA fragments 56,57 . Thus, to express exogenous genes with no deleterious effects on the desiccation tolerance, a targeted insertion system is necessary in Pv11 cells. ...
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Pv11 is an insect cell line established from the midge Polypedilum vanderplanki that exhibits an extreme desiccation tolerance known as anhydrobiosis. Pv11 has also an anhydrobiotic ability which is induced by trehalose treatment. Here we report the successful construction of the genome editing system for Pv11 cells and its application for identifying the signaling pathways in the anhydrobiosis. Using the Cas9-mediated gene knock-in system, we established GCaMP3-stably expressing Pv11 cells to monitor intracellular Ca ²⁺ mobilization. Intriguingly, trehalose treatment evoked a transient increase of cytosolic Ca ²⁺ concentration, and further experiments indicated the contribution of the calmodulin – calcineurin – NFAT pathway to the tolerance for trehalose treatment as well as the desiccation tolerance, while the calmodulin – calmodulin Kinase – CREB pathway conferred only the desiccation tolerance on Pv11 cells. Thus, our results show the critical contribution of the trehalose–induced Ca ²⁺ surge to the anhydrobiosis and the temporal different roles of each signaling pathway.
... Thus, we cautiously hypothesize that innate DNA recognition plus the electroporation-induced tissue damage might already provide a sufficient inflammation and therefore adjuvant-related inflammation could be redundant. This is in line with other studies that also reported incremental contributions of injection traumata, DNA sensing, and electroporation to tissue inflammation in the treated muscle characterized by rhabdomyolysis as well as infiltration of mast cells, eosinophils, macrophages, dendritic cells, B cells, and T cells [60,61]. Interestingly, Liu and colleagues also tested genetic adjuvants, specifically DNA-encoded Flt3L and MIP-1α, and found that either electroporation or inclusion of genetic adjuvants can both increase immunogenicity of the DNA vaccine separately, but if electroporation was applied after the injection of the adjuvants, an additive effect was barely detectable [61]. ...
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In respect to the heterogeneity among influenza A virus strains and the shortcomings of current vaccination programs, there is a huge interest in the development of alternative vaccines that provide a broader and more long-lasting protection. Gene-based approaches are considered as promising candidates for such flu vaccines. In our study, innate signalling molecules from the RIG-I and the NALP3 pathways were evaluated as genetic adjuvants in intramuscular DNA immunizations. Plasmids encoding a constitutive active form of RIG-I (cRIG-I), IPS-1, IL-1β, or IL-18 were co-administered with plasmids encoding the hemagglutinin and nucleoprotein derived from H1N1/Puerto Rico/8/1934 via electroporation in BALB/c mice. Immunogenicity was analysed in detail and efficacy was demonstrated in homologous and heterologous influenza challenge experiments. Although the biological activities of the adjuvants have been confirmed by in vitro reporter assays, their single or combined inclusion in the vaccine did not result in superior vaccine efficacy. With the exception of significantly increased levels of antigen-specific IgG1 after the co-administration of IL-1β, there were only minor alterations concerning the immunogenicity. Since DNA electroporation alone induced substantial inflammation at the injection site, as demonstrated in this study using Mx2-Luc reporter mice, it might override the adjuvants´ contribution to the inflammatory microenvironment and thereby minimizes the influence on the immunogenicity. Taken together, the DNA immunization was protective against subsequent challenge infections but could not be further improved by the genetic adjuvants analysed in this study.
... If HDR is preferred, the most effective method has been electroporation followed by transduction with non-integrating virus vectors 13 , or simultaneous electroporation of defined concentrations of engineered nuclease components with chemically modified, single-stranded oligodeoxynucleotide template at specified cell concentrations 14 . Electroporation is known to induce toxicity, and there is no means to control the number of cells that take up each component of the payload or the concentrations of each component that are successfully delivered by electroporation 15 . Finally, where non-integrating viruses are used as templates, the system still depends on availability of GMP-grade viral particles. ...
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Ex vivo CRISPR gene editing in haematopoietic stem and progenitor cells has opened potential treatment modalities for numerous diseases. The current process uses electroporation, sometimes followed by virus transduction. While this complex manipulation has resulted in high levels of gene editing at some genetic loci, cellular toxicity was observed. We have developed a CRISPR nanoformulation based on colloidal gold nanoparticles with a unique loading design capable of cellular entry without the need for electroporation or viruses. This highly monodispersed nanoformulation avoids lysosomal entrapment and localizes to the nucleus in primary human blood progenitors without toxicity. Nanoformulation-mediated gene editing is efficient and sustained with different CRISPR nucleases at multiple loci of therapeutic interest. The engraftment kinetics of nanoformulation-treated primary cells in humanized mice are better relative to those of non-treated cells, with no differences in differentiation. Here we demonstrate non-toxic delivery of the entire CRISPR payload into primary human blood progenitors.
... However, each approach has its own disadvantages and limitations. For example, the commonly used physical methods like electroporation and ultrasound still show potential safety risks to the body as well as histological damage or/and functional deterioration of local tissue [16,17]. More and more researchers are developing combined strategies to enhance the gene expression level and reduce tissue toxicity. ...
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Intramuscular expression of functional proteins is a promising strategy for therapeutic purposes. Previously, we developed an intramuscular gene delivery method by combining Pluronic L64 and optimized electropulse, which is among the most efficient methods to date. However, plasmid DNAs (pDNAs) in this method were not compressed, making them unstable and inefficient in vivo. We considered that a proper compression of pDNAs by an appropriate material should facilitate gene expression in this L64-electropulse system. Here, we reported our finding of such a material, Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a natural compound in green teas, which could compress and protect pDNAs and significantly increase intramuscular gene expression in the L64-electropulse system. Meanwhile, we found that polyethylenimine (PEI) could also slightly improve exogenous gene expression in the optimal procedure. By analysing the characteristic differences between EGCG and PEI, we concluded that negatively charged materials with strong affinity to nucleic acids and/or other properties suitable for gene delivery, such as EGCG, are better alternatives than cationic materials (like PEI) for muscle-based gene delivery. The results revealed that a critical principle for material/pDNA complex benefitting intramuscular gene delivery/expression is to keep the complex negatively charged. This proof-of-concept study displays the breakthrough in compressing pDNAs and provides a principle and strategy to develop more efficient intramuscular gene delivery systems for therapeutic applications.
... A few attempts of in vivo non-viral transfection have been described (Sun et al., 2016;Needham et al., 2014;Grossin et al., 2003;Pi et al., 2011), aiming at reaching the deep layer of cartilage and reducing risks associated with viral vectors. In vivo electroporation (intra-articular injection of naked plasmid, followed by electric pulse delivery) has also been proposed (Sun et al., 2016;Grossin et al., 2003), despite the cytotoxicity of the electric pulse (Lefesvre et al., 2002) and the immunogenicity of the injected naked DNA (Krieg, 1999;Krieg et al., 1995;Sawamura et al., 2005;Braun et al., 2000;McMahon et al., 1998;Suzuki et al., 1999). Electroporation of rat joints did not lead to pathological changes and resulted in a non-uniform distribution of transfected cells in the superficial, middle and deep zone of the patellar cartilage. ...
Current protocols for chondrocyte expansion and chondrogenic differentiation of stem cells fail to reduce phenotypic loss and to mitigate hypertrophic tendency. To this end, cell genetic manipulation is gaining pace as a means of generating cells with stable chondrocyte phenotype. Herein, we provide an overview of candidate genes that either induce cartilage regeneration or inhibit cartilage degeneration. We further discuss in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo viral transduction and non-viral transfection strategies for targeted cells (chondrocytes, mesenchymal stem cells, induced pluripotent stem cells and synovial cells), along with the most representative results obtained in pre-clinical models and in clinical trials. We highlight current challenges and associated risks that slowdown clinical acceptance and commercialisation of gene transfer technologies.
CRISPR (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats)/Cas gene editing is a revolutionary technology that can enable the correction of genetic mutations in vivo, providing great promise as a therapeutic intervention for inherited diseases. Adeno-associated viral (AAV) vectors are a potential vehicle for delivering CRISPR/Cas. However, they are restricted by their limited packaging capacity. Identifying smaller Cas orthologs that can be packaged, along with the required guide RNA elements, into a single AAV would be an important optimization for CRISPR/Cas gene editing. Expanding the options of Cas proteins that can be delivered by a single AAV not only increases translational application but also expands the genetic sites that can be targeted for editing. This review considers the benefits and current scope of small Cas protein orthologs that are suitable for gene editing approaches using single AAV vector delivery.
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Cytokine gene therapy was studied in established L42 tumours in syngeneic rats. L42 is a transplantable non-immunogenic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Genes coding for human interleukin-1 alpha and for rat interleukin-3 beta were transferred by injecting producer cells of recombinant adenovirus vectors into the tumour in attempts to achieve high concentrations of the cytokines inside the tumor without systemic toxicity. Limited tumour growth delay was obtained with viable producer cells. For logistic reasons stocks of pooled frozen producer cells allowed intensive treatment of groups of tumour bearing rats. The cells were lysed by thawing before administration. Ten daily injections of such 'cracked' producer cells induced reproducible tumour responses. These were due to local release of cytokines, not to systemic effects. Growth retardation also occurred in contralateral tumours which were not injected. When rats carrying established tumours were vaccinated with lysates of tumours collected during treatment with 'cracked' producer cells, significant tumour growth retardation was obtained. We speculate that both cytokines, if produced at sufficiently high concentrations in tumours, induce inflammation which in turn initiates an immune response against tumours growing at a distant site. These findings seem to justify further exploration of IL-1 and IL-3 gene transfer for the treatment of cancers.
A protein determination method which involves the binding of Coomassie Brilliant Blue G-250 to protein is described. The binding of the dye to protein causes a shift in the absorption maximum of the dye from 465 to 595 nm, and it is the increase in absorption at 595 nm which is monitored. This assay is very reproducible and rapid with the dye binding process virtually complete in approximately 2 min with good color stability for 1 hr. There is little or no interference from cations such as sodium or potassium nor from carbohydrates such as sucrose. A small amount of color is developed in the presence of strongly alkaline buffering agents, but the assay may be run accurately by the use of proper buffer controls. The only components found to give excessive interfering color in the assay are relatively large amounts of detergents such as sodium dodecyl sulfate, Triton X-100, and commercial glassware detergents. Interference by small amounts of detergent may be eliminated by the use of proper controls.
A protein determination method which involves the binding of Coomassie Brilliant Blue G-250 to protein is described. The binding of the dye to protein causes a shift in the absorption maximum of the dye from 465 to 595 nm, and it is the increase in absorption at 595 nm which is monitored. This assay is very reproducible and rapid with the dye binding process virtually complete in approximately 2 min with good color stability for 1 hr. There is little or no interference from cations such as sodium or potassium nor from carbohydrates such as sucrose. A small amount of color is developed in the presence of strongly alkaline buffering agents, but the assay may be run accurately by the use of proper buffer controls. The only components found to give excessive interfering color in the assay are relatively large amounts of detergents such as sodium dodecyl sulfate, Triton X-100, and commercial glassware detergents. Interference by small amounts of detergent may be eliminated by the use of proper controls.
Seven rat bronchial cancers of various grades of differentiation were used to study responses to single doses of cytostatic drugs (mitomycin C, cisplatin, methotrexate, TCNU, CCNU, ifosfamide) when growing subcutaneously or in the lung. The endpoint was growth delay as calculated from tumour volume measurements using vernier callipers or radiography. Substantial differences were observed between the tumour lines in their response to the chemotherapeutic agents. The response of tumours implanted in the lung was less than that of flank implants of the same tumour line. TCNU and ifosfamide were the most consistently effective drugs, yielding growth delays of at least two tumour volume doubling times in the majority of the lines studied.
A case of an electrocution is reported, involving a 37-year-old man who while engaged in an electrical work, received an electric shock by touching an electric wire of 11,000 volts. Both of his arms had to be amputated. A piece of muscle tissue was removed from the amputated arm to be examined by light and electron microscopy. Under light microscopy, the muscle tissue, after myoglobin staining, showed a particular pattern that closely resembled the pattern on the skin of a python. Thus the author has named the pattern seen in this case as the "Python-pattern". The electron microscopy inspection revealed on myoglobin staining excessive stretching and fragmentation of the myofibrils where the myoglobin staining was negative in the slide.
Joule heating has long been considered the principal component of tissue damage in electrical injury. Recent studies suggest electroporation, a nonthermally mediated mechanism of cell membrane damage, is also a factor. We investigated whether electroporation-mediated muscle necrosis can occur in vivo without significant Joule heating. Pulsed electric fields approximately 150 V/cm were produced in the hind limbs of anesthetized rats. In shocked limbs core muscle temperature rose less than 1.8 degrees C, yet significant damage occurred as determined by technetium-99m pyrophosphate uptake, elevated serum creatine phosphokinase, and prominent hypercontraction band degeneration of myofibers on histopathologic examination. This study is significant because it directly addresses whether nonthermal mechanisms of cell damage can cause tissue necrosis. These results indicate that electroporation effects can mediate skeletal muscle necrosis without visible thermal changes. Thus the phenomenon of "progressive recognition" may be characteristically largely explained by the occurrence of nonthermally mediated tissue damage.
Currently, the preferred host for the production of early region-1 (E1)-deleted recombinant adenoviruses (rAdV) is cell line 293, which was generated by transformation of human embryonic kidney cells by sheared adenovirus 5 (Ad5) DNA. To develop alternative hosts for the production of rAdV, we generated adenovirus-transformed human cell lines by transformation of human embryonic retinoblasts (HER) with a plasmid containing base pairs 79-5789 of the Ad5 genome. One of the established HER cell lines, which we called 911, exhibited favorable growth characteristics and was chosen for further study. This cell line is demonstrated to have several characteristics in common with the well-known 293 cell line: The 911 cell line is highly transfectable, and exhibits similar frequencies of homologous recombination. However, it has additional characteristics that make it a useful alternative for 293. The 911 cells perform particularly well in plaque assays. Upon infection with E1-deleted adenoviruses, plaques become apparent in monolayers of 911 cells already after 3-4 days versus 4-10 days in monolayers of 293 cells, thereby reducing the time required for quantitative plaque assays. Furthermore, yields of E1-deleted adenovirus vectors up to three times as high as those achieved with 293 cells can be obtained with 911 cells. Finally, the Ad5-DNA content of the 911 cell line is completely known. These features make the 911 cell line a useful alternative for the construction, propagation, and titration of E1-deleted recombinant adenoviruses.
The expanding use of adenoviral vectors for gene therapy has brought about the need for new analytical tools. We have developed an anion-exchange high-performance liquid chromatography method to analyze recombinant adenovirus serotype 5 samples. Before this assay, available analytical methods consisted of either long-term biological assays or required highly purified test articles. These methods were inadequate for optimizing adenovirus production and purification. This assay can quantitate viral particles in either crude lysates or highly pure samples. It can be used to assess particles in both dilute and concentrated samples over a wide dynamic range. Moreover, the population of viral particles eluted in the peak contains most of the infectious virions. This assay is a sensitive technique that overcomes the limitations of previous methods. It provides an essential tool to accomplish process optimization.
The presence of replication-competent adenoviruses (RCAs) in batches of replication-defective adenovirus (Ad) vectors is a major problem for the application of these vectors in gene therapy. RCAs are generated by recombination between sequences in the Ad vector and homologous Ad sequences in the helper cells, resulting in the acquisition by the vector of early region 1. To prevent the formation of RCAs, we have developed helper cell lines, which we named PER, and matched Ad vectors that do not have sequence overlap. PER cells contain the Ad serotype 5 (Ad5) E1A- and E1B-encoding sequences (Ad5 nucleotides 459-3510) under the control of the human phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK) promoter. We demonstrate that PER cells synthesize high levels of the Ad5 E1A and E1B proteins. The yields from PER cells of E1-deleted Ads are similar to those obtained from earlier helper cells, such as 911 and 293 cells. Propagation of matched Ad vectors, which lack Ad5 nucleotides 459-3510, in one of the PER clones, PER.C6, does not result in the generation of RCAs, in contrast to propagation in 293 cells. We conclude that the combination of PER.C6 cells and nonoverlapping E1-deleted adenoviral vectors eliminates the problem of RCA generation by homologous recombination, and allows cost-effective production of safe, clinical-grade batches of recombinant Ad vectors.