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Direct postcopulatory sexual selection revealed by artificial insemination


Abstract and Figures

Postcopulatory sexual selection comprises both sperm competition, where the sperm from different males compete for fertilization, and cryptic female choice, where females bias sperm use in favour of particular males. Despite intense current interest in both processes as potential agents of directional sexual selection, few studies have attributed the success of attractive males to events that occur exclusively after insemination. This is because the interactions between pre- and post-insemination episodes of sexual selection can be important sources of variation in paternity. The use of artificial insemination overcomes this difficulty because it controls for variation in male fertilization success attributable to the female's perception of male quality, as well as effects due to mating order and the relative contribution of sperm from competing males. Here, we adopt this technique and show that in guppies, when equal numbers of sperm from two males compete for fertilization, relatively colourful individuals achieve greater parentage than their less ornamented counterparts. This finding indicates that precopulatory female mating preferences can be reinforced exclusively through postcopulatory processes occurring at a physiological level. Our analysis also revealed that relatively small individuals were advantaged in sperm competition, suggesting a possible trade-off between sperm competitive ability and body growth.
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Evans JP et al. (2002) Nature 421, 360-363 doi:10.1038/nature01367
This is the authors post-review copy.
The full text is available on the publisher website at
Directional postcopulatory sexual selection revealed
by artificial insemination
Jonathan P. Evans, Lorenzo Zane, Samuela Francescato & Andrea Pilastro
Department of Biology, University of Padova, via U. Bassi 58/B, Padova, I-35131,
Postcopulatory sexual selection comprises both sperm competition, where the
sperm from different males compete for fertilization1, and cryptic female choice,
where females bias sperm utilization in favour of particular males2. Despite
intense current interest in both processes as potential agents of directional sexual
selection3, few studies have attributed the success of attractive males to events
that occur exclusively after insemination. This is because the interactions
between pre- and post-insemination episodes of sexual selection can be important
sources of variation in paternity4. The use of artificial insemination overcomes
this difficulty because it controls for variation in male fertilization success
attributable to the female’s perception of male quality, as well as effects due to
mating order and the relative contribution of sperm from competing males5.
Here, we adopt this technique and show that in guppies, when equal numbers of
sperm from two males compete for fertilization, relatively colourful individuals
achieve greater parentage than their less ornamented counterparts. This finding
indicates that precopulatory female mating preferences can be reinforced
exclusively through postcopulatory processes occurring at a physiological level.
Our analysis also revealed that relatively small individuals were advantaged in
sperm competition, suggesting a possible trade-off between sperm competitive
ability and body growth.
Postcopulatory sexual selection, arising from polyandry, is a pervasive evolutionary
force that permits directional selection in the form of sperm competition1 and cryptic
female choice2,3. In experimental studies, the outcome of postcopulatory sexual
selection is traditionally described in terms of the proportion of offspring sired by the
second male to copulate with a female, formally defined as the P2-value4. However,
values of P2 are typically characterised by extreme and often unexplained variation6
which can obscure the relative importance of pre- and post-insemination processes of
sexual selection. The use of artificial insemination overcomes this difficulty because it
uncouples precopulatory sexual selection (notably mate choice) from postcopulatory
selective processes. The technique therefore offers unrivalled opportunities for
distinguishing between the fertilizing capacities of different males7 and makes it
possible to test explicitly whether directional sexual selection can proceed exclusively
through postcopulatory processes at a physiological level5. Here, we adopt this
technique and examine the importance of postcopulatory sexual selection on preferred
male traits in the guppy Poecilia reticulata, an internally fertilizing species of
freshwater fish. Recent evidence reveals that attractive male guppies (those that were
accepted as mates more quickly) achieve greater parentage following natural double
matings8. Our aim is to determine whether the success of attractive males can be
attributed to events occurring exclusively during post-insemination episodes of
selection, as predicted by a positive association between male sexual attractiveness
and sperm quality9-11.
Guppies have a promiscuous, non-resource-based mating system12 in which
female choice and sexual coercion by males both play a role13. During precopulatory
mate choice, females typically prefer relatively colourful males exhibiting high rates
of courtship13. In particular, the area of carotenoid coloration in males (including
orange, red and yellow) consistently influences female mating decisions13,14. We
therefore specifically focused our analysis of male phenotype on body coloration and
mating behaviour, but also included body size since this trait has been shown to
influence female choice in some15, but not all studies (see ref. 14). In each trial, the
relative phenotype scores of two males, arbitrarily labelled A and B, were related to
each male’s subsequent share of paternity following the artificial insemination of
equal sized ejaculates from both males. For each of the broods we calculated the
proportion of offspring sired by the focal male B (hereafter termed PB) and related this
parameter to differences in the behavioural and morphological phenotypes of the two
putative sires. Thirty-five inseminations were performed yielding n = 27 broods
(mean number of offspring per brood = 11.1 ± 5.5 SD; range 3-25), which is a similar
rate of success to that observed following natural double matings in this population8.
Mean body size and the extent of body coloration (mean trait measurements for the
two males in each trial) did not differ significantly between males involved in
unsuccessful (n = 8) and successful trials (n = 27) (student t-test: body size t8,27 =
0.39, P = 0.70; total body coloration t8,27 = 1.71, P = 0.11; all individual colour
components n.s.).
The resultant paternity distribution ranged from 0 to 100% (mean = 0.53 ± 0.33
SD). The variance in PB was significantly larger than the expected binomial variance
(James test statistic = 15.1, P < 0.0001)16, which is assumed under the null hypothesis
that sperm from each male have equal chances of fertilizing ova the so-called ‘fair
raffle’ model of sperm competition1 (Fig. 1). Furthermore, a logistic regression
analysis revealed that differences in the phenotype of competing males accounted for
significant deviance in PB (Table 1). Within pairs of males, individuals with relatively
more orange sired a greater proportion of offspring than predicted by chance, whereas
the extension of black and blue did not predict male fertilization success (Fig. 2ac).
We suggest that this finding is unlikely to be explained by the differential survival of
embryos from attractive and unattractive males since such an interpretation requires
that broods sired exclusively by the more colourful male contain more offspring than
those with shared paternity (and these more than families sired entirely by the drab
male). Our results revealed that brood size was not correlated with the proportion of
offspring sired by the most colourful male in each pair (r = 0.23, n = 27, P = 0.26)
and furthermore that brood size was not a function of the mean extension of orange of
the two males in each trial (r = 0.15, P = 0.44, n = 27).
We also found that body size was related to male success, with relatively small
males achieving greater paternity (Fig. 2d). Body size was not significantly correlated
with either absolute or relative orange body coloration (data pooled to include all n =
54 males: r = 0.18, P = 0.21; r = -0.04, P = 0.78, respectively). Again, there was no
evidence that the success of relatively small males was due to the enhanced survival
of their embryos or offspring. Indeed, brood size tended to be positively, rather than
negatively associated with the mean body size of the two males in each trial (mean
body length, r = 0.35, P = 0.07, n = 27), although this trend was less apparent when
one family, a statistical outlier with respect to the others, was excluded from the
analysis (r = 0.27, P = 0.19, n = 26). Although the resorption of embryos has never
been documented in poeciliids17, further work is required to determine the extent of
embryo mortality in guppies, and furthermore whether this phenomenon is non-
random with respect to male phenotype. Until this information is obtained, the
possibility that the variation in brood size observed in this study, and its possible
influence on paternity share, was due to natural selection for enhanced embryo
survival cannot be fully discounted. Finally, male courtship behaviour, estimated for
each male prior to the artificial insemination trials, did not predict male B paternity
(Table 1).
To our knowledge, these results provide the first evidence that when
behavioural interactions between males and females are prevented, postcopulatory
selection can favour the same traits that are preferred by females during precopulatory
mate choice. The colour components measured in this study, and in particular the
relative area of orange, consistently predict female mating preferences in guppies (e.g.
refs 14,18,19), including the population chosen for this study (A. Pilastro et al.
unpublished data). In previous studies, such congruence between pre- and
postcopulatory sexual selection has been reported but may have arisen because
attractive males inseminate more sperm20, or because female behaviour can favour
particular males in sperm competition2,21-23. In our experimental design, however,
ejaculate size was controlled and females were denied the opportunity of assessing
male quality, and therefore such effects cannot explain the finding that relatively
colourful males were more successful. Additionally, our results are unlikely to be
explained by female sperm selection since this mechanism requires that the haploid
expression of sperm reflect male attractiveness. Although haploid gene expression
does occur in nature, the examples to date are confined to cases involving
compatibility-based discrimination against particular sperm genotypes rather than
directional postcopulatory sexual selection (see refs 3,24 and references therein). Such
compatibility effects, in addition to other non-directional selective processes (e.g.
poor sperm mixing25) cannot account for the success of colourful males, although it is
possible that both factors contributed towards the observed variation in PB in this
Our results suggest instead that males exhibiting high levels of coloration
produce competitively superior ejaculates9. Whether this effect is due to condition-
dependence (see below) or the enhanced genetic quality of colourful males remains to
be investigated. However, our results also reveal that relatively small males achieve
greater parentage than larger individuals. Unlike colour, the influence of male body
size on female preferences is less clear, with some studies reporting female
preferences for large males15 and others revealing no discrimination by females for
this trait14. Irrespective of whether body size is under selection through precopulatory
female choice, for the reasons articulated above it seems unlikely that sperm choice
by females accounted for the small male advantage uncovered by our study. Thus, to
the extent that sperm competition, rather than sperm choice accounts for our findings,
the two phenotypic traits identified in this study (body size and coloration) appear to
covary with sperm competitive ability in opposing directions. Such effects would be
predicted, for example, if sperm quality were to depend on an adequate intake of
carotenoids in the diet10 as well as energy traded-off against body growth26. An
important direction for future research is to identify the specific sperm traits that
confer reproductive advantages on males and examine how they interact with the
phenotypic traits identified in our study.
Origin of fish and assessment of male mating behaviour
Guppies, which were first-generation descendents of wild-caught fish from the
Tacarigua River, Trinidad, were maintained as previously described8. Behavioural
trials took place between 09.00 and 14.00. On the evening prior to each trial an adult,
non-virgin female and two sexually immature juvenile fish were placed into an
observation tank (46cm x 19cm x 27cm). On the following morning a test male (aged
six months), unfamiliar to the female and juvenile fish, was placed in the tank to settle
for 30 minutes. The test males were fully mature and were selected only if they were
in good condition and displayed sexual behaviour (as evident from their behaviour in
the stock tank prior to capture). Juveniles were included to facilitate the settlement of
the adult fish. The rate of male courtship (sigmoid displays) was measured over a 10-
minute period following an established protocol27. After each trial the female and
juveniles were replaced by different fish for the following day’s trial. The males were
isolated for 3 days prior to the phenotype measurements and the extraction of sperm
for artificial insemination.
Male ornamentation
Test males were paired at random, anaesthetized (MS222) and photographed with a
digital camera. Image analysis software (Scion Corporation, was used to measure total length and analyse body
coloration. Briefly, three main components of these colour patterns were considered:
the area of (1) carotenoid pigmentation (including orange, red and yellow), (2)
melanistic black spots, and (3) the iridescent structural colours, which include blue
and green. These three components are termed orange, black and blue respectively in
the main text. There were no significant differences between paired males (labelled A
and B) in body size (paired t-tests: t26 = 0.75, P = 0.46), courtship behaviour (t23 <
0.01, P > 0.99; behaviour not obtained from n = 3 males) or overall body coloration
(t26 = 0.48, P = 0.63; all individual components n.s.). The analysis of body coloration
was done blind of paternity assignment (see below).
Artificial insemination
Male guppies produce sperm packaged in bundles (spermatozeugmata). In
preliminary trials, 23 males were repeatedly stripped to obtain three independent
measures for the number of sperm per bundle for each male (for two males only two
counts were obtained). Analysis of variance (with males as random factors) revealed
that between-male variation in the number of sperm per bundle did not exceed that
observed within individuals (ANOVA: F22,44=0.76, P=0.76). The number of sperm
per bundle was not significantly correlated with any of the morphological traits
measured in this study (orange: r = 0.20, P = 0.35; blue: r = 0.14, P = 0.52; black: r =
0.03, P = 0.91; body size: r = 0.03, P = 0.88, n = 23). In each trial, equal numbers of
bundles were obtained from each of the two males27, gently mixed and inseminated
simultaneously into an anaesthetised female using a machine pulled micropipette
(penetration depth approximately 2mm). The number of sperm inseminated was based
on the size of natural ejaculates in the study population (~0.5x106 spermatozoa) (see
also ref. 20). Following AI, females were revived and isolated until they produced
their first brood. Tissue samples were obtained from all fish (mother, two putative
sires and offspring) for the subsequent paternity analysis.
Paternity analysis
We observed no offspring mortality prior to paternity assignment. Two microsatellite
markers (accession numbers: AF164205 and AF026459) were used to estimate each
male’s relative share of paternity (PB). The PCR protocol followed previous work8
with the exception that one primer from each pair was end-labelled with a fluorescent
phosphoramidite dye. Amplified fragments were separated by electrophoresis on an
ABI 3100 sequencer (ABI PRISM), using 400 HD ROX (Perkin-Elmer) as a size
standard. PCR products were visualised using Genographer software (v. 1.6.0) and
paternity was assigned to offspring according to allele sharing between putative sires,
mother and offspring. Both loci were highly variable (18 and 33 alleles, with expected
heterozygosities of 0.901 and 0.941 respectively) and exhibited a global exclusion
probability of 0.92. Where one parent (the mother) is known, paternity assignment
with two putative sires (as in our study) is calculated to be 100% (Cervus v. 2.0)28. In
practice, paternity was unambiguously assigned to all offspring (n = 300 from 27
Data analysis
The James method16 was used to test whether the proportion of offspring sired by the
male labelled B fluctuates randomly between families (with different brood sizes)29,
and thus whether the observed PB variance deviates from binomial expectation. A
generalized linear model (GLM) with binomial errors and logit link function was then
used to determine whether male phenotype accounted for deviance in PB. For each
family, male B success (the number of offspring sired by male B) and the total
number of offspring were entered as the binomial response variables. Predictor
variables, representing differences in the phenotypic trait measurements taken from
the two males per family (male B trait minus male A trait), were fitted into the model.
Initially, the full model included all possible explanatory variables; the term with the
least significant probability was then excluded in a stepwise procedure. The change in
deviance in the GLM resulting from the removal of each term was tested against an F-
distribution. We removed all terms whose exclusion did not cause a significant change
in the deviation of the model (Table 1).
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We thank Tim Birkhead, Jennifer Kelley, Bart Kempenaers, Francis Neat, Tom Pizzari, Leigh
Simmons and Andy Skinner for comments on an earlier draft of the manuscript, Chiara
Romualdi for statistical advice and Anna Ludlow for assistance with the preliminary artificial
insemination trials. This research was supported by a Marie Curie Independent Research
Fellowship from the EU and was carried out in conformity with the relevant Italian laws
governing the care of animals in research.
Competing interests statement
The authors declare that they have no competing financial interests.
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to J.P.E.
Table 1 Proportion of offspring sired in relation to male phenotype
Generalized linear model with binomial errors*
Parameters included in the model
Difference in orange
Difference in body size (TL)
Parameters excluded from the model
Difference in sigmoid rate
Difference in black
Difference in blue
* Final model: response variate, offspring sired by male B; binomial totals, brood size;
fitted terms (logit transformation), difference in absolute orange coloration and difference
in body size (TL). Overdispersion was corrected using the Williams procedure30 (phi =
0.306, model II). We obtained the same results when the three colour components
were combined using principal components analysis: two components were extracted
from the original variables (difference in colour area); the first component (PC1)
explained 62.7% of the variance and was correlated with the differences in orange (r =
0.962); the second component (PC2) explained 25.3% of the variance and was
negatively correlated with blue (r = 0.956) and positively with black (r = 0.261). Once
entered in the GLM, only the first component was a significant predictor of paternity
share (PC1, t = 2.48, P = 0.013; difference in body length, t = 2.54, P = 0.011; PC2 t =
0.83, P = 0.41). Qualitatively similar results were obtained when percentage, rather
than absolute colour was used (analysis not shown).
Figure 1. The expected paternity distribution, based on the assumption of
random sperm utilization (line), is compared with the observed values of PB
(bars). The expected PB curve is the mean of 10,000 randomised distributions
(Monte Carlo simulation), where both putative sires per family were assumed
to have an equal chance of siring each individual offspring.
Figure 2. The relationship between the proportion of offspring sired by male B
(PB) and the differences in phenotype scores (male B trait minus male A trait)
between competing males. a, differences in orange; b, black; c, blue (area of
colour spots, mm2); d, differences in body size (TL, mm). Points correspond to
the partial residuals of the observed data with respect to the fitted curves (see
Table 1).
... Nonetheless, females also play a crucial role in sperm competition by selectively fertilizing different males' sperm (Evans et al., 2003;Birkhead, 2010;L€ upold et al., 2013;Pizzari and Birkhead, 2000). This phenomenon, known as cryptic female choice (CFC) (Firman et al., 2017;Kustra and Alonzo, 2023), has been observed during various stages of the reproductive process, including shortly after mating and during sperm storage and transport. ...
... However, the outcome of sperm competition can also be influenced by sperm quality, quantity, and the order in which males mate. With the use of artificial insemination (AI), these challenges are overcome by controlling for variations in male fertilization success caused by the female perception of male quality, as well as effects arising from mating order and the relative contribution of sperm from competing males (Evans et al., 2003). Nonetheless, it remains unclear whether the hen's oviduct exhibits preferential selection towards sperm from different sources, but with similar motility, potentially resulting in offspring showing a bias towards paternal traits. ...
... We employed microsatellite markers, a standard tool in paternity testing, to analyze the proportion of progeny produced by sperm from different males. The application of microsatellite PCR has enabled unprecedented insights into animal mating systems, the behavior of sperm within the female oviduct, and CFC mechanisms (Evans et al., 2003;Birkheadet al., 2004;Bretman et al., 2009;Avise and Liu, 2011;Holman et al., 2011;Gasparini et al., 2018;Rivers and DuVal, 2020). This technique allowed us to confidently identify the paternity of offspring. ...
Full-text available
Sperm competition and cryptic female choice (CFC) are 2 significant mechanisms of postcopulatory sexual selection that greatly impact fertilization success in various species. Despite extensive research has conducted on sperm competition and the evolution of sperm traits in internal fertilization, our understanding of the female preferences in selecting sperm is still limited. Here, we aimed to investigate the characteristics of CFC in chickens by utilizing artificial insemination with mixed semen to control for variations in male fertilization success caused by female perception of male quality and mating order. Our results revealed that the offspring from multiple-mated females exhibited mixed paternity. Although the males had an equal number of viable sperm, 1 male consistently exhibited a 15% higher success rate on average, regardless of whether the insemination was performed with fresh or diluted semen. This result suggested that this male demonstrates superior performance in sperm competition, and exhibited a potential advantage in fertilization success. While the dominant male generally made a greater genetic contribution to most offspring, the degree of this advantage varied greatly, ranging from 11.11 to 75%. Furthermore, our study provided evidence of female preferences influenced the precedence of sperm from certain males over others. Interestingly, this bias is not consistently observed among all individuals, as offspring derived from some females were predominantly sired by an overall disadvantaged male while others were predominantly by a different disadvantaged male. Overall, these results underscored the complex processes involved in sperm selection and emphasized the importance of females in sexual selection theory.
... Indeed, since male traits associated with fertilization success, including ejaculate traits, are typically condition dependent (Simmons & Kotiaho, 2002), their expression is usually reduced under food restriction (Gage & Cook, 1994;Godwin et al., 2017;Křemenová et al., 2021;Rahman et al., 2013), although the extent and the direction of this effect can vary according to the species and the ejaculate trait (Macartney et al., 2019;Mehlis & Bakker, 2014). Furthermore, in some species the expression of precopulatory traits is also associated with fertilization success (Evans, Zane, et al., 2003;Pilastro et al., 2004;Turnell & Shaw, 2015) and they may therefore influence the operation of PCSS (Devigili et al., 2013). ...
... Virgin females are sexually receptive for several days after the first mating and during this receptivity window they engage in consensual copulations with several males (Evans & Gasparini, 2013;Liley, 1966). In this species, competitive fertilization success is associated with the number of sperm inseminated and their swimming velocity (Boschetto et al., 2011;Devigili et al., 2016), male ornaments, namely the area of the body colour spots (Evans, Zane, et al., 2003) and courtship rate (Evans & Magurran, 2001;Pitcher et al., 2003). This fertilization advantage derives from the positive correlation between male ornaments (colours and courtship rate) and ejaculate quality (Locatello et al., 2006; but see Evans, 2010), and from the cryptic female preference for colourful males (Pilastro et al., 2004). ...
... We determined the within-female standardized variance in male fertilization success (I fs ) for each female in the two diet treatments (Jones, 2009 (Evans & Magurran, 2001;Evans, Zane, et al., 2003) and sperm number and sperm velocity at rest, among postcopulatory traits (Boschetto et al., 2011). In the GLMM we entered female identity as the repeated measure subject, the number of offspring ...
Full-text available
Postcopulatory sexual selection (PCSS), namely sperm competition and cryptic female choice, is typically investigated in benign environments, with a fixed number of partners, which mate at the same time intervals; all conditions that are rarely met in natural populations. Although there is increasing evidence that environmental fluctuations affect sexual selection before mating, whether and to which extent they influence postcopulatory trajectories is still little explored. PCSS was investigated in replicate populations of guppies (Poecilia reticulata) in which males and females mated after maintained for 2 weeks on either restricted (RE) or ad libitum (AL) diet and the paternity of the offspring produced by multiply mated females was assigned using microsatellite markers. Compared to AL fish, RE females (i) had fewer mating partners, but the time interval between the first and the last mating was not affected; (ii) produced broods with a lower variance in male fertilization success (a measure of the opportunity for PCSS); and (iii) produced broods with a paternity bias towards the first mate (reversing the last sperm precedence observed in AL populations), and associated more towards males with higher courtship rate. Our results demonstrate that short‐term limitation in food availability significantly influence PCSS by modifying both fertilization success variance and sperm precedence pattern. Environmental variation should therefore become part of the research paradigm to improve our understanding of postcopulatory evolutionary dynamics. Read the free Plain Language Summary for this article on the Journal blog.
... However, increased reproductive success of smaller male guppies has been reported before (Becher & Magurran, 2004). One candidate explanation is that smaller males produce competitively superior ejaculates (Evans et al., 2003). Another is that smaller males are more successful in securing mating, either due to female preference (e.g. ...
... While we did find a significant relationship between male body size and fitness, it was smaller-bodied males who tended to have more grandoffspring. Body size may thus be under more complex selection pressure than 'bigger is better', possibly via the roles of sperm competition, forced copulations and maturation time (Devigili, Doldán-Martelli, & Pilastro, 2015;Evans et al., 2003;Reznick et al., 1996). ...
The 'good genes' hypothesis for the evolution of male secondary sexual traits poses that female preferences for such traits are driven by indirect genetic benefits. However, support for the hypothesis remains ambiguous, and, in particular, the genetic basis for the benefits has rarely been investigated. Here, we use seminatural populations of Trinidadian guppies to investigate whether sexually selected traits (orange, black and iridescent colouration, gonopodium length and body size) predict fitness measured as the number of grandoffspring, a metric that integrates across fitness components and sexes. Furthermore, we tested whether two potential sources of genetic benefits-major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genotypes and multilocus heterozygosity (MLH)-are significant predictors of fitness and of the size of sexually selected traits. We found a significant, nonlinear effect of the area of black pigmentation and male body size on the number of grandoffspring, suggesting stabilizing selection on black area, and nonlinear selection favouring small body size. MLH was heritable (h2 = 0.14) and significantly predicted the number of grandoffspring, indicating the potential for genetic benefits based on heterozygosity. We also found support for local heterozygosity effects, which may reflect a noneven distribution of genetic load across the genome. MHC genotype was not significantly associated with any tested fitness component, or with the load of Gyrodactylus parasites. Neither MHC nor MLH was significant predictor of sexually selected traits. Overall, our results highlight the role of heterozygosity in determining fitness, but do not provide support for male sexually selected traits being indicators of genetic quality.
... Directional is when females choose to retain sperm because of a male's phenotypes, whereas non-directional when one's sperm is preferred because of genotypic compatibility to the female [47]. Categories of species as such are the Drosophila [4] and the comb jelly Beroë ovata [59]. ...
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The paper presented and discussed the general evolutionary understandings of post-copulatory competition issues that are found among males when they are competing who is going to be the first, as well as the last, to having intimate contact with females. In particular, the whole discussion of this article focuses on the presence, or not, of male sperm within a female's reproductive tract. Examples about post-copulatory competition are provided from both insects and vertebrates. What is also discussed is that such competition between males takes place in view to the passing on of genes that carry traits able to bring upon reproductive success to future generations via sexually-selected strategies towards the ultimate goal of fertilisation of females' reproductive tracts. Sperm co mpetit ion is exp lained as an important selective force that led to the evolution of key ma le traits [1]. Males compete with each other during and after insemination-post-copulatory competition-as to whose sperm would remain in a female's reproductive tract to fertilise her eggs [2]. Key male traits refer to mate fert ilisation strategies subject to species' fulfilment of reproduction needs. Body size, the amount and frequency of ejaculation, vas deferens sensitivity, early sexual maturation, careful strategic or prudent allocation of sperm, mate guarding, mating plugs are so me of the traits evolved to meet sperm co mpetit ion needs [3]. Post-copulatory competition is the intra-sperm rivalry occurring within a female's reproductive tract. Females can influence post-copulatory mat ing outcomes in their reproductive morphology in terms of choosing males the traits of which can be passed on to their offspring, and the way to do that is to mate with those whose sperm could remain in their tracts so as to fertilise their gametes successfully [4]. The purpose of the topic in question in this paper is twofold : 1. To inform us about reproduction fulfilment needs the way these are satisfied in insects' and vertebrates' environments 2. To consider, how the knowledge we acquire could be useful and/or applicab le to d iscuss human reproduction needs and mat ing strategies II. MAIN PART Post-copulatory competition takes place when males inseminate many females over a single reproductive period during which sperm can be located in females' reproductive tracts [5]. Sperm co mpetition is a risky business for males because even the mere presence of a rival can increase or decrease fert ilisation chances [6]. Key male t raits that evolved due to sperm competition may refer to the amount of sperm ejacu lated and the body size of potential competitors. Body size, whether large or sma ll, including secondary sexual traits, displays (leks) and ornamentation, is an important mating factor for males to siring more offspring [7]. Species observed in that category are groups of insects where larger males can father greater nu mber o f offspring co mpared to s mall-sized co mpetitors [8]. A trait associated to body size is genital morphology [9]. Dual penis function refers to such morphology where species like damselflies (Calopteryx maculata) can displace rival sperm by the utility o f extension barbs on their penises while copulating with a female [10]. In this way, males by remov ing rival sperm can enhance fertilisation and paternity chances [11]. The amount of sperm ejacu lated has also been found to correlate with larger testes [12]. In invertebrate species, such as the hermaphroditic leech Helobdella papillornata, larger testis size is associated with increased risk of sperm co mpetition and greater sperm release [13]. A similar finding is being argued by [14], where larger testes males of the Tettigoniidae bushcricket family are preferred as mates compared to those with smaller testes. However, in that species, larger testes correlate negatively to the amount of ejaculates delivered due to varied female receptivity as to the number of males availab le for mating. Species, like sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus), inseminate more sperm in the presence of a larger body competitor ind icating that one's size can arouse greater amount of sperm fro m a mat ing rival [15]. Body size and the size of the ejacu lates correlate also in the case of larger males who inseminate mo re sperm compared to smaller males [16].
... Consistent with this idea, several intraspecific studies have also reported a positive correlation between targets of pre-copulatory sexual selection and ejaculate traits (reviewed in Mautz et al. 2013;Supriya et al. 2019). Although some studies report positive associations between standardized fertilization success and traits such as body size, singing effort, and/ or weapon size (Preston et al. 2001;Hosken et al. 2008;Turnell and Shaw 2015;House et al. 2016), others report negative associations (Danielsson 2001;Evans et al. 2003;Kelly and Jennions 2011). Our findings are however, consistent with those studies in which male fertilization success is unrelated to body size or ornament size (Keogh et al. 2013;Rose et al. 2013;McDonald et al. 2017). ...
In promiscuous species, fitness estimates obtained from genetic parentage may often reflect both pre- and post-copulatory components of sexual selection. Directly observing copulations can help isolate the role of pre-copulatory selection, but such behavioral data are difficult to obtain in the wild and may also overlook post-copulatory factors that alter the relationship between mating success and reproductive success. To overcome these limitations, we combined genetic parentage analysis with behavioral estimates of size-specific mating in a wild population of brown anole lizards (Anolis sagrei). Males of this species are twice as large as females and multiple mating among females is common, suggesting the scope for both pre- and post-copulatory processes to shape sexual selection on male body size. Our genetic estimates of reproductive success revealed strong positive directional selection for male size, which was also strongly associated with the number of mates inferred from parentage. In contrast, a male’s size was not associated with the fecundity of his mates or his competitive fertilization success. By simultaneously tracking copulations in the wild via the transfer of colored powder to females by males from different size quartiles, we independently confirmed that large males were more likely to mate than small males. We conclude that body size is primarily under pre-copulatory sexual selection in brown anoles, and that post-copulatory processes do not substantially alter the strength of this selection. Our study also illustrates the utility of combining both behavioral and genetic methods to estimate mating success to disentangle pre- and post-copulatory processes in promiscuous species.
... The relative orange area (the orange area over the body area %) was measured with the ImageJ software ( oad.html) (Evans et al., 2003). ...
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Life‐history theory suggests that ageing is one of the costs of reproduction. Accordingly, a higher reproductive allocation is expected to increase the deterioration of both the somatic and the germinal lines through enhanced telomere attrition. In most species, males' reproductive allocation mainly regards traits that increase mating and fertilization success, that is sexually selected traits. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that a higher investment in sexually selected traits is associated with a reduced relative telomere length (RTL) in the guppy ( Poecilia reticulata ), an ectotherm species characterized by strong pre‐ and postcopulatory sexual selection. We first measured telomere length in both the soma and the sperm over guppies' lifespan to see whether there was any variation in telomere length associated with age. Second, we investigated whether a greater investment in pre‐ and postcopulatory sexually selected traits is linked to shorter telomere length in both the somatic and the sperm germinal lines, and in young and old males. We found that telomeres lengthened with age in the somatic tissue, but there was no age‐dependent variation in telomere length in the sperm cells. Telomere length in guppies was significantly and negatively correlated with sperm production in both tissues and life stages considered in this study. Our findings indicate that telomere length in male guppies is strongly associated with their reproductive investment (sperm production), suggesting that a trade‐off between reproduction and maintenance is occurring at each stage of males' life in this species.
... Among teleosts, poeciliids stand out with their unique patterns of gonadogenesis and reproductive strategies such as internal fertilization [19], single-lobed gonad formation [20], production of spermatozeugmata [21,22], prolonged ovarian storage of spermatozoa [23] and superfetation [24]. Nonetheless, the mechanisms governing these reproductive adaptations in poeciliids are poorly understood; however, they are of significant interest from both basic and applied points of view, particularly in the eastern mosquitofish, Gambusia holbrooki. ...
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Simple Summary This study maps critical events of gonadogenesis in the live-bearing fish Gambusia holbrooki. Significantly, it provides the first evidence for primary gonochorism, the transition of an embryonically bi-lobed gonad to a mono-lobed organ, as occurs in adults and the dimorphically programmed onset of sex differentiation in this species. The outcomes are significant in basic biology and are applicable for developing control options for this notorious pest fish. Abstract Despite their uniqueness, the ontogeny and differentiation of the single-lobed gonads in the poeciliids are very poorly understood. To address this, we employed both cellular and molecular approaches to systematically map the development of the testes and ovary in Gambusia holbrooki from pre-parturition to adulthood, encompassing well over 19 developmental stages. The results show that putative gonads form prior to the completion of somitogenesis in this species, a comparatively early occurrence among teleosts. Remarkably, the species recapitulates the typical bi-lobed origin of the gonads during early development that later undergoes steric metamorphosis to form a single-lobed organ. Thereafter, the germ cells undergo mitotic proliferation in a sex-dependent manner before the acquisition of the sexual phenotype. The differentiation of the ovary preceded that of the testes, which occurred before parturition, where the genetic females developed meiotic primary oocytes stage I, indicating ovarian differentiation. However, genetic males showed gonial stem cells in nests with slow mitotic proliferation at the same developmental stage. Indeed, the first signs of male differentiation were obvious only post-parturition. The expression pattern of the gonadosoma markers foxl2, cyp19a1a, amh and dmrt1 in pre- and post-natal developmental stages were consistent with morphological changes in early gonad; they were activated during embryogenesis, followed by the onset of gonad formation, and a sex-dimorphic expression pattern concurrent with sex differentiation of the ovary (foxl2, cyp19a1a) and testes (amh and dmrt1). In conclusion, this study documents for the first time the underlying events of gonad formation in G. holbrooki and shows that this occurs relatively earlier than those previously described for ovi- and viviparous fish species, which may contribute to its reproductive and invasive prowess.
... The relative orange area (the orange area on the body area) was measured with ImageJ software ( (Evans et al., 2003). ...
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Life history theory suggests that aging is one of the costs of reproduction. Accordingly, a higher reproductive allocation is expected to increase the deterioration of both the somatic and the germinal lines through enhanced telomere attrition. In most species, male's reproductive allocation mainly regards traits that increase mating and fertilization success, i.e. sexually selected traits. In the current study, we tested the hypothesis that a higher investment in sexually selected traits is associated with a reduced telomere length in the guppy ( Poecilia reticulata ), an ectotherm species characterized by strong pre- and postcopulatory sexual selection. We first measured telomere length in both the soma and the sperm over the course of guppy's lifespan to see if there was any variation in telomere length associated with age. Secondly, we investigated whether a greater expression of pre- and postcopulatory sexually selected traits is linked to shorter telomere length in both the somatic and the sperm germinal lines, and in young and old males. We found that telomeres lengthened with age in the somatic tissue, but there was no age-dependent variation in telomere length in the sperm cells. Telomere length in guppies was significantly and negatively correlated with sperm production in both tissues and life stages considered in this study. Our findings indicate that telomere erosion in male guppies is more strongly associated with their reproductive investment (sperm production) rather than their age, suggesting a trade-off between reproduction and maintenance is occurring at each stage of male's life in this species.
The viviparity-driven conflict hypothesis postulates that the evolution of matrotrophy (postfertilization maternal provisioning) will result in a shift from a pre- to postcopulatory mate choice and thus accelerate the evolution of postcopulatory reproductive isolation. Here, we perform artificial insemination experiments on Heterandria formosa, a matrotrophic poeciliid fish, to probe for evidence of postcopulatory female choice. We established laboratory populations from Wacissa River (WR) and Lake Jackson (LJ). The WR females normally produce larger offspring than the LJ females. We artificially inseminated females with sperm from each population or from both populations simultaneously. When LJ females were inseminated with sperm from WR and LJ males, they allocated fewer resources to WR-sired offspring than when they were inseminated with WR sperm alone. The LJ females carrying developing offspring sired by males from different populations were thus able to discriminate against non-resident males when allocating resources to developing young. The WR females, which normally produce larger offspring than LJ females, did not discriminate among males from different localities. These findings provide insights into the ability of females from one population to exercise a form of postcopulatory mate selection.
Although visual sexual signals, such as ornamental colors and courtship displays, and large body size in males are attractive to females in numerous species, they may also inadvertently attract the attention of eavesdropping predators and thus may be costly in terms of increasing individual risk of mortality to predation. Theoretically, more color ornamented and larger males should be more predation threat sensitive and suppress their sexual signaling and(or) mating effort relatively more than their less color ornamented and smaller counterparts when under predation hazard. Here, we experimentally tested this hypothesis by quantifying concurrently the rates of alternative mating tactics (courtship displays, sneak mating attempts) expressed by male Trinidadian guppies (Poecilia reticulata) varying in color ornamentation and body size under a staged immediate threat of predation. Males suppressed their overall mating effort in response to the perceived predation threat, decreasing the frequency of their (presumably more conspicuous) courtship displays significantly more on average than the frequency of their sneak mating behavior. Statistically controlling for body length, more color-ornamented males were more threat sensitive in their courtship displays, but not sneak mating attempts, under predation hazard than drabber males. Controlling for body coloration, larger males exhibited lower courtship and sneak mating efforts than smaller males in both predation treatments, but body length only influenced threat sensitivity in sneak mating behavior. These results are consistent with both the threat sensitive hypothesis and asset protection principle and highlight the phenotype dependency and adaptive plasticity of alternative mating tactics in male guppies under varying predation risk.
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Covering sex allocation, sex determination and operational sex ratios, this multi-author volume provides both a conceptual context and an instruction in methods for many aspects of sex ratio research. Theory, statistical analysis and genetics are each explained and discussed in the first three sections. The remaining chapters each focus on research in one of a wide spectrum of animal, plant and microbial taxa, including sex ratio distorting bacteria in invertebrates, malarial parasites, birds, human and other mammals, giving critical appraisals of such research. Sex Ratios: Concepts and Research Methods is primarily intended for graduate and professional behavioural and evolutionary ecologists in this field, but it will also be useful to biologists building evolutionary models, and researchers analysing data involving proportions or comparisons across phylogenetically related species.
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The aim of this review is to consider the potential benefits that females may gain from mating more than once in a single reproductive cycle. The relationship between non-genetic and genetic benefits is briefly explored. We suggest that multiple mating for purely non-genetic benefits is unlikely as it invariably leads to the possibility of genetic benefits as well. We begin by briefly reviewing the main models for genetic benefits to mate choice, and the supporting evidence that choice can increase offspring performance and the sexual attractiveness of sons. We then explain how multiple matin!: can elevate offspring fitness by increasing the number of potential sires that compete, when this occurs in conjunction with mechanisms of paternity biasing that function in copula or post-copulation. We begin by identifying cases where females use precopulatory cues to identify mates prior to remating. In the simplest case, females remate because they identify a superior mate and 'trade up' genetically. The main evidence for this process comes from extra-pair copulation in birds. Second, we note other cases where pre-copulatory cues may be less reliable and females mate with several males to promote post-copulatory mechanisms that bias paternity. Although a distinction is drawn between sperm competition and cryptic female choice, we point out that the genetic benefits to polyandry in terms of producing more viable or sexually attractive offspring do not depend on the exact mechanism that leads to biased paternity. Post-copulatory mechanisms of paternity biasing may: (1) reduce genetic incompatibility between male and female genetic contributions to offspring; (2) increase offspring viability if there is a positive correlation between traits favoured post-copulation and those that improve performance under natural selection; (3) increase the ability of sons to gain paternity when they mate with polyandrous females. A third possibility is that genetic diversity among offspring is directly favoured. This can be due to bet-hedging (due to mate assessment errors or temporal fluctuations in the environment), beneficial interactions between less related siblings of the opportunity to preferentially fertilise eggs with sperm of a specific genotype drawn from a range of stored sperm depending on prevailing environmental conditions. We use case studies from the social insects to provide some concrete examples of the role of genetic diversity among progeny in elevating fitness. We conclude that post-copulatory mechanisms provide a more reliable way of selecting a genetically compatible mate than pre-copulatory mate choice. Some of the best evidence for cryptic female choice by sperm selection is due to selection of more compatible sperm. Two future areas of research seem likely to be profitable. First, more experimental evidence is needed demonstrating that multiple mating increases offspring fitness via genetic gains. Second, the role of multiple mating in promoting assortative fertilization and increasing reproductive isolation between populations may help us to understand sympatric speciation.
We examined the preferences of female guppies (Poecilia reticulata) from 11 localities in Trinidad with respect to male color-pattern elements, body shape and size, and overall color and brightness contrast. Females are on average more attracted to males from their own population than from alien populations, and populations appear to vary in the criteria used in female choice. Multiple-regression analysis suggests that mate-preference criteria vary among localities in intensity, sign, and the number of traits used. Although preference estimators and color-pattern parameters are unique to each population, only orange, black, and color contrast showed a correlation between degree of male trait and degree of preference for that trait. There is a clear effect of water color and a possible effect of predation intensity. The results are discussed in light of various models of sexual selection and the early stages of speciation.
This study tested the effect of differences in the extent of orange pigment in the color pattern of male guppies on the sexual responsiveness of females. Fish used in this study were descendants of a single natural population from the Paria River of Trinidad. Males from this population have unusually large, brilliant orange spots. I used three experimental approaches to test for discrimination by females among males based on the relative area of orange in color patterns: 1) the time to mating when a male was presented to a virgin female; 2) the frequency of sexual responses of females to passing, nondisplaying males; and 3) the proportion of a male's courtship displays that elicited a female sexual response. In all three experiments, females appeared to discriminate against males with less-than-average amounts of orange in their color patterns. In at least one experiment, however, the increase in female responsiveness with increasing amounts of orange leveled off and possibly decreased at high levels of orangeness. This suggests that there may be no advantage of increased amounts of orange above a certain level. These results suggest that female choice is a mechanism for the evolution of color patterns in guppies and may have contributed to the distinctive color pattern of the Paria population.
The chapter focuses on how a male allocates sperm among different ejaculates and summarizes a model framework for the analysis of this problem. It consolidates a prospective theory base for empirical advances. Since the sperm competition involves sexual conflict, the interests of male and female differ. However, it is clear that the mating or ejaculatory strategy, which is best for a male need not be best for the female. Moreover, the resolution of mating conflict depends on the circumstances, and that either sex can exert a strong or even overriding influence. It also illustrates, whether the female has a strong influence on the evolution of ejaculate characteristics, depending on how much control she can exercise on an ejaculate within her reproductive tract. In many cases, there are no conflicts between the male strategy and female interests, and thus, the present models serve a fair approximation of the selective forces shaping ejaculate characteristics. There is now ample evidence, particularly from heterospermic inseminations (females inseminated with ejaculates from different males) in domestic mammals that genetic variation among males is correlated with differences in paternity prospects.
This study tested the effect of differences in the extent of orange pigment in the color pattern of male guppies on the sexual responsiveness of females. Fish used in this study were descendants of a single natural population from the Paria River of Trinidad. Males from this population have unusually large, brilliant orange spots. I used three experimental approaches to test for discrimination by females among males based on the relative area of orange in color patterns: 1) the time to mating when a male was presented to a virgin female; 2) the frequency of sexual responses of females to passing, nondisplaying males; and 3) the proportion of a male's courtship displays that elicited a female sexual response. In all three experiments, females appeared to discriminate against males with less-than-average amounts of orange in their color patterns. In at least one experiment, however, the increase in female responsiveness with increasing amounts of orange leveled off and possibly decreased at high levels of orangeness. This suggests that there may be no advantage of increased amounts of orange above a certain level. These results suggest that female choice is a mechanism for the evolution of color patterns in guppies and may have contributed to the distinctive color pattern of the Paria population.
We examined the preferences of female guppies (Poecilia reticulata) from 11 localities in Trinidad with respect to male color-pattern elements, body shape and size, and overall color and brightness contrast. Females are on average more attracted to males from their own population than from alien populations, and populations appear to vary in the criteria used in female choice. Multiple-regression analysis suggests that mate-preference criteria vary among localities in intensity, sign, and the number of traits used. Although preference estimators and color-pattern parameters are unique to each population, only orange, black, and color contrast showed a correlation between degree of male trait and degree of preference for that trait. There is a clear effect of water color and a possible effect of predation intensity. The results are discussed in light of various models of sexual selection and the early stages of speciation.