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Recent advances in the understanding of the repeated bout effect: The protective effect against muscle damage from a single bout of eccentric exercise

  • Nicholas Institute of Sports Medicine and Athletic Trauma Lenox Hill Hospital


The repeated bout effect refers to the adaptation whereby a single bout of eccentric exercise protects against muscle damage from subsequent eccentric bouts. While the mechanism for this adaptation is poorly understood there have been significant recent advances in the understanding of this phenomenon. The purpose of this review is to provide an update on previously proposed theories and address new theories that have been advanced. The potential adaptations have been categorized as neural, mechanical and cellular. There is some evidence to suggest that the repeated bout effect is associated with a shift toward greater recruitment of slow twitch motor units. However, the repeated bout effect has been demonstrated with electrically stimulated contractions, indicating that a peripheral, non-neural adaptation predominates. With respect to mechanical adaptations there is evidence that both dynamic and passive muscle stiffness increase with eccentric training but there are no studies on passive or dynamic stiffness adaptations to a single eccentric bout. The role of the cytoskeleton in regulating dynamic stiffness is a possible area for future research. With respect to cellular adaptations there is evidence of longitudinal addition of sarcomeres and adaptations in the inflammatory response following an initial bout of eccentric exercise. Addition of sarcomeres is thought to reduce sarcomere strain during eccentric contractions thereby avoiding sarcomere disruption. Inflammatory adaptations are thought to limit the proliferation of damage that typically occurs in the days following eccentric exercise. In conclusion, there have been significant advances in the understanding of the repeated bout effect, however, a unified theory explaining the mechanism or mechanisms for this protective adaptation remains elusive.
Recent advances in the understanding of the repeated bout effect: the
protective effect against muscle damage from a single bout of eccentric
Malachy P. McHugh
The Nicholas Institute of Sports Medicine and Athletic Trauma, Lenox Hill Hospital, New York, NY, USA
Corresponding author: Malachy McHugh, Director of Research, The Nicholas Institute of Sports Medicine and Athletic Trauma,
Lenox Hill Hospital, New York, NY, USA. E-mail:
Accepted for publication 21 October 2002
The repeated bout effect refers to the adaptation whereby a
single bout of eccentric exercise protects against muscle
damage from subsequent eccentric bouts. While the mech-
anism for this adaptation is poorly understood there have
been significant recent advances in the understanding of this
phenomenon. The purpose of this review is to provide an
update on previously proposed theories and address new
theories that have been advanced. The potential adaptations
have been categorized as neural, mechanical and cellular.
There is some evidence to suggest that the repeated bout
effect is associated with a shift toward greater recruitment of
slow twitch motor units. However, the repeated bout effect
has been demonstrated with electrically stimulated contrac-
tions, indicating that a peripheral, non-neural adaptation
predominates. With respect to mechanical adaptations
there is evidence that both dynamic and passive muscle
stiffness increase with eccentric training but there are no
studies on passive or dynamic stiffness adaptations to a
single eccentric bout. The role of the cytoskeleton in regu-
lating dynamic stiffness is a possible area for future re-
search. With respect to cellular adaptations there is
evidence of longitudinal addition of sarcomeres and adapta-
tions in the inflammatory response following an initial bout
of eccentric exercise. Addition of sarcomeres is thought to
reduce sarcomere strain during eccentric contractions
thereby avoiding sarcomere disruption. Inflammatory adap-
tations are thought to limit the proliferation of damage that
typically occurs in the days following eccentric exercise. In
conclusion, there have been significant advances in the
understanding of the repeated bout effect, however, a unified
theory explaining the mechanism or mechanisms for this
protective adaptation remains elusive.
It has been well established that a single bout of un-
familiar, predominantly eccentric exercise causes symp-
toms of muscle damage such as strength loss, pain and
muscle tenderness. It is equally well established that a
repeated bout of the same, or similar eccentrically
biased exercise results in markedly reduced symptoms
of damage than the initial bout (for review see
McHugh, Connolly, Eston, Kremenic, Gleim, 1999b).
This protective adaptation to a single bout of eccentric
exercise has been referred to as the repeated bout effect
(Nosaka & Clarkson, 1995). The repeated bout
effect has been demonstrated in both human and animal
models. It has been shown to last several weeks, and
possibly up to 6 months (Nosaka, Sakamoto, Newton,
Sacco, 2001a). It is apparent that the initial bout of
eccentric exercise does not have to cause appreciable
damage in order to confer a protective adaptation
(Clarkson & Tremblay, 1988; Brown, Child, Day,
Donnelly, 1997; Nosaka, Sakamoto, Newton, Sacco,
2001b). In fact, as few as 10, six, or even two maximal
eccentric contractions of the elbow flexors have
been shown to confer a protective adaptation for a
subsequent bout of 24 (Nosaka & Sakamoto, 2001b)
or 50 (Brown et al., 1997) maximal contractions.
However, it appears that the contraction intensity
must be close to maximum in the initial bout in order
to confer a protective effect when the repeated bout
involves high intensity contractions. Eight weeks of
eccentric training at submaximal levels (50% of one
repetition maximum) did not confer any protection
for a subsequent bout of maximal eccentric exercise
(Nosaka & Newton, 2002c). The repeated bout effect
is specific to the exercised muscle groups, with no evi-
dence of a cross-transfer to contralateral muscle groups
not exposed to the initial bout (Clarkson, Byrnes,
Gillisson, Harper, 1987; Connolly, Reed, McHugh,
2002). However, the muscle group does not have to be
exercised in the same manner in both bouts in order
to see a protective effect. Eston, Finney, Baker,
Baltzopoulos (1996) demonstrated that 100 maximal
eccentric isokinetic quadriceps contractions provided
protection against quadriceps damage following a sub-
sequent downhill run. Of note the protection was
limited to the preconditioned quadriceps.
While the conditions required to induce a protective
adaptation are fairly well understood the actual
Scand J Med Sci Sports 2003: 13: 88±97
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mechanism for the repeated bout effect is not well
understood. Several theories have been proposed to
explain the repeated bout effect (for review see
McHugh et al., 1999b). Since this initial review of the
potential mechanisms to explain the repeated bout
effect (McHugh et al., 1999a) numerous studies have
added to the understanding of this phenomenon. The
purpose of this current review is to: (1) summarize the
current evidence for and against previously proposed
theories; (2) describe any new theories that have been
proposed; and (3) identify future areas of research. The
various theories explaining the repeated bout effect are
divided into three broad categories: neural adaptations
(fig. 1), mechanical adaptations (fig. 2) and cellular
adaptations (fig. 3). Understanding the mechanism or
mechanisms for the repeated bout effect is important
for sports medicine and science in so far as it represents
one of the most basic adaptations of skeletal muscle to
use. Furthermore, eccentric contractions and/or eccen-
trically biased exercises have been shown to be effect-
ive in reducing muscle strains (Holmich, Uhrskou,
Ulnits et al., 1999; Tyler, Campbell, Nicholas,
Donellan, McHugh, 2002), reversing muscle atrophy
(Hortobagyi et al., 2000) and treating tendonopathies
(Silbernagel, Thomee, Thomee, Karlsson, 2001). A
greater understanding of the mechanisms involved in
acute and chronic adaptations to eccentric exercise is
necessary for refining interventions for injury preven-
tion, injury treatment and strength training. Since the
repeated bout effect represents the first adaptation to
eccentric exercise, this review focuses on adaptations
to a single bout of eccentric exercise.
Neural theory
Neural theory of muscle damage
It has been proposed that ªeccentric contractions re-
quire unique activation strategies by the nervous
systemº (Enoka, 1996). Specifically, eccentric contrac-
tions require less motor unit activation for a given
muscle force (Bigland & Lippold, 1954; Komi &
Buskirk, 1972; Moritani, Muramatsu, Muro, 1988)
and involve preferential recruitment of fast-twitch
motor units (Nardone & Schieppati, 1988; Nardone,
Romano, Schieppati, 1989; Howell, Fuglevand, Walsh,
Bigland-Ritchie, 1995; Enoka, 1996; McHugh et al.,
2002) when compared to concentric contractions.
Moritani et al. (1988) proposed that muscle damage
results from a high stress on a small number of active
fibers during eccentric contractions. Fast-twitch fibers
have been shown to be more susceptible to disruption
with eccentric contractions (Fride
Ân, Sjùstrùm, Ekblom,
1983b; Lieber & Fride
Ân, 1991; MacPherson, Schork,
Faulkner, 1996) and this may in part be explained by
the preferential recruitment of fast-twitch motor units.
It follows that a change in activation that reduces high
fiber stresses could limit the subsequent myofibrillar
disruption. Nosaka & Clarkson (1995) suggested that
a neural adaptation ªwould better distribute the work-
load among fibers.
Evidence for a neural adaptation
Changes in motor unit activation between repeated
bouts have been examined using surface electromyo-
graphy (EMG) in humans (Warren, Hermann, Ingalls,
Neural Adaptation
Increased recruitment of
slow-twitch motor units
Activation of larger
motor unit pool
Evidence AgainstEvidence Against Evidence ForEvidence For
Decreased EMG
median frequency for
repeated bout
Repeated bout effect
demonstrated with
increases with
eccentric training
EMG/torque not
different between
initial and repeated
eccentric bouts
Fig. 1. Potential neural mechanisms for the repeated bout effect. EMG/torque refers to the amplitude of the EMG signal relative to
torque production (See text for specific references related to evidence for and against the proposed theories).
Repeated bout effect
Increased dynamic
muscle stiffness
Increased passive
muscle stiffness
Evidence For Evidence For
Dynamic muscle
stiffness increases
with eccentric
Desmin content is
increased during
repair process to
reinforce sarcomere
Evidence Against Evidence Against
Muscles without
desmin are less
susceptible to
Muscles with greater
passive muscle
stiffness are more
susceptible to
damage from initial
Passive muscle
stiffness is increased
with eccentric
Mechanical Adaptation
Fig. 2. Potential mechanical mechanisms for the repeated bout effect. Dynamic stiffness refers to the extensibility of active muscle while
passive stiffness refers to the extensibility of relaxed muscle (See text for specific references related to evidence for and against the
proposed theories).
Cellular Adaptation
Longitudinal addition of
Eccentric training results in
addition of sarcomeres
Submaximal eccentric
training does not protect
against damage from
maximum contractions
Rightward shift in length-
tension curve following
initial bout
Blunted inflammatory
response to repeated bout
Passive stretches and
isometric contractions initiate
inflammatory response and
confer protection
Strength loss following initial
bout is primarily due to
impaired EC contraction
Adaptation in inflammatory
Adaptation to maintain
EC coupling
Evidence For
Evidence Against
Inflammatory mediated
adaptation does not explain
reduced mechanical
disruption immediately
following repeated bout
Evidence Against
Similar strength loss is
evident immediately post
initial and repeated bouts
(differences evident on
subsequent days)
Evidence Against
Evidence For Evidence For
Fig. 3. Potential cellular mechanisms for the repeated bout effect. E±C coupling refers to excitation±contraction coupling (See text for
specific references related to evidence for and against the proposed theories).
Masselli, Armstrong, 2000; McHugh, Connolly, Eston,
Gleim, 2001). Theoretically an increase in the ampli-
tude of the EMG signal relative to torque production in
the repeated bout would indicate a redistribution of
contractile stresses among a greater number of fibers.
Such an effect is evident with eccentric strength training
(Komi & Buskirk, 1972; Hortoba
Âgyi et al., 1996a;
Âgyi, Hill, Houmard, Fraser, Lambert, Israel,
1996b). Furthermore, a decrease in the frequency con-
tent of the EMG signal in the repeated bout would
theoretically indicate a shift to the recruitment of
slow-twitch motor units and/or increased motor unit
synchronization. There was no evidence of a change in
EMG amplitude between repeated eccentric bouts in
hamstring (McHugh et al., 2001) or tibialis anterior
(Warren et al., 2000) muscles. However, median fre-
quency was decreased in the repeated bout for the
tibialis anterior and this effect was attributed to in-
creased recruitment of slow-twitch motor units
(Warren et al., 2000). Alternatively, this effect could
be attributed to increased motor unit synchronization.
Either effect would be indicative of a neural adaptation
to a single bout of eccentric exercise.
Evidence against a neural adaptation
While the results of Warren et al. (2000) are the first
direct evidence of a neural adaptation to a single bout
of eccentric exercise, it is apparent that the repeated
bout effect can occur independent of a neural adapta-
tion (Sacco & Jones, 1992; Nosaka, Newton, Sacco,
2002a). The repeated bout effect has been demon-
strated with electrically stimulated eccentric contrac-
tions in mouse tibialis anterior muscles (Sacco &
Jones, 1992) and more recently in human elbow flexors
(Nosaka et al., 2002a). In humans the initial bout of
electrically stimulated eccentric contractions resulted in
marked strength loss, increased relaxed elbow angle,
decreased flexed elbow angle, increased upper arm cir-
cumference, increased muscle thickness in ultrasound
images, elevated plasma CK activity and myoglobin
concentration and increased muscle soreness. Fol-
lowing a repeated bout of the same stimulation proto-
col 2 weeks later there were significantly blunted
responses in all eight markers of damage. The authors
concluded that ªinvolvement of the central nervous
system in the repeated bout effect is minimal, and per-
ipheral adaptations play a more important role.º How-
ever, they did not allude to any specific peripheral
Mechanical theory
Mechanical theory of muscle damage
Muscle damage has been described as materials fatigue
typical of ductile material subjected to cyclic tensile
loading (Warren, Hayes, Lowe, Prior, Armstrong,
1993). The eccentric contraction-induced injury is
thought to begin with a mechanical disruption of myo-
fibrils. It follows that an adaptation serving to protect
against damage might alter the mechanical properties
of the musculoskeletal system. In this review mechan-
ical adaptations refer to peripheral adaptations in
the non-contractile elements of the musculoskeletal
system. Included are discussions of adaptations at the
whole muscle and muscle fiber level as well as adapta-
tions at the myofibrillar level, specifically in the cyto-
skeleton. Much of the relevant work in this area has
dealt with mechanical adaptations to chronic eccentric
exercise rather than adaptations to a single bout.
Evidence for a mechanical adaptation
Adaptations to eccentric training
Increases in both passive and dynamic stiffness
following eccentric training have been demonstrated
in human elbow flexors (Pousson, Van Hoecke,
Goubel, 1990) and rat triceps brachii muscles (Reich,
Lindstedt, LaStayo, Pierotti, 2000). For these purposes
dynamic stiffness refers to the elastic properties or ex-
tensibility of active muscles and passive stiffness refers
to those properties in relaxed muscles. Pousson et al.
(1990) demonstrated an increase in active stiffness of
the elbow flexors following eccentric training. This
effect was attributed to either increased tendon stiffness
or increased cross-bridge stiffness. More recently,
Reich et al. (2000) demonstrated increased passive
and dynamic muscle stiffness following eccentric
training in rat triceps brachii muscles. These effects
were attributed to adaptation in the cytoskeletal pro-
teins responsible for maintaining the alignment and
structure of the sarcomere.
Cytoskeletal adaptations
Cytoskeletal proteins such as desmin and titin are re-
sponsible for the longitudinal and horizontal orienta-
tion of sarcomeres (Waterman-Storer, 1991). Electron
micrographs of normal myofibrils reveal perfect paral-
lel alignment of sarcomeres in adjacent myofibrils.
Eccentric contractions disrupt this alignment between
myofibrils, with sarcomeres in one myofibril no longer
aligned with the sarcomeres in adjacent myofibrils.
Within myofibrils disruption is primarily seen at the Z
bands which appear wavy or in extreme cases are indis-
tinguishable from the rest of the sarcomere (Patel &
Lieber, 1997). Disruption of the cytoskeleton, specific-
ally desmin, is one of the earliest events in eccentric
contraction-induced damage (Lieber, Thornell,
Ân, 1996). Therefore it would seem plausible that
an adaptation in the cytoskeleton may be the first line
of defense in protection against repeated damage.
While there is no direct evidence of an adaptation in
the cytoskeleton explaining the repeated bout effect, a
Repeated bout effect
recent study in a rat model demonstrated increased
desmin content 3±7 days following damaging cont-
ractions (Barash, Peters, Fride
Ân, Lutz, Lieber, 2002).
This effect was thought to represent remodeling of
the intermediate filament system to ªprovide mech-
anical reinforcement against excessive sarcomere
Intramuscular connective tissue
Lapier, Burton, Almon, Cerny (1995) theorized that an
increase in passive muscle stiffness secondary to in-
creased intramuscular connective tissue might protect
muscle from eccentric contraction-induced damage.
They examined the role of intramuscular connective
tissue in the susceptibility to damage in rat extensor
digitorum longus muscles (Lapier et al., 1995). The
ankle joints were immobilized for 3 weeks with the
muscle in either a shortened or lengthened position.
After 3 weeks, the muscles were subjected to an ec-
centric injury protocol. Muscle tissue samples were
stained for collagen content as an indicator of intra-
muscular connective tissue. Muscles immobilized in the
lengthened position had 63% more intramuscular con-
nective tissue and 86% lower mass than contralateral
control muscles. Muscles immobilized in the shortened
position had 47% more intramuscular connective
tissue and 21% lower mass than contralateral control
muscles. Subsequent bouts of stimulated eccentric con-
tractions resulted in 50% force loss in control muscles
compared to 40% in muscles immobilized in the
shortened position and 8% in muscles immobilized in
the lengthened position. The protective effect was at-
tributed to the ability of the increased connective tissue
to dissipate myofibrillar stresses but changes in passive
muscle stiffness were not documented. The authors
suggested that tissue repair following a damaging bout
of eccentric exercise is characterized by a similar increase
in intramuscular connective tissue thereby protecting
against damage from repeated bouts.
Evidence against a mechanical adaptation
The role of passive muscle stiffness
While increased passive muscle stiffness following ec-
centric training (Reich et al., 2000) and adaptations in
intramuscular connective tissue following immobiliza-
tion (Lapier et al., 1995) indirectly indicate that in-
creased passive muscle stiffness may protect against
muscle damage, there is contradictory evidence that
passive muscle stiffness increases the susceptibility to
muscle damage (McHugh, Connolly, Eston, Gleim,
1999a). Subjects categorized as having stiff hamstrings
experienced greater strength loss, more pain, greater
muscle tenderness and higher elevations in creatine
kinase activity than subjects categorized as having
compliant hamstrings (McHugh et al., 1999b). Based
on the premise that stiffer muscles are more susceptible
to damage, it follows that a decrease in passive muscle
stiffness might serve a protective effect. Dramatic in-
creases in passive stiffness in the elbow flexors (Howell,
Chelboun, Conaster, 1993; Chelboun et al., 1995) and
plantarflexors (Whitehead, Weerakkody, Gregory,
Morgan, Proske, 2001) have been demonstrated in the
days following a damaging bout of eccentric exercise.
These effects were thought to be due to the develop-
ment of ªinjury contractures in the damaged muscle
fibersº (Whitehead et al., 2001). However, passive stiff-
ness was not followed to the point of full recovery in
these studies and changes in passive stiffness with
respect to the repeated bout effect are unknown.
The findings with respect to immobilization (Lapier
et al., 1995) may be due to a sarcomere adaptation
rather than a change in intramuscular connective
tissue. The fact that the effect occurred primarily in
the muscles immobilized in the lengthened position
indicates that protection may in part have been due to
longitudinal addition of sarcomeres (see section on
Cellular Theory). In contrast to these results, 5 weeks
of unilateral lower limb non-weight bearing has been
shown to increase susceptibility to damage (Ploutz-
Snyder, Tesch, Hather, Dudley, 1996).
Cytoskeletal adaptations
While increased desmin content during repair was
thought to reflect a ªmechanical reinforcementº to
protect the sarcomere from damage (Barash et al.,
2002) somewhat contradictory findings were previously
reported (Sam, Shah, Fride
Ân, Milner, Capetanaki,
Lieber, 2000). In a mouse model, eccentric contrac-
tion-induced damage was compared between normal
muscles and muscles lacking desmin. It was hypothe-
sized that the muscles lacking desmin would be more
susceptible to damage because desmin is partly respon-
sible for myofibrillar alignment. Surprisingly the op-
posite was demonstrated, with less disruption in the
muscles lacking desmin. This effect was attributed to
less dynamic stiffness in the muscles lacking desmin
during the eccentric contraction. Less stiffness was
thought to enable greater sarcomere shortening thereby
avoiding sarcomere strain. This is consistent with the
finding that compliant muscles are less susceptible to
damage (McHugh et al., 1999b) but is inconsistent with
the findings of increased passive stiffness with eccentric
training (Reich et al., 2000) and increased desmin
content 3±7 days post eccentric contraction-induced
damage (Barash et al., 2002).
Cellular theory
Potential adaptations discussed in this section include
adaptations in the contractile machinery (longitudinal
addition of sarcomeres and excitation±contraction
coupling changes) and adaptations in the inflammatory
response to eccentric contractions.
Evidence for a cellular adaptation
Sarcomere strain theory
Morgan (1990) has suggested that muscle damage is
due to irreversible sarcomere strain during eccentric
contractions and, in particular, contractions at muscle
lengths on the descending limb of the length±tension
curve. In agreement with this theory data from isolated
whole muscle preparations in animals (Lieber &
Ân, 1991; Brooks, Zerba, Faulkner, 1995; Hunter
& Faulkner, 1997) and voluntary contractions in
humans (Newham, Jones, Ghosh, Aurora, 1988;
Child, Saxton, Donnelly, 1998) have clearly shown
that the length of the muscle during eccentric contrac-
tions appears to be a critical factor in determining the
extent of damage. Contractions performed at longer
muscle lengths result in greater symptoms of damage.
Based on the sarcomere strain theory of muscle
damage, Morgan (1990) predicted that the repair pro-
cess results in an increase in the number of sarcomeres
connected in series and that this serves to reduce sarco-
mere strain during a repeated bout thereby limiting the
myofibrillar disruption. Data from animal studies has
provided evidence of addition of sarcomeres with ec-
centric exercise (Lynn & Morgan, 1994; Lynn, Talbot,
Morgan, 1998). Additionally, indirect evidence of
longitudinal addition of sarcomeres in humans was
recently demonstrated following a damaging bout of
eccentric hamstring contractions (Brockett, Morgan,
Proske, 2001). A rightward shift in the length±tension
relationship following recovery from the initial
bout was attributed to longitudinal addition of
Excitation±contraction coupling
Strength loss following a bout of eccentric exercise
could theoretically be due to (1) an inability to volun-
tarily activate motor units secondary to pain or
damage, (2) physical disruption of the force-generating
structures (including a loss of myofibrillar contractile
proteins) or (3) a failure to activate intact force-
generating structures within the muscle fiber
(excitation±contraction coupling). Voluntary acti-
vation of motor units is not thought to be impaired
following damaging eccentric exercise (Saxton &
Donnelly, 1996; McHugh, Connolly, Eston, Gleim,
2000). Strength loss is thought to be due to a combin-
ation of physical disruption and an impairment
of excitation±contraction coupling (E±C coupling)
(Warren, Ingalls, Lowe, Armstrong, 2001). E±C
coupling refers to ªthe sequence of events that starts
with the release of acetylcholine at the neuromuscular
junction and ends with the release of Ca
the sarcoplasmic reticulumº (Warren et al., 2001).
Impaired E±C coupling has been estimated to account
for 50±75% of strength loss in the first 5 days following
a damaging eccentric bout (Warren et al., 2001).
However, this estimate is based on electrically stimu-
lated maximal contractions in an animal model, and
little is known about effects in human skeletal muscle
with voluntary contractions. An adaptation in E±C
coupling may explain the reduced strength loss
following a repeated bout. Strengthening of the sarco-
plasmic reticulum, as suggested by Clarkson &
Tremblay (1988), may prevent impairment of E±C
coupling with a repeated bout, however, direct evidence
in support of such a theory is lacking.
Inflammatory response
With eccentric contractions the initial injury is a mech-
anical disruption of myofibrils. This initial injury trig-
gers a local inflammatory response which leads to an
exacerbation of the damage prior to signs of recovery
(Pizza et al., 1996; Pizza, Koh, McGregor, Brooks,
2002). These events can be referred to as primary and
secondary damage. Decreased neutrophil and mono-
cyte activation have been demonstrated following a
repeated bout of eccentric exercise (Pizza et al., 1996).
A blunted inflammatory response to a repeated bout
could reflect an adaptation to avoid proliferation of the
mechanical disruption of myofibrils. Two recent stud-
ies point to the possibility that reduced damage in a
repeated bout may be attributable to an adaptation
mediated by the inflammatory response. At first, Koh
& Brooks (2001) demonstrated in an animal model that
an initial bout of passive stretches or isometric contrac-
tions provided some protection against a subsequent
eccentric bout. The protective effect was not as pro-
found as that conferred by eccentric contractions, but
was notable in that the initial bout of passive stretches
or isometric contractions did not result in any damage.
Subsequently Pizza et al. (2002) demonstrated in the
same model that both passive stretches and isometric
contractions initiated an inflammatory response des-
pite the absence of any overt injury. Neutrophils were
elevated 3 days following either passive stretches, iso-
metric contractions or eccentric contraction when
compared to neutrophils from control animals. The
neutrophil response to passive stretches and isometric
contractions was approximately half the magnitude of
the response to eccentric contractions. Then when the
muscles were subjected to a subsequent eccentric bout
a blunted inflammatory response was seen for the
muscles that were previously exposed to passive
stretches, isometric contractions or eccentric contrac-
tions. Surprisingly, the blunted inflammatory response
following the eccentric bout was similar for the muscle
preconditioned with eccentric contractions, passive
stretches or isometric contractions. The authors pro-
posed that the initial inflammatory response to the
initial bout ªmay contribute to the induction of a
Repeated bout effect
protective mechanismº. A reduced inflammatory re-
sponse to a repeated eccentric bout may simply reflect
the fact that there was a reduced mechanical disruption
in the repeated bout and therefore less of a stimulus for
an inflammatory response. It is difficult to resolve this
issue since it is not clear whether the repeated bout
effect reflects (1) less myofibrillar disruption during
the actual repeated exercise bout, (2) a decrease in the
secondary proliferation of damage or (3) a combination
of both.
Evidence against a cellular adaptation
Longitudinal addition of sarcomeres
One of the most attractive theories to explain the
repeated bout effect is the longitudinal addition of
sarcomeres theory. While there is experimental evi-
dence to support such a theory (Lynn & Morgan,
1994; Lynn et al., 1998; Brockett et al., 2001) there is
also some conflicting evidence. For example, the
length-tension relationship has been shown to return
to normal within 5 hours in toad sartorius muscles
(Wood, Morgan, Proske, 1993) and within 2 days in
human triceps surae muscles (Jones, Allen, Talbot,
Morgan, Proske, 1997; Whitehead et al., 2001).
Furthermore, while submaximal eccentric training has
been shown to result in longitudinal addition of sarco-
meres in rats (Lynn & Morgan, 1994; Lynn et al., 1998)
submaximal training did not confer protection from
subsequent maximal contractions in humans (Nosaka
& Newton, 2002b). It also remains to be determined if
the protective effect of the initial bout is evident if the
repeated bout is performed at a longer length than the
initial bout. Exercising at the longer muscle length in
the repeated bout would tend to counteract any sarco-
mere strain reduction due to addition of sarcomeres. If
the adaptation is simply due to the addition of sarco-
meres then a repeated bout at a longer muscle length
would be expected to result in similar damage to the
initial bout.
Excitation-contraction coupling
Studies demonstrating the repeated bout effect in
humans do not directly support an adaptation related
to E±C coupling. Impairment of E±C coupling is
greatest immediately post-eccentric exercise, account-
ing for 75% of the reduction in force (Ingalls, Warren,
Williams, Ward, Armstrong, 1998) but strength loss
immediately following eccentric exercise has been
shown to be similar between initial and repeated
bouts (Newham, Jones, Clarkson, 1987; Clarkson &
Tremblay, 1988; Ebbeling & Clarkson, 1990; Balnave
& Thompson, 1993; Brown et al., 1997). It was only on
subsequent days that reduced strength loss was seen
with a repeated bout in these studies. If the repeated
bout effect was due to an adaptation in E±C coupling
reduced strength loss should be seen immediately
following the repeated bout as well as on subsequent
Other theories
A relatively new area of muscle damage research has
focused on the role of heat shock proteins (HSPs) in
protection against eccentric contraction-induced injury
(Thompson, Scordilis, Clarkson, Lohrer, 2001; Koh,
2002; Thompson, Clarkson, Scordilis, 2002). HSPs
play an important role in cell survival following various
stressors, most notably thermal stress (hence the name).
With respect to eccentric exercise HSP27 and HSP70
have been shown to be increased following damaging
eccentric exercise of the elbow flexors (Thompson
et al., 2001; Thompson et al., 2002). It has been postu-
lated that this response serves to protect the tissue
from damage following a repeated eccentric bout
(Thompson et al., 2002). The HSP response to repeated
bouts of eccentric elbow flexor exercise revealed an
apparent decrease in basal levels of HSP27 and
HSP70 4 weeks following the initial bout with smaller
absolute increases in these HSPs following the repeated
bout. However, since the relative (%) increase in HSPs
was similar between the two bouts it was unclear
whether the results reflected a similar HSP response
between bouts or a down-regulated response. It is pos-
sible that the HSP response to the initial damaging bout
resulted in an acquired stress tolerance for the repeated
bout. Interpretation of these findings is difficult given
the methodological problems inherent in a study re-
quiring biopsy samples. Since the biopsy procedure
involves tissue damage the authors chose not to take
baseline (pre-eccentric exercise) biopsies in the arm to
be exercised, as the procedure itself may have initiated a
HSP response. Therefore, biopsies were taken 48 h
post-exercise from both the exercised and non-
exercised arms (control). This procedure was repeated
following the second bout 4 weeks later. The difficulty
in interpreting the results arose from the apparent de-
crease in HSPs in the control arm following the
repeated bout. This could be interpreted as a down-
regulation of HSP bilaterally or that the initial HSP
measurements in the control arm reflected a systemic or
bilateral increase secondary to damage in the contral-
ateral arm. Clearly this is an important new area of
research, however, it remains to be determined whether
the HSPs serve a protective function in eccentric con-
traction-induced injury (Koh, 2002).
One of the earliest theories proposed to explain the
repeated bout effect was that the initial bout resulted in
damage to a pool of weak muscle fibers and that
following recovery these weak fibers were replaced by
stronger fibers (Armstrong, Ogilvie, Schwane, 1983).
Given the apparent association between sarcomere
strain and subsequent muscle damage this theory may
be more applicable to weak sarcomeres. An initial
eccentric bout may result in irreversible strain in a
pool of weak sarcomeres. The non-uniformity of sarco-
mere length during eccentric contractions indicates that
some sarcomeres are more easily strained than others.
During the repair process these weak sarcomeres are
replaced by stronger, strain resistant sarcomeres. Based
on this theory a greater uniformity of sarcomere length
would be expected during eccentric contraction in the
repeated bout compared to the initial bout. While a
weak sarcomere theory may be difficult to prove experi-
mentally it would be consistent with some of the experi-
mental findings that are inconsistent with the other
theories. For example, symptoms of damage are not
exacerbated when a repeated bout is performed prior to
full recovery from the initial bout (Mair et al., 1992;
Nosaka & Clarkson, 1995). If the weak sarcomeres
have already been disrupted then only the stronger
sarcomeres will be contributing to force production in
the repeated bout and these sarcomeres are apparently
resistant to damage. It has also been shown that the
initial bout does not have to result in significant symp-
toms of damage in order to confer a protective effect
(Clarkson & Tremblay, 1988; Brown et al., 1997;
Nosaka et al., 2001b). However, it appears that a high
contraction intensity is needed to provide protection
against damage from a subsequent bout of high inten-
sity contractions (Nosaka & Newton, 2002c). A few
high intensity eccentric contractions may be sufficient
to strain the weak pool of sarcomeres without complete
myofibrillar disruption. This stimulus may be sufficient
for remodeling or replacement of the pool of weak
Conclusions and future directions
As was previously stated, in order to understand the
mechanism(s) for the repeated bout effect it is necessary
to first establish whether this phenomenon reflects (1) a
decrease in myofibrillar disruption during the actual
exercise bout (primary damage), (2) a decrease in the
secondary proliferation of damage associated with the
inflammatory response (secondary damage) or (3) a
combination of both. The fact that some repeated
bout effect studies have shown similar strength losses
immediately post-exercise in the initial and repeated
bouts (Newham et al., 1987; Clarkson & Tremblay,
1988; Ebbeling & Clarkson, 1990; Balnave &
Thompson, 1993; Brown et al., 1997; Nosaka et al.,
2002a) supports the contention that the repeated bout
reflects a protection against the secondary damage.
However, it is likely that there is some reduction in
primary damage with the repeated bout effect. Fride
et al. (1983b) found damage in 20% of micrographs
from vastus lateralis biopsies taken 3 days following
30 min of eccentric cycling. Only 4% of micrographs
showed damage following 4 weeks of eccentric cycling
training (Fride
Ân, Seger, Sjùstrùm, Ekblom, 1983a). It is
likely that more than 4% of micrographs would have
shown damage immediately following the initial bout
and therefore these findings may represent a protection
against primary damage. Notably, this was a training
study and did not examine adaptations to a single
eccentric bout. Comparison of electron micrographs
from muscle biopsies taken immediately following ini-
tial and repeated eccentric bouts would provide some
clarification on the extent of protection against the
primary damage.
Some of the discrepancies between plausible mech-
anisms for the repeated bout effect and actual experi-
mental data may be explained by the distinction
between primary and secondary damage. For example,
the sarcomere strain theory and longitudinal addition
of sarcomeres cannot explain the results of studies
demonstrating a repeated bout effect where the initial
bout resulted in minimal or no signs of damage (Koh &
Brooks, 2001; Nosaka et al., 2001b). Two eccentric
contractions (Nosaka et al., 2001b) or passive stretch-
ing (Koh & Brooks, 2001) are unlikely to be sufficient
stimuli for addition of sarcomeres yet they provided
some protection. In these instances the protective adap-
tation may be explained by an inflammatory mediated
response that serves to limit secondary damage.
However, other experimental data fails to fit any of
the proposed theories. For example, submaximal ec-
centric training did not provide any protection against
a subsequent bout of maximal eccentric contractions
(Nosaka & Newton, 2002b). The submaximal eccentric
training resulted in clear signs of damage in the early
weeks of training and this should have been a sufficient
stimulus to induce both a sarcomere adaptation and an
inflammatory mediated adaptation. It is possible that
the myofibrils damaged by the maximum contractions
were in muscle fibers of motor units that were not active
during the submaximal training.
In conclusion, our understanding of the repeated
bout effect has improved with the increased volume of
research in this area. In recent years important
Table 1. Potential questions to be addressed in future research
1. Does dynamic or passive muscle stiffness change between initial
and repeated eccentric bouts?
2. What changes occur in the cytoskeleton between an initial and
repeated eccentric bout?
3. Is the rightward shift in the length-tension curve a consistent
finding with the repeated bout effect?
4. Does an initial bout at a short muscle length confer protection for a
repeated bout at a longer muscle length?
5. What role do heat shock proteins play in the repeated bout effect?
6. Are sarcomere lengths more uniform during a repeated vs. an initial
7. To what extent does the repeated bout effect reflect a decrease
in myofibrillar disruption (primary damage) vs. a decrease
in the proliferation of damage on subsequent days (secondary
Repeated bout effect
advances have been made with respect to our under-
standing of neural control of eccentric contractions,
eccentric sarcomere mechanics, heat shock protein ex-
pression, E-C coupling and inflammatory responses to
eccentric contractions. This information can be used to
stimulate additional studies to clarify conflicting find-
ings or expand on preliminary findings (Table 1). There
may be several mechanisms for the repeated bout effect
and these mechanisms may compliment each other or
operate independently of each other. Despite the ad-
vances in our understanding of the repeated bout effect
a unified theory explaining the mechanism or mechan-
isms remains elusive.
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Repeated bout effect
... The time interval between these exposures was 22 ± 9 (range: 10-35) days. Due to the repeated bout effect (McHugh, 2003;Meneghel et al., 2014;Nosaka et al., 2001), an interval of 5 ± 3 months (range: 2-9 months) was allowed between the eccentric exercise trials, with the ECCu trial being performed last by all participants. ...
... Considering the repeated bout effect (McHugh, 2003), and its significant variability in duration (i.e., ranging from a couple of weeks to up 6 months) (Foley et al., 1999;McHugh, 2003;Meneghel et al., 2014;Newton et al., 2008;Nosaka et al., 2001), the time interval between our two eccentric exercise interventions was set at a minimum of 8 weeks. The fact that our participants reported higher DOMS and exhibited greater reductions in MVC in their elbow flexors following ECCu (which was always performed as the last intervention) ...
... Considering the repeated bout effect (McHugh, 2003), and its significant variability in duration (i.e., ranging from a couple of weeks to up 6 months) (Foley et al., 1999;McHugh, 2003;Meneghel et al., 2014;Newton et al., 2008;Nosaka et al., 2001), the time interval between our two eccentric exercise interventions was set at a minimum of 8 weeks. The fact that our participants reported higher DOMS and exhibited greater reductions in MVC in their elbow flexors following ECCu (which was always performed as the last intervention) ...
Full-text available
Eccentric upper‐body exercise performed 24 h prior to high‐altitude decompression has previously been shown to aggravate venous gas emboli (VGE) load. Yet, it is unclear whether increasing the muscle mass recruited (i.e., upper vs. whole‐body) during eccentric exercise would exacerbate the decompression strain. Accordingly, this study aimed to investigate whether the total muscle mass recruited during eccentric exercise influences the decompression strain. Eleven male participants were exposed to a simulated altitude of 24,000 ft for 90 min on three separate occasions. Twenty‐four hours before each exposure, participants performed one of the following protocols: (i) eccentric whole‐body exercise (ECCw; squats and arm‐cycling exercise), (ii) eccentric upper‐body exercise (ECCu; arm‐cycling), or (iii) no exercise (control). Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) and isometric strength were evaluated before and after each exercise intervention. VGE load was evaluated at rest and after knee‐ and arm‐flex provocations using the 6‐graded Eftedal–Brubakk scale. Knee extensor (−20 ± 14%, P = 0.001) but not elbow flexor (−12 ± 18%, P = 0.152) isometric strength was reduced 24 h after ECCw. ECCu reduced elbow flexor isometric strength at 24 h post‐exercise (−18 ± 10%, P < 0.001). Elbow flexor DOMS was higher in the ECCu (median 6) compared with ECCw (5, P = 0.035). VGE scores were higher following arm‐flex provocations in the ECCu (median (range), 3 (0–4)) compared with ECCw (2 (0–3), P = 0.039) and control (0 (0–2), P = 0.011), and in ECCw compared with control (P = 0.023). VGE were detected earlier in ECCu (13 ± 20 min) compared with control (60 ± 38 min, P = 0.021), while no differences were noted between ECCw (18 ± 30 min) and control or ECCu. Eccentric exercise increased the decompression strain compared with control. The VGE load varied depending on the body region but not the total muscle mass recruited. Highlights What is the central question of this study? Does exercise‐induced muscle damage (EIMD) resulting from eccentric exercise influence the presence of venous gas emboli (VGE) during a 90 min continuous exposure at 24,000 ft? What is the main finding and its importance? EIMD led to an earlier manifestation and greater VGE load compared with control. However, the decompression strain was dependent on the body region but not the total muscle mass recruited.
... Exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD) results from following unaccustomed or eccentric exercise and is characterized by reduced strength and range of motion, delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS), swelling, increased creatine kinase (CK) activity and may lead to temporary functional impairments (1)(2)(3). EIMD generally leaves to transient ultrastructural myofibrillar disruption, Ischemic Pre and Postconditioning on Muscle Damage could generate mechanical alterations and metabolic stress (4). This kind of muscle damage stimulate the inflammatory system, that's activate various cell types, like satellite cells, inflammatory cells (e.g., neutrophils, macrophages, T lymphocytes, mast cells), vascular cells and stromal cells (e.g., fibroblasts) (4). ...
... This inflammatory process is necessary to initiate tissue repair and remodeling, restoring the functional homeostasis of the damaged cell (5,6). EIMD impairs muscle function, negatively affecting adherence to physical exercise programs (1)(2)(3). Therapeutic methods including cryotherapy, massage, and photobiomodulation may accelerate the recovery from EIMD and help maintain the intensity and frequency of training (7)(8)(9). In addition, ischemic preconditioning (IPC) has also been used to mitigate EIMD consequences (10,11). ...
... Muscles, Ligaments and Tendons Journal 2024;14(1) IngrId MartIns de França, MIkhaIl santos CerqueIra, Yves Matheus Barros de sousa olIveIra, et al. ...
Full-text available
Introduction. Exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD) occurs following unaccustomed or eccentric exercise. Ischemic conditioning applied passively before (IPCb) or after (IPCa) exercise may mitigate EIMD. However, IPC effects on indirect markers of EIMD are not fully understood. Objective. To evaluate IPCb and IPCa effects on indirect markers of EIMD. Methods. We screened randomized clinical trials on PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, SPORTDiscus, CENTRAL, CINAHL, and PEDro databases. We performed meta-analyses of mean differences (MD), standardized mean differences (SMD), and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) using a random-effects model. To be included, studies had to evaluate at least one indirect marker related to EIMD, use some exercise modality to induce muscle damage, and use sham IPC or no intervention as a control group. Results. Nine studies reporting data from 178 individuals (174 males) were considered eligible. The outcomes included delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS), creatine kinase (CK) activity, limb circumference, maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC), and jump height. IPCb reduced DOMS compared with control/sham (SMD:-2.8; 95% CI-3.67 to-1.92). IPCa had a positive effect on DOMS (SMD:-2.16; 95%CI-3.94 to-2.03), CK activity (SMD:-1.39; 95%CI-2.26 to-0.51) and countermovement jump height (MD: 1.72; 95%CI 1.13-2.30) compared with control/sham. Conclusions. Our findings suggest that IPCb and IPCa mitigate DOMS. IPCa appeared to accelerate recovery for countermovement jump and attenuate the rise in CK activity compared with control/sham. Study registration. International Prospective Register of Systematic Review (PROSPE-RO, CRD42020197822).
... To design the study, it was possible to have only one group to compare FIR and Sham treatment conditions in a counter-balanced order, but it is well known that muscle damage is significantly reduced after the second bout of eccentric exercise in comparison to the initial bout, known as the "repeated bout effect." 23,24 The repeated bout effect could last as long as 6 months and at least several weeks for the arm and leg muscles, respectively. 23,24 Thus, to consider the possible repeated bout effect, we had two groups (one was for FIR, the other was for sham) in the present study. ...
... 23,24 The repeated bout effect could last as long as 6 months and at least several weeks for the arm and leg muscles, respectively. 23,24 Thus, to consider the possible repeated bout effect, we had two groups (one was for FIR, the other was for sham) in the present study. ...
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We investigated the effects of far‐infrared radiation (FIR) lamp therapy on changes in muscle damage and performance parameters following six sets of 15‐min Loughborough intermittent shuttle test (LIST), a simulated soccer match. Twenty‐four elite female soccer players (20–24 y) were assigned into FIR or sham treatment group (n = 12/group). The participants received a 60‐min FIR or sham treatment (30 min per muscle) over knee extensors (KE) and flexors (KF) at 2, 25, 49, 73, and 97 h post‐LIST. Maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVC) torque and muscle soreness of the KE and KF, plasma creatine kinase (CK) activity as muscle damage markers, and several performance parameters including countermovement jump (CMJ) and Yo‐Yo intermittent recovery test level 1 (YYIR1) were measured before and 1, 24, 48, 72, 96, and 120 h post‐LIST. Changes in the measures were compared between groups by a mixed‐design two‐way ANOVA. The running distance covered during LIST and changes in the measures at 1‐h post‐LIST (before the treatment) were similar (p = 0.118–0.371) between groups. Changes in muscle damage markers at 24–120 h post‐LIST were smaller (p < 0.05, η² = 0.208–0.467) for the FIR (e.g., MVC‐KE torque decrease at 48‐h post‐LIST: −1 ± 2%, peak KE soreness: 16 ± 10 mm, peak CK: 172 ± 42 IU/L) than sham group (−11 ± 9%, 33 ± 7 mm, 466 ± 220 IU/L, respectively). Performance parameters recovered faster (p < 0.05, η² = 0.142–0.308) to baseline for the FIR (e.g., decreases at 48‐h post‐LIST; CMJ: 0 ± 1%, YYIR1: 0 ± 1%) than sham group (−6 ± 2%, −9 ± 6%, respectively). These results suggest that the FIR lamp therapy was effective for enhancing recovery from a soccer match.
... The peak of the symptomatology is normally reached at 48 hours and then gradually fades over a week. Therefore, if DOMS occurred during the first training sessions, especially in this sample of non-athletic individuals, it was expected to disappear as the sessions progressed [25]. In addition, a minimum delay of 48 hours between training sessions and 1 week between the last training session and the second evaluation was observed to minimize the impact of DOMS on performance. ...
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Objectives. To show the superiority of eccentric versus concentric strengthening in terms of improving quadriceps strength in knee osteoarthritis (OA). A randomized controlled study was conducted to perform 12 sessions of either eccentric or concentric isokinetic muscle strengthening over 6 weeks Methods. We recruited males and females, aged between 40 and 70 years, with predominantly unilateral femorotibial OA. Exclusion criteria were having a prosthesis, inflammatory arthritis or flare-up of OA, symptomatic patellofemoral OA, cardio-vascular or pulmonary disease that could be a contraindication to the study treatment, and any pathology that could cause muscle weakness. The primary endpoint was the between-group difference in change in maximum concentric isokinetic knee extension peak torque (PT) at 60°/s on the OA side at 6 weeks. Secondary endpoints were between-group difference in change in concentric hamstring PT at 60°/s; eccentric quadriceps and hamstring PT at 30°/s; 10 m and 200 m walking speeds; pain and functional status (WOMAC score) at 6 weeks and 6 months. Results. The sample consisted of 11 females and 27 males, with a mean age of 57.7 ±7.52 years and a body mass index (BMI) of 25.95 ±3.93 kg/m&sup2;. Quadriceps strength increased more at 6 weeks in the concentric than the eccentric group with no statistical difference. There was a rate of 25% major adverse events in the eccentric group. Conclusion. Eccentric training resulted in a smaller improvement in quadriceps strength than concentric training and was associated with a high risk of muscle injury, particularly to the hamstring muscles.
... The peak of the symptomatology is normally reached at 48 h and then gradually fades over a week. Therefore, if DOMS occurred during the first training sessions, especially in this sample of non-athletic individuals, it was expected to disappear as the sessions progressed [25]. In addition, a minimum delay of 48 h between training sessions and 1 week between the last training session and the second evaluation was observed to minimize the impact of DOMS on performance. ...
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Objectives: To show the superiority of eccentric versus concentric strengthening in terms of improving quadriceps strength in knee osteoarthritis (OA), a randomized controlled study was conducted to perform 12 sessions of either eccentric or concentric isokinetic muscle strengthening over 6 weeks. Methods: We recruited males and females, aged between 40 and 70 years, with predominantly unilateral femorotibial OA. Exclusion criteria were having a prosthesis, inflammatory arthritis or flare-up of OA, symptomatic patellofemoral OA, cardiovascular or pulmonary disease that could be a contraindication to the study treatment, and any pathology that could cause muscle weakness. The primary endpoint was the between-group difference in change in maximum concentric isokinetic knee extension peak torque (PT) at 60°/s on the OA side at 6 weeks. Secondary endpoints were between-group difference in change in concentric hamstring PT at 60°/s; eccentric quadriceps and hamstring PT at 30°/s; 10 m and 200 m walking speeds; pain and functional status (WOMAC score) at 6 weeks and 6 months. Results: The sample consisted of 11 females and 27 males, with a mean age of 57.7 ± 7.52 years and a body mass index (BMI) of 25.95 ± 3.93 kg/m². Quadriceps strength increased more at 6 weeks in the concentric than the eccentric group with no statistical difference. There was a rate of 25% major adverse events in the eccentric group. Conclusions: Eccentric training resulted in a smaller improvement in quadriceps strength than concentric training and was associated with a high risk of muscle injury, particularly to the hamstring muscles.
... The next logical step in this line of research is to examine the influence of prescribing exercise intensity based on the individual eccentric and concentric 1RM. Further exploration would also be needed with regards to the muscle soreness evoked by eccentric exercise 21 , though the repeated bout effect seems to attenuate this 22 . Also, as indicated by VO2 and RER, metabolic demand was attenuated during the ECC condition compared to CONC and TRAD. ...
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Introduction. It is well documented that eccentric contractions have a lower metabolic cost than concentric contractions. However, the net impact of this difference across an entire resistance training session is less clear. This study compared the cardiometabolic responses between full body resistance training sessions comprised of either eccentric only (ECC), concentric only (CONC), or traditional (TRAD) muscular actions. Methods. Twelve subjects (6 males) completed 3 work-matched exercise bouts of either ECC, CONC, or TRAD exercises (6 exercises performed at 65% one repetition maximum). Oxygen consumption (VO2), respiratory exchange ratio (RER), heart rate (HR) and mean arterial pressure (MAP) were recorded continuously throughout the entire session, while blood glucose and lactate were measured during exercise and recovery. Results. Cumulative VO2 was greater during CONC compared to ECC and TRAD (423.4  35 mLO2/kg, 249.6  46.0 mLO2/kg, and 287.7  53.9 mLO2/kg, respectively; all P<0.001). HR and MAP were also 46% and 4.3% greater during CON compared to ECC. Lastly, post exercise lactate accumulation was significantly greater in TRAD and CON compared to ECC (both P <0.001). Conclusions. These results indicate that an exercise session comprised of eccentric work evokes an attenuated cardiometabolic response compared to concentric or traditional exercises.
... Repetitive eccentric contractions associated with running may lead to the accumulation of eccentrically induced muscle damage (Morgan, 1990;Fyfe et al., 2013). The magnitude of the muscle damage is primarily reduced when the same or similar eccentric exercise is repeated within several weeks (McHugh, 2003). ...
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Introduction: The aim was to analyze the response of serum levels of inflammatory, high-energy muscle biomarkers and hamstring localized bioimpedance (L-BIA) measurements to marathon running and to ascertain whether they correlate with each other or with race time. Methods: Blood samples and hamstrings tetra-polar L-BIA measurements from 14 Caucasian male recreational athletes at the Barcelona Marathon 2019 were collected at base line, immediately after and 48 h post-race. Serum C reactive protein (sCRP), creatinine kinase (sCK) and lactate dehydrogenase (sLDH) were determined using an AU-5800 chemistry analyzer. L-BIA was obtained at 50 kHz with a Quantum V Segmental phase-sensitive bioimpedance analyzer. Results: Median sCRP increased (4-fold) after 48 h post-race. Median sCK and sLDH levels increased immediately post-race (3-fold, 2-fold) and 48h post-race (5-fold, 1-fold). Left, right and combined hamstring reactance (Xc) and phase angle (PhA) increased immediately post-race. Xc combined hamstring pre- and immediately post-race correlated with race-time and with sCK and sLDH median levels pre-race. Xc combined hamstring pre- and immediately post-race > 15.6 Ω and 15.8 Ω, respectively, predicted the race time of 3:00:00 h. Conclusion: L-BIA reactance (Xc) is an objective direct, real time, easy, noninvasive bioelectrical parameter that may predict muscle and marathon athlete performance.
... Another study revealed that vibration treatment (50 Hz) applied to the left and right quadriceps, hamstrings, and calf muscles before a downhill treadmill walk resulted in significantly lower levels of CK compared with nonvibration treatment (Bakhtiary, Safavi-Farokhi, & Aminian-Far, 2007). The aforementioned protective effects can be attributed to several mechanisms, including neural, mechanical, and cellular adaptations (Imtiyaz et al., 2014;McHugh, 2003). ...
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The purpose of this investigation was to examine whether adding a set of vibrating foam rollers (VFR) to a regular running‐based warm‐up before a bout of multidirectional repeated sprints provides protective effects against the sprinting‐induced muscle damage. Twenty‐four elite college handball and rugby players participated in this study. After the familiarization visit, the subjects were randomly divided into either the vibration rolling (VFR) or the general warm‐up (GW) group. Before (pretest), post‐24, 48, and 72 h after the muscle‐damaging protocol (15 sets of 30‐m maximal multi directional repeated sprints), plasma creatine kinase (CK), muscle soreness, hip flexion passive range of motion (ROM), isometric strength, and hexagon agility was measured. After the VFR, the CK and DOMS were significantly less than GW (p < 0.05). In addition, when compared with the GW, the hamstring isometric strength, hexagon agility, and 0–10 m and 0–30‐m sprint performances showed faster recovery for the VFR (p < 0.05). The VFR protocol had protective effect on multidirectional repeated sprinting‐induced muscle damage markers than GW protocol. Therefore, preconditioning warm‐up activities using VFR can be integrated into a traditional sport‐specific warm‐up protocol for elite athletes before competitions/training may take advantage of this strategy to facilitate muscle recovery.
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The mechanisms that account for the strength loss after contraction-induced muscle injury remain controversial. We present data showing that (1) most of the early strength loss results from a failure of excitation-contraction coupling and (2) a slow loss of contractile protein in the days after injury prolongs the recovery time. Keywords: strength, damage, calcium, contractile protein, sarcoplasmic reticulum, plasmalemma
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Five women and three men (aged 24-43 yr) performed maximal eccentric contractions of the elbow flexors (for 20 min) on three occasions, spaced 2 wk apart. Muscle pain, strength and contractile properties, and plasma creatine kinase (CK) were studied before and after each exercise bout. Muscle tenderness was greatest after the first bout and thereafter progressively decreased. Very high plasma CK levels (1,500-11,000 IU/l) occurred after the first bout, but the second and third bouts did not significantly affect the plasma CK. After each bout the strength was reduced by approximately 50% and after 2 wk had only recovered to 80% of preexercise values. Each exercise bout produced a marked shift of the force-frequency curve to the right which took approximately 2 wk to recover. The recovery rate of both strength and force-frequency characteristics was faster after the second and third bouts. Since the adaptation occurred after the performance of maximal contractions it cannot have been a result of changes in motor unit recruitment. The observed training effect of repeated exercise was not a consequence of the muscle becoming either stronger or more resistant to fatigue.
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Contractile and morphological properties were measured in the rabbit tibialis anterior muscle 1 h after isometric contraction (IC), passive stretch (PS), or eccentric contraction (EC). Maximal tetanic tension (Po) was reduced after 30 min of PS (P less than 0.001), IC (P less than 0.001), or EC (P less than 0.0001). However, the magnitude of the force deficit was a function of the treatment method. After 30 min of cyclic PS, Po decreased by 13%, whereas after IC or EC, Po decreased by 31 and 69%, respectively. The time course of tension decline in the various groups suggested that the EC-induced injury occurred during the first few minutes of treatment. Although the morphology of samples from the PS and IC groups appeared normal, eccentrically exercised muscles exhibited portions of abnormally large fibers (diam greater than or equal to 110 microns) when viewed in cross section. Examination of 231 such fibers from 6 muscles revealed that all enlarged fibers were exclusively of the fast-twitch glycolytic fiber type. Although no ultrastructural abnormalities were observed in any of the muscles from the IC or PS groups, a significant portion of the fibers in the EC group displayed various degrees of disorganization of the sarcomeric band pattern. Taken together, these studies highlight the importance of fiber oxidative capacity in EC-induced injury, which may be related to the damage mechanism.
The primary purpose of the study was to examine circulating neutrophils and monocytes and their plasma membrane expression of CD64, CD11b, and CD18 after two bouts (B1 and B2) of eccentric exercise. Subjects (n = 10) performed 25 forced-lengthened contractions of the forearm flexors on two occasions separated by 3 wk. Blood samples were obtained before exercise and at 1.5, 6, 12, 24, 48, 72, and 96 h of recovery. CD64, CD11b, and CD18 expression was determined via direct immunofluorescence and used as an indicator of neutrophil and monocyte activation. Creatine kinase activity (B1 = 1,390, B2 = 108 U/l), myoglobin (B1 = 163, B2 = 41, ng/dl), and muscle soreness and tenderness were higher (P < 0.01) after B1 compared with B2. Neutrophils at 6, 12, and 96 h were higher (P < 0.05) for B1 vs. B2. CD11b expression on neutrophils was 2.7-fold higher at 72 h for B1 vs. B2. CD64 expression on neutrophils at 72 and 96 h was 1.4- and 1.9-fold higher, respectively, for B1 vs. B2. At 72 and 96 h, CD18 and CD64 expression on monocytes was 1.3-fold higher for B1 vs. B2. The observed changes were not significantly correlated with changes in creatine kinase activity or myoglobin. In conclusion, the adaptation to eccentric arm exercise was associated with a reduction in circulating neutrophils and a lower state of neutrophil and monocyte activation.
Using a damaging eccentric exercise regime of the mouse tibialis anterior (TA) muscle we have investigated the extent and time course of protection afforded by one bout of exercise against damage resulting from a second bout of activity. Maximal force and fibre morphology were preserved if the exercise was repeated within 21 days, but by 84 days muscles once again became susceptible to damage. Low-frequency force loss had a shorter time course of protection against repeated exercise, lasting less than 21 days. The results provide evidence for different mechanisms contributing to the development of muscle damage following eccentric exercise and provide a basis for characterizing the adaptive response of muscle to damaging exercise.
The effects of a single series of high-force eccentric contractions involving the quadriceps muscle group (single leg) on plasma concentrations of muscle proteins were examined as a function of time, in the context of measurements of torque production and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the involved muscle groups. Plasma concentrations of slow-twitch skeletal (cardiac beta-type) myosin heavy chain (MHC) fragments, myoglobin, creatine kinase (CK), and cardiac troponin T were measured in blood samples of six healthy male volunteers before and 2 h after 70 eccentric contractions of the quadriceps femoris muscle. Screenings were conducted 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, and 13 days later. To visualize muscle injury, MRI of the loaded and unloaded thighs was performed 3, 6, and 9 days after the eccentric exercise bout. Force generation of the knee extensors was monitored on a dynamometer (Cybex II+) parallel to blood sampling. Exercise resulted in a biphasic myoglobin release profile, delayed CK and MHC peaks. Increased MHC fragment concentrations of slow skeletal muscle myosin occurred in late samples of all participants, which indicated a degradation of slow skeletal muscle myosin. Because cardiac troponin T was within the normal range in all samples, which excluded a protein release from the heart (cardiac beta-type MHC), this finding provides evidence for an injury of slow-twitch skeletal muscle fibers in response to eccentric contractions. Muscle action revealed delayed reversible increases in MRI signal intensities on T2-weighted images of the loaded vastus intermedius and deep parts of the vastus lateralis. We attributed MRI signal changes due to edema in part to slow skeletal muscle fiber injury.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
The myofibrillar cytoskeleton of skeletal muscle is made up of two distinct sets of filaments, the exosarcomeric cytoskeleton and the endosarcomeric cytoskeleton. The exosarcomeric cytoskeleton consists of intermediate filaments (IF) composed of the proteins desmin, vimentin, and synemin. The IF are arranged both longitudinally and transversely around the fiber. The longitudinal filaments run from Z-disc to Z-disc, enveloping the myofibril in order to serve as attachment sites for mitochondria, nuclei, and the sarcolemma, as well as limiting the sarcomere's extensibility. The transverse filaments link adjacent myofibrils at the Z-disc and are responsible for the fibril's axial register, and thus the striated appearance of muscle. The endosarcomeric cytoskeleton acts as a third filament system that coexists with actin and myosin within the sarcomere. This system is believed to be extensible and is made up of the giant proteins, titin and nebulin. Titin is believed to be responsible for resting muscle elasticity, as well as the central position of myosin in the sarcomere. Nebulin's role is proposed to be the maintenance of actin's lattice array. Following various types of intense exercise, pathological changes in muscle morphology have been documented. These include Z-disc streaming, sarcomerogenesis, and decentralization of myosin filaments within the sarcomere. It is hypothesized that disruption of the transverse IF system may cause Z-disc streaming, whereas degradation of titin filaments may affect myosin's position in the sarcomere.
The effects of performing a second eccentric exercise bout prior to and after recovery from the first bout were compared. Twenty subjects performed 70 eccentric actions with the forearm flexors. Group A (n = 9) and group B (n = 11) repeated the same exercise 5 and 14 days after the initial bout, respectively. Dependent variables included muscle soreness, elbow joint angles, isometric strength, and serum creatine kinase (SCK). Subjects were tested pre-exercise and up to day 5 following each bout. The first bout produced significant changes in all measures for both groups (P less than 0.01). Values remained significantly different from baseline on day 5 when group A repeated the exercise (P less than 0.01) but were back to normal when group B performed bout 2. For both groups an adaptation occurred; significantly smaller changes in dependent variables were produced by the second bout, and recovery time was faster whether or not muscles were fully restored (P less than 0.01). The repeated bout did not exacerbate soreness, performance decrements, and elevation of SCK when performed by affected muscles that had not fully recovered from the first bout. Thus, the results suggest that an adaptation response had taken place prior to full recovery and restoration of muscle function following the initial eccentric exercise bout.
A muscle fiber was modeled as a series-connected string of sarcomeres, using an A. V. Hill type model for each sarcomere and allowing for some random variation in the properties of the sarcomeres. Applying stretches to this model led to the prediction that lengthening of active muscle on or beyond the plateau of the length tension curve will take place very nonuniformly, essentially by rapid, uncontrolled elongation of individual sarcomeres, one at a time, in order from the weakest toward the strongest. Such a "popped" sarcomere, at least in a single fiber, will be stretched to a length where there is no overlap between thick and thin filaments, and the tension is borne by passive components. This prediction allows modeling of many results that have previously been inexplicable, notably the permanent extra tension after stretch on the descending limb of the length tension curve, and the continued rise of tension during a continued stretch.