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Interaction of pulses in the nonlinear Schrodinger model

  • Physical-Technical Institute, Tashkent, Uzbekistan


The interaction of two rectangular pulses in the nonlinear Schrödinger model is studied by solving the appropriate Zakharov-Shabat system. It is shown that two real pulses may result in an appearance of moving solitons. Different limiting cases, such as a single pulse with a phase jump, a single chirped pulse, in-phase and out-of-phase pulses, and pulses with frequency separation, are analyzed. The thresholds of creation of new solitons and multisoliton states are found.
arXiv:nlin/0303061v1 [nlin.PS] 26 Mar 2003
Interaction of pulses in nonlinear Schr¨odinger model
E. N. Tsoyaand F. Kh. Abdullaeva,b
aPhysical-Technical Institute of the Uzbek Academy of Sciences,
2-B, Mavlyanov street, Tashkent, 700084, Uzbekistan
bInstituto de Fisica Teorica, UNESP, Sao Paulo, Brasil
(June 20, 2018)
The interaction of two rectangular pulses in nonlinear Schr¨odinger model is studied by solving the
appropriate Zakharov-Shabat system. It is shown that two real pulses may result in appearance of
moving solitons. Different limiting cases, such as a single pulse with a phase jump, a single chirped
pulse, in-phase and out-of-phase pulses, and pulses with frequency separation, are analyzed. The
thresholds of creation of new solitons and multi-soliton states are found.
(Submitted to Phys. Rev. E, 2003)
42.65.Tg, 42.65.Jx
The nonlinear Schr¨odinger (NLS) equation is an important model of the theory of modulational waves. It describes
the propagation of pulses in optical fibers1,2, the dynamics of laser beams in a Kerr media, or the nonlinear difraction3,
waves in plasma4, and the evolution of a Bose-Einstein condensate wave function5. The NLS equation is written in
dimensionless form as the following:
iuz+uxx/2 + |u|2u= 0,(1)
where u(x, z) is a slowly varying wave envelope, zis the evolutional variable, and xis associated with the spatial
An exact solution of the NLS equation has a form of a soliton:
u(x, z) = 2ηsech[2η(x+ 2ξz x0)] exp[2iξx 2i(ξ2η2)z+0].(2)
where 2ηand 2ξare amplitude, or the inverse width, and the velocity of the soliton, x0and φ0are the initial position
and phase, respectively. The soliton represents a basic mode and plays a fundamental role in nonlinear processes.
The dynamics of NLS solitons and single pulses even in the presence of various perturbations is well understood
(see e.g. Refs. 1,2and reference therein). However, the evolution of several pulses is not studied in details. In
recent works6(see also book2) mostly an interaction of solitons and near-soliton pulses was considered. A study
of near-soliton pulses, especially a use of the effective particle approach, often results in small variation of soliton
parameters, including the soliton velocities and as a consequence weak repulsion or attraction of solitons. Such a
study do not involve a possibility of appearance of additional solitons. However, for many applications it is necessary
to consider the interaction of pulses with arbitrary amplitudes or pulses with different parameters. For example,
in optical communication systems with the wavelength division multiplexing (WDM), the initial signal consist of
several solitons with different frequencies. An estimation of the critical separation between pulses is important for
determination of the repetition rate of a particular transmission scheme.
In present work the interaction of two pulses in the NLS model is studied both theoretically and numerically. We
show the presence of different scenarios of the behaviour, depending on the initial parameters of the pulses, such as
the pulse areas, the relative phase shift, the spatial and frequency separations. One of our main observation is a fact
that a pure real initial condition of the NLS equation can result in additional moving solitons. As a consequence the
number of solitons, emerging from two pulses separated by some distance, can be larger than the sum of the numbers
of solitons, emerging from each pulse. Such properties were also found for the Manakov system7, which is a vector
generalization of the NLS equation. The scalar NLS equation was studied in7as a particular case. Later similar
results and approximation formulas for the soliton parameters were obtained in papers8,9(see also10 ). In works710
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mostly the interaction of real pulses was analyzed, while here we consider pulses with non-zero relative phase shift
and frequency separation. A preliminary version of this study was presented in work11.
The paper is organized as the following. The linear scattering problem associated with the NLS equation is
considered in Section II. We also present the general solution of the problem for the case of two rectangular pulses.
In Section III we study different particular cases, such as two in-phase pulses, two out-of-phase pulses, a single pulse
with a phase jump, a single chirped pulse, and two pulses with the frequency separation. The results and conclusions
are summarized in Section IV.
In this paper we are interested only in an asymptotic state of the pulse interaction. In order to simplify the problem
and to obtain exact results we consider the interaction of two rectangular pulses (“boxes”). Therefore we take the
following initial conditions for Eq. (1):
u(x, 0) U(x) =
Q1exp[21x],for x1< x < x2,
Q2exp[22x],for x3< x < x4,
0,otherwise ,
where Q1and Q2are the complex constant amplitudes, w1x2x1and w2x4x3are the pulse widths, and 2ν1
and 2ν2are the detunings.
It is known that NLS equation is integrable by the inverse scattering transform method3. As follows from this fact,
initial conditions, which decreases sufficiently fast at x=±, results in a set of solitons and linear waves (so called,
radiation). The number Nand parameters of solitons emerging from an initial condition are found from the solution
of the Zakharov-Shabat scattering problem3:
∂x iU (x)ψ2=λψ1,
∂x iU (x)ψ1=λψ2(4)
with the following boundary conditions
Ψx→−∞ =1
0eiλx,Ψx→∞ =a(λ)eiλx
b(λ)eiλx .(5)
Here Ψ(x) is an eigenvector, λis an eigenvalue, a(λ) and b(λ) are the scattering coefficients, and a star means a
complex conjugate. The number Nis equal to the number of poles λnξn+n, where n= 1,...,N, and ηn>0, of
the transmission coefficient 1/a(λ). Each λnis invariant on z. If all ξnare different then u(x, z) at z represents
a set of solitons, each in the form of Eq. (2) with η=ηnand ξ=ξn. If real parts of several λnare equal then a
formation of a neutrally stable bound state of solitons is possible.
The solution of the Zakharov-Shabat problem (4) with the potential (3) is written as
a(λ) = ei(λ+ν1)w1ei(λ+ν2)w2
e2i(λ+ν1)x2e2i(λ+ν2)x3sin(k1w1) sin(k2w2),(6)
b(λ) = ei(λ+ν1)w1ei(λ+ν2)w2
cos(k2w2) + i(λ+ν2)
sin(k1w1) (7)
where kj= [(λ+νj)2+|Qj|2]1/2.
Since the linear operator in (4) is not Hermitian, complex eigenvalues are possible even for real u(x, 0) (e. g.
see Section III A). Though this is an obvious fact, “an interesting “folklore” property seems to have arisen in the
literature over the last 25 years, namely, that only pure imaginary EVs (eigenvalues) can occur for symmetric real
valued potentials”8. As demonstrated below, the statement [Theorem (III) in §2] of paper12 , that claims this result, is
incorrect. An existence of eigenvalues with non-zero real parts for Zakharov-Shabat problem with pure real potential
was first shown in paper7.
Equations (6,7) represent a general solution of the scattering problem (4,5) with initial condition (3). Applications
of these equations to particular cases of the pulse interaction are considered in the next section.
A. Interaction of in-phase pulses with equal amplitudes
1. Properties of eigenvalues
Here we analyze a simple case of two real pulses, separated by a distance Lx3x2, with zero detuning, i.e.
Q1=Q2=Q0,w1=w2w, and ν1=ν2= 0, where Q0is real. Then using Eq. (6), the equation for discrete
spectrum is written as
F(λ, Q0, w)±Q0
keiλL sin(kw) = 0 ,(8)
where F(λ, Q, w)cos(k w) sin(k w)/k, and k= (λ2+Q2)1/2. Note that F(λ, Q0, w) = 0 determines the discrete
spectrum for a single box with zero detuning13 . Therefore the second term in Eq. (8) can be associated with the
result of nonlinear interference. Recall also that for a single box with amplitude Q0and width w, the number NSB
of emerging solitons is determined as3NS B = int(Q0w/π + 1/2), where int() means an integer part. Results for the
two boxes are reduced to those for a single box in limiting cases L= 0 and L=.
As shown by Klaus and Shaw8, the Zakharov-Shabat problem with a “single-hump” real initial condition admits
pure imaginary eigenvalues only, i.e. solitons with zero velocity. We show that the case of two pulses provides much
richer dynamics.
Let us now compare the properties of eigenvalues at different SQ0w(Fig. 1). In Fig. 1, as well as in subsequent
figures of the paper, all variables are dimensionless. In the first two cases, S= 1.8 and S= 2.0, there is one soliton
at L= 0 and there are two solitons at L=, while in the case S= 2.5 there are two solitons in both limits. The
dependence of eigenvalues on Lat S= 2.5 is obvious, while that at S= 1.8 and 2.0 looks unexpected. Firstly, the
number of solitons at intermediate Lis larger then that in the limits L= 0 and L=. Secondly, the two real boxes
lead to eigenvalues with non-zero real part. Third, for S= 2.0 there is a “fork” bifurcation at L=LF4.1, when
two eigenvalues coincide. At larger Lthree pure imaginary eigenvalues constitute a three-soliton state, so that the
limiting two-soliton case at L is realized as a limit of a three-soliton solution with an amplitude of the third
soliton tending to zero.
Results of numerical simulations of the NLS equation (1) agree with analysis of Eq. (8). For example, as shown
in Fig. 2, in accordance with Fig. 1b there are one fixed and two moving solitons at S= 2.0 and L= 2, and there
are a three-soliton state and two moving solitons at S= 2.0 and L= 5. Note that an appearance of moving solitons
and multi-soliton states is not related to the rectangular form of initial pulses. For example, an initial condition
u(x, 0) = 0.7[sech(x+ 2.5) + sech(x2.5)] also results in moving solitons.
Below we discuss in details the behaviour of the eigenvalues, namely we find a threshold of appearance of new roots,
estimate a number of emerging solitons, and calculate a threshold for the “fork” bifurcation. It should be mentioned
that eigenvalues with non-zero real part do not exist only at S= [3π/4,3.3] and S= [7π/4,5.51] (see Section III A 2),
so that the dependence at S= 2.5 is rather an exception than a general rule. This results allows to understand why
moving solitons are not observed in interaction of near-soliton pulses with area Sπ.
2. Appearance of new eigenvalues
Solving numerically Eq. (8), one can conclude that new eigenvalues penetrate to the upper half-plane of λin pairs
by crossing the real axis. Therefore, the bifurcation parameter can be found from Eq. (8), assuming that λ=β,
where βis real:
cotan y=±p2S2y2
Here y=κw,κ= (β2+Q2
0)1/2, and the signs are taken such that tan(y) tan(βL)<0 is satisfied. As follows from
the definition of yand Eq. (9), one has Sy < 2S.
Analysis of Eqs. (9,10) results in the following conclusions:
(i) As follows from Eq. (9), the number NP P of the penetration points depends only on Sand is determined from:
NP P = 4(mn+ 1) 2θSn+1
4π4θ(SmS) for S3π/4,(11)
where m= int(2S/π), n= int(S/π), θ(x) is the Heavyside function, and Smis a root of
m1) = p2S2
which satisfies (2S2
m1)1/2<(m+ 1)π. It is easy to find that NP P = 0 for S < π/4 and NP P = 2 for
π/4< S < 3π/4. Equation (12) defines such values of S=Sm, when the right hand side of Eq. (9) with plus sign
touches cotanycurve. All penetration points βj, where j= 1,...,NPP , are symmetrically situated with respect to
β= 0.
(ii) All roots |βj| Q0, which follows from 2S2y20.
(iii) For every βj, Eq. (10) defines the separation distance L=LC, when eigenvalues cross the real axis.
(iv) As follows from Eq. (10) there is an infinite number of thresholds LCfor a given βj. However, the total number
of eigenvalues in the upper half-plane of λis, most probably, finite, because for some LCeigenvalues pass to the upper
half-plane, and for other LCeigenvalues go to the lower half-plane. The direction of eigenvalue motion is defined by
the derivative dλ/dL at λ=βj.
The positions of penetration points, βjas a function of Sis shown in Fig. 3a, where only positive βjare presented.
As follows from Eq. (9) the number NP P decreases by two, when Spasses (2l+ 1)π/4, where l= 1,2..., and NP P
increases by four, when Sexceeds Sm[see Eq. (12)]. Therefore one can obtain that Eq. (9) has no roots only at
S= [3π/4, S2] and at S= [7π/4, S3], where S23.26 and S35.51 are found from Eq. (12). This property is clearly
seen in Fig. 3. The dependence of LCon Sis presented in Fig. 3b. Only the thresholds, such that βjLC= [0,2π],
are shown for each βj.
3. Thresholds of “fork” bifurcation
Here we analyze a bifurcation, when a pair of complex eigenvalues becomes pure imaginary, e.g. LF4.1 in Fig. 1b.
The equation which determine pure imaginary eigenvalues can be obtained from Eq. (6) with Re[λ] = 0, i.e. λ=:
cotan y=pS2y2±Sexp[pS2y2L/w]
Here y=κ w ,κ= (γ2+Q2
0)1/2. It is easy to show that κ2should be positive (there is no real solution for κ2<0).
As a consequence, all pure imaginary eigenvalues satisfy γjQ0.
The value of L=LF, when new pure imaginary root of Eq. (13) appears, corresponds to the “fork” bifurcation.
The bifurcation threshold LFcan be found from the condition that the functions, corresponding to the right-hand
side of Eq. (13), touch the cotan ycurve.
Low bound of the number of the pure imaginary eigenvalues is found as NLB = int(2S/π + 1/2). This number is
an actual number of the pure imaginary eigenvalues for all S, except of the regions where
2+πl < S < 3π
4+πl, l = 0,1,.... (14)
If Ssatisfies Eq. (14) then the number of pure imaginary eigenvalues can be either NLB or NLB + 2, depending on
whether L < LF(S) or L > LF(S), respectively. Therefore the appearance of new pure imaginary eigenvalues, in
other words, the fork bifurcation, is possible only if Ssatisfies Eq. (14). Figure 4 represents the dependence of LFon
S, where only one interval, corresponding to l= 1 in Eq. (14), is shown; the behaviour for l > 1 is similar. One can
calculate that LF(S= 1.8) = 10.4, that is why the fork bifurcation is not seen in Fig. 1a.
B. Two out-of-phase pulses with equal amplitudes
In this section we study the influence of constant phase shift on the pulse interaction, i.e. we consider Q1=
Q0exp(i α), Q2=Q0exp(i α), where Q0and αare real, w1=w2w, and ν1=ν2= 0. The non-zero relative
phase shift, 2α, changes greatly the properties of the eigenvalues, so that the behaviour presented in Section III A is
hard to realize in experiments, because it is difficult to prepare two pulses exactly in phase. The phase shift breaks
the simultaneous appearance of a pair of solitons at λ=±βj, and affects to the fork” bifurcation.
For α6= 0, the equations for eigenvalues and for penetration points can be obtained from Eq. (8) and Eqs. (9,10)
by changing λL λL +αand βL βL +αin the exponent and sinus functions, respectively. Therefore the number
and positions of the penetration points are the same as for the case α= 0. As for the threshold LC, it is shifted on
the value α/βj, so that LC(α) = LC(α= 0) + α/βj, where only LC0 should be taken into account.
The influence of the phase shift on the distribution of eigenvalues is shown in Fig. 5. As seen, now new eigenvalues
appear one by one, not in pairs, and, as a concequense, the “fork” bifurcation disappears. Further, the real parts of
the roots do not vanish at finite L, but decreases smoothly. This means that the presence of the phase shift breaks
up a multi-soliton state, which is known to be neutrally stable to perturbations.
At L= 0, the phase shift corresponds to the phase jump of a single pulse. Such a phase jump can result in an
appearance of additional solitons as shown in Fig. 5b. The threshold of the phase shift αth, when the first new soliton
appear, can be found from the condition αth =|β1|LC(α= 0), where β1is the position of the penetration point
nearest to zero.
C. Two pulses with frequency separation
In this section we analyze the initial condition (3) with the following parameters Q1=Q2=Q0,w1=w2=w,
ν1=ν2=ν, where Q0is a real constant. This case models the wavelength division multiplexing in optical fibers,
the case when an input signal consists of two or more pulses with different frequencies. Actually, since Q0can be taken
sufficiently large we consider the interaction of multi-soliton states. The detailed analysis of the interaction of sech-
pulses at different frequencies is presented in papers14 and in review15 . In particular, the authors of papers14,15 consider
the evolution of a superposition of Nsolitons with the same position of the centers, but with different frequencies. As
shown in these works there is a critical frequency separation, above which Nsolitons with almost equal amplitudes
emerge. Below this critical value the number of emerging solitons can be not equal Nand their amplitudes can
appreciable differ from each other. It was also demonstrated that an introduction of a time shift between pulses
results in decrease of the frequency separation threshold. The geometry described by Eq. (3) corresponds to the
combination of WDM and time-division multiplexing schemes, therefore our study can give some insight to such a
behaviour of the threshold. Moreover, the authors of works14,15 mostly used the perturbation technique and numerical
simulations, while in the present paper we deal with an exact solution of the Zakharov-Shabat problem.
First let us consider the case L= 0 that correspond to the case of a single chirped pulse of width 2w. The
dependence of the eigenvalues on ν, which plays here the role of a chirp parameter, is shown in Fig. 6. At small νthe
interaction of the pulse components is strong, so that there is one pure imaginary eigenvalue, or a single soliton with
zero velocity. At larger νthe frequency difference of the pulse components results in a repulsion of the components,
or a pulse splitting. At sufficiently large νthe velocities of emerging solitons tends, as expected, to ±2ν.
There is also a narrow region of ν, e.g. ν= [0.98,0.99] on Fig. 6, where three solitons, one fixed and two moving
solitons, exist. This region separate two different types of the evolution of a chirped pulse. The left boundary, which
corresponds to the appearance of new eigenvalues, of the region is found from the condition similar to that considered
in Section III A 2. The right boundary is found from a(λ= 0) = 0, which defines the values of νas a function of the
other parameters, when the pure imaginary root disappears.
The dependence of the spectrum on Lis presented in Fig. 7. At small ν(Fig. 7a) we see again an appearance of
additional solitons similar to the case ν= 0 (Fig. 1). At larger ν(Fig. 7b) the repulsion is so strong that it suppresses
the appearance of small-amplitude solitons. Therefore there is a threshold of the frequency separation above which
the interaction of two pulses is negligible. This result is in agreement with the conclusions of the paper15.
The interaction of two pulses in the NLS model is studied by means of the solution of the associated scattering
problem. The strong dependence of the dynamics on the parameters of the initial pulses is shown. For intermediate
separation distances Lthe existence of additional moving solitons is possible even in the case of two in-phase pulses with
the same frequencies. These additional solitons can be considered as a result of nonlinear interference of pulses. The
phase shift of two pulses removes a degeneracy in the behaviour, namely it affects to the symmetry of the parameters
of emerging solitons and results in a break-up of multi-soliton states peculiar to the in-phase case. It is also shown
that the strong frequency separation suppress the appearance of additional solitons. The results obtained in the
present paper can be useful for analysis of the transmission capacity of communication systems and for interpretation
of experiments on the interaction of two laser beams in nonlinear media. Recently, the generation of up to ten solitons
has been observed experimentally in quasi-1D Bose-Einstein condensate of 7Li with attractive interaction16. Our
study can be also helpful for interpretation of this experiment.
This researh was partially supported by the Foundation for Support of Fundamental Studies, Uzbekistan (grant N
15-02) and by FAPESP (Brasil).
1G. P. Agrawal, Nonlinear Optics (Academic Press, San Diego, 1989); F. Kh. Abdullaev, S. A. Darmanyan, and P. K.
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2A. Hasegawa and Yu. Kodama, Solitons in Optical Communications (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1995).
3V. E. Zakharov and A. B. Shabat, Sov. Phys. JETP 34, 62 (1972).
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(1961) [Sov. Phys. JETP 13, 451 (1961)].
6C Desem and P. L. Chu, In Optical Solitons - Theory and Experiment, edited by J. R. Taylor (Cambridge Univ. Press, 1992),
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10 After the submission of this paper we became aware with the work by M. Desaix, D. Anderson, L. Helczynski, and M.
Lisak, Phys. Rev. Lett., 90, 013901 (2003), which deals with real initial conditions. However, here we consider more general
complex initial conditions (see Eq. (3)) and study different scenarios of the pulse interaction depending on space and frequency
separations, phase shift and pulse areas.
11 E. N. Tsoy and F. Kh. Abdullaev, In Nonlinear Guided Waves and Their Applications, technical dijest of the OSA Interna-
tional Workshop (Streza, Italy, 2002), vol.80, NLTuD14.
12 J. Satsuma and N Yajima, Suppl. Prog. Theor. Phys. 55, 284 (1974).
13 S. V. Manakov, Sov. Phys. JETP 38, 693 (1974).
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2,3 4,5
2 4 6
3 5 7
4,5 6,7
4 6
3 5 7
FIG. 1. In-phase pulses: The dependence of real (dashed lines) and imaginary (solid lines) parts of λnon the separation
distance, w= 1. Numbers near lines corresponds to n. (a) Q0= 1.8, (b) Q0= 2.0, (c) Q0= 2.5.
Intensity (a)
0-20 -10 010 20
4Intensity (b)
0-20-10 010 20
FIG. 2. Evolution of two rectangular pulses, Q0= 2, w = 1. (a) One fixed soliton and two moving solitons at L= 2. (b)
Three-soliton state at L= 5.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
FIG. 3. (a) The dependence of βjon S. (b) Threshold LC, when eigenvalues cross the real axis of λ-plane, as a function of
1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4
FIG. 4. Threshold LFof the fork bifurcation as a function of S.
45 61
5 6
FIG. 5. Out-of-phase pulses: The dependence of real (dashed lines) and imaginary (solid lines) parts of λnon Lfor
Q0= 2, w = 1. Numbers near lines corresponds to n. (a) α=π/8, (b) α=π/4.
0 1 2 3 4 5
FIG. 6. Single chirped pulse; The dependence of real (dashed lines) and imaginary (solid lines) of λnon νfor
Q0= 2, w = 1, L = 0. Numbers near lines corresponds to n.
FIG. 7. Pulses with frequency separation: The dependence of real (dashed lines) and imaginary (solid lines) of λnon Lfor
Q0= 2, w = 1. Numbers near lines corresponds to n. (a) ν= 0.5; (b) ν= 1.25.
... In general, one finds that during attenuation, some of the eigenvalues actually can gain energy at the cost of the others, as reported, e.g., in Refs. [35,39,[42][43][44]. We have here quantified this phenomenon to show that the paradoxical enhancement of the weaker soliton by attenuation is no small effect. ...
... Indeed, in Ref. [39] "for certain phase functions and chirp strengths" such splitting is observed, but "another scenario is also possible" where the soliton content vanishes entirely. Similar eigenvalue splitting was found for single pulses with nonlinear temporal phases [35,38,39] as well as for real-valued signals with more than one temporal hump [43][44][45]. The same logic is applicable to spatial solitons [46]. ...
... [42] the splitting point is found in the limit of weak loss by a perturbation method, but it is stated that "in the case of strong nonadiabatic loss the evolution of the Zakharov-Shabat eigenvalues can be quite nontrivial." In Ref. [44] a simplified situation (double box potential) was considered, and the same kind of frequency splitting was reported. ...
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The impact of power loss on fiber-optic solitons and soliton compounds has regained interest recently, as coding schemes employing inverse scattering eigenvalues are being discussed. Loss lifts the integrability of the underlying nonlinear Schrödinger equation and has usually been treated by perturbation analysis. Our approach uses localized loss of arbitrary strength. We investigate two-soliton compounds including the N=2 soliton and show that loss causes severe qualitative modifications of the eigenvalue spectrum. Peculiar features include power redistribution between solitons so that one of them is actually enhanced by loss and conversion of solitons at rest into a pair with outward velocities. Earlier reports of such features are put into context. We argue that frequency splitting of soliton pairs requires a mechanism that renders the spectrum double-lobed (or multiply lobed) and that the bifurcation is defined by a balance between dispersive and nonlinear forces. Implications for eigenvalue-based communication formats are pointed out.
... These roots lie on the imaginary axis in the interval (0, i), see Refs. [47][48][49], ...
... Being analytically continued to the upper half-plane, the function a u has N roots, which coincide with the eigenvalues λ n of the box potential and are defined by Eq. (29), see Refs. [47][48][49]. Similarly, being continued to the lower halfplane, the function a l has the same N roots, but mirrored with respect to the real axis. ...
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We consider a spatially extended box-shaped wave field that consists of a plane wave (the condensate) in the middle and equals zero at the edges, in the framework of the focusing one-dimensional nonlinear Schrodinger equation. Within the inverse scattering transform theory, the scattering data for this wave field is presented by the continuous spectrum of the nonlinear radiation and the soliton eigenvalues together with their norming constants; the number of solitons N is proportional to the box width. We remove the continuous spectrum from the scattering data and find analytically the specific corrections to the soliton norming constants that arise due to the removal procedure. The corrected soliton parameters correspond to symmetric in space N-soliton solution, as we demonstrate analytically in the paper. Generating this solution numerically for N up to 1024, we observe that, at large N, it converges asymptotically to the condensate, representing its solitonic model. Our methods can be generalized for other strongly nonlinear wave fields, as we demonstrate for the hyperbolic secant potential, building its solitonic model as well.
... The condition aðζ n Þ ¼ 0 with fη n g > 0 for n ¼ 1; …; N guarantees the decay of the wave function according to asymptotics (3) leading to physically meaningful soliton eigenvalues fζ n g [1]. At the same time, the condition aðζ n Þ ¼ 0 can also be satisfied for fη n g < 0 with n ¼ −1; −2; …, see, also, [52], with the exponentially growing wave function (3). We refer to these fζ n g distinguished by negative indexes n as nonphysical zeros of aðζÞ or virtual soliton eigenvalues, the number of which can be infinite. ...
... According to (7), the number of solitons in the box is limited by N ¼ Integer½1=2 þ AL=π. Note that all the eigenvalues are aligned on the imaginary axis, i.e., fζ n g ¼ ifη n g for n ¼ 1; …; N and the solitons have zero velocities, see [52,58,59]. The wave function for q ⊓ in a closed form can be found in Supplemental Material [56]. ...
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We investigate the fundamental problem of the nonlinear wave field scattering data corrections in response to a perturbation of initial condition using inverse scattering transform theory. We present a complete theoretical linear perturbation framework to evaluate first-order corrections of the full set of the scattering data within the integrable one-dimensional focusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLSE). The general scattering data portrait reveals nonlinear coherent structures—solitons—playing the key role in the wave field evolution. Applying the developed theory to a classic box-shaped wave field, we solve the derived equations analytically for a single Fourier mode acting as a perturbation to the initial condition, thus, leading to the sensitivity closed-form expressions for basic soliton characteristics, i.e., the amplitude, velocity, phase, and its position. With the appropriate statistical averaging, we model the soliton noise-induced effects resulting in compact relations for standard deviations of soliton parameters. Relying on a concept of a virtual soliton eigenvalue, we derive the probability of a soliton emergence or the opposite due to noise and illustrate these theoretical predictions with direct numerical simulations of the NLSE evolution. The presented framework can be generalized to other integrable systems and wave field patterns.
... In their temporal versions, they appear in nonlinear optical fibers governed by the generalized nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NSE) [14], the dissipatively perturbed NSE [15], coupled NSEs describing twin-core fibers [16], or the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation [17]. There are also numerous realizations of further soliton molecules [18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27]. ...
... Such a system has already been shown to exhibit peculiar dynamics, resembling quantum mechanical behavior. Soliton spectral tunneling between phase-matched anomalous dispersion regimes has been shown [20,35]. We will demonstrate that the system exhibits further intriguing analogies to a quantum mechanical systems. ...
We demonstrate a peculiar mechanism for the formation of bound states of light pulses of substantially different optical frequencies, in which pulses are strongly bound across a vast frequency gap. This is enabled by a propagation constant with two separate regions of anomalous dispersion. The resulting soliton compound exhibits moleculelike binding energy, vibration, and radiation and can be understood as a mutual trapping providing a striking analogy to quantum mechanics. The phenomenon constitutes an intriguing case of two light waves mutually affecting and controlling each other.
... They can be realized via dispersion engineering in the framework of the standard nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLS) and consist of two pulses that maintain a fixed separation in time [8,9]. Further, optical soliton clusters have been discovered and studied in a large variety of physical systems described by different equations, such as the generalized nonlinear Schrödinger equation [10][11][12], coupled NLSs [13,14], the Ginzburg-Landau equation [15,16], Lugiato-Lefever equation [17], and many others [18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28]. The aforementioned bound states of solitons have a single central frequency and the whole spectrum is localized around this frequency. ...
For waveguides with two separate regions of anomalous dispersion, it is possible to create a quasistable two-color solitary wave. In this paper, we consider how those waves interact with dispersive radiation, i.e., both the generation of Cherenkov radiation and the scattering of incident dispersive waves. We derive the analytic resonance conditions and verify them through numeric experiments. We also report incident radiation driving the internal oscillations of the soliton during the scattering process in the case of an intense incident radiation. We generalize the resonance conditions for the case of an oscillating soliton and demonstrate how one can use the scattering process to probe and excite an internal mode of two-color soliton molecules.
... Soliton molecules also exist in microresonators that support dissipative Kerr solitons [17]. Similar pulse compounds also appear in other contexts [18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28]. The common feature of these soliton molecules is that their constituent subpulses are stable units themselves. ...
Bound states of optical solitons represent ideal candidates to investigate fundamental nonlinear wave interaction principles and have been shown to exhibit intriguing analogies to phenomena in quantum mechanics. Usually, such soliton molecules are created by a suitable balance of phase-related attraction and repulsion between two copropagating solitons with overlapping tails. However, there exists also another type of compound state, where strong binding forces result directly from the Kerr nonlinearity between solitons at different center frequencies. The physical mechanisms as well as the properties of these objects are quite different from those of usual soliton molecules, but are hardly known. Here we characterize and investigate these compound states in greater detail. We demonstrate unique propagation dynamics by investigating the robustness of the compound states under perturbations, such as third-order dispersion and the Raman effect. The constituents are individually affected by the perturbations, but the impact on the compound state is not a mere superimposition. One observes complex dynamics resulting from a strong entanglement between the subpulses. For example, in the case of the Raman effect both subpulses are subject to a cancellation of the self-frequency shift, although only one subpulse is approaching a zero-dispersion frequency. We extend the concept of the molecule states to three and more constituents by adopting appropriate propagation constants. These multicolor soliton molecules open up further perspectives for exploring the complex physics of photonic molecules, but also show great potential for application resulting from their robustness and the possibility to control their properties.
... Recently, soliton molecules, a bounded state or coherent structure of solitons have attracted much attention because the theoretical description and experimental observations in mode-locked laser [1] and mode-locked fiber laser [2], in optically induced gratings in photorefractive crystal and coupled optical waveguides [3], in dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates [4], in scalar field theories [5], etc. Most of the work are related to the nonlinear Schrödinger system [6], complex cubic-quintic Ginzburg-Landau equation [2], KdV equation [7] and complex mKdV equation [8]. ...
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The real modified Korteweg–de Vries equation governs the modulation of weakly nonlinear waves. We first review the multiple soliton solutions to the mKdV equation by means of the inverse scattering method in detail. It is found the soliton solutions are related to pure imaginary discrete eigenvalues, while the breathers are derived from complex eigenvalues. A novel expression for the mulitple soliton solution is presented which is used to construct the soliton and breather solutions. By introducing resonance condition for solitons and breathers, some resonant structures for breathers and solitons, or soliton bound states are first constructed for the real mKdV equation, such as breather molecules, breather–soliton molecules. Our work demonstrates the interactions among breather molecules and breather–soliton molecules are nonelastic by the meaning the breathers and solitons change their sizes.
... In the general case, these equations can be studied only asymptotically or numerically. At the same time, the direct scattering problem can also be solved analytically only in a limited number of cases, such as rectangular potentials [21][22][23] or the potentials in the form of a hyperbolic secant [24,25]. ...
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We describe in detail the construction of numerical fourth- and sixth-order schemes using the Magnus expansion for solving the Zakharov–Shabat system, which makes it possible to solve accurately the direct scattering problem for the nonlinear Schrodinger equation. To avoid numerical instabilities inherent in the procedure of solving the direct scattering problem, high-precision arithmetic is used. At present, application of the proposed schemes in combination with the highprecision arithmetic is a unique tool that can be used for analysis of complex wave fields, which contain a great number of solitons, and allows one to determine the complete discrete spectrum, including both eigenvalues and normalization constants. In this work, we study the errors in the proposed scheme using an example of the potential in the form of a hyperbolic secant. It is found that the time of calculation of the scattering matrix using the sixth-order algorithm is almost twice as long compared with that for the standard second-order Boffetta–Osborne algorithm, whereas the time gain resulting from the reduction of number of the wave-field discretization points with retaining the desired precision can reach an order of magnitude or more. Exact solution of the direct scattering problem requires that the discretization increment of high-amplitude wave fields should be comparable with the characteristic width of the largest solitons contained in such fields. In this case, the discretization increment can be sufficiently smaller than that required for reconstruction of the full Fourier spectrum of the wave field. Application of the proposed high-order approximation schemes can be of fundamental importance for successful operation with a great number of complex nonlinear wave fields, such as, e.g., that in the process of the statistical study of the scattering data.
Nowadays, breather solutions are generally accepted models of rogue waves. However, breathers exist on a finite background and therefore are not localized, while wavefields in nature can generally be considered as localized due to the limited sizes of physical domain. Hence, the theory of rogue waves needs to be supplemented with localized solutions which evolve locally as breathers. In this paper, we present a universal method for constructing such solutions from exact multi-soliton solutions, which consists in replacing the plane wave in the dressing construction of the breathers with a specific exact N-soliton solution converging asymptotically to the plane wave at large number of solitons N. On the example of the Peregrine, Akhmediev, Kuznetsov-Ma and Tajiri-Watanabe breathers, we show that the constructed with our method multi-soliton solutions, being localized in space with characteristic width proportional to N, are practically indistinguishable from the breathers in a wide region of space and time at large N. Our method makes it possible to build solitonic models with the same dynamical properties for the higher-order rational and super-regular breathers, and can be applied to general multi-breather solutions, breathers on a nontrivial background (e.g., cnoidal waves) and other integrable systems. The constructed multi-soliton solutions can also be generalized to capture the spontaneous emergence of rogue waves through the spontaneous synchronization of soliton norming constants, though finding these synchronizations conditions represents a challenging problem for future studies.
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We present a comprehensive analysis of the generation of optical solitons in a monomode optical fibre from a superposition of soliton-like optical pulses at different frequencies. It is demonstrated that the structure of the emerging optical field is highly dependent on the number of input channels, the inter-channel frequency separation, the time shift between the pulses belonging to adjacent channels, and the polarization of the pulses. Also, it is found that there exists a critical frequency separation above which wavelength-division multiplexing with solitons is feasible and that this critical frequency increases with the number of transmission channels. Moreover, for the case in which only two channels are considered, we analyse the propagation of the emerging two-soliton solutions in the presence of several perturbations important for optical networks: bandwidth-limited amplification, nonlinear amplification, and amplitude and phase modulation. Finally, the influence of the birefringence of the fibre on the structure of the emerging optical field is discussed.
The two-soliton systems of the perturbed non-linear Schrödinger (NLS) and sine-Gordon (SG) equations are considered by means of a simple ``quasi-particle'' approach in which the soliton interaction and the action of an external perturbation are described by the one-soliton perturbation theory. The method is quite general; it does not assume the knowledge of the exact unperturbed multi-soliton solutions. It is restricted, however, by the requirement that the distances between the solitons must be large enough. The validity of the approach is checked by applying it to some cases where it is possible to make a comparison with the inverse scattering method. Different types of soliton collisions and bound soliton systems are investigated. In particular, detailed descriptions of the two-soliton systems of the double SG equations are presented.
The diffraction of intensive electromagnetic waves by a system of N slits in a non-linear medium is studied. The beams, created by the slits, have an arbitrary polarization and are therefore characterized by two orthogonal modes. To describe the dynamics of the modes the set of two coupled non-linear Schrödinger equations (the Manakov system) is used. The dynamics is analyzed on the basis of the corresponding linear 3×3 scattering problem. The dependence of the number of emerging solitons and their parameters on both the initial conditions and the separating distance is obtained. The important observation is that beams without initial phase modulations can result in beams propagating on some non-zero angle to the initial wave-vector. The case N=2 is analyzed in detail. The influence of the initial intensity and polarization on the mode switching, soliton binding and separating is studied. Numerical calculations of the Manakov equations show good agreement with theoretical predictions.
The theory of the condensate of a weakly interacting Bose gas is developed. The condensate is described by a wavefunction ψ(x, t) normalized to the number of particles. It obeys a nonlinear self‐consistent field equation. The solution in the presence of a rigid wall with the boundary condition of vanishing wavefunction involves a de Broglie length. This length depends on the mean potential energy per particle. The self‐consistent field term keeps the density uniform except in localized spatial regions. In the hydrodynamical version, a key role is played by the quantum potential. A theory of quantized vortices and of general potential flows follows immediately. In contrast to classical hydrodynamics, the cores of vortices are completely determined by the de Broglie length and all energies are finite. Nonstationary disturbances of the condensate correspond to phonons, rotons, vortex waves etc. They can exchange momentum with rigid boundaries. This is compatible with the vanishing of the wavefunction at a boundary. This condition fully determines the dynamics of the system. These points are illustrated by considering the motion of a foreign ion in a Bose gas, a rotating container of fluid, and the Landau criterion for superfluidity.
The initial value problems for the nonlinear modulation of dispersive waves are investigated by virtue of the method developed by Zakharov and Shabat. It is studied in general how the modulated waves evolve to decay into solitons moving with their respective speeds or to form the bound state of solitons. The perturbation analysis is applied to investigate the condition for the bisymmetric decay of modulated waves into moving solitons. As a special example, the initial condition of a hyperbolic function type is considered in details. The numerically computed solutions are also shown.
Solitons of different wavelengths are found to exhibit substantial spectral and temporal changes when collisions are centered in erbium‐doped fiber amplifiers. By using two soliton pulse trains, with ∼70‐ps‐wide pulses, spectrally separated by 1.8 Å, and 106 km of non‐dispersion‐shifted fiber, we observe a spectral and temporal shift of as much as 0.35 Å and 55 ps, respectively, for each soliton. Both soliton wavelengths shift the same amount, but in opposite directions and remain undisturbed in terms of shape and amplitude after the collision. This shift may impose limitations on multiple wavelength soliton based communication systems utilizing fiber amplifiers.
For a system of weakly repelling bosons, a theory of the elementary line vortex excitations is developed. The vortex state is characterised by the presence of a finite fraction of the particles in a single particle state of integer angular momentum. The radial dependence of the highly occupied state follows from a self-consistent field equation. The radial function and the associated particle density are essentially constant everywhere except inside a core, where they drop to zero. The core size is the de Broglie wavelength associated with the mean interaction energy per particle. The expectation value of the velocity has the radial dependence of a classical vortex. In this Hartree approximation the vorticity is zero everywhere except on the vortex line. When the description of the state is refined to include the zero point oscillations of the phonon field, the vorticity is spread out over the core. These results confirm in all essentials the intuitive arguments ofOnsager andFeynman. The phonons moving perpendicular to the vortex line are coherent excitations of equal and opposite angular momentum relative to the substratum of moving particles that constitute the vortex. The vortex motion resolves the degeneracy of the Bogoljubov phonons with respect to the azimuthal quantum number.
Effects of initial overlap between two solitons at different carrier wavelengths are studied theoretically and numerically as a function of the degree of overlap and the frequency separation of the two carriers. When the two solitons are fully overlapped, the carrier frequencies of the emerging two solitons are shifted toward each other by an amount proportional to the initial power and inversely proportional to the initial frequency separation with little effect on their amplitudes provided that the frequency separation is sufficiently larger than the spectral width of the solitons.
We identify the required interchannel frequency separation of the input field for a soliton wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) system. It is found that the critical frequency separation above which WDM with solitons is feasible increases with the number of transmission channels. Moreover, it is shown that a combination of time- and wavelength-division multiplexing yields the largest transmission capacity. Finally, the structure of the soliton spectra which correspond to the frequency separation smaller than the critical frequency is discussed.