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Making Headway: The Roles of Hox Genes and Neural Crest Cells in Craniofacial Development

The Scientific World Journal

Abstract and Figures

Craniofacial development is an extraordinarily complex process requiring the orchestrated integration of multiple specialized tissues such as the surface ectoderm, neural crest, mesoderm, and pharyngeal endoderm in order to generate the central and peripheral nervous systems, axial skeleton, musculature, and connective tissues of the head and face. How do the characteristic facial structures develop in the appropriate locations with their correct shapes and sizes, given the widely divergent patterns of cell movements that occur during head development? The patterning information could depend upon localized interactions between the epithelial and mesenchymal tissues or alternatively, the developmental program for the characteristic facial structures could be intrinsic to each individual tissue precursor. Understanding the mechanisms that control vertebrate head development is an important issue since craniofacial anomalies constitute nearly one third of all human congenital defects. This review discusses recent advances in our understanding of neural crest cell patterning and the dynamic nature of the tissue interactions that are required for normal craniofacial development.
. Segmentation of the hindbrain, motor nerves, and pathways of neural crest cell (ncc) migration. The vertebrate hindbrain becomes subdivided into 7 transient rhombomeres (r) which presages the segmental organization of the branchiomotor nerves, III (trigeminal), V (facial), and VII (glossopharyngeal) and their innervation of the first (ba1), second (ba2), and third (ba3) branchial arches, respectively. Although the cell bodies (small red circles) that make up each branchiomotor nerve are derived from multiple rhombomeres, their axons project and leave the neural tube only from exit points contained within the even numbered rhombomeres (large red circles). Neural crest cells derived from the hindbrain (large green arrows) migrate ventrolaterally in three segmental streams adjacent to the even-numbered rhombomeres and into the branchial arches. Neural crest cells derived from the odd-numbered rhombomeres do not migrate laterally, rather they migrate anteriorly or posteriorly to join the even-numbered neural crest streams. The hindbrain segmentation process which establishes each rhombomere as a unit of cell lineage and the subsequent imposition of cell fate identity corresponds with the activation of expression, of genes from multiple families, such as Hox , Eph/ephrin , RAR and CRABP families. The patterns of gene expression are extremely dynamic and only the primary pattern for each gene between 8.5– 10.5dpc is shown here. The only exception is Hoxa1 which is expressed up to the presumptive r3/4 boundary at 7.5dpc but is subsequently switched off before rhombomere formation. OV, otic vesicle.
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TheScientificWorldJOURNAL (2003) 3, 240–264
ISSN 1537-744X; DOI 10.1100/tsw.2003.11
Making Headway: The Roles of Hox Genes and
Neural Crest Cells in Craniofacial Development
Paul A Trainor
Stowers Institute for Medical Research, 1000 East 50
Street, Kansas City, MO 64110
Received April 11, 2002; Revised June 11, 2002; Accepted June 19, 2002; Published April 14, 2003
Craniofacial development is an extraordinarily complex process requiring the
orchestrated integration of multiple specialized tissues such as the surface
ectoderm, neural crest, mesoderm, and pharyngeal endoderm in order to generate
the central and peripheral nervous systems, axial skeleton, musculature, and
connective tissues of the head and face. How do the characteristic facial
structures develop in the appropriate locations with their correct shapes and
sizes, given the widely divergent patterns of cell movements that occur during
head development? The patterning information could depend upon localized
interactions between the epithelial and mesenchymal tissues or alternatively, the
developmental program for the characteristic facial structures could be intrinsic
to each individual tissue precursor. Understanding the mechanisms that control
vertebrate head development is an important issue since craniofacial anomalies
constitute nearly one third of all human congenital defects. This review discusses
recent advances in our understanding of neural crest cell patterning and the
dynamic nature of the tissue interactions that are required for normal craniofacial
KEY WORDS: Hox genes, neural crest cells, craniofacial development, mouse, chick,
embryo, branchial arch, pharyngeal arch, plasticity, neural tube, rhombomere,
segmentation, mesoderm, ectoderm, endoderm, evolution
DOMAINS: genetics (mouse), embryology, neuroscience, developmental biology,
evolutionary genetics
The vertebrate hindbrain is one key source of patterning information and it exerts a profound
influence on craniofacial development. During early vertebrate embryo development, the
*Corresponding author.
©2003 with author.
Trainor: Craniofacial Development TheScientificWorldJOURNAL (2003) 3, 240-264
hindbrain becomes transiently subdivided into seven contiguous cell lineage restricted
compartments called rhombomeres (r) (Fig. 1)[1]. Each rhombomere adopts a distinct set of
molecular and cellular properties including restrictions in cell mixing and gives rise to unique
regions of the mature adult brain[2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]. The segmental organization of the hindbrain
presages the establishment of an anatomical and functional registration between individual
rhombomeres, cranial ganglia, branchiomotor nerves, and the migration pathways of cranial
neural crest cells into the branchial arches[10,11,12].
In chick embryos, the formation and disposition of motor neurons conforms to a two-
segment periodicity. The trigeminal (Vth), facio-acoustic (VIIth), and glossopharyngeal (IXth)
motor nerves innervate the first three branchial arches, respectively. Although each nerve is
derived from neurons born in multiple rhombomeres, the axons leave the hindbrain through exit
points contained only within the even-numbered rhombomeres (Fig. 1)[10,11]. Similar to its
influence on cranial nerve patterning, the rhombomeric organization of the hindbrain also
influences the pathways of cranial neural crest cell migration. The hindbrain gives rise to the
majority of cranial neural crest cells which migrate ventrolaterally in three discrete segmental
streams adjacent to the even-numbered rhombomeres. The streams of cranial neural crest cells
follow a subectodermal route over the surface of the cranial mesoderm and populate the first,
second, and third branchial arches, respectively, in keeping with their craniocaudal origins (Fig.
1)[13,14,15,16]. Although almost the entire cranial neural tube generates neural crest cells, it
appears that substantially less neural crest cells delaminate from the odd rhombomeres compared
with the even-numbered rhombomeres. In chick embryos, this phenomenon is believed to be
associated with odd rhombomere specific apoptosis of neural crest precursors[17,18,19]. Rather
than delaminating and migrating laterally like the rest of the hindbrain neural crest, lineage
tracing and time-lapse analyses in numerous vertebrates, show that r3- and r5-derived neural crest
cells migrate both rostrally and caudally joining the even-numbered streams as they contribute to
the proximal most regions of the branchial arches[12,14,15,16,20,21,22,23]. Gene mutations—
which disrupt the segmental patterning of the hindbrain—result in fusions of the cranial ganglia,
branchiomotor defects, and abnormal patterns of cranial neural crest cell
migration[24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33]. Therefore, the segmental organization of the hindbrain
is essential for establishing the foundations of head development and is a conserved strategy used
by vertebrates to ensure proper craniofacial morphogenesis.
The establishment of segment identity and the maintenance of organized patterns of gene
expression during hindbrain development requires the restriction of cell intermingling between
adjacent segments. Cells with similar adhesive properties such as those from odd or even
rhombomeres display a preferential association[34,35]. Consequently, it was hypothesized that
segregating the distinct cell populations was facilitated by a hierarchy of cell adhesion
interactions[36]. The appearance of restricted domains of gene expression in the hindbrain
coincides with rhombomere partitioning and the adoption of neural character (Fig. 1). Numerous
genes including transcription factors, signalling molecules, membrane and nuclear receptors are
all dynamically expressed in segmentally restricted patterns during hindbrain development
(reviewed in [37,38,39]). Some genes are expressed in single rhombomeres, a few are confined to
pairs of rhombomeres, while others are found only at rhombomere boundaries. Regulatory and
mutational analyses in mice and other vertebrate species have helped to uncover the molecular
and cellular mechanisms involved in subdividing the hindbrain into rhombomeres.
Restrictions in cell mixing are crucial for establishing the unique segmental identities of each
rhombomere and the Eph family of receptor tyrosine kinases and their ligands, the ephrins, play
key roles in this process[40]. The Eph receptors and their ephrin ligands are expressed in
Trainor: Craniofacial Development TheScientificWorldJOURNAL (2003) 3, 240-264
mutually exclusive domains in the hindbrain such that each receptor and its associated ligand is
expressed in an alternate, nonoverlapping pattern in adjacent rhombomeres (Fig. 1)[40,41,42,43].
For example, during the 8.0–10.5 days postcoitum (dpc) period of mouse embryonic
development, EphB receptors are expressed in odd-numbered rhombomeres and their
corresponding ephrinB ligands are expressed in the adjacent even-numbered rhombomeres. In
addition to the EphB receptors, the receptors EphA2 and EphA4 are also segmentally expressed in
hindbrain rhombomeres (Fig. 1). The mosaic activation of Eph receptors or their ephrin ligands in
the hindbrain leads to cell sorting at the boundaries of odd and even rhombomeres, respectively.
This suggests that bidirectional signalling at rhombomere boundaries restricts cell
intermingling[44,45]. Therefore bipartite Eph/ephrin contact-mediated repulsion maintains inter-
rhombomeric boundaries which are essential for establishing the hindbrain compartments as units
of cell lineage restriction.
Genetic analyses in several vertebrate species have shown that Hox genes are essential for
specifying segmental identity in the developing hindbrain. The Hox gene family comprises a set
of developmentally regulated transcription factors that are characterized by a conserved DNA
binding motif called the homeobox. Hox genes are organized into a single chromosomal cluster in
invertebrates, in contrast to higher vertebrates such as the mouse which have 39 Hox genes,
organized into four distinct chromosomal clusters (Hoxa-Hoxd) located on different
chromosomes[46]. This arrangement arose during evolution from a single ancestral homeobox as
a consequence of duplication and divergence[47]. The most striking feature of the organization of
Hox gene family members is the spatial and temporal colinearity, which confers positional
information along the body axis[46,48,49,50]. Genes located nearer to the 3’ end of the cluster
are expressed earlier and more anteriorly during development than those located nearer the 5’
end, such that Hox genes exhibit nested domains of expression along the anterior-posterior (A-P)
axis of the neural tube. Only the 3’ members of each complex (paralogue groups 1-4) are
expressed in the vertebrate hindbrain and these Hox genes exhibit dynamic patterns of expression
during hindbrain development (Fig. 1)[51].
Hoxa1 and Hoxb1 are initially expressed in the neural tube up to the presumptive r3/4
boundaries, but as Hoxa1 expression regresses, Hoxb1 expression becomes confined to r4 by
8.5dpc during mouse embryo development[52,53,54]. Hoxa2 expression is initiated in the neural
epithelium at 7.5dpc and by 8.5dpc it is uniformly expressed up to the r1/r2 boundary[51].
Shortly thereafter Hoxa2 becomes expressed at significantly higher levels in r3 and r5[55]. In
contrast, Hoxb2 is expressed up to the r2/r3 boundary around the same time, but its expression
levels are subsequently upregulated in r3, r4, and r5[56,57]. Group 3 (Hoxa3, Hoxb3, Hoxd3)
genes are expressed anteriorly up to the r4/r5 boundary, with Hoxa3 exhibiting upregulation in r5
and r6 and Hoxb3 being similarly upregulated in r5[58,59]. In contrast, Hoxd3 is expressed at
lower levels in r5 than more posterior regions. Group 4 genes (Hoxa4, Hoxb4, Hoxd4, and
Hoxc4) are generally expressed up to the r6/r7 boundary by 9.5dpc, however their precise anterior
limits vary slightly (Fig. 1)[60,61].
Trainor: Craniofacial Development TheScientificWorldJOURNAL (2003) 3, 240-264
FIGURE 1. Segmentation of the hindbrain, motor nerves, and pathways of neural crest cell (ncc) migration. The vertebrate hindbrain
becomes subdivided into 7 transient rhombomeres (r) which presages the segmental organization of the branchiomotor nerves, III
(trigeminal), V (facial), and VII (glossopharyngeal) and their innervation of the first (ba1), second (ba2), and third (ba3) branchial
arches, respectively. Although the cell bodies (small red circles) that make up each branchiomotor nerve are derived from multiple
rhombomeres, their axons project and leave the neural tube only from exit points contained within the even numbered rhombomeres
(large red circles). Neural crest cells derived from the hindbrain (large green arrows) migrate ventrolaterally in three segmental
streams adjacent to the even-numbered rhombomeres and into the branchial arches. Neural crest cells derived from the odd-numbered
rhombomeres do not migrate laterally, rather they migrate anteriorly or posteriorly to join the even-numbered neural crest streams.
The hindbrain segmentation process which establishes each rhombomere as a unit of cell lineage and the subsequent imposition of cell
fate identity corresponds with the activation of expression, of genes from multiple families, such as Hox, Eph/ephrin, RAR and
CRABP families. The patterns of gene expression are extremely dynamic and only the primary pattern for each gene between 8.5–
10.5dpc is shown here. The only exception is Hoxa1 which is expressed up to the presumptive r3/4 boundary at 7.5dpc but is
subsequently switched off before rhombomere formation. OV, otic vesicle.
Hox genes are an integral part of the process specifying regional variation in the developing
hindbrain, however little is known of the cascade of events that regulate their expression or the
process of segmentation itself. In general, Hox gene expression patterns are generated in two
distinct phases: establishment followed by maintenance. The mechanism by which Hox genes
become expressed at higher relative levels in specific rhombomeres is independent from the
process that generates the more generalized expression patterns along the length of the neural
tube. Positional values along the A-P axis appear to be conferred on the rhombomeres by
differential Hox gene expression however it is not entirely clear how appropriate levels of
expression are attained within individual rhombomeres. The observation that other genes were
Trainor: Craniofacial Development TheScientificWorldJOURNAL (2003) 3, 240-264
expressed in the hindbrain in segmentally restricted patterns overlapping with the patterns of Hox
gene expression implied that these genes were involved in regulating Hox gene expression and
ultimately controlling hindbrain development. Currently, there are three upstream candidate
regulators of Hox gene expression during hindbrain development and they are the transcription
factors Krox20 and kreisler and the vitamin A derivative, retinoic acid.
Krox20 encodes a protein with three C
-type zinc fingers and was initially identified as an
immediate early response gene in serum stimulated fibroblasts[62]. During early embryonic
development, Krox20 is expressed in r3 by the 8.0dpc stage, followed by r5, which occurs prior to
the appearance of lineage-restricted compartments in the hindbrain (Fig. 1)[2]. Krox20 acts as a
transcription factor by binding to a specific DNA sequence and directly regulates Hoxa2, Hoxb2,
Hoxb3, and EphA4 through cis-acting sequences in the 5’ flanking region of these genes[63,64].
Krox20 therefore is an essential component of the upstream regulatory cascade governing
hindbrain segmentation. The overlapping expression patterns of Krox20 and EphA4 expression
suggests that transcriptional control and cell-cell signalling could be coupled together.
The kreisler mouse was identified due to its circling behavior, a phenotype, which is usually
associated with inner ear defects[65]. Kreisler expression is initiated at 8.5dpc in the prospective
r5 territory and is later expressed in r5 and r6 after which it is quickly downregulated in both
rhombomeres (Fig. 1)[66]. The gene responsible for the kreisler mutation has been positionally
cloned, and is a member of the Maf oncogenic family of b-zip (basic domain-leucine zipper)
transcription factors[66]. The analysis of gene expression in kreisler mutant embryos strongly
suggested it might play a direct role in the transcriptional regulation of genes important for
hindbrain and inner ear development, particularly the Hoxa3 and Hoxb3 genes that are
upregulated in r5 and r6. Analyses of the regulatory regions of Hoxa3 and Hoxb3 in mouse and
chick embryos have shown that both these genes are under the direct control of the product of the
kreisler gene[32].
Retinoids constitute a group of vitamin A–derived signalling molecules that are involved in
specifying the CNS[67,68]. Exogenous vitamin A metabolites such as retinoic acid (RA), when
applied to embryos during the early stages of development, cause severe craniofacial
malformations, particularly within the hindbrain and branchial arch region[67,69,70,71,72].
Cellular retinoid-binding proteins (CRBPI and II, CRABP I and II) are thought to control regional
RA concentration and hence facilitate its function[73]. CRBP expression is confined primarily to
the floor plate, where it binds retinol taken up from the blood and CRABPI is expressed in the
mouse hindbrain in r4-6 and at lower levels in r2 at 9.5dpc[74,75]. CRABPII is also expressed at
high levels in the hindbrain and its expression extends posteriorly along the length of the neural
tube (Fig. 1)[76,77]. CRABPs therefore may be responsible for sequestering RA and thus limiting
the amount of RA available to the nuclear RA receptors (RARs and RXRs) that recognize
particular sequence motifs within target genes called r
etinoic acid response elements
(RAREs)[78,79]. There are three genes in each of the RAR and RXR families (a, b, and g). RARa
is expressed up to the r3/4 border while RARb is expressed in the neural tube to an anterior limit
Trainor: Craniofacial Development TheScientificWorldJOURNAL (2003) 3, 240-264
coinciding with the r6/7 border[80,81]. RXRa and RXRb are expressed fairly uniformly
throughout the entire hindbrain neuroepithelium (Fig. 1)[82,83]. Not all the family members
however are expressed in the hindbrain
RA is the strongest candidate as an overall mediator of nested Hox gene expression. Excess
RA causes both an anterior shift in Hox gene expression and an anterior to posterior
transformation of regional fate[50,67,71,72,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92]. Conversely, the
suppression of RA signalling by the expression of dominant-negative retinoid receptors, results in
anteriorization[93,94,95,96]. Hox genes contain the molecular machinery for responding directly
to retinoid signalling[97,98,99,100,101,102,103]. The group 1 paralogs Hoxa1 and Hoxb1 contain
3’ cis-regulatory RARE as do the group 4 paralogs Hoxa4, Hoxb4 and Hoxd4. Hoxa1 and Hoxb1
are among the first Hox genes to be activated during development and their expression is initiated
during gastrulation in response to RA, first in the newly formed mesoderm, and then in the
overlying ectoderm up to a sharp anterior limit at the presumptive rhombomere 3/4 hindbrain
border. As Hoxa1 expression subsides, retinoids make a second input into Hoxb1 regulation by
refining its domain of expression to a single rhombomere segment (r4). This second input
involves a negative pathway that is employed to abolish expression in the neighboring odd
rhombomeres r3 and r5[99,100]. The site for repression is located within the 5’ flanking region of
the Hoxb1 gene and includes another RARE, point mutations in which permit expression to
spread into the neighboring rhombomeres. The application of exogenous retinoids at 7.5dpc
results in the ectopic activation of Hoxa1, Hoxb1, and Hoxa2 in more anterior tissues which is
consistent with RAs perceived role as having a posteriorizing effect on the CNS. The group 4
paralogs Hoxa4, Hoxb4, and Hoxd4 genes are also capable of responding to RA but only when
administered between 8.5–9.5dpc[61,92,104]. Therefore retinoids (or more specifically RA acting
via its receptor molecules [RARs and RXRs]) are crucial in the establishment phase of Hox gene
expression and the specification of segmental identity in the hindbrain.
A unique property of the group 1 paralogs is displayed by the Hoxb1 gene which after its
establishment phase, maintains high levels of expression in r4[52,54]. The continued expression
or maintenance phase of Hoxb1 in r4 does not involve RA but is achieved through a conserved
autoregulatory loop involving Hoxb1 together with an unspecified Pbx family protein[105].
Despite the similarities in expression and regulation between various Hox gene paralogs, there is
frequently variation in their relative levels within specific segments. For example, of the group 2
homologs simultaneously expressed in r4, Hoxb2 is upregulated, but in contrast, Hoxa2 is not.
This type of differential expression suggests that in even-numbered rhombomeres these two genes
have distinct modes of regulation. Consequently it has been shown in vitro that Hoxb1 is able to
bind to Hoxb2 in a cross-regulatory interaction[57]. A great deal of our understanding of Hox
cross-regulation has come from analyses of the cis-regulatory regions of the group 4 paralogs,
Hoxb4 and Hoxd4, which have domains of expression that partially overlap and map to the r6/7
junction[106]. Similar to Hoxb1, Hoxb4, and Hoxd4 are also capable of auto-regulation. These
studies highlight the importance of auto-regulatory and cross-regulatory mechanisms for the
functional maintenance of Hox gene expression and specification of rhombomere identity during
vertebrate hindbrain development.
Trainor: Craniofacial Development TheScientificWorldJOURNAL (2003) 3, 240-264
By analogy to their Drosophila counterparts, it was predicted that Hox genes would play essential
roles in regulating the identity of individual hindbrain segments[4,51,52] and this has now been
confirmed through null mutation and ectopic expression analyses for most of the 3’ members of
the Hox gene family. Hoxa1 null mutants die at birth from anoxia and exhibit marked defects in
the inner ear and in specific cranial nerve components[24]. The embryonic phenotype is
characterized by a reduction in the size of r4 and the partial deletion of r5 as revealed by the
diminished expression of Hoxb1 in r4, and of Krox20 and Fgf3 in r5, and this may account for the
absence of facial nerve and abducens nerve motor neurons. A second independently produced
Hoxa1 null mutant exhibits a slightly different phenotype, in which there is a complete absence of
rhombomere segmentation, including the first three rhombomeres where Hoxa1 is never
expressed[25]. Nevertheless, the null mutant phenotypes indicate that the Hoxa1 gene product is
necessary for the proper segmentation of r4-6. In addition the activity of Hoxa1 appears to be
critical for the specification of rhombomeric identity because ectopic expression of this gene in r2
results in the adoption of gene expression typical of r4[107,108]. Hoxa1 is therefore critical to
both hindbrain segmentation and specification.
Hoxb1 mutants exhibit changes in segmental identity; however, in contrast to the Hoxa1
mutants they show no segmentation defects[30,31]. Molecular analyses indicate that the
patterning of r4 is initiated properly but not maintained in Hoxb1 mutant embryos. Rhombomere
4 specific markers such as Wnt8c and CRABP1 fail to be upregulated and genetic markers of r2
are ectopically expressed in r4 suggesting that the identity of r4 has been transformed[31].
Consequently, the facial branchiomotor neurons (FBM) and contralateral vestibular acoustic
efferent (CVA) neurons, which are specific to r4 are incorrectly specified. Both sets of neurons
fail to migrate into the correct position leading to a loss of the facial motor nerve. These results
demonstrate that as part of its role is in maintaining rhombomere identity, Hoxb1 is involved in
controlling migratory properties of motor neurons in the hindbrain. Ectopic expression of Hoxb1
in r2 of chick embryos transforms the character of this segment into that of rhombomere 4[109].
These gain of function experiments suggest that Hoxb1 is involved in specifying individual
segmental identity.
The phenotypes of individual Hoxa1 and Hoxb1 loss of function (null) mutations suggest
that these genes play distinct roles in hindbrain development. However, Hoxa1/Hoxb double
mutants exhibit a surprising range of phenotypes that are absent from the individual mutants,
indicating that establishment of r4 identity and patterning of the VII-XI cranial nerves requires
extensive synergy between Hoxa1 and Hoxb1[110,111]. In the absence of both genes, a territory
appears in the region of r4, however EphA2 (which is one of the earliest markers of r4) fails to be
activated. Not only does EphA2 lie downstream of Hoxa1 and Hoxb1 in the genetic cascade that
regulates hindbrain segmentation and specification, but it suggests that in the double mutants
there is a failure to initiate rather than maintain the specification of r4 identity. The double
mutants also revealed that Hoxa1 and Hoxb1 work synergistically to initiate the r4 restricted
expression domain of Hoxb1. Hoxa1 seems to play a role during the establishment phase of Hox
gene expression by activating the r4 enhancer of Hoxb1. This is achieved through 3’ RARE
pararegulatory interactions. Hoxa1 however, is unable to participate in the long-term maintenance
of Hoxb1 expression because it is not expressed at these later stages. Therefore in concert with
RA, pararegulatory interactions between Hoxa1 and Hoxb1 initiates Hoxb1 expression in r4, after
which time, the Hoxb1 autoregulatory mechanism kicks in to ensure that high Hoxb1 expression
levels are maintained. Hoxb1 also functions in a direct cross-regulatory manner to upregulate
Hoxb2 expression in r4. Therefore Hoxb1 utilizes auto-, para-, and cross-regulatory mechanisms
as part of its role in maintaining r4 identity and regulating facial motor neuron patterning.
Trainor: Craniofacial Development TheScientificWorldJOURNAL (2003) 3, 240-264
Hoxa2 is the only Hox gene to be expressed in r2 and is the most anteriorly expressed of all
the Hox genes[112]. Null mutations in Hoxa2 result in homeotic transformations of the second
arch neural crest derived elements into first arch derivatives and subsequently perinatal
lethality[113]. The hindbrain is also affected to the extent that the segmental identities of r2 and
r3 are altered. EphA4 expression is selectively abolished in r2, indicating that Hoxa2 is required
for the maintenance of EphA4 expression in r2. Consequently, the alar territories of r2 and r3 are
reduced and there is a concomitant expansion of r1. In addition, the trigeminal motor axons
derived from r2 and r3 migrate caudally and exit the hindbrain from the r4 facial nerve exit point
rather than their normal exit point in r2. Since Hoxa2 is the only Hox gene expressed in r2, these
results suggest that the identity of r2 has been transformed and that it now resembles r4. Hoxa2
therefore not only acts as a selector gene for second arch mesenchymal neural crest cells but also
plays a fundamental role in rostral hindbrain patterning by establishing the identity of r2 and by
influencing the migration of r2/3 derived motor axons.
In contrast to Hoxa2 mutants, the loss of Hoxb2 locus does not result in abnormalities to the
segmental anterio-posterior organization of the developing hindbrain[114]. Rhombomeres 3 and 5
develop normally, despite the absence of Hoxb2 upregulation in these rhombomeres. Phenotypic
changes affecting dorsoventral (D-V) patterning however were observed in the hindbrain such
that r4 specific neural precursors now closely resembled those originating in r2. This suggests
that a subset of ventral motor neuron precursors may be incorrect specified. In addition,
development of the somatic motor component of the facial nerve is impaired in Hoxb2 null
mutants, which is reminiscent of the phenotype described in the Hoxb1 mutants. Hoxb2 therefore
plays an important role in regulating the generation and/or fate of subsets of r4 motor neuron
The generation of Hoxa2/Hoxb2 double mutants revealed that synergistically these genes
play an important role in coupling A-P and D-V patterning[115]. Hoxa2 and Hoxb2 play distinct
roles in mediating hindbrain neurogenesis. Hoxa2 regulates development in the alar and dorsal
basal plates of r2 and r3 whereas Hoxb2 is essential for motorneuron development in the ventral
region of r4. In the double mutants, functional synergy between Hoxa2 and Hoxb2 in r3 has been
suggested based on the absence of a ventral interneuron subtype, which is developmentally
normal in both the single mutants. In addition there also appears to be a joint requirement for
Hoxa2 and Hoxb2 in patterning inter-rhombomeric boundaries. Despite the fact that the normal
number of hindbrain segments form in the double mutants, boundary formation between r1-4 is
nonexistent. Therefore these results indicate that Hoxa2 and Hoxb2 differentially control alar and
basal plate development within distinct rhombomeres. Perhaps more importantly this provides a
link between Hox mediated patterning along the A-P axis and neurogenesis along the D-V axis
and can account mechanistically for the generation of neurons at reproducible positions within
hindbrain segments.
A targeted mutation in the Hoxa3 gene results primarily in mesenchymal neural crest
defects[116]. The Hoxa3 null mutant mice are athymic, aparathyroid, and have throat cartilage
malformations. In addition, the loss of Hoxa3 leads to defects in the formation of the IXth cranial
nerve and also fusions between the IXth and Xth nerves. Examination of the cranial nerves in
Hoxb3-/- embryos revealed similar cranial ganglia defects but at a lower penetrance than in the
Hoxa3 mutants[117]. In contrast, the cranial nerves in the Hoxd3-/- embryos are completely
normal[118,119]. Therefore at least two of the group 3 paralogs play essential roles in formation
of the IXth cranial ganglion. Double mutants (Hoxa3/Hoxb3, Hoxa3/Hoxd3, and Hoxb3/Hoxd3)
were subsequently generated and in Hoxb3/Hoxd3 double mutants there was a marked increase in
the penetrance of the IXth cranial ganglion defects relative to that observed in the Hoxb3 single
mutant[118,119,120]. This increase in penetrance shows that Hoxd3 plays a synergistic role with
Hoxb3 in cranial nerve development even though the Hoxd3 single mutant does not show a defect
in these structures.
Trainor: Craniofacial Development TheScientificWorldJOURNAL (2003) 3, 240-264
The necessity for coupling cell identity and cell lineage restrictions in order to generate sharply
restricted and specified segmental domains during hindbrain development is highlighted in the
phenotype of Krox20 null mutants. Mice homozygous for a targeted mutation in Krox20 die
shortly after birth and exhibit fusions of the trigeminal ganglion with facial and vestibular ganglia
as a consequence of the profound perturbation of hindbrain morphogenesis[26,27,121]. Although
the presumptive territories of rhombomeres 3 and 5 do form during the very early stages of
hindbrain development, these two rhombomeres are not maintained and their structural
derivatives are subsequently eliminated. Consistent with the interactions unveiled by transgenic
analyses between Krox20 and Hoxa2, Hoxb2, Hoxb3, and EphA4, no upregulation of these three
genes was observed in Krox20 mutants. Therefore Krox20 is a key regulator of gene expression
and segmentation in the developing hindbrain.
KREISLER mutants
The kreisler mutation is not a null allele, but a regulatory mutation affecting those enhancer
elements responsible for the hindbrain domain of expression of the gene[66]. The primary defect
in kreisler mutant embryos is a disruption of segmentation in the otic region of the hindbrain,
whereby the rhombomeric borders that normally demarcate r4, 5, and 6 are absent[32,65,122].
Consequently the normal expression domains of Fgf3 and CRABPI and the upregulation of
Hoxa3 in r6 are absent. Although Krox20 expression in presumptive r3 is present, the posterior
band associated with r5 is missing. Similarly, the normal expression domains of Hoxb2, Hoxb3,
and Hoxb4 in r5 are also abolished. Analysis of patterns of expression of EphA7 and ephrinB2
indicate that only a single segment correlating with r5 is missing. Therefore the segmentation
defect associated with the kreisler mutant is a specific loss of r5 and although an r6 territory does
form, it fails to mature[32]. Through direct regulation of Hox genes, kreisler controls segmental
identity and this is further evidenced by the ectopic activation of kreisler in r3 which transforms
the character of this territory into that of r5[123]. The role played by kreisler in hindbrain
patterning is therefore analagous to Krox20 because rather than being restricted to a single
patterning aspect, kreisler is involved at several different levels including establishment and
maintenance of A-P identity in addition to segment specification.
Clearly hindbrain segmentation in the form of cell lineage restrictions and
compartmentalization is coupled with the acquisition of specific cellular identities. The studies
described above illustrate that Hox genes function in many steps of hindbrain segmentation
process particularly in specifying segmental identity. Consequently hindbrain segmentation and
rhombomere specification plays important roles in patterning the craniofacial structures of neural
crest origin.
Neural crest cells were so named because of their formation along almost the entire axis of
vertebrate embryos at the crest of the closing neural folds. This region corresponds to the
interface or junction between the non-neural ectoderm (presumptive epidermis or surface
ectoderm) and the neural plate (neuroepithelium), a region commonly referred to as the neural
plate border (Fig. 2). Neural crest cell induction requires contact-mediated interactions between
the surface ectoderm and neuroepithelium and importantly, each of these tissues contributes to the
neural crest cell lineage[124]. BMP signalling is thought to play critical roles in both positioning
Trainor: Craniofacial Development TheScientificWorldJOURNAL (2003) 3, 240-264
the border of the neural plate during gastrulation and then also later in inducing migration of
neural crest cells[125]. Cranial neural crest cells give rise the neurons and glia of the PNS and
most of the cartilage, bone, and connective tissue of the face. The cartilage and bone forming
properties of cranial neural crest cells distinguishes this population from trunk neural crest cells.
Hence the cranial neural crest is a pluripotent population that is vital to vertebrate head
development (Fig. 2)[126,127,128,129,130,131]. It is essential to understand the mechanisms by
which cranial neural crest cells are patterned since many craniofacial malformations can be
attributed to defects in the formation, proliferation, migration, and/or differentiation of this cell
The generation of regional diversity in the vertebrate head is believed to be a consequence of
patterning information provided by neural crest cells during their migration and neural fold
transplantation experiments have provided much of the basis for our current understanding of
neural crest and craniofacial development[132,133,134,135,136]. First arch neural crest cells give
rise to Meckel’s cartilage, the articular, quadrate, and squamosal bones. In contrast the second
arch neural crest cells develop into the hyoid or tongue cartilage and the retroarticular
process[9,136,137]. In posterior transplantations of first arch (mandibular) neural crest primordia
in place of second (hyoid) or third (visceral) arch neural crest, the transplanted neural crest cells
migrated into the nearest arch but therein formed ectopic duplicated proximal first arch skeletal
elements[136]. Not only were these duplicated crest-derived structures inappropriate for their new
location but the muscle cell types and attachments associated with the duplicated structures were
also characteristic of a first arch pattern. This suggested firstly that neural crest cell fate may be
preprogrammed prior to their emigration from the neural tube and secondly, that myogenic
populations and other cell types receive spatial cues from the invading neural crest-derived
connective tissue. The vast majority of cranial neural crest cells are derived from the hindbrain
and molecular evidence supporting this scenario was provided by the observation that the same
restricted domains of Hox gene expression in the hindbrain are emulated in the migrating neural
crest cells and then later in the ganglia and branchial arches, reflecting the origins of the neural
crest cells contributing to these tissues[4,51]. Under this preprogramming model, it was thought
that positional information encoded by the Hox genes was carried passively from the hindbrain to
peripheral tissues and branchial arches by the neural crest, where it was elaborated to form the
characteristic head structures. Therefore it was hypothesized that the spatial organization of
structures within the vertebrate head was determined by the neural crest and furthermore that the
positional information imparted by the neural crest was irreversibly set before the neural crest
emigrates from the neural tube.
The neural crest prepatterning model predicts that molecular and cellular alterations to the
segmental organization of the hindbrain would have profound and detrimental consequences to
craniofacial development via disruptions to the patterns of Hox gene expression and neural crest
cell migration. The chick embryo has been the primary species for testing this model via
rhombomere transplantations, rotations, and ablations owing to the ease of tissue manipulation in
this species[112,138,139,140,141,142]. These analyses have yielded conflicting results regarding
the degree of autonomy of Hox gene expression[143]. The recent application of techniques for
transposing cells to the hindbrains of mouse[144] and zebrafish[145] embryos has significantly
advanced our understanding of hindbrain and neural crest development. In the mouse, cells from
r3, r4, or r5 were heterotopically grafted into r2. The majority of the transplanted cells remained
as a cohort and maintained their Hox gene A-P identity. A few transplanted cells however,
became separated from the primary graft and dispersed becoming intermingled with the
Trainor: Craniofacial Development TheScientificWorldJOURNAL (2003) 3, 240-264
neighboring populations. These cells consequently altered their identity in their new location by
failing to maintain the Hox gene expression patterns characteristic of their origins, which is
evidence for neuroepithelial plasticity. This implies that single or dispersed rhombomere cells
respond and adapt to their new surrounding environments by altering their gene expression
patterns because they lack the neighboring signals necessary to reinforce or maintain their
original identity[144]. Similarly, single rhombomere cell transplantations in zebrafish provide
further evidence for neural crest plasticity and the influence of cell community effects[145]. A
complete switch in Hox gene expression patterns and ultimately cell fates occurred when single
cells from r2 and r6 were reciprocally transplanted within the zebrafish hindbrain. This contrasts
with the higher degrees of cell autonomy observed in chick embryo manipulations. It is important
to note however that, in analyses performed in avian embryos, pairs of rhombomeres but
generally much larger regions of the neural tube were being manipulated. It is not unreasonable to
expect that cell community effects present in such large tissue grafts could account for the cell
autonomy observed in these avian studies compared to the plasticity observed in mouse and
zebrafish experiments where subrhombomeric or single cell populations were transplanted,
respectively[143]. The degree of plasticity or autonomy is dependent upon not only the size of the
graft but also the time at which the manipulations are carried out. During the later stages of
hindbrain development, when morphological boundaries are established, rhombomere cells are
much more likely to be irreversibly committed and maintain their Hox gene expression
characteristics when transplanted to ectopic locations. Therefore one could argue that over time
cells within the neural tube progressively lose responsiveness to the environmental signals that
specify their segmental identities. Together these chick, mouse and fish studies highlight that cell-
community effects and their associated signals are important for maintaining the axial identity of
individual cells within the hindbrain.
These grafting experiments also revealed the absence of preprogramming in the character or
fate of cranial neural crest cells. In heterotopic transpositions of cells within the mouse and
zebrafish hindbrains, graft-derived neural crest cells migrated into the nearest branchial arch
without any evidence of pathfinding or rerouting to their original axial level. Plasticity in Hox
gene expression in mouse neural crest cells was evident by the complete down regulation of
Hoxb1, Hoxb2, and Hoxa2 in these cells[144]. In zebrafish, experimental embryos raised to larval
stages revealed that the transplanted cells differentiated and contributed to pharyngeal cartilages
appropriate to their new A-P location[145]. Therefore these results show that the genetic and
cellular A-P character of cranial neural crest cells are neither fixed nor passively transferred from
the hindbrain to the branchial arches.
The neural plasticity described above correlates with molecular analyses that have identified
distinct regulatory elements controlling Hox gene expression in different tissues such as the
hindbrain and neural crest. Hoxa2 is expressed in the hindbrain anteriorly up to the r1/2 boundary
and in cranial neural crest cells that migrate into the second branchial arch[112]. Transgenic
regulatory analyses of Hoxa2 have revealed that multiple cis-acting elements are required
independently for hindbrain and neural crest specific activity[55,146,147]. In r3 and r5, Hoxa2
expression is directly regulated by the transcription factor Krox20[55]. In contrast, Hoxa2
expression in second branchial arch neural crest cells is tightly controlled by a number of
elements, one of which binds to AP-2 family members. Mutation or deletion of this site in the
Hoxa2 enhancer abrogates expression in cranial neural crest cells but not in the hindbrain. These
findings clearly demonstrate that at the molecular level, Hoxa2 is independently regulated in
rhombomeres and neural crest cells and this provides a mechanism for how neural crest cells can
respond to the environment through which they migrate independently of the neural tube.
These experiments have revealed a surprising degree of plasticity in cranial neural crest
cells, which is inconsistent with the prepatterning model. Since transposed neural crest can be
reprogrammed it appears that crest cells rely on distinct cues in the branchial arch environments
through which they migrate to elaborate their proper regional identity. Furthermore, the size of
Trainor: Craniofacial Development TheScientificWorldJOURNAL (2003) 3, 240-264
FIGURE 2. Neural crest cell induction and differentiation. Neural crest cells (ncc; blue circles) are induced at the neural plate border,
which demarcates the junction between the neural plate and surface ectoderm. Both the neuroepithelium and the surface ectoderm
gives rise to neural crest cells and contact between these tissues is essential for neural crest induction. In the mouse as depicted here,
this occurs prior to closure of the neural tube. In contrast, in avian species the neural tube is closed prior to the emigration of neural
crest cells. After migrating along stereotypic routes, the cranial neural crest cells differentiate into cartilage, bone, connective tissue as
well as neurons and glia of the PNS. In contrast, trunk neural crest cells do not give rise to cartilage or bone rather they differentiate
predominantly into the characteristic cells that constitute the trunk PNS.
the cell community is functionally important, indicating that a far more complex balance of
genetic and cellular interactions are involved in hindbrain and neural crest patterning than was
previously thought. The experiments described above therefore provide the basis for a new
model, the neural crest plasticity and independent Hox gene regulation model which has been
proposed as an alternative mechanism for governing neural crest and craniofacial
Trainor: Craniofacial Development TheScientificWorldJOURNAL (2003) 3, 240-264
The classic neural crest preprogramming model implies that branchial arch formation and
patterning is dependent upon the neural crest. In contrast, the neural crest plasticity and
independent gene regulation model described above implies that branchial arch patterning arises
due to interactions between the arch components and the neural crest. This raises the question of
what happens to the formation and patterning of the branchial arches in the absence of
contributing neural crest cells. This issue has been investigated in chick embryos through
rhombomere ablations[149] and also mouse embryos by genetic manipulation of Hoxa1 and
Hoxb1, which are required for the generation of neural crest cells in r4[33]. In both experimental
situations, despite the absence of any neural crest cell contribution, the branchial arches develop
normally and are properly regionalized. The expression patterns of Bmp7 in the posterior
endoderm, Fgf8 in the anterior surface ectoderm, Pax1 in the pharyngeal pouch endoderm and
Shh in the endoderm of the branchial arches were all normal and unchanged compared to wild
type embryos. In addition there was no evidence for excessive cell death or loss of proliferation in
the arch epithelium, which suggests that the neural crest cells are not the source of any
indispensable branchial arch mitogenic or survival signals[33]. These results clearly demonstrate
that the branchial arches are not dependent upon the neural crest for their formation, nor for their
anterior-posterior and proximo-distal regionalization and hence this provides additional support
for the neural crest plasticity and independent gene regulation model. This is also consistent with
the evolutionary history of the branchial arches and neural crest cells. Pharyngeal segmentation is
characteristic of the phylum chordata whereas neural crest cells are exclusively a craniate
(vertebrates plus hagfish) characteristic[150], which implies that branchial arch segmentation
occurred prior to the evolutionary origin of cranial neural crest cells. Hence it is not surprising
that the branchial arches do not depend upon the cranial neural crest for their initial formation and
regional specification. Additional support for this idea comes from the observation of
regionalized domains of Pax gene expression in Amphioxus (the nearest extant vertebrate
relative), which is indicative of pharyngeal segmentation. Amphioxus lack neural crest cells and
therefore the mechanism for generating pharyngeal pouches clearly predates the evolution of the
vertebrate head[151].
A crucial issue in craniofacial development is understanding the mechanisms that regulate the
size and shapes of the characteristic facial skeletal structures and that branchial arch segmentation
constitutes one of the first visible steps in this patterning process. Since normal branchial arch
formation and patterning can occur independently of a contribution from the neural crest, this
implies that the branchial arches may rely on either the endoderm, paraxial mesoderm, and/or the
surface ectoderm tissues for their patterning information.
The Mesoderm
Fate mapping studies have shown that mesoderm and neural crest cells derived from the same
axial level contribute to the same branchial arch during embryonic development (Fig.
3)[16,130,152,153]. The cranial mesoderm predominantly gives rise to the myogenic cores of
each branchial arch, which are enveloped by migrating neural crest cells[16,130,131,153,154].
Previously, the cranial mesoderm was not thought to play a patterning role during craniofacial
development[136], however, it has now been shown that the cranial mesoderm provides
Trainor: Craniofacial Development TheScientificWorldJOURNAL (2003) 3, 240-264
maintenance signals for regulating the identity of second branchial arch neural crest cells[144]
and that it may also play a role in patterning the pathways of neural crest cell migration (Fig.
3)[23]. When second arch neural crest cells are transplanted into the first arch, they downregulate
their expression of Hoxb1. In contrast, if second arch neural crest cells are transplanted anteriorly
in combination with second arch mesoderm, then Hoxb1 expression is maintained in the grafted
neural crest cells. The cranial mesoderm therefore provides maintenance signals that elaborate the
programme of Hox expression, but the cranial mesoderm does not appear to initiate Hox gene
expression in neural crest cells[144]. It is important to note however that Hoxb1 is expressed in
the cranial mesoderm at 7.5dpc prior to its induction in the neuroepithelium suggesting that
perhaps the mesoderm is patterning neuroepithelial tissues at much earlier stages of development.
The effects of the mesoderm are consistent with the fact that the fate of the cranial mesoderm is
primarily myogenic and the musculature is inextricably linked to neural crest derived skeletal and
connective tissue patterning. Therefore one of the roles of the cranial mesoderm maybe in
maintaining an A-P register between these different primordial tissues, which is essential for
subsequent craniofacial morphogenesis[16].
The Ectoderm
Similar to the neuroepithelium, it has been suggested that the ectoderm is regionalized into
territories called ectomeres, which contribute to specific regions of the branchial arches (Fig.
3)[155]. Currently, there is no evidence to support the idea that each ectomere represents a
functional developmental unit. In contrast, however, there is evidence suggesting that the surface
ectoderm plays a major role in the induction of odontogenesis during branchial arch
development[156]. The oral ectoderm of the first branchial arch directly regulates the patterning
of the underlying neural crest mesenchyme into teeth and the ability to respond to these
instructive or inducing signals is not confined to first arch neural crest cells[157]. Fgf8, which is
expressed in the anterior surface ectoderm of the first arch, is essential for determining the
polarity of the branchial arch and ectopic applications of FGF8 cause shifts in gene expression
domains as well as repatterning of the craniofacial primordia[158]. Not surprisingly then, in Fgf8
null mutant mice, the branchial arches are severely abnormal[159]. Bmp4, which is expressed in
the ventral region of the first branchial arch ectoderm, appears to restrict the expression domain
of Fgf8 and consequently ectopic applications of BMP4 consistently reduce the size of the
mandibular arch. Hence the surface ectoderm plays important roles in patterning the branchial
arch derivatives particularly through the BMP4 and FGF8 signalling mechanisms (Fig. 3).
The Endoderm
The neurogenic placodes (dorsolateral and epibranchial) form in characteristic positions in all
vertebrates suggesting that conserved localized inductive interactions underlie their
formation[160]. The epibranchial placodes develop near the branchial clefts in close proximity to
the cranial neural crest and the pharyngeal endoderm. Analyses of the nature of the signals, which
underlie epibranchial placode formation, have found that the epibranchial placodes do not require
cranial neural crest cells for their induction[161]. Rather, it is the pharyngeal endoderm that is the
source of the BMP7 inducing signal. It has been suggested that neural crest cells will differentiate
into cartilage only in the presence of pharyngeal endoderm and in amphibians, the endoderm has
been shown to be responsible for promoting the formation of branchial arch components by
directing neural crest cells towards a chondrogenic fate[162]. For example, in the zebrafish
mutant van gogh (vgo), hindbrain segmentation occurs normally, but the endodermal gill slits do
not form and the distinct streams of neural crest cells exiting from the hindbrain are fused.
Trainor: Craniofacial Development TheScientificWorldJOURNAL (2003) 3, 240-264
Consequently the individual skeletal elements of the viscerocranium do not form[163]. Therefore
the endoderm plays a major role in establishing and patterning the branchial arches (Fig. 3).
Recently the avian neural endoderm was tested in transplantation and ablation studies for its
capacity to specify the facial skeleton[164]. The experiments suggested that the endoderm
instructs neural crest cells as to the size, shape, and position of all the skeletal elements whether
they are cartilaginous or membranous bones. In addition bone orientation was shown to be
influenced by the position of the endoderm relative to the embryonic axes. The nature of the
signals arising from the endoderm are so far unknown and it is not clear whether the effects of the
endoderm manipulations are direct and intrinsic to the tissue itself or whether the effects of the
manipulations indirectly alter local signaling centers or levels of FGF, Shh, or BMP which have
been shown in other analyses to regulate the development of the characteristic craniofacial
structures[159,165,166,167]. What is clear is that segmental characteristics of the endodermal
pharyngeal pouches develop independently of a contribution of neural crest cells (Fig. 3)[149].
FIGURE 3. The influence of mesoderm, ectoderm, and endoderm on the axial identity of neural crest cells and the role of Hoxa2 in
second branchial arch development. The head mesoderm (red and blue ovals) plays a role in maintaining the proper domains of Hox
gene expression in migrating neural crest cells (ncc), whereas the ectoderm and endoderm play roles in possibly influencing the
pathways of neural crest cell migration in addition to patterning the branchial arches. The skeletal derivatives arising from the first
(ba1) and second (ba2) branchial arches are listed. Hoxa2 is expressed in neural crest cells migrating into the second arch but not the
first arch acts and as a selector gene that imposes the unique identity of second arch structures. In the absence of Hoxa2, second arch
derivatives are transformed into a first arch fate and similarly ectopic expression of Hoxa2 transforms first arch structures into a
second arch identity. FGF8 has the capacity to repress Hoxa2 in second branchial arch neural crest cells, transforming the second arch
into a first arch identity. OV, otic vesicle.
Trainor: Craniofacial Development TheScientificWorldJOURNAL (2003) 3, 240-264
The analyses detailed above provide a wealth of evidence supporting the idea that cranial neural
crest cells are not preprogrammed, but are in fact plastic and that they differentiate in response to
signals from the environment through which they migrate. How then do we reconcile these
findings with the skeletal duplications observed in posterior transplantations of presumptive first
arch neural crest[136]? Two things are often ignored from this classic study. Firstly, in addition to
forming duplicated first arch structures, the transplanted neural crest also contributed to the
development of normal second arch skeletal elements including the paraglossals and basihyoid,
which make up part of the tongue skeleton. This actually provides evidence for neural crest
plasticity. Secondly, when presumptive frontonasal neural crest was grafted posteriorly in place
of second arch neural crest, duplicated first arch skeletal elements (quadrate and proximal region
of Meckel’s cartilage) also developed, providing further evidence in support of neural crest
plasticity[136]. It’s important to note here that the same duplicated skeletal structures were
formed regardless of the origin of the grafted neural crest cells.
What’s intriguing about the skeletal duplications is that they phenocopy the Hoxa2 null
mutant mouse in which the second arch is transformed into a first arch identity and one can
speculate then that perhaps the landmark chick embryo manipulations were in effect creating a
conditional knockout of Hoxa2 in the second branchial arch. Recently, the isthmus was shown to
inhibit Hoxa2 expression in rhombomere 1 via an FGF8 mediated signalling mechanism[168],
and therefore one plausible explanation which could link the results of the two transplantations
together is the possible inclusion of the isthmus in both the first arch and frontonasal neural crest
grafts. This has now been tested directly via posterior transplantations of the isthmus in place of
r4 that inhibits the expression of Hoxa2 in second branchial arch neural crest cells[169]. In the
absence of Hoxa2 expression, as expected these grafted chick embryos develop duplicated first
arch skeletal structures including the quadrate and proximal portion of Meckel’s cartilage similar
to the classic transplantations. FGF8 soaked beads can only transiently block Hoxa2 expression in
second branchial arch neural crest cells indicating that FGF8 cannot recapitulate the entire effects
of the isthmus and that other genes/factors must be involved.
Therefore the possible inclusion of the isthmus in the transpositions and the ability of FGF8
to suppress Hoxa2 in second arch neural crest cells can account mechanistically for the
development of duplicated first arch structures in ectopic posterior locations. Hence rather than
providing evidence for neural crest preprogramming, Noden’s 1983 experiments highlight the
effects of local signaling centers like the isthmus in A-P patterning and regulation of Hox gene
expression by FGFs[136]. Together with recent evidence from mouse, chick, and zebrafish
transplantation studies, this argues as a general principle that cranial neural crest cells are not
prespecified or irreversibly committed prior to their emigration from the neural tube. Rather, that
neural crest patterning is based on plasticity and the ability of neural crest cells to respond to
environmental signals and interactions with the tissues through which they migrate[144,148].
Recently inroads have been made into the mechanisms by which Hoxa2 influences the
morphogenesis of second arch elements[170]. During normal development, Hoxa2 is widely
expressed in the second arch mesenchyme, but it is excluded from the chondrogenic
condensations in the core of the arches (Fig. 3). In the absence of Hoxa2, ectopic chondrogenesis
occurs indicating that Hoxa2 acts upstream very early in the chondrogenic pathway. In addition,
Cbaf1, which is a marker of osteogenic differentiation, is upregulated in the second branchial
arches of Hoxa2 mutant embryos suggesting that the prevention of Cbfa1 induction might
Trainor: Craniofacial Development TheScientificWorldJOURNAL (2003) 3, 240-264
mediate Hoxa2 inhibition of dermal (intramembranous) bone formation during second arch
development[170]. Therefore Hoxa2 is essential for proper patterning of structures derived form
the second branchial arch neural crest cells as it inhibits membranous ossification. Ectopic
expression of Hoxa2 in the first arch of chick and Xenopus embryos results in the suppression of
bone formation in the first arch and transformation of the first arch into second arch
structures[171,172]. In the absence of Hoxa2 the second arch is transformed into a first arch
identity and together these results indicate that Hoxa2 acts as a positive selector gene in
specifying second branchial arch development and identity (Fig. 3).
Craniofacial evolution is considered fundamental to the origin of vertebrates and in evolutionary
terms the vertebrate head is a relatively new structure[173]. This review has detailed the multiple
levels of regulation and the diverse tissue interactions that are involved in generating the
characteristic craniofacial features. Although the hindbrain exerts a profound influence in
establishing the foundations of vertebrate head development, a rigid prepatterning model in which
the programs for head morphogenesis were set in the hindbrain would however offer restricted
opportunities for diversifying head structures[143,144,148]. In contrast the neural crest plasticity
and independent gene regulation model could provide the flexibility and adaptability that
facilitates diversity and we can speculate that it might be one reason for the successful radiation
of vertebrates into new environments. This is because neural crest plasticity and independent gene
regulation offers the potential for generating substantially distinct cranial phenotypes by minor
changes of the primordial pattern. Future studies therefore will be focused on elucidating the
mechanisms governing the formation and patterning of neural crest cells as they are critical to
understanding craniofacial evolution and the origins of vertebrates.
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This article should be referenced as follows:
Trainor, Paul A. (2003) Making headway: The roles of Hox genes and neural crest cells in craniofacial development.
TheScientificWorldJOURNAL 3, 240–264.
Handling Editor:
Roger Keynes, Principal Editor for Embryology — a domain of TheScientificWorldJOURNAL.
... Neural crest stem cells, The craniofacial development represents a complex process that can be possibly disturbed at several steps. It is known that one third of all human congenital defects are craniofacial anomalies [20]. An embryological origin is already described for chordoma: an incomplete embryological cell regression (atavism) is considered its known starting point [21]. ...
... The neural crest stem cells play a pivotal role in the craniofacial development. They migrate, besides many other locations, into the branchial arches and are involved in vascular development [20,23]. In the branchial arches the cranial NCSCs are known to be involved in the remodeling process of the pharyngeal arteries [24]. ...
... Besides the typical findings of vascular irregularities, the fibrous tumor component present in JA's can be explained through EMT, a process which plays an important role in embryology and in many other fields (e.g., wound healing, stem cell differentiation, fibrosis and tumor pathology) [29]. In accordance with previous reports, our findings support that EMT in JA's is the building-up of connective tissue as part of their natural developmental process [20]. Additionally, Wnt-, FGF-and TGFβ-family members have been reported to be expressed in JA's [1] but are also able to regulate neural crest delamination and act as inducers of EMT in development [29,30]. ...
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The etiology of juvenile angiofibroma (JA) has been a controversial topic for more than 160 years. Numerous theories have been proposed to explain this rare benign neoplasm arising predominately in adolescent males, focusing mainly on either the vascular or fibrous component. To assess our hypothesis of JA’s being a malformation arising from neural crest cells/remnants of the first branchial arch plexus, we performed immunohistochemical analyses of neural crest stem cells (NCSC) and epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) candidates. Immunoexpression of the NCSC marker CD271p75 was observed in all investigated JA’s (n = 22), mainly around the pathological vessels. Close to CD271p75-positive cells, high MMP3-staining was also observed. Additionally, from one JA with sufficient material, RT-qPCR identified differences in the expression pattern of PDGFRβ, MMP2 and MMP3 in MACS®-separated CD271p75positive vs. CD271p75 negative cell fractions. Our results, together with the consideration of the literature, provide evidence that JA’s represent a malformation within the first branchial arch artery/plexus remnants deriving from NCSC. This theory would explain the typical site of tumor origin as well as the characteristic tumor blood supply, whereas the process of EMT provides an explanation for the vascular and fibrous tumor component.
... cartilage and bone) in the head, melanocytes, sensory neurons and glia [37,38]. They are further divided into an anterior Hox negative and a more posterior Hox PG (1-3)-positive domain [39] (Figure 1). Parallel to the first seven somites of the neural tube, vagal NC express Hox PG (3-7) members and contribute to the enteric nervous system (ENS) and various heart structures [40][41][42][43][44][45]. ...
... A common feature of these approaches is that the NC cells they give rise to exhibit minimal HOX gene expression indicating a cranial axial identity. This is also supported by the demonstration that they can be further directed to differentiate toward peripheral neurons including (nociceptors, mechanoreceptors, and proprioceptors) and glia, melanocytes and mesenchymal lineages (smooth muscle, osteogenic and chondrogenic cells) [39,81]. ...
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The neural crest (NC) is a multipotent cell population which can give rise to a vast array of derivatives including neurons and glia of the peripheral nervous system, cartilage, cardiac smooth muscle, melanocytes and sympathoadrenal cells. An attractive strategy to model human NC development and associated birth defects as well as produce clinically relevant cell populations for regenerative medicine applications involves the in vitro generation of NC from human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs). However, in vivo, the potential of NC cells to generate distinct cell types is determined by their position along the anteroposterior (A–P) axis and, therefore the axial identity of hPSC-derived NC cells is an important aspect to consider. Recent advances in understanding the developmental origins of NC and the signalling pathways involved in its specification have aided the in vitro generation of human NC cells which are representative of various A–P positions. Here, we explore recent advances in methodologies of in vitro NC specification and axis patterning using hPSCs.
... Their differentiation would therefore be primarily dependent upon intrinsic signals (Bhatt et al., 2013). However as noted above, NCC exhibit varying degrees of cell fate potency, and therefore depend upon a combination of intrinsically expressed factors in concert with extrinsic signals emanating from the tissues they contact during their migration to undergo their proper spatiotemporal patterns of differentiation (Trainor and Krumlauf, 2001;Trainor, 2003Trainor, , 2013Trainor et al., 2003;Crane and Trainor, 2006). These key principles of NCC heterogeneity, potency, and plasticity which were determined through classic embryology, lineage tracing, and transplantation studies have been further substantiated by more recent genetic and molecular analyses such as single cell RNA-sequencing (Morrison et al., 2017;Shang et al., 2018;Soldatov et al., 2019). ...
... Synonymous with the "new head" hypothesis (Gans and Northcutt, 1983), cranial NCC carry species-specific programming information that is integral to craniofacial development, evolution, variation, and disease (Noden, 1983;Trainor and Krumlauf, 2001;Schneider and Helms, 2003;Trainor, 2003;Trainor et al., 2003;Noden and Trainor, 2005). Proper craniofacial development therefore requires that an embryo generates and maintains a sufficient number of NCC that proliferate, survive, migrate, and differentiate in the correct spatiotemporal manner. ...
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Craniofacial malformations are among the most common birth defects in humans and they often have significant detrimental functional, aesthetic, and social consequences. To date, more than 700 distinct craniofacial disorders have been described. However, the genetic, environmental, and developmental origins of most of these conditions remain to be determined. This gap in our knowledge is hampered in part by the tremendous phenotypic diversity evident in craniofacial syndromes but is also due to our limited understanding of the signals and mechanisms governing normal craniofacial development and variation. The principles of Mendelian inheritance have uncovered the etiology of relatively few complex craniofacial traits and consequently, the variability of craniofacial syndromes and phenotypes both within families and between families is often attributed to variable gene expression and incomplete penetrance. However, it is becoming increasingly apparent that phenotypic variation is often the result of combinatorial genetic and non-genetic factors. Major non-genetic factors include environmental effectors such as pregestational maternal diabetes, which is well-known to increase the risk of craniofacial birth defects. The hyperglycemia characteristic of diabetes causes oxidative stress which in turn can result in genotoxic stress, DNA damage, metabolic alterations, and subsequently perturbed embryogenesis. In this review we explore the importance of gene-environment associations involving diabetes, oxidative stress, and DNA damage during cranial neural crest cell development, which may underpin the phenotypic variability observed in specific craniofacial syndromes.
... Zic1, which is expressed in developing somites and their derivatives including dermis [19], was confirmed to be uniquely expressed in the back skin. Finally, Hoxb6 was found to be absent in cheek samples, but present in abdomen and back tissue, which is consistent with the well-established role for nested Hox gene expression to pattern the anteriorposterior axis [20,21]. Furthermore, many genes in the HoxA, HoxB and HoxC clusters were notably absent in the cheek samples, as would be predicted ( Figure 1F). ...
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The dermis has disparate embryonic origins; abdominal dermis develops from lateral plate mesoderm, dorsal dermis from paraxial mesoderm and facial dermis from neural crest. However, the cell and molecular differences and their functional implications have not been described. We hypothesise that the embryonic origin of the dermis underpins regional characteristics of skin, including its response to wounding. We have compared abdomen, back and cheek, three anatomical sites representing the distinct embryonic tissues from which the dermis can arise, during homeostasis and wound repair using RNA sequencing, histology and fibroblast cultures. Our transcriptional analyses demonstrate differences between body sites that reflect their diverse origins. Moreover, we report histological and transcriptional variations during a wound response, including site differences in ECM composition, cell migration and proliferation, and re‐enactment of distinct developmental programmes. These findings reveal profound regional variation in the mechanisms of tissue repair. © 2020 The Authors. The Journal of Pathology published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. on behalf of The Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland.
... This differentiation process is regulated by a balance between intrinsic or autonomous signals and extrinsic environmental signals received during their migration, which collectively determines their final fates. Cranial neural crest cells are therefore considered an adaptable conduit through which evolutionary variation and the development of morphological novelties occur [188][189][190]. Consequently, craniofacial morphology can change rapidly under selective conditions [191] and this has given rise to tremendous interspecies and intraspecies variation in craniofacial morphology throughout the animal kingdom. ...
Neural crest cells are a vertebrate-specific migratory, multipotent cell population that give rise to a diverse array of cells and tissues during development. Cranial neural crest cells, in particular, generate cartilage, bone, tendons and connective tissue in the head and face as well as neurons, glia and melanocytes. In this review, we focus on the chondrogenic and osteogenic potential of cranial neural crest cells and discuss the roles of Sox9, Runx2 and Msx1/2 transcription factors and WNT, FGF and TGFβ signaling pathways in regulating neural crest cell differentiation into cartilage and bone. We also describe cranioskeletal defects and disorders arising from gain or loss-of-function of genes that are required for patterning and differentiation of cranial neural crest cells. Finally, we discuss the evolution of skeletogenic potential in neural crest cells and their function as a conduit for intraspecies and interspecies variation, and the evolution of craniofacial novelties.
... In a similar way, ephrin ligands and Eph receptors guide NCC migration. Eph receptors are expressed in odd-numbered rhombomeres, whereas the ligands are expressed in the even-numbered rhombomeres (Trainor, 2003) to restrict NCC to the even-numbered rhombomeres. Eph receptors and ephrins are involved in both cranial and trunk NCC migration (Davy & Soriano, 2005). ...
... Approximately one-third of all congenital birth disorders comprise craniofacial anomalies, many of which are classified as neurocristopathies since they are thought to arise via perturbations in neural crest cell development throughout embryogenesis (Trainor, 2003). Although a broad spectrum of craniofacial anomalies occur, the majority involve the palate and upper lip in the form of clefting. ...
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The palate functions as the roof of the mouth in mammals, separating the oral and nasal cavities. Its complex embryonic development and assembly poses unique susceptibilities to intrinsic and extrinsic disruptions. Such disruptions may cause failure of the developing palatal shelves to fuse along the midline resulting in a cleft. In other cases the palate may fuse at an arch, resulting in a vaulted oral cavity, termed high-arched palate. There are many models available for studying the pathogenesis of cleft palate but a relative paucity for high-arched palate. One condition exhibiting either cleft palate or high-arched palate is Treacher Collins syndrome, a congenital disorder characterized by numerous craniofacial anomalies. We quantitatively analyzed palatal perturbations in the Tcof1+/- mouse model of Treacher Collins syndrome, which phenocopies the condition in humans. We discovered that 46% of Tcof1+/- mutant embryos and new born pups exhibit either soft clefts or full clefts. In addition, 17% of Tcof1+/- mutants were found to exhibit high-arched palate, defined as two sigma above the corresponding wild-type population mean for height and angular based arch measurements. Furthermore, palatal shelf length and shelf width were decreased in all Tcof1+/- mutant embryos and pups compared to controls. Interestingly, these phenotypes were subsequently ameliorated through genetic inhibition of p53. The results of our study therefore provide a simple, reproducible and quantitative method for investigating models of high-arched palate.
... Accordingly, all the cartilage in the trunk comes from the trunk mesoderm. These distinct fates depend on the hox genes that the neural crest cells express at each axial level (Gavalas et al. 2001) (Trainor 2003). For instance, the neural crest migrating into the second brachial arch and contributing to the mesenchyme expresses hox2, as does the II brachial arch itself (Creuzet, Couly, and Le Douarin 2005). ...
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The neural crest is indisputably one of the major vertebrate innovations. Neural crest arises at the neural plate border and is the source of many cell types, such as those of the peripheral nervous system (sensory, autonomic neurons and supporting cells), pigments and cartilage. This region of the neural plate also gives rise to Rohon Beard cells (RBc, primary sensory neurons) that differentiate from the same precursor cells of the neural crest (Rossi, Kaji, & Artinger, 2009), (Jacobson, 1981). Despite the recent proposal for neural crest-like cells in basal chordates (Jeffery, Strickler, & Yamamoto, 2004), and the postulation of the origin of neural crest from migrating Rohon Beard cells -like cells, the evolution of the neural crest remains obscure. The aim of my PhD was to shed light on the evolution of such a special cell population in bilaterians. Using classical whole mount in situs, Edu pulse experiments, live imaging and drug treatments I studied the development of the pax3/7+ lateral neuroectoderm of the marine worm Platynereis dumerilii. I used Platynereis because it is a protostome that retains ancestral features and it has been successfully used in previous studies to investigate cell type evolution. I investigated the lateral trunk region because it has been recently proposed that this domain corresponds topologically and molecularly to the dorsal neural tube, where the vertebrate neural crest originates (Denes et al., 2007) I found that the pax3/7+ territory is set very early in development and expresses Rohon Beard cells and neural crest specific genes, such as prdm1-a , msx, ap-2 and snail. Furthermore, I found that canonical Wnt signaling controls the patterning of the annelid lateral neuroectdoderm, as in vertebrates. Next, I analyzed the fate of the cells emerging from this lateral territory. I found that sensory differentiation genes are turned on in ngn+ precursor neurons in a temporal sequence, similar to the one occurring in the neural crest derived sensory neurons (Marmigère & Ernfors, 2007), (Lallemend & Ernfors, 2012). The annelid neurons that arise from the lateral pax3/7+ domain have molecular features of the Rohon Beard-like cells and visceral sensory neurons. I found that also putative supporting cells ensheathing the axons arise peripherally. Next, I asked whether the other typical cell types that are neural crest-derived in vertebrates are present in Platynereis. I found that MitF + melanoblasts , putative enteric neurons as well as collagenous skeleton are also present in Platynereis, but apparently do not arise from the lateral domain. The development, survival and axon-pathfinding of the neural crest derived-sensory neurons depends on the neurotrophic signaling (Davies, 1994), (Gershon, 1994), (Tessarollo, 1998), (Sieber-Blum, 1998),(Ernsberger, 2009) Furthermore, the evolution of the neural crest has been associated with the emergence of this pathway, considered for long time a vertebrate innovation (Wittbrodt, 2007). This prompted me to search for the neurotrophic molecules in Platynereis dumerilii. I found that all the molecules of the canonical neurotrophic signaling are present in the worm and show vertebrate-like molecular features. They are widely expressed in the nervous system, therefore they likely act during neuronal development. This finding refutes the belief that neurotrophic signaling is a chordate novelty: a hypothesis based on a lack of conservation in other protostomes such as Drosophila (Pulido, Campuzano, Koda, Modolell, & Barbacid, 1992)and Lymnea (Beck et al., 2003) . Collectively, these annelid data suggest that the formation of Rohon Beard-like sensory neurons, putative visceral sensory neurons and supporting cells were already a feature of the cells emerging from the lateral neuroectoderm (a neural plate-like territory) at the dawn of bilaterians. A gradual co-option of genetic modules acting in other tissues into the neural plate-like territory might have driven the evolution of bona fine neural crest.
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The inner ear is derived from the otic placode, one of numerous cranial sensory placodes that emerges from the pre-placodal ectoderm (PPE) along its anterior-posterior axis. However, the molecular dynamics underlying how the PPE is regionalized are poorly resolved. We used stem cell-derived organoids to investigate the effects of Wnt signaling on early PPE differentiation and found that modulating Wnt signaling significantly increased inner ear organoid induction efficiency and reproducibility. Alongside single-cell RNA sequencing, our data reveal that the canonical Wnt signaling pathway leads to PPE regionalization and, more specifically, medium Wnt levels during the early stage induce 1) expansion of the caudal neural plate border (NPB), which serves as a precursor for the posterior PPE, and 2) a caudal microenvironment that is required for otic specification. Our data further demonstrate Wnt-mediated induction of rostral and caudal cells in organoids and more broadly suggest that Wnt signaling is critical for anterior-posterior patterning in the PPE.
In this chapter, specification of the major cell lineages, tissues, and structures that establish the molecular blueprint for craniofacial development is described, as well as the interactions and integration that are essential for normal functioning throughout embryonic as well as adult life are described. Craniofacial development begins during gastrulation, which is the process that generates a triploblastic organism. During gastrulation, cells from the epiblast are allocated to three definitive germ layers: ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm. Thus, gastrulation and generation of the three germ layers create the principal building blocks of the head and face. The ensuing morphogenetic movements that bring these tissue components to their proper place in the body plan establish the initial blueprint. Subsequent morphogenetic events continue to build on this scaffold until the fully differentiated structures emerge that define the head and face.
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The analysis of Hoxa1 and Hoxb1 null mutants suggested that these genes are involved in distinct aspects of hindbrain segmentation and specification. Here we investigate the possible functional synergy of the two genes. The generation of Hoxa1(3′RARE)/Hoxb1(3′RARE) compound mutants resulted in mild facial motor nerve defects reminiscent of those present in the Hoxb1 null mutants. Strong genetic interactions between Hoxa1 and Hoxb1 were uncovered by introducing the Hoxb1(3′RARE) and Hoxb1 null mutations into the Hoxa1 null genetic background. Hoxa1(null)/Hoxb1(3′RARE) and Hoxa1(null)/Hoxb1(null)double homozygous embryos showed additional patterning defects in the r4-r6 region but maintained a molecularly distinct r4-like territory. Neurofilament staining and retrograde labelling of motor neurons indicated that Hoxa1 and Hoxb1 synergise in patterning the VIIth through XIth cranial nerves. The second arch expression of neural crest cell markers was abolished or dramatically reduced, suggesting a defect in this cell population. Strikingly, the second arch of the double mutant embryos involuted by 10.5 dpc and this resulted in loss of all second arch-derived elements and complete disruption of external and middle ear development. Additional defects, most notably the lack of tympanic ring, were found in first arch-derived elements, suggesting that interactions between first and second arch take place during development. Taken together, our results unveil an extensive functional synergy between Hoxa1 and Hoxb1 that was not anticipated from the phenotypes of the simple null mutants.
Overexpression of Hoxa2 in the chick first branchial arch leads to a transformation of first arch cartilages, such as Meckel’s and the quadrate, into second arch elements, such as the tongue skeleton. These duplicated elements are fused to the original in a similar manner to that seen in the Hoxa2 knockout, where the reverse transformation of second to first arch morphology is observed. This confirms the role of Hoxa2 as a selector gene specifying second arch fate. When first arch neural crest alone is targeted, first arch elements are lost, but the Hoxa2-expressing crest is unable to develop into second arch elements. This is not due to Hoxa2 preventing differentiation of cartilages. Upregulation of a second arch marker in the first arch, and homeotic transformation of cartilage elements is only produced after global Hoxa2 overexpression in the crest and the surrounding tissue. Thus, although the neural crest appears to contain some patterning information, it needs to read cues from the environment to form a coordinated pattern. Hoxa2 appears to exert its effect during differentiation of the cartilage elements in the branchial arches, rather than during crest migration, implying that pattern is determined quite late in development.
Previous cell lineage studies indicate that the repeated neuromeres of the chick hindbrain, the rhombomeres, are cell lineage restriction compartments. We have extended these results and tested if the restrictions are absolute. Two different cell marking techniques were used to label cells shortly after rhombomeres form (stage 9+ to 13) so that the resultant clones could be followed up to stage 25. Either small groups of cells were labelled with the lipophilic dye DiI or single cells were injected intracellularly with fluorescent dextran. The majority of the descendants labelled by either technique were restricted to within a single rhombomere. However, in a small but reproducible proportion of the cases (greater than 5%), the clones expanded across a rhombomere boundary. Neither the stage of injection, the stage of analysis, the dorsoventral position, nor the rhombomere identity correlated with the boundary crossing. Judging from the morphology of the cells, both neurons and non-neuronal cells were able to expand over a boundary. These results demonstrate that the rhombomere boundaries represent cell lineage restriction barriers which are not impenetrable in normal development.
The spatial and temporal aspects of cranial neural crest cell migration in the mouse are poorly understood because of technical limitations. No reliable cell markers are available and vital staining of embryos in culture has had limited success because they develop normally for only 24 hours. Here, we circumvent these problems by combining vital dye labelling with exo utero embryological techniques. To define better the nature of cranial neural crest cell migration in the mouse embryo, premigratory cranial neural crest cells were labelled by injecting DiI into the amniotic cavity on embryonic day 8. Embryos, allowed to develop an additional 1 to 5 days exo utero in the mother before analysis, showed distinct and characteristic patterns of cranial neural crest cell migration at the different axial levels. Neural crest cells arising at the level of the forebrain migrated ventrally in a contiguous stream through the mesenchyme between the eye and the diencephalon. In the region of the midbrain, the cells migrated ventrolaterally as dispersed cells through the mesenchyme bordered by the lateral surface of the mesencephalon and the ectoderm. At the level of the hindbrain, neural crest cells migrated ventrolaterally in three subectodermal streams that were segmentally distributed. Each stream extended from the dorsal portion of the neural tube into the distal portion of the adjacent branchial arch. The order in which cranial neural crest cells populate their derivatives was determined by labelling embryos at different stages of development. Cranial neural crest cells populated their derivatives in a ventral-to-dorsal order, similar to the pattern observed at trunk levels. In order to confirm and extend the findings obtained with exo utero embryos, DiI (1,1-dioctadecyl-3,3,3′,3′-tetramethylindo-carbocyanine perchlorate) was applied focally to the neural folds of embryos, which were then cultured for 24 hours. Because the culture technique permitted increased control of the timing and location of the DiI injection, it was possible to determine the duration of cranial neural crest cell emigration from the neural tube. Cranial neural crest cell emigration from the neural folds was completed by the 11-somite stage in the region of the rostral hindbrain, the 14-somite stage in the regions of the midbrain and caudal hindbrain and not until the 16-somite stage in the region of the forebrain. At each level, the time between the earliest and latest neural crest cells to emigrate from the neural tube appeared to be 9 hours.