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Relationship of tadpole stage to location of echinostome cercariae encystment and the consequences for tadpole survival



The effect of echinostome infections on the survival of Rana pipiens tadpoles was examined in relation to developmental stage of tadpoles. Individual tadpoles of Gosner stages 25, 27, 32-33, and 37-39 were exposed to 1 of 4 levels of cercariae (0, 20, 50, or 100). Only tadpoles at stage 25, the earliest stage infected, died within a 5-day experimental period. This stage-specific mortality rate could be explained, in part, by the stage-specific location of encystment of cercariae, which was documented in a separate experiment. In accordance with kidney development, cercariae predominately encysted in the pronephroi during early stages of tadpole development (stages 25 through 31-32) and only in the mesonephroi and associated ducts at later stages (stages 37 through 46). As the mesonephros develops, renal capacity presumably increases. Thus, tadpoles died only when metacercariae concentrated in the functional portion of the kidney with the most limited renal capacity. As tadpoles aged, they also became less susceptible to infections. On average, 69.5% of cercariae that were exposed to stage 25-26 tadpoles successfully encysted. compared with only 8.4% of cercariae exposed to stage 37-38 tadpoles. Exposures of metamorphic frogs (poststage 46) to cercariae revealed that these individuals can become infected with echinostomes. Collectively, our data highlight the host stage-dependent dynamics of tadpole-echinostome interactions.
J. Parasitol., 89(3), 2003, pp. 475–482
American Society of Parasitologists 2003
Anna M. Schotthoefer, Rebecca A. Cole*, and Val R. Beasley
Department of Veterinary Pathobiology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 61802.
: The effect of echinostome infections on the survival of Rana pipiens tadpoles was examined in relation to devel-
opmental stage of tadpoles. Individual tadpoles of Gosner stages 25, 27, 32–33, and 37–39 were exposed to 1 of 4 levels of
cercariae (0, 20, 50, or 100). Only tadpoles at stage 25, the earliest stage infected, died within a 5-day experimental period. This
stage-specific mortality rate could be explained, in part, by the stage-specific location of encystment of cercariae, which was
documented in a separate experiment. In accordance with kidney development, cercariae predominately encysted in the pronephroi
during early stages of tadpole development (stages 25 through 31–32) and only in the mesonephroi and associated ducts at later
stages (stages 37 through 46). As the mesonephros develops, renal capacity presumably increases. Thus, tadpoles died only when
metacercariae concentrated in the functional portion of the kidney with the most limited renal capacity. As tadpoles aged, they
also became less susceptible to infections. On average, 69.5% of cercariae that were exposed to stage 25–26 tadpoles successfully
encysted, compared with only 8.4% of cercariae exposed to stage 37–38 tadpoles. Exposures of metamorphic frogs (poststage
46) to cercariae revealed that these individuals can become infected with echinostomes. Collectively, our data highlight the host
stage–dependent dynamics of tadpole–echinostome interactions.
Species of Echinostoma and Echinoparyphium (Trematoda:
Echinostomatidae) are widely distributed and commonly use
frogs as second intermediate hosts (Prudhoe and Bray, 1982;
Kostadinova and Gibson, 2000). For instance, in a 2-yr survey
conducted in Minnesota, the overall mean prevalence (
SE) of
echinostome infections across 20 populations of metamorphic
frogs of Rana pipiens was 85.6% (
3.77%) (A. Schotthoefer,
unpubl. data). Similarly, echinostome metacercariae were the
most frequently encountered parasites in R. pipiens, R. cates-
beiana, and R. clamitans of New Brunswick, Canada (Mc-
Alpine and Burt, 1998). Infections have also been reported in
Rana sylvatica, Hyla crucifer (Najarian, 1955), Bufo american-
us (Ulmer, 1970), and Acris crepitans (Beasley et al., 2003).
Despite their common occurrence, relationships between
echinostomes and their amphibian hosts have received little at-
tention. However, in recent years, interest in the nature of echi-
nostome–frog interactions has grown because of evidence that
suggests that infections might contribute to the regulation of
amphibian populations. Beasley et al. (2003) found lower ju-
venile recruitment at ponds where tadpoles and juveniles of A.
crepitans had severe echinostome infections, compared with
ponds where infection intensities were low. In addition, infec-
tions have been observed to cause edema, a clinical sign of
disease, and mortality in tadpoles (Beaver, 1937; Fried et al.,
1997), as well as inhibit growth of infected tadpoles in the
laboratory (Fried et al., 1997). Moreover, observations suggest
that human-induced changes to aquatic ecosystems may in-
crease the prevalence of echinostome infections or change the
dynamics of echinostome–tadpole interactions in ways that
harm tadpole populations (Thiemann and Wassersug, 2000a;
Beasley et al., 2003).
In light of worldwide amphibian population decline (see Bar-
inaga, 1990; Wright et al., 2001) and evidence that infection by
another larval trematode, Ribeiroia ondatrae, is responsible for
limb malformations in frog populations (Johnson et al., 1999,
2002), these observations raise concerns about the importance
Received 8 July 2002; revised 9 November 2002; accepted 11 No-
vember 2002.
* USGS, National Wildlife Health Center, Madison, Wisconsin 53711.
† Department of Veterinary Biosciences, University of Illinois at Ur-
bana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 61802.
of echinostome infections, and parasitism in general, in deter-
mining the survival of tadpoles and their subsequent recruit-
ment into juvenile frog populations. To better understand the
potential ecological impacts of echinostome infections on tad-
pole populations, we focused on the stage-specific dynamics of
tadpole–echinostome interactions in an attempt to identify the
time period during development when tadpoles are likely to be
negatively affected by echinostome infections. Specifically, we
addressed the effect of infections with respect to kidney devel-
Echinostome infections in anurans occur primarily in the kid-
neys. In anurans, as in other vertebrates, the kidneys undergo
ontogenetic changes during larval development. Initially, ex-
cretory and osmoregulatory functions are provided by paired
pronephroi. These pronephroi each consist of single convoluted
tubules and glomeruli, located just posterior to the gill cham-
bers (Fig. 1). The tubules lead into pronephric ducts that run
parallel along the dorsal body wall and eventually empty into
the cloaca of amphibian larvae (Fox, 1963). At later stages of
development, mesonephric kidneys differentiate and begin sup-
plementing the functional roles of the pronephroi. The meso-
nephroi, which are located in the mid to posterior portions of
the abdominal cavity and lie against the dorsal body wall, ul-
timately replace the pronephroi as the sole functional kidneys
in adult amphibians (Fig. 1). Nephric ducts connect the pro-
and mesonephroi while both kidneys are functioning. Degen-
eration of the pronephroi and nephric ducts begins in the final
stages of metamorphosis, and by the end of metamorphosis,
they have largely disappeared (Jaffee, 1954a; Viertel and Rich-
ter, 1999).
Because renal capacity is expected to increase with devel-
opment of the mesonephroi, we predicted that tadpoles would
become more tolerant of infections as they reached later stages
of kidney development and, therefore, would experience less
mortality than earlier tadpole stages. Thus, we examined the
effect of infections on tadpole survival when infections were
acquired at different stages of development. We also examined
the stage-specific locations of cercariae encystment to deter-
mine if the location of encystment changed with development
of the mesonephroi. Thiemann and Wassersug (2000b) reported
that echinostome cercariae had a predilection for the pronephroi
in tadpoles of R. clamitans, whereas in tadpoles of R. sylvatica
1. Diagrammatic view of kidney development in anurans, as inferred from Jaffee (1954a, 1954b) and Viertel and Richter (1999). A.
At hatching (and at stage 25; Gosner, 1960), the pronephroi are present and functioning. B. In Rana pipiens, the mesonephroi have differentiated
and are functioning by 30 days posthatching (approximately stage 30, Gosner, 1960). C. The pro- and mesonephroi co-function until about stage
40 (Gosner, 1960), when the pronephroi and nephric ducts, connecting the pro- and mesonephroi, begin degenerating. By the end of metamorphosis,
the pronephroi and nephric ducts have largely disappeared, and only the mesonephroi are available for renal function in the frog.
the cercariae encysted more often in the mesonephroi. The R.
clamitans tadpoles used in the study were younger (Gosner
stage 26; see Gosner, 1960) and presumably at an earlier stage
of kidney development than the tadpoles of R. sylvatica (Gosner
stage 34), suggesting that the location of echinostome cercariae
encystment changes with kidney development from the pro-
nephroi to the mesonephroi, however, to our knowledge this
aspect of echinostome–tadpole interactions has not been inves-
tigated. Finally, we exposed metamorphic frogs to cercariae to
determine if frogs remain susceptible to infections after meta-
morphosis (Martin and Conn, 1990). Knowing when during the
frog life cycle individuals are most likely to be affected by
echinostome infections is an important first step in understand-
ing the potential effects of these parasites on wild anuran pop-
Animal husbandry
Egg masses of R. pipiens were purchased from Carolina Biological
Supply (Burlington, North Carolina) and Nasco (Fort Atkinson, Wis-
consin), and placed in 37.8- or 75.7-L glass aquaria with enough aged
or carbon-filtered tap water to submerge the eggs. After tadpoles
hatched and became active, the volume of water in each aquarium was
increased and gently aerated. Tadpoles were fed boiled romaine lettuce
for approximately 2 wk posthatching, after which they were fed com-
mercial tadpole food (Frog Brittle, Nasco), supplemented with ground
algae wafers (Hikari, Kyorin Food Inc. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan). Partial wa-
ter changes were conducted every 2–3 days and sponge filters were
installed 4 wk posthatching to control ammonia and nitrite concentra-
tions. Tadpoles were maintained en masse in aquaria until they reached
the targeted stages of development used in experiments.
A number of tadpoles from each batch of frog eggs were maintained
through the end of metamorphosis (Gosner stage 46). After forelimb
emergence, these tadpoles were transferred to aquaria containing a bed
of dry aquarium gravel sloping into water, which facilitated their emer-
gence from the water as metamorphic frogs. Metamorphic frogs were
fed fruit flies, mealworms, and small crickets before echinostome ex-
The intermediate snail hosts, Planorbella trivolvis (
Helisoma tri-
volvis), were maintained in separate aquaria on a diet of boiled romaine
lettuce and ground algae wafers. Partial water changes were conducted
weekly. All animals were maintained on a 12 hr light: 12 hr dark light
cycle throughout the experiments.
Experimental design
Two separate 2-factor design experiments were conducted to deter-
mine (1) how infections acquired at different stages of development
affect tadpole survival and (2) how the location of cercariae encystment
changes with tadpole stage, i.e., kidney development. The treatment
factors examined in both the experiments were tadpole stage and cer-
cariae exposure dose. The tadpole stages selected were representative
of different stages of kidney development in R. pipiens, as inferred from
Jaffee (1954a, 1954b). For the survival experiment, stages 25, 27, 32–
33, and 37–39 (Gosner, 1960) were used, and stages 25–26, 31–32, 37–
38, and 42 (Gosner, 1960) were used in the location of cercariae en-
cystment experiment. Thus, tadpoles at stages 25 through 27 primarily
depend upon pronephroi for renal function, tadpoles at stages 31
through 39 are expected to have both pro- and mesonephroi function,
and tadpoles at stage 42 exclusively rely on mesonephroi function. In
the survival experiment, individual tadpoles were exposed to 0, 20, 50,
100, or 150 cercariae, whereas in the location of cercariae encystment
experiment, the exposure dose treatments were 25, 50, 100, and 150
cercariae per tadpole. The doses of cercariae used were in the range of
infection intensities observed in wild-caught juveniles of R. pipiens
(data not shown).
Tadpole survivorship was monitored daily for 5 days postexposure
(PE) in the survival experiment. Because edema can also be an indi-
cation of renal dysfunction (McClure, 1919, 1928), we also recorded
I. Survival of Rana pipiens tadpoles after experimental exposure to various doses of echinostome cercariae at specific Gosner (1960)
stages of development.
stage Trial
dose of
cercariae n
infection intensity
% Tadpole
(5-days PE)
25 1 0
12 (5–17)
29 (24–36)
47.7 (44–51)
15.2 (10–19)
29.6 (18–38)
36.8 (33–43)
27 1 0
4.8 (1–10)
12.4 (5–21)
25 (1444)
45 (33–63)
6.6 (4–9)
7.8 (3–13)
20 (12–41)
32–33 1 0
6 (0–16)
21.7 (8–35)
37–39 1 0
its occurrence. The numbers of metacercariae in the pro- and meso-
nephroi of tadpoles were determined at death or at termination of the
experiment by dissection of the pro- and mesonephroi. Whole kidneys
were examined under cover slips under a compound microscope. Be-
tween 48 and 72 hr PE, tadpoles in the location of cercariae encystment
experiment were killed and the distributions of metacercariae deter-
mined similarly. All tadpoles were killed by immersion in 1:1,000 tri-
caine methanesulfonate (MS-222) for 5–10 min or until there was no
response to repeated physical stimuli.
Infection procedures
Anuran larvae: Tadpoles at the appropriate stages of development
were removed from aquaria, weighed and measured (total and snout-to-
vent lengths), and isolated in individual containers filled with aged or
carbon-filtered tap water. Tadpoles at stages 25 through 27 were isolated
in 120-ml containers (estimated water–tadpole volume ratios, 35.6–
11.6:1 cm
) and tadpoles of poststage 27 treatments were isolated in
266-ml containers (2.6–0.54:1 cm
water–tadpole volume ratios). The
effect that size of tadpole within a stage might have on transmission
success was controlled by ensuring that the distributions of tadpole
weights and lengths were equal among dose treatments. After a 24-hr
acclimation period, tadpoles were exposed to cercariae that had been
shed from snails within an 8-hr period. Each individual tadpole was
exposed to a composite of cercariae from several different snails. All
tadpoles were exposed to cercariae for approximately 24 hr.
Water in containers was changed daily after exposure, until the end
of the experimental period. Because the number of tadpoles that could
be exposed to cercariae at 1 time was limited by the number of tadpoles
that were currently at the targeted stages, or the number of cercariae
that were shed from snails on that day, or both, sample sizes varied
among treatments, and tadpoles at each stage could not be exposed to
all doses. However, in most cases, at least 5 individuals were used in a
treatment for both experiments (Tables I, II).
Metamorphic frogs: To determine whether frogs could serve as sec-
ond intermediate hosts, metamorphic frogs at least 1 wk post-Gosner
stage 46, i.e., after complete tail resorbtion, were exposed to echino-
stome cercariae. Individual frogs were placed in containers (14
7 cm) with sufficient water (
150 ml) to cover them but which did not
prohibit them from breathing through their nares.
Individuals within 1 group of frogs (n
16) were each exposed to
the total number of cercariae (
300) shed from a snail in a 6- to 8-hr
period for 24 hr. This number was estimated by counting the numbers
of cercariae in 10, 0.5-ml aliquots of water randomly removed from the
container harboring an infected snail. The average number of cercariae
in 0.5 ml was multiplied by the total volume of water remaining in the
snail’s container; this water was then transferred to a container holding
a frog. Five days PE, individuals were killed in 1:1,000 MS-222 and
fixed whole in 10% neutral buffered formalin. Metacercariae in the
kidneys were enumerated by pressing the fixed kidneys between 2 glass
slides and viewing them under a dissection microscope. In a second
group of frogs (n
7), individuals were exposed to doses of 150 cer-
cariae each day for 2 consecutive days, for a total exposure dose of 300
cercariae per frog. These frogs were similarly killed but were examined
for metacercariae on the day after the second exposure.
Source of cercariae: Cercariae used in the study were from naturally
and experimentally infected snails of P. trivolvis. Procedures for estab-
lishing infections in laboratory animals followed those of Fried (1985).
Morphology of cercariae and adults obtained from laboratory hamsters
was consistent with that of Echinostoma trivolvis (Fried et al., 1998;
Kostadinova and Gibson, 2000); however, we cannot rule out the pos-
sibility that other echinostome species were present because cercariae
from naturally infected snails were used. Original source locations from
which snails with echinostome infections were collected varied by ex-
periment. Snails used in the tadpole survival experiment were from
Necedah National Wildlife Refuge, Juneau County, Wisconsin; snails
for the location of cercariae encystment experiment and metamorphic
frog exposures were from privately owned wetlands in Anoka, Meeker,
Wright, and Stearns Counties, Minnesota and Liberty Creek and Albany
State Wildlife Areas, Green County, Wisconsin. Voucher specimens of
adults raised in laboratory hamsters and cercariae were deposited in the
U.S. National Parasite Collection, Beltsville, Maryland as USNPC
092556 and 092554-5, respectively.
Statistical analysis
Mortality and edema were compared among exposure doses for tad-
poles at stage 25 (the only stage at which death was observed) using
II. Percentage of individuals infected and average infection intensities acquired by Rana pipiens tadpoles exposed to different doses of
echinostome cercariae at specific Gosner (1960) stages used in the location of cercariae encystment experiment. Predominate kidney functioning
at stages, as inferred by Jaffee (1954a, 1954b), is also indicated.
stage Kidney stage
dose of
cercariae n % Infected
infection intensity
25–26 Pronephros 25
21.6 (18–24)
37.6 (23–50)
56.2 (36–78)
70.2 (47–88)
31–32 Pro- and mesonephros 25
6.2 (2–16)
14 (7–24)
12.2 (5–20)
34.2 (5–57)
37–38 Mesonephros 25
1.5 (0–3)
10.8 (0–37)
42 Mesonephros 100
1.5 (1–2)
Fisher’s Exact tests. Data from 2 trials involving stage 25 tadpoles in
the survival experiment (Table I) were pooled for this analysis. Analysis
of covariance (ANCOVA), with tadpole weight as a covariate, was used
to examine the influence of tadpole stage and exposure dose on (1)
locations of cercariae encystment within the nephric system, as mea-
sured by the proportion of metacercariae in the mesonephroi, (2) the
right-to-left distributions of metacercariae in tadpoles, using the differ-
ences in the numbers of metacercariae in the right against the left kid-
neys as response variables, and (3) the proportions of cercariae that
successfully encysted in exposed tadpoles, defined here as infection
success. All proportions were arcsine transformed as recommended for
proportions close to 0 and 1 (Zar, 1996). When ANCOVA tests revealed
an overall significant difference, Tukey (honestly significant difference
[HSD]) tests were used to identify differences among groups. To deter-
mine if the differences in right against the left kidneys at each stage
were significantly biased, we used paired t-tests. In these tests, we used
a Bonferroni-adjusted
-level, i.e., 0.005, to correct for the increased
experiment-wise type I error associated with doing multiple pairwise
comparisons. The
-level in all other analyses was 0.05. Data from stage
42 tadpoles were eliminated from all analyses because the tadpoles at
this stage were exposed to only 1 dose of cercariae (Table II). In ad-
dition, all the metacercariae found in these tadpoles were in the meso-
nephroi and infection success was low (0.3%). Analyses were conducted
using SAS version 8.02 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina). Type
IV sum of squares were used in assessing significance of ANCOVA
tests to account for empty cells at the 50 and 150 cercariae treatments
for the stage 37–38 group (Table II) (Neter et al., 1990).
Mortality was observed only in tadpoles that were exposed
to echinostome cercariae at stage 25. Cumulative incidence of
mortality increased with an increasing exposure dose of cer-
cariae (Table I). Tadpoles exposed to 100 cercariae had sig-
nificantly higher mortality than controls (Fisher’s exact test, P
0.01). Generalized edema also was associated with infec-
tions acquired at this early stage (Fisher’s exact test, P
0.0001). Of the exposed tadpoles that survived beyond 24 hr
PE (n
20), 14 (70%) developed edema; 12 (85.7%) of these
cases developed in tadpoles exposed to 50 or 100 cercariae.
Edema co-occurred with death in 8 cases (57.1%). A positive
association between dose of cercariae and edema also was
detected in the location of cercariae encystment experiment
for tadpoles exposed at stages 25–26 (Fisher’s exact test, P
Analysis of covariance indicated tadpole stage (F
6.14, P
0.004) and weight (F
9.14, P
0.004) significantly influ-
enced the proportions of metacercariae found in the mesoneph-
roi. There also was a significant interaction effect between tad-
pole stage and weight (F
9.11, P
0.004); the proportions
of metacercariae in the mesonephroi increased with weight
within stages 25–26 and 31–32, as indicated by scatter plots
(data not shown). Tukey (HSD) tests revealed the proportions
of metacercariae in the mesonephroi were significantly different
across all tadpole stages, with these proportions increasing with
tadpole stage (Fig. 2). At stages 37–38, all metacercariae were
found in the mesonephroi and nephric ducts, and at stage 42
all metacercariae were found in the mesonephroi. The propor-
tion of metacercariae in the mesonephroi increased with expo-
sure dose at stages 25–26 (Fig. 2), but overall there was no
significant dose effect in the model (F
1.52, P
Differences between the numbers of metacercariae in the left
compared to the right pronephroi varied significantly by stage
3.66, P
0.031) but not dose (F
1.22, P
whereas the numbers of metacercariae in the right and left me-
sonephroi did not vary by either stage or dose (F
1.21, P
0.310). Overall, the differences in the numbers of metacercariae
on the right and left sides of the nephric system were significant
for stage (F
3.25, P
0.045) but not dose (F
2.21, P
0.095). More metacercariae were found in the right than the left
pronephros of tadpoles exposed to cercariae at stages 25–26,
although this was not significant (t
1.88, P
0.067; mean
SD, 2.3
7.56). In contrast, significantly fewer
metacercariae were found in the right pronephros than the left
of staged 31–32 tadpoles (t
3.10, P
0.005; mean differ-
5.08). When comparing the overall differ-
ences between the numbers of metacercariae on the right and
left sides of the nephric systems of tadpoles at each stage, we
again found that significantly fewer metacercariae were on the
right sides of tadpoles than the left at stages 31–32 (t
0.002; mean difference
5.46). However,
metacercariae were on average evenly distributed between the
right and left sides of the nephric systems of tadpoles at stages
25–26 (t
0.587, P
0.561; mean differences
SD, 0.975
2. A. Mean (
SE) proportions of echinostome metacercar-
iae found in the mesonephroi of Rana pipiens tadpoles exposed to dif-
ferent doses of cercariae at specific Gosner (1960) stages in the location
of cercariae encystment experiment. Tukey (HSD) tests revealed sig-
nificant differences across all stages. B. Mean (
SE) proportions of
metacercariae in the pronephroi of the same groups of tadpoles are
displayed for comparative purposes. NA indicates no tadpoles were test-
ed at that treatment.
3. Mean (
SE) proportions of echinostome cercariae that
successfully encysted in Rana pipiens tadpoles exposed to different dos-
es of cercariae at specific Gosner (1960) developmental stages in the
location of the cercariae encystment experiment. Values with different
letters were significantly different according to Tukey (HSD) multiple
comparisons tests. NA indicates no tadpoles were tested.
10.502) and 37–38 (t
0.953, P
0.361; mean differences
SD, 0.8
Infection success was significantly influenced by tadpole
stage (F
3.26, P
0.045), exposure dose (F
4.34, P
0.008), and the interaction between tadpole stage and exposure
dose (df
1, 64, F
4.02, P
0.049). In general, infection
success decreased as tadpole stage increased. For tadpoles ex-
posed to cercariae at stages 25–26, infection success also de-
clined with increasing exposure dose (Fig. 3; Table II).
Ten of 23 metamorphic frogs (43.5%) that were exposed to
echinostome cercariae became infected. About 85% of the in-
dividuals exposed to 2 daily doses of 150 cercariae each be-
came infected, compared with only 25% of the individuals ex-
posed to a single dose of more than 300 cercariae. In addition,
more cercariae successfully encysted in frogs when adminis-
tered by the 2-day, 150-dose regimen, than the single, high-
dose method. A total of 2,100 cercariae was exposed to 7 frogs
using the 2-day, 150-dose method; 108 of these cercariae
(5.1%) became encysted. In contrast, only 37 of the estimated
18,170 cercariae (0.2%) exposed to 16 frogs at single doses
ranging between 360 and 2,220 (average, 1,136) cercariae suc-
cessfully infected frogs. All metacercariae in the metamorphic
frogs were found in the mesonephroi.
In the present study, only tadpoles at stage 25, the earliest
staged tadpoles exposed to echinostome cercariae in the exper-
iments, experienced mortality associated with infections. The
degree to which tadpoles at this stage were affected, further-
more, was a function of exposure dose (Table I), which is con-
sistent with the previous report by Fried et al. (1997) that E.
trivolvis infections caused intensity-dependent mortality in ear-
ly-staged R. pipiens (e.g., stages 24–25; Shumway, 1940). This
stage-specific mortality can be explained to some extent by the
relationship that was observed between the location of cercariae
encystment and stage of kidney development. Cercariae pre-
dominately encysted in the pronephroi when tadpoles were at
early stages of development and in the mesonephroi when tad-
poles were approaching the end of metamorphosis (Fig. 2). Lo-
cation of cercariae encystment, therefore, corresponded to the
progression of kidney development in R. pipiens. Because tad-
poles at early stages of development rely primarily on the pro-
nephros for osmoregulatory and excretory functions (Jaffee,
1954a, 1954b), the mortality observed at stage 25 was probably
related to the inability of tadpoles at this early stage of devel-
opment to tolerate disruption of renal function associated with
the concentration of metacercariae in this organ. Tadpoles
quickly became tolerant of infections, however, as tadpoles at
stage 27, which are about 2 wk older than tadpoles at stage 25,
survived infections (Table I). Tadpoles grow substantially be-
tween these stages of development (average weight
SD, stage
25, 0.02
0.013 g; stage 27, 0.22
0.049 g), and presumably
have higher renal capacity associated with having larger pro-
nephroi (Viertel and Richter, 1999). Therefore, it appears that
tadpoles are at greatest risk of dying from echinostome infec-
tions during the period of development when renal capacity is
restricted to the pronephroi and constrained by small tadpole
This observation that location of cercariae encystment de-
pended largely on the developmental stage of the kidneys in
tadpoles, suggests that the difference in the locations of echi-
nostome encystment in Rana sp. tadpoles previously reported
by Thiemann and Wassersug (2000b) occurred because of the
different staged tadpoles used in their study. The average stages
of R. clamitans and R. sylvatica were Gosner (1960) 26 and 34,
respectively. In R. clamitans, the majority of metacercariae
were found in the head kidneys (
pronephroi), whereas in R.
sylvatica, most of the metacercariae were in the opisthonephric
kidneys (
mesonephroi). Therefore, their results were consis-
tent with our observations that cercariae predominately encyst
in the pronephroi of early tadpole stages and the mesonephroi
of later tadpole stages.
The shift in the location of cercariae encystment from the
pro- to the mesonephroi with development of the mesonephroi,
suggests that echinostome cercariae are responding to factors
associated with a physiologically active kidney, which is rea-
sonable given the other conditions under which Echinostoma
sp. and Echinoparyphium sp. cercariae encyst. In addition to
amphibian kidneys, these echinostome cercariae will encyst in
the kidneys of fish (Beaver, 1937) and have a high predilection
for the renal structures of snails (Najarian, 1954; Anderson and
Fried, 1987). Encystment, however, has also been reported in
other organs of snails (Najarian, 1954; Anderson and Fried,
1987), on snail mucus trails, and in vitro in Locke’s 1:1 solution
(Fried and Bennett, 1979), suggesting that factors that may be
encountered outside of renal systems are also involved. The
simple presence of trigger stimuli associated just with the kid-
neys, thus does not appear sufficient to induce echinostome cer-
cariae encystment, as was proposed for parasite site location
behaviors by Sukhdeo and Sukhdeo (1994). Cercariae contin-
ued to migrate to the pronephroi after the mesonephroi are func-
tioning in tadpoles of stages 31–32, even though the meso-
nephroi should be encountered before the pronephroi upon en-
tering the tadpole through the cloaca (Najarian, 1953). It may
be that encystment occurs only after a certain threshold of a
trigger stimulus has been encountered or that the response is
mediated by other factors, such as cues from other metacercar-
iae or density-dependent factors. For instance, more cercariae
encysted in regions outside of the pronephroi, specifically, in
regions where the mesonephroi would develop, as tadpoles of
stages 25–26 were exposed to higher doses of cercariae (Fig.
2). This pattern suggests that cercariae preferentially encyst in
the pronephroi of early tadpole stages but are able to encyst in
other locations if high densities of metacercariae are already
present in the pronephroi.
Thiemann and Wassersug (2000b) also reported that the dis-
tribution of echinostome metacercariae was biased in favor of
the right kidneys. In our study, cercariae encystment also ap-
peared to occur more frequently on 1 side of the tadpole than
the other, although the predominant side of encystment varied
across tadpole stages. In tadpoles exposed at stages 25–26, the
majority of metacercariae (35.7%) were found in the right pro-
nephros, whereas in tadpoles at stages 31–32, metacercariae
were most commonly found in the left pronephros (39.4%). In
tadpoles at stages 37–38, most metacercariae (55.4%) were in
the right mesonephros or nephric duct. An asymmetric distri-
bution of metacercariae may be an adaptive response that limits
the impacts of infections by sequestering metacercariae in only
1 portion of the nephric system or by allowing tadpoles to elim-
inate infections in the pronephroi after metamorphosis (Thie-
mann and Wassersug, 2000b). However, the degree of asym-
metry was poorly related to the probability of developing ede-
ma in our experiment (logistic regression,
2.22, P
0.136), and regardless of degree of asymmetry, the frequency
of edema increased with exposure dose (
5.54, P
Furthermore, live metacercariae were found in the pronephroi
regions of frogs that had completed metamorphosis, suggesting
that degeneration of the pronephroi does not kill metacercariae.
More detailed investigations into the responses of cercariae to
the stage of kidney development and mechanisms involved in
stimulating encystment behavior would likely help explain the
asymmetric patterns of encystment.
Interestingly, our experiments also revealed that as tadpoles
age, they become less susceptible to echinostome infections.
Significantly, fewer cercariae successfully encysted in later tad-
pole stages than in early tadpole stages (Fig. 3), even though
later tadpole stages were in containers with smaller volumes
relative to their body size than were tadpoles in earlier stages
of development. Therefore, the extent of contact between cer-
cariae and tadpoles, as potentially influenced by the size of our
experimental containers, cannot explain this relationship be-
tween infection success and tadpole stage. On the contrary, our
observation suggests that the ability of cercariae to enter, en-
cyst, or both, declines as tadpoles age. Tadpoles often violently
shake their tails and accelerate their swimming speed upon con-
tact with cercariae (Thiemann and Wassersug, 2000a; A.
Schotthoefer, unpubl. data). As a result, older tadpoles, which
are larger, may have a greater ability to dislodge or escape from
cercariae than young tadpoles (A. Taylor and A. Wassersug,
pers. comm.). Alternatively, because the immune system of old-
er tadpoles is more developed (Du Pasquier et al., 1996), they
may have a greater ability to effectively kill encysting cercariae
than young tadpoles.
Despite this decline in infection success with tadpole stage,
frogs remained susceptible to infection after metamorphosis,
suggesting that both tadpoles and juvenile frogs are suitable
second intermediate hosts of echinostomes, even though the in-
fection success for metamorphic frogs was low (0.7%). It re-
mains possible that adult frogs develop immunologic resistance
to infections (Martin and Conn, 1990) or have the ability to
detect and respond behaviorally to the presence of cercariae
(e.g., Kiesecker and Skelly, 2000), which might reduce their
likelihood of becoming infected. It is clear, however, that phys-
iological changes that accompany metamorphosis do not totally
preclude echinostome cercariae from successfully encysting in
kidneys of R. pipiens.
With regard to the potential ecological consequences of echi-
nostome infections in tadpole populations, the observed stage-
specific pattern of tadpole mortality leads to the prediction that
tadpole populations composed largely of early-staged tadpoles
are at greatest risk of being negatively affected by echino-
stomes. As indicated by the survival experiment, infections ac-
quired early during development could result in 80–100% mor-
tality (Table I). Such mortality events in nature could severely
reduce the size of tadpole populations or result in the local
extinction of distinct cohorts. When amphibian life histories are
considered in relation to the seasonal dynamics of echinostome
infections in snail populations, however, it is not clear if tad-
poles at such critical stages of development are likely to be at
high risks of becoming infected in nature. Field investigations
have revealed that prevalence of echinostome infections in wild
snail populations tends to be low during the spring and increas-
es throughout the summer (Rosen et al., 1994; Sapp and Esch,
1994; Schmidt and Fried, 1997). Consequently, amphibian spe-
cies that breed early in the season and have shorter larval pe-
riods would likely experience lower risks of echinostome in-
fections than species that breed later and have longer larval
periods. For R. pipiens, breeding occurs from March to May
(Conant and Collins, 1998), and juveniles typically emerge
from ponds 3 to 4 mo later (Merrell, 1977). Thus, the stages of
tadpoles that are at the greatest risk of dying from infections,
i.e., stage 25, may not be the same stages of tadpoles that are
at the greatest risk of exposure to echinostome cercariae.
Differences in amphibian life histories with respect to timing
of breeding and the seasonal prevalence of infections in snails
also might help explain the observation by Thiemann and Was-
sersug (2000a) that R. clamitans tadpoles were less susceptible
to laboratory infections than R. sylvatica tadpoles. Rana clam-
itans breeds later in the season (April–August), and larvae can
take over a year to develop, in contrast to R. sylvatica, which
is an early (March–April) and explosive breeder, and have tad-
poles that develop to frogs within 3 mo (Conant and Collins,
1998). Being at greater risk of exposure to echinostome cer-
cariae historically could have promoted the development of re-
sistance (behavioral or immunologic) against infection in R.
clamitans, as proposed by Thiemann and Wassersug (2000a).
Overall, our results, in addition to those reported by Thie-
mann and Wassersug (2000a, 2000b), raise questions regarding
the role of parasitism in the evolution of frog life histories, as
well as what effects current environmental changes might be
having on echinostome–tadpole interactions. As suggested by
our survival experiment, infections have the potential to nega-
tively impact tadpole populations. However, tadpoles appear to
develop tolerance to infections fairly early in development and,
therefore, the relevance of infections to the success of tadpole
populations in nature still must be investigated in the contexts
of amphibian life histories, timing, inoculum associated with
infections, and the stage-specific susceptibilities of tadpoles to
infection. Moreover, transmission success of echinostome cer-
cariae to tadpoles will likely be influenced by environmental
and anthropogenic factors, in addition to tadpole stage. For in-
stance, the presence of a predator increased the risk of infection
in R. clamitans tadpoles (Thiemann and Wassersug, 2000a), and
the removal of aquatic submergent vegetation by herbicides co-
incided with higher prevalences of severe infections in A. cre-
pitans populations (Beasley et al., 2003). In addition, factors
that increase the time to metamorphosis or impair tadpole
growth, such as exposure to environmental contaminants (Diana
et al., 2000; Boone et al., 2001; Boone and Semlitsch, 2002)
or interactions with competitors (Holomuzki and Hemphill,
1996; Lefcort et al., 1999), have the potential to change the
degree to which tadpole populations are affected by echino-
stome infections. The current study underscores the need to
identify conditions in nature under which periods of high-in-
fection risk overlap with highly susceptible developmental stag-
es of tadpoles or are such that infection intensities become high
enough to decrease the survival of less susceptible tadpoles.
We thank Anson Koehler for help in collecting and caring for snails,
Jon Ingram for assistance with metamorphic frog care and exposures,
Melinda Brady for statistical advice, and Uriel Kitron, Scott Wright,
Christine Bunck, and 2 anonymous reviewers for their comments on
drafts of the manuscript. This research was supported by funding from
an EPA grant R825867 to V. R. Beasley, a Sigma Xi Grant-in-Aid of
Research Award to A. M. Schotthoefer, and the United States Geolog-
ical Survey. Although the research described was funded in part by the
EPA, it has not been subjected to any EPA review and therefore does
not reflect the views of the Agency, and no official endorsement should
be inferred.
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... Stressful early life events can impact later fitness in many taxa (Harrison et al., 2011), including amphibians (Chelgren et al., 2006;Van Allen et al., 2010). Trematodes, like those in the genus Echinostoma, infect larval amphibians and can cause pathogenic effects depending on infection intensity (Fried et al., 1997;Holland et al., 2007;Schotthoefer et al., 2003), but infections often have little to no effects on their hosts in the absence of other factors (Koprivnikar et al., 2008;Orlofske et al., 2009). However, the effects of trematodes on hosts after metamorphosis are largely unknown. ...
... cercariae were identified based on the presence of collar spines (Fried et al., 1997). Morphological similarities prevent specieslevel identification of trematodes in the family Echinostomatidae widespread distribution of the genus, to refer to all echinostomes (i.e., Echinostoma and Echinoparyhium) that encysts in kidneys of anurans (Schotthoefer et al., 2003). Snails collected from Bachelor Pond were held for ≥72 h prior to addition to mesocosms to ensure they were not shedding cercariae. ...
Full-text available
The role of parasites can change depending on the food web community. Predators, for instance, can amplify or dilute parasite effects on their hosts. Likewise, exposure to parasites or predators at one life stage can have long‐term consequences on individual performance and survival, which can influence population and disease dynamics. To understand how predators affect amphibian parasite infections across life stages, we manipulated exposure of northern leopard frog (Rana pipiens) tadpoles to three predators (crayfish [Orconectes rusticus], bluegill [Lepomis macrochirus], or mosquitofish [Gambusia affinis]) and to trematode parasites (Echinostoma spp.) in mesocosms and followed juveniles in outdoor terrestrial enclosures through overwintering. Parasites and predators both had strong impacts on metamorphosis with bluegill and parasites individually reducing metamorph survival. However, when fish were present, the negative effects of parasites on survival was not apparent, likely because fish altered community composition via increased algal food resources. Bluegill also reduced snail abundance, which could explain reduced abundance of parasites in surviving metamorphs. Bluegill and parasite exposure increased mass at metamorphosis, which increased metamorph jumping, swimming, and feeding performance, suggesting that larger frogs would experience better terrestrial survival. Effects on size at metamorphosis persisted in the terrestrial environment but did not influence overwintering survival. Based on our results, we constructed stage‐structured population models to evaluate the lethal and sublethal effects of bluegill and parasites on population dynamics. Our models suggested that positive effects of bluegill and parasites on body size may have greater effects on population growth than the direct effects of mortality. This study illustrates how predators can alter the outcome of parasitic infections and highlights the need for long‐term experiments that investigate how changes in host–parasite systems alter population dynamics. We show that some predators reduce parasite effects and have indirect positive effects on surviving individuals potentially increasing host population persistence. Using an amphibian‐trematode model system, our study demonstrates that predators can alter the outcome of parasitic infections and highlights the need for long‐term experiments that investigate how changes in host‐parasite systems alter population dynamics. Predator identity matters; some predators reduce parasite effects and have indirect positive effects on surviving individuals increasing host population persistence.
... Pre-transmission mortality emerges from two distinct death processes. First, amphibians can die immediately following exposure, due to stress and pathology associated with cercaria penetration (Schotthoefer, Cole, & Beasley, 2003;Schotthoefer, Koehler, et al., 2003). Second, amphibians can die before they have metamorphosed into adults, due to pathology associated with metacercariae (Holland et al., 2007;Schotthoefer, Cole, & Beasley, 2003;Schotthoefer, Koehler, et al., 2003). ...
... First, amphibians can die immediately following exposure, due to stress and pathology associated with cercaria penetration (Schotthoefer, Cole, & Beasley, 2003;Schotthoefer, Koehler, et al., 2003). Second, amphibians can die before they have metamorphosed into adults, due to pathology associated with metacercariae (Holland et al., 2007;Schotthoefer, Cole, & Beasley, 2003;Schotthoefer, Koehler, et al., 2003). We condense these processes into overall 'pre-transmission mortality' that comprises any deaths occurring as a result of the host-parasite interaction (before transmission can occur). ...
Full-text available
Understanding parasite transmission in communities requires knowledge of each species' capacity to support transmission. This property, ‘competence’, is a critical currency for modelling transmission under community change and for testing diversity–disease theory. Despite the central role of competence in disease ecology, we lack a clear understanding of the factors that generate competence and drive its variation. We developed novel conceptual and quantitative approaches to systematically quantify competence for a multi‐host, multi‐parasite community. We applied our framework to an extensive dataset: five amphibian host species exposed to four parasitic trematode species across five ecologically realistic exposure doses. Together, this experimental design captured 20 host–parasite interactions while integrating important information on variation in parasite exposure. Using experimental infection assays, we measured multiple components of the infection process and combined them to produce competence estimates for each interaction. With directly estimated competence values, we asked which components of the infection process best explained variation in competence: barrier resistance (the initial fraction of administered parasites blocked from infecting a host), internal clearance (the fraction of established parasites lost over time) or pre‐transmission mortality (the probability of host death prior to transmission). We found that variation in competence among the 20 interactions was best explained by differences in barrier resistance and pre‐transmission mortality, underscoring the importance of host resistance and parasite pathogenicity in shaping competence. We also produced dose‐integrated estimates of competence that incorporated natural variation in exposure to address questions on the basis and extent of variation in competence. We found strong signals that host species identity shaped competence variation (as opposed to parasite species identity). While variation in infection outcomes across hosts, parasites, individuals and doses was considerable, individual heterogeneity was limited compared to among‐species differences. This finding highlights the robustness of our competence estimates and suggests that species‐level values may be strong predictors for community‐level transmission in natural systems. Competence emerges from distinct underlying processes and can have strong species‐level characteristics; thus, this property has great potential for linking mechanisms of infection to epidemiological patterns. Read the free Plain Language Summary for this article on the Journal blog.
... The site is far from any type of pollution (industrial, agricultural, or urban). The specimens were brought to the laboratory in polythene bags acclimated to laboratory conditions in glass tanks with aerated aged tap water under controlled photoperiod (12 h light: 12 h dark cycle), until the larvae reach stage 30 according to the classification of Gosner (Schotthoefer et al. 2003). It is the late free-swimming stage before metamorphosis ( Fig. 2A). ...
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In this work, we evaluated the subchronic toxicity of FeSe nanoparticles (NPs) in tadpoles of Rana saharica. Tadpoles were exposed for 1–3 weeks to FeSe NPs at 5 mg/L and 100 mg/L rates. Parameters of oxidative stress were measured in whole larvae, and the micronucleus test was performed on circulating blood erythrocytes. We noted a disturbance of the detoxification systems. Enzymatic and non-enzymatic data showed that exposure to FeSe NPs involved a highly significant depletion of GSH, a significant increase in GST activity, and a lipid peroxidation associated with a highly significant increase in MDA. We also noted a neurotoxic effect characterized by a significant inhibition of AChE activity. A micronucleus test showed concentration-dependent DNA damage. This research reveals that these trace elements, in their nanoform, can cause significant neurotoxicity, histopathologic degeneration, cellular and metabolic activity, and genotoxic consequences in Rana larvae.
... While these studies did not explore possible explanations for these results, it could be that these apparent benefits of parasites on species interactions are due to plastic and compensatory responses to infection. For example, Marino et al. (2016) found that infected frogs grew more than those without parasites due to increased foraging rates, and increases in mass are positively correlated with parasite tolerance (Schotthoefer et al. 2003, Holland et al. 2007) and competitive ability (Smith et al. 2004, Richter-Biox et al. 2007). The effects of parasitism on competition are not always so variable, and infected hosts can also be less competitive than uninfected counterparts. ...
Full-text available
Parasitism is one of the most common life history strategies employed in nature, yet the effects of parasites are often thought to be minimal, and the vast majority of studies fail to consider parasites and their effects on host organisms. This is likely a problem, as the magnitude of parasite-mediated effects on their hosts can be quite large. Additionally, the effects of parasites are known to extend beyond the host to affect other species interactions. I used a series of approaches to gain a more integral understanding of host-parasite interactions by studying (1) the effects of parasites on biotic interactions that hosts engage in, (2) how biotic interactions such as predation and competition can affect host immune defense, and (3) how abiotic and biotic factors within the local environment affecting the host can further mediate parasitism dynamics. Specifically, in Chapter 1 I conducted a phylogenetically informed meta-analysis of the effects of parasites on species interactions (i.e., predation, competition, mutualism, and reproduction). I found that despite a strong overall negative effect on species interactions, the effects of parasites surprisingly ranged from being strongly beneficial to strongly deleterious on host species interactions. In Chapter 2 I used larval damselflies and their dominant fish predator to test how cascading effects of predators on host competitive interactions and resource acquisition affected a critical component of damselfly immune function, the phenoloxidase (PO) cascade. I found that neither direct density-mediated effects, indirect, trait-mediated effects, nor combined effects of predators via natural selection affected total PO activity. Instead, PO levels increased with resource availability, implying resource limitation. Finally, in Chapter 3 I used two field experiments and a detailed observational study to investigate how host, abiotic, and biotic factors within the local environment affected the relationships between damselfly (Enallagma spp.) hosts and their water mite (Arrenururs spp.) ectoparasites. I found that parasitism was species-specific and did not vary with host density or host condition (i.e., immune function). Instead, parasitism was largely predicted by abiotic factors (i.e., pH). Collectively, my results indicate that parasites are key players in the complex web of species interactions that compose food webs. Furthermore, host-parasite interactions are mediated by many of the same ecological factors as other species interactions, which has implications for parasitism dynamics within ecological communities. Future studies of food webs must incorporate parasites into their experimental and theoretical designs, and future studies of host-parasite interactions must expand beyond the focal relationship and consider the ecology of both the host and parasite.
... Echinostoma revolutum and Echinostoma trivolvis have also caused declines in amphibian populations. [13,14]. ...
Echinoparyphium aconiatum (Digenea: Echinostomatidae) is an intestinal parasite of anatid and snail-eating birds. In Eurasia, it is also common in lymnaeid snails, which may serve as the first and second intermediate hosts. The systematics of its genus, Echinoparyphium, have long been inadequate, with poor descriptions and extensive synonymy. To provide a basis for developing new genetic markers for studies of the identification and systematics of echinostomatids, the complete Ep. aconiatum mitogenome is described and compared with other digeneans. The circular mt molecule of this species is 14,865 bp in length, with an average A + T content of 64.33%. It contains 12 protein-coding genes and 22 transfer RNA genes. The 3′ end of nad4L overlaps the 5′ end of nad4 by 40 bp, while the atp8 gene is absent. Twenty-one transfer RNA genes transcribe products with conventional cloverleaf structures, while one transfer RNA gene has unpaired D-arms. Comparative analyses indicate that Echinoparyphium aconiatum is closely related to Echinochasmus japonicus and Echinostoma miyagawai. The phylogenetic results, using our mitochondrial data indicated Ep. aconiatum as a sister taxon of Hypoderaeum conoideum in a monophyletic clade. Our data and analyses serve as the first representative sequenced mt genome from genus Echinoparpyhium, providing additional markers to clarify the taxonomic position of Ep. aconiatum.
... To understand whether patterns of encystment were associated with variation in host traits, we conducted two-tailed Pearson correlations between tadpole Gosner stage and average number of cysts for each leaf litter pair. We focused on stage here, because SVL and stage were highly correlated, and previous studies have demonstrated that developmental stage is important in parasite susceptibility (Schotthoefer et al. 2003). We conducted the same set of analyses to examine the net effects of leaf litter on host-parasite interactions (i.e., for individuals exposed to parasites in leaf litter solutions). ...
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Wetland plant communities are changing rapidly due to a wide range of human activities. The deposition of leaf litter from novel plant communities can alter both the chemical and physical habitat of aquatic ecosystems. Lesser understood are the ecological consequences of novel leaf litter inputs in aquatic communities. Toward this goal, we used two plant invasion scenarios (comparing native black huckleberry to exotic autumn olive and native swamp loosestrife to exotic purple loosestrife) to simulate a shift in wetland plant communities. In this study, we investigated the effects of novel leaf litter leachates on three aquatic ecological interactions: intraspecific competition, predation and parasitism. We examined how leaf litter leachates influence the interactions of American toad larvae (Anaxyrus americanus) with their conspecifics, a dragonfly predator (Anax spp.) and a trematode parasite (Echinostomatidae). We found that leaf litter type influenced competitive interactions only for the huckleberry versus autumn olive comparison. We did not detect any effects of leaf litter type on predator–prey interactions. Finally, litter type strongly influenced host–parasite interactions for both leaf litter comparisons, altering host susceptibility, parasite survival and net infection rates. These results highlight the breadth of potential ecological repercussions of shifting wetland plant communities for native ecosystems.
... Venn Predictive performance of the non-spatial and spatial MRF and CRF models of parasite occurrences in individual frogs(Pietrock and Marcogliese 2003), abundance of intermediate hosts for parasites (e.g.,Chase 2003), and the amount and diversity of aquatic flora not captured by NDVI(Schotthoefer et al. 2003). Furthermore, the distribution of localities ...
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We investigated factors affecting species composition and patterns of species associations in parasite communities of water frogs (Pelophylax esculentus complex), applying the distance-based redundancy analysis for component communities (assemblages harboured by host populations) and Markov random fields modelling for infracommunities (assemblages harboured by individual hosts), respectively. We asked (a) What are the relative effects of variation in environmental, land use (i.e., anthropogenic), and spatial factors on the variation in the species composition of component communities (i.e., in a locality)? and (b) What is the dominant pattern of species associations in infracommunities (in a host individual), and how do these associations vary along environmental and/or anthropogenic gradients? In component communities, the greatest portion of variation in helminth species composition was explained by the combined effects of space, anthropogenic pressure, and NDVI, with the pure effect of the spatial predictor being much stronger than the effects of the remaining predictors. In infracommunities, the probability of occurrence of some, but not all, helminth species depended on the occurrence of another species, with the numbers of negative and positive co-occurrences being equal. The strength and/or sign of associations of some species pairs were spatially stable, whereas interactions between other species pairs varied along the gradient of the amount of green vegetation, from negative to positive and vice versa. We conclude that the processes in parasite infracommunities and component communities in frogs are intertwined, with both bottom-up and top-down effects acting at different hierarchical scales.
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Parasites represent a ubiquitous threat for most organisms, requiring potential hosts to invest in a range of strategies to defend against infection—these include both behavioural and physiological mechanisms. Avoidance is an essential first line of defence, but this behaviour may show a trade-off with host investment in physiological immunity. Importantly, while environmental stressors can lead to elevated hormones in vertebrates, such as glucocorticoids, that can reduce physiological immunity in certain contexts, behavioural defences may also be compromised. Here, we investigate anti-parasite behaviour and immune responses against a trematode (flatworm) parasite by larval amphibians (tadpoles) exposed or not to a simulated general stressor in the form of exogenous corticosterone. Tadpoles that were highly active in the presence of the trematode infectious stage (cercariae) had lower infection loads, and parasite loads from tadpoles treated only with dechlorinated water were significantly lower than those exposed to corticosterone or the solvent control. However, treatment did not affect immunity as measured through white blood-cell profiles, and there was no relationship between the latter and anti-parasite behaviour. Our results suggest that a broad range of stressors could increase host susceptibility to infection through altered anti-parasite behaviours if they elevate endogenous glucocorticoids, irrespective of physiological immunity effects. How hosts defend themselves against parasitism in the context of multiple challenges represents an important topic for future research, particularly as the risk posed by infectious diseases is predicted to increase in response to ongoing environmental change.
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Twenty-three species of helminths were identified from Bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana) (n = 268), Green Frogs (R. clamitans) (n = 234) and Leopard Frogs (R. pipiens) (n = 280) collected at seven sites in New Brunswick. Twelve species were common to the three hosts while only three were restricted to a single host. Eighteen species are newly reported from New Brunswick. Of these, six species are also new for Canada. The Bullfrog, the more aquatic of the three hosts, harboured the greatest number of helminth species overall. Most of the helminths of New Brunswick Bullfrogs, Green Frogs, and Leopard Frogs have been recorded parasitizing a variety of amphibians and are widely distributed in North America. Encysted larval Echinostoma trivolvis was the most widely occurring helminth in all three frogs. Digeneans with complex life-cycles dependant on aquatic intermediate hosts predominate in terms of species diversity and abundance in Bullfrogs and Green Frogs. In the more terrestrial Leopard Frog, nematodes with direct life-cycle are the most abundant and widespread adult helminths infecting this host. Cestodes are relatively uncommon and acanthocephala are rare or accidental.
Occurrence of larval trematodes and seasonal prevalence of Echinostoma trivolvis in Helisoma trivolvis snails from a farm pond in Northampton County. Pennsylvania, were investigated from 24 May to 31 October 1995. Of 1,841 H. trivolvis snails (7-20 mm shell diameter), 589 were infected based on snail isolation data. Prevalence data showed that 457 (24.8%) released cercariae of Echinostoma trivolvis, 52 (2.8%) released cercariae of Zygocotyle lunata, 46 (2.5%) released an unidentified species of armatae cercariae. 26 (1.4%) released the psilostome cercariae of Ribeiroia sp.. 5 (0.3%) released 2 unidentified species of brevifurcate-apharyngeate cercariae, and 3 (0.2%) released the cystophorous cercariae of Halipegus occidualis. The percentage increase in prevalence of E. trivolvis was greater than 2-fold in the July versus June collections. Previous reports on larval trematode infections in H. trivolvis are discussed.