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Abstract and Figures

The teaching-learning processes supported by technology are a central and current issue in the educational and social modern context. In particular, the automation of processes is not necessarily triggered by a problem; in many cases, it all starts with opportunities. It is the scientific curiosity and/or the longing for discovery, which sometimes allows materialising innovative ideas. This article is motivated by the general question: can RPA (Robotic Process Automation) robots apply advanced HRI (human-robot interaction) in education? Recent experiments have demonstrated how RPA can be used in education as a resource to support teaching processes. This is already impressive, but can we go even beyond that and empower the robots with additional means for teaching? Many ideas and/or some AI (artificial intelligence) possibilities have not become evident, yet. The literature has been reviewed, seeking for prove of RPA robots applying specifically: facial recognition, eye tracking and machine learning in education, as part of the visual and oral interaction with the student. The results of such review led to the execution of own experiments, interesting learning experiences and findings, which are exposed through the document, and illustrated with the aid of videos to prove achieved the results. It concludes by commenting on the broader implication of the findings.
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G. Lasso-Rodríguez1, R. Gil-Herrera2
1Universidad Americana de Europa (MEXICO)
2Universidad Americana de Europa (SPAIN)
The teaching-learning processes supported by technology are a central and current issue in the
educational and social modern context. In particular, the automation of processes is not necessarily
triggered by a problem; in many cases, it all starts with opportunities. It is the scientific curiosity and/or
the longing for discovery, which sometimes allows materialising innovative ideas. This article is
motivated by the general question: can RPA (Robotic Process Automation) robots apply advanced
HRI (human-robot interaction) in education? Recent experiments have demonstrated how RPA can be
used in education as a resource to support teaching processes. This is already impressive, but can we
go even beyond that and empower the robots with additional means for teaching? Many ideas and/or
some AI (artificial intelligence) possibilities have not become evident, yet. The literature has been
reviewed, seeking for prove of RPA robots applying specifically: facial recognition, eye tracking and
ML (machine learning) in education, as part of the visual and oral interaction with the students. The
results of such review led to the execution of own experiments, interesting learning experiences and
findings, which are exposed through the document, and illustrated with the aid of videos to prove
achieved the results. It concludes by commenting on the broader implication of the findings.
Keywords: Robot, RPA, learning, artificial intelligence, teaching, education.
Technology is an enabler to improve teaching-learning processes. It can support on post-learning
activities related to measurement, evaluation, as well as sentiment analysis using feedbacks to
monitor the education quality. Such administrative or management tasks would normally take much
effort if performed manually [1]. Similarly, the tools employed during the teaching labour, for example,
an LMS (Learning Management System) and/or specialized application modules (e.g. quizzes,
surveys, instant scoring, ranking, videos), can generate a positive impact on the student achievement.
Teaching methods, such applying game elements (i.e. gamification) can increase the student
motivation and his/her engagement too [2].
Varying personality and the uniqueness of each student, influenced by the changing social and
technological behaviours, may nowadays prove a teaching technique to have lower effectiveness for
learning, than it used to. Newer technologies are increasingly accessible to everyone, independently
of ages. There are primary education students with computers in their pocket, discussing the
homework with multiple classmates through videoconferences, and asking questions, e.g. weather
conditions, to their own mobile virtual assistants.
The rapid rate at which technological conditions are changing and impacting social interactions,
education systems, the media consumption, and work, should be seen as an opportunity or enabling
factor, to adapt AI (artificial intelligence) driven innovation strategies [3].
ER (educational robotics) can help to keep students engaged and motivated with the robots, while
also serving as a knowledge construction and assistive tool to improve mainly on specific fields, e.g.
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), promote the students’ well-being, and
reduce the risk of drop out and/or social exclusion, if the tasks are not overly complicated, and
pedagogical support is provided [4].
A different perspective for robots, associated to education, consists of making the robot a protagonist
in the teaching-learning process. Robot teacher, robot tutor, or robot instructor, are different names to
refer to robots with HRI (human-robot interaction) and teaching capabilities. These can be mechanical
(e.g. humanoid) or software-based (e.g. RPA robot), normally emulating human behaviour, reliant on
AI techniques, and are usually subject to discussions related to morality, values, psychological
welfare, and privacy, among others [5].
Proceedings of ICERI2019 Conference
11th-13th November 2019, Seville, Spain
ISBN: 978-84-09-14755-7
RPA’s classic definition included the automation, by software robots, of processes consisting of high
volume of repetitive, standardized, rule-based and/or routine administrative white-collar tasks,
traditionally executed by humans.
The employment of RPA robots as teachers, or supporting in teaching processes, is an innovative
concept with great opportunities for further development [6]. Therefore, the question, can RPA robots
apply advanced HRI in education? Henceforth, the specific objectives sought in this document are: to
review the technical literature, seeking for advanced usage of HRI in education with RPA; to verify and
validate whether RPA can be used to apply eye tracking, face recognition and ML in education; to
explain how can these functionalities be integrated with an RPA robot.
The scientific literature about RPA is deemed to be scarce and, this year, the issue is still attributed to:
being a relatively new technology. RPA is more often implemented, than investigated by researchers.
[7]. Much documentation is found in software providers’ web sites, summaries from consulting
companies, corporate white papers and reports on success stories with benefits [8].
There seem to be a lack of definite agreement or common understanding about RPA and what is
possible with the technology. The misconception identified in some papers led to discarding parts of,
or whole, articles. This situation was in some cases, and to some extent, understandable, due to the
rapidly increasing RPA adoption and AI research of the last couple of years. As the analysis of this
matter is not in the scope of this writing, here are only two recent examples, of appreciated papers,
and less serious cases, but worth mentioning: ‘Communication Robot for Elderly based on Robotic
Process Automation’ [9], with most of the content hardly fitting into RPA; ‘Can Machine replace Man? -
A conceptual study’ [10], which contradicts itself, isolating voice recognition and artificial intelligence
from RPA.
The traditional RPA software has been evolving, as result of partnerships to strengthen AI and
associated functionalities, impacting as well its concept, extended towards AI, cognitive computing,
process mining and data analytics [7].
RPA is said to be industry agnostic, however there was not much available in relation to HRI in
education, which is the interest in this article.
The applied methodology is based on a comprehensive literature revision with a focus on RPA using
advanced HRI, in the process of facilitating human learning or the acquisition of knowledge. The
‘advanced’ attribute under research emphasizes on AI and techniques such as eye tracking, facial
recognition, and ML applications.
Even though, theoretically, there are almost endless technological possibilities with the use of robots,
many are still to be proved, especially for education. When there is no evidence found for the
mentioned HRI approaches in scope, own experiments are initiated and the results documented.
UiPath was used as RPA software for the experiments, due to its top leadership position in the
Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for RPA Software this year [11], however similar integrations could be
achieved with software from different providers too.
Depending on the perspective and/or strictness for considering a functionality to be AI or not, by just
developing a simple RPA robot, you might already be making use AI. For example, when automating
in virtual and/or remote environments like VMware, Citrix or Remote Desktop, where the screen
objects are not easily identifiable, the robot can utilise Computer Vision, without the user realising the
technology that lies behind. Similarly, it can occur with legacy application interfaces based on Flash
and Silverlight.
RPA gets even more powerful when integrated with added AI and cognitive automation, to leverage
different algorithms and technology approaches, starting to deal with unstructured data and handling
unplanned situations [12]. However, the experience proves that the usage of modern technology does
not bring solutions automatically. For example, there is no magic happening after applying ML with
RPA robots, since the results will be as good as the models are, and even when having good ML
applications, if the data is not good enough, this will be reflected in the quality of the outputs, decisions
or actions of the robot.
Data scientists and/or engineers develop top notch ML models, and afterwards these have to be used
by the robots and integrated with end user applications. These last tasks could take double the
effort/time. With new RPA tools, like AI Fabric (see Fig. 1), according to Prabhdeep Singh, VP AI at
UiPath, you could do this in 30 seconds… you upload your models to the cloud (e.g. GCP Google
Cloud Services), no need to worry about manageability, or versioning. As an RPA developer, you
point to the models that have been uploaded, in the Orchestrator, and you can easily include them as
part of your workflows. This kind of tools eases previous challenges on robot’s ML scalability and
maintenance [13]. AI Fabric has raised high expectations, it’s been under development this year and a
public preview is expected before the year ends.
Figure 1. UiPath’s Orchestrator ML skillsfrom AI Fabric. Source: Own elaboration.
AI Fabric allows to use your own built skills, or pre-trained skills from UiPath or third parties, by just
doing drag and drop, like other objects in Studio. The ML skills can receive the data back to keep
improving the model.
Models can also be built to analyse eye-gaze data. Eye tracking technologies have already been used
to better understand how humans pay attention during interaction with mechanical robots. The point of
gaze data can be tracked online, or collected for gaze patterns analysis, e.g. to improve engagement
and HRI capabilities [14].
The same can be achieved with RPA robots. Depending on the eye tracking device and software, you
may or not have to spend on additional licensing. Some providers bill more if the storage of data, or
commercial use, is intended.
In our experiments, a Tobii Eye Tracker 4C ( device was
tested (watch video under Fig. 2), in conjunction with an SDK from Tobii AB (
CoreSDK), as well as a Microsoft API (
preview) for UWP (Universal Windows Platform) development. Detailed requirements and instructions
are provided in the above addresses.
Figure 2. RPA robot applying HRI with eye tracking. Source: Own elaboration.
Another interesting functionality to enrich the HRI in RPA is to incorporate facial expressions or face
recognition capabilities.
The ability to recognise faces is a fact nowadays on multiple RPA software, however, not for the HRI
practice, as it is normally implemented for end user’s identification on attended RPA workflows, where
only specific people are authorized to operate with the robot.
We have experimented using a one-decade-old webcam (watch video under Fig. 3), which happened
to be good enough, with the UiPath Face Recognition Framework (
recognition-framework), and Microsoft Facial Recognition (
cognitive-services/face). These and many other AI components are easily accessible and available
with documentation at UiGo! (
Figure 3. RPA robot applying HRI with facial recognition. Source: Own elaboration.
Some AI functionalities are currently only available online via third-party cloud services (e.g. API),
which in cases mean entering into a subscription or consumption-based contract.
The three main AI options mentioned before can be useful for a rich HRI experience, either combined
or applied independently, in multiple ways by the robot teacher. For example, if the robot loses the
eye-gaze of the student for certain time, it can verify the student’s face to ensure it is talking to the
same person. If it is the same person and the student still loses focus frequently, an ML model can be
executed find the pattern leading to the loss of attention. The robot can be trained to act with the
student in different ways, depending on its findings.
After reviewing the literature, there was no meaningful article found in regard to HRI in education with
RPA. However, at the current pace the technology is advancing, there will likely be new RPA articles
released in 2020, combining both: education and HRI.
It has been demonstrated that RPA robots can apply advanced HRI, namely: ML, eye tracking, and
facial recognition, in education, as part of the visual and oral interaction with the students. Moreover,
information about the specific tools used, with links for integration details, and instructions for testing
as well additional AI components, have been shared.
Preparation and maintenance of additional AI functionalities for the robot teacher may require extra
effort, when these are not available in the RPA software out of the box. This eventually implies a
higher project cost.
The outcomes of the tests performed, supported by the videos, draw new lines for what is evidently
possible, and also set higher expectations on coming developments of HRI for learning with RPA.
G. Chauhan, P. Agrawal and Y. Meena, "Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis of Students’
Feedback to Improve TeachingLearning Process," Information and Communication Technology
for Intelligent Systems., vol. 107, pp. 259-266, 2019.
D. Orhan Göksün and G. Gürsoy, "Comparing success and engagement in gamified learning
experiences via Kahoot and Quizizz," Computers & Education, vol. 135, pp. 15-29, 2019.
Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), "Hello, World: Artificial Intelligence and its use
in the Public Sector," Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 2019.
L. Daniela and M. Lytras, "Educational Robotics for Inclusive Education," Technology,
Knowledge and Learning, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 219-225, 2019.
M. Smakman and E. Konijn, "Robot Tutors: Welcome or Ethically Questionable?," in Advances
in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol. 1023, Springer, Cham, 2019, pp. 376-386.
G. Lasso-Rodríguez and R. Gil-Herrera, "Robotic Process Automation Applied to Education: A
New Kind of Robot Teacher?," in ICERI2019: 12th annual International Conference of Education,
Research and Innovation, Sevilla, 2019. Submitted.
L. Ivančić, D. Suša Vugec and V. Bosilj Vukšić, "Robotic Process Automation: Systematic
Literature Review," Business Process Management: Blockchain and Central and Eastern Europe
Forum, vol. 361, pp. 280-295, 2019.
S. Madakam, R. Holmukhe and D. Jaiswal, "The Future Digital Work Force: Robotic Process
Automation (RPA)," Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management, vol. 16, 2019.
T. Kobayashi, K. Arai, T. Imai, S. Tanimoto, H. Sato and A. Kanai, "Communication Robot for
Elderly based on Robotic Process Automation," in 2019 IEEE 43rd Annual Computer Software
and Applications Conference (COMPSAC), 2019.
N. Afza and D. Kumar, "Can Machine replace Man? A conceptual study," Asia Pacific Journal
of Research, vol. 1, no. XCV, pp. 52-58, 2018.
Gartner Research, "Magic Quadrant for Robotic Process Automation Software," 2019.
M. Kirchmer and P. Franz, “Value-Driven Robotic Process Automation (RPA),” Business
Modeling and Software Design, vol. 356, pp. 31-46, 2019.
P. Singh, Interviewee, UiPath AI Fabric Vision: Bringing AI & RPA Together - #GoogleNext19.
[Interview]. 10 April 2019.
K. Ijuin, K. Jokinen, T. Kato and S. Yamamoto, "Eye-gaze in Social Robot Interactions
Grounding of Information and Eye-gaze Patterns," in The 33rd Annual Conference of the
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... A key determinant in the success of any IA project is the "Data Quality" [125], [85], [30], [126]. A lack of data quality typically results in lower predictive power and possibly results in the IA project getting shuttered. ...
... Quality is also linked to bias as an imbalanced dataset is thought to be of low quality. [126] and [125] takes a high-level view of data quality, noting that poor data quality will result in poor predictions. [30] describes the low quality of scanned documents, skewed images and old datasets being responsible for poor OCR results. ...
... Can be empty Anomaly Detection (AD) (Empty), Theoretical, Referenced, Real Anomaly Detection is used to find data points or patterns that differ considerably from previous data points or patterns in order to flag them as irregular or potentially intrusive [171] (Empty) -AD is not mentioned in the use case or if there is no use case Theoretical -AD is described being used in an IA context, but it is theoretical in nature as opposed to a real use case Referenced -AD is described in a use case written by other authors, but is not studied in the paper directly Real -AD is directly used in the studied IA use case If the paper has multiple instances of AD, for example if it has a Real case and a Theoretical case, only the Real case is marked. The precedence is Real > Referenced > Theoretical Binary Classification (Empty), Theoretical, Referenced, Real Binary Classification is the use of ML to classify an object into one of two labels [172], for example "cat" vs. "not cat" [A description of (Empty), Theoretical, Referenced and Real can be found in the "Anomaly Detection" row of this [190] 0 2021 Journal Article [126] 3 2020 Journal Article [191] 2 2021 Conference Paper [138] 4 2020 Journal Article [192] 3 2021 Journal Article [193] 1 2021 Journal Article [194] 0 2019 Journal Article [14] 3 2021 Conference Paper [195] 0 2019 Journal Article [196] 3 2021 Conference Paper [84] 1 2020 Journal Article [197] 2 2021 Journal Article [198] 0 2019 Journal Article [199] 0 2021 Journal Article [200] 0 2021 Journal Article [24] 1 2021 Journal Article [201] 2 2021 Journal Article [202] 0 2021 Journal Article [203] 0 2020 Book [125] 4 2019 Conference Paper [204] 1 2020 Journal Article [205] 3 2020 Conference Paper [101] 2 2020 Book Section [111] 2 2021 Journal Article [114] 5 2021 Conference Paper [206] 0 2020 Conference Paper [207] 0 2019 Book Section [208] 0 2 Logistics 3 3 [192] 2 Insurance 3 [193] 1 1 1 [194] 0 [14] 0 [195] 0 [196] 2 HR Start 3 3 3 1 1 [84] 0 [197] 2 Accounting/Auditing 3 [198] 0 [199] 0 [200] 0 [189] 0 [190] 0 [126] 0 [191] 1 ANN, Deep Learning [138] 0 [192] 1 Insurance SVM [193] 0 [194] 0 [14] 0 85 [195] 0 [196] 1 HR CNN Python, Tensorflow, Rasa [84] 0 [197] 0 [198] 0 [199] 0 [200] 0 [24] 0 [201] 2 Insurance Financial Loss [17] 2 Assignment of Liability, Financial Loss, Reputation Loss, Worker Deskilling [189] 0 [190] 0 [126] 1 Accounting/Auditing Data Quality [191] 0 [138] 0 [192] 0 [193] 0 [194] 0 ...
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Many believe in a vision of the future where almost all work is automated. A first step already underway involves Robotic Process Automation (RPA) technology, which firms use to automate standardized computer work. The larger step that needs to be taken towards this vision lies in connecting RPA to AI, so that Machine Learning (ML) algorithms can be used to automate human "intelligence" and decision making in companies. Management research surrounding the concept of Intelligent Automation (IA) is nascent and spans multiple domains. This thesis consolidates the fragmented research landscape through a Systematic Literature Review to address four research questions: 1) What use cases are IA fulfilling? 2) Which ML algorithms and technologies are employed? 3) What risks are associated with IA? and 4) What risk mitigation techniques are there? The findings paint a picture of what is needed to advance the value that IA delivers to firms and shore up professional practices. Results show that the bulk (66%) of cases centered on document processing and chatbots. ML models, tended to be uninterpretable, posing transparency and risk challenges. The systematic coding of 77 key sources yielded 36 risks that fell into eight clusters that are explored in depth. Corresponding risk mitigation measures covered far less ground, leaving many risks unaddressed. The risk registry derived in this thesis offers a starting point for a structured approach to managing emergent risks necessary for IA to deliver on its promise to improve work.
... All actors in various networks, academic staff, non-academic staff, and students including the technology and processes that must be employed. interaction (HRI) to enhance teaching capabilities (Lasso-Rodríguez & Gil-Herrera, 2019), which removes the power relationship between academic staff and students. This facilitates the interplay between RPA agents and students, for example, the interaction that happens between postgraduates and research units, where some students are often unhappy with response time or communication approach. ...
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Despite the numerous support systems, academic performances in many South African higher institutions continue to experience challenges while some are declining in throughputs. Some of the support mechanisms seem to be black boxed, notwithstanding the deteriorating situation. Thus, there is prima facie evidence that the factors that influence dwindling performance are unknown. This study, therefore, explores the effect of black boxing the support provided in the institutions, towards finding a long-lasting remedy to the challenges, through information technology (IT) solutions such as the robotic automated process (RPA). Qualitative data was used, to deeply understand why things happen in the way that they do in providing and receiving academic supports while performance remains low and challenging. The relationship and interaction between human and non-human actors of over ten years were traced in existing sixty-one documents and analysed. From the analysis, structural property, technological change, and power relationship manifest from the simplification of networks, durable configurations, and invisible factors. These factors were found to be of significant and dominant influence on academic performance through the support an institution provides. From the findings, a conceptual framework is proposed, purposely to guide an RPA-based system can be designed.
... These bots will be programmed to perform the mundane and repetitive tasks [5] by mimicking human actions when communicating with computer programs including reading from and typing or clicking on existing programs as well as performing rulebased tasks which provides quicker and consistent output. Hence, allowing students to be engaged in better quality learning activities [6]. ...
... It became apparent that the release of new features, functionalities or improvements for some RPA products is faster or more frequent [16] than the publication of academic articles with innovative and/or experimental use cases. Even so, there has been recent research about the potential of advanced HRI (human-robot interaction) capabilities with RPA in education, including machine learning, eye tracking and facial recognition [17]. ...
Conference Paper
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The teachers and professors perform key roles in the development of our society, and similarly, a knowledgeable generation of students raises expectations for a promising growth. Supporting the continuous learning of teachers should be within the interest of every nation, just as technology is recognised to develop strategic advantage, but how could new technologies directly support this endeavour for the educators? This paper considers the usage of RPA (Robotic Process Automation) robots to help teaching the teachers as a continuous process. The most recent literature is reviewed in search of evidence of such RPA robot role, new demonstrated capabilities and/or innovative technologies for RPA robots to teach. Following the findings, the training of a robot is started, in order to experiment delivering a relevant lesson. Different training needs of teachers are considered, before selecting a teaching topic of general interest, along with remarks of potential challenges in case some of those subjects are taught to a robot. Social and emotional aspects for the robot are evaluated, as well as experiences from the teachers’ perspectives. The performance/interaction tests are executed including doctoral degree level professors. Ultimately, the recorded videos favour validating that RPA robots can be successful at training the teachers in many cases. The results showed empirical evidence that the teacher capability can be improved assisted by an RPA robot as a personal teacher or trainer.
The relevance of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) has increased over the last few years. Combining RPA with Artificial Intelligence (AI) can further enhance the business value of the technology. The aim of this research was to analyze applications, terminology, benefits, and challenges of combining the two technologies. A total of 60 articles were analyzed in a systematic literature review to evaluate the aforementioned areas. The results show that by adding AI, RPA applications can be used in more complex contexts, it is possible to minimize the human factor during the development process, and AI-based decision-making can be integrated into RPA routines. This paper also presents a current overview of the used terminology. Moreover, it shows that by integrating AI, some unseen challenges in RPA projects can emerge, but also a lot of new benefits will come along with it. Based on the outcome, it is concluded that the topic offers a lot of potential, but further research and development is required. The result of this study help researches to gain an overview of the state-of-the-art in combining RPA and AI.
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El desarrollo tecnológico avanza con gran velocidad y competitividad. La globalización hizo de la inteligencia artificial un término común para la generación Z (nacidos después de 1995) y milenarios (nacidos 1980-1995). En la búsqueda por simplificación y eficiencia, se logró controlar con software, además de robots mecánicos, ambientes virtuales con múltiples aplicaciones y variados dispositivos interconectados. Este trabajo trata principales tecnologías que aportan al desarrollo de software robots y su utilización actual. Se recorre a través de la experiencia obtenida con artículos publicados que, de manera progresiva, persiguen el objetivo general de validar la capacidad de software robots para laborar en roles profesionales con alta responsabilidad y conocimiento experto. El proyecto se lleva a cabo con un planteamiento de investigación multi-metodológico dividido en fases, que comprende la revisión de literatura y exploración con tecnologías, aplicación de métodos para la gestión de proyectos, diagramación de funcionalidades de software, desarrollo, experimentación y pruebas con humanos, incluyendo tanto niños, como adultos doctores profesionales, y la utilización de técnicas Delphi con un foro intercontinental de expertos de 26 países. Como resultado, se logra alcanzar cada uno de los hitos del proyecto, conduciendo así a la conclusión satisfactoria de los objetivos. Se demuestra que los 'software robots', por ejemplo, con automatización robótica de procesos (RPA) en modo inteligente, cognitivo, o de hiperautomatización, valiéndose de la analítica de datos e inteligencia artificial, entre otros, son capaces de ocupar plazas de trabajo profesional, tal como en el área de procesos encargándose del seguimiento y control de proyectos.
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Averse to being 'the year of the coronavirus', there have been quite some positive global technological and sociocultural advances in the middle of the present tempestuous period. This article takes advantage of the recent zenith that robotic process automation (RPA) is experiencing, with special emphasis on the associated hyperautomation form. It upholds on the latest state of software robots, technology, and business process management (BPM) knowledge, to insinuate the controversial case of having robots replacing humans for full time business process jobs. Up-to-date data is analysed as part of the methodology to understand the relevance of the research, including the application of Delphi techniques with a group or panel of international experts from Europe, Africa, America, Asia and Oceania. Prompted by the hypothesis that hyperautomation can be used to fulfil a manager role in a BPM organisation, the text elaborates on the technologies used to manage BPM, the role of a BPM manager robot and the demonstration. It determines, based on the final judgement of the panel majority, that it is possible to have an RPA robot fulfil a BPM manager role, and complements with constructive criticism and lessons on how to do BPM the right way.
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Robot tutors provide new opportunities for education. However, they also introduce moral challenges. This study reports a systematic literature review (N = 256) aimed at identifying the moral considerations related to robots in education. While our findings suggest that robot tutors hold great potential for improving education, there are multiple values of both (special needs) children and teachers that are impacted (positively and negatively) by its introduction. Positive values related to robot tutors are: psychological welfare and happiness, efficiency, freedom from bias and usability. However, there are also concerns that robot tutors may negatively impact these same values. Other concerns relate to the values of friendship and attachment, human contact, deception and trust, privacy, security, safety and accountability. All these values relate to children and teachers. The moral values of other stakeholder groups, such as parents, are overlooked in the existing literature. The results suggest that, while there is a potential for applying robot tutors in a morally justified way, there are imported stakeholder groups that need to be consulted to also take their moral values into consideration by implementing tutor robots in an educational setting.
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The purpose of the present study was to investigate the reflections of gamification activities that are used as a formative assessment tool based on academic achievement and student engagement in learning environments. It was also aimed to investigate whether the utilization of the gamification tool led to a difference in academic achievement and student engagement. Three research groups were determined; two experimental groups where 7E instructional model gamified with Kahoot and Quizizz was implemented and a control group where conventional 7E instruction method was implemented. The groups were determined by random assignment of 97 pre-service teachers who took scientific research methods course in the 2017–2018 academic year spring semester. However, since only 71 of the assigned pre-service teachers voluntarily participated in the study, the study data included 71 pre-service teachers. At the beginning and the end of the six-week-long instruction activities, the academic achievement test and student engagement scale on the content instructed in the six-week-long scientific research methods course were applied. Furthermore, in-depth views of pre-service teachers were obtained with focus group interviews. Therefore, the study was conducted with mixed design principles. The study findings demonstrated that the scientific research methods academic achievement x student engagement × group interaction model (Wilks's lambda = .819, F [2, 66] = 7.301, p < 0.05) was significant. The activities gamified with Kahoot application, albeit statistically insignificant, had a more positive impact on academic achievement and student engagement when compared to the other groups. On the other hand, it was observed that the positive impact of the activities gamified with Quizizz application was lower than that of the instruction method utilized in the control group both based on academic achievement (Δx̄ pretest-posttestquizizz = 38.116, Δx̄ pretest-posttestcontrol = 38.776) and student engagement (Δx̄ pretest-posttestquizizz = 12.176, Δx̄ pretest-posttestcontrol = 14.218). Opposed to quantitative findings, pre-service teachers expressed views about the problems they experienced under the sub themes of motivation, reinforcement, entertainment, competition sub-themes in gamification activities and stated that they were generally positive about the activities and experienced problems related to the infrastructure and the tool.
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Man power is considered as the key assets in organizations. The intellectual property, through the vast knowledge base that manpower has achieved with their learning and experience will bring in value to organization, in terms of continuous process improvements and innovations. In an endeavor to sustain in the competitive era, organizations are adopting highly advanced technology like Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Process Automation. This move in the industry has put human resources in the fear of losing jobs. Organizations resorts to this technological advancements for improving efficiency and effectiveness in deliverables and in turn increasing profitability. Even though robotic process automation is in its nascent phase, it is becoming popular due to its impact on Return on Investment (ROI), Quality of work done with no errors and flexibility. Organizations claim that RPA can transform each and every aspect of business. In this background, this paper makes an attempt to identify and analyze – Can technology rule this world in future? To what extent machine can replace man? Key words: Artificial Intelligence; Robotic Process Automation; Intellectual Property; Return On Investment
The Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a new wave of the future technologies. Robotic Process Automation is one of the most advanced technologies in the area of computers science, electronic and communications, mechanical engineering and information technology. It is a combination of both hardware and software, networking and automation for doing things very simple. In this light, the research manuscript investigated the secondary data - which is available in google, academic and research databases. The investigation went for totally 6 months, i.e., 1-1-2018 to 30-6-2018. A very few empirical articles, white papers, blogs and were found RPA and came across to compose this research manuscript. This study is exploratory in nature because of the contemporary phenomenon. The keywords used in searching of the database were Robotic Process Automation, RPA, Robots, Artificial Intelligence, Blue Prism. The study finally discovered that Robots and Robotic Process Automation technologies are becoming compulsory as a part to do business operations in the organizations across the globe. Robotic Process Automation can bring immediate value to the core business processes including employee payroll, employee status changes, new hire recruitment and on boarding, accounts receivable and payable, invoice processing, inventory management, report creation, software installations, data migration, and vendor on boarding etc. to name a few applications. Besides, the Robotic Process Automation has abundant applications including healthcare and pharmaceuticals, financial services, outsourcing, retail, telecom, energy and utilities, real estate and FMCG and many more sectors. To put in the right place of RPA in business operations, their many allied technologies are working at the background level, artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, data analytics, HR analytics, virtual reality (second life), home automation, blockchain technologies, 4D printing etc. Moreover, it covers the content of different start-ups companies and existing companies - their RPA applications used across the world. This manuscript will be a good guideline for the academicians, researchers, students, and practitioners to get an overall idea.
It has been quite a long time since S. Papert introduced the idea that children should be involved in the use of computers in the learning process to support the development of computational thinking. Nowadays, educational robotics is introduced in different dimensions of education, but mostly it is used as part of a compulsory educational process in nonformal educational activities, in activities to reduce the risks of early school leaving, and in initiatives introduced by some projects where different aspects of educational robotics are tested in activities with students who have diverse special needs. But till now robotics has mostly been associated with the field of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, and outcomes of educational robotics are measured through the prism of improved knowledge in STEM subjects. In this special issue, journal researchers provide results on ER in the context of inclusive education.
Robotic Process Automation Applied to Education: A New Kind of Robot Teacher?
  • G Lasso-Rodríguez
  • R Gil-Herrera
G. Lasso-Rodríguez and R. Gil-Herrera, "Robotic Process Automation Applied to Education: A New Kind of Robot Teacher?," in ICERI2019: 12th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Sevilla, 2019. Submitted.
Robotic Process Automation: Systematic Literature Review
  • L Ivančić
  • D Vugec
  • V. Bosilj Vukšić
L. Ivančić, D. Suša Vugec and V. Bosilj Vukšić, "Robotic Process Automation: Systematic Literature Review," Business Process Management: Blockchain and Central and Eastern Europe Forum, vol. 361, pp. 280-295, 2019.
Magic Quadrant for Robotic Process Automation Software
  • Gartner Research
Gartner Research, "Magic Quadrant for Robotic Process Automation Software," 2019.