Zubcov Elena

Zubcov Elena
Moldova State University · Institute of Zoology

prof. dr. habilitatus


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My main scientific interest is study of heavy metals and trace elements in water ecosystems and migration of chemical substances in system "water-solid suspension-silt-hydrobionts". Also, I am involved in study of bioacumulation and biomagnification of heavy metals in hydrobiocenosis , role and tolerance limits of heavy metals and trace elementsfor different hydrobionts and using of trace element in aquaculture biotechnology
Additional affiliations
August 2017 - May 2024
Academu of Scieces of Moldova
  • Professor (Associate MEMBER of Academy)
  • Coordinated by research platforms ,,Ecological security in the context of accelerated environmental changes”


Publications (93)
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The study presents a synthesis of results obtained in the frame of international cross-border projects, implemented in partnership, for gamma radiation dose rates measured in outdoor environments in various sites in Romania, Moldova, Greece, including urban, rural, touristic and protection areas. The selected sites (n=41) are found in the Eastern C...
Conference Paper
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Culegerea cuprinde materialele Simpozionului „Starea ecosistemelor acvatice în contextul impactului antropic și al schimbărilor climatice” și reprezintă o generalizare a celor mai recente investigații științifice privind evaluarea funcționării ecosistemelor acvatice prin estimarea stării habitatelor și hidrobiocenozelor ecosistemelor acvatice din R...
Conference Paper
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Sunt prezentate unele rezultate privind migrația metalelor-microelemente în ecosistemele fl. Nistru în condițiile schimbărilor climaterice și activității umane, în special, ale hidroenergeticii, și legitățile stabilite de migraţie a metalelor în sistemul „apă – suspensii – depuneri subacvatice” și de bioconcentrare care reprezintă unul din obiectiv...
Conference Paper
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Peste 300 de măsurători ale indicatorilor de calitate (temperatura apei, pH-ul și concentrația oxigenului dizolvat) au fost efectuate in situ în fluviul Nistru și aproape la fel de multe în râul Prut în perioada 2020-2023. Peste 400 sute de determinări ale oxigenului dizolvat și ale consumului biochimic de oxigen au fost realizate în condiții de la...
Conference Paper
Lucrarea include rezultatele cercetării ionilor principali (hidrocarbonaţi și carbonați - HCO3-+CO32-, sulfaţi - SO42, cloruri - Cl-, calciu - Ca2+, magneziu - Mg2+, sodiu - Na+, potasiu - K+) în apele fl. Nistru (Naslavcea, Vălcineț, Soroca, Camenca, Erjova, Goieni, Cocieri, Vadul lui Vodă, Varnița, Palanca) și a mineralizării acestora în anii 202...
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The paper presents the results of study of the Prut River heterotrophic bacterioplankton. The bi-disciplinary technique was used to assess its hydrocarbon-oxidizing activity, namely: microbiological research was carried out in parallel with hydrochemical investigation of the natural water samples and samples enriched with diesel fuel. The Moldovan-...
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The paper presents an overview of the results of multiannual investigations of the dynamics of migration of several metals in the ecosystems of the Dniester and Prut rivers-the main water courses of the Republic of Moldova. The dynamics of metals in water, suspensions, silts, aquatic plants, planktonic and benthic invertebrates, fish at different s...
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The International Conference and Workshop “Interdisciplinary applications of advanced analytical and control techniques in environment, health and materials science - INTERVENT”, was organized in the period October 19th-20th 2023, in Galati, Romania by the INPOLDE research center, Faculty of Sciences and Environment, Dunarea de Jos University of Ga...
Research Proposal
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We are pleased to invite you at the International Conference and Workshop “Interdisciplinary applications of advanced analytical and control techniques in environment, health and materials science - INTERVENT”, will be organized by the INPOLDE research center, Dunarea de Jos University of Galati, and the Black Sea Basin MONITOX & HydroEcoNex scient...
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The monitoring of the Danube River water quality was performed by using a complex device including dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, redox potential (ORP) and temperature measurements, installed on a passenger cruise ship traveling between Tulcea and Sulina. This ship equipped with the water monitoring station served as a mobile device during the daytime...
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One of the objectives of the project Team up for healthy fish in the aquaculture system of the river Prut basin is to assess the health of fish populations; thus, the accumulation of Dracșani as a component part of the SC Piscicola Botoșani farm was studied. The parasitologically examined fish were of the silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix)....
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Methodological guide is elaborated in the frame of the project BSB 165 Creating a system of innovative transboundary monitoring of the Black Sea river ecosystems transformation under impacts of hydropower development and climate change - HydroEcoNex (Joint Operational Program Black Sea Basin 2014-2020, financed by the European Union). In addition,...
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The Dniester is one of the largest transboundary rivers of the Black Sea basin, and its lower reaches integrate the influence of climate change and hydropower plant (HPP) impact on the waterway. The decrease in precipitation and average annual air temperature increase and intensive hydroelectric construction have led to a decline in the total water...
Conference Paper
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The HydroEcoNex project is aimed at developing a unified system of innovative environmental monitoring of transformations in the river ecosystems of the Dniester River, caused by the operation of hydropower in the context of climate change. A set of basic parameters was analyzed: a) physicochemical, including temperature and oxygen regimes, sedimen...
Conference Paper
The populations of most fish species in the Republic of Moldova reproduce naturally, however, as a result of the increasing anthropogenic impact on aquatic ecosystems, the conditions for their natural reproduction have deteriorated significantly. In this context, one of the research objectives for 2020 was the development of efficient technological...
Conference Paper
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The paper includes the results of mineralization research and the ratio of hydrogen carbonate and carbonate ions – HCO3 - + CO3 -, sulphates – SO4 -, chlorides – Cl-, calcium – Ca2+, magnesium – Mg2+, sodium – Na+ and potassium – K+, in the waters of the Prut River downstream of Costesti-Stinca reservoir (Braniste, Sculeni, Leuseni, Cahul, Cislita...
Conference Paper
This article reflects on the main issues addressed in the AQUABIO project in the context of international provisions for the prevention of the risk of pollution of aquatic ecosystems and the need to protect/restore aquatic biodiversity. The paper presents the applied innovative tools, project stages, applied research methods and equipment as well a...
Conference Paper
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Changes in the chemical composition and water quality of the Dniester River, including the Dubossary Reservoir, were analyzed based on on-site measurements and laboratory processing of 76 water samples collected in four hydrological seasons in 2020.
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The book is recommended for publishing by the Scientific Council of the Institute of Zoology, Ministry of Education and Research, on July 26, 2021. Methodological guide is elaborated in the frame of the project BSB 165 Creating a system of innovative transboundary monitoring of the Black Sea river ecosystems transformation under impacts of hydropo...
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Methodological guide is elaborated in the frame of the project BSB 165 Creating a system of innovative transboundary monitoring of the Black Sea river ecosystems transformation under impacts of hydropower development and climate change-HydroEcoNex (Joint Operational Program Black Sea Basin 2014-2020, financed by the European Union). In addition, so...
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The ecotoxicological guide is elaborated in the frame of the project with eMS code BSB 27, entitled Black Sea Basin interdisciplinary cooperation network for sustainable joint monitoring of environmental toxicants migration, improved evaluation of ecological state and human health impact of harmful substances, and public exposure prevention – MONIT...
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Conference Paper
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The article reflects on the main issues, research methodologies and achievements of the project HydroEcoNex, a transboundary project carried out by a consortium of research institutes, NGO and a university – Institute of Zoology, International association of river keepers “Eco-Tiras” (Republic of Moldova), ”Dunărea de Jos” University of Galati (Rom...
Conference Paper
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The paper presents the main tackled issues and results concerning the monitoring of the toxic substances (TOXs) in the network established in the frame of BSB27 MONITOX project, implemented by «Dunarea de Jos» University of Galati, Romania (Leader Partner) in partnership with Institute of Zoology, Republic of Moldova, International Hellenic Univers...
Conference Paper
Water quality is one of the key factors in maintenance of fish health. The current article revises the effects of various water quality parameters on fish health, methods of quality analysis and diagnosis of fish health, as well as methods for improving the water quality in fish ponds, aiming to reduce the fish health risks. The synthesis is a join...
Conference Paper
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There are presented results of the economic valuation of the habitat service and biodiversity losses caused by the Dniester hydropower complex functioning. Habitat services were evaluated for two bird species (glossy ibis, Plegadis falcinellus, and yellow heron, Ardeola ralloides) and fish spawning grounds. The evaluation of biodiversity services w...
Conference Paper
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In this paper a class consisting of 8 environmental toxicants were selected to assess Danube River water quality between Calarasi-Silistra sector until the river flow into the Black Sea, the Romanian Monitox Network Area. A comprehnsive comparison between 2 years of investigations in terms of nutrients contribution, such as different forms of nitro...
Conference Paper
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The current article presents an innovative technical solution for sustainable management of septage, via a vermifiltration system, in the Republic of Moldova. A technical description of the main components of a demonstration model that was implemented at a household level is presented. The results from the model show an 98.85% reduction of ammonia...
Conference Paper
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This article presents the results of studying the content of mineral (ammonium ions, nitrites and nitrates) and organic nitrogen compounds in water samples collected from the Dniester river in 2020. In the study are examines the seasonal dynamics of the forms of mineral nitrogen, total nitrogen and the correlation between organic and mineral nitrog...
Conference Paper
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The main goal of this study is assessing the degree of water and bottom sediment pollution in the lower Dniester by organochlorine pesticides. During the study period, the waters of the lower Dniester were in satisfactory state, an excess of EQS was registered only for the γ-isomer of HCH (Lindane), for other pollutants, an excess of EQS was not no...
Conference Paper
The resistance to acidification of the Dniester water was tested by the method of potentiometric titration. Water samples were collected on the right bank of the Dniester River within the territory of the Republic of Moldova in February 2020. The acid-neutralising capacity values obtained (ANC) were compared with the critical acid load (CAL), which...
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The proceedings of the international conference are dedicated to 145 years of the Academician L.S.Berg, the geographer and biologist, former president of the USSR Geographical Society, who was born in Bendery, Moldova. About 140 scientific reports are presented. The papers presented by participants from 13 countries are dealing mostly with geograph...
Historical use of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in the Republic of Moldova could pose a potential risk for the aquatic environment due to the persistence, bioaccumulation and toxic properties of these environmental pollutants. However, knowledge on environmental concentrations of legacy OCPs in Moldova is limited. In this study, surface sediment...
Conference Paper
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The composition of surface waters is dependent on natural factors (geological, meteorological, hydrological and biological) in the drainage basin and varies with seasonal differences in runoff volumes, weather conditions and water levels. Human intervention also has significant effects on water quality. Some of these effects are the result of hydro...
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Climate change and intensive hydropower development pose serious challenges to the sustainable water supply of natural and social systems. This study’s purpose is to statistically estimate the complex influence of these factors on the Prut River flow. Its methodical approach is based on a comparative analysis of the flow in 1961–1990 and 1991–2018,...
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The assessment of sediments quality from Romanian part of MONITOX Network was performed using both single indices - Single Ecological Risk Index (ErMe), Contamination Factor (CF Me), Enrichment Factor (EF Me), Geoaccumulation Index (Igeo Me) - and integrated indices - Ecological Risk Index (RI), Global Pollution Index (PLI), Nemerow Pollution Index...
Conference Paper
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The paper includes the results of the laboratory modelling of accumulation of selenium in early ontogenesis of carp and of investigation of the accumulation of a range of trace elements in the skeletal muscles, gonads, liver, gills and skin in fish of Cyprinidae, Percidae and Esocidae families from the Dniester River.
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Proceedings of the international Dniester River basin conference dedicated to the transboundary cooperation of Moldova and Ukraine in the promotion of the integrated river basin management in frames of the transboundary bilateral water treaty (2012).
Conference Paper
Ecological status of watercourses is determined by comparing the current state with the reference conditions, which are established for each typology of water bodies by analysing of long-term observations. The Laboratory of Hydrobiology and Ecotoxicology of the Institute of Zoology carried out the integrated scientific monitoring of the Dniester Ri...
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The MONITOX International Symposium “Deltas and Wetlands” is organized by Danube Delta National Institute for Research and Development, Tulcea (DDNI) and Dunarea de Jos University of Galati, (UDJG), Romania, in the frame of the project with code BSB27, "Black Sea Basin interdisciplinary cooperation network for sustainable joint monitoring of enviro...
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Rezumat Lucrarea include rezultatele cercetărilor influenţei factorilor ecologici asupra productivităţii fitoplanctonului din ecosistemele fluviului Nistru şi lacului de acumulare Dubăsari pe parcursul anului 2017. S-a constatat că varietatea condiţiilor ecologice contribuie la dezvoltarea unor comunităţi de alge planctonice cu diferite preferinţe...
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During storage of urine, urea is biologically decomposed to ammonia, which can be lost through volatilization and in turn causes significant unpleasant smell. In response, lactic acid fermentation of urine is a cost-effective technique to decrease nitrogen volatilization and reduce odour emissions. Fresh urine (pH = 5.2–5.3 and NH4+-N = 1.2–1.3 g L...
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INTRODUCERE Fluviul Nistru, cea mai mare și importantă arte-ră acvatică pentru Republica Moldova, este o sursă de apă potabilă pentru 80% din populația țării. Astfel, gestionarea corectă și protecția resurselor de apă ale Nistrului este de o importanță primordială. Cele mai mari probleme pentru ecosistemul râului sunt legate de funcționarea complex...
Resource oriented sanitation has emerged as a need to improve the efficacy of excreta treatment schemes, reduce the environmental pollution from their disposal and improve soil fertility. In urine diverting dry toilets, the storage alone is inefficient for faeces treatment due to poor hygienization, incomplete decomposition, as well as high losses...
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In this paper, investigation on some organochlorine pesticides in water samples collected along the Prut River on the segment Costesti-Stinca – Giurgiulesti during March 2016 was carried out. The studies were conducted at the Institute of Zoology, Laboratory of Hydrobiology and Ecotoxicology, Academy of Sciences of Moldova. The quantitative analysi...
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A total of 20 scientific expeditions were carried out during 2014 – 2015 in the frame of the project MIS ETC 1676 with the aim of studying the current state of hydrobiont communities and their habitats in the Lower Danube Basin within the boundaries of Moldova, Ukraine and Romania. One of the specific research objectives was to study the taxonomic...
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The current collection of scientific articles is published to commemorate 135 birth anniversary of the famous scientist Academician Leo Berg, born in the City of Bendery. The current publication includes research articles by scientists from Moldova, Transdniestria, Ukraine, Greece, and Russia, has the aim to demonstrate respect for outstanding pers...
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This atlas of maps is published in the frame of the EU-funded project „Cross-border interdisciplinary cooperation for the prevention of natural disasters and mitigation of environmental pollution in Lower Danube Euroregion” MIS ETC 1676, which has been implemented during 2013-2015 by a team of researchers from Romania, the Republic of Moldova and U...
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The conference “Environmental Challenges in Lower Danube Euroregion” is organized by Dunarea de Jos University of Galati, Romania (UDJG), in the frame of the project MIS ETC code 1676 "Cross-border interdisciplinary cooperation for the prevention of natural disasters and mitigation of environmental pollution in Lower Danube Euroregion" with the acr...
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Prut River is very important for sustaining the biodiversity and economical activities in its area for Romania, Ukraine and Republic of Moldova. Anthropogenic activities are present everywhere especially near a big water flow because they need a close water resource. The major problems remain the impact and a possible risk produced as a negative re...
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The guide is a generalization of materials on the procedures and techniques of hydrochemical and hydrobiological sampling as part of ecological monitoring of lentic and lotic water bodies, and it is addressed to students, young researchers and all those who are interested in issues of water quality, aquatic biodiversity and protection of aquatic ec...
Conference Paper
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The diversity and state of the benthic invertebrate communities from the Pruth River (within the borders of the Republic of Moldova) has been investigated during May of 2012-August of 2013. Twelve sampling stations have been chosen along the river, including Costeşti-Stânca reservoir. During the given period 159 taxa of the benthic macroinvertebrat...
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The biomass of plants from the Cuciurgan cooling reservoir of the Moldovan Thermal Power Plant is dependent on the reservoir thermofication and bore considerable modifications. The contents of many metals in aquatic plants were highly correlated with their contents in water: r=0,87-0,91. The dynamics of trace element accumulation depends on seasona...
Prut is the second largest river in Moldova. It takes its beginning from the South-East side of Goverla peak, 15 km South-Southwest of Vorokhta village in the woody Carpathian mountain massif Cernogora. The total length of the river is 967 km, in Moldova’s borders—695 km, the catchment area is 27,540 km2; Prut waters pours in the Danube at 164 km f...
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Rezumat În lucrare sunt prezentate rezultatele investigatiilor din 2013-2014 privind starea hidrochimică a rîului Prut în limitele Republicii Moldova. Pentru lacul de acumulare Costești-Stînca și segmentele de rîu Criva-Tețcani și Braniște-Giurgiulești au fost stabilite limitele de variație spațiale și temporale ale parametrilor hidrochimici de baz...
Conference Paper
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The main role in the development of bacterioplankton, phytoplankton and zooplankton belongs to nutritive elements, especially nitrogen and phosphorus compounds. Dynamics and ratio between the ammonifying, nitrifying and de-nitrifying bacteria is directly dependent on the content of ammonium ions, nitrates and nitrites in the waters of aquatic ecosy...
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The current complex investigations, carried out according to well-established methods, allowed us to find the main patterns of the dynamics and migration of metals in the Dniester and Prut rivers, affected by natural and anthropogenic factors. Using a polyfactorial analysis approach, the quantitative effect of main factors (water debit, amount of s...
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The biomass of plants from the Cuciurgan cooling reservoir of the Moldovan Thermal Power Plant is dependent on the reservoir thermofication and bore considerable modifications. The contents of many metals in aquatic plants were highly correlated with their contents in water: r=0,87-0,91. The dynamics of trace element accumulation depends on seasona...
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Aquatic plants are one of the main components of biota of water bodies and streams, which holds an important role in the migration process and circuit of the chemical elements. Aquatic plants are able to accumulate enough large quantities of metals, which allow their use as biomonitor. The contents of many metals in aquatic plants are highly correl...
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The aim of this work was to assess the levels of copper and zinc in fish from the main freshwater ecosystems of Moldova, in relation with species, habitat, age, sex, season, and development stage. Fish from Cyprinidae and Percidae families (Cyprinus carpio, Carassius auratus gibelio, Rutilus rutilus heckeli, Abramis brama, Aristichthys nobilis, Hyp...
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The goal of this research was to investigate the dynamics of trace metals (Cu, Zn, Mn, Co, Ni, Mo, V, Pb, Cd etc) in water, sediments, and the accumulation in the plants, invertebrates and organs and tissue of Cyprinidae and Percidae fish from Dniester river ecosystems. The interrelationships of abiotic and biotic factors and the effects of impaire...
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In the present work are revealed the results of the multi-annual researches on the dynamics of the hydrochemical indexes (salinity, main ions, nutritive elements, trace elements, suspended matter, etc.) in the Dniester river. The results of the field and experimental researches show that the content and the dynamics of the majority of the indexes a...
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Ostroumov S.A., Toderas I.K., Zubcov E.I., Kotelevtsev S.V., Ermakov V.V., Krupina A.A., Ene A., Mikus A.A., Biletchi L.I., Briahnă A., Miron A. Biogenic copper migration in aquatic ecosystems // Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Moldovei. Ştiinţele Vieţii. 2009, No 3 (309), p. 4-22. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/260461525 ; The English...
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In this work the dynamics of the copper and zinc accumulation in fish has been studied in freshwater ecosystems of Moldova: Prut river, Costesti-Stinca reservoir and ponds of fish enterprise Făleşti. An assessment was done on the dynamics and the patterns of accumulation copper and zinc in organs and tissue of fish (skeletal muscles, liver, gonads,...
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The functioning of freshwater ecosystems is a multidimensional process, influenced by different factors, including the relationships between the abiotic and biotic parameters and the development of primary (aquatic plants) and secondary (plankton invertebrates) producers. The study presents the results of the long-term hydrochemical, hydrobiologica...
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The Conference "УПРАВЛЕНИЕ БАССЕЙНОМ ТРАНСГРАНИЧНОЙ РЕКИ ДНЕСТР И ВОДНАЯ РАМОЧНАЯ ДИРЕКТИВА ЕВРОПЕЙСКОГО СОЮЗА - Материалы Международной конференции Кишинев, 2-3 октября 2008г. TRANSBOUNDARY DNIESTER RIVER BASIN MANAGEMENT AND THE EU WATER FRAMEWORK DIRECTIVE - Proceedings of the International Conference Chişinău, October 2-3, 2008" is organized by...
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The aim of this study was to evaluate sediments of the Dniester River, in the former Soviet republic of Moldova, for the occurrence of agricultural pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and heavy metals. In October 2001, sediment samples were collected at three locations of the Dniester River: upstream, downstream, and at the tributary of t...
The Dniester River is one of the largest rivers in Eastern Europe and receives input from numerous anthropogenic activities. In October 2001, fish samples (Abramis brama, Rutilus rutilus heckeli, Perca fluviatilis, Chondrostoma nasus, Carassius auratus gibelio, and Cyprinus carpio) were collected and analyzed for metals and various pesticides. Maxi...
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Selenium (Se) is an element that has been of environmental concern in aquatic systems that drain arid regions heavily used for agricultural purposes. As hypersaline conditions are associated with these ecosystems, this study examined the effect of hypersaline water on the uptake, biotransformation, and toxicity of seleno-L-methionine (SeMe) in juve...
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The proximate, fatty acid and trace mineral compositions in the flesh of cultured and wild sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) were evaluated. Cultured sea bass contained significantly (P <0.05) higher lipids than its wild counterpart. The lipids of cultured sea bass contained significantly (P<0.05) higher proportions of 14:0, 20:0, 18:1n-9, 20:1n-9, 2...
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The trace metal concentrations in water, sediment and aquatic organisms, such as fish, could indicate the level and tendency of the pollution. This is important not only for the protection of the environment, but for evaluation of the quality of fish meat either captured from natural waters or cultured in fishponds. The total trace metal concentrat...


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