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Reliability of muscle thickness measurements in ultrasonography


Abstract and Figures

This study aims to clarify some of the issues associated with the reliable measurement of muscle thickness on ultrasonographic images of the musculoskeletal system, namely the repeatability of measurements in different time frames, the effect of body side selection, and the effect of scan orientation. Ultrasound scans were performed on muscles associated with essential daily activities: geniohyoid, masseter, anterior arm muscles, rectus femoris, vastus intermedius, tibialis anterior, and gastrocnemius. Measurements of the muscle thickness were performed and repeated after 1, 6, and 24 h, on both dominant and nondominant side, using both transverse and longitudinal scans. Thirteen healthy volunteers (eight males and five females, mean age = 24 years, SD = 2.86, range = 19-29) were included. The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was calculated between the baseline and the 1-, 6-, and 24-h interval, using a two-way mixed model of absolute agreement. The ICC ranged from 0.295 for the longitudinal scan of the left masseter muscle in the 6-h interval to 0.991 for the longitudinal scan of the nondominant anterior arm muscles in the 24-h interval. The results indicate that there is variable reliability of the measurements depending on the muscle, time frame, body side, and scan orientation. Consequently, the choice of these parameters can affect the validity of the measurements. Further investigation on a larger scale is required to establish the preferred parameters for each anatomical site.
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Original article 1
0342-5282 Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. DOI: 10.1097/MRR.0000000000000390
Reliability of muscle thickness measurements in
Nikolaos Barotsisa, Panagiotis Tsiganosb, Zinon Kokkalisc,
George Panayiotakisd and Elias Panagiotopoulosa,c
This study aims to clarify some of the issues associated
with the reliable measurement of muscle thickness on
ultrasonographic images of the musculoskeletal system,
namely the repeatability of measurements in different
time frames, the effect of body side selection, and
the effect of scan orientation. Ultrasound scans were
performed on muscles associated with essential daily
activities: geniohyoid, masseter, anterior arm muscles,
rectus femoris, vastus intermedius, tibialis anterior, and
gastrocnemius. Measurements of the muscle thickness
were performed and repeated after 1, 6, and 24 h, on both
dominant and nondominant side, using both transverse
and longitudinal scans. Thirteen healthy volunteers (eight
males and five females, mean age = 24 years, SD = 2.86,
range = 19–29) were included. The intraclass correlation
coefficient (ICC) was calculated between the baseline
and the 1-, 6-, and 24-h interval, using a two-way mixed
model of absolute agreement. The ICC ranged from 0.295
for the longitudinal scan of the left masseter muscle in
the 6-h interval to 0.991 for the longitudinal scan of the
nondominant anterior arm muscles in the 24-h interval.
The results indicate that there is variable reliability of the
measurements depending on the muscle, time frame,
body side, and scan orientation. Consequently, the
choice of these parameters can affect the validity of the
measurements. Further investigation on a larger scale is
required to establish the preferred parameters for each
anatomical site. International Journal of Rehabilitation
Research XXX: 000–000 Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer
Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
International Journal of Rehabilitation Research 2020, XXX:000–000
Keywords: geniohyoid, lower limb, masseter, muscle, reliability, sarcopenia,
thickness, ultrasonography, upper limb
aRehabilitation Department, University Hospital of Patras; bClinical Radiology
Laboratory; cOrthopaedic Department and dDepartment of Medical Physics,
School of Medicine, University of Patras, Patras, Greece
Correspondence to Nikolaos Barotsis, MD, Rehabilitation Department, University
Hospital of Patras, 26504 Patras, Greece
Tel: +306973032802; fax: +302285500000; e-mail:
Received 28 October 2019 Accepted 2 December 2019
Quantication of skeletal muscle size changes might
be used to evaluate muscle function and document the
effectiveness of rehabilitation interventions designed to
limit muscle atrophy (English et al., 2012). The quantita-
tive measurement of skeletal muscle mass is mandatory
for the diagnosis of disorders such as sarcopenia in older
individuals (Cruz-Jentoft et al., 2019). It has been sug-
gested that ultrasound muscle thickness measurement
may be a useful tool for the early detection and monitor-
ing of sarcopenia (Can et al., 2017).
Ultrasound is a low-cost, fast, noninvasive, and widely
available imaging modality, which does not expose the
subject to ionizing radiation (Sergi et al., 2016). Apart
from extremity muscles, the diaphragm and head muscles
can also be easily assessed by ultrasound (Özçakar et al.,
2018). Moreover, ultrasound is considered to be superior
to other imaging modalities for a number of pathologies
of the musculoskeletal system due to higher resolution
and features such as dynamic imaging and simultaneous
comparability (Foti et al., 2013). The usefulness of quan-
titative ultrasound measurements for the estimation of
muscle mass loss and the detection of structural abnor-
malities is still under investigation. Commonly used
measurements include muscle thickness, cross-sectional
area, fascicle length, pennation angle, and echo-inten-
sity (Ticinesi et al., 2017). Measuring muscle thickness
can provide an estimate of the reduction in lean body
mass (Pillen and van Alfen, 2011). Thickness and fascicle
length values of medial gastrocnemius muscle have been
proposed as alternative measurements for diagnosing/
quantifying sarcopenia (Takai et al., 2014).
A drawback of the ultrasonographic measurement tech-
niques is that they present a degree of examiner depend-
ency (Tosato et al., 2017). It has also been noted that
changes in the ultrasound transducer orientation may
result in measurement errors when estimating muscle
size and ultrastructure features, such as the pennation
angle (Harris-Love et al., 2014).
There is a moderate amount of low-level evidence that
real-time brightness-mode ultrasound presents good reli-
ability for measuring muscle size across a number of limb
sites in healthy populations of children and adults, while
limited evidence is reported for the reliability of ultra-
sound measures of muscle size in clinical populations
(English et al., 2012). A recent systematic review shows
that ultrasound is a reliable and valid tool for the assess-
ment of muscle size in older adults (Nijholt et al., 2017).
Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
2 International Journal of Rehabilitation Research 2020, Vol XXX No XXX
However, to the best of our knowledge, studies on quan-
titative ultrasound muscle measurements have not taken
into consideration variables that uctuate throughout the
day and could potentially inuence muscle thickness
such as the hydration status and physical activity preced-
ing ultrasound examination. Moreover, the majority of
published studies have either used transverse or longitu-
dinal muscle scans without scientic evidence to justify
their choice. Another issue that still remains unclear is
the comparative reliability of muscle thickness measure-
ments between dominant and nondominant sides.
The aim of this study was three-fold: rst, to evaluate the
reliability of repetitive muscle thickness measurements
on ultrasound scans acquired, at different times of the
day (morning and afternoon) and at the same time of the
day, within 2 consecutive days; second, to compare the
reliability of repetitive muscle thickness measurements
between dominant and nondominant sides; and third,
to assess the reliability of ultrasound muscle thickness
measurements performed on transverse vs. longitudinal
Young healthy individuals were recruited through an
announcement at the University of Patras Campus.
Exclusion criteria were as follows: participation in com-
petitive sports on a professional level, history of limb
fracture or surgery during the last 12 months, neuromus-
cular, metabolic, endocrine, autoimmune, cardiovascular,
respiratory, renal and hepatic diseases, and medication,
which could potentially affect muscle architecture and
echogenicity (steroids, nonsteroidal anti-inammatory
drugs, diuretics, anabolic drugs, and other hormones).
The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the
University Hospital of Patras and was conducted accord-
ing to the Declaration of Helsinki. All participants were
informed in detail regarding the study and their formal
consent was obtained.
Ultrasound examination
Ultrasound images were acquired using the GE Logiq
P9 ultrasound system equipped the ML6-15 linear array
transducer (GE Healthcare GmbH, Freiburg, Germany).
To avoid alteration of image characteristics by software
processing, all image optimization modes were switched
off, except the tissue harmonic imaging. The gain was set
to 50, the dynamic range at 66 dB, the frequency at 10
MHz and all of them were kept constant throughout the
examination. The depth was set at 4 cm for all muscles
except for the rectus femoris and vastus intermedius,
which was set at 6 cm and facial muscles, which were set
at a depth of 3 cm. Whenever required, the depth was
increased so as to include the whole muscle in the image.
The focal zones (up to six) were distributed evenly along
the depth of the image.
A generous quantity of ultrasound gel (CLEAR ECO
Supergel, Ceracarta S.p.A., Italy) was used to achieve the
optimal ultrasound beam coupling and prevent deforma-
tion of the soft tissues due to transducer pressure during
examination. The ultrasound examination of all subjects
was performed by the same experienced musculoskeletal
sonographer (N.B.). To obtain the images in a standard
and uniform manner, the transducer was placed perpen-
dicular to the skin and eventually slightly angled (in the
elevational direction) so as to achieve the brightest echo
from muscle fascia.
As the goal of this study was to assess muscles involved
in standing, ambulation, upper limb function, and swal-
lowing, the scans were performed on the following ana-
tomical sites: for the anterior arm muscles at two-thirds
of the distance from the acromion to the elbow crease;
for the rectus femoris muscle halfway along the line from
the anterior–superior iliac spine to the superior pole of
the patella; for the tibialis anterior muscle at one-quar-
ter of the distance from the inferior pole of the patella
to the malleolus lateralis and at the bulkiest part of the
medial head of gastrocnemius muscle. The volunteers
were examined lying in prone position for the gastroc-
nemius scans with the foot hanging off the examination
bed and in a supine position for all other muscle groups
of the lower and upper limbs. They were instructed to
remain completely relaxed during ultrasound scanning
and image recording, with the upper and lower limbs
extended. Masseter muscle was examined at rest, with
the subject in sitting position. The probe was placed par-
allel to the mandibular margin, perpendicular to the skin
surface, approximately midway between the zygomatic
arch and the mandibular angle. The thickness of the
masseter was measured at its thickest part in both trans-
verse and longitudinal planes. Transverse and longitudi-
nal sonograms were recorded from all muscles bilaterally.
First, the transverse ultrasound section was acquired,
and then the transducer was rotated to 90º to acquire the
longitudinal section. The geniohyoid muscle thickness
was measured with the transducer placed on the sagit-
tal plane, between the symphysis menti and hyoid bone,
with the subject positioned as for the examination of the
masseter muscles.
All measurements were repeated within 1 hour, at 6 hours
and at 24 h from the initial examination. The anatomical
sites for all measurements were redened at each exam-
ination. Between the rst two examinations, the subjects
were instructed to remain seated and completely relaxed,
without performing any physical activity or consumption
of food and drinks as these two measurements were used
for the assessment of intrarater reliability. The subjects
were allowed to perform their usual daily activities with-
out any restriction for the examinations performed at 6 h
and at 24 h, so as to investigate the inuence of daily liv-
ing activities, hydration status, sleep, and other unfore-
seen factors on muscle thickness measurements.
Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Muscle thickness measurements Barotsis et al. 3
Measurement of muscle thickness
Muscle thickness was measured with the built-in elec-
tronic calipers of the scanner (Figs.1 and 2). The gen-
iohyoid muscle was measured between the deep and
supercial muscle fascia; the masseter muscle between
the cortex of the mandible and the supercial fascia of
the masseter. The anterior arm muscles were measured
between the cortex of the humerus and the supercial
fascia of the biceps. It must be noted that this measure-
ment included the biceps brachii and the underlying bra-
chialis muscle. The thickness of the rectus femoris was
measured between its deep and supercial fascia; the
vastus intermedius between the cortex of the femur and
the supercial fascia of the vastus intermedius; the tibia-
lis anterior between the interosseous membrane (next to
the tibia) and the supercial fascia of the tibialis anterior;
and the medial head of gastrocnemius between its deep
and supercial fascia.
The test–retest reliability for repeated measurements
of ultrasound muscle thickness within 1 h, at 6 and 24 h
from the initial examination was analyzed. The intraclass
correlation coefcient (ICC) was calculated, using a two-
way mixed model of absolute agreement. The ICC can
range from 0.00 (no stability/agreement) to 1.00 (perfect
agreement). An ICC of 0.70 is considered to be accept-
able (Munro, 2000).
Thirteen healthy volunteers (eight males and ve
females) with a mean age of 24 years (SD = 2.86, range
= 19–29) were included in our study. Table 1 presents
the ICC for the repeated measurements of ultrasound
muscle thickness within 1 h, at 6 and 24 h from the initial
examination, with condence intervals (in parenthesis).
To the best of our knowledge, this is the rst study that
investigates the reliability of muscle thickness measure-
ments of head and limb muscles, involved in swallowing,
activities of daily living and ambulation, with repeated
measurements at intervals of 1, 6 and 24 h on transverse
and longitudinal ultrasound sections from both the dom-
inant and nondominant side of the body.
Head muscles
The results of our study, concerning head muscles,
showed excellent reliability of geniohyoid thickness
measurements at 1, 6 and 24 h. Shimizu et al. (2016)
reported very good intratester and retest reliabilities of
geniohyoid thickness measurements of healthy volun-
teers at 1 week, which is in accordance to our results.
Contrariwise, we found that repeated thickness measure-
ments of the right masseter muscle at 1 hour, on both
transverse and longitudinal sections, and measurements
of the left masseter on transverse section, presented poor
Fig. 1
Thickness measurement of the head and upper limb muscles. The images present the placement of the electronic calipers for the geniohyoid mus-
cle (a); masseter in the transverse (b) and longitudinal section (c); anterior arm muscles in the transverse (d) and longitudinal section (e).
Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
4 International Journal of Rehabilitation Research 2020, Vol XXX No XXX
reliability. The left masseter muscle on the longitudi-
nal section showed good reliability at 1 hour but poor to
moderate in all other examinations. The overall low reli-
ability of the masseter muscle thickness measurements
could be explained by the sampling technique used in
our study, which was based on subjective transducer
positioning rather than using precise anatomical land-
marks. Moreover, it has to be taken into consideration
that the images were acquired with the jaw in relaxed
position. According to a recent review on masseter mus-
cle measurement performed by ultrasound, the lower
reproducibility of measurements in the relaxed position
in comparison with contraction could be explained by the
susceptibility of the masseter to pressure caused by the
transducer (Reis Durão et al., 2017).
Muscles of the upper limb
Thickness measurement of the anterior arm muscles
acquired from dominant and nondominant sides, on both
transverse and longitudinal sections presented excellent
reliability at 1, 6 and 24 h. These results suggest that the
reliability of thickness measurements does not depend
either on the side or the type (longitudinal or trans-
verse) of ultrasound section. Therefore, future quantita-
tive ultrasound studies could rely on one section of the
anterior arm muscles only (longitudinal or transverse)
from either dominant or nondominant side, to reduce
examiners’ workload and examination time. Moreover, it
seems that factors such as physical activity, sleep, hydra-
tion status do not affect muscle thickness on short term.
In accordance with our results, Ishida et al. (1992) have
reported that B-mode ultrasound is a highly reliable
method for the measurement of biceps brachii muscle
thickness in young adults. Their study was conducted
on transverse ultrasound section of one upper limb only,
with the examinee in standing position. Their measure-
ments were performed on two different days without giv-
ing details on the exact timing of image acquisition.
Muscles of the lower limb
Our study revealed an excellent reliability for all repet-
itive rectus femoris thickness measurements obtained
from transverse sections on both the dominant and
nondominant sides. On the contrary, the reliability of
Fig. 2
Thickness measurement of lower limb muscles. The images present the placement of the electronic calipers for the medial head of gastrocnemius
in the transverse (a) and longitudinal section (b); tibialis anterior in transverse (c) and longitudinal section (d); quadriceps femoris in the transverse
(e) and longitudinal section (f). RF, rectus femoris; VI, vastus intermedius.
Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Muscle thickness measurements Barotsis et al. 5
thickness measurement was found lower on the longi-
tudinal sections, which is in accordance with the study
published by Santos and Armada-da-Silva (2017), who
concluded that quadriceps muscle thickness measured
on longitudinal scans are somewhat less reliable com-
pared to transverse scans. However, the difference in the
reliability between the transverse and longitudinal scans
in our study was not statistically signicant (P values for
repetitive measurements at 1, 6 and 24 h ranged from
0.107 to 0.228 for the dominant side, and from 0.343 to
0.761 for the nondominant side).
The reliability of vastus intermedius thickness measure-
ment on transverse and longitudinal sections, acquired
from both dominant and nondominant sides, was good
at 1 hour from the initial measurement, but all other
measurements at 6 and 24 h presented lower reliability.
Tillquist et al. (2014) measured the thickness of quadri-
ceps muscle in healthy volunteers and reported excel-
lent intra- and inter-rater reliability. Their examination
protocol was based on the average thickness of left and
right quadriceps, using two readings for each side (i.e. at
two different anatomical locations), which was performed
exclusively on transverse sections. The authors have not
performed thickness measurements on individual heads
of the quadriceps muscle. Agyapong-Badu et al. (2014)
have measured quadriceps thickness, with two measure-
ments at 1 week apart, using transverse sections of the
anterior thigh and reported excellent reliability. Strasser
et al. (2013) has demonstrated that measurements of
muscle thickness were highly reproducible in all heads
of quadriceps muscle in young individuals, using two
measurements each day for two separate days. However,
the time of the day the examinations took place and the
interval of time between repeated measurements are not
reported and thickness of quadriceps heads was measured
on transverse images only. It should be noted that the
data collection protocol followed in our study differs from
the one used by Strasser, which could partially explain
the discrepancy in our results concerning vastus interme-
dius thickness. Our measurements were performed with
the patient lying in the supine position with the knee
fully extended, and the quadriceps muscle relaxed. We
assume that this positioning does not effectively restrict
thigh rotation, which could probably explain the varia-
bility of the vastus intermedius thickness measurements.
On the contrary, if the knee is slightly exed (supported
by a roll or pillow), thigh rotation is limited, which most
probably could allow for more precise repetitive thick-
ness measurements. Additionally, the irregular shape of
vastus intermedius muscle in transverse section, in con-
trast to the regular elliptical shape of the rectus femoris,
makes the accurate placement of calipers inconsistent in
repetitive measurements. Moreover, conditions such as
hydration status, physical activity and rest, which vary
between repetitive measurements, could have contrib-
uted to the decrease in the muscle thickness measure-
ment reliability.
In our study, repeated thickness measurements of tibialis
anterior at 1, 6, and 24 h, acquired from both longitudinal
and transverse sections presented excellent reliability for
the nondominant side. The reliability on the dominant
side was found to be excellent for all longitudinal sections.
Table 1 Intraclass correlation coefficient for the repeated measures of ultrasound muscle thickness measurements with confidence
intervals (in parenthesis)
0–1 h 0–6 h 0–24 h
GHY 0.943 (0.824–0.982)d0.936 (0.774–0.983)d0.942 (0.786–0.985)d
RT MAS LONG 0.411 (−0.195 to 0.779)a0.736 (0.216–0.928)b0.694 (0.133–0.915)b
RT MAS TR 0.522 (0.035–0.820)d0.748 (0.257–0.931)b0.574 (−0.088 to 0.877)b
LT MAS LONG 0.771 (0.406–0.924)c0.295 (−0.265 to 0.746)a0.660 (0.132–0.901)b
LT MAS TR 0.358 (−0.260 to 0.754)a0.489 (−0.216 to 0.847)a0.738 (0.266–0.927)b
D AAM LONG 0.976 (0.926–0.993)d0.936 (0.778–0.984)d0.980 (0.923–0.995)d
D AAM TR 0.966 (0.895–0.989)d0.978 (0.915–0.994)d0.966 (0.876–0.991)d
ND AAM LONG 0.979 (0.933–0.993)d0.987 (0.947–0.997)d0.991 (0.966–0.998)d
ND AAM TR 0.975 (0.919–0.992)d0.970 (0.892–0.992)d0.963 (0.857–0.991)d
D RF LONG 0.852 (0.587–0.952)c0.950 (0.819–0.987)d0.944 (0.750–0.987)d
D RF TR 0.960 (0.798–0.989)d0.964 (0.867–0.991)d0.976 (0.902–0.994)d
ND RF LONG 0.855 (0.604–0.953)c0.621 (0.010–0.891)b0.871 (0.587–0.966)c
ND RF TR 0.909 (0.727–0.971)d0.960 (0.854–0.990)d0.971 (0.890–0.993)d
D VI LONG 0.895 (0.693–0.967)c0.570 (−0.056–0.873)b0.411 (−0.322 to 0.818)a
D VI TR 0.896 (0.704–0.967)c0.583 (0.009–0.875)b0.464 (−0.252 to 0.838)a
ND VI LONG 0.880 (0.653–0.962)c0.936 (0.770–0.984)d0.805 (0.399–0.948)c
ND VI TR 0.867 (0.622–0.958)c0.938 (0.785–0.984)d0.839 (0.475–0.957)c
D TA LONG 0.915 (0.750–0.973)d0.976 (0.908–0.994)d0.955 (0.829–0.989)d
D TA TR 0.955 (0.864–0.986)d0.953 (0.824–0.988)d0.875 (0.569–0.968)c
ND TA LONG 0.919 (0.766–0.974)d0.984 (0.938–0.996)d0.949 (0.808–0.987)d
ND TA TR 0.976 (0.928–0.993)d0.936 (0.770–0.984)d0.936 (0.776–0.984)d
D MHG LONG 0.878 (0.658–0.961)c0.849 (0.528–0.959)c0.685 (0.113–0.912)b
D MHG TR 0.823 (0.510–0.943)c0.785 (0.372–0.941)c0.736 (0.221–0.928)b
ND MHG LONG 0.944 (0.832–0.982)d0.721 (0.237–0.921)c0.758 (0.321–0.933)c
ND MHG TR 0.903 (0.713–0.969)d0.898 (0.632–0.974)c0.886 (0.317–0.975)c
AAM, anterior arm muscles; D, dominant side; GHY, geniohyoid; ICC, intraclass correlation coefficient; LONG, longitudinal ultrasound scan; LT, left; MAS, masseter;
MHG, medial head of gastrocnemius; ND, nondominant side; RF, rectus femoris; RT, right; TA, tibialis anterior; TR, transverse ultrasound scan; VI, vastus intermedius.
abelow 0.50: poor ICC; bbetween 0.50 and 0.75: moderate ICC; cbetween 0.75 and 0.90: good ICC dAbove 0.90: excellent ICC;.
Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
6 International Journal of Rehabilitation Research 2020, Vol XXX No XXX
For the transverse sections, the reliability was excellent
at 1 and 6 h but lower at 24 h. However, concerning the
transverse sections acquired in 24 h, the difference in the
reliability between the dominant and nondominant side
was not statistically signicant (P = 0.403).
The measurements acquired from the transverse sec-
tions of the medial head of gastrocnemius, from both the
dominant and nondominant sides, and the longitudinal
sections, from the nondominant side, presented excellent
reliability at 1 h, but lower degrees of reliability in sub-
sequent measurements at 6 and 24 h. This result could
be explained by changes in muscle thickness induced by
factors such as physical activity, rest, hydration/dehydra-
tion and other metabolic or endocrine factors. Therefore,
the time of the day the images have been acquired must
be clearly documented in the methodology of ultra-
sound quantitative studies and ideally kept the same
for all individuals, since it might affect the reliability of
the measurements. It is worth noticing that we acquired
the images from the bulkiest region of the muscle belly,
which could have been a reason for the overall lower reli-
ability of repetitive thickness measurement in our study.
It is important to underline the need for reliability stud-
ies using an acquisition technique based on standardized
transducer positioning so as to overcome the subjectiv-
ity of the examiner on selecting the bulkiest part of the
muscle. Moreover, it seems that body positioning during
image acquisition can inuence the reliability of thick-
ness measurements. According to Thoirs and English
(2009), measurements taken in the recumbent position
presented lower reliability compared to those recorded in
standing position.
Our study presents several limitations. The sample size is
relatively small for extracting safe conclusions, especially
as it concerns measurements with increased reliability
range. Additionally, the sample included young healthy
adults only, which does not allow the generalization of
our results to other age groups and disease states. Further
research studies are required to address these limitations
and to establish the signicance of the ndings of the
current study.
Despite the relatively large amount of data published
on the quantication of muscle size for the diagnosis
of sarcopenia and other muscle disorders, the reliability
of image acquisition techniques is still not adequately
investigated. Moreover, the selection of the ultrasound
scan and sampling side used in published studies does
not seem to be evidence based. The results of our study
suggest that ultrasound thickness measurements of head
and limb muscles present various degrees of reliabil-
ity, which depend on the type of section and sampling
side. Large scale studies are required to establish the
optimal examination protocols for quantitative musculo-
skeletal ultrasonography and evidence-based guidelines
are needed for the standardization of ultrasound image
acquisition and measurement techniques.
Conflicts of interest
There are no conicts of interest.
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... Although several studies have used ultrasonography to measure the thickness of the masticatory muscles, little is known about the reliability of these measurements in TMD patients and asymptomatic subjects. Few studies have investigated the reliability of sonography measurements of masticatory muscles in asymptomatic subjects [14,20] and despite the importance of reliability of measurements, to the best of our knowledge, there have been no studies that evaluate the reliability of sonography measurements of LPM muscles in TMD patients. Only one study [21] has assessed the reliability of sonography measurements of masseter muscle in TMD patients. ...
... Extensive research has demonstrated that ultrasonography is a reliable tool for measuring muscle morphology. However, little attention has been paid to determining the reliability of sonography measurements of masticatory muscles in subjects with and without TMD up to now [14,20,21,26]. Chang et al. [14] investigated the intra-rater reliability of the thickness of superficial and deep masticatory muscle in asymptomatic participants. ...
... They investigated the reliability of measurements in the rest position and the measurements were repeated after 1, 6, and 24 h. The ICC values ranged from 0.29 to 0.77 in the longitudinal section and the range of ICC values in the transverse section was from 0.36 to 0.75 [20]. ...
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Introduction: Ultrasonography is a common tool for assessing muscle morphology. This study aims to investigate the intra-rater reliability of ultrasonography measurements of the masseter and lateral pterygoid muscles (LPM) in subjects with and without temporomandibular disorder (TMD) and to compare the measurements between the two groups. Materials and Methods: A total of 30 individuals (15 subjects with TMD and 15 subjects without TMD) participated in the study. Imaging of the masseter muscle at rest and contraction, in addition to LPM, was performed using sonography in 2 sessions with a 2-day interval and the thickness of these muscles was measured. To assess the reliability, the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC(3, 3)), standard error of measurement, minimal detectable change, and limits of agreement were used. Additionally, for the between-group comparison of measurements, the independent sample t-test was used. The Cohen d was used to determine the size of the differences. Results: ICC(3, 3) for intra-rater reliability of masseter thickness in rest and clenched positions and LPM were 0.89, 0.80, and 0.86 in the asymptomatic group, and 0.88, 0.80, and 0.90 in the TMD group, respectively. The values of absolute reliability parameters, such as standard error of measurement and minimal detectable change were in a small range. Additionally, compared to the asymptomatic group, the TMD group had thicker masseter muscle in the rest position and the effect size revealed a large difference between the groups. No significant differences were found between the groups for the thickness of the masseter muscle in contraction position and LPM. Conclusion: The results of the intra-reliability study revealed that ultrasonography is a reliable method to measure the thickness of the masticatory muscles in TMD subjects and asymptomatic subjects. Additionally, TMDs can change the thickness of the masticatory muscles.
... Both reviews pointed out partially low quality, high bias of sonography measurements, and heterogeneity of reliability in included studies. Accordingly, Barotsis et al. (Barotsis et al., 2020) provided low to high ICC when performing sonography measurements three times within 24 hours of 0.30-0.99, dependent on the muscle examined, with the lowest ICC of 0.3 in the massester muscle and the highest ICCs 0.99 in the arm and the calf muscles (Panidi et al., 2021;Yahata et al., 2021;Warneke et al., 2022). ...
... To examine the concordance between both methods, 96 MRI and sonography values were evaluated. The literature shows differing reliabilities dependent on muscle groups (Giles et al., 2015;Barotsis et al., 2020) with the leg muscles exhibiting high reliability values with ICCs of up to 0.99 in the plantar flexors (Panidi et al., 2021;Yahata et al., 2021;Warneke et al., 2022). Thus, the gastrocnemius muscle was used for this investigation. ...
... a MAPE of up to 8.5% between two investigators should be considered too high, even though there were high ICC values. Barotsis et al. (2020) and Giles et al. (2015) showed that reliability of sonography may differ depending on the muscle groups. Since in literature the ICCs and Pearson correlation coefficients were found to be as high as 0.99 in the plantar flexors and no higher coefficients could be detected, this study used imaging procedures in the plantar flexors. ...
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Introduction An increasing number of studies investigate the influence of training interventions on muscle thickness (MT) by using ultrasonography. Ultrasonography is stated as a reliable and valid tool to examine muscle morphology. Researches investigating the effects of a training intervention lasting a few weeks need a very precise measurement since increases in MT can be assumed as small. Therefore, the aim of the present work was to investigate the concordance between MT via sonography and muscle cross-sectional area (MCSA) determined via MRI imaging (gold standard) in the calf muscle. Methods Reliability of sonography measurement and the concordance correlation coefficient, the mean error (ME), mean absolute error (MAE) and the mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) between sonography and MRI were determined. Results Results show intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) of 0.88–0.95 and MAPE of 4.63–8.57% . Concordance between MT and MCSA was examined showing ρ = 0.69–0.75 for the medial head and 0.39–0.51 c for the lateral head of the gastrocnemius. A MAPE of 15.88–19.94% between measurements were determined. Based on this, assuming small increases in MT due to training interventions, even with an ICC of 0.95 , MAPE shows a high error between two investigators and therefore limited objectivity. Discussion The high MAPE of 15.88–19.94% as well as CCC of ρ c = 0.39–0.75 exhibit that there are significant differences between MRI and sonography. Therefore, data from short term interventions using sonography to detect changes in the MT should be handled with caution.
... Of the 26 studies included, 4 were validity studies [18][19][20][21] , and 4 were reliability only [22][23][24][25] . Eighteen were of reliability and measurement error [26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43] . ...
... The risk of bias analysis performed using the COSMIN tool showed that four studies were classified as "very good" in the seven criteria 20,21,26,39 and two with at least one "inadequate" criterion 22,27 . Table 2 presents the classification of studies for each of the seven criteria. ...
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Due to its low cost and operational simplicity, ultrasound has been used to monitor muscle thickness in laboratory environments, rehabilitation clinics, and sports clubs. However, it is necessary to determine the measurement’s quality to infer whether the possible changes observed are derived from the treatment or the measurement error. Therefore, we performed a systematic review to determine the validity, reliability, and measurement error of quadriceps femoris muscle thickness obtained by ultrasound in healthy adults. A search was conducted in the Pubmed, Scopus, and Web of Science databases until April 2022. The study selection process was carried out by two independent researchers, with the presence of a third researcher in case of disagreements. Twenty-six studies were eligible for the review, being 4 of validity, 4 of reliability only, and 18 of reliability and measurement error.The intraclass correlation coefficient ranged from 0.60 to 0.99 in validity studies and from 0.44 to 0.99 in reliability studies. The typical error of measurement ranged from 0.01 to 0.47 cm, and the coefficient of variation was from 0.5 to 17.9%. Four studies received “very good” classification in all the risk of bias analysis criteria. Therefore, it is concluded that the quadriceps femoris muscle thickness obtained by ultrasound was shown to be valid, reliable, and to have low measurement errors in healthy adults. The weighted average of the relative error was 6.5%, less than typical increases in resistance training studies. The raters’ experience and methodological care for repeated measurements were necessary to observe low measurement errors.
... The affected muscle fibers undergo continuous concentric contraction, resulting in a decrease in their length and an increase in their thickness as well [14,15]. Therefore, the evaluation of spastic muscle architecture, such as muscle thickness as well as the antagonist muscle torque produced around the relevant joint, may be very useful to provide reliable objective data for assessment and treatment protocols [16][17][18]. ...
... The location of the DUS probe for scanning the muscle thickness was based on previous studies [52]. According to the previous studies, ultrasonographic measurements of muscle thickness are a valid measurement [53] with high reliability for longitudinal scanning [16]. ...
Purpose: Evaluation the effects of dry needling on sonographic, biomechanical and functional parameters of spastic upper extremity muscles. Methods: Twenty-four patients (35-65 years) with spastic hand were randomly allocated into two equal groups: intervention and sham-controlled groups. The treatment protocol was 12-sessions neurorehabilitation for both groups and 4-sessions dry needling or sham-needling for the intervention group and sham-controlled group respectively on wrist and fingers flexor muscles. The outcomes were muscle thickness, spasticity, upper extremity motor function, hand dexterity and reflex torque which were assessed before, after the 12th session, and after one-month follow-up by a blinded assessor. Results: The analysis showed that there was a significant reduction in muscle thickness, spasticity and reflex torque and a significant increment in motor function and dexterity in both groups after treatment (p < 0.01). However, these changes were significantly higher in the intervention group (p < 0.01) except for spasticity. Moreover, a significant improvement was seen in all outcomes measured one-month after the end of the treatment in the intervention group (p < 0.01). Conclusions: Dry needling plus neurorehabilitation could decrease muscle thickness, spasticity and reflex torque and improve upper-extremity motor performance and dexterity in chronic stroke patients. These changes were lasted one-month after treatment.Trial Registration Number: IRCT20200904048609N1IMPLICATION FOR REHABILITATIONUpper extremity spasticity is one of the stroke consequences which interfere with motor function and dexterity of patient hand in activity of daily livingApplying the dry needling accompanied with neurorehabilitation program in post-stroke patients with muscle spasticity can reduce the muscle thickness, spasticity and reflex torque and improve upper extremity functions.
... In [27], the authors used three common deep learning architectures to classify a muscle region of interest (ROI) as sarcopenic based on its texture. In addition, the Grad-CAM [29] analysis was applied to visualise the exact location inside the ROI that played the most significant role in the classifier decision. An accuracy ranging from 70.0% to 80.0% for predicting sarcopenia was reported in their experiments, showing that such a diagnostic tool is feasible. ...
... Finally, the Grad-Cam [29] analysis was performed to investigate which areas of the activation maps were triggered when the classifier made a decision. This analysis will help us to interpret the results better and avoid any possible bias in the decision model. ...
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Automatically measuring a muscle’s cross-sectional area is an important application in clinical practice that has been studied extensively in recent years for its ability to assess muscle architecture. Additionally, an adequately segmented cross-sectional area can be used to estimate the echogenicity of the muscle, another valuable parameter correlated with muscle quality. This study assesses state-of-the-art convolutional neural networks and vision transformers for automating this task in a new, large, and diverse database. This database consists of 2005 transverse ultrasound images from four informative muscles for neuromuscular disorders, recorded from 210 subjects of different ages, pathological conditions, and sexes. Regarding the reported results, all of the evaluated deep learning models have achieved near-to-human-level performance. In particular, the manual vs. the automatic measurements of the cross-sectional area exhibit an average discrepancy of less than 38.15 mm2, a significant result demonstrating the feasibility of automating this task. Moreover, the difference in muscle echogenicity estimated from these two readings is only 0.88, another indicator of the proposed method’s success. Furthermore, Bland–Altman analysis of the measurements exhibits no systematic errors since most differences fall between the 95% limits of agreements and the two readings have a 0.97 Pearson’s correlation coefficient (p < 0.001, validation set) with ICC (2, 1) surpassing 0.97, showing the reliability of this approach. Finally, as a supplementary analysis, the texture of the muscle’s visible cross-sectional area was examined using deep learning to investigate whether a classification between healthy subjects and patients with pathological conditions solely from the muscle texture is possible. Our preliminary results indicate that such a task is feasible, but further and more extensive studies are required for more conclusive results.
... Femoral thickness (of both the rectus femoris and vastus intermedius muscles) and rectus femoris muscle crosssectional area (CSA) were measured midway between the anterior superior iliac spine and the proximal end of the patella [12]. Upper limb thickness (of both the biceps brachii and brachialis muscles) and biceps brachii muscle CSA were measured at the two-thirds of the distance from the acromion to the antecubital crease [13,14]. The diaphragm was measured at the end of expiration, and the transducer was placed at zones of apposition between the antero-axillary and midaxillary lines on the right chest [15]. ...
... The intraclass correlation between the different images was 0.993, and the coefficient of variance was 2.3%. Previous studies have shown that ultrasound has a good between-session reliability for measuring muscle thickness of the quadriceps(Barotsis et al., 2020;Takahashi et al., 2021).2.3.3 | Jump heightThe countermovement jump test was conducted on a MuscleLabForce Plate Model 2 (Ergotest Technology AS). The software program (MuscleLab Software v8.13; Ergotest Technology AS) calculated jump height using impulse (force x time). ...
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This study compared the effects of a weekly lower body resistance‐training program divided into low frequency (LOW, one long session) versus high frequency (HIGH, four shorter sessions) in resistance‐trained individuals. Twenty‐two adults with more than 6 months resistance training experience were randomized to either the LOW or HIGH intervention group. Both groups completed an 8‐week training program consisting of four multi‐joint exercises targeting the hip and knee extensors. The program progressed from 12‐repetition maximum (RM) to 6‐RM, with 4–5 sets per exercise performed throughout the intervention. The four exercises were conducted either in one session or four sessions (one exercise per session) per week. 1‐RM in the squat, muscle thickness of the vastus lateralis, muscle mass of the lower body (measured using bioelectrical impedance), and jump height were assessed pre‐ and post‐intervention. The HIGH group demonstrated a statistically significant increase in 1‐RM compared to the LOW group (7 kg, p = 0.01), while no statistically significant differences were found between the groups for the other outcomes (p = 0.26–0.63). Both interventions resulted in statistically significant increases in 1‐RM squat (8 and 15 kg), muscle thickness (2.3 and 2.8 mm), and jump height (1.5 and 1.9 cm) from pre‐to post‐test. There were no statistical changes in lower‐body muscle mass for either group (p = 0.16–0.86). In conclusion, a weekly training protocol of four multi‐joint lower‐limb exercises distributed over four sessions resulted in greater increases in maximal strength compared to one session in resistance‐trained adults. Both frequencies were similarly effective in improving muscle hypertrophy and jump height.
... Initially, qualitative and quantitative metrics that correspond well with human judgement are used to assess the proximity of the two data types. Later, Attention-UNet [26] is incorporated for the important clinical application of the muscle thickness measurement [27]. In particular, similar to [28], deep learning models are trained in various configurations to delineate the superficial and deep aponeuroses of the examined muscle. ...
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The recent advances in deep learning have revolutionised computer-aided diagnosis in medical imaging. However, deep learning approaches to unveil their full potential require significant amounts of data, which can be a challenging task in some scientific fields, such as musculoskeletal ultrasound imaging, in which data privacy and security reasons can lead to important limitations in the acquisition and the distribution process of patients’ data. For this reason, different generative methods have been introduced to significantly reduce the required amount of real data by generating synthetic images, almost indistinguishable from the real ones. In this study, the power of the diffusion models is incorporated for the generation of realistic data from a small set of musculoskeletal ultrasound images in four different muscles. Afterwards, the similarity of the generated and real images is assessed with different types of qualitative and quantitative metrics that correspond well with human judgement. In particular, the histograms of pixel intensities of the two sets of images have demonstrated that the two distributions are statistically similar. Additionally, the well-established LPIPS, SSIM, FID, and PSNR metrics have been used to quantify the similarity of these sets of images. The two sets of images have achieved extremely high similarity scores in all these metrics. Subsequently, high-level features are extracted from the two types of images and visualized in a two-dimensional space for inspection of their structure and to identify patterns. From this representation, the two sets of images are hard to distinguish. Finally, we perform a series of experiments to assess the impact of the generated data for training a highly efficient Attention-UNet for the important clinical application of muscle thickness measurement. Our results depict that the synthetic data play a significant role in the model’s final performance and can lead to the improvement of the deep learning systems in musculoskeletal ultrasound.
... However, the drawback of the US is that it is highly dependent on the inspector. Furthermore, measurement errors may occur depending on the location and application angle of the US transducer [10]. Moreover, when evaluating the activation state of the masseter muscle, the thickness of the masseter muscle is mainly determined during jaw clenching, and the conditions for jaw clenching vary from study to study [4,11,12]. ...
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L’objectif principal de ce travail de thèse était d’évaluer l’intérêt de « nouveaux » marqueurs de dommages musculaires, à savoir les microARNs circulants et la raideur musculaire mesurée par élastographie. Avant d’évaluer l’intérêt de ces « nouveaux » marqueurs, ce travail de thèse s’est attelé à caractériser de manière quantitative la réponse des marqueurs de dommages musculaires les plus couramment utilisés par une revue systématique avec méta-analyses portant sur une quantité importante de données issues de la littérature. L’intérêt des « nouveaux » marqueurs a été évalué en réponse à deux modèles d’exercices : un modèle d’ultra-endurance (24 h de course à pied ; pour les microARNs circulants) et un modèle de marche en descente avec port de charge. L’exercice de marche en descente a été réalisé deux fois à deux semaines d’intervalle afin d’évaluer les réponses adaptatives conférées par le « repeated bout effect ». Si aucun des marqueurs couramment utilisés ne semble être en mesure de prédire parfaitement la réduction prolongée de la fonction neuromusculaire, certaines recommandations peuvent être données sur le(s) marqueur(s) à privilégier en fonction du moment où le diagnostic est effectué. De plus, les résultats de ce travail de thèse montrent que les miARNs circulants et la raideur musculaire mesurée par élastographie peuvent avoir un intérêt dans le diagnostic des dommages musculaires, d’autant plus lorsqu’ils sont combinés avec les marqueurs classiques. Par ailleurs, l’évaluation de la raideur musculaire mesurée par élastographie a permis de mettre en évidence des adaptations mécaniques qui semblent survenir en réponse à un exercice excentrique : les muscles deviendraient plus raides afin de se protéger contre des dommages musculaires ultérieurs. Ces travaux de thèse ont donc permis de mettre en évidence (1) l’intérêt de « nouveaux » marqueurs de dommages musculaires et (2) que l’augmentation de la raideur musculaire est impliquée dans les adaptations à l’exercice excentrique.
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Background: in 2010, the European Working Group on Sarcopenia in Older People (EWGSOP) published a sarcopenia definition that aimed to foster advances in identifying and caring for people with sarcopenia. In early 2018, the Working Group met again (EWGSOP2) to update the original definition in order to reflect scientific and clinical evidence that has built over the last decade. This paper presents our updated findings. Objectives: to increase consistency of research design, clinical diagnoses and ultimately, care for people with sarcopenia. Recommendations: sarcopenia is a muscle disease (muscle failure) rooted in adverse muscle changes that accrue across a lifetime; sarcopenia is common among adults of older age but can also occur earlier in life. In this updated consensus paper on sarcopenia, EWGSOP2: (1) focuses on low muscle strength as a key characteristic of sarcopenia, uses detection of low muscle quantity and quality to confirm the sarcopenia diagnosis, and identifies poor physical performance as indicative of severe sarcopenia; (2) updates the clinical algorithm that can be used for sarcopenia case-finding, diagnosis and confirmation, and severity determination and (3) provides clear cut-off points for measurements of variables that identify and characterise sarcopenia. Conclusions: EWGSOP2's updated recommendations aim to increase awareness of sarcopenia and its risk. With these new recommendations, EWGSOP2 calls for healthcare professionals who treat patients at risk for sarcopenia to take actions that will promote early detection and treatment. We also encourage more research in the field of sarcopenia in order to prevent or delay adverse health outcomes that incur a heavy burden for patients and healthcare systems.
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This review evaluates the reliability and validity of ultrasound to quantify muscles in older adults. The databases PubMed, Cochrane, and Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature were systematically searched for studies. In 17 studies, the reliability (n = 13) and validity (n = 8) of ultrasound to quantify muscles in community-dwelling older adults (≥60 years) or a clinical population were evaluated. Four out of 13 reliability studies investigated both intra-rater and inter-rater reliability. Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) scores for reliability ranged from -0.26 to 1.00. The highest ICC scores were found for the vastus lateralis, rectus femoris, upper arm anterior, and the trunk (ICC = 0.72 to 1.000). All included validity studies found ICC scores ranging from 0.92 to 0.999. Two studies describing the validity of ultrasound to predict lean body mass showed good validity as compared with dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (r(2) = 0.92 to 0.96). This systematic review shows that ultrasound is a reliable and valid tool for the assessment of muscle size in older adults. More high-quality research is required to confirm these findings in both clinical and healthy populations. Furthermore, ultrasound assessment of small muscles needs further evaluation. Ultrasound to predict lean body mass is feasible; however, future research is required to validate prediction equations in older adults with varying function and health.
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The WHO reports that one of the major chronic conditions affecting the elderly worldwide is musculoskeletal disorders that are associated with long-term pain and disability. Considering the healthcare needs of the elderly (i.e. comprehensive, accessible, efficient) and the advantages of ultrasound (US) use (patient-friendly, convenient, cost-effective, and does not require exposure to radiation or magnetic fields), there seems to be a 'gap' in the actual clinical practice. In this paper, we aimed to highlight the potential value of US imaging in the management of the elderly with a wide spectrum of musculoskeletal conditions (degenerative/rheumatic joint diseases, falls/trauma, nursing care, peripheral nerve problems, sarcopenia, and interventions). In this respect, electronic databases (ISI Web of Science, PubMed, Elsevier Science Direct) and reference lists of relevant articles/reviews were screened by two blinded investigators for each topic. The main medical subject heading terms selected to capture the most relevant papers on the topics in accordance with the literature were knee/hip/hand osteoarthritis, prevalence, rotator cuff injury, lateral epicondylitis, tendinopathy, rheumatoid arthritis, Sjogren's syndrome, polymyalgia rheumatica, crystal arthropathies, gout, pseudogout, carpal tunnel syndrome, fall, fractures, hematoma, pressure ulcer, ultrasonography, interventional, sarcopenia, body composition, rehabilitation, frail elderly, and aged. The search was limited to peer-reviewed full-text English journals starting from the earliest papers to May 2017. A study population (or part of the study population) of adults older than 65 years (if possible) was included. We especially underscore the use of US by clinicians as an extension of their physical examination or as a practical guide for an immediate intervention.
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Sarcopenia encompasses the loss of muscle mass and strength/function during aging. Several methods are available for the estimation of muscle or lean body mass. Popular assessment tools include body imaging techniques (e.g., magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, dual X-ray absorptiometry, ultrasonography), bioelectric impedance analysis, anthropometric parameters (e.g., calf circumference, mid-arm muscle circumference), and biochemical markers (total or partial body potassium, serum and urinary creatinine, deuterated creatine dilution method). The heterogeneity of the populations to be evaluated as well as the setting in which sarcopenia is investigated impacts the definition of "gold standard" assessment techniques. The aim of this article is to critically review available methods for muscle mass estimation, highlighting strengths and weaknesses of each of them as well as their proposed field of application.
Shimizu S, Hanayama K, Metani H, Sugiyama T, Abe H, Seki S, Hiraoka T, Tsubahara A. Retest reliability of ultrasonic geniohyoid muscle measurement. Jpn J Compr Rehabil Sci 2016; 7: 55-60. Objective: Ultrasonography can be used to assess both the morphology and movement of the muscles of deglutition. This study investigated the intratester, intertester, and retest reliability of ultrasonic assessments of the suprahyoid muscle group. Methods: Three testers performed ultrasonographic measurements of the length and area of the geniohyoid muscle in 10 healthy adults, and the contraction ratio during swallowing. Results were compared using intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) to determine intratester, retest, and intertester reliabilities. Results: Intratester and retest reliabilities were very good, with ICCs ≥0.8 for all assessment parameters. In intertester reliability, ICCs were ≥0.8 for geniohyoid muscle length and area during swallowing and ≥0.6 for geniohyoid muscle length at rest and contraction ratio. Discussion: These results indicate high reliability of this assessment method for assessments made by the same individual, with reliability of the method remaining high for assessments performed at intervals.
Objectives: The aims of this study were to systematically review the existing scientific literature and evidence about (a) the validation of masseter muscle ultrasonography for accurate assessment of muscle thickness, and (b) the reproducibility of masseter muscle thickness measures. Methods: An electronic literature search was conducted using determined keywords on specific databases. Preliminary search revealed 298 articles listed in Medline, Scopus and Web of Science. 60 duplicates were rejected, leaving 238 articles for review. After reading titles and abstracts 31 articles remained. Twenty-three articles were assessed for eligibility. These articles were categorized as follows: thickness, cross-sectional, volume and the length of the masseter muscle measured by ultrasonography. Results: It is possible to verify the thickness of the masseter muscle in men and women in relaxation (10 to 15 mm and 9 to 13 mm, respectively) and contraction (14 to 19 mm and 12 to 15mm, respectively). A similar tendency can also be evidenced in other measurements. Many studies evaluate masseter muscle dimensions to relate it to cephalometric analysis as such to evaluate morphological variations. Conclusion: It can be concluded that ultrasound is a reliable clinical tool for masseter muscle measurements, yet there is a need for standardization of methods and parameters to be recorded.
Introduction: Muscle thickness (MT) and muscle echo-intensity (EI) allow the study of skeletal muscle adaptive changes with ultrasound. This study investigates the intra- and inter-session reliability and agreement of MT and EI measurements for each of the four heads of the quadriceps femoris in transverse and longitudinal scans, using two sizes for the region of interest (ROI); EI measurements only. Methods: Three B-mode images from two views were acquired from each head of quadriceps femoris from twenty participants (10 females) in two sessions, 7 days apart. EI was measured using a large and a small ROI. Reliability was examined with the mixed two-way intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC), the standard error of mean (SEM) and the smallest detectable change (SDC). Bland-Altman's plots were used to study agreement. Results: High to very high inter-session ICC values were found for MT for all muscle heads, particularly for measurements from transverse scans. For EI measurement, ICC values ranged from low to high, with higher ICC values seen with the largest ROI. SDC values ranged between 0.19 and 0.53 cm for MT and between 3.73 and 18.56 arbitrary units (a.u.) for two ROIs. Good agreement existed between MT measurements made in both scans. A small bias and larger 95% limits of agreement were seen for EI measurements collected with the two ROI sizes. Conclusion: Ultrasound measures of MT and EI show moderate to very high reliability. The reliability and agreement of MT and EI measurements are improved in transverse scans and with larger ROIs.
Introduction: A precise quantitative measurement of skeletal muscle mass is fundamental for diagnosing sarcopenia in older individuals. The current techniques of assessment, including dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA), bioimpedance analysis (BIA), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are either difficult to perform in everyday clinical practice or biased by concurrent clinical confounders. B-mode muscle ultrasound can be helpful in assessing muscle mass and architecture, and thus possibly useful for diagnosing or screening sarcopenia. Methods: A literature search of published articles on muscle ultrasound and sarcopenia in older individuals as of July 31, 2016, was made on PubMed and Scopus. Manual search and cross-referencing from reviews and original articles was also performed. Results: Most of the existing studies were carried out on healthy well-fit subjects, with a low prevalence of sarcopenia. The main parameters that can be assessed through muscle ultrasound are muscle thickness, cross-sectional area, echo intensity, and, for pennate muscles, fascicle length and pennation angle. In older subjects, all these parameters show some degree of alteration compared to young adults, particularly in lower limb muscles with antigravitary function, such as the quadriceps femoris and gastrocnemius medialis. Each of these parameters may be theoretically useful for detecting the loss of muscle mass and functionality in geriatric patients. They are also poorly influenced by the presence of acute and chronic diseases and fluid balance, unlike DXA and BIA, but a high degree of standardization in ultrasound protocols is necessary. Frontier applications of ultrasound in the assessment of sarcopenia may include contrast-enhanced and diaphragm ultrasound. Conclusions: The current literature does not allow to make conclusive recommendations about the use of muscle ultrasound in geriatric practice. However, this technique is very promising, and further studies should validate its applications in the context of sarcopenia assessment.
Sarcopenia is currently considered a geriatric syndrome increasing in older people. The consequences of sarcopenia - in terms of impaired mobility, limited self-sufficiency and disability - have been amply demonstrated, increasing the need to develop methods to identify muscle mass loss as early as possible. Although sarcopenia involves a reduction in both muscle mass and function, loss of muscle mass remains the essential criterion for diagnosing this condition in daily practice. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging represent the gold standard for studying body composition, and can identify quantitative and qualitative changes in muscle mass. These techniques are costly, time-consuming and complex, however, so their applicability is limited to the research field. Sonography, on the other hand, has the advantage of being a relatively quick and inexpensive method for detecting loss of muscle fibers and fat infiltration by analyzing muscle thickness and echo intensity. To the best of our knowledge, however, only few studies have compared the results of ultrasound with those obtained by other methods in order to establish its reliability in this setting. Dual X-ray absorptiometry thus remains the most often used technology for studying body composition, detecting quantitative changes in muscle mass with the advantages of a low radiation dose, a simple technology and a rapid assessment.