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Abstract and Figures

Image quality assessment (IQA) models aim to establish a quantitative relationship between visual images and their quality as perceived by human observers. IQA modeling plays a special bridging role between vision science and engineering practice, both as a test-bed for vision theories and computational biovision models and as a powerful tool that could potentially have a profound impact on a broad range of image processing, computer vision, and computer graphics applications for design, optimization, and evaluation purposes. The growth of IQA research has accelerated over the past two decades. In this review, we present an overview of IQA methods from a Bayesian perspective, with the goals of unifying a wide spectrum of IQA approaches under a common framework and providing useful references to fundamental concepts accessible to vision scientists and image processing practitioners. We discuss the implications of the successes and limitations of modern IQA methods for biological vision and the prospect for vision science to inform the design of future artificial vision systems. (The detailed model taxonomy can be found at Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Vision Science, Volume 7 is September 2021. Please see for revised estimates.
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Quantifying Visual Image Quality: A Bayesian View
Zhengfang Duanmu
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, ON, N2L 3G1
Wentao Liu
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, ON, N2L 3G1
Zhongling Wang
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, ON, N2L 3G1
Zhou Wang
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, ON, N2L 3G1
Image quality assessment (IQA) models aim to establish a quantitative relationship
between visual images and their perceptual quality by human observers. IQA
modeling plays a special bridging role between vision science and engineering
practice, both as a test-bed for vision theories and computational biovision models,
and as a powerful tool that could potentially make profound impact on a broad
range of image processing, computer vision, and computer graphics applications,
for design, optimization, and evaluation purposes. IQA research has enjoyed an
accelerated growth in the past two decades. Here we present an overview of IQA
methods from a Bayesian perspective, with the goals of unifying a wide spectrum
of IQA approaches under a common framework and providing useful references
to fundamental concepts accessible to vision scientists and image processing
practitioners. We discuss the implications of the successes and limitations of
modern IQA methods for biological vision and the prospect for vision science to
inform the design of future artificial vision systems1.
1 Introduction
The goal of research in objective image quality assessment (IQA) is to develop computational models
that can automatically predict perceived image quality by human observers. Although assessing image
quality appears to be an easy task for humans, the underlying mechanisms are not well understood,
making model prediction a challenging task. The research in IQA plays a special role as a bridge
between vision science and engineering practice. On the one hand, IQA offers an excellent test-bed
for evaluating vision theories and computational biovision models. In contrast to many traditional
vision research that typically focuses on qualitative explanations of certain observed vision behaviors,
the task of IQA provides a strong test for the “quantitative” prediction power of visual processing
hypotheses with a broad space of interests. On the other hand, IQA is an essential component in all
image processing, computer vision, and computer graphics applications for which human eyes are the
ultimate receivers. IQA models are not only used as the criteria to evaluate and compare algorithms
and systems, but also serve as the guide to drive the design and optimization of perceptually inspired
algorithms and systems. Therefore, advancement in IQA research may make fundamental impact
on the development of numerous real-world technologies that involve image processing, computer
vision, and computer graphics.
The detailed model taxonomy can be found at
Preprint: Article in Annual Review of Vision Science, Sept. 2021
arXiv:2102.00195v2 [eess.IV] 22 Feb 2021
There has been an accelerated development in IQA research, especially in the past 20 years. A good
number of subject-rated image quality databases have been constructed and made public that enable
IQA algorithms to be trained and tested for a variety of application scenarios [
]. Several design
principles have emerged and have been shown to be effective at creating IQA algorithms, many of
which are well correlated with perceptual image quality when tested using the current public image
quality databases [
]. The achievement is worth celebrating, especially when compared with what we
had 20 years ago, when simple numerical measures such as the peak-signal-to-noise-ratio (PSNR), a
direct mapping of the mean-squared-error (MSE) to the logarithm scale, could compete on a par with
then state-of-the-art perceptual quality metrics [92].
Despite the demonstrated success, several outstanding challenges remain in the fundamentals of IQA
research. First, a well-structured problem formulation is missing that not only provides a unified
framework to understand the connections between IQA models, but also identifies potential ways for
future development. Second, the multi-discipline nature of IQA research gives rise to misconceptions
and ambiguities concerning some basic IQA terminologies. In particular, visual quality is frequently
confused with perceptual similarity, perceptual metric, and image aesthetics, resulting in vague
optimization goals, inconsistent psychophysical experimental protocols, and inadequate evaluation
criteria. Third, many algorithms are derived in ad-hoc manner where assumptions are implicit, making
it extremely challenging to fairly evaluate competing hypotheses and recognize their limitations.
Fourth, while it seems obvious that a successful IQA model has to relate to the visual processing
system in some way, many methods fail to draw a connection to vision science. As a result, it is
often difficult to make an intuitive sense of how and why an IQA model works. With a growing
number of new IQA models emerging each year, we have seen more “symptoms” arising from
the aforementioned fundamental issues. For example, some recent IQA techniques are reported as
“unreasonably effective” and “unexpectedly powerful” [132].
The Bayesian theory has found profound applications in vision science by offering a principled
yet simple computational framework for perception that accounts for a large number of perceptual
effects and visual behaviors [
]. Meanwhile, Bayesian inference and estimation theories have been
employed extensively in a wide variety of computer vision, image processing, computer graphics,
and machine learning methods [
]. In this paper, we attempt to bridge the gap between the two, by
laying out a generic conceptual framework for quantifying image quality from a Bayesian perspective.
We provide a general formulation of the objective IQA problem, highlighting a branch of statistical
models that underpin the existing IQA methods. We discuss two types of Bayesian networks for
IQA with distinct definitions on visual image quality. We also identify common source of prior
information for developing artificial vision systems, and discuss a series of examples in which
researchers have used a specific type of prior knowledge. Finally, we describe existing evaluation
criteria, from intuitive sanity check to sophisticated analysis-by-synthesize approaches. Given the
space constraints, we do not dive into great technical details, but point interested readers to further
readings [3, 14, 103, 109, 110, 128].
2 Bayesian View of Image Quality Assessment
The goal of IQA is to determine the subjective quality rating
given an image
. The problem can be
formulated as a Bayesian inference problem, where the objective is to determine the probability dis-
, which may be followed by a decision making process that generates a deterministic
estimate of y. There are generally two distinct approaches to solving the inference problem.
The first approach firstly solves the inference problem by determining the quality level-conditional
for each quality level
and the prior label probabilities
. Then one can use
Bayes’ theorem in the form
p(y|x) = p(x|y)p(y)
to find the posterior quality distribution
]. The denominator in Bayes’ theorem can be
found in terms of the quantities appearing in the numerator, because
p(x) = Zp(x|y)p(y)dy. (2)
The models generated from this approach is known as generative models, because by sampling from
them it is possible to generate synthetic data points in the input space. However, due to the lack of
training data and effective learning methods, generative models have not drawn much attention from
IQA researchers. As a result, we focus on the second approach in this review.
Alternatively, the second approach aims to determine the posterior quality probabilities
This approach is simpler in the sense that we do not need to model the image space, of which we
only have limited understanding. However, building an accurate model of
still requires
sampling and performing subjective tests on all possible images, neither of which is feasible in
practice. Therefore, most existing IQA models are focused on the following problem: Given a set of
training data
input images (and optionally some side-information)
X= (x1, ..., xn)
and their corresponding target quality scores
y= (y1, ..., yn)
, find a posterior quality distribution
that best approximates
in the human visual system (HVS). It should be noted that
can be regarded as a point estimate of
as the latter would be fully recovered by
if we sample all possible data
. The problem is further simplified by assuming
the training data are independent and identically distributed, so that the predictive distribution can be
parametrized [19] as
p(y|x,D) = Zp(y|x,θ)p(θ|D)dθ,(3)
represent the parameters of the HVS model, the quality rating
generation process and the posterior distribution over parameters, respectively. Given the enormous
space of
, the computation of the integral in Equation 3 is prohibitively expensive. As a result,
a common practice is to approximate the predictive distribution
by a point estimate
p(y|x,θ), where
θ= arg max
θp(θ|D) = arg max
The specific form of the likelihood function
is not known in practice. To fully specify the
problem, it is usually assumed that the likelihood function follows a Gaussian distribution
p(y|x,θ, β) = N(y|f(x;θ), β ),(5)
represent the mean and variance of the Gaussian distribution, respectively. It is
easy to show that the maximum likelihood solution of
is equivalent to the best least-square solution
with respect to the mean opinion score (MOS) under this assumption.
Direct estimation of
] from a set of training data is problematic, because of the fundamental
conflict between the enormous size of the image space and the limited scale of affordable subjective
testing. Specifically, a typical “large-scale” subjective test allows for a maximum of several hundreds
or a few thousands of test images to be rated. Given the combination of source images, distortion
types and distortion levels, realistically only a few dozens of source images (if not fewer) can be
included, which is the case in all known subject-rated databases. By contrast, digital images live in
an extremely high dimensional space, where the dimension equals the number of pixels, which is
typically in the order of hundreds of thousands or millions. Therefore, a few thousands of samples
that can be evaluated in a typical subjective test are deemed to be extremely sparsely distributed in
the space. Furthermore, it is difficult to justify how a few dozens of source images can provide a
sufficient representation of the variations of real-world image content. As a result, the fundamental
problem in the objective IQA is to develop a meaningful prior parameter distribution
, which
encodes the configuration of the HVS.
Over the past decades, various IQA models have been developed where the key difference lies in the
assumptions about the prior distribution
. In general, three types of knowledge may be used for
the design of image quality measures, as shown in Figure 1. Most systems attempt to incorporate
knowledge about the HVS, which can be further divided into bottom-up knowledge and top-down
assumptions. The former includes the computational models that have been developed to account for
a large variety of physiological and psychophysical visual experiments [
]. The latter refers to
those general hypotheses about the overall functionalities of the HVS [98].
Knowledge about the possible distortion processes is another important information source in the
design of objective IQA models. This type of information generally includes the appearance of
certain distortion pattern and the distribution of distortion processes in practice. For example, one can
explicitly construct features that are aware of particular artifacts, such as blocking [
], blurring [
and ringing [
], and then assign penalties to these distortions. Also, it is much easier to create
distorted image examples that can be used to train these models, so that more accurate image quality
Knowledge About
Image Source
Image Model
Knowledge About
the HVS
Physiology and
Knowledge About
Image Distortion
Characteristics Distortion
Objective IQA
Dual Problem
Distortion Process
Natural Scene
Figure 1: Knowledge map of objective IQA.
prediction can be achieved. This type of knowledge is typically deployed in IQA models that are
specifically designed to handle a specific artifact type.
The third type is knowledge about the visual world to which we are exposed. It essentially summarizes
what natural images should, or should not, look like. It is known that there exist strong statistical
regularities of the natural images [
]. If an observed image significantly violates such statistical
regularities, then the image is considered unnatural and is presumably of low quality. The statistical
properties of natural images, which are often referred to as Natural Scene Statistics (NSS), have
profound impact on the research in the general-purpose IQA [
] and are still making significant
impacts in the deep learning era. In computational neuroscience, it has long been conjectured that the
HVS is highly adapted to the natural visual environment [
], and therefore, the modeling of natural
scenes and the HVS are dual problems [81].
3 Full-Reference Image Quality Assessment
Pioneering work on perceptual image processing and IQA dates back at least to the 1970’s, when
Mannos and Sakrison investigated a family of visual fidelity measures in the context of rate-distortion
optimization [
]. Since then, researchers started to connect image quality with perceptual fidelity.
Assuming the test image is generated from a pristine image, early IQA methods assess image
quality by comparing the two images and producing a quantitative score that describes the degree of
similarity/fidelity or, conversely, the level of error/distortion between them. The equivalence between
image quality and perceptual fidelity makes intuitive sense, because the test image is more likely to
have high quality as it looks closer to the reference image. Although “image quality” is frequently
used for historical reasons, the more precise term for this type of metric would be image similarity or
fidelity measurement, or full-reference (FR) IQA.
The FR IQA problem can be explained by Equation 3, where each observation
consists of a pair
of images. Given an original image of acceptable (or perhaps pristine) quality
and its altered
version, a test image
, that undergoes a distortion process
, FR IQA models aim to estimate
Figure 2: Graphical model representation of FR IQA models. The box is “plate” representing
replicates. Each node represents a random variable (or group of random variables), and the links
express probabilistic relationships between these variables. The observable variables are shaded in
the quality conditional probability distribution
. The probabilistic graphical model of
FR IQA models is shown in Figure 2. By assuming the quality label generation process follows a
Gaussian distribution
p(y|xt,xr,θ, β) = N(y|d(xt,xr;θ), β )(6)
and a point estimate of
, we reduce the FR IQA problem to finding a deterministic perceptual
similarity measure d(xt,xr;θ), where we have encoded our prior knowledge by θ.
The simplest and widely used FR IQA is the MSE, which still remains a popular quantitative criterion
for assessing image quality [
]. Suppose that
xt={xt,i|i= 1,2, ..., m}
1,2, ..., m}
are distorted and reference images, where
is the number of pixels and
the values of the i-th samples in xtand xr, respectively. The MSE between the images is
dMSE =1
(xt,i xr,i)2.(7)
In this case, the prior knowledge is encoded by the functional form of MSE, which can be denoted by
. Since the functional form is deterministic, we have
for any function
. Consequently, the posterior distribution
converges to the prior
for any likelihood function and dataset as long as
p(D|θMSE )>0
. The use of
MSE as an image quality measure is appealing because it is simple to calculate, has clear physical
meanings, and is mathematically convenient in the context of optimization. Unfortunately, MSE is not
very well matched to perceived visual quality [
]. An illustrative example is shown in Figure 3a-h,
where the original “Barbara” image is altered with different distortions, each adjusted to yield nearly
identical MSE relative to the original image. Despite this, the images can be seen to have drastically
different perceptual quality. The failure of MSE in predicting image quality arises from neglecting
the knowledge about natural images, distortion processes, and the HVS. In the last four decades, a
great deal of effort has gone into the development of FR IQA methods that take advantage of these
knowledge. We summarize these techniques in the subsequent section.
3.1 Error Visibility Paradigm
Given the reference image, it is straightforward to compute the numerical errors between the reference
and test images. Error visibility methods predict image quality as the visibility of such errors based on
psychophysical and physiological models of the HVS. Almost all early well-known perceptual image
quality models [
] followed this error visibility paradigm,
which was well laid out as early as 1993 [
] and later refined [
]. Specifically, it has been found that
the HVS is relatively insensitive to certain types of visual patterns. First of all, the HVS is known to
have different sensitivity to the spatial frequency content in visual stimuli. The relationship between
a b cd
m n op
e f gh
Figure 3: (a) The original ”Barbara” image. (b)-(h) Comparison of “Barbara” images with different
types of distortions, all with
MSE = 300
. (i)-(p) Quality maps of (f) and (d) generated from different
FR IQA algorithms. (b) Contrast-stretched image,
SSIM = 0.966
VIF = 1.115
NLPD = 0.142
(c) Mean-shifted image,
SSIM = 0.982
VIF = 1
NLPD = 0.020
. (d) JPEG compressed image,
SSIM = 0.740
VIF = 0.153
NLPD = 0.427
. (e) Blurred image,
SSIM = 0.792
VIF = 0.247
NLPD = 0.306
. (f) White Gaussian noise contaminated image,
SSIM = 0.803
VIF = 0.342
NLPD = 0.364
. (g) Vertical translated image,
SSIM = 0.637
VIF = 0.096
NLPD = 0.667
. (h)
Rotated image,
SSIM = 0.427
VIF = 0.062
NLPD = 0.943
. (i) MSE map of (f). (j) NLPD map
of (f). (k) SSIM map of (f). (l) VIF map of (f). (m) MSE map of (d). (n) NLPD map of (d). (o) SSIM
map of (d). (p) VIF map of (d).
the sensitivity of the HVS and the spatial frequency content in visual stimuli can be modeled by the
contrast sensitivity function (CSF) [
], which peaks at a spatial frequency around four cycles per
degree of visual angel and drops significantly with both increasing and decreasing frequencies. For
example, it can be observed that the crossing pattern on the bamboo chair looks clearer than the high
frequency texture on the scarf in Figure 3a. Second, the presence of one signal can sometimes reduce
the visibility of another image component. As an illustrative example, the noise signal on the scarf
and tablecloth appears to be less visible than the distortion on the girl’s face in Figure 3f, although
the Gaussian noise is applied uniformly across the image. The phenomenon is known as the contrast
masking effect. In general, a masking effect is strongest when the signal and the masker have similar
Pre-processing CSF
Filtering Channel
Decomposition Error
Normalization Error
Figure 4: A prototypical quality assessment system based on error sensitivity. CSF: Contrast
sensitivity function. Image by courtesy of Wang et al. [98].
spatial location, frequency content, and orientations as evident by Figure 3b. Third, the perception
of luminance obeys Weber’s law, which can be expressed mathematically as
, where
the background luminance,
is the just noticeable incremental luminance over the background
by the HVS, and
is a constant called the Weber fraction. The effect can be observed in Figure 3f,
where the noise on the leg of the table appears to be more noticeable than the noise on the floor.
Motivated by the different sensitivity of the HVS to visual stimuli, a large number of IQA models in
the literature share a similar error visibility paradigm, although they differ in detail. Figure 4 shows a
generic error visibility IQA system framework. The stages of the diagram are as follows.
Pre-processing: This stage typically performs a variety of basic operations to transform input
images into the desired format, including spatial registration, color space transformation,
point-wise non-linearity, and point spread function (PSF) filtering that mimics eye optics.
CSF Filtering: Some FR IQA models weight the image component according to the CSF
immediately after the pre-processing stage (typically implemented using a linear filter
that approximates the frequency response of the CSF), while other error visibility models
implement CSF as a base-sensitivity normalization factor after channel decomposition.
Channel Decomposition: A large number of neurons in the primary visual cortex are tuned
to visual stimuli with specific spatial locations, frequencies, and orientations. Motivated
by the observation, these IQA methods have been using localized, band-pass, and oriented
linear filters to decompose the input images into multiple channels. A number of signal de-
composition methods have been used for IQA, including Fourier decomposition [
], Gabor
decomposition [
], local block-DCT transform [
], quadrature mirror filter bank [
separable wavelet transform [
], polar separable wavelet transform [
and hexagonal orthogonal-oriented pyramid [113].
Error Normalization: The error between the decomposed signals in each channel may
be normalized by the CSF, and may also be normalized according to a certain masking
model, which takes into account the effects of luminance masking and contrast masking. The
normalization mechanism may be implemented as a spatially adaptive divisive normalization
process [
], and may also be implemented as a spatially varying thresholding function in a
channel to convert the error into units of just noticeable difference. The visibility threshold
at each point is calculated based on the energy of the reference and/or distorted coefficients
in a neighborhood (which may include coefficients from within a spatial neighborhood [
of the same channel as well as other channels [
]) and the base-sensitivity for that channel.
Error Pooling: The final stage of FR IQA models combine the normalized error signals over
the spatial extent of the image, and across different channels, into a single scalar measure,
which describes the overall quality of the distorted image. Most error pooling takes the form
of a Minkowski norm as follows [1, 105]:
|eu,v|γ1 ,(8)
is the normalized error of the
-th coefficient in the
-th channel and
is a
constant exponent chosen empirically.
Figure 3 shows the quality scores of the “Barbara” image set and the quality map of the white
Gaussian noise contaminated image generated by a state-of-the-art error visibility-based IQA model
named Normalized Laplacian Pyramid Distance (NLPD) [
], whose error normalization module
is learned from subjective labeled data. The predicted quality has a much higher correlation with
human perception than MSE.
3.2 Structural Similarity Paradigm
The error visibility paradigm has received broad acceptance in real-world image processing applica-
tions. However, it is important to realize the limitations of these methods. A summary of some of the
potential problems is as follows.
Most error visibility IQA models are based on linear or quasi-linear operators that have been
characterized using restricted and simplistic stimuli such as spots, bars, or sinusoidal gratings.
This is problematic for two reasons. First, the HVS consists of many non-linear units that is
too complex to model precisely. Second, the stimuli used in the psychophysical experiments
are much simpler than natural images, which can be thought of as a superposition of a large
number of simple patterns. As a result, the generalization capability of these models remains
Not every error signal leads to quality degradation. Contrast enhancement gives an obvious
example (Figure 3b), in which the difference between an original image and a contrast-
enhanced image may be easily discerned, but the perceptual quality is not degraded.
The error normalization module in error visibility models relies on psychophysical exper-
iments that are specifically designed to estimate the just noticeable difference. However,
there has been little evidence whether such near-threshold models can be generalized to
characterize perceptual distortions significantly larger than threshold levels, as is the case in
a majority of image processing situations.
The Minkowski-based error pooling implicitly assumes that errors at different locations
are statistically independent. However, such dependency cannot always be completely
eliminated by linear channel decomposition and masking models.
To overcome these challenges, a different approach was taken by making use of the knowledge
about the overall functionality of the HVS [
]. The major assumption behind the structural
similarity paradigm is that the HVS is highly adapted to extract structural information from the
viewing field. It follows that a measurement of structural similarity (or distortion) should provide a
good approximation to perceptual image quality. To convert the structure similarity paradigm into
an IQA algorithm, it is necessary to define what structural/nonstructural distortions are and how to
separate them.
Pioneering the structural similarity approach, Wang et al. proposed to define the nonstructural
distortions as those distortions that do not modify the structure of objects in the visual scene, and all
other distortions to be structural distortions [96]. Figure 3 is instructive in this regard. Although the
contrast enhanced/mean shifted distorted images can be easily distinguished from the reference image,
the distorted images preserve virtually all of the essential information composing the structures of the
objects in the image. Indeed, the reference image can be recovered perfectly via a simple point-wise
affine transformation. As a result, luminance shift and contrast change are considered as nonstructural
distortions, independent of other structural distortions.
This motivated a spatial domain implementation of the structural similarity idea called the Structural
SIMilarity (SSIM) index [
]. The system separates the task of similarity measurement into three
independent comparisons: luminance, contrast and structure. First, the local luminance of distorted
and reference images are estimated by the mean intensity
. The luminance similarity
between the two images is defined as
l(xt,xr) = 2µxtµxr+C1
where the constant
is included to avoid instability when
is very close to zero. Equation 9
is qualitatively consistent with Weber’s law. Second, the standard deviation (
) is employed
as a round estimation of the signal contrast. The contrast similarity function takes a similar form as
luminance comparison
c(xt,xr) = 2σxtσxr+C2
is another stabilization constant. Similarly, the function qualitatively satisfies the contrast-
masking feature of the HVS. Third, the structure of distorted and reference images are defined as
the normalized signals (
and (
, respectively. It should be noted that the
formulation is in accordance with the initial definition that structural distortion is independent of
nonstructural distortion. The structure comparison function is defined as follows
s(xt,xr) = σxtxr+C3
are a stabilization constant and the correlation coefficient between
respectively. Finally, the SSIM index is defined as the product of the three terms in Equation 9, 10,
and 11. To simplify the expression, C3is set to C2/2, resulting in
dSSIM(xt,xr) = (2µxtµxr+C1)(2σxtxr+C2)
The SSIM index is usually applied locally due to the spatially varying image statistical features and
image distortions. The overall quality of an image is, by default, computed as the average score
across all local windows, though various spatial weighting strategies may be applied, many of which
are shown to help improve the quality prediction accuracy [105, 108, 133].
The SSIM scores of the “Barbara” image set is shown in Figure 3, from which we can observe that
the SSIM index correlate well with human quality perception. Figure 3h shows the SSIM quality
map for the noisy image, where brighter indicates better quality. The noise over the region of the
subject’s face appears to be much stronger than that in the textured regions. However, the MSE map
is completely independent of the underlying image structures. By contrast, the SSIM map gives
perceptually consistent prediction.
Motivated by the success of SSIM, several variant models have been proposed by incorporating
knowledge about visual psychophysics. Most of them apply the SSIM index in the sub-band at
different spatial locations [
], orientations [
], and frequency content [
] to
simulate the characteristics of primary visual cortex. Regardless of its simplicity and the empirical
nature of the SSIM formulation, SSIM and its variations perform somewhat surprisingly well in
various IQA tests. For example, in a recently published and the most comprehensive IQA performance
comparison so far, based on a collection of public domain IQA databases, almost all individual top-
performing FR IQA methods were SSIM variations [3].
Another line of research explores alternative definitions of structure. Indeed, the definition of
structural/non-structural distortions is not unique. For example, Wang et al. extended the scope of
non-structural distortions to non-linear luminance transformations and geometric image transforma-
tions [
]. Recently, Ding et al. defined texture resampling (e.g., replacing one patch of grass with
another) as another instance of non-structural distortion [20].
3.3 Task-oriented Feature Learning Methods
The structural similarity paradigm is conceptually appealing in the sense that it somehow by-passes
the natural image complexity problem and the HVS complexity problem. Indeed, these systems treat
the HVS as a black box, and only the input-output relationship is of concern. However, there is no
simple unique answer on how to define structure and structural distortion in a perceptually meaningful
manner. Furthermore, there is no clear way to define and validate the optimality of the similarity
. To extend the structural similarity paradigm, other task-driven approaches have
been introduced in the past decade, which differ from the structure similarity idea in two important
ways. First, the HVS are associated with more well-defined auxiliary tasks such as image recognition
and semantic segmentation, as opposed to extracting structural information from the viewing field.
Second, the similarity measure is optimized using supervised machine learning methods.
Given some data in a multi-task setting, the task-driven methods estimate the prior distribution
by integrating out the task-specific parameters to form the marginal likelihood of the data. Formally,
grouping all of the data from each of the tasks as
and again denoting by
ˆxj1, ..., ˆxjˆ
a sample
from task Tj, the marginal likelihood of the observed data is given by
X|θ) = Y
jZp(ˆxj1, ..., ˆxjˆ
’s denote the task specific parameters. Maximizing Equation 13 as a function of
a point estimate for
, an instance of a method known as empirical Bayes [
]. Let
denote the feature representations of a pair of distorted image
and reference image
computed by the task-oriented function, the perceptual similarity index between the image pair is
defined as
dTask(xt,xr;θ) = dWh(xt;θ), h(xr;θ),(14)
is a certain distance measure in the feature domain, which may be either hand-crafted
(e.g., the Euclidean distance [
] or multi-scale SSIM [
]), or learnt from subjective rated
images in a maximum a posterior manner [
]. By leveraging the abundant training data in computer
vision and the power of convolutional neural networks (CNN), these methods have demonstrated the
potential to change the landscape of the field of IQA.
3.4 Information Theoretic Paradigm
The error visibility and the structural similarity paradigms have found nearly ubiquitous applications
in the design of IQA systems, while both of them aim to derive a model for early sensory processing.
It turns out that there exists a distinct way to look at the IQA problem, i.e. from the image formation
point of view. The information theoretic paradigm assumes that each reference image
(usually its
sub-images) is a sample from a very special probability distribution
,i.e., the class of natural
scenes. Most real-world distortion processes disturb these statistics and make the image signal
unnatural, suggesting that each distorted image
comes from a distinct probability distribution
. As a result, the similarity between
can be measured by some information theoretic
distance/divergence between these two probability distributions.
Although the use of information theoretic distances as perceptual similarity seems somewhat arbitrary,
there exists a non-trivial connection between the two concepts. Specifically, it has long been
hypothesized that the HVS is adapted to optimally encode the visual signals [
]. Because not
all signals are equally likely, it is natural to assume that the perceptual systems are geared to best
process those signals that occur most frequently. Thus, the statistical properties of natural scene have
a direct impact to the characteristics of the HVS. Indeed, the statistical image modeling is shown to
be the dual problem of the error visibility-based perceptual models [81].
To implement this idea, one has to specify the mathematical forms of natural image distribution
, distorted image distribution
, and the information theoretic distance measure
dINFOp(xr;θ1), q(xt;θ2); θ3
, where we have represented our prior knowledge about the source
image and the distortion process by
. Furthermore, the problem of estimating
from a single sample is severely ill-posed. To simplify the problem, it
is often assumed that image statistics are locally homogeneous and the patches within an image
are independent and identically sampled from the corresponding distribution. The probability
distributions are then estimated from a stack of sub-images within the pair of distorted and reference
images. All information theoretic IQA methods can be explained by the framework, although they
differ in detail.
As an initial attempt in this paradigm, the Information Fidelity Criterion [
] models the natural image
as a Gaussian Scale Mixture [
]. To derive the model for the distorted image
, the method assumes the distortion process to consist a simple signal attenuation
and additive Gaussian noise. Finally, the perceptual quality is measured by the mutual informa-
tion [
] between
. As a close variant of the Information Fidelity Criterion,
Visual Information Fidelity (VIF) approaches the HVS as a “distortion channel”, which introduces
stationary, zero mean, additive white Gaussian noise to the images in the wavelet domain [
]. Other
extended version have adopted other statistical models as the image density model [
estimated the image distributions in other transform domains [
], and employed other probabilistic
distance measure as the perceptual similarity measure [74, 86, 104].
Figure 3 shows the prediction results of VIF on a set of altered “Barbara” images. In comparison
with the reference image, the contrast enhanced image has a better visual quality despite the fact that
the ‘distortion’ (in terms of a perceivable difference with the reference image) is clearly visible. A
VIF value larger than unity captures the improvement in visual quality. In contrast, the noisy image,
the blurred image, and the JPEG compressed image have clearly visible distortions and poorer visual
quality, which is captured by a low VIF measure for all three images. The quality map predicted by
VIF in Figure 3l is also consistent with human perception.
Despite the demonstrated success, the information theoretic paradigm suffers from two notable
limitations. First, the independent and identically distributed assumption barely holds in practice,
since neighboring spatial locations are strongly correlated in intensity [
]. Second, many methods
makes explicit/implicit assumptions about the distortion process in order to determine the distorted
image distribution. However, given a distorted image
and a reference image
, the image quality
is independent of the distortion process. The unnecessary assumption about the distortion process
introduces inductive bias to the IQA models, resulting in less competitive generalization capability.
3.5 Fusion-based Methods
All of the paradigms above are well-motivated, and have achieved great success in predicting
subjective quality perception [
]. However, it has been demonstrated that the performance of these
methods fluctuate across different distortions [
]. Given the diversity of knowledge sources, a natural
question is how to make use of different sources of knowledge in one IQA model. To this regard,
fusion-based IQA methods are developed to build a “super-evaluator” that exploits the diversity and
complementarity of the existing methods for improved quality prediction performance.
point estimate of model configurations
, most fusion-based methods can be explained
by a “mixture of experts” model. The approach assumes the posterior quality distribution have a
hierarchical form
p(y|xt,xr,θ) =
p(y|xt,xr, z =k, {θk}l
where each image has an unknown class z,p(y|xt,xr, z =k, {θk}l
k=1)is the k-th base IQA model,
weights the predictions of each “expert” in an ensemble. Due to the
lack of training data, early researches assume class conditional distribution to be independent of
the input image pair. The form of latent variable distribution
can be determined
empirically [
] or learnt from data [
]. There have also been attempts in getting rid of the
independence assumption, which unfortunately achieved less impressive results [3].
3.6 Discussion
The Relationship between Image Fidelity and Image Quality
: The equivalence between image
quality and image fidelity relies on a few critical assumptions. First, it is assumed that the reference
image is of perfect quality. If the assumption is violated, an image can sometimes be “enhanced”
by a distortion. Observers may detect the difference between an original and its distorted version
and prefer the distorted version over the original. Second, it is often assumed that there is at least a
proportional relationship between the visibility of the distortion and the difference in perceived quality
of the image [
]. The assumption may hold for high fidelity, but often fails at low fidelity levels, for
example, an image with distinct content could still have a perfect image quality. Furthermore, this
assumption does not always hold in practice as certain distortion type may be clearly visible but not
so objectionable.
The Quality Definition Problem
: Perhaps an even more fundamental problem with the FR IQA
models is the definition of image quality. The definition of image quality depends on the definition of
pristine image, which usually refers to the image with perfect quality. However, image quality has to
be defined in the first place in order for the definition to take effect. Apparently, this has run into a
circular definition problem.
4 No-Reference Image Quality Assessment
No-reference (NR) IQA models aim to directly evaluate the quality of an image without referring to
an “original” high-quality image. The task is in general extremely challenging for artificial vision
systems. Yet, amazingly, this is quite an easy task for human observers. Human observers can
easily identify high-quality images versus low-quality images and detect distortions in an image.
Furthermore, humans tend to agree with each other to a high extent. These evidences suggest that it is
possible to develop a machine vision system to perform NR IQA, though discovering the mechanisms
underlying human perceptual IQA is highly challenging.
Figure 5: Graphical model representation of NR IQA models.
The NR IQA problem can also be explained by Equation 3
p(y|x,D) = Rp(y|x,θ)p(θ|D)dθ
, where
each observation
consists of only a test image
. The probabilistic graphical model of NR IQA
models is shown in Figure 5, where we observe two differences from the FR IQA models. First, the
original image
is not observable. Second, the quality score
is assumed to be independent of the
reference image
conditioned on the test image
. Over the past decade, a great number of NR
IQA models have been developed, which may be broadly classified into three categories.
4.1 Empirical Statistical Modeling Approach
It has long been conjectured, with abundant supporting evidence, that the role of early biological
sensory systems is to remove redundancies in the sensory input, resulting in a set of neural responses
that are statistically independent, known as the “efficient coding” principle [
]. Assuming that the
visual systems have evolved to become optimal and more “comfortable” working with familiar input
signals, it follows that an image appearing more frequently in the natural world, or in other words
more “natural”, would have better visual quality. To fully specify the hypothesis, one needs also to
state which environment shapes the system. Quantitatively, this means specification of a probability
distribution over the space of input signals. Following this philosophy, significant efforts have been
devoted to determine the prior parameter distribution
by estimating the probability density
function of test images p(xt|θ)(and natural images p(xr|θ)).
The density estimation problem is very challenging due to the fundamental conflict between the
enormous size of the image space and the limited number of images available for observation. There
have been two techniques to alleviate the problem, which are summarized as follows:
Dimension Reduction with Hierarchical Model: One method that has been demonstrated to
be useful is dimension reduction. The idea is to map the entire image space onto a space of
much lower dimensionality by exploiting knowledge of the statistical distribution of “typical”
images in the image space. Since natural images have been found to exhibit strong statistical
regularities [
], it is possible that the cluster of typical natural images may be represented
by a low-dimensional manifold, thus reducing the number of sample images that might be
needed in the subjective experiments. The dimension reduction approach corresponds to a
specific family of image density models
px(xt;θ) = Zp(xt|z;θ1)p(z;θ2)dz,(16)
is a low dimensional latent variable, and
. The probability distribution
of pristine images
can be modeled either jointly with distorted images
], or
independently as a separate model [
]. For example, the conditional probability
distribution p(xt|z;θ1)is often modeled by an Asymmetric Generalized Gaussian distribu-
tion [
] in a localized linear transform domain, where spatially distant pixels are assumed
to be uncorrelated for simplicity. The reduced sample space in
makes it possible to learn
the probability density
from data. To avoid under-fitting, most existing algorithms
in a non-parametric manner, which makes few assumptions about the
form of the distribution. Alternative methods apply the dimension reduction
medium-sized image patches, and learn a parametric
model in order to obtain a
generative model with explicit mathematical expression [
]. For example,
a representative method called NIQE [
] use the Asymmetric Generalized Gaussian dis-
tribution to fit
96 ×96
image patches, and assume that the latent variable
follows a multi-variate Gaussian distribution.
Patch-based Density Estimation: It should be noted that the aforementioned natural image
statistic models remain overly simplistic, in the sense that they yield insufficiently adequate
descriptions of the probability distribution of natural images in the space of all possible
images. To overcome the limitation, an alternative method directly learns the probability
density function of low-dimensional sub-images by assuming that the image patches are
independent and identical samples of
if the patches come from a pristine
image). The research in IQA is constantly searching for the optimal form of the probability
distribution. A pioneering method following this approach named CORNIA [
] jointly
models the probability distribution of both natural images and distorted images by a Gaussian
Mixture Model. Despite its simplicity, CORNIA remains as one of the most competitive NR
IQA models [
]. Follow-up works have demonstrated that marginal improvements can be
attained by using more powerful probability mixture models [119].
Despite the proven efficiency, both approaches make over-simplified empirical assumptions about the
image density, which inevitably reduces their accuracy. Over the past five years, we have witnessed
an exponential growth in research activity into the advanced training of purely data-driven models.
Thanks to the availability of significantly larger data sets and the dedicated hardware unit that can
efficiently process large volume of data, it becomes possible to learn a high dimensional image
density model with exact log-likelihood computation, exact and efficient sampling, exact and efficient
inference of latent variables, and an interpretable latent space [
]. These models have demonstrated
a significant improvement in log-likelihood on standard benchmarks over the traditional approaches
without relying on excessive assumptions. It remains to be seen how much these models can improve
the performance of the current NR IQA algorithms.
4.2 Fidelity Model Distillation Approach
Inspired by the remarkable achievement of FR IQA techniques over the past decade, several studies
proposed to directly learn the prior distribution from FR IQA models in hope that the NR models
could inherit the prior knowledge from them. There exist two sub-categories in the fidelity model
distillation method, which differ in their way to make use of FR IQA models.
Learning from Synthetic Quality Labels: The first approach directly adopts the quality
prediction of FR IQA models as the ground-truth label and learns the prior distribution in a
supervised learning fashion. Given a dataset of
pristine images
Xr= (xr,1, ..., xr,n)
, a
distortion simulator
, and a FR IQA model
, the fidelity model distillation
approach firstly generates a set of synthetically distorted images
Xt= (xt,1, ..., xt,n)
, where
xt,i =g(xr,i;φ)
. For each pair of distorted and reference images
, a synthetic
quality score
ˆyi=d(xt,i,xr,i )
is then derived from the FR IQA measure, which can be
denoted collectively as
. Assuming the generated data are independent and identically
distributed, the prior model parameter
is set to the value that maximizes the likelihood
. Various instantiations of the idea have been developed based on
different FR IQA models. Many algorithms are built upon standalone FR IQA models
for conceptual simplicity [
]. To take advantage of all three types of knowledge
sources, state-of-the-art models of this kind employ fusion-based FR IQA models as the
quality annotator [
]. These models yield high correlation with human opinion
scores on the standard distorted images whose distortion process can be faithfully simulated.
Learning to Rank: During the data preparation stage, the distortion simulator typically
generates multiple distorted images for each reference image to cover the diversity of
distortion processes, suggesting that the training data are not independent and identically
distributed. To mitigate the problem, other fidelity model distillation-based models learn
from the relations among the training images. Specifically, for each pair of images
(xt,i,xt,j )
in the training set, let
rij = 1
rij = 0
otherwise. Assuming the variability of
quality across images is uncorrelated, the reliability of the IQA annotators do not depend
on the input image, and the image pairs in the dataset are independent and identically
distributed [
], one can then obtain the prior parameter distribution
by maximizing the
likelihood function
p({xt,i,xt,j , rij }|θ) = Y
p(rij |xt,i,xt,j ,θ).(17)
To fully specify the optimization problem, one also need to make assumptions about the
mathematical form of
p(rij |xt,i,xt,j ,θ)
. Early attempts of this approach models the con-
ditional probability with some standard functions (e.g., step function, standard Normal
cumulative distribution function) [
], while state-of-the-art algorithms employ hierarchical
probabilistic models for better model capacity [56] and interpretability [58].
In general, the fidelity model distillation-based NR IQA models have to face three major challenges.
First, the robustness of this approach heavily relies on the diversity and quality of the synthetic
distortion generator, both of which are often questionable in practice. Specifically, only a dozen
of distortion types may be simulated, which may be inadequate at representing the diversity of
distortions. As a result, this type of models does not generalize well to out-of-distribution distortion
types [
]. Second, their performance is upper-bounded by that of FR IQA models, which may be
inaccurate across distortion levels [
] and distortion types [
]. Third, even if the target FR IQA
model performs perfectly on the synthetic distorted image dataset, the approach may suffer from
excessive label noise originated from the natural discrepancy between perceptual fidelity and image
quality. In particular, a distorted image could correspond to several plausible pristine counterparts,
resulting in drastically different perceptual similarity measurements. Without access to the actual
original images, the learner may be confused by the diverse quality annotations during the training
4.3 Transfer Learning Approach
This approach is essentially the NR counterpart of the task-oriented feature learning methods for FR
IQA. The basic assumption is that the HVS parameter configuration optimized for one visual task may
also perform well on a relevant task. Methods of this kind maximize Equation 13 on various visual
tasks via maximum likelihood method to obtain a prior estimate for
, upon which the posterior
distribution is derived. The instantiations of the approach differs in their domain of supplementary
Motivated by the prevalence of deep learning, most transfer learning-based IQA methods approximate
the marginal likelihood of the observed data in the auxiliary task domain with a CNN. When
developing the IQA models, researchers typically freeze the convolutional layers optimized for an
auxiliary task (which are not retrained), and only retrain the fully connected layers that implement
IQA circuits at the top to associate visual representations derived from the convolutional layers with
quality annotations. Alternatively, the convolutional layers may be initialized with the auxiliary
task-optimized parameters, and are fine-tuned by subject-rated images via a few gradient descent
steps. The learning method is equivalent to an empirical Bayes procedure to maximize the marginal
likelihood that uses a point estimate for
computed by one or a few steps of gradient descent.
However, this point estimate is not necessarily the global mode of a posterior due to the non-linearity
of the CNN. We can instead understand the point estimate given by truncated gradient descent as the
value of the mode of an implicit posterior over
resulting from an empirical loss interpreted as a
negative log-likelihood, and regularization penalties and the early stopping procedure jointly acting
as priors [
]. It is worth mentioning that the CNN architecture itself has been imposed as the prior
knowledge about the connectivity of neurons in primary visual cortex.
The earliest transfer learning-based NR IQA models employ image recognition [
] as the auxiliary
task, where abundant subject annotations exist [
]. Somewhat surprisingly, the pre-trained network
already exhibits moderate correlation with subjective quality annotations, suggesting that the task-
oriented visual representations are to some degree already quality-aware [
]. With minimal fine-
tuning, the method achieves much better performance. Another model are optimized in a similar
fashion with the pre-training task being image restoration [
]. The performance and efficiency
of these approaches depend highly on the generalizability and relevance of the tasks used for pre-
training. To enhance the relevance of the auxiliary task to IQA, a few recent algorithms have the
quality prediction sub-task regularized by distortion identification [
]. However, the method is
not easily extended for authentically distorted images because there is no well-defined categorization
of real-world image distortions. Furthermore, it remains unclear if the HVS performs distortion
identification as a explicit visual task. The search for optimal auxiliary tasks in the context of IQA is
a subject of ongoing research.
4.4 Discussion
The Knowledge about Distortion Process
: The knowledge about distortion process has played
an important role in many IQA models, especially in the case of application-specific IQA where
efficient algorithms may be developed by assessing the severeness of certain distortions. In the
case of general-purpose IQA, however, the use of such knowledge may not be preferable for the
following reasons. First, the development of universal distortion model is extremely challenging,
because of the constantly evolving distortion process distribution. Indeed, the distortions that can
occur are infinitely variable and one cannot predict whether or not a hitherto-unknown distortion
type will emerge tomorrow. To account for all possible distortion types, one may have to assume
a uniform distribution of the distortion process, which is equivalent to not using any knowledge
about image distortions [
]. Second, a naïve subject can consistently assess image quality without
access to the underlying distortion process, suggesting that the visual systems are capable of judging
image quality independent of the knowledge about distortion. By contrast, existing NR IQA methods
make use of the knowledge about image distortions in some way (e.g., by assuming the probability
density function of distorted images, predicting the distortion type as an auxiliary visual task, or
using distortion simulator to generate training data).
The Data Challenge
: The success of IQA models strongly depends on the quantity, quality, repre-
sentativeness, and consistency of training data, all of which are extremely limited in practice. First,
the quantity of subject-rated images is bounded by the small capacity for subjective measurements. A
typical “large-scale” subjective test allows for a maximum of several hundreds or a few thousands of
test images to be rated. Given the enormous space of digital images, a few thousands of subject-rated
samples are deemed to be extremely sparsely distributed in the space. Second, the quality of subject
ratings is inherently lower than the labels in other visual tasks such as image categorization and
segmentation due to the stochastic nature of image quality. More importantly, the quality of subject
ratings gradually degrades as the number of test samples in a subjective experiment increases, where
the fatigue effect comes into play. Third, the subject-rated images in the existing IQA databases
may not be representative of the real-world distorted images, whose distortion process cannot be
faithfully reproduced. Fourth, the consistency of subjective image quality among IQA databases is
only moderate due to drastically different experimental conditions. Strictly speaking, the quality
ratings of an image
collected from a subjective experiment are essentially samples from a context
conditional quality distribution
, where
encodes the information about experiment envi-
ronment, instruction, training process, presentation order, and experiment protocol. As a result, the
subjective quality ratings obtained from different experiments cannot be simply aggregated into a
larger IQA dataset
. These data challenges constantly arise in IQA research and will remain a
challenging issue in the future.
The Fair Comparison Challenge
: Given the diversity of design philosophies, it becomes very
challenging to fairly compare two competing hypotheses. Specifically, existing IQA algorithms
are often trained on different datasets, equipped with different model capacity, and optimized by
different learning algorithms. It remains unclear whether the performance gain comes from a more
representative dataset, a more powerful model, an advanced machine learning technique, or the
superiority of the proposed hypothesis. To ascertain the improvement, we expect more controlled
experiments in the future.
The Cognitive Interaction Problem
: It is widely known that cognitive understanding and interactive
visual processing (e.g., eye movements) influence the perceived quality of images. For instance, the
subjective quality rating of an image is shown to be a function of the experiment instruction [
The preference of image content, prior information about image composition, or attention and
fixation [
] may also affect the evaluation of the image quality. The incorporation of cognitive
process in the IQA is a subject of ongoing research [49, 134].
IQA Model
SSIM Level Set
MSE Level Set
Best MSE for
fixed SSIM
Worst MSE for
fixed SSIM
Best SSIM for
fixed MSE
Worst SSIM for
fixed MSE
cDistortion Severity
Figure 6: Existing evaluation procedures for objective IQA models. (a) Direct correlation with
subjective evaluation: The objective model predictions are directly compared to subjective annotations
on a database of images. (b) D-Test: NR IQA models are evaluated based on their capability to
separate distorted images from pristine ones. (c) L-Test: NR IQA models are tested to identify the
severity of synthetic distortions. (d) P-Test: NR IQA models are evaluated by their ability to identify
discriminable image pairs. (e) MAD stimulus synthesis in the image space.
5 Evaluation Methodology
With a significant number of IQA models proposed recently, how to fairly compare their performance
becomes a challenge. The existing evaluation methodologies are summarized in Figure 6, and
discussed in detail below:
Direct Correlation with Subjective Evaluation
: Because the HVS is the ultimate receiver in most
applications, subjective evaluation is a straightforward and reliable approach to evaluate image
quality. The method constitutes three steps as illustrated in Figure 6a. In the first stage, a number of
representative images are selected from the image space. Early researches collect a few dozens of
pristine images and distort the source images with distortion simulators that create distorted images
of a few pre-set distortion types and quality levels [
]. However, the real-world image
distortion may deviate significantly from such simulated images. To this regard, recent studies create
datasets of real-world Internet images, which are contaminated by authentic distortions [
]. In
the second stage, the selected images are evaluated by a number of subjects. Each subject gives
a quality score to each selected image, and the overall subjective quality of the image is typically
represented by its mean opinion score (MOS) [
]. Alternatively, the subjective experiment may
be setup in a double stimulus setting, where subjects are provided with two images and are asked
to select the one with better quality. The preference data can be aggregated into a global ranking
using rank aggregation tools such as maximum likelihood for multiple options [
]. In the
final stage, the performance of the objective models is evaluated by comparison with subjective
scores. Typical evaluation criteria include (1) Pearson linear correlation coefficient after a non-linear
monotonic mapping between objective and subjective scores: a parametric measure of prediction
accuracy; (2) Spearman rank-order correlation coefficient: a non-parametric measure of prediction
monotonicity; and (3) Kendall rank-order correlation coefficient: another non-parametric measure of
prediction monotonicity. A major problem with this evaluation methodology is the conflict between
the enormous size of the image space and the limited capacity for subjective experiment. Subjective
testing is expensive and time-consuming. The largest IQA dataset contains only 10,000 subject-rated
images, which are deemed to be sparse samples of the image space.
Rational Test
: NR IQA models can also be evaluated in a more economic way without conducting
subjective experiment. Existing objective evaluation criteria rely on an image database consisting of
pristine images and the synthetic distorted images derived from them.
Pristine/Distorted Image Discriminability Test (D-Test) [
]: The procedure of D-Test is
shown in Figure 6b. Considering the pristine and distorted images as two distinct classes in
a meaningful perceptual space, the D-Test aims to test how well an IQA model is able to
separate the two classes. For each test IQA model, the procedure seeks a threshold value
optimized to yield the maximum correct classification rate. A good NR IQA model should
accurately distinguish the pristine images from the distorted ones.
Listwise Ranking Consistency Test (L-Test) [
]: The goal is to evaluate the robustness
of IQA models when rating images of the same content and with the same distortion type
but different distortion levels. A good IQA model should rank these images in the same
order. An illustrative example is given in Figure 6c, where different models may or may
not produce the same quality rankings in consistency with the image distortion levels. The
method assumes that the quality of an image degrades monotonically with the increase of the
distortion level for any distortion type, which may not generalize to all distortion processes
(e.g., rotation, contrast change, etc.).
Pairwise Preference Consistency Test (P-Test) [
]: The evaluation method relies on FR
IQA models to select image pairs whose quality is clearly discriminable. In contrast to
L-Test, this evaluation criteria enables the comparison of IQA models in their cross-content
capability. In practice, an image pair is considered to be discriminable in quality if the
difference in FR IQA predictions is larger than a certain threshold. The flowchart of P-Test
is illustrated in Figure 6d. A good NR IQA model should consistently predict preferences
concordant with the discriminable image pairs. The underlying assumption is that the target
FR IQA generalize well to the synthetic distortions.
The dependence of these rational tests on distortion simulators limits their effectiveness as a strong
benchmark, as a NR IQA model succeeding the sanity check may fail on authentically distorted
images. Nevertheless, the objective evaluation methods provide an economic complement to the
standard subjective evaluation, which have demonstrated to be especially useful in training machine
learning-based NR IQA models.
Analysis by Synthesis
: Given the enormous size of the image space, the limited capacity for
subjective experiment, and the constantly evolving distortion processes, it seems hopeless to verify
IQA models in a comprehensive manner. By contrast, to fail a model can be maximally efficient,
for which theoretically only one counterexample is sufficient. Therefore, to accelerate the model
comparison process, a complementary proposal is to falsify rather than validate the models. The
method dubbed MAximum Differentiation (MAD) competition is illustrated in Figure 6e using MSE
and SSIM as examples of competing models. Given two IQA models, MAD competition searches
for a pair of images that maximize/minimize the quality in terms of one model (termed the attacker
model) while holding the other (termed the defender model) fixed. The problem can be solved by
advanced optimization algorithms [5, 100, 106], or exhaustive search in a large pool of pre-selected
images [
]. Following the stimuli synthesis, a two alternative forced choice subjective experiment
(or its variant) is carried out to disprove the defender model. This procedure is then repeated, but
with the attacker/defender roles of the two models reversed. A defender model that better survives
attacks from other models in such a MAD [
] or group MAD [
] competitions, or an attacker
model that better attacks/fails other models in such competitions, is considered a better model.
6 Conclusion and Open Problems
We have presented a Bayesian view to the visual image quantification problem. We have demonstrated
that existing IQA methods can be explained by a common Bayesian framework with concrete
mathematical formulation. To facilitate the understanding and comparison of these approaches, we
have made the underlying assumptions explicit. Provided the ill-posed nature of IQA problem, it is
essential to incorporate prior knowledge in the design of computational visual models. Depending on
the availability of the reference image, two types of probabilistic graphical model can be derived,
which define image quality in different ways. Both approaches aim to discover the configuration of
the HVS represented by the prior distribution
. Despite the variations in design principles and
the great diversity of modeling techniques, all existing methods make use of one or more of three
types of prior knowledge: knowledge about the HVS; knowledge about high-quality images; and
knowledge about image distortions.
Remarkable progress has been made in the past decades in the field of IQA, evidenced by a number
of state-of-the-art IQA models achieving high correlations with subjective quality opinions on
images when tested using publicly available image quality databases. Nevertheless, this does not
necessarily mean that IQA research has reached a level of maturity, especially when facing real-world
challenges [
]. First, existing IQA models often suffer from generalization problem. It has been
observed that the performance of IQA models trained on one database reduces significantly on other
benchmark datasets, largely due to the distribution mismatch in the visual content and the distortion
process across datasets. The lack of generalized, reliable, and easy-to-use model validation procedure
also hinders the development of truly successful IQA systems. Second, most existing IQA models
do not exhibit desirable mathematical properties, making it difficult to derive reliable perceptually
motivated optimization approaches in image processing, computer vision, and computer graphics
applications. Only limited effort has been made on understanding the mathematical properties of
IQA measures [
]. Third, it is highly desirable to reduce the complexity of IQA algorithms,
especially for time-sensitive applications such as live broadcasting and video conferencing. Many
existing models are far from meeting this challenge.
It is worth noting that the IQA tasks discussed so far have been constrained to an ideal narrow scope
that allows for a focused, in-depth discussion. In practice, there is an enormous demand of IQA
algorithms and systems, many of which involve novel domain-specific challenges. The application
scope includes, but is not limited to, computer graphics [
], video compression [
], video stream-
ing [
], camera process [
], printing [
], visual displays [
], stereo vision [
], reduced-reference
quality assessment [
], degraded-reference quality assessment [
], multi-exposure fusion [
dynamic range compression [
], texture analysis [
], spatial interpolation [
], video frame-rate
conversion [
], color image reproduction [
], color-to-gray conversion [
], depth quality [
visual discomfort [
], image aesthetics [
], new media types and environment (virtual reality
and augmented reality) [
], screen content [
], point cloud [
], and 360-degree omnidirectional
content [
], among many others. Most of these works are in preliminary stages, and there is a large
space to be explored in the future.
7 Summary Points
Objective image quality assessment (IQA) can be formulated as a Bayesian inference
problem, where the key is to obtain the configuration of the human visual system (HVS)
encoded by a prior parameter distribution.
In general, three types of knowledge may be used in the design of image quality assessment
methods: knowledge about the HVS; knowledge about high-quality images; and knowledge
about image distortions.
Perceptual fidelity is closely related to image quality under certain conditions. Based on
this observation, a variety of full-reference IQA models are developed, including the error
visibility paradigm, the structural similarity paradigm, the information theoretic paradigm,
task-oriented feature learning methods, and fusion-based methods.
No-reference IQA models can predict the visual quality of an image without access to its
pristine counterpart. Existing methods can be categorized into the empirical statistical
modeling approach, the fidelity model distillation approach, and the transfer learning
There has been a recent trend in the design principles of IQA methods from knowledge-
driven toward data-driven approaches, evident by the dominance of objective prior learnt by
Empirical Bayes method over the subjective prior designed by IQA researchers.
The generalizability of IQA models, especially data-driven models, strongly depends on the
quantity, quality, representativeness, and consistency of training data, which are scarce in
practice. Creative methods are desired to mitigate such data challenges, and to overcome
the limited capability of evaluation procedures.
This work is supported in part by Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of
Canada under the Discovery Grant, Canada Research Chair program, and Alexander Graham Bell
Canada Graduate Scholarship program.
The manuscript has been accepted by Annual Review of Vision Science.
Figure 2, Figure 4, and Figure 5 are absent in the accepted manuscript for conciseness.
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... tasks [48]. Q-Align [12] made the first attempt by transferring the qualitative rating levels to the perceptual quality scores. ...
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While recent advancements in large multimodal models (LMMs) have significantly improved their abilities in image quality assessment (IQA) relying on absolute quality rating, how to transfer reliable relative quality comparison outputs to continuous perceptual quality scores remains largely unexplored. To address this gap, we introduce Compare2Score-an all-around LMM-based no-reference IQA (NR-IQA) model, which is capable of producing qualitatively comparative responses and effectively translating these discrete comparative levels into a continuous quality score. Specifically, during training, we present to generate scaled-up comparative instructions by comparing images from the same IQA dataset, allowing for more flexible integration of diverse IQA datasets. Utilizing the established large-scale training corpus, we develop a human-like visual quality comparator. During inference, moving beyond binary choices, we propose a soft comparison method that calculates the likelihood of the test image being preferred over multiple predefined anchor images. The quality score is further optimized by maximum a posteriori estimation with the resulting probability matrix. Extensive experiments on nine IQA datasets validate that the Compare2Score effectively bridges text-defined comparative levels during training with converted single image quality score for inference, surpassing state-of-the-art IQA models across diverse scenarios. Moreover, we verify that the probability-matrix-based inference conversion not only improves the rating accuracy of Compare2Score but also zero-shot general-purpose LMMs, suggesting its intrinsic effectiveness.
... The predicted quality score is used to evaluate the image processing system and optimize various real-world applications, such as image compression, restoration, and rendering. The FR-IQA models can be summarized from a Bayesian perspective Duanmu et al. (2021): ...
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Deep learning-based full-reference image quality assessment (FR-IQA) models typically rely on the feature distance between the reference and distorted images. However, the underlying assumption of these models that the distance in the deep feature domain could quantify the quality degradation does not scientifically align with the invariant texture perception, especially when the images are generated artificially by neural networks. In this paper, we bring a radical shift in inferring the quality with learned features and propose the Deep Image Dependency (DID) based FR-IQA model. The feature dependency facilitates the comparisons of deep learning features in a high-order manner with Brownian distance covariance, which is characterized by the joint distribution of the features from reference and test images, as well as their marginal distributions. This enables the quantification of the feature dependency against nonlinear transformation, which is far beyond the computation of the numerical errors in the feature space. Experiments on image quality prediction, texture image similarity, and geometric invariance validate the superior performance of our proposed measure.
... The design philosophies of the FR-IQA models are supported by the statistics of natural scenes, the prior knowledge of the Human Visual System (HVS), as well as the understanding of distortion [11]. In particular, it is widely accepted that extraction of the features that account for naturalness from reference and distortion images is important. ...
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Existing deep learning-based full-reference IQA (FR-IQA) models usually predict the image quality in a deterministic way by explicitly comparing the features, gauging how severely distorted an image is by how far the corresponding feature lies from the space of the reference images. Herein, we look at this problem from a different viewpoint and propose to model the quality degradation in perceptual space from a statistical distribution perspective. As such, the quality is measured based upon the Wasserstein distance in the deep feature domain. More specifically, the 1DWasserstein distance at each stage of the pre-trained VGG network is measured, based on which the final quality score is performed. The deep Wasserstein distance (DeepWSD) performed on features from neural networks enjoys better interpretability of the quality contamination caused by various types of distortions and presents an advanced quality prediction capability. Extensive experiments and theoretical analysis show the superiority of the proposed DeepWSD in terms of both quality prediction and optimization.
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This article analyzes various color quantization methods using multiple image quality assessment indices. Experiments were conducted with ten color quantization methods and eight image quality indices on a dataset containing 100 RGB color images. The set of color quantization methods selected for this study includes well-known methods used by many researchers as a baseline against which to compare new methods. On the other hand, the image quality assessment indices selected are the following: mean squared error, mean absolute error, peak signal-to-noise ratio, structural similarity index, multi-scale structural similarity index, visual information fidelity index, universal image quality index, and spectral angle mapper index. The selected indices not only include the most popular indices in the color quantization literature but also more recent ones that have not yet been adopted in the aforementioned literature. The analysis of the results indicates that the conventional assessment indices used in the color quantization literature generate different results from those obtained by newer indices that take into account the visual characteristics of the images. Therefore, when comparing color quantization methods, it is recommended not to use a single index based solely on pixelwise comparisons, as is the case with most studies to date, but rather to use several indices that consider the various characteristics of the human visual system.
Image quality assessment (IQA) is an important problem in computer vision with many applications. We propose a transformer-based multi-task learning framework for the IQA task. Two subtasks: constructing an auxiliary information error map and completing image quality prediction, are jointly optimized using a shared feature extractor. We use ViT as a feature extractor for feature extraction and guide ViT to focus on image quality-related features by building auxiliary information error map subtask. In particular, we propose a fusion network that includes a channel focus module. Unlike the fusion methods commonly used in previous IQA methods, we use the fusion network, including the channel attention module, to fuse the auxiliary information error map features with the image features, which facilitates the model to mine the image quality features for more accurate image quality assessment. And by jointly optimizing the two subtasks, ViT focuses more on extracting image quality features and building a more precise mapping from feature representation to quality score. With slight adjustments to the model, our approach can be used in both no-reference (NR) and full-reference (FR) IQA environments. We evaluate the proposed method in multiple IQA databases, showing better performance than state-of-the-art FR and NR IQA methods.
Objective Image Quality Assessment (IQA) aims to design computational models that can automatically predict the perceived quality of images. The state-of-the-art full-reference IQA metric – Deep Image Structure and Texture Similarity (DISTS), neglects the fact that natural images often consist of local structure and texture, and requires supervised training on the annotated dataset. In this paper, we introduce multiple adaptive strategies to improve DISTS, resulting in an opinion-unaware IQA metric, named A-DISTS. Specifically, A-DISTS first uses the dispersion index as a statistical feature to adaptively localize structure and texture regions at different scales. Second, it adaptively assigns the spatial weights between local structure and texture similarity measurements according to the estimated structure or texture probability maps. Finally, it calculates the entropy of image representation to adaptively weigh the importance of each feature map. As a result, A-DISTS is adapted to local image content and does not require any training. The experimental results demonstrated that the proposed metric correlates well with human rating in the standard and algorithm-dependent IQA databases, and exhibits competitive performance in the optimization tasks of single image super-resolution, motion deblurring, and multi-distortion removal.
This letter aims to develop advanced full-reference image quality assessment (FR-IQA) models to evaluate content-misaligned image pairs, which are commonly encountered in image reconstruction tasks and texture synthesis tasks. Traditional FR-IQA models tend to be overly sensitive to content shifting and misalignment, thus deviating from subjective evaluations. Herein, we propose a deep order statistical similarity (DOSS) FR-IQA model that compares the order statistics of deep features to address this issue. In DOSS, the reference and distorted images are projected into the deep feature space, and the sorted deep network features are compared with the cosine similarity index to output the final perceptual quality scores. With such a simple design baseline, DOSS offers several advantages. First, it mimics the behavior of the human visual system (HVS) in terms of evaluating content-misaligned image pairs, thereby tolerating slight image shifts and deformations. Second, DOSS possesses an advanced texture perception capability, producing superior quality assessment results on images generated by various texture synthesis algorithms; this indicates that DOSS can be used to select visually appealing texture synthesis results. Finally, experimental results demonstrate that DOSS can also obtain competitive quality assessment results on standard IQA datasets, suggesting that deep feature order statistics can serve as generic features for both content-aligned and content-misaligned IQA. The code for this method is publicly available at
The fundamental conflict between the enormous space of adaptive streaming videos and the limited capacity for subjective experiment casts significant challenges to objective Quality-of-Experience (QoE) prediction. Existing objective QoE models either employ pre-defined parametrization or exhibit complex functional form, achieving limited generalization capability in diverse streaming environments. In this study, we propose an objective QoE model, namely the Bayesian streaming quality index (BSQI), to integrate prior knowledge on the human visual system and human annotated data in a principled way. By analyzing the subjective characteristics towards streaming videos from a corpus of subjective studies, we show that a family of QoE functions lies in a convex set. Using a variant of projected gradient descent, we optimize the objective QoE model over a database of training videos. The proposed BSQI demonstrates strong prediction accuracy in a broad range of streaming conditions, evident by state-of-the-art performance on four publicly available benchmark datasets and a novel analysis-by-synthesis visual experiment.
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Perceptual quality assessment plays a vital role in the visual communication systems owing to the existence of quality degradations introduced in various stages of visual signal acquisition, compression, transmission and display. Quality assessment for visual signals can be performed subjectively and objectively, and objective quality assessment is usually preferred owing to its high efficiency and easy deployment. A large number of subjective and objective visual quality assessment studies have been conducted during recent years. In this survey, we give an up-to-date and comprehensive review of these studies. Specifically, the frequently used subjective image quality assessment databases are first reviewed, as they serve as the validation set for the objective measures. Second, the objective image quality assessment measures are classified and reviewed according to the applications and the methodologies utilized in the quality measures. Third, the performances of the state-of-the-art quality measures for visual signals are compared with an introduction of the evaluation protocols. This survey provides a general overview of classical algorithms and recent progresses in the field of perceptual image quality assessment.
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Deep learning methods for image quality assessment (IQA) are limited due to the small size of existing datasets. Extensive datasets require substantial resources both for generating publishable content and annotating it accurately. We present a systematic and scalable approach to creating KonIQ-10k, the largest IQA dataset to date, consisting of 10,073 quality scored images. It is the first in-the-wild database aiming for ecological validity, concerning the authenticity of distortions, the diversity of content, and quality-related indicators. Through the use of crowdsourcing, we obtained 1.2 million reliable quality ratings from 1,459 crowd workers, paving the way for more general IQA models. We propose a novel, deep learning model (KonCept512), to show an excellent generalization beyond the test set (0:921 SROCC), to the current state-of-the-art database LIVE-in-the-Wild (0:825 SROCC). The model derives its core performance from the InceptionResNet architecture, being trained at a higher resolution than previous models (512 × 384). Correlation analysis shows that KonCept512 performs similar to having 9 subjective scores for each test image.
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Image quality assessment (IQA) algorithms aim to predict perceived image quality by human observers. Over the last two decades, a large amount of work has been carried out in the field. New algorithms are being developed at a rapid rate in different areas of IQA, but are often tested and compared with limited existing models using out-of-date test data. There is a significant gap when it comes to large-scale performance evaluation studies that include a wide variety of test data and competing algorithms. In this work we aim to fill this gap by carrying out the largest performance evaluation study so far. We test the performance of 43 full-reference (FR), seven fused FR (22 versions), and 14 no-reference (NR) methods on nine subject-rated IQA datasets, of which five contain singly distorted images and four contain multiply distorted content. We use a variety of performance evaluation and statistical significance testing criteria. Our findings not only point to the top performing FR and NR IQA methods, but also highlight the performance gap between them. In addition, we have also conducted a comparative study on FR fusion methods, and an important discovery is that rank aggregation based FR fusion is able to outperform not only other FR fusion approaches but also the top performing FR methods. It may be used to annotate IQA datasets as a possible alternative to subjective ratings, especially in situations where it is not possible to obtain human opinions, such as in the case of large-scale datasets composed of thousands or even millions of images.
Nowadays, 360° video/image has been increasingly popular and drawn great attention. The spherical viewing range of 360° video/image accounts for huge data, which pose the challenges to 360° video/image processing in solving the bottleneck of storage, transmission, etc. Accordingly, the recent years have witnessed the explosive emergence of works on 360° video/image processing. In this paper, we review the state-of-the-art works on 360° video/image processing from the aspects of perception, assessment and compression. First, this paper reviews both datasets and visual attention modelling approaches for 360° video/image. Second, we survey the related works on both subjective and objective visual quality assessment (VQA) of 360° video/image. Third, we overview the compression approaches for 360° video/image, which either utilize the spherical characteristics or visual attention models. Finally, we summarize this review paper and outlook the future research trends on 360° video/image processing.
In this paper, we propose a novel deep learningbased virtual reality image quality assessment method that automatically predicts the visual quality of an omnidirectional image. In order to assess the visual quality in viewing the omnidirectional image, we propose deep networks consisting of VR quality score predictor and human perception guider. The proposed VR quality score predictor learns the positional and visual characteristics of the omnidirectional image by encoding the positional feature and visual feature of a patch on the omnidirectional image. With the encoded positional feature and visual feature, patch weight and patch quality score are estimated. Then, by aggregating all weights and scores of patches, the image quality score is predicted. The proposed human perception guider evaluates the predicted quality score by referring to the human subjective score (i.e., ground-truth obtained by subjects) using an adversarial learning. With adversarial learning, the VR quality score predictor is trained to accurately predict the quality score in order to deceive the guider while the proposed human perception guider is trained to precisely distinguish between the predictor score and the ground-truth subjective score. To verify the performance of the proposed method, we conducted comprehensive subjective experiments and evaluated the performance of the proposed method. Experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms the existing 2- D image quality models and the state-of-the-art image quality models for omnidirectional images.
In many science and engineering fields that require computational models to predict certain physical quantities, we are often faced with the selection of the best model under the constraint that only a small sample set can be physically measured. One such example is the prediction of human perception of visual quality, where sample images live in a high dimensional space with enormous content variations. We propose a new methodology for model comparison named group maximum differentiation (gMAD) competition. Given multiple computational models, gMAD maximizes the chances of falsifying a "defender" model using the rest models as "attackers". It exploits the sample space to find sample pairs that maximally differentiate the attackers while holding the defender fixed. Based on the results of the attacking-defending game, we introduce two measures, aggressiveness and resistance, to summarize the performance of each model at attacking other models and defending attacks from other models, respectively. We demonstrate the gMAD competition using three examples---image quality, image aesthetics, and streaming video quality-of-experience. Although these examples focus on visually discriminable quantities, the gMAD methodology can be extended to many other fields, and is especially useful when the sample space is large, the physical measurement is expensive and the cost of computational prediction is low.