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Cybersecurity for Satellite Smart Critical Infrastructure


Abstract and Figures

A satellite communication system, as a typical example of the Internet of things, is a smart critical infrastructure and has become an essential component used in various services such as finances, communications, ground and air-borne navigation, utilities, power grid distribution, emergency services, agriculture, banking, and many other critical industries. In recent times, satellite communication systems have become a target for cyber-attack. In this chapter, we review satellite infrastructure and the existing cybersecurity frameworks applied in smart critical infrastructure. We identified three main cybersecurity properties for satellite smart critical infrastructure, which are real-time analysis, mitigation mechanism, and low computational overhead. These properties are mapped against existing cybersecurity frameworks applied in smart critical infrastructure. The result indicated that the existing cybersecurity frameworks are either inapplicable, incompatible, or inadequate to address the cyber-attacks in satellite smart critical infrastructure. In addition, we identify a combination of mechanisms such as runtime verification and digital twin technology to address the satellite smart critical infrastructure cybersecurity. Finally, we discuss a review of the mechanisms and their applications along with our future work.KeywordsRuntime verificationSatellite smart critical infrastructureDigital twinsStatic verificationSecure time synchronization protocolCyber security
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Cybersecurity For Satellite Smart Critical
Ayodeji James Akande1, Ernest Foo2, Zhe Hou2, and Qinyi Li2
Griffith University, Nathan QLD 4111, Australia
Abstract. A satellite communication system, as a typical example of
the Internet of things, is a smart critical infrastructure and has become
an essential component used in various services such as finances, commu-
nications, ground and air-borne navigation, utilities, power grid distribu-
tion, emergency services, agriculture, banking, and many other critical
industries. In recent times, satellite communication systems have become
a target for cyber-attack. In this chapter, we review satellite infrastruc-
ture and the existing cybersecurity frameworks applied in smart criti-
cal infrastructure. We identified three main cybersecurity properties for
satellite smart critical infrastructure, which are real-time analysis, mit-
igation mechanism, and low computational overhead. These properties
are mapped against existing cybersecurity frameworks applied in smart
critical infrastructure. The result indicated that the existing cyberse-
curity frameworks are either inapplicable, incompatible, or inadequate
to address the cyber-attacks in satellite smart critical infrastructure. In
addition, we identify a combination of mechanisms such as runtime veri-
fication and digital twin technology to address the satellite smart critical
infrastructure cybersecurity. Finally, we discuss a review of the mecha-
nisms and their applications along with our future work.
Keywords: Runtime Verification ·Satellite Smart Critical Infrastruc-
ture ·Digital Twins ·Static Verification ·Secure Time Synchronization
Protocol ·Cyber Security
1 Introduction
A satellite system is a smart critical infrastructure that is used in various essen-
tial services such as finances, communications, ground and air-borne navigation,
utilities, power grid distribution, emergency services, agriculture, banking, and
many other critical industries. In recent years, there has been an increase in
cyber attacks on satellite communications. According to Graczyk et al. [27], the
dependence on space made it an important asset and a worthwhile target for
The satellite communication system is designed to be smart with features
and modules for efficient communications. However, the major challenges fac-
ing the protection of space satellite systems include the isolated nature of the
2 Ayodeji. A et al.
deployed satellite and the high latency and high error environment that commu-
nications must travel in. The other challenge is the limited processing capacity
on board the satellite, as power is mainly provided by a solar battery. These
challenges thereby create an unprecedented complexity. According to Falco [21],
due to the cost and accessibility to some features, the ground station function-
ality historically has been exclusively afforded by select nation-states, but the
recent introduction of cloud-based ground stations for satellite control has pro-
vided unprecedented access to the services. “Coupled with low-cost CubeSats
that are rife with cybersecurity issues, it is now feasible for a wide range of
nation-states, companies, or even individuals to cause harm to other satellites in
orbit [21]. The nature of the satellite system results in difficulties in anticipating
all possible faults/hazards, vulnerabilities, and cyber-attacks.
Some of the common cyber attacks on satellite communications include spoof-
ing and jamming of satellite communication attacks. Spoofing attacks on satel-
lite communications can provide access to data that can be used by adversaries
to cause serious evoke. Likewise, the jamming of satellite communications can
create a great negative impact. To address the challenges facing satellite commu-
nication systems, a technique is required which will involve real-time monitoring
without affecting the system’s operations or affecting computational power and
timely response to anticipated faults/hazards, vulnerabilities, malicious events
or cyber-attack.
Asides from confidentiality, integrity, availability, authentication and autho-
risation, there is a need to set properties for a cybersecurity framework that
analyses the satellite smart critical infrastructure’s applications or programs
and operations. The cybersecurity framework must ensure; first, to identify ma-
licious events and/or anticipate faults or possible cyber-attacks; secondly, to
mitigate against those events in a timely manner; and thirdly, must not add
computational overhead to the system. Several cybersecurity frameworks have
been developed by researchers and applied in various industries and fields. These
frameworks are either incompatible, inapplicable or inadequate to provide the
desired cybersecurity for a satellite smart critical infrastructure. However, there
are existing technologies and security mechanisms that can be combined to de-
sign a suitable cybersecurity framework for satellite communication systems,
such as digital twin technology and runtime verification.
Around the world, a lot of research has been performed on digital twin tech-
nology. This is a technology developed to imitate a real system. The digital
twin is a virtual representation of a physical object or process that serves as the
real-time digital counterpart. Digital twin-based satellite communication can be
developed to run computational heavy tasks to monitor and verify satellite com-
munication system performance and efficacy. With the concept of the digital
twin, it is possible to model, anticipate all possible faults/hazards and be proac-
tive to stop unwanted events before they happen if events happening at runtime
can be analysed. Though the digital twin supposes to replicate the real system,
a verification technique is essential to analyse the system’s program as being
executed, monitor the results of the execution and analyse the outcome to find
Cybersecurity For Satellite Smart Critical Infrastructure 3
anomalies and security breaches. The exploration of formal verification, specifi-
cally runtime verification, provides the technique. Runtime verification is one
of the efficient ways to monitor and verify the security of satellites and other
space assets” [32]. According to Goldberg et al. [26], “NASA has developed a
runtime verification technique that can be applied to check autonomous agents
running on the PLASMA planning system”.
Digital twin verification using runtime verification relies on the correctness
of data and fresh state data. Though “the correctness of data can be achieved
via standard data integrity/authentication techniques such as message authenti-
cation codes and digital signatures, the latter is particularly challenging consid-
ering that the satellite communication suffers from unpredictable delays” [32].
To address this issue, Hou et al.” [32] focused on establishing a proper level of
time synchronisation among digital twins. However, the time synchronisation
only addressed the delay in satellite communications, while verification of the
consistency of satellite application/program is not yet addressed. In addressing
this issue, runtime verification with properties expressed in linear temporal logic
can be implemented. System applications must set and meet properties such as
configuration values.
Though the concept of runtime verification of digital twins-based satellite
communication systems has not been fully researched, this paper will review
research work on the concept and its applications in various fields.
Our Literature Review Approach In this paper, research was conducted
using scholarly search engines ”Scopus” and ”Google Scholar”. The review covers
various areas such as satellite system cybersecurity, cybersecurity frameworks in
smart critical infrastructure, and the runtime verification-digital twins concept.
The literature review approach is made up of three stages: (a) relevant keywords
search from databases, (b) exclusion of irrelevant papers by reading abstracts,
(c) full-text reading of relevant papers, and classification of papers according to
the properties presented in section 3. Databases, search strings, and time scope
of the literature review were used.
Our literature review is in two phases; the first phase is to review satellite
infrastructure, identify the existing cybersecurity frameworks and evaluate their
suitability for satellite infrastructure cybersecurity while the second phase is to
review mechanisms suitable to form a framework for satellite infrastructure cy-
bersecurity. Shown in Figure 1 is a graph indicating a growth rate in the satellite
critical infrastructure cybersecurity research field from 2008 till the present.
In Section 2, we present the literature review of satellite smart critical in-
frastructure and list out its infrastructural limitation for cybersecurity analysis.
Section 3 discusses cybersecurity properties for satellite critical infrastructure
and also reviews the existing framework against the identified properties, while
presented in Section4 are the mechanisms that provide satellite smart critical
infrastructure cybersecurity and their existing areas of applications. Section 5 is
the conclusion of this paper, and future research work is highlighted.
4 Ayodeji. A et al.
Fig. 1. This table showcases the number of publications per year based on the research
topic ”Cybersecurity framework for smart critical infrastructure”.
2 Evaluation Of Cybersecurity Properties For Satellite
Smart Critical Infrastructure
The satellite infrastructure as a space asset has become a critical component
used in various essential services such as finances, communications, ground and
air-borne navigation, utilities, power grid distribution, emergency services, agri-
culture, banking, and many other critical industries. Since the 80s, Space assets
has moved from being only used by the military and are now increasingly used
by civilian. Some basic satellite system components include a communication
system, sensors, actuators, onboard computer system, and power [39].
As shown in figure 2, satellite infrastructure has two main components: the
ground station, which consists of fixed or mobile transmission, reception, and
ancillary equipment, and the space satellite. Both space satellites and ground
stations transmit via uplink and downlink channels. A ground station transmits
the signal from the earth’s space to a satellite. The satellite receives, amplifies
the signal, and re-transmits it back to Earth, where it is received. The received
signal is then re-amplified by ground stations.
Kim [39] stated that “satellites are usually equipped with a kind of pay-
load system(s) (radio/TV transmitter/transducer, radar, telescope or different
scientific instrument, etc.) to perform certain dedicated space mission(s)” [39].
Kim [39] further identified some types of satellites which include navigation,
communication, Earth observation, scientific, geophysics, geodetics, technology
demonstration, and developers training.
“Ubiquitous use of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), including
Global Positioning System (GPS) in civilian, security, and defence applications,
and the growing dependence on them within critical infrastructures has high-
lighted the need for protection against vulnerability due to intentional or un-
Cybersecurity For Satellite Smart Critical Infrastructure 5
Fig. 2. This diagram shows a simple communication between the satellite station and
the ground station.
intentional interference sources” [6]. According to Graczyk et al. [27], the de-
pendence on space made it an important resource and a worthwhile target for
protection. “Unfortunately, several threats put the sustainable use of space at
risk, both as a foundation for military operations, but more importantly for the
economic applications that affect our daily life” [27]. Therefore, a cybersecurity
framework must be designed against cyber-attacks in satellite critical infrastruc-
Nweke [46] identified two components, namely the CIA model and AAA.
The CIA model describes important goals of cybersecurity while AAA describes
a method through which cybersecurity is achieved. Satam et al. [52] stated that
it is unrealistic to apply encryption techniques to sensors due to their low (or
no) computational power but proposed the authentication of sensors and their
data. However, authentication may not be sufficient for a satellite smart critical
infrastructure cybersecurity.
Several cybersecurity frameworks have been developed by researchers and
applied in various industries and fields. These frameworks include the deploy-
ment of intrusion detection systems [18,47], blockchain technology [1], Software
Defining Network (SDN) technology [31] and STRIDE threat modeling [24].
The existing cybersecurity frameworks are either inapplicable, incompatible, or
inadequate for satellite smart critical infrastructures cybersecurity due to the
1. the isolated nature of the deployed satellite,
2. the high latency,
6 Ayodeji. A et al.
3. high error environment that communications must travel in,
4. the limited processing capacity onboard of the satellite, and
5. the low computational power of sensors.
In order to design a suitable framework for satellite infrastructure in the
space environment, some properties need to be considered. These properties are:
Low computational overhead
Real-time detection
Mitigation mechanism
In the next section, we will discuss the properties in detail.
3 Cybersecurity Properties For Satellite Smart Critical
Infrastructure and Definitions
A cybersecurity framework is a mechanism designed to ensure adequate pro-
tection of a system against cyber-attacks. Due to the limitations as listed in
Section 2, three cybersecurity properties have been identified for satellite infras-
tructure. These properties will be used to develop a suitable framework.
Property 1 (Low Computational Overhead). Every analytical process must re-
quire minimum computational overhead without affecting the operation of the
system except when the analytical process can be performed externally.
Due to the low computational power of onboard sensors, any monitoring
and analysis technique for satellite cybersecurity is either of low computational
overhead or can be implemented outside the space environment.
In addressing the low computational overhead problem, an engineering tech-
nology such as digital twin technology can be implemented. As discussed in
section 4.1, with Digital Twin (DT) technology, a replica of the satellite infras-
tructure can be developed, which serves as the real-time digital counterpart of
the physical system or process.
Satellite data analysis will be a computationally heavy task and can be per-
formed on high-performance computers on the ground. Hence, the idea of using
a digital twin, which is a virtual representation that serves as the real-time digital
counterpart of a physical object or process.
The digital twin reflects the real-time status of the physical twin, it is natural
to ask whether we can analyze events happening at runtime and be proactive to
stop bad things before they happen.
Property 2 (Real-time Detection). Detection of undesirable events must be timely
and preferably performed at run-time.
Due to the limited processing capacity onboard the satellite and to proffer
a solution to the high error environment that satellite communication travel
in, real-time analysis of satellite data is quite challenging to be performed on
onboard satellite infrastructure.
Cybersecurity For Satellite Smart Critical Infrastructure 7
Real-time detection is the use of data and related resources for the analysis
and discovery of malicious events as soon as it enters the system. This involves
real-time monitoring of every process in the satellite communication system,
which includes monitoring data exchange in space missions. The real-time anal-
ysis process entails the extraction of data from a running system and the use of
the data to identify behaviours satisfying or violating the defined security mea-
sures. The real-time analysis enables data scientists or analysts to use analytical
data for forming operational decisions and applying them, displaying ongoing
operations with constantly updated transactional data sets and reporting his-
torical and current data simultaneously. A real-time monitoring tool consists of
an aggregator that gathers data events from a variety of data sources and an
analytic engine that analyzes the data, correlates values, and blends streams
Real-time analysis onboard satellite infrastructure seems challenging. To pro-
vide that support for real-time detection, the use of digital twins with formal ver-
ification techniques such as runtime verification can be implemented. Detection
of malicious events is not sufficient to protect critical infrastructure, mitigating
against cyber-attack is highly important to avert the impact on services.
Property 3 (Mitigation). Every process must be verified, and if the process does
not satisfy the defined security property for the system, the process will be
prevented from further action.
While real-time analysis detects anomalies or events suggesting cyber-attacks,
mitigation techniques react to the observed behaviours violating set properties.
Due to the isolated nature of the deployed satellite, a mechanism to promptly
respond to the cyber-attack and anticipated fault. An effective and efficient
cybersecurity mechanism for satellite infrastructure must proactively mitigate
unwanted events before happening.
Due to the limitation in processing capacity, real-time mitigation onboard
satellite infrastructure seems challenging. To provide mitigation, runtime veri-
fication with temporal logic can be implemented. Runtime verification, as dis-
cussed in section 4.2 is an efficient formal verification technique to monitor and
verify the security of satellites and other space assets. Using temporal logic, se-
curity properties can be defined in the runtime verification algorithm to validate
every process of the system.
Also, due to addressing the high latency, a secure time synchronization pro-
tocol is required. Time synchronization between the space satellites and the
ground station relies on the communication network. Satellite communication
experiences high latency and is likewise prone to cyber attacks due to the iso-
lated nature of the deployed satellite and the high error environment that com-
munications must travel in. As the correctness of data is highly important, it
is essential for a verifier to know the freshness of the state data. The attacks
may sabotage the time synchronization by preventing the packets from being
correctly transmitted, rendering inaccurate synchronization, and further mak-
ing the runtime verifier receives and checks an outdated or manipulated state.
8 Ayodeji. A et al.
Thus, time synchronization protocols must be sufficiently robust against active
adversaries. A secure state synchronization method to ensure secure and effi-
cient long-distance communication between the satellite and ground station is
important for cybersecurity. The verifier must know the freshness of the data
state. To provide secure time synchronization between the satellite and ground
station, Authenticated Network Time Protocol (ANTP) can be deployed. It is
a better alternative to the traditional time synchronization protocol, Network
Time Protocol because it offers security.
Properties No of papers
Real-time Analysis 105
Mitigation Process 23
Computational Power 0
Table 1. This table showcases the number of papers on the existing cybersecurity
frameworks addressing the our properties.
Ref. Application Real-time Mitigation Comp. Overhead
[7] Satellite System N N Y
[3] Satellite System Y Y Y
[1] Transportation Y Y Y
[31] Transportation Y Y Y
[59] Transportation Y Y Y
[63] Transportation Y Y Y
[24] Transportation Y N Y
[50] Power and Energy Y Y Y
[53] Smart Infrastructures Y N Y
[36] Smart Infrastructures Y N Y
[33] Power and Energy Y N Y
[18] Smart City Y N Y
[47] Smart City Y N Y
Table 2. This table indicates the mapping of the existing framework against our three
properties for the Satellite Cybersecurity Framework. While ”Y” is yes and ”N” is no,
“Real-time” represents the framework that addresses real-time data analysis and de-
tection, “Mitigation” represents the framework that addresses the response mechanism
to detected malicious events while “Comp. Overhead” represents the framework that if
implemented in satellite infrastructure will increase the onboard computational power.
As shown in Table 1, out of 128 documents, 105 documents discussed the
real-time analysis in their framework without clearly indicating mitigation pro-
cess [35,44,11] while 23 stated mitigation approaches against the detected at-
tacks [31,59,63,2,16]. However, none of the framework implementations described
Cybersecurity For Satellite Smart Critical Infrastructure 9
in these papers will be able to address the computational overhead problem in
satellite infrastructure. The implementation of these security frameworks may
increase computational power in satellite critical infrastructure making them not
fit to be used for satellite communications cybersecurity.
We further reviewed the top 13 publications and shown in table 2, is the anal-
ysis of the frameworks mapped against our cybersecurity properties for satellite
smart critical infrastructure. Though the combination of digital twins, authen-
ticated network time protocol (ANTP), and runtime verification is still a very
young idea that has only been briefly explored in the analysis of cyber-physical
systems recently, this chapter reviews the application of digital twins, ANTP
and runtime verification in various smart critical infrastructure systems includ-
ing satellites and space missions. There is a significant lack of technical details
in the literature.
4 Mechanisms for Satellite Smart Critical Infrastructure
Protecting smart critical infrastructure such as satellite systems from all antic-
ipated/possible faults/hazards, vulnerabilities, and cyber-attacks has become a
great concern due to the system’s complexity and heterogeneity, and integra-
tion with the Internet. A satellite system can be classified as an example of
cyber-physical infrastructure. Research has indicated that ”with the rise of new
technology trends, such as AI Foundations, Intelligent Things, Cloud to Edge, or
Immersive Experiences, many of today’s paradigms can be expected to be dis-
rupted” [30]. Box [14] stated that the Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) complexity
made it “practically impossible to give accurate models, enumerate all use-cases,
and to anticipate all possible faults/hazards during development” [14].
Falco [21] presented satellite-to-satellite attacks. The paper described a class
of satellite-to-satellite cyber attacks and explained that the attacks were previ-
ously limited to a select group of nation-states, but the low-cost CubeSats and
ground stations, along with cloud services make the system accessible to adver-
saries and cyber attacks are increasingly feasible [21]. The paper explained that
an attack could be performed without typical housing on satellites. An offensive
satellite with special-purpose sensors and actuators can be used to perform a
cyber attack. These actuators can be controlled via ground station or decision-
system algorithms resident on the satellite’s onboard computer systems. The
satellite communication system can be attacked by an adversary via some of its
components such as sensors, actuators, onboard computer systems, communica-
tion systems, and protocols. However, an adversary will need to learn about the
whereabouts of the satellite, and Falco [21] presented two ways that an adversary
can determine the location of its victim; by “using local proximity sensors or by
collecting information from a third-party system” [21]. The paper described the
attacks against the satellite components as “complex and may require near-field
or line-of-sight proximity to the targeted asset” [21]. It further stated that to en-
sure the protection of the satellite system against manipulation, a robust ground
10 Ayodeji. A et al.
station control with near real-time capabilities for signal delivery and processing
will be required.
In another paper by Amin et el. [6], two main threats were identified and
analyzed namely, jamming interference and spoofing attacks. Spoofing attacks
on satellite communications can provide access to data collected and logged by
the satellite, which can be used by adversaries to cause serious evoke. Likewise,
the jamming of satellite communications can create a great negative impact.
For example, financial institutions depend on satellite communication to pro-
vide precise timing for high-speed trading while coordinating signal handshakes
and enabling connectivity, wireless networks, and cellphone towers rely on satel-
lite communication timing. Therefore, a breach of such services may lead to
catastrophic events.
Some of the possible satellite failures include actuator failures such as the
Canadian telecommunication satellites Anik E1 and Anik E2 in 1994, which were
caused by an electrostatic discharge in both satellites disrupting the momentum
wheel control” [23]. Another example of satellite failure is onboard computer sys-
tem (OBCS) failure. A typical example was the detection of mission-threatening
anomalies with the Attitude Determination and Control System (ADCS) from
the Challenger spacecraft by NASA’s Tracking and Relay Data Satellite (TRDS)
1 launched in 1983 [64]. “This was caused by Single Event Upsets (SEUs) or ”bit
flipping” that yielded state changes in random access memory on the onboard
computer system” [64]. Other satellite failures include power system failure, sen-
sor failure [12], and communication system failure [19].
Modern satellite communication system designs are smart with features and
modules for efficient communications and also for a secure onboard analysis,
resulting in unprecedented complexity and heterogeneity, making the protection
of deep space satellites challenging.
In developing a framework suitable for satellite smart critical infrastructure
cybersecurity, one of the useful mechanisms is engineering technology such as
digital twin technology.
4.1 Digital Twin Technology
Digital twin (DT) is the virtual representation of a real system, digital replicas
of actual physical systems (living or not), interweaving solutions of complex
systems analysis, decision support, and technology integration. A digital twin
replicates an object or system that spans its life-cycle, updated from real-time
data, and to help decision-making, utilizing simulation, machine learning, and
reasoning [45,38,62]. The literature review indicated that digital twin has been
applied in many fields along with satellite communication, though little work
has been done in using digital twin to model satellite communication for cyber
attack analysis.
As shown in Figure 3, the digital twin is a virtual representation of a physical
environment and forms its processes from data obtained from the real system.
The digital twin components information includes necessary action to be taken
by the real system. In the case of digital twin-based satellite communication,
Cybersecurity For Satellite Smart Critical Infrastructure 11
computational heavy tasks can be performed on a computer system at the ground
station which serves as the digital twin.
Fig. 3. The diagram presents a simple representation of digital twin technology.
In 2003, Grieves proposed the concept for industrial product lifecycle man-
agement [28]. Grieve [28] described the DT technique from three aspects: a
physical entity, a virtual entity, and a data connection. The concept of DT has
gained much attention in both academia and the industry due to its benefit and
application potential. “Digital twins (DT) are increasingly adopted by several
disciplines, including the manufacturing [40], automotive [15] and energy sec-
tors [56], agriculture [49], aerospace engineering, robotics, smart manufacturing,
renewable energy, and process industry [29,28].
Glaessgen and Starge [25] “described the digital twin as an integrated multi-
physics, multi-scale, probabilistic simulation of a complex product and uses the
best available physical models, sensor updates, etc., to mirror the life of its
corresponding twin”. DT have been useful for converging the physical and vir-
tual spaces [60], guaranteeing information continuity through the system lifecy-
cle [55], system development and validation through simulation [13], and pre-
venting undesirable system states [29].
Flammin [22] worked on data-driven evaluation and prediction of critical de-
pendability attributes such as safety and introduced a conceptual framework
based on autonomic systems to host DT run-time models based on a structured
and systematic approach. The paper argued that “the convergence between DT
and self-adaptation is the key to building smarter, resilient and trustworthy CPS
that can self-monitor, self-diagnose and ultimately self-heal”. Flammin [22] as-
sociated the concepts of resilience, self-healing, and trustworthy autonomy with
the paradigm of DT through run-time models embedded in the MAPE-K loop
of autonomic computing. Discussed in the paper was ”an overview of the main
concepts and their interrelations as well as some reference abstract models and
architectures for continuous CPS monitoring for faults and anomalies using DT
and self-healing mechanisms” [22]. In another paper by Jiang et al. [34], the
12 Ayodeji. A et al.
industrial applications of Digital Twins were presented. The paper discussed
the challenges in industrial practice today and described step by step how the
identified challenges could be addressed using Digital Twins techniques. Jiang
et al. [34] reviewed the current industrial practice, which indicated that sev-
eral desirable objectives could not easily be achieved. The paper identified five
unachievable desirable objectives amidst others, and they include the opti-
mization of the design outcome because the field practices of manufacturing are
not taken into account during design creating a gap between design and man-
ufacturing, the prediction of the quality of the product during manufacturing,
introducing another gap between manufacturing and inspection, the improve-
ment of the design and manufacturing processes by learning from the previous
batches of the manufactured goods, a gap in product batches, and the inabil-
ity to control the fluctuations in plant-wide cost—there is a lack of a real-time
information thread across different stages of the product lifecycle” [34].
In research by Errandonea et al [20], a literature review on the use of digital
twins for maintenance was presented. The paper focused on the review of DT ap-
plications for maintenance in various industrial sectors in several application ar-
eas such as design, production, manufacturing, and maintenance. The researcher
stated that one of the benefits offered by DT is intelligent maintenance strategies.
The paper explained the concept of “Digital Twin” and “maintenance”.
Some researchers presented literature views on the application of DT in var-
ious sectors and fields for maintenance [48] and [42]. [48] stated that DT is “a
key enabler for efficient verification and validation processes, stressing out the
importance of its own validation and accreditation phase” [48]. Also, ocklin
et al. [42] presented a survey of approaches that use Digital Twins for verifi-
cation and validation purposes. The paper investigated the application of the
Digital Twin for verification and validation, ranging from the validation of non-
functional properties to the verification of safety-critical requirements.
Digital Twin for Satellite Systems Shangguan et al. [54] introduced a
new physical–virtual convergence approach, digital twin, for fault diagnosis and
health monitoring (FD-HM) applicable in satellite systems. Shangguan et al [54]
mentioned that data-driven Fault Diagnosis and Health Monitoring (FD-HM)
approaches had been developed using signal processing or data mining to extract
implicit information from the operating state of the system useful for monitoring
the system. The paper, however, highlighted the limitation of the approaches.
“These approaches for the FD-HM of the satellite system are driven primarily
by the historical data and some static physical data, with little consideration for
the simulation data, real-time data, and data fusion between the two, so it is
not fully competent for the real-time monitoring and maintenance of the satel-
lite in orbit” [54]. Shangguan et al [54] also presented an FD-HM application
of the satellite power system to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed
In another related work, Yang et al. [65] explored the method of construct-
ing DT of spacecraft. The paper identified that “the spacecraft is facing more
Cybersecurity For Satellite Smart Critical Infrastructure 13
frequent and multi-task tests in an unprecedented complex environment and the
current challenge lies in how to further build an integrated system of the virtual
and physical space for spacecraft [65]. Yang et al. [65] presented the concept of
Spacecraft Digital twin (SDT) and four stages of simulation development from
DT’s perspective. Moreover, in the research work was the proposal of the con-
ceptual structure of a four-dimensional model to adapt spatial distribution.
In another work by Liu et al. [41], Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)
was merged with Digital Twins (DTs) techniques to address tedious controlling
practices in building operation and maintenance (O&M) processes. The paper
emphasized that controlling building operation and maintenance (O&M) pro-
cesses require extensive visualization and trustworthy decision-making strategies,
which could not effectively be achieved with existing technologies and practices.
The paper presented a method for achieving intelligent control of building O&M
processes relaying on Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) with Digital
Twins (DTs) techniques. Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) was uti-
lized to capture real-time building information during building O&M processes.
With the concept of the digital twin, which reflects the real-time status of
the physical twin, it is possible to observe and maintain the system’s operation.
However, there is a need to ensure the accuracy and correctness of the execution
of the program on critical systems and to anticipate all possible faults/hazards
if events happen at runtime. Therefore, the use of formal verification can be
explored, specifically runtime verification.
4.2 Formal Verification for Space assets
Formal verification is the process of proving or checking the correctness of a
program/system, and it could be static or runtime. There are various formal
verification methods, such as static verification and runtime verification. Static
verification verifies properties of all possible runs of a program while runtime
verification monitors the execution of a system, detecting violations as they
appear at runtime [5].
Ahrendt et al. [5] highlighted the difference between static and runtime ver-
ification. Static verification may be more effective and efficient, but the tech-
niques “either have high precision, in which case powerful judgments are hard to
achieve automatically, or they use abstractions supporting increased automation,
but possibly losing important aspects of the concrete system in the process” [5].
On the other hand, Runtime verification combines full precision of the model
(including the real deployment environment) with full automation, but its lim-
its include the inability to judge future, alternative runs and the computational
overhead of monitoring the running system, which may not be typically high but
can still be prohibitive in certain settings [5].
In another paper, Ahrendt et al. [4] proposed a framework to combine both
static analysis techniques and runtime verification. The proposed framework is
based on a suitable combination of static and dynamic verification techniques, in
particular, based on the underlying approaches of the deductive theorem prover
KeY and the runtime verification tool Larva. The paper explained that even
14 Ayodeji. A et al.
though static verification of software has become more relevant, effective and ef-
ficient, there are some inherent limitations. Despite static verification providing
high precision, in some “cases powerful judgments are still too hard to achieve
automatically, while others use abstractions to enable increased automation, in
which case important, or even critical, aspects of the real, concrete system are
easily missed, not to speak of the fundamental difficulty of crafting the right
abstraction” [5]. To address the limitations, there is a need for lightweight for-
mal methods such as runtime verification, which are easier to exploit but give
limited guarantees. The paper presented “the conceptual model of a framework
for the verification of object-oriented systems and proposed ppDATEs as a uni-
fied specification language for describing both static and dynamic properties,
and demonstrated an example to illustrate how the approach could be used” [5].
The authors also described two application domains that could benefit from the
approach: Electronic and legal contracts; and Transaction-handling systems.
Runtime Verification Runtime verification is a formal verification approach
that analyzes programs as they are executed, monitors the results of the execu-
tion, and uses analyzed results to find anomalies and security breaches. Runtime
verification increases standards system compliance, that is, it verifies when the
execution of the program is not in compliance if properties set for the program
are not met. Runtime verification as a program tracks the execution errors that
traditional testing or static analysis may not find.
Bartocci et al. [8] presented a brief introduction to the field of runtime verifi-
cation, and it covered four major areas: “how to specify system behaviour, how
to set up monitoring, how to perform instrumentation, and what the limitations
of monitoring are” [8]. Runtime verification analyses the execution of the sys-
tem and not its code and rigorously detects bugs or errors while scaling to large
code bases, unlike traditional formal analysis techniques, like model checking or
deductive verification. Runtime verification performs synchronous monitoring in
which the system does not proceed further until it is confirmed that the action
did not violate the specification.
In a related work by Luppen et al. [43], a case study in formal specification
and runtime verification of a CubeSat communications system was presented.
Specifications to detect and trigger appropriate mitigation for CubeSat com-
munications system faults were designed. The research work identified that the
commonplace for CubeSat projects are failed communications to the ground sta-
tions, and to address the issue, a mechanism must be in place that will be able
to detect faults in a CubeSat’s communications system, which will aid in pre-
venting a premature mission end. The Realizable, Responsive, Unobtrusive Unit
(R2U2) tool was deployed within CubeSat communications systems leveraging
on runtime verification technique. Luppen et al. [43] developed “a reference set of
formal specifications in mission-time linear temporal logic (MLTL) describing a
modelled CubeSat communications system, detailed the validation strategy over
these specifications using experimental evaluation with the R2U2 tool, discussed
specification patterns that emerge while developing and revising the runtime
verification specifications and presented the lessons learned from validating the
specifications that may inform future CubeSat runtime verification efforts” [43].
Cybersecurity For Satellite Smart Critical Infrastructure 15
Runtime Verification with Digital Twins Few pieces of research have been
done to demonstrate the use of runtime verification with Digital twins. Kang et
al. [37] proposed a novel framework, DigTwinOps (Digital Twin framework for
Operation of Cyber-Physical Production Systems). This is a Digital Twin frame-
work for Runtime Verification of Cyber-Physical Production Systems (CPPSs),
which provides runtime controllability verification of a control command of a
CPPS application. As explained in the paper, “DigTwinOps manages the ECML-
based Digital Twin Model that synchronizes the states of real machines in the
production environment and provides monitoring and simulation services to both
CPPS application and human worker for verifying the controllability of the de-
cided control action” [37]. According to the paper, a high-level structure of the
existing production system was modelled as a digital twin, and to perform moni-
toring and simulation, the framework of DigTwinOps was used. As stated in the
paper, “the framework allows interworking simulations of data from existing fac-
tory hierarchies and can be reflected in decision making based on the simulation
results of possible control commands” [37].
Saratha et al. [51] presented a paper on a Digital Twin with Runtime-
Verification for Industrial Development-Operation Integration. The paper gave
an overview of a data model of a digital twin for industrial development-operation
integration (DevOps). Using the data model, models are built from development
and links models with data from the operation. The paper explained that “the
models from development are represented by ontologies that describe the func-
tional decomposition in parts and associated properties, and the properties are
linked with symbolic reachability information that is created during develop-
ment which can be used as a basis for runtime verification” [51]. Using a water
level monitor as a case, the experiments indicated that the method for runtime
verification could find discrete and parametric faults swiftly and without the
need for previous fault modelling.
Likewise, Sleuters et al. [57] described a method to develop digital twins for
large-scale distributed IoT systems to address the verification and validation
challenges of an operational IoT system. Sleuters et al. [57]’s research was built
on Verriet et al. [61]’s work which described virtual prototyping of large-scale
IoT control systems using domain-specific languages (DSLsSleuters et al. [57]
discussed how the virtual prototype generated from the models was connected
to the physical system and created a digital twin. However, the paper did not
describe how the digital twin created can be used in runtime verification.
Runtime verification depends on defining certain properties for monitoring
and analysis of program execution. The properties are verified against the ex-
ecution of a program to track for the execution errors that traditional testing
or static analysis may not find. Runtime verification can verify general prop-
erties automatically, requiring no development input, and can also check any
specific properties formally defined using certain languages such as temporal
logic. Runtime verification programs should ensure that the defined property is
not violated.
16 Ayodeji. A et al.
Bauer et al. [9] examined linear temporal logic derived for finite traces for
runtime verification and studied variants of Linear Temporal Logic (LTL)s. For
runtime verification logics, the paper considered a linear temporal logic inter-
preted over finite traces with semantics showing that of LTL over infinite traces.
Three existing LTLs interpreted over finite traces were recalled, namely, Fluent
Linear Temporal Logic (FLTL), LTL, and LTL3. The properties of the LTL
variants were also explained in the paper. Also, four maxims considered to be
essential for a LTL purposely for runtime verification were examined which were:
“first, existential next requires the inclusion of a strong next operator; second,
complementation by negation requires that a negated formula evaluates to the
complemented and different truth value; third, impartiality requires that a finite
trace is not evaluated to () if there still exists an infinite continuation lead-
ing to another verdict; and finally, anticipation requires that once every infinite
continuation of a finite trace leads to the same verdict, then the finite trace eval-
uates to this very same verdict” [9]. These maxims were analyzed against FLTL,
LTL, and LTL3and the result indicated that none of them satisfied all of the
four maxims. Therefore, the paper proposed runtime verification linear tempo-
ral logic (RV-LTL), whose semantics combines ideas present in LTL3as well as
FLTL. Furthermore, the paper stated that the “semantics of RV-LTL indicates
whether a finite word describes a system behaviour which either satisfies the
monitored property, violates the property, will presumably violate the property
or will presumably conform to the property in the future, once the system has
stabilized” [9]. In the paper, some basic properties of RV-LTL were analyzed,
and verified that RV-LTL acts on the four maxims. Furthermore, Bauer et al. [9]
developed a monitor generation procedure that relies on corresponding moni-
tor constructions for FLTL and LTL3to make RV-LTL a practically applicable
device for runtime verification.
In another related paper by Bauer et al. [10], a study of runtime verifica-
tion of properties expressed either in linear time temporal logic (LTL) or timed
linear time temporal logic (TLTL) was presented. The approach is said to be
suitable for monitoring discrete-time and real-time systems. The work consid-
ered a “finite trace as the incrementally observed finite prefix of an unknown
infinite trace” in runtime verification, and depending on the verifying property
with the observed prefix, the continuation of the trace may cause the evaluation
of the correctness property to either true, false or inconclusive [10]. The paper
proposed a three-valued semantics (with truth values true, false, inconclusive)
for LTL and for the formulae of the logic, a conceptually simple monitor gen-
eration procedure was given, optimally in two respects: “First, the size of the
generated deterministic monitor is minimal, and, second, the monitor identi-
fies a continuously monitored trace as either satisfying or falsifying a property
as early as possible” [10]. The same road map, that is, three-valued semantics,
was proposed for real-time Timed Lineartime Temporal Logic (TLTL) but the
corresponding construction of a timed monitor is more involved.
Cybersecurity For Satellite Smart Critical Infrastructure 17
4.3 Authenticated Network Time Protocol
Runtime verification of digital twins relies on correct and fresh state data. While
the correctness of data can be achieved via standard data integrity/authentication
techniques (e.g., message authentication codes and digital signatures), the latter
is particularly challenging considering that satellite communication suffers from
unpredictable delays. Thus, establishing a proper level of time synchronisation
among digital twins is vital.
Traditionally, time synchronization is implemented using the Network Time
Protocol (NTP). This is to synchronize device time with remote servers. How-
ever, network time protocol (NTP) does not offer a reasonable level of security
against active attacks. [17] introduced a new authenticated time synchronization
protocol called ANTP. Authenticated Time Synchronization Protocol (ANTP)
is designed to securely synchronize the time of a client and server, using the
public key infrastructure. The protocol was designed “to allow a server to per-
form a single public key operation per client during the infrequently performed
key exchange phase and then use only faster symmetric key operations for each
subsequent time synchronization request from that client” [17]. According to
the paper, ANTP has been designed to the throughput phase by a factor of
only 1.6×when compared to NTP. For load-balancing purposes, ANTP servers
sharing the same long-term secret are designed to handle different phases of the
same client. [17] further explained that for large-scale deployments, ANTP is de-
signed to reduce server-side public key operations by intermittently performing
a key exchange using public key cryptography, then relying solely on symmetric
cryptography for subsequent time synchronization requests; moreover, it does so
without requiring server-side per-connection state. Additionally, ANTP ensures
that authentication does not degrade the accuracy of time synchronization. We
measured the performance of ANTP by implementing it in OpenNTPD using
[58] presented authenticated time for detecting GNSS attacks. The paper
discussed an approach that leverages time obtained over networks a mobile de-
vice can connect to, to detect discrepancies between the GNSS provided time
and the network time. [58] proposed a framework that utilized the ubiquitous
IEEE 802.11 (Wi-Fi) infrastructure together with the network time servers. The
framework “supports application-layer, secure and robust real-time broadcast-
ing by Wi-Fi Access Points (APs), based on hash chains and infrequent digital
signatures verification to minimize computational and communication overhead,
allowing mobile nodes to efficiently obtain authenticated and rich time informa-
tion as they roam” [58]. The framework also includes the pairing of the ubiquitous
IEEE 802.11 (Wi-Fi) infrastructure and the network time servers with Network
Time Security (NTS), to enhance resilience through multiple sources.
4.4 Integrated Systems for Runtime Verification of Space Assets
via Digital Twin
Hou et al.” [32] implemented the concept of Runtime Verification with Digital
Twins for Space Assets. The concept was designed to provide trustworthy and
18 Ayodeji. A et al.
secure communication for satellites. Though runtime verification is not meant
to replace traditional formal verification, runtime verification is suitable for cy-
ber attack assessment in a digital twin satellite system. This is because it is
computationally cheaper than other formal verification methods such as model
checking and theorem proving. Rather than running a model checking program
that analyses all executions of a given system to answer whether it satisfies a
given correctness property φ, runtime verification only checks for the word prob-
lem. Also, runtime verification deals with online monitoring, which enables the
management of its processes incrementally. These features serve as advantages in
the implementation of runtime verification with a digital twin satellite system.
Runtime verification can be used to confirm the behaviour of the satellite by ver-
ifying state information. A runtime verification framework was developed that
supports multiple temporal logics such as FLTL and PTLTL in one package [32].
The framework is driven by a model checker tool called Process Analysis Toolkit
(PAT). The runtime verification engine for the digital twin can verify properties
in the temporal logic languages.
A digital twins system for satellite systems was designed with a focus on
security monitoring and verification. The satellite digital twins model consists of
both the physical twin which is a satellite station and the digital twin located at
the ground station. The physical twin periodically synthesises engineering data
into scientific data such as processed datasets, which in our framework contain
the states to be synchronized and checked, and sent to the ground station. The
scientific data are transmitted to the ground station using our delay-tolerant
communication protocol. In the model, the digital twin at the ground station
simulates the state of the satellite using processed data and performs computa-
tionally heavy tasks while In the satellite digital twins model, the physical twin
runs on the actual space asset and collects, monitors, and interprets engineering
data such as control and sensor raw data. The digital twin models two essential
aspects of the satellite: the physical behaviour, captured by sensor data, and the
communications, captured by transmitted messages.
The state of both the physical and digital twins is synchronized using a
secured time synchronization protocol, Authenticated Network Time Protocol
(ANTP). Authenticated Network Time Protocol uses message authentication
codes (MACs) as the only cryptographic tool to provide authenticity and is
robust against active adversaries. Once an accurate time synchronization is es-
tablished, the subsequent network packets containing state information can be
time-stamped and then authenticated to allow the verifier to decide if the re-
ceived state information is fresh for runtime verification. The secure time syn-
chronization protocol protects against malicious entities that are not part of the
digital twin system. To improve efficiency, Hou et al.” [32] simplify the crypto-
graphic algorithm and key establishment of the ANTP protocol by letting the
MAC algorithm store the keys for the MAC in the satellite and the ground
Cybersecurity For Satellite Smart Critical Infrastructure 19
5 Conclusion
In this chapter, we presented a review of existing cybersecurity frameworks, eval-
uated them against the satellite infrastructure and developed three properties
required for the satellite infrastructure cybersecurity framework. We analysed
the existing framework against the properties and the analysis revealed that
these frameworks are either incompatible, inadequate or suitable for satellite
infrastructure cybersecurity. We presented a literature review on the identified
Given the identified mechanism for satellite smart critical infrastructure cy-
bersecurity framework, which combines digital twin technology, runtime verifica-
tion and secure time synchronization protocol, we plan to build on the integra-
tion of the mechanisms and perform penetration testing and attack simulation
for satellites in the future. We choose to build the runtime verifier on PAT in-
stead of using an existing one or developing one from scratch because we plan to
formally verify the entire satellite communication system, which includes satel-
lite behaviour, synchronisation protocol, and digital twins system, among others,
and PAT will be used to model and verify many components of the system.
As part of our plan, a large amount of data will be generated while performing
penetrating testing, including the status of the system and the parameters of
the attacker. From the data, we can use the clustering technique to obtain the
states of the agents and learn how their states evolve. With the states and their
transitions, we will model the behaviour of agents in Markov decision processes
and use reinforcement learning to train the agents towards optimal policies: the
most efficient hacks for the attacker and the best counteractions for the defender.
With the AI-based simulations, we expect to check more corner cases that might
have been missed by human attackers.
Moreover, We plan to model the correct behaviour of space assets, then ex-
press desired properties of the system as reachability, deadlockfreeness, liveness,
or temporal logic formulae and then verify those properties using PAT. An-
other test of our approach includes running the proposed framework in a sim-
ulation environment based on Gilmore Space Technologies’ Electrical Ground
Support Equipment satellite simulator. The new simulation environment will re-
implement both the satellite and the digital twin, as well as their communication
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... Real-time analysis [72,73,23] Real-time data processing [70,71] Bias, unpredictability, latency in responses [60,23,61] Timely, unbiased AI system responsiveness (Article 9, 13, 14). Real-time safeguards against risks (Article 5, 9, 62, 65). ...
... Cybersecurity GRC frameworks must refine their guidelines on training, system development, automation, and policy compliance, now also considering the guidelines established by ISO 42001:2023, to fully unlock LLMs' potential in transforming cybersecurity operations [73,72,74]. The integration of humancentered collaboration, involving a diverse range of stakeholders, into framework design and implementation is essential. ...
... This denition, while capturing the essence of the prob-780 lem, falls short in addressing the sub jective nature of hallucinations . To 27 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 J o u r n a l P r e -p r o o f Journal Pre-proof address this, our denition of LLM hallucination has been expanded to include not only factually inconsistent outputs, but also those outputs that 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 Cybersecurity GRC frameworks must rene their guidelines on training, 840 system development, automation, and policy compliance, now also considering the guidelines established by ISO 42001:2023, to fully unlock LLMs' potential in transforming cybersecurity operations [70,69,71]. The integration of human-centered collaboration, involving a diverse range of stakeholders, into framework design and implementation is essential. ...
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This study investigated the integration readiness of four predominant cybersecurity Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) frameworks – NIST CSF 2.0, COBIT 2019, ISO 27001:2022, and the latest ISO 42001:2023 – for the opportunities, risks, and regulatory compliance when adopting Large Language Models (LLMs), using qualitative content analysis and expert validation. Our analysis, with both LLMs and human experts in the loop, uncovered potential for LLM integration together with inadequacies in LLM risk oversight of those frameworks. Comparative gap analysis has highlighted that the new ISO 42001:2023, specifically designed for Artificial Intelligence (AI) management systems, provided most comprehensive facilitation for LLM opportunities, whereas COBIT 2019 aligned most closely with the European Union AI Act. Nonetheless, our findings suggested that all evaluated frameworks would benefit from enhancements to more effectively and more comprehensively address the multifaceted risks associated with LLMs, indicating a critical and time-sensitive need for their continuous evolution. We propose integrating human-expert-in-the-loop validation processes as crucial for enhancing cybersecurity frameworks to support secure and compliant LLM integration, and discuss implications for the continuous evolution of cybersecurity GRC frameworks to support the secure integration of LLMs.
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Smart mobility is an imperative facet of smart cities, and the transition of conventional automotive systems to connected and automated vehicles (CAVs) is envisioned as one of the emerging technologies on urban roads. The existing AV mobility environment is perhaps centered around road users and infrastructure, but it does not support future CAV implementation due to its proximity with distinct modules nested in the cyber layer. Therefore, this paper conceptualizes a more sustainable CAV-enabled mobility framework that accommodates all cyber-based entities. Further, the key to a thriving autonomous system relies on accurate decision making in real-time, but cyberattacks on these entities can disrupt decision-making capabilities, leading to complicated CAV accidents. Due to the incompetence of the existing accident investigation frameworks to comprehend and handle these accidents, this paper proposes a 5Ws and 1H-based investigation approach to deal with cyberattack-related accidents. Further, this paper develops STRIDE threat modeling to analyze potential threats endured by the cyber-physical system (CPS) of a CAV ecosystem. Also, a stochastic anomaly detection system is proposed to identify the anomalies, abnormal activities, and unusual operations of the automated driving system (ADS) functions during a crash analysis.
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Water and wastewater services have been provided through centralised systems for more than a century. The operational and management approaches of the water systems face challenges induced by population growth, urbanisation, and ageing infrastructure. Recent advancements in water system engineering include the development of intelligent water networks. These intelligent networks address management and operational challenges associated with pressure and flow variations in the water network and it reduces the time for identification of pipe bursts and leakages. Research is required into the development of intelligent water networks to ensure consistent data collection and analysis that can filter and aggregate into actionable events to reduce water leakage, leakage cost, customer disruptions, and damages. Implementation of an intelligent algorithm with an integrated Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system, high-efficiency smart sensors, and flow meters, including a tracking mechanism, will significantly reduce system management and operational issues and ensure improved service delivery for the community. This paper discusses the history of water systems, traditional water supply systems, need for intelligent water network, and design/development of the intelligent water networks. A framework for the intelligent water network has also been presented in this paper.
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Building operation and maintenance (O&M) processes are tedious. Controlling such tedious processes requires extensive visualization and trustworthy decision-making strategies. Unfortunately, challenges still exist as existing technologies and practices can hardly achieve effective control of building O&M processes. This study has established a method for achieving intelligent control of building O&M processes by integrating Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) with Digital Twins (DTs) techniques. Specifically, GNSS could be used to capture real-time building information during building O&M processes. Such captured real-time information realizes the intelligent closed-loop control of building O&M driven by DTs. In this study, the authors have (1) captured the dynamic information required for achieving intelligent control of building O&M processes, (2) established a DT model of building O&M processes, (3) established a data management mechanism of intelligent building O&M processes, and (4) formalized an intelligent building O&M decision control platform. Finally, the authors have validated the proposed method using the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics venue as a case study. The three-dimensional coordinates of various building information are captured based on GNSS automatic monitoring system. This realizes the precise positioning of O&M elements and feedbacks to the twin model of the venue. Through the intelligent analysis and prediction of O&M information, the characteristics of various O&M accidents are obtained. Finally, under the navigation function of GNSS, the processing measures are accurately formulated. Results indicate that the proposed GNSS–DTs-based method could help to achieve intelligent control of large building O&M processes.
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An intrusion detection system serves as the backbone for providing high-level network security. Different forms of network attacks have been discovered and they continue to become gradually more sophisticated and complicated. With the wide use of internet-based applications, cyber security has become an important research area. Despite the availability of many existing intrusion detection systems, intuitive cybersecurity systems are needed due to alarmingly increasing intrusion attacks. Furthermore, with new intrusion attacks, the efficacy of existing systems depletes unless they evolve. The lack of real datasets adds further difficulties to properly investigating this problem. This study proposes an intrusion detection approach for the modern network environment by considering the data from satellite and terrestrial networks. Incorporating machine learning models, the study proposes an ensemble model RFMLP that integrates random forest (RF) and multilayer perceptron (MLP) for increasing intrusion detection performance. For analyzing the efficiency of the proposed framework, three different datasets are used for experiments and validation, namely KDD-CUP 99, NSL-KDD, and STIN. In addition, performance comparison with state-of-the-art models is performed which suggests that the RFMLP can detect intrusion attacks with high accuracy than the existing approaches.
Conference Paper
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This paper presents the conceptualisation of a framework that combines digital twins with runtime verification and applies the techniques in the context of security monitoring and verification for satellites. We focus on special considerations needed for space missions and satellites, and we discuss how digital twins in such applications can be developed and how the states of the twins should be synchronised. In particular, we present state synchronisation methods to ensure secure and efficient long-distance communication between the satellite and its digital twin on the ground. Building on top of this, we develop a runtime verification engine for the digital twin that can verify properties in multiple temporal logic languages. We end the paper with our proposal to develop a fully verified satellite digital twin system as future work.
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The Internet of Things (IoT) is an emerging technology that is considered a key enabler for next-generation smart cities, industries, security services and economies. IoT networks allow connected devices to communicate with each other automatically without human intervention which empowers innovative solutions for pressing challenges and limitations of current technologies required to materialize smart environments. Due to the concrete involvement of IoT networks in critical infrastructures and cyber-physical systems, defending them against cyber-attacks has led to extensive research efforts to propose effective countermeasures against such attacks. In this work, we present Boost-Defence: a framework to secure IoT networks from a large vector of cyber-attacks at different IoT layers. We employ the AdaBoost machine learning technique combined with Decision Trees and extensive data engineering techniques to construct a robust classifier for detecting and classifying several cyber-attacks in IoT networks. We evaluate our system on the TON_IoT_2020 datasets, a collection of datasets compiled specifically for 3-layered IoT systems comprising: physical, network and application layers. We contrast the performance of our system against existing state-of-the-art solutions. Our experimental analysis demonstrates the capability of our framework in providing superior classification accuracy and lower types 1 and 2 errors for constructing more resilient IoT infrastructures.
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The advent of Industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing has led to an increased convergence of traditional manufacturing and production technologies with IP communications. Legacy Industrial Control System (ICS) devices now interconnected via public networks, are exposed to a wide range of previously unconsidered threats, threats which must be considered to ensure the continued safe operation of industrial processes. This paper surveys the ICS honeypot deployments in the literature to date and provides an overview of ICS focused threat vectors, and studies how honeypots can be integrated within an organisations defensive strategy. We discuss relevant legislation, such as the UK Cyber Assessment Framework, the US NIST Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity, and associated industry-based standards and guidelines supporting operator compliance. This is used to frame a discussion on our survey of existing ICS honeypot implementations in the literature, and their role in supporting regulatory objectives. We observe that many low-interaction honeypots are limited in their use. This is largely due to the increased knowledge attackers have on how real-world ICS devices are configured and operate, vs. the configurability of simulated honeypot systems. Furthermore, we find that environments with increased interaction provide more extensive capabilities and value, due to their inherent obfuscation delivered through the use of real-world systems. Based on these insights, we propose a novel framework towards the classification and implementation of ICS honeypots.
In the early 2000s, the Internet meant being able to connect different communication devices, whereas the focus in the last few years is on connecting “things” to the Internet. Although there is no distinct classification for these devices and things on the Internet, the Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem primarily consists of a complex network of devices, sensors, and things. These “things” are controlled by humans and utilize the existing cloud infrastructure. These devices provide facilities and benefits to make our lives comfortable. IoT domains include smart homes, healthcare, manufacturing, smart wearables, smart cities, smart grids, industrial IoT, connected vehicles, and smart retail. Different IoT models involve human-to-IoT, IoT-to-IoT, IoT-to-traditional systems architectures. In most scenarios, the architecture ends up connecting to the unsecured Internet. This has thrown open several critical issues leading to cybersecurity attacks on IoT devices. IoT communications, protocols or the architecture were never been conceptualized to handle the new age cybersecurity attacks. IoT devices have limited compute, storage, network, or memory. In this research, the authors present a unique IoT attack framework named IAF focusing on the impact of IoT attacks on IoT applications and service levels. The authors also proposed an all-inclusive attack taxonomy classifying various attacks on IoT ecosystems.
The rise of connected vehicles and intelligent transportation lead to the emergence of novel complex risks. Of particular concern is the potential for large-scale attacks to disrupt road transportation, which is the lifeline of cities. This concern has only been growing with the increase in cybersecurity incidents and disinformation attacks in related infrastructures. In this study, we develop a framework to quantify, detect, and mitigate cascading consequences of attacks on road transportation networks. Application of our framework to the road network of Boston reveals that targeted attacks on a small fraction of nodes leads to disproportionately larger disruptions of routes. We develop an unsupervised machine learning algorithm based on network percolation theory and density based clustering (P-DBSCAN) to quantify risk for urban networks based on real-time traffic data. Our study illustrates a holistic approach to build resilience in existing road networks to attacks. Finally, we discuss the applicability of our framework in other smart city infrastructures.