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A Novel Network Security Algorithm Based on Encrypting Text into a White-page Image



—Nowadays, data security becomes a big issue and a challenge when sending sensitive data through the Internet. For example; sending user password, performing money transaction (e-business) using a master card, and invoking methods on a remote PC. All these activities require a secure algorithm for protecting data from hackers and thus keep information private and save. There are various methods for securing data when they are sent through the global network. Some of these techniques are based on data encryption algorithms where the text message is encrypted (scrambled) to another form that is not readable by humans. One of the encryption techniques is based on the transformation of a text into an image. In this paper, we propose a simple and a novel data encryption algorithm based on encrypting a text into a white page image (White-Page Image Encryption Algorithm or the WPI algorithm). In this paper, the proposed White-Page Image Encryption Algorithm is tested and analyzed.
AbstractNowadays, data security becomes a big issue and a
challenge when sending sensitive data through the Internet. For
example; sending user password, performing money
transaction (e-business) using a master card, and invoking
methods on a remote PC. All these activities require a secure
algorithm for protecting data from hackers and thus keep
information private and save.
There are various methods for securing data when they are
sent through the global network. Some of these techniques are
based on data encryption algorithms where the text message is
encrypted (scrambled) to another form that is not readable by
humans. One of the encryption techniques is based on the
transformation of a text into an image. In this paper, we
propose a simple and a novel data encryption algorithm based
on encrypting a text into a white page image (White-Page
Image Encryption Algorithm or the WPI algorithm).
In this paper, the proposed White-Page Image Encryption
Algorithm is tested and analyzed.
Index Terms Encryption, Private Key, Secured
Communication, White- Page Encryption.
rotecting sensitive data and keeping them private and
secure is not an easy task when these data are sent
through the Internet. This is because there are hackers in the
middle between the sender and the receiver fishing data. To
overcome this problem different methods for data encryption
are proposed. Some of these methods focus on transforming
data (e.g. text) into an image or musical notes. This paper
focuses on transforming the text into an image.
Fig.1 describes how data are encrypted using a private
key. As shown in Fig.1, the plain text (the text before
running the encryption algorithm) is encrypted using a
private key which is known to both the client and the server.
Then the encrypted text is sent through a secure channel to
the server. The server uses the same private key to decrypt
the receiving message and gets the original message. The
encryption algorithm is the algorithm used to transfer the
Manuscript received July 13, 2016; revised July 27, 2016.
Ahmad Abusukhon is with the Department of Computer Networks, Al-
Zaytoonah University of Jordan, Amman, 11733 Jordan, E-mail:
Zeyad Mohammad is with the Department of Computer Networks, Al-
Zaytoonah University of Jordan, Amman, 11733 Jordan, E-mail:
Mohammad Talib is with the Department of Computer Science, Khazar
University, Baku, Azerbaijan, E-mail:
original data (e.g. text message) into an unreadable or a
hidden form [1]. The core of the encryption algorithm is a
private key used by both encryption algorithm and
decryption algorithm.
Fig. 1 The Encryption process using a private key technique
The decryption algorithm is an algorithm used for
transforming the encrypted data into the original data [2], or
simply, it is the encryption algorithm working in reverse.
Hackers are unauthorized users who attack the Internet in
order to get sensitive data and to achieve various goals. One
way to attack the Internet is to use spoofed IP address. Thus,
it is essential to check the identity of the user on the Internet.
There are different techniques used for verifying and
validating the user's identity. These techniques include
digital signature, and digital certificate [3]. Digital signature
and digital certificate are not the focus of this research.
The well-known techniques used for data encryption are
private key encryption (or called symmetric encryption),
public-key encryption (or called asymmetric encryption),
digital signature, and hash functions [4].
A Novel Network Security Algorithm Based on
Encrypting Text into a White-page Image
Ahmad Abusukhon, Zeyad Mohammad, and Mohammad Talib
Data D
An encryption Algorithm
uses private key (K) and
encrypts (D) into D'
Secure Channel
Decrypts D' into D using the same
private key (K)
Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2016 Vol I
WCECS 2016, October 19-21, 2016, San Francisco, USA
ISBN: 978-988-14047-1-8
ISSN: 2078-0958 (Print); ISSN: 2078-0966 (Online)
WCECS 2016
In private key encryption, both the client and the server
agree on the encryption key. The encryption key is sent to
the other machine using a secure channel [5].
This paper proposes a new encryption algorithm based on
private-key technique.
Next, various techniques for data encryption are
discussed. These techniques are focusing on image
encryption, and text encryption.
Nithin, Anupkumar, and Hegde [6] proposed an image
encryption algorithm (called FEAL). There technique is
based on the DES encryption algorithm. In FEAL, the
original image is divided into a number of blocks, then an
encryption and decryption algorithms are carried out using
12 keys of size 16-bit.
M.Ali BaniYounes, and Janta[7] proposed an encryption
algorithm by which an image is divided into blocks. These
blocks are then reorganized into a transformed image, and
then the transformed image is encrypted using the Blowfish
Divya, Sudha, and Resmy[8] proposed to divide an image
into 8 × 8 blocks. They proposed to encrypt a portion of a
given image instead of encrypting the whole image to make
the encryption process faster. In their algorithm, the
resulting blocks are transformed from the spatial domain to
frequency domain.
M.Mishra, P. Mishra, Adhikary, and Kumar [9] proposed
a new method for image encryption based on Fibonacci and
Lucas series.
Singh and Gilhotra [10] proposed an encryption algorithm
in which a given word in a text is transformed into a floating
point between 0 and 1. The resulting floating number is then
transformed into a binary number that is in turn encrypted to
another binary number, and then the resulting binary number
is converted to a decimal number.
Huang, Chi Lee, and Hwang [11] proposed an encryption
algorithm which generates n2+n common secret keys in one
Torkaman, Kazazi, and Rouddini [12] proposed a novel
encryption algorithm which provides a secure
communication while defeating the up to date attacks. There
algorithm is a combination of cryptographic and
steganography techniques.
Krishna [13] proposed a new mathematical model in
which the output of the Elliptic Curve Cryptography (EEC)
algorithm, a variable value, and a dynamic time stamp are
used to generate the cipher text.
Other techniques were proposed for encrypting a text
message into an image or musical notes. Some of these
techniques are presented next.
Dutta,Chakraborty, and Mahanti[14] proposed an
encryption algorithm which transfer the text message into
musical notes using MATLAB.
Yamuna, Sankar, Ravichandran, and Harish [15] proposed
to encrypt a text message into musical notes using two
phases encryption algorithm. In the first phase, the text
message is encrypted into a traditional Indian music and in
the second phase, the Indian music notes are encrypted into
western music notes.
Dutta, Kumar, and Chakraporty[16] proposed an
encryption method in which each letter in the text message is
transferred (mathematically) to musical notes. These musical
notes and the seed value for an encryption/decryption key
are sent to the receiver using the RSA algorithm.
The reset of this paper is organized as follows. Section II
presents the related work. Section III presents our work,
including research methodology, experiments, and the
analysis of the proposed algorithm. Finally, section IV
presents the conclusion and future work.
Bh, Chandravathi, and PRoja[17] presented Koblitz's
method and used it to map a message to a point in the
implementation of Elliptic Curve Cryptography [18, 19].
Singh and Gilhorta [5] proposed an encryption algorithm
based on the transformation of a word of text into a floating
point number (n). The resulting (n) is then encrypted into a
binary number (b), and then (b) is encrypted using an
encryption key.
Kumar, Azam, and Rasool[20] proposed a new technique
of data encryption. In this technique, three random numbers
are generated, say (r1), (r2), and (r3). The random number
r1 is used for rows transformation in a matrix (M), r2 is used
for columns transformation, and r3 is converted into a
binary number. Rows and columns transformation is based
on the value of the individual bits of that binary number.
Abusukhon and Talib [21], and Abusukhon, Talib, and
Issa [22] proposed the Text-to-Image Encryption algorithm
(TTIE). In their work, each letter in the text message is
transferred into an individual pixel with a specific color. All
pixels are then written to an image file of type "png."
Abusukhon [23] investigated using block cipher technique
with the (TTIE) algorithm. In this technique, the text
message is divided into a number of blocks then each block
is encrypted into a sub-image. Finally, all sub-images are
combined to form the final image.
Abusukhon, Talib, and Nabulsi[24] analyzed the
encryption time for the TTIE encryption algorithm. The
results from their work showed that the most significant time
is the time required to store the encrypted data into the hard
Abusukhon, Talib, and Almimi[25] proposed the
Distributed Text-to-Image Encryption Algorithm (DTTIE)
in order to improve the speed of the TTIE algorithm. In their
work, they used a server and seven nodes working as clients.
A large-scale data collection is distributed among seven
nodes where each node encrypts a partition of the data
collection. They evaluated the speed up of their system
when a large data collection (5.77 Giga Bytes) is used.
Abusukhon and Hawashin[26] proposed a novel secure
network communication protocol based on the
transformation from text data to a barcode image. In their
work, each letter from the alphabet list is encrypted into a
Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2016 Vol I
WCECS 2016, October 19-21, 2016, San Francisco, USA
ISBN: 978-988-14047-1-8
ISSN: 2078-0958 (Print); ISSN: 2078-0966 (Online)
WCECS 2016
black bar where each bar (corresponding to a specific letter)
consists of a specific number of black pixels.
Our work differs from the work presented in [21]-[25]. In
their work, each letter in the plain text is encrypted and
mapped into one colored pixel. In our proposed algorithm
(the White-Page Image encryption algorithm, WPI) each
individual letter in the text message is encrypted into an
individual White pixel making it difficult for hackers to
guess the encryption key. This is because hackers may think
that a white page does not contain any information (no
letters and no colors). In this paper we propose the WPI
encryption algorithm.
In this paper, Java NetBeans is used as a vehicle to carry
out our experiments. The encryption algorithm, decryption
algorithm, client program, and the server program are all
implemented in java (NetBeans) and build from scratch.
A. Machine Specifications
All experiments in this paper are carried out using a single
machine with the following specifications; processor Intel
(R) core (TM)2, Duo CPU T5870 @ 2.00GHz, installed
memory (RAM) 2.00GB operating system Windows 7
Ultimate and hard disk 24.5 GB (free space).
B. Data Sample
The data sample is created and stored in a notepad file.
The data sample is shown Fig.2.
Fig. 2 Tested Data
C. Research Methodology and Evaluation
The plain text shown in Fig.2 is stored on the client
machine. The client encrypts the plain text using the
proposed algorithm (WPI) producing a White page image
holding the encrypted text. The client then sends the White
page image to the server machine using the loopback address
( and the port number 8080. The server when
receiving the cipher text decrypts it and retrieves the plain
text message. The WPI encryption algorithm is evaluated by
comparing the plain text on the client machine with the
retrieved text message on the server.
D. Our Experiments
Fig.3 shows the system architecture for our experiments.
The system consists of a client and a server communicating
with each other using the loopback address ( and a
port number 8080. In other words, the client and the server
are running on the same machine.
Fig. 3 The system architecture for the WPI encryption algorithm
In this experiment, the plain text shown in Fig.2 is
encrypted on the client machine and sent to the server
machine as a white page image (image file of type ".png") as
shown in Fig.4.
Fig. 4 The white page image results from running the WPI algorithm.
Using the proposed algorithm (WPI), each letter from the
plain text is encrypted as an individual white pixel. We
create a red pixel at the end of the text for clarity. The red
pixel indicates the end of the encrypted text (i.e. the red
pixel is neither part of the encryption algorithm nor the
encrypted text).
To verify our algorithm, the client encrypts the data sample
shown in Fig.2, and then the encrypted text (.png file) is sent
Encryption algorithm
white page
White page
algorithm (WPI
working in reverse)
Plain text
Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2016 Vol I
WCECS 2016, October 19-21, 2016, San Francisco, USA
ISBN: 978-988-14047-1-8
ISSN: 2078-0958 (Print); ISSN: 2078-0966 (Online)
WCECS 2016
to the server. The server decrypts the ".png" file and gets the
original message.
Unlike the previous work presented in [21]-[25] in this
paper, each individual letter is mapped into a white pixel, of
course there is a slight difference in the color density
between individual white pixels, but these differences are
not notable by humans. This makes it difficult for hackers to
guess the key. However, in the previous work each letter is
implemented by an individual color, for example, the red
color represents the letter "A", the green color represents the
letter "B" and so on. This could make it easier for hackers to
guess the original text.
E. Analysis of the Proposed Algorithm (WPI)
In this section, the maximum number of permutations
(How many times a hacker may try before he/she guesses the
encryption key and gets the original text) is calculated.
The white pixel is implemented in java by three integers
each has the value 255. In this experiment, we use the range
from 246 to 255 to implement different densities of white
pixels. For example, the letter "A" is implemented as
(254,255,255), the letter "B" is implemented as
(255,254,255) and the letter "C" is implemented as
(255,255,254) and so on.
The range (r) = 255 -246
= 9
Thus, we have 9 different cases produce the white color. But
each pixel consists of three integers and thus each case of the
above 9 cases produces 3 different pixels. In other words,
we have 27 cases (C) for producing the white pixels. Now,
we have 26 letters (L) and each letter can be assigned to one
of the 27 cases, and thus we have a number of permutations
(P) where:
Thus, p= 26×27!
=26 × 27 × 26 × 25 × … × 1
Note that as the value of (r) is increased, the value of (P) is
Note that in this paper the resulting image is a white page
image. However, using WPI algorithm we can produce
different color pages (i.e. red page, green page, and so on)
where hackers cannot easily distinguish between different
letters. This is because all letters are represented by nearly
the same color (e.g. white). Fig.5 describes the WPI
encryption algorithm.
Fig. 5 The WPI encryption and decryption algorithms
In this paper, a novel encryption algorithm, the White
Page Image (WPI) encryption algorithm is proposed and
tested. The WPI is based on encrypting the plain text into a
white page image which is composed of white pixels slightly
differs in the color density. The decryption algorithm (the
WPI working in reverse) is also tested where the plain text
(the original message) is produced from the white page
received on the other side.
Section III-E showed that the maximum number of key
permutations is limited by the value of the range available to
create the white pixel in java (i.e. r).
The (WPI) algorithm could be used for off-line
encryption, e-mail encryption, as well as online data
encryption. In future, we propose to test the efficiency of the
(WPI) algorithm when a huge data size (multi Gigabytes) is
We would like to acknowledge and extend our heartfelt
gratitude to Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan.
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// WPI encryption algorithm
Step 1: Count the letters in the plain text (say N)
Step 2: for (int c=1; c < = N; c++)
Step 3: Read a letter (L) from the plain text.
Step 4: Choose a white color (W) with a specific color
density (in the range from 246 to 255) and
stick W to L. (Note that the space
between words is represented by a specific
white color)
Step5: Create a white image of type ".png" and send it
to the other end of network.
// WPI decryption algorithm
Step 1: Read the white image into a matrix (M).
Step 2: Extract the white pixels from M where each
three contiguous integers represent one pixel.
Step 3: Decrypt each white pixel into a letter (Note that
the space between words is represented by a
specific white pixel) in order to retrieve the
original message (i.e. the plain text sent by the
other end of the network)
Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2016 Vol I
WCECS 2016, October 19-21, 2016, San Francisco, USA
ISBN: 978-988-14047-1-8
ISSN: 2078-0958 (Print); ISSN: 2078-0966 (Online)
WCECS 2016
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Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2016 Vol I
WCECS 2016, October 19-21, 2016, San Francisco, USA
ISBN: 978-988-14047-1-8
ISSN: 2078-0958 (Print); ISSN: 2078-0966 (Online)
WCECS 2016
... However, to secure the data of our system, we may use the encryption methods proposed in [26] [27][28] [29]. Another approach for securing data is the method proposed in [30]. ...
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Nowadays, Electricity energy is considered the lifeblood of many companies and industrial institutions. Most of these companies and industrial institutions are suffering from the high cost of the electricity bills because of the large amount of power they consumed per day. Thus, many of the researches are now focusing on how to eliminate the power usage in order to reduce the cost of electricity bills. This issue become significant in the current era. Fortunately, in this era, we are witnessing a revolution in the Internet of Things field, which can provide various solutions for reducing the power consumption. These solutions are based on sensing modules, Artificial Intelligence, and Deep Learning. Any IOT system that attempts to reduce the power wastage must take in consideration achieving a balance between the power conservation and the user satisfaction. This paper contributes the following; first, it proposes an intelligent IOT system for offices that reduces the total power cost by 40% based on the Lecture Time-Table (LTT). The LTT is the instructor’s weekly load (i.e. the LTT shows how many classes does the instructor have per week and the number of hours for each class). Second, it achieves a balance between the power conservation and the user satisfaction by allowing manual controlling of appliances (via voice commands) and auto controlling of appliances (based on the LTT). Third, it achieves a balance between the user satisfaction and the power conservation based on the percentage of the overlapped time intervals of the LTTs. Fourth; it eliminates the use of sound sensors by developing a java program that is capable of capturing and handling the human voice. We built the baseline system, and then we compared the results from the baseline system with the results from our proposed IOT system. Our results showed that the proposed system saved about 40% of the power cost.
... The AKA protocol is based on an elliptic curve having a base field size smaller than a multiplicative group such as RSA that fits sensor wireless network [38][39][40][41][42]. A hybrid scheme is based on symmetric and asymmetric cryptography in order to secure the communication model [43][44]. Due to the threats and attacks that computer network-facing, deep learning, and machine learning are used to detect the attacks and intrusion in the networking [45][46][47] The aim of this paper is to show Known Key Security (KKS) attacks on the MQV protocol and its evolutions protocols, if both ephemeral private keys and the ephemeral session key equation are revealed by adversary; the adversary is able to obtain the shared static key between twoparty participants. ...
Conference Paper
The MQV is an authenticated key agreement protocol which does not use any one-way hash functions in its block design, and it is standardized in (IEEE, ANSI, and ISO). However, its two-pass form cannot withstand an unknown key share attack. Krawczyk proposed a hashed version of MQV (HMQV) to overcome the attack on MQV, but HMQV is vulnerable to small subgroup attacks. LaMacchia et al presented a strong security definition for authenticated key exchange protocol as extended Canetti-Krawczyk (eCK) to catch new attacks from a strong adversary. Ustaoglu proposed a hashed ephemeral private key with static private key of HMQV (CMQV) to have a security proof in eCK. Sarr et al showed key compromise impersonation and man-in-the-middle attacks on HMQV under revealing a signature of Diffie-Hellman of public keys and proposed fully HMQV (FHMQV) and strengthen MQV (SMQV) to overcome those attacks. In this study, we show the known key security attack on the MQV protocol and its variants (MQV, HMQV, CMQV, FHMQV, eFHMQV and SMQV) protocols, if both ephemeral private keys and the ephemeral session key equation are revealed by an extremely adversary; the extremely adversary is able to obtain the shared static key between two-party participants. As consequence, we show the shared static-key compromise impersonation attack on the MQV protocol and its evolutions protocols. Moreover, we show that the MTI/A(0) key agreement protocol cannot withstand key compromise impersonation attacks against stronger adversary revelation attacks.
... In terms of network encryption, Abusukhon et al. [24] focused on data encryption techniques and proposed a new method for data encryption based on encrypting the plain text into a white page image. In addition, Abusukhon et al. [25] proposed a Diffie-Hellman text-to-image encryption algorithm (DHTTIE), adding a new security level to the TTIE algorithm. ...
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With the rapid development of the Internet, the security of network multimedia data has attracted increasingly more attention. The moving target defense (MTD) and cyber mimic defense (CMD) approaches provide a new way to solve this problem. To enhance the security of network multimedia data, this paper proposes a mimic encryption box for network multimedia data security. The mimic encryption box can directly access the network where the multimedia device is located, automatically complete the negotiation, provide safe and convenient encryption services, and effectively prevent network attacks. According to the principles of dynamization, diversification, and randomization, the mimic encryption box uses a reconfigurable encryption algorithm to encrypt network data and uses IP address hopping, port number hopping, protocol camouflage, and network channel change to increase the attack threshold. Second, the mimic encryption box has a built-in pseudorandom number generator and key management system, which can generate an initial random key and update the key with the hash value of the data packet to achieve "one packet, one key."Finally, through the cooperation of the ARM and the FPGA, an access control list can be used to filter illegal data and monitor the working status of the system in real time. If an abnormality is found, the feedback reconstruction mechanism is used to "clean"the FPGA to make it work normally again. The experimental results and analysis show that the mimic encryption box designed in this paper has high network encryption performance and can effectively prevent data leakage. At the same time, it provides a mimic security defense mechanism at multiple levels, which can effectively resist a variety of network attacks and has high security.
Conference Paper
Authenticated key exchange protocols are a fundamental cryptography building block for establishing a secret shared key among participating parties over an open network model. Mohamed et al. proposed a tightly-secure authenticated key exchange without NAXOS approach based on decision linear problem in order to solve an open problem for designing an authenticated key exchange protocol without using NAXOS trick. Mohamed et al.'s protocol has tight security proof in the eCK model under the random oracle problem and its security claims verified by using the games sequence tool. However, we show that Mohamed et al.’s protocol cannot withstand the key compromise impersonation attacks and man in the middle attacks. Furthermore, Mohamed et al.'s protocol cannot provide an implicit entity authentication property since it is a basic security property for an authenticated key exchange protocol. Therefore, the protocol is not secure in the eCK model.
in the recent era of digital revolution the life becomes simple and more comfortable than it was before. Today, we are witnessing a revolution in the Information Technology domain where the Internet of Things is employed in various aspects of our life. The impact of this revolution is clearly seen in our homes where appliances are controlled and managed via voice commands, inspiration, hand signals, or by a command which results from analyzing the human behavior. Power conservation is one of the significant issues in smart homes and smart cities where buildings consume about 40% of the total energy. Another crucial issue is the user satisfaction. Achieving a balance between power conservation and the user satisfaction is a challenge. In this paper, our contributions are: 1) A survey that sheds light on various techniques (the state-of-the-art) used for reducing the power consumption based on monitoring the occupant's behavior. 2) A comparison between these techniques based on various factors elicited from the literature review. 3) This study reveals the following gaps in the previous work; A) Lack of integrity between the IoT systems. B) Lack of auto measuring of the user satisfaction. C) Lack of achieving a balance between the user satisfaction and the power saving. As an attempt to close the above gaps, this paper proposes a smart and integrated IoT framework for auto measuring of the user satisfaction and thus achieves a balance between the power conservation and the user satisfaction. Besides, it suggests future research directions for researcher.
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Secured communication in networks is critical because the communication signals are openly available as they propagate. Efficient encryption mechanism is required to assure confidentiality, integrity and authentication of transmitted data. In this paper, we propose encryption of any binary string using cipher chain blocking method. Any musical note consists of seven basic keys. We use a musical note in this method. The degree sequence of the graph constructed from any music note is used as the key.
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Nowadays, after the significant development in the Internet, communication and information exchange around the world has become easier and faster than before. One may send an e-mail or perform money transaction (using a credit card) while being at home. The Internet users can also share resources (storage, memory, etc.) or invoke a method on a remote machine. All these activities require securing data while the data are sent through the global network. There are various methods for securing data on the internet and ensuring its privacy; one of these methods is data encryption. This technique is used to protect the data from hackers by scrambling these data into a non-readable form. In this paper, we propose a novel method for data encryption based on the transformation of a text message into a barcode image. In this paper, the proposed Bar Code Encryption Algorithm (BCEA) is tested and analyzed.
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Data encryption techniques are used to protect data against hackers. Text-to-Image encryption algorithm (TTIE) is an encryption algorithm proposed for data encryption. The TTIE algorithm is used to map a given text into an image. The algorithm was analyzed and it was found that the dominant time is the storage time, i.e., saving images on the hard disk). In this paper, it is analyzed that the TTIE algorithm on a single machine when a large data collection is used. A high running time is recorded. To overcome this problem a distributed TTIE (DTTIE) algorithm is proposed in order to investigate reducing the encryption time. In DTTIE a server is responsible for distributing a large data collection (5.77 GBytes) among a cluster of nodes in a round robin fashion. Each node encrypts the document it receives into an image and then stores the resulting image on its local disk. In this paper the speed up of the proposed algorithm DTTIE is calculated.
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Today many of the activities are performed online through the Internet. One of the methods used to protect the data while sending it through the Internet is cryptography. In a previous work we proposed the Text-to-Image Encryption algorithm (TTIE) as a novel algorithm for network security. In this paper we investigate the efficiency of (TTIE) for large scale collection.
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The Internet is now providing many online services. These online services need both a client and a server to communicate with each other (this model is known as a client-server model). In this case, a client sends a request to the server and the server prepares the result and sends them back to the client. During the communication session, some sensitive data may be sent on both sides and thus it becomes necessary to protect the data from unauthorized users (known as hackers). One way to protect the data while sending them through the Internet is data encryption. The data encryption techniques are used to encrypt a given message into unreadable text using one or multiple encryption key(s). This way the user creates a secure path through the Internet making it difficult for hackers to guess the original text message. In previous work we proposed the Text-to-Image (TTIE) encryption algorithm and we analyzed the efficiency of this algorithm. In this paper, we propose the Block-Cipher TTIE (B-TTIE) algorithm.
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Music and its attributes have been used in cryptography from early days. Today music is vastly used in information hiding with the use of Steganography techniques. This paper proposes an alternative to steganography by designing an algorithm for the encryption of text message into music and its attributes. The proposed algorithm converts the plain text message into a musical piece by replacing the text characters of the message by mathematically generated musical notes. The sequence of musical notes generated for the particular character sequence of plain text message mimic a musical pattern. This musical pattern is sent to the receiver as a music file. The seed value for encryption/decryption key is sent using the asymmetric algorithm RSA, where the key maps the letters corresponding to a musical note. The encryption key used is an n x n matrix and it will be generated using the seed value for the key on both sender and receiver ends.
We discuss analogs based on elliptic curves over finite fields of public key cryptosystems which use the multiplicative group of a finite field. These elliptic curve cryptosystems may be more secure, because the analog of the discrete logarithm problem on elliptic curves is likely to be harder than the classical discrete logarithm problem, especially over GF(2"). We discuss the question of primitive points on an elliptic curve modulo p, and give a theorem on nonsmoothness of the order of the cyclic subgroup generated by a global point.
Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) provides a secure means of exchanging keys among communicating hosts using the diffie hellman key exchange algorithm. Encryption and decryption of texts and messages have also been attempted. In the paper on Knapsack over ECC algorithm, the authors presented the implementation of ECC by first transforming the message into an affine point on the EC, and then applying the knapsack algorithm on ECC encrypted message over the finite field GF(p). The knap sack problem is not secure in the present standards and more over in the work the authors in their decryption process used elliptic curve discrete logarithm to get back the plain text. This may form a computationally infeasible problem if the values are large enough in generating the plain text. In the present work a new mathematical model is used, which considers the output of ECC algorithm, a variable nonce value and a dynamic time stamp to generate the cipher text. Thus, by having key lengths of even less than 160 bits, the present algorithm provides sufficient strength against crypto analysis and whose performance can be compared with standard algorithms like RSA.
In this paper, a novel scheme to generate (n 2 + n) common secret keys in one session is proposed, in which two parties can use them to encrypt and decrypt their communicated messages by using symmetric-key cryptosystem. The proposed scheme is based on the difficulty of calculating discrete logarithms problem. All the session keys can be used against the known key attacks, main-in-the middle attacks, replay attacks or forgery attacks. The security and efficiency of our proposed scheme are presented. Compare with other schemes, the proposed scheme can generate more session keys in one session. Therefore, the propose scheme is more efficient than the others.
There exists a big demand for innovative secure electronic communications while the expertise level of attackers increases rapidly and that causes even bigger demands and needs for an extreme secure connection. An ideal security protocol should always be protecting the security of connections in many aspects, and leaves no trapdoor for the attackers. Nowadays, one of the popular cryptography protocols is hybrid cryptosystem that uses private and public key cryptography to change secret message. In available cryptography protocol attackers are always aware of transmission of sensitive data. Even non-interested attackers can get interested to break the ciphertext out of curiosity and challenge, when suddenly catches some scrambled data over the network. First of all, we try to explain the roles of innovative approaches in cryptography. After that we discuss about the disadvantages of public key cryptography to exchange secret key. Furthermore, DNA steganography is explained as an innovative paradigm to diminish the usage of public cryptography to exchange session key. In this protocol, session key between a sender and receiver is hidden by novel DNA data hiding technique. Consequently, the attackers are not aware of transmission of session key through unsecure channel. Finally, the strength point of the DNA steganography is discussed.