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Dynamic characteristics and model updating of damaged slab from ambient vibration measurements


Abstract and Figures

This paper reports a field investigation using ambient vibration testing on a damaged floor slab of a reinforced concrete frame building. Due to unexpected heavy rainfall, the hill slope at the rear of building failed triggering a major landslide and causing major damage to the perimeter beams and parts of the slab on the first floor. The modal parameters namely natural frequencies and mode shapes were acquired using output only identification technique and the results obtained from the undamaged and damaged floor slabs were compared. It was observed that there was a 25–53% drop in natural frequencies of the damaged slab compared to the undamaged slab, with a much bigger drop for the lower modes. The irregularities in mode shapes identified correlates with the location of the cracks as revealed from visual examination on the damaged slab. Two finite element models of the slab were created using a finite element software package. The damaged slab was updated manually so as to match the modal parameters obtained experimentally. The results from this study further highlight the possibility and feasibility of using non-destructive vibration testing for condition monitoring of structures over more conventional testing techniques.
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Dynamic characteristics and model updating of damaged slab
from ambient vibration measurements
Huzaifa Hashim, Zainah Ibrahim, Hashim Abdul Razak
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Malaya, LembahPantai, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
article info
Article history:
Received 14 May 2012
Received in revised form 14 November 2012
Accepted 23 November 2012
Available online 10 December 2012
Vibration testing
Output only response measurements
Full-scale slab structure
Modal parameters
This paper reports a field investigation using ambient vibration testing on a damaged floor
slab of a reinforced concrete frame building. Due to unexpected heavy rainfall, the hill
slope at the rear of building failed triggering a major landslide and causing major damage
to the perimeter beams and parts of the slab on the first floor. The modal parameters
namely natural frequencies and mode shapes were acquired using output only identifica-
tion technique and the results obtained from the undamaged and damaged floor slabs were
compared. It was observed that there was a 25–53% drop in natural frequencies of the dam-
aged slab compared to the undamaged slab, with a much bigger drop for the lower modes.
The irregularities in mode shapes identified correlates with the location of the cracks as
revealed from visual examination on the damaged slab. Two finite element models of
the slab were created using a finite element software package. The damaged slab was
updated manually so as to match the modal parameters obtained experimentally. The
results from this study further highlight the possibility and feasibility of using non-
destructive vibration testing for condition monitoring of structures over more conventional
testing techniques.
Ó2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Ambient vibration testing (AVT) is an output-only
dynamic test where the structure is excited by natural or
environmental excitations such as traffics and winds.
These excitation forces are not measured, thus an experi-
mental modal analysis procedure for AVT will need to base
itself on output only response measurement data. The
modal analysis involving output-only measurements pres-
ent a challenge that requires the use of special modal iden-
tification technique, which can deal with very small
amplitudes of ambient vibration that are usually contami-
nated by noise. The AVT is also known as Natural Input
Modal Analysis (NIMA), Operational Modal Analysis
(OMA) or Output-Only Modal Analysis. In civil engineering
applications the excitation force is often assumed to be
stochastic in nature, such as excitations by wind, traffic,
earthquakes, waves or human movements [1]. The ambi-
ent vibration tests describe the linear behavior of struc-
ture, since the amplitudes of vibration is small. They can
be used to describe the linear behavior of damaged struc-
tures and of their components, and can help on developing
time and amplitude dependent structural models and anal-
ysis algorithms, to be used in structural health monitoring
and in structural control studies [2]. Therefore the devel-
opment of experimental methods for in situ measurement
of full-scale partially damaged structure is of considerable
interest. An advantage of the ambient vibration over the
forced vibration surveys is that usually only light equip-
ment and smaller number of operators are required. The
sources of excitation are wind, micro tremors, microse-
isms, and various local random and periodic sources. Iva-
novic et al. [2] stated that the dynamic testing method of
full scale structure was first reported regularly around
the 1970s and has become more prolific in recent years.
0263-2241/$ - see front matter Ó2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Corresponding author. Tel./fax: +60 603 79675233.
E-mail address: (H.A. Razak).
Measurement 46 (2013) 1371–1378
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Various civil engineering structures were tested and stud-
ied using ambient vibration testing such as buildings [3,4],
dams [1] and bridges [5]. A complete process on the dy-
namic testing on a bridge revealed by Zivanovic et al. [6]
stated four important key phases in the updating process
of a civil engineering structure; initial FE modelling, modal
testing, manual model tuning and automatic updating con-
ducted using dedicated software.
The objective of this investigation is to verify the feasi-
bility of using operational modal analysis to acquire the
modal parameters of a damage structural element in a
building for purpose of condition assessment. By compar-
ing the modal parameters from the undamaged and dam-
aged structural elements, the percentage of severity can
be calculated. In the past, there have been very few studies
on the use of modal analysis for condition and damage
assessment on full scale civil engineering structures and
the outcome of this investigation will further enhance
the awareness and understanding of this non-conventional
approach in non-destructive structural testing. Several
comparative studies were made on the results from exper-
imental works. The results from this study is anticipated to
further investigation of other types of civil structures that
is exposed to natural disaster mainly for the interest of
professionals and researchers involved with design of civil
engineering structures.
2. Test structure
The structure considered in this investigation com-
prised of a three storey reinforced concrete frame building
which housed the administrative offices and library of one
of the faculties in the main campus of University of Malaya.
The building was built in 1999 and located at the toe of a
hill. Due to abnormal heavy rainfall in October 2008, a slip
failure of the soil on the slope occurred triggering a land-
slide and burying some parts of the ground and first floor
at the rear of the building. Fig. 1 shows the landslide area
while clearing works was in progress. The impact on the
structural frame resulting from the movement of soil dur-
ing the landslide caused severe damage on the perimeter
beams. In addition the massive amount of soil into the
building resulted in excessive loading on the first floor
causing some parts of the floor slab to crack. However,
the main columns, beams and slab of the second floor
remain unaffected and intact. The total amount of soil
removed from the site during the clearing work amounted
to about 16,000 m
. Consequently the building was va-
cated and rendered unsafe to occupy until full structural
investigation was carried out and repair work on the build-
ing completed. Fig. 2 illustrates the condition of the perim-
eter beams and slab of the affected floor while Fig. 3 shows
the overall extent of damage to the affected building.
The severely damaged zone was confined to two bays of
the first floor slab measuring approximately 7.6 m by
15.4 m. The slabs with a thickness of 150 mm were sup-
ported on three internal primary beams and four perimeter
beams measuring 460 mm by 300 mm deep and 150 mm
by 600 mm deep respectively. In addition two secondary
beams having cross sectional dimensions of 300 mm by
300 mm deep, spanning between the internal primary
beams and perimeter beams were provided. The structural
configuration and detailing for the undamaged slab on the
second floor were identical. The load was transferred to the
foundation via six main columns measuring 600 mm by
600 mm as shown in Fig. 4. The external walls were unre-
inforced masonry while dry board panels made up the
internal partitioning.
3. Ambient vibration testing
The ambient vibration test (AVT) was conducted upon
completion of the clearing works, visual inspection and
in situ testing to ascertain the structural integrity of the
building. The damage zone at each floor level was subdi-
vided into 5 by 12 rectangular grids and the response
measurements obtained from 78 test points as shown in
Fig. 5. The time signals were recorded using a 24 bit PC-
based data acquisition system on recorder mode with
40 kHz bandwidth and maximum sampling frequency of
102.4 kS/s. It is equipped with 24 dynamic input channels
with 4 DSP’s for gap free recording. Single axis force feed-
back accelerometer capable of measuring static accelera-
tion or low-level, low-frequency vibration were used in
this investigation. The accelerometer has a frequency re-
sponse of 0–500 Hz, sensitivity of 1200 mV/g and measur-
ing range of ±3 g with 1.3
g resolution. The data recorder
and accelerometer are shown in Fig. 6.
Time signal records for all the 78 test points were
acquired using seven accelerometers. In order to cover all
the test points, 19 measurement setups were configured
with the data acquisition parameters as shown in Table 1.
Fig. 1. Landslide area and clearing works in progress.
1372 H. Hashim et al. / Measurement 46 (2013) 1371–1378
Three accelerometers were placed permanently at test
points 14, 35 and 64 during the entire test period and acted
as references. The remaining four accelerometers were
roved so as to cover all the test points. A sample of the re-
Fig. 2. Condition of the perimeter beams and slab of the affected floor.
Fig. 3. Overall extent of damage to the affected building.
Damaged slab
Undamaged slab
Fig. 4. Plan view and building elements of the affected floor.
H. Hashim et al. / Measurement 46 (2013) 1371–1378 1373
corded acceleration-time data for a typical test setup is
shown in Fig. 7.
4. Modal results
The modal identification of both slabs for the damaged
and undamaged conditions respectively was identified
using the ambient response identification software, ARTe-
MIS. An output-only modal identification method namely
the non parametric technique based Enhanced Frequency
Domain Decomposition (EFDD) method in frequency
domain as implemented in ARTeMIS is used in the estima-
tion of the modal parameters of both slab structure. The
detailed procedure for FDD/EFDD is available in several
publications [3,7–9].
4.1. Natural frequencies
Table 2 presents the first four natural frequencies ob-
tained from the ambient vibration testing on the slabs.
The range of natural frequency for the undamaged and
damaged slab is between 12 Hz and 24 Hz and from 6 Hz
to 18 Hz respectively as identified from the output-only
identification technique. It was found out that the natural
frequencies dropped drastically for every mode in the
damaged floor and the observed decrease was expected.
The highest percentage difference was found in the first
mode with a 53% drop. The changes in natural frequencies
according to Rytter [10] corresponds to Level 1 damage
identification i.e. determination that damage is present in
the structure. Doebling et al. [11] stated that the observed
changes in structural properties cause changes in vibration
frequencies. From the damage assessment of the building,
it was found that excessive damage on perimeter beam 1
and 2 is the main contributing factor to the structural
change causing a big reduction in stiffness. This can be
observed from the mode shapes in Fig. 8 which indicates
high amplitude of motion in the damaged slab.
4.2. Mode shapes
Fig. 8 presents an overview of the vibration behavior
obtained from the undamaged and damaged slab. It was
found that the first mode of vibration in Fig. 8 indicates
high amplitude of motion at a specific location i.e. at the
middle part of the first bay of the slab. The second, third
and fourth mode also indicated similar pattern in that high
amplitudes were observed at a specific location where the
damage is located. By observing the mode’s motion, the
damage location can be located. In this study it was found
Fig. 5. Grid layout and test points on damaged slab.
Fig. 6. (a) 24 channel data recorder. (b) Capacitive accelerometer.
Table 1
Data acquisition parameters adopted for AVT.
Parameter description Parameter value
Data acquisition time 600 s
Frequency span 60 Hz
Sampling frequency 102.4 samples/s
Recorded signal Random
1374 H. Hashim et al. / Measurement 46 (2013) 1371–1378
that the location of damage was at perimeter beam 1 and 2
of the slab structure as shown in Fig. 4. By computing and
comparing the MAC values it was found that the correla-
tion between undamaged and damaged slab was greatly
reduced. The MAC values were in the range of 0.5–0.75
for all the modes and these low values indicate the severity
of the damage induced.
5. Analytical study
The mathematical model of the slab was created using a
finite element (FE) software package, DIANA in order to ob-
tain as reliable as possible estimates of modal properties of
the slabs in the damaged building. The objective is to come
up with a mathematical model that has the same dynamic
characteristics as the actual slab namely the frequencies,
mode shapes and mass. The frequencies and mode shapes
of the first four modes of vibration obtained from the finite
element analysis are presented in Table 3 and Fig. 9,
5.1. Finite element model updating
The main purpose of finite element (FE) model updating
is to calibrate and ensure sufficient correlation with results
obtain form measurements on the actual structure. This is
achieved by matching as many pairs of analytical and
experimental modes of vibration in terms of the natural
frequencies and mode shapes. Consequently a more
accurate finite element model can be obtained and would
facilitate further studies on the behavior of the undamaged
and damaged slab without conducting further physical
tests on the actual structure. Pavic and Reynolds [12] and
Ramos et al. [13] presented FE model updating procedures
applicable for actual structures whereby correlation analy-
ses were carried out using Modal assurance criterion
(MAC) between two sets of vibration mode shapes. The
MAC values were computed to indicate the degree of
Acceleration (g)
Sensor 1
Sensor 2
Sensor 3
Sensor 4
Sensor 5
Sensor 6
Sensor 7
Fig. 7. Time history signals of slab during measurement.
Table 2
Natural frequencies from AVT.
Mode Ambient vibration testing on slab
% Difference in
natural frequencies
Undamaged (Hz) Damaged (Hz)
1 12.59 6.00 53.34
2 13.15 6.63 49.58
3 20.49 15.20 21.60
4 23.39 17.23 26.34
Mode 1
MAC = 0.5795
Mode 2
MAC = 0.7356
Mode 3
MAC = 0.5635
Mode 4
MAC = 0.5039
High amplitude of motion on
damaged slab (indicate by red
High amplitude of motion on
damaged slab (indicate by red
High amplitude of motion on
damaged slab (indicate by red
High amplitude of motion on
damaged slab (indicate by red
Fig. 8. Overview of first four mode shapes of both damaged and
undamaged slabs.
H. Hashim et al. / Measurement 46 (2013) 1371–1378 1375
correlation between the experimental and computed finite
element mode shapes. In this study, the two sets of data for
correlation purposes were obtained from ambient vibra-
tion testing and the finite element results. The MAC values
derived from the first four modes of vibration for the
undamaged slab are presented in Fig. 10 and shows good
correlation since the values are more than 0.8.
Fig. 11 presents the results obtained from AVT and FE
modeling data for the first four modes. The finite element
results yield lower values of natural frequencies for Modes
1 and 2 compared to the values obtained from vibration
testing, whilst the values were higher for the remaining
modes. It is apparent that that there is good agreement
for the first and second modes with differences of less than
5%. However for higher modes the difference tends to be
much higher at less than 20%. A study conducted by
Ibrahim [14] on FE refinement and manual updating pro-
cess reported errors in frequencies of less than 10% by
modifying values of the beam stiffnesses to achieve the de-
sired level of refinement and accuracy.
Subsequently in order to obtain the mathematical mod-
el of the damaged slab, manual updating was performed on
the FE model of the undamaged slab such that it gives the
closest match to the results obtained from the ambient
vibration testing. Doebling et al. [11] reported that the
changes in the physical properties, such as reductions in
stiffness resulting from the onset of cracks or loosening
of a connection, will cause detectable changes in the modal
parameters notably frequencies, mode shapes and modal
The approach adopted in this study is by directly
removing portions of the structural element which were
damaged, through trial and error. The modeling configura-
tion for updating the FE model of the undamaged slab to
simulate the behavior of the damaged slab is outlined in
Table 4. The process of refinement and manual updating
was carried out in sequence from configurations 1 to 5
and each configuration presents the cumulative reduction
in the number of elements based on the damage assess-
ment report and observations on site of the damage
location. It is apparent that by removing the damage
elements there is reduction in natural frequencies until it
converges to a reasonably close value to the results ob-
tained from actual measurements.
Figs. 12a and 12b presents the first four mode shapes of
the resulting updated FE model for the damaged structure.
The first mode obtained at 6.61 Hz appeared to be a simple
bending mode with higher amplitude at one bay compared
to the adjacent bay. The perimeter beams situated on the
rear side of the building facing the failed slope was re-
moved in the finite element model since from observations
this part of the structure was severely damaged as evident
from Fig. 2.
Fig. 13 compares the values of natural frequencies for
the first four bending modes obtained from the updated
Table 3
Natural frequencies calculated in pre-test FE model.
Mode no. Natural frequencies (Hz)
1 12.20
2 12.60
3 24.90
4 26.50
Mode 1
Frequeny = 1 2.20 Hz
Mode 2
Frequeny = 12.60 Hz
Mode 3
Frequeny = 24.90 Hz
Mode 4
Frequeny = 26.50 Hz
Fig. 9. Results of pre-test FE model.
Fig. 10. Modal assurance criterion (MAC) of AVT and FEA undamaged
1376 H. Hashim et al. / Measurement 46 (2013) 1371–1378
FE model and measurements. Results obtained from the FE
modeling gave consistently higher values compared to the
values obtained from vibration testing. The first three
modes gave good agreement with differences of less than
10% whilst for the fourth mode the difference is much
6. Conclusions
The ambient vibration test on the undamaged and dam-
aged slabs of the building affected by the landslide pro-
vided details on the changes of modal parameters due to
the damage induced. The natural frequencies of the
damaged slab showed a reduction within the range of
25–53%, with a higher drop for the first two lower modes.
Even though the damage appeared severe, there was no
imminent danger of a total collapse of the first floor slab
structure. However due to permanent deformation of the
slab and excessive twisting and concrete spalling of the
perimeter beams, it is rendered unserviceable and has to
be demolished and rebuilt. A comparison of the mode
Mode 1
Frequency = 6.61 Hz
Mode 2
Frequency = 7.11 Hz
Fig. 12a. Mode shape of updated FE model for the damaged structure
(Mode 1 and Mode 2).
Mode 3
Frequency = 16.80 Hz
Mode 4
Frequency = 20.70 Hz
Fig. 12b. Mode shape of updated FE model for the damaged structure
(Mode 3 and Mode 4).
Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 3 Mode 4
AVT 12.59 13.15 20.49 23.39
FE 12.20 12.60 24.90 26.50
Frequency (Hz)
Undamaged Slab
Fig. 11. Experimental and theoretical results of the undamaged slab.
Table 4
Modeling configuration for the updating of the damaged floor slab.
Configuration Model refinement and updating of damaged slab
Natural frequencies
of first mode of
vibration (Hz)
1 12.20 Basic model from
undamaged floor slab
2 7.50 2 secondary beams
3 7.15 2 secondary beams + 2
portions of slab removed
4 7.10 2 secondary beams + 4
portions of slab removed
5 6.61 2 secondary beams + 6
portions of slab removed
Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 3 Mode 4
AVT 6.00 6.63 15.20 17.23
FE 6.61 7.11 16.80 20.70
Frequency (Hz)
Damaged Slab
Fig. 13. Experimental and theoretical results of the damaged slab.
H. Hashim et al. / Measurement 46 (2013) 1371–1378 1377
shapes revealed higher amplitudes of vibration at certain
parts of the damaged slab as compared to the undamaged
slab and these correlated with the severity and location of
the damage.
Finite element updating based on measured modal
parameters as employed in this study is a useful approach
and technique for accurately modeling structures which
experienced some degree of deterioration or damage. A
simplified approach was adopted for updating the finite
element model to simulate the behavior of the damaged
slab by removing parts of the structural components and
this was verified and concurred with the observation of
severity and location of the damage in the actual slab.
The authors would like to acknowledge the financial
assistance provided by the Institute of Research Manage-
ment and Monitoring, University of Malaya (IPPP) through
a research grant entitled ‘‘Development of Algorithms for
Structural Health Monitoring using Modal Parameters’’
(RG090/10AET). The authors would also like to thank all
the people who have contributed either directly and indi-
rectly, in making this research possible.
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1378 H. Hashim et al. / Measurement 46 (2013) 1371–1378
... In particular, dynamic properties provided by ambient vibration techniques have proved to be quite well-suited to validate and update numerical models. In the last years this technique has attracted the interest of many researchers [1,2], because no excitation equipment is needed, involving minimum interference with the normal use of the structure. The experimental "in situ" testing method has very wide application especially in structures from where identity card of the structure can be obtained accounting for all dynamic characteristics [3,4]. ...
... Ambient vibration signal measurements were compared to evaluate the consistency of obtained data with other results available in the literature (Fig. 6). Empirical equation derived by Eurocode 8 is given in equation (2). T defines the building period and H defines the building height in the following equation = 0.075 0.75 (2) Gallipoli et al. [16] derived equation (3) by using ambient vibration signal records taken from 244 buildings located in various regions in Europe: ...
... Empirical equation derived by Eurocode 8 is given in equation (2). T defines the building period and H defines the building height in the following equation = 0.075 0.75 (2) Gallipoli et al. [16] derived equation (3) by using ambient vibration signal records taken from 244 buildings located in various regions in Europe: ...
Conference Paper
The structural response due to the seismic load depends on the dynamic structural properties and incoming ground motion. Although for low amplitude ground motions the material behaviour is assumed to be linear, as the amplitude increases the dynamic properties of the structures are changed so that the nonlinear effects should be considered. In determining the nonlinear characteristics of structures, the vibrational periods are important step to be followed. On the other hand, the local site effects have impact on earthquake motion alteration which in most cases contribute to the dynamic amplification of the ground motions. The definition of natural periods of existing buildings including the foundation structure of the whole system can be done by in-situ experimental methods. These experimental methods being cost-effective are constituted by various techniques relating the measurement of structural natural vibrations. This work sums up the experience of UKIM-IZIIS in measuring the in-situ dynamic characteristics of different types of buildings in N. Macedonia. The measurements are based on ambient vibration using the newest technological methods. The established database apart from the vibrational periods includes the geometrical and structural properties of the measured structures which are shown in this paper. The results have shown that apart from geometry the material characteristics play important roles in definition of dynamic characteristics of the structures. The inclusion of brick masonry infills in the final establishment of the dynamic properties plays important role and should be considered in the analysis of the structural analysis. Last but not least is the definition of representative hazard which indirectly influences the dynamics of the structures.
... A detailed account of model updating methods can be found in [24]. Over the years, many attempts have been made to improve the correlation of FE model responses with their experimental counterparts through the utilisation of model updating methods [25][26][27][28]. Among these methods sensitivity-based approaches are identified as the most efficient [29]. ...
... From an engineering point of view, the inclusion of unmeasured FRFs with accurate rotational FRFs improves the modelling of the joint at the connection interfaces, which in turn leads to successful FRF modelling of the coupling. The result in Fig. 11(b) is also consistent with previous studies [28,29]. The small error observed in Fig. 11(b) near the resonance frequencies is due to the fact that the connections between the substructures are rigid, which does not represent the actual flexibility of the two bolted joints. ...
Accurate estimation of rotational frequency response functions (FRFs) is an essential element of successful structural coupling. It is well known that the experimental estimation of structural excitations is very difficult with current technology. This paper proposes a scheme to improve the performance of the frequency-based substructuring (FBS) method by estimating unmeasured FRFs, including those corresponding to rotational degrees of freedom, from a set of experimentally determined translational FRFs. More specifically, the modal parameters extracted by modal analysis (EMA) from the experimentally determined FRFs are used for model updating, modal expansion and FRF synthesis. For this purpose, an approximate modelling approach is proposed, where a simplified and approximate finite element model (ASFE) is developed and updated to accurately reproduce the experimental responses. A modal expansion basis is then constructed from the ASFE to expand the mode shapes using the system equivalent reduction and expansion process (SEREP). FRF synthesis is then used to derive unmeasured translational and rotational FRFs. The synthesised FRFs within the frequency range of interest agree well with the experimental FRFs. The synthesised full FRF matrix is then used with the FBS method to derive the response model for the coupled structure in a bottom-up modelling approach.
... Over the last couple of decades, the accessibility to the accurate values of the modal properties of the structures, as their intrinsic and exclusive characteristics, has attracted considerable attention of the researchers and engineers [1][2][3]. Several prominent applications of the modal properties of the structures (i.e., natural frequency, damping ratio, and mode shape) in the scope of the real-world engineering structures include, but are not limited to, the following employments: preventing of the resonance phenomena [4][5][6][7]; energy-dissipation and microwave-adsorption in broadband metamaterial [8][9][10][11]; soilstructure as well as hydraulic-structure interactions [12][13][14][15]; structural health monitoring [16,17]; structural damage identification [18][19][20]. ...
Non-structural components (NSCs) in the majority of the FE models are commonly considered as a concentrated/distributed mass, and their stiffness along with damping ratio is ignored. Likewise, NSCs have significant efficacy on the accurate vulnerability assessment and select an appropriate structural system versus the seismicity of the area. The chief aim of this research is to present a simple theoretical method in conjunction with a practical empirical technique for assessing the influences of NSCs on the modal properties and vulnerability of buildings, exclusively steel structures. In this regard, the ambient vibrations were measured on four buildings with concentrically steel braced frame structural system under the construction process in three independent stages: (1) after the erection of the structural and skeletal systems; (2) after the construction of the interior and exterior partition walls; (3) after the installation of the facade and parapet elements. Utilizing two signal processing techniques (i.e., floor spectral ratio and random decrement method), the acquired microtremors were analyzed to extract the modal properties and compute the vulnerability indices of the structures. It is perceived that the values of the modal properties of the steel structures, namely, natural frequency and damping ratio, have considerably increased during the construction process with taking the influence of NSCs into account. In addition, the obtained results disclosed that the vulnerability index has significantly decreased in the second stage over the first one. However, it has not noticeably fluctuated in the third stage over the second one.
... Any damage in the structures, alters these modal parameters and can be detected and localized through the analysis of the response of the structure. Modal analysis has been used for model updating [2], health monitoring [3] and vibration control of the structures [4]. Experimental modal analysis requires some type of external excitation such as shaker or hammer. ...
... [15,17], and to monitor progressive changes in the damaged buildings following large aftershocks. Many ambient tests have been used to help calibrate finite element models of horizontal vibration of structures to prepare for detailed response analyses (e.g., [2,4,7,11,20,23,33]. ...
An effective approach for calibration of a finite element (FE) model for analysis of existing structure consists of matching the frequencies with measured several fundamental frequencies in the corresponding full-scale structure. Implicit in this approach is the assumption that the response is dominated by the modes and frequencies of the structural system as a whole, and thus a scant attention has generally been paid to the vibration of slabs and terraces or various other structural components and attachments. In this paper we show that many such mode shapes associated with vertical vibration do occur in the frequency range of interest for analyses of earthquake response (in this paper we consider only the frequencies up to 50 Hz) and hence should be included in the dynamic response calculations. We show how the vertical vibrations of terraces and floor slabs in a building can be used to verify and tune its finite element (FE) model up to high frequencies. The new approach we introduce in this paper will work in all structures with floor slabs that are excited by vertical microtremor noise and by slab vibrations induced by deformation of beams and columns, which support them.
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This paper focuses on studying the impaction of the correlation between the measurement data on structural model updating. A new homotopy based stochastic finite element model updating frame is constructed to cope with the correlated static measurement data. To judge whether considering the correlation of the measurement data, the sensitivity analysis of structural responses about structural parameters is implemented firstly. Then the discrete Karhunen–Loeve expansion is utilized to transform the correlated measurement data into a linear combination of multiple independent random variables. Furthermore, a novel stochastic model updating equation about the correlated static measurement data is set up, and is solved by the homotopy stochastic finite element method. It is significant to check the consistence of the correlation coefficients of the responses of the updated model with those of the measured data when the correlation actually exists. In this case, the proposed approach can effectively update the structural model.
This paper focuses on studying the impaction of the correlation between the measurement data on structural model updating. A new homotopy based stochastic finite element model updating frame is constructed to cope with the correlated static measurement data. To judge whether considering the correlation of the measurement data, the sensitivity analysis of structural responses about structural parameters is implemented firstly. Then the discrete Karhunen–Loeve expansion is utilized to transform the correlated measurement data into a linear combination of multiple independent random variables. Furthermore, a novel stochastic model updating equation about the correlated static measurement data is set up, and is solved by the homotopy stochastic finite element method. It is significant to check the consistence of the correlation coefficients of the responses of the updated model with those of the measured data when the correlation actually exists. In this case, the proposed approach can effectively update the structural model.
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Modern sport stadia designs provide safety in the form of sufficient strength to cater for the weight of the sport spectators. However, lighter materials technology, aesthetical demands, and the requirement for an unobstructed view for spectators, combined with the fact that the capacity of a stadium has to be maximised to ensure business profitability, have resulted in the design of lighter and more slender structures, often including long cantilevers. These structures often have relatively low natural frequencies that can lead to vibration problems. This paper describes the modal testing carried out to evaluate the dynamic characteristic of one such stadia structure, a grandstand at a football stadium located in Bradford, United Kingdom. The modal testing, performed using an electrodynamic shaker and piezoelectric accelerometers, is described in detail. In parallel with the field measurements, finite element models have been established to model the stand and to analyse the effects of various arrangements of elements on the dynamic characteristics of the grandstand. The results from the modal testing were used to manually update the finite element model of the stand. The performance of the finite element model is evaluated by correlating the natural frequencies and mode shapes from the finite element models and the modal testing. The correlation analysis is also described in this paper. The results generated from this study are expected to be of interest to professionals and researchers involved with the design of civil engineering structures susceptible to vibration problems such as grandstand, bridges and tall buildings.
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This paper provides an overview of methods to detect, locate, and characterize damage in structural and mechanical systems by examining changes in measured vibration response. Research in vibration-based damage identification has been rapidly expanding over the last few years. The basic idea behind this technology is that modal parameters (notably frequencies, mode shapes, and modal damping) are functions of the physical properties of the structure (mass, damping, and stiffness). Therefore, changes in the physical properties will cause detectable changes in the modal properties. The motivation for the development of this technology is presented. The methods are categorized according to various criteria such as the level of damage detection provided, model-based vs. non-model-based methods and linear vs. nonlinear methods. The methods are also described in general terms including difficulties associated with their implementation and their fidelity. Past, current and future-planned applications of this technology to actual engineering systems are summarized. The paper concludes with a discussion of critical issues for future research in the area of vibration-based damage identification.
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This paper provides an overview of methods to detect, locate, and characterize damage in structural and mechanical systems by examining changes in measured vibration response. Research in vibration-based damage identification has been rapidly expanding over the last few years. The basic idea behind this technology is that modal parameters (notably frequencies, mode shapes, and modal damping) are functions of the physical properties of the structure (mass, damping, and stiffness). Therefore, changes in the physical properties will cause detectable changes in the modal properties. The motivation for the development of this technology is presented. The methods are categorized according to various criteria such as the level of damage detection provided, model-based vs. non-model-based methods and linear vs. nonlinear methods. The methods are also described in general terms including difficulties associated with their implementation and their fidelity. Past, current and future-planned applications of this technology to actual engineering systems are summarized. The paper concludes with a discussion of critical issues for future research in the area of vibration-based damage identification.
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This paper presents an overview of the experimental and analytical studies performed on the One Wall Centre tower in Vancouver, Canada. This 48-storey reinforced concrete shear core structure is the highest building in Vancouver. Its oval-shaped floor plan and tuned liquid column dampers located on the roof of the building make the Wall Centre a challenge to model analytically. Ambient vibration testing was conducted on the building in order to determine its dynamic characteristics. Such parameters include the fundamental lateral and torsional natural frequencies of the building, as well as the corresponding damping ratios. Those parameters were determined using a commercially available computer program. Two finite element models of the structure were developed using a finite element computer program. One model of the building was updated manually so to match the modal parameters obtained experimentally. The experimental results as well as the analytical results are presented in this paper. The analytical modal updating procedure is described as well.
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To experimentally identify the dynamic characteristics of a structure, also referred to as sys- tem identification, two methods are available: Forced Vibration Testing (FVT) and Ambient Vibration Testing (AVT). The basic ideas of these methods are shortly presented. The main part of the paper deals with practical problems which are to be overcome when performing such a system identification test. To achieve reliable, good quality results, a number of pa- rameters have to be optimized when planning an experimental system identification investiga- tion. Among others, such parameters may be the means and location of excitation, the density of the measurement point grid, the sampling rate and the length of the time window. As an il- lustration, several examples of good and worse tests on bridges and other civil engineering structures are discussed.
In this paper a new frequency domain technique is introduced for the modal identification from ambient responses, i.e. in the case where the modal parameters must be estimated without knowing the input exciting the system. By its user friendliness the technique is closely related to the classical approach where the modal parameters are estimated by simple peak picking. However, by introducing a decomposition of the spectral density function matrix, the response can be separated into a set of single degree of freedom systems, each corresponding to an individual mode. By using this decomposition technique close modes can be identified with high accuracy even in the case of strong noise contamination of the signals.
The finite element (FE) model updating technology was originally developed in the aerospace and mechanical engineering disciplines to automatically update numerical models of structures to match their experimentally measured counterparts. The process of updating identifies the drawbacks in the FE modelling and the updated FE model could be used to produce more reliable results in further dynamic analysis. In the last decade, the updating technology has been introduced into civil structural engineering. It can serve as an advanced tool for getting reliable modal properties of large structures. The updating process has four key phases: initial FE modelling, modal testing, manual model tuning and automatic updating (conducted using specialist software). However, the published literature does not connect well these phases, although this is crucial when implementing the updating technology. This paper therefore aims to clarify the importance of this linking and to describe the complete model updating process as applicable in civil structural engineering. The complete process consisting the four phases is outlined and brief theory is presented as appropriate. Then, the procedure is implemented on a lively steel box girder footbridge. It was found that even a very detailed initial FE model underestimated the natural frequencies of all seven experimentally identified modes of vibration, with the maximum error being almost 30%. Manual FE model tuning by trial and error found that flexible supports in the longitudinal direction should be introduced at the girder ends to improve correlation between the measured and FE-calculated modes. This significantly reduced the maximum frequency error to only 4%. It was demonstrated that only then could the FE model be automatically updated in a meaningful way. The automatic updating was successfully conducted by updating 22 uncertain structural parameters. Finally, a physical interpretation of all parameter changes is discussed. This interpretation is often missing in the published literature. It was found that the composite slabs were less stiff than originally assumed and that the asphalt layer contributed considerably to the deck stiffness.
The resonance frequencies of the 250-m-high arch dam of Mauvoisin are obtained by way of ambient vibration tests. It is observed that the resonance frequencies initially increase with rising water level and then decrease with a further rise. This is linked to the two competing features of increasing entrained mass of water (reduction of the resonance frequencies) and of dam stiffening due to closing of the vertical construction joints (augmentation of the resonance frequencies). The ambient vibration test results are complemented by those obtained during earthquakes at an array of 12 accelerographs. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.