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An interdisciplinary approach to the comprehensive diagnosis and rehabilitation of children with congenital facial malformations and dentoalveolar anomalies
В помощь врачу
Вопросы практической педиатрии, 2021, том 16, №2, с. 80–85
Clinical Practice in Pediatrics, 2021, volume 16, No 2, p. 80–85
DOI: 10.20953/1817-7646-2021-2-80-85
An interdisciplinary approach
to the comprehensive diagnosis and rehabilitation
of children with congenital facial malformations
and dentoalveolar anomalies
T.V.Gaivoronskaya1, E.A.Badeeva2, Yu.A.Vasil’ev1, T.I.Murashkina2, А.V.Arutyunov1, F.S.Ayupova1
1Kuban State Medical University, Krasnodar, Russian Federation;
2Penza State University, Penza, Russian Federation
The traditional treatment and prophylaxis of congenital facial malformations in children takes into account the results of well-
known instrumental research methods such as photometric facial analysis, orthopantomography, lateral teleradiography of the
head, diagnostic models of jaws. Modern removable and non-removable appliances (functional and mechanical) are used in
the treatment. At the same time, the functional effect involves relieving the muscle tension in the maxillofacial region and neck
using the techniques of myofascial, segment-reflex massage of the cervical-collar zone and the palate, reliesing the tongue-root
tension. To assess the effectiveness of restoring the myodynamic balance of the muscles of maxillofacial area, it is necessary
to develop modern diagnostic methods. Our clinical experience shows the possibility of determining microsensory changes in
the parameters of the head and neck region using non-invasive nano-, micro- and fiber-optic diagnostic and rehabilitation
technologies. The developed diagnostic methods are safe for the patient and allow obtaining reliable research results.
An interdisciplinary approach will help to improve the rehabilitation of children with congenital facial malformations.
Key words: cleft lip and palate, diagnosis, treatment, interdisciplinary approach, children
For citation: Gaivoronskaya T.V., Badeeva E.A., Vasil’ev Yu.A., Murashkina T.I., Arutyunov А.V., Ayupova F.S. An interdisciplinary approach to the
comprehensive diagnosis and rehabilitation of children with congenital facial malformations and dentoalveolar anomalies. Vopr. prakt. pediatr. (Clinical
Practice in Pediatrics). 2021; 16(2): 80–85. DOI: 10.20953/1817-7646-2021-2-80-85
Междисциплинарный подход к комплексной диагностике
и реабилитации детей с врожденными пороками развития
лица и зубочелюстными аномалиями
Т.В.Гайворонская1, Е.А.Бадеева2, Ю.А.Васильев1, Т.И.Мурашкина2, А.В.Арутюнов1, Ф.С.Аюпова1
1Кубанский государственный медицинский университет, Краснодар, Российская Федерация
2Пензенский государственный университет, Пенза, Российская Федерация
Традиционный лечебно-профилактический комплекс для детей с врожденными пороками развития лица учитывает
результаты известных инструментальных методов исследования таких, как фотометрия лица, ортопантомография,
профильная телерентгенография головы, измерения диагностических моделей челюстей. Для лечения применяют
современные съемные и несъемные ортодонтические устройства функционального и механического действия. При
этом функциональное воздействие предполагает снятие напряжения мышц зубочелюстно-лицевой области и шеи при
помощи приемов миофасционального, рефлекторно-сегментарного массажа шейно-воротниковой зоны и свода нёба,
снижение тонуса корня языка. Для оценки эффективности восстановления миодинамического равновесия мышц зубо-
челюстной области необходима разработка современных способов диагностики. Наш клинический опыт показывает
возможность определения микросенсорных изменений параметрических характеристик областей головы и шеи с
использованием неинвазивных нано-, микро- и волоконно-оптических диагностических и реабилитационных техноло-
гий. Разрабатываемые способы диагностики безопасны для пациента и позволяют получить достоверные результаты
исследований. Междисциплинарный подход будет способствовать повышению эффективности реабилитации детей с
врожденными пороками развития лица.
Ключевые слова: расщелины губы и нёба, диагностика, лечение, междисциплинарный подход, дети.
Для цитирования: Гайворонская Т.В., Бадеева Е.А., Васильев Ю.А., Мурашкина Т.И., Арутюнов А.В., Аюпова Ф.С. Междисциплинарный подход
к комплексной диагностике и реабилитации детей с врожденными пороками развития лица и зубочелюстными аномалиями. Вопросы практи-
ческой педиатрии. 2021; 16(2): 80–85. DOI: 10.20953/1817-7646-2021-2-80-85
Для корреспонденции:
Yuriy A. Vasil’ev, Assistant at the Department of Public Health,
Health Care and History of Medicine, Kuban State Medical University
Address: 4 Sedin str., Krasnodar, 350063, Russian Federation
Phone: (861) 262-5592
ORCID: 0000-0001-7257-0991
The article was received 03.01.2021, accepted for publication 29.04.2021
For correspondence:
Юрий Анатольевич Васильев, ассистент кафедры общественного здоровья,
здравоохранения и истории медицины Кубанского государственного
медицинского университета
Адрес: 350063, Краснодар, ул М.Седина, 4
Телефон: (861) 262-5592
ORCID: 0000-0001-7257-0991
Статья поступила 03.01.2021 г., принята к печати 29.04.2021 г.
Междисциплинарный подход к комплексной диагностике и реабилитации детей с врожденными пороками развития лица и зубочелюст-
ными аномалиями
An interdisciplinary approach to the comprehensive diagnosis and rehabilitation of children with congenital facial malformations and
dentoalveolar anomalies
The human population can be characterized from a genetic
and demographic point of view. Demographic characteris-
tics of the population include population size, birth rate, mortality,
age structure, occupation, economic status, geographical and
climatic conditions of life, and other parameters [1, 2]. Numerous
studies show that the demographic situation in certain territories
of Russia with large industrial production is deteriorating. The
progressive deterioration in the health of residents of industrial
cities is associated with an increase in anthropogenic loads, with
ecological and industrial genotoxicity of the environment. It is
believed that such conditions lead to the deterioration in the
health of children with congenital craniofacial abnormalities
CFA [3–5]. At present, well-known and improved methods of
diagnosis [6–10], treatment [11–14] are used, the tactics of their
use in children with congenital malformations of the maxillofacial
region are discussed [15, 16].
However, the parametric characteristics of the face and neck
areas are often determined empirically, by accumulating profes-
sional experience of a doctor, or using outdated measurement,
visualization, and diagnostic tools. In particular, they use diag-
nostic methods that are implemented with the help of electrical
measuring instruments [17, 18]. Such measuring instruments are
often not reliable and safe for patients, since an electrical failure
of the measuring system is possible, and an electromagnetic
impact produced by the measuring instrument on the patient's
body, a child, is not excluded.
In this regard, the search for new diagnostic tools [19, 20–23]
is relevant based on non-invasive determination of the values of
microsensory changes in the parametric characteristics of pres-
sure, deformation, temperature, linear and angular micro dis pla-
cement and deviations, etc. due to the development of pathologi-
cal condition of some areas of the face in various diseases.
The aim of this work is to increase the efficiency of diagnosis
and treatment of patients with cleft lip and palate on the basis of
the interdisciplinary approach using non-invasive technologies.
Materials and methods
The results of complex rehabilitation of children with CFA (the
main group – 15 people) and with dentoalveolar anomalies com-
plicated by dental row defects (the comparison group – 15 peo-
ple) were observed. The traditional basic (clinical) and additional
(instrumental) research methods were applied. The data of com-
plaints, anamnesis, examination of the face and oral cavity, func-
tional tests were included into the dental record of the patient.
Photos of the face in frontal (30) and lateral (30) projections,
48 diagnostic models of jaws, 30 orthopantomograms, 12 CT
scans with 3D reconstruction were obtained.
The final diagnosis and treatment plan were drawn up on the
basis of the results of photometric facial analysis, measurements
of diagnostic models of jaws, orthopantomography, lateral telera-
diography of the head. When formulating the final diagnosis, the
classification of dentoalveolar anomalies by L.S.Persina (2020),
L.E.Frolova (1974) was used [7].
Fiber-optic sensors of the tongue pressure on the palate were
used to measure microsensory changes in the parameters of the
head and neck regions [19–23]. 30 measurements in the test mode
of these microsensor parametric characteristics were carried out.
Results and discussion
It was found that the clinical picture of the tongue dysfunctions
in children with dentoalveolar anomalies, dental defects and CFA
may be different.
In most children with reduced facial expression and low lip
muscle activity, the lips were not closed, and the mouth was
slightly open, the tongue at rest and during swallowing was laid
between the teeth, especially in those areas of the dentition
where there were no teeth. The root of the tongue was in good
shape. When the tongue was out of the mouth, tension and lim-
ited movement of the lower jaw and lips were noticeable.
In children with distal occlusion, deep incisal disocclusion, and
vestibular inclination of the upper incisors, narrowing of the upper
jaw (“Gothic palate”), the lower jaw was underdeveloped.
An evenly narrowed V-shaped upper arch and a vestibular incli-
nation of the upper incisors were revealed, which prevented a
complete and proper close of the lips. Swallowing was accompa-
nied by active contraction of the facial muscles, neck muscles,
the lower lip was compressed and exerted pressure on the ante-
rior part of the lower dentoalveolar arch. When trying to close the
lips, the child pulled the upper lip down, but the correct closing of
the lips was difficult (Fig. 1).
In our opinion, with such clinical manifestations, violations of
the myodynamic balance of the muscles prevented the physio-
logical growth of jaws and the formation of correct occlusion.
Narrowing of the upper jaw and flattening of the palatine arch
in mesial occlusion contributed to the position of the tongue at the
bottom of the oral cavity, laying between tooth rows at rest and
during function (Fig. 2).
Communication with others was hampered by dysarthria, es-
pecially pronounced in children with clefts of the alveolar ridge
and palate. Children with delayed cheiloplasty are admitted to
hospital, which leads to facial changes in cleft lip, alveolar ridge
and palate, and non-compliance with the rehabilitation regula-
tions. This results in anatomical alterations of the upper jaw and
the middle third of the children’s face, namely, the diastasis be-
tween the segments of the upper jaw increases, the nasal septum
is deviated, the external nose is flattened, and the ala of the nose
is deformed. (Fig. 3, 4).
In accordance with the identified CFAs, dentoalveolar anoma-
lies and congenital malformations of the face, the final diagnosis
was formulated, the rehabilitation tactics were determined, the
treatment plan and the algorithm for its implementation were
drawn up.
Orthodontic devices contributed to the mechanical stimulation
of the growth of the underdeveloped parts of dentitions and jaws
and to the correction of orofacial myofunctional disorders.
We used the well-known [11, 13] and improved by us removable
and non-removable orthodontic devices [12, 13]. The results
of orthodontic correction of the dentition’s shape and size were
determined in comparison with the individual norm [7].
According to the physical therapy plan, exercises were per-
formed to correct the children's posture and to train the respira-
tory function. The complex of therapeutic and prophylactic effects
involved relieving the tension of the muscles of the dento-maxil-
lofacial region and the neck using the techniques of myofascial
and segmental reflex massage of the neck and collar area of the
Т.В.Гайворонская и др. / Вопросы практической педиатрии, 2021, том 16, №2, с. 80–85
T.V.Gaivoronskaya et al. / Clinical Practice in Pediatrics, 2021, volume 16, No 2, p. 80–85
Fig. 1. Patient A., 6 years old: a – malocclusion, b – distal occlusion, c – the tongue at rest and during swallowing was laid between the teeth.
Рис. 1. Пациентка А., 6 лет: а – направильное смыкание губ, b – дистальная окклюзия, c – язык в покое и во время глотания прокладывал-
ся между зубами.
a b c
Fig. 2. Patient M., 6 years old: a – tilt of the head, b – mesial occlusion, c – laying the tongue between tooth rows at rest and during function.
Рис. 2. Пациент М., 6 лет: а – наклон головы в сторону, b – мезиальная окклюзия, c – прокладывание языка между зубными рядами в покое
и во время функции.
ab c
Fig. 3. Change in the position of the bones of the upper jaw of the dentoalveolar arch segments in bilateral through cleft of the upper lip
and palate (in the absence of the surgical rehabilitation stage – “cheiloplasty”): a – at birth; b – age of 6 months; c – age of 1 year).
Рис. 3. Изменение положения костей верхней челюсти сегментов зубоальвеолярной дуги при двухсторонней сквозной расщелине
верхней губы и нёба (при отсутствии этапа хирургической реабилитации «хейлопластики»): a при рождении; b возраст 6 мес.;
c – возраст один год).
Междисциплинарный подход к комплексной диагностике и реабилитации детей с врожденными пороками развития лица и зубочелюст-
ными аномалиями
An interdisciplinary approach to the comprehensive diagnosis and rehabilitation of children with congenital facial malformations and
dentoalveolar anomalies
palate. Considering that the tongue is an important element of the
entire biomechanical system in the oral cavity, it is necessary to
correct muscle tone of the tongue. Children were taught the so-
matic type of swallowing.
On the recommendation of the speech therapist, gymnastics
was performed to correct the speech articulation. To develop
automaticity in the pronunciation of sounds, sound combina-
tions, words and sentences, rhymes and tongue twisters were
Prevention of unwanted anatomical and functional changes in
the child's face is an important task for parents, neonatologists,
pediatricians, pediatric dentists and healthcare organizers. In the
course of implementing rehabilitation measures, we became con-
vinced of the need to develop new technologies [19–23].
Practical healthcare requires the development and applica-
tion of domestic nano-, micro- and fiber-optic technologies in
the outpatient dental practice. In this regard, we recommend, in
addition to traditional methods for diagnosing pathological ab-
normalities, to use modern methods and measuring instruments
created on the basis of domestic nano-, micro- and fiber-optic
technologies. The proposed devices are safe to use and allow
to reliably assess myofunctional disorders and improve the ef-
fectiveness of rehabilitation of children with dentoalveolar
anomalies and CFA.
The introduction of high-tech, import-substituting nano-micro-
technologies in the comprehensive rehabilitation plan for children
with dentoalveolar anomalies and CFA will improve their quality
of life.
Информация о финансировании
Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке
РФФИ в рамках научного проекта №18-38-20045
Financial support
The research was carried out with the financial support of
RFBR within the framework of scientific project No. 18-38-20045
Конфликт интересов
Авторы заявляют об отсутствии конфликта интересов.
Conflict of interests
The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.
Информированное согласие
При проведении исследования было получено информи-
рованное согласие пациентов или их родителей либо закон-
ных представителей.
Informed consent
In carrying out the study, written informed consent was
obtained from all patients or their parents or legal representatives.
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Информация об авторах:
Татьяна Владимировна Гайворонская, доктор медицинских наук,
профессор, проректор по учебной и воспитательной работе,
заведующий кафедрой хирургической стоматологии и челюстно-лицевой
хирургии Кубанского государственного медицинского университета
Адрес: 350063, Краснодар, ул. Седина, 4
Телефон: (861) 268-5483
ORCID: 0000-0002-8509-2156
Елена Александровна Бадеева, доктор технических наук, доцент,
доцент кафедры бухгалтерский учет, налогообложение и аудит
Пензенского государственного университета
Адрес: 440026, Пенза, ул. Чкалова, 68
Татьяна Ивановна Мурашкина, доктор технических наук, профессор,
профессор кафедры приборостроение Пензенского государственного
Адрес: 440026, Пенза, ул. Чкалова, 68
Телефон: (8412) 208-444
ORCID: 0000-0003-3977-994X
Арменак Валерьевич Арутюнов, док тор медицинских наук, доцент,
заведующий кафедрой пропедевтики и профилактики стоматологических
заболеваний Кубанского государственного медицинского университета
Адрес: 350063, Краснодар, ул М.Седина, д. 4
Телефон: (861) 262-5592
ORCID: 0000-0001-8823-1409
Фарида Сагитовна Аюпова, кандидат медицинских наук, доцент
кафедры детской стоматологии, ортодонтии и челюстно-лицевой хирургии
Кубанского государственного медицинского университета
Адрес: 350063, Краснодар, ул Седина, д. 4
Телефон: (861) 268-0210
ORCID: 0000-0002-4194-664X
Information about authors:
Tatyana V. Gaivoronskaya, MD, PhD, DSc, Professor, Vice-Rector for Academic
and Educational Work, Head of the Department of Surgical Dentistr y
and Maxillofacial Surgery, Kuban State Medical University of the Ministry
of Health of Russian Federation
Address: 4 M. Sedina st., Krasnodar, 350063, Russian Federation
Phone: (861) 268-54-83
ORCID: 0000-0002-8509-2156
Elena A. Badeeva, DSc in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor,
Department of Accounting, Taxation and Audit, Penza State University
of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation
Address: 68 Chkalov str., Penza, 440026, Russian Federation
Phone: (8412) 208-444
ORCID: 0000-0001-8364-8918
Tatyana I. Murashkina, DSc in Technical Sciences, Professor,
Department of Instrumentation Engineering, Penza State University
Address: 68 Chkalov str., Penza, 440026, Russian Federation
Phone: (8412) 208-444
ORCID: 0000-0003-3977-994X
Armenar V. Arutyunov, MD, PhD, DSc, Associate Professor,
Head of the Department of Propedeutics and Prevention of Dental Diseases,
Kuban State Medical University
Address: 4 Sedin str., Krasnodar, 350063, Russian Federation
Phone: (861) 262-5592
ORCID: 0000-0001-8823-1409
Farida S. Ayupova, MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Pediatric
Dentistry, Orthodontics and Maxillofacial Surgery, Kuban State Medical University
Address: 4 Sedin str., Krasnodar, 350063, Russian Federation
Phone: (861) 268-0210
ORCID: 0000-0002-4194-664X
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Congenital cleft lip and palate is one of the most common congenital anomalies in children. It has significant medical and social influence on the self-realization of these patients in society. This review of various researches' results from different countries and territories of the Russian Federation (according to the MEDLINE and databases) provides information on prevalence rate of this pathology among children of our country and worldwide. The role of medical care organization remains unknown among all the presented results of the studies about the role of risk factors of congenital cleft lip and palate development (such as: inheritance, lifestyle, environment).
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Aim. To improve the graphic method of analysis of the upper dental arch and its segments, to increase the accuracy of upper dental arch abnormalities detection and to minimize orthodontist’s man-hours. Methods. The plaster models of 32 maxillae with dentoalveolar abnormalities were studied before and after treatment. The graphs of individual normal dental arches and its sizes were created by using the geometric and graphic method by Hawley-Herber-Herbst. The regularities were found based on the gained data; graphs of individual normal dental arches (stereotyped patterns) were created using the Adobe Photoshop CS3 software. Dentoalveolar abnormalities were visually examined by directed applying the stereotyped patterns and pictured before and after treatment. 64 models were examined overall. Results. A relation was found: incisors and canines dental crowns half-sum relates to the length and width of Hawley-Herber-Herbst individual normal dental arch graph as 1:2,3:1,3. Considering the relation found, the set of stereotyped patterns was created. The pattern was chosen for the studied model according to the patient incisors and canines dental crowns width. The visual examination allows to recognize and to record (take a picture) teeth malposition, abnormalities of the upper dental arch and its segments in transverse and sagittal planes for correction control. The photos of the models at different stages of orthodontic treatment with stereotyped patterns applied can be added to the patients’ medical chart, indicating the present occlusal rehabilitation success. Conclusion. The offered way of detection of upper dental arch and its segments abnormalities does not require significant time to be performed, is informative and can be implied to clarify the dentoalveolar abnormalities treatment plan.
Information about the individual perception of a patient's own occlusion is considered of importance in orthodontics. One hundred thirty young adults (mean age, 18.1 years) were clinically examined and interviewed with the purpose of relating self-awareness and satisfaction to the actual occlusal status and determining whether dissatisfaction is based on realistically perceived anomalies. From study casts taken at the time of examination, six anterior traits were recorded as either malocclusion, minor deviation, or near-ideal occlusion according to two sets of criteria. Self-awareness was assessed by analyzing agreement between the subjects' reports on the presence of the six traits and the corresponding recordings. Satisfaction was evaluated from three questions with fixed alternative answers. The majority of the young adults (63%) were characterized as having near-ideal occlusion or only minor deviations. Only mild and moderate malocclusions were present in the sample since severe malocclusions are routinely treated during childhood. The subjects were generally aware of anterior traits. Almost all the subjects (98%) with near-ideal occlusion or minor deviations expressed satisfaction. Malocclusion was present in 14 of the 16 subjects who were dissatisfied, and dissatisfaction was based on realistically perceived anomalies. However, traits rated as malocclusion were present in 30% of the satisfied subjects, which may in part be explained by the mild degree of malocclusion in the sample. Awareness of occlusal traits varied among the satisfied subjects.
It was the purpose of this study to analyze the relationship between selected types of malocclusion and specific types of static and dynamic orofacial dysfunction and to compare the results with subjects presenting regular occlusion. We aimed to identify which orthodontic and functional symptoms in early dentition would lead to malocclusion later on. Occlusal relations and myofunctional status were evaluated in 3,041 children. We diagnosed dynamic and static myofunctional disorders as well as oral habits by means of functional examinations. No orofacial dysfunctions were found in 11.2% of the children with primary dentition and in 10.2% of the children with early mixed dentition. We observed no correlation between the existence of distoclusion and functional disorders. Lateral crossbite in mixed dentition, as well as increased overjet and frontal open bite in primary and early mixed dentitions appeared significantly more frequently in children with orofacial dysfunctions. Individuals with frontal open bite, lateral crossbite, reduced and increased overjet presented static dysfunctions significantly more frequently than those in dentitions with normal occlusion. Dynamic dysfunctions were significantly more prevalent in subjects with frontal open bite and lateral crossbite than in those with normal occlusion. Our results enable us to prognosticate which children risk future orthodontic problems. Any child presenting one of the four occlusal disorders plus one static or two dynamic dysfunctions is a child more likely to develop orthodontic problems later on. Orthodontic prevention and early treatment must include functional rehabilitation so as to eliminate or at least diminish those factors causing undesirable developments.
Assessment of demographic indicators characterizing reproduction of the population of the Krasnodar Territory
  • T A Shiltsova
  • V V Pilshchikova
  • Vasiliev Yua
Shiltsova TA, Pilshchikova VV, Vasiliev YuA. Assessment of demographic indicators characterizing reproduction of the population of the Krasnodar Territory. Novye Tehnologii. 2020;2(52):116-124. DOI: 10.24411/2072-0920-2020-10212 (In Russian).
Modern view on the problem of registers creation for disease monitoring
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Kobrinsky BA. Modern view on the problem of registers creation for disease monitoring. Clinical Informatics and Telemedicine. 2012;8(9):7-9. (In Russian).
Risk factors of congenital malformations
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Degtyarev YuG. Risk factors of congenital malformations. Medical Journal. 2014;2(48):4-10. (In Russian).