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Wavelength tunable mode-locked pulse fiber laser based on figure-of-eight cavity



Experimental study of the wavelength tunable passively mode-locked Er-doped fiber laser based on figure-of-eight cavity is presented. Wavelength tunable and stable mode-locked pulses are obtained by utilizing the additive pulse mode-locking technique based on nonlinear optical loop mirror associated with tunable fiber grating filter. On the condition that the pump power of EDF As is fixed, by adjusting the tunable filter and orientation of polarization controllers, the mode-locked pulses at 1.1 MHz repetition rate with average output power fluctuation less than 0.8 dBm, and tunable range from 1548 nm to 1570 nm are obtained. The self-starting of the mode-locked fiber laser can be obtained, and the mode-locked operation can be hardly influenced by the environment disturbance.
37 卷第 2
2008 2             光  子  学  
February 2008
3国家自然科学基金 (60577019)山西省留学回国人员
Tel :035126014447  Email :office2science @tyut . edu . cn
郭雄英1 ,2 ,杨玲珍1,贺虎成1,曹玲1,王云才1
(1太原理工大学 理学院物理系 ,太原 030024)
(2新疆大学 物理系 ,乌鲁木齐 830046)
摘  :采用非线性光纤环形镜加脉冲锁模技术及可调谐光纤光栅滤波器 ,8字形腔被动锁模掺
铒光纤激光器进行了波长可调谐输出的实验研究1EDFA 抽运光功率一定的情况下 ,通过调节
偏振控制器和可调谐光纤光栅滤波器 ,得了光谱稳重复频率 1. 1 M Hz输出功率起伏小
0. 8 dBm中心波长在 1 5481 570 nm 内连续可调的短脉冲输出.该激光器可实现自启动锁模 ,
关键词:激光技术;光纤激光器;8 字形腔;非线性光纤环形镜;波长调谐
中图分类号: TN248     文献标识码:A     文章编号 :100424213(2008)022021224
0 引言
实现全光纤结构的同时 ,可以不受载流子恢复时间
限制获得飞秒量级的超短脉冲[124 ] ,可广泛应用于
纤通信医学物理学以及光化学等领域 1其中 ,
与强度相关的透射特性 ,可以像可饱和吸收体一样
窄化脉冲 ,使得锁模器输脉冲工作
光时分复用通信系统中的关键器件之一 ,因此近年
1993 ,Noske D U 等人用腔内 F2P滤波器实
现频域稳定 ,同时用反馈环路技术实现时域稳定 ,
1. 8 nm ,中心波长在 20 nm 范围内连续可调的锁
模脉冲输出[5]11997 ,Tsun T O 等人在 8字形被
光纤得到了脉宽 125 fs ,0. 5 nJ 的高能量飞秒
脉冲 ,中心波长在 6. 5 nm 范围内可调[ 6 ] 12000 ,
Jeon M Y 等人在 8字形被动锁模掺铒光纤激光器
中插入声光可调滤波器 ,得到了光谱宽约 7 nm ,
调谐范围 50 nm 的可调谐光纤激光器[7] 12005 ,
的掺 Yb3 + 光纤激光,获得了中心波长在 1 030
1 081 nm范围内连续调谐的锁模脉冲输,在中
波长 1 053 nm ,谱带6 nm冲宽
234 p s重复频率 3. 8 M Hz[8 ]1然而 ,利用上述方法
实现的波长可调谐锁模脉冲光纤激光器 ,其共同特
,窄线宽的光纤光栅滤波器作为波长调谐器件 ,
衡器[ 9210] ,实现了各波长光脉冲间的强度均衡 ,
了输出功率平波长1 548 nm 1 570 nm
续可调的锁模脉冲序列 ,从而为其它科学研究工作
1 实验装置及原理
的实验装置如图 1 ,激光器150 m 长的普通单
模光纤(Single Mode Fiber ,SMF)掺铒光纤放大器
(Erbium2Doped Fiber2Amplifier ,EDFA)光纤偏振
(Polarizatio n Cont roler , PC )
1 波长可调谐锁模脉冲光纤激光器实验装置
Fig. 1  Experimental setup of wavelength tunable
mode2locked pulse fiber laser
2 郭雄英 ,:8 字形腔波长可调谐锁模脉冲光纤激光
Fiber Bragg Grating , TFBG)
(Polarization Dependent Isolator ,PDI)光纤耦合
(Optical Coupler ,OC)构成1实验采用的掺铒光
纤放( EDFA2BA )
1 5301 565 nm范围内0. 1 dB ,
EDFA1 为锁模激光腔内提供增益 , EDFA2 对锁模
的调谐范围32 nm ,3 dB 带宽小0. 35 nm1
,仅用一个偏PC1 腔内
,这样减小了腔内的插入损耗 ,使自启动变得更容
;用功率分光比为 99 1的耦合器 OC2 代替掺杂
光纤 ,非对称地放置在环镜中用来打破环镜的对
3 dB耦合器 OC1 的一端进入环镜后 ,被分成相向传
OC2 引起的损耗 ,因而在环镜中传输时具有不同的
光强.由于光纤的非线性 Kerr 效应 ,相向传输的两
,产生不同的非线性相移 ,形成非线性相移差 ,
π,经由 3 dB 耦合器输出时发生干涉相,而脉
,发生干涉相消 ,从而产生自幅度调制的脉冲窄化
效应.光脉冲在激光腔内往复运转 ,便可形成稳定的
锁模脉,90 10 OC3
EDFA2 中进行再放大.采用可调谐光纤光栅滤波器
对放大后的锁模脉冲进行波长选择 ,从而实现锁模
相关光隔离器和偏振控制器 PC21偏振控制器 PC2
调节偏振控制PC2 可使光脉冲具有同的偏振
状态 ,偏振相关光隔离器将偏振态的差异转变为
射率的差异 ,因此通过调节偏振控制器 PC2 可以控
间的强度均衡 ,减小输出功率起伏 ,扩大调谐范围1
2 实验结果和讨论
实验中利用带宽 500 MHz
(Tektronix TDS3052)来观测激光器输出的时域特
,用最小分辩率为 0. 06 nm 的 光 谱 仪
(Agilent86140B)观测激光器输出的频域特性 ,利用
光功率计(PMS21BF)检测光纤激光器的输出功率 ,
超快光电探测器 (XPDV2020)结合带宽50 GHz
2给出了当 EDFA1 EDFA2 泵浦功率分别
100 mW 99 mW ,EDFA2 输出端进行观
脉冲宽度图 (c),1. 1 M Hz ,心波
1 559 nm ,谱宽 9 nm ,脉宽 464 ps ,均输
11. 2 dBm1此条件下 ,用腔滤波[ 11 ] ,
,在整个滤波过程中保持偏振控制器 PC1 波片方
位角以及 EDFA 抽运功率不变 1实验上通过联合
片的方位角 ,实现了输出波长从 1 548 1 570 nm
连续可调谐 ,波长调谐范围达 22 nm ,边模抑制比在
20 dB 以上 ,各输出波长 3 dB 线宽小于 0. 35 nm1
2 EDFA2 大后锁模脉冲结果
Fig. 2  Output results of mode2locked pulse after amplified by EDFA2
  3分别给出了在 1 548 nm 1 559 nm 处滤
波后得到的光谱图1从图中可以看出 ,信噪比均大
20 dB ,但是光谱中具有很大的噪声基底.这是因
为该可调谐光纤光栅滤波器属于反射型滤波器 ,
面反射使得反射光谱中存在一定的反射背景.因此 ,
信号的信噪比 ,消除噪声 14给出了对激光器输
长的变化情况 ,从图中可以看出 ,1 5481 570 nm
光  子  学   37
0. 8 dBm ,脉冲宽度略有改变 ,脉冲宽度的改变主要
是由所用光纤光栅滤波器引起的 ,由于该光纤光栅
滤波器是通过拉伸光纤长度来实现波长调节的 ,
3 结论
可调谐光纤光栅滤波器 ,实现了被动锁模掺铒光纤
长 可,
1. 1 M Hz 输出功率起伏小于 0. 8 dBm 中心波长在
1 5481 570 nm 内连续可调的短脉冲输出1该激
光器腔内没有加入色散补偿器件 ,且腔长较长 ,导致
输出脉冲宽度较宽 ,重复频率较低1可以预见 ,如果
能更好的可调谐滤波器 ,并结合谐波锁模技术 ,则可
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2 郭雄英 ,:8 字形腔波长可调谐锁模脉冲光纤激光
Wavelength Tunable Mode2locked Pulse Fiber Laser
Based on Figure2of2Eight Cavity
GUO Xiong2ying1 ,2 , YA N G Ling2zhen1, HE Hu2cheng1, CAO Ling1, WAN G Yun2cai1
(1Ph ysics D ep art ment , Coll ege of S cience , T ai yuan U niversi ty o f Technol ogy , T ai yuan 030024 , China)
(2Physics Dep artment , X injiang University , Urumqi 830046 , Chi na
Received dat e :2006209211
Abstract : Experimental st udy of t he wavelength tunable passively mode2locked Er2doped fiber laser based
on figure2of2eight cavity is p resented. Wavelength tunable and stable mode2locked pulses are obtained by
utilizing the additive p ulse mode2locking technique based o n nonlinear optical loop mirror associated with
tunable fiber grating filter. On the condition that t he pump power of EDFAs is fixed , by adjusting the
tunable filter and orientation of polarization controllers , t he mode2locked p ulses at 1. 1 M Hz repetitio n rate
wit h average outp ut power fluctuation less than 0. 8 dBm , and tunable range from 1 548 nm to 1 570 nm
are obtained. The self2starting of t he mode2locked fiber laser can be obtained , and the mode2locked
operation can be hardly influenced by the environment disturbance.
Key words:Laser t echnique ; Fiber la ser ; Figure2of2ei ght cavit y ;No nlinea r op tical loop mirror ; Wavele ngt h
GUO Xiongying  was born in 1980. Now she is pursuing her M. S. degree at Xinjiang
University and engaged in her thesis at Taiyuan University of Technology. Her research work
mainly focuses on nonlinear fiber optics and ultra2short pulse generation in fiber laser.
... In terms of the tuning technology of the output wavelength of the mode-locked fiber laser, various techniques have been proposed, including the use of a Fabry-Perot tunable optical filter [15], Mach Zehnder interference (MZI) tunable filter [16], grating tunable filter [17], and arrayed waveguide grating [18]. Guo et al. proposed a wavelength tunable mode-locked erbium-doped fiber laser (EDFL) with a fiber grating filter based on a figure-of-eight cavity, which realized the continuous tunable central wavelength of 1548-1570 nm [19]. Kieu et al. proposed a wavelength tunable mode-locked laser in the 2 µm band. ...
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A tunable mode-locked erbium-doped fiber laser with a digital micro-mirror device (DMD) as the wavelength tuner and nonlinear amplifying loop mirror as the mode-locked device is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. The mode-locked pulse with the center wavelength of 1538–1565 nm continuously tunable is achieved. The average power of the output pulse is 1.028 mW, the pulse repetition frequency is 1.7 MHz, the pulse duration is 616 fs, and the single pulse energy is 0.6 nJ. By controlling the DMD, the center wavelength can be fine-tuned with the tuning accuracy of 0.07 nm. With the increase of the pump power, the traditional soliton pulse is transformed into a noise-like pulse (NLP), and the power of the NLP can reach 34 mW. This mode-locked process can work for a long time and is almost unaffected by the external environment. These results are very useful for applications where pulsed lasers with different wavelengths are needed.
In an optoelectronic hybrid analog-to-digital conversion system, the duration of the optical sampling pulses was so short that high-speed ″integrate-hold″ electrical circuits were comparatively difficult to realize. In order to deal with this problem, a novel high-speed ″Optical Hold Module″ was proposed in this paper. By using a passive structure that consists of multiple optical couplers, the post-sampling ultra-short optical pulses were converted to pulse clusters, which were further converted to broader pulses with a relatively flat top after photo-electrical conversion and electrical low-pass filtering. This was helpful to reduce the complexity of the following electrical processing. The experiment shows that this structure was capable of converting the ultra-short pulses to broader pulses with flat top.
Pump power hysteresis effect is investigated in a fiber laser based on nonlinear polarization rotating technique. The physical mechanism is analyzed with the nonlinear transmission model, and it is found that the pump hysteresis arises from the combined effects of fiber birefrengece and polarization selection, which lead to a nonlinear loss property of the laser cavity. Experimental and simulation results agree well with the the theoretical prediction, and demonstrate that the pump power hysteresis occurs when mode-locked solitons generated from a continuous wave state, and takes place in the process of the solitons created and annihilated after the laser coming into mode-locked state. Moreover, the hysteresis becomes more obvious as the number of the solitons increases.
Thermally expanded core fibers were made by heating a single-mode fiber locally with hydrogen-oxygen flame. An all fiber M-Z filter was fabricated using the thermally expanded core fiber, and it was inserted into a Sagnac filter to make a new structure of tunable fiber Sagnac filter which output spectrum was the uncorrelated superposition between the Sagnac and the M-Z interferences. With the new structure Sagnac fiber filter, a tunable erbium-doped fiber laser was made and investigated experimentally. Tunable output was obtained by adjusting a polarization controller (PC) in the Sagnac interferometer. During the whole tuning process, the laser output wavelength could be tuned from 1540.3 nm to 1581.2 nm with the output power flatness better than 2 dB, 3 dB spectral linewidth narrower than 0.1 nm and optical signal-to-noise extinction ratio higher than 45 dB.
By introducing the rotatable in-line polarizer into the ring cavity of nolinear polarization rotatation (NPR), the all fiber structure of passively mode-locked ring laser is simplified. The Erbium-doped mode-locked laser with the tuning range of 20 nm is achieved by adjusting the polarizer, 1/2 wave plate and the 1/4 wave plate together. Furthermore, the mode-locked pulses with dual-wavelength are observed during the tuning process. On the other hand, when removing the 1/2 wave plate from the configuration, the mode-locked laser can also be obtained by only adjusting the polarizer and the 1/4 wave plate. The tunable process is presented and analyzed.
A simple and effective tunable fiber laser is presented. The linear-cavity laser consists of a three-port optical circulator (OC), a tunable fiber Bragg grating (TFBG), a segment of high-concentration erbium doped fiber (EDF), and a wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) coupler. By using an OC as the total-reflection mirror and a strain-induced uniform FBG as a partial-reflection mirror and a wavelength selector, a tunable wavelength is obtained. With single TFBG, a single wavelength lasing with a maximum wavelength tuning range of 6.00 nm, from 1543.50 to 1549.50 nm, is achieved experimentally. Within this tuning range, the full-width at half maximum (FWHM) of the laser output is smaller than 0.01 nm and the side mode suppression ratio (SMSR) is better than 50 dB.
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We report the amplitude-equalized high order arbitrary numerator rational harmonic mode-locked (RHMLed) pulse generations based on the technique of nonlinear polarization rotation in the fiber-ring laser. The numerator effect on the amplitude uniformity of RHMLed pulse train is first investigated. It is demonstrated that the high order RHMLed pulse train with uniform amplitude can be achieved by choosing a proper numerator. The pulse amplitude equalization in up to the 10th order RHMLed pulse train is observed when the numerator is equal to 3 instead of 1. It is important that the technique may be useful to generate the high-speed pulse trains with uniform amplitude by using the high order RHMLing technique.
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We report what we believe to be the first results on short-pulse generation in Yb(3+) :silica fiber. By applying the stretched pulse technique in a unidirectional, polarization-switch Yb(3+) fiber laser incorporating a prism-based dispersive delay line, we obtain self-start mode locking and 100-pJ pulses that can be compressed to give clean chirp-free <100-fs pulses. We believe such sources to have great potential for use not only in all-solid-state, high-power femtosecond pulse systems based on Yb(3+) :silica glass but also as seeds for conventional Nd(3+) :glass amplifier chains.
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A diode-pumped ytterbium-erbium 'figure of eight' laser is stabilised by the inclusion of a bandwidth-limiting element inside the cavity. Transform limited solitons with durations of 1.35ps are generated, continuously tunable over 20nm. Temporal stabilisation is imposed through amplified feedback of light reflected by the nonlinear loop mirror.
The actively mode-locked fiber laser has two kinds of instability. It is proposed a novel method to overcome the short term instability by exploiting nonlinear polarization rotation. The long term instability is removed by feedback used to control fiber cavity length. It is made the actively mode-locked fiber ring laser operation stabily for more than 8 times. The pulse width was 10ps, the spectrum width was 0. 317nm, the product of time-bandwidth was 0. 403, wavelength was 1535-1564nm, the tunable range was 39nm.
The experimental study of Yb3+-doped fiber lasers using the nonlinear optical loop mirror (NOLM) for mode-locked operating is reported in this paper. The fiber laser can generate 2.05 mW average power of 234 ps pulse duration at a repetition rate of 3.842 MHz, and operating center wavelength is 1053 nm, spectrum width is about 6 nm. The operating center wavelength can be tuned from 1030 nm to 1081 nm, the self-starting of the mode-locked fiber laser can be achieved easily, and the mode-locked operation can be hardly influenced by the environment disturbance in days. It can be used for a seed in the high energy mode-locked fiber laser system successfully, furthermore, it can be applied in science and engineering as a center wavelength-tunable mode-locked fiber laser hopefully.
The experimental study of the Yb3+-doped fiber ring laser of ultrashort pulse is reported, which is pumped by 976 nm semiconductor laser. In the normal dispersion, using the additive pulse mode-locking based on nonlinear polarization evolution, the Yb3+-doped fiber laser can oscillate in the mode-locked state by adjusting the position of the polarization controller (PC) and reducing the loss in the cavity. The output characteristics of the fiber laser are shown by oscillograph in the time domain. If pump power is not changed, along with the change of the polarization of the pulse, the changes of output pulse maintain stable and unstable states. In the unstable region, the pulse becomes irregular. When PC is in a proper position, the laser operates a stable and mode-locked state by adjusting the PC1 and PC2 carefully. The maximum output power of the laser is 9.46 mW, at the repetition rate of 15.4 MHz corresponding to ∼10 nm spectrum width.
A simple figure-8 fibre laser that generates femtosecond pulses with large pulse energy is reported. The pulsewidth is 125 fs and pulse energy is 0.5 nJ. The high energy is achieved by pulse stretching effect by using an erbium-doped fibre in the amplifier with normal dispersion and the narrow pulsewidth is obtained by means of a long length of dispersion shifted fibre. Furthermore, the pulses are made stable by introducing a gradual twist to the dispersion shifted fibre. The central wavelength and the spectral width of the pulses can be tuned by simply adjusttng the polarisation-controllers in the loop. No additional components are required.
290 fs soliton pulses at 1.56 μm have been successfully obtained for the first time from a laser‐diode pumped erbium‐doped fiber laser with a nonlinear amplifying loop mirror. The laser was pumped by InGaAsP laser diodes and the threshold for starting the pulse oscillation was 50 mW. The passive mode‐locking continued to a pump power level as low as 10 mW. The repetition rate was uncontrollable and varied between the fundamental repetition rate of 5 MHz and 1.2–2 GHz.
An electronically wavelength tunable modelocked fibre laser operating over a 50 nm range using an all-fibre acousto-optic tunable filter is presented. The tuning range is 1557-1607 nm, for a 70 m long erbium-doped fibre (EDF) with a 270 ppm concentration