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Unsupervised learnable neuron model with nonlinear interaction on dendrites


Abstract and Figures

Recent researches have provided strong circumstantial support to dendrites playing a key and possibly essential role in computations. In this paper, we propose an unsupervised learnable neuron model by including the nonlinear interactions between excitation and inhibition on dendrites. The model neuron self-adjusts its synaptic parameters, so that the synapse to dendrite, according to a generalized delta-rule-like algorithm. The model is used to simulate directionally selective cells by the unsupervised learning algorithm. In the simulations, we initialize the interaction and dendrite of the neuron randomly and use the generalized delta-rule-like unsupervised learning algorithm to learn the two-dimensional multi-directional selectivity problem without an external teacher’s signals. Simulation results show that the directionally selective cells can be formed by unsupervised learning, acquiring the required number of dendritic branches, and if needed, enhanced and if not, eliminated. Further, the results show whether a synapse exists; if it exists, where and what type (excitatory or inhibitory) of synapse it is. This leads us to believe that the proposed neuron model may be considerably more powerful on computations than the McCulloch-Pitts model because theoretically a single neuron or a single layer of such neurons is capable of solving any complex problem. These may also lead to a completely new technique for analyzing the mechanisms and principles of neurons, dendrites, and synapses.
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Neural Networks 60 (2014) 96–103
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Unsupervised learnable neuron model with nonlinear interaction
on dendrites
Yuki Todo a, Hiroki Tamura b, Kazuya Yamashita c,, Zheng Tang c
aKanazawa University, Japan
bMiyazaki University, Japan
cUniversity of Toyama, Japan
article info
Article history:
Received 23 August 2013
Received in revised form 29 May 2014
Accepted 7 July 2014
Available online 1 August 2014
Neuron model
Unsupervised learning
Directionally selective cells
Recent researches have provided strong circumstantial support to dendrites playing a key and possibly
essential role in computations. In this paper, we propose an unsupervised learnable neuron model by
including the nonlinear interactions between excitation and inhibition on dendrites. The model neuron
self-adjusts its synaptic parameters, so that the synapse to dendrite, according to a generalized delta-rule-
like algorithm. The model is used to simulate directionally selective cells by the unsupervised learning
algorithm. In the simulations, we initialize the interaction and dendrite of the neuron randomly and
use the generalized delta-rule-like unsupervised learning algorithm to learn the two-dimensional multi-
directional selectivity problem without an external teacher’s signals. Simulation results show that the
directionally selective cells can be formed by unsupervised learning, acquiring the required number of
dendritic branches, and if needed, enhanced and if not, eliminated. Further, the results show whether a
synapse exists; if it exists, where and what type (excitatory or inhibitory) of synapse it is. This leads us to
believe that the proposed neuron model may be considerably more powerful on computations than the
McCulloch–Pitts model because theoretically a single neuron or a single layer of such neurons is capable
of solving any complex problem. These may also lead to a completely new technique for analyzing the
mechanisms and principles of neurons, dendrites, and synapses.
©2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
The human brain, built of about 1011 neurons and 1015 intercon-
nections, is of staggering complexity. The fundamental structure
of a neuron consists of a cell body, an axon, and a dendrite. Neu-
rons have different functions depending on the branch patterns of
their dendrites, i.e., the function changes with differences in these
structures (Cajal, 1909). The first model of a neuron was proposed
by McCulloch and Pitts in 1943 and has been widely used as a ba-
sic unit for modern researches on neural networks (McCulloch &
Pitts, 1943). However, this model has been criticized as being over-
simplified from the viewpoint of the properties of real neurons
and the computation that they perform because only one nonlin-
ear term (thresholding on cell body) is included in the model and
the nonlinear mechanisms of dendrites are not considered (Lon-
don & Häusser, 2005). Meanwhile, recent researches have provided
Corresponding author. Tel.: +81 764456886.
E-mail address: (K. Yamashita).
strong circumstantial support for dendrites playing a key role in
the overall computation performed by the neuron (Agmon-Snir,
Carr, & Rinzel, 1998;Anderson, Binzegger, Kahana, Martin, & Segev,
1999;Euler, Detwiler, & Denk, 2002;Magee,2000;Single & Borst,
1998;Stuart, Spruston, & Häusser, 2008). Based on these exper-
imental findings, Larkum, Zhu, and Sakmann (2001), and Rhodes
and Llinás (2001) modeled apical dendrites as a compartment dis-
tinct from the somatic compartment, and were successful in re-
producing the diverse range of neuronal firing patterns (Kepecs,
Wang, & Lisman, 2002;Mainen & Sejnowski, 1996). After the ex-
perimental observation of localized regenerative spikes in the fine
distal dendrites (Schiller, Major, Koester, & Schiller, 2000;Schiller,
Schiller, Stuart, & Sakmann, 1997;Wei et al.,2001). Poirazi, Bran-
non, and Mel (2003a, 2003b) proposed a simplified two-layer neu-
ral network model where individual dendritic subunits perform
a sigmoidal thresholding nonlinear operation on their inputs. This
model provided a useful abstraction on the spatial integrative func-
tion of a pyramidal cell (Wang & Liu, 2010).
However, they all are bound to require the addressing of the
relevant synaptic input to the relevant locality in the dendrites
0893-6080/©2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Y. Todo et al. / Neural Networks 60 (2014) 96–103 97
(Koch, Poggio, & Torre, 1983;Koch, Poggio, Torre, & Casey, 1982).
Recently, many algorithms for learning such nonlinear process-
ing have been proposed. Instead of using a weighted sum, Durbin
and Rumelhart used a weighted product as a computational unit
for feedforward learning networks of the backpropagation type
(Durbin & Rumelhart, 1989). Other models of a nonlinear neuron
and algorithm for learning, such as the sigma–pi unit in which the
output activation is calculated as the weighted sum of the prod-
ucts of independent sets, or clusters of input values (Mel,1990;
Rumelhart & Mcclelland, 1986), and the cluster in which each in-
put has a synaptic weight (the term ‘‘cluster’’ is used to refer to in-
puts that can affect the activation received by a particular synapse)
(Spratling & Hayes, 2000), have also been proposed. However, they
could not solve the 3-bit parity problem. Furthermore, these mod-
els used ‘‘weights’’ to represent the degree of clustering between
synapses. Thus, all sense of locality was lost, and these models
could not represent local interactions within a fixed dendritic tree.
In this sense, they are not biologically plausible models of nonlin-
ear dendritic processing (Spratling & Hayes, 2000).
Koch, Poggio, and Torre found that in the dendrites of a retinal
nerve cell, if an activated inhibitory synapse is closer than an exci-
tatory synapse to the cell body, the excitatory synapse will be inter-
cepted. They suggested that the interaction between synapses and
the action at the turning point of a branch be considered in terms
of logical operations (Koch et al.,1983,1982). Several experimen-
tal examples such as direction selectivity in retinal ganglion cells
(Taylor, He, Levick, & Vaney, 2000) and coincidence detection in the
auditory system (Segev, 1998) have provided strong circumstan-
tial support to Koch’s model. Recent theoretical and experimental
studies using the neuron simulation environment also suggested
that such an inhibitory effect be located in a single dendritic branch
(Liu, 2004) and dendritic computation results from the interaction
of excitatory and inhibitory synaptic inputs (Fortier & Bray, 2013).
However, for a specific given task, particularly a complex task, it
is usually very difficult for Koch’s model to identify what type of
synapse (excitatory or inhibitory) is needed, where the synapse
should be located, which branch of the dendrite is needed, and
which one is not needed (Destexhe & Marder, 2004). Koch pointed
out that we need a learning algorithm based on the plasticity in
dendrites to answer these questions and understand how the con-
ductance of a neuron’s cell body and dendritic membrane develops
in time (Koch, 1997). Fortunately, a wide variety of plasticity
mechanisms have been identified in pyramidal neurons (Artola,
Brocher, & Singer, 1990;Bi & Poo, 1998;Dringenberg, Hamze,
Wilson, Speechley, & Kuo, 2007;Gu,2003;Losonczy, Makara, &
Magee, 2008;Makara, Losonczy, Wen, & Magee, 2009;Markram,
Lübke, Frotscher, & Sakmann, 1997;Ngezahayo, Schachner, & Ar-
tola, 2000;Reynolds & Wickens, 2002;Sjöström, Rancz, Roth, &
Häusser, 2008;Sjöström, Turrigiano, & Nelson, 2001). Meanwhile,
Holtmaat and Svoboda showed experimental evidence to support
structural synaptic plasticity and learning (Holtmaat & Svoboda,
2009). In particular, recent experimental evidence suggested that
back-propagating action potentials can provide a feedback signal
to the input layers and may be involved in the process of synaptic
plasticity (Larkum, Zhu, & Sakmann, 1999;Stuart & Häusser, 2001).
In our previous papers (Tang, Kuratu, Tamura, Ishizuka, &
Tanno, 2000;Tang, Tamura, Okihiro, & Tanno, 2000), we proposed a
neuron model with interaction among synapses with dendrites and
successfully trained the model to learn the directionally selective
problem and the depth rotation problem (Sekiya, Aoyama, Tamura,
& Tang, 2001;Sekiya, Wang, Aoyama, & Tang, 2001;Sekiya, Zhu,
Aoyama, & Tang, 2000;Takeuchi,2010;Tamura, Tang, & Ishii,
2002;Tamura, Tang, Okihiro, & Tanno, 1999). However, the train-
ings were all performed by the supervised learning of a mecha-
nism that compares the desired and the actual outputs and feeds
back the processed corrections. Such a supervised training mech-
anism is biologically implausible; it is difficult to conceive such a
training mechanism in the brain. Recently, Legenstein and Maass
provided mathematical proof that these plasticity mechanisms in-
duced a competition between dendritic branches, and such den-
dritic competition enabled a single neuron to acquire nonlinear
computational capabilities, such as the capability to bind multi-
ple input features in a self-organized manner (Legenstein & Maass,
2011). However, even having used nonlinear branches, the model
could not solve such non-linearly separated problems as a sim-
ple exclusive OR (XOR) function. Spratling and Hayes presented a
model of an initially standard linear node that uses unsupervised
learning to find clusters of inputs within which inactivity at one
synapse can occlude the activity at the other synapses. However,
because they used ‘‘weights’’ to represent the degree of cluster-
ing between synapses, all sense of locality was lost, and this model
failed to include local interactions within a fixed dendritic tree. In
this sense, it is not a biologically plausible model of nonlinear den-
dritic processing (Spratling & Hayes, 2000). In this paper, we as-
sume that neurons learning to compute what they compute and
develop an unsupervised learnable neuron model with interaction
among synapses of a dendrite. The unsupervised learning algo-
rithm for a single layer of such neurons requires no teaching signal
for the output, and hence, there are no comparisons with the pre-
determined ideal responses. The training set consists solely of in-
put vectors, and the desired output patterns are obtained from the
input patterns. We show how such an unsupervised rule enables
the neurons to decide their synaptic connections and delete the
unnecessary synaptic connections and dendritic branches. We also
show that such an unsupervised learning algorithm can be used to
learn two-dimensional eight-directionally selective problems.
2. Model and learning
2.1. Model
From measurements made using histological materials, Koch,
Poggio, and Torre found that the interactions between excitation
and inhibition can be strongly nonlinear, and shunting inhibition
can specifically veto an excitatory input if it is located on the direct
path to the soma (Koch et al.,1983,1982). Fig. 1 shows a model
that implements the idea. Here, if the inhibitory interaction is de-
scribed as an AND NOT gate, the operation implemented in Fig. 1
could be read as
where x2denotes an excitatory input and x1represents an in-
hibitory input. Each input is either logical 0 or 1. Thus, the signal to
the cell body (soma) becomes u=1 when and only when x1=0
and x2=1.
Fig. 2(a) shows an idealized dendrite of a γcell, receiving ex-
citatory and inhibitory synapses distributed from the tip to the
soma. As shown in Fig. 2(a), most γcells have a small cell body
and dendrites that usually have only one branch (Koch et al., 1982).
Koch, Poggio, and Torre showed that a given excitatory input would
be effectively voted by the inhibitory inputs on the direct path to
the soma whereas the remaining inputs essentially remain unaf-
fected by all other more distal inhibitory synapses (Destexhe &
Marder, 2004;Koch et al.,1983). Thus, the operation implemented
in Fig. 2(a) can be read as
and Fig. 2(a) can also be represented by Fig. 2(b).
Compared with a γcell, the dendrite of a δcell has considerably
more branches (Koch et al., 1982). A δcell is shown in Fig. 3(a). The
operation implemented can be expressed as follows:
and thus, Fig. 3(a) can also be re-drawn as Fig. 3(b).
98 Y. Todo et al. / Neural Networks 60 (2014) 96–103
Fig. 1. Idealized dendritic model of the interaction between inhibitory inputs ()
and excitatory inputs ().
Fig. 2. Idealized dendritic model of the interaction between inhibitory inputs ()
and excitatory inputs ().
Fig. 3. Idealized dendrite of a γcell (a) and its different representation (b).
As mentioned above, the interaction between the synapses
on branches can be considered a logical AND operation, and the
operation on the branching points a logic OR operation. According
to Boolean algebra, such a network with logical AND, OR, and
NOT functions can produce any complex logical functions for any
interaction among synapses, if the number of AND-like branches
is sufficiently large. Thus, we model the dendritic mechanism as
the structure shown in Fig. 4. Dendritic branches receive signals
at the connection point called synapse (H) and perform a logical
AND operation on these signals. The branching point sums up the
current from the branches, such that its output is a logical OR
operation on its inputs. It is then conducted to the cell body (soma),
and when it exceeds the threshold, the cell fires, sending a signal
down the axon to other neurons.
Fig. 4. Model of a neuron based on the interaction within dendrites.
In order to make the model neuron learnable, we may express
it in a mathematical form as follows:
Synaptic function: A set of inputs labeled x1,x2,...,xn, each of
which is either logical 0 or 1, is applied to mdendritic branches
of the neuron (H) as one of the following synaptic connections:
the direct connection (excitatory synapse ) or the inversed
connection (inhibitory synapse ) or the 1-constant connection
) or the 0-constant connection ( 0
), to the corresponding AND
The synaptic function can be described by a one-input one-
output sigmoid function and its node function from the ith (i=
1,2,...,n) input to the jth (j=1,2,...,m) AND gate is given by
Yij =1
1+ek(wijxiθij )(4)
where wij and θij denote synaptic parameters, and krepresents a
positive constant. Since the input xiis either 0 or 1, for a large k
(e.g., k=10), there are only four cases of different values of the
synaptic parameters wij and θij.
Case 1a: 0 wij < θij , for example wij =1.0 and θij =1.5, as
shown in Fig. 5(a), corresponds to a 0-constant connection.
Case 1b: wij <0< θij, for example wij = −1.0 and θij =
0.5 or 1.5, as shown in Fig. 5(b), produces the same 0-constant
Case 2: wij < θij <0, for example wij = −1.0 and θij = −0.5,
as shown in Fig. 5(c), leads to an inverse connection (inhibitory
Case 3: 0 < θij wij , for example wij =1.0 and θij =0.5,
as shown in Fig. 5(d), illustrates a direct connection (excitatory
Case 4a: θij 0wij, for example wij =1.0 and
θij = −0.5 or 1.5, as shown in Fig. 5(e), shows a 1-constant
Case 4b: θij wij <0, for example wij = −1.0 and θij = −1.5,
as shown in Fig. 5(f), illustrates a 1-constant connection.
Therefore, the synaptic states can be described by four states
of connections. The values of wij and θij are initialized randomly
within 1.5 and 1.5. This means that the inputs are assumed to be
randomly connected to every dendritic branch with one of the four
synaptic connections mentioned above. As the values of wij and θij
change, the synaptic function varies accordingly, thus exhibiting
various states of connections. Further, the function of sigmoid is
clearly differential.
AND function: It corresponds to the interaction among synapses
on a dendritic branch. The logical AND operation of the input vari-
able yields the value 1 if and only if all input variables are simul-
taneously 1. For any n-variable logic function, only 2n1AND gates
will be necessary. In order to conduct learning with a gradient de-
scent, derivatives of the AND function are required. However, the
derivatives of the AND function do not exist. Here, we use a soft-
minimum operator.
fmin j=YijeµYij
eµYij (5)
Y. Todo et al. / Neural Networks 60 (2014) 96–103 99
(a) 0-constant connection
0< wij < θij (e.g.
wij =1.0, θij =1.5).
(b) 0-constant connection
wij <0< θij (e.g.
wij = −1.0, θij =0.5 or 1.5).
(c) Inversed connection wij < θij <0
(e.g. wij = −1.0, θij = −0.5).
(d) Direct connection 0 < θij < wij
(e.g. wij =1.0, θij =0.5).
(e) 1-constant connection
θij <0< wij (e.g.
wij =1.0, θij = −0.5 or 1.5).
(f) 1-constant connection
θij < wij <0 (e.g.
wij = −1.0, θij = −1.5).
Fig. 5. Synaptic functions from input to dendrite branch.
where µdenotes a positive constant. The soft-minimum function
produces the same result as the AND operation within the limit.
µ→∞ fmin j=min Y1j,Y2j,...,Ynj
=AND Y1j,Y2j,...,Ynj.(6)
OR function: It corresponds to the sublinear summation oper-
ation at a branching point. The logical OR operation of the input
variables yields the value 1 whenever at least one of the variables
is 1 and 0 otherwise. Similar to the soft-minimum for the logical
AND operation, we use a soft-maximum operator for the logical
OR operation:
fmax =
fmin jevfminj
evfmin j(7)
where vdenotes a positive constant. The soft-maximum function
gives the same result as the OR operation within the limit.
v→∞ fmax =max (fmin 1,fmin 1 ,...,fmin m)
=OR (fmin 1,fmin 1 ,...,fmin m)(8)
where mdenotes the number of AND gates (branches). Note that
this function is also clearly differential. It is also worth noting that
for a set of ninput variables, each taking the value of 0 or 1, the
model neuron is an OR of ANDs, also known as a sum of products,
having a disjunctive normal form (DNF). Therefore, according to
Boolean algebra, provided there are a sufficient number of AND
gates (2n1), the neuron is capable of computing any complex
Boolean function (Cazé, Humphries, & Gutkin, 2013;Crama & Ham-
mer, 2011;Wegener,1987).
Soma: It specifies the threshold or the sigmoid operation of the
product terms. The soma yields the value 1 when the input exceeds
a threshold of 0.5. For learning proposes, we use a sigmoid opera-
where gdenotes a positive constant. Furthermore, this function is
also clearly differentiable.
2.2. Back-propagation-like algorithm
The neuron model mentioned above is a feed-forward network
with continuous functions. Thus, the error back-propagation-like
algorithm will be valid for the neuron model. By using a learning
rule, we can readily derive a neuron model from the condition of
the least squared error between the actual output Oand the desired
output Tdefined as
Since the minimization of the error requires the synaptic pa-
rameters wij and θij changes to be in the negative gradient direc-
tion, we take
1wij = −ηE
1θij = −ηE
where ηdenotes a positive constant called the learning constant.
For the synaptic parameters wij and θij, we must differentiate with
respect to the wij and θij, which are deeply embedded in Eqs. (11)
and (12). By using the chain rule, we obtain
fmin j
·fmin j
fmin j
·fmin j
and expand Eqs. (10)–(14).
fmin j
l1+vfmin jvfmin lev(fmin j+fmin l)
evfmin l2(17)
fmin j
k1µYij +µYikeµ(Yij +Yik)
eµYik 2(18)
100 Y. Todo et al. / Neural Networks 60 (2014) 96–103
Fig. 6. Structure of module by model neurons.
=kxiek(xiwijθij )
1+ek(xiwijθij )2(19)
=kek(xiwijθij )
1+ek(xiwijθij )2.(20)
2.3. Unsupervised learning
Holtmaat and Svoboda showed experimental evidence to
support structural synaptic plasticity and learning (Holtmaat &
Svoboda, 2009). Furthermore, Roth and Häusser’s biophysical sim-
ulations of different neuronal types showed that the dendritic ge-
ometry, in concert with dendritic voltage-gated channels, plays a
crucial role in determining how APs propagate in dendritic trees.
Back-propagating sodium APs-like calcium spikes can act as a
‘‘global’’ signal. Back-propagation is strongly dependent on den-
drite morphology and can be modulated with high-precision tim-
ing by synaptic inputs (Vetter, Roth, & Häusser, 2001). We have
also used the back-propagation-like algorithm mentioned above
for many applications in our previous works (Sekiya,Aoyama et al.,
2001;Sekiya,Wang et al.,2001;Sekiya et al.,2000;Takeuchi,2010;
Tamura et al.,2002,1999;Tang,Kuratu et al.,2000;Tang,Tamura
et al.,2000). However, it is difficult to explain where the desired
outputs come from.
Although a single model neuron can perform certain functions,
the power of neural computation comes from connecting neurons
into networks. We use a network with a group of model neurons
arranged in a layer, as shown in Fig. 6. The model neurons con-
nect to each other with a weight, e.g., c= −0.1. Such lateral in-
hibition provides a mechanism through which neurons compete
to respond to the current pattern of stimulation and attempt to
‘‘suppress’’ other neurons from generating a response to the cur-
rent stimulus. It has been known that such lateral inhibition plays
an important role in determining the receptive field properties of
these cells (Eysel, Shevelev, Lazareva, & Sharaev, 1998;Jagadeesh,
2000;Spratling & Johnson, 2003). Thus, the total inputs to neuron
qwill become
uq=fmax q+
Hebb has postulated that ‘‘when an axon of cell a is sufficiently near
to excite cell b and repeatedly or persistently takes part in firing it,
some growth or metabolic change takes place in one or both cells
such that a’s efficiency, as one of the cells firing b, is increased’’
(Hebb, 1949). Recently, however, it has been shown that synapses
that are activated slightly before the cell fires, are strengthened
whereas those that are activated slightly after are weakened (Ger-
stner, Kempter, Hemmen, & Wagner, 1996;Markram et al.,1997).
For a given input pattern, our unsupervised learning using the Heb-
bian rule will make the fired neuron fire, the unfired neuron un-
fired, and all neurons to fire if the model neurons are all unfired. It
can be realized by modifying the synaptic parameters wij and θij of
neuron qas
δwqij = −ηoq0.5oq1oq
δθqij = −ηoq0.5oq1oq
and if all neurons are unfired,
δwqij = −ηoq1oq
δθqij = −ηoq1oq
where q=1,2,...,Q, and Qdenotes the number of neurons.
Furthermore, in order to prevent a fired model neuron from firing
to every input pattern, we use a model neuron having an absolute
refractory period (rp) during which once the neuron is fired, it will
not fire again. In symbols:
and pwill be set to the fired neurons with a constant rp(1)once
the model neuron fires and will be counted down till it reaches 0
as a new input pattern is applied. The unsupervised learning can
be summarized as follows:
1. Generate an initial synaptic parameter set of the model neu-
rons randomly. The random initial synaptic parameters are dis-
tributed uniformly within a small range.
2. Apply an input pattern to each model neuron and use Eqs. (4),
(5), and (7) to calculate the outputs of the model neurons as the
initial outputs of the model neurons.
3. Apply an input pattern to each neuron and use Eqs. (4),(5),(7),
(21), and (26) to calculate the outputs of the model neurons
with c= −0.1.
4. If the outputs of the model neurons are all less than 0.5, use
Eqs. (24) and (25) to modify the synaptic parameters wand θof
all model neurons and go to step 6.
5. Use Eqs. (22) and (23) to change the synaptic parameters wand
θof all model neurons.
6. For the fired neurons, if p=0, set p=rp(> 1)and go to step 3;
7. p:= p1, go to step 3.
3. Simulations
To validate the neuron model and its unsupervised learning
rule, we simulated the model neuron to the multi-directional
selectivity problem by using the unsupervised learning algorithm.
Fig. 7 shows the two-dimensional input patterns in eight directions
(,,,,,,, and ). We used the eight patterns
as the input patterns in learning in which eight model neurons
were used to discriminate the eight input patterns. Each neuron
had 10 branches containing 18 synapses each, nine from fast
pathway inputs (x1,x2,...,x9) and nine from slow pathway
inputs (x
9) with a delay time τas shown in Fig. 8. All
input patterns were randomly drawn from the eight patterns and
Y. Todo et al. / Neural Networks 60 (2014) 96–103 101
(a) Pattern 1 () and Pattern 2 (). (b) Pattern 3 () and Pattern 4 ().
(c) Pattern 5 () and Pattern 6 (). (d) Pattern 7 () and Pattern 8 ().
Fig. 7. Input patterns (eight directions: ,(a); ,(b); ,(c) and ,(d)).
Fig. 8. Network for two-dimensional movement detection, where τdenotes the
external delta delay.
assigned to the 10 model neurons. The learning was repeated many
times, each time with a new randomly drawn input pattern. In
the simulations, the learning parameters were set to k=5.0,
µ=5.0, ν=5.0, η=0.5, and rp =3. We initialized
the synaptic parameters wand θof the model neurons within
1.5< w,θ < 1.5, randomly. Fig. 9(a) shows an example of the
initialized morphology of a model neuron. An input was connected
to a branch by a direct connection (), an inverted connection
(), a constant-0 connection ( 0
), or a constant-1 connection
). Fig. 10 serves to indicate how the eight model neurons
learned to respond to the specific input patterns. As predicted, each
model neuron learned to fire to their specific input patterns and
achieved satisfactory performance. Fig. 11 shows an example of
the output states of the model neurons to the input patterns after
learning. The neuron began to respond to input pattern 7 after
about 8000 learning epochs. Fig. 9(b) shows the neuron’s dendrite
after learning. It is very interesting to note that dendritic branches
1 and 5 had at least a constant-0 connection. Since a dendritic
branch performs a logical AND operation, branches 1 and 5 can
be eliminated, corresponding to the degeneration of a dendritic
branch. Further, observing branches 2 and 7 carefully, we can find
that they have the completely same dendritic tree structure. It
can be viewed as the redundance of dendritic branches. This is
also because a dendritic branch performs a logical AND operation
and any constant-1 connection to dendritic branches will not
affect its output. Therefore, removing all 1-constant connections
to the branches, we can re-draw Fig. 9(b) as Fig. 9(c). Fig. 12(a)
Fig. 9. Example of a model neuron’s dendrite: (a) before learning, (b) after learning,
and (c) an idealized dendrite.
Fig. 10. Output state of the input patterns of the module after learning (example 1).
102 Y. Todo et al. / Neural Networks 60 (2014) 96–103
Fig. 11. Learning to input pattern 7 (neuron 2).
Fig. 12. Example of a neuron’s dendrite (a) and its idealized dendrite (b).
shows an example of a neuron’s dendrite after learning. It can also
be idealized into a dendrite as shown in Fig. 12(b), predicting a
possible dendritic tree structure. We have performed simulations
over multiple trials by using different randomly generated training
sequences and initial synaptic parameters to several combinations
of the input patterns. We found that two neurons learned to
discriminate any two patterns, for example one firing only to
Pattern 1 () and another one firing only to Pattern 2 () with
over 85% success rate. Even for four input patterns, such as Pattern
1 (), Pattern 2 (), Pattern 3 (), Pattern 4 (), and Pattern 5
(), Pattern 6 (), Pattern 7 (), Pattern 8 (), neurons were
capable of keeping successful discrimination more than 65%. But,
as the number of input patterns increased, the rate for successful
discrimination dropped dramatically. There were only about
3%–5% that could learn to the successful discrimination of all the 8
patterns. This is because our algorithm employed a type of gradient
descent; that is, it could get trapped in a local minimum. Statistical
training methods may help avoid this trap, but they tend to be slow.
Multiple trials by resetting training sequences or initial synaptic
parameters can help avoid this trap because our algorithm itself
is very fast. It is worth to point out that even in case of failure of
learning that not all the 8 patterns were discriminated successfully,
some neurons still gave correct discriminations to their patterns.
From biological point of view, partial success (discrimination of
only several, or a few patterns) might be meaningful.
4. Conclusion
In this paper, we proposed an unsupervised learnable neuron
model by including the nonlinear interactions between excitation
and inhibition of dendrites. The model neuron adjusts its synaptic
parameters such that there is a synapse to a dendrite, according to a
generalized delta-rule-like algorithm without any teacher signals.
The model was used to simulate the directionally selective cells
by unsupervised learning. In the simulations, we randomly initial-
ized the interaction and dendrite of the neuron and used the gen-
eralized delta-rule-like unsupervised learning algorithm to learn
the two-dimensional multidirectional selectivity problem without
an external teacher’s signals. The simulation results showed that
the directionally selective cells could be formed by unsupervised
learning. In simulations, we did not assign any specific inputs to
any specific branches, but rather randomly initialized all inputs to
all branches and the neurons self-organized to decide how many
dendritic branches were needed; if needed, enhanced, and if not,
eliminated. The simulation results also showed whether a synapse
existed or not; if it existed, where and what type (excitatory or in-
hibitory) of synapse that it took. Furthermore, the single neuron or
a single layer of such neurons is capable of solving any complex
problems such as the binding problem and any Boolean function,
particularly a linearly non-separable Boolean function. This leads
us to believe that the proposed neuron model might be consid-
erably more powerful on computations than the McCulloch–Pitts
model because the use of one unit of the McCulloch–Pitts linear
model, sigma–pi model, or any other nonlinear model is incapable
of solving even the simple 3-bit parity problem. Therefore, this
study provided evidence that complex nonlinear functions could
be acquired by the proposed single neuron in an unsupervised
learning manner through biologically plausible plasticity mech-
anisms. In this study, we have also shown that synaptic plastic-
ity mechanisms enabled the nonlinear dendritic neuron to acquire
complex functionality in a back-propagation-like manner. These
might also lead to the development of a completely new technique
for analyzing the mechanisms and principles of neurons, dendrites,
and synapses.
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... Another artificial neural network using the multiplicative neuron model is the dendritic neuron model artificial neural network (DNM-ANN) proposed in Todo et al. (2014), which takes different nonlinear transformations of all raw inputs and works on the transformed inputs, thus including the data augmentation process in the process. The dendritic neuron model artificial neural network has been used in many studies in the literature to obtain time series forecasting. ...
... Dendritic cells, just like LSTM and GRU cells, can work like a mini neural network that can receive many inputs and produce many outputs. For the generation of the dendritic cell, the DNM-ANN proposed by Todo et al. (2014) is modified into a multivariate dendritic neuron model (MDNM). Deep-DenT is designed to incorporate the proposed new architecture consisting of a hierarchical arrangement of dendritic cells. ...
... DNM-ANN is proposed by Todo et al. (2014) in a multi-input and single-output structure and can be used to obtain the forecasting of a single time series. In this section, the structure of the DNM-ANN has been made multi-output to allow it to form a cell structure in a deep neural network, and the formulas for calculating the output of the network and the architecture of the MDNM are introduced. ...
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Deep artificial neural networks have become a good alternative to classical forecasting methods in solving forecasting problems. Popular deep neural networks classically use additive aggregation functions in their cell structures. It is available in the literature that the use of multiplicative aggregation functions in shallow artificial neural networks produces successful results for the forecasting problem. A type of high-order shallow artificial neural network that uses multiplicative aggregation functions is the dendritic neuron model artificial neural network, which has successful forecasting performance. In this study, the transformation of the dendritic neuron model turned into a multi-output architecture. A new dendritic cell based on the multi-output dendritic neuron model and a new deep artificial neural network is proposed. The training of this new deep dendritic artificial neural network is carried out with the differential evolution algorithm. The forecasting performance of the deep dendritic artificial neural network is compared with basic classical forecasting methods and some recent shallow and deep artificial neural networks over stock market time series. As a result, it has been observed that deep dendritic artificial neural network produces very successful forecasting results for the forecasting problem.
... Then the global feature detective neurons in the second layer just take a simple summation of the local motion direction-detective neurons in each direction. As Taylor proposed that direction-selective neuron is based on dendritic computation [17] and other studies have also suggested that dendritic processing is involved in motion direction detection [18][19][20], we use the dendritic neuron [21] to implement the local direction-detective ganglion cells. The dendritic neuron is based on the Koch's neuron model of nonlinear interaction on dendrites [22] and is capable of learning to get the correct shape of dendrites and the number of dendrites from randomly initialized shapes of dendrites and number of dendrites by back-propagation [23]. ...
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Research on the visual system and its development is not only crucial for understanding how we see and interpret the environment from basic visual processing to complex perception but also aids in the development of technologies like virtual reality, augmented reality, and computer vision. In our previous paper, we have proposed a novel biological motion direction detection mechanism. Based on this mechanism, the authors of this paper proposed a learning artificial visual system (AVS) and use it to achieve motion direction detection. The learning AVS consists of two layers: the local visual feature detective neuron layer and the global feature detective neuron layer. For local motion direction detection, we use dendritic neurons to implement local motion direction-detective neurons and use them to extract local motion direction information. Global feature detective neurons are simply implemented by summing the local motion direction-detective neurons in each direction of possible motion. We trained the learning AVS by eliminating unnecessary branches or synapses and keeping only those that are strongly connected to the function of motion direction detection. Computer simulations demonstrate that AVS can learn the correct motion direction of objects with different shapes, size and positions. We compare the performance of AVS with support vector machine (SVM) and traditional convolutional neural networks (CNNs)—LeNet-5 and EfficientNet-B0 (EfN)—in motion direction detection and find that our learning AVS has better recognition accuracy, noise immunity and less demands on size of dataset and learning costs.
... A good mathematical model of the biological neuron is the dendrite neuron model. The dendrite neuron model (DNM) was first proposed by Todo et al. (2014). The dendrite neuron model artificial neural network consists of synaptic, dendrite, membrane and soma layers. ...
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Methods based on artificial neural networks for intuitionistic fuzzy time series forecasting can produce successful forecasting results. In the literature, exponential smoothing methods are hybridised with artificial neural networks due to their simple and efficient structures to improve the forecasting performance. The contribution of this paper is to propose a new forecasting approach combining exponential smoothing methods and intuitionistic fuzzy time series. In this study, a forecasting algorithm based on the dendrite neuron model and simple exponential smoothing methods is proposed for modelling intuitionistic fuzzy time series. In the fuzzification stage of the proposed method, the intuitionistic fuzzy c-means method is used. The proposed method is a modular method using two separate dendrite neuron model neural networks and the grey wolf optimisation algorithm is used to estimate all parameters of the method. The performance of the proposed method is applied on four different random time series obtained for Index of Coin Market Cap and the performance of the method is compared with some other fuzzy forecasting methods. As a result of the analyses, it is concluded that the proposed modular method has better forecasting results than other methods.
... Consistent with neurobiological observations in the brain, the structure of the DNM exhibits sufficient plasticity to discard useless synapses and redundant dendrites after training; thus, it can produce a unique dendritic structure for each task [28]. The DNM has been used to solve several vision problems, e.g., motion recognition [29], orientation detection, and depth rotation [30]. Subsequently, the model was improved by introducing simple and powerful multiplication and summation operations rather than soft-minimum and maximum functions in the dendritic and membrane layers, respectively [31]. ...
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The conventional dendritic neuron model (DNM) is a single-neuron model inspired by biological dendritic neurons that has been applied successfully in various fields. However, an increasing number of input features results in inefficient learning and gradient vanishing problems in the DNM. Thus, the DNM struggles to handle more complex tasks, including multiclass classification and multivariate time-series forecasting problems. In this study, we extended the conventional DNM to overcome these limitations. In the proposed dendritic neural network (DNN), the flexibility of both synapses and dendritic branches is considered and formulated, which can improve the model's nonlinear capabilities on high-dimensional problems. Then, multiple output layers are stacked to accommodate the various loss functions of complex tasks, and a dropout mechanism is implemented to realize a better balance between the underfitting and overfitting problems, which enhances the network's generalizability. The performance and computational efficiency of the proposed DNN compared to state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms were verified on 10 multiclass classification and 2 high-dimensional binary classification datasets. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed DNN is a promising and practical neural network architecture.
... However, these initialization methods may not be directly applicable to a dendritic neuron model (DNM), which has a unique neuron structure and activation function. DNM is a deep neural network model with a dendritic tree structure, which enables it to perform complex logic operations and approximate functions more accurately than traditional neuron models [13][14][15]. Its dendritic structure provides a rich set of features that can be leveraged to enhance its learning performance. ...
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A dendritic neuron model (DNM) is a deep neural network model with a unique dendritic tree structure and activation function. Effective initialization of its model parameters is crucial for its learning performance. This work proposes a novel initialization method specifically designed to improve the performance of DNM in classifying high-dimensional data, notable for its simplicity, speed, and straightforward implementation. Extensive experiments on benchmark datasets show that the proposed method outperforms traditional and recent initialization methods, particularly in datasets consisting of high-dimensional data. In addition, valuable insights into the behavior of DNM during training and the impact of initialization on its learning performance are provided. This research contributes to the understanding of the initialization problem in deep learning and provides insights into the development of more effective initialization methods for other types of neural network models. The proposed initialization method can serve as a reference for future research on initialization techniques in deep learning.
... Li et al. (2021) addressed the issue that DSMs are based on expert knowledge, which causes difficulties when applying them in productive environments. Thus, they designed a dendritic neural network to automatically generate a DSM based on the dendritic neuron model by Todo et al. (2014). Compared to the baseline, their algorithm did not perform better. ...
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Changes and modifications to existing products, known as engineering changes (EC), are common in complex product development. They require appropriate implementation planning and supervision to mitigate the economic downsides due to complexity. These tasks, however, take a high administrative toll on the organization. In response, automation by computer tools has been suggested. Due to the underlying process complexity, the application of artificial intelligence (AI) is advised. To support research and development of new AI-artifacts for EC management (ECM), a knowledge base is required. Thus, this paper aims to gather insights from existing approaches and discover literature gaps by conducting a systematic literature review. 39 publications applying AI methods and algorithms in ECM were identified and subsequently discussed. The analysis shows that the methods vary and are mostly utilized for predicting change propagation and knowledge retrieval. The review’s results suggest that AI in EC requires developing distributed AI systems to manage the ensuing complexity. Additionally, five concrete suggestions are presented as future research needs: Research on metaheuristics for optimizing EC schedules, testing of stacked machine learning methods for process outcome prediction, establishment of process supervision, development of the mentioned distributed AI systems for automation, and validation with industry partners.
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Studying how objects are positioned is vital for improving technologies like robots, cameras, and virtual reality. In our earlier papers, we introduced a bio-inspired artificial visual system for orientation detection, demonstrating its superiority over traditional systems with higher recognition rates, greater biological resemblance, and increased resistance to noise. In this paper, we propose a hardware-based orientation detection system (ODS). The ODS is implemented by a multiple dendritic neuron model (DNM), and a neuronal pruning scheme for the DNM is proposed. After performing the neuronal pruning, only the synapses in the direct and inverse connections states are retained. The former can be realized by a comparator, and the latter can be replaced by a combination of a comparator and a logic NOT gate. For the dendritic function, the connection of synapses on dendrites can be realized with logic AND gates. Then, the output of the neuron is equivalent to a logic OR gate. Compared with other machine learning methods, this logic circuit circumvents floating-point arithmetic and therefore requires very little computing resources to perform complex classification. Furthermore, the ODS can be designed based on experience, so no learning process is required. The superiority of ODS is verified by experiments on binary, grayscale, and color image datasets. The ability to process data rapidly owing to advantages such as parallel computation and simple hardware implementation allows the ODS to be desirable in the era of big data. It is worth mentioning that the experimental results are corroborated with anatomical, physiological, and neuroscientific studies, which may provide us with a new insight for understanding the complex functions in the human brain.
Action potential propagation links information processing in different regions of the dendritic tree. To examine the contribution of dendritic morphology to the efficacy of propagation, simulations were performed in detailed reconstructions of eight different neuronal types. With identical complements of voltage-gated channels, different dendritic morphologies exhibit distinct patterns of propagation. Remarkably, the range of backpropagation efficacies observed experimentally can be reproduced by the variations in dendritic morphology alone. Dendritic geometry also determines the extent to which modulation of channel densities can affect propagation. Thus in Purkinje cells and dopamine neurons, backpropagation is relatively insensitive to changes in channel densities, whereas in pyramidal cells, backpropagation can be modulated over a wide range. We also demonstrate that forward propagation of dendritically initiated action potentials is influenced by morphology in a similar manner. We show that these functional consequences of the differences in dendritic geometries can be explained quantitatively using simple anatomical measures of dendritic branching patterns, which are captured in a reduced model of dendritic geometry. These findings indicate that differences in dendritic geometry act in concert with differences in voltage-gated channel density and kinetics to generate the diversity in dendritic action potential propagation observed between neurons. They also suggest that changes in dendritic geometry during development and plasticity will critically affect propagation. By determining the spatial pattern of action potential signaling, dendritic morphology thus helps to define the size and interdependence of functional compartments in the neuron.
In a passive dendritic tree, inhibitory synaptic inputs activating ionic conductances with an equilibrium potential near the resting potential can effectively veto excitatory inputs. Analog interactions of this type can be very powerful if the inputs are appropriately timed and occur at certain locations. We examine with computer simulations the precise conditions required for strong and specific interactions in the case of a delta-like ganglion cell of the cat retina. We find some critical conditions to be that (i) the peak inhibitory conductance changes must be sufficiently large (i.e., approximately equal to 50 nS or more), (ii) inhibition must be on the direct path from the location of excitation to the soma, and (iii) the time course of excitation and inhibition must substantially overlap. Analog AND-NOT operations realized by satisfying these conditions may underlie direction selectivity in ganglion cells.
Nature Reviews Neuroscience 10, 647–658 (2009) On page 654 of the above article, the scale bar in parts a and f of figure 4 should represent 5 μm rather than 5 mm. This has been corrected in the online version.
1. Simultaneous whole-cell voltage and Ca2+ fluorescence measurements were made from the distal apical dendrites and the soma of thick tufted pyramidal neurons in layer 5 of 4-week-old (P28-32) rat neocortex slices to investigate whether activation of distal synaptic inputs can initiate regenerative responses in dendrites. 2. Dual whole-cell voltage recordings from the distal apical trunk and primary tuft branches (540-940 microns distal to the soma) showed that distal synaptic stimulation (upper layer 2) evoking a subthreshold depolarization at the soma could initiate regenerative potentials in distal branches of the apical tuft which were either graded or all-or-none. These regenerative potentials did not propagate actively to the soma and axon. 3. Calcium fluorescence measurements along the apical dendrites indicated that the regenerative potentials were associated with a transient increase in the concentration of intracellular free calcium ([Ca2+]i) restricted to distal dendrites. 4. Cadmium added to the bath solution blocked both the all-or-more dendritic regenerative potentials and local dendritic [Ca2+]i transients evoked by distal dendritic current injection. Thus, the regenerative potentials in distal dendrites represent local Ca2+ action potentials. 5. Initiation of distal Ca2+ action potentials by a synaptic stimulus required coactivation of AMPA- and NMDA-type glutamate receptor channels. 6. It is concluded that in neocortical layer 5 pyramidal neurons of P28-32 animals glutamatergic synaptic inputs to the distal apical dendrites can be amplified via local Ca2+ action potentials which do not reach threshold for axonal AP initiation. As amplification of distal excitatory synaptic input is associated with a localized increase in [Ca2+]i these Ca2+ action potentials could control the synaptic efficacy of the distal cortico-cortical inputs to layer 5 pyramidal neurons.
This paper describes a neuron model with interaction among synapses. This model is based on the morphogenesis of dendrite and the nonlinear interactions between excitatory and inhibitory synapses on dendrite in retinal ganglion cells, which were not considered in traditional neuron models. The neuron model consists of a three-layer network: connection layer, AND layer and SOMA layer. The nonlinear interactions are idealized to be logical AND operations and neuron cells to be logical OR operations. The types of inputs from other cells are described as a connection function and determined by a back-propagation based learning. We can know the morphogenesis of dendrite, the location of synapses and the types of the synapse's connection from simulations on learning. Simulations show that this model can learn Exclusive-OR problem and other complicated problems with only one neuron.
The neuron has the characteristic of reacting to a specific stimulus. C. Koch, T. Poggio and V. Torre guessed the retinal ganglion cells of a cat has a nonlinear interaction between synapses and realizes the movement reaction selection function by receiving a fast input and a slow input. In this paper, we propose a neuron model by including the interactions between excitation and inhibition and the difference of time of inputs. The model is used to simulate the movement direction selection function. In the simulations, we initialize the interaction and dendrite randomly and use the back-propagation-like algorithm to train the neuron model to learn the movement direction selection function.
We introduce a new form of computational unit for feedforward learning networks of the backpropagation type. Instead of calculating a weighted sum this unit calculates a weighted product, where each input is raised to a power determined by a variable weight. Such a unit can learn an arbitrary polynomial term, which would then feed into higher level standard summing units. We show how learning operates with product units, provide examples to show their efficiency for various types of problems, and argue that they naturally extend the family of theoretical feedforward net structures. There is a plausible neurobiological interpretation for one interesting configuration of product and summing units.