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Effect of Expanded Perlite or Expanded Vermiculite on Performance of Magnesium Potassium Phosphate Cement-Based Refractory

1ACI Materials Journal
In this study, the impact of expanded perlite (EP) and expanded
vermiculite (EV) on the refractory properties of magnesium potas-
sium phosphate cement (MKPC)-based re-resistant materials
were investigated. The physical and mechanical properties of
MKPC paste were tested, and its re retardancy properties were
studied in detail. The results indicate that the incorporation of EP
or EV to MKPC-based refractories brings a notable improvement
in the re resistance and makes a reduction in the apparent density.
However, compared with EV-MKPC, the porosity of EP-MKPC is
larger and its moisture content is higher, so the thermal insulation
performance of EP-MKPC is better than that of EV-MKPC at the
same content.
Keywords: apparent density; expanded perlite; expanded vermiculite;
re resistance; magnesium potassium phosphate cement (MKPC)-based
Magnesium phosphate cement (MPC) is a new inorganic
cementitious material with the advantages of both cement
and ceramics, which is made of magnesium oxide, retarder,
and soluble phosphate in accordance with the corresponding
mixture ratio. MPC has become an important research object
in the building materials industry in recent years because
of its high early strength, fast setting speed, good bonding
performance, and good volume stability.1-5 It has made
outstanding contributions to stabilizing hazardous or radio-
active nuclear waste6 and quickly repairing roads.7,8 Studies
have reported that MPC also boasts good resistance to high
temperature,9-11 but there are few reports on the use of MPC
as refractory. This is because most re-resistant materials are
expensive and toxic.
Expanded perlite (EP) or expanded vermiculite (EV) is
a common re-resistant and heat-insulating material with
excellent re-retardant performance, which is benecial
to improving the re-resistant performance of MPC. High
temperature exposure and volume expansion are conducive
to improving the re resistance of expanded perlite.12 EP
has high absorptivity, incombustibility, extremely low bulk
density, and low thermal conductivity properties, making it
ideal for refractory and heat insulation. Koksal et al.13 found
that expanded vermiculite is also a good refractory material.
Because it can signicantly improve the volume stability
of concrete at high temperature, it is very suitable for the
production of cement-based refractory insulation materials.
In previous experiments, a mixture of three material,
MKPC, EP, and EV was applied to reproof panels and high
temperature vessels (baking furnaces, sintering furnaces,
heating furnaces) as a new type of refractory insulation mate-
rial to resist re and high temperature. EP and EV, as llers
will be studied on the ground of its inuence on this new
type of refractory insulation material. The exural strength,
apparent density, and re resistance of MKPC-based refrac-
tories were measured. Moreover, the results of thermo-grav-
imetric and dierential scanning calorimeter (TG-DSC) and
scanning electron microscope (SEM) are expected to clarify
the re-resistance properties and re-resistance mechanism
of new inorganic re-resistant materials.
Magnesium potassium phosphate cement (MKPC), a new
type of energy-saving and environmental protection green
cementing material, was used in the research and devel-
opment of reproof material. Moreover, this new type of
MKPC-based refractory material does not have organic
volatile harmful components and does not produce harmful
components when heated. The development of this new
refractory can contribute to environmental protection (such
as reducing carbon dioxide [CO2] emission).
The magnesium oxide for the experiment was supplied by
a local mining company, which was produced by calcining
magnesite at 1500°C (2732°F). The magnesium oxide was
industrial pure grade, the MgO content was more than 95%,
and the average particle size of magnesium oxide in the
experiment was 33.29 μm (0.0013 in.). The admixtures used
were EP and EV with mean particle size of 3.0 and 1.0 mm
(0.12 and 0.04 in.), respectively. EP and EV were used as
the re-resistant insulation components. Besides, industri-
al-grade monopotassium phosphate (KH2PO4) was used in
this study as the acid compound and the purity of KH2PO4
was more than 98%. It is worth noting that adding a retarder
such as borax is unnecessary because the setting time of
MKPC-based refractory becomes longer after the addi-
tion of the re-resistant insulation materials. The chemical
MS No. M-2019-277
Effect of Expanded Perlite or Expanded Vermiculite on
Performance of Magnesium Potassium Phosphate Cement-
Based Refractory
by Yu-Dong Xie, Xu-Jian Lin, Hong-Hong Ai, and Tao Ji
ACI Materials Journal, V. 117, No. 3, May 2020.
MS No. M-2019-277, doi: 10.14359/51724599, received July 15, 2019, and
reviewed under Institute publication policies. Copyright © 2020, American Concrete
Institute. All rights reserved, including the making of copies unless permission is
obtained from the copyright proprietors. Pertinent discussion including author’s
closure, if any, will be published ten months from this journal’s date if the discussion
is received within four months of the paper’s print publication.
2 ACI Materials Journal
compositions of the raw materials are listed in Table 1, and
the performance index of expanded perlite and expanded
vermiculite are listed in Table 2.
Mixture proportion
In the previous experiment with variable P/M by mass,
it was found that the mechanical properties of P/M = 1/3
group were the best of all the groups, and the compressive
strength at 7 days reached 54.52 MPa (7.9 ksi). Accordingly,
P/M is chosen as 1/3 in this study. By changing the content
of EP or EV, the mixing ratio of the combined mixing test
was obtained, as listed in Table 3. The purpose was to
strengthen the re resistance of MKPC-based refractory by
optimizing the ratio of EP or EV. The weight ratio of MKPC-
based refractories without EP or EV (control group) is 1/3
for KH2PO4 to MgO (P/M) and 0.16 for water to M + P
(water-cement ration [w/c]), where C denotes M+P. The M +
P part of MKPC-based refractories is replaced by EP or EV.
When mixed with EP or EV by volume, C stands for M + P
+ EP or M + P + EV. In the following test results, EP-MKPC
and EV-MKPC represent a new type of refractory insulation
material respectively made up of a mixture of MKPC-based
and EP or a mixture of MKPC-based and EV.
Flexural strength and apparent density
The specimen used in the exural strength test was formed
in a mold of 40 x 40 x 160 mm (1.57 x 1.57 x 6.3 in.). First,
the raw materials (M, P, EP, or EV) were stirred in a blender
for 3 minutes to prevent layering. Next, water was added to
the blender and run at low speed for 30 seconds, then at high
speed for 60 seconds. The mixture was then quickly placed
into the mold and vibrated on the vibrator for 120 seconds
to form a dense MKPC-based refractory. Finally, the spec-
imens were demolded 2 hours after casting, and then were
cured in the indoor environment (20 ± 2°C [68 ± 3.8°F], RH
< 50%) for dierent ages. According to the Chinese Stan-
dard,14 the exural strength of the specimens was measured
for 7, 14, and 28 days.
Because the apparent density is an indirect reection of the
internal porosity of the material, an apparent density test was
performed with the use of molds of 70.7 x 70.7 x 70.7 mm
(2.78 x 2.78 x 2.78 in.). In this experiment, the uniformly
stirred slurry was rst placed into the mold, slightly vibrated
and tampered, and then released after the slurry was dried
and solidied. After 28 days of curing under standard condi-
tions, it was placed in an oven at 45 to 50°C (113 to 122°F)
and dried to a constant weight, and then taken out and cooled
to room temperature in a dryer. Finally, the volume and mass
of the specimens were measured with vernier and electronic
balance, respectively, and then the apparent density was
calculated using Eq. (1)
where ρ denotes the apparent density (g/cm3 [lb/ft3]); G is
the mass (g [lb]); and V represents the volume (cm3 [ft3]).
Fire resistance
This study was based on the Chinese Code GB33544-
2017,15 and the re resistance of potassium magnesium
phosphate cement was measured by the “re resistance
limit” index in this study. During this test, the specimens
for the re resistance limit test were formed in molds of 16
x 50 x 100 mm (0.63 x 1.97 x 3.94 in.). The forming and
curing process of these specimens is the same as that of the
previous section. The re resistance limit test of the speci-
mens was tested after 28 days. The thickness of the speci-
mens was controlled at 16 mm (0.63 in.) in all re resistance
experiments. In each re resistance limit test, the spec-
imen was rst placed on the support of the combustion test
machine, two thermocouples were placed in the back of the
Table 1—Chemical composition, %wt.
Material SiO2Al2O3Fe2O3CaO MgO SO3K2O Na2O LOI
M 2.68 0.60 0.96 2.54 92.55 0.061 0.015 0.27
EP 76.29 13.37 0.96 1.07 0.18 3.32 4.37
EV 39.56 12.7 11.23 4.24 18.29 3.84 0.88
Table 2—Performance index of expanded perlite and expanded vermiculite
Particle size,
mm (in.)
Bulk density,
kg/m3 (lb/ft3)
Thermal conductivity, W/
(m·K) (Btu/(ft2.h.°F)) Refractoriness, °C (°F) pH (in water)
EP 3.0 (0.12) 83 (5.18) 0.035 (0.02) 1300 (2372) 7.0
EV 1.0 (0.04) 530 (33.09) 0.05 (0.03) 1100 (2012) 6.1
Table 3—Mixture proportion of MKPC-based
Samples P/M w/cEP, % EV, %
C 1/3 0.16 0 0
EP 1.0 1/3 0.16 10 0
EP 1.5 1/3 0.16 15 0
EP 2.0 1/3 0.16 20 0
EP 2.5 1/3 0.16 25 0
EP 3.0 1/3 0.16 30 0
EV 1.0 1/3 0.16 0 10
EV 1.5 1/3 0.16 0 15
EV 2.0 1/3 0.16 0 20
EV 2.5 1/3 0.16 0 25
EV 3.0 1/3 0.16 0 30
3ACI Materials Journal
specimen of which the front directly was set on re, and the
thermocouple probe was xed as well. Thermocouple wires
were pierced from the small hole on the right side of the
combustion test machine and connected to the temperature
acquisition box. The temperature acquisition box and the
computer storing data constituted the temperature acquisi-
tion system. And then when the sample was burned with an
alcohol burner, the vertical distance between the nozzle and
the specimen was 70 mm (2.76 in.).
Some studies have showed that the struvite-K begins to
dehydrate at temperatures above 60°C (140°F) and the dehy-
dration is almost completed at temperatures around 200°C
Thus, the temperature of thermocouple was recorded
every minute and the time required to reach 200°C (392°F)
was recorded. The test process is shown in Fig. 1.
Pore structure, SEM, and TG-DSC tests
In this experiment, the pore structure of MKPC-based
refractories was measured by helium ow method and gas
adsorption method, and the pore structure of MKPC-based
refractories was tested with an automatic surface aperture
analyzer. To prepare specimens, the MKPC-based refractory
specimens were broken into small pieces, and then appro-
priate fragments were selected from the center of the MKPC-
based refractory specimens. Before the test, the sample was
dried for 6 hours in an oven at 105 ± 2°C (221 ± 3.8°F)
to remove the moisture in the pore. The hydration product
morphologies of the samples were analyzed with with a
scanning electron microscope. The heating rate of TG-DSC
is 10°C (18°F) per minute.
Fire resistance limit time
The re resistance limit time of the samples of the MKPC-
based refractory with dierent EP or EV contents are shown
in Fig. 2. Compared with the control mixture of the MKPC-
based refractory, the re resistance limit time increased
after the samples of the MKPC-based refractory blending
with the EP or EV. With an increasing content of the EV, the
maximum limit value was 159.4%, which was larger than
that of the control mixture of the MKPC-based refractory.
However, with the same content, EP-MKPC has a higher
limit re resistance time than EV-MKPC. Therefore, the re
resistance time of these MKPC-based refractories can be
improved by mixing MKPC-based samples with EP or EV.
Generally, as the microstructure framework of hardened
MPC paste is composed of unreacted raw materials and
struvite-K, the specimen generated is quite dense.21,22 The
decomposition of struvite-K can be described as Eq. (2)23
when the temperature was approximately 250°C (482°F):
MgKPO4·6H2O = MgKPO4 + 6H2O (2)
After the start of the re resistance test, the struvite-K in
the sample began to dehydrate and decompose when the
temperature increased to 60°C (140°F). The higher the
temperature was, the faster the decomposition rate of stru-
vite-K would be accelerated. At the same time, it would
absorb a lot of heat, which greatly delayed the heating rate
of the sample. Therefore, the re resistance limit time of the
control mixture of the MKPC-based refractory can reach
13.8 minutes. However, when MKPC-based samples were
incorporated into EP or EV, the re resistance time was
greatly improved. This may be due to the morphology and
physical properties of the EP or EV material.
TG-DSC analysis
As can be seen from Fig. 3, the endothermic peaks of
the control group, EV 2.0-MKPC and EP 2.0-MKPC, are
between 50 and 252°C (122 and 485.6°F), which is due to
the loss of free water in MKPC-based refractories and chem-
Fig. 1—Fire resistance test diagram.
Fig. 2—Fire resistance limit time for MKPC-based
4 ACI Materials Journal
ically-bonded water in the struvite-K, resulting in the weight
loss of the samples. Between 620 and 650°C (1148 and
1202°F), there are small endothermic peaks at the control
but there is no obvious weightlessness.
The weight loss of the EP 2.0-MKPC sample decreases
at a faster rate than that of the other two groups when the
temperature ranges from 50 to 252°C (122 to 485.6°F) and
the rst endothermic peak occurs. The weight loss decreases
at a slower rate for the three samples when the temperature
rose from 252 to 1000°C (485.6 to 1832°F).
For the control specimen, the rst endothermic peak (peak
temperature is 112°C [233.6°F]) appears when the tempera-
ture rises from 61 to 182°C (141.8 to 359.6°F), and the
weight loss rate is 6.29%. When the temperature rises from
385 to 420°C (725 to 788°F), the second endothermic peak
(peak temperature is 410°C [770°F]) appears and the weight
loss rate is 1.1%. There is an exothermic peak and a small
endothermic peak at 350 and 630°C (662 and 1166°F). When
the temperature of EP 2.0 rises from 62 to 238°C (143.6 to
460.4°F), the rst endothermic peak (peak temperature is
120°C [248°F]) appears, and the weight loss rate is 37.2%;
there are an endothermic peak and small exothermic peak at
370 and 385°C (698 and 725°F). When the temperature of
EV 2.0 sample rises from 62 to 246°C (143.6 to 474.8°F),
the rst endothermic peak appears (the peak temperature is
118°C [244.4°F]), and the weight loss rate is 9.9%; there
is a very small exothermic peak at 380°C (71°F). The total
weightlessness rates of control, EP, and EV samples were
10.8%, 44.8%, and 22.5%, respectively, from 50 to 1000°C
(122 to 1832°F). This is because EP 2.0 and EV 2.0 are
porous and they are easy to absorb water. Another reason
is that water can be stored in the internal voids, resulting in
more free water content in MKPC-based refractories slurry
than in the control group. Thus, the mass loss of EP 2.0 and
EV 2.0 is greater than that of the control group after the
free water and crystalline water are heated and evaporated.
However, due to the weaker water absorption eect of EV
and less free water in re-proof panels, the mass loss after
evaporation is smaller than that of EP. As a result, the mass
loss rate of the three groups is: the EP 2.0 > EV 2.0 > the
In the TG-DSC test, the weight loss was mainly caused by
the decomposition of MPP when the temperature was higher
than 200°C (392°F).19 A phase transition may occur when
the temperature is higher than 600°C (1112°F). In addition,
exothermic peaks were observed but no samples showed
weight loss.24,25 The endothermic peaks were observed in
control samples at 630°C (1166°F). However, when MKPC-
based refractory was mixed with EP or EV, the endothermic
peak does not appear.
In this test, when EP was added, the heat transfer rate in the
sample was slower and the dehydration and decomposition
rate of struvite-K between particles was also slower, so the
continuous decomposition time was prolonged. However,
EV-MKPC's re resistance limit time growth rate is not as
obvious as that of EP-MKPC, which is mainly down to the
dierent ways in which EV works. The EV debris mass is
like a small “wall” in the structure which blocks the transfer
of heat, so it delays the heat transfer rate, ultimately leading
to an extension of the re endurance time of the MKPC-
based refractory. Because the thermal conductivity of the gas
phase is much smaller than that of the solid phase, and the
porosity of the EV is smaller than that of the EP, the thermal
insulation performance of the EP-MKPC is better than that
of the EV-MKPC at the same content.
Therefore, adding EP or EV can signicantly improve the
re retardancy of MKPC-based refractories. On this basis,
the main reason why EV-MKPC or EP-MKPC has excel-
lent re resistance is the water evaporation process of the
MKPC-based refractory in which the MKPC-based absorbs
a lot of heat and prevents the melt from diusing into the
substrate. At the same time, EP and EV can improve the re
resistance and prolong the re resistance time by slowing
down the heat transfer rate.
Localized morphology analysis by SEM
Figure 4(a) shows EP is in a honeycombed porous struc-
ture before the re resistance test. It can be found that the
pore structure of the expanded perlite is relatively complete,
and the wall of the pores of dierent pore diameters is clear.
Moreover, because the expanded perlite is tightly wrapped
by the bonding material, each of the expanded perlite parti-
cles can become a separate “bubble” (not connected) which
is independent and closed after the interior is lled with air.
It is benecial to weaken the thermal conductivity of the
material and to greatly enhance its re resistance. This is
because the thermal conductivity of the gas phase is much
smaller than that of the solid phase, and the EP has larger
porosity and a higher content of gas phase than the control
group. For that reason, after incorporating EP, the re resis-
tance of the MKPC-based refractory is greatly improved.
Figure 4(b) shows EV with small fragments is scattered
randomly in the structure before the re resistance test. It
can be found that because the EV fragments are small and
the sheets are spliced and overlapped, it is dicult for the
bonding material to completely wrap the fragments. It is
common for a plurality of fragments to gather together, and
for one gap portion to be lled with cement and for the other
Fig. 3—TG-DSC results of MKPC-based samples.
5ACI Materials Journal
portion to form a disordered distribution of small holes.
Meteorite fragments are like a small “wall” in the struc-
ture that blocks heat transfer and retards heat transfer rates,
thereby improving re resistance.
As can be seen from Table 4, the porosity of EP is higher
than that of EV. In addition, according to the results of the
previous re resistance limit test, it can be found that the
re resistance of EP is better than that of EV. Because of the
fact that EP-MKPC has larger porosity and more gas phase
content than EV-MKPC, EP-MKPC has better re resis-
tance and heat insulation performance at the same content.
These conclusions are consistent with the results obtained
in TG-DSC.
Apparent density
Apparent density is an indirect reection of the internal
porosity of the material. The small apparent density and
the large internal porosity are conducive to improving the
thermal insulation capacity of the reproof board, and the
smaller density is also conducive to engineering construc-
tion. Apparent density in this study refers to the dry density
of the specimen after 28 days of maintenance. As can be
seen from Fig. 5, the apparent density of the MKPC-based
refractory decreases linearly with the addition of EP and EV,
and also decreases linearly with the increase of the content
of expanded vermiculite and expanded perlite. Moreover, EP
has more obvious eect on apparent density than EV.
This is because the density of EP is much smaller than that
of EV. With the same content, the mass of the MKPC-based
refractory replaced by EP particles decreases more, which
leads to the apparent density of EP-MKPC smaller than that
of EV-MKPC. Therefore, EP is more suitable as refractory
and heat insulation material than EV.
Flexural strength
Few researchers have studied the exural strength of the
MKPC-based refractory incorporating refractory materials.
At the same time, if the new MKPC-based refractory in this
study is applied to a reproof board with a large cross-sec-
tional area, its exural strength must be studied. The ex-
ural strength of MKPC-based samples with EP or EV at the
7th, 14th, and 28th day in dierent contents is shown in Fig.
6. It can be found that the exural strength of the MKPC-
based refractory decreases with the increase of the amount
of refractory and heat insulation materials. Although the
minimum exural strength of the MKPC-based samples with
EP at the 28th day only can reach 1.73 MPa (0.25 ksi). this
strength is sucient to meet the actual requirements of the
project partly because this kind of reproof board is mainly
used for re resistance, rather than as a force component.
Because refractory and thermal insulation materials only
play a lling role, they do not participate in the reaction of
Fig. 4—SEM photomicrographs of EP 2.0-MKPC and EV 2.0-MKPC samples before re resistance test: (a) EP-MKPC before
re resistance test; and (b) EV-MKPC before re resistance test.
Table 4—Pore size distribution of MKPC-based samples before re resistance test
Average pore size, nm
(in. × 10–6)
Pore size, %
<20 nm
(7.87 in. × 10–7)
20 to 100 nm
(0.78 to 3.94 in. × 10–6)
100 to 200 nm
(0.39 to 7.87 in. × 10–6)
>200 nm
(7.87 in. × 10–6)
EP 2.0 182.3 (7.18) 20.12 11.19 21.17 47.52
EV 2.0 168.23 (6.62) 23.32 10.13 22.24 44.31
Fig. 5—Apparent density of MKPC-based refractories.
6 ACI Materials Journal
cementitious materials. It can be veried in Fig. 6 that the
more amounts of refractories that are used, the greater the
dispersion of the MKPC-based refractory is, the smaller the
bond strength between particles is, and ultimately the smaller
the exural strength is. The exural strength of EV-MKPC
is higher than that of EP-MKPC when the volume of
EV-MKPC is not dierent from that of EP-MKPC. Because
the particle size of EV is smaller than that of EP, its density is
better, which can be seen from Table 4 and Fig. 5. It has been
found that by reducing the pore of concrete with diameter
greater than 100 nm (3.93 × 10–6 in.) or increasing the pore
of concrete with diameter less than 50 nm (1.97 × 10–6 in.),
the properties of concrete can be greatly improved.26 And
it can be seen from Table 4 that the pore size of EP-MKPC
and EV-MKPC is mainly above 100 nm (3.93 × 10–6 in.),
while the porosity of EP-MKPC is 2.14% higher than that of
EV-MKPC in the pore size range larger than 100 nm (3.93
× 10–6 in.). Therefore, the exural strength of EV-MKPC is
higher than that of EP-MKPC under the condition of small
volume dierence.
In this paper, the refractory properties of the MKPC-based
refractory control, EP-MKPC, and EV-MKPC samples are
studied. The experiment conclusion as follows:
1. The re test results show that the re endurance time
increases proportionally with the increase of EP or EV
content. When the content increases to 20%, the growth
rate of the re endurance time becomes slower, and the re
endurance time curve tends to be horizontal. The maximum
re resistance limit time is 38.1 minutes when the MKPC-
based refractory is mixed with 30% EP. The MKPC-based
refractories used in this study had excellent re resistance
2. Adding EP or EV can signicantly reduce the apparent
density and exural strength of the MKPC-based refractory.
The smaller the apparent density is, the more internal voids
there are, the better heat insulation ability of the MKPC-
based refractory is, and the smaller the density is, the easier
it is to be used in engineering construction. In addition, EP
is more suitable as re resistance material being added to
MKPC-based refractories than EV.
3. Based on the TG-DSC, pore structure, and SEM results,
the excellent re-resistant performance of MKPC-based
refractory is mainly attributed to the following aspects:
heat absorption of chemical bonding water in MKPC-based
hydrate products (struvite-K) and free water during the
re-resistant process of MKPC-based refractory. It eec-
tively stops the spread of re. Meanwhile, the good adhe-
sion of MKPC matrix composites plays an important role
in preventing the formation of cracks. EP particles form
“bubbles” in the slurry of the MKPC-based refractory, which
weakens the thermal conductivity of the material, so its re
resistance and heat insulation eect are greatly enhanced.
While the EV chips are like a small “wall” in the structure,
these “walls” retard the heat transfer rate, thereby improving
the re resistance and extending the re endurance time.
However, due to the EP-MKPC having larger porosity and
more gas phase content than EV-MKPC, EP-MKPC has
better re resistance and heat insulation performance at the
same content.
Fig. 6—Flexural strength of MKPC-based samples with EP or EV at 7th, 14th, and 28th day.
7ACI Materials Journal
Yu-Dong Xie is a Graduate Student of the Civil Engineering College of
Fuzhou University, Fuzhou, Fujian Province, China. He received his BS
from Taizhou University, Taizhou, China, in 2017. His research interests
include the preparation and mechanism research of new potassium magne-
sium phosphate cement and alkali-activated concrete.
Xu-Jian Lin is a Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at
Fuzhou University, where she received her BS and MS. She received her
PhD in structural engineering from Zhejiang University, Hangzhou,
Zhejiang, China. Her research interests include the development of new
potassium magnesium phosphate cement.
Hong-Hong Ai is a Postgraduate Student in the Civil Engineering College
of Fuzhou University. She received her BS from Hubei University of Tech-
nology, Hubei, China, in 2013. Her research interests include the mecha-
nism research of magnesium phosphate cement.
Tao Ji is a Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at Fuzhou
University. He received his BS from Harbin Building University, Harbin,
China, in 1994; his MS from Fuzhou University in 1997; and his PhD in
structural engineering from Zhejiang University in 2000. His research
interests include the application of solid wastes (such as steel slag, tailings,
titanium gypsum, and chemical waste) in building materials and products.
This research was funded by four National Natural Science Foundations
(NSFC) (Approval No. 51479036, 51878179).
1. Li, Y.; Li, Y. Q.; Shi, T. F.; and Li, J. Q., “Experimental Study on
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8 ACI Materials Journal
... Furthermore, lightweight and porous fillers (e.g. expanded vermiculite, expanded perlite, mica) are commonly used in SFRMs to reduce their thermal conductivity (Xie et al., 2020). However, these fillers are manufactured from natural and non-renewable minerals. ...
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Spray-applied fire-resistive materials (SFRMs) are one of the most commonly used passive fire protection materials due to their low thermal conductivity, lightweight, cost-effectiveness, and ease of application. Gypsum and Portland cement are commonly used in SFRMs to bind lightweight fillers and fibres. Due to the wide application of SFRMs, their production consumes large amounts of natural and non-renewable resources and contributes significantly to greenhouse gas emissions. This paper investigates the feasibility of using industrial by-products (e.g., fly ash) and waste materials (e.g., waste glass) to manufacture SFRMs with the aim of reducing the environmental impact. Accordingly, three SFRMs with different densities were developed utilising fly ash blended cement (FAC) and expanded glass. The use of FAC significantly reduced the use of Portland cement by 81% and achieved a 28-day compressive strength of 33.8–46.3 MPa for the binder. The developed SFRMs had average densities of 345 kg/m3, 560 kg/m3, and 698 kg/m3 for low-, medium-, and high-density groups, respectively. The compressive strengths of the SFRMs ranged from 747 kPa to 888 kPa, 6188 kPa to 7314 kPa, and 2343 kPa to 3535 kPa for the corresponding three groups, respectively. Additionally, the bond strengths of the corresponding SFRMs are 14.4 kPa–19.3 kPa (low-density), 34 kPa–40.9 kPa (medium-density), and 51.5 kPa–85.1 kPa (high-density), respectively. All the tested SFRMs met the requirements for density, compressive strength, bond strength, and non-combustibility. The thermal properties of the developed SFRMs were comparable to those of commercially available cementitious-based SFRMs in the same density group. In addition, using FAC instead of Portland cement could reduce carbon emissions by 68.4% and save costs by 38.4% in the Australian context.
... Magnesium phosphate cement (MPC) is generally prepared from burnt magnesium oxide, phosphate and retarder in a certain proportion [1,2]. The MPC is different from the ordinary Portland cement (OPC), which has the distinguished advantages: (1) the fast hardening, high early strength and controllable setting time; (2) the good wear resistance and strong fire resistance; (3) the good adhesion to old concrete structures; and (4) the low temperature resistance, which can be hardened at the negative temperature [3][4][5][6][7]. The above advantages have promoted the rapid development of MPC in many fields, including the repair materials for the construction industry [8], the curing of the heavy metals and other wastes [9], the bone regeneration [10], the fuel cells [11] etc. ...
In recent years, the magnesium phosphate cement (MPC)-based polymer is a potential type of material to quickly repair existing structures due to some distinguished advantages. In this paper, a series of experimental studies were conducted to evaluate the effects of the nano-Al 2 O 3 (NA) substitution rate, water glass (WG) substitution rate and immersion time on the bond behavior between the magnesium phosphate cement mortar (MPCM) and steel fiber (SF). The main properties of the pull-out specimens were examined, including the bond strength, energy consumption of steel fiber pull-out, and water stability of the MPCM-SF interface evaluated by the bond strength retention rate and relative bond strength retention rate. In addition, the micro analysis of the fiber-matrix interface transition zone (ITZ) were conducted by using the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), and the compositions analysis of the MPC paste with NA and WG were conducted by using X-Ray Diffraction (XRD). The experimental results indicated that regardless of the immersion time, the NA substitution rate of 4% and 6% had a clearer improvement on the bond behavior between MPCM and SF than those of other types of the specimens; the WG substitution rate of 1% and 2% had a more significant improvement on the bond behavior between MPCM and SF than those of other types of the specimens; the distance between the larger width crack and the steel fiber for the specimen with a NA substitution rate of 6% was larger than than those of other types of the specimens, which showed that the ITZ between MPCM and SF with NA substitution rate of 6% exhibited a denser micro-structure and better micro-mechanical properties; the micro-structure of the ITZ between MPCM and SF gradually deteriorated as the immersion time increased, which showed that the water stability of the MPCM-SF interface gradually decreased.
Cement-based composites have been a commonly used fire resistance material. As a new cement, magnesium potassium phosphate cement (MKPC) has been a popular and important research object due to its various excellent properties including heat resistant. However, only limited studies have been conducted on its application as fire-resistant coating. In this paper, the thermal properties of MKPC blended with/without expanded perlite (EP) under fire exposure were investigated. Two types of EP with open-pore and closed-pore structures were used, and each type of EP contained two different sized particles including 212–270 μm and 270–550 μm. The fluidity and setting time of MKPC-EP composites and adhesive strength between MKPC-EP composites coating and plywood were measured. The fire resistance properties of MKPC-EP composites were studied, including loss of weight (LOW), generated cracks, phase changes, thermal analysis, residual adhesive strength, and microstructure changes. The obtained results were intended to reveal the feasibility of MKPC-EP composites applied as coating to protect the substrate against exposure to fire. The addition of EP decreased the fluidity, extended the setting time, and enhanced the adhesive strength before and after fire test. LOW and accumulative lengths of visible cracks after fire exposure reduced for certain formula and are dependent on the pore structures, sizes and dosage of EP. X-ray diffraction (XRD) investigation and thermal analysis-infrared spectroscopy reveal MgKPO4⋅6H2O decomposed to MgKPO4⋅H2O by losing crystal water stage by stage during elevating temperature. Scanning electron microscopic (SEM) observations show that EP refined the MgKPO4⋅6H2O, and, after exposure to flame, the MKPC-EP exhibited a much denser microstructure with interconnecting MgKPO4·H2O of radiative flakes, when compared to the MKPC paste.
This chapter discusses phosphate-bonded ceramics, and cements and phosphate-bonded dental cements. The chapter also provides an overview of magnesium phosphate ceramics. Unlike silicophosphate cements, magnesium phosphates are highly crystalline, and hence they may be appropriately called room-temperature-setting ceramics rather than cements. Various magnesium phosphate-based ceramics have been developed for use in structural materials. These include magnesium ammonium phosphate ceramic grout for rapid repair of roads in cold regions, and for repair of industrial floors and airport runways; and magnesium potassium phosphate ceramics for stabilization and solidification of low-level radioactive and hazardous wastes. The chapter also explores the generalization of formation of chemically bonded phosphate ceramics (CBPCs). When a partially neutralized phosphoric acid solution is reacted with a metal oxide, a ceramic formed with a reaction product MxBy(PO4)(x+y)/3, where M stands for a metal, and B can be hydrogen (H) or another metal such as aluminum (Al). The phosphoric acid in these reactions is partially neutralized by dilution or by reaction of an oxide of B.
The fire performance of magnesium potassium phosphate cement (MKPC) binders blended with fly ash (FA) and ground granulated blast furnace slag (GBFS) was investigated up to 10008C using X-ray diffraction, thermogravimetric analysis and SEM techniques. The FA/MKPC and GBFS/MKPC binders dehydrate above 2008C to form amorphous KMgPO 4 , concurrent with volumetric and mass changes. Above 10008C, additional crystalline phases were formed and microstructural changes occurred, although no cracking or spalling of the samples was observed. These results indicate that FA/MKPC and GBFS/MKPC binders are expected to have satisfactory fire performance under the fire scenario conditions relevant to the operation of a UK or other geological disposal facility.
In order to clear the service performance of magnesium phosphate cement under fire, the change laws of the compressive strength, chemical composition and appearance were researched after heated and preserved for 2 h in 100, 200, 500 and 800°C. Its deterioration mechanism was analyzed by DSC-TG and XRD compared with the sample under 20°C. The results show the compressive strength loss rate of magnesium phosphate cement increases with increase of temperature heated, and especially obviously after 100 and 800°C. The loss ratio of the compressive strength decreases with increases of water binder ratio and result from fly ash and slag added. P/M didn't affect the loss ratio of the compressive strength. The colour of magnesium phosphate cement is changed from khaki, pale yellow, pale grey, black to finally gray. White crystals only separate out from a sample at 100, 200, 500°C and specimen heated at 100°C. DSC-TG and XRD results show MgNH4PO4·6H2O is main products of the magnesium phosphate cement. It suffers from chemical reaction at 106-135°C and 643-683°C range. It firstly losses volatile NH3 and generates MgHPO4. Subsequently MgHPO4 is dehydrated and changed into Mg2P2O7. This causes a sudden drop in the compressive strength. Adjustment of water binder ratio and adximtures added doesn't change deterioration mechanism of magnesium phosphate cement.
This paper aims to study the effect of wollastonite addition on the behavior of magnesium ammonium phosphate cement (MAPC) and magnesium potassium phosphate cement (MKPC) pastes exposed to different high temperatures. Different dosages of wollastonite were added to replace MgO powder in these two types of magnesia phosphate cements. The paste specimens were exposed to 105 °C for 24 h and to different temperatures of 200, 400, 600, 800 and 1000 °C for 3 h and then cooled to room temperature for different tests including mass loss, visual appearance, compressive strength, mineral composition and microstructure observation. The results show that the specimens containing 10 % wollastonite for both MAPC and MKPC mixtures presents the most improved high temperature resistance due to the excellent heat stability of wollastonite mineral and the refined microstructure. And the addition wollastonite has little influence on the hydration products of these two magnesia phosphate cements. Therefore, the incorporation of wollastonite is a potential method to improve the heat-resistance of MAPC or MKPC.
Chemically Bonded Phosphate Ceramics (CBPCs) and, in particular, Magnesium Phosphate Cements (MPCs), show properties very adequate for using as repair mortar for concrete constructions. The obtainment of MPC using MgO-containing by-products as raw materials was proposed by the authors in previous works. There, formulations including boric acid as additive were optimized to obtain good mechanical properties and proper setting times. The current study aims to analyze the viability of the developed formulations to be used as repair mortar. Adhesion to concrete surfaces was evaluated, and in all cases good adhesion strength values were obtained. The durability tests, including freeze/thaw cycles and salts crystallization cycles, have shown an excellent behavior, especially the samples containing the higher amount of boric acid. These promising results indicate that MPC formulated with a low-cost MgO by-product can be an interesting alternative to other repair mortars. In addition to economic benefits in terms of cost of production, the use of by-products has a positive impact on environmental and sustainability aspects.
This research studied effect of elevated temperature on properties of magnesium phosphate cement (MPC). Properties, including strength, colour, mass loss, and microstructure, of MPC specimens before and after exposure different high temperature were measured or observed in this paper. Seven sample mixtures contained varying amounts of fly ash and sand are considered in the experimental program. The mechanical properties of MPC were measured by heating 40 × 40 × 160 mm sample to 130, 500 and 1000 °C at a rate of 10 °C/min. The obtained results demonstrate that strength of MPC decreased significantly when the temperature passed 130 °C. After 130 °C, the amplitude of strength decreased of MPC became less with the increasing of temperature. The results of Differential thermal analysis (DTA) and thermo-gravimetric analysis (TG) indicate that the crystal water in MKP·6H2O were lost at the temperature of 125 °C. The loss of crystal water in MKP·6H2O was the main reason of strength decreasing and mass loss of MPC after exposure to high temperature. The results also show that the presence of fly ash and sand decrease residual strength of MPC.
This paper describes the influence of the magnesia-to-phosphate (M/P) molar ratios ranging from 4 to 12, on the properties and microstructures of magnesium potassium phosphate cement (MKPC) pastes with a large water-to-solid ratio (w/s) of 0.50. The setting behavior, compressive strength, tensile bonding strength and thermal conductivity of the MKPC pastes, were investigated. The results show that an increase in the M/P ratio can slow down the setting reaction, and clearly degrade the mechanical strengths, but clearly improve the thermal conductivity of MKPC pastes. Furthermore, micro-characterizations including X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and thermogravimetric analysis, on the MKPC pastes reveal that a lower M/P ratio can facilitate better crystallization of the resultant magnesium potassium phosphate hexahydrate (MKP) and a denser microstructure. Moreover, strong linear correlations are found between the mechanical strengths and the MKP-to-space ratio, and between thermal conductivity and the volume ratio of the unreacted magnesia to the MKP.