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Design and Implementation of Embedded Biometric-Based Access Control System with Electronic Lock using Raspberry Pi

  • École supérieure en Sciences et Technologies de l'Informatique et du Numérique - ESTIN


This paper presents the design and implementation of an improved access control system based on biometric recognition, utilising Raspberry Pi technology. The proposed system aims to enhance the security of the existing electronic lock-based system at the SGRE-Lab of University Tahri Mohammed of Bechar in Algeria. The proposed system employs multimodal biometrics, integrating facial recognition and speaker verification for personal identification. Following initial verification by the electronic lock, the system captures the user's face through a camera to perform facial recognition. In cases where the user's identity is uncertain, a voice recognition module prompts the user to say a secret word, confirming their identity through the microphone. The combination of these two biometric techniques ensures access is granted, and an access log is recorded, with an accompanying notification sent to the administrator via SMS. As technical contribution, this paper presents the design and implementation of an embedded biometric-based access control system using Raspberry Pi, which includes the integration with an electronic lock and digicode, in the other hand, a second innovation contribution by combining biometric-based authentication with Raspberry Pi technology, this paper introduces an innovative approach to access control systems that provides a more secure and reliable means of access control than traditional methods based on keys or passwords. An overview of the proposed system's architecture is provided, its operation modes, and necessary hardware and software requirements. The promising obtained results of demonstrations show a notable improvement in security levels, characterized by reduction of false acceptances, however, the paper acknowledges that users unfamiliar with the biometric system may face challenges, potentially leading to false rejections. Future work should focus on mitigating these challenges and addressing user familiarity issues.
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Elektro Komputer dan Informatika (JITEKI)
Vol. 9, No. 2, June 2023, pp. 429-443
ISSN: 2338-3070, DOI: 10.26555/jiteki.v9i2.26162 429
Journal homepage:
Design and Implementation of Embedded Biometric-Based Access
Control System with Electronic Lock using Raspberry Pi
Youssef Elmir 1,2, Abdeldjalil Abdelaziz 2, Mohammed Haidas 2
1 Laboratoire LITAN École supérieure en Sciences et Technologies de l’Informatique et du Numérique RN 75, Amizour
06300, Bejaia, Algérie
2 SGRE-lab University Tahri Mohammed of Bechar, Bechar, Algeria
Article history:
Received May 03, 2023
Revised June 08, 2023
Published Juner 10, 2023
This paper presents the design and implementation of an improved access
control system based on biometric recognition, utilising Raspberry Pi
technology. The proposed system aims to enhance the security of the existing
electronic lock-based system at the SGRE-Lab of University Tahri
Mohammed of Bechar in Algeria. The proposed system employs multimodal
biometrics, integrating facial recognition and speaker verification for
personal identification. Following initial verification by the electronic lock,
the system captures the user's face through a camera to perform facial
recognition. In cases where the user's identity is uncertain, a voice recognition
module prompts the user to say a secret word, confirming their identity
through the microphone. The combination of these two biometric techniques
ensures access is granted, and an access log is recorded, with an
accompanying notification sent to the administrator via SMS. As technical
contribution, this paper presents the design and implementation of an
embedded biometric-based access control system using Raspberry Pi, which
includes the integration with an electronic lock and digicode, in the other
hand, a second innovation contribution by combining biometric-based
authentication with Raspberry Pi technology, this paper introduces an
innovative approach to access control systems that provides a more secure
and reliable means of access control than traditional methods based on keys
or passwords. An overview of the proposed system's architecture is provided,
its operation modes, and necessary hardware and software requirements. The
promising obtained results of demonstrations show a notable improvement in
security levels, characterized by reduction of false acceptances, however, the
paper acknowledges that users unfamiliar with the biometric system may face
challenges, potentially leading to false rejections. Future work should focus
on mitigating these challenges and addressing user familiarity issues.
Access control system;
Biometric recognition;
Raspberry pi technology;
Multimodal biometrics;
Facial recognition;
Speaker verification;
Personal identification;
Electronic lock
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0
Corresponding Author:
Youssef Elmir, Laboratoire LITAN, École supérieure en Sciences et Technologies de l’Informatique et du Numérique
RN 75, Amizour 06300, Bejaia, Algérie
In recent days, security and safety in places have become a major challenge with the increase in thefts
[1]-[4]. Traditional door locking systems can be easily intrusive. Security systems have become a field of
research of great importance. The design of a reliable, efficient, and robust identification system is a top
priority. Individual identification is essential to ensure the security of systems and organizations. It corresponds
to the search for the identity of the person who presents themselves in a database and can be used to authorize
the use of services. An example is access control to a highly secure area for which only a limited number of
people (registered in a database) have access.
430 Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Elektro Komputer dan Informatika (JITEKI) ISSN: 2338-3070
Vol. 9, No. 2, June 2023, pp. 429-443
Design and Implementation of Embedded Biometric-Based Access Control System with Electronic Lock using Raspberry
Pi (Youssef Elmir)
Classic access control techniques such as passwords, identity cards, keys, magnetic cards, personal
identification numbers (PINs) ... are proving to be ineffective [5]-[8]. Indeed, these different techniques can be
lost or even stolen. In the case of a password, it can easily be forgotten by the user or guessed by someone else.
A lost key can create problems if it is misused by unauthorized persons. Owners cannot open the door when
the key is lost. Sometimes the user may forget to lock the door. Users do not have the ability to check whether
the door is locked or unlocked.
Unlike the use of other forms of authentication, such as passwords or tokens, biometric recognition
provides a strong link between an individual and a data record, and these characteristics are unique to each
individual and cannot be forgotten or lost and are very difficult to guess, steal, and duplicate.
To meet these needs, biometrics seems to be a practical, efficient, and cost-effective solution. Indeed, this
technique is experiencing a rapid development. This trend is leading to the development of a wide variety of
biometric methods: from the most traditional, such as fingerprint analysis [9]-[13] or iris recognition [14]-[16],
to the more exotic, such as gait recognition [17], [18] and ear shape recognition [19], [20]. Manufacturers are
increasingly proposing, for problems requiring a high level of security, to no longer use a single characteristic
but to implement a system based on combinations of different biometric means to further increase security
The field of application of this project is the Smart Grids & Renewable Energy Laboratory (SGRE-Lab)
at Tahri Mohammed University of Bechar. The laboratory has an access control system (electronic lock) that
works using a PIN code or a RFID card to control access as it is shown in Fig. 1. These traditional authorization
methods based on the use of passwords or physical media (keys and electronic cards) do not meet modern
requirements for reliability in determining the individual’s identity. Furthermore, the password can be
forgotten, intercepted for copying, lost, or given to another person. Above all, it does not allow traditional
access control systems to ensure an adequate level of reliability. As a result, more effective ways of ensuring
security are being sought. One way to solve these problems is biometrics. The idea is to add a new functionality
to the existing system that will be based on biometrics. For this, we propose to develop an embedded biometric
identification system and integrate it with the existing system as a second access control.
Fig. 1. The entry of SGRE-lab
Among the related works found in the literature related to this study, Crystalynne, et al [24] developed a
biometric lock system based on a microcontroller with a short message service (SMS). The system scans the
fingerprint, matches it with the registered model, and unlocks the lock. The global system for the mobile
module (GSM) was able to send a text message containing the automatically generated access code when an
unrecognized fingerprint was encountered. This is a simple and reliable way to protect a system, however it
needs a physical contact with the fingerprint sensor.
Dhana Lakshmi, et al. [25] proposed a system that works on real-time monitoring and voice command,
so that the camera can be controlled and monitored remotely. The proposed result of the project aims to offer
multiple benefits in saving home security and keeping users informed about the security of their home with an
option of controlling devices using their voice or a simple toggle on their smartphone, and if someone enters
the home when the owner is not available, then the owner can see the person from anywhere and can also
instruct them via live voice.
ISSN: 2338-3070 Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Elektro Komputer dan Informatika (JITEKI) 431
Vol. 9, No. 2, June 2023, pp. 429-443
Design and Implementation of Embedded Biometric-Based Access Control System with Electronic Lock
using Raspberry Pi (Youssef Elmir)
Sourav, et al. [26] developed a facial recognition door lock system. Facial recognition is a well-
established process in which the face is detected and identified. It aims to create a smart door that secures the
entry. The development of this system based on Raspberry-pi 3, to make the home accessible only when the
face is recognized and the person is authorized to enter by the homeowner, who could monitor the entry
remotely. By doing so, the system is less likely to be fooled: since the owner can check every visitor on the
remote console.
In the work of Dhiraj [27] a web-controlled door locking system with email alert using Raspberry Pi was
proposed. The main objective of the system is to provide security and simple authorized access to a home. The
owner is alerted when someone is in front of the door or when someone knocks on the door. The user can check
the image of the visitor through the email sent by the system. The door can be locked or unlocked remotely
and opened or closed by the user via a secure web page. The owner can also check the status of the door and
control it accordingly. This system becomes a desirable component in today's smart home environment and
can be used with a conventional door locking system.
Naresh [28] show that a biometric fingerprint and near-Field Communication (NFC) chip can be used as
two-factor authentication with another server authentication security for a controlled access door. He gave a
brief description of NFC technology and protocols and a P2P communication protocol over NFC and how he
used this technology to create a server-based authentication model. The concept is currently being implemented
in prototype form, where NFC and biometrics with server authentication are used as a token to open a door.
Regarding the previous works, the main idea of this one is strengthening simple electronic lock with
multimodal biometrics and monitoring the access control system through the GSM network. This study is based
on capturing the biometric characteristics of faces and voices and processing them on an embedded architecture
such as Raspberry Pi to control the access to a private area. The choice of face and voice modalities because
of their high acceptability by humans [29] and the all results obtained in the work of Elmir, et al. [30]-[38].
A technical contribution in this paper is the design and implementation of an embedded biometric-based
access control system using Raspberry Pi, which includes the integration with an electronic lock and digicode.
The system leverages the capabilities of Raspberry Pi, such as its processing power and input/output interfaces,
to provide a secure and convenient access control solution. The paper provides a detailed description of the
hardware and software components used, as well as the installation and configuration processes. This technical
contribution could be useful for practitioners and researchers interested in developing similar systems, as it
provides a practical example of the technical aspects involved in implementing an access control system using
Raspberry Pi.
Furthermore, an innovation contribution introduces an innovative approach to access control systems by
combining biometric-based authentication with Raspberry Pi technology. By using biometric data to verify the
identity of users, the system provides a more secure and reliable means of access control than traditional
methods based on keys, passwords or RFID cards. The use of Raspberry Pi also enables the system to be more
versatile and customizable, as it allows for the integration of various sensors and devices. This innovation
contribution could have implications for improving the security and convenience of access control systems in
various contexts, such as homes, offices, and public buildings.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: The second section is devoted to the design, implementation
of the proposed system. In the third section, the deployment of the embedded system is presented. Section four,
presents the released tests, obtained results and evaluation of the whole system. Finally, the general conclusion
summarizes the results obtained and presents some perspectives.
The Smart Grids & Renewable Energy Laboratory (SGRE-Lab) is a renowned research facility at the
University Tahri Mohammed of Bechar that specializes in the development and scientific research of smart
grids and renewable energies. As a significant contributor to the advancement of clean energy, the laboratory
is an essential resource for researchers, students, and industry professionals seeking to explore innovative
solutions to today's energy challenges.
To ensure the protection and security of the laboratory's valuable equipment, data, and research findings,
an electronic lock-based access control system has been installed. This system, as depicted in Fig. 2, utilizes
an electronic locking mechanism that requires either a PIN code to be entered on a numeric keypad or an RFID
card to be presented for entry. Once the correct code or RFID card is presented, the electric latch will unlock
the door, allowing authorized personnel access to the laboratory. Fig. 3 shows the electric latch mechanism
that unlocks the door when the correct code or RFID card is presented. The secure access control system
432 Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Elektro Komputer dan Informatika (JITEKI) ISSN: 2338-3070
Vol. 9, No. 2, June 2023, pp. 429-443
Design and Implementation of Embedded Biometric-Based Access Control System with Electronic Lock using Raspberry
Pi (Youssef Elmir)
prevents unauthorized entry, ensuring that only authorized personnel with the proper clearance and credentials
can gain access to the laboratory's sensitive resources.
Traditional authorization methods based on the use of passwords or physical media (electronic keys and
cards) do not meet modern reliability requirements in determining the identity of the user. Passwords can be
intercepted for copying or given to another person. In addition, it is impossible to track the history of individuals
who have accessed the laboratory, and there is no record of the history of authorized access.
Fig. 2. The electronic lock-based access control system of SGRE-Lab
In this work, a door locking system is proposed to improve and strengthen the security of the existing
system based on biometrics using Raspberry PI technology. This system is based on multimodal biometrics,
which integrates facial recognition and speaker verification during personal identification. An SMS notification
should be sent to the administrator using the GSM network. And a log of authorized access can be accessed by
the administrator via a web portal. Fig. 4 shows the overall diagram of the proposed architecture.
The user first must use his RFID card or enter the PIN code on the electronic lock. Once authorization is
verified, the system takes snapshots of the user's face through the camera. The Raspberry Pi identifies the facial
authorization, if yes, using a speaker it requests him to say a secret word to the microphone. And if the speaker
is identified, then the electric lock should be opened. Otherwise, the lock remains closed.
After analysing and studying the existing system mode of operation (Fig. 3), an improved system is
proposed as shown in Fig. 5. A facial recognition module is added after the first authentication by the electronic
lock. This module consists of a camera that will take pictures and send them to the raspberry pi. Once the face
detection is completed and validated, if the system is unsure of the user's identity, a second voice recognition
module should ask the user to say a secret word through the microphone to confirm his identity, then it will
confirm the authentication or not.
Fig. 3. The operating mode of the existing system at SGRE-Lab
Open the door
Read RFID or PIN code
from the electronic lock.
ISSN: 2338-3070 Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Elektro Komputer dan Informatika (JITEKI) 433
Vol. 9, No. 2, June 2023, pp. 429-443
Design and Implementation of Embedded Biometric-Based Access Control System with Electronic Lock
using Raspberry Pi (Youssef Elmir)
Fig. 4. An overview of the proposed system
As any other biometric system, the proposed algorithm has two modes: one for enrolling users' biometric
information and characteristics, and another for biometric authentication that includes face and voice
recognition. This second mode is activated when the RFID card is presented, or the PIN code is entered for the
usual verification. In this mode, the user's face image is captured via the camera. The system detects the face,
and the facial recognition process takes place. The system recognizes a face from the database previously stored
using the first mode. If the user's identity is verified with a weak similarity rate, the system activates voice
recognition by requesting the user to say the secret word. Once the combination of the two biometric techniques
is satisfied, the door must be opened, access recorded, and a notification sent to the administrator via SMS.
This algorithm is based on hierarchical fusion of the electronic lock and two biometric modalities as it is shown
in the flowchart in Fig. 6. based on the work of Elmir, et al. [30], [31].
Fig. 5. The operation mode of the proposed system
Read RFID or PIN code from the
electronic lock.
Establishing a bimodal biometric
recognition (face and voice)
Open the door
Authorised user?
434 Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Elektro Komputer dan Informatika (JITEKI) ISSN: 2338-3070
Vol. 9, No. 2, June 2023, pp. 429-443
Design and Implementation of Embedded Biometric-Based Access Control System with Electronic Lock using Raspberry
Pi (Youssef Elmir)
Fig. 6. The flow chart of the proposed system
New interrogation
Type of
Save data.
Access granted.
Initiate a new user
face image
Voice enrolment
If score < 50 et >30
Capture face images
Matching faces
Matching voice.
Ask to say the secret
Find a correspondent with a
score < 50?
If score < 30
Find a
fusion of scores
Update the log.
Send SMS to Admin
ISSN: 2338-3070 Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Elektro Komputer dan Informatika (JITEKI) 435
Vol. 9, No. 2, June 2023, pp. 429-443
Design and Implementation of Embedded Biometric-Based Access Control System with Electronic Lock
using Raspberry Pi (Youssef Elmir)
To develop and implement the proposed system, a set of hardware and software shown in Fig. 7, was
(a) (b)
Fig. 7. A set of required hardware (a) and software (b)
3.1. The required hardware:
a) The Raspberry Pi 3 is a low-cost basic computer that was originally intended to stimulate interest in
computing among school-age children [39]. The Raspberry Pi is contained on a single printed circuit board
as it is presented in Fig. 8. and has the following features:
A 1.2 GHz 64-bit quad-core ARMv8 CPU
802.11n Wireless LAN
Bluetooth 4.1
4 USB ports
40 GPIO pins
Full HDMI port
Ethernet port.
b) Camera: The image is captured using a camera and sent to the Raspberry Pi via USB ports. We can use a
standard USB webcam to take photos and videos with the Raspberry Pi.
c) Microphone: The voice sound is captured using a microphone and sent to the Raspberry Pi via the USB
port or the jack port.
d) Speaker: it is used by the Raspberry Pi to give instructions, directions, and notifications during
communication with him.
Firstly, the various components mentioned earlier are connected as it is shown in Fig. 9. and their schema
of connection is presented in Fig. 10.
Blue LED indicates that the system is turned on and operational.
Red LED indicates that the authentication mode is in progress.
Orange LED indicates that the enrolment mode is in progress.
Green LED indicates that the user is authenticated and authorized.
The relays: are used to conduct electricity to the electric lock to open the door.
436 Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Elektro Komputer dan Informatika (JITEKI) ISSN: 2338-3070
Vol. 9, No. 2, June 2023, pp. 429-443
Design and Implementation of Embedded Biometric-Based Access Control System with Electronic Lock using Raspberry
Pi (Youssef Elmir)
Fig. 8. The Raspberry Pi 3 board with a GPIO port diagram
Fig. 9. The connection of the different components of the proposed system
ISSN: 2338-3070 Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Elektro Komputer dan Informatika (JITEKI) 437
Vol. 9, No. 2, June 2023, pp. 429-443
Design and Implementation of Embedded Biometric-Based Access Control System with Electronic Lock
using Raspberry Pi (Youssef Elmir)
Fig. 10. Components connection schema
3.2. Operating system, softwares, libraries, and development language
a) Raspberry Pi OS: it is a free and open-source operating system based on Debian optimized to run on
various Raspberry Pi architectures. The version used in the proposed system is a Raspbian “raspios-buster-
b) Python Language: it is an interpreted, multi-paradigm, and multi-platform programming language. It
favours structured imperative programming, functional programming, and object-oriented programming.
It has strong dynamic typing, automatic memory management by garbage collection, and an exception
handling system. Python language was used to program facial recognition, cascade classifier Haar, Viola,
and Junes suggested a machine learning object detection algorithm known as Haar Cascade to identify
objects in videos as well as images built on the principle of features. And for programming voice
recognition using the GMM (Gaussian Mixture Model) method and the MFCCs (Mel Frequency Cepstrum
Coefficients) method. In this language, we will implement our algorithm that we modelled in section 5 of
this chapter. This figure describes the environment called "Thonny Python IDE" used to write instructions
in Python. The instructions in this figure will be executed during authentication. The use of the "import
cv2" instruction calls the OpenCV library.
c) OpenCV Library: it is a free graphics library originally developed by Intel, specializing in real-time image
processing. This library includes many integrated packages for biometric recognition. It contains linear
and nonlinear image filtering, geometric image transformation, modification of colour spaces, image
smoothing, image thresholding, histograms, etc [40].
d) PHP Language: is a free programming language mainly used to produce dynamic web pages via an HTTP
server but can also function as any interpreted language locally. PHP is an imperative object-oriented
language. This programming language was used to develop a web administration portal and management
of the proposed system. PhpMyAdmin interface is used for creating databases, tables,
e) MySQL: it is a relational database management system (RDBMS). It is distributed under a dual GPL and
proprietary license. It is one of the most widely used database management software in the world, both by
the public (mainly web applications). It was used to define, store, and manipulate the data of users who
are entitled to access system.
f) AT command language: The AT command set consists of a series of short text strings that can be combined
to produce commands for operations such as dialling, hanging up, and changing connection parameters.
Most dial-up modems use the AT command set in many variations. GSM communication language are a
438 Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Elektro Komputer dan Informatika (JITEKI) ISSN: 2338-3070
Vol. 9, No. 2, June 2023, pp. 429-443
Design and Implementation of Embedded Biometric-Based Access Control System with Electronic Lock using Raspberry
Pi (Youssef Elmir)
standard for querying communication modems and even GSM networks, which are used in our system to
notify the administrator that a user has accessed the laboratory.
Description of the commands used:
AT: to test communication between the Raspberry Pi and the GSM modem.
AT+CMGF=1: to activate the text mode of SMS.
AT+CMGS="N_tél" "message": to send an SMS to the recipient.
In Fig. 11, we can see samples of some of the AT commands that were used in our study. These
commands played a crucial role in facilitating communication between the Raspberry Pi and the GSM
Fig. 11. Samples of some used AT commands
After developing the different software components of the proposed system, the last step is the setup()
Fig. 12. This system is composed of two parts, the part written in Python which is the main part of the new
access control system, and it is automatically executed every time the Raspberry Pi is power on. The second
part, written in PHP which is a web portal intended for the administrator to simplify the administration and
management of the system (adding/removing members, enrolments, and updates ...etc.) as shown in Fig. 13.
and Fig. 14.
Fig. 12. The electric lock after integration of the proposed system
ISSN: 2338-3070 Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Elektro Komputer dan Informatika (JITEKI) 439
Vol. 9, No. 2, June 2023, pp. 429-443
Design and Implementation of Embedded Biometric-Based Access Control System with Electronic Lock
using Raspberry Pi (Youssef Elmir)
Fig. 13. Administration of the proposed system
Fig. 14. Adding a new member (enrolment)
The final step is testing and evaluating the performance of the proposed system. All the members of the
laboratory must use their RFID card or enter the PIN code as usual (Fig. 15. (a)), but now, they have also to
440 Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Elektro Komputer dan Informatika (JITEKI) ISSN: 2338-3070
Vol. 9, No. 2, June 2023, pp. 429-443
Design and Implementation of Embedded Biometric-Based Access Control System with Electronic Lock using Raspberry
Pi (Youssef Elmir)
stand in front of the camera then say the secret word enrolled earlier in order to have access to the laboratory
(Fig. 15. (b)). A video of demonstration of tests and evaluation is available on YouTube.
Fig. 15. (a) Activation of the electronic lock using RFID card, (b) Biometric authentication
The obtained results have shown that this system is capable, to a certain extent, to identify users and
determine whether they are authorized or not to access a sensitive area of the laboratory, with a very low
number of false acceptances, however, it may increase the false rejection for some genuine users (laboratory
members) that are not familiar with this kind of technologies, and by consequence they cannot provide their
biometrics correctly even if they enter the PIN code or present their RFID cards the system will not allow them
to access to the laboratory.
Furthermore, the proposed access control system exhibits certain other limitations, including potential
challenges in varying lighting conditions and vulnerability to spoofing attacks. To address these limitations,
future enhancements can include improving the facial recognition algorithm to adapt to different lighting
scenarios, incorporating anti-spoofing measures such as liveness detection, and regularly monitoring and
evaluating the system's performance. By actively mitigating these limitations, the system can be strengthened
to offer improved accuracy, security, and reliability in access control applications.
ISSN: 2338-3070 Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Elektro Komputer dan Informatika (JITEKI) 441
Vol. 9, No. 2, June 2023, pp. 429-443
Design and Implementation of Embedded Biometric-Based Access Control System with Electronic Lock
using Raspberry Pi (Youssef Elmir)
In conclusion, this paper aimed to address the problem of enhancing access control systems through the
integration of biometric recognition. Traditional methods such as RFID or PIN codes have limitations in
ensuring user identification, highlighting the need for more robust and secure solutions.
The significance of biometrics in access control cannot be understated. Biometric recognition offers
advantages such as increased security and individual recognition, making it a promising approach for
improving access control systems. This paper sought to leverage the benefits of biometrics to develop an
advanced access control system.
The proposed solution involved the development of a bimodal biometric process integrating facial
recognition and voice recognition. This process was implemented in an embedded system comprising the
Raspberry Pi architecture, a camera, a speaker, a microphone, and a GSM module. This integrated system
formed the foundation for the successful implementation of the access control system.
The authentication process entailed initial validation through RFID card or PIN code, followed by facial
and voice recognition verification. In cases where ambiguity or doubt arose, a second verification was
performed to ensure authentication. This multi-modal approach significantly enhanced the security of the
access control system.
The achieved results demonstrated the effectiveness of the biometric authentication process in reducing
false acceptances. The system showcased improvements in security measures and provided a more reliable
means of user identification. However, it is essential to acknowledge that users may encounter difficulties with
the biometric authentication process, necessitating user training and education to mitigate any challenges.
Looking forward, there are promising avenues for future work. Recommendations include enhancing the
web portal with new functionalities for remote control of the Raspberry Pi, thereby increasing flexibility and
convenience for users. Additionally, exploring the use of the GSM network as a transmission support for remote
control offers exciting prospects for further research and development.
In conclusion, this research contributes to the advancement of access control systems by leveraging
biometric recognition and embedded technology. The findings highlight the potential for improved security,
user experience, and convenience in various private places or sensitive areas. The implications of this research
extend beyond the scope of this study, offering new possibilities for the development of more sophisticated
and effective access control systems.
Authors of this work would like to express their sincere gratitude to Prof. Abdelkhalek Othmane head
manager of SGRE laboratory for providing valuable materials and resources for this project. They would also
like to thank Dr. Abdelmadjid Larbi for his valuable information, advice, and assistance.
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Youssef Elmir, received his BSc in Computer Science from Univ. of Sidi Bel Abbès in
Algeria in 2005. He then earned his MSc in Computer Science from Mohamed Boudiaf Univ.
of Sciences and Technology in Oran, Algeria in 2007, and his DSc in Computer Science from
Univ. of Sidi Bel Abbès in Algeria in 2015. After completing his MSc, he worked as an
Assistant Professor at Univ. of Adrar. Following the completion of his DSc, he worked as an
Associate Professor at Univ. of Bechar then at ESTIN of Bejaia., 0000-0003-
Abdeldjalil Abdelaziz, is a dedicated and motivated professional with a strong academic
background. He holds an MSc degree from the University of Bechar in Algeria, which he
earned in 2021. Prior to that, he obtained an engineering degree from the same university,
showcasing his commitment to continuous education and professional development. With his
experience as a Technical Inspector Specialist, Abdeldjalil has gained valuable expertise in
the field of computer engineering. His academic achievements and practical knowledge make
him a valuable asset in the domains of information technology and technical inspection.
Mohammed Haidas, is an accomplished researcher and associate professor of Electrical
Engineering at the University of TAHRI Mohammed Bechar. With expertise in artificial
intelligence, telecommunications and renewable energies, Dr. Haidas has made significant
contributions to the field through his innovative research. He has been involved in optimizing
parameters of power quality conditioners, integrating wind energy for electricity production,
and developing intelligent systems such as autonomous obstacle-avoiding robots.
... Elmir et al. [8] research focuses on the design and implementation of an embedded biometric-based access control system with an electronic lock utilizing the Raspberry Pi platform. The integration of biometric authentication, specifically fingerprint recognition, enhances the security of the access control system, while the Raspberry Pi serves as a versatile and cost-effective embedded computing platform. ...
... While the proposed algorithms showcase significant efficacy, the inherent drawback lies in the dynamic nature of deepfake advancements, requiring ongoing efforts to stay ahead of emerging threats. Elmir et al. [8]contribute to secure access control systems through the design and implementation of an embedded biometricbased system with an electronic lock using Raspberry Pi. The research successfully demonstrates the feasibility of the system but highlights a notable vulnerability to electronic tampering of the Raspberry Pi device. ...
Conference Paper
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The integration of biometric-based access control systems with robust facial recognition technology within Internet of Things (IoT) environments holds paramount significance in addressing contemporary security challenges. The novelty of the research endeavours to contribute to this critical area by investigating and implementing a novel approach, employing Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) for facial classification within the biometric framework. The significance of this study lies in its potential to enhance security measures in IoT environments, ensuring reliable and efficient access control. Previous attempts at integrating facial recognition into IoT have encountered notable challenges, including suboptimal accuracy, vulnerability to adversarial attacks, and scalability issues. This research builds upon these prior issues by introducing CNN for facial classification, leveraging its capabilities in image processing and pattern recognition to achieve enhanced accuracy and resilience against potential security threats. The novelty of the study is underscored by the application of CNN within the biometric context of IoT, offering a cutting-edge solution tailored to the intricacies of interconnected devices. Experiments conducted on benchmark datasets showcase the promising capabilities of the proposed system, with face recognition accuracies reaching an impressive 98%. These results underscore the potential of this research to significantly advance the state-of-the-art in biometric-based access control, particularly within the context of IoT environments. The utilization of CNN introduces a pioneering element, contributing to the evolution of secure and efficient access control solutions in the era of IoT.
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The overwhelming popularity of technology-based solutions and innovations to address day-to-day processes has significantly contributed to the emergence of smart cities. where millions of interconnected devices and sensors generate and share huge volumes of data. The easy and high availability of rich personal and public data generated in these digitalized and automated ecosystems renders smart cities vulnerable to intrinsic and extrinsic security breaches. Today, with fast-developing technologies, the classical username and password approaches are no longer adequate to secure valuable data and information from cyberattacks. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) can provide an effective solution to minimize the security challenges associated with legacy single-factor authentication systems (both online and offline). This paper identifies and discusses the role and need of MFA for securing the smart city ecosystem. The paper begins by describing the notion of smart cities and the associated security threats and privacy issues. The paper further provides a detailed description of how MFA can be used for securing various smart city entities and services. A new concept of blockchain-based multi-factor authentication named “BAuth-ZKP” for securing smart city transactions is presented in the paper. The concept focuses on developing smart contracts between the participating entities within the smart city and performing the transactions with zero knowledge proof (ZKP)-based authentication in a secure and privacy-preserved manner. Finally, the future prospects, developments, and scope of using MFA in smart city ecosystem are discussed.
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The rising demand for high security and reliable authentication schemes, led to the development of the unimodal biometric system so that the multimodal biometric system has emerged. The multimodal biometric system will use more than one biometric trait of an individual for identification and security purpose. Fusion plays a major role in the multimodal biometric system. Several fusion techniques are used in biometric systems. Feature level fusion is a very much popular method as compared to the other fusion techniques. In this fusion, features are extracted from all biometric traits. After that extracted features are combined into a final feature vector of high dimension. In this paper, we introduce a new technique to perform fusion at the feature level by optimal feature level fusion; here the relevant features are selected using an optimization technique. Here, we proposed OGWO for selecting optimal features. Moreover, we suggested the recognition technique. For recognition, we use the multi-kernel support vector machine algorithm. Finally, the performance of our proposed method is evaluated by some evaluation measures. Our recommended method is implemented in the MATLAB platform.
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With the increasing demand for information security and security regulations all over the world, biometric recognition technology has been widely used in our everyday life. In this regard, multimodal biometrics technology has gained interest and became popular due to its ability to overcome a number of significant limitations of unimodal biometric systems. In this paper, a new multimodal biometric human identification system is proposed, which is based on a deep learning algorithm for recognizing humans using biometric modalities of iris, face, and finger vein. The structure of the system is based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs) which extract features and classify images by softmax classifier. To develop the system, three CNN models were combined; one for iris, one for face, and one for finger vein. In order to build the CNN model, the famous pertained model VGG-16 was used, the Adam optimization method was applied and categorical cross-entropy was used as a loss function. Some techniques to avoid overfitting were applied, such as image augmentation and dropout techniques. For fusing the CNN models, different fusion approaches were employed to explore the influence of fusion approaches on recognition performance, therefore, feature and score level fusion approaches were applied. The performance of the proposed system was empirically evaluated by conducting several experiments on the SDUMLA-HMT dataset, which is a multimodal biometrics dataset. The obtained results demonstrated that using three biometric traits in biometric identification systems obtained better results than using two or one biometric traits. The results also showed that our approach comfortably outperformed other state-of-the-art methods by achieving an accuracy of 99.39%, with a feature level fusion approach and an accuracy of 100% with different methods of score level fusion.
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Privacy and Security are two universal rights and, to ensure that in our daily life we are secure, a lot of research is going on in the field of home security, and IoT is the turning point for the industry, where we connect everyday objects to share data for our betterment. House security matters and people always try to make life easier at the same time. That's why we put up with this project, Face Recognition Door Lock System. Facial recognition is a well-established process in which the face is detected and identified out of the image. We aim to create a smart door, which secures the gateway on the basis of who we are. We want to develop this system based on Raspberry-pi 3, to make the house only accessible when your face is recognized by the recognition algorithms from Open CV library and meanwhile you are allowed in by the house owner, who could monitor entrance remotely. By doing so, the system is less likely to be deceived: since the owner can check each visitor in the remote console, getting recognized by the camera using a photo won't work. I want to add passcode function for entrance in case that face recognition part corrupts.
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Biometric authentication systems are now widely recognized as the strongest authentication technologies available on the market. To incorporate this mechanism as a web service, an alternative of the classical approach constituted of a classifier and a vector of facial biometric features is proposed to be used. In order to make it possible, the adopted methodology based on Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture is used. This accredited architectural strategy in the proposed system, allowed us by the end to do online authentication based on the facial recognition with good obtained results of experimentation on ORL database.
The issue of urban security is of great importance in city policies and a prerequisite for the creation of sustainable cities and communities. The pursuit of secure conditions requires the integration of different existing approaches in order to achieve effective and lasting results. The methodology focuses on the crime risk concept, for which no instrument currently available in Literature provides an unambiguous definition or complete assessment. The aim of the research is the definition of a risk model in which the different security approaches converge and maximise their synergy through the construction of a Spatial Composite Crime Risk Index (IRc), structured according to the disaster risk paradigm. Its spatial nature allows the spatial component of crime risk to be highlighted. The associated crime risk map gives a snapshot of the risk conditions in the area under study. It highlights the presence, the magnitude and the superficial extension of the critical areas for which appropriate intervention strategies can be envisaged. The model was applied to the city of Milan. The quantitative result obtained, i.e. the crime risk map, confirms the usefulness and effectiveness of introducing the latter into the information layers used when defining Urban Planning tools. This would allow an in-depth analysis of the territory through the construction of risk scenarios.
The main purpose of this paper is to explain the role of recently developed smart cities in the security and safety of their citizens, and how they will evolve in the future in most cities around the world. Today, most cities around the world are trying to become so-called smart cities. In this paper, we aim to define the concept of a Smart City, how it has evolved, the security that these types of cities bring and the evolution that smart cities will have in the future. Mainly, the term “smart city” is defined as the use of technological solutions to improve the quality of life of the citizens of these cities and to promote sustainable development. “Smart city” will be the term that will soon develop the most and will be on everyone’s lips. Smart city implementation is frequently lauded as the answer to many urban difficulties, including transportation, waste management, and environmental protection. Security and crime prevention, on the other hand, are frequently overlooked.
This systematic review deals with the last 10 years of research in analytical methodologies for the analysis of fingerprints, regarding their chemical and biological constituents. A total of 123 manuscripts, which fit the search criteria defined using the descriptor “latent fingermarks analysis,” were selected. Its main instrumental areas (mass spectrometry, spectroscopy, and innovative methods) were analyzed and summarized in a specific table, highlighting its main analytical parameters. The results show that most studies in this field use mass spectrometry to identify the constituents of fingerprints, both to determine the chemical profile and for aging. There is also a marked use of mass spectrometry coupled with chromatographic methods, and it provides accurate results for a fatty acid profile. Additional significant results are achieved by spectroscopic methods, mainly Raman and infrared. It is noteworthy that spectroscopic methods using microscopy assist in the accuracy of the analyzed region of the fingerprint, contributing to more robust results. There was also a significant increase in studies using methods focused on finding new developers or identifying components present in fingerprints by rapid tests. This systematic review of analytical techniques applied to the detection of fingerprints explores different approaches to contribute to future studies in forensic identification, verifying new demands in the forensic sciences and assisting in the selection of studies for the progress of research.