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Software Defined Networking based Information Centric Networking: An Overview of Approaches and Challenges

978-1-6654-1224-7/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE
Software Defined Networking based
Information Centric Networking: An Overview
of Approaches and Challenges
Yousef Fazea
School of Computing
University Utara Malaysia
06010 Sintok, Kedah, Malaysia
Fathey Mohammed
School of Computing
University Utara Malaysia
06010 Sintok, Kedah, Malaysia
Abstract ICN (Information-Centric Networking) is a
traditional networking approach which focuses on Internet
design, while SDN (Software Defined Networking) is known as a
speedy and flexible networking approach. Integrating these two
approaches can solve different kinds of traditional networking
problems. On the other hand, it may expose new challenges. In
this paper, we study how these two networking approaches are
been combined to form SDN-based ICN architecture to improve
network administration. Recent research is explored to identify
the SDN-based ICN challenges, provide a critical analysis of the
current integration approaches, and determine open issues for
further research.
Keywords: Information centric network, ICN, Software defined
network, SDN, SDN based ICN
SDN (Software Defined Networking) is an approach that
removes the control plane from network hardware and
implements it in software instead. SDN separates the control
and data planes to enable high programmability making
network administration more flexible using (logically)
centralized node, known as the controller. It extends facilitates
design, delivery and operation of network services without the
need to change network components [1][5].
This enables virtualizing the whole networks on a per-flow
base, which may impose a significant enhancement over
current solutions. Therefore, SDN has received huge
endorsement by companies like Google, working out
dedicated SDN-based structure for supporting their clients’
Internet services. The SDN controllers manage the data plane
of network switches by changing the entries of the flow table
on each node.
So, a trust will be built that software defined Networking
(SDN) is an important chance since it guarantees to change the
persistent development of systems administration models.
SDN is consistently concentrated control plane and a well-
characterized separation among control planes and clients [5].
SDN devices execute functions and rules chosen by a possibly
remote controller. SDN can prompt a product time of systems
administration, giving an inherent ability to advancement and
innumerable developments [5].
A few recommendations for administration affixing see
indirection as a basic segment for accomplishing high
adaptability to help fluctuated circumstances just as hub
quality, reserving and any cast. It proposes a field of study
alteration to TCP/IP organizes in order to permit extra
indirection than what is backed by DNS, allowing simple
coordination of middle boxes into the TCP/IP configuration
likewise features the issue of having an IP address area
subordinate component as the identifier of end has, and
proposes the presentation of a few dimensions of indirection
[4]. Figure 1 shows architecture of SDN proposed by [9]
Figure 1. Software Defined Networking Architecture [8]
On another hand, Information-Centric Networking (ICN)
has become attracting to researchers who would like to replace
the existing IP-based internetworking layer with another
solution [2]. Based on the perception that the content of the
message is the main part of the whole communication rather
than to whom it will be sent, this leads to considering data as
2021 International Congress of Advanced Technology and Engineering (ICOTEN) | 978-1-6654-1224-7/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICOTEN52080.2021.9493541
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the major factor in all ICN approaches [1]-[3]. Another
important part of ICN approaches is partitioning the control
functions dealing with information supply-demand matching
from those dealing with resources forwarding in the network.
Software Defined Networking (SDN) is expected to deal with
the system and the functions given by information plane for
the separated control plane [3]. In another word, with
Information Centric Networking (ICN), the system is based on
clients’ content, rather than the intermediate channels between
hosts [4]. It can move toward more reliable management when
organizing hubs locally support ICN components.
Transmitting to ICN capable devices into existing systems
might be a crucial issue since it could require the replacement
or update of current active devices [4]. Figure 2 shows an ICN
model proposed by [11].
Figure 2. The information-centric networking model [10]
The advantages of system virtualization and ICN storing
have been examined with regards to gadget to gadget
interchanges. The most recent creators detail the virtual asset
allotment and storing ways as a joint improvement downside.
Specific attention is given on diminishing the computational
multifaceted nature and the flagging overhead. As the trial
results recommend, the proposed disseminated calculation can
accomplish a quick assembly rate even without depending on
the trading of channel-state data. For instance, a distributed
portable application for live video gushing is introduced [6].
The application abuses the principle functionalities of ICN,
for example, named routing, in-network caching, and
multicasting. This empowers neighboring MUs and Wi-Fi
clients to work together by using the Wi-Fi organize.
Distinctive client cooperation methodologies have been
explored and the exploratory outcomes show improved
execution of the video spilling administration.
An ICN hub does two significant capacities. One is a
storing capacity that reserves an information object
disregarding and conveys the reserved information article to
clients on solicitation. The other is a name based directing
capacity that highways a client solicitation and its comparing
reaction dependent on the name of the information object.
Then again, the SDN switches ought to have the option to
separate the two distinct identifiers of the information protests
so as to do ICN related activities, e.g., reserving.
Consequently, the identifier of the information object better
conveys adequate data, thus the framework of ICN can make a
proper move over the information object [5].
In view of research there are two plan alternatives for this
operational situation. One is to utilize ICN as a structural
arrangement that gives low dimension ICN organizing
capacities notwithstanding for the end gadgets. In spite of the
fact that, it is a perfect methodology, it causes the similarity
issue. For example, off-the-shelf gadgets have been as of now
sent in the systems, e.g., its convention stack can't be adjusted
effectively. The other plan alternative is to utilize ICN as a
center transport organizes that gives a reserving framework to
the systems associated through the ICN network [7].
Software defined network faces few difficulties, together
with responsibility, versatility and accessibility. These
difficulties might be handled by thoroughly picking
arrangements inside the system. Be that as it may, the
assessment of all situations is functional for little systems. In
[8], a quick and prudent adjustment of natural procedure
calculations is given to unwind substantial scale multi-target
controller situation issues. The given recipe needs reasonable
memory asset and appreciates an avaricious heuristic to think
of an amazing starting populace, reasonable components to
energize the expansion and strengthening, and a fresh out of
the box new brisk financial master discoverer [9]. This study
explores the literature to identify the challenges of integrating
SDN and ISN, present the advantages and drawbacks of
current integration approaches, and highlight some
suggestions for future research.
This section introduces the challenges and open issues
related to the integration of SDN (Software Defined
Networking) and ICN (Information-Centric Networking).
Figure 3 shows the discussed issues and challenges
Figure 3. Challenges and Open Issues related to ICN & SDN
Big Data
Challenges and
Open Issues in
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A. Flexibility
The result of packet process by a middle box will also
modify the set of functions that to be connected on future
packets of the flow. As an example, when DPI receives a
packet, the algorithm of the program could decide the demand
for additional network native functions like interruption
identification, work to be connected on the flow. It’s
additionally possible that functions will scale back and replace
the functions a flow that must undergo. Despite whether or not
a great deal of apriority service functions was determined,
they may be modified the throughout the period of the flow.
The middle boxes should have the choice to make your mind
up the weather of flow themselves and the progressions should
produce good results instantly.
Hence, any significant change to IP would involve
replacing or overhauling the routers used in the network [25].
This inflexibility attached with the absence of application
awareness makes it difficult to optimize for applications
running over the framework [29]. The abstracting of network
functions from the physical infrastructure, and the separation
of control and data planes, should bring more flexibility to
efficiently use radio and computing resources [27].
B. Dynamicity
The advent of Network Functions Visualization will enable
for network local middleboxes to dynamically incorporate
functionality by revolving additional virtual machines on
demand. Since there are more functions running on virtualized
platforms, they can possibly be placed anywhere in the
network rather than using it on only selected predefined nodes.
Therefore, the network should be able to apply these changes
immediately while keeping the communication cost low. And
for the functions which have various instances, the network
should balance the load on the instances to improve
performance [6].
C. Measurability
The measurability needs to be in three dimensions which
are the amount of tasks, the amount of flows and also the size
of the network. Many nodes placed in the network with
different functions to provide additional services. Network
operators need the data flows to go through certain nodes to
reach certain objectives (like attack prevention and user
experience enhancement) by service chaining. With the help
of SDN, network operators can place these functions and
strongly steer data flows without the need for general-purpose
devices for Network Functions Virtualization. A measurable
service chaining solution should not constrain the number of
users, the amount of functions a flow that should navigate, or
the network’s scalability due to the reaction inactivity.
D. Reliability
To increase scalability and reliability, it has been accepted
that the logically centralized controller should be physically
distributed [21]. The caching in big number of nodes in ICNs
has also crucial role in enhancing the performance in terms of
response time and reliability [12][9].
Any solution should be able to dynamically respond to the
nodes and links failures within a threshold. The recovery time
of any failure should be within 10s of milliseconds. [11]
E. Controllability and Manageability
Almost all network activities including resource
registration, asset update, interest matching, asset adaptation,
information plane policy are completely constrained by the
operators. Every operator can easily pick its intra-domain
policies by suitable system condition. Moreover, there is no
any message will trade among region controllers that confirm
to be completely superior controllability and manageability of
root controller [1] [11].
F. Extended Name-Based Control
To achieve ICN objectives the mobile devices should be
dynamically managed end-to-end across heterogeneous
objects, networking architectures, and transmission
technologies. Therefore, not only data packets should be
identified, it should also identify network devices and network
topology [10].
G. QoS
One of the important issues of SD-ICN is Quality of
Service (QoS). For any technology that manages data traffic it
needs to reduce three parameters: packet loss, latency and
jitter of the network [11]. QoS control and manage network
resources by setting the priorities of network’s data [11].
Currently, there are three models to implement QoS in a
network: First, the best effort is when all types of packets have
the same priority and this is applied when the network is not
been configured. Second model is the Integrated Services
(IntServ) that reserves the band to be used in a specific path of
the network. Lastly, Differenced Services (DiffServ)
configures services that contain multiple classes with different
methods and the network will be divided based on the
requirements. The QoS parameters can be used to measure
quantitatively. Therefore, in the context of SD-ICN, QoS
deserves more attention on exploiting how QoS can be
H. Scalability
In SDN-ICN, scalability is an important factor. Both of
them are facing this issue in particular. Numbers of the
content are quite different than the number of devices. To
establish the data path using content names, a great number
will be exceeding the capacity of the forwarding table. In the
control planning ICN and SDN both require more capabilities
to insure good performance even in large scale networks
I. Big Data
To recognize the requirements to develop network
architecture, researcher need to support big data management.
Network layer have been supporting the data process from the
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ICN [9]. For instance, data processing activity in network ICN
could be continued to accept and support provide from SDN to
complete the task with logically centralized controller.
Centralized controller can access, figure out, and also can
operate the process of the network. Moreover, abstract cache
and network efficiency are helped by SDN by user-data
communication and access observation the data from
leveraging analytical methods. On the other hand, network
operations help them to analyze the big data and make a
decision [29].
J. Security
Security is one of the most vital features of wireless
networks, which can be determined to a maximum level.
However, ICN is still facing security problems in some
scenarios like the denial of service (DOS) attacks. These
attacks can threat the authentication, availability, and
confidentiality of the system’s data [17]. For security,
OpenFlow protocol provides optional support for a certificate
exchange between the controller(s) and the switches beside an
encrypted Transport Layer Security (TLS) communication.
But the exact execution and certificate format are still not
specified. Also, for the scenarios with multiple controllers
there is no technique to only grant limited access permissions
to one authorized controller [21]. In addition, integrity and
provenance should be kept for transaction between client-
agent, proxy, and controller for which ICN based techniques
can be applied [18].
Although SDN technology is still facing challenges
regarding its scalability, resilience, and security; but it enables
the developers to solve some longstanding problems of
networking and also create new applications. On the other
hand, ICN technology can efficiently manage the content
delivery. The integration of these two technologies can form
the design for future Internet [9] which uses the advantages of
SDN in flexible programmability and efficient manageability
and ICN’s efficient content delivery. Figure 4 shows a
proposed architecture of ICN over SDN by [30].
There is a large number of research works proposing
different solutions to integrate ICN and SDN. These
researches are separately addressing different network related
issues and tackling different networking problems and
benefiting. In this context, research communities started with
the architecture of the integrated SDN and ICN (SD-ICN)
[6][16][2][7]. There are also other researches focusing on
certine aspects of this integration such as: mobility [16], cache
management [24][12][4], Big Data [29], cloud computing
[18], 5G Wireless Networking related issues [11], and
Internet of Things [10]. Table 1 summarizes the different SDN
based ICN approaches with their advantages and drawbacks.
Figure 4. ICN over SDN/OpenFlow architecture [29]
From these two ideal models, SDN (software defined
networking) and ICN (information centric networking) has got
wide attention by both researches and industrial communities.
The SDN technology can give the developers an incredible
asset to make new applications, resolving issues of different
networking functionalities related to content management. It
faces some challenges, such as extended name based control,
QoS, scalability, big data and artificial intelligence. This leds
to the concept of integrating the existing SDN with ICN to
form future Internet designing is another shape different than
IP-based networking. The ICN in proficient substance
conveyance and software defined networking in formative
programmability and proficient sensibility. They
characteristically have extremely solid complementarily to one
another. SDN based ICN currently a popular technology that
may impact in this world just like other cloud computing was
introduced. We know about this because many people have
done a lot of researches about SDN based ICN in hoping to
make the thing easy for future.
In this paper, rules and guidelines for researchers who
want to explore more on SDN based ICN by analyzing the
critical analysis part were presented. A discussion about the
functionality of software defined networking and information
centric networking was provided. Then, a survey of currently
existing solutions to different aspects of networking was
made. This current development of new technologies will help
network provider and their users and will give better network
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Table 1 summarize the SDN based ICN techniques, advantages, and drawbacks.
Author Year
Technique Evaluation
Method/ Tool
Advantage Drawback
et al. [6]
ICN for flexibility
in SDN
Focusing on service chaining.
Improve the flexibility,
scalability for network
Capable switches only
maintain rules on a per
available instance of a
Veltri, et al.
Supporting ICN
functionality in
Allowing the forwarding
based on a forwarding-by-
name strategy
- implementing the
OpenFlow extensions
does not support packet
match based on IP options
G. Wang, et al.
SDN based Big
Hadoop to
discuss the
network control
architecture, job
topology and
Improve application
performance with relatively
small configuration overhead.
run-time routing
configuration for big data
jobs over a dynamic network
topology requires rapid and
frequent flow table updates
over a potentially large
number of switches.
Raghavan, et
al. [25]
- It would ease the adoption of
assorted new web
architectures and blur the
excellence between
architectures and services.
Router vendors must invest
in ASIC support for new
features before they can be
widely used;
Domains face significant
deployment costs in adopting
a new design.
Syrivelis &
Parisis [2]
Pursuing SDN
forwarding functions based
on incoming unknown flow
The used testbed is not
enough to assess
the scalability of the
proposed system
Salsano, et al.
ICN over SDN off-the-shelf
support ICN functionality
over a large scale SDN
It is not practical to perform
matching over ICN names of
variable length.
Ravindran, et
al. [18]
Cloud computing
in SDN based ICN
Simulation using
Enable several edge-cloud
services such as enterprise
applications, big data
analytic, or M2M/IoT
constrained link capacity,
the queuing delay in the
increases causing an
increase in the convergence
Lv, et al. [14] 2013
RISC-ICN routing
analysis &
using C++
proposed a community
division scheme based on
maximal tree in order to help
retrieve the content
conveniently and effectively
Not scalable enough and
mobility is not considered
Adrichem, et
al. [20]
Named Data
CCNx Network Capabilities to use the
advantages of NDN of
intermediate caches,
distinctive flows of content.
An open supply software
package implementation of a
Named Data Networking
primarily based forwarding
theme in OpenFlow-
controlled SDN.
et al. [19]
ICN based SDN
in IP networking
- Ease of deployment in
existing IP networks, not
requiring additional
Changing of ICN
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transport protocols or
extensions to the IP protocol
and separation of the ICN data
and control plane
Chanda, et al.
2013 SDN based ICN in
Traffic engineering
The ability to access content
metadata transparently
enables metadata driven
services in associate ICN
leading to higher utilization of
network resources.
focus only on content sent
over HTTP
Chowdhury, et
al. [28]
2014 SDN based
Openflow help better statistics
- High messaging overhead
Nunes, et al.
2014 Programmable
(Survey) Presented current SDN
implementations and testing
platforms, and network
services and applications
developed based on the SDN
Luo, et al. [15] 2014 ICN and SDN in
analysis for flow
setup delay,
number of flow
entries, and
number of flow
setup requests/sec
CoLoR’s characteristics make
efficient integration of ICN
and SDN with less flow setup
requests, shorter flow setup
delay, and
significantly less flow entries
for a switch to store.
The forwarding entries are
configured based on Path
Identifiers only except for
elephant flows which
consider Service Identifier as
the content source should
wait for the forwarding rules
from the Network Controller
Wang, et al.
An Interoperable
Framework for
- Supported OVS for ICN
ICN architectures are
projected to deal with the
prevailing issues of the web.
Yang, et al.
ICN meet C-RAN
for HetNets
Tested using a
campus network
reduce the burden of
controllers, and integrate the
wired and wireless sides of
SDN seamlessly
easier to set up better
and in-network caching
the pico and D2D tiers are far
from the fully loaded state
when the
micro tier comes to the
critical steady state.
Liang, Yu, &
Zhang [11]
2015 5G Wireless
Networking in
based on a
Considerably improve end-to
end networking performance.
admission control is not
considered the interfaces
between in-network caching
and virtualization controllers
should be studied
Mougy, et al.
SDN based
architectures in
- Flexibility of the resources
and adaptation of network
Network scalability is not
Security and privacy issues
that may not be easy to solve
due to the limited capabilities
of some nodes
Shailendra, et
al. [22]
Architecture for
- O-ICN can be deployed over
the current Internet and can
operate both
at ICN and non-ICN/legacy
network without much
Detailed analysis is not
deployed as the architecture
is not fully implemented.
Issues like scalability,
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modifications. multicasting, and security are
not tested
Vassilakis &
Alzahrani [27]
Toward ICN
Cellular SDN
address the problems of
mobility management, multi-
RAT coordination, and
efficient content routing
Traffic reduction also
greatly depends on the cache
hit ratio,
Wang, et al.
An Optimal Cache
Framework for
ICN with Network
minimize the network
bandwidth cost and cache
cost by jointly considering
caching strategy and content
routing with LNC
a tradeoff between the
network performance and
computational complexity
Eum, Jibiki &
Murata [13]
Inside SDN
framework ICN
analysis for delay
and collision
Introduced forwarding
identifier that enhances the
matching capability
of an openflow switch
use ICN as a core transport
network to provide a caching
infrastructure which limits
the full potential of ICN
within the core transport
Zhang, et al.
SDN meet ICN (Survey) analyze the points of SD-ICN
strengths and opportunities,
discuss the SDN enablers for
deploying ICN architecture
No detailed analysis of the
technology since the model is
not fully developed
Fog based caching,
SDN based ICN
analysis and
simulation using
Studied the availability of
sensed information and energy
consumption with Mobile
Replacement provides vital
availableness for the
foremost valuable and tough
to sense information
Siracusano, et
al. [5]
ICN over SDN
Mininet emulator Publically provide the open
source and monitoring suite
Din, et al. [17] 2018
(Survey) Considered a dynamic
topology (i.e. VANET)
No detailed analysis of the
technology since the model is
not fully developed
Gao, Zeng &
Luo [1]
Scalable based
area hierarchical
control plane
OMNET++ Achieve good awareness of
network resources and
content resources
It faces scalability problem in
control plane
Badshah &
Nadir Shah [4]
2019 Deploy cache
Deploy multiple cache servers
supported joint improvement
Transfers huge information
from one node to different
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... The GEANT (Ibrar et al., 2021) topology is used for the creation of Information Centric Networks (ICN) (Fazea and Mohammed, 2021). It is tested for various cache management policies. ...
... The GEANT (Ibrar et al., 2021) topology is used for the creation of Information Centric Networks (ICN) (Fazea and Mohammed, 2021). It is tested for various cache management policies. ...
... SDN is a transformative technique for network design and implementation that focuses on decoupling network functions (NFs) control from networking devices (load balancers, firewalls, switches, routers) [1]. The open flow protocol allows software-defined networking (SDN) switches to take advantage of the flexibility provided by the ability to access header information from different open system interconnections (OSI) stack layers, allowing it to satisfy the traditionally fulfilled functionalities through a physical device multitude. ...
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Cloud computing has emerged as the actual trend in business information technology service models, since it provides processing that is both cost-effective and scalable. Enterprise networks are adopting software-defined networking (SDN) for network management flexibility and lower operating costs. Information technology (IT) services for enterprises tend to use both technologies. Yet, the effects of cloud computing and software defined networking on business network security are unclear. This study addresses this crucial issue. In a business network that uses both technologies, we start by looking at security, namely distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack defensive methods. SDN technology may help organizations protect against DDoS assaults provided the defensive architecture is structured appropriately. To mitigate DDoS attacks, we offer a highly configurable network monitoring and flexible control framework. We present a dataset shift-resistant graphic model-based attack detection system for the new architecture. The simulation findings demonstrate that our architecture can efficiently meet the security concerns of the new network paradigm and that our attack detection system can report numerous threats using real-world network data.
... All the decision routing in the OpenFlow switch will be controlled by the SDN controller. The controller serves as the network brain for decision routing at switches based on the OpenFlow protocol [13]. Meanwhile, the SDN controller is an application to the centralized control point. ...
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The increasing need for automated networking platforms like the Internet of Things, as well as network services like cloud computing, big data applications, wireless networks, mobile Internet, and virtualization, has driven existing networks to their limitations. Software-defined network (SDN) is a new modern programmable network architectural technology that allows network administrators to control the entire network consistently and logically centralized in software-based controllers and network devices become just simple packet forwarding devices. The controller that is the network's brain, is mostly based on the OpenFlow protocol and has distinct characteristics that vary depending on the programming language. Its function is to control network traffic and increase network resource efficiency. Therefore, selecting the right controllers and monitoring their performance to increase resource usage and enhance network performance metrics is required. For network performance metrics analysis, the study proposes an implementation of SDN architecture utilizing an open-source OpenDaylight (ODL) distributed SDN controller. The proposed work evaluates the deployment of distributed SDN controller performance on three distinct customized network topologies based on SDN architecture for node-to-node performance metrics such as delay, throughput, packet loss, and bandwidth use. The experiments are conducted using the Mininet emulation tool. Wireshark is used to collect and analyse packets in real-time. The results obtained from the comparison of networks are presented to provide useful guidelines for SDN research and deployment initiatives.
... In contrast, the work in [2] focuses on the Content-Centric Networking (CCN) architecture and reviews works that combine it with SDN from an OpenFlow point of view. A short survey conducted in [3] focuses on issues related to integrating ICN and SDN. However, it only covers a few works and most of these works are before 2018. ...
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Information-Centric Networking (ICN) and Software-Defined Networking (SDN) are both new evolving network architectures that are receiving a lot of attention from researchers. ICN is a Future Internet architecture which tries to transform the current Internet architecture from location- and host-centric to content-centric, where obtaining requested data is achieved by the contents’ names regardless of the location of the data. From another angle, SDN is considered a new Internet architecture that moves the control plane management from network devices to a centralized controller. The SDN controller enhances network robustness and improves its scalability, reliability, and flexibility. The integration of ICN and SDN results in massive benefits, where SDN enhances ICN networks’ manageability, controllability, and functionality, and ICN reshapes the SDN design to make it compatible with ICN features and to enhance ICN in terms of network caching, routing, mobility, and security.. In this review paper, a comprehensive survey of the issues and challenges of integrating ICN and SDN is presented. Firstly, ICN’s main characteristics are summarized, and a short comparison between different ICN architectures is completed. Then, the key details of SDN are highlighted. Moreover, the motivation and benefits of merging ICN with SDN are summarized and the state-of-the-art work on merging ICN and SDN is reviewed and classified from several aspects. Finally, several open research issues are highlighted.
... Provided detailed information about Access Control mechanisms in the Named Data Networking-including ICN paradigm, content-based security, cryptographic algorithms, and security protocols. Fazea et al. [79] 2021 Combined two emerging technologies SDN-ICN to improve network security and mitigate different networking challenges. Serhane et al. [197] 2020 ...
The individual and integration use of the Internet of Things (IoT), Information-Centric Networking (ICN), and Federated Learning (FL) have recently been used in several network-related scenarios and have consequently experienced a growing interest in the research community. Federated learning addresses the privacy and security issues of the IoT data in a decentralized manner. Also, it can be capable of training the multiple learning algorithms through local content except for exchanging data through intelligent Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based algorithms. Moreover, in ICN, the content is retrieved and stored based on the content name rather than the content location address. On the other hand, it is challenging to support the massive IoT devices by the fifth generation (5G) mobile-cellular networks. Therefore, the cellular 6G networks are expected to increase the connection capabilities by 10–100 times over 5G, which necessitates a convergence of Communication, Computing, and Caching (3C). At the same time, the in-network caching capabilities of ICN can be attractive features for IoT networks. IoT aspires to link anybody and/or everything at any time and location. However, integrating IoT with different areas is a new academic topic and is still in its infancy. As a result, this research highlights the potential of ICN for IoTs by conducting an exhaustive literature review. This work provides a comprehensive survey regarding these three recent research trends (i.e., FL, IoT, and ICN) and reviews the related state-of-the-art literature. We first describe the main features of each technology and discuss their most common and used variants. Furthermore, we envision the integration of such technologies to take advantage efficiently. Indeed, we consider their group-wise (FL-ICN-IoT) utilization based on the need for more robust security and privacy. Additionally, we cover the application fields of these technologies both individually and combinedly. Finally, we discuss the open issues of the reviewed research and describe potential directions for future avenues regarding integrating IoT, ICN, and FL technologies.
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As a promising architecture of next‐generation network, software defined‐information centric network (SD‐ICN) inherits the advantages of software defined network (SDN) and information‐centric network (ICN) to enable flexible and fast content retrieval, especially in the current era of artificial intelligence. However, the existing researches mainly focus on a single respective in this field, which motivates in comprehensively providing a forward‐looking guidance and development direction for scholars and engineers. To this end, the latest developments of SD‐ICN is presented. First, the widely‐accepted concepts and impacts on traditional networks are introduced. Second, the shortcomings of SDN and ICN over conventional networks are respectively analyzed to illustrate the necessity of SD‐ICN. Third, based on extensive analysis and deep deliberation, a methodical taxonomy for existing combination studies is proposed. They are divided into SDN over ICN, ICN over SDN, and mutual immersive pattern. Fourth, the performances of three integration categories are compared and the limitations of related works are highlighted. Fifth, the maturity index from six development indicators are evaluated. Further, the maturity and practicality of these schemes are generalized. Based on the above studies and comparisons, the lessons learned by SDN and ICN developments are concluded. Finally, future research directions and opportunities are discussed for the readers.
Named Data Networking (NDN) has emerged as a promising information-centric networking paradigm that addresses the limitations of the traditional IP-based Internet architecture. The core principle of NDN relies on content naming instead of host addressing, to provide efficient, secure, and scalable content delivery. Routing is a critical component of NDN and is responsible for discovering and maintaining optimal paths to named content. This paper presents a comprehensive review of routing techniques in NDN, focusing on the design principles, algorithms, and performance metrics, especially in wired network architecture. We first summarize the NDN architecture and discuss its key components. We then delve into the fundamental routing concepts in NDN and categorize and examine various routing techniques, including link state, distance vector, and centralized approaches based on Software Defined Network. We also summarize the relevant research efforts proposed to address NDN routing challenges by focusing more on wired network architecture. Finally, we identify open research issues and future directions in NDN routing, emphasizing the need for scalable, efficient, and secure routing techniques that can fulfill the growing demands of the modern Internet. In conclusion, this review serves as a valuable reference for researchers and practitioners in NDN, offering a comprehensive understanding of the current state-of-the-art routing techniques, limitations, and potential future advancements.
The individual and integration use of the Internet of Things (IoT), Information-Centric Networking (ICN), and Federated Learning (FL) have recently been used in several network-related scenarios and have consequently experienced a growing interest in the research community. Federated learning addresses the privacy and security issues of the IoT data in a decentralized manner. Also, it can be capable of training the multiple learning algorithms through local content except for exchanging data through intelligent Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based algorithms. Moreover, in ICN, the content is retrieved and stored based on the content name rather than the content location address. On the other hand, it is challenging to support the massive IoT devices by the fifth generation (5G) mobile-cellular networks. Therefore, the cellular 6G networks are expected to increase the connection capabilities by 10–100 times over 5G, which necessitates a convergence of Communication, Computing, and Caching (3C). At the same time, the in-network caching capabilities of ICN can be attractive features for IoT networks. IoT aspires to link anybody and/or everything at any time and location. However, integrating IoT with different areas is a new academic topic and is still in its infancy. As a result, this research highlights the potential of ICN for IoTs by conducting an exhaustive literature review. This work provides a comprehensive survey regarding these three recent research trends (i.e., FL, IoT, and ICN) and reviews the related state-of-the-art literature. We first describe the main features of each technology and discuss their most common and used variants. Furthermore, we envision the integration of such technologies to take advantage efficiently. Indeed, we consider their group-wise (FL-ICN-IoT) utilization based on the need for more robust security and privacy. Additionally, we cover the application fields of these technologies both individually and combinedly. Finally, we discuss the open issues of the reviewed research and describe potential directions for future avenues regarding integrating IoT, ICN, and FL technologies.
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Information Centric Network (ICN) is expected to be the favorable deployable future Internet paradigm. ICN intends to replace the current IP-based model with the name-based content-centric model, as it aims at providing better security, scalability, and content distribution. However, it is a challenging task to conceive how ICN can be linked with the other most emerging paradigm, i.e., Vehicular Ad hoc Network (VANET). In this article, we present an overview of the ICN-based VANET approach in line with its contributions and research challenges.In addition, the connectivity issues of vehicular ICN model is presented with some other emerging paradigms, such as Software Defined Network (SDN), Cloud, and Edge computing. Moreover, some ICN-based VANET research opportunities, in terms of security, mobility, routing, naming, caching, and fifth generation (5G) communications, are also covered at the end of the paper.
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Big data involves a large amount of data generation, storage, transfer from one place to another, and analysis to extract meaningful information. Information centric networking (ICN) is an infrastructure that transfers big data from one node to another node, and provides in-network caches. For software defined network-based ICN approach, a recently proposed centralized cache server architecture deploys single cache server based on path-stretch value. Despite the advantages of centralized cache in ICN, single cache server for a large network has scalability issue. Moreover, it only considers the path-stretch ratio for cache server deployment. Consequently, the traffic can not be reduced optimally. To resolve such issues, we propose to deploy multiple cache servers based on joint optimization of multiple parameters, namely: (i) closeness centrality; (ii) betweenness centrality; (iii) path-stretch values; and (iv) load balancing in the network. Our proposed approach first computes the locations and the number of cache servers based on the network topology information in an offline manner and the cache servers are placed at their corresponding locations in the network. Next, the controller installs flow rules at the switches such that the switches can forward the request for content to one of its nearest cache server. Upon reaching a content request, if the content request matches with the contents stored at the cache server, the content is delivered to the requesting node; otherwise, the request is forwarded to the controller. In the next step, controller computes the path such that the content provider first sends the content to the cache server. Finally, a copy of the content is forwarded to the requesting node. Simulation results confirmed that the proposed approach performs better in terms of traffic overhead and average end-to-end delay as compared to an existing state-of-the-art approach.
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Information Centric Network (ICN) is expected to be the favorable deployable future Internet paradigm. ICN intends to replace the current IP-based model with the name-based content-centric model, as it aims at providing better security, scalability, and content distribution. However, it is a challenging task to conceive how ICN can be linked with the other most emerging paradigm, i.e., Vehicular Ad hoc Network (VANET). In this article, we present an overview of the ICN-based VANET approach in line with its contributions and research challenges.In addition, the connectivity issues of vehicular ICN model is presented with some other emerging paradigms, such as Software Defined Network (SDN), Cloud, and Edge computing. Moreover, some ICN-based VANET research opportunities, in terms of security, mobility, routing, naming, caching, and fifth generation (5G) communications, are also covered at the end of the paper.
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Information Centric Networking (ICN) and Software Defined Networking (SDN) are two emerging networking paradigms that promise to solve different aspects of networking problems. ICN is a clean-slate design for accommodating the ever increasing growth of the Internet traffic by regarding content as the network primitive, adopting in-network caching and name-based routing, while SDN focuses on agile and flexible network management by decoupling network control logic from data forwarding. ICN and SDN have gained significant research attention separately in the most of the previous work. However, the features of ICN have profound impacts on the design and operation of SDN, such as in-network caching and data-centric security. Conversely, SDN provides a powerful tool for experimenting and deploying ICN architectures and can greatly facilitate ICN functionality and management. In this paper, we point out the necessity of surveying the scattered works on integrating SDN and ICN (SD-ICN) for improving operational networks. Specifically, we analyze the points of SD-ICN strengths and opportunities, discuss the SDN enablers for deploying ICN architectures. In addition, we review and classify the recent work on improving the network management by SD-ICN and discuss the potential security benefits of SD-ICN. Finally, a number of open issues and future trends are highlighted. OAPA
In this paper, we propose a cache replacement approach for Fog applications in Software Defined Networks (SDNs). Our approach depends on three functional factors in SDNs. These three factors are: age of data based on periodic request, popularity of on-demand requests, and the duration for which the sensor node is required to operate in active mode to capture the sensed readings. These factors are considered together to assign a value to the cached data in a software-defined network in order to retain the most valuable information in the cache for longer time. The higher the value, the longer the duration for which the data will be retained in the cache. This replacement strategy provides significant availability for the most valuable and difficult to sense data in the SDNs. Extensive simulations are performed to compare our approach against other dominant cache replacement policies under varying circumstances such as data popularity, cache size, network load, and connectivity degree.
Information Centric Networking (ICN) is a paradigm in which the network layer provides users with access to content by names, instead of providing communication channels between hosts. The ICN paradigm promises to offer a set of advantages with respect to existing (IP) networks for the support of the large majority of current traffic. In this paper, we consider the deployment of ICN by exploiting the Software Defined Networking (SDN) architecture. SDN is characterized by a logically centralized control plane and a well-defined separation between data and control planes. An SDN-enabled network facilitates the introduction of ICN functionality, without requiring a complex transition strategy and the re-deployment of new ICN capable hardware. More in details, in this paper we provide: i) a solution to support ICN by exploiting SDN, extending a previous work of ours; ii) design and implement an open reference environment to deploy and test the ICN over SDN solutions over local and distributed testbeds; iii) design and implementation of a set of Caching policies that leverage on the ICN over SDN approach; iv) performance evaluation of key aspects of the ICN over SDN architecture and of the designed caching policies. All the source code and the monitoring suite are publicly available. To the best of our knowledge, there are no other similar solutions available in Open Source, nor similar emulation platforms, including also a comprehensive set of monitoring tools.
Software-defined networking paradigm faces many challenges, including reliability, resiliency, scalability, and availability. These challenges can be tackled by carefully selecting placements within the network. However, the evaluation of all placements is only practical for small networks. In this paper, a fast and efficient adaptation of evolutionary algorithms is presented to solve large-scale multi-objective controller placement problems. The presented algorithm requires reasonable memory resource and enjoys a greedy heuristic to generate a high-quality initial population, smart mechanisms to encourage the diversification and intensification, and a new fast Pareto finder. Moreover, a new variant of the problem is developed in which the capacities of controllers and loads of switches are added as constraints. A new constraint handling technique is applied to adapt our algorithm to solve the new problem. Finally, the results on several topologies from Internet Topology Zoo revealed that our presented algorithms outperformed some other efficient algorithms from the literature.
Information-Centric Networking (ICN) is one promising architecture paradigm which is a profound shift from address-centric communication model to information-centric one. Although ICN routing has attracted much attention from researchers, there are few researches on improving it inspired by other fields. In this paper, we propose a Routing mechanism for ICN incorporating Software-Defined Networking (SDN) and Community division (RISC), by decoupling control plane from data plane and dividing ICN topology into different communities. Firstly, we propose a community division scheme based on maximal tree in order to help retrieve the content conveniently and effectively. Secondly, we place all information about contents and forwarding into the corresponding information center for the centralized management. Thirdly, we design a routing mechanism which consists of intra-community routing based on same community information and inter-community routing based on social relationship among communities. Finally, the experimental results show that the proposed RISC not only speeds up content retrieval but also outperforms existent methods.
In recent years, the increasing demand for media-rich content has driven many efforts to redesign the Internet architecture. As one of the main candidates, information-centric network (ICN) has attracted significant attention, where in-network cache is a key component in different ICN architectures. In this paper, we propose a novel framework for optimal cache management in ICNs that jointly considers caching strategy and content routing. Specifically, our framework is based on software-defined networking (SDN) where a controller is responsible for determining the optimal caching strategy and content routing via linear network coding (LNC). For the proposed cache management framework, we first formulate an optimization problem to minimize the network bandwidth cost and cache cost by jointly considering caching strategy and content routing with LNC. We then develop an efficient network coding based cache management (NCCM) algorithm to obtain a near-optimal caching and routing solution for ICNs. We further derive the upper and lower bounds of the problem and conduct extensive experiments to compare the performance of the NCCM algorithm with these bounds. Simulation results validate the effectiveness of the NCCM algorithm and the framework.