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Oxidation of Proximal Protein Sulfhydryls by Phenanthraquinone, a Component of Diesel Exhaust Particles


Abstract and Figures

Diesel exhaust particles (DEP) contain quinones that are capable of catalyzing the generation of reactive oxygen species in biological systems, resulting in induction of oxidative stress. In the present study, we explored sulfhydryl oxidation by phenanthraquinone, a component of DEP, using thiol compounds and protein preparations. Phenanthraquinone reacted readily with dithiol compounds such as dithiothreitol (DTT), 2,3-dimercapto-1-propanol (BAL), and 2,3-dimercapto-1-propanesulfonic acid (DMPS), resulting in modification of the thiol groups, whereas minimal reactivities of this quinone with monothiol compounds such as GSH, 2-mercaptoethanol, and N-acetyl-L-cysteine were seen. The modification of DTT dithiol caused by phenanthraquinone proceeded under anaerobic conditions but was accelerated by molecular oxygen. Phenanthraquinone was also capable of modifying thiol groups in pulmonary microsomes from rats and total membrane preparation isolated from bovine aortic endothelial cells (BAEC), but not bovine serum albumin (BSA), which has a Cys34 as a reactive monothiol group. A comparison of the thiol alkylating agent N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) with that of phenanthraquinone indicates that the two mechanisms of thiol modification are distinct. Studies revealed that thiyl radical intermediates and reactive oxygen species were generated during interaction of phenanthraquinone with DTT. From these findings, it is suggested that phenanthraquinone-mediated destruction of protein sulfhydryls appears to involve the oxidation of presumably proximal thiols and the reduction of molecular oxygen.
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Oxidation of Proximal Protein Sulfhydryls by
Phenanthraquinone, a Component of Diesel Exhaust
Yoshito Kumagai,*,† Sachie Koide,Keiko Taguchi,Akiko Endo,Yumi Nakai,§
Toshikazu Yoshikawa,|and Nobuhiro Shimojo
Department of Environmental Medicine, Institute of Community Medicine, and Master’s
Program in Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba, 1-1-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba,
Ibaraki 305-8575, Japan, Analytical Instruments Division, JEOL Ltd., 3-1-1 Musashino,
Akishima, Tokyo 196, Japan, and First Department of Internal Medicine, Kyoto Prefectural
University of Medicine, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto 602, Japan
Received May 31, 2001
Diesel exhaust particles (DEP) contain quinones that are capable of catalyzing the generation
of reactive oxygen species in biological systems, resulting in induction of oxidative stress. In
the present study, we explored sulfhydryl oxidation by phenanthraquinone, a component of
DEP, using thiol compounds and protein preparations. Phenanthraquinone reacted readily
with dithiol compounds such as dithiothreitol (DTT), 2,3-dimercapto-1-propanol (BAL), and
2,3-dimercapto-1-propanesulfonic acid (DMPS), resulting in modification of the thiol groups,
whereas minimal reactivities of this quinone with monothiol compounds such as GSH,
2-mercaptoethanol, and N-acetyl-L-cysteine were seen. The modification of DTT dithiol caused
by phenanthraquinone proceeded under anaerobic conditions but was accelerated by molecular
oxygen. Phenanthraquinone was also capable of modifying thiol groups in pulmonary
microsomes from rats and total membrane preparation isolated from bovine aortic endothelial
cells (BAEC), but not bovine serum albumin (BSA), which has a Cys34 as a reactive monothiol
group. A comparison of the thiol alkylating agent N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) with that of
phenanthraquinone indicates that the two mechanisms of thiol modification are distinct. Studies
revealed that thiyl radical intermediates and reactive oxygen species were generated during
interaction of phenanthraquinone with DTT. From these findings, it is suggested that
phenanthraquinone-mediated destruction of protein sulfhydryls appears to involve the oxidation
of presumably proximal thiols and the reduction of molecular oxygen.
Exposure of experimental animals and humans to
diesel exhaust particles (DEP)1is associated with lung
cancer, allergic inflammation, asthma, and cardiopulmo-
nary dieseases (1-3). It was reported previously that
intratracheal administration of DEP into mice caused a
marked mortality due to lung edema formation. This
condition was attenuated by pretreatment with super-
oxide dismutase (SOD) conjugated with poly(ethylene
glycol) (4). We found that quinones contained in DEP
were reduced by one electron by NADPH-cytochrome
P450 reductase, leading to overproduction of superoxide
and hydroxyl radical (5). Recent studies have indicated
that exposure of macrophages to organic chemicals
extracted from DEP resulted in induction of apoptosis
(6) and an increase in the gene expression of the oxidative
stress-inducible protein heme oxygenase-1 (7). Taken
together, it is likely that quinones in DEP can play a
critical role in catalyzing the generation of reactive
oxygen species, resulting in cellular oxidative stress.
Although Schuetzle and co-workers (8, 9) reported previ-
ously that a variety of quinones have been identified as
DEP components, few studies on the involvement of the
quinones in oxidative stress-dependent DEP toxicity have
been reported.
Quinones are found in the diet and in contaminants
in urban air and are utilized as dye, antibiotics, and
anticancer drugs (8, 10). Due to their ubiquitous pres-
ence, the toxicology of quinones is an area of extreme
interest. The toxicity of quinones has been proposed to
result from their potential to (1) serve as alkylating
agents and (2) interact with, for example, flavoproteins
to generate reactive oxygen species (10-12). Thus, the
toxicity of many quinoid compounds is due to either or
both oxidative stress (i.e., oxidation of sulfhydryls) as well
as covalent modification of biological macromolecules.
Oxidation of cysteine residues in proteins is associated
with not only decreased sulfhydryl status but also
* Address correspondence to this author at the Department of
Environmental Medicine, Institute of Community Medicine, University
of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8575, Japan. Tel: 81-298-53-3297,
Fax: 81-298-53-3039, E-mail:
Department of Environmental Medicine, University of Tsukuba.
Master’s Program in Environmental Sciences, University of Tsuku-
ba.§Analytical Instruments Division, JEOL Ltd.
|First Department of Internal Medicine, Kyoto Prefectural Univer-
sity of Medicine.
1Abbreviations: DEP, diesel exhaust particles; BAEC, bovine aorta
endothelial cells; DTT, dithiothreitol; NEM, N-ethylmaleimide; DTNB,
5,5-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoic acid); BAL, 2,3-dimercapto-1-propanol;
DMPS, 2,3-dimercapto-1-propanesulfonic acid; BSA, bovine serum
albumin; SOD, superoxide dismutase; DMPO, 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline
N-oxide; Hepes, 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineesulfonic acid.
483Chem. Res. Toxicol. 2002, 15, 483-489
10.1021/tx0100993 CCC: $22.00 © 2002 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 02/28/2002
changes in oxidative stress-mediated signal transduction
(13, 14). If the sulfhydryls are modified, physiological
functions would be altered, thereby inducing oxidative
In this study, we chose phenanthraquinone as a model
compound because this chemical is known as a relatively
abundant quinone in DEP (8). Several previous reports
indicate that electrophiles such as N-ethylmaleimide
(NEM) (Figure 1) can promote alkylation of protein thiols.
Unlike NEM, phenanthraquinone will not alkylate thiols
but has the potential to act as a redox cycling quinone,
generating thiol oxidants such as hydrogen peroxide. In
the present study, using NEM and phenanthraquinone
(Figure 1), we (1) investigate the possibility of oxidation
of protein sulfhydryls by phenanthraquinone and (2) look
for the generation of reactive oxygen species and oxidized
thiol intermediates formed during interaction of these
compounds with sulfhydryls.
Materials and Methods
Materials. The chemicals and proteins were obtained as
follows: Phenanthraquinone, DTT, NEM, and bovine serum
albumin (BSA) from Nacalai Tesque, Inc. (Kyoto, Japan); 5,5-
dimethyl-1-pyrroline N-oxide (DMPO) from Labotech Co. (Tokyo,
Japan); catalase from Sigma Chemical Co. (St. Louis, MO); 2,3-
dimercapto-1-propanol (BAL) and 2,3-dimercapto-1-propane-
sulfonic acid (DMPS) from Aldrich Chemical. Co. Inc. (Milwau-
kee, WI); Econo-Pac 10DG column from Bio-Rad Laboratories
(Richmond, CA); cytochrome cfrom Wako Pure Chemical
Industries, Ltd. (Osaka, Japan). Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase
(Cu,Zn-SOD) was purified from human liver by the method of
Kumagai et al. (15). All other chemicals used were obtained from
commercial sources and were of the highest grade available.
Preparation of Enzyme. Bovine aortic endothelial cells
(BAEC) were obtained from Dainippon Pharmaceutical Indus-
trial Co. (Tokyo, Japan). BAEC were maintained in Dulbecco’s
modified Eagle’s medium: Nutrient mixture F-12 supplemented
with 15% heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum, penicillin (100
units/mL), streptomycin (100 µg/mL), fibroblast growth factor-
acidic (5 ng/mL), and heparin (10 units/mL). Cells were incu-
bated in a humidified atmosphere of 95% air/5% CO2. The
medium was changed every 2-3 days, and cells were routinely
passaged by trypsin/EDTA with a split ratio of 1:4. BAEC
between passages 3 and 6 were scraped from the culture plate
and homogenized in 50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.4)/0.1 mM EDTA/
0.1 mM EGTA/1 mM phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride/leupeptin
(1 µg/mL). The homogenate was centrifuged at 100000gfor 60
min to isolate the total membrane fraction. The resulting pellets
were suspended in the homogenate buffer containing 2.5 mM
CaCl2. Suspensions obtained were frozen under liquid nitrogen
and kept at -70 °C before use. For pulmonary preparations,
lungs of Wistar rats (4 weeks) were homogenized in 3 volumes
of 10 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.0)/0.1 mM EDTA. The homogenates
were centrifuged at 9000gfor 20 min. The supernatants were
recentrifuged at 105000gfor 60 min. Cytosol fraction (3 mL)
was applied to a Econo-Pac 10DG column to remove low
molecular weight thiol compound such as GSH. Pellets obtained
were washed with 100 mM potassium pyrophosphate buffer (pH
7.4) to remove hemoglobin and recentrifuged at 105000gfor 60
min. The pellets were suspended in 10 mM Tris-HCl
(pH 7.0)/0.1 mM EDTA to make a final concentration of 5.4-
6.5 mg/mL. The microsomal preparation was stored at -70 °C
before use; under these conditions, a decline of protein sulfhydryl
content with a rate of 0.3 nmol of SH group (mg of protein)-1
day-1was observed. Protein concentration was measured by the
method of Bradford (16) with bovine serum albumin as the
Measurement of Thiol Content. Phenanthraquinone and
other quinones used were dissolved in Me2SO. All spectropho-
tometric measurements were performed using a Shimadzu UV-
1600 double-beam spectrophotometer (Kyoto, Japan). Thiol
contents of DTT preparations and in BAEC were determined
as described previously (17). The incubation mixture (1 mL)
containing different concentrations of phenanthraquinone (final
concentration of Me2SO, 2%) was incubated with a variety of
sulfhydryls at 37 °C for 10-60 min. For anaerobic conditions,
argon gas was bubbled through the solution during each
incubation. In the case of nonprotein sulfhydryl compounds (i.e.,
DTT), an aliquot (0.5 mL) of the incubation mixture was mixed
with 10% trichloroacetic acid (0.5 mL), and then a portion (0.5
mL) of the mixture was mixed with 1 mL of 0.4 M Tris-HCl
(pH 8.9)/20 mM EDTA and 25 µL of 10 mM DTNB. For the
protein sulfhydryl compound (with the BAEC preparation), an
aliquot (0.1 mL) of the incubation mixture was mixed with 0.3
mL of 0.2 M Tris-HCl (pH 8.2)/20 mM EDTA, followed by 20 µL
of 10 mM DTNB, 0.15 mL of 5% SDS. Each resulting mixture
was measured at 412 nm against a blank to determine the
content of the thiol groups (with Me2SO). For nonprotein
sulfhydryls, each thiol compound was used as the standard, and
quantitation of protein sulfhydryl content was determined using
an extinction coefficient of 13.6 mM-1cm-1.
Detection of Thiyl Radical. Electron spin resonance (ESR)
studies were performed at 25 °C by using an JES-FA200
spectrometer (JEOL Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) as described
previously (5). Thiyl radicals generated during the chemical
reaction of phenanthraquinone with DTT were identified as its
DMPO adduct by the method of Yim et al. (18). The reaction
mixture (0.2 mL) containing 100 µM phenanthraquinone (in
Me2SO, final concentration of 2%), 10 mM DTT, 100 mM DMPO,
and 100 mM potassium phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) was incubated
at 25 °C for 30 s. The spectrometer settings are indicated in
the figure legends.
Generation of Reactive Oxygen Species. Superoxide
production was determined by Cu,Zn-SOD-inhibitable reduction
of cytochrome cas described previously (5) except that cyto-
chrome cwas used instead of its acetylated form and reduction
of cytochrome cwas measured at 550 nm using an extinction
coefficient of 21.1 mM-1cm-1. The incubation mixture (1.5 mL)
consisted of 0.1 µM phenanthraquinone, 0.1 mM DTT, 0.05 mM
cytochrome c, and 50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.5) in the absence and
presence of Cu,Zn-SOD (2400 units). The reaction was initiated
by addition of the quinone to a sample cuvette. Hydrogen
peroxide was determined according to the method of Hilde-
brandt and Roots (19). The incubation mixture (1.5 mL)
contained 0.1 µM phenanthraquinone, 100 µM DTT, and 0.1 M
potassium phosphate buffer (pH 7.5). Reaction was performed
at 37 °C for different time periods and terminated by addition
of 1 mL of 2.5% perchloric acid. After the reaction mixture was
centrifuged at 14000gfor 5 min, the supernatant (0.2 mL) was
mixed with 1 mL of water, 0.24 mL of 10 mM ferroammonium
sulfate, and 0.12 mL of 2.5 M potassium thiocyanate. Then, each
resulting mixture was measured at 480 nm. For the calibration
curve, hydrogen peroxide was used as the standard.
HPLC. Separation of phenanthraquinone and NEM was
accomplished using a Shimadzu HPLC system (Kyoto, Japan).
After reaction, an aliquot (20-100 µL) was applied to a YMC
packed column AM-type (250 ×4.6 mm i.d., 5 µm particle size,
Yamamura Labs, Kyoto, Japan) at a flow rate of 1 mL/min.
Water/acetonitrile (1:1, v/v) was used as the mobile phase, and
detection was performed at 255 nm. Under these conditions, the
Figure 1. Structures of phenanthraquinone and NEM.
484 Chem. Res. Toxicol., Vol. 15, No. 4, 2002 Kumagai et al.
retention times of phenanthraquinone and NEM were 9.7 and
4.6 min, respectively. For the reaction of phenanthraquinone
with the BAEC preparation, the reaction mixture was filtered
with a membrane filter (4 mm i.d., 0.5 µm pore size) and the
filtrate immediately analyzed by the HPLC system described
Interaction of Phenanthaquinone and NEM with
Sulfhydryls. The interaction of both phenanthraquinone
and NEM with the thiol groups of DTT and the thiol
groups contained in the BAEC preparation was exam-
ined. When NEM (25 and 50 µM) was incubated with
DTT (100 µM) in 0.1 M potassium phosphate buffer (pH
7.5) at 37 °C for 10 min under anaerobic conditions, the
SH groups of DTT consumed were 7.2 (2.0 and 20.5 (
2.3 µM, respectively (n)3). The level of thiol modifica-
tion by NEM reached a plateau after 10 min. The rate of
thiol consumption by phenanthraquinone was also pH-
dependent. Not unexpectedly, the rate of DTT oxidation
increased with increasing pH [i.e., 6.9 (3.4, 48.3 (1.0,
and 103.8 (0.3 µM modified thiol was formed after 10
min in the presence of phenanthraquinone (1 µM) at pH
5.5, 6.5, and 7.5, respectively, n)3]. As shown in Figure
2, the SH group of DTT was sensitive to dissolved oxygen
under the conditions examined. However, the destruction
of DTT was found to be catalytic with respect to phenan-
thraquinone since complete thiol loss in a 100 µM DTT
solution was seen with the addition of <100 µM phenan-
thraquinone under anaerobic conditions (Figure 2). For
example, phenanthraquinone at only 10 µM resulted in
the complete loss of free thiol groups in a 100 µM DTT
solution at pH 7.5 after 30 min, whereas molecular
oxygen stimulated phenanthraquinone-mediated con-
sumption of thiols in DTT markedly. The ability of
phenanthraquinone to oxidize thiols was not mediated
by a metal-dependent process since buffer treated with
the metal chelator dithizone did not affect the reaction
(data not shown). However, treatment of thiols with 1,4-
benzoquinone, 2-methyl-1,4-benzoquinone, 2-chloroben-
zoquinone, 2,3,5,6-tetramethyl-1,4-benzoquinone, pyr-
roloquinoline quinone, 2-anilino-1,4-naphthoquinone,
lapachol, 2-chloroanthraquinone, 5,12-naphthacenequino-
ne, 9,10-anthraquinone, or mytomycin cat a concentra-
tion of 1 µM gave negligible amounts of thiol oxidation
products. Interestingly, SH groups of dithiol compounds
such as DTT, BAL, and DMPS were selectively oxidized
by phenanthraquinone, whereas those of monothiol com-
pounds such as GSH, 2-mercaptoethanol, and N-acetyl-
L-cysteine were not (Table 1).
Compared to DTT oxidation, the thiols contained in the
membrane fraction of BAEC were less susceptible to
phenanthraquinone-mediated modification. However, an
excess amount of the protein sulfhydryls in BAEC
preparation was consumed after incubation with phenan-
thraquinone, but not NEM, suggesting a redox cycling
of phenanthraquinone in the presence of protein thiol
(Table 2). As shown in Table 3, the unusual stoichiomet-
ric relationship between protein sulfhydryls consumed
and phenanthraquinone added (0.2 nmol) was also seen
with rat lung microsomes. In contrast, phenanthraquino-
ne (1 and 10 nmol) was unaffected by a reactive mono-
thiol group of BSA (100 nmol) although the thiol content
Figure 2. Consumption of thiol content in DTT during incuba-
tion with phenanthraquinone under aerobic and anaerobic
conditions. Incubation mixture (1 mL) consisted of phenan-
thraquinone (0.1, 1, and 10 nmol), DTT (100 nmol) in 0.1 M
potassium phosphate buffer (pH 7.5). Reactions were carried
out at 37 °C for different time periods. For the anaerobic
condition, argon gas was bubbled through the solution during
each incubation. Then the consumption of the thiol group was
determined under conditions described under Materials and
Methods. Each value is the mean of three determinations.
Note: the SD value of the mean for each data point was less
than 5%.
Table 1. Consumption of SH Groups in Monothiol and
Dithiol Compounds by Phenanthraquinonea
consumption of SH group (nmol)
compound 1 nmol 10 nmol
GSH 2.7 (0.5 1.8 (2.3
2-mercaptoethanol 0 0.3 (1.0
N-acetyl-L-cysteine 0 0.3 (2.0
DTT 103.0 (0.3 103.0 (0.0
BAL 43.9 (1.0 98.0 (0.6
DMPS 17.1 (2.1 89.1 (1.0
aThe incubation mixture (1 mL) consisted of phenanthraquino-
ne (1 and 10 nmol) and various thiol compounds (100 nmol) in
100 mM potassium phosphate buffer (pH 7.5). Reactions were
carried out at 37 °C for 10 min under aerobic conditions. Each
value is the mean (SD of three determinations.
Table 2. Consumption of Thiol Contents in BAEC during
Incubation with Phenanthraquinone and NEMa
SH groups consumed (nmol)
added (nmol) NEM added
time (min) 1 10 25 50
10 3.7 (4.4 12.9 (8.1 15.4 (6.1 25.7 (3.9
30 19.8 (4.8 23.9 (4.2 22.4 (3.6 28.6 (1.3
60 26.8 (5.1 34.2 (5.0 19.8 (1.3 32.0 (5.2
aThe incubation mixture (1 mL) consisted of BAEC preparation
(with phenanthraquinone, 67.28 nmol of SH; with NEM, 48.16
nmol of SH) and different amounts of phenanthraquinone or NEM
in 0.1 M potassium phosphate buffer (pH 7.5). Reactions were
carried out at 37 °C for different time periods under aerobic
conditions. Then the consumption of the thiol group was deter-
mined under conditions described under Materials and Methods.
Each data is the mean (SD of three determinations.
Table 3. Consumption of SH Groups in Lung Microsomes
of Rats during Interaction with Phenanthraquinonea
added (nmol) SH groups
consumed (nmol)
0.02 0 (0.1
0.2 2.4 (0.4
2 2.7 (0.5
20 5.3 (1.1
aThe incubation mixture (1.5 mL) consisted of lung microsomes
from rats (27.75 nmol of SH group) and different amounts of
phenanthraquinone in 100 mM potassium phosphate buffer (pH
7.5). Reactions were carried out at 37 °C for 60 min under aerobic
conditions. Each value is the mean (SD of three determinations.
Oxidation of Sulfhydryls by Phenanthraquinone Chem. Res. Toxicol., Vol. 15, No. 4, 2002 485
of commercial BSA used in the study was 0.52 mol of SH
The fact that phenanthraquinone can destroy thiols
in a catalytic fashion could indicate that there is no direct
chemical reaction between phenanthraquinone and
thiols. That is, phenanthraquinone serves as a catalyst
for the generation of the ultimate thiol-degrading
species. Consistent with this idea, it was found that
phenanthraquinone was not consumed during the thiol-
destroying reaction (Figure 3A). On the other hand,
NEM is known to react directly with thiol functions,
leading to covalent and irreversible modification. Indeed,
when NEM was reacted with DTT or the thiols con-
tained in the BAEC preparation, it was consumed
(Figure 3B).
Thiyl Radical Generation. Thiyl radicals can be
trapped with a radical trapping agent such as DMPO (24,
25). Figure 4A shows a typical ESR spectrum of the thiyl
radical formed in a system of DTT, horseradish peroxi-
dase, hydrogen peroxide, and DMPO. This DMPO adduct
has a distinctive ESR spectrum consisting of four rela-
tively broad lines with coupling constants of RN)1.51
mT and RHβ)1.60 mT, as reported by Mason and Rao
(20). When phenanthraquinone (100 µM) was mixed with
DTT (10 mM) at pH 7.4, signals which were identical to
those generated by the thiyl radical generating system
were observed (Figure 4B). Moreover, a radical species
corresponding to a methyl-DMPO adduct was also de-
tected (RN)1.63 mT and RH)2.32 mT) (21). The
detection of the methyl-DMPO adduct is indicative of
hydroxyl radical production since it has been demon-
strated that the reaction of hydroxyl radical with
Me2SO (used to solubilize phenanthraquinone) in the
presence of DMPO results in the formation of this adduct
Figure 3. Measurement of phenanthraquinone or NEM re-
maining during incubation with DTT: (A) phenanthraquinone;
(B) NEM. Open and closed bars indicate amounts of phenan-
thraquinone and NEM in the absence and presence of DTT
(BAEC), respectively. The incubation mixture (1 mL) consisted
of phenanthraquinone (10 nmol) or NEM (50 nmol), DTT (100
nmol), or BAEC preparation (40.37 nmol of SH) in 0.1 M
potassium phosphate buffer (pH 7.5). Reactions were carried
out at 37 °C for 30 min under aerobic conditions. Then, the
remaining phenanthraquinone or NEM was determined under
conditions described under Materials and Methods. The amount
of each compound remaining is expressed as its peak height.
Each value is the mean (SD of three determinations.
Figure 4. ESR spectra of radical species generated. Closed
circles, thiyl-DMPO adduct; open circles, methyl-DMPO adduct.
(A) Horseradish peroxidase (10 µg) was incubated with 10 mM
DTT, 0.05 mM hydrogen peroxide, and 20 mM Hepes buffer (pH
7.2). (B) 0.1 mM phenanthraquinone was incubated with 10 mM
DTT, 100 mM DMPO, and 0.1 M potassium phosphate buffer
(pH 7.5). Phenanthraquinone was dissolved in Me2SO (final
concentration of 2%). Each reaction was performed at 25 °C for
0.5 min under aerobic conditions. The instrument settings were
as follows: modulation width, 100 kHz-0.2 mT; sweep time, 1
min; time constant, 0.03 s; microwave power, 7.99 mW; micro-
wave frequency, 9.4124 GHz; magnetic field, 335.3 (5 mT.
Figure 5. Superoxide generation during reaction of phenan-
thraquinone with DTT. The incubation mixure (1.5 mL) consist-
ing of phenanthraquinone (0.15 nmol) was incubated with DTT
(150 nmol), cytochrome c(50 nmol) in 50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.5)
in the presence and absence of Cu,Zn-SOD (2400 units) under
aerobic conditions. Reactions were performed at 25 °C under
aerobic conditions. Each value is the average of duplicate
Figure 6. Effects of reactive oxygen scavengers on phenan-
thraquinone-mediated consumption of protein sulfhydryls. PQ,
phenanthraquinone; SOD, Cu,Zn-SOD; CAT, catalase. The
incubation mixture (1.5 mL) consisted of phenanthraquinone
(150 nmol) and lung microsomes from rats (104 nmol of SH
group) in 0.1 M potassium phosphate buffer (pH 7.5) in the
absence and presence of Cu,Zn-SOD or catalase (1000 units).
Reactions were carried out at 37 °C for 60 min under aerobic
conditions. Each value is the mean (SD of three determina-
486 Chem. Res. Toxicol., Vol. 15, No. 4, 2002 Kumagai et al.
(22) (Figure 4B). These signals were not detected when
phenanthraquinone or DTT alone was incubated (data
not shown).
Production of Reactive Oxygen Species. The de-
struction of thiols in the presence of catalytic amounts
of phenanthraquinone and the generation of thiyl and
reduced oxygen intermediates (as evidenced by the
generation of the DMPO adducts) are consistent with a
process whereby phenanthraquinone serves as a catalyst
for the oxidation of thiols by the electron acceptor,
molecular oxygen. Such a process would generate, as an
intermediate, the reduced oxygen species superoxide. As
expected, a reaction of phenanthraquinone (0.1 nmol)
with DTT (100 nmol) caused a time-dependent generation
of superoxide as determined by Cu,Zn-SOD-inhibitable
reduction of cytochrome c(Figure 5). Under the condi-
tions, production of hydrogen peroxide with a rate of 44
nmol per 5 min was also observed. To confirm whether
these reactive oxygen species could contribute to phenan-
thraquinone-mediated oxidation of protein sulfhydryls,
we examined effects of scavenging agents for superoxide
and hydrogen peroxide on consumption of microsomal
protein sulfhydryls from rat lung caused by phenan-
thraquinone (Figure 6). Addition of an excess amount of
catalase (1000 units) suppressed the phenanthraquin-
one-mediated consumption of microsomal protein sulf-
hydryls. However, Cu,Zn-SOD was without effect on the
The present results indicated that protein sulfhydryls
undergo facile modification by phenanthraquinone, a
component of DEP. We find that like NEM, phenan-
thraquinone is capable of destroying the thiols of both
DTT and those contained in a BAEC preparation (Figure
2 and Table 2). However, the mechanisms of thiol
destruction appear to be different for the two chemical
agents. Phenanthraquinone-mediated modification of thi-
ols is catalytic since thiol destruction occurs without loss
of phenanthraquinone whereas thiol loss via the NEM-
mediated process results in simultaneous loss of NEM
(Figure 3). It is well recognized that quinones have two
chemical properties consisting of (1) electrophilic attack
to nucleophiles, resulting in thiol adduct formation, and/
or (2) redox cycling, wherein there is rapid and sequential
reduction to the quinone, leading to production of reactive
oxygen species (11). Therefore, we conclude that the
reactivity of phenanthraquinone toward DTT is classified
into the latter case.
The catalytic destruction of thiols by phenanthraquino-
ne occurred even in anaerobic media; however, such a
phenomenon was further accelerated in the presence of
molecular oxygen. That is, phenanthraquinone acts as a
catalyst for the thiol-mediated reduction of O2, which
leads to the generation of reactive oxygen species and
thiol oxidation. This idea is supported by our observation
that both reduced oxygen species and the oxidized thiol
species, thiyl radical, are observed by ESR (Figure 4).
Furthermore, the reaction of phenanthraquinone with
thiols results in the generation of a species, such as
superoxide, which can reduce cytochrome cin an SOD-
inhibitable fashion (Figure 5). Taken together, these data
are consistent with the following chemical reactions
resulting in the overall oxidation of thiols by O2:
There is ample precendence for all of the above reactions.
Reduction of quinones by thiolate (eq 1), reaction of thiyl
radical with thiolate (23) (or quinones) to give the
corresponding disulfide radical anion (18) (eq 2) and
quinone-thiol radical, which can react with thiolate to
form semiquinone radical anion and disulfides (eqs 4 and
5), reduction of quinones to these semiquinone radical
anions by disulfide radical anion (eq 3), reduction of O2
by a semiquinone radical anion (eq 6), and chemical
disproportion of superoxide to hydrogen peroxide and
molecular oxygen (eq 7) are all established processes.
Hydrogen peroxide can undergo a one-electron reduction
to hydroxyl radical in the presence of trace metals (e.g.,
iron contaminated in phosphate buffer) via a metal-
catalyzed Haber-Weiss reaction (24) as shown in eqs 8
and 9. However, there were signals of methyl-DMPO
instead of OH-DMPO (Figure 4). Because the concentra-
tion of Me2SO, a potent scavenging agent for hydroxyl
radical (25), in the reaction mixture was approximately
260 mM, a reasonable explanation is that the hydroxyl
radical formed reacts better with Me2SO than with
DMPO, resulting in trapping the methyl radical (18, 21,
26). In ESR experiments, no signals of the semiquinone
radical of phenanthraquinone (eqs 3 and 5) were detected.
This discrepancy may result from instability of o-semi-
quinones (27) and/or rapid oxidation by molecular oxygen
(eq 6).
Using synthetic thiol species, it was found that phenan-
thraquinone-mediated oxidation of sulfhydryls occurs
specifically with proximal thiol systems (Table 1). Con-
sistent with this idea, the reactive monothiol group
(Cys34) of BSA (28) was not modified by reactions with
phenanthraquinone. From these findings, we postulate
that only proximal sulfhydryls in proteins will be oxidized
by interaction with phenanthraquinone. However, it was
found that phenanthraquinone-mediated oxidation of the
protein sulfhydryls of rat lung microsomes was dimin-
ished by addition of catalase, but not Cu,Zn-SOD (Figure
6). Although hydrogen peroxide formed during reaction
of phenanthraquinone with DTT (see Results) is shown
to oxidize thiol oxidation of BSA (29), this quinone could
not modify the monothiol group of BSA in the present
Q (phenanthraquinone) +R-SH fQ•- +H++
R-S+R-SH fR-S-S-R•- (2)
R-S-S-R•- +QfQ•- +R-S-S-R (3)
R-SQ+R-SH fQ•- +R-S-S-R (5)
Q•- +O2fQ+O2•- (6)
O2•- +O2•- +2H+fH2O2+O2(7)
Fe3++O2•- fFe2++O2(8)
Fe2++H2O2fFe3++‚OH +OH-(9)
Me2SO +‚OH fCH3+MeSO(OH) (10)
Oxidation of Sulfhydryls by Phenanthraquinone Chem. Res. Toxicol., Vol. 15, No. 4, 2002 487
study. Indeed, it is indicated that interaction of phenan-
thraquinone with proximal thiols, but not monothiol, is
essential to initiate sulfhydryl oxidation. Nevertheless,
it should be noted that although reactions (eqs 1-5)
caused by interaction of thiols with phenanthraquinone
play a main role in the oxidation of protein sulfhydryls,
hydrogen peroxide produced as a byproduct of the reac-
tion with sulfhydryls may partially contribute to the
sulfhydryl oxidation as reported by others (29). The
reactivity of phenanthraquinone with the dithiol group
in preference to the monothiol group may reflect the
lower redox potential of the dithiol as compared to
monothiols (30).
Intracellular thiol oxidation (i.e., conversion of thiols
to disulfides) can be reversed by the thioredoxin/thiore-
doxin reductase system in the presence of NADPH (31).
These proteins have vicinal dithiol functions at the active
center (31). Interestingly, using a partially purified
protein preparation, we have found that thioredoxin
activity was completely inhibited by 10 µM phenan-
thraquinone (Taguchi, K., et al., unpublished observa-
tions), suggesting that oxidation of the active dithiol
group is caused by this quinone. This implies that
dysfunction of thioredoxin by phenanthraquinone may
cause not only reduction of antioxidant status but also
alteration in the redox-dependent signal transduction
(14, 32).
We have recently shown that phenanthraquinone is a
potent inhibitor of endothelial nitric oxide synthase, and
thus suppresses endothelium-dependent relaxation of rat
aortas by acetylcholine and increases blood pressure in
rats (33). It was also found that the inhibitory action of
phenanthraquinone on endothelial nitric oxide synthase
activity was, in part, suppressed by addition of DTT (34).
It was reported that sulfhydryl groups in endothelial cells
play a critical role in nitric oxide formation (35-38). Patel
et al. (39) reported that modification of the thiol groups
in the transporter for L-arginine was associated with a
down-regulation of overall L-arginine transport into
endothelial cells. Taken together, our data suggest that
phenanthraquinone may alter the sulfhydryl status for
both the L-arginine transporter and endothelial nitric
oxide synthase, both of which will result in a loss of nitric
oxide biosynthesis.
Our previous results indicate that quinones in DEP are
good substrates for NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase
and that superoxide and hydroxyl radical generated
during redox cycling of the quinones by this flavin
enzyme participate in the DEP-promoted oxidative stress
(5). Nel and co-workers (3, 6, 7) have proposed that such
an overproduction of reactive oxygen species is associated
with allergic inflammation and induction of apoptosis by
DEP exposure. However, the chemicals associated with
this toxicity remain uncharacterized. The study indicated
that phenanthraquinone (a relatively abundant quinone
in DEP) can act as a catalytic oxidizing agent for
proximal protein sulfhydryls in addition to its ability to
interact with NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase, lead-
ing to the overproduction of reactive oxygen species (5,
40). This chemical reactivity indicates that phenan-
thraquinone may be, at least partially, responsible for
DEP-induced oxidative stress.
Acknowledgment. We thank Dr. Jon M. Fukuto,
Department of Molecular and Medical Pharmacology,
UCLA School of Medicine, for helpful discussion and Dr.
Yuji Ishii, Institute of Community Medicine, University
of Tsukuba, for preparation of the manuscript. This
research was supported in part by grants-in-aid (11877398
and 13672340, Y.K.) for scientific research from the
Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of Japan, by
the Naito Foundation (Y.K.), and by a fund (University
Research Project, Y.K.) from the University of Tsukuba.
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... The redox activity of fine and ultrafine particles is typically higher than the coarse fraction [23][24][25][26][27], suggesting that fine particles have a greater impact on human health. Several organic particulate components are responsive to the DTT assay, including water-soluble organic carbon (WSOC) [19,[28][29][30], humic-like substances (HULISs) [31][32][33], quinones, and PAHs [20,34,35]. Secondary organic aerosols (SOAs) have also shown a non-negligible OP_DTT, depending on their formation conditions and processes [33,[36][37][38][39][40]. ...
... Significant correlation between OP_DTT v and the organic aerosol concentration is commonly reported in the literature [2,19,[23][24][25]30,32,47,60,61]. Furthermore, organic aerosols have been reported to contain many important DTT-active compounds able to interact with antioxidants (emulated by DTT), causing cascade reactions and then oxidative stress, so OA generally correlates well with the oxidative potential [19,20,25,28,30]. On the contrary, the high correlation coefficient observed for NH4 is very likely an indirect relation, as ammonium nitrate and ammonium sulfate have been demonstrated to be DTT-inactive in laboratory studies [19,43,73]. ...
Full-text available
Numerous studies have shown negative health effects related to exposure to ambient particulate matter (PM), likely due to induced oxidative stress. In this study, we have examined ambient PM samples from Birr, a small (~5000 inhabitants) town in central Ireland, for their water-soluble DTT-based oxidative potential (OP_DTT) with a resolution of 6 h, together with online chemical characterization measurements, to assess the OP of organic aerosols, in particular from residential solid fuel burning. The OP_DTT normalized by the volume of sampled air shows a high variability, ranging from <0.1 to 3.8 nmol min−1 m−3, and a high correlation with PM mass. A lower variability was associated with the mass-normalized OP. Nevertheless, both tended to present higher values during night-time pollution episodes. Simple and multivariate linear regression approaches linked OP_DTT to residential solid fuel burning, and in particular to wood (~87%) and peat (~13%) combustion. The results of the present study show how residential solid fuel burning can have a severe impact on air quality, even in small towns, with potential negative health effects on the exposed population.
... The dithiothreitol (DTT) assay is one of the most widely used cell-free assays for measuring PM OP (Cho et al., 2005;Xiong et al., 2017). Kumagai et al. (2002) reported that DTT acts as an electron donor and converts oxygen into its superoxide radical in the presence of ambient PM. Cho et al. (2005) hypothesized that the rate of DTT oxidation during this reaction, also known as DTT activity, is related to the concentration of redox-active species present in ambient PM. ...
... In this study, collected samples on quartz filter extracted in methanol were filtered in a cell-free system, and the linear rate of DTT depletion was determined per time unit. Further details about the operation of the DTT assay are available in earlier literature 62,66 . The rate of DTT consumption was normalized to the volume of the air sampled, obtaining intrinsic oxidative potentials measured in the unit of nmol/(min m 3 ). ...
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The geopolitical conflict between Russia and Ukraine has disrupted Europe’s natural gas supplies, driving up gas prices and leading to a shift towards biomass for residential heating during colder months. This study assessed the consequent air quality and toxicological impacts in Milan, Italy, focusing on fine particulate matter (PM2.5, dp < 2.5 μm) emissions. PM2.5 samples were analyzed for their chemical composition and assessed for their oxidative potential using the dithiothreitol (DTT) assay across three periods reflecting residential heating deployment (RHD): pre-RHD, intra-RHD, and post-RHD periods. During the intra-RHD period, PM2.5 levels were significantly higher than those in other periods, with concentrations reaching 57.94 ± 7.57 μg/m³, indicating a deterioration in air quality. Moreover, levoglucosan was 9.2 times higher during the intra-RHD period compared to the pre-RHD period, correlating with elevated levels of elemental carbon (EC) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). These findings were compared with previous local studies before the conflict, underscoring a significant rise in biomass-related emissions. DTT assay levels during the intra-RHD were 2.1 times higher than those observed during the same period in 2022, strongly correlating with biomass burning emissions. Our findings highlight the necessity for policies to mitigate the indirect health effects of increased biomass burning emissions due to the energy crisis triggered by the geopolitical conflict.
... Meanwhile, carbonyls are also involved in the formation of strong oxidative pollutants such as O3 and peroxyacetyl nitrate , as well as the formation of 45 secondary organic aerosols , thus playing a central role in atmospheric chemistry (Lary and Shallcross, 2000). Moreover, carbonyls are reactive and electrophilic compounds, which can react with nucleophilic sites in biomacromolecules, leading to biomacromolecular dysfunction and eventually cytotoxicity (Han et al., 2020;Kumagai et al., 2002;Rappaport et al., 2012). ...
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Carbonyls have an important effect on atmospheric chemistry and human health because of their high electrophilicity. Here, high-throughput screening of carbonyl molecules in complex aerosol samples was achieved by combining targeted derivatization with non-targeted analysis using Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR MS). Results showed that water-soluble organic matter (WSOM) in PM2.5 contains a large variety of carbonyls (5147 in total), accounting for 17.6 % of all identified organic molecules. Compared with non-carbonyl molecules, carbonyl molecules are more abundant in winter than in summer, and have unique molecular composition and chemical parameters. For the first time, a significant positive correlation was found between the abundance of carbonyl molecules and the dithiothreitol (DTT) activities of WSOM, and the elimination of the carbonyl group remarkably reduced the DTT activities, highlighting the pivotal role of carbonyls in determining the oxidative potential (OP) of organic aerosol. Among various molecules, oxidized aromatic compounds containing the carbonyl group produced in winter contributed more to the enhancement of DTT activity, which could be used as potential markers of atmospheric oxidative stress. This study improves our understanding of the chemical diversity and environmental health effects of atmospheric carbonyls, emphasizing the need for targeted strategies to mitigate the health risks associated with carbonyl-rich aerosols.
... For example, a red shift in the spectral emission maxima is often driven by an increased number of aromatic rings condensed in a straight chain, the presence of conjugated systems and/or conformational changes (Wu et al., 2003;Phillips and Smith, 2014;Aiona et al., 2018). Furthermore, EEM spectroscopy has been used in toxicity studies to explore the link between optical properties and dithiothreitol (DTT) activity (Chen et al., 2019), which is a widely used acellular method for estimating the oxidative potential of atmospheric particulate matter (Cho et al., 2005;Kumagai et al., 2002). It has been observed recently that DTT activity correlates well with fluorescent as well as absorbing moieties, suggesting that a fraction of DTT-active compounds in atmospheric aerosol contain large conjugated electron functional groups, such as hydroxy arenes or quinones, or similar systems with electron donor and acceptor groups (Chen et al., 2019;Del Vecchio and Blough, 2004). ...
This study provides insights into the fluorophoric composition of aqueous brown carbon (BrCaq) and chemically-separated humic-like substances (HULIS): neutral HULIS (HULIS-n; at pH = 7) and acidic HULIS (HULIS-a; at pH = 2) on a seasonal and day-night basis in the eastern Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP), India. A coupled approach including excitation-emission matrix (EEM) fluorescence and parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) model, Fourier-transformed infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR) spectroscopy was employed to understand the links between structural, compositional and fluorophoric characteristics of BrCaq and HULIS fractions. HULIS fluorophores (HULISfluoro) with varying oxidation states transported from the northwest IGP were dominant during biomass burning seasons (post-monsoon and winter), while protein-like fluorophores (PRLISfluoro) from marine emissions showed large contributions during summer. HULIS-n moieties were mostly primary in nature with higher conjugation, while HULIS-a were associated with secondarily formed and aged species with a larger contribution from degradation products. A substantial presence of tyrosine-like proteins in both chemically-separated HULIS fractions indicated that atmospheric HULIS is not entirely humic or fulvic-like in the eastern IGP. Finally, the dominance of H-C-O groups across seasons suggested consistent fossil fuel signatures along with season-specific influence of photodegradable cellulose from marine organisms in the summer and biomass burning in the post-monsoon and winter.
... The linear rate of DTT consumption in the filter extract is proportional to the oxidative potential of redox species present in the aerosol sample, which can generate reactive oxygen species and damage the biological systems. Further detailed information related to the methodology of DTT assay is available in (Cho et al., 2005;Kumagai et al., 2002). ...
... 68−70 Now, if we keep the inorganic ionic concentration the same but vary the PQN concentration, the OP would be a function of PQN mass as PQN participates in DTT consumption and ROS generations ( Figure S4C). 39,71,72 Thus, when the data are plotted in mass-normalized quantity (i.e., OP M and %PQN), it should show a positive trend as shown by the DTT response from a theoretical particle as per Charrier and Anastasio 39 and Patel and Rastogi 37 ( Figure S4D). However, remote regions showed the opposite observation, where OP M follows such an anthropogenic inorganic aerosol fraction in PM 10 (Table S2). ...
Full-text available
Peroxynitrite anion (ONOO-) is a potent oxidant that mediates oxidation of both nonprotein and protein sulfhydryls. Endothelial cells, macrophages, and neutrophils can generate superoxide as well as nitric oxide, leading to the production of peroxynitrite anion in vivo. Apparent second order rate constants were 5,900 M⁻¹.s⁻¹ and 2,600-2,800 M⁻¹.s⁻¹ for the reaction of peroxynitrite anion with free cysteine and the single thiol of albumin, respectively, at pH 7.4 and 37 °C. These rate constants are 3 orders of magnitude greater than the corresponding rate constants for the reaction of hydrogen peroxide with sulfhydryls at pH 7.4. Unlike hydrogen peroxide, which oxidizes thiolate anion, peroxynitrite anion reacts preferentially with the undissociated form of the thiol group. Peroxynitrite oxidizes cysteine to cystine and the bovine serum albumin thiol group to an arsenite nonreducible product, suggesting oxidation beyond sulfenic acid. Peroxynitrous acid was a less effective thiol-oxidizing agent than its anion, with oxidation presumably mediated by the decomposition products, hydroxyl radical and nitrogen dioxide. The reactive peroxynitrite anion may exert cytotoxic effects in part by oxidizing tissue sulfhydryls.
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This article reviews studies of overproduction of reactive oxygen species during reductive activation of quinones contained in diesel exhaust particles. The resulting inhibition of nitric oxide synthase activity causing suppression of vasorelaxation by phenanthraquinone, one of the quinone in diesel exhaust particles, is also reviewed.
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Phenanthraquinone (PQ) is a component of die- sel exhaust particles which inhibits nitric oxide syn- thase (NOS) activity by shunting electrons away from the normal catalytic pathway of the enzyme and which can oxidize proximal protein sulfhydryls. In the present study, we examined the possibility that PQ may also modify critical thiol residues on endothelial NOS (eNOS), leading to a disruption of catalytic activity. PQ and the thiol-modifying agent N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) suppressed NO formation from L-arginine by the total membrane fraction of bovine aortic endothe- lial cells in a concentration-dependent manner. The dithiol agent dithiothreitol (DTT) completely blocked NEM-mediated inhibition of eNOS activity. In con- trast, PQ-inhibited eNOS activity was reduced by DTT, but not by the monothiol agent glutathione. These re- sults suggest that PQ-mediated suppression of eNOS activity involves not only uncoupling of the electron transport of this enzyme, but also modification of pre- sumably the proximal protein sulfhydryls that play an important role in the maximal catalytic activity.
Gene expression is modulated by both physiological signals (hormones, cytokines, etc.) and environmental stimuli (physical parameters, xenobiotics, etc.). Oxidative stress appears to be a key pleiotropic modulator which may be involved in either pathway. Indeed, reactive oxygen species (ROS) have been described as second messengers for several growth factors and cytokines, but have also been shown to rise following cellular insults such as xenobiotic metabolism or enzymic deficiency. Extensive studies on the induction of stress-response genes by oxidative stress have been reported. In contrast, owing to the historical focus on gene induction, less attention has been paid to gene repression by ROS. However, a growing number of studies have shown that moderate (i.e. non-cytotoxic) oxidative stress specifically down-regulates the expression of various genes. In this review, we describe the alteration of several physiological functions resulting from oxidative-stress-mediated inhibition of gene transcription. We will then focus on the repressive oxidative modulation of various transcription factors elicited by ROS.
A protein determination method which involves the binding of Coomassie Brilliant Blue G-250 to protein is described. The binding of the dye to protein causes a shift in the absorption maximum of the dye from 465 to 595 nm, and it is the increase in absorption at 595 nm which is monitored. This assay is very reproducible and rapid with the dye binding process virtually complete in approximately 2 min with good color stability for 1 hr. There is little or no interference from cations such as sodium or potassium nor from carbohydrates such as sucrose. A small amount of color is developed in the presence of strongly alkaline buffering agents, but the assay may be run accurately by the use of proper buffer controls. The only components found to give excessive interfering color in the assay are relatively large amounts of detergents such as sodium dodecyl sulfate, Triton X-100, and commercial glassware detergents. Interference by small amounts of detergent may be eliminated by the use of proper controls.
Low concentrations (less than 1%) of both DMSO and glycerol gave surprisingly good cryoprotection to mammalian cells in tissue culture. Dextrans of varying molecular weight were cryoprotective. Combinations of these dextrans with small and essentially undamaging (in an osmotic sense) amounts of either DMSO or glycerol resulted in additive cryoprotection, and in some instances in synergism. Glycerol was as effective as DMSO in these combinations. If combinations of clinically acceptable dextrans (Rheomacrodex) and glycerol provide as much protection against freezing damage to other cell and tissue systems as they do to Chinese hamster cells in tissue culture, as demonstrated in this paper, then it should be possible to preserve tested or transplanted bone marrow, lymphocytes, platelets, and other cells without either the osmotic damage associated with high concentrations of glycerol or the toxicity problems associated with the cryoprotectant (DMSO or glycerol).
Reduction of an electron acceptor (oxidant), A, or oxidation of an electron donor (reductant), A2−, is often achieved stepwise via one-electron processes involving the couples A/A⋅− or A⋅−/A2− (or corresponding prototropic conjugates such as A/AH⋅ or AH⋅/AH2). The intermediate A⋅−(AH⋅) is a free radical. The reduction potentials of such one-electron couples are of value in predicting the direction or feasibility, and in some instances the rate constants, of many free-radical reactions. Electrochemical methods have limited applicability in measuring these properties of frequently unstable species, but fast, kinetic spectrophotometry (especially pulse radiolysis) has widespread application in this area. Tables of ca. 1200 values of reduction potentials of ca. 700 one-electron couples in aqueous solution are presented. The majority of organic oxidants listed are quinones, nitroaryl and bipyridinium compounds. Reductants include phenols, aromatic amines, indoles and pyrimidines, thiols and phenothiazines. Inorganic couples largely involve compounds of oxygen, sulfur, nitrogen and the halogens. Proteins, enzymes and metals and their complexes are excluded.
Conditions for the recovery of H2O2 from microsomes and for determination of the rate and extent of H2O2 formation during oxidation of NADPH by liver microsomes have been investigated. H2O2 was determined by two methods that are applicable to conditions existing during microsomal mixed function oxidation reactions, provided that contaminating catalase activity is inhibited by azide and that interference by other mixed function oxidation reactions can be excluded. To estimate the formation of H2O2 in absence of azide, H2O2 was determined indirectly by the production of HCHO during oxidation of cold and 14C-labeled methanol and an excess of exogenous catalase. As additional catalase-independent decomposition of H2O2 also occurs during oxidation of NADPH, the kinetics of H2O2 formation in microsomes is influenced by two independent processes. H2O2 will be produced under optimal conditions i.e., at V when O2 and NADPH are in excess. Addition or formation of increasing amounts of H2O2 raises the substrate (H2O2) concentration and will enhance the rate of breakdown of H2O2.