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IoT Deployable Lightweight Deep Learning Application For COVID-19 Detection With Lung Diseases Using RaspberryPi


Abstract and Figures

Proper assessment of COVID-19 patients has become critical to mitigating and halting the disease's rapid expansion during the present COVID-19 epidemic across the nations. Due to the presence of chronic lung/pulmonary diseases, the intensity and demise rates of COVID-19 patients were increased. This study will analyze radiography utilizing chest X-ray images (CXI), one of the most successful testing methods for COVID-19 case identification. Given that deep learning (DL) is a useful method and technique for image processing, there have been several research on COVID-19 case identification using CXI to train DL models. While few of the study claims outstanding predictive outcomes, their suggested models may struggle with overfitting, excessive variance, and generalization mistakes due to noise, a limited number of datasets and could not be deployed to IoT devices due to heavy network size. Considering deep Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) can conquer the weaknesses by getting predictions with several diseases using a single model deployed on a real-time IoT device. We propose a lightweight Deep Learning model (LDCNet) that has spearheaded an open-sourced COVID-19 case identification technique using CNN-generated CXI by utilizing a suggested strategy aware of distinct features learning of different classes. Experimental results on Raspberry Pi show that LDC-Net provides encouraging outputs for detecting COVID-19 cases with an overall 96.86% precision, 96.78% recall, 96.77% F1-score, and 99.28% accuracy, better than other state-of-the-art models. By empowering the Internet of ThingsIoT and IoMT devices, this suggested framework can identify COVID-19 from CXI and other seven lung diseases with healthy labels. Keywords- IoT (Internet of Things) & IoMT, Deep learning, Lightweight CNN model, Diagnosis, Detection and classification, COVID-19, Lung / Pulmonary diseases, Raspberry Pi
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IoT Deployable Lightweight Deep Learning
Application For COVID-19 Detection With Lung
Diseases Using RaspberryPi
Yogesh H. Bhosale
Dept. of CS&E, Birla Institute of Technology Ranchi, India.
Dr. K. Sridhar Patnaik
Dept. of CS&E, Birla Institute of Technology Ranchi, India.
Abstract- Proper assessment of COVID-19 patients has
become critical to mitigating and halting the disease's rapid
expansion during the present COVID-19 epidemic across the
nations. Due to the presence of chronic lung/pulmonary
diseases, the intensity and demise rates of COVID-19 patients
were increased. This study will analyze radiography utilizing
chest X-ray images (CXI), one of the most successful testing
methods for COVID-19 case identification. Given that deep
learning (DL) is a useful method and technique for image
processing, there have been several research on COVID-19 case
identification using CXI to train DL models. While few of the
study claims outstanding predictive outcomes, their suggested
models may struggle with overfitting, excessive variance, and
generalization mistakes due to noise, a limited number of
datasets and could not be deployed to IoT devices due to heavy
network size. Considering deep Convolutional Neural Network
(CNN) can conquer the weaknesses by getting predictions with
several diseases using a single model deployed on a real-time IoT
device. We propose a lightweight Deep Learning model (LDC-
Net) that has spearheaded an open-sourced COVID-19 case
identification technique using CNN-generated CXI by utilizing
a suggested strategy aware of distinct features learning of
different classes. Experimental results on Raspberry Pi show
that LDC-Net provides encouraging outputs for detecting
COVID-19 cases with an overall 96.86% precision, 96.78%
recall, 96.77% F1-score, and 99.28% accuracy, better than other
state-of-the-art models. By empowering the Internet of Things-
IoT and IoMT devices, this suggested framework can identify
COVID-19 from CXI and other seven lung diseases with healthy
Keywords- IoT (Internet of Things) & IoMT, Deep learning,
Lightweight CNN model, Diagnosis, Detection and classification,
COVID-19, Lung / Pulmonary diseases, Raspberry Pi.
From the Chinese origin of COVID-19, as of March 14,
2022, there have been 452,201,564 affirmed cases of COVID-
19 and 6,029,852 fatalities, as described by WHO [1]. As of
March 12, 2022, a total of 10,712,423,741 vaccine doses have
been administered. The condition escalated to a worldwide
health disaster at the beginning of 2020, when the WHO
declared a COVID-19 breakout being an epidemic. To combat
this outbreak, proper recognition of COVID-19 individuals
has become necessary, and numerous approaches, such as
protein biomarkers have been at the forefront of detecting
positive patients. Whereas the RT-PCR test has an
accurateness of around 70-80% [2] [3], compelled to offer
correct detection of impacted individuals necessitates the use
of alternative ways such as radiography image analysis,
particularly in medical centers that lack other tests but could
have radiological imaging widely accessible [3] [4], thus
minimizing the shortfall. Healthcare experts are using this
approach to detect the appearance of COVID-19
With minimal radiography, radiologists have achieved greater
than 95% accuracy using this strategy. [4]. However,
according to recent research [5], the RT-PCR sensitivities of
its COVID-19 findings vary, resulting in false-negative
In addition to RT-PCR, radiographic evaluation is an
excellent diagnostic tool for quick identification of COVID-
19 in which physicians examine and evaluate CXI and CT
images to determine if a suspectable individual has been
affected or not by COVID-19 [6] [7]. Even though CT scans
have a better responsivity to lung disorders, there are
significant limits to their practical application in COVID-19
case identification on a broader scale, particularly mobility,
long-term screening, and the danger of contaminating
healthcare workers. In comparison to CT scans, CXI is
portable, quicker, affordable, and widely accessible, and it
may be conducted in a controlled environment with adequate
accuracy in COVID-19 case detection [8]. Because of these
advantages, several subsequent research [710] have shifted
their attention to CXI analysis for COVID-19 disease
identification using machine learning(ML) and DL. With the
rapid propagation of the epidemic, research [34] has advised
that handheld CXI can be used as a reliable tool for COVID-
19 case identification. While CXI is highly rapid, it explicitly
involves specialist radiologists to reach judgment for COVID-
19 disease identification, which would be a time-consuming
operation that demands specialized understanding.
Furthermore, the proportion of radiologists is far lower than
the rate of patients under surveillance. Artificial intelligence
(AI) assisted diagnostic system is therefore required to support
physicians in assessing COVID-19 instances in a relatively
speedy and precise method; else, contaminated individuals
may not be recognized and isolated as soon as feasible and
hence may not obtain appropriate medication [7] [12].
According to the ALA [13] and a Lancet article [14],
chronic lung/pulmonary illness increases the morbidity and
demise rates of COVID-19 confirmed individuals. As a result,
we see this as both a difficulty and a potential for additional
research. Furthermore, the studies [18-26] claims improved
outcomes despite their COVID-19 sample sizes being small
and unbalanced. As a result, this work aims to emphasize the
importance of this requirement and reduce the morbidity and
demise rates associated with chronic lung illnesses with
COVID-19. We used CXI to extend the DL-based automated
lung disease with the COVID-19 detection network (LDC-
Net) for nine-class classification. Furthermore, using COVID-
19 instances, we have studied how to employ deep CNN to
diagnose chronic illnesses on IoT and IoMT - enabled devices.
The proposed application is deployable on lightweight
platforms along with radiography machines. Therefore, the
contribution of this paper is as follows:
IEEE International Conference on IoT and Blockchain Technologies 6th-8th, May, 2022
978-1-6654-2416-5/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE
2022 International Conference on IoT and Blockchain Technology (ICIBT) | 978-1-6654-2416-5/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICIBT52874.2022.9807725
Authorized licensed use limited to: Birla Institute of Technology. Downloaded on July 04,2022 at 04:54:33 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
A GUI system of a DL model capable of deploying on
IoT devices automatically detects chronic obstructive
lung diseases(COLD) and COVID-19 based on CXI.
We used five dataset repositories to detect and classify
chronic obstructive lung diseases and COVID-19,
including healthy instances.
A lightweight LDC-Net deployed on Raspberry Pi
shows promising results. Thus, this work aims to save
time and upgrade diagnostic capabilities for healthcare
staff to minimize the extremity and demise ratios.
The remaining paper is arranged as follows. The literature
study has been discussed in section II. The materials and
methods used in this study are offered in section III.
Experimented findings and conclusion comments are
provided in sections IV and V, respectively.
Rajpurkar et al. [18] proposed a CNN-based technique for
COVID-19 detection that has been used on CXI because it
generates illnesses comparable to pneumonia but more
extreme. Alqudah et al. [19] suggested an automatic COVID-
19 technique in which they employed ML classifiers-SVM,
KNN with the CNN to identify with an accuracy rate of 98%.
Singh and Gupta [20] used a DL-based system to diagnose
lung tissue cancers from an imaging data set, with an 85.55%
identification ratio. Esteva et al. [21] concentrated on
demonstrating the classifying of epidermal infections,
employing a single CNN layer for detection from various
clinical images of skin. The model was evaluated for binary
classification with two crucial cases-common cancer and fatal
cancer. Furthermore, Liu et al. [22] presented a technique to
characterize TB symptoms in the chest, also detected in
tuberculosis data sets. The unbalanced X-ray imaging data set
was used. The method proved reliable for multiple CNN
models and had a good collection of optimizing strategies,
considering CNN and transfer learning. Unfortunately, it did
not take into account region-level metadata during data
Butt et al. [23] employed ResNet23 and ResNet18 in their
investigation. This system attained 86.7% accuracy. CT scans
were used in model training. However, CTs are significantly
time intensive and are not offered in many clinics. Fanelli and
Piazza [24] detected patterns and forecasted COVID-19 in
several circumstances using an online public repository
dataset. They anticipated the progression of the COVID-19
epidemic and how the administration's lockdown influenced
the crisis using average kinematics of epidemic transmission.
On a collected data of 4356 CT scans, Li et al. [29] employed
AI with a 3D-DL-model to predict COVID-19 patients.
Chimmula and Zhang [30] created an automatic methodology
using DL and AI, an LSTM network, to estimate COVID-19
fluctuations and potential time stamp dates in distinct nations.
The studies [12] show that the techniques used may give up to
98% accuracy utilizing a pre-trained model and 94.1%
employing a customized CNN. The remaining COVID-19
detection techniques are summarised in Table IV.
A.Dataset and preprocessing
In this study, we assembled five datasets from online
public repositories, i.e., NIH[15] and Kaggle[16] [17] [33]
[35]. The collected CXIs of COVID-19 from [17], viral,
bacterial pneumonia from[16], emphysema, fibrosis,
cardiomegaly, healthy, atelectasis from[15], and tuberculosis
from[33] [35] have been used for experimentation, including
10800 CXI out of which 1200 CXIs allocated for every nine
classes. The dataset was partitioned based on a 76:12:12
ratio(%) for train, validation, and test set. The training set
contains 9000 CXI, the validation set includes 900 CXI, and
the test set includes 900 CXI. For normalization, the pixel
values of the input instances were standardized between 0 to
1. The CXR utilized in the datasets under consideration are
grayscale, and the rescale was accomplished by 1./255 to pixel
values. Online augmentation was performed on the training
set with 'imagedatagenerator', which expands the dataset and
provides resilience to the trained network, reducing the
incidence of overfitting issues. Shear-range=0.2, zoom-
range=0.2, and horizontal-flipping are augmentation
approaches utilized to create the network and improve test
image efficiency. All CXIs were rescaled to 1024×1024.
Layer (type) Output Shape Param
conv2d (Conv2D) (None, 1022, 1022, 16) 448
max_pooling2d_0 (None, 511, 511, 16) 0
conv2d_1 (Conv2D) (None, 511, 511, 32) 4640
max_pooling2d_1 (None, 256, 256, 32) 0
conv2d_2 (Conv2D) (None, 256, 256, 64) 18496
max_pooling2d_2 (None, 128, 128, 64) 0
conv2d_3 (Conv2D) (None, 128, 128, 64) 36928
max_pooling2d_3 (None, 64, 64, 64) 0
conv2d_4 (Conv2D) (None, 64, 64, 64) 36928
max_pooling2d_4 (None, 32, 32, 64) 0
conv2d_5 (Conv2D) (None, 32, 32, 64) 36928
max_pooling2d_5 (None, 16, 16, 64) 0
conv2d_6 (Conv2D) (None, 16, 16, 64) 36928
max_pooling2d_6 (None, 8, 8, 64) 0
conv2d_7 (Conv2D) (None, 8, 8, 64) 36928
max_pooling2d_7 (None, 4, 4, 64) 0
flatten (Flatten) (None, 1024) 0
dense (Dense) (None, 512) 524800
dense_1 (Dense) (None, 64) 32832
dense_2 (Dense) (None, 9) 585
Total params: 766,246
Trainable params: 766,246
Non-trainable params: 0
B. Proposed methodology
CNN's are multi-layer channels made up of overlapping
convolutional layers(CL) for feature mining and
downsampling layers for feature processing. The structure of
a typical CNN is shown in Fig. 1. CNN can retrieve features
from CXI, making them a popular research area. CNN's are
perceptron-based neural networks [24]. Their own benefit is
obtaining an actual image by avoiding extreme image
preprocessing. CNN's can reduce network costs by integrating
effective use of the image's local and global information via
the local receptive field, weight sharing, and pooling.
Therefore, they are capable of robust interpretation and spin.
Table I depicts the proposed LDC-Net structure, a
straightforward CNN for feature extraction. Generally, CNN
is composed of 3 stacks: convolutional layer (CL), pooling
layer (PL), and fully connected layer (FC). CXI of dimension
1024x1024x3 is inputting for CNN to train it. The range of
channels inside the supplied CXIs is three in this case. The CL
is the first layer. Convolution accepts filters(kernels).
Normally, the kernel's height(h) and width(w) stay constant
as a feature descriptor. This layer collects low-level
characteristics using these kernels. More CL is applied for
feature mining from CXI. Convolution is performed on a sub-
IEEE International Conference on IoT and Blockchain Technologies 6th-8th, May, 2022
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Fig. 1. Flowchart of the suggested system
Input: Ix=X-Ray image(input).
Parameters: m=model, tr=train, v=valid, te=test, a=argmax (minput-layer,
maveragepooling2d, mflatten, mdense, fl=feature-layer, α=learning-rate, es=early-
stopping, b=dataloader_batch, e=epoch), Ac= accuracy, image-shape=
1024x1024, class=Image-label.
Output: Pci [Pclass0,…, Pclass8] Predicted class index
if set == training_set:
resize Ix to 1024x1024, crop and resize(Ix) to 1024x1024, fliping, normalize
pixel to (0, 1), pixels /= 255.0
else: resize Ix to 1024x1024, normalize pixels to (0, 1), pixels /= 255.0
Models training:
for x=1 to 50
[tr, v]=partition(tr, v)
for y= (tr/b, v/b)
if Acv < 99:
if Acv is not improving
for next 5 epochs, then
increase α = α x 0.1:
t(m, c, j)=train[m(c), a , tr(x), v(x)]
v(m, c, j)=valid[(m(c), a, x), v(x)]
unfreeze fl
call es(m);
end y;
end x;
te(m(c), a)=[test(m(c), a, te)]
Pci[Pclass] = te(m(c), a)
-region of the CXI by the kernel. Weights/parameters are the
names given to kernel values. These weights should be
learned using the training. The subregion is known as the
perceptron. The kernel initiates convolution at the
commencement of the CXI. It will be constantly moved over
the entire CXI by a given number of pixels, and compression
is performed till an entire CXI is captured. A solitary process
generates a unique outcome. Convolution across the
CXI generates an array of data. An additional option termed
stride determines the degree to wherein the kernel is moved.
Stride is set to 3 for every CL. Padding is set to the same. In
the first layer 16 filters, the second layer 32 filters, and 64
filters for the remaining filters were used. The result region is
referred to as an activation map[11]. On the convolutional
results, ReLU is used. Following every CL, the max-pooling
layer is utilized to decrease the input's temporal dimensions(h
x w) with a 2x2 kernel. The flattening layer transforms a 2D
activation into a 1D vector that is then fed inside an FC. Deep
features have been retrieved so far. The classifications
problem of lung illnesses is handled by FC using a 1D
continuous vector. The flattening layer comprises 1024
neurons, followed by 512, 64, and 9(params) dense layers.
The final dense receives nine outputs activation from the 64
neurons of the dense layer. Finally, the system utilizes softmax
to detect the classification labels from 0 to 8 classes in the
output layer.
Fig. 1 shows the proposed flow chart of LDC-Net from
input CXI to the last results phase. Before proceeding with
model training, the collected datasets are assembled and
preprocessed. Once the model is trained with specific argmax
as shown in Algorithm 1, the obtained weights/features are
organized in the .h5 file. With network connectivity, the
proposed LDC-Net structure and weights are deployed in IoT-
enabled Raspberry Pi. Clinicians and radiologists can choose
an individual CXI from an X-ray machine database, a hospital
patient X-ray record database, or a patient personal health
record. As a consequence of uploading CXI to the suggested
lung illness detection system, the system will detect probable
lung disease as a final result. The result includes the lung
disease class index as a disease name.
A. Experimental setup
Our proposed approach is twofold: training LDC-Net and
deploying on IoT devices. The first fold was implemented on
HPC with the parameters mentioned above in Algorithm 1.
The CNN input CXR was first set to 1024x1024. The training
model was set to 50 epochs based on early-stopping criteria to
avoid overfitting. The standards utilized for early
stopping(ES) and callback are verbose of 1, the patience of 5,
mode to auto, and "restore-best-weights" to true. The actual
learning rate(LR) was set to 0.0001. The epoch size has been
determined internally based on ES parameters. The training
phase of the model terminated automatically based on
callback criteria for ES to avoid overfitting. Model training
automatically halted at 35 epochs with 97.18% accuracy and
95.55% val_acc, as shown in Fig. 2. The trainable params of
LDC-Net are specified in Table I. The adam optimizer was
applied for training, and the LR[11] was controlled
empirically. The batch size of 32 was set. Finally, 9 class
prediction results for LDC-Net from the softmax layer were
achieved, including chronic lung diseases with COVID-19.
Ultimately, DL model experimental performance
Input X-Ray images
viral pneu.
bacterial Pneu.
Deep CNN(LDC-Net) architecture
Disease detection model deployed on Raspberry Pi
CXI Pre-processing
Conv+Relu(1024x1024x16) 1
Pooling(511x511x16) 1
Conv+Relu(8x8x64) 8
Pooling(4x4x64) 8
7 . . . 2
. . . . .
X-ray Machine Database
Hospital Patient
X-Ray Record
Patient Personal
X-Ray Record
IEEE International Conference on IoT and Blockchain Technologies 6th-8th, May, 2022
Authorized licensed use limited to: Birla Institute of Technology. Downloaded on July 04,2022 at 04:54:33 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Viral pneu.
Recall-TPR (%)
False Negative Rate
Type 1 error (FP)
Type 2 error (FN)
Confusion entropy
True Negative(TN)
True Positive(TP)
Macro avg.
Precision (%)
Macro avg.
Macro avg.
Macro avg.
Accuracy( %)
Overall Error
Test Time
95% CI
136.43 ms
(0.95624, 0.97931)
Fig. 2. Accuracy and loss were obtained during training, validation phase.
B. Performance Metrics and Results
We utilized a confusion matrix to evaluate performance. The
confusion matrix, depicted in Fig. 3, measures the model
efficacy. It compares real (X-axis) and projected (Y-axis)
values: TP(true positive), FP(false positive), TN(true
negative), and FN(false negative). These measurements
include accuracy, precision, recall, specificity, F1-score,
error-rate, MCC, zero-one loss, and confusion entropy. We
required the counts of the essential elements to evaluate these
metrics: TP, FP, TN, and FN.
The evaluation criteria listed in Tables II and III are the
most frequently utilized to assess the performance of
classification systems. From Table II the highest 99.88%
accuracy obtained by bacterial pneumonia and healthy class
class followed by 98.11%, 99.11%, 99.66%, 98.77%, 98.55%,
99.77%, 99.77% by atelectasis, cardiomegaly, Covid-19,
emphysema, fibrosis, tuberculosis, viral pneumonia
respectively. Attained precision, recall, specificity, F1-score,
and AUC of 90.83%, 99%, 98.75%, 94.74%, 98.87% by
emphysema; 96.77%, 90%, 99.62%, 93.26%, 94.81% by
fibrosis; 98.99%, 98%, 99.87%, 98.49%, 98.93% by Covid-
19 class; 100%, 99%, 100%, 99.50%, 99.5% by bacterial
class; 100%, 98%, 100%, 98.99%, 99% by viral class; 100%,
99%, 100%, 99.50%, 99.5% by healthy; 92.78%, 90%,
99.12%, 91.37%, 94.56% by atelectasis; 93.40%, 99%,
99.12%, 96.12%, 99.06% by cardiomegaly; 99%, 99%,
99.87%, 99%, 99.43 by tuberculosis class respectively.
However, the lowest 0.01 FNR attained by tuberculosis,
healthy, emphysema, cardiomegaly, bacterial pneumonia
classes. 0.9943 MCC, 0.0095 confusion entropy(CEN), 800
TN attained by bacterial and healthy class.
Table III shows the overall(average) results obtained by
LDC-Net, including precision, recall, F1-score, accuracy,
zero-one loss (out of 900 test samples), AUC-ROC-score,
error rate, testing time taken for each image, and confidence
interval. LDC-Net achieved the average macro performance
of 99.28% accuracy, 98.18% auc-roc score, 96.86% precision,
96.78% recall, 96.77% F1-score, lowest 29 zero-one loss,
4.83% overall error-rate, (0.9562, 0.9793)confidence interval
(95% CI), and 4.3 seconds to test individual CXI on Raspberry
and 0.136 seconds on desktop. Hence, based on the obtained
superior results, we recommend that the LDC-Net with GUI
is expected to be deployed on all X-ray machines to detect
lung diseases with COVID-19 instances to assist radiologists.
Fig. 3. Confusion matrix acquired for LDC-Net at the testing phase.
[Confusion matrix x and y-axis labels from 0 to 8(0:atelectasis, 1:bacterial-
pneumonia, 2:cardiomegaly, 3:Covid19, 4:emphysema, 5:fibrosis 6:healthy,
7:tuberculosis, 8:viral-pneumonia)].
Fig. 3 shows the AUC-ROC curve of LDC-Net. ROC is a
2D chart that equates to a true-positive rate(TPR) as opposed
to the false-positive rate (FPR). The ROC curve represents -
IEEE International Conference on IoT and Blockchain Technologies 6th-8th, May, 2022
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Class with Test Sample Size
Performance Metrics
Test Time
Alqudah et al.[19]
COVID19 -, Normal -
Accuracy:95.2%, Specificity:100%, Sensitivity: 93.3%
6.3 s
Butt et al. [22]
COVID19(30), Influenza-A viral
pneumonia(30), Healthy(30)
Specificity:92.2%, Recall:86.66%, Sensitivity of 98.2%,
Precision:86.86%, F1-score:86.7%
Li et al.[25]
COVID19(68), CAP(28), Healthy(51)
AUC:96.33%, Specificity:94.66%
Ismael and
COVID19(40), Healthy(47)
Accuracy:95.79%, Sensitivity:94.00%,
Specificity:97.78%, F1-score95.92%, AUC:99.87%
48.9 s
Hemdan et al.[29]
COVID19(25), Normal(25)
Accuracy:90%, Precision:83%
90.0 s
Narin et al.[30]
COVID19(50), Normal(50)
Sethy and Behera
COVID19(25), Normal(25)
Accuracy:95.38%, FPR:95.52%, F1 -score:91.41%,
Proposed Model
Fibrosis, BactPneu., Covid-19,
Atelectasis, Healthy, Cardiomegaly,
Emphysema, Tuberculosis, ViralPneu.
Accuracy:99.28%, Precision:96.86%, Recall:96.78%,
F1-score:96.77%, Zero-one Loss:29(Out of 900 CXI),
AUC-ROC-score:98.18%, Error rate:4.83%
0.136 s to
4.3 s
the commutations across sensitivity and specificity. The ROC
curve has been shown using TPR on the y-axis and FPR on
the x-axis. Superior Area Under Curve (AUC) values are
essential in healthcare diagnostics. Therefore, its
computations in healthcare analysis help the data analyst ease
the analysis with forecasting on clinical research. From Fig. 4,
the highest ROC-AUC-score of 0.99% was attained by
bacterial, viral pneumonia, tuberculosis, Covid-19,
emphysema, healthy, tuberculosis, followed by 0.95 for
fibrosis and atelectasis class, respectively. Fig. 5 shows the
GUI application of the proposed framework deployed on IoT-
enabled RaspberryPi 3 for COVID-19 detection with other
lung diseases. Where clinicians and radiologists can select the
individual CXI from the X-ray machine database, hospital
patient X-Ray record database, or patient personal health
record. After uploading the CXI to the proposed lung disease
detection system, it will detect the possible disease label as a
Fig. 4. ROC curve obtained at the testing phase.
Fig. 5. Raspberry Pi deployed a GUI application recommended framework
(LDC-Net) for COVID-19 with other lung disease detection.
- a final result.
C. Experimental environment
The LDC-Net was trained on High-Performance
Computing (HPC). The hardware used for the
experimentation was an HPC Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630
v3 @ 2.40GHz. CentOS 6 operating system, Python 3.7,
Tensorflow 2.3.1, keras, theano, matplotlib, numpy, pandas,
and Tkinter are used for LDC-Net experimentation and finally
obtained lightweight CNN network structure and features
deployed on Raspberry Pi 3 with 1 GB Ram and Buster OS.
D. Results Comparison
The comparative performance analysis of the LDC-Net
with other existing classification techniques has been shown
in Table IV. Existing Covid-19 classification approaches
tried to implement binary[19] [28] [29] [30] [31] and three-
class[22] [25] classification. The highest accuracy of 95.79%
was attained by Ismael and Şengür [28], but their used CXI
samples were very tiny. In comparison, LDC-Net achieves
99.28% overall accuracy. However, it has been observed that
because of the low computational power of the Raspberry Pi
device, the proposed LDC-Net took 4.3 seconds. In contrast,
when it was tested on a desktop with 8 GB of RAM, it took
0.136 seconds to test individual CXI.
E. Limitations
However, the proposed LDC-Net structure and weights
have been deployed in IoT-enabled Raspberry Pi with network
connectivity. The implemented construction is assumed as an
ideal scenario, but network connectivity can incorporate
delay, loss of data, other security aspects, etc., as a limitation
of the study.
Significant advancements and the accessibility of
intelligent devices necessitate the emergence of newer
solutions to fulfill the demands of growing nations. This work
has developed an IoT-enabled COVID-19, chronic obstructive
lung diseases, and healthy cases detection system to reduce
mortality. This will assist in lessening the effort of the health
professionals while also offering an additional level of
prevention towards the intensity of COVID-19. The suggested
model employs a real-time DL system based on a Raspberry
Pi to diagnose illnesses. When detecting all nine labels, the
deployed LDC-Net on the Raspberry device operates
impressively even in low computation; the tested LDC-Net
achieved a macro average (overall) accuracy of 99.28%. The
IEEE International Conference on IoT and Blockchain Technologies 6th-8th, May, 2022
Authorized licensed use limited to: Birla Institute of Technology. Downloaded on July 04,2022 at 04:54:33 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
test results show a high degree of a confidence interval, i.e.
(0.9562, 0.9793). Additionally, there are several strategies for
improving performance and achieving better outcomes.
Future research will entail increasing the deployments of IoT
devices with radiography machines, combining multiple
capabilities, improving performance, and creating a web and
mobile application with a user-friendly interface for
monitoring. Consequently, authorities will be able to take
rapid action under pandemic safety guidelines.
More COVID-19 CXRs will be accumulated in the future,
and more models for COVID-19 classification will be
examined. In addition, 14 lung illnesses from[15],
bronchiectasis, severe asthma, extrinsic allergic alveolitis,
etc., will be studied in the future. The aspect will be
considered in upcoming research, such as creating and
deploying a web and smartphone application to assist
radiologists in detecting COVID-19 and pulmonary disorders
from a remote location. We hope that future studies will
identify various COVID-19 variants like Beta, Delta,
Omicron, and IHU[32] from radiography images.
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IEEE International Conference on IoT and Blockchain Technologies 6th-8th, May, 2022
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... Research by Bhosale and Patnaik (2022) discussed a low capacity hardware implementable LDM to classify the lung CT slices. This work is executed using Raspberry Pi integrated with a workstation and it achieved s detection accuracy of 99.28% [15]. Other related works existing in the literature for the examination of the lung CT slices helped to provide a detection accuracy up to 100% for the chosen image database [16,17]. ...
... The feature optimization procedure with heuristic algorithm is discussed in earlier works and in this research, the BBA is implemented to find optimal features and the selected features are serially concatenated to achieve the dual-deep features as in Eqn. (15), which is then considered to detect the COVID19 with netter accuracy compared to the individual features. ...
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Several deep-learning assisted disease assessment schemes (DAS) have been proposed to enhance accurate detection of COVID-19, a critical medical emergency, through the analysis of clinical data. Lung imaging, particularly from CT scans, plays a pivotal role in identifying and assessing the severity of COVID-19 infections. Existing automated methods leveraging deep learning contribute significantly to reducing the diagnostic burden associated with this process. This research aims in developing a simple DAS for COVID-19 detection using the pre-trained lightweight deep learning methods (LDMs) applied to lung CT slices. The use of LDMs contributes to a less complex yet highly accurate detection system. The key stages of the developed DAS include image collection and initial processing using Shannon's thresholding, deep-feature mining supported by LDMs, feature optimization utilizing the Brownian Butterfly Algorithm (BBA), and binary classification through three-fold cross-validation. The performance evaluation of the proposed scheme involves assessing individual, fused, and ensemble features. The investigation reveals that the developed DAS achieves a detection accuracy of 93.80% with individual features, 96% accuracy with fused features, and an impressive 99.10% accuracy with ensemble features. These outcomes affirm the effectiveness of the proposed scheme in significantly enhancing COVID-19 detection accuracy in the chosen lung CT database.
... Thus, ML applications in automated medical diagnoses have rapidly evolved to reduce human error and cost effort [2]. There are representative examples of Bhosale et al.'s work [17][18][19] during the coronavirus disease . Their team successfully proposed a lightweight deep-learning model to identify COVID-19 from seven other lung diseases on a real-time Internet of Things (IoT) device [19]. ...
... There are representative examples of Bhosale et al.'s work [17][18][19] during the coronavirus disease . Their team successfully proposed a lightweight deep-learning model to identify COVID-19 from seven other lung diseases on a real-time Internet of Things (IoT) device [19]. ML can be supervised or unsupervised [20,21]. ...
Efficient and reliable diagnosis of craniofacial patterns is critical to orthodontic treatment. Although machine learning (ML) is time-saving and high-precision, prior knowledge should validate its reliability. This study proposed a craniofacial ML diagnostic workflow base on a cephalometric geometric model through clinical verification. A cephalometric geometric model was established to determine the landmark location by analyzing 408 X-ray lateral cephalograms. Through geometric information and feature engineering, nine supervised ML algorithms were conducted for sagittal and vertical skeleton patterns. After dimension reduction, plane decision boundary and landmark contribution contours were depicted to demonstrate the diagnostic consistency and the consistency with clinical norms. As a result, multi-layer perceptron achieved 97.56% accuracy for sagittal, while linear support vector machine reached 90.24% for the vertical. Sagittal diagnoses showed average superiority (91.60 ± 5.43)% over the vertical (82.25 ± 6.37)%, where discriminative algorithms exhibited more steady performance (93.20 ± 3.29)% than the generative (85.98 ± 9.48)%. Further, the Kruskal-Wallis H test was carried out to explore statistical differences in diagnoses. Though sagittal patterns had no statistical difference in diagnostic accuracy, the vertical showed significance. All aspects of the tests indicated that the proposed craniofacial ML workflow was highly consistent with clinical norms and could supplement practical diagnosis.
... This study adds to the growing body of literature on the application of machine learning in cancer diagnosis and classification [10,11]. These works further demonstrate the potential of using machine learning in medical applications. ...
Cancer is an invasive and malignant growth of cells and is known to be one of the most fatal diseases. Its early detection is essential for decreasing the mortality rate and increasing the probability of survival. This study presents an efficient machine learning approach based on the state vector machine (SVM) to diagnose and classify tumors into malignant or benign cancer using the online lymphographic data. Further, two types of neural network architectures are also implemented to evaluate the performance of the proposed SVM-based approach. The optimal structures of the classifiers are obtained by varying the architecture, topology, learning rate, and kernel function and recording the results' accuracy. The classifiers are trained with the preprocessed data examples after noise removal and tested on the unknown cases to diagnose each example as positive or negative. Further, the positive cases are classified into different stages including metastases, malign lymph, and fibrosis. The results are evaluated against the feed-forward and generalized regression neural networks. It is found that the proposed SVM-based approach significantly improves the early detection and classification accuracy in comparison to the experienced physicians and the other machine learning approaches. The proposed approach is robust and can perform sub-class divisions for multipurpose tasks. Experimental results demonstrate that the two-class SVM gives the best results and can effectively be used for the classification of cancer. It has outperformed all other classifiers with an average accuracy of 94.90%.
... Eventually, costs may correspond to a choice of diagnostic procedure, e.g., the decision between invasive exploratory surgery and a simple blood test. In image analysis, costs may correspond to the difficulty in extracting feature values from images, a representative example is predicting COVID-19 cases based on chest X-ray images [9]. This is particularly important when computationally expensive deep neural network models are used to extract features from images [10]. ...
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Feature selection is a crucial step when building supervised predictive models. In many medical applications, features are associated with costs. For example, the diagnostic value extracted by a clinical test is associated with its own cost. Costs can also refer to a non-financial aspects, such as a decision between an invasive exploratory surgery and a simple blood test. Traditional feature selection methods, which ignore costs, aim to choose a subset of features that maximize the accuracy of the corresponding model. However, such a model can be impractical as the total cost of making a prediction may exceed the assumed user-specified budget. In cost-constrained methods, it is necessary to take into account both the relevance of the feature and its cost. We focus on embedded feature selection methods based on a very general penalized empirical risk minimization framework that includes various loss functions. The most natural $$\ell _0$$ ℓ 0 -type penalty is computationally intractable and therefore we analyze other penalties such as: the cost-sensitive lasso and adaptive lasso, non-convex penalties and the method based on knockoffs. The experiments performed on real medical datasets, including large database MIMIC, indicate that non-convex penalties give promising results, in particular they allow to achieve high accuracy, especially when the assumed budget is low. Our model achieved AUC 0.88 for the MIMIC-II dataset in which we predict the occurrence of liver diseases based on clinical features with a budget equal to (5%) of the cost of all available features, which is significantly better than the AUC for the traditional method. Moreover, the fraction of feature cost wasted for noisy features in our method is usually lower than for cost-sensitive lasso.
... The generated result was tested on Shenzhen and Montgomery databases that showed U-Net + + achieved 98% accuracy; this indicates that it exceeds other architecture. Bhosale et al. [46] developed advanced IoT to reduce mortality and detect covid-19 and other obstructive lung diseases using a lightweight DL single model CNN technique using different chest X-ray images. The results showed encouraging output and enabled raspberry pi to detect lung disease. ...
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This review paper examines the current state of lung disease diagnosis based on deep learning (DL) methods. Lung diseases, such as Pneumonia, TB, Covid-19, and lung cancer, are significant causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Accurate and timely diagnosis of these diseases is essential for effective treatment and improved patient outcomes. DL methods, which utilize artificial neural networks to extract features from medical images automatically, have shown great promise in improving the accuracy and efficiency of lung disease diagnosis. This review discusses the various DL methods that have been developed for lung disease diagnosis, including convolutional neural networks (CNNs), deep neural networks (DNNs), and generative adversarial networks (GANs). The advantages and limitations of each method are discussed, along with the types of medical imaging techniques used, such as X-ray and computed tomography (CT). In addition, the review discusses the most commonly used performance metrics for evaluating the performance of DL for lung disease diagnosis: the area under the curve (AUC), sensitivity, specificity, F1-score, accuracy, precision, and the receiver operator characteristic curve (ROC). Moreover, the challenges and limitations of using DL for lung disease diagnosis, including the limited availability of annotated data, the variability in imaging techniques and disease presentation, and the interpretability and generalizability of DL models, are highlighted in this paper. Furthermore, strategies to overcome these challenges, such as transfer learning, data augmentation, and explainable AI, are also discussed. The review concludes with a call for further research to address the remaining challenges and realize DL's full potential for improving lung disease diagnosis and treatment.
... The authors claimed that the model was compatible with the portable device since the model did not require the large iterative back-propagation process, and gained an overall accuracy score of 96% for screening COVID-19 LUS images of A-line, B-line, and consolidation. Bhosale and Patnaik [41] developed an IoT-based DL mechanism to diagnose COVID-19 from chest X-rays. A lightweight DL model was developed in this research to execute through Raspberry Pi. ...
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The COVID-19 pandemic wreaks havoc on healthcare systems all across the world. In pandemic scenarios like COVID-19, the applicability of diagnostic modalities is crucial in medical diagnosis, where non-invasive ultrasound imaging has the potential to be a useful biomarker. This research develops a computer-assisted intelligent methodology for ultrasound lung image classification by utilizing a fuzzy pooling-based convolutional neural network FP-CNN with underlying evidence of particular decisions. The fuzzy-pooling method finds better representative features for ultrasound image classification. The FPCNN model categorizes ultrasound images into one of three classes: covid, disease-free (normal), and pneumonia. Explanations of diagnostic decisions are crucial to ensure the fairness of an intelligent system. This research has used Shapley Additive Explanation (SHAP) to explain the prediction of the FP-CNN models. The prediction of the black-box model is illustrated using the SHAP explanation of the intermediate layers of the black-box model. To determine the most effective model, we have tested different state-of-the-art convolutional neural network architectures with various training strategies, including fine-tuned models, single-layer fuzzy pooling models, and fuzzy pooling at all pooling layers. Among different architectures, the Xception model with all pooling layers having fuzzy pooling achieves the best classification results of 97.2% accuracy. We hope our proposed method will be helpful for the clinical diagnosis of covid-19 from lung ultrasound (LUS) images.
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Tuberculosis (TB) is a chronic infectious lung disease, which caused the death of about 1.5 million people in 2020 alone. Therefore, it is important to detect TB accurately at an early stage to prevent the infection and associated deaths. Chest X-ray (CXR) is the most popularly used method for TB diagnosis. However, it is difficult to identify TB from CXR images in the early stage, which leads to time-consuming and expensive treatments. Moreover, due to the increase of drug-resistant tuberculosis, the disease becomes more challenging in recent years. In this work, a novel deep learning-based framework is proposed to reliably and automatically distinguish TB, non-TB (other lung infections), and healthy patients using a dataset of 40,000 CXR images. Moreover, a stacking machine learning-based diagnosis of drug-resistant TB using 3037 CXR images of TB patients is implemented. The largest drug-resistant TB dataset will be released to develop a machine learning model for drug-resistant TB detection and stratification. Besides, Score-CAM-based visualization technique was used to make the model interpretable to see where the best performing model learns from in classifying the image. The proposed approach shows an accuracy of 93.32% for the classification of TB, non-TB, and healthy patients on the largest dataset while around 87.48% and 79.59% accuracy for binary classification (drug-resistant vs drug-sensitive TB), and three-class classification (multi-drug resistant (MDR), extreme drug-resistant (XDR), and sensitive TB), respectively, which is the best reported result compared to the literature. The proposed solution can make fast and reliable detection of TB and drug-resistant TB from chest X-rays, which can help in reducing disease complications and spread.
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Around the world, lung disease is a prevalent cause of death and illness. In this article, we propose a lung disease detection system for the automated identification of critical lung diseases: 1. Tuberculosis 2. Regular Pneumonia 3. COVID Pneumonia and healthy individuals from chest X-ray (CXR) images. The proposed system incorporates a two-stage classification method using an ensemble of convolutional neural networks (CNNs). We evaluated the performance of the proposed system using various evaluation metrics with a test set containing 200 normal, 100 Tuberculosis, 200 Regular Pneumonia, and 100 COVID Pneumonia (a total of 600) CXR images. The proposed system achieves an average macro precision, recall, and F1-score of 0.99 and an accuracy of 0.99. The performance of the proposed system based on F1-Score (0.99) for three classes, namely Tuberculosis, Pneumonia, and COVID, is better than the following existing classification frameworks: ensemble of K-ResNets for the same three classes (F1-Score: 0.84), modified ResNet50 (F1-Score:0.89), KNN classifier with fractional multi-channel exponent moments (F1-Score: 0.89), VGG-16 (F1-Score: 0.89), and convolutional sparse support estimator network (F1-Score for COVID: 0.78). The proposed system can also determine the confidence associated with the challenging classification of Regular Vs. COVID Pneumonia. We also utilized visualization techniques like Grad-CAM and Saliency maps to analyze the features learned by the CNNs, to create transparency in the prediction.
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The 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), with a starting point in China, has spread rapidly among people living in other countries and is approaching approximately 101,917,147 cases worldwide according to the statistics of World Health Organization. There are a limited number of COVID-19 test kits available in hospitals due to the increasing cases daily. Therefore, it is necessary to implement an automatic detection system as a quick alternative diagnosis option to prevent COVID-19 spreading among people. In this study, five pre-trained convolutional neural network-based models (ResNet50, ResNet101, ResNet152, InceptionV3 and Inception-ResNetV2) have been proposed for the detection of coronavirus pneumonia-infected patient using chest X-ray radiographs. We have implemented three different binary classifications with four classes (COVID-19, normal (healthy), viral pneumonia and bacterial pneumonia) by using five-fold cross-validation. Considering the performance results obtained, it has been seen that the pre-trained ResNet50 model provides the highest classification performance (96.1% accuracy for Dataset-1, 99.5% accuracy for Dataset-2 and 99.7% accuracy for Dataset-3) among other four used models.
Conference Paper
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The novel coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) first appeared in Wuhan province of China and spread quickly around the globe and became a pandemic. The gold standard for confirming COVID-19 infection is through Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) assay. The lack of sufficient RT-PCR testing capacity, false negative results of RT-PCR, time to get back the results and other logistical constraints enabled the epidemic to continue to spread albeit interventions like regional or complete country lockdowns. Therefore, chest radiographs such as CT and X-ray can be used to supplement PCR in combating the virus from spreading. In this work, we focus on proposing a deep learning tool that can be used by radiologists or healthcare professionals to diagnose COVID-19 cases in a quick and accurate manner. However, the lack of a publicly available dataset of X-ray and CT images makes the design of such AI tools a challenging task. To this end, this study aims to build a comprehensive dataset of X-rays and CT scan images from multiple sources as well as provides a simple but an effective COVID-19 detection technique using deep learning and transfer learning algorithms. In this vein, a simple convolution neural network (CNN) and modified pre-trained AlexNet model are applied on the prepared X-rays and CT scan images. The result of the experiments shows that the utilized models can provide accuracy up to 98% via pre-trained network and 94.1% accuracy by using the modified CNN.
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Background Previous studies suggested that the prevalence of chronic respiratory disease in patients hospitalised with COVID-19 was lower than its prevalence in the general population. The aim of this study was to assess whether chronic lung disease or use of inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) affects the risk of contracting severe COVID-19. Methods In this population cohort study, records from 1205 general practices in England that contribute to the QResearch database were linked to Public Health England's database of SARS-CoV-2 testing and English hospital admissions, intensive care unit (ICU) admissions, and deaths for COVID-19. All patients aged 20 years and older who were registered with one of the 1205 general practices on Jan 24, 2020, were included in this study. With Cox regression, we examined the risks of COVID-19-related hospitalisation, admission to ICU, and death in relation to respiratory disease and use of ICS, adjusting for demographic and socioeconomic status and comorbidities associated with severe COVID-19. Findings Between Jan 24 and April 30, 2020, 8 256 161 people were included in the cohort and observed, of whom 14 479 (0·2%) were admitted to hospital with COVID-19, 1542 (<0·1%) were admitted to ICU, and 5956 (0·1%) died. People with some respiratory diseases were at an increased risk of hospitalisation (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [COPD] hazard ratio [HR] 1·54 [95% CI 1·45–1·63], asthma 1·18 [1·13–1·24], severe asthma 1·29 [1·22–1·37; people on three or more current asthma medications], bronchiectasis 1·34 [1·20–1·50], sarcoidosis 1·36 [1·10–1·68], extrinsic allergic alveolitis 1·35 [0·82–2·21], idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis 1·59 [1·30–1·95], other interstitial lung disease 1·66 [1·30–2·12], and lung cancer 2·24 [1·89–2·65]) and death (COPD 1·54 [1·42–1·67], asthma 0·99 [0·91–1·07], severe asthma 1·08 [0·98–1·19], bronchiectasis 1·12 [0·94–1·33], sarcoidosis 1·41 [0·99–1·99), extrinsic allergic alveolitis 1·56 [0·78–3·13], idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis 1·47 [1·12–1·92], other interstitial lung disease 2·05 [1·49–2·81], and lung cancer 1·77 [1·37–2·29]) due to COVID-19 compared with those without these diseases. Admission to ICU was rare, but the HR for people with asthma was 1·08 (0·93–1·25) and severe asthma was 1·30 (1·08–1·58). In a post-hoc analysis, relative risks of severe COVID-19 in people with respiratory disease were similar before and after shielding was introduced on March 23, 2020. In another post-hoc analysis, people with two or more prescriptions for ICS in the 150 days before study start were at a slightly higher risk of severe COVID-19 compared with all other individuals (ie, no or one ICS prescription): HR 1·13 (1·03–1·23) for hospitalisation, 1·63 (1·18–2·24) for ICU admission, and 1·15 (1·01–1·31) for death. Interpretation The risk of severe COVID-19 in people with asthma is relatively small. People with COPD and interstitial lung disease appear to have a modestly increased risk of severe disease, but their risk of death from COVID-19 at the height of the epidemic was mostly far lower than the ordinary risk of death from any cause. Use of inhaled steroids might be associated with a modestly increased risk of severe COVID-19. Funding National Institute for Health Research Oxford Biomedical Research Centre and the Wellcome Trust.
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The newly discovered coronavirus (COVID-19) pneumonia is providing major challenges to research in terms of diagnosis and disease quantification. Deep-learning (DL) techniques allow extremely precise image segmentation; yet, they necessitate huge volumes of manually labeled data to be trained in a supervised manner. Few-Shot Learning (FSL) paradigms tackle this issue by learning a novel category from a small number of annotated instances. We present an innovative semi-supervised few-shot segmentation (FSS) approach for efficient segmentation of 2019-nCov infection (FSS-2019-nCov) from only a few amounts of annotated lung CT scans. The key challenge of this study is to provide accurate segmentation of COVID-19 infection from a limited number of annotated instances. For that purpose, we propose a novel dual-path deep-learning architecture for FSS. Every path contains encoder–decoder (E-D) architecture to extract high-level information while maintaining the channel information of COVID-19 CT slices. The E-D architecture primarily consists of three main modules: a feature encoder module, a context enrichment (CE) module, and a feature decoder module. We utilize the pre-trained ResNet34 as an encoder backbone for feature extraction. The CE module is designated by a newly introduced proposed Smoothed Atrous Convolution (SAC) block and Multi-scale Pyramid Pooling (MPP) block. The conditioner path takes the pairs of CT images and their labels as input and produces a relevant knowledge representation that is transferred to the segmentation path to be used to segment the new images. To enable effective collaboration between both paths, we propose an adaptive recombination and recalibration (RR) module that permits intensive knowledge exchange between paths with a trivial increase in computational complexity. The model is extended to multi-class labeling for various types of lung infections. This contribution overcomes the limitation of the lack of large numbers of COVID-19 CT scans. It also provides a general framework for lung disease diagnosis in limited data situations.
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The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic continues to have a devastating effect on the health and well-being of the global population. A critical step in the fight against COVID-19 is effective screening of infected patients, with one of the key screening approaches being radiology examination using chest radiography. It was found in early studies that patients present abnormalities in chest radiography images that are characteristic of those infected with COVID-19. Motivated by this and inspired by the open source efforts of the research community, in this study we introduce COVID-Net, a deep convolutional neural network design tailored for the detection of COVID-19 cases from chest X-ray (CXR) images that is open source and available to the general public. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, COVID-Net is one of the first open source network designs for COVID-19 detection from CXR images at the time of initial release. We also introduce COVIDx, an open access benchmark dataset that we generated comprising of 13,975 CXR images across 13,870 patient patient cases, with the largest number of publicly available COVID-19 positive cases to the best of the authors’ knowledge. Furthermore, we investigate how COVID-Net makes predictions using an explainability method in an attempt to not only gain deeper insights into critical factors associated with COVID cases, which can aid clinicians in improved screening, but also audit COVID-Net in a responsible and transparent manner to validate that it is making decisions based on relevant information from the CXR images. By no means a production-ready solution, the hope is that the open access COVID-Net, along with the description on constructing the open source COVIDx dataset, will be leveraged and build upon by both researchers and citizen data scientists alike to accelerate the development of highly accurate yet practical deep learning solutions for detecting COVID-19 cases and accelerate treatment of those who need it the most.
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COVID-19 is a novel virus that causes infection in both the upper respiratory tract and the lungs. The numbers of cases and deaths have increased on a daily basis on the scale of a global pandemic. Chest X-ray images have proven useful for monitoring various lung diseases and have recently been used to monitor the COVID-19 disease. In this paper, deep-learning-based approaches, namely deep feature extraction, fine-tuning of pretrained convolutional neural networks (CNN), and end-to-end training of a developed CNN model, have been used in order to classify COVID-19 and normal (healthy) chest X-ray images. For deep feature extraction, pretrained deep CNN models (ResNet18, ResNet50, ResNet101, VGG16, and VGG19) were used. For classification of the deep features, the Support Vector Machines (SVM) classifier was used with various kernel functions, namely Linear, Quadratic, Cubic, and Gaussian. The aforementioned pretrained deep CNN models were also used for the fine-tuning procedure. A new CNN model is proposed in this study with end-to-end training. A dataset containing 180 COVID-19 and 200 normal (healthy) chest X-ray images was used in the study's experimentation. Classification accuracy was used as the performance measurement of the study. The experimental works reveal that deep learning shows potential in the detection of COVID-19 based on chest X-ray images. The deep features extracted from the ResNet50 model and SVM classifier with the Linear kernel function produced a 94.7% accuracy score, which was the highest among all the obtained results. The achievement of the fine-tuned ResNet50 model was found to be 92.6%, whilst end-to-end training of the developed CNN model produced a 91.6% result. Various local texture descriptors and SVM classifications were also used for performance comparison with alternative deep approaches; the results of which showed the deep approaches to be quite efficient when compared to the local texture descriptors in the detection of COVID-19 based on chest X-ray images.
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The finding of families or households from structures in aeronautical pictures is a significant piece of the computerized recognition and estimation of Population Census is the all-out procedure of gathering, assembling, investigating or in any case spreading segment, financial and social information with the assistance of ethereal edge. In the urban division, in any case, the populace enumeration doesn't give a comparable to rundown of topographical units that could be helpfully received as an examining outline. At present the aeronautical edges are physically arranged and are generally utilized in-house by the NSSO while the interest for such ethereal reviews is progressively critical. A family having single story or multi story structures can't decide accurate number of populace to be accessible. The outcomes show that the model-based assessments are solid. Conversely, the immediate assessments are entirely precarious. These evaluations are relied upon to give priceless data to arrangement examiners and leaders where maps are physically arranged and are for the most part utilized in-house by the review workplaces though the interest for such airborne studies is progressively critical. Keywords: Aerial imaging, SAR, Population estimation, Sampling frame, urban cluster
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We demonstrate use of iteratively pruned deep learning model ensembles for detecting pulmonary manifestation of COVID-19 with chest X-rays. This disease is caused by the novel Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) virus, also known as the novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV). A custom convolutional neural network and a selection of ImageNet pretrained models are trained and evaluated at patient-level on publicly available CXR collections to learn modality-specific feature representations. The learned knowledge is transferred and fine-tuned to improve performance and generalization in the related task of classifying CXRs as normal, showing bacterial pneumonia, or COVID-19-viral abnormalities. The best performing models are iteratively pruned to reduce complexity and improve memory efficiency. The predictions of the best-performing pruned models are combined through different ensemble strategies to improve classification performance. Empirical evaluations demonstrate that the weighted average of the best-performing pruned models significantly improves performance resulting in an accuracy of 99.01% and area under the curve of 0.9972 in detecting COVID-19 findings on CXRs. The combined use of modality-specific knowledge transfer, iterative model pruning, and ensemble learning resulted in improved predictions. We expect that this model can be quickly adopted for COVID-19 screening using chest radiographs.
On March 11 th 2020, World Health Organization (WHO) declared the 2019 novel corona virus as global pandemic. Corona virus, also known as COVID-19 was first originated in Wuhan, Hubei province in China around December 2019 and spread out all over the world within few weeks. Based on the public datasets provided by John Hopkins university and Canadian health authority, we have developed a forecasting model of COVID-19 outbreak in Canada using state-of-the-art Deep Learning (DL) models. In this novel research, we evaluated the key features to predict the trends and possible stopping time of the current COVID-19 outbreak in Canada and around the world. In this paper we presented the Long short-term memory (LSTM) networks, a deep learning approach to forecast the future COVID-19 cases. Based on the results of our Long short-term memory (LSTM) network, we predicted the possible ending point of this outbreak will be around June 2020. In addition to that, we compared transmission rates of Canada with Italy and USA. Here we also presented the 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 th day predictions for 2 successive days. Our forecasts in this paper is based on the available data until March 31, 2020. To the best of our knowledge, this of the few studies to use LSTM networks to forecast the infectious diseases.