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Observations of four children with severe cerebral palsy using a novel dynamic platform. A case report


Abstract and Figures

The aim was to evaluate effects on bone mineral content (BMC) in children with severe cerebral palsy (CP) standing on a self-controlled dynamic platform (vibrations, jumps and rotation), assess reactions expressed and record negative effects. An experimental design was used. Four children with severe CP participated. Two children used the platform for 8–9 months while two children were controls (period I). After 1 year, the former users were controls (period II). Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry was performed. Children in period I (Child 1/Child 2) were exposed to whole body vibration for 330/394 min on 28/25 occasions and showed a percentage change in BMC values at the lumbar spine of +35/+23% (versus controls, Child 3/Child 4, −9/+7%), left legs −9/ −12% (vs. −2/ −12%) and right legs +61/+34% (vs. −18/+10%). Children in period II (Child 3/Child 4) were exposed for 524/635 min on 57/64 occasions. The corresponding percentage change in BMC values at the lumbar spine was +10/+10% (+21/+5%), left legs +26/+22% (0/+5%) and right legs +26/+17% (+15/ −1%). The children's reactions were perceived positive. No negative effects were recorded. Standing on a self-controlled dynamic platform may be an enjoyable method to increase BMC in children with severe CP.
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Correspondence: Ylva Dal é n, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences, and Society, Division of Physiotherapy, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.
(Rece ived 29 December 2011 ; accept ed 11 May 2012 )
(GH) secretion. Insuffi cient nutrition causes a reduc-
tion in circulating IGF-I in spite of adequate GH-
levels. Thus children with poor nutrition do not grow,
even if they have a normal production of GH (4).
The primary requirement of bones is to provide
rigid leverage for muscle pull while remaining as light
as possible (5). This means that the shape and archi-
tecture of the bone needs to adapt to use. This adap-
tation is driven by dynamic, rather than static loading
(6). The most common fracture site in these children
is the distal femur, and the risk of fracture increases
with previous fractures (7). The immature skeleton
is more responsive to mechanical loading (3), and
normally, bone density reaches peak values at differ-
ent sites of the body around the age of 19 30 years
(8). It is a challenge to create an environment
where mechanical loading is made possible, also for
children with severe disabilities.
Observations of four children with severe cerebral palsy using a novel
dynamic platform. A case report
1 ,
1 Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences, and Society, Division of Physiotherapy, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden,
2 Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery, Karolinska University Hospital, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, and
3 Department of Women s and Children s Health, Karolinska University Hospital, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
The aim was to evaluate effects on bone mineral content (BMC) in children with severe cerebral palsy (CP) standing on
a self-controlled dynamic platform (vibrations, jumps and rotation), assess reactions expressed and record negative effects.
An experimental design was used. Four children with severe CP participated. Two children used the platform for 8–9
months while two children were controls (period I). After 1 year, the former users were controls (period II). Dual-energy
X-ray absorptiometry was performed. Children in period I (Child 1/Child 2) were exposed to whole body vibration for
330/394 min on 28/25 occasions and showed a percentage change in BMC values at the lumbar spine of +35/+23% (ver-
sus controls, Child 3/Child 4, −9/+7%), left legs −9/−12% (vs. −2/−12%) and right legs +61/+34% (vs. −18/+10%).
Children in period II (Child 3/Child 4) were exposed for 524/635 min on 57/64 occasions. The corresponding percentage
change in BMC values at the lumbar spine was +10/+10% (+21/+5%), left legs +26/+22% (0/+5%) and right legs
+26/+17% (+15/−1%). The children’s reactions were perceived positive. No negative effects were recorded. Standing on a
self-controlled dynamic platform may be an enjoyable method to increase BMC in children with severe CP.
Key words: biomechanics , mechanical loading , musculoskeletal , orthopaedics , paediatrics
Advances in Physiotherapy, 2012; 14: 132–139
ISSN 1403-8196 print/ISSN 1651-1948 online © 2012 Infor ma Healthcare
DOI : 10. 3109 /140 38196.2012.6 93948
Dynamic mechanical loading of the skeleton is diffi -
cult to obtain in children with severe cerebral palsy
(CP). They are unable to attain an upright position
and are consequently restrained from playful, dynamic
loading of the skeleton, which is stimulating for healthy
children. Dynamic weight bearing is an important fac-
tor for increasing bone strength and bone structure,
and the lack of dynamic weight bearing contributes to
osteoporosis, which leads to an increased risk of frac-
tures and hip dislocation in these children (1,2).
Malnutrition and anti-epileptic medicine have
also been reported to contribute to osteoporosis in
these children (3). An analysis of insulin-like growth
factor-I (IGF-I) in the blood can indicate whether a
child has a suffi cient nutrition. Circulating IGF-I in
the blood is produced mainly in the liver and normal
levels depend on both nutrition and growth hormone
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Whole body vibration in children with severe CP 133
with CP. A 3-month period of home-based exposure
to vibration on a side-alternating platform increased
total body BMD and BMC ( p 0.001). Ruck et al.
(25) performed a randomized controlled study expos-
ing 10 children with CP to vibration. That study
showed an increase in mobility but a decrease in dis-
tal femur diaphysis vBMD. Several animal studies
(26 28) show the possibilities of improvement of the
skeletal architecture by using WBV. However, the
effect of WBV on BMC has not been studied in chil-
dren using a standing shell.
In order to optimize the effects of standing, a
vibrating platform with supplementary functions has
been constructed (Figure 1).
The aim of the present study was to assess the
children s expressed feelings, to record any negative
effects and to evaluate the effects on BMC in chil-
dren with severe CP standing on the dynamic plat-
form with WBV.
Material and methods
The study design was experimental, including two
periods of 8–9 months, with baseline and end-of-
period measurements in both periods. The parents
of fi ve Swedish children with severe CP, four boys
and one girl, responded to an advertisement on the
website of the National Association for Disabled
Children and Youths (RBU). The parents of one
Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) is the
most commonly employed technique for measuring
bone mass. The radiation is very low (1 4 μ Sv), but
both precision (0.8 2.5% in children) and accuracy
are high (9). From the DXA measurements, body
composition, areal bone mineral density (BMD g/
2 ) and bone mineral content (BMC, g) can be
The skeleton and hip anatomy at birth is mostly
normal in children with CP, but lack of weight bear-
ing, in combination with spastic muscles, contributes
to osteoporosis and also to dislocation of the hip (10).
This may lead to pain, contractures, problems sitting
or standing, fractures, pelvic obliquity, scoliosis and
windswept hip (11). Gunter et al. performed a study
with a 7-month weight-bearing regimen (jumping on
the fl oor) in 33 non-disabled pre-pubertal schoolchil-
dren that showed a 3.6% increase in BMC at the hip
compared with controls and a sustained gain of 1.4%
was maintained after 7 years (12).
In children with severe CP, standing devices are
commonly used to obtain an upright position and are
intended to contribute to stretching the muscles (13)
and increasing bone mass, but the amount of weight
bearing in the devices varies greatly between indi-
viduals (14). Furthermore, standing in passive devices
does not seem to affect BMD in the lower limbs,
where most fractures occur (15). A standing device
called the standing shell was invented in Sweden in
the 1980s. The standing shell is an individually
moulded plaster cast formed around the legs and
back of the child and fastened in front with straps,
and is commonly used in clinical practice in Sweden.
The Swedish National Health Care Quality Program
for prevention of hip dislocation and severe contrac-
tures in Cerebral Palsy (CPUP) found that 67% of
a cohort of 276 children aged 3 18 years with severe
CP used a standing shell in 2009 (16). The recom-
mended standing time in Sweden is 1 2 h daily (17)
but the effects of standing on BMC have not been
completely evaluated (18,19).
Vibration administered locally to muscle groups
has been used by physiotherapists for several decades
to decrease spasticity in children with CP (20,21).
Whole body vibration (WBV) in a standing position
has been reported to decrease spasticity in persons
with CP (22). Ward et al. (23) performed a controlled
study including 20 disabled, ambulant children with
CP, 4 19 years of age, who were randomized to stand
on an active, vertically vibrating platform or on a
placebo device for 10 months. That study showed a
mean change in proximal tibia volumetric trabecular
BMD (vBMD; mg/ml) of 6% increase in the inter-
vention group compared with 11.9% decrease in the
control group ( p 0.003). Stark et al. (24) performed
a retrospective data analysis including 78 children Figure 1. The novel vibrating platform with a standing shell.
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134 Y. Dalén et al.
child withdrew after the fi rst session of measure-
ments. That child never used the platform.
Four children aged 4 6 years (median age 4 years)
at the start of the study participated. The children
were classifi ed according to the Gross Motor Func-
tion Classifi cation System (GMFCS) developed by
Palisano et al. (29), on a scale of I V, where V indi-
cates the most severe form of CP. The participating
children were all classifi ed as GMFCS score V. The
degree of spasticity was assessed on hip fl exors and
adductors by the children s ordinary physiotherapist
using the modifi ed Ashworth scale, according to
Peacock & Staudt (30). Possible scores range from
0 hypotonic, 1 nor mal, 2 mild, 3 moderate
and 4 severe, to 5 extreme spasticity. Results of
the assessments obtained from the children s medical
les showed that the participating children had a
spasticity level of 2 3 in their hip fl exors and/or
adductors and they were all given Botulinum toxin
in muscles infl uencing the hip region as recom-
mended in the ordinary orthopaedic routines for
each child. One child was gastrostomized (Child 2)
due to problems with oral feeding.
The children s social function was assessed by the
Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI),
developed by the PEDI research group (Boston Uni-
versity, 635 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA,
USA). Scaled scores provide an indication of the per-
formance of the child along the continuum (0 100)
of relatively easy to relatively diffi cult items. For a
description of the children, see Table I.
Anthropometric measurements were undertaken at
Astrid Lindgren s Children s Hospital, Karolinska
University Hospital, in Stockholm, Sweden. Recum-
bent body height was measured with a rigid measuring
tape. Weight was measured by placing the lightly
clothed child in a digital weight chair. Values for height,
Table I. Anthropometric data of each child at the beginning of the study.
μ /ml ICD 10
Child 1 0.01 1.72 2.54 0.112 5.2 G 809 dyskinetic 47.3
Child 2 1.10 0.78 0.25 0.717 0.1 G 808 spastic 32.9
Child 3 1.20 1.23 0.08 2.185 0.8 G 808 spastic 30.0
Child 4 3.38 3.33 0.22 0.121 1.7 G 803 dyskinetic 41.8
Height, weight, body mass index (BMI), insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) shown as age-matched standard deviation score (SDS).
Growth hormone ( μ /ml), International Classifi cation of Diseases (ICD 10), and Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI, scaled
score 0 100).
weight and BMI were compared with age-matched
Swedish healthy children expressed as SDS (standard
deviation score) using an electronic calculator (31).
DXA (Hologic 4500; Hologic Inc., Bedford, MA,
USA), was used to assess the BMC at the lumbar
spine and in the whole body. From the latter mea-
surement, regions of interest (ROI) of the entire right
and left legs including hip regions were used to
retrieve BMC values.
The DXA equipment was tested by repeated mea-
surements with a coeffi cient of variation of 0.8% for
the total body and 2.5% for the lumbar spine. The
DXA measurements were performed under sedation
using Stesolid (Inpac AS, Lierskogen, Norway).
A platform was constructed. It was controlled by
the children through a manoeuvre panel with colour-
ful push buttons that allows children to rotate the
platform 90 ° right or left, to raise and lower the plat-
form by 0.2 m, and to create vibration and sounds.
The frequency of the vibration can be set at a range
from 20 to 64 Hz; the peak-to-peak displacement is
0.3 mm in an unloaded setting, causing tender vibra-
tions, allowing children to stand with straight legs in
their standing shells. Direct, vertical vibrations were
used. Since the vibrating platform was a prototype,
caution was necessary and the study was divided into
periods I and II. As the results of period I did not
raise any concerns, period II commenced with a
more structured design.
Period I . Child 1 and Child 2 used the platform for
8 or 9 months while Child 3 and Child 4 were con-
trols. The platform was used at the children s school
at the convenience of the personnel and the child.
No instruction was given as to how often each child
was to be placed in the platform. The children could
choose to vibrate at a continuous variable frequency
in the range of 20 64 Hz and the duration of vibra-
tion was digitally recorded. They could choose to use
the other functions (rotation and raising and lower-
ing) as they wished.
Period II . Child 3 and Child 4 used the platform for
8 or 9 months, while Child 1 and Child 2 were controls.
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Whole body vibration in children with severe CP 135
Again the platform was used at the children s school,
but during this period, the personnel were instructed
to put the children in the platform two to three times
a week. The exposed children in period II were not
able to control the vibration in contrast to the ex-
posed children in period I, but they could chose to
use the other functions as they wished. The vibration
was set to 10 min using a stopwatch and the frequen-
cy was set to 50 Hz.
In periods when the children were not exposed
to vibration, they used their standing shells on a daily
bases, which is normal routine.
Parents and personnel interpreted the feelings
shown through the facial expressions of the child
when using the platform and were asked to report
any negative effects from the use of the platform .
Prior to the study, written informed consent was
obtained from the parents, and information was pro-
vided to the children s paediatricians. The study was
approved by the local ethics and radiation protection
committees at Karolinska University Hospital in
Stockholm, Sweden. The Swedish Medical Products
Agency was informed.
The results, presented as median (and range), were
not statistically analysed due to the few partici-
Between period I and period II, the DXA measure-
ment equipment was upgraded and the digital detec-
tors and software were replaced. This increased the
sensitivity to areas of low bone mass and the detected
values changed considerably as larger areas of bone
were included. This had an obvious effect on BMC
detection in these children with extremely low bone
density. Thus, the absolute BMC values could not be
compared between the periods as the measurements
before and after the upgrade were too dissimilar.
Height (cm), weight (kg), lean body mass (lean,
g), total body mass (total, g) and percentage (fat %)
before and after periods of exposure of WBV in each
child are shown in Table II.
Height and weight standard deviation scores
showed no major changes before and after periods of
exposure of WBV (data not shown).
Table III shows BMC values before and after
periods of exposure and control in each child. Table
IV shows BMD values before and after periods of
exposure and control in each child.
Children in period I (Child 1/Child 2) were
exposed to WBV for 330/394 min on 28/25 occasions
(Table V) and showed a percentage change in BMC
values at the lumbar spine of 35/ 23% (versus con-
trols, Child 3/Child 4, 9/ 7%), left legs 9/ 12%
(vs. 2/ 12%) and right legs 61/ 34% (vs.
18/ 10%) (Figure 2). Children in period II (Child
3/Child 4) were exposed for 524/635 min on 57/64
occasions (Table V). Corresponding percentage change
in BMC values at the lumbar spine was 10/ 10%
( 21/ 5%), left legs 26/ 22% (0/ 5%) and
right legs 26/ 17% ( 15/ 1%) (Figure 3).
The vibrating platform seemed to be well accepted
by the children. Citations of the parent s and person-
nel s interpretation of the children s facial expres-
sions when using the platform are presented in Table
VI. No negative effects were recorded.
The present pilot study showed a tendency of increas-
ing BMC values at the lumbar spine and at the right
legs during the ad lib period I (Figure 2) and increasing
BMC at the lumbar spine and both legs during period
II (Figure 3) with more intensive exposure in children
with severe CP. The children, who expressed positive
feelings, seemed to enjoy the exercise (Table VI).
The percentage change in BMC values between
baseline and the end of period I showed four negative
values for the non-exposed children, while the per-
centage change in the exposed children was negative
only for the left leg. In period II, all children showed
positive percentage change in BMC values, i.e. even
the two non-exposed children, who had previously
been exposed to the WBV in period I. In period I,
Table II. Values in height (cm), weight (kg), lean body mass (lean, g), total body mass (total, g) and percentage fat (%) before and after
periods of exposure of vibration in each child.
Height (cm) Weight (kg) Lean (g) Total (g) Fat %
Exp (min)Before After Before After Before After Before After Before After
Child 1 100 104 13.3 13.7 9631 1156 1243 1476 19.8 18.7 330
Child 2 106 113 17.0 19.7 12149 1195 1795 1843 30.4 33.0 394
Child 3 97 103 14.4 14.7 11171 1069 1445 1407 20.4 21.6 524
Child 4 101 105 17.3 20.5 14368 1415 1841 1971 19.4 25.5 635
Amount of minutes of exposure to vibration for each child [Exp (min)].
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136 Y. Dalén et al.
Table III. Values of bone mineral content (g) at the lumbar spine, the entire right leg and the entire left leg before and after periods of
exposure of vibration and periods of control in each child.
Lumbar spine
Lumbar spine
Right leg
Right leg
Left leg
Left leg
Before After Before After Before After Before After Before After Before After
Child 1 8.7 11.8 13.6 15.3 14.7 23.6 65.4 75.3 24.8 22.5 69.3 73.4
Child 2 8.2 10.12 12.2 12.2 31.7 42.5 84.5 83.9 37.1 32.8 87.9 91.8
Child 3 10.6 11.7 9.3 9.3 51.8 65.5 20.8 14.6 50.4 63.4 16.1 14.8
Child 4 12.6 13.9 10.6 11.2 74.4 86.8 40.7 44.6 74.9 91.1 38.5 36.4
the increased BMC values at the lumbar spine and
the right leg in one of the exposed children were
sustained even throughout period II (Figures 2 and
3). The sustained effect is in line with Gunter et al.
(12). The densitometry results varied a lot between
the right and the left leg in the children in both peri-
ods. Herman et al. (14) showed that the weight bear-
ing, measured with electronic load-measuring
footplates, differs greatly in children with severe CP
when standing. We chose to draw attention to the left
and right legs from the BMC measurement as a
region of interest, since most fractures occur in the
legs in this group of children (16).
Poor nutritional status and GH defi ciency infl u-
ences bone mass and linear growth negatively. Chil-
dren in this study had low IGF-I values for their age
in all but one case (the only child with gastrostomy),
indicating poor nutritional status or insuffi cient GH
secretion. It is important to take nutrition into con-
sideration when planning for training and exercise in
children with severe CP, so that energy intake matches
energy consumption. Exercise on the vibrating plat-
form did not seem to affect weight, lean body mass
or total body mass negatively (Table III).
To give the children the opportunity to be more
active and enjoy the exposure to vibration, three
more activities (raising and lowering, rotation and
sound) were available when the children chose to
press those buttons. The educationalists Lev Vygotskij
(1896 1934) and Jean Piaget (1898 1980) recog-
nized the need for children to be subjected to prob-
lems that stimulated cognitive development through
acts of cause and effect (32). Standing on this plat-
form, the children s action through the pressing of
buttons creates consequences that are obvious to the
child as the movements (vibration, jumps and rota-
tion) are felt in their own bodies. This may cause a
cognitive effect and may contribute to increased
In the present study, DXA measurements are per-
formed. We chose to calculate change in BMC (g)
instead of BMD (g/cm
2 ) since children are expected
to grow during the 3 years of the study. In DXA, the
software calculates the area of bone and the calcium
content in every pixel simultaneously. The sum of
calcium in all pixels within the bone area is the BMC,
expressed in unit grams. Thereafter, the software
divides BMC with the bone area to obtain BMD. As
growing bone increases in strength due to increased
size even if the density in each pixel might be stable,
we think the total amount of bone is a better repre-
sentative of increased strength. It is often seen in
children in periods of growth that BMD is stable
while BMC increases (33; Table IV).There is a pos-
sibility that jumps and rotation added to vibration
might also have infl uenced BMC. As the additional
movements were very subtle, with no hard stops or
sharp turns, the chance of an added effect was con-
sidered minimal. The amount of time that the chil-
dren chose to press the vibration button in period I
(medians of 12 and 13 min/occasion) and the fact
that the children stood the set amount of time (a
median of 10 min) in period II, indicates that the
children enjoyed the exposure to vibration (Table II).
Table IV. Values of bone mineral density (g/cm
2 ) at the lumbar spine, the entire right leg and the entire left leg before and after periods
of exposure of vibration and periods of control in each child.
Lumbar spine
Lumbar spine
Right leg
Right leg
Left leg
Left leg
Before After Before After Before After Before After Before After Before After
Child 1 0.38 0.45 0.45 0.46 0.57 0.71 0.50 0.49 0.62 0.67 0.47 0.53
Child 2 0.34 0.38 0.43 0.43 0.57 0.62 0.47 0.53 0.57 0.61 0.47 0.53
Child 3 0.36 0.38 0.37 0.36 0.41 0.46 0.61 0.60 0.42 0.43 0.58 0.71
Child 4 0.45 0.48 0.42 0.40 0.56 0.56 0.67 0.69 0.56 0.62 0.66 0.67
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Whole body vibration in children with severe CP 137
Figure 3. Percentage change (%) in bone mineral content (BMC)
at the lumbar spine, the entire left and right leg, between baseline
and the end of period II in each child exposed or non-exposed to
whole body vibration.
Table V. Number of occasions/month and minutes of vibrations/
occasion, presented as median (and range).
Occasions/month Minutes/occasion
Months of
no use
Child 1 2.5 (1 5) 12 (3 14) May
Child 2 2.5 (1 6) 13 (6 23) October
Child 3 7 (4 10) 10 (6 10) July, August
Child 4 6 (1 12) 10 (9 10) July
The platform was used from February March to December.
Months when children did not use the platform are shown.
Figure 2. Percentage change (%) in bone mineral content (BMC)
at the lumbar spine, the entire left and right leg, between baseline
and the end of period I in each child exposed or non-exposed to
whole body vibration.
In a study by Ward et al. (23) compliance to WBV
treatment was only 44%. In that study, the children
could not infl uence the platform activity.
The platform and study design developed between
the two periods. In period I, the children were free to
vary the frequency of the vibration between 20 and 64
Hz and were allowed a standing time of up to 20 min.
This design led to fewer occasions/week in period I
and a more diverse result on BMC (Figure 2). The
children in period II used the platform in a more
structured way, as the personnel were urged to put the
children in the platform two or three times a week.
The vibration frequency was set to 50 Hz, and the
time to 10 min per session (Figure 3). BMC increased
more regularly during the second period and the dif-
ferent results during this period compared with the
previous indicate that WBV treatment may be more
effi cient when used two or three times/week, 10 min/
occasion, which is in line with Chad et al. (34).
In a review, Rubin et al. (35) point out a great
potential for WBV as a non-pharmacological interven-
tion for osteoporosis, given that the deformations that
result from these low-level vibrations are far below
those that may cause damage to the bone. The use of
WBV as a treatment to prevent osteoporosis in chil-
dren with CP has been discussed in several studies
(15,22 24). The measures and terms used in research
concerning WBV devices vary greatly, with vertically
oscillating vibrations reported sometimes as G and
sometimes as Hz (23), tilting vibrations reported as
ground reaction force tilt angle body mass 9.81
2 (23), side-to-side alternating vertical sinusoi-
dal vibrations reported around the fulcrum in the mid-
section of the plate, peak-to-peak displacements
increasing from 2, to 4, and up to 6 mm, and frequen-
cies from 12 to 18 Hz (25). This makes it diffi cult to
compare results between studies. Lorenzen et al. (36)
recommend the consistent, standard use of peak-to-
peak displacement (mm), frequency (Hz) and maxi-
mum acceleration (m/s
2 ) in studies describing
vibrations as in this study. However, when a human
being is placed on the platform, variables including
body size and weight, the placement of the weight,
movement, etc. will infl uence the effects of the vibra-
tions on the bone mass (37). The vibrations will be
dampened as they move through the body, so presum-
ably children who are smaller and thinner will get a
higher dose of a set vibration than would heavier
adults (38). These factors make it diffi cult to calculate
the vibration dose each individual body receives.
The children expressed feelings of contentment while
using the platform and seemed to enjoy the exercise.
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138 Y. Dalén et al.
No negative effects were reported. The platform
might therefore be used as a non-invasive and enjoy-
able method to increase bone mass in children with
severe CP, but larger studies are needed to confi rm
these fi ndings.
The authors would like to thank the children, parents
and personnel at Reimers Preschool and Joriel
School, both of which have a programme for special
needs education. Many thanks also go to Ylva Jons-
son, Lena Berglund and Anette Fagler at Karolinska
Hospital, for doing the DXA measurements, as well
as to the nurses at Q62 at Astrid Lindgrens Chil-
dren s Hospital, in Stockholm, Sweden.
This project was funded by ALMI Stockholm
AB, the City of Stockholm Inventors Award, Norr-
backa-Eugenia Foundation administered by Swedish
Institute of Assistive Technology, Arts in Hospital
and Care as Culture, and the Agne Johansson Memo-
rial Foundation. The prototype of the platform was
built by the Royal Institute for Technology (KTH)
and L ö fgren Engineering AB.
Confl ict of interest statement
One of the authors (Y.D.) has Swedish, European
and US patents for the platform. For this reason, Y.D.
did not perform any measurements or tests. No other
author has a confl ict of interest in this study. The
sponsors had no involvement in this study other than
Stevenson RD, Conaway M, Barrington JW, Suthill SL, 1.
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Table VI. Facial expressions shown by each child when using the platform, as interpreted by parents and personnel.
Child 1 Child 2 Child 3 Child 4
Curiosity, pride, surprise, joy,
concentration, uncertainty,
Curiosity, happiness,
thoughtfulness, satisfaction
Curiosity, happiness,
hesitation, enjoyment,
extreme happiness at times
Happiness, frustration (wanted
to move forward) loves the
action and the sounds
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... 39 All other NRSIs were rated as having serious risk of bias primarily related to selection or classification biases or lack of information regarding adherence. In contrast, however, the meta-analysis rated two studies 55,59 as higher quality using the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale (see Appendix S3 for the details). ...
... A meta-analysis combining raw data from three studies, 40 only two of which met our inclusion criteria, 55,59 was described in an overview of systematic reviews as providing high-quality evidence in favour of weight bearing on BMD outcomes. 16 However, the two NRSIs relevant to our population 55,59 included only eight children in total. In one, the washout period was insufficient between interventions to determine whether the BMD results were influenced by weight bearing or whole-body vibration; 55 in the other study, the two groups were clearly in different GMFCS levels. ...
... 16 However, the two NRSIs relevant to our population 55,59 included only eight children in total. In one, the washout period was insufficient between interventions to determine whether the BMD results were influenced by weight bearing or whole-body vibration; 55 in the other study, the two groups were clearly in different GMFCS levels. 59 Evidence reported to date is mainly positive and should be interpreted in light of the fact that children with nonambulatory CP are anticipated to develop osteoporosis and show decreasing BMD with increasing age. ...
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Aim To describe the evidence, outcomes, and lived experience of supported standing for children and young adults with cerebral palsy aged 25 years or younger, classified in Gross Motor Function Classification System levels IV and V. Method This scoping review included searches in eight electronic databases and manual searching from database inception to May 2020 and updated on 21st February 2022. Two of three reviewers independently screened titles and abstracts and extracted and appraised data. Methodological quality and risk of bias were appraised using tools appropriate to study type. Content analysis and frequency effect sizes were calculated for qualitative and descriptive evidence. Results From 126 full‐text references, 59 citations (one study was reported over two citations) were included: 16 systematic reviews, 17 intervention studies reporting over 18 citations, eight analytical cross‐sectional studies, five descriptive cross‐sectional/survey studies, five qualitative studies, and one mixed‐methods study were identified, along with six clinical guidelines. Maintenance of bone mineral density and contracture prevention outcomes were supported by the most experimental studies and evidence syntheses, while evidence supporting other outcomes was primarily quasi‐experimental or descriptive. Qualitative evidence suggests that programmes are influenced by attitudes, device, child, and environmental factors. Interpretation Individualized assessment and prescription are essential to match personal and environmental needs. Although experimental evidence is limited due to many factors, lived‐experience and cohort data suggest that successful integration of standing programmes into age‐appropriate and meaningful activities may enhance function, participation, and overall health. What this paper adds Supported‐standing interventions may provide an important psychosocial and physical change of position. Supported standing is not passive for those classified in Gross Motor Function Classification System level IV or V. Supported standing may enhance social participation, functional abilities, and fitness. Children need choice in where and when to stand.
... Results on WBV therapies are not entirely clear; some studies have shown increases in BMC at the lumbar spine (Dalen et al., [3] ), and areal BMD at the femur (Ruck et al., [8] ) and (Gilsanz et al., [4] ) and the spine. ...
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Purpose: This study was conducted to investigate effect whole body vibration on post thyroidectomy osteoporosis.
... Problemas musculoesqueléticos são uma das principais causas de dor e perda de qualidade de vida na transição para a adolescência e a idade adulta e devem ser tratados precocemente quando um prognóstico de não deambulação é feito, por exemplo, por meio de vigilância do quadril. Além de prevenir essas complicações a longo prazo, o gerenciamento postural [56][57][58]60,96 tem o potencial de melhorar os níveis de atividade e participação; seu uso deve ser mais investigado à medida que as evidências se tornam disponíveis para crianças com alto risco de desenvolver PC não deambuladora. Em regiões com poucos recursos, as causas potencialmente evitáveis de PC prevalecem e o acesso a equipamentos é limitado; isso justifica ações para mudar o futuro das crianças que vivem nessas áreas. ...
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O que este artigo acrescenta Cuidados centrados na família (incluindo coaching e intervenções fornecidas pelo cuidador) e treinamento parental formal são estratégias eficazes para crianças nos níveis IV e V do GMFCS. Os ingredientes de tecnologia assistiva podem promover várias F‐words (funcionalidade, saúde, família, diversão, amigos e futuro). O menor nível de evidência foi encontrado para diversão, amigos e futuro. Outros fatores (prestação de serviços, treinamento profissional, dose de terapia, modificações ambientais) são relevantes para crianças pequenas nos níveis IV e V do GMFCS. Esta revisão de escopo identificou os ingredientes de intervenções precoces para crianças com paralisia cerebral em risco de não serem deambuladoras, e os mapeou‐os de acordo com a estrutura das F‐words. O treinamento formal dos pais e a tecnologia assistiva se destacaram como estratégias para abordar com várias F‐words. image
... Los problemas musculoesqueléticos son una de las principales causas de dolor y pérdida de calidad de vida en la transición a la adolescencia y la edad adulta, y deberían tratarse tempranamente cuando se establece un pronóstico de no ambulación, por ejemplo, mediante la vigilancia de la cadera. Además de prevenir estas complicaciones en el largo plazo, el manejo postural [56][57][58]60,96 tiene el potencial de mejorar los niveles de actividad y participación; su uso debe investigarse más a medida que se disponga de evidencia para los niños con alto riesgo de desarrollar PC no ambulatoria. En las regiones con pocos recursos, las causas potencialmente prevenibles de PC son prevalentes y el acceso a equipamiento es limitado; esto justifica la adopción de medidas para cambiar el futuro de los niños que viven en estas áreas. ...
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Qué aporta este artículo La atención centrada en la familia (incluyendo coaching e intervenciones realizadas por los cuidadores) y el entrenamiento formal de los padres son estrategias efectivas para los niños con niveles IV y V de la GMFCS. Los ingredientes de la tecnología de apoyo pueden promover varias “F‐words” (funcionamiento, estado físico, familia, diversión, amigos y futuro). Se encontró el nivel más bajo de evidencia para diversión, amigos y futuro. Otros factores (provisión de servicios, formación profesional, dosis de terapia, modificaciones del entorno) son relevantes para los niños pequeños con niveles IV y V de la GMFCS. Ingredientes de la intervención y F‐words en intervenciones tempranas dirigidas a niños no ambulantes con parálisis cerebral. image
... Musculoskeletal issues are a leading cause of pain and loss of quality of life in the transition to adolescence and adulthood and should be managed early on when a non-ambulant prognosis is made, for example, through hip surveillance. Besides preventing these complications in the long term, postural management [56][57][58]60,96 has the potential to improve activity and participation levels; its use should be investigated further as evidence becomes available for children at high risk of developing non-ambulant CP. In low-resource regions, potentially preventable causes of CP are prevalent and access to equipment is limited; this warrants actions to change the future of children living in these areas. ...
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Aim To explore the ingredients of early interventions provided to young children with cerebral palsy (CP) who are classified in Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) levels IV and V, and to identify the ‘F‐words’ addressed by the interventions. Method Searches were completed in four electronic databases. Inclusion criteria were the original experimental studies that fitted the following PCC components: population, young children (aged 0–5 years, at least 30% of the sample) with CP and significant motor impairment (GMFCS levels IV or V, at least 30% of the sample); concept, non‐surgical and non‐pharmacological early intervention services measuring outcomes from any of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health domains; and context, studies published from 2001 to 2021, from all settings and not limited to any specific geographical location. Results Eighty‐seven papers were included for review, with qualitative (n = 3), mixed‐methods (n = 4), quantitative descriptive (n = 22), quantitative non‐randomized (n = 39), and quantitative randomized (n = 19) designs. Fitness (n = 59), family (n = 46), and functioning (n = 33) ingredients were addressed by most experimental studies, whereas studies on fun (n = 6), friends (n = 5), and future (n = 14) were scarce. Several other factors (n = 55) related to the environment, for example, service provision, professional training, therapy dose, and environmental modifications, were also relevant. Interpretation Many studies positively supported formal parent training and use of assistive technology to promote several F‐words. A menu of intervention ingredients was provided, with suggestions for future research, to incorporate them into a real context within the family and clinical practice. What this paper adds Family‐centred care (including coaching and caregiver‐delivered interventions) and formal parental training are effective strategies for children in GMFCS levels IV and V. Assistive technology ingredients (power, mobility, supported, sitting, stepping, and standing) may promote several ‘F‐words’ (functioning, fitness, family, fun, friends, and future). The lowest level of evidence was found for fun, friends, and future. Other factors (service provision, professional training, therapy dose, environmental modifications) are relevant for young children in GMFCS levels IV and V.
... Musculoskeletal issues are a leading cause of pain and loss of quality of life in the transition to adolescence and adulthood and should be managed early on when a non-ambulant prognosis is made, for example, through hip surveillance. Besides preventing these complications in the long term, postural management [56][57][58]60,96 has the potential to improve activity and participation levels; its use should be investigated further as evidence becomes available for children at high risk of developing non-ambulant CP. In low-resource regions, potentially preventable causes of CP are prevalent and access to equipment is limited; this warrants actions to change the future of children living in these areas. ...
Conference Paper
Objective: Current evidence supports that the focus of interventions provided to children with motor impairments should address function, family, fitness, fun, family, friends and future, also known as the f-words in childhood development. However, available evidence focuses on children with mild involvement; it is not clear how much these concepts are incorporated when considering young children with CP and significant motor involvement. We aimed to identify the ingredients of early interventions currently provided to young children with cerebral palsy (CP) with significant motor impairments according to the f-words framework. Design: Scoping review Methods: Systematic searches were performed in Pubmed, Web of Science, Cinahl and Scopus. PCC components included: Population: children 0-5years with CP and significant motor involvement (at least 30% of sample); Concept: early interventions provided for young children and their families, sorted according to the f-words; Context: outcomes across all ICF components; Original experimental studies (all study designs) 2000-2021 in English, Portuguese and Spanish were included. Two independent reviewers made the initial selection and conflicts were resolved through consensus with a third reviewer. Four reviewers extracted data from randomly assigned papers, and rated study quality based on study design with AACPDM, Amstar and McMaster tools. Intervention ingredients or approaches, and matching f-words were assigned based on a study-specific standardized method. Results: Initial search resulted in 2,614 unique papers; 88 experimental studies (19 of which were randomized controlled trials) were included and used to identify ingredients of interventions. Mapped ingredients included: Caregiver-delivered interventions, family-centered care, coaching, routines-based, parents’ perspectives/expectations, parental educational programs, environmental enrichment, goal-directed training, self-initiated movement; context-based interventions, postural management, deformity management/prevention, spasticity management, sleep, nutrition, prevention, social interactions, play/leisure/recreation, enjoyment; prevention, changing societal attitudes. The f-words more frequently assigned were Fitness, Function and Family. Several studies also addressed other factors, not covered by f-words, such as treatment dose and onset, access to services, and professional training, which were most frequently reported in studies conducted in low- and middle-income countries. Conclusion: High quality information specific to young children with CP and significant motor involvement is needed, especially on aspects related to friends, fun and future. Additional contextual factors should be considered in order to assure that children around the world access the best care possible. Further analysis of the results will support providing recommendations of care for this population.
... As the dynamic weight bearing is unavailable, there are a predisposition of them to reduce bone mineral density and development of osteoporosis. In consequence, they can present more prone to muscle weakness, which contributes to pain, deformity and functional loss [41,42]. ...
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Bipedalism in humans is associated with an upright spine, however, this condition is not found in other animals with that skill. This may have favored the ability to harness the influence of the gravitational forces on the body. Furthermore, it is suggested that human feet have evolved to facilitate bipedal locomotion, losing an opposable digit that grasped branches in favor of a longitudinal arch that stiffens the foot and aids bipedal gait. Gait is a repetition of sequences of body segments to move the body forward while maintaining balance. The bipedal gait favors the contact of the feet of the individual with the floor. As a result, the mechanical vibration (MV) generated during walking, running or other activity with the feet are, normally, are added to the body. In these various situations, the forces would induce the production of MV with consequent transmission to the whole body of the individual and there is the generation of whole-body vibration (WBV) exercise naturally. However, when a person has a disability, this normal addition of the MV to body does not occur. This also happens with the sedentary or bedridden individual due to illness. In this case, there are the MV yielded in vibrating platforms. The exposure of the individual to the WBV leads to physiological responses at musculoskeletal, neurological, endocrinological, and vascular levels. Considering the state of the art of this theme and the previously cited scientific information, it is plausible to assume that WBV could be a useful tool to be used on the management of individuals with neurological conditions, such as in Parkinson’s disease, stroke, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injuries, spinocerebellar ataxia and Duchenne muscular dystrophy, and neuropathy (diabetes- and chemotherapy-related), among others. Indeed, improvements due to the WBV have been described regarding motor, and other impairments, in patients with neurological conditions, and these approaches will be presented in this chapter.
... Results on WBV therapies are not entirely clear; some studies have shown increases in BMC at the lumbar spine (Dalen et al., [3] ), and areal BMD at the femur (Ruck et al., [8] ) and (Gilsanz et al., [4] ) and the spine. ...
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Was dieser Artikel beiträgt Familienzentrierte Angebote (einschließlich Beratung von und Intervention durch die Bezugspersonen) und strukturiertes Elterntraining sind wirksame Strategien für Kinder in den GMFCS‐Levels IV und V. Hilfsmittel (Elektromobilität, unterstütztes Sitzen, Stehen und Gehen) können verschiedene „F‐Wörter“ fördern (Funktion, Fitness, Familie, Spaß, Freunde und Zukunft). Die geringste Menge an Evidenz wurde für Spaß, Freunde und Zukunft gefunden. Andere Faktoren (Angebot an Dienstleistungen, Berufsausbildung, Therapiedosis, Umweltanpassungen) sind relevant für Kleinkinder der GMFCS‐Levels IV und V.
Background . Over the years, the concern over bone health deterioration in children with Neurological Disabilities (ND) has caught the interest of the research community. As the current traditional exercise methods are considered too challenging for children with ND, it is essential to seek effective rehabilitation programs with minimum difficulties and movement restrictions for children with disabilities, ultimately improving their muscle and bone health. Therefore, this study was performed to evaluate the potential application of Whole-body Vibration Training (WBVT) as a beneficial and effective approach to improving Bone Mineral Density (BMD), total body Bone Mineral Content (BMC), and lean mass in children with ND. Methodology . The impact of WBVT on children with ND was investigated using a systematic review and meta-analysis approach following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). A database search was conducted to screen and select past literature sources that were published from January 2002 to July 2022 from EBSCO, PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science databases and met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Following the quality assessment (PEDro scale and NIH scale) and sensitivity analysis, the Standardised Mean Difference (SMD) was conducted using the STATA 15.1 software with a 95% Confidence interval (95% CI). (PROSPERO registration number: CRD42022343789). Results . Eight studies (four Randomised Controlled Trial (RCT) and four non-RCT studies) were selected, which involved 184 male and 130 female participants. Based on the PEDro scale, all RCT studies were classified as high methodological quality, while the NIH scale rated all non-RCT papers as "Good". In addition, the meta-analysis results indicated that WBVT substantially enhanced femur BMD [(P < 0.01, z = 3.37), SMD (95% CI) = 0.47 (0.20, 0.74)], lumbar spine BMD [(P = 0.02, z = 2.32), SMD (95% CI) = 0.32 (0.05, 0.58)], total body BMC [(P < 0.01, z = 3.42), SMD (95% CI) = 0.29 (0.12, 0.46)] and lean mass [(P < 0.01, z = 2.80), SMD (95% CI) = 0.25 (0.07, 0.42)] of children with ND. However, the effect of WBVT was insignificant on the total body BMD of children with ND [(P = 0.22, z = 1.24), SMD (95% CI) = 0.14 (-0.08, 0.37)]. Conclusion . The meta-analysis demonstrated the significant effect of WBVT on the femur BMD, lumbar spine BMD, total body BMC, and lean mass in children with ND. Hence, WBVT can be suggested as a complementary treatment prescription for children with ND.
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To address the need for a standardized system to classify the gross motor function of children with cerebral palsy, the authors developed a five-level classification system analogous to the staging and grading systems used in medicine. Nominal group process and Delphi survey consensus methods were used to examine content validity and revise the classification system until consensus among 48 experts (physical therapists, occupational therapists, and developmental pediatricians with expertise in cerebral palsy) was achieved. Interrater reliability (k) was 0.55 for children less than 2 years of age and 0.75 for children 2 to 12 years of age. The classification system has application for clinical practice, research, teaching, and administration.
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Objective: The routine clinical use of supported standing in hospitals, schools and homes currently exists. Questions arise as to the nature of the evidence used to justify this practice. This systematic review investigated the available evidence underlying supported standing use based on the Center for Evidence-Based Medicine (CEBM) Levels of Evidence framework. Design: The database search included MEDLINE, CINAHL, GoogleScholar, HighWire Press, PEDro, Cochrane Library databases, and APTAs Hooked on Evidence from January 1980 to October 2009 for studies that included supported standing devices for individuals of all ages, with a neuromuscular diagnosis. We identified 112 unique studies from which 39 met the inclusion criteria, 29 with adult and 10 with pediatric participants. In each group of studies were user and therapist survey responses in addition to results of clinical interventions. Results: The results are organized and reported by The International Classification of Function (ICF) framework in the following categories: b4: Functions of the cardiovascular, haematological, immunological, and respiratory systems; b5: Functions of the digestive, metabolic, and endocrine systems; b7: Neuromusculoskeletal and movement related functions; Combination of d4: Mobility, d8: Major life areas and Other activity and participation. The peer review journal studies mainly explored using supported standers for improving bone mineral density (BMD), cardiopulmonary function, muscle strength/function, and range of motion (ROM). The data were moderately strong for the use of supported standing for BMD increase, showed some support for decreasing hypertonicity (including spasticity) and improving ROM, and were inconclusive for other benefits of using supported standers for children and adults with neuromuscular disorders. The addition of whole body vibration (WBV) to supported standing activities appeared a promising trend but empirical data were inconclusive. The survey data from physical therapists (PTs) and participant users attributed numerous improved outcomes to supported standing: ROM, bowel/bladder, psychological, hypertonicity and pressure relief/bedsores. BMD was not a reported benefit according to the user group. Conclusion: There exists a need for empirical mechanistic evidence to guide clinical supported standing programs across practice settings and with various-aged participants, particularly when considering a life-span approach to practice.
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The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of a new physiotherapy concept on bone density, muscle force and motor function in bilateral spastic cerebral palsy children. In a retrospective data analysis 78 children were analysed. The concept included whole body vibration, physiotherapy, resistance training and treadmill training. The concept is structured in two in-patient stays and two periods of three months home-based vibration training. Outcome measures were dual-energy x-ray absorption (DXA), Leonardo Tilt Table and a modified Gross Motor Function Measure before and after six months of training. Percent changes were highly significant for bone mineral density, -content, muscle mass and significant for angle of verticalisation, muscle force and modified Gross Motor Function Measure after six months training. The new physiotherapy concept had a significant effect on bone mineral density, muscle force and gross motor function in bilateral spastic cerebral palsy children. This implicates an amelioration in all International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health levels. The study serves as a basis for future research on evidence based paediatric physiotherapy taking into account developmental implications.
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In this 6-month trial, twenty children with cerebral palsy (age 6.2 to 12.3 years; 6 girls) were randomized to either continue their school physiotherapy program unchanged or to receive 9 minutes of side-alternating whole-body vibration (WBV; Vibraflex Home Edition II, Orthometrix Inc) per school day in addition to their school physiotherapy program. Patients who had received vibration therapy increased the average walking speed in the 10 m walk test by a median of 0.18 ms(-1) (from a baseline of 0.47 ms(-1)), whereas there was no change in the control group (P=0.03 for the group difference in walking speed change). No significant group differences were detected for changes in areal bone mineral density (aBMD) at the lumbar spine, but at the distal femoral diaphysis aBMD increased in controls and decreased in the WBV group (P=0.03 for the group difference in aBMD change). About 1% of the WBV treatment sessions were interrupted because the child complained of fatigue or pain. In conclusion, the WBV protocol used in this study appears to be safe in children with cerebral palsy and may improve mobility function but we did not detect a positive treatment effect on bone.
[The aim of this book is] to introduce the education or psychology student to Jean Piaget's theory in an undistorted, conceptual manner. [This volume examines] Piaget's extensive studies on [children's] affective, [and cognitive or intellectual] development. [The author] has also incorporated the most important developments in Piagetian theory of the last several years. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
Normal’ mean value curves were constructed from data in the literature for the acetabular index, femoral inclination, and femoral anteversion in relation to age. These were compared to the mean values found in a group of 40 patients with spastic paraplegia and diplegia. The angle of inclination was usually normal in these spastic children, but anteversion was markedly increased. Decrease in the acetabular index in these children was related to the duration of ambulation. The percentage of the femoral head uncovered by the bony acetabulum correlated with the acetabular index. Neither anteversion nor the angle of inclination correlated with lateral displacement of the femoral head until 40 per cent or more of the femoral head was displaced beyond the bony acetabulum. With subluxation of 40 per cent or more, anteversion and femoral inclination increased proportionately. The pathogenesis and therapeutic implications of femoral and acetabular defoi mity in spastic paraplegia and diplegia are discussed. RÉSUMÉ Altérations au cours de la croissance du fémur et de la cavité cotyloide dans la paraplégie spastique et la dipégie Des courbes de valeur moyenne ‘normale’ ont étéétablies à partir des données de la litterature pour l'index cotylo'idien, l'inclinaison fémorale et l'anteversion femorale en rapport avec l'age. Ces valeurs ont été comparers avec les valeurs moyennes observees dans un groupe de 40 malades atteints de paraplegie spastique ou de diplegie. L'angle d'inclinaison était habituellement normal chez ces enfants spastiques mais l'anteversion était notablement accrue. Une baisse de l'index cotylo'idien chez ces enfants était reliée a la duree de la marche. Le pourcentage de la tete femorale non recouverte par le cotyle était en relation avec l'index cotyloidien. Ni l'anteversion, ni l'angle d'inclinaison n'etait relie avec le deplacement lateral de la tSte femorale a moins que 40 pour cent ou plus de la tete femorale ne fut deplacee en dehors du condyle. Avec des subluxations de 40 pour cent ou plus, l'anteversion et l'inclinaison femorale s'accroissaient proportionnellement. La pathogenie et les implications therapeutiques des deformations f6morales et cotylo'idiennes dans la paraplegie spastique et la diplegie sont discutees. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Wachstwnsalteration des Femur und des Acetabulum bei spastischer Paraplegie und Diplegie Aus Literaturangaben sind fiir einen Index des Acetabulum, fur die Neigung und fur die Anteversion des Femur Mittelwerte gebildet und diese in Relation zum Alter in ‘Norm‐kurven’ graphisch dargestellt worden. Man hat diese mit den Mittelwerten verglichen, die eine Untersuchung von 40 Patienten mit einer spastischen Paraplegie und Diplegie ergeben hatte. Der Neigungswinkel war bei den spastischen Kindern in der Regel normal, dagegen war die Anteversion auffallend vergroBert. Die Verringerung des Acetabulum‐Index bei diesen Kindern war davon abhangig, wie lange sie schon liefen. Der von dem knbchernen Acetabulum unbedeckte Anteil des Femurkopfes stand in Beziehung zum Acetabulum‐Index. Die Anteversion und der Neigungswinkel zeigten erst eine Korrelation zur seitlichen Verlagerung des Femurkopfes, wenn mehr als 40 prozent des Femurkopfes aus dem knochernen Acetabulum herausluxiert waren. Mit einer Subluxation von 40 prozent oder mehr nahmen die Anteversion und die Neigung des Femur proportional zu. Die Pathogenese und die therapeutischen Konsequenzen, die sich bei einer Deformierung des Femur und des Acetabulum ergeben, werden diskutiert. RESUMEN Alteracidn del femur y del acetdbulo durante el desarrollo en la paraplejia v la diplejia espdsticas Se trazaron graficos de los valores medios ‘noimales’, basados en datos en estudios anteiiores, para el indice acetabular, la inclination femoral, y la anteversion femoral, con relación a la edad. Se compararon estos valores medios con los valores medios hallados en un grupo de enfermos afectos de paraplejia y diplejia espasticas. En estos niños espasticos, el angulo de inclinaci6n era generalmente normal, pero la anteversi6n era notablemente aumentada. Un decremento en el indice acetabular en estos niños se asociaba a la duracion de ambulación. El porcentaje de la cabeza femoral descubierta por el acetdbulo oseo tenia correlaciones con el indice acetabular. Ni la anteversion ni el angulo de inclinacion no tenia correlaciones con el desalojamiento de la cabeza femoral hasta que un 40 por ciento o mas era desalojado mas alia del acetabulo oseo. Con una subluxaci6n de un 40 por ciento o mas, la anteversidn y la inclinaci6n femoral aumentaban a prorrata. Se discuten la patogenesis y las implicaciones terapeuticas de malformaciones del femur y del acetabulo en la paraplejia y la diplejia espasticas.
Unlabelled: Short-term exercise in growing rodents provided lifelong benefits to bone structure, strength, and fatigue resistance. Consequently, exercise when young may reduce the risk for fractures later in life, and the old exercise adage of "use it or lose it" may not be entirely applicable to the skeleton. Introduction: The growing skeleton is most responsive to exercise, but low-trauma fractures predominantly occur in adults. This disparity has raised the question of whether exercised-induced skeletal changes during growth persist into adulthood where they may have antifracture benefits. This study investigated whether brief exercise during growth results in lifelong changes in bone quantity, structure, quality, and mechanical properties. Materials and methods: Right forearms of 5-week-old Sprague-Dawley rats were exercised 3 days/week for 7 weeks using the forearm axial compression loading model. Left forearms were internal controls and not exercised. Bone quantity (mineral content and areal density) and structure (cortical area and minimum second moment of area [I(MIN)]) were assessed before and after exercise and during detraining (restriction to home cage activity). Ulnas were removed after 92 weeks of detraining (at 2 years of age) and assessed for bone quality (mineralization) and mechanical properties (ultimate force and fatigue life). Results: Exercise induced consistent bone quantity and structural adaptation. The largest effect was on I(MIN), which was 25.4% (95% CI, 15.6-35.3%) greater in exercised ulnas compared with nonexercised ulnas. Bone quantity differences did not persist with detraining, whereas all of the absolute difference in bone structure between exercised and nonexercised ulnas was maintained. After detraining, exercised ulnas had 23.7% (95% CI, 13.0-34.3%) greater ultimate force, indicating enhanced bone strength. However, exercised ulnas also had lower postyield displacement (-26.4%; 95% CI, -43.6% to -9.1%), indicating increased brittleness. This resulted from greater mineralization (0.56%; 95% CI, 0.12-1.00%), but did not influence fatigue life, which was 10-fold greater in exercised ulnas. Conclusions: These data indicate that exercise when young can have lifelong benefits on bone structure and strength, and potentially, fracture risk. They suggest that the old exercise adage of "use it or lose it" may not be entirely applicable to the skeleton and that individuals undergoing skeletal growth should be encouraged to perform impact exercise.
Previous investigations reported enhanced osseous parameters subsequent to administration of whole body vibration (WBV). While the efficacy of WBV continues to be explored, scientific inquiries should consider several key factors. Bone remodeling patterns differ according to age and hormonal status. Therefore, WBV protocols should be designed specifically for the subject population investigated. Further, administration of WBV to individuals at greatest risk for osteoporosis may elicit secondary physiological benefits (e.g., improved balance and mobility). Secondly, there is a paucity of data in the literature regarding the physiological modulation of WBV on other organ systems and tissues. Vibration-induced modulation of systemic hormones may provide a mechanism by which skeletal tissue is enhanced. Lastly, the most appropriate frequencies, durations, and amplitudes of vibration necessary for a beneficial response are unknown, and the type of vibratory signal (e.g., sinusoidal) is often not reported. This review summarizes the physiological responses of several organ systems in an attempt to link the global influence of WBV. Further, we report findings focused on subject populations that may benefit most from such a therapy (i.e., the elderly, postmenopausal women, etc.) in hopes of eliciting multidisciplinary scientific inquiries into this potentially therapeutic aid which presumably has global ramifications.