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Human identification using KnuckleCodes


Abstract and Figures

The usage of finger knuckle images for personal identification has shown promising results and generated lot of interest in biometrics. In this work, we investigate a new approach for efficient and effective personal identification using KnuckleCodes. The enhanced knuckle images are employed to generate KnuckleCodes using localized Radon transform that can efficiently characterize random curved lines and creases. The similarity between two KnuckleCodes is computed from the minimum matching distance that can account for the variations resulting from translation and positioning of fingers. The feasibility of the proposed approach is investigated on the finger knuckle database from 158 subjects. The experimental results, i.e., equal error rate of 1.08% and rank one recognition rate of 98.6%, suggest the utility of the proposed approach for online human identification.
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Figure 1: Block diagram for the human identification using finger knuckles.
Abstract—The usage of finger knuckle i mages for personal
identification has shown promising results and generated lot of
interest in biometrics. In this work, we investigate a new
approach for efficient and effective personal identification using
KnuckleCodes. The enhanced knuckle images are employed to
generate KnuckleCodes using localized Radon transform that
can efficiently characterize random curved lines and creases.
The similarity between two KnuckleCodes is computed from the
minimum matching distance that can account for the variations
resulting from translation and positioning of fingers. The
feasibility of the proposed approach is investigated on the finger
knuckle database from 158 subjects. The experimental results,
i.e., equal error rate of 1.08% and rank one recognition rate of
98.6%, suggest the utility of the proposed approach for online
human identification.
ESEARCH efforts for human identification using peg-free
hand imaging have shown high interest in the biometrics
literature. Palmprint [1], hand geometry [2], palm vein [3],
palm dorsal vein patterns [4] have been investigated as an
alternative (or compliment) to the more popular fingerprint
identification. However, the research efforts to investigate
the utility of finger knuckle patterns for personal
identification have been very limited. As a result, there is no
known use of knuckle pattern identification in commercial or
civilian applications.
The anatomy of human hands is quite complicated and
intricate but highly responsible for the individuality of
hand-based biometrics. The finger skin surface is highly rich
in texture which consists of palmer friction ridges and palmer
flexion creases [5]. The palmside hand surface regions are
highly popular for personal identification and employed to
acquire fingerprint, palmprint and hand shape features. The
back surface of hands is plainer as it has no specialized
functions. While fingers bend forward and assist in grasping
the objects against palm, its backward motion is resisted.
There are tendons running along the back of the fingers that
assist in extending the fingers when required. However, if
fingers are attempted to be bent past certain points, the
tendons will hyper-extend, injuring the fingers. The
unidirectional bending of fingers generates highly unique
pattern formations, on the finger surface joining proximal
phalanx and the middle phalanx bones, and employed for the
finger knuckle based identification.
A. Related Work
The human identification using 3D and 2D finger surface
details have generated lot of research interest and promising
results have been detailed in the literature [6]-[10]. Woodard
and Flynn [6] have demonstrated that finger knuckle surface
is quite distinctive 3D surface and detailed the user
identification from range images using curvature and
shape-based index. The usage of range images to extract
distinctive 3D finger geometrical features is also detailed in
[2], [7]. Recently, reference [8] has detailed the usage of
finger knuckle surface for online user identification using
combination of sub-space features. This paper also describes
the simultaneous extraction and usage of geometrical features
for performance improvement. The image details from the
palmside finger surface can also be employed for the user
identification as detailed in [9] and [10]. However, the texture
details/patterns that can be acquired from low-resolution
palmside finger surface imaging are very limited but useful in
improving the performance from the simultaneously acquired
palm surface (palmprint) as detailed in [9]-[10].
B. Selecting a Finger
Our approach in the selection of one of the fingers for the
human identification is motivated by the anatomical studies
[11]. The forefinger and little finger have very high mobility
and agility. The ring finger is regarded as the clumsiest and
stiffest of all fingers. Therefore the ring
Human Identification Using KnuckleCodes
Ajay Kumar, Yingbo Zhou
Department of Computing
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Figure 2: (a) Finger image, (b) segmented finger knuckle
image, (c) mean bi-cubic image, (d) enhanced knuckle image.
(b) (c) (d)
finger offered high user inconvenience even with the
peg-free imaging considered in this work. The middle finger
offered higher surface area and higher stability in acquiring
knuckle patterns. Therefore middle fingers images were
selected for evaluating knuckle identification. It may also be
noted that the comparative evaluation of performance from
the four finger knuckle images in [8] suggested that middle
finger achieves the best performance. It is also possible to
acquire four fingers simultaneously, as in [8], and improve
the performance from the combination since four knuckle
patterns present quite distinct texture.
The block diagram for the proposed personal identification
system using finger knuckles is shown in figure 1. The
backside (knuckle side) fingers images are conveniently
acquired from a digital camera for the identification. Each of
these images requires localization of region of interest for the
feature extraction. This region of interest is the region having
maximum knuckle creases and automatically extracted using
the edge detection based approach detailed in reference [8].
The extracted knuckle images have non uniform
illuminations and therefore require image enhancement. The
enhanced knuckle images are employed for the feature
extraction. The feature extraction approach employed in this
work is detailed in section III and generates binarized codes
KnuckleCodes for each of the localized pixel positions. The
extracted knuckles are used to match with those in the
database stored during the user registration. The extracted
knuckle images have wide translational and rotational
variations which have to be accounted during matching
stages. Therefore the matching distance employed in this
work is based on comparison in the neighborhood and is
detailed in section IV. The user identity is ascertained from
the identity associated with the KnuckleCodes that generates
minimum matching distance.
The finger surface is highly curved and results in uneven
reflection which also generates shadow. The knuckle images
therefore have low contrast and uneven illuminations. These
undesirable effects are reduced in the pre-processing step
using nonlinear image enhancement. The image enhancement
steps employed in this work are summarized as follows:
(a) Each of the knuckle images is divided into 10 × 10
pixels sub-blocks, and the gray-level in each of the blocks is
computed by summing up all pixel values in this block and
then divided by a constant N. Selecting N = 256 achieved the
desirable enhancement performance in our experiments. The
gray-level in each block represents the average background
illumination from the corresponding sub-block.
(b) The estimated blockwise average from (a) is used to
construct a background illumination image, of the same size
The ring finger is also known as toe finger since it has no more mobility
than a toe.
as original knuckle image, using bi-cubic interpolation.
(c) The background illumination image from (b) is
subtracted from the original image for the normalization of
uneven illumination. The resulting normalized image is
subjected to the histogram equalization to obtain the final
enhanced knuckle image.
Figure 2 shows a sample of finger knuckle image and the
corresponding steps to obtain the enhanced image. It can be
noticed from figure 2(d) that the employed steps for the image
enhancement have been quite successful in improving the
illumination and the contrast of the finger knuckle images.
The enhanced knuckle image mainly consists of curved
lines and creases. Therefore the feature extraction approaches
that are highly successful in the characterization of such
random textured biometric traits (e.g., iris, palm, etc.) deserve
investigation. There were two key factors in the selection of
feature extraction approach for our system. Firstly, the
localized estimation of features, rather than the global
estimation, was preferred as such approaches have shown to
deliver better performance. Secondly, the computational
complexity another factor as the developed system is
intended for the online user identification.
The feature extraction approach is focused on the
detection and characterization of curved knuckle lines and
creases from the enhanced finger knuckle images. The Radon
transform can effectively accentuate such line features by
summation of image pixels along several directions and is
highly computationally efficient. However the lines and
creases in the images are curved rather than linear along
image dimensions, therefore localized Radon transform was
employed for the feature extraction.
A. Localized Radon Transform
The localized Radon transform (LRT) for a discrete image
g[m ,n] on a finite grid
can be defined as:
Figure 3: Computing localized Radon transform in a 14 × 14
pixel region in the directions of 0o, π/6, π/3, π/2, 2π/3, 5π/6
and the Xp is 2 pixels wide.
 Μ,
,  (1)
where  0, 1, …,   1, q is a positive integer, and
is centred at ,
. The represents set of points on
such that
, (2)
where p denotes the slope of , i.e. slope of line passing
through the centre ,
. The LRT is not an
invertible transform but useful to represent line and crease
like features. The line width of can be empirically selected
corresponding to the width of the observed knuckle lines in
the acquired finger images. In this work, this line width is
therefore empirically selected as two pixels. Figure 3 shows
the computation of LRT for the width of equals 2, when
the localized region of 14 × 14 pixels (l = 14) is selected in 6
(D = 6) directions. The main objective of employing LRT in
our approach is to efficiently and effectively ascertain the
orientation p of knuckle lines and creases in a localized
B. KnuckleCodes Using LRT
The orientation of curved lines and creases is estimated
from the localized magnitude of LRT. This orientation for
every pixel centred at ,
is estimated from the
summation of pixels along the line of given slope p. It should
be noted that the curved knuckle lines (figure 2) appear as
dark lines, i.e., identified from the pixel gray-levels which are
smaller than the background. Therefore minimum, rather than
maximum, magnitude of  is of interest. The index of the
dominant direction at every pixel forms the feature and is
computed as follows:
Χ ,   1,2, …, (3)
where the ,
represents the line direction or the
dominant index of pixel ,
. This operation is repeated
as the centre of lattice
moves over all the pixels in the
image. The dominant direction at every pixel is binary
coded using Z binary bits and is referred to as KnuckleCode in
this paper. The binarized encoding of orientation index from
every pixel is preferred mainly for the efficient template
storage and matching. In order to effectively handle the pixels
localized at the edges of images, zero padding is employed for
such boundary pixels. As long as the padding pixel values are
same, the dominant direction ,
will not be
influenced by such padding. This guarantees the correctness
of the algorithm in computing ,
for boundary pixels.
The matching of two KnuckleCodes, extracted from two
different fingers, should be robust to handle the translation
and rotational variations in the localized knuckle images.
These variations can be either due the translation and/or
rotation of presented fingers (due to peg-free imaging) and/or
due to the inaccuracies in the localization of knuckle image
regions. These inaccuracies can also be due to the influence of
the shadows resulting from the highly curved 3D finger
surface. Therefore, the approach employed in this work
attempts to generate the best possible matching score while
considering the translation and rotation of fingers that
sometimes present partially matching knuckles.
The matching score between two Z bit KnuckleCodes R
and T, obtained from two corresponding knuckle images, is
generated as follows:
, min,, ,∑∑
represents the KnuckleCodes (acquired during user
registration) with the width and height expanded to m2w
and n  2h, while
w  floor
, h  floor 
, (5)
   ,,   ,
 , (6)
 0  
 
1  (7)
where b = 1, 2, ..Z which denotes binary bits for the Z bit
KnuckleCodes while m and n denotes the width and height of
KnuckleCodes, i.e., size of R and T. It may be noted that the
size of KnuckleCodes is significantly smaller than the original
knuckle image size and depends on the local region size
(one fourth of the knuckle image size for 2) employed
in this work. The KnuckleCodes can be considered similar to
FingerCodes [13] or IrisCodes [14] as they also represent the
localized texture information.
The proposed approach for human identification using
knuckle images is rigorously evaluated on finger image
database from 158 subjects. This database was acquired over
a period of 11 months and each subject/volunteer contributed
five image samples which resulted in total of 790 images.
These images were acquired using a digital camera in an
indoor environment using unconstrained (peg-free) setup as
detailed in [8]. The middle finger images from each of the
subjects are employed to automatically extract 80 × 100 pixel
knuckle region using the segmentation method detailed in [8].
Figure 2(a) shows a sample of acquired middle finger image
and correspondingly segmented knuckle image in figure 2(b).
The segmented images have low contrast and may suffer from
Figure 4: Finger knuckle image samples fro
(a), and the corresponding enhanced image
Figure 5: Gray level representation
generated for knuckle image in (a) using L
even Gabor filters in (c).
non-uniform illumination. Therefore eac
images were enhanced as detailed in sec
knuckle image samples from the four subj
figure 4(a) and the corresponding enhanc
are reproduced in figure 4(b).
The enhanced knuckle images are subje
extraction using LRT as detailed in secti
number of candidate directions (D) fo
empirically fixed to 8. The performan
achieved by 5-fold cross validation an
experimental results is presented. This r
realistic experiments, similar to as in [9]
images have large variations within the sa
from shadows, illumination and pose chang
representation of KnuckleCodes generated
image sample in figure 5(a) is shown in fig
the five users in
amples in (b)
of KnuckleCodes
T in (b), and using
Figure 6: The ROC curves
of the knuckle
tion II. The five
cts are shown in
d image samples
ted to the feature
on III. The total
every pixel is
e evaluation is
the average of
presents a more
, as the knuckle
e class resulting
s. The gray level
rom the Knuckle
re 5(b)-(c). The
receiver operating characteristics (
genuine and imposter 124030 (15
scores is shown in figure 6. The co
results from our approach, with
approach, i.e., eigenknuckles and
[8] on the database employed in th
figure 6. Table 1 summarizes the
rate from the experiments. We als
for the recognition and the co
cumulative match characteristics (
Another possible approach fo
features is to employ real part
ascertain the orientation at every p
filtered response. Such an approach
the palmprint data in [15] and ac
Therefore the generation of
filters is also investigated and the
shown in figure 6-7. The twelve re
15 mask size, centred at frequ
employed to achieve the best perfo
number of filters and mask sizes ge
The experimental results in figure 6
the performance from the
LRT, i.e., KnuckleCodes (Radon), i
to those from real Gabor filter base
EER (%)
Mean 1.08 2.66
deviation 1.08 1.81
Table 1: Comparative performanc
from the experiments.
OC) using 790 (158 × 5)
8 × 157 × 5) matching
parison of experimental
the appearance based
herknuckles employed in
s work is also shown in
t case average equal error
performed experiments
esponding comparative
MC) are shown in figure
extracting orientation
f Gabor functions and
ixel using the maximum
has been investigated on
ieves promising results.
eCode using such Gabor
comparative results are
l Gabor filters, with 15 ×
ncy of 1/22 were
mance. Smaller or larger
erated poor performance.
nd figure 7 suggests that
eCodes generated using
far superior as compared
rror Rate
EigenKnuckles Fisherknuckles
13.92% 12.66%
1.24 1.27%
e from the experiments.
Figure 7: The CMC curves from the experiments.
The experimental results from the LRT using 8 directions
(D = 8) for various parameters, i.e. (figure 3, equation 2)
and l (summation length, figure 3), are illustrated in table 2. In
order to clearly define the centre of the LRT parity of line
width (width of ) and length (l) must be the same, i.e. both
are even or odd, so while the line width is equal to 1 and 3 line
length 13 and 15 are used. Table 3 illustrates the comparative
experimental results from the KnuckleCodes generated using
LRT and even Gabor filters. The number of even Gabor filters
at every pixel defines the extraction of possible orientation
information (directions D) that can be acquired for every pixel
in the knuckle image. The experimental results in table 3
suggests that the best results are achieved when the total
number of even Gabor filters are fixed to 12. However, little
better results are obtained when the total number of directions
are fixed to 8 (as compared to 12), for the case when
KnuckleCodes are generated using LRT.
A. Discussion
It may also be noted that the generation of KnuckleCodes
using Gabor filters is highly computationally demanding as it
requires convolution operation at every pixel and orientation
as compared to simple sum in LRT. Therefore, the
KnuckleCodes generated from LRT are also favourably
suitable for online user identification. It should be noted that
reference [8] simultaneously employs hand geometry features
while reference [9] [10] employed palmside finger/palm
features. Therefore any direct comparison of our results, that
employed only middle finger knuckle images, with [8]-[10] is
difficult. The accuracy of segmenting knuckle images from
the presented fingers highly influences the matching scores
between the corresponding KnuckleCodes. In order to handle
the rotational and translational variations in the segmented
knuckle images, we employed minimum of matching score
(4) generated from the translation of respective templates in
the region that extended to one third of length and width of
the templates. The finger knuckle image database employed
in this work is being made available [17] to encourage further
research efforts in knuckle biometrics.
. The
comore from
all the
versions templates.
This paper has investigated a new approach for human
identification using finger knuckle images. The orientation of
curved finger knuckle lines and creases are extracted as
template, referred to as KnuckleCodes, and employed for the
human identification. The KnuckleCodes extractied using
LRT achieves the best results as compared to various
approaches investigated in this paper. The advantage of using
Radon transform based KnuckleCodes, lies not only in
significantly higher performance, but also in the template
storage and matching (the size/dimension of KnuckleCodes is
one fourth of the corresponding dimension of knuckle image
or 25 × 20). In summary, the experimental results from the
finger knuckle identification approach investigated in this
paper achieves significantly promising results, i.e., average
rank-one recognition rate of 98.6% and equal error rate of
1.08% on the database of 158 persons. These results can be
attributed to extraction of reliable orientation features using
LRT, usage of robust knuckle image enhancement technique,
and importantly to the generation of reliable matching
distances using equation (4)-(7) that can also account for the
translation of finger knuckles.
The orientation of palm-lines and creases has been
exploited for the personal identification using Gabor
functions [15] and Radon transform based features [12].
However, the finger knuckles present more attractive
Equal Error Rate
1 2 3 4
l 13 15 14 13 15 14
Mean (%) 1.15 1.15 1.08 2.78 2.53 6.96
Std deviation (%) 1.57 1.57 1.08 0.96 1.48 0.9
Table 2: Performance analysis using Localized Radon Transform.
Equal Error Rate
D (Intervals in 0-π ) 6 8 10 12 14 16
KnuckleCodes (Radon) Mean (%) 2.03 1.08 1.29 1.14 1.27 1.29
Std deviation (%) 1.37 1.08 1.59 1.37 1.60 1.24
KnuckleCodes (Gabor) Mean (%) 4.18 11.14 5.82 2.66 3.29 7.59
Std deviation (%) 2.31 1.88 1.04 1.81 2.26 2.24
Table 3: Comparative performance analysis with the variations in D.
alternative than palmprints, mainly because of its smaller
surface area, think/rich lines and creases, and importantly due
to large possibility of higher user acceptance. The user
acceptance for employing finger knuckle in human
identification is expected to be very high as there is no stigma
of personal information (fortune telling beliefs, i.e. life-line,
heart-line, head-line, etc.) associated with finger knuckle
This paper has offered promising and computationally
smaller alternative for the finger knuckle identification.
However, much more needs to be done and investigated as
there exits lot of potential from finger knuckles for the human
identification. There have not been any studies to ascertain
the stability of finger knuckles with age, time, varying
medical and environmental conditions. Further work is also
required to ascertain the individuality of finger knuckles in
large population (say more than 1000 subjects) and on the
dermatoglyphics analysis to ascertain the variation of knuckle
patterns across the population.
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... another. The prediction of location and range parameters for a specific score distribution must be efficient and robust for producing good normalization results [10]. Efficiency means the closeness of the obtained predicted values to the optimal prediction and Robustness means the insensitivity to outliers when the distribution is already known. ...
... Match score level fusion[10] Fig. 3.1: Two different classes shown by the two Gaussian-like distributions, two samples per class provided to the learning procedures, PCA or LDA. Classification result produced ...
... Part (b) shows the performance of different classifiers for the multimodal system. Roc curves show that Bayesian classifier has outperformed the other methods of SVM Poly, SVM Gaussian, Fisher Linear Discriminant and Performance comparison of (a) unimodal and multimodal biometric systems, and (b)classification methods[9] A new unimodal approach for efficient individual identification has been introduced in 2009 by Kumar et al[10] using Knuckle Codes. The preprocessed knuckle images are employed to generate Knuckle Codes with the help of localized Radon transform that clearly show random curved lines and wrinkles. ...
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Reliable user authentication has become very important with rapid advancements in networking with increased concerns about security. Biometric systems perform recognition with the help of specific physiological or behavioral characteristics(s) of a person. Biometrics establishes identity on the basis of biological characters e.g., the structure of your DNA, facial features, voice, gait, etc, instead of ID cards, PIN numbers, tokens, passwords, etc. UniBiometrics systems depend on the evidence of only one source of information whereas multibiometric systems consolidate/combine multiple sources of biometric evidences. Multibiometric systems can enhance the matching performance as they get the evidence presented by different modalities or biological characteristics and the use of multiple body traits improves the identification accuracy significantly. Moreover, they are expected to increase population coverage, prevent spoofing attacks and provide fault tolerance to biometric systems. In this thesis, we have proposed an evolutionary approach to enhance the matching performance of our multibiometric system. The system uses Discrete Cosine Transform at feature extraction level due to its high energy compaction property. The existing methods of Linear Discriminant Analysis and Principal Component Analysis are also used in parallel with DCT in order to compare the three feature extraction methods. LDA being more efficient than PCA as LDA uses both intra-class scatter and inter-class variation whereas PCA only deals with intra-class scatter. However, DCT offers far less computational complexity than the other two methods. Three biometric traits i.e. face, iris and ear have been used which are fused at feature level and genetic algorithm has been incorporated for feature vector optimization. Classification is performed through the Bayesian classifier. Results have been computed on the basis of Error Equal Rate (EER) values and ROC curves which have shown that the use of Discrete Cosine Transform with genetic algorithm has significantly improved the performance of our multibiometric system.
... The FKP skin is much arch and results in rough reflection which also appeared shadow. The FKP images have low contrast and uneven illuminations [5]. The 2D finger knuckle pictures have the actual design of the skin wrinkle designs between the center and proximal phalanges of the fingers. ...
... -Related work The researchers in [5], [6], proposed a way to deal with individual validation utilizing 2D fingerback surface imaging. They execute a framework to catch hand-back pictures and afterward separated the finger knuckle area by some preprocessing steps. ...
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Biometric-based individual distinguishing proof is a successful strategy for consequently perceiving, with high certainty, an individual's character. The utilization of finger knuckle pictures for individual ID has shown promising outcomes and produced a ton of interest in biometrics. By seeing that the surface example delivered by twisting the finger knuckle is profoundly particular, in this paper we present a new biometric validation framework utilizing finger-knuckle-print (FKP) imaging. In this paper, another methodology in view of neighborhood surface examples is proposed. Local derivative pattern (LDP) histogram is investigated for FKP description. Then based on neighborhood preserving embedding (NPE) is used for dimension reduction to the feature vector. The feature extraction method is computed and evaluated in the identification framework task. The machine learning methods (multiclass support vector machine (MSVM), random forest (RF), k-nearest neighbor (KNN)) are proposed for classification. The system is tested on the PolyU finger knuckle database. The empirical results proved that the proposed model has the best results with RF. Moreover, our proposed LDP-NPE model has been evaluated and the results show remarkable efficiency in comparison with previous work. Experimentally, the proposed model has better accuracy as reflected by 99.65%.
... The finger knuckle patterns are formed on the distal interphalangeal, proximal interphalangeal and metacarpophalangeal joints of the fingers [15,19,22], and referred to as the major, minor and base knuckles respectively. Initial attempts at recognizing knuckle patterns were focused on the major knuckles and based on popular image processing techniques such as Gabor filters [28], Radon transforms [20,21], phase-only correlation [29] and log-Gabor filters [4]. Moreover, existing work has largely focused on the consideration of major knuckles in the earlier years of establishing knuckles as a potential biometric. ...
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In many cases of serious crime, images of a hand can be the only evidence available for the forensic identification of the offender. As well as placing them at the scene, such images and video evidence offer proof of the offender committing the crime. The knuckle creases of the human hand have emerged as an effective biometric trait and been used to identify the perpetrators of child abuse in forensic investigations. However, manual utilization of knuckle creases for identification is highly time consuming and can be subjective, requiring the expertise of experienced forensic anthropologists whose availability is very limited. Hence, there arises a need for an automated approach for localization and comparison of knuckle patterns. In this paper, we present a fully automatic end-to-end approach which localizes the minor, major and base knuckles in images of the hand, and effectively uses them for identification achieving state-of-the-art results. This work improves on existing approaches and allows us to strengthen cases further by objectively combining multiple knuckles and knuckle types to obtain a holistic matching result for comparing two hands. This yields a stronger and more robust multi-unit biometric and facilitates the large-scale examination of the potential of knuckle-based identification. Evaluated on two large landmark datasets, the proposed framework achieves equal error rates (EER) of 1.0-1.9%, rank-1 accuracies of 99.3-100% and decidability indices of 5.04-5.83. We make the full results available via a novel online GUI to raise awareness with the general public and forensic investigators about the identifiability of various knuckle regions. These strong results demonstrate the value of our holistic approach to hand identification from knuckle patterns and their utility in forensic investigations.
... Later, this scheme was extended by combining the magnitude information extracted by Gabor filters [8]. Kumar and Zhou presented Knuckle Code scheme was generated by using local Radon transform [11] and Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Independent Component Analysis (ICA) and Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) are used as subspace-based algorithms [12]. Kumar [13] has proposed a new FKP system based finger knuckle pattern on the second joint, i.e., the meta carpophalangeal joint Xiong et al. ...
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Researchers have recently found that the finger knuckle print is an emerging and promising biometric identifier. In order to get better performance in a biometric system requires fusion of multiple instances within a modality. This paper makes use of fractional theory to propose an efficient feature level of fusion scheme named as a Fractional Cuckoo Search algorithm (FCS) for finger knuckle images. In this work both left index and right index features of an individual are extracted by using HOG method. These feature vectors are fused by optimal weight score selection, which finds out the weights from the proposed fractional cuckoo search algorithm. Thus the performance of the proposed system has been evaluated with the help of multi- layered SVM classifier in terms of False Acceptance Ratio (FAR), False Rejection Ratio (FRR) and Accuracy. From the experimental results, our proposed optimization system obtains a better accuracy of 98.97%.
Biometrics are widely used in security systems, but it has drawbacks such as its nonreusability, being susceptible to getting stolen, and being prone to unauthorized access. These issues can be tackled using cancelable biometrics. In this work, features extracted using Log-Gabor filters are processed according to the proposed max-min thresholding. The resulting binary features are transformed by random projection on a key matrix to create a cancelable template. The method was carefully evaluated using publicly accessible datasets of face near-infrared, palm print, palm vein, dorsal vein, wrist vein, and knuckle print. A significant improvement in performance over many recent methods was observed. Also, the effectiveness of the generated cancelable templates was observed in the general, stolen token, and changeable scenarios. The generated template is 25% of the original input size, which makes it efficient for low-end devices.
This paper addresses the problem of identification in the Finger-knuckle-print (FKP) databases. Identification determines the identity of a query of the FKP sample. It involves finding the most similar sample in the database by comparing the query FKP with all the templates stored in the database. It is a computationally expensive process that demands huge time for large databases. A technique is required that can reduce the search space and limits the number of comparisons to boost the identification process. Such a technique is called indexing. It devises a fixed size small candidate list for a given FKP sample in constant time for searching. The paper proposes FKPIndexNet that learns similarity-preserving hash codes for generating an index table. It employs a specialized autoencoder network to learn feature embeddings such that they have high intra-class and low inter-class similarity. The proposed technique is examined on two publicly available FKP databases viz., PolyU-FKP and IITD-FKP. Experimental results show that the proposed method achieves 100% hit rate at a penetration rate of only 3.42% for PolyU-FKP database and 0.32% for IITD FKP database, respectively. This implies that for a query FKP sample, to get a true match with 100% confidence, only 3.42% and 0.32% of the PolyU-FKP and IITD FKP database needs to be compared, respectively. Results and analysis demonstrate the superiority of the proposed technique compared to other state-of-the-art approaches.
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Various biometric traits are available but recently finger knuckle image has attracted great attention to biometric research community due to its potentiality and ease of use. The performance of any biometric system heavily depends on the accuracy of feature detection and robustness of feature description. A number of feature descriptors are available but selection is being determined by the type of application such as image retrieval, biometric system, remote sensing etc. This paper proposed a biometric system using leading descriptor for finger knuckle biological trait image recognition and also compare the proposed system with existing leading state-of-art finger knuckle print recognition. The recognition performance is measured by some standard evaluation protocol such as Equal Error Rate (EER), Decidability index, Computation cost, Zero-score imposter probability, Zero-score genuine probability, Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC), Detection Error Trade-off (DET) over PolyU Finger Knuckle benchmark database. The experimental results show that, the performance of SURF, KAZE and ORB are comparable and are better as compared to BRISK and MSER descriptor. The ERR of 0.0010% is obtained with ORB descriptor while the Decidability index of 6.4645 is obtained for KAZE. The minimum Computational cost of 0.1442 s is obtained for SURF as compares to other of its class.
The use of biometrics for access control on hand-held devices such as smartphones and tablets is in common use now. The security of biometrics and privacy of users’ data has become more important in this scenario. The templates stored in the database or a network are prone to different attacks. Since, biometrics are unique to an individual, their loss imparts the loss of privacy and identity. Unlike passwords, biometrics once lost or stolen cannot be recovered. Cancelable biometrics is one way to address these issues. In cancelable biometrics, pseudo-identities are used in place of original biometric identities and multiple pseudo-identities can be generated for an individual. These pseudo-identities are supposed to be non-invertible and attackers can not extract original biometric from pseudo-identities. If one pseudo-identity is compromised in any way, another pseudo-identity can be issued. This way cancelable biometrics can provide privacy and security to biometrics. This dissertation proposes three methods for generating cancelable biometric templates. Contributions have been made for transformations at feature level and also for extracting and compressing features. Two contributions have been made for feature level transformations using Binary Coding and Random Projection (RP). These techniques not only meet the requirements of performance, security, and privacy for many modalities but are also capable of dimension reduction without using any predefined dimension reduction algorithms. Rigorous experimentations have been performed for evaluating these methods on various datasets of modalities such as Face Near Infrared (NIR), Palm Print, Palm Vein, Dorsal Vein, Wrist Vein, and Knuckle Print. The evaluation of these methods has been done in three different scenarios for addressing different uses and attacks possible. Convolutional AutoEncoders (CAEs) are a great tool for extracting features from images and compressing them to a lower dimension called latent space. Latent space is generated from the input images by extracting the relevant and the most useful features required for approximating the images. In the proposed work, a CAE is used for feature extraction.Extracted features are used for generating cancelable template using Random Salting and Random Convolution. The architecture has been trained for Palm Print, Palm Vein, and Wrist Vein images combined from different datasets namely, CASIA, PolyU, and CIEPUT. The proposed method has been rigorously experimented and evaluated for these modalities. The same evaluation protocol is used for evaluating this method too.
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With the identity fraud in our society reaching unprecedented proportions and with an increasing emphasis on the emerging automatic positive personal identification applications, biometrics-based identification, especially fingerprint-based identification, is receiving a lot of attention. There are two major shortcomings of the traditional approaches to fingerprint representation. For a significant fraction of population, the representations based on explicit detection of complete ridge structures in the fingerprint are difficult to extract automatically. The widely used minutiae-based representation does not utilize a significant component of the rich discriminatory information, available in the fingerprints. The proposed filter-based algorithm uses a bank of Gabor filters to capture both the local and the global details in a fingerprint as a compact 640-byte fixed length FingerCode. The fingerprint matching is based on the Euclidean distance between the two corresponding FingerCodes and hence is extremely fast. Our initial results show identification accuracies comparable to the best results of minutiae-based algorithms published in the open literature. Finally, we show that the matching performance can be improved by combining the decisions of the matchers based on complementary fingerprint information
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In recent years, palmprint based personal identification has been extensively explored by researchers. The success of this technology has demonstrated that the inner part of palm skin is capable of distin- guishing one person from another in case that proper representation is utilized. However, earlier work mainly focused on scenarios where the po- sition and pose of hands are constrained by pegs or plates. In contrast, our purpose is to design and implement a system which is capable of recognizing an individual once he/she naturally stretches his/her hand in front of the camera. Since human hand is an articulated object, it is important to filter out geometry variations. This paper presents and compares two hand texture based personal identification methods, which are called hand-print verification in this paper to denote the idea of uti- lizing whole hand skin image for recognition. In one of the method, hand articulation is eliminated in a well-defined way and then the hand is treated as a whole for feature extraction, while in the other method, fea- tures are extracted in different parts of the hand, and final decision is made in a matching score level fusion manner. Experimental results for both methods are presented and compared.
Traditional hand geometry based personal verification systems offer limited performance and therefore suitable only for small scale applications. This paper investigates a new approach to achieve performance improvement for hand geometry systems by simultaneously acquiring three dimensional features from the presented hands. The proposed system utilizes a laser based 3D digitizer to acquire registered intensity and range images of the presented hands in a completely contact-free manner, without using any hand position restricting mechanism. Two new representations that characterize the local features on the finger surface are extracted from the acquired range images and are matched using the proposed matching metrics. The proposed approach is evaluated on a database of 177 users, with 10 hand images for each user acquired in two sessions. Our experimental results suggest that the proposed 3D hand geometry features have significant discriminatory information to reliably authenticate individuals. Our experimental results also demonstrate that the combination of 3D hand geometry features with 2D geometry features can be employed to significantly improve the performance from 2D hand geometry features alone.
This paper investigates a new approach for personal authentication using fingerback surface imaging. The texture pattern produced by the finger knuckle bending is highly unique and makes the surface a distinctive biometric identifier. The finger geometry features can be simultaneously acquired from the same image at the same time and integrated to further improve the user-identification accuracy of such a system. The fingerback surface images from each user are normalized to minimize the scale, translation, and rotational variations in the knuckle images. This paper details the development of such an approach using peg-free imaging. The experimental results from the proposed approach are promising and confirm the usefulness of such an approach for personal authentication.
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In palmprint recognition field, orientation based approaches are thought to achieve the best results in terms of recognition rates. In this paper, we propose a novel orientation based scheme, in which three strategies, the modified finite Radon transform, enlarged training set and pixel to area matching, have been designed to further improve its performance. The experimental results of verification conducted on Hong Kong Polytechnic University Palmprint Database show that our approach has higher recognition rates and faster processing speed.
This paper proposes a novel technique to analyze the infrared vein patterns in the back of the hand for biometric purposes. The technique utilizes the minutiae features extracted from the vein patterns for recognition, which include bifurcation points and ending points. Similar to fingerprints, these feature points are used as a geometric representation of the shape of vein patterns. Analysis of a database of infrared vein patterns shows a trend that for each hand vein pattern image, there are, on average, 13 minutiae points in each vein pattern image, including 7 bifurcation and 6 ending points. The modified Hausdorff distance algorithm is proposed to evaluate the discriminating power of these minutiae for person verification purposes. Experimental results show the algorithm reaches 0% of equal error rate (EER) on the database of 47 distinct subjects, which indicates the minutiae features of the vein pattern can be used to perform personal verification tasks. The paper also presents the preprocessing techniques to obtain the minutiae points as well as in-depth study on their tolerance to processing errors, such as loss of features and geometrical displacement.
Unimodal analysis of palmprint and palm vein has been investigated for person recognition. One of the problems with unimodality is that the unimodal biometric is less accurate and vulnerable to spoofing, as the data can be imitated or forged. In this paper, we present a multimodal personal identification system using palmprint and palm vein images with their fusion applied at the image level. The palmprint and palm vein images are fused by a new edge-preserving and contrast-enhancing wavelet fusion method in which the modified multiscale edges of the palmprint and palm vein images are combined. We developed a fusion rule that enhances the discriminatory information in the images. Here, a novel palm representation, called “Laplacianpalm” feature, is extracted from the fused images by the locality preserving projections (LPP). Unlike the Eigenpalm approach, the “Laplacianpalm” finds an embedding that preserves local information and yields a palm space that best detects the essential manifold structure. We compare the proposed “Laplacianpalm” approach with the Fisherpalm and Eigenpalm methods on a large data set. Experimental results show that the proposed “Laplacianpalm” approach provides a better representation and achieves lower error rates in palm recognition. Furthermore, the proposed multimodal method outperforms any of its individual modality.
In this paper, we propose a novel robust line orientation code for palmprint verification, whose performance is improved by using three strategies. Firstly, a modified finite Radon transform (MFRAT) is proposed, which can extract the orientation feature of palmprint more accurately and solve the problem of sub-sampling better. Secondly, we construct an enlarged training set to solve the problem of large rotations caused by imperfect preprocessing. Finally, a matching algorithm based on pixel-to-area comparison has been designed, which has better fault tolerant ability. The experimental results of verification on Hong Kong Polytechnic University Palmprint Database show that the proposed approach has higher recognition rate and faster processing speed.
We present a novel approach for personal identification and identity verification which utilizes 3D finger surface features as a biometric identifier. Using 3D range images of the hand, a surface representation for the index, middle, and ring finger is calculated and used for comparison to determine subject similarity. We use the curvature based shape index to represent the fingers’ surface. Gallery and probe shape index signatures are compared using the normalized correlation coefficient to compute a match score. A large unique database of hand images supports the research. We use data sets obtained over time to examine the performance of each individual finger surface as a biometric identifier as well as the performance obtained when combining them. Both identification and verification experiments are conducted. In addition, probe and gallery sets sizes are increased to further improve recognition performance in our experiments. Our approach yields good results for a first-of-its-kind biometric technique, indicating that this approach warrants further research.
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This paper presents a new approach to achieve the performance improvement for the traditional palmprint authentication approaches. The cohort information is used in the matching stage but only when the matching scores are inadequate to generate reliable decisions. The cohort information can also be utilized to achieve the significant performance improvement for the combination of modalities and this is demonstrated from the experimental results in this paper. The rigorous palmprint authentication results presented in this paper are the best in the literature and confirm the utility of significant information that can be extracted from the imposter scores. The statistical estimation of confidence level for the palmprint matching requires an excellent match between the theoretical distribution and the real score distribution. The performance analysis presented in this paper, from over 29.96 million imposter matching scores, suggests that Beta-Binomial function can more accurately model the distribution of real palmprint matching scores.