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Formation and ultraslow propagation of infrared solitons in graphene under an external magnetic field


Abstract and Figures

Unusual dispersion relation of graphene nanoribbons for electrons can lead to an exceptionally strong optical response in the infrared regime and exhibits a very good tunable frequency. According to quantum optics and solid-material scientific principles, here we show the possibility to generate ultraslow infrared bright and dark solitons in graphene under the action of strong magnetic and infrared laser fields. By means of quantum-mechanical density-matrix formalism, we derive the equations of motion that govern the nonlinear evolution of the probe-pulse envelope in this scheme. It is found that, by properly choosing the parameters of the system, the formation and ultraslow propagation of infrared spatial solitons originate from the balance between nonlinear effects and the dispersion properties of the graphene under infrared excitation. Moreover, the unique electronic properties and selection rules near the Dirac point provide more freedom for us to study the linear and nonlinear dynamical responses of the photonics and graphene system. These results may have potential applications in telecommunication and optical information processing.
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Formation and ultraslow propagation of infrared solitons in graphene under
an external magnetic field
Chunling Ding,
Rong Yu,
Jiahua Li,
Xiangying Hao,
and Ying Wu
School of Physics and Electronics, Henan University, Kaifeng 475004, People’s Republic of China
School of Science, Hubei Province Key Laboratory of Intelligent Robot, Wuhan Institute of Technology,
Wuhan 430073, People’s Republic of China
Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics and School of Physics, Huazhong University of Science and
Technology, Wuhan 430074, People’s Republic of China
MOE Key Laboratory of Fundamental Quantities Measurement, Wuhan 430074, People’s Republic of China
(Received 22 April 2014; accepted 4 June 2014; published online 17 June 2014)
Unusual dispersion relation of graphene nanoribbons for electrons can lead to an exceptionally
strong optical response in the infrared regime and exhibits a very good tunable frequency.
According to quantum optics and solid-material scientific principles, here we show the possibility
to generate ultraslow infrared bright and dark solitons in graphene under the action of strong
magnetic and infrared laser fields. By means of quantum-mechanical density-matrix formalism, we
derive the equations of motion that govern the nonlinear evolution of the probe-pulse envelope in
this scheme. It is found that, by properly choosing the parameters of the system, the formation and
ultraslow propagation of infrared spatial solitons originate from the balance between nonlinear
effects and the dispersion properties of the graphene under infrared excitation. Moreover, the
unique electronic properties and selection rules near the Dirac point provide more freedom for us
to study the linear and nonlinear dynamical responses of the photonics and graphene system. These
results may have potential applications in telecommunication and optical information processing.
C2014 AIP Publishing LLC.[]
Graphene has been in the forefront of nanoelectronics
and condensed matter physics during the past few years. First,
graphene has intriguing electronic and optical properties due
to the fact that the linear energy-momentum dispersion of the
electrons near the Dirac point and the chiral feature of elec-
tronic states.
It has been shown that the multiple absorption
peaks and the unique selection rules of the graphene originate
from its magneto-optical properties and the peculiar thin
graphite layers.
Second, recent progress in growing high-
quality epitaxial graphene has drawn intense interest because
of the combination of unusual electronic properties and excel-
lent optical properties, these investigations provide a way to
new applications in infrared optics and photonics.
Mikhailov and Ziegler
have theoretically studied the nonlin-
ear electromagnetic response of classical charges in the mag-
netized graphene with linear energy dispersion. The linear and
nonlinear optical response of graphene, nonlinear frequency
conversion of terahertz (THz) surface plasmons as well as the
generation of polarization-entangled photons based on the
nonlinear optical interaction in strong magnetic field have
been studied in Refs. 1215. In addition, it has been demon-
strated that the bilayer graphene can exhibit a giant and tuna-
ble second-order optical nonlinearity and may have potential
applications in new compact photonic and optoelectronic
This has made graphene important and interesting
from the practical viewpoint of quantum physics.
The interaction of optical fields with nonlinear media
gives rise to many interesting physical phenomena, including
electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT),
wave mixing (FWM),
bistability (OB),
In particular, optical soliton as a fundamental
nonlinear optical phenomenon has attracted a lot of interest,
which describes a special kind of electromagnetic waves that
can propagate undistorted over a long distance in nonlinear
medium. The formation of optical soliton stems from the bal-
ance between the nonlinear effects and the dispersion proper-
ties of the medium under optical excitation. Solitons have
been observed in many physical systems,
such as optical
cold-atom media,
single molecular mag-
semiconductor quantum well,
In recent years, the optical solitons have also been investi-
gatedingraphenebothexperimentally and theoretically.
For instance, tunable dissipative soliton generation, as well as
vector multi-soliton operation and interaction in graphene ox-
ide mode-locked fiber laser have been investigated
McEuen et al.
have studied the strain
solitons in bilayer graphene by using electron microscopy to
measure with nanoscale and atomic resolution the widths,
motion, and topological structure of soliton boundaries. On the
other hand, Garcia-Vidal and collaborators
have theoretically
studied the formation and nonlinear propagation of subwave-
length spatial solitons in a graphene monolayer based on the
large intrinsic nonlinearity of graphene at optical frequencies.
Also, in an electrically tunable graphene metamaterial, it has
been found that the stable spatial solitary waves can propagate
along the longitudinal direction for realistic parameters.
Cheh and Zhao
have demonstrated the direct evidence of
Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic addresses: and
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solitons in graphene by means of molecular dynamics simula-
tions and mathematical analysis; they discovered that various
solitons emerged in the graphene flakes with two different
chiralities by cooling procedures. Especially, it has been
reported that graphene exhibits an extremely strong nonlinear
optical response in the THz or infrared regime.
As can be
seen, the graphene structures have huge potential applications
in the realm of nonlinear optics, nevertheless, largely have not
been explored yet.
Motivated by the properties aforementioned, according to
quantum optics and solid-material scientific principles, we put
forward a scheme in this paper to investigate the formation of
bright and dark spatial solitons in the infrared region and their
ultraslow propagation in graphene under an external magnetic
field. Different from these schemes discussed above,
either took the graphene as a saturable absorber,
or used
electron microscopy to measure the widths and motion of soli-
ton boundaries.
Besides, the subwavelength optical solitons
by employing a quasi-analytical model
and THz relativistic
spatial solitons based on the intraband optical current
discussed, and the solitons in graphene was studied by cooling
While, the pulsed probe field in our scheme is
governed by nonlinear envelope equation with highly signifi-
cant nonlinearity, where the carrier frequency of the probe field
can be adjustable in the range of the infrared frequencies. The
detailed derivations of the linear and nonlinear dynamical
response of the magnetized graphene are presented by means
of a rigorous density-matrix formalism. By applying this
approach, we obtain the analytical solutions for the fundamen-
tal bright and dark solitons in the infrared range, and simultane-
ously the numerical simulation of the nonlinear wave equation
is carried out. It is clearly shown that the graphene metamaterial
can support the ultraslow propagation of infrared solitons with-
out distortion via the EIT. On the other hand, due to the unique
flexibility and strong nonlinearity of graphene, the infrared
bright and dark solitons with low absorption, high sensitivities,
and frequency adjustable can be obtained under proper condi-
tions. Our investigations about the formation and control of tun-
able solitions in graphene may have potential applications in
telecommunication and optical information processing and may
lead to substantial impact on technology.
The remaining of this paper is organized as follows. In
Sec. II, we mainly focus on describing the theoretical model
under consideration and deriving the governing master equa-
tions by employing the quantum-mechanical density-matrix
approach. In Sec. III, we analyze in detail the linear and nonlin-
ear dynamical properties of the photonics and graphene system.
Then, via exploiting giant nonlinear optical responses of gra-
phene, we demonstrate that the formation and ultraslow propa-
gation of infrared bright and dark solitons can be achieved by
properly choosing the practical system parameters including the
external field strength and frequency detuning under certain
conditions. Finally, our conclusions are presented in Sec. IV.
We consider a doped graphene system in the presence of
a strong magnetic field with four energy levels that forms a
Kconfiguration, as shown schematically in Fig. 1.
According to the peculiar selection rules of graphene, i.e.,
Djn61(nis the energy quantum number) as opposed to
Dn¼61 for electrons, the chosen transitions between
Landau levels are dipole allowed. Such a system has been al-
ready used for studying the giant optical nonlinearity, nonlin-
ear frequency conversion, and generation of entangled
Optical transitions between the adjacent
Landau levels (LLs) in graphene fall into the infrared to THz
region for a magnetic field in the range of 0.01–10 T:
hxc36 ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
pmeV. The bichromatic electric fields
consisted of the pulsed probe field and the continuous-wave
(CW) control field can be written as ~
rÞþc:c:and ~
E23 ¼~
rÞþc:c:, here ~
ejand ~
kjare, respectively,
the related unit vector of the polarization field and the wave
vector with the slowly varying envelope E
(j¼1, 2, 3). We
assume that the probe field with right-hand circular polariza-
tion interacts with the inter-Landau-level transition j1i
$j4i, the corresponding amplitude and carrier frequency
are E
and x
, respectively. The linearly polarized CW con-
trol field ~
E23 with carrier frequency x
ðx3¼x2Þis applied
to drive the intra-Landau-level transition j2i$j3ivia the
component and j3i$j4ivia the r
component (see Fig.
1), since linearly polarized light can be regarded as a linear
combination of left- and right-circularly polarized light. The
unit polarization vectors ~
e2and ~
e3denoting, respectively,
right-circular r
and left-circular r
polarizations can be
expressed as ~
pand ~
pin the
x-yplane of the graphene.
In the absence of an external optical field, the effective-
mass Hamiltonian
for a single-layer graphene (in the
x-yplane) under the magnetic field B^z(perpendicular to the
plane of graphene) can be given by
FIG. 1. (a) LLs near the Kpoint superimposed on the electronic energy
dispersion without a magnetic field E¼6vFjpj. The magnetic field
“condenses” the original states in the Dirac cone into discrete energies.
The LLs in graphene are unequally spaced: /ffiffiffi
p. (b) Energy level
diagram and optical transitions involved in formation and ultraslow
propagation of infrared solitons in graphene interacting with two
continuous-wave control fields 2 and 3 (with carrier frequencies x
, respectively) and a weak pulsed probe field 1 (with carrier frequency
). The states j1i;j2i;j3i,andj4icorrespond to the LLs with energy
quantum numbers n¼2, 1, 0, 1, respectively. Graphene monolayer is
a one-atom-thick monolayer of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal lat-
tice, which we will treat as a perfect two-dimensional (2D) crystal struc-
ture in the x-y plane.
234301-2 Ding et al. J. Appl. Phys. 115, 234301 (2014)
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where vF¼3c0=ð2haÞ106m=s(c02:8 eV and
a¼1.42 A
˚are the nearest-neighbor hopping energy and C-C
spacing) is a band parameter (Fermi velocity), ^
A=cdenotes the generalized momentum operator, ^
the electron momentum operator, eis the electron charge,
and ~
Ais the vector potential, which is equal to (0, Bx) for a
static magnetic field. In order to consider the interaction with
the incident optical field, we need add the vector potential of
the optical field (~
Aopt ¼ic~
E=xand ~
E23) to the
vector potential of the magnetic field in the generalized mo-
mentum operator ^
pin the Hamiltonian. The resulting inter-
action Hamiltonian can be expressed in the following form:
Hint ¼vF~
One can easily see from the above expression that, unlike the
case of an electron with a parabolic dispersion relation, there
are no higher-order terms in the vicinity of the Dirac point
for the interaction Hamiltonian (H
) in graphene, conse-
quently even for a relatively strong optical field, H
is still
linear with respect to ~
Aopt. Furthermore, the interaction
Hamiltonian does not include the momentum operator, it is
only determined by the Pauli matrix vector ~
Now we can give a standard time-evolution equation for
the density matrix of Dirac electrons in graphene coupled to
the infrared laser fields by utilizing the Liouville’s equation
qÞ, here ^
qÞindicates incoherent
relaxation which may originate from disorder, interaction
with phonons, and carrier-carrier interactions. And thus, the
density-matrix equations of motion for the coupled system
can be written as follows:
q11 ¼iX
1q41 iX1q14;(3)
q22 ¼c2q22 þiX
2q32 iX2q23;(4)
q33 ¼c3q33 þiX2q23 þiX
3q43 iX
q44 ¼c4q44 þiX1q14 þiX3q34 iX
q21 ¼c2
2q21 þiX
2q31 iX1q24;(7)
q31 ¼ iDx2þc3
q31 þiX2q21 þiX
q41 ¼ iDx1þc4
q41 þiX1ðq11 q44Þ
q32 ¼ iDx2þc3þc2
q32 þiX2ðq22 q33Þ
q42 ¼ iDx1þc4þc2
q42 þiX1q12 þiX3q32
q43 ¼ iDx1iDx2þc4þc3
q43 þiX1q13
þiX3ðq33 q44ÞiX
where Dx1¼ðen¼1en¼2Þ=hx1¼ðen¼1en¼0Þ=h
x3and Dx2¼ðen¼0en¼1Þ=hx2represent the corre-
sponding frequency detunings, and en¼sgnðnÞhxcffiffiffiffiffi
is the energy of the Landau level for electrons near the
Dirac point, with n¼0;61;62;;xc¼ffiffi
pvF=lc, and lc
pimplies the magnetic length. X1¼ð
l41 ~
l32 ~
e2ÞE2=ð2hÞand X3¼ð
l43 ~
E3=ð2hÞare the corresponding one-half Rabi frequencies
with ~
lmn ¼hmj~
the dipole matrix element for the relevant optical transition.
(j¼2, 3, 4) means the decay rate of the state jji. Moreover,
these density-matrix elements satisfy the population conser-
vation condition P4
j¼1qjj ¼1.
The evolution of the electric field is governed by the
Maxwell equation
with the optical polarization
l14q41 exp½ið~
l23q32 exp½ið~
l34q43 exp½ið~
rx3tÞ þ c:c:g;
here Nand
being the sheet electron density of graphene
and the substrate dielectric constant, respectively. Since gra-
phene is essentially a 2D system, it makes sense to introduce
a surface 2D polarization ~
Pdetermined as an average dipole
moment per unit area rather than unit volume.
Under the slowly varying envelope approximation, the
Maxwell equation can be explicitly reduced into the first-
order equation. Hence we can arrive at the slowly varying
envelope equation for describing the probe field evolution,
that is,
@t¼ij14q41 ;(14)
where j
is the propagation constant, given by
j14 ¼Nx1j~
l14 ~
e1j2=ð2hrvFÞ. This equation, along with
Eqs. (3)(12), characterizes the propagation of the pulsed
probe field in our proposed system with the Rabi frequency
In this section, we will analyze the linear and nonlinear
dynamical response of the system, as well as the formation
234301-3 Ding et al. J. Appl. Phys. 115, 234301 (2014)
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and propagation of bright and dark spatial solitions in the
infrared region. Under the assumption that the Rabi fre-
quency X
of the pulsed probe field is much smaller than that
of the control fields X
and X
, so that the Dirac electrons
are initially populated in their ground state j1iwithout deple-
tion, as a result, q11 1 whereas q22 q33 q44 0. That
is to say, we assume that state j1iis fully occupied while
states j2i;j3i, and j4iare empty; i.e., the Fermi level is
between LLs n¼2 and n¼1. Then under the condition
of perturbation expansion qmn ¼PkqðkÞ
mn, here qðkÞ
mn is the
kth-order part of qmn in terms of X
, it can be shown that
mn ¼0ðmnÞand qðkÞ
22 ¼qðkÞ
33 ¼qðkÞ
44 ¼0. Keeping up to
the first order of the pulsed probe field and performing the
time Fourier transform of Eqs. (7)(12) and Eq. (13),we
have the results
21 þX
31 K1bð0Þ
24 ¼0;(15)
31 þX2bð1Þ
21 þX
34 ¼0;(16)
41 þK1þX3bð1Þ
31 ¼0;(17)
32 þX
42 ¼0;(18)
42 þX3bð1Þ
32 X2bð1Þ
12 ¼0;(19)
43 X
13 ¼0;(20)
41 ;(21)
where b
and K
are, respectively, the Fourier transforms of
qij and X
,xis the time Fourier transform variable.
Equation (21) can be solved analytically with the aid of
Eqs. (15)(20), yielding
with D1ðxÞ¼jX2j2ðxþic2ÞðxDx2þic3Þand
ðxDx2þic3ÞðxDx1þic4Þ, respectively. K0¼K
ðx¼0Þ¼uþia=2 signifies the phase shift uper unit length
and the linear absorption coefficient aof the probe field.
Vgrepresents the propagation group velocity
and K2¼d2KðxÞ
dx2jx¼0indicates the group-velocity dispersion
that gives the contribution to the shape variation and addi-
tional loss of field intensity.
Figure 2shows the absorption coefficient aand the rela-
tive group velocity V
/cof the pulsed probe field versus the
dimensionless Rabi frequency jX2j=c3. This figure (see the
dashed curve) shows that there exist some parameter ranges
where the absorption of the probe field can be almost com-
pletely suppressed owing to the destructive interference
induced by the control fields under appropriate conditions in
this graphene configuration system. It should be pointed out
that the infrared spatial soliton generated in this way propa-
gates with the ultraslow group velocity (e.g., Vg103c),
which is illustrated by the solid curve in Fig. 2. Notice that
we have obtained the linear response of the system under the
situations of the weak-field and adiabatic approximations by
neglecting higher-order terms of the probe field. In order to
form the bright and dark spatial solitons, we need to find the
effective nonlinear effect (i.e., the self-phase modulation
effect) to balance the pulse spreading and the detrimental
distortions of the pulsed probe field which is induced by the
group-velocity dispersion.
Now we turn our attention to study the nonlinear evolu-
tion of the pulsed probe field in our system. In order to
explore the formation of infrared solitons, we need to take a
trial function K1ðz;xÞ¼~
K1ðz;xÞexpðiK0zÞaccording to the
method proposed in Refs. 2934 and substitute the trial func-
tion into the wave equation (21), we obtain
where we have replaced ~
K1ðz;xÞwith K1ðz;xÞfor the sake
of convenience.
FIG. 2. The absorption coefficient a(dashed curve) and the relative group
velocity V
/c(solid curve) versus the Rabi frequency jX2j=c3. The parame-
ters used for the simulations from Refs. 12 and 53 are c
m/s, jX310c3;Dx1¼Dx2¼9c3;c2¼0:05c3;c4¼c3, and
j14 ¼0:02c3lm
, respectively.
234301-4 Ding et al. J. Appl. Phys. 115, 234301 (2014)
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For the purpose of balancing the interaction of nonlinear
effect and the group-velocity dispersion, we need to take into
account the nonlinear polarization on the right hand side of
Eq. (14), i.e.,
ij14q41 ij14 qð1Þ
41 þi<;(25)
where <denotes the nonlinear term and which is given by
41 expðiK0zÞP4
j1j2, and qð1Þ
j1can be
achieved by solving Eqs. (15)(20). After carrying out some
algebraic calculations, the solutions of the set of equations
can be written as
21 ¼X
31 ¼ic2X
41 ¼jX2j2þic2ðDx2ic3Þ
with Dð0Þ¼jX2j2ðDx1ic4Þþic2jX3j2ic2ðDx2ic3Þ
By means of the nonlinear polarization term, we begin
to analyze the nonlinear dynamical properties of the gra-
phene system. Carrying out the inverse Fourier transforma-
tion of Eq. (24), we can get the nonlinear wave equation for
the slow varying envelope X
here the absorption coefficient a¼2Im½Kð0Þ ¼ 2j14
Im½D1ð0Þ=Dð0Þ, and W¼j14D1ð0Þ½jD1ð0Þj2þjX3j2
3Þ=½jDð0Þj2Dð0Þ is the nonlinear coeffi-
cient of the pulsed probe field.
To examine the analytical expressions of the two coeffi-
cients K
and W, we find that the nonlinear evolution equation
(26) has complex coefficients and generally does not allow
soliton solutions. However, in the presence of the control
fields, the absorption of the probe field can be almost com-
pletely suppressed by choosing appropriate parameters,
which results in expðaLÞ’1(Lis the length of the gra-
phene), just as exhibited in Fig. 2. Similarly, reasonable and
practical set of parameters can also be found so as to the
imaginary parts of the complex coefficients are much smaller
than their corresponding real parts for the present system, and
thus we have K2¼K2rþiK2iK2rand W¼WrþiWi
Wr, these have been demonstrated in Fig. 3. Therefore,
under certain conditions, Eq. (26) can be written as in the fol-
lowing form which corresponds to the standard nonlinear
odinger equation:
where n¼zand g¼tz=Vg. Equation (27) admits the sol-
utions of bright and dark solitons which depends on the sign
of the product K
That is to say, when K2rWr>0,
we can observe the bright soliton; on the contrary, we can
only observe the dark soliton in the case of K2rWr<0. The
fundamental bright and dark spatial solitons are given by
X1ðn;gÞ¼X10 sechðg=sÞexpðinjK2rj=s2Þ(28)
X1ðn;gÞ¼X10 tanhðg=sÞexpð2injK2rj=s2Þ;(29)
here sechðg=sÞand tanhðg=sÞrepresent the hyperbolic secant
function and hyperbolic tangent function, respectively. The
amplitude X
and pulse width sare arbitrary constants, we
can take s¼3:33 1014 s.
It is noted that the carrier frequency of the probe field can
be estimated approximately the same amount of the transition
frequency x41 ¼ðen¼1en¼2Þ=h¼ð ffiffi
on the order of x41 1:86 1014 s1for graphene at the
magnetic field of the value B¼1T.
While, when the
magnetic field reaches up to 5 T, the transition frequency is
estimated to be x41 3:87 1014 s1. In the present work,
we take the magnetic field B¼3 T for example, at this
moment xc1014 s1, this is confirmed that the spatial soli-
ton is located within the infrared region. According to the nu-
merical estimate based on Refs. 12 and 53, we can take a
reasonable value for the decay rate c3¼31013 s1,and
assuming c4¼c3;c2¼0:05c3, these values depend on the
sample quality and the substrate used in the experiment.
Besides, the dipole moment between the transition j1i$j4i
in the graphene has a magnitude of the order j~
p. The electron concentration is
N51012 cm2and the substrate dielectric constant is
In Fig. 4, we show the results of numerical
simulation on the soliton waveform jX1=X10j2versus the
dimensionless time g=sand distance n=Lwith the full com-
plex coefficients by taking Eq. (28) ðK2rWr>0Þand Eq. (29)
ðK2rWr<0Þas initial conditions. It can be seen from Fig. 4
that in this case the bright and dark spatial solitons remain
fairly stable during propagation, which are mainly generated
from the balance between the group-velocity dispersion
described by the coefficient K
and Kerr-type self-phase mod-
ulation effect. Thus the results of numerical simulations give
FIG. 3. The ratios K
(dashed curve) and W
(solid curve) versus the
Rabi frequency jX2j=c3. The system parameters used for the simulations are
the same as those in Fig. 2.
234301-5 Ding et al. J. Appl. Phys. 115, 234301 (2014)
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extremely good agreement with the exact soliton solutions
calculated in Eqs. (28) and (29). In view of rapid advances in
graphene material, we believe that the formation of ultraslow
infrared solitons will be highly accessible in experiments in
near future.
In conclusion, we have theoretically studied the forma-
tion and control of the spatial solitons in a magnetized gra-
phene driven by tunable infrared picosecond laser pulses by
using density-matrix method and perturbation theory. The
infrared bright and dark solitons were obtained owing to the
balance between nonlinear effects and the dispersion proper-
ties of the graphene under infrared excitation, which pre-
vented devastating collapse. Moreover, due to the remarkable
electronic properties and selection rules near the Dirac point,
the formation and ultraslow propagation of the infrared soli-
tons can be controlled by adjusting the practical system pa-
rameters including the external field strength and detuning
under appropriate conditions. Such ultraslow infrared solitons
in graphene may provide a new possibility for designing
high-fidelity optical delay lines and optical buffers, as well as
compact all-fiber switchable laser. Also, the scheme under
study may have important practical applications in telecom-
munication and optical information processing and may cause
significant effect on technological applications due to unusual
electronic and optical properties stemming from linear, mass-
less dispersion of electrons near the Dirac point and the chiral
character of electron states.
The authors express their gratitude to the referee of the
paper for his/her fruitful advice and comment, which
significantly improved the paper. This research was supported
in part by the National Natural Science Foundation (NNSF) of
China (Grant Nos. 11375067, 11275074, and 11104210), by
the National Basic Research Program of China (Contract No.
2012CB922103), and by the Doctoral Foundation of the
Ministry of Education of China under Grant No.
20134103120005. Also, we would like to thank Professor
Xiaoxue Yang for her encouragement and helpful discussion.
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... Recently, the nonlinear optical properties of a single layer graphene nanostructure were studied for their large utility in the terahertz or infrared regime [17][18][19][20][21][22]. Several optical phenomena because of atomic coherence and quantum interference were investigated in graphene nanostructures [23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31]. Ding et al. studied the matched infrared soliton pair primarily based on four-wave mixing (FWM) in a graphene nanostructure beneath the outside magnetic field [23]. ...
... Our proposed scheme is mainly based on Refs. [23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31], but our work is quite different from those works. First and foremost, we are mainly interested in showing the control of a Fraunhofer diffraction pattern via modulation of self-Kerr nonlinearity of a monolayer graphene system. ...
... According to the peculiar selection rules of graphene, i.e., |n| = ±1 (n is the energy quantum number) as opposed to n = ±1 for electrons, the chosen transitions between LLs are dipole allowed. Such a system has already been used for studying giant optical nonlinearity, nonlinear frequency conversion, generation of entangled photons, and formation of ultraslow solitons [17][18][19]23,24]. For a magnetic field in the range of 0.01-10 T, ω c 36 B(Tesla) meV, the optical transitions between the adjacent LLs in graphene fall into the infrared to THz region. ...
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We discuss the electromagnetically induced grating (EIG) and electromagnetically induced phase grating (EIPG) in a four-level quantized graphene monolayer system. By using the density matrix technique and perturbation theory, we first obtain the self-Kerr nonlinear susceptibility of the graphene system; afterwards, we study the amplitude and phase modulations of the probe light. We discovered that the EIG and EIPG can be found by controlling the elliptically polarized coupling fields that interact with the monolayer graphene system. Owing to the phase modulation of the transmitted light beam, we recognized that the probe strength can also additionally switch from zeroth-order to high-order diffraction. Moreover, we found that the diffraction performance of the grating may be adjusted through tuning the polarization of the coupling light.
... As a result, graphene has gained significance and interest from a quantum physics standpoint. In a different work, Ding et al used the density-matrix approach and perturbation theory to analyze a form of matched infrared solitons pairs based on four-wave mixing in Landau-quantized graphene [46]. They discovered that the carrier frequencies of the matched spatial solitons pairs may be adjusted within the infrared frequency regimes and that they can propagate through a twodimensional crystal of graphene. ...
In this letter, we have proposed a new model for quantum control of atom photon entanglement in a single layer graphene via von Neumann reduced entropy of entanglement. We consider the effect of terahertz laser field intensity on the degree of entanglement (DEM) in the resonance and off-resonance condition of the applied fields. We also investigate the spatially dependent of the DEM when two applied light becomes standing wave pattern in x and y directions. Our results show that in different parametric conditions, the population of the different states can be controlled and this leads to modifying the DEM of the system.
... Due to the distinct electrical characteristics and selection rules at the Dirac points, the optical properties of monolayer graphene systems in the presence of external magnetic fields have recently received extensive study [25][26][27][28]. For example, in four-level landau quantized graphene [26] Ding et al, examined match infrared solitons pairs based on fourwave mixing. ...
In this letter, we have studied the optical lateral shifts of transmitted and reflected lights in a defect structure doped by a single layer of graphene nanostructure. For adapting the optical features of the lateral shifts, we have first studied the refractive index properties of the defect layer. We have studied the conditions for achieving the negative and positive refractive index of the graphene monolayer system. After that, we have discussed the optical lateral shifts of the reflected and transmitted light beams when the refractive index of the graphene nanostructure become positive or negative, respectively. We have found that the enhanced lateral shifts for reflected and transmitted lights may be possible for a positive refractive index. For the negative refractive index, we have realized that simultaneous negative or positive lateral shifts are possible for the reflected and transmitted light beams. In our proposed scheme, the lateral shifts at the fixed incident angle are possible only by tuning the optical parameters without needing to change the cavity structure.
In this letter, we have proposed a new model for quantum control of atom photon entanglement in a single layer graphene via von Neumann reduced entropy of entanglement. We consider the effect of terahertz laser field intensity on the degree of entanglement (DEM) in the resonance and off-resonance condition of the applied fields. We also investigate the spatially dependent of the DEM when two applied light becomes standing wave pattern in x and y directions. Our results show that in different parametric conditions, the population of the different states can be controlled and this leads to modifying the DEM of the system.
The optomechanically induced grating (OMIG) in a nanocavity using a bilayer graphene system as the intracavity medium has been proposed. We investigate the effects of different parameters on the Fraunhofer diffraction pattern of the incident probe light. Here, one mirror of the nanocavity is considered coherently driven by the standing wave coupling and probe fields, whereas the second mirror has mechanical oscillation due to the radiation pressure. We consider interaction of bilayer graphene with the optomechanical cavity and show that OMIG can be obtained corresponding to output probe field frequency. Moreover, we find that under specific parametric conditions, most of the probe energy can transfer to the higher orders of the diffraction and only a small portion remains in the zero order.
In this paper, we have discussed the transmission and reflection properties of the infrared laser pulse propagated through one-dimensional photonic crystal (1DPC) with single layer of graphene nanotrusses. The single layer graphene system interacts with a probe laser field and two coupling lights. We analytically solve the optical susceptibility of the single layer graphene system for adapting the dielectric function of the 1DPC. After that we discuss the transmission and reflection properties of the incident laser pulse on 1DPC by controlling the intensity for the coupling lights and relative phase between applied lights. We have also found that the absorption and population spectrums of the medium can be controlled by the relative phase between applied lights. Our results show that the gain without population inversion can be obtained for the simultaneous slow light propagation in the transmission and reflection pulses. Our results may have potential application in the future of the all-optical devices in quantum technologies.
We present a four-wave mixing (FWM) approach for generating structure light from a medium constituted of Landau level graphene when a magnetic field is present. A weak incident probing light beam is used for transitions within the Landau level and two strong electromagnetic fields are used for transitions at higher levels in our investigation of Landau levels. The excited state to ground state transition is coupled to the generated weak signal FWM field. In this investigation, we assume strong control fields to be structure lights and evaluate the absorption profile of generating field for numerous contexts of spatially structured electromagnetically induced transparency. For the FWM process, we demonstrate the intensity distribution of generated beams using the control beam’s orbital angular momentum.
In this paper we have theoretically studied the spatial-temporal evolution of electromagnetic light propagation through a four-level graphene quantum system by using density matrix method and perturbation theory. The four-level graphene quantum medium interacted by an elliptical polarized coupling and a weak probe lights, respectively. We present the analytical solution for solving the Maxwell–Bloch equations for graphene and electromagnetic field in space and time domains. Then, we have analyzed the dynamic control of pulse propagation and optical dual switching in such a laser-driven quantum system. Our theoretical findings show that by adjusting the optical parameters such as elliptical angle i.e. phase difference between right-and-left circularly polarized, one can easily control the absorption spectrum and pulse propagation of the probe light in graphene medium. Our results may have potential applications in designing the new quantum devices for usage in quantum information processing.
In this paper, we study optical bistability (OB) and optical multistability (OM) in a defect medium with a monolayer of graphene quantum system. The graphene quantum system interacts with two weak probe laser fields and an elliptical polarized coupling beam for adjusting the linear and nonlinear optical properties of defect layer. We find that by controlling the relative phase between applied lights and elliptical parameter of the coupling light, the enhanced Kerr nonlinearity with probe amplification can be obtained in resonance of probe light. Then we study the transmission and reflection coefficients of the incident lights for controlling the OB and OM features of transmitted and reflected light beams, respectively. Also, we discuss the thickness effect of the defect layer on the OB and OM properties and find that the switching from OB to OM or vice versa is possible. Moreover, we realize that by modifying the nonlinear properties of the defect medium, one can control the behaviors of the OB and OM, respectively.
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Entangled photon states attract tremendous interest as the most vivid manifestation of nonlocality of quantum mechanics and also for emerging applications in quantum information. Here we propose a mechanism of generation of polarization-entangled photons, which is based on the nonlinear optical interaction (four-wave mixing) in graphene placed in a magnetic field. Unique properties of quantized electron states in a magnetized graphene and optical selection rules near the Dirac point give rise to a giant optical nonlinearity and a high rate of photon production in the mid- or far-infrared range. A similar mechanism of photon entanglement may exist in topological insulators where the surface states have a Dirac-cone dispersion and demonstrate similar properties of magneto-optical absorption.
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We report the generation of tunable single-, switchable and tunable dual-, and stable triple-wavelength dissipative solitons (DSs) in an all-normal-dispersion mode-locked Yb-doped fiber laser based on a graphene-oxide saturable absorber (GOSA) without additional components (such as optical filter, or fiber grating). The tunable single-wavelength DS have a wide wavelength-tunable range of 16.4 nm. The dual-wavelength DSs not only have a wavelength-tunable range (about 10 nm) but also have variable wavelength spacing (3.8-13.8 nm). The formation dynamics of the triple-wavelength DSs was also investigated experimentally. The different operations of tunable single-, switchable and tunable dual-, and stable triple-wavelength DSs depend on the strength of the cavity birefringence. The simple, compact all-fiber DS laser with lasing wavelength tunability and flexibility can meet great potential for applications.
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The crystal structure of a material plays an important role in determining its electronic properties. Changing from one crystal structure to another involves a phase transition that is usually controlled by a state variable such as temperature or pressure. In the case of trilayer graphene, there are two common stacking configurations (Bernal and rhombohedral) that exhibit very different electronic properties. In graphene flakes with both stacking configurations, the region between them consists of a localized strain soliton where the carbon atoms of one graphene layer shift by the carbon-carbon bond distance. Here we show the ability to move this strain soliton with a perpendicular electric field and hence control the stacking configuration of trilayer graphene with only an external voltage. Moreover, we find that the free-energy difference between the two stacking configurations scales quadratically with electric field, and thus rhombohedral stacking is favoured as the electric field increases. This ability to control the stacking order in graphene opens the way to new devices that combine structural and electrical properties.
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Surface plasmons in graphene may provide an attractive alternative to noble-metal plasmons due to their tighter confinement, peculiar dispersion, and longer propagation distance. We present theoretical studies of the nonlinear difference frequency generation of terahertz surface plasmon modes supported by two-dimensional layers of massless Dirac electrons, which includes graphene and surface states in topological insulators. Our results demonstrate strong enhancement of the DFG efficiency near the plasmon resonance and the feasibility of phase-matched nonlinear generation of plasmons over a broad range of frequencies.
Massless Dirac electrons in graphene and surface states of topological insulators have peculiar optical properties and strong coupling to light. Surface plasmons in these materials may provide an attractive alternative to noble-metal plasmons due to their tighter confinement, peculiar dispersion, and longer propagation distance. We present theoretical studies of the difference frequency generation (DFG) of terahertz surface plasmon modes supported by two-dimensional layers of massless Dirac electrons, which includes monolayer graphene and surface states in topological insulators. Our results demonstrate strong enhancement of the DFG efficiency near the plasmon resonance and the feasibility of phase-matched nonlinear generation of plasmons over a broad range of frequencies.
Electromagnetically induced transparency is a technique for eliminating the effect of a medium on a propagating beam of electromagnetic radiation. EIT may also be used, but under more limited conditions, to eliminate optical self‐focusing and defocusing and to improve the transmission of laser beams through inhomogeneous refracting gases and metal vapors, as figure 1 illustrates. The technique may be used to create large populations of coherently driven uniformly phased atoms, thereby making possible new types of optoelectronic devices. One can make opaque resonant transitions transparent to laser radiation, often with most of the atoms remaining in the ground state.
We study cavity optomechanics of ultracold dual-species atomic mixtures with nonlinear collisions. Interspecies interactions provide a direct parametric coupling of fictitious mechanical elements which, through interfering with the intracavity optical field, leads to a switchable optically-dark state for either species. This demonstrates a matter-wave analog of recently observed mechanical wave mixing and quantum motional-state swapping, with applications in the construction of integrated phononic devices, and the cavity-enhanced detection of quantum degenerate atomic mixtures.
We analyze hybrid absorptive-dispersive optical bistability (OB) and multistability (OM) behavior in a generic $N$-type atomic system driven by a degenerate probe field and a coherent coupling field by means of a unidirectional ring cavity. We show that the OB can be controlled by adjusting the intensity and the detuning of the coupling field, and the OM can also be observed under the appropriate detuning. The influence of the atomic cooperation parameter on atomic OB behavior is also discussed.
A brief review is given of electronic and transport properties of carbon nanotubes obtained mainly in a k{\cdot}p scheme. The topics include a giant Aharonov--Bohm effect on the band gap and a Landau-level formation in magnetic fields, magnetic properties, interaction effects on the band structure, optical absorption spectra, and exciton effects. Transport properties are also discussed including absence of backward scattering except for scatterers with a potential range smaller than the lattice constant, its extension to multi-channel cases, a conductance quantization in the presence of short-range and strong scatterers such as lattice vacancies, and transport across junctions between nanotubes with different diameters. A continuum model for phonons in the long-wavelength limit and the resistivity determined by phonon scattering are reviewed as well.
The frequency shift and broadening of long-wavelength optical phonons due to interactions with electrons are calculated in a monolayer graphene in magnetic fields. The broadening is resonantly enhanced and the frequency shift exhibits a rapid change when the phonon energy becomes the energy separation of Landau levels between which optical transitions are allowed.