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City Eyes: An Unified Computational Framework for Intelligent Video Surveillance in Cloud Environment



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City Eyes: An Unified Computational Framework for Intelligent
Video Surveillance in Cloud Environment
Yi-Ling Chen, Tse-Shih Chen, Liang-Chun Yin, Tsiao-Wen Huang, Shiou-Yaw Wangand Tzi-cker Chieuh
Intel-NTU Connected Context Computing Center, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
Cloud Computing Center for Mobile Applications, Industrial Technology Research Institute, Hsinchu, Taiwan
Email: {tschen,marvinyin,Norman.Huang,karenwang,tcc}
Abstract—Over the past few years we have seen explosive
growth in the amount of data and researchers are now
facing greater challenges in dealing with heterogeneous data
increasing in an unprecedented speed. There is a clear need
for intelligent surveillance systems since the size of video data
has become too large to be reviewed by humans. In this paper,
we propose an unified computational framework, which aims
to simplify the integration of various video analysis techniques
and enables rapid application development to meet the diverse
needs in different application domains. It is built upon a
cloud based architecture to appropriately deal with the mas-
sive data analysis problem. Several example applications are
implemented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed
system in assisting users to deal with different problems of
video surveillance in real-world cases.
Keywords-Cloud computing; intelligent surveillance system;
video analysis;
Nowadays, video surveillance systems are ubiquitously
installed and continuously generate huge amount of long-
running and unprocessed contents. There is information in
the data, but most of the time it cannot possibly be reviewed
in detail. There is thus a clear need for providing automatic
schemes to assist users in accessing long videos other
than human inspection. One example is the development of
intelligent surveillance systems (IVS) [1] in which computer
vision and pattern recognition techniques are exploited to
provide intelligent video analysis and event-based real-time
alerts, e.g. object detection and tracking [2], [3], to enhance
public security. To better address the increasingly challeng-
ing data analysis problem, next generation IVS should not
only be capable of providing high-performance computing
and scalable storage but also have to be highly flexible in
integrating with a wide variety of video sources and video
analysis technology to meet the diverse demands in different
application scenarios.
Traditional IVS are usually deployed as an isolated appli-
cation suitable for particular environment settings. For ex-
ample, automatic license plate recognition (ALPR) systems
[4] are usually installed in specific areas, e.g. unattended
parking lots, for the purposes like security control or auto-
matic toll collection. IBM S3 [5] is an early work which
attempts to provide an open and extensible framework to
aggregate various IVS engines through standard interfaces
such that higher level analysis, e.g. situation awareness,
behaviour analysis, can be accomplished. However, it has
not put enough emphasis on dealing with the rapid growth
of data scale. Cloud computing provides a new opportunity
to effectively solve the increasingly demanding data analysis
problems. Significant research efforts have been devoted
to deal with computation and data intensive problems in
different problem domains by employing distributed com-
puting infrastructures. Some examples include the use of
Windows Azure for data mining [6], MapReduce for k-
means clustering [7]. In [8], a JavaScript based framework is
proposed to support the design and execution of data analysis
workflows on clouds.
In this paper, we introduce a cloud based system called
City Eyes, which aims to provide an unified computational
framework to facilitate the development of smart video
surveillance applications and appropriately deal with the
challenges of large scale data analysis and management. The
rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section II, we
explain the architecture of City Eyes and the details of the
platform to accomplish video analysis tasks. In Section III,
we demonstrate several example applications built on the
top of City Eyes to deal with real-world cases. Section IV
concludes this paper.
A. Architecture
City Eyes is built upon a distributed data storage and
computing environment. Unlike most of the existing video
surveillance systems, which only capture and archive video
data but possess little intelligent video analysis capability,
mobile devices and advanced video sensors [9] could also act
as a source of computing power and video feeds in the sce-
nario of machine-to-machine (M2M) networks, or Internet of
Things (IoT). As shown in Figure 1, the ecosystem of City
Eyes comprises of fully featured cloud based architecture
including the following main components:
Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS): Any cloud comput-
ing platforms, such as AWS or Windows Azure could
be used to provide City Eyes with elastically scalable
Figure 1. The architecture of City Eyes
computing resources. We adopted the Cloud OS1self-
developed by ITRI as the underlying cloud computing
infrastructure, which possesses some advanced features
such as all layer-2 network [10] and fast fail-over [11].
Video Analysis Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS): Undoubt-
edly, no single video analysis technology may cover and
satisfy the diverse demands of smart video surveillance.
It is thus essential to provide a general platform on
which a wide range of video processing engines may be
executed efficiently in an unified way. Such platform is
beneficial since it may let computer vision researchers
to focus on delivering effective algorithms without wor-
rying about the complexity of parallel processing. On
the other hand, application developers may also develop
sophisticated applications based on a rich collection of
advanced IVS technologies.
Software-as-a-Service (SaaS): On the top of the overall
software stack, there are a variety of web services
developed for IVS applications which can be easily
accessed through web browsers.
A cloud based architecture is particularly suitable for video
analysis since it often involves in intensive computations.
The heavy loading of complex computations can thus be
shifted to cloud servers to alleviate the power consumptions
of mobile devices or video sensors. In addition, the cen-
tralized service-oriented model of cloud computing relieves
service providers from the burden of deploying and upgrad-
ing their software.
1 02.aspx?sid=5
B. Video Analysis PaaS
The main design challenge of City Eyes is to provide a
general framework to handle the diverse needs in smart video
surveillance applications. To this end, the proposed PaaS has
been designed to include the following main functionalities
to meet some basic requirements, such as the simplicity of
integrating various video analysis engines and supporting
configurable workflow to accomplish different tasks.
1) Controller: PaaS controller is the central part of the
proposed video analysis PaaS. It is the universal interface
for all SaaS developers, which provides standard APIs for
the tasks like submitting jobs and querying job results. Each
call to the submitJob() API will associate each job with
an unique appID to identify its owner. Developers may
also specify the priority of jobs and a job message will
then be assigned to a corresponding queue belonging to the
specified priority. Each job queue is consumed by worker
instances at a certain rate in accordance with its priority to
provide reasonable QoS. PaaS controller is also responsible
for accepting the worker instances to report analysis results.
It is worth noting that each appID has its own dedicated
job queues and worker instances (please see Figure 1).
2) Worker instances: All the dispatched jobs will be
retrieved and performed by various video analysis engines
running on worker instances (i.e. virtual machines). For each
engine, before it can be called as a service of PaaS, it
must be uploaded to an image of VM first and registered
to obtain an unique engineID. To maximize simplicity
and compatibility, it is only required for each engine to be
able to be launched and accept optional parameters through
command line interface. To coordinate job execution and
Figure 2. Control and data flows of Video analysis PaaS
report results, a bridge between PaaS controller and worker
instance is required. To this end, as shown in Figure 2, a
daemon program called orchestrator is put on each worker
instance, which is responsible for launching the specified
engines and monitoring their status. More specifically, or-
chestrator communicates with the engines being executed by
interpreting the messages printed to stdout for progress
update or error handling.
3) Workflow configuration: Typically, a video analysis
job can be further divided into a set of subtasks. When
submitting a job, we allow developers to explicitly specify
the desired workflow as long as each subtask is carried out
by a valid engine. For example, the following message in
JSON format specifies a high priority job composed of a
two-stage workflow:
Note that the parameter lists are optional and may be
of variable lengths. The orchestrator will then launch the
engines specified in the given workflow and automatically
append the corresponding parameters as input. In practice,
an engine on PaaS is not necessarily limited to perform only
video analysis tasks. For example, it could also be a video
crawler which sends HTTP requests or CGI commands to
remote DVR/NVR to retrieve video clips for the subsequent
4) Load balancing and error handling: To achieve ro-
bustness, two-level error handling is performed in the pro-
posed PaaS as illustrated in Figure 2. Firstly, for each
orchestrator, it is responsible for periodically sending heart-
beat signal to PaaS controller to reflect the status of its
host worker instance as well as monitoring the progress
of the job being executed. If an engine fails or crashes, it
will be detected (or eventually timed out) and terminated
by orchestrator. A failed job will be republished to job
queue and re-tried by other workers up to a prescribed
times until it is marked as permanently failed. Secondly, for
PaaS controller, it will restart a worker instance if it stops
Figure 3. Comparison of computation time of video summarization on
videos of lengths ranging from 1 to 10 hours by using 1, 10 and 20 worker
instances, respectively.
sending heartbeats for a certain amount of time. Moreover,
PaaS controller will adaptively start up/shut down worker
instances according to the number of waiting jobs in the
A. Applications for Intelligent Video Surveillance
Based on the proposed computational framework, it has
been made very easy to develop various smart video surveil-
lance applications on the top of it. In the following, we
briefly describe several applications developed under such a
programming paradigm.
1) Video summarization: Due to the rapid development
of video capturing technology, surveillance cameras are
installed everywhere and generate a large number of videos
continuously. Relying on human inspection for threat detec-
tion is becoming not only impractical but also intractable.
Video summarization techniques [12] aim to deal with this
issue by eliminating irrelevant video contents before human
inspection. We apply the background subtraction technique
[13] to delete still images containing no moving objects and
produce a compact version of source videos without loss of
salient information.
2) Vehicle detection and tracking: In [14], the authors
intended to combine automatic license plate recognition
technology and geographic information of street surveillance
cameras to recover the trajectory of a vehicle given its
license plate number. We have implemented this concept
on the proposed PaaS. Ideally, such system may greatly
simplify and accelerate the process of investigating certain
security problems, e.g. searching for stolen cars. However,
its success is also heavily dependent on some factors, such
as the density and image quality offered by the cameras.
3) Camera anomaly detection: Maintenance of large
surveillance camera network is important in order to ensure
each surveillance camera is of good image quality and
correct field of view. To minimize the efforts of system
administrators, we have built a map-based web application
which enables users to easily bring up live video feeds as
well as locating the abnormal surveillance cameras with
broken connection. In addition to hardware failure, we also
adopted the image-based approach [15] to automatically de-
tect camera anomaly events such as spray painting, blockage
and defocusing.
B. Implementation and Evaluations
Currently, City Eyes has been integrated into the surveil-
lance camera networks owned by police departments of two
cities in Taiwan, which has over 3000 and 23000 cameras,
respectively. One can imagine that there will be inevitably
a great diversity of video sources among such large camera
networks. Therefore, the greatest efforts when implementing
City Eyes had been to develop various video crawlers to
retrieve videos from DVRs of different vendors. Fortunately,
under the framework of City Eyes, it only requires minor
modifications, e.g. reconfiguration of workflows, to migrate
the IVS applications between different physical environ-
ments. As illustrated in Figure 3, City Eyes can summarize
long-running video in a very short time with a sufficient
number of workers. According to an user study conducted
on 15 test users, it indicated that City Eyes can effectively
reduce the time spent on their daily routines, such as
watching long-running videos as a security problem occurs,
or regularly examining the status of surveillance cameras.
In this paper, we presented City Eyes, a cloud based
platform designed for building intelligent video surveillance
applications. The main innovation of City Eyes is a general
framework which facilitates the development and deploy-
ment of video analysis engines. A suite of IVS applications
have been built upon the proposed platform and it has been
proven to be very useful for real-world practices of video
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... These devices their continuously capture the video stream of the area under their observation [6]. Usually, these cameras feed their video stream to cloud infrastructure [7]- [9] where it is stored, processed and analyzed [10]. To track the path of any victim or perpetrator, these videos are processed by the machine learning algorithms [11]- [13] and the human operators. ...
... Chen et al. proposed "City Eyes", a cloud-based computational framework for developing intelligent surveillance applications [7]. The authors integrated "City Eyes" in multiple surveillance systems of different cities and showed a reduced time in continuous monitoring of surveillance videos. ...
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Surveillance through digital cameras is increasing exponentially. A majority of these cameras are not smart cameras; therefore, they send their video stream to a central server where it is processed and analyzed for any threats. Typically, human operators or machine learning algorithms at cloud, analyzed and processed the post-event videos to track and locate the perpetrator or victim. The centralized approach leads to two primary shortcomings: 1) the high cost of cloud infrastructure; 2) lack of instant tracking and detection of the threat. One solution is to replace these legacy cameras with the smart cameras so they can process information locally. Although the solution is costly, it could solve the real time threat detection issues. However, the need for a central server remains there, to construct the path of threat, when threat moves from one camera view to another. The existing distributed architectures for threat tracking, shifts the load of threat capturing and processing from central server to the edge nodes, which in turn reduces the computational power but do not remove the role of central server completely. These architectures doesn’t equip each camera of processing and communicating with each other. Further, in the existing distributed architectures the local cameras are not able to store the path of the threat individually, and transmits the captured trajectory to the central body. This research proposed a second alternative that makes use of legacy cameras through additional hardware and software components such that they can process information and collaborate locally. The research addresses the challenge by introducing a low cost distributed threat tracking framework that allows the single camera to identify the threat and communicate its information to other cameras without involving the central server. The framework stores the information in a lightweight architecture that is inspired by the blockchain storage algorithm. The system also allows querying the path traveled by the threat at any stage. To evaluate the system, we performed two simulated experiments: one with a central server and another with the proposed distributed system. The results of the experiments showed that the time to track the threat through the proposed system was lower than the existing centralized system. Moreover, the proposed system predicted the paths of threats with an accuracy of 85.49%. In the future, the technique may be improved with reinforcement learning and other machine learning techniques.
... VSaaS for open area surveillance can be used virtually anywhere through simple internet networks, existing fiber networks or mobile 3G/4G networks providing coverage for large urban areas. In paper by (Chen, et al. 2014) is given a proposal of a unified computational framework, whose purpose is the integration simplification of various video analysis techniques. The framework is developed upon cloud architecture which enable it to handle massive data analysis. ...
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Video Surveillance as a Service (VSaaS) has undergone significant scientific development since its inception. Development of cloud technologies significantly influenced surveillance market which is expected to entirely replace traditional surveillance systems. Economic analysis show positive growth of surveillance equipment and systems and in the coming years VSaaS is expected to have a larger stake of the security market. In the paper are given examples of Video Surveillance as a Service (VSaaS) applications in current surveillance systems implementations. We also review the existing literature and propose how to apply advancement into future frameworks. How to cite this article: Dašić, P.; Dašić, J. & Crvenković, B.: Some examples of video surveillance as a service applications. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Symposium "Sustainable Development Through Quality and Innovation in Engineering and Research" (SIMPRO-2016); Petroşani, Romania; 14-15 October 2016. Petroşani (Romania): University of Petroşani, 2016, pp. 367-370. ISSN 2344-4754.
This paper proposes a digital video intrusion detection method based on Narrow Band Internet of Things (NB-IoT), and establishes a digital video intrusion detection system based on NB-IoT network and SVM intelligent classification algorithm. Firstly, the image is preprocessed by gradation processing and threshold transformation to extract the HOG feature extraction of human intrusion behavior in digital video frame images. Then, combined with the human intrusion HOG feature data, the SVM intelligent algorithm is used to classify the human intrusion behavior, so as to accurately classify the movements of walking, jumping, running and waving in video surveillance. Finally, the performance analysis of the algorithm finds that the classification time, classification accuracy and classification false positive rate of the model are tested. The classification time is 40.8 s, the shortest is 27 s, the classification accuracy is 87.65%, and the lowest is 83.7%. The false detection rate is up to 15%, both of which are less than 20%, indicating that the classification method has good accuracy and stability. Comparing the algorithm with other algorithms, the intrusion sensitivity, intrusion specificity and training speed of the model are 93.6%, 94.3%, and 19 s, respectively, which are better than other methods, which indicates that the model has good detection performance in the experimental stage.
Modern computing has to face the hardware bottleneck at present. Nowadays, supercomputing including multithread, multicore, GPU, and FPGA technologies (Kilts, Advanced FPGA design. Wiley, Hoboken, 2007; Stallings, Operating systems: internals and design principles. Pearson Education Limited, New Jersey, 2015) are alleged for resolving the problems and overcoming the technical barriers (Sanders, Kandrot, CUDA by examples: an introduction to general-purpose GPU programming. Addison-Wesley, Upper Saddle River, 2011). In this chapter, we will dwell on how to use these cutting-edge technologies in digital surveillance and make intelligent computing much faster. There are several criteria in evaluating or choosing parallel programming models (Rauber, Runger, Parallel programming: for multicore and cluster systems. Springer, Berlin, 2010), a few well-known parallel programming models such as OpenMP, UPC, and CUDA have been adopted in practice (Sanders, Kandrot, CUDA by examples: an introduction to general-purpose GPU programming. Addison-Wesley, Upper Saddle River, 2011).
Modern computing has to face the hardware bottleneck at present. Nowadays, supercomputing including multi-thread, multi-core, GPU, and FPGA technologies (Kilts, Advanced FPGA design. Wiley, Hoboken, 2007; Stallings, Operating systems internals and design principals. Pearson Education Limited, 2015) are alleged for resolving the problems and overcoming the technical barriers (Sanders and Kandrot, CUDA by examples: an introduction to general-purpose GPU programming. Addison-Wesley, Upper Saddle River, 2011). In this chapter, we will dwell on how to use these cutting-edge technologies in digital surveillance and make intelligent computing much faster. There are several criteria in evaluating or choosing parallel programming models (Rauber and Runger, Parallel programming for multicore and cluster systems. Springer, Berlin 2010); a few well-known parallel programming models such as OpenMP, UPC, CUDA, etc. have been adopted in practice (Sanders and Kandrot, CUDA by examples: an introduction to general-purpose GPU programming. Addison-Wesley, Upper Saddle River, 2011).
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Data analysis workflows are often composed by many concurrent and compute-intensive tasks that can be efficiently executed only on scalable computing infrastructures, such as HPC systems, Grids and Cloud platforms. The use of Cloud services for the scalable execution of data analysis workflows is the key feature of the Data Mining Cloud Framework (DMCF), which provides a Web interface to develop data analysis applications using a visual workflow formalism. In this paper we describe how we extended DMCF to support also the design and execution of script-based data analysis workflows on Clouds. We introduce a workflow language, named JS4Cloud, that extends JavaScript to support the implementation of Cloud-based data analysis tasks and the handling of data on the Cloud. We also describe how data analysis workflows programmed through JS4Cloud are processed by DMCF to make parallelism explicit and to enable their scalable execution on Clouds. Finally, we present a data analysis application developed with JS4Cloud, and the performance results obtained executing the application with DMCF on the Windows Azure platform.
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The detection and tracking of people lie at the heart of many current and near-future applications of computer vision. We describe a background subtraction system designed to detect moving objects in a wide variety of conditions, and a second system to detect objects moving in front of moving backgrounds. Detected foreground regions are tracked with a tracking system which can initiate real-time alarms and generate a smart surveillance index which can be searched to find interesting events in stored video
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In the next-generation visual surveillance systems, content analysis tools will be integrated. In this paper, to accelerate these tools, it is proposed to integrate a hardware content analysis engine into a smart camera system-on-a-chip (SoC). A smart camera SoC hardware architecture with the proposed visual content analysis engine is first presented. This engine consists of dedicated accelerators and a programmable morphology coprocessor. Stream processing design concept, frame-level pipelining, and subword level parallelism are employed together to efficiently utilize the bandwidth of the system bus and achieve high throughput. The implementation results show that, with 168 K logic gates and 40.63 Kb on-chip memory, a processing speed of 30 640 x 480 frames/s can be achieved, while the operations of video object segmentation, object description and tracking, and face detection and scoring are supported.
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This paper proposes an automatic event detection technique for camera anomaly by image analysis, in order to confirm good image quality and correct field of view of surveillance videos. The technique first extracts reduced-reference features from multiple regions in the surveillance image, and then detects anomaly events by analyzing variation of features when image quality decreases and field of view changes. Event detection is achieved by statistically calculating accumulated variations along temporal domain. False alarms occurred due to noise are further reduced by an online Kalman filter that can recursively smooth the features. Experiments are conducted on a set of recorded videos simulating various challenging situations. Compared with an existing method, experimental results demonstrate that our method has high precision and low false alarm rate with low time complexity.
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In this paper we discuss the issues that need to be resolved before fully automated outdoor surveillance systems can be developed, and present solutions to some of these problems. Any outdoor surveil- lance system must be able to track objects moving in its fleld of view, classify these objects and detect some of their activities. We have de- veloped a method to track and classify these objects in realistic scenar- ios. Object tracking in a single camera is performed using background subtraction, followed by region correspondence. This takes into account multiplecuesincludingvelocities,sizesanddistancesofboundingboxes. Objects can be classifled based on the type of their motion. This prop- erty may be used to label objects as a single person, vehicle or group of persons. Our proposed method to classify objects is based upon de- tecting recurrent motion for each tracked object. We develop a speciflc feature vector called a'RecurrentMotion Image' (RMI) tocalculate re- peated motion of objects. Difierent types of objects yield very difierent RMI's and therefore can easily be classifled into difierent categories on the basis of their RMI. The proposed approach is very e-cient both in termsofcomputationalandspacecriteria.RMI'sarefurtherusedtode- tect carried objects. We present results on a large number of real world sequences including the PETS 2001 sequences. Our surveillance system works in real time at approximately 15Hz for 320x240 resolution color images ona1.7 GHzpentium-4 PC.
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Data mining techniques are used in many application areas to extract useful knowledge from large datasets. Very often, parameter sweeping is used in data mining applications to explore the effects produced on the data analysis result by different values of the algorithm parameters. Parameter sweeping applications can be highly computing demanding, since the number of single tasks to be executed increases with the number of swept parameters and the range of their values. Cloud technologies can be effectively exploited to provide end-users with the computing and storage resources, and the execution mechanisms needed to efficiently run this class of applications. In this paper, we present a Data Mining Cloud App framework that supports the execution of parameter sweeping data mining applications on a Cloud. The framework has been implemented using the Windows Azure platform, and evaluated through a set of parameter sweeping clustering and classification applications. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework, as well as the scalability that can be achieved through the parallel execution of parameter sweeping applications on a pool of virtual servers.
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ITRI container computer is a modular computer designed to be a building block for constructing cloud-scale data centers. Rather than using a traditional data center network architecture, which is typically based on a combination of Layer 2 switches and Layer 3 routers, ITRI containercomputer's internal interconnection fabric, called Peregrine, is specially architected to meet the scalability, fast fail-over and multi-tenancy requirements of these data centers. Peregrine is an all-Layer 2 network that is designed to support up to one million Layer 2 end points, provide quick recovery from any single network link/device failure, and incorporate dynamic load-balancing routing to make the best of all physical network links. Finally, the Peregrine architecture is implementable using only off-the-shelf commodity Ethernet switches. This paper describes the design and implementation of a fully operational Peregrine prototype, which is built on a folded Clos physical network topology, and the results and analysis of a performance evaluation study based on measurements taken on this prototype.
Conference Paper
Nowadays, digital surveillance systems are ubiquitously installed and continuously generate huge amount of video data. Very often, human inspection of the recorded videois still required for threat detection. Even though automated techniques exist to facilitate the detection of potential security problems, it remains a highly computation demanding task to process these data. The emergence of cloud environments has made feasible to deploy intelligent video surveillance technologies as services through Internet to enhance public security. In this paper, we present a novel system aiming at bringing together automatic license plate recognition engines and cloud computing technology in order to realize massive data analysis and enable the detection and tracking of a target vehicle in a city with a given license plate number. It realizes a fully integrated system with a surveillance network of city scale, automatic large scale data retrieval and analysis, combination with pattern recognition technology to achieve contextual information analysis. Performance evaluation and some results of applying the proposed system to real-world data are demonstrated and the experiences we gained when implementing it are also discussed.
Video summaries provide condensed and succinct representations of the content of a video stream through a combination of still images, video segments, graphical representations and textual descriptors. This paper presents a conceptual framework for video summarisation derived from the research literature and used as a means for surveying the research literature. The framework distinguishes between video summarisation techniques (the methods used to process content from a source video stream to achieve a summarisation of that stream) and video summaries (outputs of video summarisation techniques). Video summarisation techniques are considered within three broad categories: internal (analyse information sourced directly from the video stream), external (analyse information not sourced directly from the video stream) and hybrid (analyse a combination of internal and external information). Video summaries are considered as a function of the type of content they are derived from (object, event, perception or feature based) and the functionality offered to the user for their consumption (interactive or static, personalised or generic). It is argued that video summarisation would benefit from greater incorporation of external information, particularly user based information that is unobtrusively sourced, in order to overcome longstanding challenges such as the semantic gap and providing video summaries that have greater relevance to individual users.
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Most scientific data analyses comprise analyzing voluminous data collected from various instruments. Efficient parallel/concurrent algorithms and frameworks are the key to meeting the scalability and performance requirements entailed in such scientific data analyses. The recently introduced MapReduce technique has gained a lot of attention from the scientific community for its applicability in large parallel data analyses. Although there are many evaluations of the MapReduce technique using large textual data collections, there have been only a few evaluations for scientific data analyses. The goals of this paper are twofold. First, we present our experience in applying the MapReduce technique for two scientific data analyses: (i) high energy physics data analyses; (ii) K-means clustering. Second, we present CGL-MapReduce, a streaming-based MapReduce implementation and compare its performance with Hadoop.