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Systemic inflammation is associated with pulmonary hypertension in patients undergoing haemodialysis

  • Taichung Veterans General Hospital /National Chung Hsing University

Abstract and Figures

Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is an overlooked cardiovascular morbidity in patients undergoing haemodialysis. Inflammation has been demonstrated to play a significant role with certain types of PH in non-uraemic patients, but studies analysing the mechanisms in dialyzed patients with PH are rare. Hence, we investigated systemic and local inflammation biomarkers associated with PH in uraemia patients to elucidate the potential mechanism. A cross-sectional study was conducted in which 97 haemodialysis patients were initially evaluated in our hospital. Twelve inflammatory cytokines were measured using a cytometric beads assay in patients with and without PH. FE(NO) (fractional exhaled nitric oxide) was checked by a chemiluminescence analyser in patients with and without PH as well as by normal controls. Thirty-nine eligible patients were enrolled. Compared to patients without PH (group A), patients with PH (group B) had significantly higher serum levels of hs-CRP, IL-1beta, TNF-alpha and IL-6. FE(NO) was also measured. Though the pre-dialysis FE(NO) levels were elevated in both groups; group B patients had significantly higher pre-dialysis FE(NO) levels than group A patients (39.9 +/- 16.7 versus 31.8 +/- 10.3, P = 0.045). The post-dialysis FE(NO) levels returned to normal in group A while the remaining were significantly higher in group B (30.3 +/- 10.3 versus 20.1 +/- 10.9, P = 0.003). Our study revealed that dialyzed patients with PH had a significantly higher level of airway FE(NO) as well as serum levels of acute phase reactive protein and cytokines, including IL-1beta, TNF-alpha and IL-6. A chronic inflammation might play an important role in the pathogenesis of PH in patients undergoing haemodialysis.
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Nephrol Dial Transplant (2009) 24: 1946–1951
doi: 10.1093/ndt/gfn751
Advance Access publication 22 January 2009
Systemic inflammation is associated with pulmonary hypertension
in patients undergoing haemodialysis
Tung-Min Yu1,4, Yi-Hsing Chen2,4, Jeng-Yuan Hsu3,5, Chung-Shu Sun6, Ya-Wen Chuang1,4,
Cheng-Hsu Chen1,4, Ming-Ju Wu1,5, Chi-Hung Cheng1,4and Kuo-Hsiung Shu1,5
1Division of Nephrology, 2Division of Allergy, Immunology, 3Division of Chest Medicine, 4Department of Internal Medicine,
Taichung Veterans General Hospital, 5Chung-Shan Medical University and 6Division of Pediatry, Zhong-Xing branch, Taipei City
Hospital, Taiwan
Correspondence and offprint requests to: Kuo-Hsiung Shu; E-mail:
Background. Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is an over-
looked cardiovascular morbidity in patients undergoing
haemodialysis. Inflammation has been demonstrated to
play a significant role with certain types of PH in non-
uraemic patients, but studies analysing the mechanisms
in dialyzed patients with PH are rare. Hence, we investi-
gated systemic and local inflammation biomarkers associ-
ated with PH in uraemia patients to elucidate the potential
Methods. A cross-sectional study was conducted in which
97 haemodialysis patients were initially evaluated in our
hospital. Twelve inflammatory cytokines were measured
using a cytometric beads assay in patients with and without
PH. FENO (fractional exhaled nitric oxide) was checked by
a chemiluminescence analyser in patients with and without
PH as well as by normal controls.
Results. Thirty-nine eligible patients were enrolled. Com-
pared to patients without PH (group A), patients with PH
(group B) had significantly higher serum levels of hs-
CRP, IL-1β,TNF-αand IL-6. FENO was also measured.
Though the pre-dialysis FENO levels were elevated in both
groups; group B patients had significantly higher pre-
dialysis FENO levels than group A patients (39.9 ±16.7
versus 31.8 ±10.3, P=0.045). The post-dialysis FENO lev-
els returned to normal in group A while the remaining
were significantly higher in group B (30.3 ±10.3 versus
20.1 ±10.9, P=0.003).
Conclusions. Our study revealed that dialyzed patients with
PH had a significantly higher level of airway FENO as well as
serum levels of acute phase reactive protein and cytokines,
including IL-1β,TNF-αand IL-6. A chronic inflammation
might play an important role in the pathogenesis of PH in
patients undergoing haemodialysis.
Keywords: fractional exhaled nitric oxide; haemodialysis; inflammatory
cytokines; pulmonary hypertension
Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is a condition with high mor-
bidity and mortality. It is defined as an elevation of the mean
pulmonary arterial pressure (Ppa )35 mmHg and can be
the result of heart, lung or other systemic diseases [1].
The pathogenesis of PH involves endothelial and vascular
smooth cell dysfunction and obliteration of the lumen of
small vessels in the lungs known as plexogenic arteriopa-
thy, which results in increased vascular resistance to blood
flow. PH is also a common complication in various sys-
temic inflammatory conditions, and its resemblance to the
pathological picture of different underlying diseases sug-
gests an identical pathophysiology [2]. Tuder et al. were the
first to identify inflammatory infiltrates in the area of plex-
iform vascular lesions in primary PH [3] and the further
in vitro study demonstrated that inflammation contributes
to the growth of pulmonary plexiform lesions in various cir-
cumstances [4]. Recent experimental data have suggested
that several inflammatory cytokines play a crucial role in
the regulation of pulmonary artery pressure [5–7]. In pa-
tients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD), PH has been a
neglected morbidity. Yigla et al. found unexplained PH in
some long-term haemodialysis patients and reported a strik-
ingly high prevalence of 40% in uraemic patients, detected
by Doppler echocardiography [8,9]. The pathogenesis of
PH in patients with ESRD is complex and remains un-
determined. In addition to the detrimental haemodynamic
impact of arterio-venous fistula, which leads to a high car-
diac output in haemodialysis, we suggested that various
metabolic and inflammatory dearrangements in the uraemic
milieu might play a role in the pathogenesis of PH. The aim
of the study was to investigate the inflammatory status of
systemic and local pulmonary tissue by the measurement
of various plasma cytokines and FENO (fractional exhaled
nitric oxide), an inflammatory marker of airway and lung
parenchyma, in patients with and without PH undergoing
long-term haemodialysis.
CThe Author [2009]. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved.
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by guest on November 3, 2015 from
Systemic inflammation is associated with PH 1947
97 haemodialysis patients were evaluated initially
47 patients were excluded due to past history of
coronary artery disease ( n = 25), autoimmune
disease (n = 7), airway disease (n = 15).
50 patients were further evaluated by
echocardiogram and pulmonary function test
Another 11 cases were excluded due to left ventricular
ejection fraction < 40% (n = 6), severe mitral valve
regurgitation (n = 4) and severe aortic regurgitation
(n = 1)
Gr.A (Ppa < 35 mmHg), n = 15 Gr.B (Ppa 35 mmHg), n = 24
39 eligible patients were enrolled in the study
Fig. 1. The flow chart of the patient selection process.
Study design
A total of 97 uraemic patients undergoing maintenance haemodialysis in
our hospital were evaluated for eligibility. This study was approved by the
institution review board and each participant signed an informed consent
form before entering the study. Patients with comorbid conditions that
could cause secondary PH were excluded. The exclusion criteria included
left heart diseases (left ventricle systolic ejection fraction <40%, valvular
heart diseases, coronary artery disease); lung diseases that lead to sec-
ondary PH (asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, pulmonary
embolism, etc.); collagen vascular diseases (scleroderma, systemic lupus
erythematous, mixed connective tissue disease); a current smoker or a
smoking history of more than five packs of cigarettes per year, corticos-
teroid therapy, history of respiratory infection in the previous 6 weeks,
pregnancy, human immunodef iciency virus (HIV) infection or the use of
appetite suppressant medication. The patient selection process is depicted
in Figure 1. After an initial review of the medical charts, 47 patients were
excluded due to the past history of coronary heart disease (n=25), au-
toimmune diseases (n=7) and airway disease (n=15). The remaining
50 patients were further subjected to a second-step evaluation by cardi-
ologist and chest medicine experts. A thorough pulmonary function test
and an echocardiogram were performed for each patient. Echocardiogra-
phy was performed for each patient to assess systolic and diastolic left
ventricle function and pulmonary artery pressure by a single physician.
Ejection fractions were used as an index of systolic function. Patients
with Ppa >35 mmHg were further evaluated by two experienced chest
specialists in order to uncover other potential causes of PH. This assess-
ment included history, physical examination, chest radiography, complete
pulmonary function tests and measurements of arterial blood gases. Pul-
monary function was evaluated with body plethysmography. All tests were
performed according to the American thorax society standards with pa-
tients in a sitting position at the same time of day and performed by the
same technician in order to ensure the consistency of a technique. Eleven
patients were excluded due to left ventricular ejection fraction <40%
(n=6), severe mitral valve regurgitation (n=4) and severe aortic valve
regurgitation (n=1). The remaining 39 eligible cases were then divided
into group A (n=15), who did not have PH (Ppa<35 mmHg), and group
B(n=24), whose Ppa 35 mmHg.
Assessment of pulmonary artery pressure
Systolic Ppa was assessed by Doppler echocardiography using an ul-
trasound machine equipped with 2.5 MHz probe (Philips Sonos 5500,
Andover, MA, USA) by a single investigator blinded to the results of
the biochemical analyses. To avoid overestimation of Ppa due to volume
overload, the echocardiology studies in patients receiving haemodialysis
were performed within 1 h of completion of dialysis while patients were at
an optimal dry weight. Complete two-dimensional, M-mode and Doppler
echocardiographic studies were obtained from each patient. A tricuspid
regurgitation systolic jet was recorded from the parasternal or apical win-
dow using a continuous-wave Doppler probe. Systolic right ventricular (or
pulmonary artery) pressure was calculated using the modified Bernoulli
equation: Ppa =4×(tricuspid systolic jet)2+10 mmHg (estimated right
artrial pressure). The accuracy of systolic Ppa estimation by Doppler in
the laboratory has been shown to be accurate and to correlate well (up to
97%) with haemodynamic measurements during right heart catheterization
in patients [12]. The study from the consensus symposium on PH held in
Venice, Italy, in 2003 suggested that a systolic Ppa of 35 mmHg represents
the cutoff value for PH when assessed by Doppler echocardiography [13].
Measurement of FENO
FENO was measured using a chemiluminescence analyser (Sievers Model
280 NOA, Sievers Instrument Inc., Boulder, CO, USA) according to ATS
recommendation [14]. This was performed for the 39 patients by an ex-
perienced technician who was blind to the results of Ppa. Before the
examination of FENO, patients were subjected to the restriction of intake
of food containing nitrite for 3 days, discontinued use of medications such
as nitrite drugs, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin II
receptor antagonists and calcium channel blockers to eliminate possible
confounding factors. All patients fasted for at least 12 h before examina-
tion. The nitric oxide (NO) concentration in exhaled air was determined at
rest in a sitting position over 3 h. In patients who underwent haemodialysis,
the NO concentration in exhaled air was measured 30 min before and after
haemodialysis. During the haemodialysis session, heparin was not used in
order to avoid any interference with the measurement of FENO.
The procedure was performed as previously described [15]. The instru-
ment was not switched off and was calibrated each morning. The calibrated
gas contained carbon oxide (<18 ppm) and nitrogen (<15 ppm). When
measuring FENO, the subject was asked to perform a slow vital capacity
manoeuvre for 30 s against a fixed respiratory resistance. The pressure
level during exhalation was optimized by following the computer screen
on-line to reach a constant 50 ml s1flow rate. Exhaled air was led through
a non-rebreathing valve into a Teflon tubing system connected to the anal-
yser. The standard deviation between three exhaled samples was <5%
and the detection limit was 1 part per billion (ppb). The subjects inhaled
normal room temperature air to total lung capacity (TLC) via their mouths
and exhaled nasally while targeting a flow signal displayed on a computer
monitor. Expiration continued until a steady NO levellasting for at least 10
s was reached. The contribution of oral NO was excluded. The measure-
ment was repeated three times and then the mean value was calculated. In
the examination of FENO, 69 healthy volunteers matching in age, gender
and body mass index were selected and served as a normal control group.
Measurement of plasma high sensitivity-C reactive protein (hs-CRP) and
Plasma high sensitivity-Creactive protein (hs-CRP) was determined
by means of the particle-enhanced immunonephelometry method (Dade
Behring, Germany). Serum cytokines (IL-1β,2,4,5,6,8,10,12,TNF-α,
TNF-βand INF-γ) were measured using Th1/Th2 11 plex FlowCytomix
Multiplex kits (Bender MedSystems, BMS810FF human, Vienna, Aus-
tria) by the cytometric beads assay. The patients’ sera for the study of
cytokines were obtained before sessions of haemodialysis and measured
immediately in the laboratory in our hospital. The patients’ general data
(age, sex, co-morbidities, medication used) and data regarding kidney dis-
ease (aetiology of renal failure, duration of haemodialysis therapy and
vascular access location) were obtained from medical charts. The dialy-
sis regimen including high-flux membranes (Fresenius FX80, Fresenius
Medical Care, Bad Homburg, Germany) and bicarbonate-based dialysis
fluid (Na+: 140.0 mEq/l, K+: 2.0 mEq/l, Ca2+: 2.5, 3.0, 3.5 mEq/l, Mg2+:
1.0 mEq/l, Cl: 107.0 Eq/l,CH3COO: 5.0 mEq/l, HCO3: 39.0 mEq/l,
dextrose: 100 mg/dl) was equally prescribed in both groups. During the
sessions of dialysis, dialysate flowrates ranged from 500 to 700 ml/min and
blood flow rates ranged from 200 to 300 ml/min and adjusted depending
on the clinical condition. Water microbiological testing was determined
by using the tryptone glucose extract agar medium within the incubation
temperature of 17–23C for 7 days. The endotoxin level in dialysis wa-
ter was measured by using PYROTELL R
, Gel-clot formulation, G5250,
Cape Cod, USA, whose sensitivity range was 0.25 EU/ml. Biochemical
data including haematocrit, serum calcium, phosphate, intact-parathyroid
by guest on November 3, 2015 from
1948 T. M. Yu et al.
Tab l e 1 . Demographic characteristics in group A and group B
Group A Group B
Clinical characteristics (n=15) (n=24) P-value
Ppa (mmHg) 28.8 ±1.2 42.7 ±0.9 <0.001
Gender (male/female) 6/9 10/14 NS
Age (years) 61.0 ±3.8 51.2 ±2.8 NS
Aetiology of renal failure NS
Chronic glomerulonephritis 7 13
Hypertension 4 3
Diabetic mellitus 4 8
Medications of anti- NS
Calcium channel blocker 11 17
Beta blockers 9 13
Alpha blockers 4 5
Duration of dialysis (ms) 75.3 ±12.9 72.5 ±13.1 NS
Microorganisms (CFU/ml) 1.7 ±0.9 3.5 ±1.6 NS
Endotoxin (>0.25 IU/ml) 0 2 NS
BMI(kg/m2) 25.8 ±1.1 24.2 ±0.7 NS
LV ejection fraction (%) 55.7 ±1.7 57.6 ±1.1 NS
Cardiac output (l/min) 5.6 ±0.2 6.8 ±0.3 NS
Access flow (ml/min) 832.8 ±66.1 1350.4 ±74.3 <0.001
Brachial/radial 1.0/14.0 2.0/22.0
Cardiothoracic ratio 0.48 ±0.04 0.56 ±0.08 <0.0001
BMI =body mass index; NS =insignificant.
hormone, arterial blood gases, lipid profile, albumin, uric acid and ferritin
were also retrieved. The mean of the 12 monthly values preceding the
echocardiography study was utilized.
Measurement of vascular access blood flow
Arterio-venous fistula blood flow was measured using a Transonic
Haemodialysis Monitor (Transonic System Inc., Ithaca, NY, USA). All
measurements were performed in triplicate at a fixed dialyzer blood flow
rate of 250 ml/min within the first hour after the start of haemodialysis.
Ultrafiltration was turned off during blood flow measurements. The mean
value of three results was used.
Statistical analyses
Continuous variables were expressed as mean ±SD unless otherwise
specified. Variables of cytokines which were not normally distributed
were expressed as mean ±standard error of mean (SEM).
The subgroups were compared using the independent t-test and Mann–
Whitney U-test. Pearson correlation analysis was used to explain the re-
lationship between two parameters. Categorical variables, expressed as
percentages, were analysed by Fisher’s exact test or Yate’s correction of
contingency. All statistical tests were two-sided and assessed at a 0.05
significance level. Analyses were performed using the Scientific Package
for Social Science (SPSS, version 10.1, Chicago, IL, USA).
PH was found in 24 (61.53%) cases (group B). The mean
Ppa was 42.7 ±4.6 mmHg in this group. The other group
(15 cases, group A) had no PH and the mean Ppa was 28.8 ±
4.8 mmHg (P<0.0001, compared to group B). Demo-
graphic characteristics and biochemical data are listed and
compared in Tables 1 and 2. Group B was younger (51.2 ±
13.8 versus 61.0 ±14.7, P=0.041) and had lower
solute clearance and residual renal function (Kt/V: 1.4 ±
0.2 versus 1.7 ±0.2, P<0.001, urea reduction rate: 69.3 ±
4.5 versus 75.0 ±2.4, P<0.001 and residual Ccr ml/min:
2.0 ±0.1 versus 4.2 ±0.1, P<0.0001). In addition, a
Tab l e 2 . Biochemical variables in group A and group B
Group A Group B
Variables (n=15) (n=24) P-value
Albumin (g/dl) 3.97 ±0.08 3.68 ±0.08 0.038
HbA1c (%) 5.7 ±0.2 7.0 ±0.2 <0.001
Ferritin (ng/ml) 434.9 ±128.2 279.1 ±55.8 NS
Hct (%) 32.1 ±0.7 31.7 ±0.9 NS
Ca ×phosphate 46.3 ±3.0 52.0 ±2.6 NS
I-PTH (pg/ml) 267.9 ±99.8 307.6 ±58.1 NS
Cholesterol (mg/dl) 170.6 ±8.2 179.4 ±5.8 NS
Triglyceride (mg/dl) 169.9 ±22.3 165.9 ±16.6 NS
Uric acid (mg/dl) 7.2 ±0.2 6.8 ±0.3 NS
HCO3(mmol/l) 24.0 ±0.9 23.0 ±0.6 NS
Residual Ccr (ml/min) 4.2 ±0.1 2.0 ±0.1 <0.0001
Kt/V 1.7 ±0.0 1.4 ±0.0 <0.001
URR 75.0 ±0.6 69.3 ±0.9 <0.001
NS =insignificant.
Ppa (mmHg)
access blood flow (ml/min)
15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
male female
n = 19, r = 0.553, P = 0.014
n = 17, r = 0.861, P < 0.0001
Fig. 2. Moderate correlation (r=0.61) was noted between access blood
flow and Ppa in total cases. Compared to the male population, higher
correlation (r=0.861) was found in the female population.
significantly higher cardiac output was found in group B
compared to group A (6.8 ±1.7 l/min versus 5.6 ±0.7
l/min, P=0.014). Vascular access blood flow was also sig-
nificantly higher in group B compared to g roup A (1350.4 ±
364.1 versus 832.8 ±255.8 ml/min, P<0.001). The im-
pact of vascular access flow on Ppa in different genders
and the relationship between access blood flow and Ppa are
shown in Figure 2. Patients with higher blood flow showed
increased Ppa irrespective of the gender. The serum levels
of hs-CRP and various kinds of cytokines including IL-1,
2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, TNF-α,TNF-βand INF-γall revealed
a higher level in group B than those in group A (Table 3).
In group B (Figure 3), the serum level of hs-CRP (4.70 ±
0.92 versus 1.48 ±0.41 mg/l, P=0.001) and inflammatory
cytokines including IL-1β(2.24 ±0.10 versus 1.65 ±0.04
pg/ml, P<0.0001), TNF-α(5.51 ±1.55 versus 2.60 ±0.11
pg/ml, P=0.028) and IL-6 (14.54 ±0.10 versus 14.16 ±
0.10 pg/ml, P=0.011) reached a statistical significance
when compared to group A.
FENO levels are shown in Figure 4. Pre-dialysis FENO
levels were significantly higher in both uraemia group B
by guest on November 3, 2015 from
Systemic inflammation is associated with PH 1949
hs-CRP (mg/L)
P = 0.001
P = 0.011
IL-6 (pg/mL)
IL-1β (pg/mL)
P < 0.0001
TNF-α (pg/mL)
50 P = 0.028
Fig. 3. Cytokines and hs-CRP were significantly different in groups A and B.
Tab l e 3 . Plasma levels of hs-CRP and cytokines
Group A (n=15) Group B (n=24) P-value
hs-CRP (mg/l) 1.48 ±0.41 4.70 ±0.92 0.001
IL-6 (pg/ml) 14.16 ±0.10 14.54 ±0.10 0 011
IL-1β(pg/ml) 1.65 ±0.04 2.24 ±0.10 <0.0001
TNF-α(pg/ml) 2.60 ±0.11 5.51 ±1.55 0.028
IL-2 (pg/ml) 1.84 ±0.03 2.09 ±0.14 0.248
IL-4 (pg/ml) 1.34 ±0.03 1.46 ±0.08 0.896
IL-5 (pg/ml) 1.64 ±0.02 2.58 ±0.97 0.696
IL-8 (pg/ml) 16.01 ±3.35 16.13 ±1.54 0.453
IL-10 (pg/ml) 5.43 ±0.12 5.45 ±0.11 0.851
IL-12 (pg/ml) 1.19 ±0.02 1.29 ±0.07 0.593
IFN-γ(pg/ml) 1.92 ±0.06 1.95 ±0.06 1.000
Data were expressed as mean ±SEM (standard error of mean).
(39.9 ±16.7 ppb, P<0.0001) and group A (31.8 ±
10.3 ppb, P=0.001) compared to healthy control lev-
els (19.8 ±6.8 ppb), respectively. A further comparison
between the two uraemic groups revealed that the pre-
dialysis FENO levels in group B were significantly higher
than those in group A (39.9 ±16.7 versus 31.8 ±10.3
ppb, P=0.045). A significantly positive correlation was
noted between FENO and these four plasma cytokines in-
cluding hs-CRP (r=0.864, P<0.0001), IL-6 (r=0.746,
P<0.0001), IL-1 (r=0.801, P<0.0001) and TNF-α(r=
0.653, P<0.0001). Post-dialysis FENO levels remained sig-
nificantly higher in group B compared to patients in group
A (30.3 ±10.4 ppb versus 20.1 ±10.9 ppb, P=0.003) and
normal controls (P<0.0001). On the other hand, the post-
dialysis level of FENO in group A returned to a normal range
and was not significantly different from that of normal
PH is an atherosclerotic disease that may occur with un-
known aetiology (primary PH) or secondary to another
disease (secondary PH). The pathological findings of in-
flammatory cells’ infiltration around plexiform lesions and
the association of PH with several chronic inflammatory
diseases [16–19] suggest that immunological mechanisms
may be involved in the pathogenesis of PH [2,7,18]. In
many in vitro studies, interleukins, such as IL-1β,IL-6,
and TNF-α, have been identified and elevated in local lung
tissue surrounding pulmonary arteries in patients with PH
[2,18–19]. Uraemia has been regarded as a state of chronic
inflammation, in which elevated serum levels of several cy-
tokines and growth factors have been reported previously
[21–22]. Many studies have reported increased production
of various cytokines including IL-1β,TNF-α,IL-1β,IL-
6, IL-8, etc. in HD, CAPD and undialyzed patients with
end-stage renal failure and lead to a complex of acute and
chronic side effects [23]. Hence, it is not surprising that PH
by guest on November 3, 2015 from
1950 T. M. Yu et al.
Pre- Post-
Group A
Pre- Post-
Group B
P < 0.0001
P < 0.0001
P = 0.001 P = 0.045
P = 0.003
Fig. 4. The pre- and post-dialysis levels of FENO in group A, group
B and healthy controls. Higher pre-dialysis FENO levels were found in
patients undergoing haemodialysis. Compared with group A, the pre- and
post-dialysis levels of group B were significantly higher.
is relatively common among chronically dialyzed patients
with a prevalence that ranged from 40 to 50% in previous
reports [9–11]. In patients with PH in our study, poorer
underlying conditions including lower residual renal func-
tion, poorer clearance rate and higher HbA1c indirectly
reflect the severity of inflammation in these patients. In
an attempt to clarify whether PH in uraemia occurs as a
consequence of systemic inflammation, we carried out two
parts of the study. The first part measured several biomark-
ers, including hs-CRP, IL-1β, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, TNF-
α,TNF-β,INF-γ, and clearly demonstrated that group B
(with PH) patients had significantly higher serum inflam-
matory biomarker levels of hs-CRP, IL-1β,TNF-αand IL-6
(Figure 3). The second part measured FENO in both groups
and controls. FENO has been extensively used in studies
of various airway inflammatory diseases and is considered
as a biomarker of inflammation in lung tissue [14,20]. In
the present study, we have demonstrated that uraemic pa-
tients, no matter if PH existed, had significantly higher
pre-dialysis FENO (Figure 4), implying that local inflam-
mation in the lung tissue prevails in dialyzed patients. The
inflammation is more severe in group B patients as reflected
by significantly higher FENO levels compared to group A
patients. Furthermore, a significantly positive correlation
existed between plasma cytokines and airway FENO ,im-
plying that systemic inflammation as well as local airway
inflammation contributes to the pathogenesis of PH consis-
tently. After dialysis, FENO declined to a level comparable
with normal controls in group A patients. The finding that
group B patients had significantly higher levels of FENO
even after dialysis suggests a persistently intensive inflam-
mation in the airway of these patients with PH, which is
compatible with the assumption that inflammation plays
an important role in the pathogenesis of PH in uraemic
This is further supported by the findings of elevated
blood levels of various inflammatory biomarkers in this
group of patients. The interacting mechanism of increased
endogenous NO through up-regulation of i-NOS regu-
lated by inflammatory cytokine such as IL-1 and TNF in
chronic haemodialysis patients has been clearly demon-
strated and elucidated in the literature [24–26]. Amore
et al. [25] have shown that abnormal stimulation of i-
NOS through cytokines was closely associated with the
development of long-term vasculopathy in dialysis pa-
tients that is consistent with the assumption in our study.
Whether peroxynitrite, a strong oxidizing agent produced
from NO and superoxide anion involved with the patho-
genesis of cardiovascular disorders in uraemia, could con-
tribute to the pathogenesis of PH in uraemia in our result
is subjected to further investigation in the future [27]. In
addition, we demonstrated a trend towards an increased
prevalence of pulmonary hypertension (PAH) when the vas-
cular access flow increased. The trend reached the statisti-
cal significance and was more obvious in female patients
(Figure 2). The different influence of access blood flow on
PAH in male and female populations in our results was ob-
vious but not readily explained and requires further explo-
ration. We suggest that a special attention must be paid, not
only to the effects of access flow on the left heart but also to
the impact on pulmonary artery pressure in haemodialysis
patients. The clinical significance of our work is clear: first,
a successful renal transplantation is likely to ameliorate PH
through the recovery of uraemia, which is inflammatory
per se. Indeed, renal transplantation has been found to
markedly improve the stiffness of the vascular structure
and to normalize PH [28,29]. Secondly, intensive attempts
are needed to reduce systemic inflammation of dialysis pa-
tients. Although dialysis water microbiological data are not
significantly different in both groups, we consider that using
a more biocompatible dialyzer and/or ultrapure dialysate
may help in reducing the degree of PH, but this warrants
more studies for confirmation.
In conclusion, the pathogenesis of PH in haemodialysis
is complex and the results of the study raise the possibility
of a novel pathogenetic role of systemic inflammation in
the pathogenesis of PH. Due to the limitation of small size
and cross-section in our study, larger longitudinal studies
are needed to further address the question in the future.
Acknowledgements. We thank the biostatistics task force of Taichung
Veterans General Hospital for assistance in statistical analysis and Dr Bor-
Jen Lee for excellent support of cardiac echocardiogram. We also thank
Dr Chen-Yu Wong for the assistance to assess pulmonary morbidity in the
Conflict of interest statement. The study received a research grant from
Taichung Veterans General Hospital, Taiwan (TCVGH-973601A).
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by guest on November 3, 2015 from
Systemic inflammation is associated with PH 1951
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Received for publication: 12.6.08; Accepted in revised form: 15.12.08
by guest on November 3, 2015 from
... 7 Various mechanism have been postulated for the development of pulmonary hypertension in patients with ESRD, including disturbance of endothelial and vascular smooth muscles function, high output state related to graft or fistula, micro-bubble pulmonary emboli and pre-existing or acquired left sided cardiac dysfuncion. 8 Increasing the frequency and lengh of treatment have been shown to improve the fluid overload and enlargement of the heart that is commonly seen in dialysis patients. ...
... Beigi et al. reported a positive correlation between mean fistula flow and PAP. 13 PH may evolve due to the inability of the pulmonary circulation to accommodate increased cardiac output (resulting from increased volume, anemia, arteriovenous fistula) or as a result of increased pulmonary vascular stiffness due to endothelial dysfunction (decreased nitric oxide). 8 Vascular involvement is one of the most striking forms of extraosseous calcification in chronic renal failure. 14,15 The aorta and the coronary arteries are mainly affected, but peripheral small vessels in the systemic and the pulmonary circulation are also affected. ...
... Abassi等 [14] 提出:除PVR升高外,动静脉内瘘所 致CO增加也可增加肺动脉压力,ESRD患者常见的贫 血和容量超负荷可使PH进一步恶化。Yigla等 [15][16] [20] ,同样在PD患者中也发现 PH与血清钙、磷和甲状旁腺激素水平升高有关 [21] 。 但Yigla等 [13] 发现HD患者的肺血管钙化与PH无关, Unal等 [22] 同样发现动静脉内瘘建立前后的甲状旁腺激 素和钙、磷产物与PH无关。因此,在ESRD患者中血 管钙化与PH之间的关系仍是有争议的。 4.3 炎症 炎症参与PH的发生发展,与紊乱的血管阻力升 高相关,ESRD患者通常存在慢性炎症 [6,23] ,但炎症 在此类患者PH发展中的作用仍具有争议。Elstein等 [24] 研究发现高C反应蛋白(C-reaction protein,CRP)水平 是PH的重要预测因子。Yu等 [25] 研究发现:并发PH 的透析患者血清炎性反应蛋白及细胞因子(白细胞介 素-1β、肿瘤坏死因子-α和白细胞介素-6)明显升高, 提示慢性炎症可能在HD患者的PH发病中起重要作 用。Unal等 [22] 同样发现通过动静脉内瘘行HD治疗的 PH患者超敏CRP水平明显升高。此外,透析膜的不 相容性诱导的炎症在一定程度上可解释HD持续时间 与PH的相关性 [26] 。高水平的炎性细胞因子和急性期 反应在ESRD患者中常见,潜在进展的肾脏疾病、感 染和血液透析膜之间的相互作用可促进PH的发展。 ...
Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is a common complication in patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD), especially in patients with hemodialysis (HD). Poor prognosis can eventually lead to right heart failure and even death. PH is an independent risk factor for increased mortality in ESRD patients. We should pay attention to these patients in clinic for early detection, prevention and treatment. The pathogenesis of PH in ESRD patients is still unclear so far, which might be related to the increase of pulmonary vascular resistance, pulmonary blood flow, and pulmonary arterial wedge pressure. In addition, the presence of risk factors can promote the development of PH, such as chronic hypoxia, vascular calcification, and inflammation.
Objective To investigate the correlation between pulmonary hypertension (PH) and echocardiographic parameters in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Methods PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, Cochrane, VIP, CNKI, and Wanfang databases were systematically searched for articles published from inception to 19 May 2023. Study quality was estimated using the Quality Assessment of Case-Control Studies tool. Forest plots were drawn using R language software. The “metacor” function in the “meta” package was utilized for meta-analysis of the r -values and their standard errors. Heterogeneity and sensitivity analyses were carried out, with the main outcomes as r -value, p -value, and I ² value. Results Eleven studies were included, with 1,809 CKD patients. The correlations between 12 echocardiographic parameters and PH were analyzed. Except for FS and LVEF which were negatively correlated with CKD-PH, the other 10 parameters were positively correlated with CKD-PH. Among them, LA was highly correlated with CKD-PH (0.70 < r < 0.89); LVDD, RA, RV, LVMI, and LVDS were moderately correlated with CKD-PH (0.40 < r < 0.69); while PA, IVS, LVPW, SV, FS, and LVEF were lowly correlated with CKD-PH (0.20 < r < 0.39). The synthesized estimates were stable against heterogeneity. Conclusion CKD-PH patients may have large cardiac chambers, thickened septal tissue on both sides of the chambers, reduced pulmonary artery flow rates, and decreased left ventricular function.
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Background Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is a common complication of end-stage renal disease which is associated with adverse outcomes including all-cause mortality and cardiovascular events. Recent studies have demonstrated that Sacubitril/Valsartan (Sac/Val) as an enkephalinase inhibitor and angiotensin II receptor blocker could reduce pulmonary artery systolic pressure (PASP) and improve the prognosis of patients with heart failure. However, whether Sac/Val is effective in hemodialysis (HD) patients with PH is essentially unknown. In this retrospective study, we aimed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Sac/Val in the treatment of PH in HD patients. Methods A total of 122 HD patients with PH were divided into Sac/Val group ( n = 71) and ARBs group ( n = 51) based on the treatment regimen. The PASP, other cardiac parameters measured by echocardiography, and cardiac biomarkers including N-terminal fragment of BNP (NT-proBNP) and cardiac troponin I (cTnI) were observed at baseline and 3 months after treatment. Results There were no significant differences in the baseline characteristics between the two groups. PASP decreased significantly from 45(38, 54) to 28(21, 40) mmHg in Sac/Val group ( p < 0.001). PASP reduced from 41(37, 51) to 34(27, 44) mmHg in ARBs group ( p < 0.001), and the decrease was more pronounced in the Sac/Val group ( p < 0.001). In addition, improvements in the right atrial diameter (RAD), left ventricular diameter (LVD), left ventricular posterior wall thickness (LVPWT), left atrial diameter (LAD), pulmonary artery diameter (PAD), left ventricular end-diastolic volume (LVEDV), left ventricular end-systolic volume (LVESV), left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), and fractional shortening (FS) were found in Sac/Val group (p s < 0.05). After 3 months, LVD, LAD, LVEDV, LVESV, LVEF, SV, and PASP were significantly improved in Sac/Val group compared with ARBs group (p s <0.05). Significant reduction in NT-proBNP [35,000 (15,000, 70,000) pg/ml vs. 7,042 (3,126, 29,060) pg/ml, p < 0.001] and cTnI [0.056(0.031, 0.085) ng/ml vs. 0.036 (0.012, 0.056) ng/ml, p < 0.001) were observed in Sac/Val group. No significant differences were observed in adverse events between the two groups (p s > 0.05). Conclusion Sac/Val seems to be an efficacious regimen in PH with favorable safety and has huge prospects for treating PH in HD patients.
Rationale and objectives: Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is highly prevalent among patients with non-dialysis dependent CKD. We studied the associations of PH with mortality, kidney failure, as well as cardiovascular (CV) and non-CV hospitalization among Medicare beneficiaries diagnosed with CKD. Setting: and Participants: Patients with PH (based on two claims within 2 years) and patients without PH matched on CKD stage from the Medicare 5% CKD sample (1996-2016). Study design: Retrospective, observational study using a matched cohort design PREDICTOR: Presence of pulmonary hypertension. Outcomes: Mortality, kidney failure, and all-cause, cardiovascular, and non-cardiovascular hospitalization. Analytical approach: Cox proportional hazards models to assess the association between PH and mortality, adjusting for age, sex, race, and comorbidities. Death was considered as a competing event in Fine-Gray models to assess the association between PH and kidney failure. Negative binomial model was used to evaluate the relationship between PH and all-cause, CV, and non-CV hospitalizations. Results: 30,052 patients with PH and CKD and 150,260 CKD stage-matched patients without diagnosed PH were studied. Median age of the study population was 80.7 years, 57.8% were females, and 10.3% were African Americans. The presence of PH was associated with an increased risk of mortality after 1 (HR 2.87, 95% CI 2.79, 2.95), 2-3 (HR 1.56, 95% CI 1.51, 1.61), and 4-5 years of follow-up (HR 1.47, 95% CI 1.40, 1.53), and a higher risk of all-cause, CV, and non-CV hospitalization during the same period. PH was also associated with kidney failure in after 1 and 2-3 years but not after 4-5 years of follow-up. Patients with PH also experienced higher rates of acute kidney injury (AKI), and AKI requiring dialysis support within 30 and 90-days of AKI. Limitations: Reliance on billing codes and lack of echocardiogram or right heart catheterization data. Conclusions: Among older Medicare beneficiaries diagnosed with non-dialysis dependent CKD, the presence of PH was associated with an increased risk of mortality, kidney failure, and hospitalization. Understanding of these mechanism of these associations, especially the increased risk of kidney failure, requires further study.
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Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is recognized to be associated with a number of comorbid conditions. Based on these associations, PH is classified into 5 groups, considering common pathophysiologic drivers of disease, histopathologic features, clinical manifestations and course, and response to PH therapy. However, in some of these associated conditions, these characteristics are less well-understood. These include, among others, conditions commonly encountered in clinical practice such as sarcoidosis, sickle cell disease, myeloproliferative disorders, and chronic kidney disease/end stage renal disease. PH in these contexts presents a significant challenge to clinicians with respect to disease management. The most recent updated clinical classification schemata from the 6th World Symposium on PH classifies such entities in Group 5, highlighting the often unclear and/or multifactorial nature of PH. An in-depth review of the state of the science of Group 5 PH with respect to epidemiology, pathogenesis, and management is provided. Where applicable, future directions with respect to research needed to enhance understanding of the clinical course of these entities is also discussed.
Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is defined by an elevated mean pulmonary artery pressure >20 mm Hg. PH has emerged as an important comorbidity in both chronic kidney disease (CKD) and end-stage renal disease (ESRD) and is associated with increased mortality. Epidemiologic data suggest a high prevalence of PH especially with CKD stage III and higher. PH in most patients is “explained” by other comorbidities that are prevalent in these patients including left heart disease, lung disease, and sleep apnea and treatment should be directed at correcting these. However, after thorough workup, sometimes one is left with “unexplained” PH which could be attributed either to accumulation of uremic toxins, endothelial dysfunction, inflammation, microangiopathy, dialysis, or dialysis access-related issues. Interestingly, renal transplantation alleviates PH while presence of PH can impact graft function or survival. Select individuals with CKD-ESRD-PH could be considered for pulmonary vasodilators at PH specialized centers.
Purpose of review: Pulmonary hypertension is a common and devastating complication of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Traditionally considered a consequence of volume overload, recent findings now expand this paradigm. These novel mechanisms herald new treatment options. This review summarizes the current evidence to provide a theoretical model of the contributing factors for CKD-associated pulmonary hypertension. Along this framework, we highlight current and emerging therapeutic strategies for each putative factor. Recent findings: A series of retrospective studies of right heart catheterization data provide insights into the potential hemodynamic profile of CKD-associated pulmonary hypertension. These studies suggest that elevated pulmonary vascular resistance may commonly contribute to pulmonary hypertension. In addition, preclinical models implicate an increasing array of CKD-associated factors which influence pulmonary vascular biology. Many of these factors also adversely affect kidney function and CKD progression. Clinical trial and other prospective data for treatments of CKD-associated pulmonary hypertension remain limited. Summary: Volume overload and left-ventricular dysfunction are the predominant focus of CKD-associated pulmonary hypertension treatment for most patients. However, new findings suggest that treatments targeting pulmonary vascular vasoconstriction and remodeling may be promising treatment options for select patients. Clinical trials are needed for all therapeutic strategies for CKD-associated pulmonary hypertension.
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IntroductionPulmonary hypertension (PH) in the setting of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) has important prognostic and therapeutic consequences. We estimated the prevalence of PH among patients with ESRD and compared mortality between ESRD patients with and without PH.Methods Two independent reviewers searched three databases using a search strategy built around the medical subject headings of “hypertension, pulmonary” and “kidney failure, chronic.” Keywords and synonyms were also used. Study selection criteria included (1) Enrollment of patients with ESRD undergoing hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis, (2) Assessment for the presence of PH using transthoracic echocardiography, and (3) Determination of PH prevalence or associated mortality. The primary outcomes were prevalence of PH or associated mortality. The Grading, Recommendations, Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE) approach was used to rate the quality of evidence.ResultsThe initial search identified 1046 publications, from which 41 studies were selected. The median prevalence of PH identified by echocardiographic criteria among patients with ESRD was 38% (range 8% to 70%), and was significantly increased in patients undergoing hemodialysis (HD) (median 40%, range 16–70%) as compared with peritoneal dialysis (PD) (median 19%, range 8–37%). Meta-analysis demonstrated that overall mortality was higher among ESRD patients with echocardiographic evidence of PH than ESRD patients without echocardiographic evidence of PH (RR 2.02; 95% CI 1.70–2.40).Conclusions Echocardiographic evidence of PH is common among ESRD patients undergoing dialysis and associated with increased mortality. Identification of those patients with evidence of pulmonary hypertension on transthoracic echocardiography may warrant further evaluation and treatment.
Pulmonary hypertension associated with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) is an important yet under-recognized condition and can lead to life-threatening complications. The pathogenesis of pulmonary hypertension is peculiar in ESRD, and understanding it is important to recognize such patients at the earliest and commence appropriate treatment. Many studies have discovered the prevalence of pulmonary hypertension to be up to 80% in ESRD and have been associated with increased mortality. WHO has classified pulmonary hypertension in renal failure to be in group 5, a group defined by unclear multifactorial etiologies. Moreover, there is an improvement with renal transplant and closure of AV fistula, thus confirming the contribution from these. The pharmacological management of pulmonary hypertension in this unique population is not very different from other etiologies. However, one should understand that pulmonary hypertension as such, could be multifactorial, and other secondary causes of pulmonary hypertension should also be recognized and treated accordingly. In this article, we will discuss the concept of pulmonary hypertension in ESRD in detail and the options of treatment.
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POEMS (polyneuropathy, organomegaly, endocrinopathy, monoclonal gammopathy, and skin changes) syndrome is a rare variant of plasma cell dyscrasia with multiple systemic manifestations. We followed the progress of 20 patients with POEMS syndrome in our institution over a 10-yr period. Pulmonary hypertension (PH) was observed in five patients. All patients suffered dyspnea on exertion, which always appeared during an exacerbation of POEMS syndrome. The typical echocardiographic signs of PH were observed in all of these patients, and the median pulmonary-artery systolic pressure was 57 mm Hg (range, 50 to 65 mm Hg). Mean pulmonary-artery pressure during right side heart catheterization in two patients was 32 mm Hg. No other explanation for the PH could be found. Overproduction of cytokines was found in all cases, with high serum concentrations of interleukin-1beta, interleukin-6, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, and vascular endothelial growth factor. We suggest that PH should be added to the list of symptoms of POEMS syndrome. Cytokines may mediate POEMS syndrome-associated PH, as proposed for the other systemic manifestations of this disorder.
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Nitric oxide (NO) is a powerful vasoactive product of endothelial origin, and one of its major effects is vasodilation, leading to hypotension. The role of NO in some complications of uremia is still debated. This study evaluated whether endothelial NO synthase activity could be modulated by the exposure of healthy blood to hemodialysis materials. In vitro hemodialysis sessions were performed with cuprophan and polymethylmethacrylate membranes. Blood samples from a healthy donor after recirculation for 0, 5, 15, 30, and 60 min were coincubated for 6 h with a murine endothelial cell line (t.End.1); mRNA for inducible NO synthase and enzyme activity, measured as (3H)citrulline produced from (3H)arginine, were detected. The release of interleukin (IL)-1 beta and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) from recirculating lymphomonocytes was measured, too. The NO synthase activity of endothelial cells was stimulated by blood dialyzed with cuprophan, peaking at 15 min (11-fold increase in comparison to the basal values), whereas polymethylmethacrylate was ineffective (P < 0.01 versus Cuprophan). Dialysis with cuprophan, but not with polymethylmethacrylate, induced in endothelial cells the expression of mRNA encoding for inducible NO synthase. The release of IL-1 beta and TNF-alpha after 6 h by recirculating lymphomonocytes paralleled the NO synthase activity profile in endothelial cells and was significantly higher after cuprophan exposure than after polymethylmethacrylate (P < 0.0001). In conclusion, the activity of endothelial NO synthase can be enhanced during the dialysis sessions by the interaction of lymphomonocytes with the membranes, possibly via TNF-alpha and IL-1 beta production.
Plasma levels of IL-1β, TNFα and their specific inhibitors in undialyzed chronic renal failure, CAPD and hemodialysis patients. The presence of naturally occurring inhibitors of interleukin-1 (IL-1) and tumor necrosis factor (TNF) in a variety of diseases has been demonstrated. The IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-lRa) binds to IL-1 receptors and blocks the activity of IL-1, and a soluble form of the p55 TNF receptor (TNFsRp55) binds and neutralizes TNF. In the present study, plasma levels of IL-1β, IL-lRa, TNFα and TNFsRp55 were measured in 29 undialyzed patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), 13 patients on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD), 42 patients on chronic hemodialysis (HD) and in 15 healthy controls. Of the 29 patients with CRF, 13 had end-stage renal disease (ESRD, estimated GFR < 10 ml/min). Among healthy controls, plasma levels of IL-1β, IL-lRa and TNFα were at or below the limit of detection of the assay. In undialyzed patients with ESRD, or in patients on CAPD or HD, plasma levels of IL-1β were 428 ± 134 pg/ml, 378 ± 83 and 352 ± 43 pg/ml, respectively. Although plasma levels of IL-1β in each group of patients were higher than those in healthy controls (
The syndrome of pulmonary hypertension (PHT) in end-stage renal disease (ESRD) has been described in patients on chronic hemodialysis (HD) therapy via arterial-venous (A-V) access. However, the exact timing for the development of the PHT is unknown. This study was designed to evaluate changes in pulmonary artery pressure (PAP) following creation of the vascular access.Patients and PAP and cardiac-output (CO) values were recorded in 12 pre-dialysis patients without PHT a few months after the access formation, before treatment with HD was started, and the prevalence of PHT was calculated. Clinical data was compared between patients with and without PHT. The systolic PAP values were increased in "ve of the 12 pre-dialysis patients (42%) by 21+/-9 mm Hg to more than 35 mm Hg. Patients with and without PHT differed only in that CO was signi"cantly higher among the former. The development of PHT following access formation represents a failure of the pulmonary circulation to accommodate the access-mediated elevated CO. Pre-dialysis patients scheduled for access formation should be screened for the presence of sub-clinical PHT. "Positive" patients should proceed to peritoneal dialysis or advance to kidney transplantation; rather than getting access and HD therapy.
A large number of cytokines are active in the joints of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). It is now clear that these cytokines play a fundamental role in the processes that cause inflammation, articular destruction, and the comorbidities associated with RA. Following the success of TNF-alpha blockade as a treatment for RA, other cytokines now offer alternative targets for therapeutic intervention or might be useful as predictive biomarkers of disease. In this Review, we discuss the biologic contribution and therapeutic potential of the major cytokine families to RA pathology, focusing on molecules contained within the TNF-alpha, IL-1, IL-6, IL-23, and IL-2 families.
Nitric oxide (NO) release accounts for the biological activity of endothelium-derived relaxing factor. Given that tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) has been implicated as an important mediator in septic shock, we explored whether TNF-alpha enhances L-arginine-dependent synthesis of NO and L-citrulline in endothelial cells. The release of NO was detected in a coincubation bioassay where measurement of guanosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (cGMP) production in reporter monolayers, namely glomerular mesangial cells or fetal lung fibroblasts, reflected activation of soluble guanylate cyclase. Reporter monolayer cGMP content was greater in the presence of TNF-alpha-treated bovine aortic and renal artery endothelial cells than in the presence of vehicle-treated endothelial cells. TNF-alpha-stimulated endothelium-dependent increases in reporter monolayer cGMP content were first evident at 8 h and maximal at 16-24 h. In addition, TNF-alpha-stimulated endothelium-dependent increases in reporter monolayer cGMP content were abrogated by hemoglobin and methylene blue, blunted by N omega-nitro-L-arginine and augmented by superoxide dismutase and the calcium agonist bradykinin. These observations suggested that TNF-alpha enhanced release of NO. Furthermore, the formation of L-[14C]citrulline from L-[14C]arginine, as determined by quantitative cation-exchange chromatography and thin-layer chromatography, was enhanced by TNF-alpha in a time- and concentration-dependent manner. Thus it is evident that endothelial cells release NO for a prolonged period in response to TNF-alpha and transiently when stimulated with calcium agonists. The prolonged release of NO from TNF-alpha-stimulated endothelial cells may be implicated in the pathogenesis of septic shock.
To determine correlates of survival in primary pulmonary hypertension, we compared 41 echocardiography-Doppler and nine catheterization parameters with outcome in 26 patients. Mean follow-up was 19.7 months in survivors; mean survival was 4.8 months in 16 nonsurvivors. Cox life-table univariate analysis correlated two echocardiographic, three Doppler, and three catheterization variables with poor survival (p less than or equal to 0.05), and chi 2 analysis ensured the best critical values: severity of pericardial effusion, heart rate of more than 87 beats/min, pulmonic flow acceleration time of less than 62 msec, tricuspid early flow deceleration (T-DEC) equal to or less than -300 cm2/sec, mitral early flow-to-atrial flow velocity ratio (M-E/A) equal to or less than 1.0, catheterization cardiac index (CI) equal to or less than 2.3 l/min/m2, mean pulmonary artery pressure of more than 61 mm Hg, and diastolic pulmonary artery pressure of more than 43 mm Hg. Multivariate life-table analysis of noninvasive variables revealed the severity of pericardial effusion to be independently significant (p = 0.006), whereas analysis of catheterization variables revealed cardiac index to be independently significant (p = 0.014). Combined multivariate analysis did not differ from the noninvasive results alone. Categorical modeling of the eight significant variables split at their critical values (present or absent) revealed M-E/A, T-DEC, and CI to be independently significant by multivariate analysis (p = 0.0014). Analysis of the five echocardiography-Doppler variables alone revealed M-E/A, T-DEC, and heart rate to be independently significant (p = 0.0016). In both cases, mortality increased with the number of critical values reached.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
The plexiform lesion in primary pulmonary hypertension is a glomeruloid structure forming channels in branches of the pulmonary artery. These lesions have been considered an abnormal growth of modified smooth muscle cells. We present immunohistochemical evidence in 10 cases of plexogenic pulmonary hypertension that the plexiform channels and the concentric obliterative arteriopathy associated with these channels represent abnormal growth of factor VIII-related antigen-positive endothelial cells. In addition, these cells strongly expressed vimentin, a growth- and differentiation-related intermediate filament. Morphologically and immunohistochemically, the lesions resembled the neovascularization associated with the brain tumor glioblastoma multiform. Furthermore, we noted an exclusively perivascular inflammatory cell infiltrate (but no vasculitis) in seven of the 10 cases with plexogenic arteriopathy composed of T cells, B cells, and macrophages. Our findings indicate that the plexiform lesion may result from a deregulated growth of endothelial cells. The presence of perivascular inflammatory cells suggested that cytokines and growth factors may further influence the development of the plexiform lesion.
Primary pulmonary hypertension (PPH) is characterized by the proliferation of smooth-muscle cells, fibroblasts, and endothelial cells in the walls of small pulmonary arteries. In order to evaluate a role for proinflammatory cytokines in this process, we studied the concentration of interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta), IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF alpha) in the serum of 29 patients with severe PPH referred to our center for lung transplantation. Results were compared with those obtained in 15 normal controls and nine patients with pulmonary hypertension secondary to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD-PH). TNF alpha serum levels were within the normal range in each group. This contrasted with increased IL-1 beta serum levels in severe PPH (118 +/- 36 pg/ml, mean +/- SEM) as compared with controls (3 +/- 1 pg/ml, p < 0.001) or COPD-PH patients (3 +/- 1 pg/ml, p < 0.001). IL-6 serum concentrations were also higher in severe PPH (66 +/- 20 pg/ml) than in controls (14 +/- 6 pg/ml, p < 0.01). This study demonstrates increased serum levels of IL-1 beta and IL-6 in severe PPH, and suggests a role for proinflammatory cytokines in PPH.