yeşim Doğan

yeşim Doğan
Ankara University · Department of Biotechnology


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May 2008 - present
Ankara University
  • PostDoc Position


Publications (15)
Bilimsel açıdan kimliklendirme, çok disiplinli bir yaklaşım gerektiren bir süreçtir. Her olgunun kendine has özellikleri vardır ve bu sebeble de farklı bir yaklaşım gerektirir. Bu sürece hangi bilimsel disiplinlerden uzmanların dahil olacağını ise eldeki dosyanın çözümü için duyulan gereksinimler belirler. Adli antropologların kimliklendirme süreci...
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Bacillus boroniphilus is a highly boron-tolerant bacterium that also requires this element for its growth. The complete genome sequence of B. boroniphilus was determined by a combination of shotgun sequencing and paired-end sequencing using 454 pyrosequencing technology. A total of 84,872,624 reads from shotgun sequencing and a total of 194,092,510...
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Bacillus boroniphilus is a highly boron-tolerant bacterium that also requires this element for its growth. The complete genome sequence of B. boroniphilus was determined by a combination of shotgun sequencing and paired-end sequencing using 454 pyrosequencing technology. A total of 84,872,624 reads from shotgun sequencing and a total of 194,092,510...
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Emerging perioperative genomics may influence the direction of risk assessment and surgical strategies in cardiac surgery. The aim of this study was to investigate whether single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) affect the clinical presentation and predispose to increased risk for postoperative adverse events in patients undergoing coronary artery by...
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Before analysis of DNA from ancient remains was possible, anthropologists studied evolution and migration patterns using data obtained from population genetic studies on modern populations combined with data obtained from morphological evaluations of ancient remains. Currently, DNA analysis of ancient populations is making a valuable contribution t...
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Previous population genetics studies in Turkey failed to delineate recent historical and social factors that shaped Anatolian cultural and genetic diversity at the local level. To address this shortcoming, we conducted focused ethnohistorical fieldwork and screened biological samples collected from the Yuksekyer region for mitochondrial, Y chromoso...
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Due to the longstanding human presence in the region and the influence of social traditions, the genetic make-up of populations currently inhabiting Turkey (Anatolia) is quite complex. To characterize the patterns of genetic diversity in rural Central Anatolian villages, we analyzed samples collected at four local settlements for variation at 17 Y-...
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Aim: To examine the short tandem repeat (STR) data of Bolu population and compare the data with previously published population studies and with the data of a neighboring province, Düzce (a former district of Bolu), which became a province after the earthquake in 1999. Materials and methods: Blood samples were taken from 175 unrelated individuals....
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Factor V Leiden (FVL) is the most common monogenic disorder that causes activated protein C (APC) resistance, creating hyper-coagulation. The mutation shows an uneven geographic distribution, significantly high in European populations. The mutation is believed to have originated approximately 20 000 years ago probably from a geographic region close...
Milling methods utilized by molecular researchers destruct the morphological structure of ancient teeth, crucial in anthropological evaluation. This causes researchers to be reluctant to try DNA analyses. Retrograde, reverse root canal technique, which is from root apex to the tooth crown, provides both a dentine rich sample and a procedure that ov...
The polymorphism of 15 STR loci has been studied in a population sample of 193 healthy unrelated individuals from the population of Duzce, a city in the northwestern Turkey. The most valuable loci, from forensic point of view according to their power of discrimination values, were D2S1338, D18S51, FGA, and D19S433 where CSF1PO appeared to be the le...
Mardin, is a city in the southeastern part of Turkey where people from different cultures and religions have been living together peacefully for centuries. The province hosted many valuable historical constructions representing different civilizations. Kasimiye Medresse, one of the most important educational centers of its times, has a sacred value...
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A criminal case was directed to a multidisciplinary forensic team for identification, concerning a victim whose head, having two gunshot wounds, had been separated by a sharp instrument and was recovered 6 months later. The purpose of this research was to determine the sex and age of the victim for human identification. Primarily, macroscopic exami...


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