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Solar Neutron Events of 2003 October-November



During the period when the Sun was intensely active in 2003 October-November, two remarkable solar neutron events were observed by the ground-based neutron monitors. On 2003 October 28, in association with an X17.2 large flare, solar neutrons were detected with high statistical significance (6.4 σ) by the neutron monitor at Tsumeb, Namibia. On 2003 November 4, in association with an X28-class flare, relativistic solar neutrons were observed by the neutron monitors at Haleakala in Hawaii and Mexico City and by the solar neutron telescope at Mauna Kea in Hawaii simultaneously. Clear excesses were observed at the same time by these detectors, with the significance calculated as 7.5 σ for Haleakala and 5.2 σ for Mexico City. The detector on board the INTEGRAL satellite observed a high flux of hard X-rays and γ-rays at the same time in these events. By using the time profiles of the γ-ray lines, we can explain the time profile of the neutron monitor. It appears that neutrons were produced at the same time as the γ-ray emission.
K. Watanabe,
M. Gros,
P. H. Stoker,
K. Kudela,
C. Lopate,
J. F. Valde
A. Hurtado,
O. Musalem,
R. Ogasawara,
Y. Mizumoto,
M. Nakagiri,
A. Miyashita,
Y. Matsubara,
T. Sako,
Y. Muraki,
T. Sakai,
and S. Shibata
Received 2005 July 9; accepted 2005 September 14
During the period when the Sun was intensely active in 2003 October–November, two remarkable solar neutron
events were observed by the ground-based neutron monitors. On 2003 October 28, in association with an X17.2 large
flare, solar neutrons were detected with high statistical significance (6.4 ) by the neutron monitor at Tsumeb,
Namibia. On 2003 November 4, in association with an X28-class flare, relativistic solar neutrons were observed by
the neutron monitors at Haleakala in Hawaii and Mexico City and by the solar neutron telescope at Mauna Kea in
Hawaii simultaneously. Clear excesses were observed at the same time by these detectors, with the significance
calculated as 7.5 for Haleakala and 5.2 for Mexico City. The detector on board the INTEGRAL satellite observed a
high flux of hard X-rays and -rays at the same time in these events. By using the time profiles of the -ray lines, we
can explain the time profile of the neutron monitor. It appears that neutrons were produced at the same time as the
-ray emission.
Subject headings: acceleration of particles cosmic rays radiation mechanisms: nonthermal Sun: flares
Sun: particle emission Sun: X-rays, gamma rays
Relativistic particles, in particular solar neutrons, give infor-
mation about ion acceleration in solar flares. Several observa-
tions of solar neutrons in solar cycle 23 have been reported using
the international network of neutron monitors ( Usoskin et al.
1997; Lockwood & Debrunner 1999) and solar neutron tele-
scopes (Tsuchiya et al. 2001; Valde
´s-Galicia et al. 2004). Solar
flares that produce neutrons frequently occur when activity is
near its maximum during a solar cycle. In most cases they have
also produced X-class solar flares. More than 100 X-class flares
have been recorded in this solar cycle.
Intense solar activity occurred from 2003 late October to the
beginning of November. The events that occurred in this period
were observed by numerous satellites and detectors and have
been analyzed by many investigators. During the period when
three active regions appeared simultaneously on the Sun, the soft
X-ray flux was very intense and a series of 11 X-class solar flares
occurred in NOAA regions 10484, 10486, and 10488. At this
time, solar neutrons were observed on 2003 October 28 and
November 4, in association with X17.2- and X28-class solar
flares, respectively.
The X17.2 solar flare on 2003 October 28 was a remarkable
event in this solar cycle. Not only was this a large event, but many
phenomena were observed in association with this are. It is
particularly worth noting the large flux of relativistic particles at
the Earth (Veselovsky et al. 2004; Panasyuk et al. 2004). Among
these particles were solar neutrons that were observed by the
ground-based neutron monitor before the main ground-level en-
hancement (GLE). This solar neutron event has already been
reported and discussed by Bieber et al. (2005). In this paper, we
compare neutron data with -ray data observed by the Interna-
tional Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory (INTEGRAL) satellite
and derive the energy spectrum of neutrons using these -ray data.
The second event occurred on 2003 November 4, and solar
neutrons were observed by NM64-type neutron monitors located
at different places, one at Haleakala in Hawaii and the other in
Mexico City in Mexico. In addition, solar neutrons were also ob-
served by a solar neutron telescope located at Mauna Kea in
Hawaii. Thus, it is important for a single model to be able to ex-
plain the data of the three detectors to lead to an accurate spectrum
of solar neutrons from the solar neutron event.
Simultaneous observations of solar neutrons have been made
for a few events. In the solar event of 1982 June 3, neutrons were
simultaneously observed by a ground-level detector and by
spacecraft (Chupp et al. 1987). High-energy neutrons were de-
tected by the IGY type neutron monitor installed at Jungfraujoch,
Switzerland, and low-energy neutronsand high-energy -rays were
observed by the Gamma Ray Spectrometer (GRS) on board the
Solar Maximum Mission (SMM ).
On 1990 May 24, solar neutrons were simultaneously observed
by the IGY type neutron monitors located at Climax and several
stations in North America (Shea et al. 1991; Debrunner et al.1997;
Muraki & Shibata 1996). On 1991 June 4, solar neutron signals
were recorded by the neutron monitor and the solar neutron tele-
scope located at Mount Norikura (Muraki et al. 1992; Struminsky
et al. 1994). However, in this event, the energy spectrum of so-
lar neutrons calculated from the data of these detectors was not
Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory, Nagoya University, Furo-cho,
Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8601, Japan.
Direction des Sciencesde la Matie
`re/ DAPNIA/SAp, Commisariata
Atomique, Saclay, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France.
Potchefstroom Campus, North-West University, Private Bag X6001,
Potchefstroom 2520, South Africa.
Institute of Experimental Physics SAS, Watsonova, 47 040 01 Kosice,
University of New Hampshire, Space Science Center, Morse Hall, 39
College Road, Durham, NH 03824.
Instituto de Geof ı´sica, Universidad Nacional Auto
´noma de Me
´xico, Ciudad
Universitaria, Del Coyoaca
´xico, C. P. 04510, D. F. Me
´xico, Mexico.
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, Osawa, Mitaka, Tokyo 181-
8588, Japan.
Subaru Telescope, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, 650 North
A‘ohoku Place, Hilo, HI 96720.
College of Industrial Technologies, Nihon University, 2-11-1, Shinei,
Narashino, Chiba 275-0005, Japan.
Collegeof Engineering, Chubu University, Kasugai, Aichi487-8501, Japan.
The Astrophysical Journal, 636:1135–1144, 2006 January 10
#2006. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.
self-consistent. This discrepancy came from the propagation model
of solar neutrons in the Earth’s atmosphere. By using the same
propagation model, which is the Shibata model (Shibata 1994),
nearly the same spectrum was obtained (Shibata et al. 1993). In this
paper, we report the analysis results of the November 4 event using
data from the neutron monitors, the solar neutron telescope, and the
spacecraft. Our model can explain data from the three detectors
2.1. Observations
An X17.2-class solar flare occurred at 9:51 UT (time observed
at Earth; same definition is used hereafter) on 2003 October 28
located in NOAA active region 10486 at S16, E08. From 10:36
to 11:06 UT, an interval that includes the start time of intense
emission of soft X-rays from the X17.2 flare, the RHESSI (Reuven
Ramaty HighEnergy Solar Spectroscopic Imager) satellite was,
unfortunately, in the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA). However,
intense emission of high-energy -rays was seen in the data after
11:06 UT, indicating that strong particle acceleration occurred
during this flare.
On the other hand, large fluxes of hard X-rays and -rays were
observed by the INTEGRAL satellite shortly after 11:00 UT. Fig-
ure 1 shows the bremsstrahlung and line -ray time profiles from
INTEGRAL. In the top panel of Figure 1, two peaks of intense
emission of bremsstrahlung -rays are seen at around 11:03 and
11:05 UT. However, there is only one peak (around 11:05 UT) in
line -ray time profiles as shown in the second to fourth panels in
Figure 1. This more or less coincides with the second peak in the
bremsstrahlung -rays.
Figure 2 shows -ray spectra between 11:02 and 11:03 UT and
between 11:03 and 11:15 UT. From 11:02 to 11:03 UT, when the
first peak of bremsstrahlung -rays was seen, there is no line
-ray component. The -ray lines were clearly seen in the -ray
spectrum after 11:03 UT, consistent with the line -ray time
profiles shown in Figure 1. Thus, it appears that the time profiles
of ion and electron acceleration were quite different at this event,
and ion acceleration either did not occur or was quite weak dur-
ing the first peak of the bremsstrahlung -rays. We can assume
that the ion acceleration started only after 11:03 UT.
In Figure 1, note that the 2.2 MeV neutron capture -ray line
peaks around 11:06 UT and has a long decay time. The 4.4 and
6.1 MeV -ray lines of de-excited C and O ions peak around
11:05 UT, giving about a 1 minute gap between the two peak
times. In general, neutron capture -rays are delayed from -ray
lines of de-excited ions, since it takes time for high-energy neu-
trons to slow down and be captured by protons (Wang &Ramaty
1974). Thus, it is evident that solar neutrons were produced at
this flare, and they were probably produced at the same time that
4.4 and 6.1 MeV -ray lines were emitted. Hereafter, we assume
that solar neutrons were produced around 11:05 UT.
At 11:05 UT on 2003 October 28, the Sun was located over
Africa. Among our international network of solar neutron tele-
scopes, Gornergrat in Switzerland and Aragats in Armenia had a
possibility of observing solar neutrons. On the other hand, Tsumeb
observatory (17N6E, 19N1S; 1240 m above sea level [a.s.l.]) was
located just under the Sun at this time. The altitude of Tsumeb
Observatory is a little bit low; however, the air massfor the line of
sight to the Sun was thinner than that of any other observatory
because the zenith angle of the Sun was 9N5. Solar neutrons were
clearly observed by the Tsumeb neutron monitor (Bieber et al.
The 5 minute counting rate of the Tsumeb neutron monitor is
shown in Figure 3 (top). Clear excesses are seen between 11:05
and 11:15 UT and between 11:20 and 11:25 UT. The statistical
significances of these excesses are 4.8 for 11:05 11:10 UT,
4.2 for 11:10–11:15 UT, and 3.4 for 11:20–11:25 UT. The
total significance for the 10 minutes between 11:05 and 11:15 UT
is 6.4 .
At the same time, high-energy protons were produced in as-
sociation with this flare, and large ground-level enhancements
(GLEs) occurred around the world. We can exclude the possibil-
ity that excesses observed at Tsumeb came from energetic ions
by considering the time profile of the neutron monitor at Lomnicky
Stit (20N2E, 49N2N; 2634 m a.s.l.), together with that of Tsumeb’s
neutron monitor (Fig. 3, bottom). The start time of the first excess
of the Tsumeb neutron monitor is about 10 minutes earlier than the
event at Lomnicky Stit, while the second excess at Tsumeb is
consistent with this event at Lomnicky Stit. Thus, it appears that
the second excess at Tsumeb came from energetic ions and the
first excess was solar neutrons.
2.2. Analysis Result
Using observational data presented in x2.1, we can calculate
the energy spectrum of the solar neutrons even though neutron
monitors cannot measure the energy of neutrons. By using the
time of flight ( TOF ) method and assuming the emission time
of solar neutrons, a spectrum can be derived. We assume that
the neutrons were produced at 11:05 UT, when line -ray emis-
sion peaked, and that the energy of the neutrons responsible for
the excesses recorded by the neutron monitor is greater than
100 MeV.
From the time profile of the neutrons, we calculate the energy
spectrum of solar neutrons at the solar surface by the following
where Nis the number of excess counts contributed by solar
neutrons and is the detection efficiency of the neutron monitor.
Here includes the attenuation of solar neutrons through the
Earth’s atmosphere; Sis the area of the neutron monitor, Enis
the energy range corresponding to one time bin, and Pis the
survival probability of solar neutrons traveling from the Sun to
the Earth.
To obtain the of equation (1), we calculated the attenuation
of solar neutrons by the Earth’s atmosphere using the Shibata
model (Shibata 1994). Solar neutrons with energy less than
100 MeV are strongly attenuated by the Earth’s atmosphere, so
the detection of neutrons by the Tsumeb monitor directly implies
that the spectrum extended beyond 100 MeV. For the detection
efficiency of the neutron monitor, we used the result calculated
by Clem & Dorman (2000).
Using these observational and simulation results, we calcu-
lated the energy spectrum of neutrons at the solar surface using
the method used for the solar neutron event observed on 2000
November 24 ( Watanabe et al. 2003). Figure 4 shows the result
from equation (1). By fitting these data points with a power law
of the form C(En=100 MeV), the energy spectrum of solar neu-
trons was obtained. The energy spectrum is fitted by a power law
(3:11:0) ;1027 En
100 MeV
Fig. 1.—Top p ane l: Time profile of bremsstrahlung -rays observed by the INTEGRAL satellite on 2003 October 28. Second to fourth panels: Line -ray time
profiles observed by the INTEGRAL satellite on 2003 October 28. The bremsstrahlung component has been subtracted. Second panel: Time profile of the 2.2 MeV
neutron capture -rays. Third panel: Profile of 4.4 MeV -rays of C nuclei. Fourth panel: Profile of 6.1 MeV -rays of O nuclei. Bottom panel: Sum of the data in
the third and fourth panels.
For this fit, 2/dof ¼7:10/8 ¼0:89, and the 2probability is
53%. The fitting region is above 100 MeV. This power index
is a typical value for solar neutron events observed thus far.
The total energy flux of >100 MeV neutrons emitted by the
Sun was estimated to be 3:1;1025 ergs sr1.
2.2.1. Simulation by Impulsive Model
In the analysis method described above, the energy spectrum is
calculated by dividing the response into several bins, each char-
acterized by a mean energy. For the survival probability of solar
neutrons, as well as the attenuation of neutrons and detection ef-
ficiency of the neutron monitor, the values at these discrete ener-
gies are used. In order to calculate the energy spectrum of the solar
neutrons in detail, we include an assumption about the time pro-
files of solar neutrons but still assume a power-law spectral index
at the solar surface. Using this method, we can investigate whether
the neutronsare producedcontinuously. To clarify the consistency
with the conventional method, we begin by assuming that the
neutrons are produced impulsively.
In this simulation, the power index of the neutron spectrum at
the Sun is changed from 1.5 to 7.0 with a step of 0.1, while
the energy range of the incident neutrons is confined to 50
1500 MeV. The time profile of neutrons detected by the neutron
monitor is calculated using the neutron attenuation in the
Earth’s atmosphere given by the Shibata model (Shibata 1994)
and the detection efficiency of the neutron monitor as calculated
by Clem & Dorman (2000). The decay of neutrons between the
Sun and the Earth is also taken into account. The result of this
simulation can then be compared with the observational data,
normalizing the simulated counting rate (N)totheobserved
excess counting rate (N0).
Fig. 2.—Spectra of -rays between 1.5 and 10 MeV observed by INTEGRAL at 11:02 11:03 UT (left) and 11:03–11:15 UT (right)on2003October28,with
background subtracted. Right: Clear signals of 2.2, 4.4, and 6.1 MeV -rays appear superimposed on the bremsstrahlung component.
Fig. 3.—Top : 5 minute counting rate observed by the Tsumeb neutron moni-
tor on 2003 October 28. The smooth solid line is the averaged background, and
the dashed lines are 1from the background. Bottom: 1 minute counting rate
of the Tsumeb neutron monitor ( black line) and time profile of the Lomnicky Stit
neutron monitor (gray line). The solar neutron event in the Tsumeb data started
well before the GLE event seen at Lomnicky Stit. Fig. 4.—Energy spectrum of neutrons at the solar surface on 2003 October 28.
WATANABE ET AL.1138 Vol. 636
Figure 5 (top) shows the reduced 2-distribution of the fit of
the simulated counting rate to the observed excess of the Tsumeb
neutron monitor obtained from the following formula:
In this fitting, data obtained from 11:05 to 11:15 UT are used.
The 2has its smallest value when the spectral index is around
3.5. When the spectral index is 3.5, the simulated result re-
produces the observed result as shown in Figure 5 (bottom), where
2/dof ¼6:07/4 ¼1:52, which yields the minimum 2for the
simulated time profile. From this fitting, the energy spectrum is
determined as follows:
(3:30:3) ;1027 En
100 MeV
This is comparable to the result obtained using the simpler method
shown in equation (2), but the total energy ux of solar neutrons
with energy range between 50 and 1500 MeV is 9:8þ1:2
1025 ergs sr1, about a factor of 3 higher than the other estimate.
This is because of the lower cutoff energy of the neutron spectra.
2.2.2. Simulation by Neutron Production
with -Ray Time Profile
We next simulated the neutron time profiles detected at Tsumeb
by assuming that neutrons were produced with a time spread,
since extended production of line -rays was observed by
INTEGRAL. For this calculation, we used the summed time pro-
file of 4.4 and 6.1 MeV -rays as shown in the bottom panel of
Figure 1 as the production model of solar neutrons. These are the
-ray lines of carbon and oxygen, which indicate the time profile
of ion acceleration. We used the data observed from 11:02:45 to
11:10:00 UT. The spectral index of neutrons at the Sun is varied
from 1.1 to 7.0 in steps of 0.1. The energy range of the neu-
trons is again taken to be 50–1500 MeV.
The 2for the fit were calculated by using data obtained from
11:05 to 11:15 UT. The 2has its smallest value for the spectral
index 2.9. The simulated result reproduces the observed result
most closely when the spectral index is 2.9 as shown in Figure 6.
When the spectral index is 2.9, 2/dof ¼2:76/4 ¼0:69, which
provides the minimum 2for the simulated time profiles. From
this fit, the spectral index is found to be 2:90:3. The best-
fit spectral index is harder than the index derived on the as-
sumption that the neutrons were produced impulsively, but the
total energy flux of the neutrons is now estimated to be 6:2þ0:5
1025 ergs sr1, not very much different from the result for impul-
sive production.
3.1. Observations
On 2003 November 4, an X28-class solar flare occurred at
19:29 UT, located in NOAA active region 10486 at S19,W83
This is the largest solar flare on record. At around 19:42 UT,
intense emission of soft X-rays was detected by GOES (Geosta-
tionary Operational Environmental Satellite) such that the de-
tection was saturated. After 19:42 UT, intense emission of hard
X-rays and -rays was observed by the INTEGRAL spacecraft.
Unfortunately, at this time, the RHESSI spacecraft was on the
night side of the Earth. Figure 7 shows the energy spectrum of
-rays observed by INTEGRAL. In this event, although the
components of the line emission produced by de-excited ions, C
(4.4 MeV) and O (6.1 MeV), were not prominent, the 2.2 MeV
neutron capture line can be clearly seen. Intense bremsstrahlung
X-rays and -rays were also observed. Figure 8 shows the time
profiles of -rays for different energy bins that contain line -ray
components produced as a result of the ion acceleration. There is
a delay of the 2.2 MeV neutron capture -ray emission from that
of the line -ray components produced by excited ions of C and
O. Wecan assume that ion acceleration occurred at the same time
Fig. 5.—Top : Reduced 2-distribution of the fit of the simulated counting
rate to the observed excess of the Tsumeb neutron monitor. A 2 minute counting
rate is used in this calculation. The x-axis represents the power index of the
simulated time profiles, and the y-axis corresponds to the ratio of the simulated
counting rate (N) to the observed one (N0). In this fitting, data obtained during
11:05–11:15 UT are used. Bottom: 2minutecountingrate(solid line)observed
by the Tsumeb neutron monitor on 2003 October 28, together with simulated
time profile ( points) for which solar neutrons are assumed to be produced in-
stantaneously at 11:05 UT, when power index is 3.5.
Fig. 6.— Observed and simulated time profiles of the Tsumeb neutron monitor.
The solid line is the observed 2 minute counting rate,and points indicate the best-fit
simulatedtime profile for solarneutrons assumedto be produced withthe same time
profile as -ray lines.
as the -ray lines were emitted, although the main component of
these -rays is bremsstrahlung. And we can assume that solar
neutrons were produced at the same time.
At 19:45 UT, the Sun was located between Hawaii and South
America. Although the Chacaltaya observatory was the best place
to observe solar neutrons in our international solar neutron tele-
scope network at this time, no data are available because of a data
gap. Sierra Negra would also have been a good place to observe
solar neutrons, but the Mexico solar neutron telescope had not
started continuous observation at that time. Thus, it was necessary
to examine datafrom the Hawaii observatory, which was the third
closest of the observatories able to observe solar neutrons.
At 19:45 UT, the zenith angle of the Sun was 49N9 at Mauna
Kea and 50N5 at Haleakala. The air mass along the line of sight to
the Sun was 947 and 1112 g cm2, respectively. The other suit-
able location was Mexico City, where the zenith angle of the Sun
was 40N52 and the air mass along the line of sight to the Sun was
1026 g cm2. Attenuation of solar neutrons by the Earth’s atmo-
sphere above these observatories is calculated using the Shibata
model (Shibata 1994). The Haleakala and Mexico City observa-
tories have nearly the same attenuation, while Mauna Kea is
located at the best place to observe solar neutrons. However,
simultaneous signals were found in both the Haleakala and the
Mexico City neutron monitors.
Solar neutrons were observed by the 18NM64 neutron mon-
itor at Haleakala, Hawaii (203N7E, 20N7N; 3030 m a.s.l.). Figure 9
(top) shows the 5 minute averages of the counting rate observed
on 2003 November 4. At this time, the sampling interval of the
Haleakala neutron monitor was 10 s. Clear excesses were seen
after 19:45 UT, continuing for 15 minutes. The statistical signifi-
cances of these excesses are 4.5 for 19:46:20–19:51:20 UT,
5.3 for 19:51:20–19:56:20 UT, and 3.1 for 19:56:20–20:01:
20 UT. The total significance for the 15 minutes between 19:46:20
and 20:01:20 UT is 7.5 . Note that this time interval was just
taken to get the maximum significance.
Solar neutrons were also observed by the 6NM64 neutron
monitor at Mexico City (260N8E, 19N33N; 2274 m a.s.l.), as
shown in Figure 9 (bottom). At this time, the sampling interval of
the Mexico City neutron monitor was 5 minutes. Clear excesses
were seen after 19:45 UT, which was the same time as the ex-
cesses observed by the Haleakala neutron monitor. The statistical
significances of these excesses are 2.6 for 19:45–19:50 UT,
3.1 for 19:50–19:55 UT, and 3.3 for 19:55–20:00 UT. The
total significance for the 15 minutes between 19:45 and 20:00 UT
is 5.2 .
One would expect that Mauna Kea (203N7E, 19N8N; 4200 m
a.s.l.) should be a better place to observe neutrons in this event
than Haleakala and Mexico City. This is the location of the Hawaii
solar neutron telescope with an area of 8 m2, constructed from
proportional counters and plastic scintillators, but only a minimal
excess was seen after 19:45 UT in the PMT_L, PMT_H, and
layer1_with_anti channels in this telescope as shown in Figure 10.
_H are channels of scintillation counter that
detect neutrons (recoil protons), the energy thresholds of which
are 12 and 20 MeV, respectively. The layer1_with_anti is a pro-
portional counter channel, which is located under the scintillation
counters. This apparent discrepancy between neutron monitors
and the solar neutron telescope is discussed in the next section
(x3.2.1) considering the surrounding environment of the detector.
3.2. Analysis Result
In order to understand the Mauna Kea result, we first use the
other observational data to estimate the energy spectrum of the
solar neutrons. We begin with the data from the Haleakala mon-
itor because it recorded the largest excess with the best time
resolution. We determine the neutron energy by using the TOF
method, assuming that all the solar neutrons were produced at
19:45 UT, the peak of the intense emission of high-energy -rays
observed by INTEGRAL as shown in Figure 8. Under this as-
sumption, the energy of neutrons observed by the Haleakala
neutron monitor between 19:51:20 and 19:56:20 UT ranged
from 59 to 913 MeV.
To derive the energy spectrum of neutrons at the solar surface
from the observed time profile by the neutron monitor, the sur-
vival probability of neutrons between the Sun and the Earth, the
attenuation of solar neutrons passing through the Earth’s atmo-
sphere, and the detection efficiency of the neutron monitor must be
taken into account. Attenuation is calculated using the Shibata
model (Shibata 1994), and we used the detection efficiency calcu-
lated by Clem & Dorman (2000).
Using these observational and simulation results, we calcu-
lated the energy spectrum of neutrons at the solar surface using
the same method as x2.1. The result is shown in Figure 11. This
spectrum was derived from 2 minute averages of the counting
rate, where the vertical errors that are shown are only statistical
errors. The energy spectrum is well fitted by a power law as
Q¼(1:50:6) ;1028 En
100 MeV
The fitting region is chosen as 100 MeVand above because there
the errors from neutron attenuation in the Earth’s atmosphere are
small. For this fit, 2/dof ¼0:92/3 ¼0:31 and the 2probability
is 82%. This spectral index is typical of solar neutron events
observed thus far. The total energy flux of neutrons emitted from
the Sun in the energy range 59–913 MeV is estimated to be
3:4;1026 ergs sr1.
3.2.1. Simulation Usingthe Impulsive Model
By using the same method of x2.2.1, time profiles of solar
neutrons assuming their spectral index at the solar surface were
simulated on the assumption that the neutrons were produced
impulsively. We examine the 2of the fit of the simulated count-
ing rate to the observed excess of the Haleakala neutron monitor
obtained from equation (3). In this fitting, data obtained from
Fig. 7.—Spectrum of -rays between 1.5 and 10MeVobserved by INTEGRAL
from 19:40 to 19:50 UT on 2003 November 4, with background subtracted. A
signal produced by 2.2 MeV -rays appears superimposed on the bremsstrahlung
component. There is weak evidence for 4–7 MeV -ray lines.
WATANABE ET AL.1140 Vol. 636
19:45 to 20:06 UT are used. The 2has its smallest value when
the spectral index is around 3.9. When the spectral index is
3.9, 2/dof ¼10:3/7 ¼1:47, which yields the minimum 2
for the simulated time profile ( Fig. 12, top). From this fitting, the
energy spectrum is determined as follows:
0:1;1028 En
100 MeV
This is consistent with the result obtained using the simpler
method shown in equation (5). The total energy flux of solar
neutrons within the energy range 50–1500 MeV is 6:7þ0:5
1026 ergs sr1, about the same order as the calculated value from
equation (5).
We have done the same analysis for the Mexico City neutron
monitor. In this fitting, data obtained during 19:45–20:05 UT are
used. The 2has its smallest value when the spectral index
is around 4.3. When the spectral index is 4.3, 2/dof ¼
5:55/3 ¼1:85, which yields the minimum 2for the simulated
time profile ( Fig. 12, bottom). From this fitting, the energy spec-
trum is determined as
Q¼(1:60:2) ;1028 En
100 MeV
Fig. 8.—Time profiles of -ray lines observed by the INTEGRAL satellite on 2003 November 4. The bremsstrahlung component has not been subtracted. Top panel: Time
profileof the 2.2 MeV neutroncapture -rays. Second panel: 4.4 MeV -rays of C nucle i. Third panel: 6.1 MeV-r ays of O nuclei. Bottompanel: Sum of the datain the second
and third panels. Although these time profiles contain line -ray components, which indicate the time profile of ion acceleration, the dominant component is bremsstrahlung.
Although the spectral index is softer than the result of the
Haleakala neutron monitor, it is consistent with equation (5). The
total energy ux of solar neutrons with energies between 50 and
1500 MeV is calculated to be (5:40:7) ;1026 ergs sr1,
about the same order as the result obtained from the analysis of
We then simulated the time profile of neutrons that should
be observed from the Hawaii solar neutron telescope using
the energy spectrum of incident neutrons obtained from the data of the Haleakala neutron monitor, namely, 1:5;1028 ;
(En/100 MeV)3:9MeV1sr1. We did not attempt to derive a
spectrum from the data because excesses of the solar neutron
telescope are small.
The detection efficiency of the Hawaii solar neutron telescope is
calculated using Geant3, FLUKA-COLOR model. In this calculation,
Fig. 9.—Five minute averages of th e counting rate observed by the Haleakala
(top) and Mexico City (bottom) neutron monitors on 2003 November 4. The
smooth solid line is the averaged background, and the dashed lines are 1
from the background.
Fig. 10.—Five minute averages of the counting rate of PMT_L, PMT_H,
and layer1_with_anti channels (see details in the text) of the Hawaii solar neu-
tron telescope on 20 03 November 4. The solid smooth line is the ave raged back-
ground, and the dashed lines are 1from the background.
Fig. 11.—Energy spectrum of neutrons at the solar surface on 2003
November 4 calculated from the data of the Haleakala neutron monitor.
Fig. 12.—Best-fit simulated time profiles ( points) when the spectral index is
3.9 for Haleakala (top)and4.3 for Mexico City (bottom), superposed on the
observed counting rate. The start time of the simulated time profile is 19:45 UT,
corresponding to the peak time of -ray emission.
WATANABE ET AL.1142 Vol. 636
the Hawaii solar neutron telescope is surrounded by 20 cm con-
crete walls, since it is situated within the building housing the
SUBARU telescope. Figure 13 shows the detection efficiencies of
the Hawaii solar neutron telescope for neutrons and -rays.
The simulated result for the layer1_with_anti channel of the
Hawaii solar neutron telescope, which recorded the largest ex-
cess, is shown in Figure 14. For this fitting, 2/dof ¼1:24/3 ¼
0:41, so the simulation result is consistent with the observed
excess. Because of the high counting rate from the nonhadronic
component (-ray, muon, and so on) in the Hawaii solar neutron
telescope, these excesses are not statistically significant, al-
though they correspond to the same total flux of solar neutrons
observed by the Haleakala neutron monitor. It is however pos-
sible that solar neutrons actually produced the little hump in the
3.2.2. Simulation by Neutron Production
Using the -Ray Profile
Next we simulated the neutron time profiles detected at
Haleakala and Mexico City by assuming that neutrons were
produced with a time spread. The calculation method is the same
as in x2.2.2. For this calculation, we used the -ray time profile
observed by the INTEGRAL satellite during 19:42–19:48:00 UT
as the production time profile of solar neutrons, as shown in the
bottom panel in Figure 8. The 2of the fit between observed and
simulated time profiles of the Haleakala and Mexico City neu-
tron monitors were calculated. In this fitting, data obtained from
19:42 to 20:06 UT are used for the Haleakala and from 19:45 to
20:05 UT for the Mexico City neutron monitor. For the Haleakala
data, when the power index is 3.9 (Fig. 15, top), 2/dof ¼
10:57/7 ¼1:51, giving the minimum value among the simulated
time profiles. The spectral index is determined to be 3:90:2.
For the Mexico City data, when the power index is 4.3 ( Fig. 15,
bottom), 2/dof ¼4:28/3 ¼1:43, giving the minimum value
among the simulated time profiles and a spectral index that is
determined to be 4:3þ0:4
0:5. The best-fit spectral indices are the
same as those derived by assuming that the neutrons were pro-
duced impulsively. The total energy fluxes of neutrons are esti-
mated to be (7:00:5) ;1026 ergs sr1from the Haleakala data
and 5:7þ0:7
0:8;1026 ergs sr1from the Mexico City data.
Relativistic neutrons were detected in association with the
X17.2 solar flare on 2003 October 28 and the X28 solar flare on
2003 November 4. The October 28 event was detected by the
Tsumeb neutron monitor, and the November 4 event was de-
tected simultaneously by the neutron monitors at Haleakala and
Mexico City and also by the solar neutron telescope at Mauna
Kea. During these events, intense emissions of high-energy
-rays were observed by the INTEGRAL satellite.
In order to investigate the production time of solar neutrons,
we compared the solar neutron data with the -ray data obtained
from INTEGRAL. In the October 28 event, -ray lines from
neutron capture and excited ions of C and O nuclei were clearly
observed and were quite different from the time profile of brems-
strahlung -rays. It appears that the time profile of electron ac-
celeration was distinctly different from the time profile of ion
acceleration. From the time profile of neutron capture -rays, it
seems that high-energy neutrons were produced with the same
time profile as -ray lines of de-excited ions. In the November 4
event, the time profiles of -ray lines, which we have assumed
represent the time profile of solar neutron production, cannot be
obtained independently, since the bremsstrahlung component was
strong and the line -ray components were buried in bremsstrah-
lung. However, from the time profile of the 2.2 MeV neutron
Fig. 13.—Detection efficiencies of the Hawaii solar neutron telescope for
neutrons when the detector is surrounded by a 20 cm concrete wall. The black lines
indicate the PMT_L(solid line)andPMT
_H(dashed line) sci ntillator channels.
The gray lines indicate layer channels of layer 1 (solid line), layer 2 (dashed line),
and layer 3 (dash-dotted line) with anticoincidence of the anticounter.
Fig. 14.—Simulated time profile ( points) of 5 minute counting rate of layer1_
with_anti channel of the Hawaii solar neutron telescope on 2003 November 4,
superposed on the observational data.The energy spectrumof the incident neutrons
is 1:5;1028(En/100 MeV)3:9MeV1sr1, which was obtained from the data of
the Haleakala neutron monitor. The start time of this time profile is 19:45 UT,
corresponding to the peak time of -ray emission.
Fig. 15.—Simulated time profiles ( points) when the spectral index is 3.9 for
Haleakala (top) and 4.3 for Mexico City (bottom), superposed on the observed
counting rate of the Haleakala neutron monitor. Points are the simulated time
profile for solar neutrons, assuming that they were produced with the same time
profile as the high-energy -rays shown in Fig. 8.
capture -rays, it appears that the time profile of ion acceleration
was approximately the same as that of bremsstrahlung emissions.
Assuming that solar neutrons were produced at the time when
these -rays were emitted, we could explain the observed excesses.
If we assume that solar neutrons were produced impulsively at
11:05 UT on October 28 and at 19:45 UT on November 4, when
the -ray lines peak, we can derive the energy spectrum of solar
neutrons at the solar surface from the neutron monitors as data by
using equations (2) and (5), respectively. For the November 4
event, in order to examine whether all excesses observed by the
Haleakala and Mexico City neutron monitors and the solar neu-
tron telescope at Mauna Kea can be expressed by one energy
spectrum consistently, and for more detailed analysis, we sim-
ulated time profiles of solar neutrons for these detectors and com-
pared with observed time profiles. All of the simulation results are
consistent with equation (5) within the range of error as shown in
equations (6) and (7). Thus, we could explain all observations
with a consistent spectrum.
Although we can fit the data by assuming that solar neutrons
are produced impulsively, it is more natural to assume that solar
neutrons are produced continuously over a finite time. We there-
fore modeled the time profiles of solar neutrons by assuming that
the neutrons were produced with the same time profile as -ray
lines from excited ions. For the October 28 event, the spectral
indices thus derived are the same as those derived by assuming
that neutrons were produced impulsively, 3.9 for Haleakala
and 4.3 for Mexico City. In other events, the spectral indices
derived by assuming that neutrons are produced continuously
tend to be harder than those derived by assuming that neutrons
are produced impulsively. However, in this event, since the
-rays have a symmetric time profile centering around 19:45 UT,
there is little difference between the two models. For the
November 4 event, the result was that the index obtained using
the line -ray time profile is clearly harder (2.9) than that
obtained using the impulsive model (3.5). Therefore, for these
two events, the observations were explained by assuming that
solar neutrons were produced with the same time profile as -ray
Although different spectral indices are obtained with a differ-
ent approach for the October 28 event, these spectral indices are
all consistent with the indices calculated from line -ray observa-
tion by the RHESSI satellite (Share et al. 2004) and INTEGRAL
satellite (Tatischeff et al. 2006).
The spectrum of accelerated ions can be calculated from the
neutron spectrum using the spectrum of escaping neutrons pro-
duced by the accelerated ions(Hua & Lingenfelter 1987a, 1987b;
Hua et al. 2002). From the neutron spectra shown in equations (2)
and (5), the number of protons above 30 MeV would be about
1032 sr1under the assumption that there is no turnover of the
spectrum. This is a typical value for solar neutron events observed
thus far.
The authors wish to thank the INTEGRAL team for their sup-
port to the mission and guidance in the analysis of the INTEGRAL
satellite data. In particular, we thank A. Bykov and M. Mendez
for having kindly permitted us to use their data in advance of
publication. We acknowledge the staff member who is manag-
ing and maintaining the Tsumeb, Lomnicky Stit, Haleakala, and
Mexico City neutron monitors. We also thank E. Flu
¨eckiger and
R. Bu
¨tikofer of the Cosmic Ray Group of the Physikalisches
Institut, University of Bern, Switzerland, members of the Armenia
group, especially A. A. Chilingarian and N. Gevorgyan, and the
staff of the Subaru Telescope for managing and maintaining the
Switzerland, Armenia, and Hawaii solar neutron telescopes. We
also thank Paul Evenson for reading this manuscript. We wish to
thank the referee for evaluating this paper and for helping us to
clarify several arguments.
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... The event on November 4th 2003 was observed during the impulsive phase of the solar flare, where particle acceleration is expected to be active. Furthermore, Watanabe et al. (2006) reported that relativistic neutrons associated with this solar flare were observed by the neutron monitors on the ground at 19:45 (UTC), which is about 3 minutes after the detection of the neutrino candidate in SK. This simultaneous observation also indicates that hadrons (ions) were accelerated to more than 1 GeV during this solar flare. ...
Neutrinos associated with solar flares (solar-flare neutrinos) provide information on particle acceleration mechanisms during the impulsive phase of solar flares. We searched using the Super-Kamiokande detector for neutrinos from solar flares that occurred during solar cycles $23$ and $24$, including the largest solar flare (X28.0) on November 4th, 2003. In order to minimize the background rate we searched for neutrino interactions within narrow time windows coincident with $\gamma$-rays and soft X-rays recorded by satellites. In addition, we performed the first attempt to search for solar-flare neutrinos from solar flares on the invisible side of the Sun by using the emission time of coronal mass ejections (CMEs). By selecting twenty powerful solar flares above X5.0 on the visible side and eight CMEs whose emission speed exceeds $2000$ $\mathrm{km \, s^{-1}}$ on the invisible side from 1996 to 2018, we found two (six) neutrino events coincident with solar flares occurring on the visible (invisible) side of the Sun, with a typical background rate of $0.10$ ($0.62$) events per flare in the MeV-GeV energy range. No significant solar-flare neutrino signal above the estimated background rate was observed. As a result we set the following upper limit on neutrino fluence at the Earth $\mathit{\Phi}<1.1\times10^{6} \mathrm{cm^{-2}}$ at the $90\%$ confidence level for the largest solar flare. The resulting fluence limits allow us to constrain some of the theoretical models for solar-flare neutrino emission.
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The open access series Cosmic ray studies with neutron detectors was founded in 2020 at the first online symposium of the scientific community around the neutron monitor database (NMDB) – as a freely accessible, professional and quality-assured exchange forum for current research on cosmic rays in the heliosphere using neutron detectors. The proceedings document the results of the NMDB symposia held every two to three years.
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The 2003 October 28 X24 solar flare was saturated in GOES XRS/A for about 10 minutes, near the peak of the event. By using RHESSI X-ray spectral fits during that same time period, the XRS/A time series of the flare and derived quantities like temperature and emission measure can be estimated.
We performed simulations of the solar neutron (ns) flux in the Earth's atmosphere associated with three significant flares (X17 of September 07, 2005, X1.3 of September 07, 2017 and M2.9 of September 08, 2017). The input of the simulations was calculated on the basis of ns signals detected at ground level by the Solar Neutron Telescope of Sierra Negra (SNT-SN), in Mexico, and by the FIB scintillator of the Space Environment Data Acquisition-Attached Payload on board of the International Space Station. Since ns can produce Extensive Air Showers (EAS) in the Earth's atmosphere, we used the CORSIKA code and FLUKA subroutines to simulate the particle fluxes associated with the X17, X1.3 and M2.9 flares. We studied the average longitudinal variations of particle flux and energy loss through the atmosphere to estimate the ns flux impinging on the SNT-SN. The results of the simulated interactions and multiplicities of the particles, as a function of their energy, showed that 11-13% of the ns, released by the X17 flare, could overcome the atmospheric attenuation and propagate from the top of the atmosphere to the SNT-SN (4580 m a.s.l.) without producing EAS. On the other hand, ns associated with the X1.3 and M2.9 flares were lost due to atmospheric attenuation and the production of new particles; therefore, they were not detected at ground level by the SNT- SN. The characterization of these events allowed to develop an automatic tool for the analysis of ns emissions associated with solar flares.
ESA’s INTEGRAL space mission has achieved unique results for solar and terrestrial physics, although spacecraft operations nominally excluded the possibility to point at the Sun or the Earth. The Earth avoidance was, however, exceptionally relaxed for special occultation observations of the Cosmic X-ray Background (CXB), which on some occasions allowed the detection of strong X-ray auroral emission. In addition, the most intense solar flares can be bright enough to be detectable from outside the field of view of the main instruments. This article presents for the first time the auroral observations by INTEGRAL and reviews earlier studies of the most intense solar flares. We end by briefly summarising the studies of the Earth’s radiation belts, which can be considered as another topic of serendipitous science with INTEGRAL.
We observe solar neutrons (>100 MeV) on the ground to study the acceleration mechanism of high energy particles at the Sun. These neutrons are produced by the interaction between the accelerated ions and the solar atmosphere, and are observed on the ground without reflection by the interplanetary magnetic field. It is shown that the very efficient acceleration such as a shock acceleration does not work on the solar surface from the study of solar neutrons, if we assume these neutrons are produced at the same time as high energy electromagnetic waves. The determination of the efficiency of the acceleration without the assumption of the production of neutrons, is the final goal.
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We use the Monte Carlo particle physics code FLUKA (Fluktuierende Kaskade) to calculate \(\gamma \)-ray spectra expected from solar flare energetic ion distributions. The FLUKA code includes robust physics-based models for electromagnetic, hadronic and nuclear interactions, sufficiently detailed for it to be a useful tool for calculating nuclear de-excitation, positron-annihilation and neutron-capture line fluxes and shapes, as well as \({\approx}\,\text{GeV}\) continuum radiation from pion decay products. We show nuclear de-excitation \(\gamma \)-ray line model spectra from a range of assumed primary accelerated ion distributions and find them to be in good agreement with those found using the code of Murphy et al. (2009). We also show full \(\gamma \)-ray model spectra which exhibit all the typical structures of \(\gamma \)-ray spectra observed in solar flares. From these model spectra we build templates which are incorporated into the software package Objective Spectral Executive (OSPEX) and used to fit the combined Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM)/Large Area Telescope (LAT) spectrum of the 2010 June 12 solar flare, providing a statistically acceptable result. To the best of our knowledge, the fit carried out with the FLUKA templates for the full \(\gamma \)-ray spectrum can be regarded as the first attempt to use a single code to implement a self-consistent treatment of the several spectral components in the photon energy range from \({\approx}\,100\mbox{s}~\text{keV}\) to \({\approx}\,100\mbox{s}~\text{MeV}\).
We use the Monte Carlo particle physics code FLUKA (Fluktuierende Kaskade) to calculate $\gamma$-ray spectra expected from solar flare energetic ion distributions. The FLUKA code includes robust physics-based models for electromagnetic, hadronic and nuclear interactions, sufficiently detailed for it to be a useful tool for calculating nuclear de-excitation, positron annihilation and neutron capture line fluxes and shapes, as well as $\approx \; {\rm GeV}$ continuum radiation from pion decay products. We show nuclear de-excitation $\gamma$-ray line model spectra from a range of assumed primary accelerated ion distributions and find them to be in good agreement with those found using the code of Murphy et al. (2009). We also show full $\gamma$-ray model spectra which exhibit all the typical structures of $\gamma$-ray spectra observed in solar flares. From these model spectra we build templates which are incorporated into the software package Objective Spectral Executive (OSPEX) and used to fit the combined Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM)/Large Area Telescope (LAT) spectrum of the 2010 June 12 solar flare, providing a statistically acceptable result. To the best of our knowledge, the fit carried out with the FLUKA templates for the full $\gamma$-ray spectrum can be regarded as the first attempt to use a single code to implement a self-consistent treatment of the several spectral components in the photon energy range from $\approx 100$s ${\rm keV}$ to $\approx 100$s ${\rm MeV}$.
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Evidence for neutrons coming from the sun associated with a large flare at 03:37 UT on 1991 June 4 is reported. The event was recorded by a neutron telescope, and also by a muon telescope, located at Mount Norikura Cosmic Ray Laboratory (2770 m). The statistical significance of the signal recorded by the neutron telescope is 4.4 sigma for neutron kinetic energies between 50 and 360 MeV in the time interval 03:46-03:49 UT. For the muon telescope the statistical significance of the signal is 4.9 sigma in the time interval 03:47-03:56 UT.
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The time profile of Norikura neutron monitor count rates during the 1991 June 4 X12.0 solar flare shows two humps which have been recognized as being caused by high-energy solar neutrons. The first hump was observed during 03:41-04:10 UT and the second during 04:15-05:05 UT. An apparant discontinuity in the 2.223 MeV and 4.44 MeV gamma-rays intensities occured between 04:05 and 04:40 UT according to the Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory (CGRO) Oriented Scintillation Spectrometer Experiment (OSSE) data during the satellite nighttime. A new maximum of radio emission intensity was observed between 04:21 and 04:25 UT by several radio observations. These data strongly support the existence of a second proton acceleration episode separated by about 30 minutes from the impulsive phase of the flare. In order to explain the neutron monitor data, we have to consider two long-duration ejection periods of high-energy neutrons, starting approximately at 03:37 and 04:12 UT. Assuming that the total number of neutrons in the 0.1-3 GeV energy range is proportional to the 2.223 MeV gamma-ray intensity, estimations of the neutron spectra can be made. The spectrum of the first hump was softer than that of the second hump. The total energy of neutrons in the 0.1-3 GeV energy band was estimated to be about 2.7 x 1026 ergs and 1.3 x 1026 ergs during the first and the second production, respectively.
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The solar cosmic-ray event on 1990 May 24 can be divided into three phases: a first impulsive production of γ-rays and greater than 200 MeV neutrons; a second slower phase during which there were high-energy protons at the Sun for ~20 minutes producing pions and high-energy neutrons; and a third phase when the protons observed by the IMP 8 and GOES spacecraft and by neutron monitors were injected into interplanetary space. This third phase started after the onset of the event but before the second phase had ceased. We found that high-energy neutron production occurred during the last 60 s of the impulsive phase and at least the first 19 minutes of the second phase. During the second phase the high energy-neutron and γ-ray emissions decayed more slowly than either the 2.2 MeV or 4-7 MeV γ-ray line emissions. A two-component neutron energy spectrum that changes between the first and second phases gives a reasonable fit to the count rate increase recorded by the Climax neutron monitor. From the fit we infer that the integrated neutron emissivity at the Sun was ~3.5 × 1030 sr-1 for E > 100 MeV. The maximum intensity of P > 1.5 GV solar protons near the Earth was 4.5 × 103 (m2 sr s)-1. The differential solar proton energy flux (dJ/dE) as a function of rigidity at the Sun can be described by an evolving power-law spectrum. We estimate that the number of escaping protons with E > 30 MeV in the third phase was 7%-14% of the number of protons required to produce the solar neutron increase at the Earth. Although it is attractive to assume that the interplanetary solar protons simply leaked out from the trapping region at the Sun, the data suggest that the interplanetary solar protons were not from the population of energetic particles that produced the neutron and γ-ray emissions but were freshly accelerated during the third phase of the solar flare.
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We have developed new neutron production kinematics and thoroughly updated the neutron production cross sections, and we have included ion pitch-angle scattering and magnetic mirroring in our Monte Carlo simulation programs, to make new calculations of anisotropic neutron emission produced in the solar flare magnetic loop models. The anisotropy in these models arises from the combined effects of converging magnetic field lines and a rapidly increasing ambient density in the portion of the loop below the chromosphere-corona transition. We have carried out new calculations of the depth, time, angle, and energy dependences of the neutron production, the angle distributions and energy spectra of the escaping neutrons, and the energy spectrum of the surviving neutrons at the distance 1 AU from the Sun. These new calculations will now allow much more reliable and detailed analyses of the various solar flare neutron spectral observations.
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Solar neutrons have been detected using the neutron monitor located at Mount Chacaltaya, Bolivia, in association with a large solar flare on 2000 November 24. This is the first detection of solar neutrons by a neutron monitor that has been reported so far in solar cycle 23. The statistical significance of the detection is 5.5 σ. In this flare, the intense emission of hard X-rays and γ-rays has been observed by the Yohkoh Hard X-ray Telescope (HXT) and Gamma Ray Spectrometer (GRS), respectively. The production time of solar neutrons is better correlated with those of hard X-rays and γ-rays than with the production time of soft X-rays. The observations of the solar neutrons on the ground have been limited to solar flares with soft X-ray class greater than X8 in former solar cycles. In this cycle, however, neutrons were detected associated with an X2.3 solar flare on 2000 November 24. This is the first report of the detection of solar neutrons on the ground associated with a solar flare with an X-ray class smaller than X8.
The neutron monitor provides continuous ground-based recording of the hadronic component in atmospheric secondary radiation which is related to primary cosmic rays. Simpson (1948) discovered that the latitude variation of the secondary hadronic component was considerably larger than the muon component suggesting the response of a neutron monitor is more sensitive to lower energies in the primary spectrum. The different methods of determining the neutron monitor response function of primary cosmic rays are reviewed and discussed including early and recent results. The authors also provide results from a new calculation (Clem, 1999) including angle dependent yield functions for different neutron monitor types which are calculated using a simulation of cosmic ray air showers combined with a detection efficiency simulation for different secondary particle species. Results are shown for IGY and NM64 configurations using the standard ^10BF_3 detectors and the new ^3He detectors to be used in the Spaceship Earth Project (Bieber et al., 1995). The method of calculation is described in detail and the results are compared with measurements and previous calculations. A summary of future goals is discussed.
The solar neutron event on May 24th 1990 has been analysed with use of Shibata's response function. It has been found from those solar neutron data that ions are accelerated within one minute with power index gamma=2.5.
The ground-level energetic solar particle event on May 24, 1990 had an extremely impulsive onset in the particle intensity that is attributed to a significant flux of direct solar neutrons impacting the top of the atmosphere. This is the largest solar neutron event reported to date, with a 25.3 percent increase recorded by the Climax neutron monitor in the time interval 2050-2055 UT. At least 7 neutron monitors in North America recorded this increase simultaneously, the magnitude of which is ordered by the air mass along the line of sight to the sun at the time of the event. The initial solar neutrons arrive within the same minute as the maximum in both the soft X-ray and the H-alpha emission observed at the earth, whereas the onset of the worldwide increase of solar protons occurred approximately 15 minutes later.
The propagation of solar neutrons through the atmosphere of the Earth has been calculated by a Monte Carlo method using a nuclear interaction model which can reproduce the existing data obtained by accelerator experiments. With this calculation, it has been found that the elastic scattering process plays an important role in the propagation of solar neutrons in the atmosphere at an incident energy below approximately 200 MeV. By applying this calculation to the analysis of a solar neutron event observed at Mount Norikura Cosmic Ray Observatory on June 4, 1991, it is possible to interpret the event as gamma rays and neutrons having been produced impulsively at the time of the solar flare. The event observed at Jungfraujoch on June 3, 1982 can be explained similarly.
The authors made Monte Carlo calculations of the angular and energy distributions of neutrons escaping from the solar atmosphere, expected from thick-target interactions of flare-accelerated ions with a variety of energy spectra and incident angular distributions, ranging from downward beaming to magnetic mirroring. Comparing the calculations with measurements of the neutron flux from the flares of 1980 June 21 at a heliocentric angle of 89° and 1982 June 3 at 72°, the authors found that the bulk of the observed neutron flux was consistent with that expected from neutron production with an essentially δ-function time history following that of the 4 - 7 MeV emission. Both the angular distribution and the energy spectrum of the accelerated ions were determined.