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Parietal Dysgraphia: Characterization of Abnormal Writing Stroke Sequences, Character Formation and Character Recall

Behavioural Neurology

Abstract and Figures

To characterize various dysgraphic symptoms in parietal agraphia. We examined the writing impairments of four dysgraphia patients from parietal lobe lesions using a special writing test with 100 character kanji (Japanese morphograms) and their kana (Japanese phonetic writing) transcriptions, and related the test performance to a lesion site. Patients 1 and 2 had postcentral gyrus lesions and showed character distortion and tactile agnosia, with patient 1 also having limb apraxia. Patients 3 and 4 had superior parietal lobule lesions and features characteristic of apraxic agraphia (grapheme deformity and a writing stroke sequence disorder) and character imagery deficits (impaired character recall). Agraphia with impaired character recall and abnormal grapheme formation were more pronounced in patient 4, in whom the lesion extended to the inferior parietal, superior occipital and precuneus gyri. The present findings and a review of the literature suggest that: (i) a postcentral gyrus lesion can yield graphemic distortion (somesthetic dysgraphia), (ii) abnormal grapheme formation and impaired character recall are associated with lesions surrounding the intraparietal sulcus, the symptom being more severe with the involvement of the inferior parietal, superior occipital and precuneus gyri, (iii) disordered writing stroke sequences are caused by a damaged anterior intraparietal area.
MRI axial and coronal images of patients 1 to 4. Number corresponds to the patient number. Axial slices are at the level of upper part of the lateral ventricle and the intraparietal sulcus, and coronal slices area at the level of the posterior horn of the lateral ventricle and the angular gyrus. 2-1: High intensity areas were noted in the right postcentral gyrus posterolateral to the precentral knob, cortico-subcortical structures in the supramarginal gyrus on T2-weighted images (arrowhead, Time of repetition [TR] / Time of echo [TE] = 7999msec/104msec). These lesions were identified with diffusion-weighted images. On the coronal view, the postcentral gyrus lesion extended deep to the lateral ventricle (TR/TE = 4000/83). 2-2: A low intensity area suggestive of hemorrhage was localized in the left postcentral gyrus posterior to the precentral knob on T2-weighted images (arrowhead, TR/TE = 7999/101). On the T1-weighted planes, a high-intensity hemorrhage was noted over the posterior horn of the lateral ventricle (TR/TE = 500/14). 2-3: A high intensity area posterior to the postcentral sulcus extended deep along the intraparietal sulcus to the lateral ventricle on T2-weighted axial images (TR/TE = 3500/96). 2-4: A thin high intensity area was located in the occipital and parietal lobes that extended anteriorly to the postcentral sulcus, surrounding an old infarction (thick intensity area) in the medial occipital lobe on T2-weighted axial images (TR/TE = 7999/101). The new lesion involved the superior parietal lobule, angular gyrus and precuneus that extended posteriorly to the superior occipital gyrus on coronal images (TR/TE = 4000/84).
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Behavioural Neurology 18 (2007) 99–114 99
IOS Press
Parietal dysgraphia: Characterization of
abnormal writing stroke sequences, character
formation and character recall
Yasuhisa Sakurai
, Yoshinobu Onuma
, Gaku Nakazawa
, Yoshikazu Ugawa
, Toshimitsu Momose
Shoji Tsuji
and Toru Mannen
Department of Neurology, Mitsui Memorial Hospital, Tokyo, Japan
Department of Neurology, Graduate School of Medicine, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Department of Radiology, Graduate School of Medicine, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Abstract. Objective: To characterize various dysgraphic symptoms in parietal agraphia.
Method: We examined the writing impairments of four dysgraphia patients from parietal lobe lesions using a special writing test
with 100 character kanji (Japanese morphograms) and their kana (Japanese phonetic writing) transcriptions, and related the test
performance to a lesion site.
Results: Patients 1 and 2 had postcentral gyrus lesions and showed character distortion and tactile agnosia, with patient 1 also
having limbapraxia. Patients 3 and 4 had superior parietallobule lesions and features characteristic of apraxic agraphia (grapheme
deformity and a writing stroke sequence disorder) and character imagery deficits (impaired character recall). Agraphia with
impaired character recall and abnormal grapheme formation were more pronounced in patient 4, in whom the lesion extended to
the inferior parietal, superior occipital and precuneus gyri.
Conclusion: The present findings and a review of the literature suggest that: (i) a postcentral gyrus lesion can yield graphemic
distortion (somesthetic dysgraphia), (ii) abnormal grapheme formation and impaired character recall are associated with lesions
surrounding the intraparietal sulcus, the symptom being more severe with the involvement of the inferior parietal, superior
occipital and precuneus gyri, (iii) disordered writing stroke sequences are caused by a damaged anterior intraparietal area.
Keywords: Apraxic agraphia, parietal pure agraphia, intraparietal sulcus, limb apraxia, somatosensory area
1. Introduction
Agraphia caused by lesions of the parietal lobe
presents as three types with different anatomical sub-
strates: alexia with agraphia from an angular gyrus
lesion, pure agraphia from a superior parietal lobule
lesion and agraphia with conduction aphasia [5,32].
Little is known about the clinical features of pure
agraphia from a superior parietal lobule lesion [2,3];
the patients make phonemic paragraphia consisting of
Corresponding author: Yasuhisa Sakurai, MD, PhD., Depart-
ment of Neurology, Mitsui Memorial Hospital, 1, Kanda-Izumi-cho,
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-8643, Japan. Tel.: +81 3 3862 9111; Fax:
+81 3 5687 9765; E-mail:
substitutions and omissions. A lesion in the superior
parietal lobule [1] or surrounding the intraparietal sul-
cus [30] is known to cause apraxic agraphia, which is
characterizedby difficultyin forminggraphemes. This
condition produces inversions and distortions, despite
normal sensorimotor function and relatively preserved
oral spelling and typing using anagram letters [11].
Pure agraphia in general differs from apraxic agraphia
in that patients usually make well-formed graphemes
(written letters) [32]. One patient reported as having
pure agraphia from a superior parietal lobule lesion [2]
showed poorly formed graphemes and thus should be
regarded as having apraxic agraphia. However, it re-
mains unknown whether parietal pure agraphia and
apraxic agraphia share the same lesion.
ISSN 0953-4180/07/$17.00 2007 – IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved
100 Y. Sakurai et al. / Parietal dysgraphia
The Japanese writing system uses two distinct
scripts: kanji (morphograms or ideograms, originally
adopted from Chinese characters) and kana (Japanese
kanji characters). Some kanji characters with complex
figures require many writing stroke sequences. Prima-
ry school students learn the order of kanji and kana
character writing stroke sequences. Due to the use of
these dual systems, agraphia in Japan presents itself in
somewhat unique and pronounced ways. For example,
(1) agraphia of kanji resulting from impaired character
recall (lexical or orthographic agraphia) occurs in le-
sions of the posterior inferior temporal cortex [19,36,
41], angular gyrus [14,17,25,38],superior parietal lob-
ule [17,23] and posterior middle frontal gyrus [35]; (2)
paragraphia of kana (phonological agraphia) occurs in
lesions of the supramarginalgyrus [37,43] and the pos-
terior part of the middle and inferior frontal gyri [35];
and (3) Japanese apraxic agraphia patients with a su-
perior parietal lobule lesion show disordered stroke se-
quences and distortions in writing kanji [14,29].
On the basis of the above findings (1) and (2), we
previouslyhypothesizedthat visual images ofkanjiand
kana words (and letters) are stored in the posterior in-
ferior temporal cortex (and also the angular/lateral oc-
cipital gyri in case of kana characters) and travel via
the angular gyrus and superior parietal lobule to the
frontal motor and premotor areas (orthographic route,
formerly “morphologic route”) [35], whereas phono-
logical information of words and letters goes from the
primaryauditory cortex and the posterior superiortem-
poral gyrus to the angular and supramarginal gyri and
joinsthearcuatefasciculustotravelto the frontalmotor
and premotor areas (phonological route). A phoneme-
linked visual image of kana or a syllable is accessed
in the angular gyrus and the adjoining lateral occipital
gyri and then the visual information of kana joins the
orthographicroute. Kanji charactersthat are graphical-
ly complex and have multiple stroke sequences depend
more on the orthographic route, whereas kana charac-
lysimpleconfigurationdependless on the orthographic
route. This hypothesis is consistent with recent neu-
roimaging findings (see Fig. 1 of Nakamura et al. [26])
that(i) kanji character writing and recallactivatedmore
extensiveareas inthe posteriorinferior temporalcortex
andsuperior parietal lobulethan kana characterwriting
and recall, and (ii) kanji writing and recall activated
an extensive area of the posterior middle frontal gyrus
(end of the orthographic pathway, Area 6), whereas
kana writing and recall activated a limited area of the
frontal operculum (end of the phonological pathway,
Area 44/45). Recent neuropsychologicalfindings from
Western countries also support the view that the poste-
riorinferiortemporal cortexis a site fortheorthograph-
ic lexicon for words [31] and additionally the posterior
middleand inferiorfrontalgyri(Areas 44/45and6)and
angular gyrus (Area 39) are concerned with accessing
orthography [12,13].
A weak point of this hypothesis is that it does not
take into account the features of apraxic agraphia,
i.e. grapheme deformity and the above (3), following a
superior parietal lobule lesion. Thus, it should be de-
termined which lesion in the superior parietal lobule is
stroke sequences, and impaired recall of word images,
respectively. Here, we report four patients with pari-
etal writing impairment: isolated character deformity
with or without limb apraxia, agraphia with character
deformityand a stroke sequencedisorder,and agraphia
with a stoke sequence disorder and marked character
deformity and imagery deficits (impaired character re-
call). We correlated the writing symptoms with the
lesions and suggested anatomical substrates for these
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Patient profiles
Patient 1. In December 2001, a 36-year-old natu-
rally left-handedman (laterality quotient by Edinburgh
Handedness Inventory [28], -63), senior high school
graduate and office worker trained to write with both
hands in primary school, noted numbness of the left
arm. He could not grasp anything. He was admitted
to our hospital having been diagnosed with a cerebral
infarction on CT. Neurological and neuropsychologi-
cal examinations showed weakness of the left upper
extremity, paresthesia with cheiro-oraltopographythat
affected the left palm and oral corner, pseudoatheto-
sis of the third to fifth fingers, tactile agnosia resulting
from impaired combined sensations (texture recogni-
tion, two-point discrimination and graphesthesia) and
limb apraxia of the left hand. His digit span forward
score was 6, and backward 4. In two weeks his grip
strength recovered,paresthesia was limited to the third
tofifthfingers,andhe couldbarelywrite,althoughlimb
apraxia still persisted.
The Western Aphasia Battery (WAB; Japanese edi-
tion) administered 13 days after onset showedno apha-
Y. Sakurai et al. / Parietal dysgraphia 101
Fig. 1. Abnormal writing postures in patient 1 with “somesthetic dysgraphia. Patient 1 wrote characters holding the pencil with the intact left
thumb and index finger. He had tactile agnosia resulting from impaired combined sensations and limb apraxia in the left hand.
sia, but he wrote characters poorly (Table 1). He held
the pencil in an awkward manner and wrote slowly
and laboriously with the intact thumb and index finger
(Fig. 1), which resulted in deformities of the written
characters such as elongation and interruption of the
lines. He formedbetter characterswhen copyinga sen-
tence than when writing in response to dictation. The
patient could naturally hold the pencil and write kanji
and kana words with the right hand without charac-
ter distortion. Limb apraxia and tactile agnosia disap-
peared in a month and the left hemiparesis recovered,
butparesthesia of the third to fifth fingersand impaired
two-point discrimination still continued four months
after onset.
MRI seven days after onset revealed high intensi-
ty areas in the right postcentral gyrus posterolateral
to the precentral knob (cortical hand area above the
operculum) [46], cortical and subcortical structures in
the supramarginal and posterior middle temporal gyri
(Fig. 2-1). There was another high intensity area in
the right middle occipital gyrus that suggested an old
infarction. Carotidangiographydisclosed an occlusion
middle cerebral artery.
Patient 2. In December 2001, a 74-year-old right-
handed man, university graduate and retired office
worker, noticed his right arm was weak and consulted
our department. He was diagnosed as having a cere-
bral hemorrhagein the left parietal lobe on CT. He was
admitted to the Department of Neurology at our hospi-
tal. On admission the patient showed slight weakness
and paresthesia of the right arm, and tactile agnosia of
the right handresulting from deficient combinedsensa-
graphesthesia). He stated that everything he touched
felt metallic and hard. There was no limb apraxia. He
wrote kanji characters poorly,but recoveredthis ability
considerably within ten days.
WAB ten days after onset showed no aphasia, but
the patient wrote sentences slowly: he wrote only two
sentencesin threeminuteswhenwritingspontaneously,
which resulted in a lower score for writing (Table 1).
Some kanji and kana characters were poorly formed
when writing spontaneously and writing in response to
dictation,butmuchimprovedwhencopyinga sentence.
One month after onset, paresthesia was limited to the
third to fifth fingers and pseudoathetosis was observed
in the fourth finger. Writing impairment recovered to
within the normal range three months after onset.
MRI eight days after onset revealed a high intensity
on T1- and a low intensity on T2-weighted images in
the localized area of the left postcentral gyrus posteri-
or to the precentral knob (Fig. 2-2). There was mild
enlargement of the left lateral ventricle.
Patient 3. In September 1996, a 58-year-old right-
handedman, seniorhighschoolgraduateand tie maker,
found that he could not move his right arm, had lost
his sense of touch with it, and felt as if it was another
person’s. Ten minutes later when the motor weakness
and sensory disturbance were recovered to some ex-
tent, he misspelledJapanese characters, eventhoughhe
could recall their visual images. When he referred to a
textbook, he could copy the characters correctly. Two
days later, he couldnot knot a tie, andfelt as if his right
leg was covered with thin cotton. The patient was ad-
mitted to the Department of Neurology, University of
Tokyo Hospital having been diagnosed with a cerebral
infarction in the left parietal lobe on CT. Neurologi-
102 Y. Sakurai et al. / Parietal dysgraphia
Table 1
Standard neuropsychological test scores
Patient (age) 1 (36) 2 (74) 3 (58) 4 (58)
Verbal IQ 89 107 116 94
Performance IQ 73 94 108 65
Picture Completion 6 11 12 8
Picture Arrangement 5 6 12 6
Block Design 7 11 9 3
Object Assembly 9 8 11 3
Digit Symbol (raw score) 4 (35) 9 (29) 12 (50) 4(15)
Spontaneous speech
Information content (/10) 10 10 10 10
Fluency (/10) 10 10 10 10
Naming total (/10) 9.9 8.8 9.7 8.9
Repetition (/10) 10 10 9.8 10
Comprehension total (/10) 10 10 9.95 9.8
Reading total (/10) 9.5 10 9.2 8.8
Recognition of orally spelled kanji (/6)
Oral spelling of kanji characters (/6)
56 30*
Writing total (/10) 10 8.6 8.6 3.15
Copying (/10) 10 10 10 10
Kanji word writing from dictation (/6) 6 6 4.5 1*
Kana word writing from dictation (/6) 6 6 5.5 0*
Dictated kana characters (/5) 5 5 5 0*
*Subtest score is more than 2SD below the normal mean [42].
Recognition of orally spelled kanji denotes that a patient is asked to guess a kanji
character (e.g.
[naku], sing) from the two components ( [kuchi], mouth, and [tori],
bird) spoken by the examiner. Oral spelling of kanji characters denotes that a patient
is asked to describe two components (e.g.
[onna], woman, and [ichi], city) of a
kanji character (
[ane], sister) spoken by the examiner. These two tasks require mental
imagery of a kanji character.
cal and neuropsychological examinations at this time
showed no motor or sensory deficit, but impairments
in short-term memory (digit span forward score was
four), writing and mental arithmetic.
WAB administered four days after onset showed
agraphiaandanimpairmentoffinger identification(Ta-
ble 1). Writing errors included an impairment of kanji
character recall, sometimes leading to neologisms, and
literal paragraphia for kana. He used trial and error,
particularly when writing kanji characters. Recogni-
tion of orally spelled kanji characters was significant-
ly poor (for an example of this test, see the footnote
of Table1), suggesting letter imagery deficits (impaired
character recall). Copying of a sentence was perfect
and orthographically improved compared to dictation,
but he wrote stroke by stroke, referring to the sample.
The patient complained that he could not write char-
acters as he imagined. We did not examine his typing
performance. There was no apraxia. Knotting a tie be-
came possible as he practiced again. Calculation was
slightly impaired in another calculation test between
two digits and one digit [37] (mental arithmetic,38/40;
written calculation, 39/40). Impaired short-term mem-
oryandacalculia recoveredto a normal levelafter three
months, but the patient stated that he had difficulty
writing characters over the next few years.
MRI one month after onset disclosed a high intensi-
ty area posterior to the left postcentral sulcus, includ-
ing the superior parietal lobule and part of the supra-
marginalgyrus, that extendeddeep along the intrapari-
etal sulcus to the left lateral ventricle on T2-weighted
images (Figs 2–3). There were also small high inten-
sity spots in the central semiovale on both sides and
mildenlargementofthe lateral ventriclesthat was more
pronounced on the left.
Patient 4. In July 2001, a 58-year-old right-handed
man, retired storekeeper, noticed convulsive move-
ments in the right extremities and found difficulty writ-
ing. He could not make discrete finger movements or
reach a glass on a table. He had sustained a cerebral
hemorrhage in the left occipital lobe in January 1998
sient alexia. CT showed a low density area around the
old infarction in the left occipito-parietal area. The
patient was admitted to the Department of Neurology
at our hospital having been diagnosed with a cerebral
Y. Sakurai et al. / Parietal dysgraphia 103
Fig. 2. MRI axial and coronal images of patients 1 to 4. Number corresponds to the patient number. Axial slices are at the level of upper part of
the lateral ventricle and the intraparietal sulcus, and coronal slices area at the level of the posterior horn of the lateral ventricle and the angular
gyrus. 2-1: High intensity areas were noted in the right postcentral gyrus posterolateral to the precentral knob, cortico-subcortical structures in
the supramarginal gyrus on T2-weighted images (arrowhead, Time of repetition [TR] / Time of echo [TE] = 7999msec/104msec). These lesions
were identified with diffusion-weighted images. On the coronal view, the postcentral gyrus lesion extended deep to the lateral ventricle (TR/TE
= 4000/83). 2-2: A low intensity area suggestive of hemorrhage was localized in the left postcentral gyrus posterior to the precentral knob on
T2-weighted images (arrowhead, TR/TE = 7999/101). On the T1-weighted planes, a high-intensity hemorrhage was noted over the posterior
horn of the lateral ventricle (TR/TE = 500/14). 2-3: A high intensity area posterior to the postcentral sulcus extended deep along the intraparietal
sulcus to the lateral ventricle on T2-weighted axial images (TR/TE = 3500/96). 2-4: A thin high intensity area was located in the occipital and
parietal lobes that extended anteriorly to the postcentral sulcus, surrounding an old infarction (thick intensity area) in the medial occipital lobeon
T2-weighted axial images (TR/TE = 7999/101). The new lesion involved the superior parietal lobule, angular gyrus and precuneus that extended
posteriorly to the superior occipital gyrus on coronal images (TR/TE = 4000/84).
infarction. Neurological and neuropsychological ex-
aminationsshowed(1) right homonymoushemianopia,
later confirmed by Goldmann perimetry, (2) Barr
right extensor plantar response, (3) agraphia for kanji
and kana caused by impaired character recall, (4) an
impairment of short-term memory (digit span forward
score was four), (5) acalculia, and (6) a visually guided
reachingdisturbanceof the right hand for objects inthe
left upper quadrant visual field.
WAB administered seven days after onset showed
severe agraphia, characterized by impaired character
104 Y. Sakurai et al. / Parietal dysgraphia
recall of both kanjiand kana, poor graphemeformation
and abnormal stroke sequences (Table 1). The patient
wrote characters slowly and laboriously. He could not
recognize orally spelled kanji characters or spell aloud
auditorily presented kanji characters, which resulted in
a low score for reading. He showed literal paragraphia
and impaired recall even for dictated single-kana char-
acters. However, the patientcouldtypekanawordsthat
he could not write in response to dictation. He copied
sentencesperfectly,buthewrote strokebystroke,refer-
ring to the sample. Most written characters were poor-
ly shaped, like geometrical figures, as if they had been
written by a child. Copying of line drawings (e.g. a
cube) was also good, but spontaneousdrawing without
a sample was done out of perspective,suggesting he al-
so had impaired mental imagery for non-linguistic fig-
ures. The visually guided reaching disturbance disap-
peared 15 days after onset but agraphia persisted even
one year post-onset.
MRI three days after onset revealed a high intensity
areawithamarginallowintensityin theleftcuneus,lin-
gual gyrus and forcepsmajor in the occipital lobe, sug-
gestingan oldhemorrhagicinfarction,and surrounding
it a thin high intensity in the left occipital and pari-
etal lobes, including the angular gyrus, precuneus and
superior parietal lobule that extended forward to the
postcentral sulcus on T2-weighted images (Figs 2–4).
2.2. Neuropsychological tests
To evaluate basic cognitive functions and language
abilities, we administered WAIS-R and WAB to each
patient (Table 1). Subtest scores of performance IQ in
WAIS-R areshownto revealcognitiveandmotorskills.
To evaluate each patient’s reading and writing ability
quantitatively, we gave them a special test (Table 2).
The task was to read aloud 100 single-character kanji
and the kana transcription of kanji characters, and to
write the same 100 dictated kanji and kana [36], all
of which are taught in the first three years of primary
school in Japan. The performances of patients 1 and 4
were recorded with a digital video camera and writing
stroke sequences were analyzed. Patient 4 was asked
to copy the test characters further.
Correct answers and time for reading and writing
were counted. In thewriting test, errors were subdivid-
ed into non-responses, partial responses (incomplete
characters or words), constructional errors (omission
or addition of a component of a character), visual er-
rors(substitution of anothervisually similar character),
phonological errors (substitution of another character
with a different phonetic value), semantic errors (sub-
stitution of another word semantically associated with
the correct word), etc. according to our previous clas-
sification [38] (Table 3). Trial and error and abnor-
mal stroke sequences were evaluated for all characters
tested. Deformity was defined as the malformation of
graphemes (characters), and was classified into dispro-
portion (imbalanced size of each component in a char-
acter or word), dislocation(wrong position or direction
of each component or stroke), line distortion (twitch-
ing of a straight line), curve distortion (twitching of
a curve), elongation of a line or stroke, and interrup-
tion of a line or stroke. Deformity was evaluated only
for correct responses. If a character had two or more
deformity types, each type was counted separately.
Whethera characteris regardedas beingwell formed
ornotdependsonanexaminer. Thus,wefirstchoseand
classified deformed characters primarily onthe basis of
the patients’ evaluation. In order to evaluate deformity
more objectively, three authors (Y.O., G.N. and T.M.),
all native Japanese, assessed the patients’ writing inde-
pendently, and a character was counted only if two or
more authors had the same evaluation of the deformity
or deformity type. Deformed characters were chosenif
tive of the assessed deformitytype. If the order of writ-
ingstroke sequences was unusual andit was notcaused
by the patient’s writing habit, the sequences were con-
sideredto bedisordered. Impairedcharacter recall (let-
ter imagery deficit) was counted when the patient did
not make any response in writing to dictation (non-
response in Table 3). We adoptedthe followingcriteria
to diagnose apraxic agraphia: (i) production of illegi-
ble graphemes in writing that cannot be accounted for
by sensorimotor dysfunction [1,30,32], (ii) grapheme
production improves with copying [32], (iii) preserved
oral spelling or typing [32], and (iv) disorderedwriting
stroke sequences [29].
3. Results
Deformity analyses below are mainly based on the
authors’ objective assessment, if not described in par-
ticular. Patient 1 took slightly longer to write kanji and
kana, although the scores were nearly perfect. Defor-
mity involved dislocation, elongation and interruption,
and was more frequently observed in kanji (Fig. 3).
The patient took the same test four months after onset,
when he still hadparesthesia limited to the thirdto fifth
fingers and a minimal reduction in grip strength. Re-
Y. Sakurai et al. / Parietal dysgraphia 105
Table 2
Reading and writing performances of 100 single-character kanji and the kana transcription
Patient 1 2 3 4 Controls (n =11)
Mean score (SD) Mean time (SD)
Kanji reading 100 (48 s) 100 (1 min 26 s) 100
100 (4 min 8 s*) 99.6 (1.2) 1 min 32 s (32 s)
Kana reading 100 (1 min 28 s) 100 (1 min 13 s) 100
100 (2 min 27 s*) 99.6 (0.5) 1 min 13 s (24 s)
Kanji writing 99 (17 min 15 s*) 97 (23 min 2 s*) 95 (19 min*) 28* (37 min 12 s*) 95.9 (3.0) 10 min 11 s (2 min 16 s)
Kana writing 100 (12 min 10 s*) 100 (20 min 28 s*) 100 (16 min*) 50* (63 min 8 s*) 99.3 (0.9) 8 min 7 s (1 min 47 s)
Normal controls [38] were 10 men and one woman, ages 61 to 78, mean 68 years old, senior high school or university graduate volunteers who
had no past history of neurological disorders. Note that writing speed was not exactly reflected in the time spent because word-finding pauses
were also included in the time for patients 3 and 4. In patient 4, however, writing speed was obviously slow.
In patient 3, data for reading time were missing.
*More than 2SD above (for time) or below (for score) the normal mean.
sults showed general improvement, but he was aware
that eight kanji characters and seven kana characters
were poorly written. Patient 2 took more than twice
as long to complete the tasks as the control subjects.
Deformity consisted mainly of dislocation and elon-
gation in kanji, and curve distortion in kana, although
the patient was more aware of disproportion and line
distortion in kanji and dislocation in kana. The pa-
tient complained that he could not write characters as
he imagined, showing imbalanced kanji characters and
elongation. Although paresthesia in the third to fifth
fingers persisted, a re-examination three months after
onset showed almost perfect recovery in writing. Pa-
tient 3 spent more time writing both kanji and kana
because he wrote the wrong stroke sequences by trial
and error: He stopped writing in the middle of a kanji
character and wrote it again from the beginning, even
though the character was written correctly in six trials.
He also added a line to an incomplete kanji character
after writing it in two trials. According to the patient’s
evaluation, malformation of graphemes was more pro-
nounced in kana writing that required for curve draw-
ing [20]. Patient 4’s performance was the lowest and
he needed the longest time of the four patients. Kanji
writing was more impaired than kana writing. Most
errors were non- and partial responses resulting from
impaired recall of both kanji and kana characters, and
katakana (a form of kana that is used primarily for rep-
resenting loan words) substitution in kana. To deter-
mine the effects of visual complexity, concreteness, fa-
miliarity (how often a person has seen or used a word)
and frequency of writing single-character kanji, we di-
vided test characters into two groups (above or under
a median) nearly equal in number: a more complex
(more writing stroke sequences), concrete, familiar or
frequent group and a less complex, concrete, familiar
or frequentgroup accordingto our previousstudy [39].
Correct scores for two groups each were significantly
different in complexity (p =0.007 by Fisher’s exact
method) and familiarity (p =0.026 by Fisher’s ex-
act method), i.e. less complex and more familiar char-
acters were written more easily. The patient uttered
a word repeatedly when he had difficulty writing the
word (phonological facilitation [35]). There were a
few traces of trial and error written on a piece of paper
in kanji, but in fact the patient did many rehearsals,
moving the pencil over the paper before writing down
a character. Disordered stroke sequences were more
evident in kanji writing, when the patient appeared to
forgetthe stroke sequences of some kanji. Deformities
included dislocation in both kanji and kana and curve
distortion in kana. Copying of the 100 kanji characters
improvedoverallgrapheme formation (He thoughtthat
nineof 11 deformedcharactersin writingin responseto
dictation were written better when copying), but there
were still abnormal graphemes. He also wrote strokes
asif he had drawngeometricalfigures(abnormalstroke
sequencesincopyingkanji: 22/100). A re-examination
eight months after onset showedconsiderable recovery
(score and time: kanji 38/100 and 38 min, kana 69/100
and 44 min), but the patient still wrote poorly formed
characters with disordered stroke sequences.
Table 4 summarizes the writing features and other
clinical profiles for our four patients and reported pa-
tients with Japanese parietal agraphia [14,18,21,23,29,
45]. It is noteworthy that performance IQ was equal to
or less than verbal IQ in WAIS-R for all patients. In
patients 3 and 4 with a superior parietal lobule insult,
Block Design and Object Assembly were performed
particularly poorly. Thus, lower performance IQ prob-
ably reflects visuospatial cognitive dysfunction of the
“left” superior parietal lobule. Figure 4 shows the in-
dividual lesions of patients in Table 4 with abnormal
charactershapeformation(ourpatients 1–4)[14,21,23,
29] disordered writing stroke sequences (our patients
3,4) [14,18,23,29] and character imagery deficits (our
patients 3,4) [14,18,21,23,45] mapped onto an axial
plane through the intraparietal sulcus [8]. Lesion sites
106 Y. Sakurai et al. / Parietal dysgraphia
Table 3
Types of writing error in 100 single-character kanji and the kana transcription
Patient 1 2 3 4
Kanji total errors 1 3 5 72
Non-response 0 2 1 51
Partial response* 0 0 1 9
Constructional* 0 0 0 8
Neologism 0 1 2 2
Visual* 1 0 1 0
Unrelated* 0 0 0 2
Trial and error
0 1 15 1
Abnormal stroke sequences
Deformity total
15 (28) 33 (16) 3 (5) 11 (5)
Disproportion 1 (0) 5 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)
Dislocation 5 (10) 6 (4) 2 (1) 10 (3)
Line distortion 2 (1) 11 (1) 1 (1) 0 (0)
Curve distortion 0 (0) 3 (0) 0 (0) 1 (0)
Elongation 4 (7) 8 (3) 0 (1) 0 (0)
Interruption 3 (1) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)
Kana total errors 0 0 0 50
Non-response 0 0 0 8
Partial response** 0 0 0 21
Constructional** 0 0 0 6
Phonological** 0 0 0 3
Phonological and visual** 0 0 0 2
Katakana substitution** 0 0 0 10
Trial and error
0 0 15 10
Abnormal stroke sequences
Deformity total
4 (22) 17 (12) 12 (5) 6 (6)
Disproportion 0 (1) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)
Dislocation 2 (4) 9 (0) 2 (1) 2 (2)
Line distortion 0 (0) 1 (2) 1 (0) 0 (0)
Curve distortion 2 (6) 5 (6) 8 (2) 4 (2)
Elongation 0 (3) 2 (1) 0 (0) 0 (0)
Interruption 0 (1) 0 (0) 1 (0) 0 (0)
Data were based on the results of the kanji and kana writing test (Table 2).
*Partial response: a component of a kanji character is correct. Constructional response: omission or addition of a component of a kanji
character. Visual errors: substitution of another visually similar character, e.g.
([midori], green) ([en], margin). Unrelated
response: substitution of another kanji that has no visual or phonological similarity to the correct answer, e.g.
([natsu], summer)
([susumeru], recommend).
**Partial response: one character or more in a kana word is correct. Constructional response: omission or addition of a component of a
kana. Phonological response: one or more characters of a kana word were substituted for other kana (phonemic paragraphia), e.g.
([shiru], know) ([hiru], noon). Phonological and visual response: changing one character into another visually similar to the
target character, e.g.
([kuroi], black) ([kurui]). Katakana substitution: substitution of Katakana (a form of kana that is
used primarily for representing loan words) that has the same phonemic value, e.g.
([kuruma], wheel) ([kuruma]).
Constructional errors consisted of five deletions of one stroke and three interruptions of one stroke.
Constructional errors consisted of five deletions and one addition.
#Trial and error and abnormal stroke sequences were evaluated for all characters tested. Trial and error denotes an attempt to write
an incorrect or incomplete character repeatedly. Deformity was evaluated only for correct responses. Scores denote the patient’s
subjective evaluation and three authors’ assessment (in the parentheses). In the three authors’ assessment, a character was counted only
if two or more authors had the same evaluation of the deformity or deformity type. Deformed characters were chosen by two or more
authors’ evaluation whether or not the deformity type assessment was identical among authors. Eventually, the number of deformity
total exceeded the sum of each deformity type in all patients. If a character had two different deformity types, these two were counted
separately. Disproportion refers to the imbalanced size of each component in a character or word. Dislocation is the wrong position
or direction of each stroke. Distortion is the twitching of a straight line or curve. Elongation and interruption are of a line or stroke.
were delineated with a sheet of lettering screen and
each lesion image cutout was overlapped on the stan-
dard axial plane at the level of the intraparietal sulcus.
All three symptoms involved lesions surrounding the
intraparietal sulcus (overlapped area). In particular,
the overlapping appears more pronounced in the ante-
rior half of the intraparietal area in disordered stroke
sequences (middle), and extensive areas including the
supramarginal gyrus or the precuneus in character im-
agery deficits (right side).
Y. Sakurai et al. / Parietal dysgraphia 107
Fig. 3. Examples of abnormal grapheme formation and disordered writing stroke sequences in patients 1 to 4. Number corresponds to the patient
number. An arrow head denotes the part of deformity. All samples of the deformity type were based on three authors’ objective assessment. In
patients 3 and 4, stroke sequence errors were frequently accompanied by trial and error, as in patient 3 (orthodox stroke sequences are shown on
the right). Patients 1, 2 and 4 underwent the same test in a follow-up study. Abbreviations. 3M: three months after onset, stroke: stroke sequence
4. Neuroimaging study
All four patients underwent SPECT with the
ethylcysteinate dimer (ECD-SPECT) 17 days (patient
1), 21 days (patient 2), 33 days (patient 3) and 21
days (patient 4) after onset. SPECT data were trans-
formed into the Analyze Format and were normalized,
with a 3-dimensional conversion map [24]. For this
ing are essentially the same as thoseof Statistical Para-
metric Mapping (SPM) Version 1999, and the statisti-
cal significance was determined with SPM 96 for Win-
dows. Thedatawerecomparedwiththoseofthenormal
subject database of the same generationat the National
Center of Neurology and Psychiatry, Tokyo (n =20).
Areas showing a significant decrease in cerebral blood
flow (corrected p<0.01) were rendered on standard
brain surface images (Fig. 5). Reduced blood flow was
found in the postcentral gyrus in all four patients. In
addition, the precentral gyrus was affected in patient
1 with the left hand weakness and limb apraxia. The
superior parietal lobule was involved in patients 1, 3
and 4, the angular gyrus in all patients, and the supra-
marginal gyrus in patients 1 and 3.
108 Y. Sakurai et al. / Parietal dysgraphia
Table 4
Summary of the reported cases of Japanese parietal agraphia and the present patients
Authors Writing Apraxia Other symptoms WAIS-R Lesion
Shape Speed Stroke Imagery Copying
Kawamura [18] Pt 1 N ? I I N LR, FA, AC V 97, P 97 SPLa, SMG
Pt 2 N ? I I N IMA LR, FA, AC V 88, P 74 SPLa, SMG
Kojima et al. [21] Pt 1 I ? N I I IA CD, USN, TD V 98, P 68 SPLp, Cu, Sup O
Ishiai et al. [14] Pt 2 I I I I I V 107 SPLap
Toyokura et al. [45] N ? N I N not done sSPLap, sAG, Cu
Maeshima et al. [23] I I I I I V 94, P68 SPLap, AG
Otsuki et al. [29] I ? I N I V 109, P 100 SPLa
Our Pt 1 I I N N sl. I LA TA V 89, P 73 Post C, SMG
Pt 2 I I N N sl. I TA V 107, P 94 Post C
Pt 3 sl. I N I sl. I N FA, AC V 116, P108 SPLap, SMG
Pt 4 I I I I I AC, RD V 94, P 65 SPLap, SMG, AG,
Cu, Sup O
The evaluation of shape (grapheme formation), speed (writing speed), stroke (writing stroke sequences) and imagery (non-response that is due
to poor character recall) in writing in response to dictation, and copying (copying the visually-presented characters) were based on the authors’
assessment described in the original papers.
Abbreviations. I, impaired; N, normal; sl., slightly; V, verbal IQ; P, performance IQ; Pt, patient; LR, left-right disorientation; FA, finger
agnosia; IA, ideational apraxia; IMA, ideomotor apraxia; LA, limb apraxia; CD, constructional disorder; USN, unilateral spatial neglect; TD,
topographical disorientation; AC, acalculia; RD, visually guided reaching disturbance; SPL, superior parietal lobule; a, lesion extending anteriorly
to the postcentral sulcus; p, lesion extending posteriorly to the parieto-occipital junction; ap, lesion extending both anteriorly and posteriorly;
s, sub-cortical; AG, angular gyrus; Cu, cuneus and precuneus; Sup O, superior occipital gyrus; SMG, supramarginal gyrus; Post C, postcentral
Fig. 4. Overlapped lesions in the parietal lobe in patients with abnormal character shape formation, disordered writing stroke sequences and
character imagery deficits (impaired character recall). An arrow head denotes the central sulcus. The axial image through the intraparietal sulcus
was drawn from Damasio [8]. All three symptoms involved lesions surrounding the intraparietal sulcus. The overlapping was more pronounced
in the anterior half of the intraparietal area in disordered stroke sequences (middle), and extensive areas in the parietal lobe in character imagery
deficits (right side).
5. Discussion
The four patients reported here all exhibited writing
impairments from parietal lobe lesions. Patient 1 was
left-handed. As his impairment, however, was solely
caused by damage to the sensorimotor area, the discus-
sion could be applied to right-handers. In addition, a
a small infarction in the supramarginal gyrus) suggests
that patient 1’s language functionwas performed in the
right hemisphere. Patient 3 had a bilateral lacunar in-
had little effect on the patient’s general cognitive func-
tion, as revealed by WAIS-R. Patient 4 had sustained
a cerebral hemorrhage in the left medial occipital gyri
and the right homonymous hemianopia had remained.
Additionalinfarctionin the adjoining area in the occip-
ital and parietal lobes produced severe agraphia with
impaired character recall. Thus, this new lesion in the
superior parietal and parieto-occipital areas was criti-
cal in the occurrence of agraphia, although his reading
and writing speed were also affected by hemianopia
(discussed in 5.4).
Since apraxic agraphia presupposes normal sensori-
motorfunction[1,32],it is clearthatpatients1and2 did
not have apraxic agraphia. Instead, they demonstrat-
Y. Sakurai et al. / Parietal dysgraphia 109
Fig. 5. Decreased blood flow in the four patients determined with SPM 96 in ECD-SPECT. Patient data were compared with those of a normal
database of the same generation in the National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry, Tokyo (n =20). A significant decrease in cerebral blood
flow was shown (corrected p<0.01). Reduced blood flow was found in the postcentral gyrus in all four patients. The superior parietal lobule
was involved in patients 1, 3 and 4. Note that the localized region of the somesthetic sensory area was affected in patients 1 and 2, who exhibited
grapheme deformity.
ed that dysgraphia, i.e. abnormal grapheme formation,
occursbecause of a postcentralgyrus lesion, regardless
of accompanyinglimb apraxia.
Patients3and4hadapraxicagraphiainthe sensethat
they showed (i) abnormal grapheme formation, (ii) im-
provement in poorly formed characters when copying,
(iii) preserved kana word typing (patient 4), and (iv)
disordered writing stroke sequences. Impaired char-
acter/letter recall (letter imagery deficit) is sometimes
observedin apraxic agraphia [7,22]. Evenif thepatient
does not spell aloud completely a word that he cannot
write, this does not exclude the diagnosis of apraxic
agraphia. Recognitionoforallyspelledkanjicharacters
Recognition of orally spelled kanji characters was also
poor in patient 3. In addition, the fact that he wrote
a character again from the beginning, even though the
character was written correctly, suggests that the visual
image of the character was unstable. In short, patient
3 had slightly, and patient 4 severely, impaired mental
imagery of kanji. We discuss the anatomical substrates
of mental imagery deficits in 5.3.
According to a cognitive neuropsychological
model [10,30], the writing process can be subdivid-
ed into central (or linguistic) and peripheral (or mo-
tor) components. Central components are responsi-
ble for selecting the appropriate words for written out-
put,whereasperipheralcomponentsare responsiblefor
converting orthographic information into handwriting
movements. We prefer the terminology of linguistic
vs. motor to that of central vs. peripheral because all
these processes occur in the “central” nervous system.
From this point of view, all four patients had motor
impairmentsof handwriting, and in addition, patients 3
and 4 had linguistic disorders of word/character recall.
5.1. Abnormal grapheme formation
Patients1and2showedthat charactershape wasdis-
turbed with a postcentral gyrus lesion, with or without
limb apraxia. Abnormal grapheme formation due to a
postcentralgyruslesion has notbeenreportedprevious-
ly. It is clear that the deficit lay in the motor aspect of
handwriting. However,thesecasesarenotdelineatedin
110 Y. Sakurai et al. / Parietal dysgraphia
writing [10,30,32]. It is likely that sensory and kines-
thetic feedback from the writing hand ascended to the
opposite somesthetic sensory or somatosensory hand
area (Areas 1,2 and 3), but the partial damage had an
inappropriateeffecton themotorprogramming[32](or
graphic innervatory patterns [30], anatomically Area 4
handarea)or directlyinfluencedthe corticospinal tract.
It is known that descending fibers from the postcentral
gyrus (Areas 1, 2, and 3) join the corticospinal tract
from the precentral gyrus (Area 4) [34]. Functional
neuroimaging studies also suggested the involvement
of the postcentral gyrus in handwriting [4,16]. Thus,
we designate this type of writing impairment “somes-
thetic dysgraphia.
It is difficult to differentiate the character deformity
in patients 1 and 2 from that in patients 3 and 4 with
apraxic agraphia. Analysis of writing errors, however,
showed that in kanji writing dislocation accounted for
many errors in patients 3 and 4, whereas there were
many elongation errors other than dislocation in pa-
tients 1 and 2 (Table 3). This difference is probably
because acquired information about spatial alignment
ofeach componentor stroke was disturbedin patients 3
and4(describedin5.6),whereas the deficit waslimited
to fine control of handwriting in patients 1 and 2.
Regarding the neural substrate, our patient 3 and
reported cases [14,21,23,29] suggest that abnormal
grapheme formation arises from lesions surrounding
the intraparietal sulcus (Fig. 4, left side). In addition,
graphemic distortion seems to be more pronounced
when the parietal lobe lesion extends to the superior
occipital gyrus and precuneus, as in our patient 4.
5.2. Writing stroke sequence disorder
Disordered writing stroke sequences are another
symptom that characterizes apraxic agraphia. This
symptom is easily observed, especially in writing of
kanji that have multiple stroke sequences [29], but it
has also been reported in Western countries [6], where
a video camerawas used. Reported patients [14,18,23,
29] and our patients 3 and 4 suggest that a lesion in
the intraparietal area, particularly the anterior part that
extends forward as far as the postcentral sulcus, caus-
es abnormal writing stroke sequences (Fig. 4, middle).
Thus, an area adjoining the postcentral gyrus in the in-
traparietal sulcus seems to be critical to the occurrence
of disordered writing stroke sequences.
5.3. Mental imagery deficit of kanji and kana
We can see in Fig. 4 (right side) that letter/character
imagery deficits (impaired character recall) were also
attributed to the damage surrounding the intraparietal
sulcus, but in some cases the lesion extended inferi-
orly to the supramarginal and angular gyri [18,23,45]
or posteriorly to the superior occipital gyrus and pre-
cuneus [21,45]. The involvement of the inferior pari-
etal and posterior occipital gyri was also observed in
reports from Western countries [7,22], in which mental
imagery of letters was impaired. Comparison of the
symptom-to-lesion between patients 3 and 4 suggests
that mental imagery is pooreras the lesion involves the
angular, superior occipital and precuneus gyri.
In patient 4, impaired character recall was more
prominent in kanji, but kana character recall was also
disturbed,whichwasnotobservedin patients 1, 2and3
(Tables1and2). Reportedcases showedagraphiamore
jiandkana[17,21,29,45]witha superiorparietallobule
lesion. This difference probably depends on whether
the lesion extendsinferiorlyto the supramarginalgyrus
or angular gyrus, or posteriorly to the parieto-occipital
junction. A lesion in the posterior area of the superi-
or parietal lobule alone or around the intraparietal sul-
cus can yieldagraphia more impairedfor kanji [14,17].
Furthermore, it is often seen that agraphia that impairs
kana writing morethan kanji writing occurs becauseof
that impairs kanji writing more than kana writing oc-
curs because of an angular gyrus lesion [14,15,17,25,
38]. Since the inferior supramarginal gyrus is thought
to be the phonological short-term-memory store [37]
and kana characters directly represent a sequence of
phonemes (consonant-vowel syllables), it is quite un-
derstandable that agraphia or literal paragraphia for
kana occurs due to damage to the supramarginalgyrus.
In this case, however, it should be noted that most of
the errors were not impaired recall, but literal para-
graphia[35,43]. Patient1withthesupramarginalgyrus
damagedidnotexhibita phonologicalshort-termmem-
ory impairment or kana agraphia. This is probably be-
cause the lesion was too small to produce symptoms
(strictly speaking, his digit span forward 6 was slightly
low for his age, as described). Hypoperfusion of the
parietal lobe in the patient’s SPECT image probably
reflected relative ischemia caused by occlusion of the
right middle cerebral artery.
Conversely, it is not clear why kanji writing is more
disturbed than kana writing in an angular gyrus lesion.
Y. Sakurai et al. / Parietal dysgraphia 111
We believe that orthographicinformationfrom the pos-
terior inferior temporal cortex is sent by way of the an-
gular gyrus (probably through the subcortical associa-
tionfibers)to thesuperiorparietallobule,andthis route
is interrupted by damage to the angular gyrus, which
produceskanji orthographyrecall deficits [35] (Fig. 6).
Kana writing is also disturbed in an angular gyrus le-
sion, although there are few errors [14,15,17,25,38]. In
our study [38], errors included phonological and con-
structional (omission or addition of a component of a
kana character) errors.
i.e. the superior occipital and precuneus gyri, is prob-
ably another factor that influences the kanji vs. kana
difference. As patient 4’s kana writing errors consisted
mostly of non- and partial responses (impaired recall)
with a few phonological errors (literal paragraphia), it
is clear that they were not attributable to dysfunction
of the supramarginal gyrus or angular gyrus. Instead,
the superior parietal lobule and the adjoining superior
occipital and precuneus gyri seem to be concerned in
recalling kana, as well as kanji, orthography. Damage
to this area may give rise to imagery deficits of both
kanji and kana (graphemic area in a broad sense, dis-
cussed in 5.6), but kanji are more affected because of
their complex configuration. In support of this view,
a visual complexity effect (less complex characters are
recalled and written better than more complex charac-
ters) was observed in patient 4’s performance in the
100 kanji writing test.
In summary, mental imagery may be more serious-
ly affected as the lesion extends from the intrapari-
etal area to the angular, superior occipital and pre-
cuneus gyri. Furthermore, the involvement of the
supramarginal gyrus, angular gyrus or superior occip-
ital and precuneus gyri can determine the severity of
kanji or kana recall impairment. A lesion restricted to
the anterior area of the superior parietal lobule may not
cause a character recall impairment [29].
5.4. Reduced writing speed
Writing speed was obviously low for patient 1. Re-
duced writing speed was probably caused by weakness
of the damaged hand or insufficient sensory and kines-
thetic feedback from the damaged hand during writing
was also poor in patient 1 (Table 1). Although patient
2 got a normal score compared with normal controls
in the Digit Symbol subtest, the fact that his time for
writing in the 100-kana writing test (mental imagery
Fig. 6. Diagram of an anatomically based dual-route hypothesis for
writing in response to dictation (modified from Sakurai et al. [35]).
a. phonological pathway, b. orthographic pathway, c. interaction
between phonology and orthography, d. interaction between parietal
graphemic area and frontal hand area. Phonological information of
a word goes from the primary auditory cortex (Heschl’s gyri) and
the posterior superior temporal gyrus (Wernicke’s area) to the angu-
lar and supramarginal gyri and joins the arcuate fasciculus to travel
to the frontal motor and premotor areas (a, phonological route). A
phoneme-linked visual image of kana or a syllable is accessed in the
angular gyrus and the adjoining lateral occipital gyri and then the
visual information of kana joins the orthographic route to travel to
the frontal cortex. The posterior superior temporal gyrus (P), where
the phonological information of words is stored, and the posterior
inferior temporal cortex (O; Brodmann Area 37), where the ortho-
graphic information of words is stored, have a reciprocal connection
(c). Lexico-semantic information (S) is stored in extensive areas in
the left temporal lobe, and can be accessed either through the poste-
rior superior temporal gyrus during listening or through the posterior
inferior temporal cortex during reading (illustrated in dotted lines).
Orthographic information (visual images of kanji words and charac-
ters and also kana words) goes from the posterior inferior temporal
cortex and proceeds upward under the angular gyrus and the superior
parietal lobule to travel to the premotor hand area (H; Areas 44/45
and 6). This orthographic route (b) goes directly or indirectly to the
hand area via the parietal graphemic area (G) where visuokinesthetic
and sequential motor engrams for letters and words are stored. The
graphemic area in a broad sense includes the inferior parietal lob-
ule and parieto-occipital junction (superior occipital and precuneus
gyri), in addition to the superior parietal lobule and intraparietal area,
and stores visuospatial attributes of characters. Kanji characters that
are graphically complex and have multiple stroke sequences depend
more on the orthographic route, whereas kana characters that link
directly to phonemes and have a graphically simple configuration
depend less on the orthographic route. The parietal graphemic area
and the frontal hand area (H) have a reciprocal connection (d).
is less involved in this test) recovered three months
later (from 20 to 14 min) suggests that patient 2 also
had a low writing speed at disease onset solely because
of insufficient sensory and kinesthetic feedback. Con-
versely, Patient 4 was extraordinarily slow at writing.
One reason is that he had right hemianopia. Another
reason is probably associated with the poor grapheme
formationin apraxicagraphia. That is, because of a de-
fective visuokinesthetic engram (sequential motor pat-
112 Y. Sakurai et al. / Parietal dysgraphia
terns)for words and letters, ormoregenerallysymbols,
the patient could not write or spell words properly and
smoothly, and this required a lot of time. Patients with
apraxic agraphia who had a low writing speed as well
as poor grapheme formation have been reported [14,
5.5. Neuroimaging data
The SPECT data showed extensive areas of hypop-
erfusion in the temporo-parietal and parieto-occipital
junctions in all patients (Fig. 5). For patient 1, oc-
clusion of the right middle cerebral artery was asso-
ciated with the hypoperfusion of these areas. For pa-
tients 2 and 3, left-side dominant enlargement of the
lateral ventricles seemed to influence the blood flow of
the temporo-parietal junction. As patients 1 and 2 did
not show other cognitive impairment except for motor
dysgraphia, hypoperfusionof the temporo-parietal and
parieto-occipital areas is irrelevant to the symptoms.
Blood flow reduction in thelocalized area of the senso-
rimotor cortex in patient 1 and the somesthetic sensory
area in patient 2 supports our view that these areas are
also involved in grapheme formation. Patient 3 had
minimal impairment of character recall (letter imagery
deficit). It is possible that decreased blood flow to the
supramarginaland angulargyri had some effect on per-
formance. Even so, however, this does not alter the
conclusionthat more extensive areas in the parietal and
occipital lobes are needed to cause severe deficits of
from the comparison of blood flow images between
patients 3 and 4.
Functional imaging studies have revealed activation
of the posterior inferior temporal cortex, intraparietal
area, superiorparietal lobule,sensorimotorcortex,pos-
terior middle frontal gyrus, dorsolateral prefrontal cor-
tex, and supplementary motor area in a variety of writ-
ing tasks [4,16,26,27,44]. These activated areas in-
clude all the lesion sites of our patients. Among them,
the posterior inferior temporal cortex and intraparietal
area were also activated in mental recall of kanji and
kana characters [26,27], suggesting that they were en-
gagedin retrievalof orthography. Besides, the superior
parietal lobule, sensorimotor cortex, posterior middle
frontal gyrus and supplementary motor area were acti-
vated while writing in contrast to naming [4], suggest-
ing that they were concerned with the motor aspect of
handwriting. It should be noted that the superior pari-
etal lobule or intraparietal area was activated during
both word recall and handwriting, which implies that
theintraparietalarea plays an importantrolein wordre-
call, orthography-to-motor transcoding and execution
of handwriting movements.
5.6. Modified dual-route hypothesis for writing
To account for abnormal letter formation and let-
ter imagery deficits (impaired letter recall) in apraxic
agraphia, a graphemic area responsible for transcod-
ing features of letters into graphemic production pat-
terns [33] was considered to regulate both motor
transcoding of letter features and letter imagery [7].
Apraxic agraphia was assumed to result from a disrup-
tion of the parietal graphemic area or disconnection of
output from the graphemic area [32]. Another theo-
ry attributes the function of motor transcoding to the
graphic motor programs that specify the sequence, di-
rection and relative size of strokes [9,30]. It remains
unclear whether grapheme formation and mental im-
agery are performed in an anatomically identical area.
Our patients 3 and 4 suggest that the intraparietal area
is crucial for both letter formation and letter imagery,
butmore extensiveareas in the inferior parietal, superi-
or occipital and precuneus gyri are involvedin a severe
deficit of letter imagery (letter recall). Also, in the in-
traparietal area, the anterior part seems to be more con-
cerned with writing stroke sequences (described earli-
Given these findings, we can now modify the dual-
route hypothesis for writing that we described in In-
troduction. That is, the graphemic area (or graphic
motor programs) in a narrow sense is located in the
anterior intraparietal area posterior to the postcentral
gyrus, stores visuokinesthetic [32] or sequential motor
engrams for words and letters linked to handwriting,
andsends this informationto the frontal motorand pre-
motor areas (hand area) (H in Fig. 6). The premotor
hand area is located in the posterior middle and infe-
rior frontal gyri (Areas 44/45 and 6), receives phono-
logical, orthographic and visuokinesthetic information
about words and letters from the posterior area, and
links these three sources of information to send them
to the motorarea (Area 4) to execute handwriting. The
orthographic route (b in Fig. 6) goes directly or indi-
rectlyvia the parietalgraphemicarea (G in Fig. 6)tothe
frontalhand area. The directorthographicrouteis used
when a person recalls the visual image of a character,
whereasthe indirectorthographicrouteis usedwhenhe
writes a character in response to dictation. The parietal
graphemic area and frontal hand area have a reciprocal
connection. As we write a word or letter repeatedly,
Y. Sakurai et al. / Parietal dysgraphia 113
visuokinesthetic and sequential motor information for
wordsand letters is sent backfromthefrontalhandarea
to the parietal graphemic area, connects to the visual
images from the orthographic route, and is stored there
as an engram. This visuokinesthetic and sequential
motor information is in turn transmitted to the frontal
hand area when we write words spontaneously.
Patients with apraxic agraphia caused by damage to
the graphemic area (G in Fig. 6) can spell alouda word
using the direct orthographic route, but probably can-
not express the writing stroke sequence. Conversely,
in disconnection type apraxic agraphia (interruption of
outputfromG to H in Fig. 6)[29], patients not only can
spell a word aloud but also can orally state the stroke
sequence using the direct orthographic route and the
recurrent route from H to G in Fig. 6. The interaction
between the parietal graphemic area and frontal hand
area also explains why a patient with letter shape im-
agerydeficits canstillproducewell-formedletters[40].
According to the present theory, this patient had dam-
age to the orthographicroute at a point before the route
is divided into the direct and indirect pathways. More-
over, “somesthetic dysgraphia” (patients 1 and 2) re-
sults from inappropriate sensory or kinesthetic feed-
back to the frontal hand area from the damaged post-
central somatosensory hand area.
by a lesion restricted to the anterior intraparietal area
does not produce letter imagery deficits (impaired let-
ter/character recall). This is because visual images of
wordsand letters aretransmittedthroughthe intact sub-
cortical association fibers via the direct orthographic
routein the parietallobe, althoughit is possiblethat the
direct orthographic route is somewhat affected by the
cortical damage. Unstable visual images of characters
(patient3)probablyreflectthis modulationeffectof the
deficient parietal cortexon the orthographicrouteor on
the frontal hand area.
In addition, grapheme formation and letter recall are
more disrupted when a lesion involves the posterior in-
traparietal, inferior parietal, superior occipital and pre-
cuneus gyri (patient 4). It is assumed that visuospatial
attributes of a character (i.e. spatial alignment of each
stroke) linked to handwriting are processed and stored
there (graphemic area in a broad sense). As a result,
kanji characters that have a complexconfigurationmay
bemoredeformedanddifficultto recall than kanachar-
acters with this extensive lesion. Regarding this point,
it should be noted again that activation of the superi-
or parietal lobule and intraparietal area in both writing
and mental recall was more widespread in kanji than in
kana [26].
We should draw attention to the fact that let-
ter/character imagery deficits (impaired character re-
call) do not solelyoccur because ofdamage to the pari-
lar gyrus [14,15,17,25,38] and posterior inferior tem-
poralcortex[19,36,41]. Ourhypothesiscanaccountfor
letter/character imagery deficits from different lesion
sites, which are difficult to explain using the previous
As the present argument is based on only a few pa-
tients, further case studies are required to determinethe
anatomical substrates of grapheme deformity, writing
stroke disorder and imagery deficits and also the role
of the superior parietal lobule in writing.
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... The deficit in writing was attributable to somesthetic dysgraphia owing to impaired cortical sensation. 13 In addition, phonological errors (kana substitution) and no response (impaired kana character recall) further lowered the score for kana (Table 1). ...
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Key Clinical Message Apraxia of speech (AOS) due to a postcentral infarction differs from conventional precentral AOS with respect to phonemic errors (phoneme substitution) which are more common than phonetic errors (phoneme distortion) and preserved accent and intonation. Abstract Clinical features of apraxia of speech caused by lesions in the postcentral gyrus have not yet been elucidated. Here, we report a patient with this lesion and show how postcentral apraxia of speech differs from the hitherto known precentral apraxia of speech. A 54‐year‐old man developed Broca's aphasia with apraxia of speech that resolved into pure apraxia of speech within 3 weeks following infarction of the postcentral gyrus. The diagnosis of apraxia of speech was based on the patient's effortful, slow speech and inconsistent phonetic distortions with phonemic paraphasia. The Western Aphasia Battery was used to examine the patient's speech samples. Speech was recorded using a digital voice recorder and transcribed into a narrow transcription of the International Phonetic Alphabet. The error types were categorized phonologically. The results revealed that (a) phonemic errors (vowel and consonant substitutions, also known as phonemic paraphasia) were more common than phonetic errors (vowel and consonant distortions). Similar to conduction aphasia, phonemic errors were more pronounced in confrontation naming than in repetition, accompanied by self‐correction, and (b) word accent and sentence intonation were preserved, although the speech was slow. These two features are characteristic of postcentral apraxia of speech, which can be differentiated from conventional precentral apraxia of speech.
... When writing Kanji, it is not necessary to recall phonology, and Kanji characters can be recalled directly from semantics. In contrast, writing Kana requires recalling a word's phonological form from its semantics, which is then converted into Kana characters (Nakamura et al., 2000;Sakurai et al., 2007). Japanese PWA exhibit differences in performance on these writing systems (Sasanuma, 1974). ...
Background Pictures drawn by people with aphasia (PWA) are often more challenging to understand than those drawn by healthy people. There are two types of objects: those that tend to be drawn symbolically (symbolically drawn objects—SOs) and those that are likely to be drawn realistically (realistically drawn objects—ROs). Aims To compare the identification rate and number of misunderstanding types between SOs and ROs drawn by PWA and healthy controls (HCs). To reveal trends in the misunderstandings of drawings by PWA, and to identify the language or cognitive abilities related to the identification rate of pictures drawn by PWA. Methods & Procedures We designed a drawing task involving SOs and ROs. A total of 18 PWA and 30 HCs completed the task, and respondents identified the drawings. The identification rate and number of misunderstandings were analysed with two‐way analysis of variance (ANOVA) including group (PWA and HCs) and object type (SOs and ROs). The misunderstandings were divided into four categories varying in semantic and morphological similarity; these ratios were examined with a chi‐square test. The relationships of language and cognitive abilities with the identification rate were investigated with multiple regression analyses. Outcomes & Results There was a significant effect of the interaction between group and object type on the identification rate ( F (1.1387) = 3.90, Mean Squared Error (MSE) = 4139.67, p = 0.04): the identification rates for ROs were lower in the PWA than in the HCs. For the number of misunderstanding types, an interaction was observed between group and object type ( F (1.56) = 8.26, MSE = 26.93, p < 0.01): the number of misunderstanding types for ROs in the PWA was greater than that in the HCs. The misunderstanding patterns differed between ROs and SOs ( χ ² (3) = 694.30, p < 0.001, V = 0.37). ROs were semantically related, whereas SOs were morphologically related. The identification rates of ROs and SOs were correlated only with Kanji writing scores (ROs: β = 3.66, p = 0.01; SOs: β = 6.57, p < 0.01). Conclusions & Implications In drawings by the PWA, SOs had a higher identification rate, while ROs had a lower identification rate and a greater variety of misunderstandings. SOs may increase drawing motivation. Interventions to improve the identifiability of SOs and ROs should reflect each character. Identification rates were correlated only with Kanji writing scores. The PWA, whose native language was Japanese and had preserved Kanji writing abilities, and their communication abilities may be increased through drawing. What this paper adds What is already known on the subject PWA often have impaired drawing abilities and draw pictures that third parties misinterpret. Some objects tend to be drawn symbolically, and some are drawn realistically. However, it is not clear whether there is a difference between these types of drawings depicted by PWA in identifiability and the tendency to be misunderstood by ordinary people. In addition, the relationships between language or cognitive abilities and the identification rate of drawn pictures are not clear. What this paper adds to the existing knowledge The identification rate differed between SOs and ROs. In drawings by PWA, SOs had a higher identification rate, while ROs had a lower identification rate and the greatest variety of misunderstandings. Approximately half of the misunderstandings were related to the target object. SOs tended to be confused with morphologically related objects, while ROs tended to be confused with semantically related objects. Identification rates were correlated only with Kanji writing scores. What are the potential or actual clinical implications of this work? To motivate PWA's drawing, it is suitable to begin with SOs. Examining drawing ability from the perspective of SOs and ROs increases the chance of identifying drawing ability. PWA whose native language is Japanese and have preserved Kanji writing abilities may be able to increase their communication abilities through drawing.
... Extensive lesions to the supramarginal gyrus and the insula usually cause deep dysgraphia (Rodrigues et al., 2014), leading to difficulties in writing nonwords and unfamiliar and abstract words, and to the appearance of semantic paragraphias (Jefferies et al., 2007). In the case of graphemic buffer disorders, usually with damage in the left parietal cortex (Sakurai et al., 2007), the deficit involves working memory during writing; hence, a length effect can be seen (Miceli & Capasso, 2006). The last cluster of symptoms belongs to peripheral dysgraphia, often associated with damage to the left temporo-parieto-occipital cortex, and results in problems in selecting the appropriate motor sequences needed to write letters (Beeson & Rapcsak, 2002). ...
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Purpose Acquired central dysgraphia is a heterogeneous neurological disorder that usually co-occurs with other language disorders. Written language training is relevant to improve everyday skills and as a compensatory strategy to support limited oral communication. A systematic evaluation of existing writing treatments is thus needed. Method We performed a systematic review of speech and language therapies for acquired dysgraphia in studies of neurological diseases (PROSPERO: CRD42018084221), following the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) checklist with a search on several databases for articles written in English and published until August 31, 2021. Only methodological well-designed studies were included. Further assessment of methodological quality was conducted by means of a modified version of the Downs and Black checklist. Results Eleven studies of 43 patients in total were included. For each study, we collected data on type of population, type of impairment, experimental design, type of treatment, and measured outcomes. The studies had a medium level of assessed methodological quality. An informative description of treatments and linkages to deficits is reported. Conclusions Although there is a need for further experimental evidence, most treatments showed good applicability and improvement of written skills in patients with dysgraphia. Lexical treatments appear to be more frequently adopted and more flexible in improving dysgraphia and communication, especially when a multimodal approach is used. Finally, the reported description of treatment modalities for dysgraphia in relation to patients' deficits may be important for providing tailored therapies in clinical management.
... Left superior parietal lobule (BA 7) activation was identified in both contrasts of "writing > watching plus drawing" and "writing > speaking plus drawing," which suggests that it is associated with the processes common to the two contrasts such as orthographic processing and/or specific motor procedure necessary for writing Chinese characters. Evidence from neuropsychological studies supports the latter interpretation, as lesions to the left superior parietal lobule lead to impairment of generating correct sequence of movements required for handwritten production (Sakurai et al., 2007;. ...
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Writing is an important way to communicate in everyday life because it can convey information over time and space, but its neural substrates remain poorly known. Although the neural basis of written language production has been investigated in alphabetic scripts, it has rarely been examined in nonalphabetic languages such as Chinese. The present functional magnetic resonance imaging study explored the neural substrates of handwritten word production in Chinese and identified the brain regions sensitive to the psycholinguistic factors of word frequency and syllable frequency. To capture this, we contrasted neural activation in "writing" with "speaking plus drawing" and "watching plus drawing." Word frequency (high, low) and syllable frequency (high, low) of the picture names were manipulated. Contrasts between the tasks showed that writing Chinese characters was mainly associated with brain activation in the left frontal and parietal cortex, whereas orthographic processing and the motor procedures necessary for handwritten production were also related to activation in the right frontal and parietal cortex as well as right putamen/thalamus. These results demonstrate that writing Chinese characters requires activation in bilateral cortical regions and the right putamen/thalamus. Our results also revealed no brain activation associated with the main effects of word frequency and syllable frequency as well as their interaction, which implies that word frequency and syllable frequency may not affect the writing of Chinese characters on a neural level.
... In line with this idea, previous studies have shown that the activation of the precentral gyrus ipsilateral to the writing hand supports the increased demand for motor precision (Buetefisch et al., 2014;Verstynen et al., 2005). Moreover, the paracentral lobule, located within the left postcentral gyrus, plays an important role in somatosensory feedback, a necessary process for guiding motor control in handwriting (Sakurai et al., 2007;Yang et al., 2021). ...
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The neural mechanisms that support handwriting, an important mode of human communication, are thought to be controlled by a central process (responsible for spelling) and a peripheral process (responsible for motor output). However, the relationship between central and peripheral processes has been debated. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, this study examined the neural mechanisms underlying this relationship in Chinese handwriting in 36 children (mean age = 10.40 years) and 56 adults (mean age = 22.36 years) by manipulating character frequency (a central variable). Brain network analysis showed that character frequency reconfigured functional brain networks known to underlie motor processes, including the somatomotor and cerebellar network, in both children and adults, indicating that central processing cascades into peripheral processing. Furthermore, the network analysis characterized the interaction profiles between motor networks and linguistic-cognitive networks, fully mapping the neural architecture that supports the interaction of central and peripheral processes involved in handwriting. Taken together, these results reveal the neural interface underlying the interaction between central and peripheral processes involved in handwriting in a logographic writing system, advancing our understanding of the neural basis of handwriting.
We report a patient with behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia who developed agraphia, irritability, perseverative and stereotyped behavior, and dietary changes. MRI revealed bilateral frontal convexity atrophy. Neuropsychological examination showed fluent aphasia with perseverative allographic agraphia, mild semantic impairment, and dysexecutive syndrome. Allographic agraphia featured unidirectional conversion from hiragana (cursive form of Japanese phonograms) and kanji (Japanese morphograms) to katakana (square form of Japanese phonograms), as opposed to mutual (bidirectional) conversion between hiragana and katakana in parieto-occipital gyri lesions. Furthermore, all letters of the word were converted and this whole-word conversion may be characteristic of perseverative behavior in frontotemporal dementia.
Biscriptuality is the ability to read and write using two scripts. Despite the increasing number of biscripters, this phenomenon remains poorly understood. Here, we focused on investigating graphomotor processing in French-Arabic biscripters. We chose the French and Arabic alphabets because they have comparable visuospatial complexity and linguistic features, but differ dramatically in their graphomotor characteristics. In a first experiment we describe the graphomotor features of the two alphabets and showed that while Arabic and Latin letters are produced with the same velocity and fluency, Arabic letters require more pen lifts, contain more right-to-left strokes and clockwise curves, and take longer to write than Latin letters. These results suggest that Arabic and Latin letters are produced via different motor patterns. In a second experiment we used functional magnetic resonance imaging to ask whether writing the two scripts relies upon partially distinct or fully overlapping neural networks, and whether the elements of the previously described handwriting network are recruited to the same extent by the two scripts. We found that both scripts engaged the so-called "writing network", but that within the network, Arabic letters recruited the left superior parietal lobule (SPL) and the left primary motor cortex (M1) more strongly than Latin letters. Both regions have previously been identified as holding scale-invariant representations of letter trajectories. Arabic and Latin letters also activated distinct regions that do not belong to the writing network. Complementary analyses indicate that the differences observed between scripts at the neural level could be driven by the specific graphomotor features of each script. Overall, our results indicate that particular features of the practiced scripts can lead to different motor organization at both the behavioral and brain levels in biscripters.
As one of the most widely used languages in the world, Chinese language is distinct from most western languages in many properties, thus providing a unique opportunity for understanding the brain basis of human language and cognition. In recent years, non-invasive neuroimaging techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) blaze a new trail to comprehensively study specific neural correlates of Chinese language processing and Chinese speakers. We reviewed the application of functional MRI (fMRI) in such studies and some essential findings on brain systems in processing Chinese. Specifically, for example, the application of task fMRI and resting-state fMRI in observing the process of reading and writing the logographic characters and producing or listening to the tonal speech. Elementary cognitive neuroscience and several potential research directions around brain and Chinese language were discussed, which may be informative for future research.
Introduction: A precise understanding of the neural substrates underlying tactually-related cognitive impairments such as bilateral tactile agnosia, bilateral agraphesthesia, kinesthetic alexia and kinesthetic reading difficulty is currently incomplete. In particular, recent data have implicated a role for the lateral occipital tactile visual region, or LOtv, in tactile object naming (Amedi et al. Cerebral Cortex 2002). Thus, this study set out to examine the degree to which the LOtv may be involved in tactually-related cognitive impairments by examining two unique cases. Methods: To assess whether LOtv or the visual word form area (VWFA) is involved in tactually-related cognitive impairments, the average activation point of LOtv and that of VWFA were placed on the single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) cerebral blood flow images of two patients: one with bilateral associative tactile agnosia, bilateral agraphesthesia, and ineffective kinesthetic reading, and the other with kinesthetic reading difficulty. Results: The average LOtv coordinate was involved in the area of hypoperfusion in both patients, whereas that of VWFA was not included in any of the hypoperfused areas. Conclusions: The results support the view that interruption of LOtv or disconnection to LOtv and to VWFA may cause these tactually-related cognitive impairments. Further, bilateral associative tactile agnosia and bilateral agraphesthesia are attributable toward the damage of the occipital lobe, whereas unilateral or predominantly one-sided associative tactile agnosia and agraphesthesia are attributable toward the damage of the parietal lobe.
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Background: Hypotheses regarding the neural substrates of writing have been derived from the study of individuals with acquired agraphia. Functional neuroimaging offers another methodology to test these hypotheses in neurologically intact individuals. Aims: This study was designed to identify possible neural substrates for the linguistic and motor components of writing in normal English-speaking individuals. Methods & Procedures: Functional magnetic resonance imaging was used with 12 adults to examine activation associated with generative writing of words from semantic categories contrasted with writing letters of the alphabet and drawing circles. In addition, the generative writing condition was contrasted with a subvocal generative naming condition. Outcomes & Results: Semantically guided retrieval of orthographic word forms for the generative writing condition revealed activation in the left inferior and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, as well as the left posterior inferior temporal lobe (BA 37). However, no activation was detected in the left angular gyrus (BA 39). The motor components of writing were associated with activation in left fronto-parietal cortex including the region of the intraparietal sulcus, superior parietal lobule, dorsolateral and medial premotor cortex, and sensorimotor areas for the hand. Conclusions: These observations suggest an important role of the left posterior inferior temporal cortex in lexical-orthographic processing and fail to support the long-held notion that the dominant angular gyrus is the storage site for orthographic representations of familiar words. Our findings also demonstrate the involvement of left superior parietal and frontal premotor regions in translating orthographic information into appropriate hand movements.
To determine whether damage to left posterior inferior temporal cortex (PITC) is associated with agraphia and to characterize the nature of the spelling impairment. Left angular gyrus may play a critical role in spelling. However, this traditional view is challenged by reports of agraphia after left temporo-occipital lesions and by functional imaging studies demonstrating activation of left PITC during writing in normal individuals. Patients with focal damage to the left temporo-occipital cortex and normal control subjects were administered a comprehensive spelling battery that included regular words, irregular words, and nonwords as stimuli. Although patients performed worse than control subjects in all experimental conditions, the spelling deficit was particularly severe for irregular words, whereas regular word and nonword spelling were less impaired. Additional analyses indicated that orthographic regularity and word frequency had a much more pronounced effect on spelling accuracy in patients compared with control subjects. Most errors on irregular words were phonologically plausible, consistent with reliance on a sublexical phonologic spelling strategy (i.e., phoneme-grapheme conversion). Overall, the spelling impairment of the patients showed the characteristic profile of lexical agraphia. Lesion analyses indicated that the damage in the majority of patients encompassed an area within the left PITC (BA 37/20) where the authors previously obtained evidence of activation in a functional imaging study of writing in normal participants. The behavioral and neuroanatomic observations in the patients are consistent with functional imaging studies of writing in neurologically intact individuals and provide converging evidence for the role of left PITC in spelling. Together, these findings implicate left PITC as a possible neural substrate of the putative orthographic lexicon that contains stored memory representations for the written forms of familiar words.
Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) we have evaluated the anatomical location of the motor hand area. The segment of the precentral gyrus that most often contained motor hand function was a knob-like structure, that is shaped like an omega or epsilon in the axial plane and like a hook in the sagittal plane. On the cortical surface of cadaver specimens this precentral knob corresponded precisely to the characteristic 'middle knee' of the central sulcus that has been described by various anatomists in the last century. We were then able to show that this knob is a reliable landmark for identifying the precentral gyrus directly. We therefore conclude that neural elements involved in motor hand function are located in a characteristic 'precentral knob' which is a reliable landmark for identifying the precentral gyrus under normal and pathological conditions. It faces and forms the 'middle knee' of the central sulcus, is located just at the cross point between the precentral sulcus and the central sulcus, and is therefore also visible on the cortical surface.
Recently, several cases of pure agraphia caused by left parietal lobe lesion have been reported. Most of the reported cases were caused by space-occupying lesions, but clinical descriptions and anatomical correlations were not sufficiently detailed. The present authors investigated two cases of pure agraphia caused by left posterior parietal infarction. Detailed analyses of symptoms, CT scans and 13NH3 PET (Positron Emission Tomography) were performed. The characteristics of the symptoms in both cases were : 1) Agraphia was present with both hands. 2) Copying was not greatly disturbed as compared with spontaneous writing or dictation. 3) Agraphia was characterized mainly by paragraphia, non-reaction, omissions and wrong writing order of letters. 4) One patient who had much knowledge of English was examined as to his writing and oral spelling in English. The main lesions in the CT scan were found in the left supramarginal gyrus and the upper parietal lobe. The functional lesions seen in 13NH3 PET were much wider than those in CT scan but not extending to the frontal lobe. These observations suggest that pure agraphia may also be caused by left parietal lobe lesion.
左側頭頭頂葉皮質下出血により読字・書字障害のみを呈し,読字では仮名が,書字では漢字が選択的に障害された1例を報告した。本例は読字・書字における漢字処理と仮名処理過程の神経心理機構について示唆を与える症例である。 症例は74歳の右利き男性。仮名に選択的な失読と漢字に選択的な失書を認めた。漢字の読みと仮名書字は正常に保たれていた。発症初期には喚語困難と聴覚的理解の障害を認めたがこれらの失語症状は速やかに消退した。本例はX線CT上,左側頭頭頂葉移行部の皮質下に病巣があり,この部位の損傷により後頭葉から角回に至る仮名読みを担う経路と側頭葉から後頭葉を経て運動野に至る漢字書字の経路が同時に損傷されて仮名の失読と漢字の失書を呈したと推察した。日本語の読み書きには神経心理学的に異なる4つの処理過程—漢字の読みと書字,仮名の読みと書字—が存在するが,本例の症状はこの4つの過程が選択的に障害されうる場合があることを示している。