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We assess the relationship among haze-fog, aerosol and meteorological conditions, and analyze the chemical compositions and sources of aerosol particles, as well make some suggestions for aerosol control strategy. Present-day haze and fog in China are both dependent on atmospheric aerosol loading and weather conditions. The secondary aerosol formation and changes, which dominate the total aerosol mass and are highly influenced by meteorological conditions, characterized the regional haze feature in East China. In the Huabei Plain, which suffers from intense haze and fog, secondary organic aerosols are found to have similar role like sulphate, contributing to aerosol mass during both new particle formation and aging stages. The organic aerosol mix with inorganic ones to form hygroscopic particles earlier at ~70% relative humidity (RH), but which have a small hygroscopic growth factor. The hygroscopic aerosol particles would also make the PM 2.5 mass monitoring at China exhibiting unrealistic high concentration under high RH stage. About 70% of these particles are internally mixed with two or three different aerosol components. Most mineral particles are covered with visible coatings, including fly ash, soot and metal particles, leading to have more secondary aerosol formed on their surface. This complicates haze formation in China. Under high aerosol particle concentrations, greater numbers of cloud droplets with relative small-size are observed in low clouds relative to high clouds; and the associated aerosol impact on cloud microphysical processe is different in less polluted areas. At low supersaturation most of hygroscopic particles larger than 150 nm form cloud condensation nuclei (CCN), and the impact of aerosol chemical composition on CCN activation is significant. There is a high aerosol concentration in China relative to other areas in the world, except for urban South Asia. These particles form under complex conditions and interact with clouds, resulting that present-day haze and fog in China both are not natural phenomenon. Haze and fog reduces surface radiation, making the atmosphere more stable, resulting in continuous coagulation, condensation, accumulation of aerosol, and more CCN activation, leading to serious and maintained haze-fog events. The heavy and persistent haze-fog between 6 and 16 January 2013 in East China was caused by both high aerosol loading and singular static weather conditions. We need to have adequate scientific judgment on the complexity and expectation of aerosol emission reduction in China. The government needs to make informed decisions and implement laws to maintain the health of its people, but this is not easy when we strive for economic growth. There is no easy solution to control aerosol sources, but the government should spare no effort to cut aerosol and their precursor's gas emission. Regional pollution control is also very critical; a strong policy and protocol needs to be enforced by the central government to drive provincial leaders to make the necessary changes to ensure better air quality and quality of life for the population.
2013 58 13 期:117 8 ~ 1187
引用格式: 张小曳, 孙俊英, 王亚强, . 我国雾-霾成因及其治理的思考. 科学通报, 2013, 58: 1178–1187
Zhang X Y, Sun J Y, Wang Y Q, et al. Factors contributing to haze and fog in China (in Chinese). Chin Sci Bull (Chin Ver), 2013, 58: 1178–1187,
doi: 10.1360/972013-150
张小曳*, 孙俊英, 王亚强, 李卫军, 张蔷, 王炜罡, 权建农, 曹国良, 王继志,
杨元琴, 张养梅
中国气象局大气化学重点开放实验室, 中国气象科学研究院, 北京 100081;
山东大学环境研究院, 济南 250100;
北京市人工影响天气办公室, 北京 100086;
中国科学院化学研究所, 北京 100190;
西安建筑科技大学环境学院, 西安 710055
* 联系人, E-mail:
2013-01-30 收稿, 2013-03-22 接受, 2013-04-09 网络版发表
摘要 通过分析雾和霾与气溶胶的联系、维持机制、污染物构成及如何治理等问题, 指出我
国现今雾-霾问题的主因是严重的气溶胶污染, 但气象条件对其形成、分布、维持与变化的作
用显著. 二次气溶胶(通常占我国小于 10 μm气溶胶质量浓度的一半以上)形成与变化受气象
条件影响大, 导致我国霾呈区域性分布的特点. 在我国霾最为严重的华北区域, 新粒子形成
和老化阶段均有有机气溶胶的贡献, 与有机物混合后的气溶胶潮解点提前, 吸湿增长因子变
. 干气溶胶粒子吸湿增长会使在高相对湿度下观测的 PM2.5 质量浓度虚高; 有约 70%
气溶胶粒子与其他类型气溶胶内混合, 高浓度矿物气溶胶与污染气体发生非均相化学反应使
更多二次气溶胶形成, 也使我国雾-霾问题更为复杂. 还发现受气溶胶影响的低云较高云中
云滴数多但有效半径小, 高浓度气溶胶影响的云雾形成机制明显不同于低污染状况, 在低过
饱和条件下大量大于 150 nm 粒子活化为云雾凝结核, 且化学组成对活化有明显影响. 由于我
国气溶胶浓度水平在世界范围内较高, 仅次于南亚城市, 远高于欧洲和美洲的城市与城郊区
, 且具有上述变化特点并与云雾的相互作用复杂, 导致我国当今的雾和霾都已不是完全的
自然现象, 人为气溶胶粒子不仅对霾有贡献, 还作用于云雾的形成. -霾形成后会使到达地
面的辐射减少, 大气层节稳定度增加, 有利于气溶胶不断积聚、凝结和增长, 在达到过饱和状
况下还产生更多云雾滴, 形成恶性循环的持续性雾-. 异常的静稳天气和居高的气溶胶浓
度共同造成了 2013 16~16 日我国中东部大范围、持续性雾-. 对治理雾-霾污染的长
期与艰巨性要有充分的科学判断, 建议政府对能源结构调整作出抉择, 且要不遗余力地对近
期可以削减的污染源加大控制力度. 污染控制需要区域共同参与, 应有国家政策和机制的强
2013 1月多次严重影响我国中东部地区的雾-
霾天气, 2月份依旧来势汹汹, 深锁多城. 到底是
什么形成了雾和霾? 为何雾-霾出现难驱散? 随着人
类活动的加剧, -霾是否也产生了新的变化? 本文
主要基于国家重点基础研究发展计划(973 计划)
面的研究, 分析和总结了我国雾-霾成因与特点.
通过 2013 16~16 日我国中东部雾-霾期间气象
条件的定量分析, 指出异常的静稳型天气对雾-霾形
成的作用. 通过我国各区域气溶胶化学组成分析,
别是通过解析北京 PM1的来源, 讨论了我国气溶胶
1 现今的雾和霾, 都已不是完全的自然现
, 气溶胶污染是背后的主因
雾和霾是自然界两种天气现象. 根据气象学上
的定义[1], 霾是大量极细微的干尘粒等均匀地浮游在
空中, 使水平能见度小于 10 km 的空气普遍混浊现象,
这里的干尘粒指得是干气溶胶粒子. 当空气中水汽
较多时, 某些吸水性强的干气溶胶粒子会吸水、长大,
并最终活化成云雾的凝结核, 产生更多、更小的云雾
, 使能见度进一步降低, 低于 1 km 时被定义为雾,
而能见度在 1~10 km 时则被定义为轻雾.
所以, 能见度低于 10 km , 可能既有干气溶胶的影
(即霾的贡献), 也可能有雾滴的影响(即雾的贡献).
霾和雾在一天之中可以变换角色, 甚至在同一区域
内的不同地方, 雾和霾也会有所侧重. 一般情况下,
老百姓看到的我国区域性能见度低于 10 km 的空气
没有干气溶胶粒子就不能形成霾, 没有气溶胶
粒子参与在实际大气中也无法形成雾, 在过去, 当人
类活动较弱时, 这些气溶胶粒子主要源于自然过程,
但是, 随着人类活动的加剧, 这一现象在我国近
二三十年出现了显著变化. 通过对我国能见度与气
溶胶关系的分析发现, 我国近二三十年中东部区域
霾问题的日益严重, 主要是由人为排放的大气气溶
胶显著增加所致[2]. 在一定的气象条件下, 又由于大
参与云雾的形成. 这就意味着, 当今不论是霾还是雾,
(例如: PM2.5), 都已经不是完全的自然现象. 减少雾-
霾天气所带来的影响, 必须对这种变化背后的大气
2 我国雾-霾成因
2.1 -霾加剧与我国居高不下的气溶胶粒子浓
分别约为每立方米空气 34 16 μg, 有机碳分别为 30
18 μg, 硝酸盐分别约为 15 8 μg, 铵约为 12 6
μg, 元素碳为 8.6 3.4 μg. 这样的浓度水平仅次于
南亚城市, 而在欧洲的城市和城郊区域, 硫酸盐年均
浓度分别约为每立方米空气 4.7 3.3 μg、有机碳是
6.0 2.8 μg、硝 酸 盐 为 4.1 2.1 μg、铵 为 2.2 1.3
μg元素碳为 3.7 1.3 μg, 均远低于我国[2]. 我国气
2.2 二次气溶胶形成与变化受气象条件影响大导
在我国 PM10 质量浓度中有约 35%是矿物气溶胶
的贡献, 3.5%为黑碳, 15%为有机碳气溶胶[2],
总有机碳中约有 60%为二次有机碳气溶胶[7], 故一次
排放的有机碳约贡献了 PM10 6%. 由于矿物气溶胶
一次气溶胶粒子通常粒径较大、质量浓度较高, 但数
浓度低, 对霾的贡献有限, 其变化主要受排放强度的
[5,6], 这些气体经过大气化学反应在大气中最终一
部分转化为气溶胶粒子(称为二次气溶胶粒子), 一部
讨论). 二次气溶胶形成方式主要有 3: 一是直接
径通常在 30 nm 以下); 二是新粒子形成后通过碰并、
100~200 nm); 三是通过凝结等过程进一步形成一些
粒径更大的粒子(多数在 300 nm, 一般不超过 1000
nm, PM1)[11]. 通过对我国 16 个站点两年的分析发
PM10 质量浓度中有超过 50%是二次气溶胶[2],
北京夏季此比例可达 80%[10]. 除传统研究认识硫酸
盐对新粒子形成有贡献外[12,13], 在我国华北区域观
2013 5 58 13
有机气溶胶的贡献均很大[14]. 通过对比排放和气象
条件对区域霾形成的贡献, 发现一次排放的气溶胶
与排放强度关系密切, 天气条件却控制着区域中占
多数的二次气溶胶的形成及总体 PM10 的浓度变化,
得浑浊, 能见度逐渐变差的空气普遍浑浊现象(即霾)
2.3 气溶胶粒子吸湿增长会使观测的不确定性
当空气中水汽较多时, 某些吸水性强的干气溶
溶胶)会吸水、长大. 在我国华北区域的观测发现
湿后的气溶胶粒子粒径会增大 20%~60%[15], 使得在
相对湿度大时观测的 PM2.5 质量浓度虚高, 因其不
完全是气溶胶粒子的贡献, 还有水分的影响. 国际气
无机盐混合的气溶胶可以在相对湿度 70%时就开始
吸湿增长, 但高湿条件下粒子增幅和理论值相比变
[17], 这会导致气溶胶滞空时间加长, 光学特性变
, 使与霾有关的 PM2.5、能见度和气溶胶光学厚度
观测的不确定性加大, 也会影响公众的感觉.
2.4 气溶胶粒子混合与非均相化学反应使雾-
气溶胶粒子在大气中多以混合状态存在, 还会
发生非均相化学反应[18,19]. 对气溶胶单粒子分析发
现我国华北区域中 70%的气溶胶与 2种或 3种其他来
源气溶胶内混合[20]. 低温条件下 O3SO2在矿物气
温度降低出现先加快后减慢的趋势, 直接影响大气
中二次硫酸盐生成总量[21]. 矿物气溶胶还与 2~3
酸性气体反应, 在表面形成液膜, 抑制了新粒子形成,
自身也更易吸湿参与云雾形成. 矿物气溶胶因非均
化学反应易形成更多的二次有机气溶胶, 研究发现
同时氧化剂的存在可以显著地提高反应速率, 促进
二次有机气溶胶的形成[23], 使我国雾-霾问题更为
2.5 大量人为气溶胶粒子活化为云雾凝结核使现
粒子会活化为 CCN, 形成云雾滴, 使能见度进一步
降低. 在我国华北区域的飞机观测显示, 因有气溶胶
, 高浓度气溶胶作用下的云雾形成明显区别于海
洋和污染较少的其他陆地区域[24]. 观测还发现在低
过饱和度(0.1%)条件下大量大于 150 nm 吸湿性粒子
活化为云雾凝结核[3,4], 且不仅气溶胶数谱分布、其化
学组成等对活化也有相对明显的影响[4]. 在泰山观测
到的不同过饱和度下的气溶胶及 CCN 月平均分布
(1)为雾的数值预报提供了输入和检验. 有关分析
2.6 -霾还导致大气层节稳定度增加有利其维
回空间, 使到达地面的辐射减少, 大气层结稳定度增
1 2010 9~10 月在泰山(海拔 1500 m)观测到的月平均气溶胶数(CN)谱和云雾凝结核(CCN)
[26], 使得每日正常排放和二次转化的气溶胶粒子
云雾滴, 造成能见度进一步降低. 更多云雾滴还会在
一天当中残留与下一天的汇合, 形成恶性循环, 造成
在下一次天气过程之前, 连续数天雾-霾污染维持与
2.7 异常的静稳天气和高气溶胶浓度造成了 2013
16~16 日我国中东部持续性雾-霾天气
在一段时期变化不大的气溶胶排放不是 2013
16~16 日形成雾-霾的触发因子, -霾形成与气象
条件密切相关. 以北京为例, 一个表征气象条件是否
值在 16日凌晨就上跳至 80 左右直到 8日深夜(
2), 预示着气象条件有利于大气气溶胶集聚和凝结.
2008 年奥运前气溶胶污染很严重的 6月份, Plam 指数
平均值也是 80 左右[10]. 2013 19日之后 Plam
数值维持在 110~130 之间长达 5 d 直到 13 日深夜,
14~16 日凌晨之间稍有回落但仍在 80~90 之间,
成近几年少见的静稳型天气. Plam 指数主要基于风
多的二次气溶胶形成、集聚、凝结和变化, 可视为定
在较干净天气下 Plam 值通常在 40 以下, Plam 指数超
80 易出现雾-霾天气[10].
对比 2013 16~16 日之前和期间的欧亚地区
地面天气图(3), 发现持续性雾-霾期间的气象条件
13 8时的天气图上(3(b))看不到明显的冷空气
主体, 而南方暖湿气流相对增强, 我国中东部地区处
于弱的均压区, 大气层结稳定、静风或风力小. 而前
期这些地区的降水有利于地面浅层水汽蒸发, 使近
地面空气的相对湿度加大、湿空气饱和凝结, 有利于
用下, 2013 16~16 日我国中东部 PM2.5 质量浓度
平均值远高于前期(4). 对于北京而言, 特殊的地
理条件(西北多山, 无风条件下不利于污染物扩散)
2 2013 11日北京时间 24:00 , 3小时北京的 Plam 指数值变化
3 欧亚地区地面天气图
(a) 2013 12日北京时间 08 ; (b) 2013 113 08 . 图中蓝线为等压线, D 代表低气压, G 代表高气压
2013 5 58 13
4 2013 11~5 日和 6~16 日中国气象局大气成分观测网-CAWNET 获得的 PM2.5 质量浓度(µg m3)平均值对比
3 我国大气气溶胶的化学组成和来源及控
3.1 我国不同区域气溶胶化学组成
() 整体状况及矿物气溶胶. 2006 2007
年在我国 16 个观测站、31次、24 小时干 PM10
滤膜气溶胶样品的分析发现(5), 矿物气溶胶(包括
(PM10)中含量最大的组分, 约占 35%. 在西北地区,
这一比例高达 50%~60%, 在位于四川盆地的成都、
物气溶胶所占比例也在 35%~40%之间. 硫酸盐和有
机碳气溶胶(OC)是另外两个含量较大组分, 分别约
15%. 3类气溶胶贡献了我国 PM10 质量浓度的
70%. 硝酸盐约占 7%, 铵盐除了在中国西北沙漠
区域和青藏高原只占约 0.5%, 在其他地区所占的
比例约为 5%, 元素碳气溶胶(也被称为黑碳)只占约
() 硫酸盐气溶胶. 在我国西部人类活动较少
萨站), 硫酸盐的比例最低(4%~6%), 表明燃煤污染
, 在这些站点硫酸盐浓度水平通常在 2~10 µg m3
之间, 其中拉萨的硫酸盐浓度约在 2~3 µg m3之间.
在我国其他区域硫酸盐的比例在 10%~20%之间变动,
城市站硫酸盐浓度较高的包括郑州(43.9~46.3 µg
m3)、西安(46~48 µg m3)、成都(38~42 µg m3)、河
北固城(35 µg m3)和广东番禺(25~28 µg m3).
一直占有超过 70%的比例有关, 燃煤源是中国区域
性雾-霾天气形成的一个主要的贡献者. 在我国遥远
背景站硫酸盐所占 PM10 比例最大, 例如在我国最西
北的阿克达拉本底站硫酸盐占 28%, 在西南海拔
3583 m 的香格里拉本底站为 20% (5), 这与这些站
点气溶胶总体浓度低, 矿物气溶胶份额不大有关.
() 碳气溶胶. 包括有机碳和元素碳气溶胶两
. 有机碳在遥远背景站点和人类活动较少的区域
站点所占比例较大(5), 例如在阿克达拉、香格里
20%, 在香格里拉甚至高达 37%, 除了与这些区域其
5 中国气象局大气成分观测网-CAWNET 在我国不同区域的站点 PM10 中各化学组成所占比例
中间是观测站点分布图及 9个我国霾的分布区域, 其中红圈划出的是我国 4个最严重的霾分布区[2]
他类型气溶胶相对较少有关外, 生物质燃烧和植物
通常在 2%~5%之间. 碳气溶胶除了源于生物质燃烧
, 燃煤和燃油的贡献也很大[5].
() 硝酸盐气溶胶. 与硫酸盐类似, 在敦煌和
拉萨硝酸盐所占比例很小, 分别为 1%3%, 表明燃
煤和源于机动车的燃油排放贡献小. 在我国其他区
域硝酸所占比例在 5%~9%之间. 我国城市中浓度较
大的出现在郑州、西安和河北固城(17.0~23.9 µg m3),
成都、广东番禺和大连的浓度在 10~16 µg m3之间.
城市大气中的 NOx多来自人类活动使用的化石燃料
燃烧, 如汽车等流动源、工业窑炉等固定源. 由于近
几十年中国经济的高速发展, 化石燃料的用量连年
攀升, 使得 NOx等污染物的排放量也在逐年升高[28],
制燃烧温度, 降低 NOx的生成量), 但多数城市还没
有完全实现燃煤脱氮, 加之各大城市机动车保有量
不断上升, 导致了我国硝酸盐气溶胶浓度也较高.
() . 在我国西部人类活动较少区域(例如
例通常低于 5%, 与这些区域氨气排放少, 大气中硫
酸根也少有关, 在我国其他区域铵的比例一般在
5%~6%之间. 我国城市大气中铵的浓度也相对较高,
这与我国大城市人口众多和废物处置量大[5], 以及城
市大气中较高的硫酸盐和硝酸盐浓度水平, 以及较
2013 5 58 13
估算出的中国地区 NH3的主要排放源是废物处
(9672.1 Gg)和农业过程排放(3622.5 Gg). 其中,
[5]. 由于 NH3主要来源于农业过程和动物排放的有
机质分解, 故中国地区 NH3的排放强度分布和其他
主要源于燃烧过程的污染物情况稍有不同, NH3
和上述地区的家禽和家畜饲养量高, 农田面积较大
及化肥施用量也较高有关, 这也就是为什么这些区
域站点的铵浓度较大的原因(郑州(16.6 µg m3)、成 都
(12.9 µg m3)、固城(13.2 µg m3)). 我国西部地区和
3.2 我国背景气溶胶(主要是矿物气溶胶)浓度与
总体而言, 我国气溶胶浓度水平较高, 与硫酸
可归为 3大类: 一是燃煤, 二是燃油, 三是与居民的
各项活动有关的排放. 维持现有经济发展和社会活
特别需要提及的是在亚洲大陆, 尤其是在我国
溶胶总和相当或更高[2]. 在我国华北城市和西北城郊
区域其质量浓度年平均值为每立方米空气中 80~85
μg, 从包括长三角的南方城市区域到东部和东北部
的城郊区域, 矿物气溶胶浓度下降, 但也在 20~40 μg
之间, 这持续且动态拉高了我国大气气溶胶的背景
浓度. 在欧美和东亚到东南亚城市区域矿物气溶胶
的质量浓度通常在 10~20 μg之间, 在其城郊区域质
量浓度一般在 10 μg以下, 远低于我国. 由于矿物气
溶胶和污染气体可以发生非均相化学反应, 使我国
的雾-霾问题变得复杂, 加之其贡献出较高的背景气
溶胶浓度, 指示出对我国污染控制的效果人们应有
3.3 我国大城市污染源解析: 以北京 PM1的来源
我国大城市气溶胶污染如何控制, 是全国污染
控制的关键, 对其来源的解析是基础. 以北京为
[29], 北京 PM2.5 中大多是直径小于 1 μm (也称为
PM1)的粒子, 其中最大的组分为有机碳气溶胶,
40%, 排在第二的组分是硫酸盐气溶胶, 16%,
主要来自燃煤. 第三大组分为硝酸盐气溶胶, 约占
13%, 即有机动车燃油的贡献, 也有燃煤的影响.
容易形成更多的硫酸盐和硝酸盐. 北京 PM1中还有
一个占 11%的组分即元素碳, 它与有机碳的来源基
本一致. 来自城市道路开挖、未覆盖道路、建筑工地、
工业烟尘和城市外矿物粉尘的输入, 北京大气中还
有大量矿物气溶胶粒子, 主要分布在 2.5~40 μm粒径
之间, PM1中也有约 7%源于矿物气溶胶.
分析显示, 北京 PM1中来自工业燃煤和生活燃煤的
排放各贡献约 18%14%, 机动车贡献了 23%, 居民
日常生活及其他活动占了约 19%(6), 它们是北京
细气溶胶污染最重要的来源, 包括煤炭燃烧、汽车和
工业燃油排放, 加油、装修和油漆涂料使用过程中的
排放, 还有大量来自燃烧天然气的贡献. 生物质作为
燃料和在露天的燃烧也贡献了约 4%, 其他的工业
活动贡献了约 3%, 还有约 7%来自矿物气溶胶粒子
3.4 对我国燃煤、燃油和与居民生活密切相关的
和全国情况类似, 北京的气溶胶污染源归根到
6 北京 PM1来源
底也为 3: 一是燃煤; 二是燃油; 三是与居民的各
项活动有关的排放. 对于燃煤源的削减关键是调整
能源结构, 我国现今一次性能源消费的 70%以上仍
靠煤炭, 2050 年的测算显示到时仍有 50%的一次
能源消费来自煤炭, 调整能源结构需要政府抉择、
任重道远. 节能降耗是建议立即采取和常抓不懈的
削减燃油排放控制机动车的排放是关键, 除了
可削减其自身的排放物外, 还可以极大地减弱大气
氧化性, 减少二次气溶胶粒子的形成. 但我国机动车
保有量仍在攀升, 机动车使用确实为居民生活和经
济发展带来诸多益处, 大幅削减机动车需要综合的
政策调整, 因素错综复杂. 控制机动车保有量大幅增
, 提高油品质量、调高机动车排放标准、提高长时
是长期的挑战. 机动车燃油排放以及燃煤排放中生
活和商用燃煤排放都与居民的活动息息相关, 此外
圾处理和居民做饭等都涉及居民的活动. 我国北京、
上海、广州这些拥有上千万人口的超大城市, 以及伴
综上所述, 对我国大气污染治理的长期性和
艰巨性要有充分的科学判断. 由于我国矿物气溶胶
, 应理解即使我国的控制措施百分之百实现, 也很
难稳定地达到欧美国家的空气质量水平, 及时制定
适用于我国人群及健康的 PM2.5 空气质量标准也很
3.5 除细气溶胶粒子之外, 对直径为 2.5~10 μm
与城市逸散性粉尘有关的排放源, 主要是煤烟
以及我国因地处亚洲并接近亚洲粉尘源区, 来自
城市之外输入的矿物粉尘, 都对我国城市的矿物气
溶胶有所贡献[2], 这要求对粗粒子的控制力度也不能
3.6 污染控制要区域共同参与, 要有国家政策和
我国的霾主要分布在 9个区域[2], 在这些区域中
能见度变化较为类似、污染物相互传输, 其中有 4
是区域性霾问题最大的区域(见图 5中心站点分布图
红圈所示): (1) 华北平原, 包括京-津快速发展的经
济区以及河北、山东、河南. 关中平原因能见度变化
类似也归在此区; (2) 华东区域, 以长三角快速发展
的经济区为主体, 涵盖湖北、安徽、江苏、上海和浙
; (3) 华南区域, 以珠三角快速发展的经济区为主
, 包括广东和广西; (4) 西南区域, 主要是四川盆
. 对于雾-霾背后的大气气溶胶污染控制需要区域
各省共同参与才能真正奏效, 区域联合防治是相对
成本低, 环境收益大的举措.
以燃煤控制为例, 北京经过数轮大气污染治理,
商业用煤基本已被天然气替代, 利用优质煤炭集中
供暖和采用天然气供暖也走在全国前列, 对还残存
阶段. 而北京以南的天津每年的燃煤量约为北京的 3
倍、河北约是北京的 10 , 这些省市还包括山东和
河南的污染控制措施需要进一步加大, 只有这样才
. 国家对各省主要领导人政绩考核指标调整, 以及
域联控的关键, 建议将 PM2.5 控制纳入省、市领导人
考核的约束性指标. 政府部门、科研院所、企业乃至
4 结语
建议科学界广泛开展科普宣传, 让公众充分了
解雾-霾污染背后的科学规律, 政府要不遗余力地加
大污染源控制和削减工作, 并做好雾-霾天气的预报,
2013 5 58 13
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Factors contributing to haze and fog in China
ZHANG XiaoYe1, SUN JunYing1, WANG YaQiang1, LI WeiJun2, ZHANG Qiang3,
WANG WeiGang4, QUAN JianNong3, CAO GuoLiang5, WANG JiZhi1,
YANG YuanQin1 & ZHANG YangMei1
1 Key Laboratory of Atmospheric Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, Beijing 100081, China;
2 Environment Research Institute, Shandong University, Jinan 250100, China;
3 Beijing Weather Modification Office, Beijing 100086, China;
4 Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China;
5 School of Environmental and Municipal Engineering, Xi’an University of Architecture & Technology, Xi’an 710055, China
We assess the relationship among haze-fog, aerosol and meteorological conditions, and analyze the chemical compositions and sources
of aerosol particles, as well make some suggestions for aerosol control strategy. Present-day haze and fog in China are both dependent
on atmospheric aerosol loading and weather conditions. The secondary aerosol formation and changes, which dominate the total
aerosol mass and are highly influenced by meteorological conditions, characterized the regional haze feature in East China. In the
Huabei Plain, which suffers from intense haze and fog, secondary organic aerosols are found to have similar role like sulphate,
contributing to aerosol mass during both new particle formation and aging stages. The organic aerosol mix with inorganic ones to form
hygroscopic particles earlier at ~70% relative humidity (RH), but which have a small hygroscopic growth factor. The hygroscopic
aerosol particles would also make the PM2.5 mass monitoring at China exhibiting unrealistic high concentration under high RH stage.
About 70% of these particles are internally mixed with two or three different aerosol components. Most mineral particles are covered
with visible coatings, including fly ash, soot and metal particles, leading to have more secondary aerosol formed on their surface. This
complicates haze formation in China. Under high aerosol particle concentrations, greater numbers of cloud droplets with relative
small-size are observed in low clouds relative to high clouds; and the associated aerosol impact on cloud microphysical processe is
different in less polluted areas. At low supersaturation most of hygroscopic particles larger than 150 nm form cloud condensation
nuclei (CCN), and the impact of aerosol chemical composition on CCN activation is significant. There is a high aerosol concentration
in China relative to other areas in the world, except for urban South Asia. These particles form under complex conditions and interact
with clouds, resulting that present-day haze and fog in China both are not natural phenomenon. Haze and fog reduces surface radiation,
making the atmosphere more stable, resulting in continuous coagulation, condensation, accumulation of aerosol, and more CCN
activation, leading to serious and maintained haze-fog events. The heavy and persistent haze-fog between 6 and 16 January 2013 in
East China was caused by both high aerosol loading and singular static weather conditions. We need to have adequate scientific
judgment on the complexity and expectation of aerosol emission reduction in China. The government needs to make informed
decisions and implement laws to maintain the health of its people, but this is not easy when we strive for economic growth. There is no
easy solution to control aerosol sources, but the government should spare no effort to cut aerosol and their precursor’s gas emission.
Regional pollution control is also very critical; a strong policy and protocol needs to be enforced by the central government to drive
provincial leaders to make the necessary changes to ensure better air quality and quality of life for the population.
haze, fog, PM2.5, aerosol chemical composition, sources of aerosol, control
doi: 10.1360/972013-150
... The SCB is one of the most populated and geographically complex regions in China, and is one of the four regions with the most serious regional air pollution in China (Zhang et al., 2013). Compared to other regions, most of the pollutants that cause HP come from within the basin due to the special terrain features . ...
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Haze pollution (HP) is one of the most serious disasters in the Sichuan Basin (SCB), adversely affecting human health, transportation, tourism and agriculture. HP in December is severe and differs from the haze days in January and February in terms of their temporal variations. To improve the understanding of December haze days in the SCB (DHDSCB), this study not only shows the atmospheric circulations and local meteorological circumstances related with the haze variation, but also analyses its relationship with the prior atmospheric apparent heat source over the Tibetan Plateau (TP) and the sea surface temperature (SST). The key circulation system associated with the interannual variation of the DHDSCB is that the SCB is controlled by the positive geopotential height anomalies and anomalous anticyclonic circulations with weak southwestward water vapour transport. Moreover, unfavourable local meteorological circumstances limit the vertical (horizontal) dispersion of pollutants. In addition, the DHDSCB during 1981–2022 is also found to have significant relationships with two preceding climate factors, which are the atmospheric apparent heat source (Q1) over the western TP in preceding November and the SST difference between the western Maritime Continent and western Australia in preceding autumn. The enhancement of Q1 over the western TP in preceding November is closely related to the midlatitude North Atlantic–southern Mediterranean Middle East–Arabian Sea–TP and its downstream region teleconnection pattern. Consequently, the anticyclonic circulation prevails over the SCB, and SCB is with less precipitation and more haze days in December. The western Maritime Continent and western Australia SST pattern in preceding Autumn is correlated with the Bay of Bengal–eastern TP and its downstream–Japan–Bering Sea teleconnection pattern, providing unfavourable moisture condition for the precipitation over the SCB and leading to the onset, development and maintenance of static weather in December. Therefore, the Q1 over the western TP and the SST pattern over the western Maritime Continent and western Australia may be potential indicators for the subseasonal prediction of HP in the SCB in December.
... Research by researchers showed that PM is associated with hospitalization due to respiratory and cardiac diseases [5]. Air pollutants are a combination of gaseous pollutants and particulate matter (PM), among which small particles with a diameter of 2.5 micrometers, known as PM2.5, are the main cause of diseases and could play the main role impact on human health [6]. PM2.5 with a small diameter can easily pass through the respiratory system, on the other hand, due to its toxicity and its accumulation at the end of the respiratory tract and bronchi and its spread in the body causes serious physical injury that the lungs are main members are exposed. ...
... Concentrated urban distribution, large population density, and an extensive economy and energy consumption structure dominated by fossil fuels in the Sichuan Basin ( Figure 1) lead to large primary pollutant emissions, and aerosol optical depth (AOD) has remained at a high level for a long time [33]. The SCB is one of the four regions with the most serious air pollution in China [34]. The annual AOD from 1980-2016 showed a significant upward trend located in the SCB compared to the significant downward trends observed in the whole of Europe and the eastern United States [35]. ...
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Long-term high-resolution monitoring of aerosol optical depth (AOD) is necessary to understand air pollution problems and climate change at regional to urban scales. Based on the 1 km AOD dataset retrieved by the MODIS Multi-Angle Implementation of Atmospheric Correction algorithm (MAIAC), the spatial-temporal evolutionary trends of AOD in the Sichuan Basin (SCB), Southwest China, and its 17 subordinate cities were analyzed from 2001 to 2020. In the past 20 years, the annual average AOD in SCB gradually decreased from south to north. The highest AOD of SCB in spring was 0.62, followed by an average AOD value of 0.60 in winter. At the city scale, Zigong, Neijiang, and Ziyang were identified as the three most polluted cities within the SCB. The average AOD in the SCB increased to 0.68 and 0.69 in February and March, respectively, and significantly decreased to 0.41 and 0.43 in June and July, respectively. The interannual AOD in the SCB presented an increasing trend from 2001 to 2010, with a range of 0.50 to 0.70, whereas it showed a decreasing trend from 2011 to 2020, with a range of 0.68 to 0.35. In spring, the annual average AOD at the district level showed significant high values from 2005 to 2012. In winter, the interannual AOD increased significantly, with high values concentrated in 2008, 2010, 2011, and 2013. The occurrence frequency of AOD in the SCB was mainly distributed between 0.2~0.5 and 1.5. There also was an increasing trend of AOD in the SCB from 2001 to 2008 and a decreasing trend from 2009 to 2020. The results of this study hold significance for further understanding the climatic characteristics and environmental effects of regional atmospheric aerosols.
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Aerosols affect development of clouds and precipitation by serving as cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) and ice nuclei (IN). Considering the dramatically changing ambient aerosol concentration, it is important to examine the potential “side effect” of aerosol pollution on precipitation enhancement by weather modification. In this study, the cloud seeding was performed on a precipitation event in Beijing in the summer of 2008, which is simulated by the NSSL two-moment cloud scheme of the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. Sensitivity tests were conducted by modifying the ambient aerosol concentration and the ice crystal seeding amount to investigate the cloud seeding efficacy in different CCN concentration scenarios. There was a slight difference in the precipitation distribution between the simulations with two ambient CCN concentrations: the northern precipitation center in polluted scenario was weaker and the southern center was stronger. Compared with normal CCN scenario, the cloud liquid water mass and ice crystal mass in the severe pollution scenario is larger, and the total contents of snow and graupel were not sensitive to the CCN concentration. With the same amount of man-made ice crystals seeding, the precipitation enhancement was quite different under different CCN conditions. The higher the CCN concentration usually leads to stronger precipitation suppression. As CCN concentration increase, the deposition growth of snow, auto-conversion and accretion of ice crystals to snow were weakened, as well as the conversion of melting snow and graupel into rainwater.
Haze weather, characterized by low visibility due to severe air pollution, has aroused great public concern. However, haze definitions are inconclusive, and multicentre studies on the health impacts of haze are scarce. We collected data on the daily number of deaths and environmental factors in 190 Chinese cities from 2014 to 2020. The city-specific association was estimated using quasi-Poisson regression and then pooled using meta-analysis. We found a negative association between daily visibility and non-accidental deaths, and mortality risk sharply increased when visibility was <10 km. Haze weather, defined as a daily average visibility of <10 km without a limit for humidity, produced the best model fitness and greatest effect on mortality. A haze day was associated with an increase of 2.53% (95% confidence interval [CI]:1.96, 3.10), 2.84 (95% CI: 2.13, 3.56), and 2.99% (95% CI: 1.94, 4.04) in all non-accident, cardiovascular and respiratory mortality, respectively. Haze had the greatest effect on lung cancer mortality. The haze-associated risk of mortality increased with age. Severe haze (visibility <2 km) and damp haze (haze with relative humidity >90%) had greater health impacts. Our findings can help in the development of early warning systems and effective public health interventions for haze.
Bengaluru, among the five fastest-growing cities of India, is facing the challenge of urban heat islands (UHI) and temperature variations across its landscape. Monitoring the temperature fluctuations is crucial for understanding the city's microclimate and the impact of urbanization on its environment. Land Surface Temperature (LST) is a significant metric for this purpose. The present study examined the relationship of LST with vegetation, elevation, and air pollutants during the summer and winter seasons for 4-years (2019–2022). Air pollutants and weather parameters data from air quality monitoring stations was used. The study found negative relationship of LST with NDVI and Digital Elevation Model (DEM) during both seasons. The relationship between LST and individual air pollutants was variable during the summer and winter seasons and R2 ranged between 0.52 and 0.79. The relationship became stronger (R2 between 0.69 and 0.82 during summer and R2 between 0.74 and 0.80 during winter season) when all the parameters were considered simultaneously. The result from the Taguchi method showed that different air pollutants had variable impact over change in LST and the order of their effect was found to be PM2.5 > SO2 > O3 > CO > NO2. The results indicate that O3 (summer) and PM2.5 (winter) were the major contributors to rising LST. The present study has applications in future scientific research as well as it can be utilized to integrate mitigation strategies for increasing temperatures.
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We develop a framework to forecast 24 h averaged particulate matter (PM 2.5) concentrations 4-days in advance in ground-based stations over the metropolitan area of the Aburrá Valley, Colombia. The input variables are gathered from a highly diverse set of sources, including in situ real-time PM 2.5 observations, meteorological forecasts from the Global Forecasting System (GFS), aerosol optical depth (AOD) forecasts from the European Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS), and the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) active fire products. We compare the performance of two tree-based machine learning (ML) methods, random forests (RFs) and gradient boosting (GB), with linear regression as a baseline for error metrics. One of the disadvantages of tree-based models is their inability to make skillful predictions out of the domain in which the models were trained. To address that problem, we implement piecewise linear regression learners within the models. Additionally, to enhance the performance of the models, we use a customized loss function that considers the probability distribution of the target values. Tree-based models highly outperform the linear regression, with GB showing the best results in most of the 19 stations used in this study. We also test two approaches for the multi-step output problem, a direct multi-output (MO) scheme and a recursive (RC) scheme, with the GB-MO approach showing the best results. According to the performance analysis, the predictability is less for values away from the mean and decreases between 06:00 LT (local time) and the early afternoon, when the expansion of the boundary layer occurs. To contribute to understanding the sources of predictability and uncertainty of air quality in the city, we perform a feature importance analysis revealing that the relevance of the different independent variables is a function of the lead time. Particularly, apart from the past concentrations, the variables that most affect the predictability are the forecasted aerosol optical depth (AOD), the integrated fire radiative power over a forecasted back trajectory (BT-IFRP), and the predicted planetary boundary layer height (PBLH). In the testing period, the models showed the ability to forecast poor-air-quality events in the valley with more than 1-day of anticipation. This study serves as a framework for developing and evaluating the ML-based air quality forecasting models over the Andean region.
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The heterogeneous oxidation of sulfur dioxide by ozone on CaCO<sub>3</sub> was studied as a function of temperature (230 to 298 K) at ambient pressure. Oxidation reactions were followed in real time using diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectrometry (DRIFTS) to obtain kinetic and mechanistic data. From the analysis of the spectral features, the formation of sulfate was identified on the surface in the presence of O<sub>3</sub> and SO<sub>2</sub> at different temperatures from 230 to 298 K. The results showed that the heterogeneous oxidation and the rate of sulfate formation were sensitive to temperature. An interesting stage-transition region was observed at temperatures ranging from 230 to 257 K, but it became ambiguous gradually above 257 K. The reactive uptake coefficients at different temperatures from 230 to 298 K were acquired for the first time, which can be used directly in atmospheric chemistry modeling studies to predict the formation of secondary sulfate aerosol in the troposphere. Furthermore, the rate of sulfate formation had a turning point at about 250 K. The sulfate concentration at 250 K was about twice as large as that at 298 K. The rate of sulfate formation increased with decreasing temperature at temperatures above 250 K, while there is a contrary temperature effect at temperatures below 250 K. The activation energy for heterogeneous oxidation at temperatures from 245 K to 230 K was determined to be 14.63 ± 0.20 kJ mol<sup>−1</sup>. A mechanism for the temperature dependence was proposed and the atmospheric implications were discussed.
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From 2006 to 2007, the daily concentrations of major inorganic water-soluble constituents, mineral aerosol, organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC) in ambient PM<sub>10</sub> samples were investigated from 16 urban, rural and remote sites in various regions of China, and were compared with global aerosol measurements. A large difference between urban and rural chemical species was found, normally with 1.5 to 2.5 factors higher in urban than in rural sites. Optically-scattering aerosols, such as sulfate (~16%), OC (~15%), nitrate (~7%), ammonium (~5%) and mineral aerosol (~35%) in most circumstance, are majorities of the total aerosols, indicating a dominant scattering feature of aerosols in China. Of the total OC, ~55%–60% can be attributed to the formation of the secondary organic carbon (SOC). The absorbing aerosol EC only accounts for ~3.5% of the total PM<sub>10</sub>. Seasonally, maximum concentrations of most aerosol species were found in winter while mineral aerosol peaks in spring. In addition to the regular seasonal maximum, secondary peaks were found for sulfate and ammonium in summer and for OC and EC in May and June. This can be considered as a typical seasonal pattern in various aerosol components in China. Aerosol acidity was normally neutral in most of urban areas, but becomes some acidic in rural areas. Based on the surface visibility observations from 681 meteorological stations in China between 1957 and 2005, four major haze areas are identified with similar visibility changes, namely, (1) Hua Bei Plain in N. China, and the Guanzhong Plain; (2) E. China with the main body in the Yangtze River Delta area; (3) S. China with most areas of Guangdong and the Pearl River Delta area; (4) The Si Chuan Basin in S.W. China. The degradation of visibility in these areas is linked with the emission changes and high PM concentrations. Such quantitative chemical characterization of aerosols is essential in assessing their role in atmospheric chemistry and weather-climate effects, and in validating atmospheric models.
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The impact of aerosol composition on cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) activity were analyzed in this study based on field experiments carried out at downtown Tianjin, China in September 2010. In the experiments, the CCN measurements were performed at supersaturation (SS) of 0.1%, 0.2% and 0.4% using a thermal-gradient diffusion chamber (DMT CCNC), whereas the aerosol size distribution and composition were simultaneously measured with a TSI SMPS and an Aerodyne Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (AMS), respectively. The results show that the influence of aerosol composition on CCN activity is notable under low SS (0.1%), and their influence decreased with increasing SS. For example, under SS of 0.1%, the CCN activity increases from 4.5±2.6% to 12.8±6.1% when organics fraction decrease from 30-40% to 10-20%. The rate of increase reached up to 184%. While under SS of 0.4%, the CCN activity increases only from 35.7±19.0% to 46.5±12.3% correspondingly. The calculated NCCN based on the size-resolved activation ratio and aerosol number size distribution correlated well with observed NCCN at high SS (0.4%), but this consistence decreased with the falling of SS. The slopes of linear fitted lines between calculated and observed NCCN are 0.708, 0.947, and 0.995 at SS of 0.1%, 0.2% and 0.4% respectively. Moreover, the stand deviation (SD) of calculated NCCN increased with the decreasing of SS. A case study of CCN closure analyses indicated that the calculated error of NCCN could reach up to 34% at SS of 0.1% if aerosol composition were not included, and the calculated error decreased with the raising of SS. It is decreased to 9% at SS of 0.2%, and further decreased to 4% at SS of 0.4%.
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A parameterized method is developed to diagnose the air quality in Beijing and other cities with an index termed (parameters linking air-quality to meteorological elements PLAM) derived from a correlation between PM 10 and relevant weather elements based on the data between 2000 and 2007. Key weather factors for diagnosing the air pollution intensity are identified and included in PLAM that include atmospheric condensation of water vapour, wet potential equivalent temperature, and wind velocity. It is found that the poor air quality days with elevated PM 10 are usually associated with higher PLAM values, featuring higher temperature, humidity, lower wind velocity, and higher stability compared to the averaged values in the same period. Both 24 h and 72 h forecasts provided useful services for the day of the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games and subsequent sport events. A correlation coefficient of 0.82 was achieved between the forecasts and (air pollution index API) and 0.59 between the forecasts and observed PM 10 , all reaching the significant level of 0.001, for the summer period. A correction factor was also introduced to enable the PLAM to diagnose the observed PM 10 concentrations all year round.
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The Weather Research and Forecasting/Chemistry model (WRF-Chem) was updated by including photoexcited nitrogen dioxide (NO2) molecules, heterogeneous reactions on aerosol surfaces, and direct emissions of nitrous acid (HONO) in the Carbon-Bond Mechanism Z (CBM-Z). Five simulations were conducted to assess the effects of each new component and the three additional HONO sources on concentrations of major chemical components. We calculated percentage changes of major aerosol components and concentration ratios of gas NOy (NOyg) to NOy and particulate nitrates (NO3−) to NOy due to the three additional HONO sources in the North China Plain in August of 2007. Our results indicate that when the three additional HONO sources are included, WRF-Chem can reasonably reproduce the HONO observations. Heterogeneous reactions on aerosol surfaces are a key contributor to concentrations of HONO, nitrates (NO3−), ammonium (NH4+), and PM2.5 (concentration of particulate matter of ⩽2.5 μm in the ambient air) across the North China Plain. The three additional HONO sources produced a ∼5%–20% increase in monthly mean daytime concentration ratios of NO3− /NOy, a ∼15%–52% increase in maximum hourly mean concentration ratios of NO3−/NOy, and a ∼10%–50% increase in monthly mean concentrations of NO3− and NH4t+ across large areas of the North China Plain. For the Bohai Bay, the largest hourly increases of NO3− exceeded 90%, of NH4t+ exceeded 80%, and of PM2.5 exceeded 40%, due to the three additional HONO sources. This implies that the three additional HONO sources can aggravate regional air pollution, further impair visibility, and enhance the incidence of haze in some industrialized regions with high emissions of NOx and particulate matter under favorable meteorological conditions.
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The elemental (EC) and organic carbon (OC) fractions of ambient aerosols were determined by thermo-chemical analysis of 24-h samples collected during 2006 at 18 stations in China located at various rural, urban and remote locations. The annual mean concentration levels are found to be 0.35 +/- 0.01 mug EC m-3 and 3.0 +/- 0.21 mug OC m-3 for the remote background sites; 3.6 +/- 0.93 mug EC m-3 and 16.1 +/- 5.2 mug OC m-3 for the regional sites; and 11.2 +/- 2.0 mug EC m-3 and 33.1 +/- 9.6 mug OC m-3 for the urban sites, respectively. At rural sites representing regionally dispersed aerosols, levels are comparable to other locations in Asia. At all sites, both EC and OC show a consistent seasonal variation with a peak in winter, dropping in spring, reaching a minimum in summer and then increasing in autumn. The ratio of OC to EC is on the order of 3 for the urban locations, but can reach as high as 6 at the rural sites. This may partly be due to the open biomass burning in field of rural area, but may also indicate the presence of a regional background of secondary organic carbon (SOC) in China. These high ratios of OC/EC complicate the assessment of the climatic impacts of carbonaceous aerosols in China, as optical scattering from the high OC concentrations may lead to a cooling effect that counteracts the possible warming caused by EC optical absorption.
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Simulations of Asian dust emissions over the past 43 years are presented based on a size-dependent soil dust emission and transport model (NARCM) along with supporting data from a network of surface stations. The deserts in Mongolia and in western and northern China (mainly the Taklimakan and Badain Juran, respectively) contribute ∼70% of the total dust emissions; non-Chinese sources account for ∼40% of this. Several areas, especially the Onqin Daga sandy land, Horqin sandy land, and Mu Us Desert, have increased in dust emissions over the past 20 years, but efforts to reduce desertification in these areas may have little effect on Asian dust emission amount because these are not key sources. The model simulations indicate that meteorology and climate have had a greater influence on the Asian dust emissions and associated Asian dust storm occurrences than desertification.
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Airborne aerosol collections were performed in urban areas of Beijing that were affected by regional brown haze episodes over northern China from 31 May to 12 June 2007. Morphologies, elemental compositions, and mixing states of 810 individual aerosol particles of different sizes were obtained by transmission electron microscopy coupled with energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry. The phases of some particles were verified using selected-area electron diffraction. Aerosol particle types less than 10 mum in diameter include mineral, complex secondary (Ca-S, K-, and S-rich), organic, soot, fly ash, and metal (Fe-rich and Zn-bearing). Most soot, fly ash, and organic particles are less than 2 mum in diameter. Approximately 84% of the analyzed mineral particles have diameters between 2 and 10 mum, while 81% of the analyzed complex secondary and metal particles are much smaller, from 0.1 to 2 mum. Trajectory analysis with fire maps show that southerly air masses arriving at Beijing have been transported through many agricultural biomass burning sites and heavy industrial areas. Spherical fly ash and Fe-rich particles were from industrial emissions, and abundant K-rich and organic particles likely originated from field burning of crop residues. Abundant Zn-bearing particles are associated with industrial activities and local waste incinerators. On the basis of the detailed analysis of 443 analyzed aerosol particles, about 70% of these particles are internally mixed with two or more aerosol components from different sources. Most mineral particles are covered with visible coatings that contain N, O, Ca (or Mg), minor S, and Cl. K- and S-rich particles tend to be coagulated with fly ash, soot, metal, and fine-grained mineral particles. Organic materials internally mixed with K- and S-rich particles can be their inclusions and coatings.
The hygroscopic behaviors of benzoic acid (BA) particles and internal mixtures of inorganic salts (sodium chloride and ammonium sulfate) and BA are investigated in the 10–90% RH using the hygroscopicity tandem differential mobility analyzer (H-TDMA) system. Different morphology of BA, NaCl–BA, and (NH4)2SO4–BA particles at representative RH is characterized by Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). The hygroscopic growth factors (GFs) of BA exhibit a significant reduction in the 75–85% RH, followed by a slight increase at 90% RH. Internally mixed NaCl–BA and (NH4)2SO4–BA particles display deliquescence transitions at 70% RH, followed by apparently hampered hygroscopic growth due to the presence of BA. According to the TEM results, the morphology of BA particles and mixed particles show marked change in humidification, which possibly can be attributed to the strong microstructural rearrangement of BA fraction. This significant restructuring is responsible for the GFs change of BA particles and the hygroscopic behaviors transformation of mixed NaCl–BA and (NH4)2SO4–BA particles. These results demonstrate that atmospheric BA could significantly influence the hygroscopic properties of inorganic aerosols.
Estimates of atmospheric dust deposition to five Asian/Pacific regions indicate that -800 Tg of Chinese desert dust is injected into the atmosphere annually; about 30% of this is redeposited onto the deserts, 20% is transported over regional scales, primarily within continental China. The remaining 50% of the dust is subject to long-range transport to the Pacific Ocean and beyond. Elemental tracers based on several dust- derived elements (A1, Fe, Mg, and Sc) reveal high-frequency variability in the contributions of the western desert sources versus northern high-dust and low-dust desert sources to eolian deposits from the center of the Loess Plateau. Comparisons of the patterns uncovered with climate signals from the remote North Atlantic region for the last glaciation show that shifts in source areas of Asian dust were synchronous with large-scale variations in atmospheric circulation.