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Patterns of nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry among leaf, stem and root of desert plants and responses to climate and soil factors in Xinjiang, China


Abstract and Figures

Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) play essential roles in plant growth and deserve more attention in desert ecosystems. Nutrients stoichiometry patterns across various plant organs can reflect the plants' trade-offs to obtain resources and their growth strategy. However, it is still unclear how these nutrients are allocated among desert plant organs and how they are related to the arid climate conditions. This study aimed to examine how plant N and P stoichiometry varies among the organs of desert plants, and how they respond to climate and soil factors. Therefore, we analyzed N and P stoichiometry of leaves, stems, and roots collected from 29 desert sites in Xinjiang, China, to achieve this goal. Our studies indicated that the mean N and P concentrations in the stems (17.5 ± 0.2 and 1.0 ± 0.02 mg g⁻¹, respectively) and roots (10.3 ± 0.2 and 0.7 ± 0.01 mg g⁻¹, respectively) were significantly lower than those in leaves (21.4 ± 0.3 and 1.2 ± 0.02 mg g⁻¹, respectively); the N:P ratio in stems (19.1 ± 0.3) was significantly higher than those in roots (17.6 ± 0.4), but N:P in leaves (18.2 ± 0.3) was not significantly different from those in stems and roots. Across plant life forms, N and N:P of both leaves and roots were respectively higher in shrubs than those in trees and herbs, P in three organs were significantly lower in trees than those in shrubs and herbs. Moreover, our results demonstrated that most soil factors had direct influences on N and P stoichiometry among different organs, and climate factors had indirect effect on N and P stoichiometry by affecting soil factors. This study provided the N and P stoichiometric characteristics of desert plant organs and explored their relationships with environmental variables, which can help understand nutrient stoichiometry patterns and utilization strategy of N and P and their potential responses to global climate changes in the desert ecosystems of central Asia.
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Catena 199 (2021) 105100
Available online 26 December 2020
0341-8162/© 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Patterns of nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry among leaf, stem and
root of desert plants and responses to climate and soil factors in
Xinjiang, China
Yan Luo
, Qingwen Peng
, Kaihui Li
, Yanming Gong
, Yanyan Liu
Wenxuan Han
State Key Laboratory of Desert and Oasis Ecology, Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Urumqi 830011, China
Bayinbuluk Grassland Ecosystem Research Station, Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Bayinbuluk 841314, China
University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100039, China
CAS Research Center for Ecology and Environment of Central Asia, Urumqi 830011, China
Arid region
Climate factors
Desert ecosystem
Edaphic factors
Nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry
Plant organs
Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) play essential roles in plant growth and deserve more attention in desert
ecosystems. Nutrients stoichiometry patterns across various plant organs can reect the plantstrade-offs to
obtain resources and their growth strategy. However, it is still unclear how these nutrients are allocated among
desert plant organs and how they are related to the arid climate conditions. This study aimed to examine how
plant N and P stoichiometry varies among the organs of desert plants, and how they respond to climate and soil
factors. Therefore, we analyzed N and P stoichiometry of leaves, stems, and roots collected from 29 desert sites in
Xinjiang, China, to achieve this goal. Our studies indicated that the mean N and P concentrations in the stems
(17.5 ±0.2 and 1.0 ±0.02 mg g
, respectively) and roots (10.3 ±0.2 and 0.7 ±0.01 mg g
, respectively) were
signicantly lower than those in leaves (21.4 ±0.3 and 1.2 ±0.02 mg g
, respectively); the N:P ratio in stems
(19.1 ±0.3) was signicantly higher than those in roots (17.6 ±0.4), but N:P in leaves (18.2 ±0.3) was not
signicantly different from those in stems and roots. Across plant life forms, N and N:P of both leaves and roots
were respectively higher in shrubs than those in trees and herbs, P in three organs were signicantly lower in
trees than those in shrubs and herbs. Moreover, our results demonstrated that most soil factors had direct in-
uences on N and P stoichiometry among different organs, and climate factors had indirect effect on N and P
stoichiometry by affecting soil factors. This study provided the N and P stoichiometric characteristics of desert
plant organs and explored their relationships with environmental variables, which can help understand nutrient
stoichiometry patterns and utilization strategy of N and P and their potential responses to global climate changes
in the desert ecosystems of central Asia.
1. Introduction
Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) are the two most vital elements for
plant growth, metabolism, photosynthesis and stress resistance (Aerts
and Chapin, 1999; Elser et al., 2007). The N:P ratio is a critical indicator
of nutrient limitation (N vs P) in the terrestrial ecosystem (Drenovsky
and Richards, 2004; Güsewell, 2004; Koerselman and Meuleman, 1996;
Schreeg et al., 2014). In desert ecosystems, scarce rainfall and high
evaporation induce slow biogeochemical cycling of plant N and P,
resulting in infertile soil conditions (low soil nutrients and high
salinization) (Charley and West, 1975; Hartley et al., 2007; Noy-Meir,
1973). Under water and nutrient co-limiting conditions, many physio-
logical processes related to desert plant N and P can be constrained, such
as N-xation and nutrient mineralization (Huang et al., 2018). N uptake
and xation, and availability of P of desert plants are strongly inuenced
by soil water (Huang et al., 2018), temperature (He et al., 2014), and soil
pH and salinity (Gong et al., 2017; He et al., 2016a). Therefore, studying
the N and P stoichiometry of desert plants can help better predict
biogeochemical cycles in desert ecosystems with consideration of global
climate change.
* Corresponding author at: 818 South Beijing Road, Urumqi 830011, China.
E-mail address: (W. Han).
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
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Received 8 June 2020; Received in revised form 1 October 2020; Accepted 11 December 2020
Catena 199 (2021) 105100
Nutrients stoichiometry and allocation patterns in different plant
organs (e.g., leaves, stems and roots) reect the trade-offs a plant faces
to draw aboveground and belowground resources (Elser et al., 2010;
Fortunel et al., 2012). Nutrients stoichiometry patterns largely depend
on the ability of plants to acquire, transport, and store nutrients in the
shoot and root systems (Schreeg et al., 2014). The shoot system is
composed of leaves and stems. Leaves are the main photosynthetic or-
gans that capture light and carbon dioxide, and accumulate nutrients;
stems support the leaves and are responsible for transporting water and
nutrients between the root and shoot systems, and storing water and
nutrients (Fortunel et al., 2012). The root system xes plants in the soil,
absorbs water and nutrients from the soil and transports them to the
shoot system, and often stores water and nutrients (Jackson et al., 1996).
Therefore, leaves, stems and roots play key roles in regulating the sur-
vival, growth and reproduction of plants (Poorter et al., 2012; Reich
et al., 2008). However, due to sampling difculties and labor costs,
previous studies have primarily focused on the nutrient stoichiometry of
leaves; few studies have investigated the nutrient stoichiometry of stems
and roots. Some studies have found that stems and roots are structural
and transport organs as well as play a role in nutrient acquisition and
storage (Minden et al., 2014). For example, in woody plants, approxi-
mately one-third of the proteins are stored in the structural organs and
roots. Under drought conditions, these stored nutrients play a vital role
in supporting plant growth (Lambers et al., 2008).
In desert ecosystem, desert plants can survive in an environment
with limited water and nutrition only through reasonable allocation of
limited resources among organs (Eziz et al., 2017; Gusewell, 2002;
Khasanova et al., 2013; Sardans et al., 2017; West and Skujins, 1978).
According to the concept of functional equilibrium, plants will increase
the biomass ratio of the roots compared to the shoots (leaves and stems)
if the limiting factors derive from belowground (e.g., nutrients, water)
(Bloom et al., 1985; Eziz et al., 2017), whereas the biomass of the leaves
and stems will be increased if the limiting factors come from above-
ground (e.g., light, CO
) (Bloom et al., 1985). Compared to stems or
roots, leaves are more susceptible to environmental stresses (Fortunel
et al., 2012). To maintain normal physiological activities of leaves in
water and nutrient limited habitats, desert plants absorb enough water
and nutrients by increasing root proliferation or depth, reducing levels
of nutrient concentrations in tissue, and having low stomatal conduc-
tance and high nutrient resorption efciency (He et al., 2016b; Poorter
et al., 2012). Under the arid environment, desert plants need to make
full use of water, use the light efciently during the short growing sea-
son, and maximize the photosynthetic activity of leaves, so as to
distribute more nutrients to the leaves (Yan et al., 2016). The long-term
adaptation to drought and the low nutrient environment has led to the
coordinated diversity of different organs of desert plants in the use or
acquisition of nutrients (He et al., 2015; Yang et al., 2018). Although the
relationship between specic physiological functions and resources of
different organs have been recognized, few studies have comprehen-
sively analyzed the changes of nutrient levels among different organs of
desert plants.
Numerous studies have shown that the variation of plant nutrient
stoichiometry is inuenced by many environmental factors (e.g. climate
and soil properties). Reich and Oleksyn (2004) (over the globe) and Han
et al. (2005) (across China) certied that leaf N and P concentrations
decreased and N:P ratio increased with increasing mean annual tem-
perature (MAT) and mean annual precipitation (MAP). Hong et al.
(2014) has reported that leaf P was negatively correlated with MAT and
MAP, and root P and N:P were negatively and positively correlated with
MAT, respectively. He et al. (2015) found that MAT, MAP and the aridity
index (AI) in the desert ecosystem had signicant effects on leaf P, but
no effects on stems and roots. In addition to climate factors, soil attri-
butes are critical to plant growth and therefore affect plant nutrient
stoichiometry. Research has found that leaf N and P concentrations are
positively correlated with soil nutrients (Han et al., 2011); N and P
concentrations of stems and roots are affected by soil P and pH (He et al.,
2015). Both climate and soil have direct and indirect effects on the
distribution and composition of vegetation; a plants responses to the
environment may result in different nutrients stoichiometry patterns
among different plant life forms (Han et al., 2011; Li et al., 2010a; Yang
et al., 2014). According to the aforementioned studies, we know that
climate, soil factors and plant types all inuence the N and P stoichi-
ometry among organs in a complex way.
Desert plants are sensitive to global change. Increasing drought
conditions and unpredictable rainfall events will change soil nutrient
availability, thus affecting the nutrient stoichiometry among plant or-
gans (Sardans et al., 2017; Tian et al., 2019). However, the nutrient
stoichiometry among different organs of desert plants and their rela-
tionship with environmental factors remain unclear. Due to their
drought resistance, desert plants play a vital role in maintaining the
structure and function of desert ecosystems. In this study, we will
explore the patterns of N and P stoichiometry among plant organs and
across different life forms of desert plants; we will also determine their
responses to environmental factors in Xinjiang. Specically, we hy-
pothesized that (1) under drought and barren desert conditions, leaves
have higher N and P concentrations than roots and stems in desert
ecosystem; and (2) due to different physiological functions among or-
gans, N and P stoichiometry in different organs may show varying re-
sponses to climate and soil factors.
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Study area
This study was conducted in 29 eld sites in Xinjiang, China (Fig. 1),
with elevations ranging from 270 to 1451 m. The environment of the
study area is extremely dry and soil has a highly saline content. MAP
ranges between 45 and 169 mm, and MAT ranges between 5.85 and
11.87 C. The mean potential evapotranspiration was 1104.37 mm, and
the mean solar radiation was 3478.16 kJ m
(Fig. S1). The soils at
these sites were primarily brown desert soil and gray desert soil ac-
cording to the USDA soil classication (Soil Survey Staff, 2014). The
dominant plant species include Tamarix romosissima, Haloxylon ammo-
dendron, Reaumuria soongarica, Krascheninnikovia ceratoides, Nitraria
tangutorum, Poacynum hendersonii, Salsola foliosa, and Leymus secalinus
(Table S1).
2.2. Climate and soil data
We selected eight environmental variables: MAT (C), MAP (mm), AI
(unitless) (AI, dened as the ratio of precipitation to potential evapo-
transpiration); soil pH, soil electrical conductivity (EC, mS cm
), soil
water stress coefcient (K
, %, ratio of actual evapotranspiration to
potential evapotranspiration), soil total nitrogen (STN, mg g
), and soil
total phosphorus (STP, mg g
). MAT and MAP were obtained from
WorldClim version 2.0 ( 2); AI and K
were extracted from the CGIAR-CSI database (http://www.cgiar-csi.
org). Soil pH, soil EC, STN, and STP were measured during the
growing season.
2.3. Sampling and measurement
Field investigation and sample collection of plants and soil were
executed in July 2018. Sampling sites were selected according to the
distribution patterns of desert vegetation types. The sampling sites were
selected in locations distant from anthropogenic disturbances. At each of
the 29 sites, three 10 ×10 m plots were established randomly and
marked. Within each plot, the plant information of species composition,
life forms, height, coverage and base diameter were measured. Overall,
we divided organs into leaves, stems, and roots, and classied species
into trees, shrubs, and herbs. We analyzed the N and P concentrations in
different plant organs (including 510 leaves, 510 stems and 510 roots)
Y. Luo et al.
Catena 199 (2021) 105100
from 1530 samples; our database consisted of 30 species from 12 fam-
ilies, including 2 tree species (125 individuals, 375 leaf/stem/root
samples), 18 shrub species (295 individuals, 885 leaf/stem/root sam-
ples), 10 herb species (90 individual, 270 leaf/stem/root samples)
(Table S1). In addition, the spatial geographical coordinates and altitude
of each plot were recorded with a GPS (GPSMAP®60CSx, Garmin,
At each sampling site, plant samples were collected with branch
shears, and divided into leaves, stems and roots, and stored separately in
labeled paper bags. For herb species, at least ten fully-mature, entire
individuals were dug up with roots to a soil depth of 20 cm. For trees and
shrubs, fully-matured and sun-exposed leaves and stems were collected
from ve individuals. To sample the roots of trees and shrubs, we rst
loosened the soil on one side of the target tree within a distance of 2 m
from the trunk of the target tree. Then, we nd the root branches (roots
with depths of 50100 cm) and followed them to conrm that they were
from the same plant individuals. Subsequently, sections were cut from
the lateral root or taproot (diameters >2 mm) of the woody species. The
soils around these root sections were sampled. Plant samples (including
leaves, stems and roots) were cleared carefully to remove soil particles
and other materials. Samples were then brought to the laboratory and
rinsed with deionized water and dried for 30 min at 105 C to avoid
losses due to respiration and decomposition. Samples were then dried to
constant weight at 65 C, following which plant samples were milled and
stored in sample bags for chemical analysis.
In each plot, soil samples (020 cm) were collected using a hand
auger. Five samples were collected from each site and then mixed evenly
after removing organic debris and stones. After being sieved (2-mm
meshes), ve sub-samples were separated and stored in sample bags at
4 C. The soil samples were brought back to the laboratory, air-dried,
ground to ne powder using a ball mill, and stored separately in bags
for nutrients analysis.
The N concentration of plant and soil samples was measured through
a CHNS/O Elemental Analyzer (Pekin-Elmer, USA), P concentration was
analyzed colorimetrically after H
-HF digestion (John, 1970).
Soil pH and EC were determined using a pH meter and a conductivity
meter (SevenExcellence-S470, USA), respectively, after water extraction
(extracted with 1: 2.5 and 1: 5 of soil: deionized water ratio,
respectively) (Bao, 2000).
2.4. Data analysis
Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Levenes tests were used to verify the
normality of the data and the equality of error variance, respectively. We
performed a one-way ANOVA to test the differences of N and P stoi-
chiometry among organs and among life forms. Tukeys HSD post hoc
test was used to compare the signicant difference of means (p <0.05).
All calculation results were showed using mean ±standard error (SE).
All statistical tests were conducted using R 3.6.1 and IBM-SPSS Statistics
An aggregated boosted tree (ABT) model was conducted to quanti-
tatively assess the relative effects of environmental variables on the N
and P stoichiometry among organs of trees, shrubs, and herbs. The
model is a statistical learning method that can obtain both accurate
prediction and explanation (Death, 2007). The model was carried out
using the ‘lattice and ‘gbm packages in R 3.6.1 (R Development Core
Team, 2019).
Structural equation modeling (SEM) was applied to evaluate and
quantify the effects of plant life forms, climate factors, and edaphic
factors on N and P stoichiometry in organs. We performed the structural
equation modeling analyses based on the hierarchical pathways of prior
knowledge and conceptual models (Table S2). Prior to SEMs, some
environmental variables were excluded for this analysis due to insig-
nicant effects or collinearity according to the results of correlation
analyses. For leaf N, we excluded AI because of its collinearity with MAP
(r =0.78, p <0.01, Fig. S2) and MAT (r =0.78, p <0.01, Fig. S2). Before
modeling, we checked the distributions of all variables and tested their
normality. In order to satisfy the assumptions of normal distribution, the
specic values of climate and soil factors and N and P stoichiometry
among organs were ln-transformed to improve normality. Since some of
the introduced variables were not normally distributed after conversion,
we conrmed the t of the model using Pearson correlation analysis.
After data manipulation, we used a dataset to parameterize the model
and tested the overall goodness of t. The model was considered to be a
good t if the data included an insignicant (p >0.05) chi-square test
statistic, RMSEA <0.05, p >0.05, and both GFI and AGIF >0.90
Fig. 1. Locations of the 24 sampling sites in Xinjiang, China. The gure was drawn based on the map of Xinjiang at a scale of 1:5,500,000 (Xinjiang Bureau of
Surveying Mapping and Geoinformation, No. Xin S (2016) 250).
Y. Luo et al.
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(Schermelleh-Engel et al., 2003). We choose the model with the lowest
AICs as our nal model among acceptable models. Through reasonable
model t, we explained the path coefcients of the model. Additionally,
we calculated the standardized total effects of plant life forms (com-
posite variable including trees, shrubs, and herbs), MAT, MAP, AI, STN,
STP, pH, EC and K
on organs (leaves, stems and roots). All SEM an-
alyses were performed using AMOS 23.0 (AMOS IBM USA).
3. Results
3.1. Patterns of N and P concentrations and N:P of leaves, stems, and
Across all plants, the mean (±SE) of the leaf N and P concentration
and N:P were 21.4 ±0.3 mg g
, 1.2 ±0.02 mg g
, and 18.2 ±0.3,
respectively (Table 1). The mean concentration of stem N and P was
17.5 ±0.2 mg g
and 1.0 ±0.02 mg g
, respectively, while N:P was
19.1 ±0.3. The corresponding stoichiometry in the root was 10.3 ±0.2
mg g
and 0.7 ±0.01 mg g
for N and P, respectively. The N:P ratio
was 17.6 ±0.4 (Table 1). The mean N and P concentration were
signicantly lower in stems and roots than in leaves (p <0.001), and the
mean N:P was signicantly higher in stems than in roots (p <0.001)
(Table 1).
The N and P concentrations among different life forms were all
greater in leaves than in stem and root (Fig. 2). The N concentration in
leaves and roots of shrubs was higher than that in trees and herbs, while
the N concentration in stem of trees was lower than in shrubs and herbs
(p <0.05). The P concentration in three organs of trees was signicantly
lower than in shrubs and herbs (p <0.05). The N:P ratio in three organs
was signicantly different among different life forms (p <0.05).
3.2. Inuences of climate and soil factors on N and P concentrations and
N:P ratio among leaves, stems, and roots
ABT analysis indicated that N and P stoichiometry in organs were
more greatly inuenced by soil than climate (Fig. 3a, e and i). For trees
(Fig. 3bd), MAT was the major factor affected N concentrations of
leaves and stems, and EC was an important factor impacting P concen-
trations and N:P in leaves and stems; STN, MAP, and STP were the major
factors impacting root N and P stoichiometry. For shrubs (Fig. 3fh), EC
was the most important factor for N concentrations in three organs;
while MAP, AI, and STP were the major factors impacting P concen-
trations in three organs; MAT, STP, and EC were the major factors for N:
P in three organs, respectively. For herbs (Fig. 3jl), MAT was the most
important factor for leaf N and P stoichiometry, AI was the major factor
impacting the N concentrations and N:P of the stems, and the EC was a
major factor impacting the N and N:P of the root. In stems and roots, the
major factor impacting the P was K
The structural equation modeling analysis showed that life form, EC,
and K
had direct effects on leaf N concentration, and MAP had indi-
rect impact on leaf N (Fig. 4a and Fig. S3). Life form, EC, pH, and STN
had direct effects on leaf P concentration. MAT showed indirect inu-
ence on leaf P (Fig. 4b). pH, STN, and K
had direct effects on leaf N:P
ratios. MAP and MAT had indirect impact on leaf N:P (Fig. 4c).
Furthermore, Life form and pH had direct effects on stem N. MAP and
MAT had indirect impact on stem N (Fig. 4d). Life form, EC, K
, and
STP had direct effects on stem P concentration. MAP had indirect impact
on leaf P (Fig. 4e). STP had direct effects on stem N:P ratios. MAT had
indirect impact on stem N:P through (Fig. 4f). MAP, K
, and pH
directly impacted root N concentration (Fig. 4g). Root P was mainly
impacted by life form, K
, and STP. MAP had indirect impact on root P
(Fig. 4h). Life form, STP, and EC had direct effects on root N:P (Fig. 4i).
4. Discussion
4.1. Patterns of N and P stoichiometry among leaves, stems, and roots
Our rst hypotheses that desert plants allocate more N and P into
leaves than stems and roots was supported by our ndings (Table 1).
Element concentrations (especially N and P) are closely related to organ
functions (Drenovsky et al., 2010; Yan et al., 2016). Higher leaf nutrient
concentrations are important for plant photosynthesis, metabolic ac-
tivity, and water and nutrient utilization, therefore, they are crucial for
the survival of desert plants, especially under drought and high salinity
conditions (Drenovsky et al., 2010; Marschner et al., 1997). Plants adapt
to the nutrient constraints in the environment by regulating the nutri-
ents in their organs (Kerkhoff et al., 2006; Marschner et al., 1997). From
the perspective of ecology and evolution, the pattern of nutrient distri-
bution among different organs of plants is closely related to their cor-
responding functional traits (Broadley et al., 2004; Kay et al., 2005).
Compared with leaves, stems and roots have relatively low N and P
concentrations because their main functions are to absorb and transport
water and nutrients to leaves (Yang et al., 2014). In general, desert
plants allocated more biomass to roots and stems for water and nutrient
acquisition (Zhang et al., 2017). However, the amount of biomass can
also be a diluting factor, which leads to lower nutrient concentrations in
roots and stems (Kerkhoff et al., 2006). Therefore, the stems and roots do
not store too much N and P. Our results are consistent with those He
et al. (2016b) and Yang et al. (2014), which indicated that desert species
had higher N and P concentrations in photosynthetic organs (leaves)
than in non-photosynthetic organs (stems and roots).
The N (21.4 mg g
) and P (1.2 mg g
) concentrations of desert
plants in leaf were higher than stems and roots, but are lower than some
studies about desert plants (e.g., 25.9 and 1.5 mg g
, (Castellanos et al.,
2018); 24.4 and 1.7 mg g
(Li et al., 2010b); 28.1 and 1.9 mg g
(Wang et al., 2015); 34.1 and 2.5 mg g
(Zhang et al., 2016))
(Table S3). Leaf N:P is regarded as an indicator of soil nutrient limitation
for plants (Drenovsky and Richards, 2004; Koerselman and Meuleman,
1996), where N:P <14 means N limitation, N:P >16 signies P limi-
tation and 14 <N:P <16 N and P colimitation (Aerts and Chapin, 1999;
Koerselman and Meuleman, 1996). The higher leaf N:P (18.2) in our
study might suggest that desert plants are relatively limited by P (Elser
et al., 2000; Han et al., 2005; Li et al., 2010b) (Table S3), which could be
due to several situations. Specically, the extremely low soil water and
nutrient concentrations in our study area may have resulted in low
nutrient supply for the desert species. Secondly, under water and
nutrient limited conditions, desert plants may have had a limited ability
to assimilate P, which decreased the nutrient cycle and metabolic ac-
tivity (He et al., 2016a), ultimately causing a reduced nutrient feedback
mechanism between plants and soil. Moreover, the desert plants in our
study were limited by P, owing to the low precipitation and high
evaporation (Yang et al., 2014). Therefore, plant nutrient concentrations
Table 1
Concentrations and ratios of analyzed N, P and N:P in organs of desert plants. Different letters in the row indicate signicant differences among organs (Turkeys HSD
test, ANOVA; p <0.05). SE, standard error; CV, coefcient of variation; n, sample size.
Leaf Stem Root
Nutrient Mean ±SE CV(%) Mean ±SE CV(%) Mean ±SE CV(%) n F p
N (mg g
) 21.4
±0.3 32.9 17.5
±0.2 28.9 10.3
±0.2 37.9 510 605.8 <0.001
P (mg g
) 1.2
±0.02 24.9 1.0
±0.02 37.3 0.7
±0.01 39.3 510 433.5 <0.001
N:P 18.2
±0.3 34.2 19.1
±0.3 32.3 17.6
±0.4 50.0 510 4.7 <0.001
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Fig. 2. N (a), P (b) and N:P (c) stoichiometry in organs (leaf, stem and root) of different plant life forms. Different uppercase letters above bars indicate signicant
differences between organs for the same plant life form; different lowercase letters above bars indicate signicant differences between plant life forms for the same
organ (Turkeys HSD test, ANOVA; p <0.05). The dashed lines in subplot (c) represent the threshold of P limitation (above the black dashed line N:P =16) vs. P and
N co-limitation (between the dashed lines N:P =14 and 16) vs N limitation (below the gray line N:P =14) (Koerselmas and Meuleman, 1996).
Fig. 3. Relative variable importance plot (%) of N, P and N:P stoichiometry for tree (a-d), shrub (e-h) and herb (i-l) in organs (leaf, stem and root) by aggregated
boosted tree models. AI, aridity index; EC, electrical conductivity; K
, soil water stress coefcient; MAT, mean annual temperature; MAP, mean annual precipi-
tation; pH, soil pH; STN, soil total nitrogen; STP, soil total phosphorus; L-N, Leaf total nitrogen; L-P, Leaf total phosphorus; L-N:P, the ratio of leaf nitrogen :
phosphorus; S-N, Stem total nitrogen; S-P, Stem total phosphorus; S-N:P, the ratio of stem nitrogen : phosphorus; R-N, Root total nitrogen; R-P, Root total phosphorus;
R-N:P, the ratio of root nitrogen : phosphorus.
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are also expected to decrease in drought conditions. In addition, desert
plants acclimatize through morphological and physiological adjust-
ments, such as slowing the growth of plants to reduce the rate of
metabolism and reducing the demand for resource (He et al., 2016a; Niu
et al., 2019) to cope with the barren environment (Chapin, 1991;
Peaucelle et al., 2012).
4.2. Variations of N and P stoichiometry in leaves, stems, and roots
among different desert plant life forms
Nutrient variations and allocations among plant organs are inu-
enced by various factors such as evolutionary history, environmental
controls and plant functional groups (Han et al., 2011; He et al., 2016b;
Li et al., 2010a; Yang et al., 2018). Although the metabolic (leaves) and
structural (roots and stems) organs have different functions, the N and P
concentrations showed a consistent relationship in different plant life
forms. The N concentrations of leaves, stems and roots were signicantly
higher in shrubs (22.8 mg g
, 18.0 mg g
and 11.3 mg g
) than trees
and herbs, and the P concentrations were signicantly lower in trees
(1.1 mg g
, 0.8 mg g
and 0.6 mg g
) than herbs and shrubs, which
partially supported the opinions that short-lived and fast-growing spe-
cies have higher N and P concentrations than long-lived, slow-growing
species (Gusewell, 2002; Han et al., 2011; Thompson et al., 1997).
Higher N concentration in shrubs may primarily result from water
deciency and lower fertility conditions because shrubs need additional
non-protein nitrogen with osmotic adjustment under drought and
nutrient stress; this reects that the characteristics of desert plants
contribute to resource acquisition (Brouillette et al., 2014; Zhang et al.,
2016). Shrubs had more root branches and more complex structures
than herbs for building symbiotic relationships with microorganisms,
allowing for increased absorption of nutrient and water utilization ef-
ciency under drought conditions (He and Dijkstra, 2014; Jackson et al.,
1996; Zhou et al., 2010). Another possible reason for the higher N
concentrations in shrubs may be because the majority of species in our
study are deciduous; therefore, they have higher nutrient concentrations
than other species (Killingbeck and Whitford, 1996). Higher P concen-
trations in herbs may be due to the fact that fast-growing plants need
sufcient P-rich RNA for protein synthesis to meet the requirements for
rapid growth (Han et al., 2005; Matzek and Vitousek, 2009). Addition-
ally, previous studies have found that in P-poor systems, slow-growing
shrubs move P from deeper soil layers to shallow soil, which helps
meet the demand for high leaf P for fast-growing herbs (He et al., 2014).
Signicantly differences were apparent in the N:P of stems and roots
of trees (19.9 and 18.1), shrubs (18.4 and 18.4), and herbs (17.5 and
14.2) compared with leaves, showing that the sensitivity of different
organs to soil nutrients is signicantly different, and the N:P of most
stems and roots were mainly restricted by P for different life forms.
Sterner and Elser (2002) suggested that leaf N:P ratio indicates soil
nutrient should be based on the optional N:P ratio, but this ratio can be
affected by the surrounding environment. Schreeg et al. (2014) pro-
posed that the N:P ratios of stems and roots plant tissues might be better
indicators than fresh leaves for determining soil nutrient effectiveness
because stems and roots showed less reliance on maintaining an optimal
ratio. Due to the higher metabolically activity of root, large amounts of
N and P were required to synthesize carrier enzymes to actively absorb
nutrients from soil solutions (Garrish et al., 2010; Olsen and Bell, 1990).
Fig. 4. Structural equation models for N, P and N:P of leaf (a-c), stem (d-f) and root (g-i), based 58on the effects of life form, climate and soil factors. Single-headed
arrows represent causal relationships. Red and black arrows indicate positive and negative relationships, respectively. Dotted arrows represent nonsignicant paths
(p >0.05). Numbers adjacent to arrows are standardized path coefcients. The path widths are scaled proportionally to the path coefcient. Continuous and dashed
arrow indicate positive and negative relationship. *, **, and *** represent correlation that is signicant at the 0.05, 0.01 and 0.001 level (2-tailed), respectively. The
meaning of the abbreviations is the same as Fig. 3. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this gure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of
this article.)
Y. Luo et al.
Catena 199 (2021) 105100
Therefore, roots may be a more accurate indicator of soil nutrient status
(Schreeg et al., 2014). However, this requires further study for
4.3. Resoponses of N and P stoichiometry among organs to environmental
In this arid region, insufcient rainfall events and high evaporation
also limit N and P from leaching into the soil, whereas salt crust can
develop in high saline habitats (Zhang et al., 2018). Drought and salinity
cause the most serious constraints on the uptake and cycling of plant
nutrients; the changing moisture content and salt concentrations may
change the nutrient cycles of desert plants through their effects on soil
properties (Gong et al., 2017). We identied the specic environmental
factors that affect nutrient stoichiometry among organs, and clarify the
causal relationship among the environmental factors (Fig. 4 and Fig. S2).
The climate can directly or indirectly affect soil factors via improved
plant-soil feedback responses (Sardans and Pe˜
nuelas, 2012) and further
regulate the variations in plant nutrient concentrations and ratios
among organs.
Our results conrmed that the variation of N and P stoichiometry
among organs are more attributed to plant life form and soil nutrient
conditions, rather than climate conditions. These results indicated that
most variations in N and P concentrations related to photosynthetic
capacity and osmoregulation can be explained by taxonomy, high-
lighting the importance of genetics in the control over N and P.
Furthermore, patterns of nutrient stoichiometry of the organs of desert
plants indicated the environmental status and stability of the desert
ecosystem (Gutterman, 1994; Yang et al., 2014). The nutrient stoichi-
ometry and allocation among plant organs can be affected by many
factors, such as soil water and nutrient conditions, and plant functional
groups (He et al., 2014; Sardans et al., 2017).
Among the environmental factors, K
was the stronger regulator in
driving leaf and root N, and stem and root P; EC was the stronger
regulator in driving leaf and root N, and leaf and stem P; pH was the
stronger regulator in driving leaf P. K
, EC and pH represented
drought, alkalinity and salinity, respectively, which explained a large
fraction of the variances of N and P concentrations among three organs.
The availability of N and P largely affected by soil water and salinization
conditions. Long-term drought and infrequent precipitation may
decrease the soil nutrient availabilities and constrain soil weathering,
leading to a slow release of P and an increase in the loss of N (Belnap,
2011). Moreover, our results found that STP had a highly relative in-
uence on the nutrients of stems and roots. Stems and roots played key
roles in the nutrient cycle in desert habitats, although most studies
showed that stems and roots had lower nutrient levels than leaves (He
et al., 2014; He et al., 2016a; Zhou et al., 2010).
Previous researches indicated that MAT and MAP can directly or
indirectly inuence plant organs nutrient concentrations and ratios via
changing soil biogeographical processes and vegetation composition
(Chapin et al., 1987; Han et al., 2011; He et al., 2016a; Li et al., 2010a;
Liu et al., 2019). Climate factors (MAP and MAT) had indirect effects on
organs N and P concentrations by affecting soil properties. Through
long-term adaptation to drought and high salt conditions, desert plants
have developed special survival strategies. The ranges of MAP (from 45
to 169 mm) and MAT (5.8511.87 C) (Fig. S1) in the studied region
were very narrow, which does not explain the strong uctuations with
plant nutrients.
5. Conclusions
Overall, this study comprehensively analyzed the variation patterns
of nutrient stoichiometry among different organs of desert plants, and
their responses to climate and soil factors. Our results showed that the
desert plants had higher N and P concentrations in leaves than in stems
and roots. Nutrients stoichiometry patterns among plant organs are
affected by many environmental factors; soil properties showed a larger
impact on plant organ N and P stoichiometry than climates. These re-
sults provided an important reference basis for understanding nutrient
stoichiometry patterns, utilization strategy, and plant-environment re-
lationships in desert ecosystems.
Declaration of Competing Interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing nancial
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to inuence
the work reported in this paper.
This work was funded by the Light of West China Program of the
Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Special Project of Introducing
High-level Talents to Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China. K.L.
was also supported by the Strategic Priority Research Program of Chi-
nese Academy of Sciences (XDA20050103) and the opening project
(2017D04012) of Key Laboratory of Science & Technology Department
of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region; Y.G. and Y.L. were also sup-
ported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China
(31700460). We also thank Xinwen Zhu, Maosong He, Yuan Su and
Jiajia Le for assistance with eld sampling and laboratory work and
International Science Editing (http://www.internationalscienceediting.
com) for help editing and proofreading this manuscript.
Appendix A. Supplementary data
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
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Y. Luo et al.
... Our results support previous studies [27,58] showing that leaves display greater N and P concentrations and N:P ratios than roots and soils, possibly due to the metabolic requirements for photosynthetic activities under limited water and nutrient concentrations. These results support previous studies of the steppe region in Xinjiang, China [59], including Northwest China [2,11]. The results from this study showed that leaf traits and N and P patterns possibly cause basic changes across the three desert ecosystems when resource availability and climate conditions are altered, which follow the predictions of the LES. ...
... These results also support those of previous studies [29,60]. Furthermore, these results support the hypothesis that desert plants allocate more N and P to leaves than roots, supporting previous findings [59], probably because plants specifically allocate more N for photosynthetic activity [27,58]. Our results showed that the N:P ratios in leaves and roots were affected more by the N content than by the P content, so a total decrease in P in soils was found across terrestrial ecosystems in China [11,43]; this is why N:P ratios are considered good indicators of soil N and P. Furthermore, in desert ecosystems, the C contents were greater in leaves than in roots, consistent with the findings of a previous study showing that high proportions of protein and other C-rich compounds were enriched in leaves [61]. ...
... According to our results, the three desert ecosystems were limited by P, and these findings were consistent with the low precipitation and high evaporation present in the studied areas [82]. This suggested that these desert plants, through morphological and physiological adjustments, decreased their metabolism rates and resource demands [59] to cope with harsh desert conditions. This result is consistent with the hypothesis that leaf N contents decrease/increase with decreasing/increasing MAP [71] because of the higher leaf N contents of plants in desert ecosystems. ...
Full-text available
Quantifying the dryland patterns of plant carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P) concentrations and their stoichiometric values along environmental gradients is crucial for understanding ecological strategies. To understand the plant adaptive strategies and ecosystem nutrient concentrations across three desert ecosystems (e.g., desert, steppe desert, and temperate desert), we compiled a dataset consisting of 1295 plant species across three desert ecosystems. We assessed the element concentrations and ratios across plant growth forms, plant organs, and soils and further analysed the leaf vs. root N, P, and N:P scaling relationships. We found that the leaf N, P, and C concentrations were significantly different only from those of certain other growth forms and in certain desert ecosystems, challenging the generality of such differences. In leaves, the C concentrations were always greater than the N and P concentrations and were greater than those in soils depending on the soil chemistry and plant physiology. Thus, the element concentrations and ratios were greater in the organs than in the soils. The values in the leaf versus the root N, P, and N:P scaling relationships differed across the three desert ecosystems; for example, αN (1.16) was greater in the desert, αP (1.10) was greater in the temperate desert ecosystem, and αN:P (2.11) was greater in the desert ecosystem. The mean annual precipitation (MAP) and mean annual temperature (MAT) did not have significant effects on the leaf elemental concentrations or ratios across the desert ecosystems. This study advances our understanding of plant growth forms and organs, which support resource-related adaptive strategies that maintain the stability of desert ecosystems via divergent element concentrations and environmental conditions.
... Previous studies have shown that plants will allocate more N and P elements to leaves for photosynthesis and transpiration, particularly when N and P elements are limited, which explains why the N and P concentrations in leaves are higher than in other organs (Xing et al., 2022). In contrast, stems and roots, primarily responsible for water and nutrient absorption and delivery to leaves, exhibit lower concentrations of N and P (Luo et al., 2021). Stems, with their supportive role, require higher structural elements like C for plant morphological construction, explaining the high C concentrations, C:N, and C:P ratios found in stems, as reported in the TGRR (Ding et al., 2022). ...
... Our results underscore that the variability in C/N/ P stoichiometry in different organs of riparian plants is primarily attributed to soil properties and life forms rather than inundation and plant community characteristics. This aligns with recent findings (He et al., 2015a;Luo et al., 2021) emphasizing the dominance of plant life forms and soil nutrient conditions over climatic conditions in determining elemental concentrations and stoichiometry in different plant organs. Furthermore, as the most direct source of plant growth and nutrients, soil properties are largely responsible for elemental concentrations and stoichiometric ratios in plants growing in riparian zones (Ding et al., 2022). ...
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Carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P) stoichiometry serve as valuable indices for plant nutrient utilization and biogeochemical cycling within ecosystems. However, the allocation of these nutrients among different plant organs and the underlying drivers in dynamic riparian ecosystems remain inadequately understood. In this study, we gathered plant samples from diverse life forms (annuals and perennials) and organs (leaves, stems, and roots) in the riparian zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir Region (TGRR) in China—a novel ecosystem subject to winter flooding. We used random forest analysis and structural equation modeling to find out how flooding, life forms, plant communities, and soil variables affect organs C, N, and P levels. Results showed that the mean concentrations of plant C, N, and P in the riparian zone of the TGRR were 386.65, 19.31, and 5.27 mg/g for leaves respectively, 404.02, 11.23, and 4.81 mg/g for stems respectively, and 388.22, 9.32, and 3.27 mg/g for roots respectively. The C:N, C:P and N:P ratios were 16.15, 191.7 and 5.56 for leaves respectively; 26.98, 273.72 and 4.6 for stems respectively; and 16.63, 223.06 and 4.77 for roots respectively. Riparian plants exhibited nitrogen limitation, with weak carbon sequestration, low nutrient utilization efficiency, and a high capacity for nutrient uptake. Plant C:N:P stoichiometry was significantly different across life forms and organs, with higher N and P concentrations in leaves than stems and roots, and higher in annuals than perennials. While flooding stress triggered distinct responses in the C, N, and P concentrations among annual and perennial plants, they maintained similar stoichiometric ratios along flooding gradients. Furthermore, our investigation identified soil properties and life forms as more influential factors than plant communities in shaping variations in C:N:P stoichiometry in organs. Flooding indirectly impacts plant C:N:P stoichiometry primarily through alterations in plant community composition and soil factors. This study underscores the potential for hydrologic changes to influence plant community composition and soil nutrient dynamics, and further alter plant ecological strategies and biogeochemical cycling in riparian ecosystems.
... One plausible explanation for the controversy may be the relatively narrow range of MAT (-2.42 ~ 12.26 °C) in the present study area compared to that of the global scale (-12.8 ~ 28.0 °C) (Reich and Oleksyn 2004). Another possible explanation was that climatic factors may indirectly affect leaf C, N, and P concentrations and their stoichiometry, mainly by modifying plant species composition (Fan et al. 2016;He et al. 2006He et al. , 2008Reich and Oleksyn 2004;Yang et al. 2016;Zhan et al. 2018;Zhang et al. 2020) and influencing soil nutrients (Luo et al. 2021;Mayor et al. 2017;Zhang et al. 2021). Moreover, similar to the results of Akram et al. (2023) and Lu et al. (2023), our study revealed that the WFPS was a crucial factor influencing leaf N, P concentrations, C/N, C/P, and N/P in the alpine-gorge region (Fig. 5), which was probably because soil N and P nutrient mineralization was dependent on soil moisture and because soil moisture availability was critical for plant N and P nutrient uptake (He and Dijkstra 2014). ...
The study aimed to reveal the elevational patterns and drivers of leaf carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P) concentrations and their stoichiometry at both the individual and community levels in the alpine-gorge region on the eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Based on the datasets of leaf C, N and P concentrations from 665 field samples and information on plant community structure from 150 plots along the elevation, linear mixed model and general linear model were used to identify drivers of leaf C, N, and P concentrations and their stoichiometry at the individual and community levels, respectively. Leaf C, N, and P concentrations and their stoichiometry showed a linear elevation pattern at the individual level and a nonlinear elevation pattern at the community level. At the individual level, elevational variations in leaf C, N, and P concentrations and their stoichiometry were determined mainly by plant taxonomy and growth forms. At the community level, interspecific variation was larger than intraspecific variation for leaf C, N concentrations, and C/N, whereas intraspecific variation was larger than interspecific variation for leaf N/P. The interspecific variation in leaf C, N, and P concentrations and their stoichiometry was affected jointly by edaphic and climatic factors, whereas edaphic factors mainly drove their intraspecific variation. This study indicated that both intraspecific and interspecific variation play critical roles in adjusting leaf ecological stoichiometry to increase the resilience and tolerance of the community to environmental change in the alpine-gorge region on the eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau.
... It has been found that C provides a certain material basis for plants (Martin et al., 2018), while N is the main component of proteins and plays a crucial role in plant photosynthesis, growth, and decomposition of dead branches and leaves (Klausmeier et al., 2004;Yang et al., 2018); P is a component of DNA and RNA, primarily responsible for the structure of plant cells, and enhances the assimilation of C or N (Elser et al., 2000;Sardans et al., 2012). The content of these elements and their ecological stoichiometric characteristics can reflect the internal stability of plant organs, as well as the distribution ratios and interrelationships of various elements in different organs Luo et al., 2021). By studying the ecological stoichiometric characteristics of plant organs, it is possible to understand nutrient cycling and utilization during plant growth, breeding, regeneration, and restoration processes. ...
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With global climate change and rising temperatures, rainfall will change. The impact of global rainfall changes on ecosystems has prompted people to delve deeper into how changes in rainfall affect plant growth; Plant biomass, nutrient element content, and non-structural carbohydrate content are very sensitive to changes in precipitation. Therefore, understanding the impact of rainfall changes on seedlings is crucial. However, it is currently unclear how the seedlings of Fraxinus malacophylla Hemsl in rocky desertification areas respond to changes in rainfall. In this study, the response of biomass, nutrient accumulation, and NSC content of Fraxinus malacophylla Hemsl seedlings to different rainfall intervals and rainfall during the dry and rainy seasons was studied. Use natural rainfall duration of 5 days (T) and extended rainfall duration of 10 days(T+) as rainfall intervals; average monthly rainfall was used as the control (W), with a corresponding 40% increase in rainfall (W+) and a 40% decrease in rainfall (W-) as rainfall treatments. The research results indicate that the biomass of roots, stems, and leaves, as well as the accumulation of C, N, and P in Fraxinus malacophylla Hemsl seedlings increase with the increase of rainfall, while the soluble sugar and starch content show a pattern of first increasing and then decreasing. The biomass and nutrient accumulation of each organ showed root>leaf>stem. Except for the beginning of the dry season, prolonging the duration of rainfall in other periods inhibits the biomass accumulation of Fraxinus malacophylla Hemsl seedlings, and promotes the accumulation of C, N, and P nutrients and an increase in soluble sugar and starch content. There was a significant positive correlation (P<0.05) between the nutrient contents of C, N, and P in various organs, as well as between soluble sugar and starch content; And N: P>16, plant growth is limited by P element. These results indicate that changes in rainfall can affect the growth and development of Fraxinus malacophylla Hemsl seedlings, increasing rainfall can promote biomass and nutrient accumulation of Fraxinus malacophylla Hemsl seedlings, and prolonging rainfall intervals and reducing rainfall have inhibitory effects on them. The exploration of the adaptation of Fraxinus malacophylla Hemsl seedlings to rainfall patterns has promoted a basic understanding of the impact of rainfall changes on the growth of Fraxinus malacophylla Hemsl. This provides a theoretical basis for understanding how Fraxinus malacophylla Hemsl can grow better under rainfall changes and for future management of Fraxinus malacophylla Hemsl artificial forests in rocky desertification areas.
... Factors such as regional climate conditions, soil nutrient availability, and plant composition significantly influence litter nutrient content Yang et al., 2022;Yin et al., 2022). Soils in forest ecosystems display spatial heterogeneity (Luo et al., 2021;Hu et al., 2022;Yang et al., 2022;Yin et al., 2022). T. chinensis had the highest soil C:N, indicating a more significant impact on soil fertility than other community types (Fig. 2). ...
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Ecological stoichiometry assessment provides insight into the interactions between foliar-litter-soil dynamics among dominant tree species and facilitates their conservation. However, little research has been carried out on such trends within mixed forest ecosystems in national forest nature reserves globally. The present study fills this knowledge gap by examining the ecological stoichiometry of dominant tree species at various altitudes in desirable nature reserves in southern China. This study concentrates on six representative plant communities, each pivotal in maintaining carbon (C), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) balances, along with energy flows. The selected communities encompass two plantations comprising Cunninghamia lanceolata and Phyllostachys edulis and four natural forests, including evergreen broad-leaved forest (Manglietia conifera), evergreen deciduous broad-leaved mixed forest (Daphniphyllum macropodum and Acer davidii), deciduous broad-leaved forest consisting of Fagus longipetiolata, and coniferous forest (Tsuga chinensis). Furthermore, this study involved the measurement of C, N, P, and K contents in foliage, litter, and soil. The outcomes revealed significant variations in foliar, litter, and soil contents and stoichiometric attributes across dominant plant communities. Correlation analysis highlighted substantial positive associations between N and P contents in foliar and litter components, while soil N and P contents exhibited insignificance. Broad-leaved forests generally displayed higher leaf N and P contents compared to coniferous forests. However, exceptions observed in the N content of M. conifera and the P content of D. macropodum and F. longipetiolata. The high-altitude T. chinensis forest exhibited one of the highest ecological litter and soil ratios. Notably, T. chinensis soil demonstrated richness in N but deficiency in K, impacting foliar growth by limiting N and K availability. Additionally, the low N and P contents in litter hindered decomposition. Furthermore, the nutrient content and ratios of other nutrients remained relatively stable except for soil K and plant K, soil C: K, and litter C: K, which were consistent with homeostasis theory. These findings provide scientific evidence for nutrient cycle regulation, ecosystem protection, and valuable insights into complex ecological relationships in mixed forests.
... Water limitation in the soil can alter the bioavailability of elements by affecting their cycling processes (Schimel, 2018;Luo et al., 2021). Unlike nitrogen (N), the turnover and migration of P in the soil are more easily affected by the interaction of various soil properties. ...
... Notably, among soil factors, soil potassium, phosphorus content, and pH emerged as primary influencers on the three facets of beta diversity in this region. In arid environments, soil potassium regulates the leaf and root nitrogen content, impacting plants' nutrients acquisition strategies (Luo et al., 2021). Sufficient potassium can enhance plant dry matter and root surface area, leading to improved water absorption and aiding plants' ability to cope with drought (Egilla et al., 2001). ...
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The desert ecosystem of the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau (QTP) is an important component of China's desert ecosystem. Studying the mechanisms shaping the taxonomic, phylogenetic, and functional beta diversity of plant communities in the QTP desert will help us to promote scientific conservation and management of the region's biodiversity. This study investigated the effects of environmental (including altitude, climate factors, and soil factors) and geographic distances on three facets of beta diversity as well as their turnover and nestedness components based on field survey data. The results showed that turnover components dominate the three facets of beta diversity. However, the turnover contributions to phylogenetic and functional beta diversity were lower than for taxonomic beta diversity. Environmental distance had a greater influence than geographic distance, with the former uniquely explaining 15.2%–22.8% of beta diversity and the latter explaining only 1.7%–2.4%. Additionally, the explanatory power of different factors for beta diversity differed between herbs and shrubs, with environmental distance being more important for the latter. Distance‐based redundancy analysis suggested that soil total potassium content had a substantial impact on the beta diversity of three dimensions, with mean temperature of the coldest month and soil total phosphorus content having a substantial impact on taxonomic and functional beta diversity as well. Our results support that environmental sorting plays a predominant role in shaping plant community composition across QTP desert ecosystems. To maintain the plant diversity of this region, it is crucial to prioritize the conservation of its diverse environmental conditions and actively mitigate its degradation by anthropogenic pressures.
... The elemental concentrations of the leaf-root-rhizosphere continuum could help us to better understand plant nutrient acquisition strategies and environmental constraints. However, only a few studies have paid attention to the relationship of elemental concentrations between leaves and roots (Zhang et al. 2013;Neugebauer et al. 2020;Luo et al. 2021), and the constraints of rhizospheres on plant elements (Shi et al. 2021). A study conducted in subtropical plantations found that leaf and root C:N:P stoichiometry were constrained by the rhizosphere soil, but this depended on the species and forest types (Shi et al. 2021). ...
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Background and aims The differences in multi-elemental concentrations among plant species provide insightful information for understanding species coexistence in forest ecosystems, known as the biogeochemical niche separation. As most of the studies focused on leaf elemental concentrations, it is unclear whether belowground fine roots exhibit biogeochemical niche separation and whether there are close linkages of elemental concentrations among leaves, fine roots and rhizosphere soils. Methods Nine element (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn, Zn, Cu, and Fe) concentrations in leaves, fine roots and rhizosphere soils were measured for three tree species, three woody shrub species, and three herbaceous species in three subtropical plantations. Results Elemental concentrations in leaves and fine roots were significantly different between woody and herbaceous species. Notably, the elemental concentrations differed more significantly for leaves than for fine roots, which indicated that leaves, as the most metabolically active tissues, tended to maintain their unique elemental concentrations within a particular functional type. Despite the different elemental needs between leaves and fine roots, most elemental concentrations of leaves were closely associated with those of the fine roots, highlighting the relationship between leaf and root ecological processes. Elemental concentrations in leaves or fine roots were not significantly correlated with those of the rhizospheres. Conclusions There is evidence for biogeochemical niche separation between coexisting woody and herbaceous species to avoid competition. Our results generalized the biogeochemical niche hypothesis to belowground tissues, which offered new insights into a better understanding of species evolution and coexistence in ecosystems.
... Phosphorus (P) is an essential element that plays a crucial role in plant growth, metabolism, and photosynthesis [1,2]. However, soil P is susceptible to leaching and loss through precipitation [3], and it can be easily immobilized by organic matter, metal ions, or clay minerals under acidic conditions [4]. ...
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Investigating the mechanisms by which plants adapt to low phosphorus content in ecosystems is crucial for nutrient dynamics division. Our study investigated the growth adaptation strategies of Pinus massoniana seedlings to low phosphorus conditions, including nutrient and non-structural carbohydrate (NSC) allocation, nutrient stoichiometry, and changes in nutrient resorption efficiency along a fact-based gradient. Our results showed that the total biomass and aboveground biomass proportion increased with substrate phosphorus content, reaching maximum biomass in the one-time phosphorus treatment. The nutrient concentration of components remained relatively stable, with the allocating preference to roots and needles under low phosphorus conditions. NSC was allocated as starch in fine roots and as soluble sugar in needles. Seedlings did not show signs of phosphorus limitation, even in the non-phosphorus group. The nitrogen resorption efficiency to phosphorus resorption efficiency ratio (NRE: PRE) of needles significantly varied between the high and low phosphorus treatments. In response to phosphorus deficiency, seedlings demonstrated homeostatic adjustments to maintain the relative stability of nutrient concentration. Fine roots and needles were prioritized to ensure nutrient uptake and photosynthetic product production. Additionally, it was necessary to differentiate the indicative function of nitrogen/phosphorus for various species and components, and NRE: PRE potentially provides a sensitive indicator of nutrient limitation status.
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Plant stoichiometry is critical for the structure and functions of ecosystems. Previous studies on large-scale patterns of plant stoichiometry have focused on single tissues; and the controlling factors have focused on climatic factors or plant functional groups. Here we present results based on an intensive field investigation across China’s forest ecosystems, to comprehensively assess the effect of climatic factors, plant functional groups, soil N and P stoichiometry on N and P stoichiometry of different tree tissues. The P concentrations in all tissues were significantly lower when mean annual temperature (MAT) and mean annual precipitation (MAP) were higher, and the N:P ratios in all tissues were significantly higher when MAT and MAP were higher. The N concentrations of branches and trunks were negatively related to MAT and MAP, however, the leaf N concentrations did not change with MAT and MAP. The root N also did not change with MAT, but decreased significantly with MAP. Soil total N had little influence on tree N, however, tree tissue P concentrations significantly increased when soil P increased. The N contents of all tissues were mainly affected by plant functional groups, however, climate factors and soil P content were the main predictors of P and N:P ratios of all tissues. Our results suggest that tree tissue N:P ratios were largely related to climatic factors, and were shaped by soil P rather than soil N in China’s forest ecosystems.
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Plant stoichiometric coupling among all elements is fundamental to maintaining growth‐related ecosystem functions. However, our understanding of nutrient balance in response to global changes remains greatly limited to plant carbon : nitrogen : phosphorus (C : N : P) coupling. Here we evaluated nine element stoichiometric variations with one meta‐analysis of 112 global change experiments conducted across global terrestrial ecosystems and one synthesis over 1900 species observations along natural environment gradients across China. We found that experimentally increased soil N and P respectively enhanced plant N : potassium (K), N : calcium (Ca) and N : magnesium (Mg), and P : K, P : Ca and P : Mg, and natural increases in soil N and P resulted in qualitatively similar responses. The ratios of N and P to base cations decreased both under experimental warming and with naturally increasing temperature. With decreasing precipitation, these ratios increased in experiments but decreased under natural environments. Based on these results, we propose a new stoichiometric framework in which all plant element contents and their coupling are not only affected by soil nutrient availability, but also by plant nutrient demand to maintain diverse functions under climate change. This study offers new insights into understanding plant stoichiometric variations across a full set of mineral elements under global changes.
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Ecological processes are centered to water availability in drylands; however, less known nutrient stoichiometry can help explain much of their structure and ecological interactions. Here we look to the foliar stoichiometry of carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P) of 38 dominant plant species from the Sonoran Desert, grouped in four different functional types to describe ecological characteristics and processes. We found that foliar N, C:N, C:P, and N:P stoichiometric ratios, but not P, were higher than those known to most other ecosystems and indicate P but not N limitations in leaves. Biological N fixers (BNF) had even higher leaf N concentrations, but bio-elemental concentrations and stoichiometry ratios were not different to other non-N-fixing legume species which underscores the need to understand the physiological mechanisms for high N, and to how costly BNF can succeed in P-limiting drylands environments. Stoichiometry ratios, and to lesser extent elemental concentrations, were able to characterize BNF and colonizing strategies in the Sonoran Desert, as well as explain leaf attribute differences, ecological processes, and biogeochemical niches in this dryland ecosystem, even when no direct reference is made to other water-limitation strategies.
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Precipitation is a key environmental factor determining plant community structure and function. Knowledge of how community characteristics and leaf stoichiometric traits respond to variation in precipitation is crucial for assessing the effects of global changes on terrestrial ecosystems. In this study, we measured community characteristics, leaf stoichiometric traits, and soil properties along a precipitation gradient (35-209 mm) in a desert ecosystem of Northwest China to explore the drivers of these factors. With increasing precipitation, species richness, aboveground biomass, community coverage, foliage projective cover (FPC), and leaf area index (LAI) all significantly increased, while community height decreased. The hyperarid desert plants were characterized by lower leaf carbon (C) and nitrogen/phosphorus (N/P) levels, and stable N and P, and these parameters did not change significantly with precipitation. The growth of desert plants was limited more by N than P. Soil properties, rather than precipitation, were the main drivers of desert plant leaf stoichiometric traits, whereas precipitation made the biggest contribution to vegetation structure and function. These results test the importance of precipitation in regulating plant community structure and composition together with soil properties, and provide further insights into the adaptive strategy of communities at regional scale in response to global climate change.
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Background and aims How nitrogen deposition and increasing precipitation would affect leaf nutrient concentration and internal nutrient cycling of desert plants is still unclear. The aim of our study was to test the responses of leaf nutrient resorption to increasing precipitation and N enrichment in a temperate desert. Methods Green and senesced leaf nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations, and nitrogen (NRE) and phosphorus (PRE) resorption efficiency of three life-form plants (5 spring annuals, 2 summer annuals and 2 shrubs) were investigated. Results Both NRE and PRE showed remarkable variations among plant life-forms, being lowest in shrubs and highest in spring annuals, suggesting that plants may have different nutrient requiring strategies. Nitrogen addition promoted green and senesced leaf nitrogen concentrations in summer annuals and shrubs, while having no impacts on leaf phosphorus concentration, NRE and PRE. Water addition had no impacts on leaf nutrient concentration and resorption efficiency; combined nitrogen and water addition had no interactive effects. Conclusions Our results suggest that spring annuals and shrubs exhibit conservative nutrient adaptation through increasing nutrient uptake but not changing nutrient internal cycle to increasing nitrogen and water.
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Drought is one of the abiotic stresses controlling plant function and ecological stability. In the context of climate change, drought is predicted to occur more frequently in the future. Despite numerous attempts to clarify the overall effects of drought stress on the growth and physiological processes of plants, a comprehensive evaluation on the impacts of drought stress on biomass allocation, especially on reproductive tissues , remains elusive. We conducted a meta-analysis by synthesizing 164 published studies to elucidate patterns of plant biomass allocation in relation to drought stress. Results showed that drought significantly increased the fraction of root mass but decreased that of stem, leaf, and reproductive mass. Roots of herbaceous plants were more sensitive to drought than woody plants that reduced reproductive allocation more sharply than the former. Relative to herbaceous plants, drought had a more negative impact on leaf mass fraction of woody plants. Among the herbaceous plants, roots of annuals responded to drought stress more strongly than perennial herbs, but their reproductive allocation was less sensitive to drought than the perennial herbs. In addition, cultivated and wild plants seemed to respond to drought stress in a similar way. Drought stress did not change the scaling exponents of the allometric relationship between different plant tissues. These findings suggest that the allometric partitioning theory, rather than the optimal partitioning theory, better explains the drought-induced changes in biomass allocation strategies. K E Y W O R D S allometry, biomass allocation, biomass fraction, drought, life form, meta-analysis
Based on the elemental composition of major biochemical molecules associated with different biological function, “growth rate hypothesis” proposed that organism with higher growth rate coupled to lower C: N, especially lower C: P and N: P ratios. However, the applicability of the growth rate hypothesis for plants is unclear, especially for shrubs growing under different water supply. In this study, we performed an experiment with eight soil moisture levels (soil water content: 4%, 6%, 8%, 13%, 18%, 23%, 26% and 28%) to evaluate the effects of water availability on leaf C: N: P stoichiometry in the shrub Zygophyllum xanthoxylum. We found that leaves grew slowly and favored accumulation of P over C and N under both high and low water supply. Thus, leaf C: P and N: P ratios were unimodally related to soil water content, in parallel with individual leaf area and mass. As a result, there were significant positive correlations between leaf C: P and N: P with leaf growth (u). Our result that slower growing leaves had lower C: P and N: P ratios dose not support the “growth rate hypothesis” that predicted a negative association of N: P ratio with growth rate, but it is consistent with recent theoretical derivations of growth‐stoichiometry relations in plants that N: P ratio is predicted to increase with increasing growth for very low growth rates, which indicated leaf growth limitation by C and N rather than P at drought and water saturation. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Ecological stoichiometry reflects the element content and energy flow, which are important for biogeochemical cycling in ecosystems. However, the ecological stoichiometry in leaves, roots, litter and soil is largely unknown, especially in the desertified region of Northern China. Here, six dominant plant communities (Stipa bungeana, Agropyron mongolicum, Glycyrrhiza uralensis, Cynanchum komarovii, Artemisia ordosica, and Sophora alopecuroides) were collected, and the carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) contents of leaves, roots, litters and soil were measured to explore the C:N:P stoichiometry and its driving factors. The C:N:P stoichiometry in leaves, roots, litters, and soil varied widely, and the plant community had a significant effect on the C:N:P stoichiometry in this region. There were high soil C:N, C:P and N:P ratios in non-leguminous plant communities and a high leaf N:P ratio in leguminous plant communities, and the C:N and C:P ratios in leaves were higher than in those in roots in all plant communities (p < 0.05). A correlation analysis showed that the C, N and P contents of leaves, roots, and litter were positively related to the soil C, N and P contents of the 0–5 cm layer, and the correlation coefficients gradually weakened with the soil depth. Additionally, the soil properties (except soil P) led to increased variance of the C:N:P stoichiometry in leaves, roots, and litter, and there were strong links among the C:N:P stoichiometry in leaves, roots, litter and soil, suggesting that the variation in the C:N:P stoichiometry in leaves, roots, and litter was mainly controlled by the soil properties, which was especially true for soil microbial biomass carbon (SMBC) and nitrogen (SMBN) according to redundancy analysis (RDA). Overall, these results demonstrate that the patterns of the C:N:P stoichiometry and element distribution exhibit significant flexibility among these plant communities, providing basic data for improving the parameterization of future ecological models in the desertified region of Northern China.
Aims Biological and environmental factors determine geographic patterns of plant nutrient stoichiometry jointly. Unraveling the distribution pattern and the potential drivers of nutrient stoichiometry is therefore critical for understanding the adaptive strategies and biogeochemistry cycling. Aimed to determine how leaf nitrogen (N):phosphorus (P) stoichiometry is linked to biological and environmental factors, we investigated the patterns of psammophyte leaf N:P stoichiometry in sandy region, northern China, and the potential factors affecting leaf N:P stoichiometry were explored. Methods Based on 10 m × 10 m quadrates survey, the leaves of 352 dominant psammophyte samples belonging to 167 species were collected cross a 3000 km east-west transect in sandy environments, northern China. The samples were further classified into the following groups on the basis of plant life forms and functional groups (photosynthesis pathways and nitrogen fixation). The structural equation modeling was employed to clarify the importance of biological and environmental factors on leaf N:P stoichiometry. Important Findings Generally, the higher leaf N and P concentrations, but lower N:P ratio were found in psammophyte compared with other ecosystems. Mean annual temperature (MAT) influenced the leaf N, P concentrations negatively, while mean annual precipitation (MAP) did positively. MAP played greater influence on leaf N, P concentrations than MAT did. MAP affected leaf N, P concentrations directly or indirectly through phylogeny, while MAT only shown direct effect on leaf N concentration. The psammophyte was more limited by N, rather P, in sandy region of northern China. These results suggest that phylogeny of psammophyte and climate jointly influence leaf N:P stoichiometry, and the results could be helpful in modeling biogeochemical nutrients cycling in vulnerable ecosystems like sandy environment.