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Yanu Endar Prasetyo

Yanu Endar Prasetyo
National Research and Innovation Agency · Research Center for Population

Doctor of Philosophy
Coordinator of Poverty, Inequality, and Social Protection Research Group @Research Center for Population BRIN Indonesia


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Yanu E. Prasetyo currently works at the Research Center for Population as a researcher and he holds a Ph.D in Rural Sociology from the University of Missouri, Columbia-MO.
Additional affiliations
January 2014 - June 2016
Indonesian Institute of Sciences
  • Head of Department
July 2010 - December 2012
Bogor Agricultural University
Field of study
  • Rural Sociology
July 2003 - October 2007
Universitas Sebelas Maret
Field of study
  • Sociology


Publications (43)
Environmental sociology and the sociology of natural resources have become two established research areas in the United States with distinct institutional origins, research themes, and theoretical roots, as well as associated professional networks, journals, and conferences. Existing discussions of the relationships between the two subdisciplines a...
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The analysis of the COVID-19 crisis through multiple case studies unveiled complex and multi-faceted webs of cascading and systemic risks and impacts. Key in the analysis is the characterization of the network and system structure, and network dynamics. Informed by the case studies, expert consultation and literature review, the CARICO conceptual m...
As residents living in hazard‐prone areas face on‐going environmental threats, the actions they take to mitigate such risks are likely motivated by various factors. Whereas risk perception has been considered a key determinant of related behavioral responses, little is known about how risk mitigation actions influence subsequent perceived risk. In...
Experiment Findings
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Jamesta Istimewa is a Basic Income Pilot experiment that provides participants free cash payments without strings attached. “Jamesta” means Universal Basic Income Guarantee in Bahasa (Indonesian language), and “Istimewa” means “special,” which is nothing but another name for the Special Region of Yogyakarta. In this place, this experiment was condu...
The relationships between risk perception and related behavior form a fundamental theme in risk analysis. Despite increasing attentions on the temporal dimension of risk perception and behavior in recent literature, the dynamic relationships between these two constructs remain understudied. Infectious disease outbreaks, such as the Coronavirus Dise...
Experiment Findings
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This research aims to provide an overview of how respondents use and utilize Circles UBI to meet their daily needs. As a Pilot Project, this research is designed to quickly understand the conditions of respondents before and after they use Circles UBI. Does the presence of Circles UBI have a particular impact on its users or not? Circles UBI is a p...
Experiment Findings
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Riset ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran tentang bagaimana responden menggunakan dan memanfaatkan Circles UBI dalam memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari mereka. Sebagai sebuah Pilot Project, riset ini dirancang untuk secara cepat mengetahui bagaimana kondisi responden sebelum dan sesudah mereka menggunakan Circles UBI? Apakah kehadiran Circles UBI m...
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The Indonesian government has issued hundreds of regulations and policies to deal with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. These various policies and regulations assess how a government responds, mitigates, and prevents systemic crises in its country. These decisions- and policy-making processes are largely determined by the country’s unique socio...
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The COVID-19 pandemic has been tremendously difficult for many people across the globe. What was initially viewed as a health crisis affected societies to their core, many of which were already grappling with the devastating effects of climate change, as well as other challenges such as political instability and conflict. While each of these crises...
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This study delves further into the issue of protecting and respecting human rights in the aquaculture sector, especially shrimp farming. An overview of the current situation of shrimp farmers is illustrated in case studies on the provinces of Lampung and East Java. This research seeks to identify the vulnerable groups in the shrimp trading system a...
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Penelitian ini berupaya melihat lebih jauh tentang isu perlindungan dan penghormatan terhadap HAM di sektor bisnis akuakultur, khususnya budidaya udang. Gambaran umum tentang situasi petambak udang saat ini digambarkan melalui studi kasus di Provinsi Lampung dan Jawa Timur. Kajian ini berusaha mengidentifikasi siapa saja kelompok rentan dalam ranta...
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The digital gender gap is still a big, unseen problem in Indonesia. The government alone will not be able to close this gap, and it needs support from the private sector and the role of civil society. This study aims to explore and determine Civil Society Organizations’ (CSOs) role in closing the digital gender gap in Indonesia. Using a qualitative...
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The digital gender gap is still a big, unseen problem in Indonesia. The government alone will not be able to close this gap, and it needs support from the private sector and the role of civil society. This study aims to explore and determine Civil Society Organizations' (CSOs) role in closing the digital gender gap in Indonesia. Using a qualitative...
This study aims to determine the characteristics and patterns of the social network of souvenir traders in the Borobudur Temple Tourism Park and explore the relationship between social networks and the sustainability of the souvenir merchants’ business. In this qualitative study, researchers conducted data collection (observation and in-depth inter...
Technical Report
The frequencies and magnitudes of hazards and associated risks in modern society can be exacerbated by globalization and environmental change at local, regional, and global levels. Risk perception and related behavior constitute a fundamental theme in risk analysis. Despite the inherent dynamic nature of risk events, the temporal dimension of risk...
Technical Report
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The United States has been affected by an extensive novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak since March 2020. On March 9, 2020 we started an online survey of people’s perceptions and behaviors related to this issue in Missouri and adjacent states (Kansas, Iowa, Illinois, and Arkansas). The survey was administered using Qualtrics and mainly distribute...
Technical Report
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The United States have been affected by an extensive novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak since March 2020. On March 9, 2020 we started an online survey of people’s perceptions and behaviors related to this issue in Missouri and adjacent states (Kansas, Iowa, Illinois, and Arkansas). The survey was administered using Qualtrics and mainly distribut...
Conference Paper
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Instagram is increasingly developing as a technopreneur-based social media for sharing photos and videos. It has been research yet the notion about Instagram literature review which showed the big picture using data from all countries. This study aims to visually map the status of international scientific literature on Instagram using the Scientome...
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UBI Working Paper Series No 1, Vol 02, Agustus 2020, IndoBIG Network
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Working Paper Series No 1 Vol 1 April 2020 Indonesian Basic Income Guarantee (IndoBIG) Network
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Ekonomi dunia bergeser secara fundamental. Dulu mengandalkan alat- alat produksi konvensional, tapi kini lebih mengandalkan pengetahuan dan inovasi. Dulu mengandalkan kepemilikan pribadi, tapi kini mengandalkan kolaborasi. Orang menyebutnya sebagai ekonomi berbasis pengetahuan (knowledge based economy). Kadang juga disebut ekonomi berbagi (shared e...
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The roles of social network and informal leadership network are not only crucial to companies or government institutions, but also to the academic institutions. As the interaction within the organization becomes more complex and dynamic, there is a lack of knowledge of the overall picture of informal leadership network at the higher education insti...
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Along with the popularity of research on Big Data and the increasingly massive use of computer as well as internet-based research, the development of studies with a computational sociology approach has also received more attention. Computational sociology approach such as agent-based modeling or social network analysis has become a new landmark of...
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Work often happens through informal interactions and relationships. Formal networks and vertical channels no longer enough for the organizational and community capacity to adapt to the rapid social changes and disruptions. Just as the network knowledge is an asset for any organization in the disruptive era, understanding people’s connections and ne...
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This project aims to visualize the locations of the current farmers market and its relationship to the racial/population distribution and access to healthy foods in the St. Louis City and Boone County, Missouri. In recent years, the farmers market has gained attention and momentum across the United States. As the most common institution within Alte...
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Gantangan merupakan sebentuk pertukaran sosial yang terbangun dari kebiasaan atau tradisi “nyumbang” atau “silih genten” di pedesaan Subang, Jawa Barat. Bukan hanya di pedesaan Subang, tetapi tradisi serupa juga masih eksis di wilayah pedesaan mulai dari Karawang di sebelah barat hingga Indramayu di sebelah timur. Dari usaha mendalami pola pertukar...
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Social scientists have valuable perspectives, theories, methods, and tools to bring to the study of global climate change and its impact on the sustainability of the agrifood system and food security. The aim of this paper is to collect and elaborate contemporary concepts and approaches of social scientist research publications and its logical rela...
Grassroots innovation is growing and spreading throughout the world as a social innovation in the elaboration of modern and traditional knowledge, formal and non-formal innovation, as well as individual and institutional innovators. Grassroots Innovation shows how poor and marginalized groups are able to develop creativity and sustainable innovatio...
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TEORI sosial dan politik yang umum dipelajari hari ini sebagian besar merupakan warisan pemikiran dari revolusi industri yang berlangsung sekitar dua abad lalu. Jarang disadari bahwa gelombang revolusi berikutnya yang lebih dahsyat sedang berlangsung saat ini. Revolusi ini diyakini akan mengubah serta melahirkan teori dan praktik sosial baru yang m...
Conference Paper
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Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) is the largest research and development (R&D) institute in Indonesia. LIPI’s headquarter located in Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia, by which LIPI is supported LIPI’s branches widely dispersed in many areas in Indonesia. Each branch of LIPI has specificity and special duties in doing R&D activities sta...
Conference Paper
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The concept of sustainable development is ecology and economics must be more fully integrated (Eco-Economy). As known, since the 1950s, the role played by the rural agricultural sector in society has considerably changed due to of mechanization, globalization and new social needs. In many ways. The concept of Appropriate Technologies (AT) hence end...
Conference Paper
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Teknologi Tepat Guna (TTG) merupakan teknologi yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan masyarakat, dapat menjawab permasalahan, tidak merusak lingkungan, dan dapat dimanfaatkan secara mudah serta menghasilkan nilai tambah dari aspek ekonomi dan lingkungan hidup. Sehingga dalam penerapannya diperlukan pola diseminasi TTG yang tepat agar masyarakat sebagai peng...
Conference Paper
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Pelayanan publik oleh aparatur pemerintah dewasa ini masih banyak dijumpai kelemahan karena belum dapat memenuhi kualitas yang diharapkan masyarakat. Data Indeks Kepuasan Masyarakat (IKM) dapat menjadi bahan penilaian terhadap unsur pelayanan yang masih perlu perbaikan dan menjadi pendorong setiap unit penyedia jasa untuk meningkatkan kualitas pela...
Conference Paper
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Teknologi Tepat Guna (TTG) merupakan teknologi yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan masyarakat dan bisa dimanfaatkan pada rentang waktu tertentu. TTG dapat diimplementasikan untuk pemberdayaan masyarakat perkotaan maupun pedesaan. Untuk mendukung pola implementasi TTG, maka lembaga penyedia TTG – dalam hal ini Pusat Pengembangan Teknologi Tepat Guna LIPI –...
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Development Center for Appropriate Technology (DCAT) is a research institute that has a role to develop and implement Appropriate Technology (AT) in accordance with the needs of rural communities in Indonesia. In practice, the application of AT can not be carried out in the scheme of top-down intervention, but rather requires a participatory commun...
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Krisis sumberdaya hutan yang mengancam Indonesia hari ini merupakan dampak dari paradigma pembangunan dan pengelolaan sumberdaya alam yang hanya berorientasi pada pertumbuhan ekonomi dan mengabaikan keberlanjutannya. Wacana tentang keanekaragaman hayati, pembangunan berkelanjutan dan tata kelola sumberdaya alam hadir sebagai kritik terhadap paradig...
Indonesian traditional villagers have a tradition for the sake of their own social and economic security named 'nyumbang'. There are wide variations of the traditions across the archipelago, and we revisit an observation to one in Subang, West Java, Indonesia. The paper discusses and employs the evolutionary game theoretic insights to see the proce...
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Resistance is a normal response to new ideas. Generally, acceptance to innovation will not happen until the receivers (individual or community) see significant advantages. This is known as a typical “safety first” attitude. Our experience in implementing appropriate technology to four different communities in Indonesia i.e. fish farm community in S...


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