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An overview of vehicular platoon control under the four-component framework



The platooning of autonomous ground vehicles has potential to largely benefit the road traffic, including enhancing highway safety, improving traffic utility and reducing fuel consumption. The main goal of platoon control is to ensure all the vehicles in the same group to move at consensual speed while maintaining desired spaces between adjacent vehicles. This paper presents an overview of vehicular platoon control techniques from networked control perspective, which naturally decomposes a platoon into four interrelated components, i.e., 1) node dynamics (ND), 2) information flow topology (IFT), 3) distributed controller (DC) and, 4) geometry formation (GF). Under the four-component framework, existing literature are categorized and analyzed according to their technical features. Three main performance metrics, i.e. string stability, stability margin and coherence behavior, are also discussed.
Abstract The platooning of autonomous ground vehicles
has potential to largely benefit the road traffic, including
enhancing highway safety, improving traffic utility and
reducing fuel consumption. The main goal of platoon control is
to ensure all the vehicles in the same group to move at
consensual speed while maintaining desired spaces between
adjacent vehicles. This paper presents an overview of vehicular
platoon control techniques from networked control perspective,
which naturally decomposes a platoon into four interrelated
components, i.e., 1) node dynamics (ND), 2) information flow
topology (IFT), 3) distributed controller (DC) and, 4) geometry
formation (GF). Under the four-component framework, existing
literature are categorized and analyzed according to their
technical features. Three main performance metrics, i.e. string
stability, stability margin and coherence behavior, are also
The platooning of autonomous vehicles on highway have
attracted extensive interests due to its potential to largely
benefit road traffic, e.g. enhancing highway safety, improving
traffic utility and reducing fuel consumption [1]. The control
of autonomous platoon aims to ensure all the vehicles in the
same group to move at consensual speed while maintaining
the desired spaces between adjacent vehicles [4].
The earliest implementation can date back to the PATH
program during the last eighties in California, in which many
fundamental topics were studied, including major goal of
platooning, division of control tasks, layout of control
architecture, technologies for sensing, actuation and
communication, as well as control laws for headway control,
etc. [2]-[6]. Since then, many issues on platoon control have
been discussed and addressed, such as the selection of spacing
policies [7]-[9], how to consider powertrain dynamics [10],
homogeneity and heterogeneity [11]-[14] etc. Advanced
control methods were also introduced into platoon control to
achieve better performances. For instance, Barooah et al.
(2009) introduced a mistuning-based control method to
improve the stability margin of vehicular platoon [16].
Dunbar and Derek (2012) proposed a distributed receding
The first two authors, S Eben Li and Y. Zheng, are equally contributed to
the research. Supported by NSF of China (51205228), Tsinghua University
Initiative Scientific Research Program (2012THZ0), and Chinese 863 Project
Shengbo Eben Li, Yang Zheng, Keqiang Li, and Jianqiang Wang are with
The State Key Lab of Automotive Safety and Energy, Dept. of Automotive
Eng., Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China. (e-mail:,,, *Corresponding author.
horizon controller and derived the sufficient conditions to
ensure string stability [18]. Ploeg (2014) developed a
control method, in which the string stability was
explicitly satisfied [20]. More recently, some demos of
platoon control have been performed in the real world,
including the GCDC in the Netherlands [19], SARTRE in
Europe [21], and Energy-ITS in Japan [22], etc.
The earlier platoon often only relies on radar-based sensing
systems, in which the type of information exchange
topologies is quite limited [23]. The rapid deployment of
vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications, such as DSRC
and VANET [24], however, can generate a more variety of
topologies for platoons, e.g. two-predecessor following type
and multiple-predecessor following type [23][25]. New
challenges naturally arise due to the variety of topologies, in
particular when considering the time delay, packet loss, and
quantization error in the communications. In such cases, it is
more preferable to view the vehicular platoon as a network of
dynamical systems, and to employ networked control
perspective to design the distributed controllers. For example,
Oncu et al. (2014) investigated the effect of network-induced
constant delay and sampling-hold process on string stability
from the networked control perspective [27]. Bernardo et al.
(2014) proposed a method to analyze the platooning problem
from the viewpoint of consensus control of a dynamic
network, and proved the stability of platoon in the presence of
time delay [29]. Wang et al. (2014) introduced a weighted
and constrained consensus seeking framework to study the
influence of time-varying network structures on the platoon
dynamics by using a discrete-time Markov chain [28].
From networked control perspective, a vehicular platoon is
actually one dimensional network of dynamical systems, in
which the vehicles only use their neighborhood information
for controller design but need to achieve the global
coordination. The perspective naturally decomposes a
platoon system into four interrelated components, i.e., node
dynamics (ND), information flow topology (IFT), distributed
controller (DC), and formation geometry (FG) [28]-[30]. This
decomposition is able to provide a unified four-component
framework to analyze, design and synthesize vehicular
platoon, as well as further on-road implementation [31]-[34].
Under the four-component framework, this paper summarizes
the existing platoon control outcomes by literature
categorization and technical analyses. Moreover, this paper
also reviews the techniques dealing with three major
performance metrics, i.e. string stability, stability margin and
coherence behavior. The remainder of this paper is as follows:
Section II introduces the four-component framework of a
platoon system; Section III reviews the mainstream
An Overview of Vehicular Platoon Control under the Four-Component
Shengbo Eben Li, Member, IEEE, Yang Zheng, Keqiang Li*, and Jianqiang Wang
2015 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV)
June 28 - July 1, 2015. COEX, Seoul, Korea
978-1-4673-7265-7/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE 286
techniques by each component, followed by a brief of
performance metrics in Section IV. Section V concludes this
This paper considers a platoon on a flat road (see Fig. 1),
which aims to move at consensual speed while maintaining
desired space among vehicles. The platoon has a leading
vehicle (LV, indexed by) and other following vehicles (FVs,
indexed from to). As demonstrated in Fig. 1, the platoon
system can be viewed as a combination of four main
components: 1) node dynamics; 2) information flow topology;
3) distributed controller, and 4) formation geometry. The
four-component framework of a platoon is demonstrated in
Fig. 1, which includes:
1) Node dynamics (ND), which describes the behavior of
each involved vehicle;
2) Information flow topology (IFT), which defines how the
nodes exchange information with each other;
3) Distributed controller (DC), which implements the
feedback control only using neighboring information;
4) Formation geometry (FG), which dictates the desired
inter-vehicle distance when platooning.
Information Flow TopologyDistributed Controller
01node iN
Controller C
Formation Geometry
Node Dynamics
Fig. 1 Four major components of a platoon : 1) node dynamics, 2)
information flow topology, 3) distributed controller, 4) geometry
formation; where
is the actual relative distance,
is the desired
is the the contol signal for i-th vehicle, and C denotes the
The internal stability should be ensured for all platoons. A
platoon is said to be internally stable if and only if the
closed-loop system has eigenvalues with strictly negative real
parts [32]. Besides internal stability, the most concerned
performance metrics for a platoon are 1) string stability; 2)
stability margin, and 3) coherence behavior:
Definition 1 (String Stability). A platoon is said to be
string stable if and only if the disturbances are not amplified
when propagating downstream along the vehicle string
Definition 2 (Stability Margin). The stability margin of a
platoon is defined as the absolute value of the real part of the
least stable eigenvalue, which characterizes the convergence
speed of initial errors [32][33];
Definition 3 (Coherence Behavior). The coherence
behavior is quantified as the
norm of the closed-loop
system [51], which is a scalar index that captures the
robustness of a platoon subject to exogenous disturbances.
Each component in Fig. 1 has significant influence on the
performance metrics of a platoon. The categorization result of
existing literature is shown in TABLE I.
A. Node Dynamics (ND)
Most research on platoon control only gives emphasis on
the dynamical behaviors of ND in longitudinal direction.
Only a few studies discuss the integrated longitudinal and
lateral control [56][57]. The later control usually adopted the
bicycle model, see [56][57] for details. This paper only
reviews the modeling of ND in longitudinal direction.
The vehicle longitudinal dynamics are inherently nonlinear,
which is composed of engine, drive line, brake system,
aerodynamics drag, tire friction, rolling resistance,
gravitational force, etc. [4][18]. Some studies directly use
nonlinear models for platoon control, see [18][35][43] and
[56] for examples,. The asymptotic stability and string
stability can be guaranteed by carefully selecting the control
parameters, but explicit performance limits are rather difficult
to analyze with given spacing policy and communication
topology. Actually, linear models are more frequently used
for tractable issues. The commonly used models include 1)
single integrator model, 2) second-order model (including
double-integrator model), 3) third-order model, and 4)
single-input-single-out (SISO) model (see TABLE I. for
The single integrator model is the simplest case, which
takes the vehicle speed as control input and position as the
exclusive state. This can significantly simplify the theoretical
analysis on controller design. For instance, the structured
optimal control of platoon can be transformed into a convex
optimization problem under single integrator assumption, but
quite challenging for other models[49][51]. However, besides
largely depart from actually vehicle dynamics, the single
integrator model fails to reproduce the slinky-type effects or
string instability [44]. An improvement is to assume ND as a
point mass, resulting in the double-integrator model [15][16]
[44], or even to consider a platoon as a mass-spring-damper
system, resulting in the second-order linear model
[69][72][73]. The two models both use acceleration as control
input. Many important theoretical results, like decentralized
optimal control [49], stability margin scaling trend
[16][32][33][47][48], and coherence behavior [66], rely on
the assumption of second-order dynamics. This assumption
still does not catch many features of vehicle dynamics, e.g.
inertial delay in powertrain dynamics, and might lead to
instability in real world [10][17][19][20]. One modeling trend
for ND is to further increase one state and yield so-called
third-order model. The increased state is often used to
approximate the input/output behaviors of powertrain, which
equivalently degrades the control input to engine torque
and/or braking torque [8][10][14][17][20]. Now the majority
of approximation use either feedback linearization technique
[3][10][17][23] or lower-layer control technique [2][4][56].
The last, but not the least, model is the SISO model, which is
often used to analyze string stability from frequency domain.
The pioneer work on this model started from Seiler, Pant, and
Hedrick [41], and later widely employed in many other
studies, e.g. [12][59][64] and [65].
Node Dynamics (ND)
Second-order model
SISO model
Nonlinear model
7][54][56][60][64][67][68] [71][72]
Information Flow Topology (IFT)
Limited Range
General Topologies
Distributed Controller (DC)
Linear Controller
Optimal Controller
Formation Geometry (FG)
Performance Metric
String Stability
Stability Margin
Coherence Behavior
An important terminology for ND is homogeneity. A
platoon is said to be “homogeneous” if all nodes have
identical dynamics; otherwise, it is called to be
“heterogeneous”. The homogeneous assumption can simplify
the theoretical analysis of platoon control (see [20][23][32]
and [41] for examples), while the heterogeneous assumption
is more aligned with the reality (see [9]-[12] and [17] for
( b )
( a )
( d )
( e )
( f )
( c )
Fig. 2 Typical IFTs for Platoon. (a) PF; (b) PLF; (c) BD; (d) BDL; (e) TPF; (f)
B. Information Flow Topology (IFT)
The IFT applied in a platoon is closely related to the way a
vehicle acquires the information of its surrounding vehicles.
The IFT describes the information used by each local
controller and has significant influence on the collective
behaviors of the platoon, e.g. string stability [41], stability
margin [30][32] and coherence behavior [49][56] etc.
Early-stage platoons are mainly radar-based, which means
that a vehicle can only obtain the information of its nearest
neighbors, i.e. front and back. Under this sensing system,
IFTs are the predecessor following (PF) and bidirectional
(BD) topologies (see TABLE I. for details). Nowadays, as the
rapid deployment of vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V)
communications, such as DSRC and VANET, various IFTs
are emerging, including predecessor-following leader (PFL)
type, two predecessor-following (TPF) type, two
predecessor-following leader (TPFL) type, undirected, and
other limited communication range topologies (see TABLE I.
for details). Fig. 2 demonstrates some of these topologies.
Note that TABLE I. is only based on the connection
characteristics without consideration of the communication
characteristics such as quantization, data dropout and time
No matter what kind of topology is employed, internal
stability must be guaranteed in a platoon. Two main
approaches have been proposed to ensure the internal stability:
1) global approach, e.g. [14] and [67], and 2) local approach,
e.g. [8][10][20] and [27]. The first approach is to
straightforwardly take the overall platoon as a structured
system and then design a centralized controller, for which IFT
becomes less important to controller design. For example, the
linear matrix inequality (LMI) was obtained based on the
global platoon dynamics to guarantee internal stability in [14]
and [67]. One major drawback for this approach is that the
computation efficiency quickly worsens with increasing
platoon size. Therefore, most studies decomposed a platoon
into sub-systems and tried to use decentralized control
methods, leading to the second approach. For instance, under
PF topology, a platoon can be naturally viewed as
unidirectional cascade systems, which only needs to study
any two successive vehicles to guarantee stability, e.g.
[8][10][20][27] and [36]. Besides, the inclusion principle was
used to decompose such kind of platoon into locally
decoupled subsystems, for which overlapping controller
could be designed [17]. This decomposing technique does not
suit for a platoon with BD topology because its spacing errors
propagate from both forward and backward directions. The
partial differential equation (PDE) technique were employed
to approximate the dynamics of platoons under BD topology
in [13][16][32][33] and [68], which avoided to analyze high
dimensional dynamics. For platoons under general topologies,
the matrix similarity transformation and factorization is an
important approach, which actually decompose the internal
stability into two components: 1) stability of information flow
for given IFT and 2) stability of individual vehicles for given
DC, see [23][30] and [55]. This method is only applicable for
homogeneous platoon.
C. Distributed Controller (DC)
The DC implements the feedback control using neighbor’s
information to achieve the global coordination of the platoon.
An unstructured DC is one that corresponds to complete
graph which requires communication between any pair of
vehicles. Many existing studies belong to structured control
law either in an explicit or implicit way, see [9][10][17] and
[49]. It is the structural property governed by IFT that brings
both the difficulties in controller design [49] and fundamental
limits in platoon performances [30][32][56].
The commonly used DC are linear for the purpose of
comprehensive results on theoretical analysis, and
convenience in hardware implementation [7][11][16][23].
The internal stability of linear controller largely depends on
the structure of IFT, which means linear DC design is often in
a case-by-case way. The stabilized region of linear control
gains is explicitly derived in [23] for a large amount of
topologies, and the string stability requirements for platoon
under PF topology are established in [10]. The optimization
methods, either numerical or analytical, were also proposed to
optimize the localized gains in [15][17] and [49]. There are
also some studies employing sliding model control (SMC) to
design string-stable platoon [5][8][10]. For SMC, the internal
stability and string stability of platoons have to be realized
through a posterior controller tuning.
There are two main drawbacks in the aforementioned
design methods, i.e. 1) unable to explicitly handle the string
stability, and 2) unable to handle the state or control
constraints. Recently, the
controller synthesis is
proposed to include the string stability requirement as a priori
in the design specification [20]. In addition, model predictive
control (MPC) has been introduced into the platoon control to
forecast system dynamics, explicitly handling actuator/state
constraints by optimizing given objectives [18][19][45].
D. Formation Geometry (FG)
There are three major policies of FG for vehicular platoons:
1) constant distance (CD) policy, 2) constant time headway
(CTH) policy, and 3) nonlinear distance (NLD) policy [7][58].
For the CD policy, the desired distance between two
consecutive vehicles is independent of vehicle velocity,
which can lead to a very high traffic capacity. For the CTH
policy, the desired inter-vehicle range varies with vehicle
velocity, which accords with driver behaviors to some extent
but limits achievable traffic capacity. For the NLD policy, the
desired inter-vehicle is a nonlinear function of vehicle
velocity, which has the potential to improve both the traffic
flow stability and traffic capacity compared with CD and
CTH policies (see [8][70] for details).
Some practical benefits brought by platooning, such as
reducing fuel consumption and improving traffic efficiency,
are not covered in this paper. For these topics, interested
reader can refer to [37]-[40]. The major techniques for
internal stability are presented in Section II.A. Hence, this
section only focuses on string stability, stability margin and
coherence behaviors.
A. String Stability
Internal stability of a platoon in the Lyapunov sense does
not guarantee string stability. If not well designed, error
signals can amplify when propagating downstream the
vehicle string, which may result in rear-end collision [10][41].
This effect is called string instability, e.g. in [41] or slinky
effect, e.g. in [17].
The achievability of string stability has tight relationship
with FG and IFT employed in the platoon. Seiler et al. (2004)
showed that due to the complementary sensitivity integral
constraint, string stability cannot be guaranteed for any linear
identical controllers under PF topology and CD policy [41].
Barooah et al. (2005) further pointed out that for a
homogeneous platoon under BD topology, linear identical
controllers also suffered fundamental limitations on the string
stability due to amplified spacing errors and disturbances [59].
Middleton et al. (2010) extended the work in [41] by
considering heterogeneous ND, limited communication range,
non-zero time headway policy, and showed that both forward
communication range and small time headway cannot alter
the string instability [64]. Some solutions are proposed to
improve string stability, including:
a) Relaxing formation rigidity, i.e. introducing enough
time headway in the spacing policy (e.g. [9][10][15]), or
using nonlinear policy (e.g. [8][70] );
b) Using non-identical controller for different vehicle, (e.g.
c) Extending the information flow by using more complex
IFT, e.g. broadcasting the leader’s information (e.g.
[11][17]). Note that that the analysis in [63] pointed out
the necessity to have some global information (e.g.
leader’s velocity) in DC to ensure string stability.
Recently, some advanced controllers have been proposed
to ensure string stability, including SMC [8][10], MPC
[18][19] and
controller [14][20][67]. Note that all of
them either employ CTH policy or use certain global
B. Stability Margin
Stability margin is used to characterize the convergence
speed in a platoon [32][33]. Most of current research on
stability margin focus on the CD policy, which has revealed
that stability margin is a function of 1) platoon size (), 2)
ND, 3) IFT, 4) the DC structure [16][30]-[34].
By considering ND as a point mass, Barooah (2009)
demonstrated that the stability margin approached zero as
under symmetric bidirectional control, and proved
that asymptotic behavior of stability margin could be
improved to
by introducing small amounts of
“mistuning” [16]. This result was extended to linear
third-order dynamics, which covers the inertial delay of
powertrain dynamics [30]. Using partial differential equation
(PDE) approximation, Hao et al. (2011) showed that scaling
law of stability margin could be improved to 
under D-dimensional IFT [32]. Recently, it was proved that
employing asymmetric control, the stability margin could be
bounded away from zero, which was independent with the
platoon size in [33]. From the perspective of topology
selection and control adjustment, Zheng et al. (2014) further
pointed out two basic methods to improve the stability margin
C. Coherence behavior
The coherence behavior is a scalar metric
-norm of the closed-loop system to character the
robustness of vehicular platoon driven by exogenous
disturbances, which captures the notion of coherence [53][66].
Bamieh et al. investigated the asymptotic scaling of upper
bounds on coherence behavior with respect to platoon size,
and indicated the IFT may play a more important role than
DC [66]. Several recent research used coherence behavior as
the cost function to optimize the local control gains, e.g. in
[49], and the communication structure of IFTs, e.g. in
[50][51][53] by using augmented Lagrangian approach and
alternative direction method of multipliers.
This paper presents a review on vehicular platoon control
from the perspective of networked control system. Although
some theoretical and/or experimental results have been
provided, there are still many open questions, especially
considering the emerging large-scaled applications of V2V
and V2I communication. Some of them are briefly discussed
1) How to model, analyze and design vehicular platoon
control in a systematic way. The future challenge comes from
the nonlinearity of node dynamics, the variety of topologies,
and the low-cost demands of controllers. The communication
issues, e.g. data delay, quantization error and packet loss, also
pose significant challenge on platoon control technique. One
interesting question is how to optimize the design of
topologies and controllers considering both platoon
performances and communication issues.
2) How to balance various performances in a platoon,
including practical requirements from highway. The balance
of string stability, stability margin and coherence behavior is
attracting increasing interests now. Moreover, final goal of
platooning is to enhance highway safety, improve traffic
utility and reduce fuel consumption. How to consider
practical performance requirement is rather challenging for
platoon control. A comprehensive design framework is
needed to incorporate and balance multiple performance
Special thanks should be given to Prof. Le-Yi Wang, Prof.
Hongwei Zhang, and Prof. Gang G. Yin in Wayne State
University, and Prof. Francesco Borrelli, Prof. J. Karl
Hedrick from University of California, Berkeley for their
valuable suggestions and comments.
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... To cope with the dynamic uncertainties and external disturbances existing in vehicle platoon control and to promote sustainable transportation, this paper introduces a novel representation of platoon error dynamics based on the platoon network graph, and proposes a robust distributed control algorithm for truck platoons. In this paper, the network of bidirectional leader topology [20], as illustrated in Figure 1, is utilized to facilitate the design of control algorithms. In the bidirectional topology, every follower can have access to the information of both the leader and the adjacent neighbors. ...
... This case is simulated to verify the inner stability of the controller without uncertainties and disturbance. The initial positions are chosen as [40, 30,20,10, 0] T m with the leader as the first vehicle in the driving direction. The desired gap between following vehicles with the immediate predecessor is set as 6 m. ...
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Intelligent truck platoons can benefit road transportation due to the short gap and better fuel economy, but they are also subject to dynamic uncertainties and external disturbances. Therefore, this paper develops a novel robust control algorithm for connected truck platoons. By introducing a linearized expression method of platoon error dynamics based on state measurement, the state feedback mechanism combined with a nonsmooth controller for a truck platoon is proposed in the development of the distributed control method. The state-feedback controller can drive the nominal platoon system to the state of second-order consensus, and the nonsmooth controller counterparts the uncertainties and disturbances. The convergence and string stability of the proposed control algorithm are demonstrated both theoretically and experimentally, and the effectiveness and robustness are also verified by simulation tests.
... In recent years, the exponential rise in the number of automobiles has brought about pressing concerns regarding resource depletion, environmental degradation, and traffic congestion. To tackle these challenges, intelligent transportation research has shifted its focus towards exploring more sustainable, eco-friendly, and efficient modes of transportation [1][2][3]. Among these advancements, intelligent vehicle platooning (IVP) has garnered significant attention owing to its remarkable benefits. ...
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Based on an investigation of how vehicle structural characteristics and system parameters influence the motion stability of high-speed steering intelligent vehicle platooning, a control strategy for ensuring motion stability is proposed. This strategy is based on a virtual articulated concept and is validated using both characteristic equation analysis and time domain analysis methods. To create a system, any two adjacent front and rear vehicles in the intelligent vehicle platooning are connected using a virtual articulated model constructed through the virtual structure method. A ten-degrees-of-freedom model of the intelligent vehicle platooning system is established, taking into account the nonlinearities of the tire and steering systems, utilizing the principles of the second Lagrange equation theory. The system damping ratio is determined through characteristic equation analysis, and the system’s dynamic critical speed is assessed by examining the relationship between the damping ratio and the motion stability of the intelligent vehicle platooning, serving as an indicator of system stability. By applying sensitivity analysis, control variable analysis, and time domain analysis methods, the influence of vehicle structural characteristics and system parameters on the system’s dynamic critical speed and motion stability under lateral disturbances within the intelligent vehicle platooning is thoroughly investigated, thereby validating the soundness of the proposed control strategy.
... From the perspective of networked control, a vehicular platoon system is mainly composed of four parts: IFT; geometry formation; node dynamics; and distributed controller [10]. The formation geometry maintained by the platoon during driving is determined by its spacing strategy, making the design of the spacing strategy critical to both vehicular safety and traffic efficiency. ...
... The acceleration of leader is treated as disturbances within the platoon [12], [18]. The initial position of the leader is set as s 0 (t) = 0, with an initial velocity of v 0 = 20m/s, and the desired trajectory is provided as follows: The parameters of the following Vehicles are chosen ran-domly accordingto the passenger vehicles [19], and these parameters can be found in Table. ...
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This paper presents a novel approach, the Reputation-Based Distributed Nonlinear Model Predictive Controller, designed to manage heterogeneous vehicular platoons under the threat of false data attacks. Using an adapted reputation algorithm, the DNMPC enhances cooperative behavior and system stability while effectively countering potential cyber-attacks. In the simulation results section, the cost function values for individual vehicles are depicted to demonstrate the achieved stability in the presence of an attack. This innovation holds the potential to significantly enhance the security and performance of vehicular platooning systems, ensuring safe and reliable urban mobility in the face of evolving cybersecurity challenges.
This article presents a fault‐tolerant platooning control algorithm for a class of nonlinear homogeneous multi‐vehicle systems under unreliable network communication environment. The considered types of actuator failures in individual vehicle are loss‐in‐effectiveness, and bias faults. Suppose the communication network among vehicles is here described as a switching graph subject to intermittent communications. Unlike the existing results dealing with vehicle platoon under continuous communications, this article develops a hierarchical fault‐tolerant platooning control approach, under which, the multiple vehicle coordination platooning objective is ensured even in the cases of discontinuous communication faults and actuator failures. First, each following vehicle can estimate the desire reference information via cooperative adaptive virtual estimator even in intermittent communications. Second, the local fault‐tolerant controller with adaptive parameter update mechanism can guarantee the practical position and velocity of following vehicles asymptotically track the desire estimations. Finally, a simulation example of a team of autonomous vehicles is given to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.
This study investigates the issue of vehicle platoon control for nonlinear heterogeneous vehicle platoon systems containing a leader and several followers subject to unknown uncertainties and disturbances. Platoon control has been shown to effectively achieve the consensus of vehicles, increase road capacity, and enhance traffic safety. Achieving that the vehicle platoon maintains a desired inter-vehicle spacing and reaches the velocity consensus is the main objective of platoon control. To achieve vehicle consensus and avoid collisions, the new distributed cooperative sliding mode control protocols are proposed for the heterogeneous platoon to ensure the convergence of vehicle spacing errors and velocity errors and to guarantee string stability. The spacing policy and information flow topology are introduced within the development of the platoon control strategies. Furthermore, the novel distributed neural adaptive control strategies utilizing the nonsingular updating method are developed to address the problem of the unknown uncertainties and heterogeneities in the platoon vehicles. The proof of the ultimate boundedness of the spacing and velocity errors is carried out by utilizing the Lyapunov theory. The analysis of string stability is conducted to confirm the effectiveness of the vehicle platoon control strategies. Finally, the correctness and efficacy of the control strategies can be verified through a numerical example.
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The platooning of autonomous vehicles has the potential to significantly improve traffic capacity, enhance highway safety, and reduce fuel consumption. This paper studies the scalability limitations of large-scale vehicular platoons moving in rigid formation, and proposes two basic ways to improve stability margins, i.e., enlarging information topology and employing asymmetric control. A vehicular platoon is considered as a combination of four components: 1) node dynamics; 2) decentralized controller; 3) information flow topology; and 4) formation geometry. Tools, such as the algebraic graph theory and matrix factorization technique, are employed to model and analyze scalability limitations. The major findings include: 1) under linear identical decentralized controllers, the stability thresholds of control gains are explicitly established for platoons under undirected topologies. It is proved that the stability margins decay to zero as the platoon size increases unless there is a large number of following vehicles pinned to the leader and 2) the stability margins of vehicular platoons under bidirectional topologies using asymmetric controllers are always bounded away from zero and independent of the platoon size. Simulations with a platoon of passenger cars are used to demonstrate the findings.
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This paper studies the scalability limitation of vehicular platoons moving with constant spacing policy under undirected information flow topologies, and proposes one basic way to improve stability margin, i.e., using communication topologies with constant tree depth. A vehicular platoon is considered as a combination of four components: node dynamics, decentralized controller, information flow topology, and formation geometry. Tools, such as algebraic graph theory and matrix factorization technique, are employed to model and analyze the scalability limitation. The major findings include: (1) under linear identical decentralized controllers, the stability thresholds of control gains are explicitly established for platoons under undirected information flow topologies; (2) the stability margin decays to zero as the platoon size increases unless there is a large number of followers pinned to the leader.
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Besides automated controllers, the information flow among vehicles can significantly affect the dynamics of a platoon. This paper studies the influence of information flow topology on the closed-loop stability of homogeneous vehicular platoon moving in a rigid formation. A linearized vehicle longitudinal dynamic model is derived using the exact feedback linearization technique, which accommodates the inertial delay of powertrain dynamics. Directed graphs are adopted to describe different types of allowable information flow interconnecting vehicles, including both radar-based sensors and V2V communications. Under linear feedback controllers, a unified closed-loop stability theorem is proved by using the algebraic graph theory and Routh–Hurwitz stability criterion. The theorem explicitly establishes the stabilization threshold of linear controller gains for platoons with a large class of different information flow topologies. Numerical simulations are used to illustrate the results.
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In addition to decentralized controllers, the information flow among vehicles can significantly affect the dynamics of a platoon. This paper studies the influence of information flow topology on the internal stability and scalability of homogeneous vehicular platoons moving in a rigid formation. A linearized vehicle longitudinal dynamic model is derived using the exact feedback linearization technique, which accommodates the inertial delay of powertrain dynamics. Directed graphs are adopted to describe different types of allowable information flow interconnecting vehicles, including both radar-based sensors and vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications. Under linear feedback controllers, a unified internal stability theorem is proved by using the algebraic graph theory and Routh–Hurwitz stability criterion. The theorem explicitly establishes the stabilizing thresholds of linear controller gains for platoons, under a large class of different information flow topologies. Using matrix eigenvalue analysis, the scalability is investigated for platoons under two typical information flow topologies, i.e., 1) the stability margin of platoon decays to zero as 0(mbox{1}/N^{2})$?>(mbox{1}/N^{2})$(mbox{1}/N^{2}) for bidirectional topology; and 2) the stability margin is always bounded and independent of the platoon size for bidirectional-leader topology. Numerical simulations are used to illustrate the results.
A two-level Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) synthesis method is presented in this paper. At the upper level, desired vehicle acceleration is computed based on vehicle range and range rate measurement. At the lower (servo) level, an adaptive control algorithm is designed to ensure the vehicle follows the upper level acceleration command accurately. It is shown that the servo-level dynamics can be included in the overall design and string stability can be guaranteed. In other words, the proposed control design produces minimum negative impact on surrounding vehicles. The performance of the proposed ACC algorithm is examined by using a microscopic simulation program - ACCSIM created at the University of Michigan. The architecture and basic functions of ACCSIM are described in this paper. Simulation results under different ACC penetration rate and actuator/engine bandwidth are reported.
Nowadays, throughput has become a limiting factor in road transport. An effective means to increase the road throughput is to employ a small intervehicle time gap using automatic vehicle-following control systems. String stability, i.e., the disturbance attenuation along the vehicle string, is considered an essential requirement for the design of those systems. However, the formal notion of string stability is not unambiguous in literature, since both stability and performance interpretations exist. Therefore, a novel definition for string stability of nonlinear cascaded systems is proposed, using input-output properties. This definition is shown to result in well-known string stability conditions for linear cascaded systems. The theoretical results are experimentally validated using a platoon of six passenger vehicles equipped with cooperative adaptive cruise control.
We analyze and solve the platooning problem by treating it as the problem of achieving consensus in a network of dynamical systems affected by time-varying heterogeneous delays due to wireless communication among vehicles. Specifically, a platoon is modeled as a dynamical network where: 1) each vehicle, with its own dynamics, is a node; 2) the presence of communication links between neighboring vehicles is represented by edges; and 3) the structure of the intervehicle communication is encoded in the network topology. A distributed control protocol, which acts on every vehicle in the platoon, is derived. It is composed of two terms: a local action depending on the state variables of the vehicle itself (measured onboard) and an action depending on the information received from neighboring vehicles through the communication network. The stability of the platoon is proven by using Lyapunov-Razumikhin theorem. Numerical results are included to confirm and illustrate the theoretical derivation.
Platoon formation of highway vehicles is a critical foundation for autonomous or semiautonomous vehicle control for enhanced safety, improved highway utility, increased fuel economy, and reduced emission toward intelligent transportation systems. Platoon control encounters great challenges from vehicle control, communications, team coordination, and uncertainties. This paper introduces a new method for coordinated control of platoons by using integrated network consensus decisions and vehicle control. To achieve suitable coordination of the team vehicles based on terrain and environmental conditions, the emerging technology of network consensus control is modified to a weighted and constrained consensus-seeking framework. Algorithms are introduced and their convergence properties are established. The methodology employs neighborhood information through on-board sensors and V2V or V2I communications, but achieves global coordination of the entire platoon. The ability of the methods in terms of robustness, disturbance rejection, noise attenuation, and cyber-physical interaction is analyzed and demonstrated with simulated case studies.
In this paper, we show how heterogeneous bidirectional vehicle strings can be modelled as port-Hamiltonian systems. Analysis of stability and string stability within this framework is straightforward and leads to a better understanding of the underlying problem. Nonlinear local control and additional integral action is introduced to design a suitable control law guaranteeing string stability of the system with respect to bounded disturbances.
This paper proposes an adaptive bidirectional platoon-control method for an interconnected vehicular system using a coupled sliding mode control (CSMC) to improve the performance and stability of the bidirectional platoon control and to guarantee string stability. The previous work in the field of platoon control is based on two strategies, i.e., the leader–predecessor and bidirectional strategies. In the case of the leader–predecessor strategy, all vehicles should use the information of all the leading and preceding vehicles. On the other hand, the bidirectional strategy uses the information of its neighboring preceding and following vehicles. Due to the drawbacks of the bidirectional strategy, most previous work has preferred to employ the leader–predecessor strategy, which can guarantee stability and improved performance. The bidirectional strategy is, however, advantageous in that its implementation of the actual system becomes much more feasible than that of the leader–predecessor strategy. Thus, to employ the platoon-control law to an actual system, we propose the platoon-control law using a CSMC method for an interconnected vehicular system based on the bidirectional strategy such that the problems arising from communication devices in the previous work can be overcome. In particular, unlike the previous work using the bidirectional strategy, the proposed adaptive platoon-control law can lead to improved control performance of the whole system and can guarantee string stability. The stability analysis and simulation results of the proposed method in the presence of uncertainties and disturbances are included to demonstrate the practical application of the proposed algorithm.