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Dynamic behaviors of hyperbolic-type memristor-based Hopfield neural network considering synaptic crosstalk

  • King's College London


Crosstalk phenomena taking place between synapses can influence signal transmission and, in some cases, brain functions. It is thus important to discover the dynamic behaviors of the neural network infected by synaptic crosstalk. To achieve this, in this paper, a new circuit is structured to emulate the Coupled Hyperbolic Memristors, which is then utilized to simulate the synaptic crosstalk of a Hopfield Neural Network (HNN). Thereafter, the HNN’s multi-stability, asymmetry attractors, and anti-monotonicity are observed with various crosstalk strengths. The dynamic behaviors of the HNN are presented using bifurcation diagrams, dynamic maps, and Lyapunov exponent spectrums, considering different levels of crosstalk strengths. Simulation results also reveal that different crosstalk strengths can lead to wide-ranging nonlinear behaviors in the HNN systems.
Dynamic behaviors of hyperbolic-type memristor-based
Hopfield neural network considering synaptic crosstalk
Yang Leng ; Dongsheng Yu ; Yihua Hu ; Samson Shenglong Yu ; Zongbin Ye
Chaos 30, 033108 (2020)
29 August 2023 15:15:38
Dynamic behaviors of hyperbolic-type
memristor-based Hopfield neural network
considering synaptic crosstalk
Cite as: Chaos 30, 033108 (2020); doi: 10.1063/5.0002076
Submitted: 3 February 2020 ·Accepted: 6 February 2020 ·
Published Online: 3 March 2020
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Yang Leng,1Dongsheng Yu,1Yihua Hu,1,a)Samson Shenglong Yu,2and Zongbin Ye1
1School of Electrical and Power Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology, No. 1 Daxue Road, Xuzhou,
Jiangsu 221116, China
2School of Engineering, Deakin University, 75 Pigdons Road, Waurn Ponds, Victoria 3216, Australia
a)Author to whom correspondence should be addressed:
Crosstalk phenomena taking place between synapses can influence signal transmission and, in some cases, brain functions. It is thus important
to discover the dynamic behaviors of the neural network infected by synaptic crosstalk. To achieve this, in this paper, a new circuit is structured
to emulate the Coupled Hyperbolic Memristors, which is then utilized to simulate the synaptic crosstalk of a Hopfield Neural Network
(HNN). Thereafter, the HNN’s multi-stability, asymmetry attractors, and anti-monotonicity are observed with various crosstalk strengths.
The dynamic behaviors of the HNN are presented using bifurcation diagrams, dynamic maps, and Lyapunov exponent spectrums, considering
different levels of crosstalk strengths. Simulation results also reveal that different crosstalk strengths can lead to wide-ranging nonlinear
behaviors in the HNN systems.
Published under license by AIP Publishing.
Recently, great advancements have been made on discovering
diverse dynamic behaviors of Hopfield Neural Networks (HNNs).
Due to their unique features, such as continuous variations of
memristance, memorable information of historical charge, and
nanoscale volume, memristors (MRs) were utilized to construct
the HNN as synapse weight components, in order to obtain more
realistic emulation performances. However, the dynamic behav-
iors of HNNs due to crosstalk phenomena between two synapses
have not been fully addressed. To fill the void in this research
space, in this paper, two coupled memristors are adopted to
emulate the crosstalk actions inside the HNN, and the dynamic
behaviors are inspected with regard to the crosstalk strength. The
newly proposed HNN emulation strategy with coupled memris-
tors can be used to more accurately represent the functions of the
human brain, leading to possible further cerebral discoveries.
Neural networks composed of neurons can be used to emu-
late many basic functions of the brain and have been widely used in
deep learning, information processing, and artificial intelligence.1,2
The Hopfield Neural Network was proposed by John Hopfield in
1982, after the neural network had been found in the human brain,
which is believed to be able to be created out of artificial com-
ponents. HNN possesses its unique ability of binary computation
and information storage3and hence has been widely used in many
applications such as associative memory, image identification, and
The nonlinear behaviors of hyperchaotic, chaotic, and quasi-
periodic oscillations have been observed in HNN systems, which
indicates their potential of simulating the real brain functions.7,8The
nonlinear behaviors presented by HNN systems have been reported
in many scientific articles. In Ref. 9, a novel four-dimensional
autonomous HNN system with two parameters is constructed,
which can produce extremely rich dynamics.9In order to simplify
the HNN topology and ease its implementation, numerical simu-
lations and experimental implementation on breadboard for two-
neuron-based non-autonomous HNN have been carried out, which
shows the inherent dynamics of the twin attractors.10 The connec-
tions between the frustrated chaos and the intermittency chaos in a
small HNN have been inspected in Ref. 11. Hyperchaos and hidden
Chaos 30, 033108 (2020); doi: 10.1063/5.0002076 30, 033108-1
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29 August 2023 15:15:38
chaotic sets in HNNs are found in Refs. 12 and 13, respectively.
However, most of the HNN systems have been investigated by
adopting ordinary resistors for emulating the synapse weights.1416
A memristor (MR) is a polarized two-terminal passive cir-
cuit element, whose memristance is dependent on the charge that
has passed through it.17,18 MRs have been widely applied to struc-
tural neuron networks.19 A large number of MR-based neural
networks have been implemented to replace the resistive synap-
tic weights, and their complex dynamic behaviors such as self-
excited and hidden attractors have been explicitly observed.2023 A
new model for the two-neuron-based non-autonomous memristive
HNN is established in Ref. 24, and numerical and experimental
results from hardware experiments have validated the proposed
Hyperchaos have also been discovered in MR-based HNN
systems.25 As highlighted in Ref. 25, after one weight is replaced
by an MR, complex dynamics such as quasi-periodic orbits, chaos,
and hyperchaos can be observed in an HNN system. This reveals
that the MR is crucial to the behaviors of HNNs. In Ref. 26, a novel
hyperbolic-type MR emulator with a bounded memristance is intro-
duced into an HNN system structured by three neurons, whose
multi-stability and asymmetric attractors are observed. Recently,
the coexistence of multi-stable patterns in an MR synapse-coupled
HNN with two neurons has been reported.27 Methodologically,
in this work, a static matrix was used for describing the synapse
weights, which, however, could not appropriately reflect the prop-
erties of real-world synapses.
Synaptic crosstalk, caused by the spillover of a neurotrans-
mitter from one synapse to another or by the lateral diffusion
of receptors from one spine to the neighboring spines, is a non-
negligible phenomenon that usually happens in neural networks.2830
However, very few research efforts have been invested in inspect-
ing the dynamic behaviors of MR-based HNNs with synaptic
In this paper, two coupled hyperbolic MRs are employed to
innovatively construct the HNN of three neurons for emulating
the synaptic crosstalk. The dynamic behaviors of this HNN with
synaptic crosstalk are inspected, considering the crosstalk strength.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II, the two
coupled hyperbolic MRs are presented. In Sec. III, state equations
of the coupled MR-based HNN are detailed, and the experimen-
tal environment of the HNN system is provided. In Sec. IV, the
equilibrium point and stability behaviors are numerically calculated.
In Sec. V, the multi-stability, asymmetric attractors, and dynamic
mapping under different initial conditions are deduced in terms
of the crosstalk strength. In Sec. VI, the anti-monotonicities, espe-
cially the evolution from bubbles to trees with different connections,
and the variation of attractor structures are found by adjusting
the crosstalk strength. In Sec. VII, experimental results are given
to verify the MR-based HNN. Finally, conclusions are drawn in
Sec. VIII.
The hyperbolic tangent function is generally utilized to present
the neuron activation function. The constitutive relationship of a
FIG. 1. Circuit representing an inverting hyperbolic tangent function.
hyperbolic-type MR emulator can be described by
i=W(v0)v=[abtanh(v0)]v, (1a)
dt =f(v0,v)= v0v, (1b)
where vand irepresent the input voltage and current of the
MR emulator, respectively, v0is the intermediate state variable,
aand bare two internal positive constants of the MR emu-
lator, and τis the integral time. Memductance W(v0)can be
modeled by
W(v0)=abtanh(v0). (2)
As shown in Fig. 1, the inverting hyperbolic tangent function circuit
is established by using two operational amplifiers, four bipolar tran-
sistors, and eleven resistors.31 The output of the hyperbolic tangent
function unit can be obtained by
v0= tanh(vi), (3)
where viis the input voltage and v0is the output voltage.
The hyperbolic tangent function circuit is adopted to construct
the hyperbolic-type MR emulator, as shown in the rectangular frame
of Fig. 2. The emulator of the hyperbolic-type MRs is depicted
by the circuitry inside the dotted frame, which is used for emulating
the synaptic weights. The crosstalk of two synapses is emulated by
the coupling connection between the two MR emulators, as shown
in Fig. 2.
With regard to the two synaptic weights, by scaling the param-
eters to the dimensionless form, we have
W1=a1b1tanh(u)+c1tanh(w), (4a)
W2=a2b2tanh(w)+c2tanh(u), (4b)
Chaos 30, 033108 (2020); doi: 10.1063/5.0002076 30, 033108-2
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29 August 2023 15:15:38
FIG. 2. Circuit of two hyperbolic-type MRs with a positive crosstalk.
RC ,a1=R
, (5a)
. (5b)
An HNN can be depicted by circuit state equations. For an
HNN system with nneurons, for the ith neuron, the circuit state
equation can be expressed by
dt = xi
wij tanh(xj)+Ii, (6)
where xiis the state variable standing for the voltage across the
capacitor Ci,Riis a resistor representing the membrane resistance
between the inside and outside of the neuron, Iiis the input bias
current, tanh(xj)is a neuron activation function of the voltage input
from the jth neuron, and W=(wij)is an n×nsynaptic weight
matrix indicating the strength of the connection between the ith
and jth neurons. Here, the parameters n=3, Ci=1F, Ri=1, and
Ii=0A are used in this study.
As shown in Fig. 3, an HNN system with three neurons are
adopted in this study, where two MRs coupled between Neuron 1
and Neuron 3 are established to emulate crosstalk. This memristive
FIG. 3. Hyperbolic-type MR-based HNN with three neurons.
HNN with crosstalk can be derived in a dimensionless form by
x= x+w11 tanh(x)+w12 tanh(y)k2W2tanh(z),
y= y+w21 tanh(x)+w22 tanh(y)+w23 tanh(z),
z= z+k1W1tanh(x)+w32 tanh(y)+w33 tanh(z),
u= u+tanh(x),
w= w+tanh(z),
Wij =
w11 w12 w13
w21 w22 w23
w31 w32 w33
w11 w12 k2W2
w21 0w23
k1W1w32 w33
. (8)
Note that W1=a1b1tanh(u)+c1tanh(w)is the synaptic
weight impacting on Neuron 3 from Neuron 1, and W2=a2
b2tanh(w)+c2tanh(u)is the synaptic weight impacting on Neu-
ron 1 from Neuron 3. Terms k1and k2are the strength parameters of
hyperbolic-type MRs W1and W2, respectively, and c1and c2repre-
sent the crosstalk strength of the hyperbolic-type MRs W1and W2,
Adder circuits, integral circuits, and two nonlinearly coupled
MRs and three nonlinear inverting hyperbolic activation function
circuits are used to physically realize the HNN with the hyperbolic
coupled MRs. The schematic diagram is shown in Fig. 4. Note that
for the purpose of maintaining the internal constitutive relationship
of hyperbolic-type MRs, the input of W2must be vcrather than vc,
and in order to make the front-end symbol of W2negative in system
state equations. A current mirror inverter is used to achieve inver-
sion, which is marked by the frame with label 1” in Fig. 4. We can
Chaos 30, 033108 (2020); doi: 10.1063/5.0002076 30, 033108-3
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29 August 2023 15:15:38
FIG. 4. Circuit realization of HNN with two hyperbolic-type MRs.
dt = v1R
dt = v2R
dt = v3R
dt = v4+tanh(v1),
dt = v5+tanh(v3). (9)
By assuming the time constant τ=RC =1 ms and configuring
R=10 k,C=100 nF, g=0.1, based on Eq. (8), the values of the
resistors can be obtained by
R1=R/|w11|,R2=R/|w12 |,R3=R/|w21|,
R4=R/|w23|,R5=R/|w32 |,R6=R/|w33|,
It can be proved that the orbits of this system including periodic and
chaotic traces are confined into a bounded region. By introducing a
Lyapunov function, we have
2w2. (10)
Taking the time derivative of Eq. (10) yields
= x2y2z2u2w2
+(w11x+w21 y+k1W1z+u)tanh(x)
+(w12x+w22 y+w32z)tanh(y)
+(k2W2x+w23y+w33 z+w)tanh(z). (11)
By denoting
V(x,y,z,u,w)=(w11x+w21 y+k1W1z+u)tanh(x)
+(w12x+w22 y+w32z)tanh(y)
+(k2W2x+w23y+w33 z+w)tanh(z), (12)
Eq. (11) can be rewritten as
V(x,y,z,u,w)= 2V(x,y,z,u,w)+v(x,y,z,u,w). (13)
For u,wR,1<tanh(u) < 1, 1<tanh(w) < 1, we have
a1b1 |c1|<W1<a1+b1+ |c1|, (14a)
a2b2 |c2|<W2<a2+b2+ |c2|, (14b)
|W1| M1=max{|a1b1 |c1||,|a1+b1+ |c1||}, (15a)
|W2| M2=max{|a2b2 |c2||,|a2+b2+ |c2||}. (15b)
For any variable x, condition |tanh(x)|<1 can be satisfied. Thus,
Eq. (12) can be simplified as
V(x,y,z,u,w) |(w11x+w21 y+k1W1z+u)tanh(x)|
+ |(w12x+w22 y+w32z)tanh(y)|
+ |(k2W2x+w23y+w33 z+w)tanh(z)|
|w11x+w21 y+k1W1z+u|
+ |w12x+w22 y+w32z|
+ | k2W2x+w23y+w33 z+w|
(|w11| + |w21 | + k2M2)|x|
+(|w12| + |w22 | + |w32|)|y|
+(k1M1+ |w23| + |w33 |)|z|
+ |u| + |w|, (16)
where M1and M2are constants. Assuming D0>0 is a sufficiently
large region, for all (x,y,z,u,w)satisfying V(x,y,z,u,w)=Dwith
Chaos 30, 033108 (2020); doi: 10.1063/5.0002076 30, 033108-4
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29 August 2023 15:15:38
D>D0, the following condition holds:
v(x,y,z,u,w)(|w11| + |w21 | + k2M2)|x|
+(|w12| + |w22 | + |w32|)|y|
+(k1M1x+ |w23| + |w33 |)|z| + |u|
+ |w| x2+y2+z2+u2+w2, (17)
where (|w11| + |w21 | + k2M2)and (|w23| + |w33 | + k1M1)are posi-
tive constants. Consequently, on the surface, we have
{(x,y,z,u,w)|V(x,y,z,u,w)=D}. (18)
For D>D0, we have
V(x,y,z,u,w)= 2V(x,y,z,u,w)+v(x,y,z,u,w) < 0, (19)
which means that set
is a confined region of all solutions of Eq. (10) and thus the
memristive crosstalk system is also bounded.
Taking the synaptic weight matrix W0for an example, the char-
acteristics of the equilibrium point and stability can be quantitatively
known, and
1.4 1.16 k2W2
1.1 0 2.82
k1W12 4
. (21)
A. Symmetry
The system is invariant under the transformation (x,y,z,u,w,
b1,b2,c1,c2) to (x,y,z,u,w,b1,b2,c1,c2), and
therefore, the HNN with crosstalk is symmetric about parameters
b1,b2,c1, and c2.
The system parameters used for obtaining the attractors shown
in Figs. 5(a) and 5(b) are b1=0.02, b2=0.03, c1=0.2, c2=0.2
and b1= 0.02, b2= 0.03, c1= 0.2, c2= 0.2, respectively.
The initial conditions of Figs. 5(a) and 5(b) are (0, 0.1, 0, 0, 0)and
(0, 0.1, 0, 0, 0), respectively. When both parameters and initial con-
ditions are reversed, it can be found that the chaotic phase-orbit
diagram has an inversed central symmetry.
B. Equilibrium point analysis
Setting the left-hand side of state equations to zero, the
equilibrium points of the HNN with crosstalk can be numeri-
cally determined, namely one zero equilibrium point P0(0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
and two non-zero equilibrium points P11,η2,η3,η4,η5)and
P21,µ2,µ3,µ4,µ5). Let η1=x1,η3=z1,µ1=x2,µ3=z2for the
undefined constant variables, the nonzero equilibrium points can be
FIG. 5. Dynamic behaviors under symmetric parameters.
calculated by solving the following two equation sets:
η2=1.1 tanh(x1)+2.82 tanh(z1),
µ2=1.1 tanh(x2)+2.82 tanh(z2),
Two curves can be derived from Eq. (23) by substituting equation
sets Eq. (22) into Eq. (7),
h1(x,z)= x1.4 tanh(x)
+1.16 tanh[1.1 tanh(x)+2.82 tanh(z)]k2tanh(z)
× {a2b2tanh[tanh(z)]+c2tanh[tanh(x)]}, (23a)
h2(x,z)= z+4 tanh(z)
2 tanh[1.1 tanh(x)+2.82 tanh(z)]+k1tanh(x)
× {a1b1tanh[tanh(x)]+c1tanh[tanh(z)]}, (23b)
where (x1,z1),(x2,z2)are the two intersection points of the above
two function curves, and (x1,z1),(x2,z2)can be determined by
graphical analytic methods. Choosing k1=k2=1, a1=1, a2=7,
b1=0.02, b2=0.03, and c1=c2=0.2 as an example, the two
function curves are plotted in Fig. 6, where the two points are
P1(1.6612, 0.4919)and P2(1.1452, 0.3628). Apparently, the two
non-zero equilibrium points are asymmetric. Maintaining other
parameters unchanged and letting c1= 2, it can be found that
equilibrium point P2evolves farther from the origin and the equi-
librium point P1moves toward and coincide with the origin. Then,
let c1=2, it can be found that equilibrium point P1moves farther
from the origin and equilibrium point P2almost travels to and coin-
cide with the origin. Although the first crosstalk strength parameter
c1has a great influence on the shape of function h2(x,z), the sec-
ond crosstalk strength parameter c2can also influence the shape
of the function h1(x,z)but only within a narrow range. Therefore,
crosstalk strength coefficients can be used for altering the position
Chaos 30, 033108 (2020); doi: 10.1063/5.0002076 30, 033108-5
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29 August 2023 15:15:38
FIG. 6. Two function curves and intersections under different crosstalk strengths:
(a) c1=0.2, c2=0.2, (b) c1= 2, c2=0.2, and (c) c1=2, c2=0.2.
of the asymmetric equilibrium point. The Jacobian matrix at the
equilibrium point can be derived by
11.4h11.16h2k2W2h3α β
1.1h11 2.82h30 0
k1W1h12h21+4h3γ δ
h10 0 1 0
0 0 h301
, (24)
α= k2c2tanh(¯
γ= k1b1tanh(¯
At zero equilibrium point P0(0, 0, 0, 0, 0), the characteristic
polynomial equation can be derived as
P(λ) =detIJ)
= +1)2[λ3+0.4λ2+(a1a2k1k23.436
+a1a2k1k23.2712a1k12.2a2k2+10.164]. (25)
The coefficients in the characteristic polynomial equation are
only related to a1k1and a2k2, instead of the internal MR parame-
ters b1and b2, as well as the crosstalk strength coefficients c1and c2.
When k1=1, a1=1, and a2=7, according to the Routh–Hurwitz
criterion, it can be confirmed that P0is stable if 0.7381 <k2
<0.8206. Taking a1=1, a2=7, k1=1, and k2=0.8 as an exam-
ple, it can be calculated that the eigenvalues of P0are λ1=λ2
= 1, λ3,4 = 0.1596 ±j1.4535, and λ5= 0.0808, and thus P0is
a stable point. Taking k1=1, k2=1, a1=1, a2=7 and k1=0.8,
k2=1, a1=1, a2=7 as an example, it can be derived that the
eigenvalues of P0are λ1=λ2= 1, λ3,4 = 0.3947 ±j1.9276, λ5
=0.3893 and λ1=λ2= 1, λ3,4 = 0.5731±j1.6404, λ5=0.7462,
respectively. Therefore, P0is an unstable saddle point for these
For the two non-zero equilibrium points P1and P2, the cor-
responding eigenvalues can be solved by MATLAB embedded
solvers. When k1=k2=1, a1=1, a2=7, b1=0.02, b2=0.03 and
k1=0.8, k2=1, a1=1, a2=7, b1=0.02, b2=0.03 are chosen as
different crosstalk strength coefficients, two non-zero equilibrium
points, corresponding eigenvalues, and types of chaotic attractors
are shown in Tables I and II, respectively.
Positive eigenvalues lead to unstable manifolds for the equi-
librium points, and a bigger positive eigenvalue of nonzero equi-
libriums results in more severe instability. In order to illustrate
the relationship between the crosstalk parameters and system sta-
bility, the positive eigenvalues in terms of non-zero equilibrium
TABLE I. Nonzero equilibrium points, the corresponding eigenvalues, and the generating attractor types (k1=1).
(c1,c2) Nonzero equilibrium points P1,P2Eigenvalues Attractor type
(0.28,0,2) (1.3157,0.0821,0.3847,0.8657,0.3668) 0.4164 ±j1.5419,1.0684,0.6532,1 Left:chaos, right:period-1.
(1.4741,0.2561,0.4748,0.9004,0.4420) 0.3690 ±j1.2105,0.8925 ±j0.0979,1
(0.2,0.2) (1.6612,0.2604,0.4913,0.9304,0.4553) 0.4090 ±j1.2391,1.0057,0.8295,1 Left:Period-1, right:chaos.
(1.1452,0.0827,0.3628,0.8162,0.3477) 0.3310 ±j1.5388,0.9952,0.6177,1
(0.335,0.2) (1.7910,0.3330,0.5322,0.9459,0.4871) 0.3884 ±j1.1352,0.9822,0.8909,1 Left:period-1, right:period-8.
(1.0722,0.0505,0.3385,0.7903,0.3262) 0.3107 ±j1.6250,1.0168,0.5556,1
(0.2,0.95) (1.1336,0.2244,0.4194,0.8122,0.3964) 0.3107 ±j1.6250,1.0168,0.5556,1 Left:period-1, right:chaos.
(1.5960,0.0809,0.4094,0.9211,0.3880) 0.4878 ±j1.4927,1.1098,0.6802,1
(0.2,1) (2.0069,0.2705,0.5128,0.9645,0.4721) 0.4561 ±j1.2403,1.0749,0.8266,1 Left:period-1, right:chaos.
(0.8419,0.0811,0.3059,0.6868,0.2967) 0.1682 ±j1.5606,0.7141 ±j0.1886,1
(0.2,2.2) (2.4961,0.2768,0.5268,0.9865,0.4830) 0.4916 ±j1.2400,1.0869,0.8667,1 Left:stable point, right:period-3
(0.5197,0.0693,0.2140,0.4775,0.2108) 0.0705 ±j1.5240,0.5587 ±j0.5170,1
Chaos 30, 033108 (2020); doi: 10.1063/5.0002076 30, 033108-6
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29 August 2023 15:15:38
TABLE II. Nonzero equilibrium points, the corresponding eigenvalues, and the generating attractor types (k1=0.8).
(c1,c2) Nonzero equilibrium points P1,P2Eigenvalues Attractor type
(0.25,0,2) (1.7087,0.2868,0.5062,0.9365,0.4670) 0.4116 ±j1.3204,1.0562, 0.8114,1 Double-scroll chaotic attractor.
(1.8484,0.4778,0.6050,0.9516,0.5406) 0.3062 ±j1.0100,0.9568 ±j0.0842,1
(0.2,0.2) (2.0737,0.4927,0.6222,0.9689,0.5526) 0.3146 ±j1.0200,1.0185,0.9181,1 Double-scroll chaotic attractor.
(1.5086,0.2761,0.4867,0.9067,0.4516) 0.3803 ±j1.3132,0.9757,0.8498,1
(0.2,0.7) (1.6271,0.4690,0.5865,0.9256,0.5274) 0.2857 ±j1.0009,0.9421 ±j0.1763,1 Double-scroll chaotic attractor.
(1.8955,0.2839,0.5146,0.9559,0.4735) 0.4401 ±j1.3187,1.0870,0.8110,1
(0.2,0.6) (2.2644,4.979,0.6304,0.9786,0.5583) 0.3229 ±j1.0240,1.0530,0.8988,1 Single-scroll chaotic attractor.
(1.3330,0.2696,0.4660,0.8700,0.4350) 0.3415 ±j1.3048,-0.8900 ±j0.1423, 1
points P1and P2on the right and left plane have been drawn in
a map, as shown in Figs. 7(a) and 7(b), respectively. According to
the number of positive roots, the maps are colored by red, green,
and yellow, which represent zero, one, and two positive eigenvalues,
A. Dynamic behaviors when
When k1=k2=1, a1=1, a2=7, b1=0.02, b2=0.03,
c2=0.2, and the initial simulation condition is set to (0, 0.1, 0, 0, 0),
the bifurcation diagram of state variable zwith the change of first
crosstalk strength parameter c1is shown in Fig. 8(a). It can be
observed that the system generates a period-doubling bifurcation
and then enters a chaotic state, which is followed by a narrow peri-
odic window and chaotic state. After the narrow chaotic window
disappears, four bubbles emerge which are transferred to the period-
four and period-two limit cycles with a reverse period-doubling
route. Then, the chaotic state appears again with tangent bifurca-
tion routes, and it finally degrades to the period-one state by the
reverse period-doubling bifurcation. With the initial condition of
(0, 0.1, 0, 0, 0), the bifurcation diagram of the state variable zis
shown in Fig. 8(b). It can be found that the two bifurcation dia-
grams are not symmetrical, and the most obvious characteristic is
the disappearance of the period-three window and bubbles when
comparing the blue bifurcation diagram with the red one. Several
FIG. 7. Maps of the number of positive eigenvalues for (a) the right non-zero point
P1and (b) the left non-zero point P2.
phase portraits of coexisting asymmetric attractors in the xzplane
are plotted in Fig. 9, where the phase portraits with initial condi-
tions (0, 0.1, 0, 0, 0)and (0, 0.1, 0, 0, 0)are drawn in colors red and
blue, respectively. These results show the existence of asymmetric
attractors and multi-stability behaviors.
It can be found that the phase portraits basically match
the bifurcation diagram. The initial condition is selected as
(0, 0.1, 0, 0, 0), and Wolf’s method is used to calculate the finite time
Lyapunov exponents, where the time step is set to 0.5s, and the
finish time 10 000s. Figure 10 shows the spectra of Lyapunov expo-
nents by changing the crosstalk strength coefficient c1, which agrees
with the bifurcation diagrams. Taking c1= 0.2 as an example,
the corresponding Lyapunov exponents are calculated as LE1=0,
LE2= 0.0947, LE3= 0.0969, LE4= 1.0003, LE5= 1.0504,
which means the system is periodic. Taking c1=0.2 as an
example, the Lyapunov exponents are LE1=0.0901, LE2=0,
LE3= 0.3828, LE4= 1.0001, LE5= 1.0108 and the corre-
sponding Lyapunov dimension DL=2.2354. In this case, we can see
that the current system is chaotic.
B. Dynamic behaviors when
When k1=k2=1, a1=1, a2=7, b1=0.02, b2=0.03,
c1=0.2, the bifurcation diagram of state variable zwith the change
of c2under the initial condition (0, 0.1, 0, 0, 0)is shown in Fig. 11(a).
As c2increases, the system first undergoes two Feigenbaum-tree
routes and then enters the wide chaotic state by tangent bifurcation.
When c2is positive, in the wide chaotic state, a narrow window of
FIG. 8. Bifurcation diagram of state variable zwith coefficient c1change: (a) initial
condition (0,0.1,0,0,0) and (b) initial condition (0,0.1,0,0,0).
Chaos 30, 033108 (2020); doi: 10.1063/5.0002076 30, 033108-7
Published under license by AIP Publishing.
29 August 2023 15:15:38
FIG. 9. Phase por traits in the xzplane with different c1: (a) Left-chaotic
spiral attractor and Right-period-1 limit cycle (c1= 0.28), (b) Left-period-4
and Right-period-1 (c1= 0.2), (c) Period-2 limit cycle (c1= 0.05), (d)
Left-period-1 limit cycle and Right-chaotic spiral attractor (c1=0.2), (e) Left-
-period-1 and Right-period-3 limit cycle (c1=0.292), and (f) Left-period-1 and
Right-period-8 limit cycle (c1=0.335).
period-3 can be observed and then the system enters the next chaotic
state with period-doubling routes.
Under initial condition (0, 0.1, 0, 0, 0), the bifurcation dia-
gram of state variable zwith changing crosstalk strength c2is shown
in Fig. 11(b), which shows that the system only changes between
FIG. 10. Lyapunov exponent spectrums: (a) initial condition (0, 0.1, 0, 0, 0)and
(b) initial condition (0, 0.1, 0, 0, 0).
FIG. 11. Bifurcation diagram of state variable zwith changing c2: (a) initial
condition (0, 0.1, 0, 0, 0)and (b) initial condition (0, 0.1, 0, 0, 0).
different periodic states without displaying chaotic behaviors.
Several phase portraits of coexisting asymmetric attractors in the
xzplane are plotted in Fig. 12, where the phase portraits with
initial conditions (0, 0.1, 0, 0, 0)and (0, 0.1, 0, 0, 0)are drawn in red
and blue, respectively.
FIG. 12. Phase portraits in the xzplane under different coefficient c2:
(a) Left-period-3 and right period-1 limit cycle (c2= 1.5), (b) Left-period-1 limit
cycle and Right-Feigenbaum chaotic attractor (c2= 0.95), (c) Left-period-1 and
Right-period-4 limit cycle (c2= 0.8), (d) Left-period-1 and Right-period-2 limit
cycle (c2= 0.35), (e) Left-period-1 limit cycle and Right-chaotic spiral attractor
(c2=1), and (f) Left-stable point and Right-period-3 limit cycle (c2=2.2).
Chaos 30, 033108 (2020); doi: 10.1063/5.0002076 30, 033108-8
Published under license by AIP Publishing.
29 August 2023 15:15:38
FIG. 13. Bifurcation diagram of state variable zwith changing the initial condition
factor y(0).
According to the phase portraits, it matches the bifurcation
diagram as c2changes. Selecting c1=c2=0.2 as the typical chaotic
crosstalk strength parameter, the bifurcation diagram drawn with
the initial condition y(0)is shown in Fig. 13. It can be found that
there is a period-1 window between the chaotic states, and the
dynamic mapping with initial conditions x(0)and y(0)under typ-
ical chaotic parameters c1=c2=0.2 is plotted in Fig. 14. The
chaotic state is marked with green, while the area of periodic state
with red, it is obvious that the period region is encircled by a
chaotic area, and numerous periodic points exist the chaotic region,
which clearly illustrates the coexistence of asymmetric attractors
and multi-stability behaviors. Overall, this system has rich dynamic
Figure 15 is the Lyapunov exponents spectrum with chang-
ing crosstalk strength c2, which matches the bifurcation diagram.
Taking c2= 2 as an example, the corresponding Lyapunov expo-
nents are calculated as LE1=0, LE2= 0.0484, LE3= 0.5340,
FIG. 14. Dynamic mapping of initial state variables.
FIG. 15. Lyapunov exponent spectrum with changing crosstalk strength
parameter c2.
LE4= 0.6534, LE5= 1.0001, which means that the system
is periodic. Taking c2=1 as an example, the Lyapunov expo-
nents are LE1=0.0756, LE2=0, LE3= 0.2903, LE4= 1.0003,
LE5= 1.1023, and the corresponding Lyapunov dimension DL
is equal to 2.2604, which infers that the current system is
Under initial condition (0, 0.1, 0, 0, 0), by taking the crosstalk
strength parameters c1and c2as horizontal and vertical axis vari-
ables, respectively, the dynamic mapping of crosstalk strength
parameters is drawn in Fig. 16. The chaotic state is marked with
yellow, while the area of periodic state is colored purple.
The two-dimensional bifurcation diagram of state variable zby
changing the two crosstalk strength parameters is shown in Fig. 17.
It can be noticed that there is extensive space of chaotic state, and
the boundary between the states of period and chaos is clear. These
two features indicate that this HNN with crosstalk is suitable for
encrypted communication.
FIG. 16. Dynamic mapping of coupling parameters.
Chaos 30, 033108 (2020); doi: 10.1063/5.0002076 30, 033108-9
Published under license by AIP Publishing.
29 August 2023 15:15:38
FIG. 17. Two-dimensional bifurcation diagram.
A. Remerging Feigenbaum trees with changing
crosstalk strength parameters
Taking the synapse weight matrix W0as an example, when
k1=k2=1, a1=1, a2=7, b2=0.03, c2=0.2, the bifurcation
diagrams by changing b1under different values of c1can be
obtained. Figure 18 shows the evolution from bubbles to trees by
decreasing c1.
FIG. 18. Evolution from bubbles to trees: (a) c1=0.3, (b) c1=0.27, (c)
c1=0.25, (d) c1=0.23, (e) c1=0.15, and (f) c1=0.12.
FIG. 19. Evolution from bubbles to trees: (a) c2=0.13, (b) c2=0.15,
(c) c2=0.16, (d) c2=0.18, (e) c2=0.23, and (f) c2=0.27.
Choosing the synaptic weight matrix W0as an example, when
k1=k2=1, a1=1, a2=7, b2=0.03, c1=0.2, by increasing c2
monotonically, the bifurcation diagram demonstrates the evolution
from bubbles to trees, and the serial connections between bubbles
and trees and two different trees are shown in Fig. 19.
It can be found that the dynamic behaviors of the Feigen-
baum trees are very rich when varying the two crosstalk strength
parameters. Figures 18 and 19, reflect similar evolutionary processes,
which start from four branches of two-cycle bubbles in parallel, and
subsequently bifurcate to four branches of four-cycle bubbles and
small trees. As the crosstalk strength parameters further change, the
trees in different branches amalgamate, and the serial connections
between bubbles and trees and two different trees then appear. Due
to the convergence effect of the trees, the accompanying narrow
periodic windows appear.
A group of bifurcation diagrams when changing one of the
crosstalk strengths drawn here is highly representative for describ-
ing the relationship between the remerging Feigenbaum trees and
the crosstalk parameters. Therefore, as shown in Fig. 20, with grow-
ing c1, two bubbles which only connect with each left side, are shown
in Fig. 20(a). Due to Feigenbaum bifurcation, the bubbles evolve into
trees and continue to fuse. In Fig. 20(d), a period-5 window is gener-
ated due to the fusion of trees. Finally, after the two trees completely
merge, the tangent bifurcation route appears, which follows multiple
sets of bubbles and the new trees.
B. Effect of changing crosstalk strength on attractor
When k1=0.8, k2=1, a1=1, a2=7, b1=0.02, b2=0.03,
c2=0.2, the bifurcation diagram of state variable zby increasing c1
Chaos 30, 033108 (2020); doi: 10.1063/5.0002076 30, 033108-10
Published under license by AIP Publishing.
29 August 2023 15:15:38
FIG. 20. Evolution from bubbles to trees: (a) c1=0.18, (b) c1=0.2,
(c) c1=0.22, (d) c1=0.24, and (e) c1=0.26.
is shown in Fig. 21(a). The corresponding Lyapunov exponent spec-
trum is depicted in Fig. 21(b). The phase portraits are presented in
Fig. 22. It can be found that the periodic states, double scroll chaos,
and single scroll chaos are generated in this system. The attractor
types can vary as the crosstalk strength parameters alter.
When k1=0.8, k2=1, a1=1, a2=7, b1=0.02, b2=0.03,
and c1=0.2, the bifurcation diagram of the state variable zby
changing c2can be obtained. The intermittent chaos, as well as
the dynamic behaviors changing between chaos and periodic oscil-
lations, can be observed in Fig. 23, whose orbital graphs are also
presented in Fig. 24. It can be seen that the system generates double
scroll chaos, periodic oscillations, and single scroll chaos, with bub-
bles appearing in the periodic state. As the second crosstalk strength
parameter c2increases, the attractor type of this system changes
from single to double and back to single scroll.
FIG. 21. Varied attractor type with increasing c1: (a) bifurcation diagram of state
variable zand (b) Lyapunov exponents spectrum.
FIG. 22. Several phase portraits with different crosstalk strength parameter
c1: (a) c1= 0.25, (b) c1=0.15, (c) c1=0.2, and (d) c1=0.3.
The coupling strength parameters k1and k2, MR internal
parameters, and crosstalk strength coefficients can be adjusted
by the hyperbolic precision potentiometer. Taking a1=1, a2=7,
k1=1, k2=1, b1=0.02, b2=0.03, and c1=c2=0.2 as an exam-
ple, it can be derived that Ra1=10 k,Rb1=50 k,
Rc1=1 k,Ra2=1.429 k,Rb2=33.33 k, and Rc2=1.5 k. The
circuit parameters of the crosstalk MR-based emulator are listed in
Table III, and the resulting resistances are shown in Table IV.
The resistances of ordinary resistors in the synaptic weight
matrix can be calculated as
R1=R/1.4 =7143,R2=R/1.16 =8621,
R3=R/1.1 =9091,R4=R/2.82 =3546,
FIG. 23. Varied attractor type with increasing c2(a) The bifurcation diagram of
the state variable z, and (b) Lyapunov exponent spectrums.
Chaos 30, 033108 (2020); doi: 10.1063/5.0002076 30, 033108-11
Published under license by AIP Publishing.
29 August 2023 15:15:38
FIG. 24. Several phase portraits with different crosstalk strength parameter
c2: (a) c2= 0.8, (b) c2= 0.7, (c) c2= 0.15, and (d) c2=0.6.
TABLE III. Circuit parameters of the coupled MR emulator.
Parameter Signification Value
RResistance 10 k
CCapacitance 100 nF
Ra1Resistance 10 k
Ra2Resistance 1.429 k
Rb1Resistance 50 k
Rb2Resistance 33.33 k
gMultiplier gain 0.1
RFResistance 520
RcResistance 1 k
RTResistance 2 k
RWResistance 9.8 k
TABLE IV. Rc1and Rc2under different (c1,c2).
Order (c1,c2)Rc1() Rc2()
a (0.2,0.2) 1000 1500
b (0.05,0.2) 4000 1500
c (0.2,0.2) 1000 1500
d (0.292,0.2) 684.9 1500
e (0.335,0.2) 597 1500
f (0.2,1.5) 1000 200
g (0.2,0.95) 1000 315.8
h (0.2,0.8) 1000 375
i (0.2,1) 1000 300
j (0.2,2.2) 1000 136.4
FIG. 25. Several phase portraits observed via PSIM simulation.
In Fig. 25, the system orbits are presented using PSIM under ini-
tial condition (0, 0.1, 0, 0, 0). It can be found that the experimental
results are consistent with the theoretical analysis in this study.
The dynamic behaviors of the hyperbolic-type MR-based emula-
tor against the change of crosstalk strengths have thus far been
effectively demonstrated.
In this paper, we have proposed a novel HNN by coupling
two hyperbolic-type MRs for emulating the synaptic crosstalk. We
Chaos 30, 033108 (2020); doi: 10.1063/5.0002076 30, 033108-12
Published under license by AIP Publishing.
29 August 2023 15:15:38
have found that the positions of non-zero equilibrium points as
well as the type of attractors can be intentionally altered by chang-
ing crosstalk strength parameters. For different crosstalk strengths,
when different initial conditions are applied, different coexisting
behaviors of asymmetric attractors will emerge, hence revealing the
multi-stability. The direction of evolution from bubbles to remerg-
ing Feigenbaum trees can be also changed by adjusting the two
crosstalk strength parameters. Through theoretical analyses and
mathematical derivations, the HNN’s phase portraits, bifurcation
diagrams, Lyapunov exponent spectrums, and dynamical mapping
have been presented in this study. PSIM simulations have also been
conducted, which verified the validity of the HNN-based emulation
model. Considering the synaptic crosstalk strengths, the dynamic
behaviors including the coexisting asymmetric attractors and anti-
monotonicity can appear by changing the crosstalk strength param-
eters. The above results constitute the main contribution of this
study, which should benefit future investigations in developing
MR-based HNN emulation platforms for accurate representation of
the human brain functions.
This work was supported in part by the Fundamental Research
Funds for the Central Universities of China under Grant No.
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29 August 2023 15:15:38
... When considering both electromagnetic induction and electromagnetic radiation, two types of memristors can be used to simulate these effects and applied to a Hopfield neural network, thereby inducing complex dynamics [21]. In addition, the electromagnetic induction effects induced by the membrane potential difference between neurons in the neural network can also be simulated by memristors to build different forms of memristive Hopfield neural networks [22,23]. On the other hand, the synaptic plasticity of memristors can be utilized to achieve changeable connection weights and to replace resistive connection weights to create Hopfield neural networks with memristive connection weights [24][25][26]. ...
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Neural networks with changeable synaptic weights usually exhibit more complex and diverse dynamics than those with fixed synaptic weights. It was proved that the tri-neuron resistive-cyclic Hopfield neural network (RC-HNN) cannot show chaos. To this end, we first consider a RC-HNN with bipolar pulse current to generate double-scroll chaotic attractors. On this basis, we then construct a tri-neuron memristive-cyclic Hopfield neural network (MC-HNN) by replacing the resistive weights with memristive ones, and spatial multi-scroll chaotic behaviors and spatial initial-offset coexisting behaviors are revealed therein using phase portrait, Poincaré map and basin of attraction. The results manifest that by setting the parameters related to the internal states of three memristors, the MC-HNN can not only generate spatial multi-scroll chaotic attractors (MSCAs) with different scroll numbers, but also produce spatial initial-offset coexisting attractors (IOCAs) with different attractor numbers. Besides, an FPGA hardware platform is developed and the spatial MSCAs and spatial IOCAs are displayed experimentally to confirm the numerical simulations.
... With the rapid development of artificial intelligence, the physical realization of neural network models is very important for developing neuromorphic hardware systems [42,43]. It is a reliable way to realize neural network models through analog circuits. ...
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At present, memristive neural networks with various topological structures have been widely studied. However, the memristive neural network with a star structure has not been investigated yet. In order to investigate the dynamic characteristics of neural networks with a star structure, a star memristive neural network (SMNN) model is proposed in this paper. Firstly, an SMNN model is proposed based on a Hopfield neural network and a flux-controlled memristor. Then, its chaotic dynamics are analyzed by using numerical analysis methods including bifurcation diagrams, Lyapunov exponents, phase plots, Poincaré maps, and basins of attraction. The results show that the SMNN can generate complex dynamical behaviors such as chaos, multi-scroll attractors, and initial boosting behavior. The number of multi-scroll attractors can be changed by adjusting the memristor’s control parameters. And the position of the coexisting chaotic attractors can be changed by switching the memristor’s initial values. Meanwhile, the analog circuit of the SMNN is designed and implemented. The theoretical and numerical results are verified through MULTISIM simulation results. Finally, a color image encryption scheme is designed based on the SMNN. Security performance analysis shows that the designed cryptosystem has good security.
... For example, Leng et al. proposed a new circuit to emulate the Coupled Hyperbolic Memristors and utilized it to simulate the synaptic crosstalk of a HNN. With various crosstalk strengths, multi-stability, asymmetry attractors, and anti-monotonicity are observed in this MHNN [29]. Dong et al. proposed a novel memristive synaptic HNN with time delay, which used a memristor synapse to simulate the electromagnetic induced current caused by the membrane potential difference between two adjacent neurons. ...
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Multi-scroll attractors have attracted attention because of their more complex topological structures and artificially controllable attractor structures. This paper proposes a new nonvolatile magnetic-controlled memristor and uses it to simulate the effect of membrane flux changes caused by neuronal exposure to electromagnetic radiation. A series of complex chaotic phenomena are found by plotting phase diagrams, bifurcation diagrams, attractor domains and 01 tests, including multi-scroll chaotic attractors controlled by memristors, symmetric bifurcation behavior, coexistence phenomena enhanced by initial offset. The mechanisms behind them are explained through equilibrium point analysis. A dual memristive HNN (MHNN) coupling synchronization model is proposed to simulate the synchronization between regions within the human brain. The Lyapunov function of the error is constructed to prove that this coupling synchronization scheme is ultimately bounded. The feasibility of this synchronization scheme is verified by establishing a Simulink model and conducting simulation experiments.
The coupling dynamics between different brain regions has long been a gap in the study of neural dynamics. To overcome this bottleneck, the synaptic crosstalk characterized by coupled memristors is creatively connected to different brain regions characterized by two heterogeneous Hopfield neural networks (HNNs), forming a novel bionic memristive synaptic crosstalk coupled-HNN (MSC-HNN) model for the first time. Rigorous boundedness and stability analyses ensure that coupling dynamics are generated within a bounded region. Utilizing innovative dynamics methods, it is revealed that the plasticity of synaptic crosstalk allows MSC-HNN to exhibit homogeneous dynamics properties globally, and the two internal HNNs preserve heterogeneous bifurcation processes and attractors. Interestingly, when the initial conditions undergo slight variations, the multistability phenomenon is simultaneously represented by the coexisting parameter bifurcation and the local basin of attraction, which enhances the diversity of activities in MSC-HNN. Furthermore, these novel dynamics effects are evaluated and validated through quantitative calculations of complexity measures and spectra. Subsequently, the developed analog and digital circuit implementation paradigms confirm the feasibility and practical value of MSC-HNN.
Resistor(R), Inductor(L) and Capacitor(C) are electronic components used to evaluate the effects of joule heat, magnetic field and electric field respectively. In neuroscience, these components are used to design biological synapses, which allows several biological neurons to be interconnected with each other. In this manuscript, we design a neural network from three distinct neural circuits and different electronic components (RLC). This neural model consists of a photosensitive neuron, an auditory neuron and a heat-sensitive neuron interconnected respectively by a resistor, an inductor and a capacitor. This setup allows to estimate the magnetic field, electric field and the joule heat effect in this neural network. Analyzes on its dynamic model have made it possible to understand that the momentary variation of the various intrinsic parameters of the coupling channels leads the neural circuit to regular (periodic) or irregular (chaotic) behaviors. In addition, we found that it can be sensitive to initial conditions, which explains the phenomenon of coexisting attractors that can arise in this coupled neuron model. In addition, phase synchronization stability can be achieved as the coupling channel parameters increase. This important tool can find its application in the biomedical field for the manufacture of artificial neurons.
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The article suggests a construction method of a magnetron memristor connecting a three-dimensional Hopfield neural network and a Rulkov neuron in order to build a more complex and achieve more bio-like neural network properties, which has rarely been proposed before. It is discovered that the dynamical behavior of this high-dimensional neural network system is rich, and that the system exhibits many dynamical behaviors depending on the parameter changes. It is possible to change the attractor's amplitude and its offset boosting behavior by varying various parameters. Changing the system parameters and modifying the system's initial value may result in initial offset boosting behavior. Combining nonlinear dynamics research methodologies, such as phase diagram, bifurcation diagram, Lyapunov exponential spectrum, and time series diagram, demonstrates the system's complex dynamical behavior. By analyzing the system complexity and random sequence test, we found that the system has the characteristics of large complexity and strong pseudo-randomness. Eventually, the hardware realizability is proved by the construction of the DSP platform.
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The neuron model has been widely employed in neural-morphic computing systems and chaotic circuits. This study aims to develop a novel circuit simulation of a 3-neuron Hopfield neural network with coupled hyperbolic memristors through the modification of a single coupling connection weight. The bistable mode of the hyperbolic mHNN, characterized by the coexistence of asymmetric chaos and periodic attractors, is effectively demonstrated through the utilization of conventional nonlinear analysis techniques. These techniques include bifurcation diagrams, two-parameter maximum Lyapunov exponent plots, local attractor basins, and phase trajectory diagrams. Moreover, an encryption technique for color images is devised by leveraging the mHNN model and asymmetric structural attractors. This method demonstrates significant benefits in correlation, information entropy, and resistance to differential attacks, providing strong evidence for its effectiveness in encryption. Additionally, an improved modular circuit design method is employed to create the analog equivalent circuit of the memristive HNN. The correctness of the circuit design is confirmed through Multisim simulations, which align with numerical simulations conducted in Matlab.
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Memcapacitor and meminductor are two new nonlinear memory circuit components defined on the basis of memristor. In the absence of physical devices of memcapacitor and meminductor, applying their equivalent circuit models into actual circuits to explore the characteristics of memcapacitor- and meminductor-based nonlinear circuits is meaningful. In this paper, a nonlinear oscillating circuit is designed based on the given nonvolatile memcapacitor and meminductor models, whose memory characteristics are analyzed using POP method in detail, and a series of dynamic characteristics of the novel chaotic circuit are analyzed, including Poincaré section, equilibrium point, system stability, bifurcation diagrams, Lyapunov exponent spectrums and dynamic map of the system. By analyzing the influence of parameters on system dynamics, the evolutionary law of the system is obtained, which helps to better use of this chaotic oscillator in possible application areas like communication encryption and synchronization approach dependent on the initial setting. In particular, coexisting attractors are found under different initial values, by drawing the attractive basin, four different types of attractors in the system are discovered, and from the attractive basin, the evolutionary process of the system under different initial values is obtained. Finally, the validity of the system is verified by DSP experiment, and the experimental results are consistent with the theoretical analysis.
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When possessing a potential difference between two neurons, an electromagnetic induction current appears in the Hopfield neural network (HNN), which can be emulated by a flux-controlled memristor synapse. Thus, a three-order two-neuron-based autonomous memristive HNN is presented in this paper, which is the lowest order and has not been reported in the previous studies. With the mathematical model, the detailed stability analyses for the line equilibrium are executed, so that the fold and Hopf bifurcation sets and stability region distributions in the parameter plane are obtained. Furthermore, numerical results of coexisting bifurcation patterns are investigated, which are confirmed effectively by local basins of attraction and phase plane plots. The numerical results demonstrate coexisting multi-stable patterns of the spiral chaotic patterns with different dynamic amplitudes, periodic patterns with different periodicities, and stable resting patterns with different positions in the memristive HNN. Besides, the circuit synthesis and breadboard experiments are performed to well validate the numerical simulations.
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This paper investigates twin attractors in a two-neuron-based non-autonomous Hopfield neural network (HNN) through numerical analyses and hardware experiments. Stability analysis of the DC equilibrium point is executed and an unstable saddle-focus is found in the parameter region of interest. The stimulus-associated dynamical behaviors are numerically explored by bifurcation diagrams and dynamical map in two-dimensional parameter-space, from which coexisting twin attractors behavior can be observed with the variations of two stimulus-associated parameters. Moreover, breadboard experiment investigations are carried out, which effectively verify the numerical simulations.
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Memristors with tunable resistance states are emerging building blocks of artificial neural networks. However, in situ learning on a large-scale multiple-layer memristor network has yet to be demonstrated because of challenges in device property engineering and circuit integration. Here we monolithically integrate hafnium oxide-based memristors with a foundry-made transistor array into a multiple-layer neural network. We experimentally demonstrate in situ learning capability and achieve competitive classification accuracy on a standard machine learning dataset, which further confirms that the training algorithm allows the network to adapt to hardware imperfections. Our simulation using the experimental parameters suggests that a larger network would further increase the classification accuracy. The memristor neural network is a promising hardware platform for artificial intelligence with high speed-energy efficiency.
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A new hyperbolic-type memristor emulator is presented and its frequency-dependent pinched hysteresis loops are analyzed by numerical simulations and confirmed by hardware experiments. Based on the emulator, a novel hyperbolic-type memristor based 3-neuron Hopfield neural network (HNN) is proposed, which is achieved through substituting one coupling-connection weight with a memristive synaptic weight. It is numerically shown that the memristive HNN has a dynamical transition from chaotic, to periodic, and further to stable point behaviors with the variations of the memristor inner parameter, implying the stabilization effect of the hyperbolic-type memristor on the chaotic HNN. Of particular interest, it should be highly stressed that for different memristor inner parameters, different coexisting behaviors of asymmetric attractors are emerged under different initial conditions, leading to the existence of multistable oscillation states in the memristive HNN. Furthermore, by using commercial discrete components, a nonlinear circuit is designed and PSPICE circuit simulations and hardware experiments are performed. The results simulated and captured from the realization circuit are consistent with numerical simulations, which well verify the facticity of coexisting asymmetric attractors' behaviors.
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The biological Hodgkin–Huxley model and its simplified versions have confirmed its effectiveness for recognizing and understanding the electrical activities in neurons, and bifurcation analysis is often used to detect the mode transition in neuronal activities. Within the collective behaviors of neurons, neuronal network with different topology is designed to study the synchronization behavior and spatial pattern formation. In this review, the authors give careful comments for the presented neuron models and present some open problems in this field, nonlinear analysis could be effective to further discuss these problems and some results could be helpful to give possible guidance in the field of neurodynamics.
This paper explores the problem of joint computational offloading and content caching (OCP) in the wireless heterogeneous mobile edge computing (MEC) system, where each small-cell base station (BS) is equipped with the MEC server having the content caching/processing capabilities. The communication and computing resources of the system are allocated to users requesting or offloading their contents via the BSs to minimize the system-wide computational overhead. Due to the non-deterministic polynomial time hardness of the OCP, it is difficult to solve it with an exact integer-programming (IP) method. Instead, the problem is solved by adopting the Hopfield neural network (HNN) based approach. In particular, the HNN model representing the OCP is constructed. The global energy minimum of the model corresponds to a solution of the OCP. However, because of the negativity of diagonal weights, the convergence of this model to a stable state cannot be guaranteed. Subsequently, a range of “synthetic” HNN models with the global convergence property is developed to replace the original HNN. Based on these models, three different search algorithms are formulated and implemented in a long-term evolution advanced network. The algorithms demonstrate an improved performance when compared to other relevant IP methods in simulations.
In the present contribution, the dynamics of a simple autonomous jerk system with hyperbolic tangent nonlinearity is considered. The system consists of a linear transformation of Model MO13 previously introduced in [Sprott, 2010]. The form of nonlinearity is interesting in the sense that with the variation of a control parameter, saturation may be approached gradually obeying hyperbolic tangent function, as in the case of magnetization in ferromagnetic system, non ideal op. amplifier, solar-wind-driven magnetosphere-ionosphere system, and activation function in neural network. The fundamental properties of the model are discussed including equilibria and stability, phase portraits, Poincaré sections, bifurcation diagrams and Lyapunov exponents’ spectrum. Period doubling bifurcation, antimonotonicity (i.e. concurrent creation an annihilation of periodic orbits), chaos, hysteresis, and coexisting bifurcations are reported. As a major outcome of this paper, a window in the parameter space is revealed in which the jerk system experiences the unusual phenomenon of multiple coexisting attractors (i.e. coexistence of two, four or six disconnected periodic and chaotic self excited attractors) resulting from the simultaneous presence of three families of parallel bifurcation branches and hysteresis. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, no example of such a simple and ‘elegant’ 3D autonomous system capable of six different strange attractors is reported in the relevant literature. Some PSpice simulations based on a physical implementation of the system are carried out to support the theoretical analysis.
In this paper we unveil the existence of hidden chaotic sets in a simplified Hopfield neural network with three neurons. It is shown that beside two stable cycles, the system presents hidden chaotic attractors and also hidden chaotic transients which, after a relatively long life-time, fall into regular motions along the stable cycles.