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Defending active learning against adversarial inputs in automated document classification


Abstract and Figures

Business and government operations generate large volumes of documents to be categorized through machine learning techniques before dissemination and storage. One prerequisite in such classification is to properly choose training documents. Active learning emerges as a technique to achieve better accuracy with fewer training documents by choosing data to learn and querying oracles for unknown labels. In practice, such oracles are usually human analysts who are likely to make mistakes or, in some cases, even intentionally introduce erroneous labels for malicious purposes. We propose a risk-factor based strategy to defend active-learning-based document classification against human mistakes or adversarial inputs. We show that the proposed strategy can substantially alleviate the damage caused by malicious labeling. Our experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our defense strategy in terms of maintaining accuracy against adversaries.
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Lei Pi, Zhuo Lu, Yalin Sagduyu, Su Chen
University of Memphis, TN 38152. Emails: {lpi,schen4}
University of South Florida, Tampa FL 33620. Email:
Intelligent Automation Inc., Rockville, MD 20855, Email:
Business and government operations generate large volumes
of documents to be categorized through machine learning
techniques before dissemination and storage. One prerequi-
site in such classification is to properly choose training doc-
uments. Active learning emerges as a technique to achieve
better accuracy with fewer training documents by choosing
data to learn and querying oracles for unknown labels. In
practice, such oracles are usually human analysts who are
likely to make mistakes or, in some cases, even intentionally
introduce erroneous labels for malicious purposes. We pro-
pose a risk-factor based strategy to defend active-learning-
based document classification against human mistakes or
adversarial inputs. We show that the proposed strategy can
substantially alleviate the damage caused by malicious label-
ing. Our experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness
of our defense strategy in terms of maintaining accuracy
against adversaries.
Index Termsactive learning, document classification,
security and attacks, malicious inputs.
Daily routine operations in business and governments pro-
duce a large numbers of documents, which must be properly
categorized or labeled, then disseminated to authorized per-
sonnel and stored in appropriate places. For example, doc-
uments in government operations may be labeled as public
information or a classified level may be assigned according to
national security requirements. Machine learning techniques,
such as Naive Bayes classifier and Support Vector Machine
(SVM) [1], have been extensively used as a vital assistance
for automated d ocument classification [2, 3].
To facilitate processing training data sets, active learn-
ing [4] has been used to achieve better accuracy with smaller
training sets for document classification. The essential idea
behind active learning is to let the learning system choose
data to learn from and query an oracle for a label. In practice,
such an oracle is usually a human analyst who is tasked to
identify and classify given documents. For example, in gov-
ernment operations, security analysts are assigned to classify
any documents into a security classification level for proper
information control and dissemination.
On one hand, active learning can significantly reduce the
size of training documents that are essential to train an un-
derlying machine learning model [4, 5]. On the other hand,
however, it also introduces risks that could lead to less ac-
curate classification. Specifically, active learning usually in-
volves the inputs from human analysts who can sometimes
make mistakes. More severely, due to inside threats or ac-
count hacking, such inputs can even be malicious with intent
to sabotage the entire active learning process. Many poten-
tial vulnerabilities in active learning can make such attacks
possible [6]: 1) the attacker (i.e., a human analyst with mali-
cious intent) can fabricate less significant data but appealing
for the learner to choose; 2) the attacker can leverage existing
machine learning vulnerabilities inherited by active learning;
3) the attacker can provide incorrect results when the learner
queries for labels. Therefore, it should never be taken for
granted that the inputs from human analysts are always cor-
rect, and it is critical to make active learning resilient to erro-
neous inputs due to human errors or malicious attacks.
In this paper, we aim at designing a robust active learning
defense strategy. In particular, we focus on the scenario of
SVM-based active learning under a malicious attacker that
gives erroneous inputs during learning queries as SVM is an
extensively-used method in classification and active learning
[4,5, 7–9]. Our defense strategy is to design a risk factor based
mechanism to guide whether we should accept or reject the
input from active learning. By examining the distance of a
newly labeled document to the current separating hyperplane
of the SVM model, the mechanism will decide if it is too risky
to accept the input depending on whether the distance is larger
than a given threshold. Our method is shown to substantially
alleviate the damage caused by malicious attacks.
In this section, we briefly introduce SVM and active learning.
2.1. SVM and Active Learning
SVM is a widely-used classification method [1] to find a hy-
perplane that separates the training data into desirable sub-
sets with different categories/labels based on support vectors,
which are a set of instances from the training data closest to
the hyperplane. In SVM-based document classification, an in-
stance is a feature vector representing the counting of words
extracted from a document.
To perform accurate classification, SVM requires train-
ing based on a substantial number of instances with labels
already given as the ground truth. However, labeling many in-
stances for training a classifier could be cumbersome in prac-
tice. Hence, active learning [4,10] has been designed as an ad-
vanced process, in which only a subset of unlabeled instances
is chosen to be labeled and added to the training set.
Active learning involves two parties: the learner (that is
usually a machine to build an accurate classifier) and the ora-
cle (that is usually a human analyst in practice), and consists
of three components [4]: (f, q, X ), where fis a classifier
mapping a document into a label, Xis the training set, and
qis the query function, which chooses and returns the next
instance from all unlabeled instances and query the oracle for
the corresponding label. After each query, the learner updates
Xand returns a new classifier.
2.2. Adversarial Active Learning
Since active learning relies on oracles that are usually human
analyst in practice, it is subject to common security vulnera-
bilities and exposed potential risks associated with or due to
human analysts. A list of possible vulnerabilities were sum-
marized in [6] with focus on the query strategies, leaving the
risks due to human analysts less discussed.
As human analyst is an essential part in active learning,
we have to consider the active learning scenario in a security
sense that the inputs from human expert should not be trusted,
but carefully examined to ensure security. During document
classification, an analyst can maliciously label a document,
which can be in fact hard to detect. When there are a fairly
large number of malicious labels, the inaccuracy introduced
to the resulting classifier will become significant enough to
reduce or diminish the usability of an application. The work
in [11] proved that it is not even necessary for an adversary to
have a perfect knowledge of the classifier to launch such at-
tacks against active learning. It is imperative to at least allevi-
ate, if not completely eliminate, the damages due to malicious
labeling in active learning for document classification.
In this section, we first present the models and then describe
our design to protect active learning from malicious inputs.
To maintain simplicity without loss of generality, if a doc-
ument set Dcan be separated into two disjoint subsets D0and
D1, we say a document d D is labeled 0 if d D0, and say
dis labeled 1 if d D1.
3.1. Active Learning under Attacks
As aforementioned, the effectiveness of active learning relies
on the outside inputs that may be manipulated by an adver-
sary. Therefore, we focus on providing a defense strategy
to combat such an attack to protect active learning from ac-
cepting malicious inputs. Specifically, as Fig. 1 shows, we
consider an active learning process for document classifica-
tion including a learner (i.e., the machine that performs active
learning), a malicious human analyst that randomly gives ma-
licious inputs, and queries from the learner to human analysts.
Select document
label (li)
might be malicious
train classi
SVM Classi
Fig. 1. The scenario of active learning under attacks.
As shown in Fig. 1, in the i-th query, the learner already
has a labeled document set Di1, and sends a query qicon-
taining document dito the analyst who then gives a (poten-
tially wrong) label lito the learner. The problem is whether
the learner should accept the label to form a new labeled doc-
ument set Di=Di1 {di}, reject or even revert the label to
keep the original labeled document set Di=Di1.
3.2. Risk Factor based Defense Strategy
In what follows, we design a risk factor based defense strategy
to protect active learning. The intuition to model the risk is as
follows: in SVM, data close to a hyperplane means it is more
likely to be mis-classified; if an attacker has no knowledge or
access to the entire training data set, there is no way for the at-
tacker to know where exactly the hyperplane is; therefore, the
mislabeled data may have a larger distance to its hyperplane.
Consequently, if a document dicomes from the analyst
with a label li, we define the risk factor rifor this document
in active learning as
where max
iis the maximum distance between current sup-
port vectors to the separation hyperplane based upon the ex-
isting document set Di1, and a > 0is a constant threshold.
Then, our method works as follows. When a query qi
containing document diis made, the learner is offered with a
label lifrom the analyst. We first use the current model built
upon document set Di1to predict the label of document di,
Algorithm 1 The risk-factor based defense algorithm
Given: current set Di1, query document di, input label li
1: l
i=predict using current set(Di1,di)
2: if l
3: i=compute distance(di)
4: if i> ri:
5: return FALSE LABEL
6: return TRUE LABEL
and get the predicted label l
i. If l
i6=li, we calculate the
distance ibetween the dito current separating hyperplane,
and compare it to the risk factor ri. If di> ri, we can think
the label is mistakenly provided and reject it.
The defense process is in Algorithm 1. In algorithm 1,
function predict using current set accepts current docu-
ment set Di1and a document dias parameters, and outputs
the predicted label of di; and function compute distance ac-
cepts the document dias parameter and calculates the dis-
tance between the corresponding feature vector and current
separating hyperplane in the SVM algorithm.
Without doubt, this approach relies on the correctness of
initial training set D0, which is assumed to be accurate in this
paper. By design, this strategy leverages the statical property
initially derived from D0, therefore it is not designed to pre-
vent all attacks but only to identify and correct a subset of
mislabels based on the initial and inherited statistical proper-
ties during the active learning process.
3.3. Choosing the Risk Factor
We propose to design benchmark tests on the initial training
set D0to adequately choose the risk factor. We used the fol-
lowing metric of accuracy score Sto evaluate and compare
the effectiveness of classification.
S=total number of accurate classif ications
total number of classifications (2)
In each benchmark test (i.e, the function benchmark test
in Algorithm 2), we train the classifier using active learning
with a given set of parameters, including risk factor rand de-
fense strategy, and record the accuracy score for the testing
data set as the number of queries increases. When the train-
ing set is mixed with malicious labels without any defense,
the score is called affected score Sa. When the querying is
protected with our defense strategy, the corresponding score
is called Sd. We evaluate the effectiveness of our defense
strategy by comparing Sdwith Sa. Our goal is to choose
a risk factor that makes the defense strategy effective, i.e.,
SdSa. With the benchmark tests, our heuristic approach
to search for the risk factor is shown in Algorithm 2.
In Algorithm 2, the labeling error rate reis the probability
that an input is wrongly labeled in benchmark tests. In prac-
tice, it should be of small value as a large value is likely to be
Algorithm 2 Risk Factor Search Algorithm
Given: risk factor r, search step , labeling error rate re
1: Sa=benchmark test(r,re, defense=False)
2: Sd=benchmark test(r,re, defense=True)
3: if SdSa:
4: return r
5: else
6: r=r+
7: goto 1
noticeable and raise suspicion. For example, when the gov-
ernment uses document analysts to classify documents, ad-
ministrative approaches such as internal review and sample
checking techniques can be effective in detecting such errors.
In this section, we present experimental setups and results.
4.1. Experiment Setups and Parameters
We build a data set of 1264 instances with 10233 features ex-
tracted from real documents in Reuters-21578 Data Set [12].
Instances from the data set are uniformly distributed among
two categories. Three fourths of the data set is used for train-
ing and the rest is for testing. Among the training set, four
fifths is labeled data, the rest is the query pool.
For the SVM algorithm, we use the radial basis function
(RBF) kernel with parameters γ= 1.0/1264 and C= 1.0.
We consider three test cases: 1) No attack: There is no error
labeling without defense strategy; 2) Attack without defense:
There is 25% error labeling due to the attack without defense
strategy; 3) Attack with defense: There is 25% error labeling
due to the attack with defense strategy. During active learn-
ing, queries are all made randomly in the three set of tests.
We first use the random sampling strategy then use the uncer-
tainty sampling strategy in experiments [10].
4.2. Experimental Results
We first consider the scenarios that the risk factor is not care-
fully chosen. The query strategy in active learning is random
sampling in the experiments.
Fig. 2 shows the accuracy scores of three test cases when
the risk factor is too small. We can observe that the perfor-
mance of the attack with defense case is even worse than that
of the no attack cases under small risk factor although the
number of correct inputs are 3 times more than that of mali-
cious ones. This is because the defense strategy cannot really
distinguish which input is due to the attacker, but can only de-
tect which label may be malicious by comparing the distance
of its instance in the SVM model with the risk factor. When
the risk factor is too small, the defense strategy has a very
0 50 100 150 200
Number of Queries
Accuracy Score
No Attack
Attack With Defense
Attack Without Defense
Fig. 2. Comparison of accuracy scores in
three cases when a= 0.5.
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Number of Queries
Accuracy Score
No Attack
Attack With Defense
Attack Without Defense
Fig. 3. Comparison of accuracy scores in
three cases when a= 1.5.
0 50 100 150 200
Number of Queries
Accuracy Score
No Attack
Attack With Defense
Attack Without Defense
Fig. 4. Comparison of accuracy scores
with optimal risk factor.
small tolerance level to accept new inputs, making the strat-
egy erroneous by rejecting many inputs with correct labels.
Fig. 2 shows the accuracy scores of three test cases when
the risk factor has a large value, i.e.; the threshold in the risk
factor a= 1.5. As Fig. 3 depicts, the attack with defense
case yields with the same performance as the attack without
defense case, which is substantially worse than the no attack
case. This means that the defense strategy neither improves
nor degrades the performance of classifiers comparing with
the attack without defense case. This is because the risk factor
is chosen improperly large and the distance of each instance
with error label to the separating hyperplane in the SVM clas-
sifier is considered acceptable in the defense strategy.
Figs. 2 and 3 clearly show how largely malicious inputs
can affect the accuracy of document classification. The two
figures also show how the value of the risk factor can affect
the effectiveness of the defense strategy: a very small risk fac-
tor yields worse performance than the attack without defense
case; and a very large risk factor leads to equal performance
than the attack without defense case;
Then we use a risk factor that is locally optimal given in
Algorithm 2. Fig. 4 shows when the risk factor is optimal, the
attack with defense case almost achieves similar performance
as the no attack case, and outperforms the attack without de-
fense case. Admittedly, there are errors that the defense strat-
egy cannot detect. First, it ignores mistakes where an error
label is the same with the prediction of current classifier. Sec-
ond, it omits the cases in which the corresponding instance
of an error label is within the distance margin allowed by the
risk factor. This explains why the attack with defense perfor-
mance is overall worse than the no attack case. From Figs. 3
and 4, we can conclude that the defense strategy is effective
when the risk factor is carefully chosen.
Finally, we evaluate the effectiveness of the defense when
the query strategy is uncertainty sampling and compare the
result with random sampling. We decrease the size of train-
ing set to half of the entire dataset and labeled set to half of
training set, and increase the input error ratio to 1/2. Fig. 5
shows in uncertainty sampling where each queried sample is
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90100
Number of Queries
Accuracy Score
No Attack
Attack Without Defense
Attack With Defense
Uncertainty Sampling
Random Sampling
Fig. 5. Comparison of different sampling strategies.
closer to the current separating hyperplane than others, our
defense is still effective in defending against erroneous label-
ing. With uncertainty sampling, the classifier should achieve
a higher accuracy with less queries compared to random sam-
pling. But under a heavy attack, Fig. 5 shows that the affected
classifier degrades to random sampling case. With the pro-
posed defense strategy, the damage is largely reduced and the
classification accuracy is approximately equal to that of the
original classifier without attack.
In this paper, we considered the scenario of protecting active
learning in document classification against adversarial inputs.
We proposed a risk-factor based defense strategy. We used
real data sets and experiments to show that by adequately
adjusting the risk factor, the proposed defense strategy can
improve the classification accuracy and therefore shows its
effectiveness in defending active-learning-based document
classification against adversarial inputs.
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... Evasion attacks are intended to deceive ML systems towards making wrong inferences [10,17]. An adversary can execute a causative (or poisoning) attack to provide erroneous training data so that an ML system can (re)train voluntarily [18]. These attacks can be performed individually or in tandem; for instance, causal and evasion assaults can be carried out by expanding on the inferences obtained from an exploratory attack [19]. ...
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Adversarial attacks are more prevalent in Consumer Internet of Things (CIoT) devices (i.e., smart home devices, cameras, actuators, sensors, and micro-controllers) because of their growing integration into daily activities, which brings attention to their possible shortcomings and usefulness. Keeping protection in the CIoT and countering emerging risks require constant updates and monitoring of these devices. Machine learning (ML), in combination with Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI), has become an essential component of the CIoT ecosystem due to its rapid advancement and impressive results across several application domains for attack detection, prevention, mitigation, and providing explanations of such decisions. These attacks exploit and steal sensitive data, disrupt the devices’ functionality, or gain unauthorized access to connected networks. This research generates a novel dataset by injecting adversarial attacks into the CICIoT2023 dataset. It presents an adversarial attack detection approach named TXAI-ADV that utilizes deep learning (Mutli-Layer Perceptron (MLP) and Deep Neural Network (DNN)) and machine learning classifiers (K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN), Support Vector Classifier (SVC), Gaussian Naive Bayes (GNB), ensemble voting, and Meta Classifier) to detect attacks and avert such situations rapidly in a CIoT. This study utilized Shapley Additive Explanations (SHAP) techniques, an XAI technique, to analyze the average impact of each class feature on the proposed models and select optimal features for the adversarial attacks dataset. The results revealed that, with a 96% accuracy rate, the proposed approach effectively detects adversarial attacks in a CIoT.
... • Exploratory attacks: Also called inference attacks, exploratory attacks seek to fathom the inner workings of ML algorithms/models by collecting training data and imitating the ML model functionally with similar types of inputs and outputs, namely building a surrogate (shadow) model [248], [249]. The exploratory attack is typically the leading step prior to subsequent attacks as it aims to "explore" the victim model using techniques such as active learning [250], [251] or augment the limited information with generative adversarial networks (GANs) [252]- [255]. Adversarial attacks designed with the surrogate model are known to transfer to the target model (known as the transferability property [256]). ...
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Machine learning (ML) provides effective means to learn from spectrum data and solve complex tasks involved in wireless communications. Supported by recent advances in computational resources and algorithmic designs, deep learning (DL) has found success in performing various wireless communication tasks such as signal recognition, spectrum sensing and waveform design. However, ML in general and DL in particular have been found vulnerable to manipulations thus giving rise to a field of study called adversarial machine learning (AML). Although AML has been extensively studied in other data domains such as computer vision and natural language processing, research for AML in the wireless communications domain is still in its early stage. This paper presents a comprehensive review of the latest research efforts focused on AML in wireless communications while accounting for the unique characteristics of wireless systems. First, the background of AML attacks on deep neural networks is discussed and a taxonomy of AML attack types is provided. Various methods of generating adversarial examples and attack mechanisms are also described. In addition, an holistic survey of existing research on AML attacks for various wireless communication problems as well as the corresponding defense mechanisms in the wireless domain are presented. Finally, as new attacks and defense techniques are developed, recent research trends and the overarching future outlook for AML in next-generation wireless communications are discussed.
... How to identify adversarial samples in unsupervised and weakly supervised scenarios needs to receive more attention. Clustering techniques and active learning techniques also need to be robustified facing adversaries, e.g., (Bayer, Comparetti, Hlauschek, Kruegel, & Kirda, 2009;Lin, Ke, & Tsai, 2015;Pi, Lu, Sagduyu, & Chen, 2016;Miller, Hu, Qiu, & Kesidis, 2017;Zhou, Kantarcioglu, & Xi, 2019). Meanwhile, it is important to quantify the robustness and accuracy trade-off for machine learning algorithms facing adversarial attacks. ...
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We provide a comprehensive overview of adversarial machine learning focusing on two application domains, i.e., cybersecurity and computer vision. Research in adversarial machine learning addresses a significant threat to the wide application of machine learning techniques -- they are vulnerable to carefully crafted attacks from malicious adversaries. For example, deep neural networks fail to correctly classify adversarial images, which are generated by adding imperceptible perturbations to clean images.We first discuss three main categories of attacks against machine learning techniques -- poisoning attacks, evasion attacks, and privacy attacks. Then the corresponding defense approaches are introduced along with the weakness and limitations of the existing defense approaches. We notice adversarial samples in cybersecurity and computer vision are fundamentally different. While adversarial samples in cybersecurity often have different properties/distributions compared with training data, adversarial images in computer vision are created with minor input perturbations. This further complicates the development of robust learning techniques, because a robust learning technique must withstand different types of attacks.
... Some other works consider adversarial examples as another class and consider it as a multi-class classification problem [70]. It has been justified by some existing studies that using active learning approaches or selective sampling can reduce the effect of adversarial attacks in IIoT scenarios, leading to better malware detection performance [20,57,70]. This study also uses a reinforcement learning objective to let the network label the instances or request for a true label if needed. ...
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Edge devices are extensively used as intermediaries between the device and the service layer in an industrial Internet of things (IIoT) environment. These devices are quite vulnerable to malware attacks. Existing studies have worked on designing complex learning algorithms or deep architectures to accurately classify malware assuming that a sufficient number of labeled examples are provided. In the real world, getting labeled examples is one of the major issues for training any classification algorithm. Recent advances have allowed researchers to use active learning strategies that are trained on a handful of labeled examples to perform the classification task, but they are based on the selection of informative instances. This study integrates the Q-learning characteristics into an active learning framework, which allows the network to either request or predict a label during the training process. We proposed the use of phase space embedding, sparse autoencoder, and LSTM with the action-value function to classify malware applications while using a handful of labeled examples. The network relies on its uncertainty to either request or predict a label. The experimental results show that the proposed method can achieve better accuracy than the supervised learning strategy while using few labeled requests. The results also show that the trained network is resilient to the adversarial attacks, which proves the robustness of the proposed method. Additionally, this study explores the tradeoff between classification accuracy and number of label requests via the choice of rewards and the use of decision-level fusion strategies to boost the classification performance. Furthermore, we also provide a hypothetical framework as an implication of the proposed method.
... In evasion attacks, the adversary selects or generates data samples to query a machine learning algorithm such as a deep learning classifier and fool it into making wrong decisions [73]. In causative attacks, the adversary targets the training process and tampers with the training data (i.e., modifies the corresponding labels) such that the machine learning algorithm is not trained adequately [74]. As deep learning is sensitive to errors in training data, this attack is effective against DNNs. ...
Existing communication systems exhibit inherent limitations in translating theory to practice when handling the complexity of optimization for emerging wireless applications with high degrees of freedom. Deep learning has a strong potential to overcome this challenge via data-driven solutions and improve the performance of wireless systems in utilizing limited spectrum resources. In this chapter, we first describe how deep learning is used to design an end-to-end communication system using autoencoders. This flexible design effectively captures channel impairments and optimizes transmitter and receiver operations jointly in single-antenna, multiple-antenna, and multiuser communications. Next, we present the benefits of deep learning in spectrum situation awareness ranging from channel modeling and estimation to signal detection and classification tasks. Deep learning improves the performance when the model-based methods fail. Finally, we discuss how deep learning applies to wireless communication security. In this context, adversarial machine learning provides novel means to launch and defend against wireless attacks. These applications demonstrate the power of deep learning in providing novel means to design, optimize, adapt, and secure wireless communications.
Machine learning provides automated means to capture complex dynamics of wireless spectrum and support better understanding of spectrum resources and their efficient utilization. As communication systems become smarter with cognitive radio capabilities empowered by machine learning to perform critical tasks such as spectrum awareness and spectrum sharing, they also become susceptible to new vulnerabilities due to the attacks that target the machine learning applications. This chapter identifies the emerging attack surface of adversarial machine learning and corresponding attacks launched against wireless communications in the context of 5G systems. The focus is on attacks against (i) spectrum sharing of 5G communications with incumbent users such as in the Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) band and (ii) physical layer authentication of 5G User Equipment (UE) to support network slicing. For the first attack, the adversary transmits during data transmission or spectrum sensing periods to manipulate the signal-level inputs to the deep learning classifier that is deployed at the Environmental Sensing Capability (ESC) to support the 5G system. For the second attack, the adversary spoofs wireless signals with the generative adversarial network (GAN) to infiltrate the physical layer authentication mechanism based on a deep learning classifier that is deployed at the 5G base station. Results indicate major vulnerabilities of 5G systems to adversarial machine learning. To sustain the 5G system operations in the presence of adversaries, a defense mechanism is presented to increase the uncertainty of the adversary in training the surrogate model used for launching its subsequent attacks.
We provide a comprehensive overview of adversarial machine learning focusing on two application domains, that is, cybersecurity and computer vision. Research in adversarial machine learning addresses a significant threat to the wide application of machine learning techniques—they are vulnerable to carefully crafted attacks from malicious adversaries. For example, deep neural networks fail to correctly classify adversarial images, which are generated by adding imperceptible perturbations to clean images. We first discuss three main categories of attacks against machine learning techniques—poisoning attacks, evasion attacks, and privacy attacks. Then the corresponding defense approaches are introduced along with the weakness and limitations of the existing defense approaches. We notice adversarial samples in cybersecurity and computer vision are fundamentally different. While adversarial samples in cybersecurity often have different properties/distributions compared with training data, adversarial images in computer vision are created with minor input perturbations. This further complicates the development of robust learning techniques, because a robust learning technique must withstand different types of attacks. This article is categorized under: • Statistical Learning and Exploratory Methods of the Data Sciences > Clustering and Classification • Statistical Learning and Exploratory Methods of the Data Sciences > Deep Learning • Statistical and Graphical Methods of Data Analysis > Robust Methods
Machine learning is the scientific study of algorithms, which has been widely used for making automated decisions. The attackers change the training datasets by using their knowledge, it cause impulses to implement the malicious results and models. Causative attack in adversarial machine learning explores certain security threat against carefully executed poisonous data points into the training datasets. This type of attacks are caused when the malicious data gets injected on training data to efficiently train the model. Defense techniques have leveraged robust training datasets and prevents accuracy on evaluating the machine learning algorithms. The novel algorithm CAP is explained to substitute trusted data instead of the untrusted data, which improves the reliability of machine learning algorithms.
Existing communication systems exhibit inherent limitations in translating theory to practice when handling the complexity of optimization for emerging wireless applications with high degrees of freedom. Deep learning has a strong potential to overcome this challenge via data-driven solutions and improve the performance of wireless systems in utilizing limited spectrum resources. In this chapter, we first describe how deep learning is used to design an end-to-end communication system using autoencoders. This flexible design effectively captures channel impairments and optimizes transmitter and receiver operations jointly in single-antenna, multiple-antenna, and multiuser communications. Next, we present the benefits of deep learning in spectrum situation awareness ranging from channel modeling and estimation to signal detection and classification tasks. Deep learning improves the performance when the model-based methods fail. Finally, we discuss how deep learning applies to wireless communication security. In this context, adversarial machine learning provides novel means to launch and defend against wireless attacks. These applications demonstrate the power of deep learning in providing novel means to design, optimize, adapt, and secure wireless communications.
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Active learning is an area of machine learning examining strategies for allocation of finite resources, particularly human labeling efforts and to an extent feature extraction, in situations where available data exceeds available resources. In this open problem paper, we motivate the necessity of active learning in the security domain, identify problems caused by the application of present active learning techniques in adversarial settings, and propose a framework for experimentation and implementation of active learning systems in adversarial contexts. More than other contexts, adversarial contexts particularly need active learning as ongoing attempts to evade and confuse classifiers necessitate constant generation of labels for new content to keep pace with adversarial activity. Just as traditional machine learning algorithms are vulnerable to adversarial manipulation, we discuss assumptions specific to active learning that introduce additional vulnerabilities, as well as present vulnerabilities that are amplified in the active learning setting. Lastly, we present a software architecture, Security-oriented Active Learning Testbed (SALT), for the research and implementation of active learning applications in adversarial contexts.
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In the last few years, active learning has gained growing interest in the remote sensing community to optimize the process of training sample collection for supervised image classification. Current strategies formulate the active learning problem in the spectral domain only. However, remote sensing images are intrinsically defined both in the spectral and spatial domains. In this paper, we aim at exploring this fact by proposing a new active learning approach for support vector machine (SVM) classification. In particular, we suggest combining spectral and spatial information directly in the iterative process of sample selection. For this purpose, three criteria are proposed in order to favour the selection of samples distant from the samples already composing the current training set. In the first strategy, the Euclidean distances in the spatial domain from the training samples are explicitly computed, while the second one is based on the Parzen window method in the spatial domain. Finally, the last criterion involves the concept of spatial entropy. Experiments on two very high resolution (VHR) images show the effectiveness of regularization in spatial domain for active learning purposes.
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The automated categorization (or classification) of texts into predefined categories has witnessed a booming interest in the last ten years, due to the increased availability of documents in digital form and the ensuing need to organize them. In the research community the dominant approach to this problem is based on machine learning techniques: a general inductive process automatically builds a classifier by learning, from a set of preclassified documents, the characteristics of the categories. The advantages of this approach over the knowledge engineering approach (consisting in the manual definition of a classifier by domain experts) are a very good effectiveness, considerable savings in terms of expert labor power, and straightforward portability to different domains. This survey discusses the main approaches to text categorization that fall within the machine learning paradigm. We will discuss in detail issues pertaining to three different problems, namely document representation, classifier construction, and classifier evaluation.
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Many classification tasks, such as spam filtering, intrusion detection, and terrorism detection, are complicated by an adversary who wishes to avoid detection. Previous work on adversarial classification has made the unrealistic assumption that the attacker has perfect knowledge of the classifier [2]. In this paper, we introduce the adversarial classifier reverse engineering (ACRE) learning problem, the task of learning sufficient information about a classifier to construct adversarial attacks. We present efficient algorithms for reverse engineering linear classifiers with either continuous or Boolean features and demonstrate their effectiveness using real data from the domain of spam filtering.
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We introduce a class of string kernels, called mismatch kernels, for use with support vector machines (SVMs) in a discriminative approach to the protein classification problem. These kernels measure sequence sim- ilarity based on shared occurrences of -length subsequences, counted with up to mismatches, and do not rely on any generative model for the positive training sequences. We compute the kernels efficiently using a mismatch tree data structure and report experiments on a benchmark SCOP dataset, where we show that the mismatch kernel used with an SVM classifier performs as well as the Fisher kernel, the most success- ful method for remote homology detection, while achieving considerable computational savings.
Pool-based active learning is an important technique that helps reduce labeling efforts within a pool of unlabeled instances. Currently, most pool-based active learning strategies are constructed based on some human-designed philosophy; that is, they reflect what human beings assume to be “good labeling questions.” However, while such human-designed philosophies can be useful on specific data sets, it is often difficult to establish the theoretical connection of those philosophies to the true learning performance of interest. In addition, given that a single human-designed philosophy is unlikely to work on all scenarios, choosing and blending those strategies under different scenarios is an important but challenging practical task. This paper tackles this task by letting the machines adaptively “learn” from the performance of a set of given strategies on a particular data set. More specifically, we design a learning algorithm that connects active learning with the well-known multi-armed bandit problem. Further, we postulate that, given an appropriate choice for the multi-armed bandit learner, it is possible to estimate the performance of different strategies on the fly. Extensive empirical studies of the resulting ALBL algorithm confirm that it performs better than state-of-the-art strategies and a leading blending algorithm for active learning, all of which are based on human-designed philosophy.
Support vector machines have met with significant success in numerous real-world learning tasks. However, like most machine learning algorithms, they are generally applied using a randomly selected training set classified in advance. In many settings, we also have the option of using pool-based active learning . Instead of using a randomly selected training set, the learner has access to a pool of unlabeled instances and can request the labels for some number of them. We introduce a new algorithm for performing active learning with support vector machines, i.e., an algorithm for choosing which instances to request next. We provide a theoretical motivation for the algorithm using the notion of a version space . We present experimental results showing that employing our active learning method can significantly reduce the need for labeled training instances in both the standard inductive and transductive settings.
The key idea behind active learning is that a machine learning algorithm can achieve greater accuracy with fewer labeled training instances if it is allowed to choose the data from which is learns. An active learner may ask queries in the form of unlabeled instances to be labeled by an oracle (e.g., a human annotator). Active learning is well-motivated in many modern machine learning problems, where unlabeled data may be abundant but labels are difficult, time-consuming, or expensive to obtain. This report provides a general introduction to active learning and a survey of the literature. This includes a discussion of the scenarios in which queries can be formulated, and an overview of the query strategy frameworks proposed in the literature to date. An analysis of the empirical and theoretical evidence for active learning, a summary of several problem setting variants, and a discussion of related topics in machine learning research are also presented.
This paper shows that the accuracy of learned text classifiers can be improved by augmenting a small number of labeled training documents with a large pool of unlabeled documents. This is important because in many text classification problems obtaining training labels is expensive, while large quantities of unlabeled documents are readily available.We introduce an algorithm for learning from labeled and unlabeled documents based on the combination of Expectation-Maximization (EM) and a naive Bayes classifier. The algorithm first trains a classifier using the available labeled documents, and probabilistically labels the unlabeled documents. It then trains a new classifier using the labels for all the documents, and iterates to convergence. This basic EM procedure works well when the data conform to the generative assumptions of the model. However these assumptions are often violated in practice, and poor performance can result. We present two extensions to the algorithm that improve classification accuracy under these conditions: (1) a weighting factor to modulate the contribution of the unlabeled data, and (2) the use of multiple mixture components per class. Experimental results, obtained using text from three different real-world tasks, show that the use of unlabeled data reduces classification error by up to 30%.